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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Productivity

Your Hour-by-Hour Guide to the Most Productive Day Possible

Most difficult tasks come with step-by-step instructions. (See: furniture assembly, cooking, rocket production…)

By that logic, having an extremely productive day should come with step-by-step instructions, too. So we looked far and wide across the web to build you a guide to having your most efficient, well-managed day ever.

7 AM: Most of us grab our phones as soon as we wake up. Learn why you should delay for just a little and think about one thing that makes you grateful. (Apartment Therapy)

7:05 AM: This entrepreneur recommends scrolling through Instagram next—it’ll make you happier and more creative. (Inc.)

8:30 AM: After you get to work, tackle one task. Then go ahead and check your email. (Lifehacker)

9:30 AM: Science says this is the best time for a cup of coffee. So drink up! (Fast Company)

11 AM: Are you getting more easily distracted? Give yourself five or 10 minutes to check social media or take a small lap around the office. (Business Insider)

12 PM: Eating lunch while you work is actually counter-productive. In the long run, you’ll get more done if you get up. (Forbes)

3 PM: Take a 20-minute nap. When you wake up, your performance will wake up, too. (New York Times)

4 PM: Research suggests late afternoon is the ideal time for holding a meeting. (The Washington Post)

6 PM: Before you head home, make a to-do list for the next day. (The Muse)

8 PM: Want one more boost before you read or turn on House of Cards? Write down a couple things you accomplished today. (Lifehack)

Photo of notebook courtesy of Shutterstock.