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Your Inner Circle: Beware of Suck-Ups and Yes-Men

Updated Mar 8, 2012, 11:48am EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

Do you surround yourself with suck-ups? C’mon, be honest.

It’s perfectly natural to want to be with people who agree, support and praise you all the time. Let’s face it -- it’s comforting to have people who are always in our corner, no matter what the issue or circumstance.

Suck-ups make us feel like we’re curled up with a warm blanket. Everything is okay, even cozy. We feel safe with them. We trust them.

These are the people we often consider to be our most loyal friends because they help us feel like we’re right. Validated. Vindicated. Smart.

Well, we may be all these things at one time or another, but we are not all these things all the time. And if you find that your trusted advisors are indiscriminate in their praise, it may be time for a gut-check.

These people may make us feel good, but they’re not always good for us.  In fact, we could be a pawn in their game; an unwitting accomplice in helping them achieve an unhealthy degree of power and influence over our decisions and actions.

Or, maybe they’re a pawn in ours.

Are you the kind of leader who punishes people – overtly or oh-so-subtly – for speaking up and telling you things you don’t want to hear? Do you seek out people who affirm your decisions and actions?

No one wants to admit that they do this, but a quick glance at organizational life indicates that it’s the norm, not the exception. We’ve all seen it: the leader is isolated from reality, surrounded by a small group of people who deliver the good news and hide the bad. His entire worldview is distorted, controlled by those who are feeding his perceptions. He thinks these people are protecting him. Watching his back.

Or, he simply doesn’t want to hear the truth, so he rewards the peddlers of feel-good information and punishes the purveyors of truth.

In either case, it’s a dangerous position for any leader.

The scenario is so common that the popular TV sitcom The Office created an episode called “The Inner Circle” where Deangelo creates a close cadre of suck-ups. Whenever someone challenges him, they’re ousted from the inner circle. At the end of the episode, Jim tries to tell Deangelo about how he’s being perceived by those outside the circle, and Deangelo kicks him out of the club.

Most of us get infuriated when we see leaders like Deangelo fall into the trap of surrounding themselves with suck-ups and yes-men, but we fail to recognize when we are falling into the very same trap ourselves.

Part of being an authentic, effective leader is recognizing that we have blind spots, and then seeking – and accepting – critical feedback from trusted advisors to ensure we maintain a balanced perspective.

Indeed, sometimes the most loyal colleagues are the ones who are courageous and caring enough to tell it to us straight; to tell us when we’ve stepped in it; to advise that a mid-course correction may be necessary.  And, yes, to tell us when we’ve done a good job.

One thing is for certain: our inner circle is a critical instrument in our leadership toolkit. We need to take a hard look and consider whether we are inviting only “safe” people into that circle at the detriment of our organizations and ourselves.

Inner Circle Roles

There is a range of perspectives that, when combined in an inner circle, can be a powerful leadership asset.

The Contrarian pushes you to think differently by taking opposite views; constantly questions, using worst-case and “what if” scenarios to challenge your thinking.

The Everyman is plugged into the lower levels of the organization and can help you understand the impact of your actions from that perspective.

The Optimist provides best-case scenarios and positive energy during difficult times.

The Voice of the Customer is an advocate for your clients and helps you stay aware of their needs, perspectives, expectations and competitive choices.

The Bleeding Heart is the empathetic member of your circle and keeps you aware of the potential impact of your decisions and actions on people.

The Sage is hard to come by.  If you're lucky enough to have one, a sage helps you stay calm amid the storm; is a thoughtful strategist; plays the role of coach; and has the most impartial point of view of all.

So, what can you do to evaluate your inner circle and decide if change is needed?  Here are six simple steps.

6 Steps to Evaluate Your Inner Circle

  1. Write down the names of those in your inner circle – the people you treat as sounding boards; the people you entrust with your innermost thoughts and sensitive information.
  2. Identify the role each person plays. This will tell you if you have sufficient diversity.
  3. Reflect on your interactions with these “trusted advisors” over the past 30 days. How many have come to you with uncomfortable news or delicate feedback?
  4. Take an honest look at your motives. Do you bring these people into your counsel because they agree with you? Do you discourage candid, critical feedback?
  5. Take an honest look at their motives. If you are surrounded by people who praise and agree with you all the time, could there be another agenda at play? What degree of influence do they have over you?
  6. If you are lacking balance in your circle – missing one or more of the roles listed above -- take action to bring some new people into the fold.

We all need pockets of unconditional love and support in our lives.  But when it comes to the workplace and our role as leaders, it’s our responsibility to maintain a balanced perspective and stay attuned to the truth about our words and actions, the impact we have on others, and the perceptions we create.   It’s not easy to do, and having the right inner circle can make a tremendous difference.

Susan Tardanico is CEO of the Authentic Leadership Alliance, a leadership and communications consultancy. She is also Executive in Residence at the Center for Creative Leadership and is a professional speaker. A former corporate senior executive and broadcast reporter, Susan has a passion for authenticity, reinvention and courageous career management.