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10 Tips to save cooking gas

CommonFloor Editorial Team

How to save LPG in kitchen? Liquefied Petroleum Gas(LPG) is a popular cooking gas used for cooking purpose at home.

The rising prices of cooking gas or LPG have been hurting the economics of every household. Once subsidized by the government, LPG has witnessed a massive spike in prices after being deregulated. While the verdict is out on the number of subsidized cylinders one household would get each year, one thing is clear that the rising costs are going to add a hole in the pocket of the common man. A stitch in time saves nine goes the cliché and it is better to adopt some basic tips in conserving LPG that may help conserve gas as well as reduce the financial burden on the pocket.

Avoid leaks: Checking for any apparent leaks is one of the best ways to make sure that no amount of LPG gets wasted in any way. Keep a check on the regulator, the pipe and burner for any small leakages that can easily develop with time and can go unnoticed.

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Boil water once: If you use boiled water for everyday consumption, it may hurt you to boil water at periodic intervals. Installing a water filter or water purifier can help reduce the daily consumption of LPG. Another way to save gas is to boil the water once and store it in a thermos rather than boiling water as and when desired over the day.

Wipe utensils dry before placing them on a burner: This is one of the most common mistakes committed by every household that can make a difference between saving and wasting gas. The utensils which have some amount of water droplets inside them consume more gas for the water to get evaporated. Cleaning the utensils pat dry with a soft cloth before placing them on the burner can stop just apparent wastage of LPG.

Do not overcook: A large number of housewives do a lot of multitasking while cooking and usually end up overcooking the food. Keep a strict note on the time taken for the dish to get cooked properly and do not overcook any foods. Overcooking can kill the nutrients in the food along with wastage of LPG.

Use a Pan that covers the burner: In order to save LPG, always use a pan that covers the burner entirely for efficient cooking and optimal usage of gas. Using a small bottom pan over a large burner would only increase wastage as the flames that reach the side of the utensil are not useful in cooking and are only increasing wastage.

Use water moderately: A large number of people do not measure the amount of water they add to their meals while cooking. Usually most people end up using far more water and then waste a lot of gas to evaporate the same water. Using water moderately as per the dish being cooked while make sure that no gas gets wasted.

Use Microwave Owens: The use of microwave owns has been slowly but surely on the rise. While not many traditional households like the idea of cooking meals on a microwave, you can divide the cooking functionality reducing the burden on the gas stove. Microwaves are a very good option for reheating old food compared to a gas stove or burner.

Collect all raw materials before cooking: Collecting all the raw materials and ingredients before starting the gas is a good way to make sure that no gas is wasted. Rather than hunting for ingredients while the burner is ON, it is more useful to first keep all the ingredients at hand before cooking.

Avoid open vessel cooking: Cooking in an open vessel is a bad idea as it allows for far more wastage of gas compared to cooking with a covered vessel. Cooking with a covered vessel can help you save a lot of gas when performed regularly.

Cook on low flame: Cooking on low flame is one of the best ways to make sure that the cook is full of nutrition and never gets overcooked. Cooking on low flame makes sure that gas is not wasted. Once the pan gets heated you can reduce the gas to a low flame to allow for gas savings as well as cooking food rich in nutrients and vitamins.

Tags : Energy Conservation in Domestic Green Living How to save LPG Save cooking gas Save fuel Save LPG in kitchen ways to save energy

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