We have been fixing these Grilled Potatoes and Mushrooms for years and we never tire of them. I’ve seen these mentioned around the internet as campfire potatoes, we just call them yummy!

We’ll often roast them in the oven during Wintertime but our favorite time is when new potatoes are available during the late summer or early fall. They are super easy to prepare and our family loves them especially Liz, so if you haven’t tried these grab hold and come along for the ride.

They go perfect with most main dishes, we usually serve them when we’re grilling Burgers or Chicken.

We used small red potatoes, but you could also use white potatoes. The secret is to cook them for a couple minutes in the microwave with a splash of water on them once you have cut the potatoes into bite size pieces, it cuts down the cooking time and also makes them tender.

Lay out a large piece of foil over a foil pan. In a large bowl, combine the potatoes, mushrooms, salt and pepper. Add them to the pan and dot with butter.

Wrap the foil up around the potatoes and grill over medium heat for30-45 minutes or until fork tender.

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Grilled Potatoes and Mushrooms

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  • Total Time: 10 minutes


Recipe for delicious grilled potatoes and mushrooms that go perfect with most main dishes from PocketChangeGourmet.com


  • 23 pounds small red potatoes {you can also use white}
  • 1 (12 oz) container mushrooms
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup butter, cut into small pieces


  1. Preheat Grill to ***
  2. Wash and cut potatoes {if they are too large} into pieces
  3. Add to a microwave safe bowl and add a splash of water {we usually do these in 3 batches}
  4. Microwave for 2 minutes
  5. Wipe off mushrooms and slice
  6. Place potatoes and mushrooms in large bowl
  7. Add salt and pepper and toss to coat
  8. Lay out large piece of foil over a foil pan
  9. Add potato mixture
  10. Dot with butter
  11. Wrap up the foil
  12. Grill over medium heat for about 30 to 45 minutes with the grill lid down
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes

What is your favorite side dish to cook on the grill?

Linking to…Delicious Dishes


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