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Five Reasons To Keep A Journal In 2018

Updated Jan 9, 2018, 07:12pm EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart,” said William Wordsworth. From writers and thinkers to artists and world leaders, many influential personalities, throughout history, have kept journals, meticulously maintaining a detailed account of their day-to-day lives, thoughts and feelings. While you might think that your life isn't as eventful as that of say, Robert Falcon Scott, Leonardo Da Vinci or Lady Gaga, you might still want to keep a journal simply because of the slew of benefits this keystone habit offers.

Here are five compelling reasons to make journaling your new year resolution right away:

  • Clears your mind. When you write about your thoughts and feelings, you are decluttering your mind by organizing those thoughts and emotions into coherent chunks of information that are easier for the brain to process. This, in turn, helps you free up some mental space and think more clearly. Getting rid of mental junk also improves focus and boosts creativity.
  • Helps you de-stress.  Expressive writing can be a constructive way to cope with daily stress and anxiety. “The amygdala, an almond-shaped collection of neurons located on each side of the lobe, registers emotional information and helps us identify our surroundings to determine whether it is dangerous or not,” explains Dr. Francisco Cruz, lead psychiatrist at Ketamine Health Centers, Florida. Once journaling becomes a daily habit, the amygdala begins to register journaling as a safe zone for personal growth, healing and reflection, adds Cruz.
  • A tool for self-improvement. "In the journal, I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself," said American writer Susan Sontag. Journaling helps you track your personal growth. When you jot down your emotions and experiences regularly, you can easily look back to assess your goals and observe if there are any behavioral patterns to take a note of, negative influences to be avoided, things that could be done differently, etc. Once you've figured these things out, you can recognize what you're doing right and work on areas that need improvement. Consequently, it’ll help you accomplish your personal goals and eventually become a better version of yourself. Also, writing about positive reflections, like your achievements and hobbies, can elevate your mood and boost self-esteem.
  • Improves memory and problem-solving skills. As mentioned earlier, journaling sparks creativity and eliminates mental clutter. By removing all the mental blocks you can brainstorm effectively. And by engaging the creative side of your brain you might be able to come up with interesting solutions to complex problems that analytical thinking couldn't offer. According to research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, expressive writing reduces intrusive thoughts about negative events and improves working memory. A set of experiments conducted by Martin Conway and Susan Gathercole at Lancaster University also suggest that writing about your experiences can improve memory retention.
  • Facilitates healing: Journaling accelerates the process of healing. A joint study conducted by the University of Auckland and the University of Nottingham found that expressive writing can help wounds heal faster. Journaling can also ease the symptoms of ailments like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Keeping a journal is beneficial for people with eating disorders too as it helps them keep track of their diet and emotions as well as patterns and triggers that should be avoided.

So, are you ready to finally start a journal? Good! The first step is to choose a type of journal -- online or paper. Next, develop a writing ritual. Dedicate at least 10 to 15 minutes every day to writing about whatever is swirling in your mind, recommends Cruz. You can either jot down one recollection every day or fill up pages after pages with your "stream of consciousness"; the choice is entirely yours. The best time to write in your journal is either as soon as you wake up in the morning or just before going to bed. And now that you know how to get started, pick up your journal and write your way to happiness!