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by: Susan Friedman

Now might be the ideal time to set yourself up for next year's job. But you have to be willing to volunteer part-time in your community. Unpaid work can help you learn new skills, understand more about the workplace, and -- best of all -- give you something to point to when you're looking for a paid job in the future. Check out our great list of volunteer opportunities. Then scope out the possibilities in your own community.

Tips for Volunteers!

Show up. Resist the urge to skip a day, no matter how tempting ("I'm not getting paid. . . I don't really owe 'em anything"). Remember, you're establishing a work record for that future job.

Speak up. Don't be shy about asking questions. Don't be embarrassed if you don't understand something. In the real world, successful adults speak up when they're confused.

Step up. Any time you see something that needs to be done, do it without being asked. They'll appreciate your initiative.

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