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How To Eat Keto The Right Way, According To A Nutritionist

Updated Aug 10, 2021, 03:06am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

The Ketogenic or Keto diet has quickly become one of the most buzzed-about diet plans out there. But when there are so many people enthusiastically touting its benefits – and an equal number of critics shaking their head in disapproval – separating facts from fiction can become a little overwhelming.

In order to better understand the basics of this low-carb diet, I spoke with Angela Mavridis, an LA-based holistic nutritionist and founder of TRIBALÍ Foods.

First things first, what is the Ketogenic diet?

"The Ketogenic diet is all about minimizing your carbs and upping your fats. The goal is to get the body to metabolize fat, rather than sugar," says Mavridis.

"While everyone's body and needs are slightly different, that typically translates to  60-75% of your calories from fat, 15-30% of your calories from protein, and 5-10 % of your calories from carbs," she explains.

Most common Keto-friendly foods include low-carb vegetables (think bell pepper, cauliflower, spinach and zucchini), eggs, cheese, unprocessed and grass-fed meat and seafood.

Why should you try this diet?

The Ketogenic diet was introduced in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy. But the benefits of this low-carb diet go beyond treating seizures. It promotes weight lossimproves cardiovascular health and helps with anxiety and depression.

"The biggest benefit of a Keto diet is metabolic flexibility. When you’re able to pull energy from both glucose and Ketones that the body produces, you are metabolically flexible, which has benefits that extend throughout your entire body. Think mind, body and soul," says Mavridis.

Also, when you eliminate sugar and high-carb foods from your daily diet, "your body is able to heal itself and detox from the accumulated inflammation that it is constantly fighting," That means less brain fog, improved cognition and brain health. Consequently, the improved mental clarity makes it easier for you to make smart food choices, adds the nutritionist.

Moreover, following a Keto diet also reduces inflammation. "Reduced inflammation can have myriad benefits, from improving your skin to healing your gut and treating the symptoms of ailments like acid reflux disease," she explains.

However, you must lay the groundwork before jumping on the Keto bandwagon. This means "lowering your carbs to under 20 grams for at least two to six weeks in order become Keto-adapted. Once you've done that, you
can go in and out of Ketosis and reap the benefits of not being glucose-dependent," says Mavridis.
The three biggest mistakes people on Keto diet make (that you should totally avoid):

  • Loading up on fat bombs and other highly fat concentrated foods to get their
    macronutrient ratios in line: "Fat should be used as a satiating nutrient. People don't necessarily need to eat fat bombs and put extra fat on their food or in their coffee just to make it high-fat," says Mavridis. While this is a good strategy for when you're transitioning from a glucose-dependent diet to a fat-fueled one, it's not necessary once you’re fat-adapted, she adds. This is where intuitive eating comes into play. Learn to pay attention to your hunger cues. "If you’re feeling hungry shortly after a meal then you probably did not have enough protein or fat. But if you’re full and satiated, there is no reason to consume excess quantities of fat," explains the health expert.
  • Chasing blood Ketones instead of focusing on hormone signals: "The higher the number means you have more Ketones circulating in your bloodstream, but that does not mean that you are better at burning fat for fuel," Mavridis points out. "You must be in nutritional Ketosis, which is described as being between 1.5 - 3.0 mol/L on the blood Ketone meter. You will know once you are fat-adapted from hormonal signals, and not from higher Ketones on the blood meter," she adds.
  • Staying in Ketosis long-term: Chronic Ketosis can cause fatigue, muscle soreness, insomnia and nausea. "Unless you have a medical condition that requires you to stay in Ketosis for long-term, you shouldn't stay in that state for a prolonged period without any carb ups," Mavridis suggests. And if you're a beginner, "it’s recommended that you go through the fat-adaptation phase so that your body becomes accustomed to burning both glucose and fat for fuel," says the nutritionist.

Who can benefit from this diet plan?

Those with skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and dandruff could benefit from this diet. This is because "eliminating sugar and high-carbohydrate foods from your diet helps your body to heal itself and detox from the accumulated inflammation that it is constantly fighting," explains Mavridis.

You may also be a great candidate for the Keto diet if you experience migraines, joint pain, muscle weakness or mental fatigue. In addition, "Keto diet can be beneficial for mental health conditions like depression, autism and Alzheimer's". Other than that, "you can also follow this diet plan if you're trying to get pregnant since it improves fertility", she notes.

Who should avoid the Ketogenic diet?

As with other eating plans, keto diet isn't suitable for anyone. It "may not be appropriate for those with medical conditions, such as diabetes or ailments related to kidneys, pancreas or liver. It should only be done under close medical supervision in those situations," says the LA-based nutritionist.

Also, "anyone considering Ketogenic diet should undergo a health screening to rule out any conditions that could contradict with this diet," she suggests.

Keto 101: How to transition to a Keto diet, the right way

"Reprogramming your body from being a sugar burner to ultimately being a fat burner can take anywhere from two to six weeks, depending on your current metabolic state, your sugar-dragon, and your mindset,"  says Mavridis.

So, unless you’re already eating very clean or Paleo, it can be hard for you to jump all into this new way of eating. It’s all about your individual journey towards attaining optimal health and you need to start with where you’re at.

"My suggestion is to start with changing your mindset first and foremost around three very important facts: this is not just another diet, you don’t have to live in Ketosis forever, and you will not be depriving yourself. Having said that, if you are used to eating highly-processed sugary food and refined carbohydrates you’ll need to ease into it," she explains.

"The very first step, in my opinion, is to eliminate the C. R. A. P. = Carbohydrates, Refined Sugars, Artificial Foods, Processed Foods," Mavridis suggests. Start by removing refined sugars and processed carbohydrates (such as bread, pasta, sugary drinks, energy bars, cereals, alcohol, sweets, etc.).

This doesn’t mean that you can never have some of your favorite foods again.  Once you get past the adaptation phase and you have tested that you are in Ketosis, you can start experimenting with Keto versions of the foods you don't want to give up. Here are a few simple Keto recipes to start with. If you're looking for ready-to-eat Keto-friendly options, check out Country Archer Meat Sticks, Cuvee Coffee and FBOMB nut butters.

The other crucial thing to consider when you're beginning a keto diet is to test your blood Ketones and monitor your carb intake. Without it, you'll never truly know if you’ve reached Keto adaptation.

Note that the adaptation phase can be the most difficult and "generally resembles how you were eating beforehand –could cause headaches, fatigue and withdrawals for some," Mavridis points out. So, don't forget to take it slow and easy.

Four quick Keto diet tips for best results:

If you are already following the Keto diet and are having success nutritionally, emotionally, and cognitively, then keep doing what you’re doing, Mavridis suggests. If, on the other hand, you are not feeling well, then it may be time to re-evaluate.

  • Get in and out of Ketosis. Avoid the common mistakes mentioned earlier and try and cycle in and out of Ketosis – to give your body a break and to train your body to be flexible as to what sources of fuel it burns.
  • Listen to your body. Some people incorporate dairy into their Keto journey and others do not. Your body will send you signals as to how it reacts to certain foods. It’s up to you to listen and customize the diet accordingly.
  • Upgrade the quality of nutrients the best that you can. "Consume organic produce, grass-fed and finished pasture-raised meats, and wild-caught seafood, as well as healthy anti-inflammatory fats. And eliminate vegetable and seed oils," says the nutrition expert.
  • Change your lifestyle habits. Remember that in order to reap maximum benefits, it's important to stick to your eating plan and follow a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular exercise, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep and eliminating additional toxins and stressors.

And lastly, remember that the "Keto diet is a somewhat limiting eating plan, and hard to sustain long-term", so you needn't follow to it once you've achieved your desired weight or fitness goals, unless medically subscribed," Mavridis suggests.