Orchid Reblooming


resting orchids

When your orchid enters its resting phase, you’re left with a bare stalk and green leaves. While your resting orchid may not match your decor, it’s good for your plant — it’s storing up the energy to give you another round of beautiful flowers. 

trigger reblooming

Fertilize Icon

Environment Icon

Water Icon

frequently asked questions

What to do when your orchid stops blooming?

After all the flowers have fallen off your orchid, you have several options.

Option 1  Discard
If you don't want to rebloom, discard the original orchid.

Option 2  Rebloom your orchid

  • Step 1   If you would like to rebloom, remove stake and clips first.
  • Step 2   Evaluate the health of the stems. If they are still green and healthy, cut the spike an inch above the healthiest node (usually the one closest to the bloom).
  • Step 3   If your spike has turned brown or dried up, cut the spike at the base. Then continue to care for the orchid like normal, with additional fertilizing to trigger reblooming.
How do you know your orchid is preparing to bloom again?

You’ll know your orchid is preparing to bloom again when you notice what looks like a root  sprouting from the media. The difference, though, is the tip of this growth will take on the shape of a mitten. If it’s just a root, it will maintain its rounded edge.

Orchid with new bud

As your new spike grows, you might need to support it with a stake. But be sure to wait until the spike has finished growing before you clip it onto a stake.

Resist the urge to display your new budding blooms elsewhere in your home. Exposing budding blooms to a new sunlight location can cause the floral display to become twisted. After your blossom has fully formed, feel free to move your orchid to a new location.

Orchid Reblooming Guide
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Your Personal Guide toOrchid Reblooming

Learn how to trigger orchid reblooming in our step by step guide.


care instructions

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