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Radish Flowers

Image may contain Plant Food Radish and Vegetable
Radish FlowersMikkel Vang
  • Active Time

    45 min

  • Total Time

    1 3/4 hr (includes soaking radishes)


Makes 20 hors d'oeuvres

20 small radishes with leafy tops


  1. Step 1

    Trim radish tops, leaving 2 inches of stems with leaves attached. Trim roots, then wash radishes, cleaning well around stem end. Holding onto stem end of 1 radish and working with a sharp paring knife, carve a 1/8-inch-thick slice down one side, starting at root end, following shape of radish, and ending within 1/4 inch of stem to form a "petal" (do not cut all the way through). Make 2 more cuts around radish, turning it each time and leaving an equal amount of space between cuts, for a total of 3 petals. Repeat with remaining radishes.

    Step 2

    Soak radishes in a large bowl of ice and cold water at least 1 hour (to open "flowers"). Transfer radishes to paper towels to drain.

Cooks' note:

Radishes can be soaked in ice water up to 3 hours.

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