What Is MCT Oil and Should You Add It to Your Diet?

Here we explain exactly what MCT is, the potential benefits, and how to use MCT oil.

Several floating droplets of oil against a white background.
Photo: Shutterstock

For years now, the world has been on the coconut oil trend, convinced that pouring it over, well, everything could cure your every woe. The superfood is high in natural fats and is touted to make your skin baby soft, defrizz your hair, raise good cholesterol, and maybe even help you lose weight.

Turns out coconut oil got its good reputation in the first place because it contains medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs for short. MCTs are considered a source of clean fuel for the body and brain, says registered dietitian Jessica Crandall. Discover how pure MCT oil differs from coconut oil, MCTs health benefits, and how to use it as a supplement.

What Exactly Is MCT Oil?

MCT is a man-made saturated fatty acid. "Pure MCT oil" (the kind that's tested in the studies below) is made in the lab by combining medium-chain triglycerides from coconut oil and palm oil. Why not just coconut or just palm? Because plain palm and plain coconut contain longer-chain triglycerides as well. "We're finding coconut oil is a blend of these chains," says Crandall. This is part of the reason why more and more studies have shown that coconut oil might not be as healthy as you think.

Understanding the power of MCTs comes down to understanding why they're better for you than their long-chain cousins.

The lengths of medium- and long-chain triglycerides represent how many carbon molecules are attached. Why is medium better than long? MCTs (6 to 8 carbon molecules) are digested more rapidly as a source of fuel, says Crandall. That means they will give your body the energy it needs without filling it with a bunch of stuff it doesn't — such as added sugar and processed ingredients. Long chains (10 to 12 carbon molecules) take longer to metabolize and get stored as fat in the process.

You've probably been trained to fear saturated fat, but researchers and fitness nuts alike suggest that not all saturated fats deserve a bad rep — and that includes the fat found in pure MCT oil. The theory is that by consuming this quick-digesting fat, the body rapidly absorbs and metabolizes it for fuel, while more of the slow-burning longer-chain fats like olive oil, butter, beef fat, palm oil, and coconut oil get stored.

This digestion difference could be why Mark Hyman, M.D., calls MCT oil the secret fat that makes you healthier. Dr. Hyman says MCT oil is a "super fuel" for your cells because it "boosts fat burning and increases mental clarity."

The Health Benefits of MCT Oil

Most of the health benefits surrounding MCT oil have to do with weight loss and your metabolism.

What separates MCT oil from the pack is that none of its benefits have been shown to be true with coconut oil, says Crandall. Why not? Again, it all comes down to the kind of saturated fat found in those medium chains.

Aids Weight Loss

One study found that people saw more weight loss and decreased body fat from consuming MCT oil rather than olive oil. The weight-loss bonus MCT oil provides could have much to do with the higher burn rate, meaning your body is able to quickly metabolize the fat, giving your metabolism a little boost in the process.

Reduces Calorie Intake

Research published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition also found an association between use of MCT and a reduction in later calorie intake. Interestingly, MCT did not appear to affect appetite ratings or circulating hormones so the authors say more research is needed to figure out how MCT may affect food intake.

Easily Digested and Supports Nutrient Absorption

Research has also looked at whether MCT oil could be used to treat certain gastrointestinal (GI) conditions related to the malabsorption of nutrients. It's the "rapid and simple" digestion of MCTs that might be the key, reports one paper published in Practical Gastroenterology. Turns out, the length of a fatty-acid chain influences its digestion and absorption within the GI tract. Some people cannot digest longer chains efficiently and therefore don't get the nutrients the body needs, but they are able to successfully digest and absorb these fast-metabolizing MCTs.

May Improve Cognition in Alzheimer's

A meta-analysis that looked at 12 studies found that MCTs can induce mild ketosis (your body makes ketones that serve as an energy source for the brain) and may improve cognition in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. However, the authors pointed to a potential for bias in the studies and stated that more research is needed.

How to Use MCT Oil

Pure MCT oil is a clear, flavorless liquid that should be consumed plain without heating it. It's unrefined, so it has a low smoke point similar to flaxseed oil, wheat germ oil, and walnut oil, and does not respond well to heat. Basically, cooking is not one of the MCT oil uses.

So how can you use MCT oil? Add the plain oil to coffee, smoothies, or salad dressings. It's easy to slip into a meal or drink without much work, as a serving size usually ranges from just half a tablespoon to up to 3 tablespoons. Most 100 percent MCT oils on the market recommend starting with half a tablespoon to see how your digestive system responds. Too much too fast could lead to digestive distress. And don't forget that MCT is still a liquid fat that's calorically dense — 1 tablespoon comes in at 100 calories.

"Having 300-plus calories in oil a day, even MCT with all its benefits, won't give your metabolism a big enough rev to offset those calories," says Crandall.

Where to Get MCT Oil

Supplement retailers and health food grocers market moderately priced MCT oil and powder for $14 to $30. But Crandall notes that these oils are all "proprietary blends" that, like coconut oil, only contain some MCT and won't be the exact ratio of palm and coconut MCTs used in labs and research. This "medical-grade" MCT oil mixture isn't available to the public, but Crandall estimates that if it were, it would cost you more like $200 for a tiny 8-oz container. So for now, you'll have to read ingredient labels and work with what you've got.

Currently, there are no guidelines or regulations on whether a proprietary blend can label a product "pure, 100% MCT oil." "These brands do not have to divulge what their blends are, and there are no official supplement standards that must be met," she says.

So how do you know if the MCT oil or supplement you find on the shelf is legit? Crandall calls this the "lab-rat stage." While everyone's digestive system is different, she suggests finding an MCT oil that is a mix of coconut and palm oils (avoid anything that says it's simply a coconut derivative), and then start small and see how your body reacts.

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