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80’s Hair/Makeup Tutorial

Welcome to my 80’s Hair/Makeup Tutorial ??

80's costume idea

Well hello there you beautiful babes!!!!  I promised yesterday I’d dish all the details on my hair and makeup for this couples costume I did with Brian a couple days ago.  You have no idea how excited I am for it — IT’S AMAZING!!  I just love the 80’s so much.  The bright obnoxious colors, the loud hair and music.  I love the classic romance movies and all the processed, convenient  junk food!  You have no idea how excited I’ve been to share this tutorial with you — IT’S AMAZING.  And it’s so easy.  If you’re not that great at hair or makeup, I promise you’ll be just fine following the tutorial.  A few colors, a lot of volume and a big personality are all you really need to pull off this look!  So keep reading if you’re interested in my 80’s hair/makeup tutorial!

When I think of the 80’s I think of big crimped hair, high-side ponytails, loud accessories and obnoxiously big puff sleeves.  So naturally I incorporated those things into these three looks, what one is your favorite? 

80's costume idea

80's makeup tutorial

The makeup is very bright and colorful + it’s all drug store which I know so many of you are going to love!  Orange on the front half of the lid, pink on the back half of the lid and blue under the eyes.  No fancy wings or shading or even lashes!  This is a beginners dream tutorial!  

For the crimp, I used the Bed Head Waveaholic Crimper, it’s $20 at Target and works great!  Be careful because it does get really hot so use a heat protectant and make sure you’re not keeping the iron on your hair too long.

Hairstyle #1 – BIG, crimped hair + a giant headband. 

80's hair/makeup tutorial

 Hairstyle #2: High Crimped Half-Up Pony

This hairstyle seemed pretty obvious and to make it super 80’s I put in an old hot pink scrunchie I had laying around.  Whatever you have to bedazzle the hair — add it! 

80's hair/makeup tutorial

Hairstyle #3: High Side Ponytail.  You don’t even need to crimp your hair for this one, but I’d recommending as high as you can get and then a fair amount of teasing to get that loud volume! 

80's hair/makeup tutorial80's hair/makeup tutorial

80's hair/makeup tutorial

What do you think?!  Do you love it?!  I’m a bit obsessed.  The balloons, the fringe, the pink wall and massive puff sleeves.  It turned out SO good!

80's couple costumes

Don’t forget to checkout our 80’s couples costume post for more details on our costume and below is my 80’s hair/makeup tutorial!

Dress: From Ebay | Necklace, old | Headband | Gloves | Fishnets | Studded Bracelet | White Chunky Block Heels | Pink Petticoat


Abby Smith

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