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Seeking a lifelong adventure buddy? Have Sagittarius, will travel! This worldly, energetic fire sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion. “More” is this fire sign’s favorite word, which can get exciting—and expensive—fast. If you cherish your freedom and can stomach Sagittarius’ constant journeys (with and without you), you’ll never meet a more exhilarating mate. Philosophical and opinionated, conversations are never boring here. Find out how you can handle the heat of this fire sign.

SAGITTARIUS + ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Chemistry and connection ignite like a flash fire for these two adventurous, philosophical fire signs, who discover a twin soul in one another. You’re both independent explorers, driven by lust, joie de vivre, and a breathtaking moxie that others mistake for arrogance. That brio is the badge of your spiritual kinship—a shared primal drive that draws you together. You share a blunt sense of humor and naturally understand the other’s need for space and autonomy (at least at first). Visionary conversations spill into expansive terrain: art, aliens, human nature, science, spirituality, dreams. Together, the impossible feels probable, and natural confidence soars higher for both of you. At last! Your utopian ideal of a “relationship without walls” seems not only plausible, but you’ve found a willing and eager partner in crime. Caution: The view from your rosy lenses can be a bit myopic. Sagittarius is a wildly unrealistic gambler while Aries charges ahead like a dashing knight. Since neither sign likes to deal with the practical steps that are required to take you from starry-eyed dream to tangible reality, you’ll need to invest in an insurance policy to cover you during times that your grand schemes don’t ascend to your lofty projections. At moments, you both lapse into overthinking. This can kill the free-flowing vibe that initially drew you together. As a leadership-oriented cardinal sign, Aries is naturally bossy. Mutable Sagittarius will go along to get along… at first. But after enough one-sided compromising and concessions, the Archer can quickly flip from people-pleaser to raging preacher, delivering an all-too-true sermon on the pitfalls of Aries’ selfish ways. (Without taking into consideration the enabling dynamic that Sagittarius played into and perhaps even used as a form of wooing, yikes!) At times, the Ram might resent competing with Sagittarius’ thriving career, social schedule, and hobbies—and Sagittarius gets impatient with Aries’ solitary spells. When angered, your burning tempers can raze a national forest to ash. Be careful not to unleash a spiteful spark, for that’s all it takes to destroy this treasured landscape.

SAGITTARIUS + TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

With your vastly divergent temperaments and tastes, this match demands extreme adaptation. You’re either insanely attracted to each other or instantly repelled, and there’s not much gray area. Comfort-loving Taurus is a traditional earth sign with a talent for creating an elegant family home. Globe-trotting Sagittarius is a rule-flouting fire sign who quickly settles in wherever the plane lands next. The Bull sticks to a simple tried-and-true set of beliefs, collecting wisdom from historic sages, while the Archer is a lifelong philosopher, forever on a quest for the next level of enlightenment, which often comes from the trendiest guru who pops up on their social media feed. Sagittarius’ anything-goes nature invites friends from all walks of life. The Archer’s global embrace can irritate Taurus, who doesn’t feel the need to befriend every person they meet or remain lifelong pals with exes (though the Bull can certainly rant about them). Jealousy can be an issue on both sides. However, you can make an excellent team, if you respect each other’s strengths. Taurus is practical and sophisticated, a grounding force that streamlines the Archer’s expansive visions. Between the Bull’s business acumen and Sagittarius’ media savvy, you can build an empire—especially with your driven work ethics. You both have a ribald, lusty side to your personalities and misbehaving together can be a naughty thrill. With your hot tempers, you can go from zero to 60 fast, and arguments can be explosive. Your peace treaties should always take place at the dinner table. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, God of the feast, Taurus by Venus, planet of pleasure and love. Satisfying your bottomless appetites awakens a primal instinct in you both—you’ll be peeling each other’s clothes off at the table and serving dessert in bed.

SAGITTARIUS + GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

While you might be opposite signs, you share far more common ground than this label suggests. Gemini rules common sense, reasoning, facts, hard data, and intellect. Sagittarius governs spiritual wisdom, philosophy, consciousness, ethics, metaphysics. Meet each other in the middle, and you’ll discover sweet neurological nirvana. There’s fun to be had in that space, and you’ll teach each other to enjoy the power of now. You’re both restless adventurers who hunger for knowledge and experience. With the Twin’s curiosity and the Archer’s nomadic nature, you might struggle to find a permanent port where you can meet one another. Both signs get antsy in commitments unless there’s a lot of excitement and variety, but keeping up that thrilling pace is hard when you have adult responsibilities to uphold. Boredom is simply not an option for your signs, and you’re both involved in a billion projects. Scheduling issues are often the biggest relationship hurdle, but where there’s a will, there’s a workaround. Conventional coupling holds little interest for your signs, so get ready to write your own rules, which might even include some flexibility around living arrangements or monogamy. The main difference between you is your disposition. Air sign Gemini is cool and distant compared to fire sign Sagittarius, who’s harder to read emotionally. The Archer has a hot temper and wears their heart on their sleeve. Still, you make each other laugh; you’re both clever, entrepreneurial, and quirky. You do best with a common goal that’s 1,000 times bigger than yourselves, and you’ll dream up many. However, you might need giant paychecks to fund your lofty visions. Who has time to consider the bottom line when you’re focused on reaching the top? Take time to consider the practicalities before leaping off the cliff. Knowing you, you’ll jump anyway.

SAGITTARIUS + CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

You’re cut from entirely different cloths and patterns. Sagittarius is neon zebra print on stretch Lycra; Cancer is Burberry plaid on fine merino wool. You’ll never be a match that makes sense to observers—which is why Cancer Tom Cruise and Sagittarius Katie Holmes were such a tabloid target during their brief and perplexing union. Is it true love, a train wreck, or a little bit of both? Let’s examine. Domestic Cancer rules home, heart, and family and keeps loved ones tied onto their apron strings. Sagittarius is the restless traveler who craves freedom and adventure. Sag can either feel smothered or totally nurtured by Cancer. The doting Crab loves to provide every security for their sweetie. It’s a relief to the Archer to come home to a hot meal, a drawn bath, and an adoringly attentive partner. The trouble begins when Sagittarius stops coming home at a regular time—or leaves for long trips without Cancer. The adventurous Archer requires sunlight, air, and wide-open spaces to feel energy course through their veins. Cancer keeps the shades drawn and burrows into a metaphorical Crab shell. When Sagittarius neglects Cancer’s need for togetherness, starts hanging out with a rowdy crew of rebels, or traipses the globe alone, Cancer’s insecurities are rankled. You both have fierce tempers and the combustion of Cancer’s moodiness and Sag’s anger can be downright destructive. What the Crab must realize is that a pretty bird in a cage will soon fly the coop—at least, if the bird is a Sag. Cancer must open the windows and trust Sagittarius to come back to the nest, a real act of faith. Meanwhile Sagittarius must learn to give Cancer regular reassurance and check in, which is not a high price to pay for all the benefits of being loved by the zodiac’s tender caretaker. Your strong sexual chemistry sweetens the pot, but you’ll need to adapt to each other’s rhythms through hard work and keen listening.

SAGITTARIUS + LEO (July 23 - August 22)

This is a lively match of two compatible fire signs, and if you can stay in the same place long enough to allow your attraction to ignite, lucky you! A lifetime filled with a fun and adventurous playmate could be in store. Eternal “students of life,” there’s so much you want to see, try, learn, and experience together. “No” is not a word often used in either Leo’s or Sagittarius’ lexicon. As a result, you both juggle many projects and interests, often running on fumes. While neither of you might be around to keep the home fires burning, conversation and creativity are far more important to you than starched linens and perfectly prepared casseroles. You’d rather enjoy takeout Thai when the fridge gets empty or sleep under the stars when you run out of clean sheets. Living on the edge is fun, as long as you don’t fall off the cliff, especially with finances, which are easy to drain in this hedonistic pairing. During stressful times, you can exhaust each other, as you both can be emotionally demanding and dramatic. Leo needs more personal attention than Sagittarius, but the truthful Archer doesn’t dole out false compliments. Sag should learn to sing Leo’s praises, if only to prevent time-consuming emotional meltdowns. Consider the benefits: a little acknowledgment keeps Leo purring for days and gives Sagittarius uninterrupted time to read, start businesses, and edit documentary film. When life gets routine, mix it up with a spur-of-the-moment road trip, a long hike, or a night at a decadent boutique hotel.

SAGITTARIUS + VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo is an analytical earth sign, Sagittarius a philosophical fire sign, and your fascinating conversations will move your minds (and other body parts) all over the map. If there’s enough of a physical attraction to keep picky Virgo and lusty Sagittarius engaged, you’ll quickly discover a strong intellectual spark that can turn into a hearth-warming bonfire of lasting love. On the outside, you look like an odd couple. Prim, preppy Virgo is always photoshoot ready. Laid-back Sagittarius is a rumpled hippie in wrinkled jeans and weathered shoulder bags, more like a grad student during finals. Still, you’re both brainy types who bond through long, intense conversations. Intellectual Virgo has a keen, organized mind; thoughtful Sagittarius is the zodiac’s truth-teller. Together, you’ll ponder the meaning of life and pick apart your mutual friends—behind their backs and to their faces. You can both be preachy and judgmental, and you’re fascinated by the foibles of human nature. Beyond the talk, you have different lifestyles, and those require adaptation. Virgo’s monkish side can make Sag feel restricted and downright lonely. The Archer’s hedonism can send Virgo into shock or, worse, throw Virgo off their carefully organized routine and into a state of chaos that’s hard for them to come back from. Virgo is a great listener, but hesitant to bare their own soul. This frustrates Sagittarius, who craves more intimate sharing. Your habits are different, too. Virgo gets obsessed with every microscopic detail, irritating the impatient Archer, who thinks in broad strokes. Sagittarius must learn to sweat the small stuff a little more. Notes, birthday cards, flowers, presents—these gestures don’t do much for Sag, but they mean the world to Virgo. In turn, Sagittarius can teach Virgo how to have fun and take risks, instead of playing it safe.

SAGITTARIUS + LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

Easygoing Libra and the witty Archer become fast friends who make each other laugh or shore each other up before an impending stormy mood has a chance to make landfall. People-watching is a favorite pastime for both signs, and you can amuse each other with clever observations all day. Romantic Libra brings poetry and flowers to Sag’s gritty, profanity-strewn world, and active Sagittarius gets Libra’s nose out of the rosebush. Still, your different paces could cause friction. Languid Libra likes to take everything slow, weighing and measuring possibilities on those iconic Scales before acting. Naturally, this frustrates impetuous Sag’s blink-and-you’ll-miss-it attention span. The Archer prefers to leap before looking, relying on luck and goodwill to save the day. Such gambling and lack of security throws Libra’s delicate constitution into a tizzy. Sagittarius finds Libra’s champagne tastes elitist and unnecessary—why pay over $20 for anything you can get at a thrift shop or make yourself? Sagittarius’ half-baked ideas and churlish outbursts rain public embarrassment on Libra’s carefully cultivated rep. When Libra plays damsel or dude in distress one time too many, independent Sag flees instead of rushing in for the rescue yet again. So why stay together? At the end of the day, your mutual respect and love for one another remains solid. There’s no conflict you can’t talk through after a time-out. Although you might drift in and out of platonic feelings, you genuinely care for each other—and that speaks volumes when it comes to playing the long game in love.

SAGITTARIUS + SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

Level with us: Would you really be interested in each other without the element of danger? There’s always something that feels like a secret, naughty thrill between you two. Water-sign Scorpio pulls Sagittarius into the mysterious depths, which the Archer might otherwise find too murky (and dangerous) to explore alone. Sagittarius pulls Scorpio out of their isolated cave and gives them a reason to stop ruminating and start experiencing life beyond whatever Scorpio has been so fixated on. But after the adrenaline wears off, you might find the other draining and off-putting. Your combined willpower—enough to combust a small village—can yoke you together despite your own best interests. The issue is anatomical: Scorpio rules the crotch, and Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs. From the waist down, a magnetic field pulls you into insatiable sexual attraction. Above the midsection, it’s a love-hate drama as you battle for mental and emotional domination, one-upping and offending each other at every turn. You both love to have the last word, and deep down, you’re pretty sure you’re smarter than the rest of the population. As friends, this makes you smugly superior comrades, but in love, you tend to unleash your intellectual weapons on each other. The Archer’s biting sarcasm and Scorpio’s acid-washed retorts will leave you both wounded and estranged. Yet, a good shag seems to erase your short-term memory between attacks. For best results, remain naked at all times, and only discuss problems in the afterglow. Grant each other your own turf, and never cross the line of demarcation.

SAGITTARIUS + SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

At long last, you’ve found someone who is basically a carbon copy of you! How refreshing. How… boring. You’re the explorer of the zodiac; getting lost is part of the journey for your adventurous sign and that energy spills into your love life. Navigating the terrain of someone whose landscape is so similar to your own might not be enough of a challenge to keep you sailing on the Sea of Love. Sagittarius is the restless Centaur, stampeding across the globe on a quest for wisdom, new frontiers, and lands to conquer. It’s predictability you fear, the white fence picket driving like a stake through your heart. For that reason, the Sagittarius-on-Sagittarius common ground could be your relationship’s death knell unless you take regular breaks from each other (separate vacations, different hobbies, perhaps even your own apartments). Without a modicum of distance, the world feels hopelessly flat when you wake up to a First Mate you can read like a flimsy travel brochure. What’s left to discover? Indeed, two Archers can have a blast while it lasts. You’ll never laugh so hard or learn so much, and you’ll remain spiritual siblings forever. Dedication to each other’s lifelong growth is a big part of this union. You’ll inspire and relentlessly coach each other to take that next life step or leap of faith. Yet, you might invariably set sail on your own voyages once this mission is achieved. Will you meet in another port? That depends on where the winds take you.

SAGITTARIUS + CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

The fate of this match rests in your ability to merge your strengths. Sagittarius is the visionary and the starry-eyed optimist who crafts a plan from pure whimsy. Capricorn is the master architect and builder, the ultimate realist who sources materials and turns ideas into reality. You each excel where the other is weak, which might lead to a solid partnership. However, your values and lifestyles can be vastly different, complicating romance. It’s like the class clown dating the class president. Even the two of you will wonder how you wound up in the same homeroom. To Sagittarius, it’s fascinating that anyone could possess the iron-willed restraint that Capricorn exemplifies. The stoic Sea Got cracks hard-won smiles at the Archer’s antics and amusing insights. Yet, Sag optimism soon clashes with Cap pessimism, and here’s where you reach your impasse. Restless Sagittarius needs a playmate to dream and scheme, but cautious Cappy shoots holes in the Archer’s impetuous ideas, pointing out the foundational flaws. Yet, it’s that grim, unvarnished realism that saves the day in a crisis. While Sagittarius freaks out and lapses into denial, earthy Capricorn holds a powerful acceptance of “what is.” Love truly blooms when you make it through a dire breakdown and realize your incredible teamwork turned the ship around. For the long haul, independent Sagittarius must allow Capricorn to be the rock, and the Goat must learn to take a few more bold, personal risks.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

Sagittarius and Aquarius are two of the most free-spirited signs, whose twin senses of YOLO and FOMO make you perfect playmates. The “best friends with benefits” label was practically invented for you two adventurous souls. Finally, you’ve encountered someone who shares your starry-eyed idealism and cherishes independence as much as you do. You might even look like siblings. It’s all so optimal, until your attachment issues kick in and one of you kills the vibe by wanting a commitment. Strangely enough, you remain loyal while the terms of the relationship are vague, sneaking out of work for mid-afternoon trysts and leaving with carpet burn. You both love the feeling of “getting away with something,” the adventure of the unexpected. Yet, once it becomes an obligation rather than a choice, your libido nosedives. You’ve now killed off the very thing that attracted you to each other: no-strings-attached excitement. Now, you’re hosting Scrabble tournaments and turning in early. Boring. Because you’re so alike, you’ll need to work hard to keep each other interested for the long haul. Mix it up by developing separate friends, hobbies, and interests—then come back and share your adventurous tales with each other.

SAGITTARIUS + PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

What happens when the most sensitive, tender-hearted sign (Pisces) links up with the most insensitive, tactless sign (Sagittarius)? Disaster, unless you handle each other with extreme care—and develop an ability to laugh at yourselves ASAP. Romantic Pisces is a water sign who craves deep emotional connection and wants to dissolve any boundaries between the two of you. Dynamic Sagittarius is a free-spirited fire sign who feels smothered by too much togetherness. When the Fish pushes for cohabitation or matching outfits (often after a few months of dating), it can set off the Sagittarius’ alarm bells and cause the Archer to armor up. If you ever want to reach the truly fulfilling potential this pairing holds, you’ll need to balance your most distinctive traits and parcel them out in measured doses. Your communication styles don’t work together naturally either. Sagittarius is honest to a fault, dishing the unvarnished truth and heavy-handed advice (usually unsolicited), then whistling while Pisces weeps. Indirect Pisces would rather flee than face conflict, but standing up to Sagittarius requires it. Pisces is prone to passive-aggressive tactics; yet, subtle cues and hints will sail right over Sag’s head, while the Archer’s arrow of truth spears the Fish’s heart. When Pisces finally claps back, their barbs can do more damage than the jagged rows of a shark’s teeth, which pierce Sagittarius’ unexpectedly thin skin. What do you have in common? You’re both ruled by the planet Jupiter (Pisces also counts dreamy Neptune as its guardian), which can help you unite as visionaries who believe in the power of abundance and the importance of having faith. Despite all appearances, Pisces is as skittish about commitment as Sagittarius—namely, the terrifying idea of being “trapped.” Since Pisces rules fantasy and Sagittarius rules adventure, you can neatly escape the daily drudge together—at least until reality comes crashing down. Still, life is always tinged with magic when you’re together, and the bedroom remains an enchanting space of divine communion for you.