How to remove oil stains from clothes

Messy oil stains need to be tackled quickly to make it easier to remove! For more tips on how to remove oil stains read on.

Updated 22 March 2023


Author By Cleanipedia Team

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Oil stains are easy to make, and (fortunately)  just as easy to shift. This step-by-step guide provides instructions for getting oil out of your dry clean, delicate, and everyday clothing using both home remedies and commercial products.

The good news is your clothes can be saved from oil stains and all you need is household products! A laundry detergent or a dishwashing liquid are effective solutions to treat oil stains.

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes: General Tips

  • Act quickly. The faster you start working on a stain, the easier it will be to remove. Even a few hours can make a big difference, and waiting a few days to treat a grease stain can be disastrous.

  • Read the garment care label first. Before you do anything, always check first to see what the clothing manufacturer advises. Hot water is generally best for removing oil stains, but first, make sure that hot water will not damage your fabric by checking the garment care label. Take care when handling hot water to avoid causing any injury.

  • Never machine-dry clothing before an oil stain has been removed. The high heat of the dryer will cause an oil stain to set in the fabric, so check your clothing carefully before you put it in a machine dryer.

  • Blot the stain gently first to remove excess grease. Use a tissue, paper towel, or cotton swab to press gently against the stain on both sides of the fabric. Do not rub into the stain, just soak up the excess oil.

How To Remove Oil From Clothes Requiring Dry Cleaning

If your clothing requires dry cleaning, it’s advised you take it to a dry cleaner as soon as possible. Before you reach the dry cleaners, try sprinkling the stain first with an absorbent substance (talcum powder, baby powder, or corn starch). This may make it easier for the dry cleaner to remove the stain — or it may remove the stain all together, saving you a trip to the dry cleaners.

The above tips should make it simple for you to remove oil stains after an accident — keeping your clothes looking fresh and spotless, and your laundry regime hassle-free. 

Removing Oil from Clothes: Delicate Garments

Delicate fabrics may become damaged if you rub at any stains. Thankfully, here are a few handy tips to help you with your delicates.

  • Some commercial stain remover products or laundry detergents can be used on delicate clothing, too. Read the instructions to find out.

  • Another good solution is to cover the stain fully with talcum powder, baby powder, or corn starch.

  • Let the garment stay like that in a warm place (but not under direct heat) for a few hours or even overnight. The warm temperature will cause the powder to absorb the oil from the fabric.

  • Brush away the powder. If the grease stain is still there, repeat.

  • Afterwards, wash the clothing according to the garment care label with Persil.

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