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5 Ways To Prepare For a Whistler Mountain Bike Trip

A trip to Whistler for a mountain biking adventure is an epic adventure. The riding you will do at the Whistler Bike Park is among the most amazing and challenging you will ever attempt in your life. You should not come to Whistler without putting in a lot of thought about the trip. An adventure of this magnitude requires significant preparation in order to enjoy it fully. Follow these five tips so that you are prepared to tackle a Whistler mountain bike trip.

1. Start Preparing Well Ahead of Time

The key to fully enjoying a mountain bike trip to Whistler is to make sure you have the endurance to ride all day. Getting fit for a trip this awesome requires you to put in some hard training starting at least three months in advance. You should ride between five to 10 hours a week, including doing some hilly or high-intensity rides. Pushing yourself hard in training will allow you to shred the Whistler Bike Park when you arrive.

2. Train on the Bike You Are Going to Ride

Lots of riders think they will treat themselves by getting an awesome new bike for their trip to Whistler. If you are planning on getting a new bike, make sure you get it at least a month before you leave for Whistler. The last thing you want is to be uncomfortable with a new bike when you face the challenging riding on the mountain. It is best to ride a bike you can use without thinking when you are riding terrain of this difficulty level.

3. Cross-Train

You lead a busy life, and you undoubtedly do not have all the time you would like to go out and ride your mountain bike. However, riding your mountain bike is not the only way to get ready for a trip to Whistler. Every bit of fitness training you can get in before you leave will help you find the energy you need to squeeze every bit of fun out of the time you get to spend on this magical mountain.

Putting in some work on a road or stationary bike is a great way to boost your endurance and pedaling power for the trip. You can also cross-train by doing activities like yoga, swimming, walking and running. Every chance you get to boost your fitness before you leave should be taken to maximize your enjoyment while you are on your trip.

4. Learn How to Fix Your Bike

Mountain bike parts get eaten alive by Whistler Mountain. The rugged downhill terrain will almost surely cause damage to your bike if you are here for more than a day or two. Derailleurs and tires have especially short lifespans on the mountain. You should bring some spares and now how to install them when you come on the trip. If you are not mechanically inclined, then there are several repair shops in the area where you can get your bike quickly repaired.

5. Have a Plan

It is best to have a plan when you are embarking upon such an epic mountain bike experience. When you have a plan of attack, it will keep you from feeling like you have to rush through things when you are on the trip. Rushing is when injuries happen, which makes being prepared one of the best things you can do for a mountain biking trip to Whistler. You should also make sure to prepare things at home before you leave. Do things like painting the house or getting commercial carpet cleaning before you leave so that you can enjoy your vacation at Whistler worry-free. This will clean up your home so that you can bring the fun from your trip home with you rather than immediately jump back into every-day stresses.

When you are properly prepared, your vacation at Whistler will be incredible. Make sure to put in the necessary hard work and train hard before you arrive so that you can enjoy the experience to the fullest. A mountain bike trip to Whistler is something you will never forget.

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