Union University
Union Forum

Union Forum

Spring 2013

Stephen HayesHayes: Two cheers for gridlock in Washington

Americans should celebrate gridlock in Washington rather than seeing it as an obstacle to progress, especially when nation faces a staggering amount of debt, according to FOX News contributor Stephen F. Hayes said.

"I think it's a positive outcome when gridlock in Washington has forced the politicians we send there to focus on a problem they have long ignored — or, more accurately, have exacerbated, have created," Hayes said March 19 at Union University. READ MORE

Fall 2012

Douthat: U.S. still religious, but religious affections misplacedDouthat: U.S. still religious, but religious affections misplaced

American Christians invest too much enthusiasm and zeal in politics -— or the "city of man" — instead of focusing their affections on the city of God, according to New York Times columnist and author Ross Douthat.

"People still have deep religious impulses, incredible religious energy, but they don't feel like they can pour it into religious institutions anymore, so they pour it into political institutions and into partisan causes," Douthat said Sept. 20 at Union University.

Douthat spoke in the Carl Grant Events Center as part of the 14th annual Union Forum luncheon lecture series. The author of "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics," Douthat said that the word "heresy" was a perfect description for American religion today. READ MORE

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