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How To Successfully Transition From High School To College

Leanne Dodge
Updated Aug 16, 2017, 11:22am EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

For the past several years, I have worn two hats: SAT/ACT tutor and college professor. Every spring, I finish my work with that year’s group of high school seniors who have completed their testing and application materials and now nervously await their acceptance letters. In the fall, I welcome their peers as college freshmen who find themselves enrolled in my music history survey classes.

In my college classroom, most of a student’s grade is determined by results on midterm and final exams. Students are expected to recognize and, more importantly, write about pieces on exams. All of this is expected in a class that meets once per week.

Most of my high school students, by contrast, are used to classes that meet every day or nearly every day. Their teachers know them by name early in the year, and they assign regular homework and quizzes that help students learn the material. Their exams and papers are rarely worth more than a small fraction of their grade, since they regularly complete graded papers, activities, and assessments throughout the year.

How can students successfully navigate the transition from high school to college? Working with students on both sides, I see three major categories imperative to academic success: independent study skills, analytical reading skills, and college-level writing skills.

Independent study skills

At midterm time, I can tell which of my students struggle with study skills--they are the ones who tend to score poorly on the exam yet thought they were prepared. Students must take the initiative to develop good note-taking skills (of reading materials as well as of lectures), attend class regularly, and stay on top of assigned or recommended assignments. Unlike high school teachers, college professors are unlikely to follow up with them about missed assignments or classes.

Analytical reading skills

Not all words are created equal. When reading dense paragraphs full of unfamiliar words, students must learn to pick out the main ideas (often found in the topic sentences of paragraphs) and use those to organize their thoughts about a topic. As a humanities professor, I expect students to be engaged and critical readers, reading not only for content but also for how the author develops a perspective or argument. Students should begin developing these skills in high school--they take practice!

College-level writing skills

Organization, organization, organization! Whenever I’m reading a college-level paper, I expect to be able to find the thesis and topic sentences without difficulty--and I expect that the paper is going to develop the student’s argument on a chosen topic. I’ve seen more than my share of papers that were obviously finished in the wee hours of the morning based on their flow-of consciousness writing style in the last half of the paper. A good structure that is not formulaic provides the requisite support for the ideas and writing style that make a paper shine.

Remember that students are not alone as they work to make this transition--academic advisors, tutors, professors, and others are available to students to help them grow as learners and thinkers.