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Gain vs Volume: The Practical Differences That Matter

gain vs volume

At some point, no matter if youโ€™re learning to record music, be a mixing engineer, toying with your first guitar pedals, youโ€™ll be asking the question โ€œWhatโ€™s the difference between gain and volume?โ€

To the untrained mind, they seem like theyโ€™re the same. They both make audio louder when you increase them. The sound of changing either might seem identical to you now, and maybe thatโ€™s true if youโ€™re dancing in an acceptable range of gain.

But there are a lot of various components in your signal path, whether analog or digital, that can go haywire if you donโ€™t understand the effect of gain versus how volume works. Fortunately itโ€™s a piece of cake.

A result of getting it right is higher resolution recordings with lower noise floors, more clarity, more headroom, and a cleaner and greater dynamic range in regards to amplitude. Letโ€™s jump right in so you can apply these lessons to your mixes and recordings, pronto.

Gain vs. Volume โ€“ Understanding Each Separately

Before we can effectively compare these two properties of audio, we need to make sure we understand what each is separately. Keep in mind that both modulate the amplitude of a signal, which translates into a change in loudness.

gain knob and volume knob on same amplifier

No wonder people are confused. In the image above we have two knobs right next to each other that seem to do the exact same thing. Not quite!

What is Volume?

Volume is exactly what youโ€™re probably thinking and used to dealing with. You turn the knob on your car radio and the speakers get louder. You push up the fader on a mixing console and that track gets louder. Thereโ€™s no real, practical mystery here.

Volume is a measure of the output of an audio system as measured in decibels (dB). You can think of a sound system as a set of speaker monitors, headphones, an airplane, a chainsaw, or someone whispering in your ear.

A โ€œsystemโ€ in this case can be anything that produces sound. And the volume can be measured on the decibel scale. The higher the decibels, the louder the sound is. Thereโ€™s more to mention about sound pressure levels (SPL) and sound intensity, but letโ€™s not overcomplicate things for now.

The thing to understand is you can adjust the volume of a sound system and it wonโ€™t affect the quality or tone of the audio signal. Even if your speakers begin to distort, the audio signal remains the same. Volume happens at the output, making it incapable of affecting audio quality.

Now, letโ€™s juxtapose that against gain, and the difference should pop out at you based on what Iโ€™ve emphasized about volume. If it doesnโ€™t, donโ€™t worry. Iโ€™ll do a direct comparison right after.

What is Gain?

Gain is the ratio between the volume at the input and the volume at the output of an electrical circuit. Thatโ€™s what it actually is, despite every other website telling you itโ€™s just โ€œthe volume at the input.โ€

It gets more complicated, dealing with voltage and current in electronics (everything we use to record). Amplitude is measured in voltage, which is a direct corollary to volume.

These sites just want it to be easier for you to understand, because that makes gain the opposite of volume. Itโ€™s an easier way to think about it, but itโ€™s not necessarily the full truth.

The problems are that some people donโ€™t understand gain but think they do. Some professionals get it but donโ€™t care about misusing the term since everyone else does.

An example is on any gain-reducing plugin or hardware unit, theyโ€™ll often label the output volume as โ€œmakeup gain,โ€ which is incorrect but a convention now.

For practical purposes, you can think of gain as volume at the input until you have a deeper grasp on it, that Iโ€™ll provide as we continue. The real question is why do we need that level of control at the start of a signal chain? Iโ€™ll tell you in a second.

The Difference Between Gain and Volume

In plain language, Gain is kind of like an amplitude knob at the input of a piece of hardware or software that controls the loudness before it goes through the circuitry. Volume is an amplitude knob that controls loudness after it has passed through the electronics.

difference between gain and volume

We all understand what a volume knob is for and how to use it. Remember that volume doesnโ€™t affect the quality or tone of a sound. It just turns the entire system up in loudness.

Tweaking the gain knob definitely affects the quality and tone of a sound. Remember that gain is the ratio of the amplitude of the output divided by the input amplitude. Now consider a โ€œsystemโ€ of audio and think of it as a contained signal path made of electronics.

In analog audio, there is a peak amplitude (based on voltage) possible before you canโ€™t get any louder. In digital audio, thereโ€™s also a peak amplitude allowed based on the bit depth of the system. This can get real complicated and I recommend you read our article about headroom if you want to dig deep.

The point is, thereโ€™s a maximum loudness inside an audio system before you start experiencing distortion (as controlled by gain), but thereโ€™s no maximum loudness outside of the system at the output (as controlled by volume).

Thatโ€™s the key difference between gain and volume. Now the question is what does gain do and how does it affect our audio quality.

What Does Gain Do?

Letโ€™s take three easy to understand examples that youโ€™ve likely dealt with. The first is that of a microphone preamplifier, the second is that of an analog-to-digital converter, and the third is a guitar amplifier.

Theyโ€™re all simple signal paths but have different scenarios at the output, which makes this easy to understand.

Scenario #1 โ€“ Microphone Preamps

Every newcomer plugs in their first microphone and records a take and wonders why the heck the volume is so low. So they turn up that recording to an acceptable level (at the systemโ€™s output) but it has a ton of noise in it. Why is this the case?

Microphones record at what is called โ€œmic level,โ€ which is a very quiet signal because thereโ€™s not a lot of amplitude. It has to do with how microphones are made and how they need to be very sensitive to be able to pick up minute details in the audio theyโ€™re capturing.

So what has to happen is you have to turn up the volume on the microphoneโ€™s signal at the input. This is done with a microphone preamp. You have to use one, thereโ€™s no escaping it. Learn more in our โ€œwhat is a preamplifierโ€ article if needed.

The reason this is done is because every audio signal has a noise floor, a low level of electronically produced noise in it. So you need the volume of the actual, valuable audio in the signal to be much louder than the noise floor, otherwise you get a noise recording when you turn up the volume at the output.

Signal to noise ratio showing noise floor and the dynamic range of an audio signal in relation to gain and volume

A preamp does this for you. The best mic preamps can offer around 60 dB of gain, and the more the merrier to get over the noise floor. This is the main purpose of a preampโ€™s gain knob, but thereโ€™s more to the story in the next scenario.

This is an example of how gain improves quality by amplifying (increasing amplitude) above the inherent noise of an audio system. Letโ€™s look at another way it improves audio when youโ€™re actually recording.

Scenario #2 โ€“ Analog-to-Digital Converter

Letโ€™s continue with this audio weโ€™ve recorded with a microphone after we sent it through the preamp. It will next pass through an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which exists in your computerโ€™s soundcard or in an audio interface. As you know, there are okay ADCโ€™s and better ones, but they all have amplitude limits.

This ADC converts physical electrical signals into digital ones your computer can understand. It reads the voltage and current to understand the loudness and frequencies involved in the audio. The situation is that there is an optimum loudness level that allows the ADC to create the highest quality recording.

It boils down to the fact that you want the loudest possible audio going through this converter so that it can fill the bits of data with the most information possible. The more information, the higher the quality of the audio playback from the computer.

But if you go too loud, youโ€™ll get distortion in the form of audio clipping due to there being a maximum voltage allowed within the system.

This is the final reason we have input gain knobs. By riding as close as possible to the maximum voltage, we produce the highest quality audio allowed by the system. As a side note, limiters exist to keep you from accidentally clipping. The more you know!

Scenario #3 โ€“ Guitar Amplifiers

Think about a heavy metal guitarist that wants nasty distortion on purpose. They run into two problems. The first is they only have a volume knob which canโ€™t produce enough loudness in voltage to cause distortion at the amplifier (yeah, some guitars have do gain knobs, I know).

mic input to preamp gain to amp volume to system output
Like a guitar, a mic needs help producing enough loudness. Think of the amplifier as the โ€œenclosed sound systemโ€ here.

The second problem is if they pump in too much voltage they can cause damage to their amplifierโ€™s tube or to the speaker itself. This is exactly how we used to (and many still do) produce distortion for a guitar. But thereโ€™s a better way.

Instead of turning up the volume (at the output of the guitar) and then pulverizing the encapsulated system of the amplifier, we can just hit the maximum voltage of a guitar pedal designed for this purpose. So we use a boost pedal and/or just our best distortion pedal and push the sound gain on those to peak out inside their electronics.

From the distortion pedal, weโ€™ll output a distorted signal to the amplifier which gets played as a distorted signal even though itโ€™s not distorting at the amplifier itself. This means we can feed the amplifier a signal at a safe volume for the amp and still get the same effect, thanks to the audio gain on the enclosed guitar pedal system.

The key to understanding gain is to think of each component in a signal path as its own, independent โ€œaudio systemโ€ with its own input and output levels.

Thereโ€™s an entire science and art to this called gain staging, which weโ€™ve written about already for you to explore. Itโ€™s extremely important and everyone working in music must know about it if they want top (or even acceptable) audio quality.

Gain vs Volume โ€“ Easy to Understand!

If you really want to go into some interesting territory, you can explore how in acoustics, loudness is really subjective and our sense of volume varies at differing frequencies. Itโ€™s been mapped out in equal-loudness contours called the Fletcher-Munson curve.

As far as gain and volume go, you should know totally understand the difference. To recap, volume is a control of the loudness at the output of a sound system and has no affect on quality, while gain lets you increase the loudness inside of an audio system, which absolutely determines the quality of the sound or recording.

You may be a curious non-musician, but if youโ€™re at all involved in music please visit our gain staging article to get a full grasp on this. You must use gain right if you care about quality at all. Understanding gain vs. volume is easy, using gain correctly is a bit more involved but more than worth your time.