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Ten Things Never, Ever To Say In A Salary Negotiation

Updated Feb 12, 2018, 08:07am EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

I went to speak at a university and met a lovely young man who works in the Admissions office.

He said, "I got this job a year ago. I had another job offer too, but I botched the salary negotiation for that job. That's okay, because this job is a better fit for me anyway."

"Tell me about that salary negotiation!" I said, "I can't wait to hear."

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"Well," said the young man, "They offered me $52,000, about the same amount this job pays. I was okay with that number but I thought I would ask for a little more because I was two weeks away from my annual review and salary increase at my old job. I talked to my hiring manager and said 'If you could pay me closer to $55,000 I would sign the offer letter right now.'"

"What did your hiring manager say?" I asked.

The young man said, "He said 'I could be open to that idea. Can you give me one good reason why you should get that increase in your offer? I have to sell the idea to my manager, so I could use your help.'"

The young man said, "That's where I fell apart. I said the most idiotic thing. I said 'The one good reason to pay me the extra $3000 is that I'm the best person you're going to find for this position.'"

"And that didn't work, I gather," I said.

"Nope!" said the young man. "The hiring manager said 'We know that's why we gave you the offer to begin with. I think you should take the offer at $52,000 or we should part ways.'"

The young man said, "At that point the energy was kind of weird and I had this offer from the university, so I took this job instead."

Many people want to negotiate a job offer but don't know how to do it.

"I'm the best person you're going to find!" is not anybody's best negotiating stance. If you weren't the best candidate for the role, they wouldn't have extended an offer in the first place.

Here are ten things never, ever to say when you're negotiating a job offer:

1. I have a lot of other companies trying to recruit me.

2. If you hire me, I'll be an amazing employee.

3. I'll make you glad you hired me I'll work weekends or do whatever you want me to do.

4. I have a lot of expenses.

5. I work harder than most people.

6. I was earning more money than this years ago.

7. I was the top of my class in school.

8. I'm worth more than the amount you offered me.

9. I'm insulted by your offer.

10. If you can't improve the offer, you won't get me and then you'll be stuck.

The only sensible and professional negotiating posture is "I'd like to take the job, but we're a ways apart on salary. I need $X in order to accept. Is this a good time to talk about how we can bridge that gap?"

If you don't respect the company or the manager who is trying to hire you, why you are wasting time in the conversation at all? If other employees are hot to hire you, then why haven't they done it yet?

You can say "I have another job offer that pays $56,000 and as much as I'd like to take your offer instead, that gap is too big to ignore. How can we improve the offer, to get me on board with your team?"

You don't have to show a written offer letter to anyone. If they don't believe you when you say you have a competing offer which is, after all, also a statement that you are ready to walk if they can't meet your number then they shouldn't hire you.

Your monthly expenses have nothing to do with your salary negotiation. Neither do your grades in school. If you are insulted, then walk away and don't respond to the offer at all. Don't promise that you will work hard that's expected, no matter what you get paid or brag that you'll be an amazing employee. That's an immature and impotent argument for a higher starting salary.

Don't tell a prospective employer that you'll work all day and all night. Great employees know when to quit and go home. You won't impress anybody by promising never to sleep!

If you were earning more money years ago that's good for you, but has nothing to do with this employer and this job opportunity.

Negotiation is an art form and like any art form, it takes practice. The worst way to learn to negotiate is by avoiding negotiation at all costs. You'll never get stronger or more confident or get paid what you're worth that way!

Here's a negotiation script to guide you.

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