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How Many More Calories Does Standing Really Burn Over Sitting?

Updated Feb 26, 2018, 12:33pm EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

Standing instead of sitting has become one of the biggest health improvement movements in recent years, particularly in the workplace. The global market for standing desks is predicted to reach $2.8 billion over the next seven years (full disclosure, I recently joined the standing workstation revolution for a few hours a day myself). But popularity aside, what do we really know about how much healthier standing is than sitting?

Of the handful of health metrics worth examining, one that frequently comes up in this discussion is the difference in calories burned. You may have heard the claim, “Standing burns twice as many calories as sitting,” and wondered if that’s really true. The answer isn’t easy to pin down because of the range of factors that influence caloric burn. Any single study isn’t likely to cover enough of the factors to yield a reliable result–so what we need instead is a “meta-analysis” of several studies. Fortunately for those of us wanting an answer, such an analysis was recently published.

The analysis initially looked at 658 studies that evaluated the sitting versus standing question, and whittled them down to 46 studies with just under 1200 total participants.  It aimed to identify the mean (average) difference in energy expenditure between sitting and standing across these studies, which collectively addressed a range of factors (like age, gender, weight, overall fitness, etc.) that could influence the outcome.

The analysis found that the average difference in calories burned between sitting and standing was 0.15 kcal/minute (a kcal, or kilocalorie, is the equivalent of one food calorie, also known as a "large" calorie).  For women the average difference was lower than men (0.1 kcal/min vs 0.19 kcal/min).

Within the group of studies, those that involved randomized trials of participants—the type of study we’d typically rate as more robust than those drawing conclusions from existing data—showed the biggest differences, ranging between 0.12 to 0.28 kcal/minute.

While the studies show that standing instead of sitting doesn’t result in anything close to twice as many calories burned, the average difference is still significant. Quoting from the study: “By substituting sitting with standing for six hours/day, a 65 kg person (143 pounds) will expend an additional 54 kcal/day. Assuming no increase in energy intake, this difference in energy expenditure would be translated into the energy content of about 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds) of body fat mass in one year.”

Another way to look at this is that six hours of standing instead of sitting burns about 13 M&Ms or 18 small red grapes' worth of calories a day.

The study concludes, "the substitution of sitting with standing leads to a modest increase in energy expenditure (EE)."  There are, of course, other factors that might change the outcome. For instance, in a typical eight-hour workday, it’s unlikely, and maybe not even advisable, to substitute in a full six hours of standing. But since this analysis was evaluating overall sitting versus standing, other parts of the day also count (like spending less time sitting on the sofa at home).

The takeaway: According to this analysis of several studies performed to-date, the answer to the question, “what’s the real difference in calories burned between standing and sitting,” is the equivalent of around five or so pounds of body fat a year, on average, if you stand at least six more hours a day, all other things being equal. Not an enormous difference, but certainly a difference. Added to other possible health benefits of standing a few hours more each day, the case for getting up at work and home is that much stronger.

The study was published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology.

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