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IN MANY ways, biotech may be the key to a higher quality of life. The industry develops cleaner energy sources, furthers medicine and produces cures, and develops higher-yielding crops to feed the world’s growing population. Whether you have spent the past few years working on a PhD or are about to finish your first degree, entering the biotech industry is an alternative to the more conventional life-science paths that lead through medical school or end in academia.

“The biotech industry is an alternative to conventional life-science paths through med school or academia”

But it can be tough to know where to begin. As well as the obvious first step of discovering just what is out there, chemical biologist Erik Hett recommends people always play to their strengths when looking for a job. That’s what he told himself as he systematically examined the different sides of biotechnology in his hunt for a career. “There are a lot of interesting things you can do, and I decided to use my postdoc time to really learn what was out there,” he says. “I wanted to test out whether I wanted to go into biotech or academia.”

He set his sights on industry, and became a co-chair of the Massachusetts General Hospital Postdoc Association, which gave him a chance to test-drive several potential biotech careers. “We ran different workshops helping postdocs figure out where they fit in. I could help other people and at the same time I got connected and figured out what I wanted to do,” says Hett.

Through contacts at the association, Hett landed an internship in the intellectual property group at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and attended workshops organised by consulting firms to see if consulting would appeal. They were “intense but it was good because you get to see that it’s an intense lifestyle”, he says. Testing out these positions made him realise that he would rather focus on the science, but he says the time he spent was worth it. That showed in his CV, says Dave Anderson, the hiring manager at Pfizer, where Hett eventually landed a job as a senior scientist.

Networking outside the lab, as Hett did, is crucial for getting a feel for the industry and meeting the players in the companies where you may soon work. Attending meetings like those of the American Chemical Society, the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), or the British Biophysical Society can help jump-start your network, as can more informal meet-ups for biotech professionals. All these extras add up on a CV, says Anderson: “A lot of universities also have postdoc consulting groups that will tackle real-life problems and I’ve seen those candidates fare better than people without that experience.”

As for worries that companies would prefer people with business, rather than science, degrees, Anderson lays that fear to rest: “You can always make a scientist a businessman, but you can’t always make a businessman into a scientist.” If you feel like you could do with brushing up on your business skills, find out whether the companies you are applying to offer education programmes where you can take additional courses or even degrees paid for by the company.

Some scientists study for an MBA to boost their skills, but depending on your position, you won’t always need a business degree to be successful. Many companies value business knowledge, but don’t require MBAs, says Yvonne Rogers, head of human resources at BTG, a mid-sized biotech company based in London. “We refer to it as commercial smarts,” she says, which you can pick up on the job.

“There’s definitely a lot of opportunity for people with a first degree in science,” says Joe Hanson, a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin, who joined biotech multinational Amgen after getting his BSc in biochemistry. “But you’re stair-stepping your way up with a bachelor’s degree. It’s that 10-year climb to the manager position, like it’s going to be in any other industry.” Hanson decided to work towards a PhD after seeing that most managerial positions require some kind of advanced degree.

Another route is to join a smaller company. That’s the approach that Jo Moore, now a senior manager in medical services at BTG, took. She started out at a small biotech company after taking a first degree in cellular and molecular pathology. “Because the first company I worked for was so small it meant that there were opportunities. I moved into project management and out of the lab,” she says. Working in a small firm allows you to interact with colleagues at all levels and functions within the business, she says, which can lead to more responsibilities or even a new position.

But large pharmaceutical companies have their benefits too, says Hett. “You can really leverage their resources. They have lots of courses and good lectures. You can develop different skills and that might be harder to find, especially at a start-up. It’s also more secure.”

The mid-career leap

The biotech industry doesn’t just attract people starting out in the world of work: half of all biotech job-seekers in 2011 were midway through their career. The industry is flexible enough to have positions for many who want to make the switch. As well as advanced research positions, jobs in regulatory science and governmental policy are all options for people with more experience.

Those with experience may also have better luck breaking into the industry through newer research areas. “Epigenetics has been very exciting recently,” says Anderson. “A lot of genomic technologies weren’t around five years ago and there isn’t anybody in industry who can perform those functions. We can look all day for industry experience, but frankly we’ve been looking more and more externally and courting academics.”

But if you make the switch be prepared for a big shift in your working environment. “Working in industry as a scientist is a different skill set from being in research,” says Lynn Langer, a director at the Center for Biotechnology Education at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Langer worked in industry for years before returning to academia (see “Case study: Back to school”), and says there are stark differences between the two. “If you’re an industry scientist, suddenly you’ve got deadlines and milestones to meet, and then there’s got to be a marketable product that meets regulations.”

Regulatory positions are “a good transition for many people who like a certain amount of structure but an opportunity to create”, says Langer. “That seems to fit a lot of scientists.” Getting a master’s degree in regulatory science can help, she says, and working as a consultant is a good way to dip your toes into the industry.

If you have got the business bug, you could start your own company, as Langer did. It takes a flexible person who can play many roles to be successful in a start-up environment, she says, but the hard work can pay off. “There are a lot of scientists who say, ‘I like the lab but I’m not making that much money’,” she says. “Some people move into business to make more money. Why not?”

The human touch

Whatever biotech career path you choose, there are skills you will need that aren’t necessarily found in the classroom. “It’s not enough to be a technical whizz,” says Don Button, director of the cellular molecular technologies group at Acorda, a small biotech based in Hawthorne, New York. “You also have to be very good at working in a team.” Hett agrees. “We’re all in it together,” he says. “In academia, it can be that way, but it tends to be more siloed, more competitive, and you’re on your project on your own.”

No matter what your position in biotech, good communication is a key asset and may be something you will have to cultivate on your own (see “Case study: Show off your skills”). The typical day for a bench scientist revolves around lab work: conducting experiments, doing data analysis and having meetings to discuss the outcome of your work. For managerial roles, there may be less lab time and more meetings, though you will still have a hand in designing experiments.

If you are not sure what type of position would best suit you, speak to people in the industry. “It’s really hard when you’re coming out of academia, where you’re just in a lab all day, to really know what other opportunities are available,” says Sunita Hett, who, like her husband, is a senior scientist at Pfizer. “I know it can be a little intimidating for scientists who tend to be focused on their lab work and may not be the most outgoing people, but they should get out and talk to people.”

It can be as simple as calling someone and asking if they would like to have a cup of coffee. “Pretty much everybody was really receptive,” says Sunita, who would email a contact that she had made through a friend, or even cold call people at companies where she was keen to work. “Whether it’s in areas you’re interested in or not, it can be really interesting. Maybe you’ll come across somebody who’s doing something really cool that you never even thought about.”

The smart money

Case study: Show off your skills

COMMUNICATION is key to working well in the team-oriented biotech industry, though this may not always be fostered during PhD programmes. When he returned to graduate studies after his time in industry, Joe Hanson, a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin, decided to use the time to build a CV that showcased his communication skills. “I’ve consciously taken it into my own hands,” he says. “Grad school is primarily a solitary affair, but you have to get comfortable communicating ideas in simple language and managing a big project with a specific goal in mind.”

“You can practice communication in many different ways for different audiences,” Hanson says. He attended a National Science Foundation communication course, and co-founded and runs a local science cafe where scientists and students present their research to the public.

He also writes a science blog called It’s Okay To Be Smart, exploring the latest discoveries, with some of the writing being featured in the forthcoming book The Best Science Writing Online 2012. “Blogging and doing science communication is this new great passion of mine,” he says, and it provides tangible examples of those qualities that employers are seeking. Hanson says if he returns to biotech, he would be looking for a managerial role that could also include business communication.

Case study: Back to school

LYNN LANGER began her career as a microbiologist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and later moved on to sales and marketing. After receiving her MBA and working for several biotech companies, she had to work out how to make the best of a tough situation when the company she was working for folded.

She began consulting in the field, which led to the creation of her company, Bioplan Associates. “After a while I had to hire people to help me, and lo and behold, we had a real company. I created the company just based on need,” Langer says.

Langer loves the business side of biotech, but she found that she preferred the classroom when she began teaching at Johns Hopkins University in Bethesda. “I started teaching as an adjunct professor and I just loved the classroom,” she says. She moved from CEO of Bioplan to its board of directors so that she could focus more fully on academia. “I found that the happiest part of my day was when I was teaching, so I became an academic.”

Now Langer draws on her time in the industry in her roles as professor and curriculum creator at the Center for Biotechnology at Johns Hopkins. “I like the innovation and staying current and coming up with programming that meets the needs of the industry,” she says.

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