Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls on how to survive a kidnapping

In a hostage situation, resistance is anything but futile. Follow Bear Grylls’ advice and face off your captors with caution and courage - but forget about compliance.
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When we travel, we inevitably encounter risks. That is no reason not to explore the more potentially dangerous parts of the world, but it's essential to be prepared. The threat of kidnap is small but significant in many regions where the more adventurous traveller might go. I want to share with you some countermeasures to kidnapping situations that will give you the best chance of survival.

Your best chance of thwarting an abduction attempt is in the first few seconds. You must do everything you can to fight off your assailant. Forget about compliance. Fight dirtily and aggressively. Go for the eyes, the neck, the genitals. Shout at the top of your voice. Do not be taken quietly. Do not be a soft target. You have a good chance of scaring off your abductor if your response is unexpectedly violent.

If your initial resistance fails, however, your strategy must change. The first 24 hours of a kidnapping are the most important. You are likely to be moved several times in that period. The more often you're moved, the harder you are to find. Moreover, if you're to make an escape attempt, you're at your strongest earlier on in your ordeal. You'll have eaten and drunk water recently, you'll be in better physical shape and you'll be thinking more clearly. Your condition is only going to deteriorate with time.

Escaping is hard. You have to stack the deck in your favour. Now is the time to feign compliance, because you don't want your abductor to think that you need extra restraint. Avoid eye contact, keep your head down and appear submissive. If your abductors don't think you're going to fight back, holes are more likely to creep into their security.

You must adopt a survival mentality. Be alert for the signs that your abductor is planning to kill you

Try to keep calm. Just as importantly, try to keep your abductor calm. There is no benefit to you in making them angry, nervous or violent.

Despite your undignified situation, you should do what you can to appear dignified and to build up a relationship with your kidnapper. Don't insult or disagree with them. Be empathetic. There are sound psychological reasons for this: it will be harder for your abductor to harm you if you make yourself more "human" and establish some kind of bond with them. To this end, ask for small favours: a glass of water, something to eat, a newspaper.

While you're establishing this bond, however, you must be constantly observant. Make a mental note of the route the kidnappers have taken - even if you're blindfolded, you can keep a tally of the left and right turns you've taken and count the time taken between them. When you reach the place you're being held, be hyper alert. Where are the potential exits? Are there any obstacles? How many abductors do you have? What is their routine? Are they armed? Do they seem fit? Is their mental state volatile? These are all questions that can help you plan an escape attempt. The more intel you have, the higher your chances of success.

The most important information you can glean is the reason for your abduction. This will inform how much risk you should take in attempting to escape. If it's for ransom, remember you are much more valuable to them alive than dead. In these instances, you should only attempt to escape if you have a high probability of success. Remember that most people kidnapped under these circumstances survive.

If you've been abducted by a sexual predator, or for political or military reasons, your life is at risk. You must adopt a survival mentality. Be alert for the signs that your abductor is planning to kill you: brutal treatment; a desperate demeanour; the release of other hostages but not you; the revealing of their identities having previously kept them secret by wearing masks. In these instances, you must try to escape even if your chances are not good.

If you're lucky, there will be a rescue attempt. This is the most dangerous moment in your ordeal, after the initial abduction. You might be used as a human shield. Your rescue team will almost certainly be using firearms. Get down on the ground. Cover your head. Remember that the rescuers will not necessarily know who is a hostage and who is an abductor. Do exactly what you're told and be prepared for rough treatment while they establish who's who.

In summary: maintain your dignity, vigilance, routine and discipline. People who have survived this situation often report that the thing that haunts them most, mentally and emotionally, is dealing with the consequences of having compromised their own morals during captivity. So be true to your values and integrity, no matter what you are enduring or being threatened with. But when you get an opportunity, exploit it. Assume the worst when it comes to your destiny in the hands of a kidnapper and know that fortune favours the brave. Making that move will be frightening, but it might well be your only chance.

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