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Founded in 1854. anc ^ licensed as a Hall of Residence 
for students of the University 


Principal . . Rev. H. McLACHLAN, M.A.,D.D, 

The College, which stands in four actes of ground, including 
Tennis Courts, shale and grass, Croquet Lawn,c^c.,is situated 
in a private residential park, a mile from the University. 
Accommodation is provided for fifteen students, with Library, 
Common Room, cf^c. Terms moderate. 

Application for admission or for further particulars 
should tfe made to the Principal. 

Manchester High School for Girls. 


Chairman : Mr. F. A. Padmore. 

Hon. Trtas . / Mr. H. M. Leach. 

Head Mistress : Miss M. G. Clarke, M.A. 

Medical Inspector : Miss C. Chisholm, B.A., M.D. 

Clerk to the Governors : Mr. C. B. Johnson, A.C.A. 

Secretary : Miss Reita G. Haddocks. 

The School building, which is situated in Dover Street, 
near the University, contains accommodation for 650 pupils. 
It has laboratories, cookery school, studio, gymnasium, 
play-ground, and fives courts. Playing fields are situated 
within a mile and a half of the School. 

The School provides the highest type of secondary 
education preparatory to University studies, professional 
occupations, and home life ; it is inspected by the Board of 
Education. Pupils compete successfully for scholarships at 
the Universities. There are also Domestic, Commercial, and 
Secretarial Departments, open to older girls who have received 
a good general education. Inclusive fees, £8 per term. 
Scholarships and exhibitions to college are awarded annually, 
from the Hulme Trust and other sources. Arrangements 
lor Boarders can be made. 


The Victoria University of Manchester . 





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The Victoria University of Manchester. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 21 


Fallowfield, Manchester, 14. 


Warden : 

Miss M. W. Hughes, M. A. (Cambridge). 

Vice-Warden and Tutor in charge of the Ward Wing ; Miss E. 
Herdkan, M.A. (Oxford). 

Tutor in charge of the Mary Worthington TVing : Miss H. Axon, 
M.A. (Manchester), 

Steward: Miss A. Conway (Manchester College of Domestic Science). 
Nurse ; Miss N. McMath. 


Mzss E. Middleton (Bangor University College, Department of 

Miss W. S. Clarke, M.Sc., University Lecturer in Education. 

MissM.E. I. Robertson, M.A. (Edinburgh), D. ds L. (Paris), Lecturer 
in French. 

Miss M. M. Ferguson, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 

The Hali, which was established in 1899, is designed for 
the reception of Women Students of the University of 
Manchester. It provides rooms for about one hundred and sixty 
students. It is about 20 minutes’ walk from the University 
and is on the direct tramway route. It has gardens and 
courts for tennis and net-ball, and a held for hockey and 
lacrosse, and is close to the University Athletic Grounds. 

. The management of the Hall is on the lines generally 
adopted in the Colleges for Women in connection with the 
older Universities. The rooms are study-bedrooms. The 
fees for board and residence (exclusive of fees to the University) 
are from 66 to 70 guineas for the session of three terms. 

Applications for admission, and for all further information, 
should be addressed to the Warden at Ashburne Hall, 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 



Founded in 1843 and licensed as a Hall of 
Eesidence by the Council of the University. 

Principal Rev. Alex. J. Grieve, M-A., />./). 

The College is a beautiful building in. the most attractive 
part of Manchester, and stands in seven acres of ground, 
used as playing fields, etc. Each student has two separate 
rooms — study, and bedroom. The terms are moderate. 
University and Technical College Students, especially Free 
Churchmen, may obtain all particulars from the Principal, 
or from the Registrar of the University. 




Recognised by the Board of Education and Licensed by the University. 

Chairman of the Governors : 


Warden : 

Miss N. S. PARNELL, B A. (Liverpool). 

St. Gabriel's Hall is a large commodious residence at the 
entrance to the Park, and ten minutes' walk from the 

Study-bedrooms are provided for 36 students, with library, 
common room, dining room, and Chapel. There are two hard 
courts for tennis and net-ball. 

For further particulars apply to the Warden. 

The Victoria University oj Manchester. 





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The Victoria University of Manchester. 



The "Victoria University of Manchester. 


"Victoria Park, Manchester, 14. 

(LioaviSMl at a Hall «f Rasidanoa by the Council of the University.) 

Rev. T. NICKLIN. M.A. (Cantab.) ; 
late Foundation. Scholar, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 
and University Members’ Prizeman for Latin Essay. 


A. Powell. B.A. 

A. Grahaml Bryce, M.D., F.R.C.S., Surgeon, Park Hospital, Davy- 
hulme ; Assistant Surgical Officer and Surgical Tutor, 
Manchester Royal Infirmary ; Lecturer in Regional Surgery. 
C. E. H- B.Sc. (Bristol), Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, 

W. H. Jores, M.Sc., Ph.D. 

~D,JK, G. Reid, B.Sc. (Eng.) (Glasgow), A.M. I. C.E., Assistant Lecturer 
in Building Construction in the Faculty of Technology. 

J. IT. Warx>, B.A. (Oxon.), late Scholar of Pembroke College. 

S. eflblunsk y, M.A., Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, 

Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics. 

An Examination will be held in May for the purpose of electing 
to about twelve Open Scholarships and. Exhibitions. 

The Scholarships are of the minimum value of £20 a year, which 
may be increased up to a maximum, of £50 a year. The tenure of the 
Scholarships is for four years, but may be extended for a fifth year, 
and in exceptional cases for a sixth, year. 

Exhibitions are awarded to deserving candidates requiring financial 
help who do not gain Scholarships. They are of the min imum value of 
i'l» a year, but may be augmented up to a maximum value of £2b a 

Both Scholarships and Exhibitions may be held concurrently with 
University and any other Scholarships. 

The Hall charges, by deduction from which the above emoluments 
are paid, are an Admission Fee of five guineas, and for a normal 
minimum period of 23 weeks’ residence a fee ranging, according to 
the accommodation selected, from 7 0 to 84 guineas, the average being 
^,80. After three years’ residence the period covered by this fee is 
28 weeks in a fourth year of residence, and after four years’ residence 
the fee is reduced by £13 for a fifth year. 

Full particulars may be obtained on application to the Warden, 
with whom candidates must be entered before March 31st. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 




















MANCHESTER OFFICE: 18, Exchange Street 


Lite Victoria. University of Manchester . 




founOcD in 1876, 

The oldest University Hall of Residence in England outside Oxford and 




Late Senior Lecturer i:n Physics in tthe ‘University of London. 


H. WRIGHT BAKER, W- Sc., A. M.I.N.E., Lecturer in Engi neer ing at the University. 
aEORGE H. BLAIR. F.S.A.A., Tutor ut Accounting. 

A ©8EPH IK ARK. S, M - A., JLedurer in french at the Uni versify. 

WILLIAM HUNTER, SLA., B.Sc., University Lecturer in Mathematics at the College oj 
Technology . 

Miss EDITH HE8LING, LLB., Barrister at Taw. 

J. W. REES, M.A., Senior Lecturer in Spanish at the University. 

A. 0. MAO DONALD, M.A., M.B., Ch.B., Reader in Materia Medico, and Therapeutics at the 

IT niverstty. 

* ERIC BEVAN, B.8c* t Ttetor in Chemistry. 

F. FAJRBROTHER, D.Sc., Lecturer m Chemistry at the University. 

Q. A. BENNETT, M. Sc.Teeit., Assistant Lecturer in Weaving at the College of Technology. 
ALLAN W1NTERBOTTDM, LLM-, M.A. (C3in.) y Research Assistant in Economics at the 

B. J. WAftPLES, B.A.,M.S:.» Assistant Lecturer in Zoology at the University. 

4, A DAVISON, B.A., Assistant Lecturer in Greek and Latin at the University. 

JAME8 81 LLESPIE. B.8C., A sststant Lecturer in Botany at the University. 

F. P. PICKERING, B. A., Assistant Lecturer in German at the University. 

K, L F. THIEL.KE, B.A., Assistant Lecturer in German at the University. 

* RONALD C. MILLER, Assistant Lecturer in Geography at the University. 

* LOU IS KLEIN, M.Sc., Ph.O„ F.I.C., Tutor in Chemistry. 

* Resident 

Tuition in other Subjects as required. 

Ison-matriculated Students may be admitted if there are vacancies 
and in this case attendance can be arranged at classes in preparation 
for Matriculation. 

Dalton FT all is the property of the Society of Friends, and is endowed 
out of the Society’s Funds. It is managed on unsectarian lines, and is 
open to members of all denominations. Outside Oxford and Cambridge 
it is the oldest University Hall of Residence in. England, and for ten 
years it was the only "Hall in the University of Manchester. 

The main premises were specially built for their purpose, and 
Eaglesfield and Neild House, large Houses in the grounds, have been 
adapted and taken into use as Annexes. There are now rooms for 
7u students and tutors. There are als*_> a Dining Hall, Library, Reading 
R'lom, Millie Room, Common R.«jom, Billiards Room, Photographic 
Dark Room, ur.d Workshop. 

The Hall i» situated in a large private residential park, a mile from 
the University. The Buildings stand in three acres of recreation ground, 
including ti ve Tennis Courts in asphalt, shale, and grass, and a covered 
Fives Court lighted by- electricity. A football field is also provided in 
t he r. it gab our 5 a .< »cl 

The -stu.der-t.', receive friendly oversight, tutorial assistance, and 
■ >ther educational and social advantages of College life. 

Inclusive fee, -£10S for th.e complete University Session of three 
terms, Oivermg about 31 weeks. Open Scholarships are awarded on 
the results of the University Scholarships Examination held in May 
eac n year. 

For further information npplv to the Principal. 

The Victoria University of Manchester, 


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MICROSCOPE (over 60,000 in stock) 

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Photographic and Photomicrographic Work of 
all kinds done to order 

Consult our Catalogues when you. require any biological equipment 



Telephone, ARDwick 3533 

SO The Victoria University of Manchester. 



Warden : 

Rev. DUNCAN ARMYTAQE, M. A. (Oxon). 

Sub-* Warden : 

D. T. STANLEY, B.A. (Oxon), Lecturer in Education. 

The Hall is situated in. very pleasant surroundings in Victoria Park, 
within twenty minutes* easy walking distance from the University or 
ten minutes by tram. It stands in its own grounds of two acres in 
extent, in which there are Tennis Courts and a Cricket Practice Net ; 
there is also a Football Field and a Fives Court. 

It was founded, largely through, the munificence of the late Lord 
Brassey, in order that members of the Church of England might enjoy, 
as far as may be, the advantages of collegiate life afforded to them by 
the older universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Those who are not 
Anglicans, however, are welcomed when vacancies permit. The Hall is 
recognised by the Board of Education, and students belonging to the 
Training Department for Teachers, are entitled to the increased 
maintenance grant, allowed to those who reside in institutions thus 

The fees are £80 per annum. 

There axe certain Scholarships offered each year in connection with 
the University Scholarship Examination in May. Further information 
regarding these and other matters may be obtained from the Warden, 
St. Anselm Hall, Victoria Park, Manchester, 14:, to whom also applica- 
tion for admission should be made. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 





Life Assurance Society. 


Funds £ 11,000,000 . 

of the selected Offices with which Policies 
may be effected in connection with 

The Federated Superannuation 
System for Universities. 

Large Bonuses uninterruptedly 

declared for 1 05 years* 

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A Special Booklet illustrating the Society’s Policies 
in connection with the Federated, Superannuation System, 
for Universities will be sent on application to — 

Manchester Office: 86 CROSS STREET. 

Resident Secretary ; Archibald Brown. 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

Ellis Llwyd Jones Hall 



The Hall was presented to the University 
in tgxg by Sir James E. Jones, and has accom- 
modation for thirty-two students. 

It has a pleasant garden with a hard tennis 
court, and is connected with the University by a 
good service of trams and buses. 

Application for admission and for further 
information should be made to the Warden . 




President of tlie Council : 



Miss D. M. NEWCOMEN, M.A. |Oxon). 

The Hall is recognised by the Board of Education, 
and licensed by the University. It accommodates 36 students. 
While primarily intended for women who are taking the 
Four- Year Course (Degree and Training as Teacher), it is 
open to students of all faculties. An Entrance Scholarship 
is awarded annually. Further information can be obtained 
from the Warden. 

Tutorial College 

(GRIME’S— Established 1912) 


VERNON J. SANSOM, B.So. i Dlrectors of Studles 
Associated with 20 Graduate Tutors. 


Class and Private Tuition for 

Preparation for 


January, April, and July. 



Matriculation, University Examinations, etc. 
Special Classes for First M.B., First L.D.S., 
Inter. B.Sc., etc. 

Illustrated Prospectus on Application 



Telephone, ARDwick 2397 (Opposite University) 

34 The Victoria University of Manchester. 



Copying Work, French and English ; 

Medical, Chemical, History, and 
English Theses; Duplicating; MSS.; 

Quantities and Specifications, etc. 


Typewriting & Duplicating Sundries 
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Telephone - -- -- -- -- ARDwick 1008 


London Road, Manchester 

Laboratory Furnishers 
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Acids, etc. 

Scientific Glass Blowers 


The Victoria University of ’Manchester. 

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Company Ltd. 


ASSETS EXCEED £30,000,000- 

Head Office : 



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LIFE (with and without profits;. Assurance* witii Disability 
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The Gomptuiy is empowered to act as Executor and Trustee. 

:j6 The Victoria University of Manchester. 

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Kewsagent to the University * 


STUDENTS' NOTE-BOOKS, All Rulings, including 



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(Neax* Victoria University). 


Authorised Morris Dealers 

Agents for leading Insurance Companies 

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the best possible driving tuition 
for a member of your family 
or staff, we are at your service. 
Our endeavour is to give 
satisfaction, and personal 
attention is given to yotit 
requirements at all times 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 






Glass Blowing Go. 


Actual Makers of The Bone and Wheeler, 

Haldane, Rent-Smith, Orsat, etc.. Gas Analysis 
Apparatus. Mercury Pumps, Mercury Seal Taps 
and Ground Joints of all types and sizes. 

We hold Large Stocks of 

tV rex, Jena, and Soda Glass Tubing and Rod, Burettes, 
Pipettes, Measuring Flasks and Cylinders, Desiccators, 
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Woulffs and Reagent Bottles, Separating Funnels (light 
or heavy up to 7 It.). Condensers, Fractionating Columns 
and Tubes. Funnels (plain and ribbed), Thermometers, 
Liquid Air Cylinders and Flasks, Porcelain, Vitreosil, and 
Quartz Basins, Crucibles, and Tubes, Beakers, Flasks, etc. 
of all the leading English Makes, Jena Glass Beakers, 
Flasks, Conductivity Bottles, and All-Glass Filter Crucibles, 
Funnels, etc. 

SEND FOR LISTS and particulars of the 
latest pattern Nessler or Colorimeter tubes with 
the clear optically polished fused- on bottom, any 
length and diameter up to 50 mm. 

We Speelalise in all Research 
Apparatus for CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, 
and PHYSIOLOGICAL USE in Class or 
Quartz made to sketch and speci- 


Sole Address : 


12—14, WRIGHT STREET, OXFORD ROAD (near University;. 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

Telephone: BLAckfriars 0801. 
Telegrams: “ Walbarelec.” 


Wholesale Electrical and Wireless 


■j=- Armatures, Etc., Repaired. Cables— 
Electric Lamps. - Accumulators. 
Batteries. - Wireless. - Accessories. 
Cables and Conduits. • Glassware. 
Vacuum Cleaners. 

22, Albert Street, Parsonage, Manchester, 3. 

printing f 

^ Whatever your 
are for Printing, 
in large or small 
quantities - ■ 
with — 

Telephone t ARDwck 1137 

93 Mornington Street, Manchester 13 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 39 



The .Society Is one of the Offices on the Panel for 
SYSTEM FOR UNIVERSITIES, and transacts all 
classes of Life Assurance and Annuity business 

Prospectus and full information may be obtained from the 



Resident Secretary 

II" I IJlrtlU"", 


The Victoria University of Manchester* 

Founded 1892 by the late J. A. Cross 


Director : Leopold H. Cross, M A. 

The oldest Institution in Manchester devoted solely to the 
Interests of Music. - All branches of music taught. - Day and 
evening private lessons. - Full Orchestra (Fridays) under the 
direction of WALTER EVELYN, also Elementary and Inter- 
mediate String Orchestras. - Pianoforte Professors include 
ROBERT GREGORY (Leschetizki method). - Classes for 
Ensemble Playing, Chora! Singing, Elocution, Art ofTeaching, 
Theory of Music, Piano, Violin, Voice Training, Aural Training, 
etc: Opera performances, Orchestral and Chamber Concerts, 
and Musical Afternoons. - Students prepared for all Royal 
Academy and Trinity College Examinations, &c. 


Prospectus from: 16 , Albert Square, Manchester 

telephone: BLAckfrlars 4654 



Ground Floor) 

3 Floors of 







l, Ridgefield 
King Street 
Manchester, 2 





Victoria University of 


■I -l * 'ii. . 'n £ X N ID. 
*T •> J IS ICStrVcu. 

Ube Victoria 

‘lllnxvecsitv’ of flbancbester 


1933 — 1 934 

At the University Pei ess 

23, Lime Grove, Oxford Road 


All communications should be addressed— 

“ The Registrar , 

The University , 

Manchester , 15 ” 

University Parliamentary Constituency . 

Registration Officer, 

The University, 

Manchester, 13. 

Cheques for fees sftoidd be made payable to the orde r of “ The 
Bursar, the Victoria University of Manchester and crossed 
“ District Bank Limited." 

University of Manchester Publications 
No, CCKXVI., Calendar (New Series, No. 29), 1933-3+ 

Ifrrrnt of IBeqursi to tho tHitifcrerstijj. 

I i fire unto “ The Victoria University of Manchester” the 
until of £ u'h ich I direct to he ‘paid [free from the 

legacy duty thereon] to the Treasurer of the said University , 
a?id to be applied for the purposes of the University in such 
manner as tTie Uouneil thereof way determine.** 

»K"oiL.“Any special directions or conditions which the donor may wish to be 
attach ed t <-» the- donation may he added here. 

liable of Contents. 


Prefatory Note 

II. Official. Docujiekis. 

Charter of the University 


Act of Incorporation ... 

III. Official Lists. 


Officers of the University 




Honorary Professors 

Professores Emeriti 

Boards of Faculties 

Professors and Leetiu'ers 

Adamson Lecturers 

VT ar burton Lecturers 

Ludwig MonJ Lecturers 

Former Chancellors 

„ Vice-Chancellors 
Principals of Owens College ... 

Former Professors 

„ Honorary Professors 
„ Professores Emeriti... 

Bishop Berkeley Fellows 

External Examiners 

Advisory and Consultative Committees 
Representatives of the University 

Students iu Residence 




Holders of Diplomas 

Holders of Certificates 

Honours Schools 

IV. General Information for Students. 

Admission and Registration of Students 

Dates of Terms 

Degree Days 

Examination Time-tables 


Research Degrees 

Ordinances regarding Convocation 

District Groups of Convocation ... 

University Parliamentary Constituency 

Regulations as to Academic Costume 

Regulations concerning Attendance and Conduct ... 



. 1 > 




.. 61 
.. 65 

. 6S 

.. 90 

... 90 

.. 91 

... 91 

... 92 


... 92 

... 96 

... 96 

. . 97 

... 99 

... 101 
... 108 
... 112 
... 127 

... 127 

... 127 
... 242 
... 266 
... 268 

... 331 

... 331 

... 343 
... 352 
. . 353 
... 357 
... 358 
... 3 59 
... 360 

viii Table of Contents. 

Special Information for ‘VTomen Students 
Special Information for Indian Students 
Books concerning facilities for study abroad 

Refectory .. . . - 

Residence of Students 

Students' Jlepnesentati ve Council 

University Colours 

University Union .. 


College of Technology Union 

Athletic Union ... . ... 

Women's Athletic Union 

Recognised Societies 

University Settlement 

Old Owensian Association 

Holt Gymnasium 

University Magazines ... 

Officers Train! ng Corps .. 

Commissions in tlae Regular Army 


Christie Library 

Library for Deaf Education 

Medical Library 

College ui' Technologr Library 

Manchester Museum 

Public Health Laboratory ... . 

Hegional Investigation Section 

Meteorological Observatories 

University Press 


Privileges conferred on other Institutions 
Acceptance of Degrees of other Universities ... 

Civil Service Appointments . 

Kxtra-Mu ral Department 

Vjr. MA'JL BIC CXATIOV Ex activation 

VIII. Exiii4 xce Examination for CjERtiptca tes 

IX. Faculties \nd Departments. 

Doctor of Philosophy 

if ft It ij of A rl» : 

Ordinances and Regulations . . 

Certificate in Architecture .. 

Diploma in Geographv 

Set Hooks . ... .... 

-.dvanoed Studies .. ..... 

jE-br .I ty oj h deuce: 

Ordinances and Regul ntions . ... 

Diploma in Bncteadolo gv ... 

CVrt' dcates of Prr.dpieney i n special subjects ... 

Department of Geology and alining 

Advanced Studies... 

... 363 
... 362 
... 362 
... 364 
... 364 
.. . 372 
... 373 
.. . 373 
... 374 
... 375 
... 375 
... 376 
... 377 
... 378 
... 379 
... 379 
... 380 
... 381 
... 382 

... 382 
.. 385 

... 385 
... 385 
... 886 
... 389 
... 890 
... 391 
... 391 

... 394 
... 395 
... 395 

... 395 

... 396 
... 397 

... 399 

... 401 
.. 462 
... 472 
.. . 473 
.. . 493 

... 495 
... 532 
... 533 
... 539 
.. 540 

Table ot Cn ;.W/u/- 

of JjUiv: 

Ordinanet-s and Ttegui;. lions ... 

Summary of Classes 

Set Boolis . 

lUicaity of edict no : 

General Information .... . . . 552 

Ordinances and Regulations.... ... .. . 553 

Dijdoma in Psychological Medicine ... .... 575 

Diploma in Public Health . ... 575 

Diploma in Veterinary State Aledicino ... ...... 579 

Diploma in Pathology .. . 561 

Courses in Public Health, Bacteriology, and Veterinary State Medicine 563 

Advanced Studies ... . .. 566 

Dental Department ,. .. , . . .. 5 SS 

Pharmaceutical Department 600 

Faculty of AT u sic : 

Ordinances and Regulations ... . .. . ... 615 

Faculty of Commerce caul Administration 

Ordinances and Regulations 

Higher Commercial Certificate 
Certificate in Public Administration 
Diploma in Social Study 

Fa cult a of Th eoloc/ y : 

Ordinances and Regulations . 634 

Special Books and Prescribed Subjects 638 

Certificate in Biblical Knowledge 647 

Certificate in Theology . .. 648 

Faculty of Technology . 

General Information 

Ordinances and Regulations 

Certificates in Technology^ 

Certificate in Industrial .Administration 
Advanced Studies 

Faculty of Education : 

General Information 

Teacher’s Diploma 

University Certificate for Xon-Graduate Teachers 
University' Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf .. 

Advanced Studies 

X. Fellowships, Scholarseceps, etc .. . . ... 699 


XII. Annual Statement 886 

XIII. General Index 919 

XIV. Index to Advertisers ... 


.. . 683 
... 690 

... 692 

... 69*2 
... 695 

.. 050 
... 656 
... 679 
... 6S1 
.. . 662 




... 927 






























F j 


s ! 





19 1 


20 : 

W ; 


Th j 

i 22 : 

P | 

I 1 | Last day for payment of fees for September Examination.* 









| 27 

' W 

! 28 


j 29 

i | 


so ! 

! S 


The an^ancv.^cnt 
dale** <..4 c»iv :: c^ a,.- l.' 

ship;*, Jt*; , ::r. '"ll^rLrJ .i’Tr.-jj; 
that tile an ara v ir oj :. 'i_ 
session, Cana 'll.* Let' jsaiui.Id 
kit loirs In tho &£jI>j t nrJsjiS 

Last day for presentation of Theses for M.A., LL.M,, ALA. (Com.), 
M.A. , (Admin.), M.Sc., &I.So.7edi. (Ords. I. and XI.), and lor 
Certificate of Distinction in Technology, and for application 
for exemption from the Entrance Examination for Certificate 

Examinations begin for Intermediate B.A., B.Sc., and B Sc. Tech., 
First} ALB. (Parts I. and II. a), First B.D.S. (Parts I. nud 
Botany), Second B.D.S., First L D S., and Second L.D.S. (.Dot., 
Dent. Met. and Mechs. \ 

Last day for application to take a special language in Certilieates 
Entrance Esaminn tion 

Last day for sending in Certificates of attendance for D.P.H, 
Parts I. and II. j, and D.V.S.M. 


for notice and payment of 

APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE fees for Certificates Entrance 

E lamin at io n 

SdiatC* (Examination Results. ) 



Tlie dates given for tlie commencement of examinations are suL’eet to 
variation. Candidates must consult the Emal Issue of the Examination Tixue- 
m - -- - «« fiio nftf.iop-hnRVflsi m the University. 

OCTOBEE— 1933. 

3 1 Last day for application for Leech and Agnew Fellowships and 

| . Holt Medical Scholarship for Women. Last day for 

! recognition for M.Se.Teeli. (under Ordinance III.}, and M,Kd, 


3 Til; 

4 i W ■ Examinations begin tor Certificates Entrance Examination, for 

i Wellington Scholarship, Dauntesey Senior Legal Scholarship, 

! j for David Ble^ Hebrew, and. for Bishop Lee Greet Testament 

1 I Prizes 

6 j Tb; 

6 | F ' 

7 | S ' 

S i^. 

9 : z\r 

10 1 Tu 

11 IV.' 
Ui ' Tb 

13 E 

14 S 

U * [ Sk\ 

ie| isi j 

17 ! Tir 
ic \\ 
19 Th 
iid F 
21 S 

- & 

hS M 

24 Tu 

25 W 
■-« Tl. 

cO M 
01 T 

SESSION BE Q I N5 'All Faculties). PBESS COMMITTEE. Special I 
Examination in Mechanics iScience and Medicine) ! 

APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE. Examinations begin for 3LP.H. 

(Part I.) and for D.V S.M. 



Senate, Examinations begin for D.P.H. (Part II.) 

Last day for application for additional grants for Faulkner, Beyer, 
and Leech Fellowships 



HEADS OF HALLS COMMITTEE. Last day for notice and 
payment of fees for the December Exa minations. Last day 
for application for Turner Medical Prize (December) 


Last day for application for Honorary Research Fellowships. Last 
day for application for Grants m Aid of Medical Research 

b'oe footnote on page 1 

N O YE MBBR — 1933. 



j 2 


: 3 ; 


F ■ 

| 4> 




: 6 


1 7 



i 8 




! 9 


j 10 




• 12 



I 1 " 













, M| 



| 22 

w : 




! F i 


; s 




1 M 



1 29 

1 w 



1 Thl 


APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE. Last date for submitting Essay* 
for Phelps Prize m Archaeology 




ARMISTICE DAY. No lectures Trill be delivered between 10-30 
and 11-30 &.m. 



Senate <if required). ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON LEGAL ! 


Last day for sending in Certificates of attendance for Third 
and Final M.B., Third and Final B.D.S., Third and Final L.D.S , 
D.P.M. (Part II.) 

FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Examinations begin for First M.B. 
(Part II. a Botany), Third M.B. and Final M.B , First B.D.S. 
(Part II. a Botany), Third and Final B.D.S., Second L.D.S. 
(Botany), Third and Final L.D.S., and D.P.M. (Part II.) 

See footnote on page 1 

DECEAIBBE — 1933 . 

1 F Last day fornotice fnx-Bill and. Sn in nel Eo"binson Modern Languages 

Prb: e& 

2 S 

3 * 

4 M 

5 Tu 


. S F 
j 9 : S 

: m £* 

11 M 


13 \\ Coil llCll. Michaelmas Terminal Examinations begin 
U I Tir 

15 F Senate* 'Examination Results-) PACUITT OF MEDICINE 

16 , S 

17 $ 

. 1.5. ' It 

19 Tu Degree Day. .michaelmas term ends (aii Faculties) 

20 ' Y>~ 
iil I TO 

nn Y~ 

22 £= 
2* .Si 

UNIVERSITY CLOSED, Library Closed, December 23rd to 26to 

*. inclusive 

£5 II Christmas Day 

26 : Tu 
r jT ■ W 
2S Tli 


J - 

UNI \ ERSH Y C LOOSED. Library Closed, December 30tL to 
Janii£.ry 2nd unoiuhive) 

See fooruote on page 1 

JANTJABY — 1934. 



: | 

2 ! Tu 






























LENT TERM BEGINS (All Faculties) 1 











Last day for submitting: Theses for Hill Prize 









FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Last day for notice for Yictoria 






22 | 



28 ' 















: M 




j w 



Council* Last day for giving notice of Fourth Year’s Coarse for 

B.A. Honours. Last day for application and for sending in ( 
Theses for degrees of Litt.D., D.Sc. , LL.D., and D.D. Last 
day for application for Grants in Aid of Medical Besearcb. 




2 : F i 

and payment of fees* for June Exanaimtions for candidates 
not in attendance during the present session. Last day for 
sending in Essays for Classical Prose, and 2£yd Prizes. 
Last day for submission of subjects for Phelps Prizes in 

i , 

l 3 I B i 

5; Ml 

6 j Tu! 

7! W ! 

I I 

8 j Tii, 
9 1 F; 
io' ; S j 


12 1 M 


Examinations begin for Samuel Robinson. Modern Languages Prize 
Reception to Tutorial Class Students 

■ 13 j Taj 
; 14 ! w j 

I 16 1 F ] 
: IT ! Sj 

; is j $1 

J 19! n; 
i 20 ; Tu| 

SHROVE TUESDAY (University Holiday). Library Closed. 


SClUTtC* Last day tor application for Dauntesey Medical Junior 
Scholarships, and lor Sidney Renshaw Junior Prize in 


Last day fo>r notice and payment of fees for the Marcb Examinations 


; 21 

’ 22 


: 23 

: *24 


F j 
S i 

i 26* Jl! 

' 27 i Tu| 

1 1 

i 28 ; YiT j 



* If u o fee be clue, notice, in wilting, must be given to the Registrar by this date 



MARCH— 1934. 




f ; 


S ! 

4 : 


5 ! M 



7 ! 


8 Th 

i ! 


F , 

io i 











T h 
















F ; 


S ' 
















Last day lor sending- In Certificates of attendance for March J 
Examinations. Last day for notice and payment of fees 
for M.So. and 3tf.Sc.Teck. under Ord. I. (Presentation of theses i 
in May) and Ords. H. and. III. '.Presentation of theses in April), i 
M.A., M.A. (Com.), II. A.. (Admin.!, LL.M., M.Ed., Certi&cates | 
of Distinction in Technology and for Teacher’s Diploma 

MUSEUM STANDING COMMITTEE. Examinations begin for j 
Victoria Scholarship j 



Senate ; 

Examinations begin for First M.B. (Parts I. and Il.b), Second M.B., 
First B.D.S. (Parts I. and II. b), Second B D.S., First L.D.S , 
Second L.D.S. (Zoology, Dent. Met. and Dent. Mecha.), and 
D.P.M. (Part I.) 



nation Results) 

Lent Terminal Examinations 


day for application for War- J 
burton Scholarship in Local 
Government, Shuttlewortb 
Economic, Bishop Fraser, and 1 
Oliver Heywood Scholarships, 1 
Early English Text Society’s, 
Gladstone Memorial, and 
Dauntesey International Law 
Prizes. Last day for submitting I 
essays for Horsfall Prize. Last j 
day for payment of University : 
Summer Examination Fees. 
Last day for sending in notice j 
for Certificates in Biblical ! 
Knowledge and Theology j 

LENT TERM ENDS (All Faculties). SCltate* (Examination 

UNIVERSITY CLOSED, Library Closed, March 30fch to April 2nd , 
(inclusive). Last day for sending in Exercise for Mus.D., and - 
payment of Exercise fees for Third Mus.B. and Mus.D. i 

See footnote on page 1 


APBIL,— 1934. 




; m 


1 Tu 


! wj 


I Th 


p ■ 






M _ 










s r 


$ . 




, Tu 








1 S : 






i Tu 


' T 


: Tu 




[s. 1 



' > 



Easter D&y. Last day for sending in Exercise for Third 
Mus.B. Lust day for notice for Entrance Scholarships 


<. - " *t \ jr ^ 0 i, ran ied. i ^ v '.« 



Last day for presentation of Theses for M.A., M.A. (Com.), 
M.A. .Admin, i, M.Sc., tf.Sc.Teoh. (Ords, II. and III), LL.M., 
and AI Ed. Last day for application for Grants in Aid of 
Medical Research 


MAY— 1934. 

i 1 ! Tuj 

i ' ! 

2 I W ' 




F 1 



s i 




m : 





































F ! 



s ! 











FACULTY OK EDUCATION. Last day for application tor 
Osborne Reynolds Fellowship, Jevons Studentship, Advanced 
Studentship in Education, Mark Stirrup, Asliburne* ll.ili, 
Daunte&ey Senior Legal, Hargreaves Musical, and XTif-^tlcy 
Scholarships, Wild Prize in Pharmacology, Turner*u."l 
Prize (July;, and Agnevr Prize. Last day for sending in 
English Essays and Poems*,. Last day for sending In dis- 
sertations and payment of fees for M.D. Last day for not see 
and payment of fees for Cli.M. Last day for notice and 
payment of fees for First 3I.D. (Part II.L , Second, Third , iuirl 
Pinal M.B., First B.D.S. (Zoology), Second L.D.8. (Zoo! ogy), 
Thii’d a,nd Final B.D.S., Third and Final Jj.D.S., Diploma 
in Bacteriology, D.P.M. (Parts I. and II.), D.P.H. (parts 1. and 
II.), and for D V.S.M 


Senate* press committee 


Examinations begin for Gladstone Memorial Prize, for Early 
English Text Society’s IT’ize, for Dan ntesey Prize in 
International Law, for Bishop Fraser, Oliver Heywood 
and Shut tie worth Economic Scliolrships and War- 
GOUtlCil burton Scholarship in Local Government 



Court. Founder’s Day 


Wh it-Sunday 


Last day for presentation of Theses for M.Sc. and M Se Tech. 
(Ord. 1) and for Certificate of Distinction in Technology 





See footnote on page 1 


JUNE— 1934. 

l ' P 

2 S , 


4 M 

5 Tu 

6 \V 


7 ! 




9 i 

S , 

10 j 

X1 l 

it i 

12 ! 




14 i 


,15 = 




■ 17 ' 

ll.? ! 




19 ; 


, Siu ! \Y 

; 21 

T h 

: 22 



1 24 


; 25 

■» r 

! 26 



; 25 



1 29 




LECTURES 12 ND (All Faculties except Medicine). Last day for 
return of Examiners* marks for Entrance Scholarships. 
Last day for application for Jones, L&ngton, John Bright, 
Druiuinond-Fraser, Delepine and. Kniglit Fellowships; for 
Dalton Chemical, Jones Post-Graduate, Grisedale Biological 

Research, Clement Royds, 

Examinations begin for Honours 
Schools B.A., B.Sc., for M.A., 
M.A. (Com.), M.A . {Admin.), 
for Diploma in Geograp h v 
and Certificates in Biblical 
.Knowledge and Theology, 
and for Intermediate and 
Final B.A , B.Sc., and 
H, Sc. Tech. ,B A (Coin., .B.A. 
'Admin.', Intermediate and 
Final LL.B., Preliminary 
and Final B.D., Mue.B\ 
Mus. D, Higher Commercial 
Certificate, Certificate in 
Public Administration and 
Certificate in Technology 


-Robert Angus Smitb, and 
AlxcL&ren Cotton Industry 
Research Scholarships ; for 
Sidney Renshaw Junior Pi'ize 
in Physiology, and for Dunrville 
Surgical Prizes. Last day for 
notice and payment of fees for 
ALA., LEAL, M.A. (Coin.!, M.A. 
t Admin.), AT. Sc., anti M.Sc.Tech. 
fOrds. I. and IX) (.Presentation 
of Theses in September), and 
for Certificate of Distinction in. 
Technology. Last day for 
sending in certificates of at- 
tendance for Diploma, in. 
Bacteriology. Last day for sub- 
mitting theses for Wild Prize 
in Pharmacology 

Examinations beg; in for Agnevcr Prize 

Last day for notice for Platt Physiological Scholarship. Last day 
for sending: in certificates ot attendance for Third and Final 

airaEra^moniDTO com- X Part's™ 

FACULTY OF SCIENCE l 1 '*’ 1 aE(i IL) ’ 

„ .. f tnd for D.Y .S.M. 



Last day for* application for Faulkner and Beyer Fellowships, fox 
Tickles Studentship and for Roscoe Post-graduate Scholarship, 
Sani Gamble Medical Scholarships for "Women, Buckle 
Research Scholarship, Wellington Scholarship, and for Bishop 
Lee Greek Testament and Samuel Robinson Modern Languages 
Prizes. Last day for application to take a special language 
in Certificates Entrance Emmin ation 
Examinations begin for AI.D., Ch.M., Final M.B., Third and Second 
M.B., First AI.B. 'Part II. b , Final aud Third B.D.S, First 
BDS. (Part II. fc). Final and Third L.D.S., Second L.D.S. 
{Zoology ., Diploma in Bacteriology, D.P M. (Part I.1,D P.H 
• Parti.', and for D.V.S.M - . 

Examiners’ Meeting: for award of Entrance Scholarships. 


Senate, press committee 

Examinations begin for D.l? H. 
-Part I L) 

Last day for application for 
Professor Tom Jones Memorial 
Surgical Fellowship ancl for 
DavicT Bles Prize, and for 
Graduate Bursaries in E duca- 

MCSECM COMMITTEE. Examinations begin for D.Pjr. (Part II.) 



Last day for application for Pilkington Cancer Research Fellowship. 
Lastday for application for the Derby, Bishop Harvey Goodwill, 
and Ashby Memorial BeholarF'bips. Last day for notice for 
Certificates Entrance E van a in anon y nonce i or 

See footnote on page 1 

JULY— 1934 




Uast day for application for GraduaLi Entrance Scholarships in \ 
Medicine j 



tion Results) , 



^etiatC, (Examination Results.) 



Senate* (Examination Results.) FACULTY OF MEDICINE 






Day. Examinations begin for Certificates Entrance \ 
Examination j 



Degree Day. session ends 1 







Long vacation term begins (Faculty of Technology) l 






Council ! 









^ ’ \ r 'rl I,, '(l - l 1' * . : s.l ■, ■ J. < , \ !M . ',ri,f v 



*' ? *’ •*' i - 'T uj » Last day for application 

for Graduate Research Scholarships and for increase in Derby 


and Mercer Scholarships 




18 i 


APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE. Last day for sending In certi- 
| ficates of attendance for Second B.D.S. and Second L.D.S. 

is i 


j (Dent. Meeks, and Met.) 

20 ' 

, B 1 


; s 

; 22 



1 24 


! 25 


Council 1 

! 26 





; 27 


Long vacation term ends (Faculty of Technology} j 

: 28 










See footnote on page 1 



— 193±. 




Library Closed, August 1st: to 

14feli (inclusive) 






-S- £' »V,< . i’ . . Ji 

‘l/'/j it ■ j*. nil 

h tilt | 



: S 







. Tu 






7h , 



; f 



S 1 



13 | M 

14 Tul 

15 IV 

' I 

16 I Tlx 


f : 





*u , 





' 253 

To 1 


F i 

‘ 25 

; 8 


1 2T 

1 K , 

; 2S 

( Tu 

' 2fef 


1 bO 








l i 



2 j 










! 7 


i 8 


1 9 















































Last day for payment of fees for September Examinations 

Last day for presentation of Theses for M.A., DL.IVI., M.A. (Com J, 
M.A. (Adruin.), M.Se., M.So.Tetli. tOrds. I. and II.), for 
Certificate of Distinction in Technology, and for application 
for exemption from the Entrance Examination for Certificate 

Examinations begin for Intermediate B.A., B.Se.. and B.Sc.Tech., 
First M.B. (Parts I. and !!.«>, First B.D.S. (Parts 1. and II. « 
Botany), Second I3.D.S., First JL.D.S., and Second Ij.D.S. 
(Bot., Dent. Met. and Mechs.) 

Last day for application to tale a special language in Certificates 
Entrance Examination 

Last day for sending in Certificates of attendance for D.P.H. {Parts 
I. and II.), and for D.V.8.1T. 

'Atrtlicui SciCWjj ' T iicjifcUI i"! *«.aL 

Last day for notice and payment of fees for Certificates Entrance 

See footnote on page 1 


OGTOEEE — J 934. 



1 j ME j 

2 1 Tu' 

! ! 

3 I W 1 
i 1 

4 j T hj 

C H 

i 6 , S 1 
! 7|£j 
! 8 ; ix : 

! 9 Xu 
i lo j \v I 
jll Thj 
i 12 | F \ 
, 18 1 s ; 

I 14 !#! 

jto |m : 

iio ixu' 

i 17 j s,v . 

i * x ji 

Medicine/. Last day for application for Leech and Agnew ! 
Fellowships aad Kott Medical Scholarship for Women. Last ' 
day tor recognition for M.Se. Tecli. i under Ord. III.) and IM.Ed. ’ 

SE3SION BEGINS (All Faculties)- Special Examination in i 

Mechanic? 'Science and Meclicmei j 


MliSECil STANDING <JUMMITTE 1 E. Examinations begin for ! 
D.TMl {Part 1. 1 and for U. Y.S.M. 



Examinations begin for 1XP.H. (Part II.) 


Lasst day for application lor additional grants for Faulkner, Beyer, ! 
aad Leeoli Fellowships , 


1,1 1 

1 i 

2-j i 

j? ! 




La^*t day for notice and payment of fees for the .December i 
Examinations. Last day for application for Turner Medical 
Pr*ize December) 














1 — . r 


! , 


! ti 1 


La^t day for application for Honorary Research Fellowshius. 
Last day for application for Grants in Did of Medical Research 

bee footnote on. page 1 

{prefatory IRote, 


The Owens College was founded pursuant to the provisions The 
of the will of John Owens, of the City of Manchester, College 
Merchant, who died in 1846, leaving a sum amounting to 
£96,654 for the foundation of a College. The greater part of 
this sum was invested to form an endowment for the maintenance 
of the College. 

The College was opened in 1 851 at a house in Quay Street, 
Manchester, formerly the residence of Richard Cobden. 

A Chemical Laboratory and a large Lecture Room were 
subsequently added. 

The government of the College was originally vested in 
the Trustees for educational purposes under the will of 
John Owens. Mr. A. J. Scott was appointed Principal and 
continued to hold that office until 1857, when he was succeeded 
by Dr. J. G. Greenwood, who remained Principal fox 32 years, 
and was succeeded by Dr. (later Sir) Adolphus W. Ward, who 
resigned in 1897, at the end of which year Mr. (now Sir) Alfred 
HopMnson, K.C., was appointed, and continued to hold the 
office of Vice-Chancellor of the University until his resignation 
in 1913, when Professor F. E. Weiss, one of the Pro-Vice- 
Chancellors, was appointed Vice-Chancellor and continued in 
office until 1915, when Sir Henry A. Miers, F.R.S., was appointed 
Vice-Chancellor. The period of office of Sir Henry Miers expired 
in 1926, when he was succeeded by Dr. W. H. Moberly, D.S.O. 

About the time that the College was transferred to its 
present site it was thought desirable to alter the constitution 
of the Governing Body. 

Accordingly under Acts of Parliament of 1870 and 1871, 
the Owens College was incorporated. The property then 
vested in the trustees of the will of the late John Owens for 
educational purposes was transferred to the newly incorporated 

About 1870 the buildings in Quay Street having been found Buildings 
quite inadequate for the growing needs of the College, an 


Prefatrvry 2?ote. 

Extension Committee was formed to raise subscriptions for a new 
site and buildings. A. sum of about £100,000 was thus raised, 
the present site was acquired, and the range of buildings 
which forms the west side of tlie front quadrangle and 
the Chemical Laboratories were erected. The new College was 
opened in 1873. 

Important additions have been the Medical School, described 
below ; the Beyer Laboratories, devoted to Geology and Zoology; 
the Museum ; the Whitworth Laboratory for Engineering ; the 
Schorlemmer Laboratory for Organic Chemistry ; the Christie 
Library; the Physical Laboratory; the Schunck Chemical 
Laboratory and Library ; the Whitworth Hall, opened by 
H.RH. The Prince of Wales (the present King) on the 12th 
of March, 1902, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the College. 
The Hall was enriched by a gift from the late Mrs. Eylands 
of a very fine organ. The growth of the Department of 
Engineering and the need for further accommodation for 
other Departments having made it necessary to provide new 
buildings, lecture rooms and laboratories for Engineering 
were erected, and formally opened by Sir Alexander Kennedy 
in July, 1909. Subsequently there were added the new John 
Morley Chemical Laboratories, opened in October, 1909, by the 
Right Hon. Sir Henry E. Roscoe, and the new Botanical 
Laboratory opened in November, 1911. The new Arts Building 
was opened by Lord Bryce in October, 1919. The building is 
designed to accommodate the teaching of Languages (Ancient and 
Modern) , Literature, Philosophy, and History. Special laboratories 
erected near the new Infirmary for Bacteriological investigations 
and other work of the Department- of Public Health, were opened 
in 1905 ; an. extension, designed to accommodate the Department 
of Pathology and to provide additional lecture -rooms and further 
facilities for research, was ee mpleted in 1928. 

The extension of the Laboratories for Physics and Electro- 
Technics. named in memory of the late Dr. John Kopkinson, 
was opened in March, 1912, by Dr. A. Schuster. A further 
extension of the Physics Laboratories was opened by Lord 

Prefatory Note. 


Rutherford in the autumn of 1931. Xew Laboratories for 
Metallurgy were opened in 1 923, and in the same year a special 
Laboratory was established for research in Colloids. 

In 1872 the Manchester Roval School of Medicine was Medical 


amalgamated with the College, and buildings for its accom- 
modation were provided. The first buildings on the present site 
were erected in 1873, and included Class and Demonstration 
Rooms, Dissecting Room, Laboratories, and Museum. These 
were enlarged in 1880 by the addition of a block of buildings 
on the south side of the existing block, which provided 
additional accommodation in the Departments of Physiology 
and Materia Medic a. In 1894 a further addition was made 
consisting of large Lecture Rooms and Laboratories fox the 
Physiological, Pathological, and Toxicological Departments, 
and Research Laboratories, together with a Museum fox the 
Public Health Department, and Administrative Offices. In 1922 
a complete internal reconstruction of certain parts of the. Medical 
School was carried out and resulted in a large increase in the 
Anatomical, Physiological, and Pathological Departments, the 
provision of an X-ray room, and research laboratories. Clinical 
instruction is given in the Manchester Royal Infirmary, and in 
special subjects in other hospitals. In 1925 a Laboratory fox 
Clinical Research and investigation was opened at the Royal 
Infirmary. In 1929 the Department of Pathology moved to new 
premises in York Place and accommodation in the Medical School 
buildings was thus provided for Pharmacology. A Department 
for Cancer Research was also set up, and more accommodation 
provided for the departments of Anatomy and Physiology. In 
1930 new Laboratories were provided for Pharmaceutical 
Chemistry and Galenical Pharmacy, and the Medical Library, 
which had been the joint property of the Manchester Medical 
Society and the University, was formally handed over to the 

The Dental Hospital of Manchester was founded in 1884. In 
1909 the present building in Oxford Road was erected. 


Prefatory Note. 

From its inception, until 1933, the Hospital was governed 
by* a Charity' Trust, hut on April 10th, 1933, by an order of the 
Chancery Court, the control of the Hospital was transferred to 
the University. In the same year a Chair of Dental Surgery was 
established and Mr. F. G. Wilkinson, MM)., B.D.S., D.D.Sc. was 
appointed as the first Professor of Dental Surgery and Director 
of the Dental Hospital. The Hospital provides gratuitous 
advice and aid for poor or deserving patients, and also 
instruction for students preparing for the Dental degrees and 
diploma of the University and for the L.D.S. diploma of the 
Royal College of Surgeons of England and of other licensing 

The The collection of books in the Christie Library, which now 

nurary numbers 256,013 volumes, exclusive of those permanently 
transferred to' various Departments of the University, has been 
formed partly l>v the purchase of books under grants made from 
year to year out of general income, partly by donations from 
individuals and public bodies, and partly by the bequest or 
presentation of private libraries, such as the libraries of Dr. 
Christie, Bishop Prince Lee, Dr.E. A. Freeman, Dr. Angus Smith, 
Professor Milne s Marshall, Professor E. Adamson, Professor 
Marillier, Professor Jevons, Mr. W. T. Arnold, Mr. John 
Finlayson, the Manchester Goethe Society, the Manchester 
Branch of the Teachers 5 Guild, and part of the library of Professor 
St radian. Special funds have also from time to time been given 
of which the interest and part of the capital have been used from 
year to year in enriching the Library in special subjects ; among 
such funds may be mentioned : The C. J. Darbishire Fund, The 
Oliver and C. J. Heywood Fund, The Schwabe Fund, The Gaskell 
Fund, The Samuel Robinson Bequest, The Spenser Society’s 
Donation, Tim "Whitworth Endowment Fund, The Platt Fund, 
The Grreenwuod Mnuurial Fund, The Hager Memorial Fund, and 
a gift by an anonymous Donor. Several of these funds are now 
exhausted, but they are represented by a large number of 
books of permanent value in the Library. The Library 
building has been erected by the munificence of Mr. Eichard 

Prefatory JSote. 


Copley Christie, formerly Professor of History in the College. 

The Christie Library consists of a large reading room, open 
to members of the University and to others w ho obtain an 
order for the purpose ; a large upper room containing works 
on various branches of Science, and seven small rooms on the 
ground floor devoted respectively to History, Law, Modern 
Languages, Theology, Classics, Economics, and Philosophy. An 
extension of the Library building, which was undertaken so as 
to provide proper accommodation for the staff, an additional 
reading room, and book-storage, was opened by the Chancellor 
of the University in January, 1914. A farther extension to 
provide additional accommodation for storage was completed 
in February, 1927. 

The Medical Library contains 68,000 vol nines and receives , 
the usual journals, transactions of medical societies, and other Library 
periodical publications. The Library, the greater part of which 
formerly belonged to the Manchester Medical Society, has been 
enriched by the gifts of the medicai library of the Manchester 
Royal Infirmary and of the Radford Library at St. Mary’s 
Hospital. The Medical Staff of St. Mary’s Hospital have 
access to these books whenever required. 

In the years 1868-69 the Manchester Natural History Manchester 
Society and the Manchester Geological Society transferred M,1BGaln 
their collections to the College, and gave the proceeds of the 
sale of the building in Peter Street, in which their collections 
were then placed, to form the basis of an endowment fund. 

With the assistance of this and other funds, the College in the 
years 1884-88 erected the present Museum buildings. A 
generous donation by t be late Mr. Jesse Haworth, supplemented by 
a fund raised from subscriptions, made possible a considerable 
extension of the Museum buildings fronting Oxford Road, so as 
to provide better accommodation foT the Egyptian and Geological 
collections ; this building was opened in 1912. A further 
extension, tbe cost provided by an additional large gift from 
Mr. Jesse Haworth and a legacy under his will, was opened to 
the public in November, 1927. In it are displayed the exhibits 
illustrating Ethnology, Numismatics, and general Archaeology. 

Prefatory Note. 


The collections have been enriched from time to tine by 
various gifts. Of special importance are tlie famous “ Dresser ” 
collection of Birds, which was acquired through the liberality 
of an anonymous friend of the College in 1899, the collections 
of Lepidoptera anti Mollusca presented by Mr. C. H. Schill 
in 1900, tin* valuable Herbarium for the most part presented in 
1904 by the late Mr. J. Cosmo Melvill who bequeathed the 
remainder of his collections to the Museum, the Herbarium and 
collection of Botanical Books received as part of the bequest 
under the will of the late Professor Thomas Barker in 1908, the 
Charles Bailey Herbarium and Botanical Library, a valuable 
collection given in 1917 by the late Mr. Charles Bailey, the J. W. 
Sidehotham collection of British Lepidoptera given in 1917, 
the large and well-selected series of Egyptian Antiquities secured 
for the Museum through the generosity of the late Mr. Jesse 
Haworth, the extensive collections in Classical Archaeology 
given and bequeathed in 1926 by the late Mr. ML Sharp Ogden, 
the Churchill collection of coins, containing a la,rge number of 
valuable specimens., presented in 1912 by the late Mr. W. S. 
0k ure hill, formerly a member of the Museum Committee, the 
exceedingly rich and valuable ethnographical collections 
accumulated through many years by the late Mr. Charles Heape 
and presented by him to the Museum in 1923, the J. S. Morley 
eolh-erioii. f Korth American Birds, given by Mr. L. E. Mather 
iu 1V3‘2, th? Tvruh collection of British and European Lepidoptera 
given in the same year by Mr. H. Britten, and a large selection of 
books and lantern slides from the library and collections of the 
late Mr. T. A. Coward, given by Mrs. OowuTdin 1933. 

The management of the Museum L vested in a Committee, 
which includes representatives of the City Council, of the leading 
Manchester seieuafie societies, a„d of the subscribers, as well as 
of the University. The Professors of G-eology, Zoology, and 
Bot ai. v exercise an oversight over the scientific arrangement of 
pi: rts of the collection!*, and the general practical management of 
the Ihaeinn is entrusted to the Keeper, who is assisted by a staff 
o' five scientific workers. The Museum is open to the public 

Prefatory Kate. 


at the hours specified in the regulations (see page 337). An 
extensive course of free popular lectures is given every session in 
connection with, the Museum in one of the University Lecture 
Theatres, and evening Demonstrations are given from time to time 
in the Museum galleries. On Saturday afternoons the Museum 
is constantly visited by parties — largely members of Societies 
from the surrounding districts — who are shown some section of 
the Collections by the staff. 

During and since the War large numbers of children from 
elementary schools have received instruction in the Museum. 
Five teachers are fully occupied daily in this important work, 
dealing with a hundred classes each week. 

For the benefit cf students living at a distance from Man- 
Chester nine Halle of ResideDeo have been licensed. Dalton Hall, 
Hulnie Hall, and St. Anselm Hull in Victoria Park, the Lanca- 
shire Independent College in Whallev Range, and the Unitarian 
0- liege in Victoria Park, for Men students : Langdale Hall and 
St. Gabriel’s Hall in Victoria Park, for Women students, are 
licensed by the University, but are under independent manage- 
ment. Askburne Hall on the Edward Behrens Estate in 
FahowfLdd, and the Ellis Llwyd Junes Hall in Old Traiford, for 
Women students, are the property of the University, and are 
managed by Delegacies appointed by the Council. 

The development of the University rendered necessary The 

J University 

enlarged premises for the Men’s Union, the Women’s Union, and Unions 
the Refectory. A building containing the required accommodation 
was erected, and was opened by the Chancellor in April, 1909. 

The Gymnasium, erected in 1896, which was the gift of Gymnasium 
the late Sir Edward Holt, Bart., has been taken down and re- 
erected on a site which belongs to the University in Burlington 

The devisees of Sir Joseph and Lady Whitworth gave Ainietu; 
about ten acres of land on the Eirs Estate at Eallowfield 
as a recreation ground for cricket, football, and other games, 
and a large pavilion was erected on it by the late Sir Edward 


Prefatory Note 

J ubilee of 





Tootal Broadhurst, as one of Lady Whitworth’s legatees. This 
ground was opened for use at the beginning of the session 

The rest of the Firs Estate, consisting of about 28 acres, 
was subsequently transferred to the College. The pavilion was 
greatly extended in 1923. 

The Jubilee Year of the College was commemorated in 
1902 by the raising of a fund amounting to £102,500, out of 
which debts of the College were paid, and, after making provision 
for some important objects, the general endowment was increased. 

As far back as the seventeenth century an effort had 
been made to establish a University in Manchester, and from 
the first foundation of the College the founder had con- 
templated that the instruction given should be “ in such 
branches of learning and science as are usually taught in 
the English Universities.” Having regard to the character of 
instruction so given, in accordance with the founder’s will, 
and to the growth of the teaching staff and the number of 
students, the authorities of the College in the year 1879 
applied for the grant of a University Charter. As a result of 
this movement the Victoria University was founded by Royal 
Charter, dated 20th April, 1880, and thereby Owens College 
was constituted a College of the University. ClauscvS w r ere 
inserted in the Charter providing for the admission by the 
University of other colleges which might satisfy certain 
conditions. Under these clauses the University College, 
Liverpool, was admitted as a College of the University on 
the 5th November, 1884, and the Yorkshire College, Leeds, 
was admitted on the 3rd November, 1887. It was provided by 
the Charter that the University should have its seat' in 
Manchester, and that the meetings of the University Court 
and Council and of the Convocation should be held in the 
City of Manchester. 

By a subsequent Charter, dated 20th March, 1883, power 
was given to the University to confer degrees in Medicine and 

Prefatory Note. 


Surgery, a power which, had been excepted from the original 
Charter. Since its foundation large numbers of students have 
entered for courses of study qualifying for these degrees. 

The seventh Duke of Devonshire was named as the first 
Chancellor. He was succeeded in 1891 by the fifth Earl Spencer, 
who resigned in 1907, and was succeeded by the eighth Duke of 
Devonshire, who had held the position of President of the 
College since the death of his father in 1891. On the death of 
the eighth Duke of Devonshire, Viscount Morley of Blackburn 
was elected Chancellor. In 1923, Lord Morley resigned on account 
of ill-health and advancing years, and was succeeded by the 
twenty-seventh Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. 

University College, Liverpool, having applied for the 
foundation of a separate University in that city, the Owens 
College presented a petition that the Victoria University might 
be continued, with a revised constitution and the title Victoria 
University of Manchester, as an independent University in 
Manchester. The Privy Council advised that both petitions 
should be granted, and the new Charter of the Victoria 
University was issued on the 15th of July, 1903. 

On the 25th April, 1904, a Charter was granted for the 
establishment of a University of Leeds. On the 24th June, 
1904, an Act for the Incorporation of the Owens College 
with the Victoria University of Manchester received the Royal 

A proviso was inserted in the Charter to safeguard the 
interests of students of University College, Liverpool, and 
Yorkshire College, Leeds, under the old constitution (see Charter, 
page 27). 

Under the present constitution the Authorities of the 
University are : 

1. The Chancellor. 

2. The Vice-Chancellor. 

3. The Pro- Vice-Chancellors. 


Prefatory Note. 

Jubilee of the 






of the Deat 

4. The Court of Governors, which now consists of 112 


5. The Council, which is the Executive Body, and consists 

of 26 members (including 4 representatives of the 
Senate and 2 of the members of the Boards of Faculties). 

6. The Senate, which now consists of 51 members. 

7 . The Boards of Faculties, as originally constituted by the 

Charter, were Arts, Science, Law, Medicine, and Music. 
The Faculties of Commerce and Administration, Theology, 
Technology, and Education have been subsequently 
added. The greater part of the work for the degree in 
Technology is done at the Manchester Municipal College 
of Technology. 

8. Convocation, which now consists of about 8,220 members. 

The Jubilee of the University was celebrated in 1930, when a 

special Congregation for the conferment of Honorary Degrees 
was held. 

In 1890 a Training College for Men and in 1892 a Training 
College for Women were established in connection with the 
Owens College. The numbers of students in the Department 
of Education in the session 1932-33 were men, 217 ; women, 203. 
Practice in teaching has been given in various Schools in the 
City and district. A Chair of Education was endowed by the 
late Mrs. Sarah Fielden. 

By the munificence of the late Sir James E. Jones, LL.D., the 
University established in connection with the Faculty of 
Education a department for training teachers of the deaf, since 
re-named the Department of Education of the Deaf. In 
addition to endowing the Department, Sir James E. Jones 
presented to the University a Hall for the residence of the 
teachers in training in it. The Hall is named the Ellis Llwyd 
Jones Hall after the donor’s son, in whose memory the endowment 
was presented to the University. The usefulness of the department 
was greatly increased by assistance given by the Carnegie 
United Kingdom Trust in the establishment of a special library 
in the University which is available for teachers and others 
interested in the education and welfare of the deaf. 

Prefatory Note. 


The University since its new Charter has established degrees 
in Commerce and Administration, Theology, Dentistry, Education, 
and in 1905, on the establishment of the Faculty of Technology, 
the work of University standard at the Municipal School of 
Technology was included in the University, and degrees and 
certificates in Technology were instituted. In addition to the 
Teacher’s Diploma and the Diploma in Public Health, which were 
already in existence, a Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine, a 
Diploma in Dentistry, and more recently Diplomas in Psycho- 
logical Medicine, in Bacteriology, in Geography, in Social Study, 
and in Pathology, have been instituted. 

In 1918 the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, designed to 
promote advanced study and research in various Faculties, was 

Owing to the growing demands on the University depart- 
ments and the importance of strengthening the facilities for 
teaching and advanced study a number of new Chairs were insti- 
tuted in the University in the session 1918-19 and in the following 
sessions. Two of these Chairs were established mainly through the 
generosity of donors, that of Russian largely endowed by the late 
Sir William Mather, and the Chair of Italian established with the 
help of a generous benefaction from the late Mr. Arthur Serena. 
The remaining Chairs instituted were a Second Chair in French, 
a Chair of Psychology, a Second Chair of Mathematics in the 
Faculty of Science, a Chair of Textile Technology in place of the 
former Lectureship in this subject, and a Chair of Commerce and 
Administration. The Chair of Comparative Religion was restored 
in 1923, and that in Ancient History in 1929. In 1930 a Chair of 
Geography was instituted. In 1933 the Chair of Organic Chemistry 
was restored and a Chair of Physical Chemistry was instituted : 
in the same year a Chair of Dental Surgery was established. 

InDecember,1914 : , after the outbreak of theWar, the University 
obtained from the Privy Council power to waive the requirement 
of the statutes as to the period of study after matriculation and 
before graduation. Further, the University amended the condi- 
tions in such a way as would prevent, as far as possible, any 
member of the University from being placed at a disadvantage 




Prefatory Note. 

through going on active service, undertaking other approved 
duties in connection with national defence during the War, 
or from internment as civilian prisoners in any enemy country. 
Ordinances were passed empowering the Senate to accept a 
certain period of War Service in lieu of a portion of the three 
years* course, and to waive the full requirements of the existing 
Ordinances in any Faculty or Department, except that of 
Medicine, as to the passing of examinations or as to the order in 
which examinations are to be taken. The tenure of scholarships 
was also postponed in the case of many students who were 
engaged in national defence and approved War Service. 

Throughout the Great War a large number of the students 
and of the members of the Teaching Body, and of the clerical 
and service staffs served with the Forces of the Crown — no less 
than 370 past and present members of the University lost 
their lives in the war. A Roll of Honour has been published 
by the University Press. During the continuance of the war 
valuable contributions were made to the defence of the country 
by the University and especially by the scientific and techno- 
logical staffs. The Athletic Grounds were occupied by a Military 
Hospital during the session 1918-19. 

In December, 1919, an appeal for Funds was made to enable 
the University to carry on its work and a sum of more than 
£250,000 was raised. 

Through the generosity of the Cassel Trustees, a Lectureship 
in Spanish was instituted in the session 1920-21, thus meeting a 
great need of students in the Faculties of Arts and of Commerce 
and Administration. An Honours School of Spanish Studies was 
established in 1930. 

With the help of a grant from the Boxer Indemnity Fund, the 
teaching of Chinese, which had been in abeyance since 1926, was 
revived in 1933, when a Readership in Chinese Language and 
Social Economy was instituted. 

Note. — Full particulars concerning the developments which 
have taken place and the work of the University generally during 
the session will be found in the Vice-Chancellor’s Annual 
Statement (see page 886). 


©barter of tbr 

Hktaria Umbmatn of J&atttteter. 

J6fc>warb VII* by tbe (Bt&CC Of (Bob of the United 
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British 
Dominions beyond the Seas King Defender of the Faith. 

TLO Hll tO VPbOtlt these Presents shall come QVCCtUlQ t 

TWUbCrCHS by Charter of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria 
dated the 20th April 1880 the Victoria University was founded 
and constituted having its seat in the City of Manchester. 

Hll& WbetC&S the Owens College Manchester was thereby 
constituted a College in the University and provision was made 
that other Colleges might from time to time be admitted as 
Colleges in the University in the manner and subject to the 
conditions therein prescribed. 

Hllb WbcrcaS it was thereby provided that meetings of 
the University Court and Council and of the Convocation of the 
University should be held in the City of Manchester. 

Sllb Wbeteas Charters of Her late Majesty dated 
respectively the 20th March 1883 and the 3rd June 1898 were 
granted supplemental to the said Charter. 

Hnb WbCtCHS the University College Liverpool was by 
resolution of the Court of the University admitted as a College 
in the University on the 5th November 1884 and the 
Yorkshire College Leeds was by resolution of the said Court 
admitted as a College in the University on the 3rd November 
1887 but no other College has been so admitted. 

* Htlb WbCtCaS the said University College Liverpool has 
recently presented to Us in Our Council a humble Petition 
under the Common Seal of that College praying Us to erect 
within the City of Liverpool a University for the advancement 
of knowledge the diffusion and extension of arts science and 
learning the provision of Liberal and Professional education 
and the furtherance of the objects for which the University 
College was incorporated by Her late Majesty. 



Hltb WbCteaS the Owens College Manchester has 
presented to Us in our Council a humble Petition under 
the Common Seal of that College praying that a new or 
supplemental Charter may be granted so as to constitute and 
continue the Victoria University as a University in Manchester 
in association with the Owens College alone. 

Httb WbCtCUS the Victoria University has presented to 
Us in Our Council a humble Petition praying Us to hear and 
determine the question whether the three before-mentioned 
Colleges are to remain as Constituent Colleges of the Victoria 
University or whether there shall be a separate University in 
Liverpool and a University in Manchester without liability 
to admit or remain in association with any other College 
than the Owens College and also a University established 
having its seat in Leeds. 

Hltb WbetC&S We have taken the said Petitions into Our 
Poyal consideration and are minded to accede thereto. 

Now therefore know ye That We by virtue of Our Boyal 
Prerogative and of all other powers in that behalf enabling Us 
of Our Special G-race certain Knowledge and mere Motion by 
these Presents Do for Us Our Heirs and Successors grant will 
direct and ordain as follows : — 

I. TTbC Victoria University constituted by the Charters 
granted by Her late Majesty as aforesaid (herein referred to 
as the University) shall hereafter be called and known as 
the “ Victoria University of Manchester ” having its seat in the 
City of Manchester and under the name and style of “ The 
Victoria University of Manchester ” shall remain and continue 
one body politic and corporate with perpetual succession and 
a Common Seal and with full power and capacity by and in 
such name to sue and be sued and without any further 
licence to take by gift or otherwise purchase and hold and 
also to grant demise and otherwise dispose of real and personal 
property and other the powers in this Our Charter prescribed 
and ordained free from liability to admit or remain in association 
with any College other than the Owens College and (during the 
term hereinafter mentioned) the Yorkshire College but subject 
to the regulations and conditions or restrictions herein set 
forth. Such powers regulations and conditions or restrictions 
shall be deemed and taken to be as from the date of this Our 
Charter in substitution for those contained in the Charters 
granted by Her late Majesty as aforesaid except as herein 
otherwise provided. 



II. 71 bC University shall have the powers following : — 

(1) To grant and confer Degrees and other academic 

distinctions to and on persons who shall have 
pursued an approved course of study in the 
University and shall have passed the examinations 
of the University under conditions laid down in 
its Statutes or Ordinances. tb&t 

Degrees representing proficiency in technical 
subjects shall not be conferred without proper 
security for testing the scientific or general know- 
ledge underlying technical attainments. 

(2) To admit graduates of other Universities to Degrees 

of equal or similar rank in the University. 

(3) To confer Degrees of the University on any persons 

who hold office in the University as Professors 
Readers Lecturers or otherwise or who shall have 
carried on independent research therein or on any 
persons who at the date of this Our Charter are 
Associates of the Owens College. 

(4) To grant Diplomas or Certificates to persons 

who have pursued a course of study approved 
by the University under conditions laid down 
by the University. 

(5) To confer Honorary Degrees or other distinctions 

on approved persons. IMTOVdbCb tb&t all 
Degrees and other distinctions shall be conferred 
and held subject to any provisions which are or 
may be made in reference thereto by the Statutes 
Ordinances or Regulations of the University. 

(6) To provide for instruction in such branches of 

learning as the University may think fit and 
also to make provision for research and for the 
advancement and dissemination of knowledge. 

(7) To examine and inspect schools and other 

educational institutions and grant Certificates 
of Proficiency and to provide such lectures and 
instruction for persons not members of the 
University as the University may determine. 

(8) To accept the examinations and periods of study 

passed by students of the University at other 
Universities or places of learning as equivalent 
to such examinations and periods of study in the 
University as the University may determine and 
to withdraw such acceptance at any time. 


Charter , 

(9) To affiliate other institutions or to admit the 
members thereof to any of its privileges and to 
accept attendance at courses of study in such 
institutions in place of such part of the attendance 
at courses of study in the University and upon 
such terms and conditions and subject to such 
Regulations as may from time to time be deter- 
mined by the University. 

(10) To accept courses of study in any other institution 

which in the opinion of the University possesses 
the means of affording the proper instruction for 
such courses and to withdraw such acceptance 
at any time. JptOPibeb tbat in no case shall 
the University confer a Degree in Medicine or 
Surgery upon any person who has not attended 
in the University during two years at least courses 
of study recognised for such Degree or for one of 
the other Degrees of the University. 

(11) To co-operate by means of Joint Boards or 
otherwise with other Universities and Authorities 
for the conduct of matriculation examinations 
for the examination and inspection of schools 
and other academic institutions and for the 
extension of University teaching and influence in 
academic matters and for such other purposes as the 
University may from time to time determine. 

(12) To enter into any agreement with the Owens 

College for the incorporation of that College in 
the University and for taking over its property 
and liabilities and if necessary to promote a Bill 
in Parliament to confirm or carry out any such 

(13) To enter into any agreement with any other 

institution for the incorporation of that institution 
in the University and for taking over its property 
and liabilities and for any other purpose not 
repugnant to this Our Charter. 

(14) To enter into any agreement with the University 

of Liverpool or with the Yorkshire College .or 
any University which may be established in 

association with that College for the division or 

apportionment of any of the moneys endowments 
or property of the Victoria University with due 
regard to the local origin of any particular 

foundation to the wishes of the Donors and other 
special circumstances and for reference to an 
Arbitrator in case of difference. 



(15) To institute Professorships Readerships Lecturerships 

Teacherships and any other offices required by the 
University and to appoint to such offices. 

(16) To institute and award Fellowships Scholarships 

Exhibitions and Prizes. 

(17) To license Halls for the residence of Students. 

(18) To do all such other acts and things whether 

incidental to the powers aforesaid or not as may 
be requisite in order to further the objects of the 
University as a Teaching and Examining Body 
and to cultivate and promote Arts Science and 

III. 3* shall be the duty of the University to co-operate 
by means of a Joint Board or otherwise with the Universities 
established or to be established in Liverpool and in Yorkshire 
for the regulation and conduct of Matriculation examinations 
including the conditions of exemption therefrom. 

Statutes of the University shall prescribe and regulate the 
constitution and duties of the said Joint Board the appoint- 
ment and continuance in office of the members thereof the 
filling of vacancies among the members and all other matters 
relative to the Joint Board which may be deemed proper to be 
so regulated and prescribed. 


IY. HHie reserve to Ourselves Our Heirs and Successors to 
be the Visitor and Visitors of the University through the Lord 
President of Our Council for the time being and in the exercise 
of the visitorial authority We and Our Heirs and Successors 
shall have the right from time to time and in such manner as 
We or They shall think fit to direct an inspection of the University 
its buildings laboratories and general equipment and also the 
examinations teaching and other work done by the University. 

Authorities of the University . 

V. XCbC Authorities of the Universities shall be the Chancellor 
the Vice-Chancellor two Pro-Vice-Chancellors the Court the 
Council the Senate the Boards of Faculties and the Convocation. 
There shall also be a Treasurer and other proper officers of the 

The Chancellor . 

VI. TEb C Chancellor shall be the Head and Chief Officer 
of the University and may preside over its meetings. He shall 
hold office during his life or until his resignation. 

On a vacancy arising the Chancellor shall be elected by the 
Convocation of the University. 




The Vice-Chancellor. 

VII. Jn the absence of the Chancellor the Vice-Chancellor 
shall exercise all the functions of the Chancellor except the 
hearing of appeals under any of the provisions of this Our Charter 
and the appointment of members of the University Court. 

Our trusty and well-beloved Alfred Hopkinson Principal 
of the Owens College one of Our Counsel learned in the law is 
and shall be the Vice-Chancellor of the University and shall 
hold office during his life or until he shall resign his office or 
become incapable to act. His successors shall from time to 
time be appointed by the University Court after report from 
and nomination by the University Council who before reporting 
shall consult the Senate and they shall hold office for such period 
and under such conditions as shall be determined by the 
University. The capacity of the Vice-ChancelloT to act shall 
not be affected by any vacancy occurring in the office of 

The Pro-Vice-Chancellors . 

VIII. Subject to the. Statutes and Ordinances of the 
University and in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor either 
of the Pro- Vice-Chancellors may act as Vice-Chancellor. The 
Pro-Vice-ChanceUors shall from time to time be appointed 
by the Council from members of the Senate. 

The University Court. 

IX. XT bC University Court (hereinafter referred to as the 
Court) shall consist of the following persons namely : — 

The Chancellor. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 

The Pro- Vice-Chancellors. 

The Lord Mayor of Manchester. 

The Chairman of the County Council of Lancashire. 

Five persons appointed by the Lord President of Our 

Three persons appointed by the Chancellor. 

Three representatives appointed by the Corporation of 
the City of Manchester. 

A representative appointed by the Corporation of, the 
County Borough of Salford. 

Throe representatives appointed by the County Council 
of Lancashire. 

Representatives of such other Counties and County 
Boroughs as the Court shall determine. 

Representatives (not exceeding five in all) of such other 
Universities and of such affiliated and other 
Institutions as the Court shall determine. 



Six representatives of the Senate. 

Two representatives of members of the Boards of Faculties 
who are not members of the Senate. 

Ten representatives of Convocation. 

A representative elected in such manner as the Court 
shall determine by the Wardens or other chief 
officers of the Halls of Residence licensed by 
the University. 

All present members of the Court and Council of the 
Owens College and all present members of the 
University Court who are not included under 
any of the foregoing denominations and who are 
not excluded under Articles XX. and XXI. of this 
Our Charter and such persons as the Court may 
from time to time by co-optation or otherwise 
admit or appoint to succeed them or any of them. 

Additional members not exceeding three in number 
to be admitted by co-optation. 

(The Yorkshire College while continuing to be a College 
of the University shall be represented on the 
Court as provided by Article XXI. of this Our 

The Court shall have power by Statute to increase or 
diminish the number of its members by increasing 
or diminishing the number to be nominated by 
the persons or bodies aforesaid respectively or by 
adding representatives of other bodies or hi any 
other manner. 

The first members of the Court are named or referred 
to in the First Schedule hereto. Except as herein 
provided and subject to the Statutes of the 
University the Court may determine all matters 
relating to the appointment and election of future 
members of the Court and their respective periods 
or terms of office and all other matters relating to 
the constitution of the Court. 

Powers of the Court . 

x. ttbe Court shall be the governing body of the University 
and shall direct the form custody and use of the Common Seal 
and shall have power to regulate and determine all matters 
concerning the University and generally shall exercise all the 
powers and discretions of the University except as otherwise 
provided by this Our Charter or by the Statutes. 


Charter . 

The Statutes set forth in the Second Schedule hereto shall 
be the first Statutes of the University under this Our Charter. 
The Court may amend add to or repeal the Statutes for the time 
being in force (including those set forth in the Second Schedule 
hereto) but no such amendment addition or repeal shall be 
valid or operative until allowed by Us in Council or by a Com- 
mittee of Our Privy Council. 

Ordinances may be made by the Court for the regulation of 
all matters not required by this Our Charter to be dealt with by 

The Statutes of the Victoria University in force at the date 
of this Our Charter shall cease to be Statutes of the University 
but in so far as they are not contrary to or at variance with 
the provisions of this Our Charter or the Statutes for the time 
being in force under this Our Charter they shall be operative 
as Ordinances of the Court and shall be subject to amendment 
or alteration or repeal by the Court without further allowance 
or consent by Us. 

(1) that it shall not be lawful for the Court by 
auy Statute or otherwise to adopt or impose on any person 
any test whatever of religious belief or profession in order to 
entitle him or her to be admitted as a Professor Teacher 
Student or Member of the University or to hold office therein 
or to graduate thereat or to enjoy or exercise any privilege 

Pr0\>tt>e0 (2) that any Statute or Ordinance made by the 
Court be not repugnant to the Laws of this Realm or to the 
general objects of this Our Charter. 

U>rOY>ti>e& (3) that Ordinances relating to Degrees studies 
and examinations shall not be made without report from 
the Senate. 

(4:) that no change shall be made in any Statute 
or Ordinance altering the status powers or constitution of 
any of the Authorities of the University until such Authority 
shall have had an opportunity of pronouncing an opinion 
upon the proposed change. 

The Court shall have power to deprive any Graduate or 
Graduates of the University who shall have "been convicted 
of a crime or offence or shall in the opinion of the Court have 
been guilty of scandalous conduct of any Degree or Degrees 
conferred by the University and of all privileges enjoyed by 
him her or them as such Graduate or Graduates as aforesaid. 

The acts or proceedings of the Court shall not he invalidated 
by any vacancy among its members. 



XI. j6\>Ctp Statute or alteration of a Statute and every 
Ordinance or alteration of an Ordinance relating to any of tlie 
matters following that is to say : — 

(а) The titles of Degrees 

(б) The establishment of new Degrees 

(c) The periods of residence and study in the University 

or in any affiliated or recognised institution 
required for Degrees 

(d) The conditions under which Degrees higher than 

the Degree of Bachelor in any Faculty are to 
be granted 

( e ) The courses for medical Degrees and the subjects 

of examinations 

shall before such Statute or alteration of a Statute shall be 
allowed and before such Ordinance or alteration of an Ordinance 
shall become operative and have effect be communicated to 
the Universities established or to be established in Liverpool 
and Yorkshire and if within one month after the receipt of 
such communication notice of objection thereto shall have 
been given by the said Universities or either of them the question 
so arising shall be considered by a Joint Committee of the three 
Universities and in default of agreement any of the said 
Universities may within one month make a representation 
in regard thereto to Us in Council and in the event last mentioned 
such Statute or Ordinance or alteration therein shall not become 
operative and have effect until allowed by Us by and with the 
advice of our Privy Council. 

Statutes of the University shall prescribe and regulate the 
constitution and appointment of the said Joint Committee and 
all other matters relating to the said Committee which may be 
deemed proper to be so prescribed and regulated. 

Until a Charter shall be granted incorporating a University 
in Liverpool this clause shall read and be construed as if 
University College Liverpool were substituted therein for the 
University established or to be established in Liverpool and 
until a Charter shall be granted incorporating a University 
in Yorkshire this clause shall read and be construed as if the 
Yorkshire College were substituted therein for the University 
established or to be established in Yorkshire. 

The University Council . 

XII. ITbC University Council (hereinafter called the 
Council) shall consist of the Chancellor the Vice-Chancellor of 
four at least of the members of the Senate who are members 
of the Court and of such other members of the Court chosen 
in this behalf by the Court as shall by Statute be determined 

3G Charter. 

ptO\>l&Cb tbat at least one member shall be chosen from 
the members of the Court appointed by the Lord President 
of Our Council at least two members from the representatives 
of Convocation on the Court and at least one member from the 
representatives of the Corporation of the City of Manchester 
on the Court. 

Subject to the provisions herein contained the Court may 
by Statute increase or diminish the number of the Council from 
time to time. 

The respective periods of office of the members of the Council 
shall be determined by Statute. 

(The Yorkshire College while continuing to be a College of 
the University shall be represented on the Council as provided 
by Article XXI. of this Our Charter.) 

Powers of the Council . 

XIII. TEfoe Council shall be the Executive Body of the 
University and may exercise and do such of the powers 
authorities and things by this Our Charter granted to or 
authorised to be done by the Court as are or shall from time 
to time be assigned to the Council by Statute or by the Court 
except the election of the Vice-Chancellor and the election of 
members of the Court to be members of the Council and the 
hearing of Appeals. 

The Council shall have power to draft Statutes and 
Ordinances as and when they see fit and to submit the same 
to the Court fox consideration and enactment. 

The acts of the Council shall not be invalidated by reason 
of any vacancy among its members. 

The Senate. 

XIV. I the Senate of the University shall consist of the 
Vice-Chancellor and the Professors of the University and of 
such other members of the Boards of Faculties hereinafter 
mentioned as the Court may after report from the Senate appoint 
provided that the number of such other members appointed 
shall not exceed three and that they shall hold office for such 
term only as the Court shall determine. 

The Professors of the University within the meaning of this 
Our Charter shall include those persons who have been appointed 
by the Council as such and also the Professors of the Owens College 
at the date of this Our Charter. 

The Senate shall subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of 
the University and subject also to review by the Court have 
the control and general regulation of the instruction and education 

G harter . 


within the University and shall have power to discuss and pro- 
nounce an opinion on any matter whatsoever relating to the 
University and such other powers and duties as may be conferred 
upon it by Statute or Ordinance. 


XV. Cf)C University shall include the Faculties of Arts 
Science Law Medicine Music and Technology and such other 
Faculties as may from time to time be constituted by the 
University. A Board of each Faculty shall be constituted with 
such powers as may be prescribed by Statute. 

There shall be a Dean of each Faculty who shall be elected 
and shall hold office as shall be prescribed by Statute or 

Each Faculty subject to control by the Senate shall be 
responsible for the courses of Study in the subjects assigned 
to the Faculty by the Senate and shall have such other powers 
and duties as are conferred upon it by Statutes or Ordinances. 

There shall be a General Board of Faculties consisting of 
all the members of the several Boards. 


XVI. TTbC Convocation shall consist of the Chancellor the 
Vice-Chancellor the Pro-Vice-Chancellors the members of the 
Senate the members of Board or Boards of Faculties the University 
Fellows and the registered Graduates of the University. 

All Graduates of the University of such standing as shall 
be determined by Convocation or who hold or have held a 
University Fellowship or any teaching appointment in the 
University and who are not at the date of this Our Charter 
registered as members of Convocation shall be entitled to 
register on such conditions as to fees as the Court may 

Provided that a holder of an ad eundem ox Honorary Degree 
shall not as such without the consent of the Convocation in 
each case be entitled to register. 

Powers of Convocation . 

XVTI. Convocation shall have the following powers : — 

To elect the Chancellor of the University on any vacancy. 

To elect representatives as members of the Court. 

To elect its own chairman who shall in the absence of the 
Chancellor preside at its meetings. 


Charter . 

To discuss and pronounce an opinion on any matter 
whatsoever relating to the University including 
any matters referred to them by the Court or 
the Council. 

To prescribe the mode of conducting the proceedings 
of Convocation and of registering the same and 
of reporting the same to the Court Council and 
Senate or any of them. 

To enter into communication directly with the Court 
Council or Senate on any matter affecting the 

Regulations as to Procedure. 

XVIII. Tib C Court the Council the Senate the Boards of 
Faculties and Convocation respectively may from time to time 
make regulations for governing their proceedings respectively 
subject to this Our Charter and to the Statutes and Ordinances 
of the University. 

Special Com?nittees for Advice and other Purposes. 

XIX. TIbe Court may from time to time appoint special 
advisory Committees consisting of members of the University 
and also if the Court shall think fit of persons who are not 
members of the University and may delegate to such Com- 
mittees such duties as it thinks fit as regards financial 
administrative or other matters affecting the University or 
any particular Faculty or Department or the management or 
supervision of any buildings or property of the University. 

Provisions as to the Colleges. 

XX. TIbe University College Liverpool shall on the First 
October 1903 cease to be a College of the University and the 
members of the Court and Council respectively representing 
or elected by that College shall cease to be members of the Court 
and Council respectively and the Professors Readers and 
Lecturers of that College shall cease to be Professors and Lecturers 
of the University or to be by virtue of their Office Examiners 
of the University. 

XXI. ©U the First day of October 1904 or on the grant 
of a Charter establishing a University having its seat in Leeds 
or elsewhere in Yorkshire which shall first happen the Yorkshire 
College shall cease to be a College of the Victoria University 
of Manchester and the members of the Court and Council res- 
pectively representing or elected by that College shall cease 
to be members of the Court and Council respectively and the 
Professors Readers and Lecturers of that College shall cease 
to be Professors and Lecturers of the University or to be by virtue 
of their office Examiners of the University, 

Chcvrte r. 


In the meantime and until such cesser the Yorkshire College 
shall be represented on the Court and the Council respectively 
as at the date of this Our Charter that is to say on the Court 
by three representatives chosen by the Senate of the Yorkshire 
College and six representatives chosen by the Court of Governors 
of such College and on the Council by six representatives three 
of whom shall be Professors of the Yorkshire College. 

The Professors Readers and Lecturers of the Yorkshire 
College who are Professors and Lecturers of the University shall 
continue in the meantime and until such cesser to be Professors 
and Lecturers of the University but shall not after the date of 
this our Charter be members of the Senate or of the Boards of 
Faculties of the University. 

Examiners and Examinations. 

XXII. HU examinations held by the University shall be 
conducted in such manner as the Statutes and Ordinances 
shall prescribe provided that at least one external and indepen- 
dent Examiner shall be appointed by the Council for each subject 
or group of subjects forming part of the course of studies required 
for University Degrees but this limitation shall not apply to 
examinations for admission or entrance to the University. 

prOPibet) tbat in case of a vacancy occurring in or during 
any examination or other emergency the Vice-Chancellor shall 
have power to appoint a substitute for that examination. 

General Provisions. 

XXIII. HU Students of University College Liverpool who 
on the First October 1903 are matriculated students of the 
University and all students of the Yorkshire College who are 
matriculated students of the University at the time when such 
College ceases to be a College of the University shall have the 
option in the Faculties of Arts Science Law and Music for the 
period of three years and in the Faculty of Medicine for the 
period of five years from such dates respectively of proceeding 
to the Degrees of the University on the same terms and con- 
ditions and subject to the same Statutes and Regulations as 
are in force at the date of this Our Charter unless the Statutes 
or Regulations relating to the same respectively shall be altered 
in the case of the Students of the Yorkshire College with the 
consent of the majority of the representatives of such College 
on the University Court. 

For the purposes of this provision the General Board of 
Studies of the Victoria University as at present constituted 



shall until such date or time continue to exist and exercise 
its powers. From the date or time when each College ceases 
to be a College of the University it shall be represented on the 
General Board of Studies by its Professors in the Faculties 
above-named or their successors until the expiration of the 
period or periods above mentioned but no member of the General 
Board of Studies shall in virtue of his office as such member 
be a member of any of the Boards of Faculties hereby constituted. 

XXIV. Hll the Degrees and courses of study of the 
University shall be open to women subject to such conditions 
and Regulations as the Court may by Ordinance and subject 
to the Statutes prescribe and women shall be eligible for any 
office in the University and for membership of any of its 
Constituent Bodies. 

XXV. University may from time to time found and 
endow Fellowships Scholarships Exhibitions and other Prizes 
for which funds or property may by bequest donation grant 
or otherwise be provided and may make Regulations respecting 
the same and the tenure thereof but except as aforesaid and 
except by way of prize or award the University shall not make 
any gift division or bonus in money unto or between any of 
its members. 

XXVI. Jll addition to the value of the buildings lands and 
premises of the University used and occupied for the immediate 
purposes thereof the University shall have power to hold lands 
tenements and hereditaments of an annual value not exceeding 
in the aggregate at the time or respective times of the acquisition 
of the same the sum of £50,000. 

XXVII. XTbC University may demand and receive such 
fees as the Court may from time to time appoint. 

XXVIII. TCbe Court may from time to time alter amend 
or add to these Presents by a Special Resolution in that behalf 
and such alteration amendment or addition shall when allowed 
by Us by and with the advice of Our Privy Council become 
-effectual so that these Presents shall thenceforward continue 
and operate as though they had been originally granted afid 
made as so altered amended or added to. This Article shall apply 
to this Charter as altered amended or added to in manner aforesaid. 

XXIX. H Special Resolution is a Resolution passed at 
one meeting of the Court and confirmed at a subsequent meeting 
held not less than one calendar month nor more than three 
calendar months after the former provided that the Resolution 



be passed at each meeting by a majority of not less than three- 
fourths of the Members of the Court present and voting. 

XXX. Jit this Our Charter “Statutes” mean the Statutes 
set forth in the Second Schedule hereto and any Statutes altering 
amending adding to or repealing the same or any of them which 
may hereafter be made and may be allowed by Us in Council 
or by a Committee of Our Council. 

“ Ordinances ” mean Acts of the Court under the powers 
conferred by this Our Charter to which Our further sanction 
is not hereby or by Statute required. 

“Regulations” except when otherwise required by the 
context mean Regulations made pursuant to this Our Charter 
or the Statutes. 

XXXI. ©Ut Royal Will and pleasure is that this Our 
Charter shall always be construed and adjudged in the most 
favourable and beneficial sense for the best advantage of the 
University and the promotion of the objects of this Our Charter 
as well in all Our Courts as elsewhere notwithstanding any 
non-recital mis-reeital uncertainty or imperfection herein. 


(Here follows a list of the members of The University 
Court, see Calendar , 1907-8, pages 35 to 37.) 





I . — Members of the University. 

The members of the University shall be the Chancellor the 
Vice-Chancellor the Pro -Vice-Chancellors the Treasurer the 
members of the University Court the Professors Readers Lecturers 
Assistant Lecturers and Demonstrators of the University the 
Deans and other members of the Boards of Faculties the holders 
of such other University offices as the Court may from time to 
time determine the Wardens or other Chief Officers of Halls of 
Residence licensed by the University Fellows Graduates and 
Students of the University. 

The Readers and Lecturers of the University shall include 
those persons who have been appointed by the Council as such 
and also the Readers and Lecturers of the Owens College 
and those Assistant Lecturers and Demonstrators of the 
Owens College who shall have been Assistant Lecturers or 
Demonstrators for three years at the date of this Our Charter. 

The Students of the University shall be such persons 
attending Lectures or receiving instruction in the University 
as shall have matriculated as Students of the University. 

II . — The University Court. 

After the expiration of the respective periods of office of persons 
who shall be members of the Court at the date of the allowance of 
this Statute, the periods during which members of the Court 
respectively shall hold office shall be as follows : 

The Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice- 
Chancellors, the Lord Mayor of Manchester, and the 
Chairman of the County Council of Lancashire shall 
hold office during the time they occupy the positions 
named respectively. 

Members of the Court appointed by the Lord President 
shall hold office till the expiration of five years from 
the date of appointment. 

Members of the Court appointed by the Chancellor shall 
hold office till the expiration of four years from the 
date of appointment. 

Members of the Court appointed by any County Council or 
Corporation, by other Universities, by Convocation, 
by Wardens or chief Officers of Halls of Residence, 
shall hold office for three years from the date of 

Statutes . 


* Representatives of the Senate shall hold office for three 
years from the date of appointment, provided that 
the term of office of such representatives shall cease 
if, before the expiration of three years from the date 
of appointment as representatives, they shall cease 
to be members of the Senate. 

’’‘Representatives of the members of Boards of Faculties 
who are not members of the Senate shall hold office 
for three years from the date of appointment 
provided that the term of office of such representa- 
tives shall cease if, before the expiration of three 
years from the date of appointment as representa- 
tive, they shall cease to be members of the Board 
of Faculties or shall become members of the Senate. 

All other members of the Court and their respective 
successors shall hold office for four years from the 
date of appointment, provided that if they are 
absent from five consecutive Ordinary Meetings of 
the Court they shall thereby cease to be Members of 
the Court. This proviso shall not apply to members 
of the Council who have attended meetings of the 
Council during that period. Members disqualified 
•under the above clause may not be re-elected as members 
of the Court at the meeting to which the disqualification 
is reported.^ 

All retiring members shall be eligible for re-appointment or 

Any casual vacancy occurring by resignation, incapacity, or 
death among appointed or representative members shall be filled 
up as soon as convenient by the person or body which appointed 
the member whose place has become vacant. 

Every appointment of a member of the Court shall be for the 
full term specified above whether the predecessor of such member 
have completed his full term or not. 

A resolution appointing a member of the Court of Governors 
passed by the Court of Governors or other competent body shall 
be valid notwithstanding that it shall have been passed before the 
expiry of the term of office of the predecessor of the member so 
appointed, provided that such resolution shall have been passed 
not more than six months before such expiration of office. 

On the expiration of the term of office of any member of the 
Court of Governors, should the appointing body not have 
appointed a successor, the said member shall remain a member of 

♦Amended paragraphs allowed June 23rd, 1924. 

I- Amendment in italics allowed June 24th, 1914. 



the Court till the appointment of a successor or till the expiration 
of six months from the aforesaid date, which shall first happen. 

fifteen members of the Court shall form a quorum. 

III. — The University Council . 

The Council shall consist of : — 

The Chancellor. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 

Four members nominated by the Senate from among 
the representatives of the Senate in the Court. 

*Two members nominated by the members of the Boards 
of Faculties who are not members of the Senate from 
among the representatives of members of Boards of 
Faculties who are not members of the Senate on the 

Eighteen members appointed by the Court from among 
its members of whom one at least shall be chosen 
from the members appointed by the Lord President 
of the Council one at least from the representatives 
of the Corporation of the City of Manchester and 
two at least from the representatives of Convocation, 
provided that the Court shall have power , on the 
nomination of the Council , to appoint , in addition , 
one of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors as a member of the 
Council, f 

The periods of office of the first members of the 
Council shall be fixed by the Court. Subsequent 
members shall hold office until they shall cease to 
be members of the Court or resign or shall have 
been absent from meetings of the Council during 
twelve consecutive months. 

Seven shall be the quorum of the Council. 

IV. — Powers of the Council. 

Subject to the provisions made in the Charter and Statutes 
the Council shall have the following powers : — 

To nominate the Vice-Chancellor after consultation 
with the Senate. 

To elect its own Chairman . 

To elect after report from the Senate Professors of the 
University and either to elect or to Delegate to 
the Senate the election of any acadamic officers 
of the University other than Professors. 

To elect a Treasurer and other officers of the University. 

To institute Professorships Readerships Lectureships 
or other teaching offices after report from the Senate. 

* Amendment in italics allowed December 13th, 1932. 
t Amendment in italios allowed June 25th, 1920, 

Statutes . 


To abolish, or hold in abeyance after report from the 
Senate any Professorship Readership or other 
academic office in the University. 

To draft Statutes and Ordinances as and when it sees 
fit and submit the same to the Court. 

To make regulations for any purposes for which regulations 
are or may be authorised to be made. 

To govern manage and regulate the finances accounts 
investments property business and all affairs what- 
soever of the University and for that purpose to 
appoint Bankers Deputy-Treasurers and any other 
officers or agents whom it may seem expedient to 

To invest any moneys belonging to the University including 
any unapplied income in such stocks funds fully 
paid shares or securities as the Council shall from 
time to time think fit whether authorised by the 
general law for the investment of trust moneys or 
not and whether within the United Kingdom of 
Great Britain and Ireland or not or in the purchase 
of freehold copyhold or leasehold hereditaments in 
the United Kingdom including rent charges or chief 
rents with the like power of varying such investments 
from time to time by sale and re-investment or 

To sell buy exchange lease and accept leases of real and 
personal property on behalf of the University. 

To provide the buildings premises furniture and apparatus 
and other means needed for carrying on the work 
of the University. 

To enter into vary carry out and cancel contracts on 
behalf of the University. Any contract entered 
into on behalf of the University may be made in 
any manner authorised by law for the making of 
contracts by or on behalf of Companies incorporated 
under the Companies Acts 1862 and 1867 . 

Y . — The Senate . 

The Senate shall have the powers following : — 

To make after report from the Board or Boards of Faculties 
concerned all regulations for giving effect to the 
Statutes and Ordinances of the University relating 
to courses of study. 

To appoint Internal Examiners after report from the 
Board or Boards of Faculties concerned. 

To recommend External Examiners for appointment 
by the Council after report from the Board or Boards 
of Faculties concerned. 



To report to the Council after report from the Board 
or Boards of Faculties concerned on all Ordinances 
relating to courses of study. 

To report to the Council on Statutes or Ordinances or 
proposed changes of Statutes or Ordinances. 

To report on any matter referred to or delegated to them 
by the Court or the Council. 

To discuss and declare an opinion on any matter 
whatsoever relating to the University. 

To send recommendations to the Council on the election 
of Professors Readers and Lecturers of the University 
and on delegation of the Council to appoint Readers 
Lecturers and other academic officers of the University 
not being Professors. 

To formulate and modify or revise schemes for the 
organisation of Faculties of Arts Science Law Medicine 
Music and Technology and any other Faculties of 
the University and to assign to such Faculties their 
respective subjects also to report to the Court as 
to the expediency of the establishment at any time 
of Faculties of Theology Fine Arts Commerce or 
other Faculties or of the abolition combination or 
sub-division of any Faculties. 

To fix subject to any conditions made by the Founders 
which are accepted by the Council the times and 
mode and conditions of competition for Fellowships 
Scholarships and other Prizes and to award the same. 

To regulate subject to the Ordinances of the University 
the admission of persons to courses of the University. 

To do such other acts and things as the Court shall 

The Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the meetings of 
the Senate. 

No new degree shall be established or other distinction 
of Honour or Merit adopted without the concurrence 
of the Senate. 

VI. — Faculties. 

The Board of each Faculty shall consist of : — 

(a) The holders for the time being of such professorships, 

lectureships, or other offices on the teaching staff of the 

University as the Court, after report from the Senate and 

Faculty concerned, may declare to confer ex-officio mem- 
bership of that Faculty. 



( b ) Such other professors as may be assigned by the Senate 
to the Faculty. 

(c) Such other members of the teaching staff, and such 
administrative officers of the University as the Council 
may appoint after report from the Senate and Faculty 

Examiners shall be entitled to attend, speak, and vote at 
meetings of the respective Boards of Faculties at which exami- 
nation papers are considered or results of examinations in which 
they take part determined. 

The Vice-Chancellor shall be ex-officio a member of all 

Nothing in this Statute shall affect the term of office of any 
person who is a member of a Board of Faculty at the date of the 
allowance of this Statute. 

VII . — Powers of the Boards of Faculties. 

The Boards of Faculties respectively shall have the powers 
following : — 

(1) To regulate subject to the control of the Senate the 
teaching and study of the subjects assigned to the 

(2) To recommend the JSxaminers for appointment, 

(3) To nominate Departmental Committees to consider 
and report on any special or combination of subjects 
and such Departmental Committees may include 
members of other Faculties. 

(4) To report to the Senate on Ordinances and Regulations 
dealing with courses of study for Degrees and other 
distinctions and on any questions relating to the 
work of the respective Faculties. 

(5) To deal with any matter referred to them by the 

VIII . — General Board of Faculties . 

The General Board of Faculties shall consist of all the members 
of the several boards and shall meet as the Court shall by Ordinance 

The General Board shall have power to report to the Senate 
on matters concerning teaching and courses of study which 
affect the University as a whole and to deal with any matter 
referred to them by the Senate. 



The members named in Part II. shall hold office (a) in case 
of Life Members of the Court for life or until resignation (6) in the 
case of members appointed for a term of years until the first day 
of January next after the dates at which their respective terms 
of office as members of the Court of the University would have 
expired under the provisions which were in force at the time of 
their appointment respectively. 

The members named in Part III. who are Governors of the 
Owens College for life shall hold office as members of the Univer- 
sity Court until the first day of January 1907 and those who are 
Governors of the Owens College for a term of years until the first 
day of January next after the dates at which their respective terms 
of office will expire under the Acts and Bye-laws of the College. 

B. The five persons first named in Part II. of the First 
Schedule to the Charter shall be deemed to be the persons 
appointed by the Lord President of the Council pursuant to the 
Charter and in case of vacancies arising among them their 
successors shall be appointed by the Lord President. 

In the case of vacancies occurring among the three persons 
appointed by the Chancellor as in the First Schedule to the 
Charter mentioned their successors shall be appointed by the 
Chancellor. In case of vacancies occurring among the ten members 
appointed by Convocation their successors shall be elected by 

In case of vacancies occurring among the representatives of 
the Senate of the Owens College on the University Court their 
successors shall be chosen by the Senate of the Owens College. 
The Senate of the Owens College shall as soon as may be after the 
sealing of the Charter elect two additional members of the Court 
so as to make up the full number of six representatives. 

C. Alderman King and Alderman Sir James Hoy shall be 
deemed to be two of the three representatives to be appointed 
on the Court by the Corporation of Manchester. The third 
representative of the Corporation of Manchester shall be appointed 
as soon as may he after the sealing of the Charter. In cases of 
vacancies occurring among them their successors shall be 
appointed by the Corporation of Manchester. Alderman Francis 
Harrison Walmsley shall be deemed the representative appointed 
by the Corporation of Salford. His successor shall be appointed 
by the Corporation of Salford. Alderman Henry Fleming Hibbert 
shall be deemed one of the three representatives appointed by 
the County Council of Lancashire. Two other members shall be 
appointed by the Lancashire County Council as soon as may 
be after the sealing of the Charter. Their successors shall be 
appointed by the County Council of Lancashire. 

Statutes . 


In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to he 
made patent. 

Witness Ourself at Westminster the fifteenth day of July in 
the third year of Our reign. 

Warrant under the King’s Sign Manual. 

Muir Mackenzie. 

Additional Statutes passed 1903-23 and allowed by 
the King in Council. 

XY. The members of the Court shall be increased by adding 
representatives of the following bodies : 

The County Council of Cheshire. 

The Council of the County Borough of Bolton. 

The Council of the County Borough of Bury. 

The Board of the Manchester Royal Infirmary. 

The Board of Directors of the Manchester Chamber of 

The Committee of the Manchester Incorporated Law 

*XVI. The Chairman of Convocation shall hold office for 
such period as may from time to time be determined by 
Convocation, or until his death or resignation before the 
expiration of such period. 

XVII. The members of the Court shall be increased by 
adding two representatives, to be appointed by the City of 
Manchester on the nomination of the Education Committee. 

XVIII. The members of the Court shall be increased by 
adding a representative appointed by the Borough of Oldham on 
the nomination of its Education Committee. 

XIX. The members of the Court shall be increased by adding 
one representative to be appointed by the County Borough of 
Stockport on the nomination of its Education Committee. 

XX. The Court shall have power on the nomination of the 
Council to co-opt two members in addition to the three additional 
members mentioned in Clause IX. of the Charter. 

XXI. A representative on the Court of Governors of a 
Corporation or County Council appointed on the recommendation 
of its Education Committee shall be selected from the members of 
such Education Committee and shall cease to be a member of the 

’“Amended Statute allowed June 26th, 1923. The period of office determined 
by Convocation is one year. 



Court of Governors on the Registrar receiving notice from the 
appointing Body that such member is no longer a member of the 
aforesaid Committee. 

XXII. The titles of Emeritus or Honorary Professor may, 
upon the recommendation of the Council and Senate, be conferred 
by the Court upon any Professor who has retired from his office. 

An Emeritus or Honorary Professor shall not ex-officio have 
the right to a seat on the Senate or on the Board of any Faculty, 
but he may be invited, on the recommendation of the Council 
and Senate, to take such part in the teaching of the University 
as may be determined from time to time. 

XXIII. On the Regulation and Conduct of the 
Matriculation Examination. 

1. The Matriculation Examination which must be passed by 
students before entering on the degree courses in the University 
shall be regulated and conducted by a Joint Board constituted 
as hereinafter prescribed. 

2. The Joint Board shall determine the conditions and sub- 
jects of the examination, together with the exemptions and 
conditions of exemption from it, provided that the Senate of 
each University shall have power to exempt from the Matri- 
culation Examination such persons as it may judge suitably 
qualified by higher study or research to enter upon a Course for 
a degree. 

3. The Board shall, with the consent of the five Universities 
concerned, have power to prescribe particular subjects to be 
passed in the examination as a condition of admission into 
particular Faculties, provided that at any time after any regu- 
lation to that end shall have been prescribed by the Board any 
of the five Universities shall have power to cause it to cease to 
be operative, on the expiration of two years from the date of 
notice to be given to the Board, so far as concerns such University. 

4. The Regulations of the Board regarding the Matriculation 
Examination shall not affect the power of each University 
(a) to require a standard higher than that of the Matriculation 
Examination in any subject or subjects as a condition of admis- 
sion into any Faculty or School ; (6) to require candidates as a 
condition of admission into its several Faculties and Honours 
Schools and Courses leading to a particular degree to have passed 
in such of the optional subjects of the Matriculation Examination 
as the University may determine ; (e) to admit unmatriculated 
students to such classes as it may think fit ; or ( d ) to determine 
how far the examinations recognised by the Joint Board as 



exempting from the Matriculation Examination shall be accepted 
by the University concerned as satisfying the requirements 
made by the University under sections (a) and ( b ) of this clause. 

5. The Joint Board shall consist of twenty members, four to 
be elected annually by each of the Universities in Manchester, 
Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, and Birmingham, with power to 
co-opt persons of educational experience to the number of six. 

6. When any change in the regulations regarding the Matri- 
culation Examination is carried in the Joint Board by a majority 
consisting of less than two-thirds of the members who are present, 
the question at issue shall, if any four members present and voting 
so require, be referred to each of the five Universities, who shall 
each then nominate two additional members of the Board for the 
purpose of dealing with such question. The decision of the Board 
so constituted shall be final. 

7. The Board shall send annual reports to each University. 

8. The five Universities shall contribute to the expenses of 
the Joint Board in such proportions as may be hereafter deter- 

XXIV. The members of the Court shall be increased by 
increasing the number of representatives to be appointed by 
Convocation from ten to fifteen. 

*XXV. The members of the Court shall be increased by 
increasing the number of representatives to be appointed by 
members of the Boards of Faculties who are not members of 
the Senate from two to four. 

fXXVI. The members of the Court may be increased by 
adding representatives of such bodies as the Court may from 
time to time determine. The Court may also determine the 
period for which such bodies shall be represented. 

* New Statute allowed December 13th, 19-22. 
+ New Statute allowed June 26th, 1923. 


Act of Incorporation . 




the Victoria University op Manchester and to 


College to the Victoria University op Manchester 


( Royal Assent 24dh June 1904.) 

‘UXUbCtTCaS the institution situated in the city of Manchester 
and known as the Owens College was founded by or under the 
will of John Owens of Manchester merchant deceased dated 
the thirty-first day of May one thousand eight hundred and 
forty-five and it was prescribed by the said will as a funda- 
mental condition that if and so often as the number of 
applicants for admission to the institution as students should 
be more than adequate to the means of the institution a 
preference should in all cases be given to the children of parents 
residing or who if dead or the survivor of whom resided when 
living within the limits then comprised in the Parliamentary 
borough of Manchester or within two miles from any part of 
such limits and secondly to the children of parents residing 
or who or the survivor of whom when living resided within the 
limits comprised in the Parliamentary district or division of 
South Lancashire : 

And whereas the said College is incorporated under the 
style of the Owens College Manchester and regulated pursuant 
to the provisions of an Act intituled the Owens Extension College 
Manchester Act 1870 as amended by the Owens College Act 
1871 and the Owens College Act 1899 : 

And whereas by Royal Charter dated the twentieth day of 
April one thousand eight hundred and eighty the Victoria 
University was constituted and founded having its seat in the 
city of Manchester with power to confer degrees and other 
distinctions except in medicine and surgery unless and until 
authority in that behalf should be given by a further Charter 
or by Act of Parliament which authority was given by a 
supplemental Charter dated the twentieth day of March .one 
thousand eight hundred and eighty-three : 

And whereas by the said Charter of 1880 the Owens College 
Manchester was constituted a college in the Victoria University 
and it was provided that other colleges might from time to time 
be admitted as colleges in the University in the manner and 
subject to the conditions prescribed in the said Charter : 

And whereas Royal Charters dated respectively the twentieth 
day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three 

Act of Incorporation . 


and the third day of June one thousand eight hundred and 
ninety-eight were granted supplemental to the said Charter 
of 1880 : 

And whereas in the year one thousand eight hundred and 
eighty-four University College Liverpool was admitted to be a 
college in the Victoria University : 

And whereas in the year one-thousand eight hundred and 
eighty-seven the Yorkshire College Leeds was also admitted 
to be a college in the Victoria University but no other college 
has been admitted : 

And whereas on the petition of the Owens College 
Manchester praying that a new or supplemental Charter 
might be granted so as to constitute and continue the Victoria 
University as a university in Manchester in association with 
the Owens College alone and on the petition of the University 
College Liverpool praying for the grant of a Charter establishing 
a university in Liverpool His Majesty in Council approved the 
grant of a Charter constituting the Victoria University in 
Manchester an independent university under the style of 
the “ Victoria University of Manchester 55 and of a Charter 
establishing a university . in Liverpool under the style of the 
“University of Liverpool ” : 

And whereas by Royal Charter dated the fifteenth day of 
July one thousand nine hundred and three (hereinafter referred 
to as “ the Charter of 1903 ”) it was ordained that the Victoria 
University constituted by the Charters granted by Her late 
Majesty should thereafter be called the “Victoria University 
of Manchester 55 having its seat in the city of Manchester and 
under the name and style of “ The Victoria University of 
Manchester’ 5 should remain and continue one body politic and 
corporate with the powers in the said Charter prescribed and 
ordained including the power to take by gift or otherwise 
purchase and hold and also to grant demise and otherwise 
dispose of real and personal property free from liability to 
admit or to remain in association with any college other than 
the Owens College and during the term therein mentioned the 
Yorkshire College : 

And whereas it was provided by the Charter of 1903 that 
the University College Liverpool should on the first day of 
October one thousand nine hundred and three cease to be a 
college of the said University and that on the first day of 
October one thousand nine hundred and four or on the grant 
of a Charter establishing a university having its seat in Leeds 
or elsewhere in Yorkshire which should first happen the 
Yorkshire College should cease to be a college of the said 
University : 


Act of Incorporation . 

And whereas the Charter of 1903 directs that the. Victoria 
University of Manchester shall have power to provide for 
instruction in such branches of learning as it may think fit and 
also to make provision for research and for the advancement 
and dissemination of knowledge : 

And whereas the governing body of the Owens College are 
desirous and it is expedient that the said College should cease 
to be a separate corporate body and that its property rights 
and privileges and liabilities should be transferred to and 
vested in the Victoria University of Manchester as constituted 
by the Charter of 1903 : 

And whereas it is expedient that the before-mentioned 
condition of the will of the said John Owens should remain in 
full force and effect and apply to the Victoria University of 
Manchester and that the other provisions contained in this Act 
should be made : 

And whereas the objects of this Act cannot be attained 
without the authority of Parliament 

tt therefore please H>our flfcaiests 

That it may be enacted and be it enacted by the King’s Most 
Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the 
Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present 
Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as 
follows (that is to say) : — 

1. This Act may be cited as “ The Victoria University 
of Manchester Act 1904.” 

2. In this Act the expressions “the University” means the 

Victoria University of Manchester ; “ the College ” means 

the Owens College Manchester. 

3. From and after the passing of this Act the College shall 
cease to exist as a separate corporation and shall be merged in 
the University and all property real and personal of every 
description (including things in action and the right to receive 
and give good discharges for any grants or contributions which 
may have been voted or otherwise promised to the College) and 
all rights powers and privileges of the College which on or 
immediately before the passing of this Act belonged to or were 
vested in the College shall be by virtue of this Act without any 
conveyance assurance or other instrument transferred to and 
become vested in the University for all the estate and interest 
therein respectively of the College and shall be applied for the 
objects and purposes for which the University is incorporated 
and the arms of the College shall be adopted by and become 
the arms of the University : Provided that notwithstanding 

Act of Incorporation. 


anything in this Act contained the buildings in Manchester 
which have been erected by and which immediately before the 
passing of this Act belonged to the College may continue to be 
known and designated by the name or style of fi£ the Owens 
College 55 : Provided further that if and so often as the number 
of applicants for admission to the University as students shall 
be more than adequate to the means of the University a 
preference shall in all cases be given to the children of parents 
residing or who if dead or the survivor of whom resided when 
living within the limits comprised in the Parliamentary borough 
of Manchester as it existed at the date of the death of the founder 
of the College or within two miles from any part of such limits 
and secondly to the children of parents residing or who or the 
survivor of whom when living resided within the limits comprised 
within the Parliamentary district or division of South Lancashire. 

4. From and after the passing of this Act all debts and 
liabilities of the College shall by virtue of this Act be 
transferred and attached to the University and shall thereafter 
be discharged and satisfied by the University. 

5. All agreements awards contracts deeds and other instru- 
ments and all actions and proceedings and causes of action or 
proceedings which immediately before the commencement of 
this Act were existing or pending in favour of or against the 
College shall continue and may be carried into effect enforced 
and prosecuted by or in favour of or against the University to 
the same extent and in like manner as if the University had 
been party to or interested in the same respectively. 

6. The Council of the University and the Council of the 
Liverpool University and the Council of the Yorkshire College 
or of the University which may be established having its seat 
in Leeds or elsewhere in Yorkshire or any of them may by 
agreement adjust and settle all questions arising with respect 
to any endowments property powers privileges authorities 
debts liabilities obligations or expenses in which the parties to 
the agreement are interested and also with respect to any 
examinations degrees and other university and college matters. 

7. The President of the College the Most Noble Spencer 
Compton Duke of Devonshire shall be the first President of 
the University and may in the absence of the Chancellor 
preside at meetings of the Court and Council of the University 
and may confer degrees of the University on persons qualified 
to hold the same. 

8. All professors and other members of and persons attached 
to the teaching staff of the College and all salaried and paid 
officers or servants of the College shall hold as nearly as practicable 


Act of Incorporation . 

the same offices and places in the University as they held in the 
College immediately before the passing of this Act and upon the 
same terms and conditions and all associates of the College shall 
be entitled to enjoy in the University similar privileges to those 
which immediately before the passing of this Act they enjoyed 
in the College : Provided that nothing herein contained shall 
extend to authorise associates of the College to elect members 
of the Court of the University. 

9. Any power or right of the College or of the Council or 
other governing body on behalf of the College to appoint or 
nominate a member of the governing body of any educational 
charitable or other institution committee or association shall 
from and after the passing of this Act be transferred to and 
may be exercised by the Council of the University save and 
except that if any such power or right is expressly conferred 
upon the Senate of the College then such power or right shall 
be transferred to and shall be exercised by the Senate of the 

10. Any will deed or other document whether made or 
executed before or after the passing of this Act which contains 
any bequest gift or trust in favour of the College shall on and 
after the passing of this Act he read and have effect as if the 
University were therein named instead of the College. 

11. The Charitable Trusts Acts 1853 to 1894 shall not extend 
to the University. 

12. The costs charges and expenses of and incidental to 
preparing obtaining and passing of this Act shall be defrayed 
by the University out of the capital or income of the property 
by this Act transferred to or out of any other moneys belonging to 
the University as the Council of the University may determine. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


UHsttor : 


Officers of tbe Ttlniveraitg. 


The Uijjht Hou. the Earl of Crawford and Bai.carriss, 
P.G., K.T., L L.D., D.Litt., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S. 

Walter H. Mobisrlt, D.S.O., M.A., Xjitt.D. 


Professor Arthur Lapworth, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. 
Professor J. L. Stocks, D.S.O., M.A. 

A. H. Worthington, B.A., LL.D. 


Sir Ernest D. Simon, M.A. 



Arts .. Professor E. F. Jacob, M.A., D.Pliil. 

Science Professor L. J. MoRDET.lL, B.A., M.Sc., F R.S. 

Law Professor R. A. Eastwood, LL.D. 

Medicine • .. Professor H. S. Haper, C.B.E., D.Sc., M B , Ch.B., F.R.S. 

Music A W. Wilcock, Mus.D. 

Commerce and Administration ... Professor G. \V. Daniels, M.A., M.Com. 
Theology.. ... ... ... ... Professor C. H. Dodd, M. A., D.D. 

Technology ... ... ... ... ... B. Mouat JONES, D.S.O., M.A. 

Education Professor J. F. Duff, M.A. 

Registrar . ..Norman Smith, D.Sc. 

Bursar . ... (f. \V. KAYE. 

Director of Extra-Mural Studies. . ... ... H P. Turner, M.A., LL.M. 

Adviser to Women Students ... ... ... .. PHYLLIS E. CRUMP, M.A. 

Tutor to the Faculty of Arts ... ... ... .. ... Joseph Marks, M.A. 

Tutor to the Faculty of Science ... ... ... J. E. Myers, O.B.E., D.Sc. 

Tutor to the Faculty of Medicine ... - A. D. Macdonald, M.A., M.B., Cb. B. 

Tutor to the Faculty of Commerce and Administration ... Frances Collier, M.A, 

Tutor for Articled Clerks (Faculty of Law) B. A. Wortley, LIi.B. 

Adviser to Indian Students ... ... ... ... ... J. K. Wood, D.Sc. 

Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor and I 
Supervisor for Civil Service Students f 

J. E. MYERS, O.B.E., D.Sc. 


The Victoria University of Manchester . 

Chairman of Convocation 

Clerk of Convocation 


Librarian of the Medical Library 
Keeper of the Manchester Museum 
Presenter of Honorary Graduands 

University Organist 

Assistant Registrar ... 

Assistant to the Bursar . . 

Secretary to the University Press 

Rev. T. M. Ghibbin, M.A. 

Erxa Retss, M.A., Ph.D. 

Charles W. E. Leigh, M.A, 

G. Wzlson. 

Rev. G. H. Carpenter, D.Sc., M.R.I.A. 
Professor J. L. Stocks, L.S.O.,M.A. 

Thomas Keighley, Mus.D. 

F. P. Walton, B.Com. 

R. A. Rainfoud. 

H. M. McKechnie, M.A. 

Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor and Secretary for Ceremonials 

Sydney Moss. 

Secretary to the Registrar 
Secretary for Examinations 

Assistant Secretaries -J 

Senior Clerk to the Registrar 

Welfare Supervisor 


Assistant Cashier . 

Senior Clerk to the Bursar 
Buildings Clerk ... 

Senior Assistant Keeper of the Museum 

Cataloguing Assistant 

Clerk to the Faculty of Education 

Maud V. Vernon, M.A, 

Thomas Borthwick. 

E. J. Albiston. 

H. C Butterfield, B.A. (Com.) 

Adelaide Matthews. 

Mair Jones. 

Harold Piokhtone, 

A. E. Jackson. 

C. E. Dukinfield. 
J. V. Popple well, L.R.I.R.A. 
.1 . W. Jackson, D.Sc., F.G.S. 

H. Perciyal. 

F. D. Hodgkiss, M.A. 
... T. W. Owen. 

University Solicitors ... . . . Messrs. Tatham, Worthington and Co. 

University Auditors Messrs. Jones, Crewdson, and Youatt. 

Parliamentary Registration Officer ... ... NORMAN SMITH, D.Sc. 

The Victoria University of Manchester 


Zbe Court of Coventors. 

The Chancellor : 

(The Right Honourable the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, 
P.C., K.T., LL.D., D.Iiitfe., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S.). 

The Vice-Chancellor : 

Walter Hamilton Moberly, D S.O., M.A., Litt.D. 

^ _ Dtttn of termination 

The Pro-Vice-Chancellobs : of office. 

Professor Lapworth . . . . . . • • • • Eeb 22nd, 1935 

Professor Stocks . . .. .. ** •• Sept 29th, 1935 

The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Manchester. 

The Chairman of the County Council of Lancashire. 

Appointed by the Lord President of the Council : 

For a term of five years. 

The Right Hon. Lord Arnold of Hale .. .. July 21st, 1934 

The Right Hon. John Robert Clynes, D.C.L., J.P. . . Oct. 25th, 1935 
Sir Edward Donner, Bart., B.A., LL.D. . . .. .. Nov. 18th, 1935 

The Right Rev. Albert Augustus David, D.D., 

Lord Bishop of Liverpool .. .. . . .. Mar. 12th, 1984 

Sir Henry Alexander Miers, M.A.,D.Sc.,LL D.,Ph.D., 

F.RS .. .. Dec. 12th, 1938 

Appointed by the Chancellor. 

The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, EL.G. . . ..Sept. 26th, 1936 

The Right Hon. the Lord Shuttleworth of Gawthorpk, 

LL.D Mar. 19th, 1937 

The Right Hon. and Most Rev. William Temple, DXitt., 

D.D., Archbishop of York .. .. .. .. Mar 17th, 1936 

Appointed by the City of Ma?ichester. 

Alddrxnan Joseph Crookes Grime, M.B.E., J P. .. Nov. 9th, 1935 
Alderman Frederick Todd.. .. .. .. .. Jan. 5th, 1934 

Alderman William Walker . . . . . . . . Mar. 6th, 1986 

(On the nomination of the Manchester Education Committee.) 

Alderman Joseph Harold Birley . . . . . . . . Nov. 1st, 1935 

Alderman George Prank Titt . . . . . . . . Nov. 1st, 1938 


The Victoria University of Manchester . 

Appointed by the City of Salford . 

Date of termination 
of office. 

Alderman Joseph Willett . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 4th, 1984 

Appointed by the County Council of Lancashire. 

County Councillor James Henry Sutherland Aitkin. . Sept. 21st, 1934 

County Alderman William Hodgson . . . . . . Sept. 21st, 1934 

County Councillor Sir James Openshaw, O.B.E., J.P., 

D.L Dec. 18th, 1934 

Appointed by the County Council of Cheshire. 

The Yen. Archdeacon John Hornby Armitstead . . April 13th, 1934 

Appointed by the County Borough of Bolton. 

Alderman John Percy Taylor .. .. .. .. Jan. 1st, 1936 

Appointed by the County Borough of Bury . 

Alderman Joseph Smith .. .. .. .. .. April 3rd, 1936 

Appointed by the County Borough of Oldham on the nomination 
of the Education Committee. 

The Rev. George Shillito, M.A. . . . . . . . . April 14th, 1935 

Appointed by the County Borough of Stockport on the 
nomination of the Education Committee. 

Alderman Henry Patten, J.P .. .. Nov. 19th, 1934 

Appointed by the County Borough of Wigan. 

Alderman John McCurdy, J.P .. .. .. .. Dec. 5th, 1935 

Appointed by the County Borough of Blackburn. 

Alderman Sir William Forrest, O.B.E. . . . . July 1st, 1934 

Appointed by the County Council of Derbyshire. 

County Alderman Joseph Walkden .. .. .. June 30th, -1936 

Appointed by the County Borough of Burnley. 

Mrs. Florence Annette Ogden, J.P , B.A. .. .. Feb. 4th, 1935 

Appointed by the County Borough of Rochdale. 

Councillor James Duckworth, J.P 

Dec. 20th, 1934 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

Appointed by the County Borough of Warrington. 

Date of termination 
of office. 

Councillor John Canon Babdsley .. .. .. .. June 14th, 193d 

Appointed by the County Borough of Preston. 

Alderman Mrs. Avice M. Pimblett . . . . . . Dec. 31st, 1935 

Appointed by the Board of the Manchester Royal Infirmary. 

Walter Cobbett, C.B.E .. Mar. 22nd, 1936 

Appointed by the Board of Directors of the Manchester 
Chamber of Commerce. 

Appointed by the Committee of the Manchester Law Society. 

Prank Augustus Padmore .. .. .. .. .. Mar 15th, 1935 

Representatives of the Senate. 

Professor Maurice Arthur Canney . . . . . . Sept. 29th, 1934 

Professor George William Daniels . . . . . . Sept. 29th, 1936- 

Professor John Leofrio Stocks . . . . . . . . Jan. 16th, 1934 

Professor John Sebastian Bach Stopford . . . . Sept. 29th, 1934 

Professor Frank Charles Thompson .. .. . . Dec. 3rd, 1934 

Professor Michael Vasilevitch Trofimov . . . . Dec. 3rd, 1934 

Representatives of Members of the Boards of Faculties , who are not 
Members of the Senate. 

Walter Fitzgerald, M.A Dec. 3rd, 1933 

John Mitchell Nuttall, D.Sc. . . . . . . . . F e b. 20th, 1935 

Ernest George Gaul, M.Sc. .. .. . . .. Nov. 19th, 1935 

Joseph Watkin Rees, M.A. .. .. . . .. Nov. 27th, 1934 

Representatives of Convocation. 

Leonard Frederick Behrens, M.Gom. .. .. .. Mar. 17th, 1936 

Catherine Chisholm, B.A., M.D. .. .. .. Feb. 27th, 1934 

Alfred Ethelbert Gospatric Chorlton, LL.B. . . Feb. 27th, 1934 

Alfred Haworth, B.A. Feb. 27th, 1934 

Charles Paget Lapage, M.D Feb. 26th! 1935 

Rev. Herbert McLachlan, M.A., D.D Mar. 17th, 1936 

Mary McNicol, M.Sc Mar. 17th! 1936 

Harold Fletcher Massey, B.Sc. Feb. 26th, 1935 

Sir Christopher Thomas Needham, BA. . . . . Feb. 26th, 1935 

Elizabeth Needham, M.A. . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 17th, 1936 

Ethel Mary Scott, M.A Feb 27th! 1934 

Professor William Fletcher Shaw, M.D. . . . . Mar 17th, 1936 

Mary Tout, M.A Feb. 26th! 1935 

Professor Frank Edward Tylecote, M.D., D.P.H., 

O.P ' . . Feb. 26th, 1935 

Harry Verb White, M.C., M.D Feb. 26th, 1935 

c 2 


The Victoria TJnivei'sity of Manchester. 

Representatives of the Chief Officers of Halls of Residence. 

D*U of termination 
of offiac. 

George Arthur Sutherland, M.A. .. .. .. Nov. 17th, 1933 

Alice Margaret Till yard, M. A . . .. Oct. 29th, 1935 

Appointed by the Court, 

(a) By special co-optation . 

Henry Lincoln Joseland, M.A. . . 

Councillor Wright Robinson, JP. 

Sir Kenneth Dugald Stewart, K.B.E. 

Nov. 20th, 1933 
Nov. 16th, 1936 
May 20th, 1935 

(b) By special co-optation on the nomination of the Council. 

Norman Godfrey Frank .. .. .. .. .. May 11th, 1936 

Kenneth Lee, LL.D. .. .. .. .. .. Nov. 18th ,1935 

(c) As successors to former Members of the Court of Gover7iors of the 
Owens College and to the Representatives of that Court in the University 



Honorary Professor Samuel Alexander, O.M., M.A., 
Litfc.D., LL.D., D.Litt., F.B.A. 

Margaret Ashton, M.A. 

Robert Bythell Barclay 
Harold Lucas Behrens 
Robert "Abraham Burrows 
Alan Ernest Leo frig Chorlton, 

M.Inst.C.E , M.I.Mech.E. 

Mary Gavin Clarke, MA... 

William Percivad Crozier, B.A. . . 

Henry Wybrow Freston 
Philip Godlee 

Hermann Julius Goldschmidt, B.A. 

Henry Philips Greg 
Joseph Harrison 

Elizabeth Anne Haworth, M.A. . . 

Frederic Edwin Warbreck Howell 
Ernest Alfred Knight 

Nov. 19 th, 1934 
Nov. 16th, 1936 
Nov. 20th, 1933 
May 21st, 1934 
May 17th, 1937 

May 11th, 1936 
Nov. 20 bh, 1933 
Nov. ICth, 1936 
May 20 ih, 1935 
May 20th, 1935 
May 17th, 1937 
May 11th, 1936 
May 20th, 1935 
May 20th, 1935 
Nov. 19fch, 1934 
Nov. 20th, 1933 

Dame Sarah Anne Lees, LL.D. . . 

Sir William Clare Lees, O.B.E... 
Herbert Levinstein, M.Sc., Ph.D. 
Bobert McDougall, B.Sc. .. 

Frederick James Marquis, B.Sc., M.A 
Leonard Fletcher Massey 
Loris Emerson Mather 
Percival Edward Meadon, O.B.E. , M.A 
Malcolm George Dewhurst Melvill 
Charles Antony Miller, B.A. 

Douglas Gordon Miller, M.A. 

. . May 21st, 1934 
. . Nov. 20th, 1983 
.. Nov. 18th, 1935 
. . May 20th, 1935 
. . Nov. 16th, 1936 
.. Nov. 19th, 1934 
. . Nov. 16th, 1936 
. . May 20th, 1985 
. . May 21st, 1934 
. . May 20th, 1935 
. . Nov. 20th, 1933 

The Victoria University of MancJiester. 


Date of termination 
of office. 

Sir Thomas Robinson . . . . . . . . . . May 20th, 1935 

John Russell Scott, B.A. .. .. . . .. .. Nov. 16th, 1936 

Councillor Alfred Philip Simon . . . . . . . . May 20th, 1935 

Sir Ernest Darwin Simon, M.A . . . . Nov. 18th, 1935 

Councillor Lady (Shena Dorothy) Simon, M.A. .. Nov. 19th, 1984 

The Right Hon. the Earl of Stamford . . . . . . May 21st, 1934 

Alderman James Henry Swales, J.P. .. .. .. Nov. 16th, 1936 

Honorary Professor James Tait, M.A., Lifct.D., F.B.A. .. May 17th, 1937 
The Right Rev. Guy Warman, M.A., D.D., Lord Bishop 

of Manchester * . . . . . - . . . . . May 17th, 1937 

Alderman Frederick Joseph West .. .. .. Nov. 19fch, 1934 

Arthur Henry Worthington, B.A., LL.D. .. .. May 11th, 1936 

Mrs. Janet Blair Zimmbrn .. .. .. Nov. 20th, 1933 

tTbe Council. 

The Chancellor. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 

A. H Worthington, B.A., LL.D. (Chairman). 

Sir Ernest D. Simon, M.A. (Treasurer). 

Robert McDougall, B.Sc. (Deputy Treasurer). 
Harold L. Behrens. 

*G. \V. Daniels, M.A., M Com. 

Sir Edward Donner, Bart., B A., LL.D. 

Alderman Hermann J. Goldschmidt, B.A. 

Alfred Haworth, B.A. 

Kenneth Lee, LL.D. 

Sir William Clare Lees, O.B.E. 

The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Manchester, 

F. J. Marquis, B.Sc., M.A 
C. A. Miller, B A. 

Sir Christopher T. Needham, B.A. 
f J. M. Nuttall, D.Sc. 
jj. W. Rees, M.A. 

Councillor Wright Robinson, J.P. 

Councillor Lady Simon, M.A. 

*J. L. Stocks, D.S.O., M.A. 

*J. S. B. Stofford, M.D., F.R.S. 

*F. C. Thompson, M.Sc., D.Met. 

Alderman William Walker. 

* Representatives of the Senate. 

+ Representatives of Members of the Boards of Faculties. 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

tlbe Senate* 

Chairman: The Vice-Chancellor. . 

A ppoint ttteat 

\V. H. Mobkrlt, D.S.O., M.A., Litt.D., Vice-Chancellor of the 

University and Professor of the Philosophy of Religion . * . . 1926 

W. H., M.B., C.M., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Barker Professor 

of Cryptogamic Botany . . . . . . . . . . . . 1909 

Robert Beattie, D.Sc., Edward Stocks Massey Professor of 

Electro-Technics . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 1912 

Maurice A. Cannwy, M.A., Professor of Semitic Languages and 

Literatures . . .. .. .. .. . . .« .. 1912 

Arthur Lapworth, D.Sc., LL D., F R.S., Sir Sanrnel Hall 

Professor of Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . 1913 

W. B. Anderson, M.A., D.Litfe., Hulme Professor of Latin . . 1913 

W. L. Bragg, M.A., M Sc., Sc.D., F.R.S., Nobel Laureate, Lang- 
worthy Professor of Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . 1919 

T. H. Pear, M.A., B 'Sc., Professor of Psychology .. . . .. 1919 

J. S. B. Stopford, M.D , F.R.S., Professor of Anatomy . . .. 1919 

M. V Trofimov, M.A., Sir William Mather Professor of Russian . . 1919 

A. H. Gibson, D.Sc., M.Inst.G.E., M.I.Mech.E., Beyer Professor 

of Engineering . . . . . * . . . . . . . . 1920 

A. H. Burgess, M.B., M.Sc., LL.D., F.R.C.S., Professor of Clinical 

Surgery. . . , . . . . . . . . ” . . . . . . 1921 

F. C. Thompson, M.Sc., D. Met.* Professor of Metallurgy .. .. 1921 

H. B. Charlton, M.A., John Edward Taylor Professor of English 

Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1921 

G. W. Daniels, M.A., M.Com., Stanley Jevons Professor of 

Political Economy and Cobden Lecture r .. .. 1921 

Albert Rams bottom, M.D , D.P.H., F.R.C.P., Professor*' of Clinical 

Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1921 

B. Motjat Jones, D.S O., M.A., Principal of the Municipal College 

of Technology . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . 1921 

E. D. Telford, M.A , M.Sc., B C., F.R C.S., L.R.C.P., Professor 

of Systematic Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . 1922 

L. J. Mordell, B.A., M.Sc., F.R.S., Fielden Professor of Pure 

Mathematics .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . 1923 

H. S. Raper, C B.E., D.Sc., M.B , Ch.B., F.R.S., Brachenbury 
Professor of Physiology and Duector of the Physiological 
Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1923 

R. A. Eastwood, LL.D., Professor of Law . . .. .. 1923 

J. L. Stocks, D.S.O. , M A., Sir Samuel Hall Professor of 

Philosophy .. .. .. .. .. , . .. 1924 

W. Fletcher Shaw, M D., Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and 

Gyiuecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1925 

W. E. Morton, M So. T ech., Piofessor of Textile Technology . . 1926 

Dempster Smith, INI B.E., M.Sc. Tech , M I.Mecli.E., Professor of 

Mechanical Engineei vug .. . . .. .. .. .. 1926 

Daniel Dougal, M D , Professor of Obstetrics and Qyncecology .. 1927 

H. B. Maitland, M.D , M.Sc., M.R C.S. , L.R.C.P , Professor of 
Bacteriology and Director of the Department of Bacteriology 
and Preventive Medicine 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 67 

Date of 

James Kenner, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., Professor of Technological 

Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . • . * • • • 1927 

D. R. Hartree, M.A , M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., Beyer Professor of 

Applied Mathematics . . . . . . . . . - . . • - 1929 

E. F. Jacob, M.A., D.Phil., Professor of Mediceval History . . . . 1929 

Donald Atkinson, M.A., Professor of Ancient History . . . . 1929 

F. E. Tylecote, M.D., D.P H., F.R.C.P., Professor of Systematic 

Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . • - • . 1929 

H. J. Flbure, D.Sc., Professor of Geography . . . . . . . . 1930 

John Murphy, M.A , D.D., D.Litt., Professor of Comparative 

Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - 1930 

J. M. F. Drummond, M.A , F.R.S.E., George Harrison 

Professor of Botany and Director of the Botanical Laboratories 1930 

•C. H. Dodd, M.A., D.D., Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism 

and Exegesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1980 

*W. J. Pugh, O.B.E , B.A., D Sc., F.G.S., Professor of Geology and 

Director of the Geological Laboratories . . . . . . . . 1931 

E. V. Gordon, M.A., Smith Professor of English Language and 

Germanic Philology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1931 

L. B. Namier, M.A , Professor of Modern Histo?-y . . . . 1931 

T. B. L. Webster, M.A., Huhne Professor of Greek . . .. 1931 

S. L. Baker, Ph.D., M.R.G.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., Procter Professor 

of Pathology and Pathological Anatomy . . . . . . . . 1931 

H. G Cannon, M A., Sc.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., Beyer P?-ofessor of 

Zoology and Dwector of the Zoological Laboratory . . . . 1931 

J. F. Duff, M.A., Sarah Fielden Professor of Edzication and 

Director of the Department of Education . . . . . . 1932 

Mario Praz, D.Litt., Dr. Jur., Professor of Italian Studies . , 1932 

Barker Fairley, M.A., PhD., Henry Simon Professor of 

German Language and Literature . . . . . . . . 1932 

John Holling worth, M.A,, D.Sc., M.I.E.E., Professor of Elec- 
trical Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1932 

R. A. Gordingley, M.A., A.R.I.B.A., Professor of Architecture and 

Director of the School of A rchitecture . . . . . . . . 1933 

Eugene Vinaver, M.A., B.Litt., D. L., Professor of French 

Language and Literature .. .. .. .. .. .. 1983 

I. M. Heilbron, D.S.O., D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., P?-ofessor of 

Michael Polanyi, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Physical Chemistry 1933 

F. C. Wilkinson, M.D., B D.S., D.D.Sc., Professor of Dental 

Surgery and Director of the Dental Hospital . . • • . , 1933 

Ibonoratg professors. 

Sir Arthur Schuster, Sc.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., F R.S. .. . . 1907 

James Tait, M.A,, Litt.D., F.B.A 1920 

Samuel Alexander, O.M., M A., Litt.D., LXjD., D.Litt., F.B.A. 1924 
Joseph John Findlay, M.A., Ph.D., M. Ed. .. .. .. .. 1926 

Sir Henry Alexander Miers, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1926 


The Victoria University of Manchester . 

Iprofessores lEmertti. 

Graham Stebll, M.D., F.R.C.P. 

Sir Horace Lamb, D.Se., LL.D., F.R.S. 

Archibald Donald, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. .. 

George Redmayne Murray, M.A., M.D,, D.G.L., F.R.C.P. 

Sydney John 

Hickson, M.A., D.Se., D.Zool. and Bot., LL.D., 

Date of 


Robert Wild, M.I)., M.Sc., F.R.C.P. . . 

Robert Seymour Conway, M.A., Litt.D., Dott. Gniv., D.Litt 
F.B.A., Coinmendatore della Corona del regno dTtalia 
Frederick Craven Moore, M.D., M.Sc., F R.C.P 
Arwid Johannson, M.A. 

Frederick Ernest Weiss, D.Sc., LL.D. F.R.S. 

Walter John Sedgefield, M.A., Litt.D. . . 

Fdward Fiddes, M.A., LL.D. 

Henry Bompas Smith, M.A., M.Ed. 

Miles Walker, M.A., D.Se., M.I.E.E , F.R.S. 










General Board of ^faculties. 

The General Board of Faculties consists of all the Members of the 
Several Boards of Faculties. 

Chairman ; The Vice-Chancellor. 

Secretary : Dr. J. E. Myers. 

Boards of ^faculties. 

i.~ members of tbc JBoauD of tbe ffacultg of Btrts, 

Dean : 

Professor Jacob. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 

Professor Anderson 
Professor Atkinson. 

Professor Canney. 

Professor Charlton. 

Professor Cordingley 

Professor Daniels. 
Professor Dodd. 
Professor Duff. 
Professor Eastwood. 
Professor Fairley. 
Professor Fleurk 
Professor Gordon. 
Professor Jacob 
Professor Mordell. 
Professor Namikii 
Professor Pear. 
Professor Praz. 
Professor Stocks. 

Professor Trofimov. 
Professor Vinavkr. 
Professor Webster. 

Mr. Ashton. 

Miss Grump. 

Mr Fitzgerald. 

Miss Harmer. 

Mr. Hughes. 

Miss Husband. 

Mr. Atkinson Lee. 
Rev. Dr. McLachlan 
Mr. Marks 
Mr Mead. 

Dr. Bedford. 

Mr. Ref.s 

Dr. Marion Robertson 
M me Valetth. 

Mr Waller. 

Dr. Wilkinson. 

Mr. Wright 

Secretary : Mr. J. D. Wright. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


il— /M embers of tbe JSoarb of tbe faculty of Science. 

Dean : 

Professor Mordell. 

Tbe Vice-Chancellor. 
Professor Beattie. 
Professor Bragg. 
Professor Cannon. 
Professor Drummond. 
Professor Duff. 
Professor Fleure 
Professor Gibson. 
Professor Hartrek. 
Professor Heilbron. 
Professor Lang. 
Professor Lap worth. 
Professor Maitland. 
Professor Mordell. 
Professor Pear. 
Professor Polanyi. 
Professor Pugh. 
Professor Raper. 
Professor Stopford. 
Professor Thompson. 
Dr. Bailey. 

Mr. Wright Baker. 
Mr. Bell. 

Dr. Brentano. 

Mr. F. J. Brown. 

Dr. Burt. 

Dr. Campbell. 

Mr. Child. 

Dr. Scott Dickson. 
Dr. Fairbrothbr. 

Mr. Fitzgerald. 

Mr. Gaul. 

Mr. Gerrard. 

Mr. Grier. 

Mr. Henry. 

Mr. Higham. 

Mr. Howarth. 

Mr. H. E. O. James. 
Mr. R. W. James. 

Mr. Eric Jones. 

Dr. Lamb. 

Mr. Mason. 

Dr. Myers. 

Dr. Nuttall. 

Dr. O’Neill 
M r. Ritchie. 

Dr. Norman Smith. 
Mr. Stewart. 

Mr. Straw. 

Mr. N. T. Williams. 

Secretary : Dr. J. E. Myers, 

hi.— /to embers of tbe JBoarb of tbe tf acuity of OLaw. 

Dean : 

Professor Eastwood. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 
Professor Daniels. 
Professor Eastwood. 
Professor Jacob. 

Mr. Easton. 

Dr. Hedges. 

Mr. Jolly. 

Mr. McDougall. 
Mr. Turner. 

Mr. Walmsley. 

Secretary : Dr, R. Y. Hedges. 

iv.— /Members of tbe SSoarb of tbe tfacultE of d&efcicine. 

Dean : 

Professor Raper. 

Chairman : Professor Fletcher Shaw. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 
Professor Baker. 
Professor Bragg. 
Professor Burgess. 
Professor Cannon. 
Professor Dougal. 
Professor Drummond. 
Professor Heilbron. 

Professor Lang. 

Professor Lapworth. 
Professor Maitland. 
Professor Pear. 

Professor Polanyi. 
Professor Ramsbottom. 
Professor RApbr. 

Professor Fletcher Shaw, 


T)ie Victoria University of Manchester. 

IY. — members of tbe 3Boart> of tbe afacutts of medicine— continued. 

Professor Stopfobd-. 
Professor Telford. 
Professor Tylecote. ■ 
Professor Wilkinson. 

Mr. Anderton. 

Dr. Blair. 

Dr. Buckley. 


Dr. Catherine Chisholm. 
Dr. Eugenia B. A. Cooper. 
Dr. Cobb. 

Dr. Downie. 

Dr. Dyson. 

Mr. Grier. 

Mr. Hey. 

Dr. Falknbr Hill. 

Dr. Holmes. 

*Mr. Houghton. 

""Mr Hutchinson. 

Mr. Jefferson. 

Dr. Lacey. 

Dr- Lamb. 

Dr. Langley. 

Dr. Lapage. 

Dr. Leech. 

Mr. Loveday. 

Mr. Macdonald. 


Mr. Mobley, 

Dr. Myers. 

Dr. Oliver. 

Mr. Platt. 

Mr. Bayner. 

Mr. Bitchie. 

Mr. Boberts. 

Dr. Sohlapp. 

Mr, Lindlby Sewell. 
Mr. Stewart. 

Dr. Susman. 

Mr. D. P. Sutherland. 
Dr. D. S. Sutherland. 
Mr. Woods. 

Mr. Garnett Wright. 
Mr. Wrigley. 

Secretary : Mr. A. D. Macdonald. 

* Representatives of the Dental Education Committee, 

v - — Members of tbe JBoacb of tbe ifacult® of tnsusic. 


Dr. Wilcock. 

The Vice-Chancellor. Dr. Keighley. 

Professor Bragg. Dr. Wilcock. 

Secretary: Dr. Thomas Keighley. 

vx. — Members ot tbe :ft3oatb of tbe jfacultg of Commerce 
anb Bbministratfoin 

Dean : 

Professor Daniels. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 
Professor Daniels. 
Professor Eastwood. 
Professor Fairley. 
Professor Fleure. 
Professor Jacob. 

Professor Namier. 
Professor Pear. 

Professor Praz. 

Professor Stocks. 
Professor Trofimov. 
Professor Vinaver. 

Mr. Ashton. 

Secretary ; 

Miss Collier. 
Miss Crump. 

Mr. Cunliffe. 
Mr. Dakyns. 

Mr. Jewkes. 

Mr. Marks. 

Mr. Mead. 

Dr. Myers. 

Mr. John Orr. 
Dr. Redford. 
Mr. Rees. 

Mr. Turner. 
Mr. Wilkinson. 

T. S. Ashton. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


vii.— M embers of tbe ^Soarb of tbe jf acuity of fTbeologg, 

Dean : 


The Vice-Chancellor. 
Professor Atkinson . 

Professor Canney, 

Professor Dodd. 

Professor Murphy. 

Professor Stocks. 

Rev. J. T. Brkwis. 

Mr. Cheney. 

Rev. F. P. Cheexham. 

Secretary : Rev. 


Rev. J. A. Findlay. 

Rev. A. J. Grieve. 

Rev. E. W. Hirst. 

Mr. Atkinson Lee. 

Rev. Herbert McLachlan. 
Rev. G. W. M. MacLeavy. 
Rev. Henry Townsend. 
Rev. W. L. Wardle. 

f. T. Brewis. 

viii.— M embers of tbe 3Soarb of tbe ffacultg of Hecbnolog^ 

Mr. Mouat 

The Vice-Chancellor. 
Professor Bragg. 

Professor Cordingley. 
Professor Gibson. 

Professor Hartree. 

Professor Heilbron. 
Professor Hollingworth. 
Professor Kenner. 

Professor Lapworth. 
Professor Mordell, 
Professor Morton. 

Professor Polanyi. 

Professor Dempster Smith 
Professor Thompson. 

Mr. Bowman. 

Mr. Cardwell. 

Secretary : Mr, 


Dr. Coleman. 

Dr. Fenelon. 

Mr. Ferguson. 

Mr. Handpord. 

Mr. Mouat Jones. 
Mr. Langton. 

Dr. Lowery. 

Mr. McCulloch. 

Mr. McKay. 

Mr. Moore. 


Mr. Threlfall. 

Dr. Walker. 

Mr. N. T. Williams. 
Dr. Wood, 

David Cardwell. 

ix.— / i&entbecs of tbe 3BoacO of tbe afacultg of jetmcatton. 

Dean : 

Professor Duff. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 

The Dean of the Faculty 
of Arts. 

The Dean of the Faculty 
of Medicine. 

The Dean of the Faculty 

. of Science. 

The Tutor of the Faculty 
of Arts. 

The Tutor of the Faculty 
of Science. 

Professor Duff. 

Professor Pear. 

Professor Stocks. 

Miss Borthwick. 

Dr. Chisholm 
Miss Clarke. 

Miss Conway. 

Miss Crump. 

Miss Eggar. 

Dr. Ewing. 

Mrs. Ewing. 

Mr. Helm. 

Miss Hindshaw. 
Rev. Dr. Jackson. 
Mr. Mouat Jones. 
Dr. Melland. 

Mr. Stanley. 

Miss Start. 

Secretary : Miss Borthwick. 


The Victoria University of Manchester . 

Ipaofessors a ^Lecturers. 


fHulme Professor, T. B. L. Webster, M.A. 
<* re * k 1 (Oxford). 

( Hulme Professor, W. B. Anderson, M.A. (Cam- 

Latin -f bridge and Manchester), D.Iiitt. (Aberdeen). 

I Lecturer, E C. Woodcock, M.A. (Cambridge). 

' Lecturers, 

[ Jeanie Husband, B.A. (Liverpool). 

1 *i. P. Winnixgton-Ingram, M.A. (Cambridge). 

I Assistant Lecturers, 

Greek and Latin > J A. Davison, B.A. (Oxford). 

L. R. Palmer, B.A. (Wales), Ph.D. (Cambridge 
! and Vienna). 

Alun Hudson- Williams, B.A. (Wales). 

. R. E. Wycherley, B.A. (Cambridge). 

Hellenistic Greek 

Classical Archceology 

Lecturer, The Rev. H. McLachlan, M.A., 


(Lecturer, E. S. Forster, M.B.E., M.A. (Oxford), 
t F.S.A. (Professor of Greek in the University 
i of Sheffield). 

(Lectures in Greek and Homan History will be given by Professor Atkinson 
and Mrs. Kathleen M. T. Atkinson.) 

English Literature 

English Language 

/John Edward Taylor Professor, H. B. Charlton, 
M.A. (Leeds and Manchester). 

Senior Lecturer, J. D. Wright, M.A. (Manchester). 

Florence E. Harmer, M.A. (Cambridge), 
B.A. (London). 

R. D. Waller, M.A. (Manchester). 

Assistant Lecturers, 

I. A. Shapiro, M.A. (Birmingham). 
v L. C. Knights, M.A. (Cambridge). 

Sm i th Professor of En gl ish Language and Germanic 
Philology, E. V. Gordon, M.A. (Oxford). 

■ Lecturer, Florence E. Harmer, M.A. (Cam- 
bridge), B.A. (London). 

Assistant Lecturer, G. L. Brook, B.A. (Leeds;. 

Professor of French Language and Literature, 
Eugene Tin aver, M.A., B.Litt. (Oxford), 
D. 6s L. 

Professor of French Language and Romance 

Senior Lecturer, Phyllis E. Chump, M.A. (London 
and Manchester). 


French Studies / Joseph Marks, M.A. (Manchester). 

\ Andrkf. Valettk, Mod. Lang. Hons. (Oxford). 
Marion E. I. Robertson, M.A. (Edinburgh), 
D. es L. 

Assistant Lecturers, 

T. B. W. Reid, M. A., LL.B. (Dublin), L. es L. 

Frederick Holdsworth, B.A. (Sheffield). 
Assistant, A. A. Malan. L. es L. (Bordeaux), 
Diplome d’Etudes Superieures (Strasbourg). 

(Lectures in History and Institutions of France will be given by members 
of the History Department.) 

German Language and 


Henry Simon Professor, Barker Fairley - , M.A. 

(Leeds), Ph.D. (Jena). 

Assistant Lecturers, 

Alexander Gillies, M A. (Sheffield)., Ph.D. 
(i-Sott ingen). 

F. P. Pickering, B.A. (Leeds). 

Assistant, K. L. F. Thielke, M.A. (Sheffield). 

Sir William Mather Professor, M. V. Trofimov, 
M.A. (Petiograd and Manchester). 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


Professor Mario Praz, D.Litt. (Florence), Dr. 

italian Studies - Jur. (Rome). 


Spanish Studies 

Semitic L at i gua ges and Litera- 

Senior Lecturer, J. W. Rees, M.A. (Oxford), B.A. 

Assistant Lecturer, Edward Baemibnto, B.A., 
Ph.D. London). 

Protessor, Maurice A. Cannby, M.A. (Oxford and 

Special Lecturer, The Rev. Thomas Fish. Ph.D. 

Assistant Lecturer, F. D. Coggan, B.A. (Cam- 

Chinese Language and Social 
Economy ... 


| Reader, E. W. Mead, M.A. (Cambridge). 

' Professor of Mediaeval History, E. F. Jacob, M.A. 

(Oxford and Manchester), D.Phil. (Oxford). 
Professor of Ancient History, Donald Atkinson, 

B. A. (Oxford), M.A. (Manchester). 

Professor ot Modern History, L. B. Namier, M.A. 


Honorary Professor, James Tait, M.A., Litt.D. 

(Oxford and Manchester), F.B.A. 

Reader in Economic History, Arthur Bedford, 
M.A., Ph.D. (Manchester). 

Lecturer in Modern History, Edward Hughes, 
M.A. (Manchester). 

Lecturer in History, Bertie Wilkinson, M.A., 
Ph.D. (Manchester). 

lilshop Fra, ser Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History, 

C. R. Cheney, M.A. (Oxford). 

Lecturer in Early Church History, The Rev. A. J. 

Grieve, M.A. (Oxford), D.D. (London). 

Special Lecturer in Ancient History, Kathleen 
M. T. Atkinson, M.A. (Oxford). 

Assistant Lecturer in History, A. J. P. Taylor, 
' M.A. (Oxford). 

Palceography Lecturer, Moses Tyson, M.A., Ph.D. (Manchester) . 

History of Art 




Philosophy and Public 
Administration .. 

Special Lecturer, R. H. Wilenski. 

Stanley .Jevons Profeatior of Political Economy 
and Cobden Lecturer, G. W. Daniels, M.A., 
M.Com. (Manchester). 

Reader in Economic History, Arthur Bedford, 
M.A. , Ph.D. (Manchester). 

Reader in Currency and Finance, T. S. Ashton, 
M.A. (Manchester). 

Senior Lecturer in Commerce, John Jewkes, 
M.Com. (Manchester). 

Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Economics, 
John Orr, M.A. (Glasgow), Adviser under the 
Ministry of Agriculture Advisory Scheme. 
Robert Ottley Lecturer in Economic Statistics* 
Harry Campion, M.A. (Com.) (Manchester). 
Assistant Lecturer in Economics, S. G. Roberts. 
B.Com . (Manchester). 

Professor, H. J. Fleure D.Sc.( Wales). 

Lecturer, Walter Fitzgerald, M.A. (Liverpool). 
Special Lecturer, Mabel C. Wright, A.R.C.Sc. 

Assistant Lecturer, Ronald Miller, M.A. 

Lecture Assistant and Secretary, Elwyn Davies 
B.A. (Wales), M.Sc. (Manchester). 

Sir Samuel Ha.ll Professor of Philosophy, J. L. 

Stocks, D.S.O., M.A. (Oxford and Manchester). 
Honorary Professor, Samuel Alexander, O.M., 
M.A. (Oxford and Manchester), D.Litt. (Oxford 
and Durham), Litt.D. (Manchester and Liver- 
pool)^ LL.D. (Birmingham and St. Andrews), 

Special Lecturer in Public Administration, A. L. 
Dakyns, M.A. (Oxford). 

Assistant Lecturer, A. E. Te\le, B.A. (Leeds). 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 



Military Organisation 

Mathematics, Bure and 


/Professor, T. H. Pear, M.A. (Manchester), B.Se. 

• Lecturer, H. E. O. James, B.A., M.Sc. (Manchester). 
Special Lecturer, Stanley Wyatt, M.Sc., M.Ed. 

f Professor and Director of the School of Archi- 
tecture, K. A Cordingley,M.A. (Manchester), 


John Williams. 

J. P. Nunn, B.A. (Manchester), A.R-.I.B.A. 
Assistant Lecturer, J. L. Martin, M.A. (Man- 
chester), A.R.I.B.A. 

Lecturer in Classical Archaeology, E. S. Forster, 
M.B.E., M.A. (Oxford), F.S.A. (Professor of 
Greek in the University of Sheffield). 

Lecturer in Town Planning, F. L. Halliday, 

Special Lecturer in History of Art, R. H. 
Wile ns ki. 

Special Instructor in Life Drawing, Emanuel 

^ Instructor in Drawing, Reginald Edge. 

( Hon. Lecturer, Captain T. N. Pknlington. 

] Lecturer in Military History, Edward Hughes, 
1 M.A. (Manchester). 


Fielden Professor of Pure Mathematics, L. J. 
Mobdbll, B.A. (Cambridge), M.Sc. (Man- 
chester), F.R. S. 

Beyer Professor of Applied Mathematics, D. R. 
Hartree, M.A., Ph.D. (Cambridge), M.Sc. 
(Manchester), F.R.S. 

Senior Lecturer, W. N. Bailey, M.A. (Cambridge), 
M.Sc. (London), D. Sc. (Manchester). 


J. M. Child, B.A. (Cambridge), B.Sc. (London), 
Albert Eagle, B.Sc. (London). A.R.C.Sc. 
Bertha Swirleb, M A., Ph.D. (Cambridge). 
Assistant Lecturers, 

J. A. Todd, B.A., Ph.D. (Cambridge). 

J. M. Jackson, B.Sc. (London). 

Samuel Yerblunsky, B.A., Ph.D. (Cam- 

Lecture Assistant, Violet F. White, M.Sc. 

Langworthy Professor and Director of the Physical 
Laboratories, W. L. Bragg, M.A. (Cambridge), 
Sc.D. (Dublin), M.Sc. (Manchester), F.K.S., 
Nobel Laureate. 

Honorary Professor, Sir Arthur Schuster, Sc.D. 
(Cambridge), Ph.D. (Heidelberg), D.Sc. (Man- 
chester), F.R.S. 

Senior Lecturers, 

J. M. Nuttall, D.Sc. (Manchester), Assistant 
Director of the Physical Laboratories. 

Pc. W. James, M.A. (Cambridge), B.Sc. (London). 
E. C.S. Dickson, B.A. (Cambridge),Pb.D.(Bonn). 

Herbert Bell, M.A. (Edinburgh). 

J. C. M. Brentano, D.Sc. (Munich). 

Special Lecturer in Mathematical Physics, E. J. 
Williams, D.Sc. (Wales), Ph.D. (Manchester 
and Cambridge). 

Special Lecturer, G. A. Sutherland, M.A. (Cam- 

Assistant Lecturers, 

W. H. Taylor, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Manchester). 
Alexander Harvey, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Durham), 

*7~ici ZT'iz'i'vei'sity of IS£a,'*zcJz>est&r . 


Lecturer, X>. O. Hknbt, M.A. (Cambridge). 

f Sdward Stocks Massey Professor and Director of 
tbe Electro-Technical Laboratories, XtosniPtv 
Bisattie, D.Sc. (Durham). 

( Senior Lecturer, Haroi.d G f.bratid, M.Sc. (Man- 
chester), A.M.I.IELIE. 

Lecturer, Joskph Hicham, M.Sc, (Manchester), 

a. m. 1 . 33 . 15 . 

Assistant Lecturer, Fbank Roberts, IVI.Sc . (Man- 

/Beyer Professor and Director _pf_ the VVLtifc woxrfcli 

Laboratories, A, IT . Gibson, D.Sc. (Manchester), 
IVI.Inst .G . II] . , M.Inst.Mech.E. 

Clifton Lecturer and Assistant Director of the 
Engineering Laboratories, C. M. Mason, UVI.So. 
(Manchester). A.M.I.G.T3. , A.M.I.Mech.E . 
j Lecturers, 

ESmc Jones, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

H. Wright Bakkr, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

C3-. IF. Muckhotv, D.Sc. ( Manchester). 

It. «T. Cornish, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

Special Lecturer, JttXjTxts Fritft, M.Sc. ( IVTa.n- 
chester), M.Tnst.E ."F3 . 

\ Assistant Lecturer, Jack Allen, M.Sc. ( Man- 
chester) . 


Six- Samuel Hall Professor of Chemistry and 
JL> irector of t lie Chemical 1 laboratories, 

Arthur Lapwoiith, M.Sc. (Manchester), D.Sc. 
(London), LjLj.L>. (St. Andrews and Birming- 
ham), IT . K, . S - 

Professor of Organic Chemistry, X. M. Heilbron, 
D.S.O., D.Sc. (Glasgow), Ph.D. (Leipzig), P.K.S. 
Professor of XrMaysica.I Chemistry, Michael 
Polanyi, M.D., Ph.D. (Budapest). 

Reader in Stoichio-Cbeu listry, I<\ If*. Burt, 

B.Sc. (London), D.Sc. (Tiris tol) . 

Senior Lecturers, 

Norman Sivixoc tr, D.Sc. (Manchester). 

J. 13. Myers, O.B.E., D.Sc. (Manchester). 

Colin Campbell, D.Sc. (Manchester).> Fairbrother, D.Sc. (Manchester). 


T>. C. Hir.Nrt'sr, M.A. (Cambridge). 

G. 1ST. lf5LJLfcTs:iarA.xtx>T , M.Sc., IPli .L>. (Manchester). 

K. G. Gaul, 3VT.Sc (Manchester). 

«T. B. I\I. HxcLMiiriKT, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

L> . II. Hey, 3VX.Sc. (Wales), B.Sc., FLl.O. 

Lecturer in Agricultural Chemistry, Robert 
Stewar-t, B.Sc., IPIy . D . (Edinburgh), Adviser 
under the Ministry of Agriculture Advisory 

Annistant T;ecturei'S, 

TL s. Spring, T5.Se., Ph.D. (Liverpool). 

\ C. J3 . K- Bawn, B.Sc., IPti .L> . (Bristol). 

M. G. Eva inf*, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

/ Professor, TL C. Thompson, B.Sc. (London), 
I M.Sc. (Manchester), D.Met. (Sheffield.), 

j Sen ior Lecturer, Hugh O’LThiiilTj, M.hXet . (Sheffield), 
J D.Sc. (Manchester). 

t ] Lecturer in Electro-Metallurgy, J. W. 

I Cuthbertson, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

I Lecturer in Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, TCI. O. 
' Joisms, IB. Sc. (London). 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

Systematic Medicine 


Infectious Diseases ... 


Clinical Surgery .. 

Systematic Surgery .. 

Operative S urgery . . . 

Professor, F. E. Tylecote, M.D., D.P.H. (Man- 
chester), F.R.C.P. 

Reader in General Therapeutics, G. J. Langley, 
M.D., B.S. (-London), F.R.C.P. 

... / Lecturers, 

' T. H, Oliver, M.D. (Manchester), F.R.C.P, 
J. F. Wilkinson, M.Sc., M.D., Ph.D. (Man- 
chester), M.R.C.P. 

Demonstrator, William Brockbank, M.A., M.D. 
' (Cambridge), M.R.C.P. 

... Lecturer, D. E. Core, M.D. (Manchester), F.R.C.P. 

j Clinical Lecturer, D. S. Sutherland, M.D. 
*’ i (Glasgow). 

j Honorary Clinical Lecturer, D. P. Sutherland, 
- 1 M.B., B.S. (London). 

Pro lessor, Arthur H. Bdrgess, M.B., Ch.B,, M.Sc. 

(Manchester), LL.D. (Manitoba), F.R.C.S. 
Lecturer and Assistant to the Professor, Charles 
Roberts, (London), F.R.C.S. 

. Lecturers, 

1 J. P. Buckley, M.A., M.D. (Cambridge), 
j M.S. (London), 

H. H. Rayner, M.B., Ch.B. (Manchester), 
1 ' F.R.C.S. 

( Professor, E. D. Telford, M.A., B.C. (Cambridge), 
M.Sc. (Manchester), F.R.C.S. 

Lecturer and Assistant to the Professor, W. H. Hey, 
M.B., Ch.B. (Manchester), F.R.C.S. 

*‘l Lecturer, John Morley, M.B., Ch.M. (Manchester), 

( Lecturer in Regional Surgery A. Gbaham-Brtce, 
' M D., D.P H. (Manchester), F.R.C.S. 

I Lecturers, 

E. E. Hughes, MB., Ch.M. (Manchester), 
... -J F.R.C.S. 

A. H. SouTHA&r, M.A., M.D., M.Ch. (Oxford), 
' F.R.C.S. 

Director of the Laboratory, J. F. Wilkinson, 
M.Sc., M.D,, Ph.D. (Manchester), M.R.C.P. 
Assistant Director, M.C. G. Israels, M.Sc. M.B., 
Ch.B. (Manchester). 


, P. R. WlUGLEY, F.R.C.S. 

Surgical Pathology \ ° fXSs. WRIGHT ’ M ’ B - ChB - < Edinbur e h >* 

J. P. Buckley, M.A., M.D. (Cambridge), M.S. 
I (London), F.R.C S. 

Clinical Investigations -. 

Practical Surgery 

Orthopaedics .. ... 

Lecturer, Charles Roberts, M.B., B.S. (London), 

f Honorary Clinical Lecturers, 

J R. Ollerenshaw, M.D. (Manchester), F.R.C.S. 
I H. Platt, M.D. (Manchester), M.S. (London), 
l F.R.C.S. 

/Professor, W. Fletcher Shaw, M.D. (Man- 


Clinical Obstetrics and Gy nee- } W. B Addis, M.C., M.B., Ch.B. (Edinburgh). 

eology ('. P. Bhentnall, M.C., M.B., Ch.B. (Liver- 

j pool). 

I Honorary Lecturer, F. H. Lacey, M.D. (Man- 

' Chester). 

ObstetHcs and Gynaecology ... 

Professor, Daniel Dougal, M.C., M.D. (Man- 

Lecturer, K. V. Bailey, M.C., M.D. (Manchester), 
M.R C.P. 

Assistant Lecturer, E. A. Gerrard, M.B., Ch.B. 

(Manchester), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 
Demonstrator, Robert Newton, M.D. (Man- 

v Chester). 

The Victoria University of Manchester . 


Materia Medica and. 


Diseases of Children 

f Leech Professor, 

Reader in Materia Medicaand Therapeutics, A. D. 
Macdonald, M.A , M.B., Cli.B. (Edinburgh). 

< lecturer m Dental Materia Medica, Felix Baws- 
thoune, L.D.S. (England). 

Assistant Lecturer in Pharmacology, T. H. B. 
BunroRi), M.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. (Leeds), M.R C.P. 



Senior Lecturer, James Grier, M.Sc. (Manchester), 

Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Harry 
Swindle, B.Sc. (London), F.I.C., Ph.C. 
Lecturer, Ivy Roberts, M.Sc. (Manchester). Ph.C. 
Assistant Lecturer, Jeannette Duncan, B Sc. 

(Manchester), Ph.C 

Kenneth Bullock, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Man- 

S- L. Prkscott, B.Sc. (Manchester). 

Harry Buulinson, M.P.S. 

J. M. Rowson, M.P.S. 

... J ,ecturer, C. P. LAPAGE,M.D.(Manchester), F.R.C.P. 

Forensic Medicine 

Lecturer, W.B.ANDERTON,M.B.(London),M.R.C.S. f 

Hygiene and P re ven tive j Lecturer, J. J. Butterworth, M.D., D.P.H. 

* Medicine 1 (Manchester). 

Mental Diseases ... 



David Blair, M.A., M.D. (Glasgow). 

H. Dove CoitaiAo, M.B., M.S. (Madras), D.P.M. 

Clinical Lecturers, 

H. H. McNabb, M.D. (Manchester). 

.7. Wharton, M.A., M.D. (Cambridge). 

T. M. Bride, M.D. (Manchester). 


Diseases of the Throat 
and Nose 

Diseases of the Bar ... 








Medical K tides and Condi- J 
tions of Medical Practice ... j 

Clinical Lecturers, 

Wilt. tam Dyson, O.B.E., M.D. (Manchester). 
Louis Savatard, L.S.A. (London). 

Robert Gibson, M.D., (Edinburgh). 

Lecturer, F. G. Wrigley, M.D. (Manchester). 

Lecturer, D. Lindley Sewell, M.B., B.S. (Lon- 
don), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Lecturer, E. W. Twining, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 
D.M.R.E. (Cambridge). 

Lecturer, E. Falkner Hill, M.B. Ch.B. (Man- 
chester), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Lecturer, Catherine Chisholm, B.A., M.D. (Man- 

Lecturer, T. A. Goodfellow, M.D. (London), 
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Venereal Diseases 

/ Clinical Instructors, 

W. J. S. Reid, M.A., M.D. (Aberdeen), M.R.C.P. 
Gordon Whitehead, M.B., Ch.B. (Man- 

Elizabeth C. Byrd, M.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. (Man- 
1 Chester). 

W. R. Addis, M.B. Ch.B. (Edinburgh). 

E. Tytler Burke, D.S.O. M.B., Ch.B. (Glas- 

' P. B. Mumford, M.D. (Manchester), F.R.C.P. 

Cancer Research... 

Director of the Department, C. C. Twort, M.D. 

Chemist, A. C. Bottomley, M.Sc. , Ph.D. (Man- 


J M. Twort, B.Sc. (London). 

Rupert Lyth, B.Sc., Dp.Bact. (Manchester). 


T%e Victoria University of Manchester . 

Department of Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine. 

Bacteriology and 

Preventive Medicine 

, Professor of Bacteriology, and Director of the 
Department of Bacteriology and Preventive 
Medicine, H. B. Maitland, M.D. (Toronto), 
M.Sc. (Manchester), M.R.C.S. (England), L.K.C.P. 

Lecturers in Bacteriology, 

A. W. Downib, M.D. (Aberdeen). 

R. W. Fairbrother, M.D. (Manchester), 

... Lecturer in Sanitary and Bacteriological Chem- 
istry, Harm Heap, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

Lecturer in Veterinary Bacteriology and Hygiene, 
C. A. McGa.ughey, M.Sc., D.V.S.M. (Man- 
chester), M.R.C.V.S. 

Honorary Lecturer in Veterinary Hygiene, 
William Woods, F.R.C.V.S. (England). 

Assistant Lecturer in Bacteriology, J. C. Kerrin, 
M.D., D.P.H. (Aberdeen). 

Demonstrator in Chemistry, W. M. Shortt, M.Sc. 

N (Manchester). 

( 1 iecturerts. 

Public Health Administration -j J. J. Buttkeworth, M.D., D.P.H. (Manchester), 

( E.H. Walker, M.B.,Ch.B.,D.P.H«(Manchester). 

Factory Hygiene... 

(Lecturer, W. D. Hood, M.B., Cli.B. (Glasgow), 
I D.P.H. (Manchester). 

Vital Statistics 

( Lecturer, E. H. Scholefield, M.B., Oh.B. (Oxford), 
M.R.C.S., L.K.C.P. (London), D.P.H. (Man- 
I Chester). 

( Lecturer, G. S. Coli^man, D.Sc.(Eng.) (London), 

Sanitary Engineering 4 Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., Assoc. M.Inst. Mun. <fc Cy.E„ 

I F.R.San.T. 

Also the Professors and Lecturers in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. 

School of Dental Surgery. 

Professor and Director of the Dental Hospital, 

Dtntal Swgery - F. C. Wilkinson, M.D., B.D.S. (Liverpool), 

D.D.Sc. (Melbourne). 

Dental Anatomy <& Physiology Lecturer, 

Dental Mechanics and Den tal) Lecturer, A. C. W. Hutchinson, M.D.S., L.D.S. 
Prosthetics f (Manchester) . 

Practical Operative Dental 

Lecturer, Edgar Houghton, L.D.S. 


Regional Svrgei'y 

Lecturer, A. GRAHAAi-BiiYUE, M.D., D.P.H (Man- 
chester), F.H.C.S. 

Dental Histology... 

Lecturer, E. B. Manley, L.D.S. (Manchester). 

Dental Metallurgy . . 

Dental Materia Median 
Dental Bacteriology.. 

Professor, F. C. Thompson. B.Sc. (Loudon), M.Sc. 
• Manchester), D.Met. (Sheffield). 

Lecturer, Felix Rawbthorne, L.D.S. (England). 

Professor, H. B. Maitland, M.D. (Toronto), M.Sc. 
(Manchester), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 


Dental Pathology arid Surgery 
Medicine for Dental Students 

Lecturer, T. Martin Hughes, M.K.C.S., L.K.C.P., 
L.D.S. (England). 

Lecturer, Harold Simms, M.D. (Manchester), 

L. D.S. (England). 

Lecturer, A H. Holmes, M.D. (Manchester), 

M. K.C.P. 

Also the Professors and Lecturers in Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Anatomy, 
Physiology, Medicine, and Surgery. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


Pharmaceutical Department. 

/Leech Proiessor, 

Reader in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, A D. 
Materia Medica ctnd J Macdonald, M. A., M.B., Ch.B. (Edinburgh i. 

Thei'apeutics \ Lecturer in Dental Materia Medica, Felix Raws- 

thorne, L.D.S. (England). 

Assistant Lecturer in Pharmacology, 1’. H. B. 
Bedford, M.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. (Leeds), M.R.C.P. 

( Senior Lecturer, James Grier, M.Sc. (Manchester), 

Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 

Harry Brindle, B.Sc. (London), F.I.C.,Ph.C. 
, i lecturer. Ivy Roberts, M.Sc. (Manchester), Ph.C. 
i Assistant Lecturer, Jeannette Duncan, B.Sc. 

'Pharmaceutics -s (Manchester), Ph.C. 


Kenneth Bullock, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Man- 

S. L. Prkscott, B.Sc. (Manchester). 

Harry Burlinson, M.P.S. 

' J. M. Rowson, M.P.S. 

Also the Professors and Lecturers in Physics, Chemistry, and Botany 


Barmony and Musical Com- f Lecturer, Thomas 
position I Chester). 

Keighley, Mus.D. (Man- 

Bistory of Music... 


.. Lecturer, A. W. Wilcock, Mus.D. (Manchester), 

1 Professor, W, L. Bragg, M.A, (Cambridge), 
Sc. D. (Dublin), M.Sc. (Manchester), F.K.S., 
Nobel Laureate. 

Senior Lecturer, E. C. S. Dickson, B A. (Cam- 
bridge), Ph.D. (Bonn). 

Also the Professors and Lecturers in the subjects of the Intermediate 
B.A. Examination. 

Commerce and Administration. 


/Stanley Jevons Professor of Political Economy 
and Cobden Lecturer-, G. W. Daniels, M.A., 
M.Com. (Manchester). 

Reader in Economic History, Arthur Bedford, 
M.A., Ph.D. (Manchester). 

Reader in Currency and Finance, T. S. Ashton, 
M.A. (Manchester). 

Senior Lecturer in Commerce, John Jewkes, 
M.Com. (Manchester). 

I Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Economics, John 
Orr, M.A. (Glasgow), Adviser under the 
Ministry of Agriculture Advisory Scheme. 

Assistant Lecturer in Economics, S. G. Roberts, 
B.Gom. (Manchester). . _ , 

Garfcside Research Assistant m Commerce and 
Administration, Frances Collier, M.A. (Man- 
chester). _ 

Staff Tutor for Tutorial Classes, William Bruce, 
\ B.Sc. (London). 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 


Professor, H. J. Fleure, D.Sc. (Wales). 

.Lecturer, Walter Fitzgerald, M.A. (Liverpool). 
Special Lecturer, Mabel C. Wright, A.R.C.Sc. 

Assistant Lecturer*, Ronald Miller, M.A. 

Lecture Assistant and Secretary, Ewyn Davies, 
B.A (Wales), M.Sc. (Manchester). 

Statistics j Robert Ottley Lecturer in Economic Statistics, 

I Harm Campion, M. A. (Com.) (Manchester). 

Banking ... 

! Druimuond-Fraser Lecturer in Practical Banking, 

( Lecturer, II. H. E. Wilkinson, F.C.A. 

Accounting J Assistant Lecturer, M. Wheatley Jones, B.Com. 

( (Manchester). 

Batlivay anil Factory Law ... Lecturer, H. P. Turner, M.A. ,LL.M. (Manchester). 

* ( Professor, R. A. Eastwood, LL.D. (Manchester). 

Senior Lecturer, R. Y. Hedges, LL.D. (Man- 

Xaw Chester), Dipl6in6 de Hautes Etudes Inter- 

nationales (Geneva). 

Lecturer, Archibald McDotjgall, B.A. (Tasma- 
\ nia), M.A., B.C.L. (Oxford). 

Modern History 

{ Professor, L B. Namier, M.A. (Oxford). 

"* 1 Lecturer, Edward Hughes, Dr. A. (Manchester). 

Political Philosophy and 
Public- Administration 

( Professor of Philosophy, J. L. Stocks, D.S.O , M.A. 

(Oxford and Manchester). 

J Special Lecturer in Public Administration, 
A. L. Dakyns, M.A. (Oxford). 

Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy, A. E. Teale, 
\ B.A. (Leeds). 

( Professor, T. H. Pear, M.A. (Manchester), B.Sc. 

Le °cbester) H ' E ' °' JAME&1 !1,A " M ’ Sc ' (Ma “' 
Special Lecturer, Stanley Wyatt, M.Sc., M.Ed, 

Administration of Education . Professor, J. F. Duff, M.A. (Cambridge). 

, Supervisor of Practical Work, Jean C. Wyatt, 
| M A. (Edinburgh), Warden of the University 

Social Study Settlement. 

j Special Lecturer in the Principles of Pi-act ical 
l Work, Mary Stocks, B.Sc. (Econ.) (London). 

Also the Professors and Lectuiers in French, German. Spanish, Russian, 
Italian, Arabic, and Chinese, and in the subjects in Science and Technology which 
may be offered for the degrees in Commerce and Administration. 

The Victoria University of Manchester . 85 


Hellenistic Greek f -Lecturer, 'L be Rev. Herbeht MoLachlan, M.A., 

( D.D. (Manchester). 

/Professor, Maurice A. Canney, M.A. (Oxford and 

Semitic languages J Spe ^Oa!ll^bridge^ , Tb6 1?eV ’ Thomas Fish ’ PbJD - 

Assistant Lecturer, P. D. Coggan, B.A. (Cam- 
' bridge). 

Rylands Professor, The Rev. 0. H. Dodd, M.A. 

(Oxford), D.D. (Aberdeen). 

Reader in Old Testament, The Rev. W. L. 

Wahdle, M.A. (Cambridge), D.D. (Dublin). 
Lecturers in New Testament, 

The Rev. P. P. Chbetham, M.A. (Cambridge). 
The Rev. J. A. Findlay, M.A. (Cambridge). 

Professor, The Rev. John Murphy, M.A.. D.D.. 
D.Litt. (Glasgow). 


The Rev. Henry Townsend, M.A.(R.U.I.),D.D. 

The Rev. J. T. Brewis, B.A.,B.D. (Manchester). 
The Rev. G. W. M. MaoLeayy, M.A. (Man- 
l Chester), B.D. (London). 

{ Professor, W. H. Moberly, D.S.O., M.A. (Oxford), 

Philosophy of Religion -j Litt.D. (Manchester). 

I Lecturer, Atkinson Lee, M.A. (Cambridge). 

Ecclesiastical History -j Bi ® “ HiBt0ry - C ' E ’ CHENEY * 

Early Church History Lecturer, The Rev. A. J. Grieve, M.A. (Oxford). 

D.D. (London). 

Psychology of Religion Lecturer, Atkinson Lee, M.A. (Cambridge). 

Christian Ethics Lecturer, The Rev. E. W. Hirst, M.A. (London), 

B.Sc. (Oxford). 

Also the Professors and Lecturers in Classics, Germ an, History, Philosophy, 
and the Scienoes. 



Prank Bowman, M.A. (Cambridge), M.Sc.Tech. 
(Manchester), Head of the Department of 
Mathematics in the Collage of Technology. 
James Topping, M Sc. (Manchester), Ph.D 
(London), Lecturer in the College of 

Assistant Lecturers, 

H. Tilsley, B.Sc. (Eng.) (London). 

J. H. Hawkbs, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

Lecturei*s in the College of Technology. 
Arthur Ho warth,B . Sc. (Manchester), Assistant 
Lecturer in the College of Technology, 

Comparative Religion 

History of Doctrine ... 


Tha Victona University of Manchester, 

Mechanical Engineering 

Electrical Engineering 


Municipal Engineering 

/Professor, Dempster Smith, M.Sc.Tech. 

(Manchester), M.I.Mech.E. 


R. O. Boswall, B.Sc. (Eng.) (London), 
M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), A.M.I.Mech.E. 

H. Threlfall, F.R.C.S.I., M.Sc.Tech. (Man- 

R. M. Ferguson, M.Sc. (Manchester), 

T. Bkvan, M.Sc.Tecli. (Manchester). 

J. O. Oakden, M.A. (Cambridge), M.Sc.Tech. 
(Manchester), A.M.I.Mech.E. 

Lecturers in the College of Technology. 

.../ Assistant Lecturers in Mechanical Engineering, 

\ J. C. Brierley, M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), 
A.M.I.Mech.E., Lecturer in the College of 

N. \V. Coe, M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester), 
A.M.I.Mech.E., Assistant Lecturer in the 
College of Technology. 

B. J. Tams, R.Sc.(Eng.)>(London), A.M.I. Mech.E . 
Assistant Lecturer in the College of 

11. H. Grundy, M.Eag., Ph.D. (Liverpool), 
A.M.I.Mech.E., Assistant Lecturer in the 
College of Technology. 

J. R. Whittaker, M.Sc.Tech. Manchester), 
A.M.I.Mech.E., Assistant Lecturer in tha 
v College of Technology. 

/professor, John Hoxlinsworth, M.A. (Cam- 
bridge), D.Sc. (London), M.I.E.E. 


J. L. Lanoton, M.Sc. (Manchester), M.I.E.E. 
Chief Lecturer in the College of Technology, 
j A. E. Moore, M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), M.I.E.E. 

I A. E. Clayton, D.Sc. (Eng.) (London), M.I.E.E. 

Lecturers in the College of Technology, 
Assistant Lecturers, 

Arvon G-l ynne, M.A. (Cambridge), A.M.I.E.E. 
G. F. Freeman, M.Sc. (Eng.) (London) 
A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. 

E, A. Hanney, M.Eng. (Sheffield). 

Assistant Lecturers in the College of Tech- 
's nology. 


j Harry Lowery, M.Sc., Ph.D. (London), M.Ed. 
I (Leeds), Head of the Department in the 

College of TechnologjL 

H. P. Walmslby, D.Sc, (Manchester), Lecturer 
i in the College of Technology. 

( Assistant Lecturers, 

\ H. N. Mercer, M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (London) 


William Anderson, B.Sc. (Glasgow), 

Lecturers m the College of Technology. 
Demonstrator, Joseph Bor, B.Sc., M.Sc.Tech. 
\ (Manchester), Demonstrator in the College of 
^ Technology. 

/ Lecturers in Municipal Engineering, 

G. S. Colebian, D.Sc. (Eng.) (London), Assoc 
M.Tnst.C.E., Assoc.M.Inst.Mun. <fc Cy.E. 
F.R San.T., Director of the Department in 
the College. 

Albert Johnson, M.Sc. (Durham) 
A.M.Inst C.E., F.R.San.I., M.Inst.Mun. and 
Cj\E., Lecturer in the College of Technology 
Assistant Lecturers in Municipal Engineering, 

A. S. Chadwick, L.R.r.B. A., M.R.San. I. 

Harold Walton, B.Sc Tech. (Manchester) 
A.M.Inst.Mun. and Cy.E. 

Assistant Lecturers in the College of Tech- 
\ nology. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


•lpplied Ohemiatri / 

? Professor of Technological Chemistry, James 
KENN3*itt, D.So. (London), Ph.D. (Heidelberg), 

Lectuvex* in Organic Chemistry, 

Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, J. K. Wood, D.So. 
(Manchester), Lecturer in the College of Tech- 

Lecturer in Fuels, Andreev McCulloch, 
M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester;, Lecturer in the 
College of Technology. 

Lecturers in Applied Chemistry, 

T. K. Walkeh, D.Sc., Ph.D. '(Manchester). 

O. K. Howell, B Sc. (Wales), Ph.D. (Cam- 
bridge, Wales, and Zurich), D.Sc. i Manchester!. 
Lecturers in the College of Technology. 
Lecturer in Metallurgy and Assaying, Cecil 
Hanotokd, M.Met. (Sheffield), Lecturer in the 
College of Technology. 

Lecturer in Cellulose Chemistry, S. M. Neale, 
M.Sc. (Liverpool), Lecturer in the College of 

Lecturer in Tinctorial Chemistry and Dyestuffs, 
William Baadley, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Manchester), 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

Special Lecturer in Applied Chemistry, David 
Caudwmll, M.Sc., B. Com. (Manchester), Speeiti 1 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 
Assistant Lecturers in Applied Chemistry, 

Marion Ghadwiok, M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester), 
Lecturer in Foodstuffs in the College of 

May B. Craven, M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester). 

A. Hancock, M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester). 
Assistant Lecturers in the College of Tech- 

Assistant Lecturer in Electro-Chemistry, Vincent 
Bloomer, M.Sc. (Manchester). Assistant 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 
Assistant Lecturer In Physical Chemistry, A. F. H. 
Ward, B.Sc. (London), M.A., Ph.D., (Cam- 
bridge), Assistant Lecturer in the College of 

Assistant Lecturer in Metallurgy and Assaying, 

K. A. Fowler, B.Sc. (Cxlasgow), Assistant 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

Demonstrators in Chemical Technology, 

J. D. Mocjnpield, M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester), 
Assistant Lecturer in Foodstuffs in the Col- 
lege of Technology. 

Herbert Shaw, M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester). 

L. W. Derry, B.Sc. (Birmingham). 

Frank Morton, M.So.Tech. (Manchester). 

, F. S. Stattiam, Ph.D. (Sheffield). 

Demonstrators iu the College of Technology. 

Ue.vtile Chemistry 

Lecturer in Bleaching, Dyeing and ITinting, Fred 
Soholeeield, B.Sc. (London), M.Sc. (Man- 
chester and Leeds), Head of the Department 
in the College of Technology. 

Lecturer in Pa.per-Malang, F. W. Bailey, 
Lecturer in the College ot Technology. 

J Assistant Lecturer in Applied Chemistry, Eva 
**M HiRJilfiltT, M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester), Assistant 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

Assistant Lecturer in Textile Chemistry, J. M. 
Preston, B.Sc. (Liverpool), Assistant Lecturer 
in the College of Technology. 

.Demonstrator in Textile Chemistry, H. A. Turner, 
M.Sc. (Sheffield), Demonstra.tor in the College 
of Technology. 

i \ 


The Victoria University of Manchester, 

Textile Industries ... 

Modern Languages 

Building Construction ... 


Industrial Administration 

/ Professor of Textile Technology, W. E. Morton, 
M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester). 

! Lecturer in Spinning, Horace Spibky, M.Sc.Tech. 

I (Manchester), Lecturer in the College 

1 of Technology. 

Lecturer in Weaving and Textile Engineering, 
W. A . Hanton, M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), Head 
of the Weaving Section in the College of 

Lecturer in Textile Design, Emily B. Dust, 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

Lecturer in Factory Law, H. P. Turner, M.A., 
LL.M. (Manchester), Special Lecturer in the 
College of Technology. 

Special Lecturer in Yarn and Cloth Markets, 
K. W. Bowden, B.Com. (Manchester), Special 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

Special Lecturer in Hosiery Manufacture, E. F. 
Durand, Special Lecturer in the College of 
Tech nolog v. 

Assistant Lecturer in Textile Industries, J. M. 
Essam, M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), Assistant 
Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

Assistant Lecturer in Weaving, GL A. Bennett, 
M.A. (Com.), M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), 
Assistant Lecturer in the College of 
Tech nolog v. 

: Assistant Lecturer in Textile Engineering, Arthur 
PtiLET, B.Sc., M.Sc. Tech. (Manchester), 
A.M.I.Mech.E., Assistant Lecturer in the 
College of Technology. 

( Assistant Lecturers, K. S. Eaton, M.A.(Manchester), 
j Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

I H. S. Jackson, B.A. (Manchester), Assistant 
V Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

/Lecturer in Building Construction, W. B. McKay, 
M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), M.R.San.I., 
M.LStruot.E,, Head of the Building Depart- 
ment in the College of Technology. 

Assistant Lecturers in Building Construction, 
{ A. V. Wilson, M.I.Struct.E. 

D. A. G. Reid, B.Sc. (Eng.), (Glasgow), 

W. A. S. Cormack, A. It I. B.A. 

Assistant Lecturers in the College of Tech- 

f Lecturer, N. T. Williams, B.Sc.(Wales), MJ.Min.E., 
■ 1 Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

I Lecturer, K. G. Fenelon, M.A., Ph.D. (Edinburgh), 
{ Director of the Department in the College of 

. J Lecturer, D. J. Garden, ALA., B.Com. (Aberdeen). 
I Lecturer in the College of Technology. 

J Assistant Lecturer, M. L. Yates, M.Sc.Tech. (Man- 
I Chester), A.M I.Mech.E., Lecturer in the College 

of Technology. 

The Victoria University of Manchester . 




/ Sarah Fielden, Professor of Education and Director 
of the Department of Education, J. F. Duff, 
M.A. (Cambridge). 

Honorary Professor, J. J. Findlay, M.A. (Oxford), 
Ph.D. (Leipzig), H.Ed. (Manchester). 


Laura E. Start, M.Ed. (Manchester). 
Margaret E. Eggar, N.F.U. 

Winifred Hindsha w,M. A., M.Ed. (Manchester). 
Gladys Conway, B.A. (Liverpool). 

The Key. S. F. Jackson, M.A. (Manchester 
and Liverpool), Litt.D. (Liverpool). 
Winifred S. Clarke, M.Sc, (Manchester) 
(Berginan-Osterberg Physical Training 

J. H. Helm, B.A., LL.B. (Cambridge). 
Phyllis M. Borthwiok, M.Sc. (Bristol), B.Sc. 

B. T. Stanley, M.A. (Oxford), 

Norman Haycocks, M.A. (Manchester). 
Honorary Lecturer, Chrystie M. Jenkin Jones, 
B.A. (Wales). 

Special Lecturer in Speech Training, A. W. G. 

Ewing, M.A. (Edinburgh), Ph.D. (Manchester). 
Assistant in Handwork and Drawing, Hilda 
\ F. Collins. 

Instructor in Singing Thomas Keighley, Mus.D. (Manchester). 

Medical Officer for Men » C. H. Melland, M.D. (London), B.Sc. (Manchester), 

Training Students ) F.R.C.P. 

Mfdtcal °^ e l ]J°V n ^^ i e ^ l enU ) Catherine Chisholm, B.A., M.D. (Manchester). 
Instructor in Gardening ... Edith Middleton. 

Department of Education of the Deaf. 

/Ellis Llwyd Jones Reader, Irene R. Ewing, M.Sc. 
j (Manchester). 

Honorary Special Lecturer, A. W. G, Ewing, M.A. 

Education of the Deaf - ( Kdinburgb), Ph.D. (Manchester). 

Research Physicist, T. S. Littler, M.Sc. (Man- 

'Assistant Lecturer, Dorothy I. Bbodif.. 

Extra-Mural Studies. 

Director of the Department, H. P. Turner, M.A., LL.M. (Manchester). 
Staff Tutor, William Bruce, B.Sc. (London). 

Resident Tutor (Bacup Area), A. J. Alla way, B.A. (Sheffield). 

Agricultural Advisory Staff. 

(Under tlie Ministry of Agriculture Advisory Scheme.) 

" , Senior Lecturer and Adviser, John Orr, M.A. 

I (Glasgow). 

Agricultural Economics -Assistant to the Adviser, John Stewart, 

j B.Sc. (Agric.) (Edinburgh). 

'. Secretary, Hazel J. Perry, A.U.R. 

Agricultural Chemistry J Lecturer and Adviser, Robert Stewart, B.Sc., 

1 Ph.D. (Edinburgh). 

Agricultural Entomology ... \ Lec ‘ u 1 1 ' < ^ ®;“ a Adviser, H. W. Miles, M.Sc. (Bristol), 

(Ph.D. (Manchester). 

Agricultural Botany \ Senior Lecturer and Adviser, A. E. Holmes Smith, 

v l B.Sc. (Edinburgh). 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

B&amsoit Xecturers. 

Noth. — The Adamson Lecture was founded in 1903 by friends and former 
colleagues of tlielate Professor Adamson, who held the Ghair of Logic in Owens 
College from 1S76 — 1893. 

Tlie lecture is usually delivered, biennially by some person of distinction in 
Philosophy, Literature, or Science. 

1905 Professor James Ward, Sc.D., LL.D. : “Mechanism and Morals: The World of 
Science and the World of History.” 

1907 Professor Sir J. J. Thomson, D.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S. : " The Electrical 
Basis of Modern Physical Theories.” 

1909 Professor A. C, Bradley, LL.D., Litb.D.: “English Poetry and German Philo- 

sophy in the age of Wordsworth.” 

1910 Slv A. W. Ward, IL D., Litt.D., Master of Peterhouse : “Leibniz as a 


1913 Mr. Bernard Bosanquet, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L. : “The Distinction between 

Mind and it s Objects.” 

1914 Professor O. S. Sherrington, M.A., D.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. : “Animal 


1919 Professor Gilbert Murray. M.A., LL.D., D.Litt., F.B.A. : “Satanism and the 

World Order.” 

1921 Professor A. Einstein, D.Sc.: “ Relativity. ” 

1933 Professor O. Elton, M.A., Litt.D. : “ Reason and Enthusiasm in the Eighteenth 

1920 Honorary Professor Samuel Alexander, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D., D.Litt., 

F.B.AT: “Art and the Material.” 

1927 Professor A. S. Eddington, D.Sc., F.R.S.: “The Mystery of Time.” 

1930 Professor H. J. G. Grierson, Litt.D., LL.D. : “Carlyle and the Hero.” 

1933 Professor N. Kemp Smith, M.A., D.PLiil., LL.D., F.B.A. : “John Locke.” 

‘IRUarbuiton Xecturers. 

Notk. —The Lectures and the Warburton Scholarship iu Local Government 
are provided from the income of a bequest of £*1,01)0 made by the late Thomas 
Warburton, Esq., of Manchester, to the Owens College, to be applied in such a 
way as the Governors might deem best for promoting and encouraging the study 
of the best methods of Local Government and the Law, for the time being, relating 
to Local Government. 

1999 The Principal ot the Owens College (Mr. Alfred Hopkinson, K.C., LL.D , M.A. 
B.C.L.j : “ On the Contracts of Local Authorities.” 

Mr. Percival Birkett : “ Provision and Regulation of Open Spaces by Local 

1900 Mr. James Tail, M.A. : “Manchester under Lords of the Manor.” 

Right Hon. Janies Bryce: “Risks incident to Local Government, American 
and English.” 

1902 Mr. Reginald Blomfield : “Municipal Bodies and Architecture.” 

Mr. Robert Dunlop, M.A. : “ Local Government in Austria.” 

1903 Mr. Edwin Caiman, M.A., LL.D.: “The Financial Relations of Local 

Authorities to the Central Government and each other.” 

Right Hon. James Bryce, M.P.: “Wliat Local Authorities can do for Art and 
"Nut nre.” 

1904 Mr. Ralph Neville, K.G. : “Garden Cities." 

1905- 6 Miss Mary Bateson: “ Customary Law in the Mediteval Borough : ” 

“1. Archaic Law in Borough Customs." 

“2. iniiuence of Borough Customs on the Statute Law.” 

1906- 7 Sir Robert Hunter, Kt., M.A.: “The Preservation of Places of Interest or 


Mr. T. C. Horsfall, J.P , M.A. : “ Our Towns and their Suburbs.” 

19Q7-S Mr. Sidney Webb, LL.B., L.G.C. : “ The Government of Manchester.” (Two 
lectures ) 

I90S-9 Proressor Paul Vinogradov, M.A, D.C.L. . “Village Communities." (Two 

1939-10 Professor C. F. Bastalde, M.A., LL D. : “The Local Budget, studied com- 
paratively,” and “The Characteristic Forms "ot Local Taxation." (Two 

1910-1 1 Professor George Unwin, B.A.: “The Mediaeval City:” 

1. “ Outward Structure ; Preci vie Survivals.” 

2. “Inward Structure, tbe Evolution of the Civic Community.” (Two 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 


1911- 12 Mr. Paul Waterhouse, M.A., F.R.I.B.A. : “ Old Towns and New Needs.” 

Mr. Raymond Unwin, F.R.I.B.A. : “ The Town Extension Plan.” 

1912- 13 Rev. P. H. Wicksteed, M.A. : “The Implications of Taxation, Imperial and 


1913- 14 Mr. B. Seebohin liowntree : “ Is the adequate housing of the workers 

economically possible?” 

Professor A. C. Pigou, M.A. : “ Some aspects of the Housing Problem.” 

1914- 15 No lecture. 

1915- 16 No lecture. 

1916- 17 Professor Sir Paul Vinogradoif, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.B. A. : “ The Russian 

Unions and the Revolution.” 

1919- 20 Mr. E. D. Simon, M.A., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.O.E. : “Manchester’s Housing 


1920- 21 Professor J. H. Jones, M.A. : “ Some Post-War Problems of Local Finance.* ' 

1921- 28 No lecture. 

1923-29 Mr. J. L. Hammond: “The Place of Town Life in Social History.’* (Two 
lectures. ) 

1929- 30 Mr. Montagu Harris, C.B.E., M.A.: 

1. “English and German Local Government Compared.” 

2. “The Sphere of the State in Local Administration.” 

1930- 31 Mr. I. G. Gibbon, C.B.E., D.Sc. : “ Some Problems of Local Government.” 

(Two lectures.) 

Xnbwta /Dionb Xecturers. 

Note. — These Lectures were founded in 1923 under a bequest of £2,000 made by 
the late Airs. Frederike Mond for the institution of Lectures in the University in 
memory of her husband. 

1924- 25 Honorary Professor H. B. Dixon, C.B.E., M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S. : “ The 

Life and Work of Ludwig Mond.” 

Sir Israel Gollancz, Litt.D., F.B.A. : “The Coedmon Manuscript — Its Art 
and Poetry.” 

1925- 26 Sir W. B. Hardy, F.R.S. : “ Adhesion, Friction, and Chemical Con- 


Sir William Ridgeway, Sc.D., F.B.A. : “The Origins of Ballad Poetry.” 

1926- 27 Sir William Bragg, K.B.E., F.R.S.: “The Imperfect Crystallisation of 

Common Things.” 

Sir Richard Lodge, Litt.D. ; “ The Tyranny of Political Terms in 

Hi -story.” 

1927- 28 Sir Walford Davies, Mus.Doc., LL.D., F.R.C.O. : “ The Mind of Handel.” 

Sir Arthur Keith, M.D., LL.D , F.R S. : “ The Implications of Darwinism.” 
19*28-29 Professor A. V. Hill, O.ii 13.. M A., Sc D, F.R.S., Nobel Laureate: “The 
Maintenance of Life and Irritability m Isolated Animal Tissues.” 

Sir J. Arthur Salter, K.C.B.: “Ten Years of European Reconstruction.** 

1929- 30 J. AI. Keynes, C.B..AI.A.: “The Ad\ inability of Methods other than High 

Wages as a Aleans of Improving the Conditions of the Working Class.” 
Sir Thomas Holland, K O.S.T.,K.C.I E., D Se., LL.D., F.R.S. : “ Formation 
and Destruction of Mineral Deposits.” 

1930- 31 Sir John Simon, P.C., G.C.S.I* K.C.V.O., D.C.L., LL.D., M.P. : “The 

Indian Constitution.” 

Sir Henry A Miers, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.: “The Museum as an 
Instrument of Education.” 

Professor William MoDougall, D.Sc., F.R.S.: “Our Science and oux* 

1931- 32 Sir Josiah Stamp, C.B.E., D.Sc., IjL.D., F.B.A. : “The Present Position 

of Monetary Science.” 

Sir James H. Jeans, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. : “ The New Universe of 

1932- 33 W. B. Yeats, D.Litt., LL D.: “ The New Ireland.” 

‘Sir James Frazer, O.M., D.C.L., D.Litt., LL.D., F.R.S.: “The Fear of the 
Dead iu Primitive Religions.” 

jformer dbancellors of tbc Uiifversitg. 


18S0 William Cavendish, Seventh Duke of Devonshire, K.G., D.C.L., LL.D. 

deceased 1891 

1891 John Poyntz Spencer, Fifth Earl Spencer, K.G., D.C.L., LL.D. 

resigned 1907 

1907 Spencer Compton Cavendish, Eighth Duke of Devonshire, 

G.C.Y.O., K.G., P.C , F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D deceased 1908 

1908 John Morley, First Viscount Morley of Blackburn, O.M.. 

P.C., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S resigned 1923 


Th e Victoria University of Manchester , 

focmer tiMce^Gbancellor* of tbe 

(Since its reconstitution in 1903.) 

1900 Sir Alfred Hopkinson, K.C., LL.D„ M.A., B.C.L. 
1913 Frederick Ernest Weiss, M.Sc., D.Sc 

1915 Sir Henry Alexander Miers, M.A., D.Se., 

LL.D., ’Ph.D., F.R S 

resigned 1913 

term of appointment 

expired 1915 
term of appointment 
expired 1920 

principal* of ©wcne 

Appointee 7. 

1851 Alex. John Scott, M. A. ... .. 

1857 J. G. Greenwood, LL.D 

1889 A. W. Ward, Litt.D., LL.D., Pk. D. 

1898 Alfred Hopkinson, K.G., LL.D., M.A,, B.C.L. 


resigned 1857 

resigned 1889 

resigned 1897 

... became Vice-Chancellor 

of tbe University, 1903 

jformer professors. 


1861 Greek 

1851 Latin 

1851 Hebrew 

1851 Comp., Grain., and Eug. Lang. ) 

and Literature f 

1851 History 

1851 Logic & Mental A Moral Phil. 

1851 Mathematics 

1851 Chemistry 

1851 Zoology 

1851 Botany 

1851 Geology 

1854 Political Economy 

1855 Jurisprudence .. 

1857 Chemistry 

1860 Natural Philosophy 

1865 Mathematics 

1866 Modern Languages 

1866 Hebrew ... 

1866 English Language 

1866 English Literature 

1866 History 

1866 Logic, Mental dr Moral Philo-) 

sophy, & Political Economy f 
1866 Natural Philosophy 

1868 Engineering 

1869 Jurisprudence and Law 

1869 Latin 

1870 Natural Philosophy 

J. G. Greenwood, B.A., LL.D. resigned 3885 
do. ... resigned 1869 

Alex. John Scott, M.A. ... resigned 1860 

do. ... deceased 1866 

«T. G. Greenwood, B. A., LL.D. 
Alex. John Scott, M.A. 

Arch. Sandemau, M.A. 

E. Eranklaud, D.O.L., F.R.B. 
W. C. Williamson, F.R.S. ... 

Richard C. Christie, M.A. ... 

Sir Henry E. Roscoe, LL.D., 


Robert B. Clifton, M.A. 
Thomas Barker, M.A. 

T. Theodores 


A. W. Ward, Litt.D., M.A. .. 

W. S. Javons, M.A., F.R.S. ... 

resigned 1854 
deceased 1866 
resigned 1965 
resigned 1857 
resigned 1879 
resigned 1892 
resigned 1872 
resigned 1866 
resigned 38G9 

resigned 1886 
I’OHlgnnd 1866 
resigned 1885 
resigned 1979 
resigned 19S4 
resigned 1975 
resigned 1HR9 
resigned 1897 
resigned 1876 

William Jack, M.A. ... ... resigned 1870 

Osborne Reynolds, M.A., LL.D., .. resigned 1905 

Janies Bryce, D.C.L resigned 1875 

A. S. Wilkins, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D. 

resigned 1£X)3 

Balfour Stewart, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. 

1870 Physics 

1873 Comparative Philology 

deceased 1887 

Thomas H. Coro, M.A. ... resigned 1905 
A. S. Wilkins, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D. 

1873 Physiology .. 
1873 Physiology . . 
1873 Medicine 
1873 do. 

1873 Surgery 
1873 do. 

resigned 1890 

William Smith, F.R G.S. deceased 1875 

A. Gauigee, M.D., F.R.S. .. resigned 1885 
Sir Wui. Roberts, M.D., S resigned 1887 
J. E. Morgan, M.D., F.R.C.P. resigned 1891 
George Soutliam, F.R.C.S.... deceased 1876 
Edward Lund, F.R.0. 8. . resigned 1888 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 



1874 Organic Chemistry Carl Schorlemmer, LL.D., F.R.S. 

deceased 1892 

1874 Anatomy RI. Watson, M.D., F.R.S. ... deceased 1885 

1874 Geology *W. Boyd Dawkins, RI.A., D.Sc., 

F.R.S resigned 1908 

1875 Daw Alfred Hopkinson, M.A.,B.C.L. resigned 1890 

1876 Logic & Mental & Moral Phil. Robert Adamson, M.A., DD.D. resigned 1893 

1876 Political Economy do. resigned 1882 

1876 Obstetrics John Thorburn, M.D. ... deceased 1885 

1879 Zoology A. Milnes Marshall, M.A., M.D., 

D.Sc., F.R.S ... deceased 1893 

1880 English Language T. 1$. Toller, M.A resigned 1903 

1881 Applied Mathematics *A. Schuster, Ph.D., F.R.S. , D.Sc. resigned 1888 

1881 Pathology Julius Dreschfeld, M.D., F.R.C.P. 

resigned 1891 

1881 Materia Medica, &c D. J. Leech, RI.D , D.Sc., F.R.C.P. 

deceased 1900 

1882 Political Economy ... J. E. C. Rlunro, LL M., LL.D. resigned 1890 

1882 Law do. resigned 1892 

1885 Obstetrics C. J. Culling worth, RI.D., F.R.C.P. 

resigned 1888 

1885 Greek Testament Criticism ... J. G. Greenwood, B. A., LL.D resigned 1889 

18S5 Greek John Straclmn, RI.A., LL.D. deceased 1907 

1885 Anatomy Alfred H. Young, M.B., LL.D.,F.R.C.S. 

resigned 1909 

1885 Mathematics Horace Lamb, Sc. D., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. 

resigned 1920 

1886 Physiology William Stirling, RI.D., D.Sc., LL.D. 

resigned 1919 

1887 Medicine James Ross, LL.D., RI.D., F.R.C.P. 

deceased 1892 

1887 RIetallurgy H. B. Dixon, M.A., F.R.S. .. resigned 1906 

1887 Chemistry +H.B. Dixon, C.B.E., RI.A., M.Sc., 

Ph.D., F.R.S resigned 1922 

1888 Physics .. 1 Arthur Schuster, Ph.D., F.R.S., D.Sc. 

resigned 1907 

1868 Surgery A. W. Hare, F.R.C.S.E. . resigned 1892 

1S8S Obstetrics and Gynaecology ... Sir W. J. Sinclair, M.A., RI.D., 

M.Jti.C.P deceased 1912 

1890 Comparative Philology ... John Strachan, RI.A., LL.D. deceased 1907 

1890 History - T. F. Tout, M.A., D.Litt., F.B.A. 

resigned 19*25 

1891 Medicine Julias Dreschfeld, RI.D., F.R.C.P. 

deceased 1907 

1891 Public Health and I A. Sheridan Delepine, M.B., 

Bacteriology ... . . ... j C.M., RI.Sc. ... . . deceased 1931 

1892 Surgery Thomas Jones, M.B., F.R.C.S. deceased 1900 

1892 Forensic Medicine .. ... J. Dixon RIann, RI.D., F.R.C.P. deceased 1912 

1892 Clinical Surgery Walter Whitehead, F.R.C.S.E. resigned 1900 

189*3 Law . ... . W. A. Copmger, RI.A., LL.D. deceased 1910 

1892 Law ... J. S. Seaton, M.A., B.C.L. .. resigned 1918 

1892 Chemistry ... , W. H. Perkin, RI.Sc., Ph.D., 

Sc.D., LL.D , F.R.S. .. resigned 1912 
1692 Botany .. . . F. E. Weiss, D.Sc., F.R S. resigned 1930 

1893 Philosophy | Samuel Alexander, O RI., RI.A., LL.D., 

Litt.D., F.B.A. .. appointment expired 1924 

1894 Public Health Arthur llansome, M.D., F.R.S. resigned 1895 

1891 Zoology S. J. Hickson, RI.A., D.Sc., 

D.Zool. and Bot., LL.D., F.R.S. 

appointment expired 1926 

1895 French Victor Kastner,B. £s L., M.A. resigned 1909 

Subsequently Honorary Professor. 

1 Now Honorary Professor. 


The Victoria University of Mmichester. 


1895 German and Germanic » Arwid Johannson, M.A. 

Philology ■ appointment expired 1930 

1898 Political Economy A. W. Flux, M.A resigned 1901 

1S98 Law Sir Alfred Hopkinson, K.G., LL.D., 

M.A.. B.C.L. resigned 1913 

1899 Education H. L. Withers, M.A deceased 1902 

1900 Clinical Burger v F. A. Soutliam, M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S, 

resigned 1910 

1900 Systematic Surgery G. A. AVright, B.A., M.B., F.R.C.S. 

resigned 1911 

3901 Political Economy ... S. J. Chapman, M.A., M.Com., G.B.H. 

resigned 1018 

1901 English Liter at \u*e . .. O. H. Herford, Litt.D. ... resigned 1921 

1901 Chinese .. E. H. Parker, M.A deceased 1926 

1901 Materia Medica and f E. B. Wild, M.D., M.Sc., F.R. C.P. 

Therapeutics 1 appointment expired 1927 

1902 Ancient and Medico val History l James Tait, M.A resigned 1919 

1903 Classical Literature A. S. Wilkins, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D. 

deceased 1905 

1903 Education .... . Michael E. Sadler, C.B., M.A. , LL.D., 

Litt.D. . .. resigned 1911 

1903 Education 1 Joseph John Findlay, M. A., M. Ed., Ph.D. 

appointment expired 1925 

1903 Semitic Langs, and Lite ... Hope W. Hogg, M.A. , 33. Litt. deceased 191*2 

1903 Architecture S. H. Capper, M.A., F.S.A. resigned 1912 

1903 Latin and Indo-European \ II. S Conway, M.A., Litt.D., Dott.Univ., 

Philology i D.Litt., F.B.A. appointment expired 1929 

1904 Biblical Exegesis . . .. A. S. Penke, M.A., D.D. deceased 19*29 

1904 Pathology and Pathological i J. Lorraiu Smith, M.D., M.Sc., 

Anatomy I F.S.A resigned 1912 

1904 Comparative lleligion . . T. W. Bhys Davids, LL.D., D.Sc., 

Ph.D resigned 1915 

1905 Engineering Stanley Duukerley, D.Sc. ... resigned 1908 

1905 Applied Chemistry .. .. W. .1. Pope, M Sc. Tech., F.I.C., F.R.S. 

resigned 1908 

1905 Electrical Engineering ... A. Schwartz, M.Se.Tech., A.K.C., 

M.I.E.E., Assoe.M.lnst.C.E. resigned 1912 

1905 Mechanical Engineering ... J. T. Nicolson, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., 

M.Se.Tech deceased 1913 

1906 Metallurgy H. C. H. Carpenter, M.A., Ph.D. resigned 1913 

1907 Medicine (Clinical) Graham Steell, M.D., F.R.C.P. resigned 1911 

1907 Phvsics . .. .. .. Sir Ernest Rutherford, M.A. , 

D.Sc., Ph.D.,LL.D., F.R.S. resigned 1919 

1908 Greek Ronald M. Burrows, D.Litt. resigned 1913 

1908 Hellenistic Greek ... ... Rev. J. H. Moulton, M.A., 

D.Lit., D.D..D.C.L., D.Theol. deceased 1917 

1908 Systematic Medicine ... George B. Murray, M.A. , M.D., D.C.L., 

F.R. C.P. resigned 1925 

(Sir J. E. Pefcavel, D.Sc., M.I. 

190S Engineering ... ... ... ■] Mech.E., A. M.Inst.C.E., A.M. 

f Inst.E.E., F.R.S resigned 1919 

1909 Geology Sir T. H. Holland, K.O.I.E., 

D.Sc , resigned 1919 

1909 Technological Chemistry ... E.Knecht,M.So.Tech.,Ph.D., 

F.I.C1. . resigned 1918 

1909 Anatomy G. Elliot Smith, M.A., M.D., 

Ch.M., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. ... resigned 1919 

1909 French Language and ) L. E, Kastner, M.A., Litt.D. 

Literature . .. . j appointment expired 1903 

1910 Clinical Surgery . . Sir William Tkorlmrn, C.B., 

K.B.E., B.Sc., M.D., B.S., 

F.R.C.S resigned 1921 

1910 Economic History ... .. George Unwin, M A., M.Com. deceased 1925 

1911 Systematic Surgery . ... J. W. Smith, M.B., C.M., 

F.R.C.S. ... .. resigned 1922 

1911 Medicine (Clinical) ... .. J. S. Bury, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P. resigned 1912 

Subsequently Honorary Professor 

] Now Honorary Professor. 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


A ppointed. 

1912 Pathology and Pathological f A. E. Boycott, B.Sc., M.A., D.M., B.Ch., 

Anatomy I F.R.S resigned 1914 

1912 Forensic Medicine ... .. William Sellers, M.D. , M.R.C.S., 

D.P.H deceased 1918 

1912 Clinical Obstetrics and ( Archibald Donald, M.D., F.R.C.P. 

Gyneeeology i resigned 1925 

1912 Electrical Engineering ... Miles Walker, M.A., D.Sc., M.I.E.E., 

F.R.S. appointment expired 1932 

1912 Education H. Bompas Smith, M.A., M.Ed. 

appointment expired 1932 

1912 Architecture A. C. Dickie, M.A., A.K.I.B.A. 

appointment expired 1933 

1913 Clinical Medicine E. S. Reynolds, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P. 

resigned 1921 

1913 Greek W. M. Calder, M.A., LL.D. .. resigned 1930 

1913 English language W. *T. Sedgefield, M.A., Litt.D. 

appointment expired 1931 
(Allan B. Field, M.Am.Soc.M.E., 

1914 Mechanical Engineering ... M.I.E.E., Fellow Ain.I.E.E., 

{ M.A. (Camb.), B.Sc. (London). resignedl917 
1914 Metallurgy and Metallography C. A. Edwards, D.Sc. (Manchester). 

resigned. 1920 

1914 Modei*n History ... John Ramsay Bryce Muir, M. A. resigned 1921 

1915 Pathology and Pathological ( H. R. Dean, M.A , M.D., B.Ch., 

Anatomy I F.R.C.P., M.R.G.S resigned 1922 

1915 Crystallography ... . .. *Sir Henry A. Miers, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., 

Ph.D., F.R.S. appointment expired 1926 

1917 Mechanical Engineering ... G. G. Stoney, M.A.T., D.Sc., 

F.R.S. ... .. resigned 1926 

1918 Technological Chemistry ... F. L. Pyman, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S. 

resigned 1927 

1919 Political Economy D. H. Macgregor, M.A. ... resigned 1921 

1919 Textile Technology A. J. Turner, M.A., B.Sc. ... resigned 1923 

1919 Mathematics and Natural f Sydney Chapman, M.A., D.Sc., 

Philosophy ..1 F.R.S resigned 1924 

1919 Mediaeval History F. M. Powicke, M.A., Litt.D., F.B.A. 

resigned 1928 

1919 Geology . O. T. Jones, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. 

resigned 1930 

1919 French Language . John Orr, M.A., B.Litt., L. es L. 

resigned 1933 

3920 Law J. L. Brierly, O.B.E. (Mild, B.C.L., M.A., 

LL.M resigned 1923 

1920 Physiology .. . A. V. Hill, O.B.E., M.A., Se.D., 

F.R.S resigned 1923 

1920 Clinical Obstetrics and * IV. E. Fothergill, M.A., B.Sc., M.D. 

Gynaecology . i' deceased 1926 

1920 Italian Studies . E. G. Gardner, Litt.D., F.B.A. resigned 1923 

1921 Modern History . .. H. W. C. Davis, C.B.E., M.A., F.B.A. 

resigned 1925 

1921 Social Economics Henry Clay, M.A. , M. Coin., D.Sc. resigned 1930 

1922 Bacteriology W. W. t\ Topley, M.A. M.D., M.Sc., 

F.R.CJ P., M.R.C.S resigned 1927 

1922 Pathology and Pathological i J. Shaw Dunn, M.A. , M.Sc., 

Anatomy .. .. j M.D resigned 1931 

1923 Jurisprudence . Sir Francis Du Pre Oldfield, LL.M., 

deceased 1928 

1923 Organic Chemistry Robert Robinson, D.Sc., F.R.S. resigned 1928 

1923 Comparative Religion . . . J. N. Farquhar, M.A., D.D. deceased 1929 

1923 Italian Studies ... . ... Piero llebora, M.A., D.Litt. resigned 1932 

1924 Textile Technology F. P. Slater, M.C., M.Sc., B.A. resigned 1925 

1924 Applied Mathematics E. A. Milne, M.A., M.Sc., F.R.S. resigned 1928 

1925 Textile Technology .. ... William Myers, M.Sc. Tech. deceased 1925 

A. o 

♦Now Honorary Professor 

96 The Victoria University of Manchester . 


1925 Modern History 

1925 Systematic Medicine ... 

1926 History 

1926 Zoology 

1930 German Language and 

1930 Social Economics 

.. J. E. Neale, M.A resigned 1927 

... F. Craven Moore, M.D., M.Sc., 

F.R.C.P resigned 1929 

... Edward Fiddes, M.A. 

appointment expired 1931 

... J. S. Dunkerly, D.Sc., Pli.D. deceased 1931 

[ L. A. Willoughby, M.A., D.Litt., 

... f Ph.D resigned 1931 

... T. E. Gregory, D.Sc, (Econ.) 

appointment expired 1932 

jfornier ifoonorars professors. 


1907 Sir William Boyd Dawkins, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S 

1921 Charles Harold Herford, Litt. D., Ph.D., F.B. A. 

1922 Harold Baily Dixon, C.B.E., M. A., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. ... 
1925 Thomas Frederick Tout, M.A. .D.Litt., Litt.D., LL.D., F.B. A. 

deceased 1929 
deceased 1931 
deceased 1930 
deceased 1929 

JFormcr professores Emeriti. 


1865 Thomas Barker, M.A 

1868 Osborne Reynolds, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S 

1870 Thomas Hamilton Core, M.A 

1884 T. Theodores 

1885 Alfred Harry Young, M.B., F.R.C.S., LL D 

1887 The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Enfield Koscoe, B.A., LL.D., Ph.D., 

F R S 

1887 Sir Wiliiam Roberts, M.D., F.R.S 

1888 Edward Lund, F.R.O.S 

1888 Arthur Gamgee, M.D., F.R.S., D.Sc. 

1890 Joseph Gouge Greenwood, B. A., LL.D 

1892 John Edward Morgan, M.D., F.R.C.P 

1892 William Crawford Williamson, LL.D., F.R.S 

1895 Victor Kastner, B. es L., M.A 

1898 Sir Adolphus William Ward, Litt.D., LL.D., Ph.D 

1903 Thomas Northcote Toller, M.A., LL.D., Litt.D .. 

1910 Frederick Armitage Southam, M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S. .. 

1911 George Arthur Wright, B.A., ftl B., F.R.C.S 

1921 T. W. Rhys Davids, LL.D., D.Sc., Ph.D 

1921 Sir William Thorburn, C.B., K B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S 

1921 Ernest Septimus Reynolds, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P 

1922 John William Smith, M.B., C.M., F.R.C.S 

deceased 1907 
deceased 1913 
deceased 1910 
deceased 1886 
deceased 1913 

deceased 1915 
deceased 1899 
deceased 1898 
deceased 1909 
deceased 1894 
deceased 1894 
deceased 1895 
deceased 1921 
deceased 1924 
deceased 1930 
deceased 1927 
deceased 1923 
deceased 1922 
deceasod 1923 
deceased 1926 
deceased 1926 

The Victoria University of Manchester . 


Bisbop JBerfcele# ffeUow s* 

The conditions under which these Fellowships were offered 
will be found on page 282 in the Calendar for 1895-6, after which 
year the Fellowships were discontinued. 


1881 Alfred Sidgwick, B.A., in Philosophy, 

Bohuslav Brauner, Ph.D., in Chemistry.* 1 
Harry Baker, in Chemistry .* a 

H. M. Ward, M.A., F.R.S., m Biology.* 3 

1882 C. H. Herford, Litt.D., M.A., in English language and Literature 

Alfred Stapley, in Philosophy. ideceased).*- 

Hans Gadow, Ph.D., F.R.S., in Zoology.* 5 

1883 A. W. Briglitmore, M.Sc., in Engineering (deceased). e 

1884 John Beard, D.Sc., Ph.D., in Zoology. 7 
Ludwig Claisen, Ph.D., in Chemistry. 8 
G. H. Fowler, B.A., Ph.D., in Zoology. 9 

1885 Fred Harsley,M.A.,Ph.D., in English Language and Literature (deceased).* 
P. F. Kendall in Geology. 11 

A. Larmor, M.A., in Applied Mathematics. 13 
T. A. Peace, M.Sc., in Engineering. 

1886 Henry Holden, M.Sc., in Physics. 13 
W. A. Shaw, Litt.D., in History. 1,1 

1887 William Botfc, Ph.D., in Chemistry. 15 

E G. W. Hewlett, M A., in Classics and Philology. 16 
O. H. Latter, M.A., in Zoology .* 17 

1888 Robert Dunlop, M.A., in History (deceased). 18 

J. L. Hosltyns-Abrahall, B.A., Ph.D., in Chemistry (deceased). 

0. H.Lees, D.Sc., F.R.S., in Physics. 10 

G. S. Turpin, D.Sc., M.A., in Cliemistry. 20 

1889 P. J. Hartog, M.A., B.Sc., in Chemical Physics. 31 
T. H. Holland, D.Sc , F.R.S., in Geology.* 22 

H. W. Pomfret, M.D., F.R.C.S., in Pharmacology. 23 

1890 J. W. Cunliile, D.Litt., in English Literature. 2 * 

W. Garstang, M.A., D.Sc., in Zoology.* 25 

W. R. Ormandy, in Chemistry. 

* Resigned their Fellowships on receiving academical or other appointments. 
1 Professor of Chemistry in the University of Prague. 

3 Chemist to the Cnstner-Kellner Alkali Co., Runcorn. 

3 Late Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, Hon. Fellow 
Christ’s College. 

4 Late Professor of English Literature in the University of Manchester. 

5 Strickland Curator and University Lecturer in Morphology in the University 
of Cambridge. 

0 Engineering Inspector, Local Government Board. 

7 Demonstrator of Zoology, University of Edinburgh. 
s Professor of Chemistry m the University of Kiel. 

9 Late Assistant Professor of Zoology, University College, London. 

10 Late Lecturer in English Language, University of Berlin. 

11 Professor of Geology in the University of Leeds. 

12 Late Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge; Resident Head Master, The 
Academy, Londonderry. 

13 Physics Master, Shrewsbury School. 

14 Oalondarer of State Papers, Record Office. 

15 Director, Government Technical School, Singapore. 

15 Master, Hulme Grammar School. 

17 - Senior Science Master, Charterhouse. 

18 Late Special Lecturer in Irish History in the University of Manchester. 

10 Professor of Physics, East London College. 

20 Head Master of Nottingham High School. 

21 Formerlv Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dacca, Bengal, India; K.B.E. 

22 Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, K.C.S.I., 

K C.I.E. 

2 3 Late Surgical Registrar, Manchester Royal Infirmary, and late Governor of 

Victoria University. 

a *Professor of English and Associate Director of the School of Journalism in 
the University of Columbia. 

35 Late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford; Professor of Zoology in the Uni- 
versity of Leeds. 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

1891 W. A. Bone, D.Sc., Pli.D., F.R.S., in Chemistry.* 1 

Stanley Dunkerley, M.Sc., in Engineering (deceased). 3 

1893 F W. G-amble, D.Sc., F.R.S., in Zoology (deceased). 3 

1893 Albert Griffiths, D.Sc., in Physics. 4 

J. A. Harker, D.Sc., F.R.S., in Physics (deceased). 

B. Bean, B.A., D.Sc., in Chemistry.® 

H. B. Pollard, M.A., B.Sc., in Zoology (deceased). 6 
R. G. Bury, B.A., in Philosophy, 7 

1894 A. W. Crossley, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., in Chemistry (deceased). s 
A, H. Jameson, M.Sc., in Engineering.® 

1895 Edward Haworth, D Sc., in Chemistry. 10 
John Burke, M.A., in Physics. 

Ernest Walder, B.A., in English Literature. 11 

* Resigned his Fellowship on receiving academical or other appointment. 

1 Professor of Chemical Technology m the Imperial College of Science and 


2 Date Professor of Engineering in the University of Manchester. 
s Late Professor of Zoologj* in tile University of Birmingham. 

4 Professor of Physics, Birkbeck College, University of London 
s Head Master of Sidcot School, Somerset. 

6 Late Lecturer in Zoology, Charing Cross Hospital. 

7 Late Professor of Classics m Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania 

5 Late Director of the British Cotton Industry Research Association. 

° Professor of Engineering m tin? University of London. 

10 Assistant Chemist, Castner-lvellnev Alkali Co., Runcorn. 

11 Formerly Head Master of Ockbrook School, Derby. 

The Victoria University of Manchester . 


Ube ©sternal ©jamlners ot tbe ‘Glnlverstts. 

Appointment terminates 

on Dec. 31s/. 

Accounting : Roger N. Carter, M.Com 1934 

Anatomy: W. H. Wood, B.Sc., M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of 

Liverpool 1934 

Architecture : A. E. Richardson, F.R.I.B.A., Professor of Architecture in University 

College, London 1934 

James Macgregor, M.A., Architectural Association School of Architecture ... 1934 

Bacteriology : J. W. McLeod, O.B.E., M.B., Ch.B., Professor of Bacteriology in the 

University of Leeds 1933 

Botany : F. E. Weiss, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor Emeritus ... ... 1935 

Building (Technology) : C. E. Varndell, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.1 1935 

Chemistry : R. Whytlaw-Gray, O.B.E., Ph.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the 

University of Leeds 1935 

Chemistry, Applied Chemistry , and Textile Chemistry ( Technology ) - T. P. Hilditch, 

D.Sc., Campbell-Brown Professor of Industrial Chemistry in the University 
of Liverpool ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1934 

Comparative Religion, New Testament and Hellenistic Greek : Theodore H. Robinson, 

M.A., D.D., Professor of Semitic Languages in the University College of South 
Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff 1934 

Dentistry, ( Third and Final B.D.S. and L.D.S.): A. W. Wellings, M.D.S., Lecturer 

in Dental Histology in the University of Birmingham ... 1933 

(Second B.D.S. and L.D.S.) : D. L. Rogers, L.D.S., of Dublin ... ... ... 1933 

Education : Cyril L. Burt, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Education in the University 
of London, and Psychologist to the London County Council (Education 

Department) ... ... 1933 

Gertrude McCroben, late Head Mistress of Wakefield High School 1933 

( Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf) : F. Cockersole, Head Master of the Edgbaston 

School for the Deaf, Birmingham 1934 

Electrical Engineering (Technology) : C. G. Lamb, Sc.D., Reader in Electrical 

Engineering in the University of Cambridge ... 1933 

Engineering : A. R, Fulton, D.Sc., Professor of Engineering in the Unversity 

of St. Andrews 1935 

English Language : J. R. R. Tolkien, M.A., Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of 

Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford 1935 

English Literature : B. I. Evans, M. A. , Professor of English Literature in the University 

of Sheffield 1933 

Forensic Medicine: F. W. Eurich, M.D., C.M., Professor of Forensic Medicine in the 

University of Leeds ... ... ... ... ... ... 1934 

French : L. M. Brandin, M.A., Ph.D., Fielden Professor of French in University 

College, London. ... ... 1935 

Geography : J. L. Mvres, M.A., Wykeham Professor of Ancient History in the 

University of Oxford 1934 

Geology : P. G. H. Boswell, O.B.E., D.Sc., D.I.C., M.Inst.M.M., F.G.S., Professor 

of Geology in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington 1935 

German: A. C. Dunstan, B.A., Ph.D., Lecturer in German in the University of 

Sheffield 1935 

Greek: C. M. Bowra, M.A., Lecturer in Greek Literature in the University of Oxford 1935 
History : H. A. Ormerod, M.C., M.A., Professor of Ancient History in the University 

of Liverpool ... 1933 

E. Ll. Woodward, M.A., Lecturer in Modem History in the University of Oxford 1933 

History of Doctrine : The Rev. H. M. Relton, D.D., Lecturer in the Theological 

Department of King’s College, University of London 1 935 

Italian : C. C. Foligno, M.A., Serena Professor of Italian in the University of 

Oxford 1935 

Latin: H. J. Thomson, M.A., D.Litt., Professor of Latin in the University College of 

Bangor 1933 

Law : J. L. Brierly, O.B.E., M.A., D.C.L., LL.M., Chichele Professor of International 

Law and Diplomacy in the University of O xf ord ... ... ... 1 935 

D. Hughes Parry, M.A., LL.M., Professor of English Law in the University of 

London 1935 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

Appointment terminates 
on Dec. 31 st. 

Mathematics : E. A. Milne, M.A., F.R.S. , Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics in 

the University of Oxford ... ... ... 1933 

Mathematics { Technology ) : E. H. Neville, M.A., B.Sc., Professor of Mathematics 

in the University of Reading ... 1934 

Mechanical Engineering ( Technology ): Andrew Robertson, D.Sc., Professor of 

Mechanical and Mining Engineering in the University of Bristol ... ... ... 1934 

Medicine: Robert Hutchison, M.D., F.R.C.P., Senior Physician at the London 

Hospital 1933 

Metallurgy : J. H. Andrew D.Sc., Professor of Metallurgy in the University of 

Sheffield 1935 

Mimng ( Technology ) ; 

Municipal Engineering ( Technology ) : Sir Thomas H. Beare, B.A., B.Sc., Professor 

of Engineering in the University of Edinburgh ... ... ... 1934 

Music: E. Stanley Roper, M.V.O., M.A., Mus.B., F.R.C.O., F.T.C.L., Principal of 

Trinity College of Music, London, Organist at H.M. Chapels Royal 1933 

Neurology , Psycho-Neuroses and Mental Diseases : 

Obstetrics : J. M. Munro Kerr, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics in the University of 

Glasgow ... ... 1934 

Pathology: James McIntosh, M.D., Professor of Pathology in the University 

of London, Middlesex Hospital, London, W.l 1935 

Pharmacology : J. A. Gunn, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., Professor of Pharmacology in the 

University of Oxford 1934 

Philosophy : J. MacMurray, M.A., Professor of Philosophy in University College, 

London 1934 

Philosophy of Religion , Psychology of Religion, and Christian Ethics : Rev. E. S. 
Waterhouse, M.A., D.D., Professor of Theology in the Wesleyan College, 
Richmond 1935 

Physics : E. A. Owen, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Physics in the University College of 

North Wales, Bangor 1934 

( Technology ) : S. W. J. Smith, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. , Professor of Physics m the 

University of Birmingham ... ... ... ... 1934 

Physiology: B. A. McSwiney, B.A., Sc.D., M.B., B.Sc., B.A.O., Professor of 

Physiology in the University of Leeds 1935 

Political Economy : L. Robbins, M.A., B.Sc., Professor of Economics in the London 

School of Economics and Political Science ... ... 1 935 

Psychology: James Drever, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil., Professor of Psychology in the 

University of Edinburgh ... ... 1935 

Public Administration : Harold J. Laski, M.A., Professor of Political Science 

in the London School of Economics ... ... 1935 

Public Health Diploma {Part I.) : W. \V. C. Topley, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., M.Sc., 

F.R.S., Professor of Bacteriology and Immunology in the London School of 
Hygiene, Keppel Street, London, W.C.l ... ... 1935 

Public Health Diploma {Part II ) including Hygiene and Prcventtve Medicine : Miles 

B. Arnold, M.D., D.P.H., Ministry of Health, Westminster London, S W.l ... 1935 

Russian : A. P. Goudy, M.A., Lecturer in Slavonic Languages in the University of 

Cambridge 1935 

Semitic Languages , Old Testament and Oriental History : G. R Driver, M.A., Reader 

in Semitic Philology in the University of Oxford ... ... ... ... ... 1933 

Spanish : J . N. Birch, B.A. , Lecturer in Spanish in the University of Sheffield 1933 

Surgery : Norman Lake, M.D , M S , D.Sc., F.R C.S., Lecturer in Surgery m Charing 

Cross Hospital, 51, Welbeck Street, London, W.l ... ... ... 1935 

Surgery for 3.D.S. andL.D.S. : J. P. Buckley, M A., M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S 1933 

Textile Industries ( Technology ) : W. English, MSc.Tech., of the Universal Winding 

Company, Manchester ... ... ... ... ... ... 1934 

Veterinary State Medicine: George Henry Wooldridge, M R.C.V.S., M R I.A., 
Professor of Medicine, Hygiene and Dietetics in the Royal Veterinary College, 
London ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 1934 

Zoology . E. W. MacBride, M.A , D.Sc., LL D , F R.S., F.2 S , FLS., Professor of 

Zoology in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington ... 1935 

The Victoria University of Manchester , 

1 < 

Hfc\>i0or\> an£> Consultative Committees. 

(Except where otherwise specified , the period of tenure of membership 
is three years.) 

I. Faculty of Commerce and Administration.* 

Ex-officio Members 

Appointed by the Council of 

the University 

( The Vice-Chancellor 
The Dean op the Faculty 
The Secretary op the Faculty 

/Kenneth Lee, LLi.D. 

F. J. Marquis, M.A., B.Sc. 

L. F. Massey 

Sir Christopher T. Needham, B.A. 
Councillor Wright Robinson 
Councillor Lady Simon, M.A. 

Tom Stott 

Bolton and District Incorporated I A a 

Chamber of Commerce \ Arth0b s - Holmes 

Blackburn and District Incorporated | WTrTT11 , /i * 

Chamber of Commerce | William Carmichael 

Burnley and District Incorporated I A1 - T 

Chamber of Commerce \ Alderman Luke Thobnbbb 

Manchester Chamber of Commerce ... Sir W. Clare Lees, O.B.E., J.P. 

Oldham Incorporated > „ ^ 

Chamber of Commerce j H * WHITrA;K:ER 

Warrington Chamber of Commerce ... F. Aylmer Frost, J.P. 
Lancashire Education Committee . ... County Councillor O. Gildett 

Manchester Education Committee ... Alderman J. H. Birley 

Manchester and District i „ ,, ^ ~ 

Bankers’ Institute \ G ' C - Demel, B.Cobj. 

Manchester Society of Chartered ) -o ™ ^ ^ . 

Accountants ) B - H - E - Wilkinson, F.C.A. 

Manchester and District Society i . „ „ 

of Incorporated Accountants J A ' K. Piggott 

Manchester and District Branch of T 

the Chartered Institute of Secretaries [ ^ OHNS<:,N i F.C.I.S. 

Manchester Geographical Society Councillor E. Bardsley, J.P. 

V The date of Expiry of Office is January , 1935. > 

EC. Faculty of Theology.* 

Ex-officio Member 

Representing the Senate 

... The Vice-Chancellor 

Hon. Professor Alexander 
Professor Canney 
... Professor Dodd 
Professor Murphy 
Professor Stocks 

The Right Hon. and Most Rev. Willia] 
Representing the Court ] Temple, Lord Archbishop op Yob 

(Chosen by the Council p Sir Edward Donner, Bart B.A.,LL.I 
| Alfred Haworth, B.A. 


The Victoria University of Manchester , 

Appointed by the Court 

Appointed by the Court on the Nomina- 
tion of the Committee . 

(* The date of Expiry 

The Right Rev. T. B. Strong, Q-.B.E., 
D.D., D.Ditt., D.Mus., Lord Bishop 
op Oxford. 

The Rev. \V. B. Selbie, M.A., D.D., 
Principal of Mansfield College, 

'The Rev. J. T. Brewis, B.A., B.D., 
Principal of the Methodist College, 
Victoria Park. 

The Rev. A. J. Grieve, M.A., D.D., 
Principal of Lancashire Indepen- 
dent College. 

The Rev. L. "W. Ghensted, M.A., D.D., 
' Oriel Professor of the Philosophy 
\ of the Christian Religion in the 
University of Oxford. 

The Rev. H. MgLachlan, M.A., D.D., 
Principal of the Unitarian College. 
The Rev. A. H. Mumford, B.A., B.I>. 
The Rev. H. Townsend, M.A., D.D., 
^ Principal of the Baptist College. 

Office is January , 1935.) 

III. Public Health. 

(a) Ex-officio members Representing the] 
University . 

Representing rhe County Borough of 

Representing the County Borough 

Representing the County Council 

Representing the County Council 

(b) Appointed : 

by the University Council 

by the University Senate 

The Vice-Chancellor : 

W. H. Moberly, D.S.O., M.A., 


The Chairman of the Council : 

A. H. V orthington, B.A., LL.D. 
The Director of the Public Health Lab- 
oratory. H. B. Maitland, M.D., 
M.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

i Tilt Chairman of the Sanitary Com- 
mittee : 

1 Alderman W. T. Jackson. 

"i The Medical Officer of Health : 

R. Veitch Clark, M.A.,B.Sc., M.B., 
Ch.B., B.P.H. 

The Chairman of the Health Com- 
mittee : 

ofj Alderman Ernest Desqitesnes, 

; LL.B. 

1 The Medical Officer of Health : 

Harry Osborne, M.D., D.P.H. 

( The Chairman of the Public Health and 
i Housing Committee . 

J * Alderman W. Hodgson. 

, The Medical Officer of Health : 

( J. J. Butter worth, M.D., D.P.H. 

i The Chairman of the Public Health 
j * and Housing Committee: 

Alderman Prank Barlow. 

The Medical Officer of Health : 

' Meredith Young, M.D., D.P.H. 

/ Sir Edward Donkeh, Bart., B.A., LL.D. 
(Chairman of the Advisory Com- 
... 1 mitteej. 

EmeritusProfessor George R. Mur it ay. 

1 ( Two Vacancies .) 

.. | ( Two Vacancies.) 

[ Sir Arthur Newbholme, K.C.B , M.D. 
. - Flf.C.P. 

I Sir Christopher T. Needham, B.A. 

<c) Co-opted Members 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


TV. Legal Education.'* 

Ex-offioio Member The Vice-Chancellor. 

The President of the Manchester Law 

Convener of the Legal Education Sub- \ 

Committee of the Manchester Law F. A. Paduore. 

Society. I 

The Extraordinary Member representing \ 

the Manchester Law Society on the F. A. Padmore. 

Council of the Law Society. ) 

The Representative of the Manchester ) 

Law Society on the Legal Education [■ F. A. Padmork. 

Committee of the Law Society. I 

/ Dudley F. Hart. 

Other Representatives of the Manchester J Iv. H. Atkinson. 

Laiv Society j F. B. Osborne. 

If. S. Stancliffe. 

Members of the LegalProfeesion appointed ( viM^hanoellor 8 ! te'aoomHI&a 

a.) The Court i ^ 

(ii. Convocation Dr. A. H. Wobthinoton. 

The Professor of Law Professor R. A. Eastwood. 

(*The date of Expiry of Office is January, 1935.) 

V. Mining.® 

Ex-officio Member The Vice-Chancellor. 

f Professor Gibson. 

Appointed by the Court of the U?iiv$rsity J Professor Thompson. 

1 1 Three Vacancies.) 

Appointed by the Council of the University A. J. A. Orchard. 
Appointed by the Senate of the University -j p^fesaov Pugh. 

Appointed by the Manchester Geological ( P. V". D. Pickup. 

and Mining Society 'l Sydney A. Smith. 

Appointed by the South Lancashire rtud) 
Cheshire Coal Association f 

A . M. Lamb. 

Appointed by the National Association f r, 
of Colliery Managers \ a> 


l • The date of Expiry of Office is January, 1935.) 

VI. Consultative Committee on AitoHiTECTURE.* 

Ex-officio Members 

< The Vice-Chancellor. 

I The Pro- Vice-Chancellors. 

The Professor of Architecture Professor Cordingley. 

Appointed by the Council of f E. A. Knight. 

the University [ A. H. Worthington, B.A., LL.D. 

f The Dean of The Faculty of Arts. 
Appointed by the Senate of the University j Professor Gibson, 

l Professor Kaper. 

Appointed by the Manchester Society of 

A. J. Hoff.. 

P. S. Worthington, M.A., Litt.D. 
Paul Ogden. 

J. S. Beaumont. 

Appointed by the Manchester Branch of J Herbert Thompson. 

the Builders' Institute 1 Thomas Howarth, J.P. 

(* The date of Expiry of Office is January , 1935.) 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

Vn. Consultative Committee on Colloids. 

The JPvofessors of Chemistry ... 

The Prof essors of Botany 

The Professor of Geology 
The Professor of Physics 
The Professor of Physiology .. 
The Professor of Metallurgy .. 
Representing the Council 

Professor Lapworth. 
Professor Kenner. 
Professor Heilbron. 

. Professor Polanti. 
Professor Drummond. 
Professor Lang. 
Professor Pugh. 

... Professor Bragg. 

... Professor Rarer. 

. . Professor Thompson 
. . Dr. Kenneth Lee. 

VIII. Consultative Committee on Social Study.* 

Ex-officio Members 

The Vice-Chancellor. 
Professor Daniels. 

Mr. A. L. Dakins. 

Appointed by the Senate of the University : Professor Eastwood, Professor Pear, 
Professor Stocks, Professor Stopford. 

Other Members : Mr. T. S. Ashton, Miss E. J. Beardsley, Miss G. 

Clayton, Miss Frances Collier, Mr. 1-i. Crosthwaite, Councillor Charles 
Godbert, Mr. F. W. Greenhalgh, Councillor Mary L. Kingsmill Jones, 
Alderman Miles Mitchell, Councillor A. P. Simon, Miss Norah Teale, 
Mr. A. R. Watson, Mrs. Annie B. Woodhouse, Mrs. Jean C. Wyatt, Mrs. 
Janet B. Zimmern. 

(*Date of Expiry of Office is January , 1933.) 

IX. Teohnoi/igy.* 

Chairman : Councillor Wright Robinson. Deputy Chairman: Alderman Birley. 

The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Titt, West, C.B.E., and Woollam; Councillors 
T. R. Ackroyd, M.A., G-rindley, Jackson, Annie Lee, Oldfield, A. P. Simon, 
Lady Simon, M.A., and Todd; H. L. Behrens, C. Day, M.Sc.Tech., Mrs. Ilipf, 
Charles Kean, H. Lee, L. E. Mather, Vice-Chancellor W. H. Moberly, 

D.S.O., M.A., Litt.D., Miss Dorothy Porter, C. G. Eenold, Sir Ernest D. 
Simon, M.A, 

<* Appointed Annually.) 

The Manchester Museum. 

Committee of Management.* 

Chairman : H, W. Fheston, J.P. 

Ex-officio Members: 

The Vice-Chancellor of the University, 

The Treasurer of the University. 

Professor H. G. Cannon. 

Professor J . M. F. Drummond. 

Professor H. J. Fleure. 

Professor W. H. Lang. 

Professor W. J. Pugh. 

T. Eric Pjeet, M.A. , Pi'ofessor Donald Atkinson. 

Professor Maurice A. Canney. 

, . , _ . Sir Eijwaud Donner, Bart., LL.D. 

Appointed by the Council of the University-! H. W. Frkston. 

Alfred Haworth, B.A. 

A H. Worthington, B.A., LL.D. 

' E GJJ E RT 9 T’E I N TH A L . 

Representatives of the Manchester City ( -^Iderman It. A. D. Carter. 
Council. Councillor Gisorge Hall. 

i Councillor Shepherd. 

Added by Co-optation . .. ' Hbuuekt Bury, B.A. 


Elected by the Members of the Museum . 1 C p P in A. W. Boyd. 

* * i G H Tailor. 

(* Appointed Annually.) 

The Victo?'ia University of Manchester. 

Nominated by the Manchester Geological (John Ashworth 
and Mining Society. 1 Sydney A. Smith. 

Nominated by the Oonchological Society B. R. Bugas, f.G.S. 

Nominated by the Manchester Egyptian] Professor A. C. Dickie, m a 

and Oriental Society. j F.R.I.B.A. 

Nominated by the Manchester Entomo - ) „ 

logical Society. [ A. Cbabtree, F.E.S. 

Ethnology .. 

Professor W. J. Pugh. 

... Professor H. G. Cannon. 

(Professor J. M. F. Drummond. 
1 Professor W. H. Lang. 

T. Eric Peet. 

Professor H. J. Pleure. 


Keeper of the Museum 

Assistant Keepers 


. . . The Rev. George H. Carpenter. D.Sc., 

/ J. Wilfrid Jackson, D.Sc., F.G.S. 
Grace Wiggles worth, M.Sc. 

.. - H. Britten, F.E.S. 

Cecilia M. Legge, M.A. 

Mary S. Shaw, M.A. 

... Mary Hodgson. 

Ashburne Hall Delegacy.* 

Ex-officio: The Vice-Chancellor, the Warden. 

Appointed by the Council : Alfred Haworth, B.A., Councillor Lady Simon, M.A., 
A. H. Worthington, B.A., LL. D. 

On the Nomination of the Senate : Professor Bragg, Professor Stocks, 
Professor Stopford. 

On the Nomination of the Old Ashburnians ’ Association : Mrs. John Rothwell, 
M.Sc., Mrs. J. F. Ward, M.B., Ch.B., Mrs. Bertle Wilkinson, B.A. 

On the Nomination of the Council of Ashburne Nall : Mrs. Bernhard Alexander, 
Hon. Professor Alexander, Harold L. Behrens, Mrs. Harold L. Behrens, 
Miss Phyllis E. Crump, M.A., Emer. Professor Fiddes, Mrs. Alfred 
Haworth, M.A., Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Miss Mary McNicol, M.Sc., Mrs. W. H. 
Mobmuly, M.A., Miss Elizabeth Needham, Miss Dorothy L. Pilkington, 
Miss Olive B. Sohill, Sir Ernest D. Simon, M.A., Mrs. F. E. Tylecote, Ph.D., 
Miss P. Vickery, B.A., Mrs. Guy Warman, Mrs. A. H. Worthington. 

(*Ths date of Expiry of Office is January , 1934.) 

Ellis Llwyd Jones Hall Delegacy. 

Ex-officio: The Vice-Chancellor (Chairman), Mrs. Irene R. Ewing, M.Sc., 
(Ellis Uhuyd Jones Header in the Education of the Deaf), Miss A. Margaret 
Tillyard,* M.A., (Warden). 

Appointed by the Council: Sir Edward Donner, Bart., B.A., LL.D., Emer. 
Professor Edward Fiddes, E. A. Knight. 

On the Nomination of the Senate : Professor Pear, Professor Duff, Miss Phyllis 
E. Crump, M.A. 

Co-opted : Miss Eggar, Mrs. Hope W. Hogg, M.A., Miss Amy Jones, Mr. John 
Spalding, Mrs. John Spalding, B.A. 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

Secondary Schools Consultative Committee. 

(1) Representatives op approved Secondary Schools. 

(2) Representatives op the University to be appointed by the Council (12). 

The Training of Teachers of the Deaf. 4 * 

Representatives of the following : — 

The Governors of the Training College for Teachers of the Deaf, Fibaroy 
Square ( ). 

President of the National College of Teachers of the Deaf (The Rt. Hon. Lord 

President of the Royal Schools for the Deaf, Old Traiford (Sir Edward 
Dunnrr, Bart., B.A., LL.D ). 

The Manchester University Council (Miss Amy Jones, Air. A.H. Worthington, 
B.A., LL.D., Air. E. A. Knight). 

The Manchester University Senate (The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Duff, 
Professor Pear). 

The Manchester Uni versity Faculty of Education (Miss Gladys Conway, R.A.). 
Scottish Deaf Schools (George Wilson). 

Education Committee, London County Council (C. Shaw). 

Education Committee, Lancashire County Council (County Alderman A. 

Manchester Education Committee (Aldennan S. Woollaii). 

Royal Schools for the Deaf, Manchester (John Spalding). 

Royal Schools for the Deaf, Margate (J. O. White). 

Royal Institution for the Deaf, Derby (W. Carey Roe, B.A.). 

Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf, Doncaster (D. Craig). 

National College of Teachers of the Deaf (N. S. Poll well, F. I. Jones). 
Roman Catholic Schools for the Deaf (Rev. Edward Wilson). 

< m T?ie date of Expiry of Office is January , 1935.) 

Consultative Committee on Agricultural Research. 4 * 

I Dr. A. H. Worthington. 

| The Vice-Chancellor. 

! Professor Lapwouth. 
j Professor Heiljuion. 

Ex-Officio Members ‘ Professor Polanyi. 

Professor DummoNo. 

Professor Cannon 
Professor Daniels, 

Professor Uaiger (Liverpool). 

Appointed by the Council of the University [ ‘^y2iis H * 

Appointed bit the Senate of the University [ pj^fessor p^J ANI> ' 

Windham E. Hale. 
it. B. Neilson. 

Appointed by the Lancashire County T. B. Silcock. 

Council .. .. ' J . Hamilton 

P. E. Meadon. 

J. J, Green. 

/Wm. McCracken. 

J. O. Garner. 

T. C. Goodwin. 

Major To.uktnson, 

F . F . Potter. 

W. B. Mercer. 

Appointed by the Cheshu e County ( 'ouncil y 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 


/John Orb. 

A. E. Holmes Smith. 

Consultative Members -! Dr. H. W. Miles. 

I Dr. Robert Stewart. 

'K. D. Downham (Liverpool). 

Representing the Ministry of Agriculture -j ^ ^^Hogg"' 
(* The date of Expiry of Office is July , 1934.) 

Consultative Committee on Cancer Research. 

( The Chairman op the Council. 
The Vice-Chancellor. 

Professor Baker. 

Professor Maitland. 

Professor Rarer. 

Professor Stoppord. 

Dr. E. M. Brockbank. 

( Dr. R. Veitch Clark. 

Appointed by the Manchester Committee J Mr. Wilson Hev. 

on Cancer j Sir Edward Holt, Bart. 

Mr. F. P. Nathan. 

'Dr. Ralston Paterson. 

Russian Studies. 

Ex-officio Member The Vice-Chancellor, 

(B. Noton Barclay. 

Appointedby the Council of the University J H. J. Goldschmidt. 

1 Charles Rqbkill. 

Appointed by the Senate of the University 

Professor Conway. 
Professor Fiddes. 
Professor Sedgefleld. 
, Professor Trofimov. 

Manchester Chamber of Commerce ... { I^Frears LojS>.° CKT ° N 


Co-opted Membe7*s ] 33. W. Gkommk. 

l\V. Maxwell Reekie. 

Committee of Management of Medical Library. 

Appointed by the Council of the Univer- 

, Professor Doug\l. 
Professor Maitland. 
J Professor Rarer. 
j Professor Stopeord. 

1 Professor Telford. 

Appointed by the Manchester Medical J 5 *' S’ ? R a C ^£uib' 
Society (Dr. E. Bosdin LEech. 


The Victoria University of Manchester. 

•Representatives of tbe Tflitiversitg. 

{Except where otherwise indicated §, the appointment of representatives is made by the 
University Council.) 










Professor Charlton 



Joint Matriculation Board ... i 

Professor Dupe 

Professor Fleure 



■ November let, 


Dr. J, E. Myers 




B. E. Hart 


November, 1933 


Rev. Dr. S. F. Jackson 


November, 1934 


Ohorley (Higher Education Sub- 

Dr. J. E. Myers 


March, 1934 


Rev. Canon -T. H. Wrigley. 


November, 1933 


Hey wood / 

W. H. Hardman 


November, 1933 



Dr. Norman Smith 


March, 1934 

(Agricultural Sub-Committee) . 

Professor Drummond 


March, 11*34 


Dr. A. F. Campbell 


November, 1933 


S. W. Clues, B.A 


| November, 1933 


G. B. Roberts 


November, 1933 


Professor Duff 


j November, 1933 


Herbert Bell, M.A. 


: November, 1933 


Harold Hartley, 

M.D., F.R.C.S 


I November, 1934 


C. M. Mason, M.Sc 


' March, 1034 


Ven. Archdeacon J. H 

Hopkinson, M.A. 


March, 1931 


Arthur Smith, B.A. ... 


i November, 1933 



§ University of Birmingham 

Professor Lap worth .. 


December, 1935 

§ University of Bristol 

Mrs. Caroline Blake, M.A 


February, 1937 

University of Leeds 

Professor Raper 


April, 193 1 

5 University of Liverpool 

Professor Neale 


December, 1935 

University of Sheffield Professor Thompson . . 3 July, 1936 

S University College of South Wales 

and Monmouthshire .. C. A. Edwards, D.Sc. . "> i May, 1934 

University College, Leicester . F. Tj. Pyman, 

Ph D., D.Sc , F.R S. 

Altrincham County High School for ! 

Boys 4 Alfred Haworth, B.A. 3 March, 1934 

Altrincham County High School for, 

G-h‘ls ! Professor Raper ... . 3 March, 3934 

Ambleside, Kelsick's School . . M. E. Cohen 3 March, 1936 

Ashton-under-Lyne Secondary School Dr. Thomas Keighley . 1 November, J 933 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 





Audenshaw Secondary School 

Baeup and Rawtenstall Joint Second- 1 
ary School (Waterfoot) I 

Bake well (Lady Manners’ School) 
Bolton Church Institute School 
Bolton School j 

Broughton-in-Preston Grammar 

School I 

Burnley Grammar School 

Bury Grammar School j 

Camborne School of Metalliferous! 

Mining ! 

Chadderton Secondary School 

Dr. Feed Faibbbother 

George JR. Holt 

Mrs. Sarah Coward, M.A. .. 
The Rev. R. C. Wobslet ... 
Colonel E. W. Greg, C.B. ... 

Rb. Rev. Edgar P. Swain,! 
M.A , Bishop of Burnley ...j 

C. J. T. Cronshaw 

Miss A. M. Tilltabd, M.A.j 

Professor Jones 
Professor Thompson ... 

Clitheroe Grammar School 

Colne Grammar School 

Darnhall Endowed Sohool 
Darwen Grammar School 
Droylsden, Fairfield High School 

Ecclas Secondary School 

Earn worth Grammar School ... 
Fleetwood Grammar School ... 
Giggleswick Grammar School... 

Haslingden Secondary Day School 
Heversham Grammar School ... 
Hindley and Abram Grammar School 
Hyde Countv School 
Kendal Grammar School 

Dr. J. Bephton Cooper 
.J The Rev. J. H. Short 


...! Dr. T. J. Costello ... 

. J Miss M. E. Eggar .. 

...! Tom Wilson, J.P • 

...I John Kenyon | 

... W. H. Pennington i 

...! Professor Frederick; i 


...i George R. Holt I 

J. W. Thompson, B.A. ..J 

Professor Canney 

Mrs. W. M. Ashton 

Rev. Canon J. H. Hopkinson, 

Keswick Sohool 1 A. R. Thomson 

Kirkby Stephen Grammar School ... Mrs. Ethel M. Highet 

Kirkham Grammar School i J- H. S. Matthews 

Lancaster Girls' Grammar School ...! Mrs. Croft Helme 

Lancaster Royal Grammar School ...J W. H. Satterthwaite, M.A. 

Leek High Sohool ; Herbert N. Morris 

Leek, Westwood Hall Girls' School . I 

Leigh Grammar School j Professor Anderson 

Leigh Girls’ Grammar School Miss A. M. Fletcher 

Leyland School (Balehaw’s Charity), J. P. T. Jackson 

Lyinm Grammar School ... ...| Dr. J. G. "Woolham .. 1 

Lytham School Charities j Professor Jacob 

Macclesfield High School for Girls . j Mrs. Lilian Bromley- : 


Macclesfield, King's Schools 

Manchester Grammar School .. 

Manchester High School for Girls 

Manchester lloyal College of Music j 
(General Committee) ... ( 

Matlock, Ernest Bailey Secondary 


Mottram-in-Longdendale Grammar 


Nantwich and Acton Grammar School 

Dr. J. E. Myers ! 

The Vice-Chancellor 

Professor Stopford ! 

Professor Stocks i 

Professor Lapworth ; 

The Vice-Chancellor 
M ns. Dorothy Meachim, 


Thomas Brownson, B.A., 


Dr. Frank E. Mathews ... 

j Period [ 

of date of expiry 
1 Ten lire I 


I 1 | November, 193S 

I 1 October, 1933 

j 3 April, 1936 
1 3 November, 1934 

I 3 June, 1933 

3 ! June, 1936 

3 | February, 1935 

3 | November, 1934 


5 February, 1938 

1 : October, 1933 

5 , 

3 i April, 1934 

1 March, 1934 

1 October, 1933 

1 March, 1934 

1 May, 1934 

3 March , 1936 

1 ! February, 1934 

3 April, 1934 

3 October, 1935 

8 I March, 1934 

3 j October, 1933 

3 j May, 1934 

3 i February, 1934 

3 October, 1934 

1 i November, 193S 
3 | April. 1935 

3 ! March, 3934 

3 j 

3 I October, 1934 

1 1 November, 1933 

3 ' February, 1934 

3 March, 1934 

3 ! July, 1936 

3 | March 1934 

3 I October, 1934 

3 | January, 1934 

3 | Maroh, 1935 

3 j October, 1934 

3 | May, 1936 

3 February, 1934 

3 March, 1934 


The Victoi'ia, University of Manchester. 


j Period 




1 Tenure 



New Mills Secondary School ... 
Newcastle-under-Lyme Endowed 

Dr. J. M. Crofts 


June, 1934 


D. F. W. Bishop 


March, 1938 

Newton-in-Makerfield Grammar 

Dr. J. M. Nuttall 


May, 1934 

Northwich Grammar School ... 

E. L. Sellars, M.Sc 


March, 1934 

Oldham Grammar Schools (Hulme f 

Eric Brierley, B.Com. ... 


October, 1936 

Trust) 1 

Miss Laura E. Start, M.Ed. 


November, 1933 

Preston, Harris Institute 

Rivington and Blaokrod Grammar 

Professor Gibson 


Alderman J. P. Taylor 


February, 1934 

Sale County High School for Girls ... 

Mrs. Robert Tait 


March, 1934 

Sandbaoh School 

Dr. A. C. Dunningham 


July, 1936 

Sedbergh Grammar School 

Major Joseph Gibson, D.S.O. 


November, 1934 

Stand Grammar School 

Miss Anna Philips 


March, 1934 

Stockport Grammar School 

Professor Dodd 


February, 1936 

Stockport High School for Girls 
Stockport Municipal Secondary 

Miss Frances Collier, M.A. 


October, 1933 


Professor Dempster Smith 


October, 1933 

Stretford Secondary School for Boys 

Dr. F. Fairbrother... 


March, 1934 

Stretford High School for Girls 

Miss M. E. Eggar 


March, 1934 

Urmston Secondary School 

Miss Laura E. Start, M.Ed. 

Tarvin Grammar School 

Alfred Haworth, B.A. .. 


November, 1936 

Warrington Grammar School 

H. Percy Mortimer, M.A. ... 


J uue, 1933 

Warrington Training College 

Miss Wintered S. Clarke, 


October, 1933 

Wigtcn (Cumberland), Nelson 


Grammar School 

Roy. A. B. Stevens 


J une, 1938 

Windermere Endowed Schools 

Rev. T. H. Martin, M.A. 


July, 1934 

Withington Girls’ School 

Dr. Norman Smith 


Octobor, 1933 

Wolstanton County Grammar School! 




Architects’ Registration Council ... 
Board of ArchitecturalEducation and 

Professor Dickie 


February, 1934 

Schools Committee of theBoard... 

Professor Corpingley 


July, 1934 

Audenshaw, Hobson’s Charity 

J. A. Petch, M.A 


July, 1934 

Audley Grammar School Charity .. 

Mrs J. W. Mellor 


February, 1935 

Cheshire Rural Community Council 

H. P. Turner, M.A..LL.M. . 

Empire Cotton Growing Corpora- | 

Sir C. T. Needham 


Fobruary, 1934 

tion 1 

Professor Drummond 


October, 1933 

Croston, Durning's Endowed School 
Derbyshire Rural Community 



H. P. Turner, M. A., LL M. ... 

National Council forDomestic Studies 
East Lancashire County Association 

Miss Liuba E. Start, M Ed. 

of the Territorial Army 

Lt.-Col. C. M. Mason, M.Sc 


July, 1934 

Fam worth, Dixon Green Schools 


Dr T. G. Laslett 


November, 1937 

Farn worth, Rideout Foundation 

General Medical Council 

Halls of Residence : 

Professor Stopford . 


October, 1935 

St. Anselm Hall J 

The Vice-Chancellor 

B. Mouat Jones, D.S.O. , M. o 

Dalton Hall 

Dr. A. D. Macdonald . 


Lancashire Tndei^endent College . 

H. L*. Turner, M.A , LL.M. 


Unitarian College 


U. M. Mason, M.Sc. ... 
Professor Bompas Smith 

Langchtie Hall 

Mi hh J’hyllisM. Borthwk \k. 



St. Gabriel’s Hall 

Heginbottoru and Tetlow Foundation 

Miss Phyllis E. Crump.M.A. 


Henry Mather's Foundation 

Dr T. G. Laslett 


October, 1933 

The Victoria University of Manchester. 
IV. ON OTHER INSTITUTIONS ( continuer 1). 




represent it I ye 

of 1 


Chamber of Horticulture (Technical 
Committee) i 

Hulme’s Charity ■! 

Emer. Professor Weiss 
T he Vice-Chancellor 
D r. A. H. Worthington 

ye VRS 



Hay, 1936 
May, 1938 

Jerusalem, School of Arch ecological 

John Hylands Library .. 

Leigh, Mort's School Foundation 
Lister Institute of Preventive Medi- 

Professor Dickie 
The Vice-Chancellor 
Professor Charlton ... 
Professor Fairley ... 
Professor Jacob 
T. It. Greenocjgh 

Professor Maitland ... 

3 January, 1936 

3 December, 1933 
3 July, 1936 

3 February, 1935 

5 April, 1935 

Manchester- City Art Gallery Com- J 

mittee « 

Manchester Diocese Council for 
Training for the Ministry 

Professor Orr .. 
Professor Dickie 

Professor Dodd... 

Manchester Medical Sooiety Council 

Manchester Royal Infirmary Coni- | 
mittee for election of Honorary ! 
Medical Officers . ... 

Manchester University Settlement j 

North-Western Local Board of the ( 
Chartered Society of Massage \ 
and Medical Gymnastics ... I 

Newehurch-in-Rossendale Exhibition 

Ormskirk, Peter Lathom's Charity . . 

Rochdale, Hardman’s Endowment .. 

St. Mary’s Hospitals, Elective Com- j 
mittee j 

Joint University Council for Social ( 
Studies I 

Consultative Council of University 
and Sohool Scionco Teachers 

Federated Superannuation Scheme 
for Universities, Central Council 

Federated Council of Lancashire / 
and Cheshire Teachers’ Asso- 
ciations I 

Council of National Institute of | 
Teachers of the Deaf ... | 

Teachers' Registration Council 

Board of Administration for Train- J 
ing College Examinations ... | 

Ulverston Exhibition Foundation ... 

Whitehaven, Piper’s Sohool Founda- 

Whitworth Institute | 

Win wick Educational Foundation .. 
Workers’ Educational Association f 
(Manchester Branch) ... 1 

Workers’ Educational Association 
(Chorley Branch) 

The Vice-Chancellor 
Robert McDougall, B.So.... 
The Vice-Chancellor 
S ir Christopher T. Need- 
ham, B.A 

Sir E. D. Simon, M.A. 

Dr. A H. Worthington ... 

Professor Pear 

William Walker 

David Stewart, M.Sc. 
M.K.O.S., L.R.O.P. 

Professor Atktnson .. 
ii. J. W. Hethep.ington .. 

Tina Chairman of the 

University Council.. 
The V re-Chancellor 

Professor Stocks 

Mrs. Jean O. Wyatt, M.A. . J 

Dr J. E. Myers ; 

Dr. Norman Smith 

Professor Duff 

Miss Gladys Conway, B.A. 

Emer. Professor Fiddes ... 
Mrs. Irene R. Ewing ...I 
Professor Bompas Smith ...I 
Professor Bompas Smith ...; 
The Vice-Chancellor 
P rofessor Charlton ...j 

Professor Duff 

Dr. J. E. Myers I 

William Meredith ■ 

Dr. G. B. Muriel ' 

Professor Orr 1 

F. W. Halliday, M.A, ...j 

Professor Dickie j 

Geoffrey Owen i 

Emer. Professor Weiss ...j 
H. P. Turner, M.A. LL.M. j 

Emer. Professor Weiss ...j 

. 1 
















October, 1933 
October, 1933 

j January, 1934 

j January, 1934 
January, 1934 
January, 1934 

March, 1935 
November, 1935 

January, 1934 

January, 1934 
January, 1934 

March, 1937 
September, 1935 
September, 1935 
September, 1935 
September, 1935 
July, 1936 

May, 1934 

July, 1936 

3ttet of Students in IResibencc. 

SESSION 1932—1983. 


Adamson, D. W. , B. Sc. Tech. 

Aibara, P. B., B.A. (Madras) 

Ainsworth, Thomas, B.Sc. 

Ali, Sultan, B.Sc. (Aligarh) 

Alikhan, M. V., B.A. (Madras) 

Allen- Jones, J. E., B.A. (Oxford) 
Anderson, L. S., B.Sc. (Edinburgh) 
Angus, A. A., B.A. 

Armitage, Charlotte W., B.A. 
Arrowsmith, Reginald, B.Met. (Sheffield) 
Atack, Granville, B.A. (Admin.) 
Atkinson, Marjorie K., B.A. 
Attenborough, Joan M.,'B.Sc. 

Aziz, S. A., B.Sc. (Aligarh) 

Badger, H. W., B.A. (Oxford) 

Baguley, F. E., B.Sc. 

Baker, Frank, B.A. (London) 

Bapu, S. N., B.E. (Mysore) 

Barnes, A. G., B.A. 

Basu, K. B., B.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Baxter, Alan, B.Sc. 

Bean, G. R., B.Sc.Tech. 

Beattie, D. J., LL.B. 

Beckett, J. H., B.A. 

Bell, Edward, B.Sc. 

Beilis, Cecil, B.Sc. 

Bennett, G. A., M.Sc.Tech. 

Bennison, J. C., M.R.C.V.S. 

Berry, Mary D. R., B.A. 

Bhojwani, C. K., B.Sc. (Bombay) 
Biddulph, Irene M., B.A. 

Blanchard, J. H., M.R.C.V.S. 

Blank, David, LL.B. 

Blank, M. J., B.Sc. 

Bloomer, Vincent, M.Sc. 

Boardman, J. L., B.Sc. 

Boden, Edith, B.Sc. 

Body, A. H., B.A. (London) 

Bor, Joseph, B.Sc. 

Bradley, A. J., M.Sc., Ph.D. 

Bradshaw, Mary A., B.A. 

Braithwaite, F. M.,M.A. (Cambridge) 
Brankin, James, B.A. 

Brasier, F. A., B.A. (Admin.) 

Bridge, C. G., B.Sc.Tech. 

Brindle, Harry, B Sc. (London) 
Broadhurst , Sarah E., B.A. 

Brocken, P. T., B.A. (Punjab) 

Brooks, Elsie, B.A. 

Brother ton, F. F., B.A. 

Brown, K. C., B.Sc. (London) 

Brown, K. R., M.B., Ch.B. (Edinburgh) 
Brown, Leonard, B A. (Com.) 

Bullock, Kenneth, M.Sc., Ph.D. 

Bullough, A. S., B.Sc. 

Burgess, P. G., B.A. (Oxford) 

Burton, Frank, B.A. 

Burton, Harold, B.A. (Oxford) 

Butt, Richard, B.A., B.Sc. (Madras) 
Butterfield, H C , B.A. (Com.) 
Butterworth, F. F., B Sc Tech. 

Caldwell, J. F„ B A. 

Calvey, H. C., M.B., Ch.B (Liverpool) 
Cameron, Duncan, B Sc. 

Cargill, \V. P., B.Sc. 

Carpenter, C. W., M.Sc.Tech., A.I.C. 

Carr, Harrv, B.Sc. 

Carter, G.B., M.B.,Ch.B. 

Castle, Doris C., B.Sc 
Cathie, I. A., M.R.C S , L.R C.P. 
Caulfield, J. I., LL.B. 

Causer, Marjorie, B.Sc. 

Chagtai, Jasimbeig, B.Sc. (Aligarh) 

Chapman, W. C., B.A. 

Charnley, John, B.Sc. 

Chatterton, Roland, B.Sc. 

Chaudhury, S. P., B.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Chen, T. K., B.Sc. (Nanyang) 

Chen, Tsung-jen, B.Sc. (Yenching) 

Chirnside, H. S., B.Sc.Tech. 

Chorley, Manon G., B.A, 

Clark, Margery, B.Sc. 

Clarke, E. R., M.A., LL.B. (Cambridge), B.Sc, 

Clarke, William, B.A. 

Cockroft, Margery G., B.A. (London) 

Coe, N. W., M.Sc.Tech. 

Cohen, M. M., B.Sc.Tech. 

Collinson, Katherine M., B.A. 

Congdon, Phyllis M., M.D. 

Cone, F. S. B., M.A. (Cambridge) 

Cooke, C. A., B.Com. 

Cooke, L. E., B.A. 

Cooke, Robert, LL.B. 

Cope, F. W., B.Sc. 

Cope, N. A., B.A. 

Cotton, H. E., B.Sc. 

Cowan, S. T., M.B., Ch.B. 

Cran, J. D. H.,B.Sc. 

Cummings, R. G., B.A. 

Curtis, Winifred M., B.Sc. (London) 

Cuthbert, Derrick, B.A. 

Dakin, H. P., B.Sc. 

Darbyshire, Wilfred, B.Sc. 

Das, A. N., B.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Davenport, Mary I., B.A. 

Davey, T. F., M.Sc. (London) 

Davis, Eli, M.Sc. 

Dawson, Annie M., B.Sc. 

Dawson, G. D., B.Sc. 

Deer, W. A., B.Sc. 

Denard, Evelyn, B.A. 

Dennell, Ralph, B.Sc. (Leeds) 

Derrv, L. W., B.Sc. (Birmingham! 

Diggle, W. M., B.A. (Cambridge) 

Doran, F. S. A. B.A. (Cambridge) 

Downham, W. C., B.Sc. 

Driver, J. E., LL.B. 

Eastwood, C. G., B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 

Eastwood, Eric, B.Sc. 

Edwards, C. P., B.Sc.Tech. 

Elcock, W. D., B.A. 

Eley, H. L.,B.Sc. 

Elliott, C. B , B.A. 

Ellis, H. V., B.Sc. 

Entwistle, Marian T., B.A. (Com.) 

Evans, M. G. t M.Sc. 

Evans, P. R , B.Sc. 

Evans, W. N., B A. 

Fairbairn, Kenueth, B.Sc. (London) 

Fairhurst, John, B.Sc. 

Farber, Miriam, B.Sc. 

Farnham, G. S., B.A., M.Sc. (Kingston, Canada) 
Farrar, Elsie, B.A. 

Faulkner, W. T., B.A. 

Fuwthrop, Margaret R., B.Sc. 

Fidler, Harry, B.A. (Oxford) 

Fielding, Dorothy D., B.A. 

Fielding, William, B.Sc. 

Firth, F. I., B.Sc. 

Fisk, C. A., B.A. 

Fitton, William, B.Sc. 

Fitzgerald, Eileen K., B.A. 

Fitzsimonds, Margaret M., B.Sc.Tech. 

List of Students . 


Ford, W. G. K., B.Sc. 

Forsyth, Dorothy M., M.B., Ch.B. 
Fothergill, R. A., B.A. 

Fowler, E. A., B.Sc. 

Foy, J. H., B.A. 

Freeman, Kenneth, B.Sc. 

Friday, F. G., B.Sc. (London) 

Frith,' F. S., B.Sc. 

Garden, D. J., M.A., B.Com. (Aberdeen) 
Garvie, W. M. f B.Sc.Tech. 

Gattie, C, H., B.Sc. 

Gaulter, L. V., B.Sc. 

Gee, Geoffrey, B.Sc. 

Gibbons, H. J., LL.B. 

Gibson, Sylvia J., B.A. 

Giles, J. P., M.A. (Oxford) 

Gill, Austin, B.A. 

Gillespie, James, B.Sc. (Glasgow) 
Godsall, J. R., M.B., Ch.M. (Sidney) 
Goodfellow, P. R. t B.A. (Cambridge) 
Goodwin, P. H., B.A. 

Goodwin, W. L., B.Sc. 

Gopalan, Kuttan, M.A. (Madras) 
Gordon, William, M.Sc. 

Gorst, B. J., B.Sc. 

Grant, Arthur, M.A., B.Sc. (Liverpool) 
Gray, E. M., B.Sc.Tech. 

Gray, J. W\, B.Sc.Tech. 

Green, S. J., M.A. (Cambridge) 
Greenhalgh, Nancy F., B.A. 

Greenwood, Hubert, M.Sc. 

Grey, Natalie M., B.A. 

Grieve, W. S. M., M.Sc. 

Griffiths, L. H., B.Sc.Tech. 

Griffiths, Mary, B.A. 

Gross, Hans, Dr. Phil. 

Grundy, John, B.A. 

Guest, E. G., B.Com. 

Guha, P. C., B.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Gurikar, Sambasiviah, B.A. (Mysore) 
Hakeem, A. A., M.B., B.S. (Bombay) 
Hall, A. C., M.Sc. 

Hall, Sylvia, B.A. 

Hall, W. L., LL.B. 

Halliwell, Annie, B.A. 

Halliwell, Richard, B.A. 

Halliwell, William, M.B., Ch.B. 
Hallsworth, J. A., LL.B. 

Hancock, Ethel M., B.Sc. (London) 
Hanney, E. A., M.Eng. (Sheffield) 
Hanson, John, B.A. (Oxford) 

Hardman, Alice, B.Sc. 

Hargraves, R. E., B.Sc.Tech. 

Harkness, David, B.Sc. 

Harley, Joan L., B.A. 

Harries, J. C., B.A. (Oxford) 

Harris, Arthur, B.A. (Com.) 

Harrison, S. L., B.Sc. 

Harrison, S. T., B.Sc. 

Harrison, T. H., M.B., Ch B. (Sheffield) 
Hasselgren, John, B.A. 

Hastings, J. J. H. , M.Sc.Tech. 

Hatton, J. P., B.Sc.Tech. 

Haveliwala, N. A., B.Sc. (Bombay) 
Hayes, J. C., B.Sc. 

Herbert, A. M., B.A. (Cambridge) 
Hesford, Isaac, B.A. (Cambridge) 

Hev, Donald, B.Sc 
Higson, Fred, B.A. 

Higson, Helen E., B.Sc. (Birmingham) 
Hilton, W. G. f M.A. 

Hirst, J. R., B.A. (Oxford) 

Hobson, J. A., B.Sc. 

Hodge, Caroline E., B.A. (Oxford) 
Hodgkinson, Constance E., B.A. 
Hodgkiss, F. D., M.A. 

Hodgson, H. S , B.Sc.Tech. 

Holden , Beatrice M. , B.A. 

Holden, N.E.. M.Sc. 

Hood, M. C., B.A. (Cambridge) 

Hopgood, C. R., B.A. 

Hornby, T. R.,M.P.S. 

Horsfield, Kathleen A. , B.A. 

Horton, B. S., B.A. 

Howard, leuan, M.A. 

Howard, J. S., B.Sc. 

Hulme, Lillian, B.A. 

Hughes, Eileen M., B.Sc. 

Hughes, W. G. H.,B.Sc. 

Hurst, C. C., B.Sc. 

Hurst, John, B.Sc. 

Huss, Patricia M. C., B.A. 

Hsuch, D. Y. , B.Sc. (Nanyang) 

Ingham, C. H., B.A. 

Ingham, G. W., B.A. 

Irving, George, B.A. 

Jackson, Cyril, M.A. (Leeds) 

Jackson, E. R. B., B.Sc. 

Jackson, H. S., B.A. 

Jackson, Roland, B.Sc. 

Jackson, Willie, M.Sc. 

Jagger, Kathleen M., B.A. 

Janus, Fred, B.Sc. 

Janus, Oscar, B.Sc. 

Jay, A. H., M.Sc. 

Jenkins, E. M., M.B., Ch.B. (Edinburgh) 
Jessop, E. E., B.Sc. 

John, O. C., L.M.P. (Madras) 

Johnson, B. M., B.A. 

Johnson, Eileen M., B.Sc, 

Johnson, S. W., B.A., B.D. (Hartford, U.S.A.) 
Johnston, Ruth E., B.A. 

Jubb, W. P., B.A. (Bristol) 

Judson, Raymond, B.Sc. 

Kamel, Mostafa, B.Sc. (Cairo) 

Kandaswamy, Ramaswamy, B.A. (Madras) 
Kasi, G. S., B.E. (Bangalore) 

Kastner, L6onie E., B.A. (Liverpool) 

Kay, R. S., B.A. 

Keggin, J. F., B.Sc. (Liverpool) 

Kelly, J. I., M.B., Ch.B. 

Kennedy, A. R., B.Sc. 

Kenneforrl, A. S., B.Sc. 

Kerr, Madeline, M.A. 

Kershaw, Ronald, B.Sc. (London) 

Kershaw, Thomas, B.Sc. 

Khan, A A., L. M. & S. (Osmania) 

Khan, M. G. D., B.A. (Osmania) 

Khan, S. A., B.Sc. (Aligarh) 

Kirkland, G K., M.B., Ch.B. 

Knight, E. C., M.Sc.Tech. 

Krishna Chetty, Sarangapani, B.A. (Madras) 
Lahanmi, V. R. 0., L M.S.S.A. 

Lancashire, R. W. G., B.A. (Oxford) 

Lancaster, T. R., B.A. (Manitoba) 

Lawson, D. I., B.Sc. 

Law-V» right, Hubert, B.Sc. 

Leach, Albert, M.A. 

Lester, Joseph, B.A. 

Lightfoot, J. R., B.Com. 

Lingard, Tohn, B.A. 

Linnell, Louis, B.Sc. 

Linton, Evelyn, B.A. 

Lister, Mary, B.Sc. 

Littler, T. S., M.Sc. 

Loch te -Holtgrcven , Walther, D. Phil. 

Love, Beatrice, L.D.S., (Eng.). 

McBeuth, I. A., B.A. 

McGregor, Murdoch, M.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow) 
McKie, William, M.A., (Glasgow) 

Makhijani, L G., B.Sc. (Bombay) 

Mamooji, A. S., B.Sc. (Bombay) 

Mann, A. M., B.A. (London), B.D. (New York) 
Marshall, F. N., M.D. 

Marshall, John, B.Sc. 

Martin, J. L., M.A. 

Martin, W. M., M.D. (Glasgow) 

1 u 

List of S foideiits. 

Mason, Leonard, B.A. 

Matbeson, J. L. , B.Sc. 

Matthews, T. H., B.Sc.Tech. 

Maxwell, Margaret, M.A. (Glasgow) 

Mawson, C. A., M.Sc. 

Meadley, T. D., B.A. (London) 

Mehta, N. J., B.Sc. (Bombay) 

Miles, Mary, M.Sc. (Mrs.) 

MUler, C. T„ B.A. (Admin.) 

Milne, F. W., B.A. (Oxford) 

Minter, R. A., B.A. (Oxford) 

Montgomery, F. H., B.Sc.Tech. 

Morgan, A. S. L., B.Sc. 

Morris, J. C., B.Sc. 

Morrison, J. G., B.Sc.Tech. 

Morton, Frank, B.Sc.Tech. 

Moses, I. A., B.Sc.Tech. 

Mottram., Lilian A., B.A. 

Mounfield, J. D., M.Sc.Tech . 

Munkley, Isabel, B.A. 

Murthy, B. V. R. V., B.Sc. (Mysore) 

Mutch, George, B. A., B.Sc. (London) 

Nabar, G. M., B. A., M.Sc. (Borabav) 

Nand, Saraswati J.,L & M.S.F.P. (Punjab) 
Nandi, B. K., M.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Narayan, Shiva, B.Sc. (AUahabad) 

Newrekar, M, L., B.Sc. (Bombay) 

Newton, Susan M. H., B.A. 

Nicholson, T. A. , B.A . 

Nicholson, W. F.,B.A. (Cambridge) 

Norris, F. J., B.A. 

North, H. D. B., M.Sc. (London), A.R.C.S. 
Ogden, Geoffrer, B.Sc. 

Ogden, R. H., B.Sc.Tech. 

Olncy', F. E., B.Sc.Tech. 

Orchard, R. K., B.A. 

O'Reilly, J. J., M.B. (Dublin), F.R.C.S. 

(Edinburgh), D.P.H. 

Oxtobv, Doris, B.Sc. 

Page, H.R., B.A. (Admin.) 

Pal, Patitpalan, M.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Panton, Nydia E., M.A. (Cambridge) 

Parker, J. N., B.Sc. 

Parker, Philip, B.Sc. 

Paniess, Joseph, M.B., Ch.B. 

Patel, A. M., M.Sc., B.A.,LL.B., (Wilson College) 
Patil, H. B., M.B., B.S. (Bombay) 

Patterson, E. L., B.Sc. 

Penrose, Percy, Mus.B- (Durham) 

Plews , Dorothy, M. , B.Sc. 

Pollock, F. E. G., B.A. 

Potts, Russell, B.Sc. 

Prendergast, F. M. , B.A. 

Preston, Ronald, B.Sc. 

Prynne, Kathleen M., B.A. 

Raha, Brahmabratha, B.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Rainey, Elisabeth, B.A. 

Ramage, Gerald, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 
Ramchander, Pramlal, L.M. & S. (Hyderabad) 
Ramsey, K. V., B.A. (Oxford.! 

Ranson, John, B.Sc. 

Ray, J. B., B.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Read, Florence C., B.Sc. (London) 

Reese, J. S., A.B., M.A., Ph.D. (U.S.A.) 
Renshaw, B. A., B. A 
Rhodes, G. R., B.Sc. 

Richards, Kenneth, B.Sc. 

Rigg, Arthur, B.A. 

Rigg, Jack, M.Sc. 

Riley, Arthur, M.Sc.Tech. 

Roberts, Margaret R., B.A. 

Robinson, D. T., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Robinson, Edward, B.A. 

Robinson, H. G. B., B.Sc.Tech. 

Rogers, C. W., B.Sc. (London) 

Rogers, Edward, M.A. 

Roscoe, John, B.A. 

Rose, J. A., B.A. (Birmingham) 

Ross, Thomas, M.B., Ch B. (Glasgow) 

Rostron, K. W. B., B.A. (Cambridge) 

Rouse, Richard, B.A. 

Rowbotham, G. F,, B.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 
Rowley, Tom, M.A. 

Roy, S. C., B.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Rule, May S., B.A. 

Runciman, J. P. G., M.R.C.V.S. 

Russell, Ina S., M.A. 

Ryder, J. P., B.A. 

Sadasivan, Ramasamy, M.Sc. (Calcutta) 

Sallam, H . A. V . , M.D. (Cairo) 

Samuel, leuan, B.A. (Cambridge) 

Scully, John, M.B. Ch.B. 

! Selby, G. E., B.A. (Oxford) 

1 Sellers, Joseph, B.A. 

! Sen, B. Iv., B.A. (Com.) 

i Sephton, Ada F., B.Sc. 

I Settle, H. L., M.Sc. 

! Shah, R. H., L.C.P.S. (Bombay) 

Shaffer, Gershon, B.Sc. 

Sharp, Arthur, M.A. (Com.) 

Shaw, Herbert, M.Sc.Tech. 

Shaw, R. C., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (London) 

Shaw, Thomas, B.Sc. 

Sheehan, Brendan, B.Sc. 

Shepherd, W. H..B.A. 

Shildrick, B. C., B.A. 

Shilling, Beatrice, B.Sc. 

Shlosberg, Nathan, B.Sc. 

Shortt, W. M., M.Sc. 

Sibley-Hajmock, Nancie V., M.A. (Glasgow) 
Signer, Rudolf , Dr. Phil. 

Singleton, Eric, B.Sc. 

Singleton, Hilda, B.Sc, 

Sircom, Geoffrey, B.A. 

Slater, Harold, B.Sc. 

Slater, Sheila M., B.A. 

Slotki, J. J. , M.A. 

Smith, J. H., B.A. (London) 

Smith, Lawrence, B.A. 

Smith, J. C., B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 

Smith, T. K., B.A. 

Smith, W. S., B.Sc. 

Smyth, G. G. E., M.B., Ch.B. 

Snelson, Samuel, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Snow, Gilbert, M.P.S. 

Speight, Kathleen, B.A. 

Speight, Sadie, B.A. 

Spencer, Ralph, B.Sc. 

Spiers, Tohn, B.Sc. 

Spry, \V. J. , M.Sc. (Liverpool) 

Stafford, Jack, M.A, 

Stafford, Norman, B.Sc. (Sheffield) 

Starkie, Colin, B.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Steiner , Hilda C. , B.A. 

Stocks, G. R., B.A. 

Strung, Hugo, Dr.Phil. (Munich) 

Stuart, D. W., M. R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Stubbs, D.R., B.Sc. 

Sumner, L. V., M.A. 

Sumnan, Mary, B.A. 

Sutcliffe, Albert, B.A. 

Sutcliffe, K. E., B.A. (Cambridge) 

Suthers, A. J., M.Sc.Tech. 

Sykes, Rupert, B.Sc. (London) 

Tams,B, J.,B,Sc. (London) 

Tandon, P. L.,B.A. (Com.) 

Tanner, C. S., B.Sc. 

Tarver, Constance M., B.Sc. 

Tattersall, T. V., B.A. (Cambridge) 

Taylor, A. J. P., M.A. (Oxford) 

Taylor, Elizabeth A. , B.A. 

Taylor, Frank, M.A. 

Taylor, Harry, B.Sc. 

Taylor, Nathan, M.Sc.Tech. 

Taylor, Mary K., B.A. 

Teegan, J. A. C., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dublin) 

Tetlow, Clifford, B.Sc. 

Thomas, C. J., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Thomas, E. G., B.A. (Wales) 

Thompson, Rachel D., B.A. 

Litt of Students, 


Thomson, Elsie W., B.A. 

Thomley, Bernard, B.Sc 
Thomley, Roland, B.Sc. 

Tibbs, S. R., B.Sc. 

Tolfree, S. K.,B.Sc.Tech. 

Tomlinson, Marion H., B.A. 
Tomlinson, T. G. } B.Sc.Tech. 

Tooth, Olive, B.Sc. 

Towers, J . R,,L.Th. (Durham) 

Towns, F.W., LL.B. J 
Tuck, J. L.,M.Sc. 

Tudge, Fred, B.Sc. 

Turnbull, Geoffrey, B.A. (Com.) 

Uddin, N. S., B.Sc. (Lucknow) 
Vedavyasii, R. B K., B.E. (Bangalore) 
Venkataswamy R. N., B.Sc. (Madras) 
Venty, Carl, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 
Vernon, Eric, B.Sc. 

Vernon, S.T.,B. A. (Oxford) 
Vickerstaff, Thomas, B.Sc. 

Vine, Joseph, M.B.,Ch.B. 

Walker, C. S., B.Sc. 

Walker, K.H.,LL.B. 

Walley, Nance M., B.A. 

Walmsley, G. H. C., M.B., Ch.B. 
Walmsley, Norman, B.A. 

Walmsley, W. C. D.,M,B., Ch.B. 
Walsh, Robert, LL.B. 

Walshaw, R. S., B.Sc. 

Walter, Joseph, B.A, (Oxford) 

Walton, N.W.,B.A. 

Warwick, Tom .B.Sc. 

Watling, Mary I., B.A. (Oxford) 
Watson, Thomas, B.A. 

Watts, J. R.,B.A. 

Weal£, S. H., Mus.B. (Durham) 
Webb,S.W.,B.Sc.Tech ; 

Webber, G. J., LL.B. (London) 

Webster, Margaret B., B.Sc. 

Welsh, Constance A., B.A. 

West, Joseph, B.Sc. 

Westmacott, B. S., B.Sc. 

Whalley, Kathleen N., B.A. 

S5¥u t0n ^ D o°-» B - A * (Cambridge) 
Whitby, G.S.,B.A. 

\JJite,C. E.,B,Sc. 

Whitebouse, W. J., B.Sc. 
Whittaker, J. R.,M.Sc.Tech. 
Whittington, R. B., B.Sc. 

Whitton, Harold, B.A. 

Whitworth, Clifford, M.Sc., Ph.D, 
Wigley, Harold, B.Sc. 

Wilde,R. W., B.Sc. (London) 

Wile, Geoffrey, B.A. 

Wilkinson, Herbert, B.Sc. 

Williams, Edna B., B.A. 

Williams, F. C , B.Sc. 

Williams, Margaret I., B.Sc. 
Williamson, Ronald, B.Sc.Tech. 
Wilson^ Owen, M.S. (Belfast) F.R.C 

Winder, Eileen D., B.A. (Com.) 
Winstanley, Martha A., B.Sc. 

Wise, C.G., B.Sc., M.Ed. 

Wishart, J. W., B.A. (London) 
Wolfenden, W. H., Mus.B 
Wood, Grace M.. B.A. 

Wood, J. L., B.A. 

Wood, Sam, B.Sc. 

Woodhead, J. A. A. L., M.Sc. 
Woodruff, Winifred M., B.Sc. 
Wraith, Ida, B.A. (Admin.) 

Wrigley, Joan W., B.A. 

Wrigley, Margaret J., B.A. 

Wyatt, Agnes L.,B.A. 

Wyatt, Harold, B.Sc. 

Yarborough, Winifrede, B.Sc. 

Yates, M. L., M.Sc.Tech. 

Yeadon, Robert, B.Sc. 

Zweiberjk, C. A., B.Sc.Tech. 

S. (Edin- 


List of Students, 


Abbott, C. N. 

Abbott, Kenneth 
Abelson, S. G. 

Acraman, A. N. 
Adamson, O. H. 

Airey, Mabel 
Akred, Phyllis 
Albinson, Kathleen M. 
Alcock, Herbert 
Alderson, Winifred M. 
Alexander, Robert 
Alison, D. F. 

Alker, E. L. 

Allcock, William 
Allen, John 
Allen, P. W. 

Allen, "William 
Allison, Munel 
AIlsopp, Allan 
Altham, Norman 
Amelan, Jacob 
Amery, H. J. H. 

Amorin, I. J. 

Anderson, E. G. O. 
Anderson, J. G. 
Anderson, L. A. E. 
Anderson, Mary V. 
Anderson, Peggy 
Anderson, W. E. 
Anderton, H. V. 

Andrew, Mary G. 
Andrew, Wilfred 
Appleby, Isobel G. 
Appleton, Edith L. 
Appleton, J. R. 
Appleton, J. N. 
Appleyard, Madge M. 

Ap Thomas, Muriel I. R. 
Ardill, B. J. 

Armitage, D. L. 

Arnett, Muriel M. S. 
Axschavir, Arthur 
Ashe, T. S. 

Ashley, G. T. 

Ashton, A. E. 

Ashton, A. C. 

Ashton, Alice C. 

Ashton, A. B. 

Ashton, C. C. 

Ashworth, Edwin 
Ashworth, Sidney 
Ashworth, Wilfred 
Askew, Raymond 
Aspden, J. P. 

Astington, Eric 
Atherton, Thomas 
Athey, J. B. 

Atkinson, A. L. 
Atkinson, Estelle P. M. 
Austin, H. B. 

Babbage, J. C. 

Bagon, Axie 
Bagshaw, F. B. 

Baguley, John 
Bailey, Eileen I. 

Bailey, Eric 
Bailey, Fred 
Bailey, Mary H. 

Bailey, Norman 
Bailey, O. C. 

Baker, C. W. 

Baker, Harry 
Baker, Marcus 
Ball, I. W. 

Ball, Leslie 
Ball, L. W. 

Ball, Mona 
Ball, R. E. 

Ballance, Edna 
Ballon, Leslie 
Balmforth, Edith 
Balshaw, Elizabeth 
Balston, Ursula A. 
Barm, Bernard 
Bannister, Dora 
Bannister, J. L. 
Bardsley, Eric 
Barker, A. W. 

Barker, Dorothy B. 
Barker, Eunice M. 
Barker, Evelyn F. 
Barker, R. L. 

Barker, Rosamond H. 
Barker, T. V. L. 
Barlow, Beryd A. 
Barlow, G. W. L. 
Barlow, George 
Barlow, Margaret E. 
Barlow, Mildred E. 
Barlow, T. E. 

Barnes, Elizabeth M. 
Barnes, Ethel 
Barnes, Margaret S. 
Barnett, T. H. 

Baron, D. K. 

Baron, Eric 
Baron, W. J. 

Barr, R. T. 

Bamtt, D. P. 

Barry, W. P. 

Bates, A. P. 

Batley, Eric 
Batson, S. J. 
Battersby, Philip 
Battersby, T. F. 
Batty, Florence M. 
Bayley, E. H. 

Beaton, J. R. 

Beckett, R. S. A. 

Bed veil, W. T. 
Beenstock, David 
Beer, A. S. 

Behrmann, Samuel 
Bell, Christina M. 
Bell, E. W. 

Bell, F. M. 

Bell, James G. 

Bell, John G. 
Bembridge, George 
Benham, G. H. H. 
Benjamin, Gertrude 
Benjamin, Vera D. 
Bennett, J. M. 
Bennett, G. T. H. 
Bennett, Muriel L. 
Bentham, Max 

Bentley, Thomas 
Berens, Cyril 
Berridge, Margnrette H. 
Berrys Christina 
Berry, Eilis 
Berry, George 
Berterishaw, Clifford 
Berth -Jones, E. \V. 
Beverley, Kenneth 
Beving,”C. A. D. 

Bibby, H. F. 

Binns, Maureen M. 
Birley, Barbara F. 
Birley, Stanley 
Black, W. S. 

Blackwell, Marjorie M. 
Bladon, N. E. 

Blain, J. L. 

Blank, William 
Bleacklcy, Arnold 
Bloch, C. M. 

Boardrnan, John 
Bolan, C. G. 

Bolchovcr, David 
Boltiansky, Sheila R. 
Bolton, Frank 
Bolton, J. A. 

Boot, Walter 
Booth, Annie 
Booth, Dorolen K. O. 
Booth, Helene E. K. 
Booth, James 
Booth, Percy 
Booth, R. C. 

Borders, A. R. 

Bott, D. E. M. 
Bottomley, G, H. 
Bottomley, Gwen 
Bottoms, Alan 
Bowden, W. E. 

Bowen, Eric 
Bowycr, Ronald 
Boyes-Varley, C. G. 
Boyle, Monica D. 
Bradley, Barbara 
Bradley, Wilfred 
Bramfit, E. P. 

Brand, C. A. B. 

Bran, T. M. 

Brnyn, Margery M. 
Brayshaw, A. J. 
Braysliay, Muriel J. 
Brentnall, Beatrice A. 
Brentnall, Christine D. 
Brentnall, Helen F. 
Brew, Edwin 
Brewer, Stanley 
Brice, Hilda 
Bridge, A. H. 

Bridge, J. C. 

Bridge, Ruth A. 
Bridson, T, W. 

Brierley, Alan 
Brierley, Ellen 
Briggs, C. F. 

Briggs, G. H. 

, Hilda 
e, Ellen J. 




List of Students. 

Diamond, Catherine M. 
Dick, T. B. S. 

Dicken, Russell 
Dickinson, A. R. 
Dickinson, Kathleen 
Dickinson, R. G. 
Dickinson, R. A. 
Dickson, A. M. 
Dinsdale, Tom 
Dixon, F. J. 

Dobson, Margaret E. 
Dodd, F. T. 

Dodd, Kathleen A. 
Dover, Robert 
Donnelly, Brian 
Dowbiggin, Alan 
Downes, Alan 
Drinkwater, J. W. 
Driver, G. F. 

Dryburgh, E. G. 
Duckworth, Arthur 
Duckworth, Derrick 
Duffin, H. S. 

Dumbill, Alexander 
Duncan, J, B. 
Dunkcrley, Colin 
Dunlop, Margaret 
Dunn, Sheila M. 
Durrant, F. A. W. 
Dutton, Olive K. 
Duxbury, Muriel 
Duxbury, Winifred M. 
Dykes, K. C. 

Dyson, F. O. 

Earp, J. R. 

Easton, Hilda 
Eastwood, F. H. 
Eastwood, Wilfred 
Eaton, E. J. 

Eckersley, N. A. 

Eden, Marjorie K. 

Edge, O. P. 

Edington, Kenneth 
Edmondson, Joan M. 
Edwards, Alice 
Edwards, Loma M. B. 
Egerton-Smith, J. D. 
Elkin, Olive I. E. 

Eley, D. D. 

Elliott, J. B. 

Elliott, Roy 
Ellis, Arthur 
Ellis, F. P. 

Ellison, Clare 
Ellison, HaiTy 
Ellison, Margaret J. 
Ellison, W. G. 

El Sayed, El S. El G. 

£1 Shafei, I. F. 
Englesberg, Bernard 
Entwistle, Betty V. 
Entwistle, Kathleen M. 
Entwistle, Mary 
Epstein, J. A. 

Ericsson, Bo 
Evans, A. G. 

Evans, D. G. 

Evans, E. A. 

Evans, Ella M. 

Evans, G. J. 

Evans, Jack 
Evans, R, J. 

E\ erton, Olga M. 

Ewing, Margery 
Fairhurst, Frances 
F an hurst, Georgina 
Fainveatner, Alan 
Faizy, Mohamed 

Fanthorpe, Nancy 
Farnell, Edith 
Farr all, D. W. 

Farrand, Nancy 
Farrimond, Margaret 
Farrington, Geoffrey 
Farrington, Margaret 
Faulkner, Eleanor G. 
Faulkner, Mary S. 
Feingold, Reuben 
Fenton, Frank 
i Ferguson, A. C. 

i Ferguson, J. G. 

! Ferguson, J. R. 

, Ferguson, J. H. 

j Ferguson, K. W. 

| Fielden, H. S. 

, Fielding, C. H. 

I Fielding, E. A. 

i Fielding, Gwladys M. 

Finch, Arthur 
Finch, C. D. 

Fink, Sidney 
Finn, Hoy 
Firth, Doris M. 

Firth, F. A. 

Firth, H. D. 

Fisch, Solomon 
Fisher, G. S. 

Fisher, Patricia M. C. 
Fisbwick, Katherine 
Fit ton, L. R. 

Flack, I. H. 

Flacks, Benjamin 
Fleming, Harry 
I Flemming, Clifford 
Fletcher, Dorothy E . 
j Fletcher, F. M. H. 

I Fletcher, J. A. 

Fleure, Mary 
1 Flint, Constance E. 
j Flood, R. G. 

Foden, Arthur 
Foot, Dorothy M. 
Forbes, Helen M. 

Forbes, J. D. 

Forrest, E. W. 

Forrester, Stephen 
Forster, G. I. 

Fort, Mary T. 

Fothergill, Catherine M. 
Foulkes, Donald 
Fowler, Harry 
Fox, Dennis 
Fox, E. YV. 

France, G. D 
France, J. H. 

Fra i ic ke, Bernard 
Frauconib, Evelyn D. M. 
Frank, V,\ R. B. 

| Frankish, Albert 
Franks, Samuel 
Fraser, H. R. 

Freeman, John 
Fry, R. H. 

Fryer, L. N. 

Fultord, Aubrey 
Gadd, Margaret L. 

Gall away, W. F. 
i Gardiner, Henry 
| Gardner, T. \V. 

I Gannany, Gerald 
! Garner, J. C. 

Garnett, \V. J. 
j Garrett, A. L. 

I Garside, Donald 

I Garside, J. E. 

Garstang, Winifred 

I Gaskell, Christopher 
Gaskell, William 
f Gaul, R. C. 

j Gaulter, Mary 

Genner, Winifred M. 
| Gent, A. W. 

Gent , Margare t B . 
j Geoghegan, Mary 
j Gerrard , Dorothy M . 

Gibson, Dora I. 

I Gibson, Ernest 
I Gill, Bessie 

i Gill, Ernest 

i Gill, R. S. 

i Goddard, W. H 

Gokson, Allen 
Gold, J. H. 

Golder, Kathleen M. 
Goldman, Jacob 
Golds tone ] Norman 
Golland, Marj 7 H. 
Gooby, Roy 
Goodall, John 
Goodwin, Barbara H. 
Goodwin, D. R. T. 
Goodwin, G. R. 
Goodyer, F. F. 

Goom, Kenneth 
Gordon, S. E. 

Gorna, J. C. 

Gornall, George 
Gorton, Edward 
Gorton, Robert 
Gould, Elwyn M. E. 
Gough, Kathleen G. 
Gradidge, J. G. 
Gradon, J. H. F. 
Graham, D. S. 
Graham, Veronica 
Grant, Frieda 
Graves, K. C. 
Grayson, Harry 
Green, A. E. 

Green, Eva 
Green, Herbert 
Green, Rosaline 
Greenberg, J. C. 
Greenhalgh, Edith A. 
Greenhalgh, Eric 
Greenhalgh, Ernest 
Greenhalgh, Frank 
Greenhalgh, Robert 
Greenhalgh, R. K. 
Greenwood, J . T. 
Grooves, D. A . 
Gregory, A . C . 
Gregory, J. R. 

Gregor y, Eucy 
Gregson, A. H. 
Grettcn, K. B. 
Gribbiji, Patricia R. 
Griiiiths, G. R. 
Griihths, Richard 
Grunshaw, John 
Gro\ es, Richard 
Grosman, S. L. 
Grunberg, N. D. 
Grundy, J. M. 

Grundy, Robert 
Giuncly, Samuel 
Gunn, i\ R. M. 
Gunston,A. P. 

Haurdt , W. L. 
Hackney, Ernest 
Haddakm, Eileen 
Hafez, Y. F. 

Hagan, Rose D. 
Haggas, Annie 


List of Students. 

Jones, Barbara M. 

Jones, D. P. 

Jones, Dorothy F. 

Jones, G. A. 

Jones, Margaret E. 
Jones, Munel S. 

Jones, R. N. 

Jones, R. C. 

Jones, Ruth 
Jones, Royslon 
Jones, S. H. O. 

Jones- Williams, Gwen E. 
Jucker, Ninetta 
Juhlin, Karin L. 
Kaufman, Solomon 
Kay, Dennis 
Kay, Evelyn 
Kay, John 
Kearney, Winifred 
Keeley, K, M. 

Kelly, Desmond 
KeUy T. S-B. 

Kendrick, Myra 
Kennedy, Thomas 
Kennedy, W. D. 

Kenney, J. D. 

Kenny, Sheila 
Kent, Kathleen M. 
Kemvorthy, J. W. 
Kenworthy, Josephine E. 
Kenworthy, Phyllis N 
Kenyon, Alicia 
Keynon, Barbara 
Kenyon, Emma C. 

Kenyon, Jessie G. 

Kershaw, YV. E. 

Kerr, Donald 
Kershaw, Leslie 
Kershaw, L. W. I 

Kettle, John. 

Kewley, T. K. i 

gfM r i: saretM - j 

Kiff, D. N. I 

KiH ey^Joan E. j 

King, Gordon 
King, Henry 
Kinnear, A. M. 

Kippax, P. W. 

Kirkman, Alice 
Kirkman, N. F. 

Kirkpatrick, Wilfred 
Knight, A. R. 

Knight, Freda H. 

Knight, Hilda 
Knowles, Vincent » 

Komrower, G. M ! 

Koretz, H. A. 

Kowshik, D. N. | 

Krafft, Gerardus 
Kron, Victor 
Kurmann, Max 
Kuvaronda, Prabaddha 
Kwok, L. P. 

Kuyser, W. C. 

Lace, May V. B. 

Lahiri, R. P. 

Laing, Dorothy i 

Lamb, C. W. 

Lambert, Alan 
Lambert, Dorothy E. 
Lambert, Frank 
Lancaster, Stanley 
■Lang, Cecilia H. 

Langley, F. A. 

Lansdale, William 
Lant, Richard 

1 Launer, Nathan 
Laurence, H. L. H. 
Laurence, P. N. 
Lawrie, W. B. 
Lawson, John 
Lawton, Hilda 
Lawton, T. H. 
Laycock, Annie 
Leach, Kathleen 
Lee, Edward 
Lee, Leonora E. 

Lee, P. J. 

Lee, O. R, J. 

Leech, L. H. 

; Leek, Edward 

i Lees, Arthur 

l Lee, F. N. 

Lees, V. T. 

Leggett, Frank 
Lendrum, J. D. 
Lenton, Jessie M. 
Leon, Emanuel 
Leon, I. S. 

Leon, Hector 
Lester, Lillian D. 

I Lever, Albert 
Lever, Norah 
Lever, N. H. 

Levie, M. H. P. A. 
Levy, J. B. 

Levy, Norman 
Levy, Simon 
Lewis, D. A. 

Lewis, L. F. E. 

Lewtas, Margaret R. 
Liddmgton, Ronald 
Lieberman, A. A. 
Lieberman, M. M. 
Liebert, Katharine I. 
Lighten, George 
Lindley, Edgar 
Lisbona, Ruth M. 
Lister, T. M. 

Lister, Wilfred 
Little, M. E. 

Littler, Nora F. 

Lit tie wood, Arthur 
Liversedge, L. A. 
Livesey, Harold 
Livshin, David 
Lloyd, A. B. 

Lloyd, E. R. 

Lloyd, R. J. 

Locke, G. B. 

Locking, Eric 
Lockwood, R. H. M. 
Lofthouse, Annie 
Lofthouse, Hilda 
Lomax, James 
Lomax, K. S. 

Kathleen D, M. 
Eongbottom, Donald 
Longworth, Marian C. 
Lord, G. A. 

Lord, W. M. 

Lowe, Arthur 
Lowe, Edith M. 

Lowe, E. A. 

Lowe, Joseph 
Lowe, R. S. 

Lowe, W. A. 

Lurnley, Maisie 
Lund, J. W. G. 

Lyug, Helena M. 

Lyth, Constance M. F. 
Lythgoe, Basil 
McAleavy, Henry 

McArthur, Margaret A. 
Maccall, J. T. 

] McCann, William 
McCoy, Catherine 
McDonogh, R, S. 
j McDowall, Kenneth 
Macduff, Kenneth 
1 McGilvray, J. C. 

McGlone, Walter 
, McGowan, G. C. 

McGowan, Winifred M 
I McGrath, Ellen 

i McGuinness, J, W. 

McHardy, Alexander 
i McHugh, B. P. 

Makay, Alan 
I MacKay, A. F. 

MacKay, D. H. 

J McKenzie, Rose 
I Mackereth, R. J. 

| McKnight, W. C. 

McLachlan, R. E 
McLellan, W. J. 

Maclean, Peggy 
McMullen, Hugh 
McTrusty, Jessie E. 

Me William, Jean 
Madgen, C. B. 

Maghrabi, M. H. 

Magraw, W. L. 

Maitland, C. W. 

Makin, F. R. L, 

Makin, George 
Makin, J. M. 

Makin. W. W. 

Makinson, William 
Makram, G. E. 

Malcolm, J. A, H. 
Mallalieu, L. B. 

Mallinson, Ralph 
Mandale, Jeanette M. 
Mander, Mary 
Mann, A. C. 

Manson, Ruth H. 

Mappin, A. G. 

Margerison, A. L. 
Margerison, Joan 
Marriott, Reginald 
Marrow, Leslie 
Marsh, Arnold 
Marshall, Allan 
Marshall, C. T. 

Marshall, Eileen 
Marshall, Harry 
Marsland, Herbert 
Marsland, Thomas 
Martin, A. E. 

Martin, H. J. 

Martin, Kathleen 
Martin, R. D. H. 

Martin, Teresa 
Martin, T. M. 

Mason, Annie 
Mason, E. B. 

Mason, Jean 
Mason, Marguerite T. 

Mason, Mary W. 

Mason, Wilfred 
Mather, Amy B. de V. 
Mather, Florence M. 
Matthews, Leslie 
Matthews, Norman 
Mattinson, A. B. 

May, T. E. 

Mayo, F. B. 

Mellodew, Frances M. 
Mellodew, J. L. 

Mellor, J. C. 


List of Students. 

Roberts, E. H. 

Robert shaw, A. L. 
Robertson, Helen Mel 
Robinson, A. J. <j 
Robinson, Itileen M. 
Robinson, G. A. 
Robinson, I. R. 
Robinson, J. M. 
Robinson, Marjorie F. 
Robinson, T. H 
Robinson, William 
Robson, Catherine 
Robson, D. W. 
Robson, \\\ \ 

Rock, I. H. 

Rogers, H. C. 

Rogerson, Helen E. 
Rogerson, Mary A. 
Rohde, K. T 
Rolls, Lur\ 

Rooks, G. 1«. 

Roper, Doris 
Rose, Frederiek 
Rose, H. S. 

&?j. e s’. KmanueI 

Ross, Leslie M. 

Roth well, Arthur 
Rothwell, Eric 
Rowland, Margaiet 
Rowlands, E. N 
Rowlatt, Geoffrey 
Rowson, J. K 
goyle, Cj’ril 
Ruane, Thomas 
Ruddm, C. E. 

Ruff, Lorna A . 

Ruscoe, John 
Rush, A. \y. 

Rushworth, A, \V. 

Ryan, Monica 
Ryan, P. f. 

Rylands, W. H. 

Sagar, Harold 
Sagar, Walter 
Sajjadi, A. K. 

Sanders, H. G 
Sanderson, Harry 
Sandiford, Kenneth 
Saunders, A, \y. 

Saunders, H. R ’ 

“ u S?j: d ' vard 

Saxon, Eric 
Saxton, K. jb. 

Schatzow, Israel 
Schofield, B. s. 

Schofield, Fred 
Schofield, Jim 
Schofield, John 
Schrager, Jakob 
Scott, Sheila M. 

Seager, G. C. 

Seal, Gladys W, | 

Seaman, Matthew 
Seanor, R. \ f . f 

Seddon, J. w. 

Sedgfielr], H. B I 

Seed, C K. 

Seed, P. G 

Self, Helen j 

Gwendoline M. 
Sewell, T P. 

Shaheen, V. AI 
Shallcross, John 
Sharpies, A. C. 

Shasha, Donald I 

Shashoua, -\boudi J 

f Shaw, C. E. 

Shaw, Dorothy \ 
Shaw, Ethel L. ' ’ 
Shaw, E. W 
Shaw, R. M. 
Shawcross.H. r, 
Sheehan, Eveleeii P 
Shepherd, C. A. 
Shepherd, George 
Shepherd, G. H. 
Shepherd, W. H 
Shepherd, Jean ’ 
Shepherd, J. IV, 
Sheridan, Freda 
Shevah, Moses 
Shield, Mary W 
Shlosberg, Samuel 

Shorter, A. H 
Shorter, B. H 
Shorter, T. B 
Shoulman, Rahouni 
Shtetmm, Mina 
Shute, 1 tennis 
Shuttle worth, D. A 
Sia, Veil 
Siddall, Harold 
Simmonds, Barbara T. 
Simmons, Florence M.’ 
Simon, Jamil 
Simpson, Joan E. 
Sketch, Geoffrey 
I Skipper, T. C. 

Slack, H. G. B 
Sladin, Nance R. 
Slater, H. B. 

Slater, Mary K. 

Slater, Robert 
Slater, R S. 

Sleight, Bernard 
Smare, D. L 
Smart, Betty E. 

I Smith, A. A* 

I Smith, A. M. L. 

Smith, Cecilc T. l 
S mith, C. F. J 
Smith, Cobii 
Smith, Dora 
Smith, Dorothy E 
Elizabeth M. 
Smith, Erie 
Smith, bVank 
I Smith, F. D. 

Smith, F. \\\ 

Smith, F. \v 
Smith, J, K.' 

Smith, Gertrude M 
Smith, Kate 
o 1113 !?’ Kathleen M. 
Smith, Mary F 
Smith, Olga M. 

Smith, Wilfred 
Smith, W. A, 

Smith, \Y. b. 

Smithies, Dorothy E 

Smyth, CathleenP. * 

Snape, Percy 
Snowball, Annie D, 
Snowden, Emina 
Somanabandhu, Peng 
Soroush, Reza S 
Swthan, Joyce E. 
Southern, Robert 
South worth, Stella 
Sowerbutts, K. M 
Sowerby, Harry 
Spark, Norman 

Speak, Frank 
Speare, L. S. 
Spedding, Ethel N. 
Spencer, Norman 
Spencei*, W\ K. 
Srivastava, J. k. 
StaiTorcl a Margaret [. 
Stanjlrinp, M . J 
Stanley, Mary 
Stansficld, Harry 
Stansficld, Olive 
Stansficld, R. n. 
Stanf, Marion 
Starkio, Hcnrv 
Starkie, John ‘ 
Statharn, Kenneth 
Steeples, Lionel 

( Stemart, Eileen L. 
Stevens, Gordon 
Stevens, Louisa E. 
Stevenson, C. T, 
Stewart, D, B. 

Stewart, Hrnest 
Stewart, T. S. 

Stilton, Eva M 
^ i,n PS<-»n, Beryl H. 
Stockdalc, Frank 
Stockton, c. E. 
Stoddard, Norman 
Stoker, PhjMIia A. 
Stoucliouse, F \ 


SJ 0 }*' Elizabeth E, 
Stott, Ronald 
Stott, R. C. 

Stowe, G. T. 

Strange, Muriel N. 
Stratton, Fred 
Strauss, f. m 
S trauss, Zdia 
Stromberg, Harry 
Stuart, Mary 
Stubbs, F. B. 

Stubbs, Kathleen 1'. 
Suart, Dorothy 
Sumpter, Miriam 
Sutton, Simon 
Sutherland, Robert 
Sutton, Gwendoline M, 
Swabey, p. s. W. 

Swain, Marjorie 
Swain, R. W. 

Swallow, A. \V, 

Swanson, R. p’ 

Swiit, R. A. 

Sykes, Constance 
Sykes, Ellis 
-I aim, Milton 
Tapley, I£. \y. 

Taylor, Abraham 
Payloi, A. A. 

Taylor, A. M. 

Taylor, A, R. 

Taylor, Arthur 
Taylor, B. T. 

Taylor, C. R. 

Tajdor, Edward 
Taylor, Elizabeth 
Taylor, Florence 
Taylor, J. E. 

Taylor, Mary K. 

Taylor, Norman 
Taylor, P. H. 

Taylor, Thomas 
Taylor, Vera M. 

Taylor, Wallace 
Taylor, W. F, 

Taylor -Jones, Kenneth 


list of Students , 


Abbott, K. D. G. 
Abell, Thomas 
Abercrombie, R. H. 
Abson, H. W. 
Adamson, John 
Adams, Olga H. 
Aldington, H. A. 
Alexander, Harold 
Alexander, V. M. 

Ali, I. M. 

AH, S. M. 

Alker, Walter 
All sup, Roland 
Anderson, T. A. 
Armstrong, Thomas 
Ashcroft, Gordon 
Askew, Mary B. 
Asprey, F. A. 
Aspinall, Ada 
Aspinall, Walter 
As tie, R. D. 
Atkinson, H. F. 
Bailey, J. A. 

Bailey, W. M. Z. 
Baker, C. T. 

Bake well, Weeder 
Baldwin, A. B. 
Barker, J. E. 
Barlow, Harrv 
Becker, M . S. 

Beier, Fritz 
Bentley, A. H. 
Bentovim, Harrv 
Berry, Frank 
Berry, J. K. 

Berry, Maurice 
Berry, Ronald 
Besford, J. C. I*. 
Billings, A. G. 
Birtwell, A. J 
Blackburn, J. K. 
Blake, A. H. 

Boeok, Ernst 
Bogus, J. L. 

Booth, H. A. 
Borland, N. A. 
Boyle, A. N. 

Boyle, D. S. 
Brabbing, Fred 
Breese, L. S. 

Brice, L. D. 

Brierley, R. F. f > 
Broadbent, B. 1 . 
Brooks, F. S S 
Brooks, J. T. 
Brooks, K. K. 
Brooks, R. T. 
Brown, G. W. 
Bryant, R. H. 

Buck, J. S, 

Buckley, A S. 
Buckley, Norman 
Budd, Johu 
Bullemer, Elizabeth 
Burges e , J. X* 
Burliuson, Harrv 
Burndred, \Y, H 
Burrell, Jack 
Burrows, Hornby 
Burton, S. B. 
Butterworth, Marion 
Buttrick, W T. 
Byram, L. B 
Byrom, James 

Caldwell, Harry | 

Cansino, H. M. 

Carrington, Evelyn 
Carbis, J. L. K, 

Carter, H. A. 

Cavanagh, A. L, 

Chambers, H. B. 

Chandler, John 
Chappellier, Alice 13. G. 
Chilton, Tom 
Chine y, R. P. 

Christian, C. J. 

Cla iman, I. \V. 

Clarke, Gertrude G. 
Clarkson, J. S. 

, Clayton, Cr. F. 

Clayton, H. O. 
i Clayton, J. R. 

Cleworth, S. D. 

1 Cliff e, Margeurite 

' Cludius, Irmgard 

Cocker, GeofTrev 
I Cohen, C. N. 

! Cohen, Julius 

i Cohen , Louis 

j Cohen, R. A. 

Collens, R. F. 

Collier, G. H. 

Conroy, Teresa F. 

Cookson, J. E. 

Cooper, H. J. 

Cooper, \V. H. 

Copestake, Edgar 
I Copple, Cecil 

Cornes, S. M. 

Crompton, R. f. 

Crossley, R. N. 

Crozicr, S. F. 

Cullen, Gerard 
Daker, Derek 
> Daltrv, J. E. 

Davey, A. C. C. 
i Davies, Charles 

Davies, P. H. 

Davison, P. H. 

Dawson, Clifford 
Deardon, R. H. 

Dearnaley, R. B. 

Deas, G. W. 

Derbyshire, Kenneth 
De Sousa, L. J. A. 
Dickinson, Dorothy S. 
Dickson, D. R. 

Dixon, C. N. 

Dodd, F. S. 

. Dole, H. O. 

Donald, Elisabeth J. (Mrs.) 
Douglas, George 
Douglas, Reginald 
Downs, A. H 
Downing, Noel 
Driver, N. W. 

Driver, Norman 
Duckett, B. G. 

Duffy, Edwin I 

Dunkerly, Alice 
Du Vivier, E. H. E. 

Djdces, T. P, 

Eagland, K. C. 

Edmunds, R. S. 

Edwards, E, P. 

Elks, G. J. 

Ellison, Charles* 

Elina^, Ibraxie 

Evans, A. M. 

Evans, Gordon 
Evans, J. R. 

Eve, William 
Evison, E. H 
Fairhurst, W L. 

Fare, William 
Featherstonc, Allred 
Fenton, Janies 
Fenton, N. S. 

Ferguson, G. R 
Fidler, Annie 
Fillingham, B H. 
Firman, Hosia 
Fitton, Lucv 
Fletchei, Hugh 
Fogan, J. F. 

Fogg, Jack 
Ford, Stanley 
Forster, R. C. 

Foulds, Tom 
France, C. S. 

Francis, J. W. 
Frankenburg, E . K. 
Franks, J. H. 

Freeman, Herbert 
Gaffin, Julius 
Garnett, J, H. 

Gartsidc, Edward 
Gatley, J. S. 

Gibb, C. O. S. 

Gibbons, J. M 
Gibson, Marv R. 
Gittings, S. J . 

Glass, C. E. 

Gledsdale, H. 1\ 

Glynn, W. A. 

Goldman, Saul 
Goldslone, J. S. 
Goodwill, G'enrjjo 
Graham, F. B. 

Gratrix, Eric 
Gregory, Beatrice A J 
Gregson, Robert 
Grindrod, G. H. 
Hackney, K. *3 
Hague, Mary 
Haigh, George 
Hales, John 
Hall, J. H. S. 

HalHwell, K. G. 
Hallsworth, !■'. P 
Halstead, Ada 
Halstead, Harold 
Ham, Stanley 
Hammy, G. B 
Hardcastle, J-\ K. 
Harding, Arthur 
Hardman, C. R. 
Hardman, Cyril 
Hardman, L B 
Hardy, J. M. 
Hargreaves, W. \Y. 
Harrison, C. M. C. 

Hart, T. N. 

Haivaid. NF- H. 

Hawley. J . P. 

Hay, D. W. 

Haywood, E. N. 
Haythornthwaite, G. G. 
Heald, John 
Healey, Arthur 
Heap, M. J. McK. 

Jlfdst of Stu.d&'r&ts. 

12 & 

Lempert, 3arry 
Leyland, J. R. 
Littlepage, S. E. 
Lloyd, G. R. 
Lockett, J. FI. 

Lord, M. L. 
Loverldge, K. G., K. L. 
McKelvey, W. 3. 
McKinnon, E _ 3. 
McMurdo, Lydia 
McQuillan, Thomas 
Maben, Alexander 
Manion, L- S- 
Manson, Sylvia R. 
Marks, Frederick 
Martin, R. C. 
Martin, T. Y. 
Martins, A- F_ G- 3. 
Mason, HE. T. 
Massey, W. 3. 
Massie, A. 3. 
Matthew, M. 3. V". 
Mattison, L. H. 
Maughan, N. C. 
Maywhort, J- E. 
Mellor, W. C. 
Mendoza, J. X. 

Meric a, Michael 
Meynell, J. F. 
Millner, G. F. 

Min to, Marjorie 
MitcheU, A. V. 
Molyneux, A. E. 
Monks, F. X. 
Moody, Geoffrey 
Moore, D. C. 
Moore, G. A. 
Moore, Harry 
Moore, Janet M. 
Moorhouse, Frank 
Morgan, Alfred 
Morgan, K. J. 
Morrell, W- A . 
Morris, A. 3. 
Moulton, Fred 
Moule, A. W. 
Mullen, Alban 
Murray, Robert 
Murray, Wilfred 
Nahnuas, Maurice 
Napper, J. 3. 

Nash, 3. 3. 

Newing, F. 3. 
ISTewton, G. 3. 

Newton, Roland 

Nicholls, Patricia 3. 

1ST! eld, Gordon 

Norcliffe, X. S. 
O’Brian, J. F. 
O’Connor, K. J. 
Oppenheim, Bernard 
Ormston, Clifford 
Oversby, J. 3. 

Owen, E. L. 

Owen, L- 3. 

Pacey, A. L. 

Page, F. M. 

Pape, Arthur 
Pargeter, Helen E. 
Parker, G. S. 
Parkinson, Frank 
Parkinson, Norman 
Parkinson , R. L. 
Parkinson, S. W. 
Parry, A. L. 
Paterson, Agnes M. 
Patterson, C. K - M. 

t Payne, G. E. 

! Payton, X>. V. 

Peacock, F. A. \V. 

| Pearson, Mildred M. 

Pedersen, F. P. 

| Pedley, W. J. 

; Peel, John. 

! Pendlehury, Phyllis E . 

| Pepperdine, R. S. 

Perry, Madge 3. 

| Philbin, 3. J. 

Pickup, Leo 
Pigott, P. J. 
f Pilling, Thomas 

Plane, Arthur 
3 Podesta, G. R. 

Pool, C. G. 
f Pope, Agnes J. 

! Potts, Philip ‘ 

j Pratt, Philip 

! Prentice, Margaret 3. 

J Pym, L. A. 

Rangeley, Jack 
Rawstron , Fred 
Redman, 3. J. K. 
Richardson, J. C. 

| Rigby, 3. M. 

j Rimington , Richard 

Riser, Joseph, 
j Roberts, Enid 

t Roberts, F. C. 

| Robinson, C. 3. 

Rodway, J. 3. 

■ Rosevere, E. G. 

Roseman, Margaret 
Rothwell, J. C. 
Rowson, T. M. 

Royds, Vv. A. 

Royley, Jack 
Russell, P. W. Z>. 
Salem, Jack 
! Sandler, Cecil 

Savage, 3- 1ST. 

Scanlon, C. E. 
Schaefer, Douglas 
Schofield, James 
Schofield, J. 3. 

1 Scott, rx \V. F. 

Scott, J. S- 
Scott, X. 3. 

! Seager, Constance W. 
Sellars, J. L>. 

Shaw, Clifford 
, Sheasby, 3. W. S* 

! S hen ton, F. C. 

Shepley, Ethel 3. 
Sherwen, J. 3. 

Shrager, Alexander 
Shtetinin, Nicholas 
Silvers, E. L. 

Simpson, G. 3. 
Skidmore, H>. E. 

Sleigh, Robert 
Sloan, Derrick 
Smith, A. S. 

Smith, David 
Smith, Harry 
Smith, J. W. 

Smith, Thomas 
Smith -Carring ton „ 
j Betty M. K. 

t Speak man , 3. G. 

t Spencer, G- 3. X. 

Spencer, K. A. 

J Spur gin, B. 'W'. S- 

t Spur gin, Edith M. 

i Srivastava, Sheila 

! Steele, W. X. 


List of Students 

Steeple, William 
Stephens, M. S, C. 
Stevenson, F. F. 
Stewart, A. S. 
Stone, L. D. 
Stones, J. D. McL. 
Sturgess, F. W. 
Sturman, Rose H. 
Sutcliffe, J. H. 
Swanwick, G. R. 
Talboys, Kenneth 
Taylor, F. S. 
Taylor, Harry 
Taylor, J. D. 
Taylor, John 
Taylor, L. J. 
Taylor, R. P. 
Theakston, J. A.. 
Thompson, Annie 
Thompson, E. H. 
Thompson, J. A. 
Thorailey, Eric 
Thornton, Eric 
Tofail, A. K. 
Tomlinson, William 
Totty, T. H. 
Traeger, Edith 
Travis, G- F, 
Trenbath, H. V. O. 




Tsolakides, D. M. 
Turton, Dorothy R. 
Vahab, Yona 
Vickers, John 
Vine, L. J. B. 

Vogt, Paul 
Waite, J. L. 

Walker, G. O. 
Walker, W. H. 
Wallwork, Frank 
Walton, Donald 
Walton, G. F. 
Warburton, F. H. 
Ward, Richard 
Watson, John 
Watts, W. J. 

Webb, Albert 
Western, Wilfred 
Wharton, G. C. C. 
Whatinough, Derrick 
Whelan, F. J. 

White, Peter 
White, Stanley 
Whitehead, Jerry 
Whittaker, Leonard 
Whittle, J. H. 
Wignall, Bessie 
Williams, A. H. 
Williams, E. W. 

Williams, F* C. 
Williams, Horace 
Williams, J. N. 
Williams, S. P. 

Wilmot, K. G. 

Wilson, A. B. 

Wilson, Francos T. 
Wilson, I Tank 
Wilson, Helen A. F. 
Wilson, William 
Wise, YV. j. 

Wishart, G, N. i\I. 

Wolf end. lie Eric 
Wollaston, C. W. 
Wolstcnholmc, \V. H. 
Wood, Cyril 
Wood, George 
Woolham, Katherine L. 
Woolstcncroft, Robert 
Work, Emma G. 
Wotherspoon, R. A. 
Wraggc, N. O. 

Wrathall, ]. L. 
Wrathmeli, T. li. 

Wray, W. P. 

Wright, A. L. 

Wricht C. K. 

Yates, Ci. W. 


%iet of associates of tbe ©wens College wbo ace 
not (Bra&uates of tbe UlnlversltE. 

(For a statement as to the privileges of former Associates of Owens 
College, see the Calendar for 1914-15, page 850.) 

Percival Wallis Allen 
Lucy Elizabeth Bennison 
Richard Oxley Bowman 
Reginald Hargreaves Bulley 
Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson 
Archibald William Cuff 
Sigismund Theodore Dawson 
Hairy Penwame Ede 
Frederick Edge 
John EUiott 
George Henry Emmott 
William Henry Fairbrother 
Henry Gow 
Harry Grimshaw 
Robert Harrop 
Frank William Holmes 
Joseph Hume Hume-Rothery 
Darnel Lincoln Jones 
Edward Meyer de Jong 

Leopold Larmuth 
Bevan Lean 

Thomas Denham 
Edward Little 
David Charles Morgan Lunt 
Sidney McDougall 
Sydney Mason 
Frederick Moore 
Martin Joseph O’Flanagan 
Henry Perkins 

Alexander Stanhope Rein hard; 
John Holland Rose 
Wilfrid Sessions 
James Tait 
Thomas Slater Tait 
Florence Emily Thomas 
Joseph John Thomson 
' Foster Watson. 


( For the Ordinances regarding Convocation , see page 353 . ) 

The members of Convocation are as follows ; — 

(i.) Ex-oJJicio : 

The Chancellor. 

The Vice-Chancellor. 

The Pro -Vice-Chancellors. 

The Members of the Senate. 

The Members of the Boards of Faculty. 

The University Fellows. 

(ii.) Graduates of the University who have registered as such are 
indicated by the Utter c in list of Graduates. 


a — Associate of Owens College. c — Member of Convocation. 

Honorary Graduates become members of Convocation on being elected by that body. 

{The names of deceased graduates are printed in italics.) 

Notice. — Members of tbe University are invited to send to the Registrar information regarding 
distinctions gained or posts held by graduates for inclusion in the Register of Graduates. 


1882. James Holme Nicholson, M.A. 

1892. Earl Spencer , LL D 

1895. The Duke of Devonshire, LL.D. 

The Earl of Derby , LL.D. 

The Marquess of Ripon, LL.D. 

Lord Kelvin, D.Sc. 

Sir Andrew Fairbairn, D.Sc. 

Daniel John Leech , D.Sc. 

Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe , D.Sc. 

Sir Arthur William Rucker, D.Sc. 

Thomas Ashton, LL.D. J 

Richard Copley Christie, LL.D. 

William Rathbone, LL.D. 

Alfred Waterhouse, LL.D. 

Sir Adolphus William Ward, Litt D. 

Gerald Henry Rendall, Litt.D. 

Sir Nathan Bodington, Litt.D. 

Alfred Thomas Bentley, M.A. 


1897. Right Hon. James Bryce, Litt.D. 

(Viscount Bryce I. 

Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., D.Sc. 

1898. Lord Lister, D.Sc. 

1899. Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt, D.Sc. 

John Llewelyn Davies, Litt.D. 

Charles Harold Harford, Litt.D. 

Edward Schunck, D.Sc. 

Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick, Litt.D. 
Frederick William Walker, Litt.D. 

1900. Lora Rayleigh, D.Sc. 

Sir William Huggins, D.Sc. 

Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney, D.Sc. 
Sir Thomas Edward Thorpe, D.Sc. 

Sir James Dewar, D.Sc. 

Andrew Russell Forsyth, D.Sc. 

Sir Richard Tetley Glazebrook, D.Sc. 
Sir Sidney Lee, Litt.D. 

P o 


Graduates {Honorary). 

Honorary Degrees — continued. 

1900. Edward Charles Pickering , D.Sc. 

Six Joseph John. Thomson, D.Sc. 

Henrv Wilde , D.Sc. 

Sir William Chandler Roberts- A listen, D.Sc. 
190a. Sir William Royncll Anson, Bart., LL.D. 

Sit John Tomlinson Hibbert , K.C.B., LL.D. 
Sir James Hoy, Lord Mayor of Manchester , 

Sir William Rann Kennedy, LL.D. 

Edward Craig Mad tire, Dean of Manchester , 

Alfred Nield, LL D. 

Thomas Francis Robots, LL.D. 

Sir Albert Kaye Rolht, LL.D. 

Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, LL D. 
Richard Thomas Wright, LL.D. 

Augusta Angelina, Litt.D. 

Andrew Cecil Bradley, Litt D. 

Hermann Brcymann, Litt.D. 

Alfred Espinas, Litt.D. 

William Paton Ker, Litt.D. 

Rev. Alexander MacLaren, Litt.D. 

Rt. Rev . James Moorhousa, Lord Bishop of 
Manchester, Litt.D. 

William Walter Merry, Litt.D. 

Arthur Sampson Napier, Litt.D. 

Enriqitcta Rylands, Litt.D. 
fame* Hamilton Wvhc, Litt.D. 

Sir Thomas Bailow, Bart., D.Sc. 

Sn John Burdon-Sandc/son, Bart., D.Sc. 

Sir William Selby Church, Bart., D.Sc. 

Sir Henry Greenway House, D.Sc, 

Sir Alexander Russell Simpson, D.Sc. 
Antoine Horn Dmquercl, D.Sc. 

Robert Chodat, D.Sc. 

George Carey Foster, D.Sc. 

Janies Whitbread Lee Glaisher, D.Sc. 

Kraest Howard Gnttiths, D.Sc. 

William Mitchinson Hicks, D.Sc. 

Ernest William Hobson , D.Sc. 

George Bond Houses, D.Sc 
William Jack, D.Sc. 

Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, D Sc. 

Walther Ncmst, D.Sc. 

John Henry Poynting, D.Sc. 

Sir William Augustus Tihien, D.Sc. 
Woldcmar Voigt, D.Sc. 

Harry Marshall Ward, D.Sc. 

Adolph Brodskx, Mus.D. 

Hans Richter, Mus.D. 

Annie Adamson, M.A. 

Henry Guppy, M.A. 

Elijah Helm, M.A. 

Thomas Coglan Horsfall, M.A. 

Ge-orge Milner, M.A. 

Charles Rowley, M.A. 

Charles William Sutton, M.A. 

Charles Henrv Wyatt, M A. 

Charles Bailey , M.Sc 
Francis Jones, M.Sc. 

John Henry Reynolds, M.Sc. 

James Scotson , M.Sc. 

1903. Prank Wigglesivorth Clarke, D.Sc. 

Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, D.Sc. 

2904. Wilhelm Rein, Litt.D. 

Joseph Thompson, LL.D. 

Bohuslav Brauner, D Sc 
Ludwig Mond, D.Sc. 

Willtam Henry Perkin, D.Sc. 

1905. Albert Calmette, D.Sc 
Edoardo Perroncito, D.Sc. 

Carlo Salmonsen, D.Sc. 

Robert Falcon Scott, D.Sc. 

Nicholas Murray Butler, LL D. 

1906. Samuel Henry Butcher, Litt.D. 

Sir Richard Horn Collms, Litt.D. 

Sarah Fielden, Litt.D. 

John Per aval Postgate, Litt.D. 

1906 William Rid gait' ay, Litt.D. 

Theodore Neild, M.A. 

Julius Frith, M.Sc. 

Ivan Levinstein, M.Sc.Teoh. 

Etnil Fischer, D.Sc. 

Leonard Gculcm Hassd, B.D, 

1907. George Ellery Halo, D.Sc. 

Baron Dairoku Kihuchi, LL.D. 

2908. Sir Frank Forbes Adam, Bart., LL.D. 

Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour, LL.D, 
[Earl of Balfour and Whittmgham). 
Edward John Brotul field, LL.D. 

Andrew Carnegie, LL.D. 
lit. Hon. Lord Courtney of Penwith , LL.D. 
Rt.Hon. Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, LL.D. 
Sir Edward Donncr, Bart., LL.D. 

Rt. Hon. Richard Burdon Haldane, LL.D. 

{Lord Haldane of Clean). 

Sir Henry Fleming Hibbert, Bart., LL.D. 

Sir William Henrv Houldmorth , Bart. , LL.D. 
Sir William Mather, LL.D. 

Andrew Martin Fairbairn , D.l). 

Sir Edward M aunde Thompson, Litt.D. 
Arthur John Evans, Litt.D. 

I Villiam Farter , Li tt . D . 

Henry Jackson, Litt.D. 

Arthur Gamgee, D.Sc. 

James Cosmo Me.h'ill, D.Sc, 

William Burton, M.A. 

William Kirkby, M.Sc. 

1909. Beatrice Webb, Litt.D. 

Charles Edward Belly sc Russell, M.A. 
Richard Curtis Barin-s, M.Com. 

Whitclaw Reid , LL.D. 

Sir Robert Stout, LL.D. 

Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall, Litt.D. 

Otto Wallnch, D.Sc. 
xyiu. William Warde Fowler, Litt.D. 

Rt. Rev. Edward Lee Links, Lord Bishop 
of Lincoln, Litt.D. 

1 Prince Boris Gnlitzin, D.Se. 

| H ago Muller, D.Sc. 

Sir William Napier Shaw, D.Sc 
! Felix .*1 le vandre Guilmant, Mus. D. 

Mary Bendy, M.A. 

| Annie Eliza'bi *th Frcderioka 1 loriiiman, M. A. 

1911. Rt. Hon. Walter Kuncimnu, LL.D. 

j Theodore William Richards, D.Sc. 

Margaret Ashton, M.A. 

William Thomas Goode*, M.A. 

! Lydia Manley, M.A. 

George Sharpies, M.A. 

William Henry Pearson, M.Sc . 

I 1913. Sir Charles Harding Firth, Litt.D. 

Richard Lodge, Litt.D. 

John Edward Morns, Litt.D. 

Albert Frederick Pollard, Litt.D. 

Thomas Northeote Toller, Litt.D 
Sir lhigald Clerk, D.Sc*. 

Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, D.Sc. 
Dulanfield Henrv Scott, D.Sc. 

Rt. Hon. Lord Shuttloworth, LL.D. 

Adolf Deissmann, D.D. 

A braham Park, M.A 
James Fildes, M.A. 

1913. Jesse Haworth, LL.D. 

Thomas Ethelbert Page, Litt.D. 

Sir Michael Ernest Sadler, Litt.D. 

Robert Wood Williamson , M.Sc. 

Albert Thumb, Litt.D. 

William Edward Armytage Axon, M,A. 

.Sir Walter Baldwin Spencer, D.Sc. 

Dame Sarah Anne Lees, LL.D. 

1914. Edward Carter Kersey Gonner, Litt.D. 

Albert Feuillerat, Litt.D. 

Sir William Henry Bragg, D.Sc. 

John Edward Stead , D.Sc. 

William Foran Cottrell, M.A. 

Bt.-Col. Frank Henry Bumell-Nugent, M.A. 

Graduates (Honorary). 129 

Honorary Degrees — continued . 

1914. Charles Day, M.Sc.Tech. 

1915. Sir Henry Alexander Mhts, D.Sc. 

1919. Leonardo Bianchi, LL.D. 

Sir Thomas Henry Holland, LL.D. 

Herbert Clark Hoover, LL.D. 

Kenneth Lee, LL.D. 

Bishop Long, LL.D. 

President A. L. Lowell, LL.D. 

Right Hon. Jan Christiaan Smuts, LL D. 
Right Hon. John Andrew Hamilton, Baron 
Sumner, LL.D. 

Eleuthenos K. Vemzelos, LL.D. 

Charles Weizinann, LL.D. 

Edward Vernon Arnold, Litt.D. 

Francis Archibald Bruton , Litt.D. 

Sir William Martin Conway, M.P., Litt.D. 

(Baron Conway of Allington). 

Caroline Augusta Rhys Davids, Litt.D. 
Oliver Elton, Litt.D. 

Right Hon. Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher, 

T. Joubin, Litt.D. 

John Holland Rose, Litt.D. 

Alfred Edward Taylor, Litt.D. 

Arthur Augustus Tilley, Litt.D. 

Charles Edwyn Vaughan, Litt.D 
Henry Spenser Wilkinson, Litt.D. 

Percy Scott Worthington, Litt D. 

Major Tannatt William Edgeworth David, 

John Albert Hall, D.Sc. 

Paul Lange vin, D.Sc. 

Julius MacLeod, D.Sc. 

William McDougall, D.Sc. 

Jolm Cunningham McLennan, D.Sc. 

Jean Perrin, D.Sc. 

William Halse Rivers Rivers, D.Sc. 

Richard Grundy Rows, D.Sc. 

Sir Richard Thrtliall, D.Sc. 

Ella Sophia Armitagc, M.A. 

Sarah Louisa Dendy , M.A. 

Charles Wheeler Godbert, M.A. 

Margaret Greenall , M.A. 

Spurley Hex, M A 

Jane Penelope Kitchener, M A. 

Thomas May, A 1 A. 

James Moirj M.A. 

Joseph James Phelps , M.A. 

John Ernest Phvthian, M A. 

William Buncombe Pink , M.A. 

Henry Taylor, M A 

Arthur Percy Morris Fleming, M.Sc Tech. 
Sir Holberrv Meusforth, M.Sc.Tech. 
Standen Leonard Pearce, M.Sc.Tech. 

1930. Henry Brierley, LL.D. 

Lord' Edgar Algernon Robert Cecil, LL.D. 

(Lord Cecil of Chelwood). 

Earl Haigh of Berner syde, LL.D. 

Sir James Edward Jones, LL.D. 

Philip Henry WichMead, Litt.D. 

Henri Louis Le ChAtelier, D.Sc. 

Alfred North Whitehead D.Sc. 

Claude Joseph Goldsmid Montefiore, D.D. 
William Sunday, D.D. 

WiUiam Nelson, M.A. 

1921. Charles Prcstwich Scott, LL.D 
John Tresiddcr Sheppard, Litt.D. 

Albert Einstein, D.Sc. 

Robert Knlston, D.Sc. 

Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, D.Sc. 

John Turner Mai shall, D.D. 

Fred Brook, M A. 

Walter, Butterworth, M.A. 

James Joseph Mallon, M.A. 

Jane Feams Wood, M.Ed. 

1922. Charles Homer Haskins, Litt.D. 

George Francis Hill, Litt.D. 

William Richard Lethaby, Litt.D. 

1922. Henri Pirenne, Litt.D. 

Salomon Remach, Litt.D. 

Graham Wallas, Litt.D. 

Godfrey Harold Hardy, D.Sc. 

Sir Edward John Russell, D.Sc. 

George Edwin Maclean, LL.D. 

Albert Mansbridge, LL.D. 

Lady Sheffield, LL.D. 

Thmnas Raven Ackroyd, M.A. 

Stanley Withers, M.A. 

John Crompton, M.Sc.Tech. 

1923. Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford and 

Balcarres, LL.D. 

Lord Hewart of Bury, LL.D 
Sir Arthur Watson, LL.D. 

Charles Bemont, Litt.D. 

William Ernest Johnson, Litt.D. 

Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, D.Sc. 
William Barton Worthington, D.Sc. 

Grace Owen, M.Ed. 

The Most Rev. Cosmo Gordon Lang, Arch- 
bishop of York. D.D. 

John George Adann , LL.D. 

Lord Justice Sir John Eldon Bankes, LL.D. 
Sir David Young Cameron, LL D. 

Dame Svbil Thorndike (Mrs. Lewis Casson), 

Sir Thomas Hcrbeii Warren, LL.D. 

Sir Arthur Keith, D.Sc. 

John Masefield, Litt D. 

Eugenie Strong, Litt.D. 

1924. Sir Janies George Frazer, Litt.D. 

Sir Henry Joseph Wood, Mtis.D. 

Charles Heape,* I. Sc 

Elihu Thomson, D.Sc. 

1925. The Duchess of Atholl, LL.D. 

Lord Bradbury of Winsford, LL.D. 

Ludwig Joseph Brentano, Litt.D. 

Sir Robert Alexander Falconer, Litt.D. 

Niels Bohr, D.Sc. 

Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, D.Sc. 

1926. Walter Hamilton 'Moberly, Litt.D. 

Albert Curtis Clark, Litt.D. 

Werner Jaeger, Litt.D. 

.Alfred Chilton Pearson, Litt.D. 

Edward Kennard Rand, Litt.D. 

Chatles Edward Montagu, Litt.D. 

Standen Leonard Pearce, D.Sc. 

Albert Charles Seward, D.Sc. 

Alfred Edwin Howard Tuttou, D.Sc. 

S»r Herbert Hamilton Harty, Mus D. 

1927. Lord D’Abcnion, LL.D. 

Alfred Ernest Stcmthal, LL.D. 

Edwin Cannan, Litt.D. 

John Galsworthy , Litt.D. 

Charles Samuei Myers, D.Sc. 

192S. Sir Alfred Monti Maud ( Baron Melchett 
of Land ford) , LL. D. 

Robert Drew Hicks, Litt.D. 

John George Robertson , Litt.D. 

Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, D.Sc. 
Richard Willstatter, D.Sc. 

1929. Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. William Temple, 
Archbishop of York, D.D. 

Lord Colwyn, LL.D. 

Major-General Sir Percy Zachariah Cox, 

Allan Noble Monkhouse, Litt.D. 

Arthur Lyon Bowley, D.Sc. 

Colonel Sir Ronald Ross, D.Sc. 

Daniel Adamson, D.Sc. 

Sir Henry Fowler, D.Sc. 

Jocelyn Plunket Bushe-Fox, M.A. 

Francis Howard Carr, D.Sc. 

Arthur Dehon Little, D.Sc. 

Rt. Hon. Lora Dawson of Penn, LL.D. 
Charles Horace Mayo, LL.D. 

William James Mayo, LL.D. 

Charles Oliver Hawthorne, D Sc. 


Graduates (Arts) 

Honorary Degrees — continued. 

1929. Sir Ewen John Maclean, D.Sc. 

1930. Charles Gates Dawes, LL.D 
Right Hon. Philip Snowden, LL.D. 

(Viscount Snowden of Ickornshaw; 
Sir Alfred Hoplunson, LL D. 

Sara Margery Fry, LL.D. 

Arthur Henry Woithington, LL.D. 

Richard Henry Tawney, Litt.D. 

Edgar Sterling Cobbold, D.Sc. 

Janies Lor rain Smith , D.Sc. 

Arthur Smithells, D.Sc. 

Dame Ethel Mary Smyth, Mus.D. 

Henry Edwin Gaddura, M.A 
Sir William Henry Himbury, M.A. 

William Simms, M.Sc. 

1931. Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, LL.D. 
Arthur Harden, LL.D. 

Right Hon. Sir John Allsebrook Simon, 

Henry Guppy, Litt.D. 

Burnett Hillman Streeter, D.D. 

William Melland, M.A. 

Frederick Percy Nathan, M.A. 

1931. Alexander Brown Ritchie, M.Sc. 

Edward Fiddes, LL.D. 

Frederick Ernest Weiss, LL.D. 

1932. Sir Janies Hopwood Jeans, D.Sc. 

William David Ross, LL.D. 

Lord Rutherford of Nelson, LL.D. 

Sir James Arthur Salter, LL.D. 

Walter Richard Sickert, LL.D. 

Frederick William Bates, M A. 

Joseph Lea Gleavo, M.A. 

William Turner Jackson, M.A. 

Louis Stanley Jast, M.A. 

1933. Artur Schnabel, Mus.D. 

Sir John Charles Walsliam Reith,_LL.D„ 
Edwin Francis Gay, Litt.D. 

John Linton Myres, D.Sc. 

Nathan Laski, M.A. 

Alfred Powell Wadsworth, M.A. 

Robert Henry Claytou, M.Sc. 

Irene Rosetta Ewing, M.Sc. 

Sara Annie Burstall, LL.D. 

Eileen Edna le Poer Power, Litt.D. 
Harriette Chick, D.Sc. 

Right. Hon. James Ramsay Macdonald, 



Date- of 

c** 1 Alexander, Samuel 1924 

C2Barnett, Lionel David igoo 

c^Chapman, Sydney John, M.Coin. ... 192 1 

c**4Conway, Robert Seymour 1930 

**5 Davtds, Thomas William Rhys 1921 

**& Herfori, Charles Harold 192 1 

AcyHicks, George Dawes 1904 

c8Howarth, Walter, M.Ed 1928 

Nightingale , Benjamin 1913 

I Phillipson, Coleman, LL.D 

| AC**gPowicke, Frederick Maurice . 

I AcShaw, William Arthur 

| cioSlotld, Israel Wolf 

c**xiSraith, Grafton Elliot ... . 

c* , "i2Tait, James 

; **13 Tow*, Thomas Frederick ... . 

i ac Walker, Thomas Alfred ... . 

Date oj 
... 1910 

... 1930 

... 1899 

... 1932 
... 19*1 

... 1920 

... 1925 

... 1 900 

A Acton, Florence .. 1892 

cAdam, Jeanie Isabel 1937 

c Adams, Violet Denise 

(Mrs. E. Constantin) 1907 

Addison, Fred 1914 

Agate, Leonard Deudy 1907 

cAgopian, Taqui 1922 

Ainsworth, John Cooper 1908 

Airey, MiUicent 1907 

Alcock, Arthur Frank 1894 

cAldous, Alice 1917 

ci4Altham, Josiah Goodacre 1906 

ac Alvarez, Anthony Ralph 1892 

Anderson, Mrs. R. 

See Dibben, Margaret F. 

Anderson, William Blair 1923 

Andrade, Mrs. See Evans, Katin mo B. 

cAndress, James Russell, B. Sc 11)27 

cAndrew, John Barton, B.Coin 1927 

cAndrews, Frank, LL.B 1912 

Angus, Laurence Mortimer 1908 

Annan, Mrs. Sec Barker, Agues 

cArmitstead, Amy lyir 

cAmold, Harry Gordon ryjO 

a Asher, Joseph Mayor 1901 

Ashf ort li, Mrs . G . I i . See Taj il«m, Mary E. 
Ashley, Frances Hughina 

(Mrs Row bothum) 1913 

C'lGAshton, Charles 1915 

c Ashton, Florence 1931 

1 Formerly Professor of Philosophy in the University, now Honorary Pioiessor ; F.B.A. ; O.M. 

2 Keeper of Oriental Printed Books and MSS., British Museum. 

3 Chief Economic Adviser to H.M. Government ; C.B.E. ; K.C.B. 

4 Formerly Professor of Latin and Indo-European Philology 111 the University ; F.B.A. 

5 Late Professor of Comparative Religion in the University, 

6 Late Honorary Professor and formerly Professor of English Literature in the University. 

7 Professor of Moral Philosophy m University College, London 

8 Director of Education, Burnley 

9 Regius Professor of Modem History in the Umversitj of Oxford ; F.B.A. 
ro Principal, Manchester Talmud Torah School and Hebrew Education Board 

11 Professor of Anatomy in the University of London (University College) , F'.R S. 

12 Late Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford , formerly Professor uf Ancient and Medieval 

History in the University, now Honorary Professor ; F.B.A. 

13 Late Professor of History and Director of Advanced Study in History in the* University, and 

subsequently Honorary Professor ; F.B.A. 

14 Head Master, The Grammar School, Salford. 

15 Huline Professor of Latin in the University. 

16 Town Clerk of Derby. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates (Arts). 


M.A. — continued. Date of 


Ashton, Isabel Annie 1913 

Ashton, Lucy (Mrs. Arthur Rcdford) ... 1920 

cAshton, Martha (Mrs. Herbert Blane) 1910 

cAshton, Thomas Southcliffe 1910 

Ashworth, Frank 1914 

cAshworth, Margaret Matilda 1925 

cAspinall, Arthur, Ph.D 1922 

Atherton, Clara (Mrs F. W. Wilson) ... 1912 

Atkins, Mrs. T. R. See Walker, Ida K. 

AcAtkinson, Bernard Norman 1890 

** 1 Atkinson, Donald 1928 

cAuty, Pattie Eastham 1909 

cAxon, Helen 1925 

cAyres, Winifred (Mrs. A. B. Muncaster) 1915 

Backhouse, Thomas 1914 

Bailey, Ethel 1910 

cBaillie, Andrew Welcome, B.D 1924 

ABainton, James Herbert 1891 

Baker, Arthur Harry 1906 

cBaldvrin, Gordon 1931 

Ball, Mrs. See Shephard, Ruth M. 

Ballantyne, Mrs. 

See Macalister, Margaret W. 

Bamber, Edith (Mrs. F. Jones) 1914 

^Bancroft, Alfred Ernest, M.Sc 1912 

cBarber, John 1922 

Barber, Mabel Mary 

(Mrs. E. N. Davenport) 1909 

Barker, Agnes (Mrs. Annan) 1907 

Barker, Mrs. H. J. 

See Bradley, Constance V. 

Barker, Robert Beacroft 1912 

**Barker, William Henry 1929 

cBarlow, Winifred 1916, Frederic Richard 1912 

cBasford, Kathleen Enid 1923 

AcBass, James Mason 1900 

4 Bateson , Thomas 1897 

Bauerkeller, Dora Theresa Jessie ... 1908 

Baxter, Lilian Harris (Mrs. Williams) .. 1914 

cBayley, Charles Calvert 1929 

Beach, Mrs. E. See Shallcross, Lucy E. 

Beales, Hugh Lancelot 1913 

Beales, Mrs. H. L. 

See Prydderch, Gladys M, 

sBeam, Edward Gordon ... 1908 

6Beaton, Henry Albert 1910 

c7Beaumont, Fanny Constance 1S93 

cBeddow, Elsie Gwyime 19x7 

Beildow , John Fretlerick Heber 1912 

*Baltord, Robert Harold 1917 

cBedson, Muriel Alice (Mrs. R. E. Slade) 1909 
Beer, Mrs. E. 

See Veen, Margrieta van der 

Bell, Arthur Edwin 1913 

cBell, Minnie Josephine (Mrs. L. M. Price) 1909 

Bengry, Percy Harold 1909 

Bennett, Walter 1910 

Benson, Mary, B.Sc 1911 

Bent, Nancy Howarth 1909 

cBentley, Norman Priestley 1929 

cBett, Henry 1922 

Bewley, Mrs. A. See Livosey, Hilda 

Date of 

cBibby, Edna 1929 

Biggins, Charles, B.D 1925 

cBiggs, Winifred igi7 

Billings, Mrs. F. C. 

See Whitcley, Margaret 

Binns, Alfred 1910 

Bird. Robert Tate 1897 

AcBirkby, John Gay 1904 

cBirtwell, Elizabeth Winifred 

(Mrs E A. Roylej 1916 

cBirtwell, Mary de Hoghton 

(Mrs. R. Y. Hedges) 1926 

cBithell, Jethro 1903 

cBlackstock, Kate 1902 

Blake, Mrs. Robert 

See Herford, Caroline 

cBlakeley, May 1917 

Blane, Mrs. Herbert See Ashton, Martha 

Bleakley, Maggie 1910 

Blinkhorn, Mrs. S. 

See Bullough, Florence 

Boddmgton, James Edward 1913 

c Boodle, Eva Margaret (Mrs. Dalton) ... 1917 

A8Boon, Mabel Emma 1903 

c Booth, Constance Amelia 1921 

cgBooth, William Sykes 1925 

Borland, Hugh Becket 1910 

jdBoss, Elizabeth Wilson 1901 

cBottomley, Harold 1931 

a Bottomley, Leonard, LL.B 1895 

t Boulton, Harry 1909 

cBourdillon, Anne Francis Claudine ... 1925 

Bourne, Gertrude 1901 

c Bowden, James Philip 1923 

j cBowden, Marjorie Moreland 

(Mrs J. P. Bowden ; graduated 

B.A . as Sansom) 1923 

, Bowe, Eleanor Mary 1913 

j cBowen, David Edgar, B.D 1913 

j ABower, Frank 1903 

| ABowman, Joseph Walter 1890 

I AcBowtell, Thomas Henry 1903 

| cBracewell, Clifford Coates 1923 

1 Bradbum, William 1914 

Bradbury, Mrs. See James, Ellen C. 
cBradley,' Annie (Mrs. John Shaw) ... 1920 

i cBradley, Constance Victoria 

(Mrs. H. J. Barker) 1921 

cBradley, Elizabeth Madeline, 

M.Ed., B.Com igis 

I ACioBradley .Francis Ernest, LL.B., M.Com 1912 

1 Bradley, Mrs. W. A. See Jones, Mabel 

| c Brady, Helen 19 27 

j c Brady, Richard Peter, B.Sc 1933 

I cBraithwaite, Ethel 1915 

1 Braunholtz, Mrs. G. E. K. 

: Sec Herford, Mary A. B. 

1 Brew, Louise Constance 1903 

cBriggs, Helen Mary 1935 

Bnscoe, Mabel 1914 

c Bristow, Ernest 1926 

cBristow, Ida 1916 

ciiBnttain, Dorothy 1926 

cBroadbent, Edith (Mrs. G. F. Higham) 1918 

1 Professor of Ancient History in the University. 

2 Head Master, Dowdales Central School, Dalton-in-Fumess. 

3 Head Master, Barrow-in-Furness Municipal Secondary School for Boys ; C.B.E. 

4 Late Director of Education, Waterloo-with-Seaforth. 

5 Chief Inspector, National Health Insurance 

6 Head Master, Thornton Grammar School, Bradford. 

7 Head Mistress, South Liverpool School for Girls. 

8 Head Mistress, Bede Collegiate School, Sunderland. 

9 Head Master, Sir William Borlase’s School, Marlow, Bucks. 

10 County Court Judge on the Blackburn and Preston Circuit ; F.R.S E. 

11 Warden of King’s College Hostel for Women, University of London. 

* Mentioned in Despatches. t Awarded M.M. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates (Arts). 

M.A. — continued. Date of 


cBroadbent, Ellmor Lucy 1898 

Broadbent, John 1908 

Brockless, Mrs. 

See Hargreaves, Marion C. 

1 Brodie, Elizabeth Janet 1910 

2Bromley, Harry, B.Sc 1910 

Brooks,' Alice Proctor {Mrs. T. S. Carr) 1915 

cBrooks, Susan Dorothy 1921 

cBroome, Dorothy Mary, Ph.D 1920 

Brough, Ethel (Mrs. Davies) 1914. 

Brown, Charles Herbert 1906 

cBrown, Edith 1915 

cBrown, Minnie (Mrs, Thomas Brown) 1898 
Brown, Mrs. Thomas 

See Brown, Minnie 

Brown, Tom, B.Sc 1912 

Browne, Edgar Gordon 1898 

cBrowne, Theresa Margaret 

(Mrs. M. T. Smiley) 1913 

AcBroxap, Ernest 1903 

AcBroxap, Henry 1910 

cBroxap, Mary' Ethelwynne 1925 

cBrunner, Christopher Tatham 1924 

cBrunskill, Lizzie 1915 

Bryant, Elsie Isabella Victoria 

(Mrs S. Sidley) 1910 

\Bryson, Ada 1897 

Buckley, Alfred 1899 

cBuckley, Annie 1927 

c* Buckley, Henry 1923 

Buckley, Mrs. jack. 

See Newell, Edith C, 

Buckley, John Anthony 1907 

ABullough, Florence (Mrs. S. Blinkhom) 1919 

C3Bullough, Geoffrey 1924 

Bullough, Mrs G See Wall, Doris M. 

AcBurgess, Walter Herbert 1920 

Bum, Irene (Mrs. Wilkins) 1900 

4Bum, Mary 1901 

cBuitows, Robert Allnnson, Junior, B.D. 1917 

Bury’, James Henry ... 1913 

cBushrod, Walter Thomas 1924 

Butterworth, Dorothy 

Graduated as Westbrook 

cButterworth, Harold 19 ij 

AcBygott, Eliza 1901 

Byrne, Alice Margaret Priscilla 19 11 

cByme, Thomas William 1932 

Bywater, Gertrude 1906 

cCaiger, Maurice 1922 

c* *5 C alder, William Moir 1923 

Caidicott, Mrs C. B. See Ward, Nora 
cCallow, Haydn Wilberforce, B D . . 1924 

Cammack, Uarrv 19 n 

Campbell, Mrs. A. C. 

See Omierod, Elizabeth 

cCampbell, Robert John 1921 

Candler, Mrs. A. H 

See Worswick, Dorice E. 
cCane, William Arthur 1923 

Date of 

c**6Canney, Maurice Arthur 1 923 

Cant, Mrs. F. V. See Cooper, Gladys M 

**yCapper, Stewart Hetibest 1905 

cCardvvell, Henry, LL.B 1911 

Carlton, Mrs. See Eastwood, Dorothy 

cCarr, Charles Telford 1926 

cCarr, Hilda (Mrs. A. G. Walker) 1915 

Carr, Mrs. T. S. See Brooks, Alice P. 

Carroll, Mrs. A. L. 

See Rogers, Harriet C. 

cCarroll, Bridget Gertrude 1932 

AcChadderton, Anna Leigh 

(Mrs. C. Davidson) 1900 

1 Chadwick, Mary Elleu (Mrs. Tabemer) 1914 

Chaffers, Helen Louise 1910 

c**8Chaffers, Sydney 1905 

1 AcChapman, Charles 1900 

cChapman, Samuel, Mus.B, ... 1924 

| c**9Charlton, Henry” Buckley 1923 

Chamley, Joseph’ 1908 

1 Chamock, Mrs. F. S. 

See Dixey, Gladys N. 

cChild, Myrtle 1916 

cChinassi, Rassirn, B.Com 1919 

ac C hisholm, Alice Thomley 1911 

cCicen, Maria Johanna 1915 

cClark, Ada Margaret 1911 

AClark, Annie Moon 1902 

cxoCIark, Matthew, B.Com 1917 

Clarke, John Welham 1913 

Clarkson, Jessie Dewrance 

(Mrs. A. R. Slcemp) 1906 

Clarkson, Leonard 1908 

! Classen, Ernest 1907 

cClayton, Allan 1930 

cClayton, Mary (Mrs. Ernest Dean) ... 1909 

Cleasby, Mabel 1899 

cCleaton, John Critchley, M.Ed 1916 

Clemens, Godfrey Jackson 1902 

Clements, Mrs. L. See Manton, Emma 

Clemeslia, Henry Wordswoith 1896 

cClift, Annie Louisa 

(Mrs. H. W. Starkey) ... 1916- 

I cCoates, Gilbert 1911 

I Coatman, Mrs. J. Sec Pitt, Theodora 

, cCohen, Sarah 1929 

1 cCollier, Dorothy Vaudrey 1916 

J cCollier, Frances 1921 

Colligan, James Hay 1911 

I Constantin, Mrs. E. 

See Adams, Violet D. 

! c Conway', Eric Hugh Wiseman 19x9 

cCook, Francis Swuinerton 19x5 

AcCooke, Alice Margaret 1893 

a Cooke, Arttiw William 1886 

Cooke, Mrs. A C. 

See Wilkinson, Fattie E. 

ACoohng, Percy John 1903 

cCooper, Gladys May (Mrs. F. V. Cant) xgi7 

cCooper, James Sidinouth 1903 

Cooper, Mat jot ic (Mrs. S. E. Maltby)... 1907 

r Head Mistress, EUnslie Girls’ School, Blackpool, 

2 Head Master, (Jueen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Middleton, Lancs. 

3 Professor of English Literature in the University of Sheffield. 

4 Head Mistress, Girls’ County’ School, Maidenhead. 

5 Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. 

6 Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures in the University 

7 Late Professor of Architecture m the University. 

8 Formerly Bursar of the University 

9 Professor of English Literature in* the University. 

10 Principal, City School ot Commerce, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. 

* Awarded M C. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates {Arts). 


M.A. — continued. Date of 


cCooper, Ruth Constance 

(Mrs. E. S. Littlejohn) 1917 

Coopland, George William 1901 

**1 Copmger , Walter Arthur 1903 

C2Cordingley, Reginald Annandale 1926 

cCormack, Wilfrid Howard 1910 

Cotes, Esther Tydfil (Mrs. Cotes ; 

graduated B.A. as Thomas) 1919 

Cotton, Mrs. See Harling, Gladys M. 

cCourt, Dorothy 1916 

ACousins, William Phillips 1906 

AcCoutts, John William 1897 

Coward, Mrs. H. F. See Matthias, Sarah 
Cowley, Mrs. R. G. 

See Warrington, Ida M. 

Cox, Mrs. G. L. See Howarth, Sarah M. 

Cra^g, Robina Young ••• 1911 

Craine, David 1904 

cCrankshaw, Elsie 1916 

Craven, Frederick Harold 1909 

Crawford, Mrs. D. McF. 

See Turner, Winifred 

cCrewe, Margery (Mis. A. Moodie) ... 1916 

Creyke, Dorothy Hilda 1914 

Critchley, Frederick 1912 

AcCrompton, Alice 1893 

cCrompton, Elsie Maude (Mrs. Eastwood) 1917 

♦♦Crompton, Winifred Mary 1921 

cCrook, Robert Waddington, B . D . ... 1915 

cCrosland, Esther (Mrs. Watson) 1908 

Cross, Leopold Harold 1909 

cCrossley, Annie 1928 

♦*3Crump, Phyllis Eirene 1926 

4Curtis, Margaret 1912 

Cutler, George Henry 1911 

cDale, Janet Margaret 1922 

Dalton, Lucy 1914 

Dalton, Mis. See Boodle, Eva M. 

cDance, Edward Herbert 1917 

sDaniels, George William, M.Com. ... 1912 

Derbyshire, John 1924 

cDarbyshire, John Allan 1923 

Davenport, Mrs. E. N. 

See Barber, Mabel M. 

cDavey, Constance Mary 1927 

Davidson, Mrs. C. 

Sec Chadderton, Anna L 

Dame, Sydney John 1914 

cDavies, Carey Marshman Ward 1922 

cDavies, Dorothy Llewella 1916 

Davies, Mrs. See Brough, Ethel 
Davies, Mrs G. A. See Williams, Irene F. 
Davies, Mrs. H. Sc*; Quinn, Gertrude 

**6Davis, Henry William Car less 1923 

cDavis, Jessie ’Sara (Mrs. I. L. Kandel)... 1915 
Davis, William Hathaway 1912 

Date of 

ADawson, Shepherd 1904 

cDeakin, Mary Hannah 1909 

Dean, Mrs. Ernest. See Clayton, Mary 
ADean, Gertrude Augusta M.Sc. 

(Mrs. A. A. Mellor) 1902 

cDeanesly, Margaret 1915 

Dearaaley, Harold 19 it 

cDeeley, Annie Prichard 1927 

cDeighton, Thomas, B.Sc 1931 

7Denby, Maurice 1906 

8Dewe, Joseph Adalbert 1906 

AcgDewsnup, Ernest Ritson 1900 

cDibben, Margaret Fanny 

(Mrs. R. Anderson) 1916 

c**ioDickie, Archibald Campbell 1913 

cDickin, Margaret 1905 

Dixey, Gladys Niven 

(Mrs. F. S. Chamock) 19 11 

cDobson, Margaret Anne 1909 

**Dodd, Catherine Isabel 1903 

AcDodge, Eva 1904 

cDodgson, Sarah Alice 

(Mrs. Walter Jones) 1907 

AuDoman, Norah May 1898 

cDonohue, Elsie Margaret 1917 

cDowson, Dorothy (Mrs.Hyslop) 1922 

Draycott, Ernest Charles 1911 

Duddle, William Kearsley 1913 

Duffin, Henry Charles 1907 

KcDunlop, Robert 1885 

Dykes, Jessie 1903 

cDymona, Mary Frances, B.Com. ... 1914 

AiaDyson, Taylor 1909 

cEamshaw, John 

Earp, Mrs., J.P. See Wilde, May 
Eastwood, Dorothy (Mrs. Carlton) 
Eastwood, Mrs. 

See Crompton, Elsie M. 

cEaton, Richard Stanley 

cEckersley, Charles Ewart 

cEdees, Eric Smoothy 

i3Edge, Richard Robert 

a Edminson, Frederick John 

cEdmondson, Barbara Lucy 

ci4Edwards, jolm Goronwy 

Edwards, Joseph 

Edwards, Sarah 

i5**Edwards, Wilfred Bythell 

cEker, Julius 

cEker, Solomon Jacob 

cElcock, William Dennis 

Elias, Grace Dorothy 

Elias, Mrs. See Morice, Edith L. 

ci6EUiott, Ethel Mary Linder 

ac Elliott, Mabel Alice 

Elliott, Spencer Hayward 









1906 ' 

1 Late Professor of Law in the University. 

2 Awarded Pnx de Rome ; Professor of Architecture in the University 

3 Adviser to Women Students in the University. 

4 Head Mistress, County School for Girls, Windsor. 

5 Stanley Jevons Professor of Political Economy and Cobden Lecturer in the University. 

6 Late Regius Professor of Modem History in the University of Oxford ; F.B.A. 

7 Head Master, Grange High School for Boys, Bradford. 

8 Professor of History in the Duquesne University, Pittsburg. 

9 Professor of Commerce in the University of Liverpool. 

10 Formerly Professor of Architecture in the University. 

11 Head Mistress, St. Winifred’s School, Llanfairfechan. 

12 Head Master, Almondbury Grammar School, Huddersfield. 

13 Head Master, Leigh Grammar School. 

14 Fellow and Tutor of Jesus College, Oxford. 

15 Master of Armstrong College School of Architecture, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

16 Head Mistress, Church High School, Hull. 

*♦ Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates {Arts). 

M.A.-~-continued , 

ciElliott, Thomas Charles 

Elliott, William, B.Com 

cEllis, Llewellyn Robert 

cEllis, Mary Ann 

AcEllis, Mary Catherine 

cEltoft, Hilton Clayton Robinson 

Emerson, Gladys Mary 

caEmmett, Eric, LL.B 

c* ♦England, Edwin Bourdieu 

cEpstein, Mordecai ... 

cEvans, Dorothy 

cEvans, Florence May Greir, Ph.D. 

(Mrs. C. S. S. Hicham) 1519 
Evans, Gwladjrs (Mrs. W. A. Powicke) 1907 
Evans, Katherine Barbara 

(Mrs. E. N. da C. Andrade) 1912 

cEvans, Lynette G wynne 1928 

cEvans, Phyllis Louise 1923 

cEwart, Edith Margaret 1894 

cFairhurst, Philip Garland 1924 

Fairhurst, Susie Sutherland 

(Mrs. Nathan Isaacs ; 

Graduated D.Sc, as Susan Isaacs) 1913 

AcFaraday, Ethel Richmond 1898 

xcFaraday, Lucy Winifred 1900 

C3Farbridge, Maurice Harry 19x5 

4Farmer, Albert John 1919 

Farrimond, Joseph 1907 

cFarrow, Betsy (Mrs. Sykes) 1917 

Farrow, Maud 1916 

cFarrow, William John 1925 

Fawell, George Scott 1921 

Featherstone, Mrs. See Holmes, Mabel G. 

cFelix, John Wesley igr8 

cFell, Thomas Isaac 1905 

Ferguson, Charles Baldwin 2S99 

c**5Fiddes, Edward 1905 

cFidler, Marjorie 1928 

cFielding, Amelia Mather (tide Langton) 1915 
cFielding, William Richard, M.Sc.,M.Ed. 1909 
cFinlayson, Elizabeth Rankine 

(Mrs. W. W. Ogden) 1912 

-cFisch, Solomon 1933 

Fish, Thomas Arnold 1905 

Fleming, Margaret Rosalind 

(Mrs. J. J. Harwood) 1913 

cFogg, Walter 1928 

Foster, David Charles, B.Sc 1919 

cFoster, Elsie (Mrs. Herbert Moss) ... 1916 

cFothergill, Robert Ainslie 1932 

c 6Friedlander, Moses, Ph.D 1930 

cFnth, Harold Ingram, B.D 1924 

cFvffe, Margaret Just {nde Hewitt) ... 1916 

AcGamble, Herbert 1895 

Gardner, Evelyn igi4 

cGardner, Lucy 1925 

Gatley, Andrew Oswald igio 

cGatley, Geoffrey Higson 1925 

George, Ralph Leonard 1912 

Gerrard, Henry 19x1 

7Gibbs, George Reginald, B.Sc 1914 

cGibbs, Mildred Eleanor 1928 

Date of 
.. 1915 
.. 1905 

.. 19x5 
.. 1915 
.. 1896 

.. 1927 
.. 1921 

... 1910 

Date of 

cGibson, Ralph Siward 1930 

Gibson, Robert Edward 19x4 

cGibson, Sydney Jackson Thornely ... 1921 

Gilbert, Leslie Howard 19x4 

Gill, Annie Wylie 1910 

Glasgow, Edwin 1898 

cGlass, Wmifrid 1916 

Gleave, Mrs. See Whitehead, Florence 

*Glover, George Wright 1913 

cGoddard, Florence Amelia 1919 

cGoldstraw, Harry 1931 

xcGolland, Arthur 1903 

cGoodall, George 1925 

Goodall, Mrs. George. 

See Roscoe, Florence 

cGoodison, Constance Margaret 1917 

AGorst, Isabel Grant 1914 

cGorton, Priscilla Grafton 

(Mrs. R. H. Thouless) 1921 
Goudie, Grace (Mrs. Ramsbottom) ... 1909 

cGraham, Edward Harrison 1930 

Graham, Elizabeth 1910 

Graham, Joseph William 1906 

cGraham, Kilmeny 1925 

cGraham, Oliver 1928 

Graham, Mrs. See Penney, Elizabeth 
cGrant, Florence Seafield, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Grimshaw) 1918 

Greaves, Dorothy 1912 

Green, Amy Faith 1909 

Green, Ellen 1907 

Green, Mrs. J . A . 

See Tennant, Camila D. 

Green, Mrs. J. A. 

See Johnston, Adeliza N. 
Greenhalgh, Amy (Mrs. George Jessel) 1909 

Grcenhalgh , James Arthur 1912 

cGreemvood, Gertrude King 1919 

cGregory, Alys Lydia, Ph.D 1927 

cGregory, Maud igi2 

cGregory, Maurice Vincent, M.Ed. ... 1922 

cGribbin, Thomas Mangnall 1924 

cGriffiths, Annie Felicia 1913 

cGrime, Arthur 1925 

Grimshaw, Harold Shrieves 1913 

Grimshaw, Mrs. See Grant, Florence S. 
Groombridge, Mrs. 

See Partington, Winifred 
Gschwind, Henri Francois Emile ... 2909 

Guest, Peter Healey, B.Sc 1913 

Gwyther, John Richard xqii 

Haden, Mrs. G. N. SecMudie, Phyllis J. 

cHadlield, Benjamin 1902 

Hague, John Cecil 1907 

cSHaigh, Alice 19x2 

cHaigh, Ethehvyn (Mrs. Pattinson) ... 19x6 

Haime, Mrs. D. See Roberts, Daisy 

cH ale, James 1903 

cHale, William Ramsay 1897 

AHall, Alfred 1900 

Hall, Annie (Mrs. R, C. H. Ilait) ... 1909 

Hall, Fred, B.Com 1910 

Hall, Harold Arthur, B.Com 1913 

cHall, Lydia (Mrs. A. E. Spencer) ... 1915 

1 Head Master, Sidcot Friends’ School, Winscombe, Somerset. 

2 Professor of Law in the University of Capetown. 

3 Professor of Religion in the State University of Iowa, U.S.A. 

4 Professor of English in the University of Grenoble. 

5 Formerly Senior Pro- Vice-Chancellor, and later Ward Professor of History in the University. 

<> Head Master, Glasgow Talmud Torah Schools, and Vice-Principal of the Hebrew College, 


7 Head Master, Royal Orphanage School, Wolverhampton, 

8 Head Mistress, Chanmng House School, Highgate. 

♦ Awarded D.S.O. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates (Arts). 


M.A. — continued. Date of 


ciHall, Margaret Alice 1915 

xcaHall, Mary Elizabeth 1903 

AcHall, William Charles 1897 

cHallas, Mary 1917 

cHalliday, Francis William 1914 

cHalliwell, Annie 1933 

c3Hallsworth, Harry Mainwaring, B.Sc. 1909 

c4Hampson, John Leslie 1914 

cHancock, Elsie 1920 

cHandley, Christina (Mrs. C. W. Moat) 1895 

Hanna, Norah 1908 

cHappold, Annie Margaret Maud 

(Mrs. F. C. Happold; graduated B.A. 

as Annie M. M. Smith) 1929 
cHardaker, Dorothy 

(Mrs. H. T. Rayner) ... 1917 

cHarding, William Eric, B.D 1932 

Hardisty , Mrs. W. H. 

See Woodcock , Ada W. 

cHardman, Edith 1930 

cHargreaves, Dorothy 

(Mrs. G. S. Ranshaw) 1926 
Hargreaves, Marion Campbell 

(Mrs. Brockless) 1907 
cHarling, Gladys Mary (Mrs. Cotton) ... 1917 

Harriman, Frederick George 1908 

Harris, William Evelyn Arnold 1911 

Harrison, Mrs. Alfred 

See Stringer, Lena M. 

cHarrison, Elizabeth 1906 

Harrison, Frank Ashton 1914 

cHarrison, Harold 1915 

xHarsley, Fred 1888 

Hart, Mrs. R. C. H. See Hall, Annie 

cHartley, Harold 1900 

AHartley, Mary Hannah Arundel 1912 

cHartley, Nora Frances 

(Mrs. H. S. Thomas) 1916 

cjHartog, Philip Joseph, B.Sc 1908 

Harvey, Amy Cecilia 1910 

Harwood, Mrs. J. J. 

See Fleming, Margaret R. 

cHawcridge, Marion 1906 

cHawes, Gordon Kusel, B.D 1931 

Haworth, Mrs. Alfred 

See MacGowan, Elizabeth A. 

AcHaworth, Frank Abraham 1899 

Haworth, Peter 1914 

cHaycocks, Norman 1929 

Hay thomthwaite, Willi am Maudsley ... 1918 

Hayward, George 1907 

Heal, Lyndhurst William 1906 

cHeap, Philip 1916 

AcHecht, Charles Edward 1SS9 

Hedges, Mrs. R. Y. 

See Birtwell, Mary de H. 

cHedley, Robert Moore 1922 

c Henderson, Catherine Helen 

(Mrs. W. L. Marsland) 1917 

Hepworth, Frank 1906 

c**Herford, Caroline (Mrs. Robert Blake) 1914 
cHerford, Mary Antonie Beatrice 

(Mrs. G. E. K. Braunholtz) 1913 

Date of 

cHerford, Theodore 

(now Theodore Welby Herford) 1914 

Hewitt, Annie Paxton igo6 

Hewitt, Margaret J. Graduated as Fyffe 
Higginbottom, Winifred Hannah ... 1913 
Higham, Mrs. C. S. S. 

See Evans, Florence M. G. 
Higham, Mrs. G. F. 

See Broadbent, Edith 

Hignett, John 1897 

Hilton, Nellie (Mrs. C. Hunter) 1908 

cHilton, Walter Graham 

(graduated B.A. as Walter Hilton) 1929 
cHindshaw, Florence Pye 

(Mrs. F. B. Kirk) 1921 

AcHindshaw, Winifred, M.Ed 1909 

Hirst, Frank Melvem, B.D ... 1913 

cHitchens, Alice Constance 1927 

cHodgkiss, Frank Dean ... 1931 

cHodgson, Charles Edward xg03 

c**Hogg, Mary Elizabeth 1916 

Holden, Mrs. E. H. 

See Ormrod, Harriet N. 

cHolden, Kathleen Haworth 1929 

Holdsworth, John Francis 1906 

cHolland, Millicent 1926 

AcdHolland, Robert Wolstenholme, 

M.Sc., LL.D. 1909 

cHollas, Henry 1933 

cHollings, Evangeline igio 

AcHolme, Ursula (Mrs. H. W. Jeans) ... 1899 

cHolmes, Mabel Gertrude 

(Mrs Featherstone) 1914 

cHolmes, Margaret Jane xgi2 

cHolmes, Wilfrid, B.Com 19x0 

Holt, Charles Louis John xgos 

Holt, Francis Kingsley xgxo 

cHoltby, Edward Barlow. B.D 1916 

cHoneyman, Percy AllanWhorlton,M.Sc. 1922 

AcHooper, Alfred xgoz 

Hooper, Helen Marion 1906 

cHopkinson, Amy xgi5 

cHomby, Ethel 1923 

Hornby, George GoodaU xgoo 

cyHorrocks, Adelaide 1908 

cHorrocks, Bessie !gi7 

Horsfall, Francis Rodgers 1902 

Horton, Paul Frederick 1910 

Horton, Phyllis Brock 1914 

cHoughton, Sidney Maurice 1924 

cHoult, Walter Brook 1897 

Hovell, Mark 1910 

cHoward, Ieuan 1932 

cHoward, Wilbert Francis 1915 

Howartli, James Henry 19x4 

cHowarth, Sarah Marguerita 

(Mrs. G, L. Cox) 1914 

*Howcroft, Gilbert Burdett xgia. 

8Howells, Ethel Nora x 911 

AHowes, Ernest Walter 1903 

9Howson, J ohn Lamb 1907 

cHoyle, Margery Louise 1928 

cHoyle, William Frank 1913 

1 Head Mistress, South Park Municipal High School, Lincoln, 

2 Head Mistress, High School for Girls, Loughton, Essex. 

3 Professor of Political Economy, Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne (University of 


4 Head Master, The Grammar School, Castleford, W. Yorks. 

5 Formerly Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dacca, Bengal, India ; K.B.E. 

6 Principal of Pitman’s Schools, Southampton Row, London, W.C.i. ; O.B.E. 

7 Head Mistress, Stretford County School for Girls. 

8 Head Mistress, Birkenhead Secondary School for Girls. 

9 Head Master, Bicester County School. 

* Awarded M.C. ** Degree conferred under Charter II, (3), 


Graduates (Arts). 

M..A. — continued . Date of 


Hudson, Mrs. F. L. See Wright, Enid 

cHudson, James Hindle igo6 

cHughes, Edward 1923 

Humphries, Cyril Antliff, B.D 1921 

Hunmorth, Herbert 1907 

cHunt, William Kenyon 1924. 

Hunter , Mrs. C. See Hilton, Nellie 

Hunter, Ernest Logan 1902 

cHunter, May Milligan 1916 

Hurst, Edgar James 1911 

Hurst, William Thomas 1910 

AcHutton, Joseph Edmund 1895 

Hyman, Mrs. See Robinson, Fanny 

cHyslop, Albert 1924 

cHyslop, Fred 1923 

Hyslop, Mrs. See Dowson, Dorothy 

clmlach, Cedric Macgregor 1926 

Ingham, Amy (Mrs. North) 1907 

Ingham, Harry Lionel, B.D 1911 

Inman, Mrs. D. S. See Wormell, Lucy E. 

clsaac, Edith Mary 1912 

Isaacs, Mrs. Nathan 

See Fairhurst, Susie S. 

Isherwood, John William 1896 

Jackson, Ernest 19 11 

Jackson, Isaac 1910 

Jackson, Samuel Francis 1914 

c 1 Jackson, Stanley Herbert, Ph.D. ... 1915 

c** 2 Jacob, Ernest Fraser J933 

Jacobs, Mrs. Cecil. See Jacobs, Judith 
cTacobs, Judith (Mrs. Cecil Jacobs) ... 1916 

c Jacobs, Leah 1921 

c James, Ellen Capewell (Mrs. Bradbury) 1917 

James, John Courtenay 1913 

James, Joseph Henry, LL.B 1899 

James, Thomas Theophilus 1903 

Jeans, Mrs. H. W. See Holme, Ursula 

Ajenkins, Gwilym Moses 1912 

cjenkins, Myfanwy Witton 1921 

Jenkins, Ruth Hope 1908 

Jessel, Mrs. G. See Greenhalgh, Amy 
Joad, Mrs. C. E. M, See White, Mary I. 

cjob, Ethel Hope 1933 

c**3Johannson f Arwid 1905 

cjohns, David Sydney 1926 

Ajohnston, Adeliza Norman 

(Mrs. J. A. Green) 1901 
ACjohnstone, Edith (Mrs J. A. Purves) 1892 

C4johnstone, Hilda 1906 

ACjohnstone, Mary (Mrs. T F. Tout) ... 1898 

Jollie, Katherine 1908 

Jones, Annie Beatrice 1900 

Jones, Arthur 1906 

cjones, Arthur Langford 1914 

c Jones, Dorothy (Mrs Maddrell) 1915 

Jones, Mrs. E. D See Mclnnes, Jean R. 

Jones, Mrs. F. See Bamber, Edith 

cjones, George Randall, B.D 1919 

Jones, Gertrude Hilda 1905 

cjones, Henry Leonard, M.Ed 1924 

Acjones, John Daniel 1889 

Date of 

1 Degree 

cjones, Mabel (Mrs. W. A. Bradley) ... 1917 

5 Jones, Robert Edwin , 1906 

Ajones, Thomas Maitland, B.Sc. 

(1 now Thomas G Wynne Maitland) 1901 
Jones, Mrs. Walter. 

See Dodgson, Sarah A. 

Jones , William O/lando 1914 

Jordan, Mrs. F.W. See Wihl, Gertrude 
cjudson, Wilfred 1924 

6Kandel, Isaac Leon 1906 

Kandel, Mrs. I. L. See Davis, Jessie S. 

AcKarfoot, Alice Marion 1902 

**yKastner, Joscpii-Guillaume- Victor ... 1905 

**8Kastner, Leon Emile 1923 

C9Kay, Harold 1914 

cKaye, William Ewart 1921 

I Kean, Martin. See Kraus, Martin 

AKeegan, John 1903 

Kellett, Mrs. See Laidler, Josephine 

Kelly, Charles, B.D 1920 

cKenadjian, Ena Berjouhi 1929 

Kenworthy, Frederick, B.D 1929 

cKenyon, Emily Mary 1928 

cKerr, Madeline 1931 

cKerr, Mary Anne Joseph Philomena ... 1924 

j cKeyte, John Charles 1906 

AKidd, Arthur Stanley 1895 

King, Mrs. L. A. L. 

See Titterington, Emma E. 

cKinsey, Elizabeth Anne Warren 1927 

Kinsey, Walter Warren 1927 

Kirk, Mrs. F. B. 

See Hindshaw, Florence P. 

c Klein, Lilian 1915 

Knight, Mrs. See Wragg, Janet M. 

croKnoop, Douglas 1906 

Knott, Mrs. C. W. See Pauli, Margaret C. 

♦Knott, Roger Birkbeck, LL.B 1909 

ac Knowles, Henry 1907 

Kraus, Martin (ww Martin Kean) ... 1906 

ALacey, Walter Roland ... 1895 

AcLaidler, Josephine (Mrs. Kellett) ... 1903 

ALakin, Herbert 1901 

cLambley, Kathleen Annie Lila 1915 

cLane, Henry Jerrold Randall 1929 

Langton, Amelia M. 

Graduated as Fielding 

cLansdale, Mary 1929 

: Law, Edward Arnold 1913 

Lawrence, Eric Harold 1903 

Lawson, Henry Heaton 1911 

Lawson, McEwan Stott, B.D 1910 

ALe Page, 

Florence Bertha Louise de Wilton 1894 

cLeach, Albert 1932 

Leather, Mrs. James. 

Sea Rohleder, Doris 

cLeaver, Harry Gray 1924 

a Ledward, Mary Beatrice Ruthven 1894 

Lee, Frederick Henry 1914 

1 Professor of the Theory of Education in the University of Cairo. 

2 Professor of Medieval History in the University. 

3 Formerly Professor of German and Germanic Philology in the University. 

4 Professor of History in the University of London (Holloway College). 

5 Head Master, Hyde County School. 

6 Professor of the' History of Education, Teachers’ College, Columbia University, New York, 


7 Late Professor of French Language and Literature in the University. 

8 Formerly Professor of French Language and Literature in the University. 

9 Director of Education, Borough of Leyton, Essex. 

10 Professor of Economics m the University of Sheffield. 

* Awarded M.C. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates {Arts). 


M.A. — continued. Date of Date of 

Degree Degree 

cLees, Annie 1915 Maddrell, Mrs. See Jones, Dorothy 

c**Lees, Beatrice Adelaide 1918 Mair, Mrs. J. A. See Moss, Helen S. 

Lees, Mrs. Charles. Maitland, T, Gwynne. See Jones, T. M. 

See Speakman, Ethel cMalley, Edith 1929 

cLees, Madeleine Eleanor 1919 cMallison, James Clifford 1933 

cLeese, John, M.Ed 1929 c8Maltby, Samuel Edwin, M.Ed 1905 

ciLeeves, Frederick Horrocks 1914. Maltby, Mrs. S. E. See Cooper , Marjorie 

c**2Leigh, Charles William Edward ... 1916 Mann, William Edward Wormald ... 1908 

Lever, Henry. See Levy, Henry cManning, Phyllis Amy 1924 

cLevy, Henry ( now Henry Lever) 1923 Manoek, Calllroy 1906 

Lewis, Charles Richard 1899 cManton, Emma (Mrs. L. Clements) ... 1917 

cLewis, Norman Bache, Ph.D 1922 Marks, Joseph 1917 

Lewis, limothy 1911 cgMarquis, Frederick James, B.Sc 1912 

a Libbey, Ernest Jackson 1893 Marsden, Victor Emile 1895 

AcLibbey, John Norman 1892 ^Marshall, George Herbert 1913 

cLindores, Elsie Audrey 1924 Marshall, Hannah Ethel 

* Lindsay, Henry 1912 (Mrs. W. P. Marshall) 1906 

cLiptrot, Edith Mary 1929 Marshall, Lizzie Backhouse 1902 

Lisbona , Niwim 1906 Marshall, Mary Elizabeth 1906 

Littlejohn, Mrs. E. S. Marshall, Mrs. W. P. 

See Cooper, Ruth C. See Marshall, Hannah E. 

Littlewood, Ruth 1914 xcMarsland, Mary Kelsall 1904 

Livesey, Hilda (Mrs. Arthur Bewley}... 1912 Marsland, Mrs. W. L. 

3Hewellyn, Gwladys 1909 See Henderson, Catherine H. 

Lloyd, George Moss, B.Sc 1902 Marston, Fanny 1902 

cLodge, Frances Audrey 1918 c**Marten, Gladys Maud 1921 

cLofthouse, Marion 1929 cMartin, John Leslie 1932 

Lomas, Laura Alice 19 11 cMartin, Kenneth Lewis Price 1920 

Lomas, Lucy Marian 1912 Mason, Katie (Mrs. Thompson) 1914 

Lomas, Reginald Hampson, B.D. ... 1911 cMather, William 1932 

cLongbottom, John Charles 1922 cMatthews, William, B.Com 1923 

cLouch, Nora Florence 1917 Matthias, Emily 19 1 1 

4Love, Jessie 1906 Matthias, Sarah (Mrs. H. F. Coward)... 1909 

Lowe, John 1914 cMaw, John William 1916 

Lund, Albert Fenton 1911 cMayall, Harry Seville 1931 

cLythgoe, Norman Leigh, M.Ed 19x4 cMeecham, Henry George, B.D., Ph.D. 1921 

hMceson , Joseph Arthur , LL.B 1887 

Macalister, Margaret Wright cMelhuish, Sara 1905 

(Mrs. Ballantyne) 1910 Mellor, Mrs. A. A. See Dean, Gertrude A . 

cMcClymont, Jane Agnes 1909 Mellor, Eleanor Gertrude 1909 

cMcConnell, Ellen Kennedy ... 1892 Mellor, Harry Albinson 1913 

Macdonald, Ella Dorothea 1907 cMellor, Theodora 1903 

AcMacGowan, Elizabeth Anne Melville, Ellen Louisa 1903 

(Mrs. Alfred Haworth) 1894 cMenzies, Ethel 1917 

McGregor, Flora Ethel 1012 Mercer, Charles Henry, B.Com 1909 

c**Macgregor, James 1923 cMidgley, Laura Margaret 1930 

Mclnnes, Jean Robertson cMiekiner, Gertrude 1917 

(Mrs E D. Jones) 1912 Miller, Evelyn 1914 

c**5McKechme, Henry Ma\ or 1920 Mills, Margaret Sybil 1909 

Mackenzie, Donald Alexander 19 11 Mills, Mrs. See Wilkinson, Elsie R. 

Mackillop, Douglas 1919 a Mines, Robert Allen 1891 

McK night, Ethel Thomasme 1902 cMitchell, Frank, M.Ed 1923 

c6McLachlan, Herbert, D.D 1905 xoMitcheU, Nellie 19 11 

cMcLachlan, Herbert John, B.D 1930 Moat, Mrs. C. W. 

7MacLeavy, George William Muller ... 1906 See Handley, Christina 

cMcPhail, Peter 1917 cuMoffet, Stanley Ormerod 1909 

Macpherson, Isabel Marie Stuart 1909 Moodie, Mrs. A. See Crewe, Margery 

Macpherson, Jean 1914 cMoore, Dorothy Irene 1921 

McRobert, Jessie 1916 Morice, Edith Lea (Mrs. Elias) 1902 

1 Joint Principal, Heathcroft College, Beeston, Cheshire. 

2 Librarian of the University. 

3 Head Mistress, Girls’ Grammar School, Ciitheroe. 

4 Head Mistress, Ducie Avenue Central Girls’ School, Manchester. 

5 Secretary to the University Press. 

6 Principal, Unitarian College, Manchester 

7 Principal, Moravian College, Fairfield. 

8 Head Master, Friends’ School, Penketh. 

9 Member of Advisory Council of Board of Trade. 

10 Head Mistress, Birkdale Council Infants’ School. 

11 Librarian of University College, South Wales, Cardiff. 

* Awarded D.S.O. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates (Arts). 

M.A. — continued. Date of 


ciMoms, Harold Ravenscroft 1913 

cMorrow, Elsie Gertrude 

(Mrs. E. E. Mount) 1916 
2 Moss, Helen Sumner (Mrs. J. A. Mair) 1914 
Moss, Mrs. Herbert. See Foster, Elsie 
Mount, Mrs. E. E. See Morrow, Elsie G. 
cMudie, Phyllis Jean (Mrs. G. N. Haden) 1920 

3Muir, John Ramsay Bryce 1899 

cMumford, William Foskett 1924 

Muncaster, Mrs. A. B. 

See Ayxes, Winifred 

cMuncaster, Marie (Mrs. Williams) ... 1915 

cMurgatroyd, Harry Hopkinson 1916 

Muscott, Etheldreda ... 1911 

c**4Neale, John Ernest 1926 

cNedderman, George Herbert 1914 

AcNeedham, Elizabeth 1903 

cNeild, Ada 1908 

AsNeild, Helen Thorp 1893 

cNewbold, John Turner Walton 1912 

cNewell, Edith Carina 

(Mrs. Jack Buckley) 1921 

cNcwsham, Harold Goad 1919 

Newton, Adelaide Anne 1909 

Newton, Eva Margaret rgo7 

Newton, Mrs. R. E. 

See Shepherd, Kathleen A. 

cNicholas, Lily 1915 

dNicholson, George Robert Henderson 1909 

Nicholson, Jemima igog 

7Nightingale, Ellen Constance igi4 

cNightingale, Florence xgoS 

cNind, James 1918 

Norbttry, William Alan 1923 

Norelifie, Clare 1910 

North, Mrs. See Ingham, Amy 

Nuttall, Ernest James 1911 

Nuttall, Frank Emmett 1904 

cOakden, James Parker, Ph.D 1927 

O’Brien, Florence 

(Mrs. Frederick Speakman) 1913 

Oddie, Eveline (Mrs. Whalley) 1908 

cOgden, Herbert William 1926 

cOgden, Mary Lilian 1915 

Ogden, Mrs. W. W. 

See Finlay son, Elizabeth R. 

SO’M&ille, Tom&s 1910 

O’Neill, Mrs. H. C. 

See Speakman, Elizabeth 
O’Neill, Jenme (Mrs. \V. C. Wilde) ... 1913 

cOrmerod, Elizabeth 

(Mrs. A. C. Campbell) 1917 

Ormesher, William 1909 

cOrmrod, Harriet Nora 

(Mrs. E. H. Holden) 1908 

c**90rr, John 1923 

c Osman, Abd el Rahim Mohamed ... 1915 

Date of 

Owen, Wilfred Scotter 1909 

1 oOwens, Elizabeth Jane 1901 

Painter, William Arthur, B.D 1907 

cPalmer, Ethel Matilda 1929 

cPape, Thomas 1926 

Parish, Jessie Marion 1910 

cParker, Douglas Oxby 1923 

**xiParker, Edward Harper 1905 

xcParker, Elizabeth 1904 

Parker, George Henry 1910 

Partington, Thomas Cowsill 1912 

Partington, Winifred(Mrs.Grooinbridge) 1913 

Paschali, Cleonike Calliope 1903 

cPaterson, Edward Douglas, B.D. ... 1915 

T'fc-i. 1 or T> 1X7 

Paterson, Mrs. F. W. 

See Street, Lucie I. 

Pattinson, Mrs. See Haigh, Ethelwyn 
Pauli, Margaret Caroline 

(Mrs. C. W. Knott) 1909 

cPawson, Emily 1915 

Peach, Lawrence du Garde 1913 

c **i 3 poar, Tom Hatherly 1918 

cPearce, Agnes 1928 

cPearson, Leonard Samuel 1926 

cPearson, Rachel Firth 1917 

Peel, Mabel Dymond 1907 

I3penney, Elizabeth (Mrs. Graham) ... 1910 

cPercival, Walter 1929 

APerris, Harry Shaw 1894 

cPerry, Dorothy (Mrs. A, G. Topham)... 1915 

cPeter, David, M.Ed 1932 

cPeters, Kathleen Houghton 1924 

cPhillips, Doris 1919 

Phillips, William Priestley 1917 

cPhillipson, Hugh Myrddin 1929 

Phillipson, Sydney 1913 

AcPickles, Albert 1902 

Pickles, Edith Alice (Mrs. C. Woolridge) 1913 

Pickles , Harry Thornton , LL.B 1911 

cPilkington, Evelyn Madge, M.Ed. ... 1918 

Pilling, Robert Harold 1914 

Pinder, Thomas Sydney 1914 

Pitt, Theodora (Mrs. J. Coatman) ... 1913 

APittway, Harold Bernard 1904 

Platt, Edith May 1900 

cPollard, Jane Elizabeth 

(Mrs. J. C. Wngley) 1917 

Ac Pope, Robert Martin 1888 

cPorteus, Thomas Cruddas, B.D 1924 

ci4Potter, Jennie Mildred 1919 

cPotts, Charles 1904 

AcPotts, Sarah 1901 

ac P otts, Thirza 1898 

Powell, Olive 1909 

Powicke, Agnes Eva 1918 

Powicke, Mrs. W. A. 

See Evans, Gwladys 

c Prescott, Hilda Frances Margaret ... 1921 

AFrescott, John 1905 

1 Head Master, County School, Felixstowe. 

2 Head Mistress, Rotherham High School for Girls. 

3 Formerly Professor of Modern History in the University. 

4 Astor Professor of English History m University College, University of London. 

5 Formerly Head Mistress, Pinehurst School, Crowborough. 

6 Head Master, Kmgswood School, Hartford, Connecticut. 

7 Head Mistress, Dr. Williams High School, Dolgelly. 

8 Professor of Irish, University College, Galway. 

9 Professor of French in the University of Edinburgh. 

10 Formerly Head Mistress, County School, Bala. 

ix Late Professor of Chinese in the University, 

12 Professor of Psychology in the University. * 

13 Head Mistress, Central School, Alexandra Road, Tipton. 

14 Head Mistress, Canton Girls’ Secondary School, Cardiff. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates {Arts). 


M.A. — -continued. Date of 1 

Degree I 

i Price, Ernest Jones, B.D 1907 j 

Price, Mrs. L. M. See Bell, Minnie J. 

2Priestley, Albert Weston, B.Sc. ... ... 1900 

Priestnall, John 1907 

cPrince, Albert Edward 19 ir 

cPritchard, Phyllis Margaret 

(Mrs. C. E. Thompson) 1920 

Procter, Thomas Hayes 1912 

Proudfoot, Harry 1914 

Prydderch, Gladys May 

(Mrs. H. L. Beales) 1913 
Purves, Mrs. J . A. See Johnstone, Edith 
c**Pyne, James Kendrick 1922 

cQuail, James Arnold, B.D 1905 

Quinn, Gertrude (Mrs. H Davies) ... 19 11 

jiRaby, Percy, LL.B 1896 

cRainford, Sarah Jane 1917 

cRalph, John Arthur Albert 1932 

Ralphs, Arnold Lee 1912 

Ramsbottom, Annie Hopkinson 

(Mrs. George Shillito) 1913 

c 3 Ramsbottom, J ohn William 1913 

Ramsbottom, Mrs. See Goudie, Grace 
Ranshaw, Mrs. G. S. 

Sec Hargreaves, Dorothy 

cRansome, Gwenllian Clare 1930 

Rayner, Mrs. H. T. 

See Hardaker, Dorothy 

c**4Rebora, Piero 1923 

Redfeam, Elsie Mary 1907 

Redfem, Lawrence, B.D 1912 

Redfem, Mrs L. See Rhodes, Eleanor 

cRcdford, Arthur, Jun., Ph.D 1916 

Redlord, Mrs. Arthur. See Ashton, Lucy 

cReiss, Erna, Ph.D 1919 

Reynolds, Mary 1906 

Rhodes, Eleanor (Mrs. L. Redfern) ... 1912 

AcRhodes, Ernest Wood 1888 

5 Rhodes, John Edgar 1909 

ARhodes , Walter Eustace 1895 

Richards, Raymond Sidney Harding ... 1912 

cRicbardson, Alfred Burlingham 1924 

ARichardson, Charles Farnsworth 1895 

cRichardson, Gertrude Maud 1915 

Riding, George Albert iyii 

Rigby, Wilfrid James, LL.B 1913 

Riley, Hannah 1914 

cRivers, Jack 1916 

cRixon, Mary Cecelia 1930 

Roberts, Daisy (Mrs. D. Haimej ... 1911 

ARoberts, Eleanor Maude 1899 

cRoberts, Ellen (Mrs. R. F. Treharne)... 1927 

Roberts , Fred 1914 

ARoberts, Frederic Richard, LL.B 1888 

cRoberts, Harry 1928 

Roberts, James William, B. Com. ... 1913 

cRoberts, Margaret Redfern 1933 

cRoberts, Mary Muriel 1916 

Roberts, Mrs. Norman. 

See Smith, Doris 

Roberts, William John 1908 

Date of 

Robinson, Edith Annie 1906 

c Robinson, Elizabeth Mary Barker ... 1927 

ARobinson, Ethel 1895 

cRobmson, Fanny {formerly Rubinstein) 

(Mrs. Hyman) 1915 - 

Robinson, Mrs. W. E. 

See Wilson, Mabel 

c6Robson, Mary Anna 1919 

cRoby, William 1927 

Rock, Frederick Bould 1906 

Rodgers, Edith 1913 

cRoe, Constance Mary 1920 

cRogers, Edward, B.D 1931 

Rogers, Harriet Chorlton 

(Mis. A. L. Carroll) 1908 
cRogerson, Dorothy Mather 

{nee Langton) 1916 
cRohleder, Doris (Mrs. James Leather) 1919 
Rolls, Mrs. G. H. 

See Washington, Rose A. 

! AcRoper, Reginald Edward, M.Ed. ... 1899 
! cRoscoe, Florence 

! (Mrs. George Goodall) 1926 

| Rose, Albert 1914 

; AcRossington, Herbert John, B.D 1902 

Rothwell, Mrs. B. P. 

! See Towler, Elsie H. 

I Rothwell, Eleanor Marion 1907 

! cRothwell, Mary Mabel 1929 

j 7 Round, Cecil 1914 

1 cRound, Lucy Mona 1928 

i cRowbotham, Florence 1906 

i *Rowbotham , John Edwin, B.Com. ... 1910 

i Rowbotham, Mrs. 

I See Ashley, Frances H. 

| cRowley, Tom 1917 

! Royle, Dora Kathleen 19 u 

1 Royle, Mrs. E. A. 

See Birtwell, Elizabeth W. 

Rubinstein, Fanny. 

See Robinson, Fanny 

Rushton, Mary Latham 1910 

Russell, Ada 1904 

AcSRussell, Ephraim, B.Sc 1912 

cRussell, Ina Stafford 1932 

Sabine, John William 1912 

c**gSadler, Michael Ernest 1903 

Sailman, Frances Rebecca Millieent ... 1909 

| cSalmons, Mary 1929 

! Salomon, Sidney 1909 

j cSanders, Dorothy Rose 1930 

1 cSandford, Dora Lucy 1897 

cSandys, Agnes Moncrieft 1917 

J Sansom, Marjorie M. 

Sec Bowden, Marjorie M. 

Sargeant, Frank 1912 

j Sargent, Elsie Katharine 1910 

I AcSatterth waite, William Henry 1895 

Scholes, Margaret Kershaw 1910 

Scholes, Thomas Wilfrid 1902 

AcSchroeder, William Lawrence xgoi 

cioScott, Ethel Mary 1917 

cScott, Evelyne Dalzell 1914 

1 Principal of Yorkshire United Independent College. 

2 Director of Education, Worcester. 

3 Director of the City of London College. 

4 Serena Professor and Director of Studies at the British Institute, Florence 

5 Head Master, Merton House School, Penmaenmawr. 

6 Head Mistress, Levenshulme High School for Girls. 

7 Head Master, Wirksworth Grammar School, Derbyshire. 

8 Head Master of Verdin County School, Winsford, Cheshire, 

9 Master of University College, Oxford ; Kt. 

10 Head Mistress, Brighouse County Secondary School, Yorkshire. 

* Awarded M.C. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II, (3). 


Gh'aduate. s (Arts). 

M.A. — continued . Date of 


cScott, Irene I 2 3 4 5 9 1 5 

cSeddon, Connie *9*7 

Seddon, Isabel 

^"iSedgefield, Walter John 19- 3 

Sedglev, Samuel Dudley J 9 X 5 

cSeed, Isobel Hunt, B.Sc 1925 

cSegall, Hilda Mary 1924 

Shallcross, lucy Emily (Mrs. E. Beach; icjaz 

cSharp, Douglas Simmonds, B.D *9°” 

Sharp, Mrs. W. D. See Tout, Margaret 
Shaw, Mrs. John. See Bradley, Annie 

cShaw, Mary Storrs lf j29 

Shaw, William 191 3 

c**Sheavyn, Phcebe Anne Beale- 1923 

Shephard, Ruth Mary (Mrs. Ball) ... mod 
Shepherd, Douglas Howard, B Sc. .. 1913 

Shepherd, Kathleen Alice 

(Mrs. R. E. Newton) iqio 

Sherriff, Isabel Brown 1900 

Shillito, Edward i8 9& 

Shillito, George m<>5 

Shillito, Mrs. George. 

See Ramsboltom, Annie H 

Shimmln, Arnold Nixon m** 

cShuttleworth, Joseph, B.Com 

Sidley, Mrs. S. See Bryant, Elsie I. V. 

cSilverstom*, Alec Eli, Ph.D 1922 

cSim, Annie 1926 

cSiramonds, Elsie *92* 

Simmonds , Florence *9*6 

cSiinmonds, Kate *92 3 

cSimpson, Sybil *929 

Singleton, Frank Chest et 1911 

Singleton, Harold Richmond 1907 

ASircom, Harold Sebastian 1902 

zSkcmp, Arthur Rowland 1007 

Skeinp, Mrs. A. R. 

See Clarkson, Jessie 0 

AcSkemp, Frank Wkittingham 1904 

S Ionian, Frank Halley toti 

Slade, Mrs. R. E, See Bedson, Muriel A. 

Slater, Mrs. See WmsK, t*« instance M. 

cSlotki, Judah Jacob 3929 

Siniley, Mrs. M. T. 

See Bromn 1 , Theresa M. 

Smith, Annie M. M, 

See Happold, Annie M. M 

cSmith, Doris (Mrs. Norman K aborts) ... 1917 

cSmith, Dorothy Sinclai r 1917 

cSmith, Henry 1913 

Smith. Margaret Ann 

(Mrs. II. VVhit'-nead) 1909 

Smith, May 1909 

3Sneath, Alec Andrews *911 

AcSpeakrnan, Elizabeth 

(Mrs. H C. O’Neill) 1903 
Speakman, Ethel (Mrs. Charles Leesei iqoq 
Speakman, Mrs. Frederick 

Sir O’Brien, Florence 

cSpeight, Kathleen 1933 

cSpeigbt, Sadie 1933 

Spencer, Mrs. A. E. See Hall, Lydia 
Spencd, Charles Edward Galbraith ... 
Spencer, Mrs. C. E. G. 

See Woollam. V\inilred D. 
c Spencer, Thomas Percival 1915 

Date of 

Stables, William Herbert 1894 

! c4Staftord, Francis John, M.Ed 1914 

, cStafford, George William 1934 

I cStaftord, Jack 1930 

J cStanley, Caroline 19x9 

! cStansfield, Agnes 1932 

| Starkey, Mrs. H. W. See Clift, Annie L. 

Stenliouse, Constance Orah 1911 

c*Stcphenson, Edgar, B.D 1929 

Stephenson, Janies, M.C0111 1910 

AcSteuart, Lita Agnes (Mrs. E. A. Tharp) 1901 

cSteven, Robert George 193 3 

c Stevens, Ada 1915 

Stevenson, Alan 1910 

Stevenson, Ethel Mary 190 j 

Stevenson, Janies, B Com 1907 

Stirland, John roi2 

cf + *5Slocks, John Leofrie 1926 

Stocks, Winifred Alice iyoy 

Stockton, Charles Edward 1907 

AcStott, Alice Elizabeth 1913 

cStott, Amy Jane 1915 

cStrawson, Agnes (Mrs. Thomas) 1913 

c Street, Lucie Isabel 

(Mrs. F. W. Paterson) 1023 

Stringer, Lena Hutchinson 

(Mrs. Alfred Harrison) 19 r 3 

Strong, Archibald Thomas 1900 

cStuart, Wilson, B.Sc 1S9S 

cSugden, Emily Edith 1921 

cSullivan, Frederica 1916 

cSummerfield, Donald 1930 

cSumner, Leslie Vivian 1931 

cSutcliffe, Dorothy 19 m 

cSutclifle, Emma * mu 

cSutton, Joseph Hertford, M.Jirt .. 1932 

Swuine, Mrs. F. Sec Thorpe, Worrit* 

ASwallow, John Albert 1H86 

cSwarbrick, John William, B.D 1922 

cSwiro, Robert Edgar 1924 

Sykes, Mrs. See 1-arrow, Betsy 

Taberner, Mrs. See Chadwick, Mary K. 

, AcTalbot, Edward, LL.B iK86 

AcTalbot, Maud, M.Ed 19*4 

i Taplen, Mary Elizabeth 

(Mrs. G. E. Ashfortli) 1 yob 

cTaylor, Emily Howson m»>(i 

Taylor, Eveline May 192 } 

cTaylor, Frank *93 1 

cTaylor, Frank Edward, 

M S«\, M.B., l h.B. 18.9b 

faylor, Frederick ( IP ford, B.D 1912 

cTaylor, George 1922 

a T aylor , Lyd 1a 1898 

Taylor, Thomas Whitehead ... njio 

cTaylor, Zillah *928 

a 7 'am ant, Carnila Daleour 

(Mrs. J. A. Green) 1 897 

cTesh, Elsie 19*9 

a 7 hachray , Edgar , B.D r 5 

Tharp, Mrs. E. A. See Steuart, Lita A. 

c Thomas, Annie *933 

Thomas, Ethel mxo 

'1 liomas, Mrs. H. S. See Hartley, Noia F". 
cThomas, Mary 1917 

1 Formerly Professor of English Language in the University. 

2 Late Winlerstoke Professor of English in the University of Bristol. 

3 Head Master, Mfantsipim School, Cape Coast Castle, W. Africa. 

4 Head Master, Barnes’s Grammar School, Poulton-le-Fylde. 

5 Professor of Philosophy m the University. 

* Awarded M.M. t Awarded D.S.O. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II (3). 

Graduates (- 4 W,s). 


M.A. — continued. Date of 


cThomas, Nesta Emily 1915 

Thomas, Mrs. See Strawson, Agnes 

cThomas, Roger Patrick David 1924 

cThomasson, Hugh Whittaker 1935 

cThompson, Carleton 1909 

Thompson, Mrs. See Mason, Katie 
Thompson, Mrs. C. E. 

See Pritchard, Phyllis M. 

Thompson, Edward Roffe 1914 

Thompson, Ethel Moores 1914 

Thorburn, James 1922 

cThorpe, Florrie (Mrs. F. Swaine) ... 1916 
Thouless, Mrs. R. H. 

See Gorton, Priscilla G. 

cTiano, Eleonore Lily 1922 

Ting, Alexander Young, LL.B 19 11 

cTirrell, William 1915 

Titterington, Emma Elisabeth 

(Mrs. L. A. L. King) 1907 

iTomlinson, Maurice 1907 

cTopham, Marjorie 1931 

cTout, Margaret (Mrs. W.D.Sharp), Ph.D 1919 
Tout, Mis. T. F. See Johnstone, Mars' 
cTowler, Elsie Howarth. 

(Mrs. B. P. Rothwell) 1919 

cTravis, James Ernest 1933 

C2Treharae Reginald Francis, Ph.D. ... 1923 
Trekame, Mrs. R. F. See Roberts, Ellen 

cTreloar, Constance Eveline 1923 

ATrevor. Adelaide 1893 

c* *3Trofimov, Michael Vasilevitch ... 1923 

AC4Tumer, Harold Pilkington, LL.M. ... 1907 

cTuraer, Lilian Mary 1923 

Turner, Winifred 

(Mrs. D. McF. Crawford) 1912 

Tweedy, Theodore Victor 1906 

♦Tynan, John 1913 

Tyson, Tom 1918 

cTyson, Moses, Ph.D 1923 

Varley, Benjamin, B.Com 1924 

cVeen, Gerald Menno van der, M.Com... 1914 
xcVeen, Margrieta van der 

(Mrs. Edward Beer! 1901 
♦•Vernon, Maud Venables 1928 

AcWaddington, John Hey wood 1892 

c Wadsworth, Edna ... 1915 

Walker, Mrs. A, G. See Carr, Hilda 
cWalker, Ida Kathleen 

(Mrs. T. R. Atkins) 1920 

a Walker, Joseph iSgi 

AWalker, William 1908 

cVVall, Doris Margaret 

(Mrs. Geoffrey Bullough) 1924 

cWaller, Ross Douglas 1921 

f Walsh, Arthur 1913 

alters, John Cuming 1916 

Warburton , Stanley 1913 

cWard, Edith 1932 

cWard, Harry 1914 

Ward, Nora (Mrs. C. B. Caldicott) ... 1912 

Date of 

Warrington, Ida Marguerite 

(Mrs. R. G. Cowlty) 
Washington, Rose Ann 

(Mrs. G. H. Rolls) 

Waterhouse, Edgar 

6 Waterhouse, Osborn 

Wat^cm, Constance Mary 

Watson, Effie 

Watson, Mary Lois 

Watson, Mrs. See Crosland, Esther 

Watts, Harland 

yWaugk, William Templeton , B.D. 

cWeatherhead, Leslie Dixon 

cWeitzman, Sophia, Ph.D 

cWelch, Janet Margaret 

cWells, Evelyn Beatrice 

cWestbrook, Dorothy (n/e Butterworth) 

Westphal , Benjamin Augustus 

Whale, Alice Gertrude 

8 Whale, Lucy Ulrika 

cWhalley, Wilfred 

Whalley, Mrs Sec Oddie, Eveline 

cgWhatmough, Joshua 

Wheeler, Edith Harriet 

Whitaker, Mabel 

cWhite, Mar}' Irene (Mrs. C, E. M. Joad) 
cWhite, Thomas Turner Frederick 

William Goodier Merrell 

ctioWhitehead, Cyril Spencer 

cWhitehead, Florence (Mrs. Gleave) ... 
Whitehead, Mrs, H. 

See Smith, Margaret A. 

Whitehead, James Edward 

Whitehead, Tom 

cWhiteley, Margaret 

(Mrs. F. C. Billings) 

cWhitson, Agnes Mary 

Whittaker, Mis. See Wrigley, Marion 
Wihl, Gertrude (Mrs. F. \V. Jordan) ... 

Wilby, Florence 

Wildbiood, William Arthur 

Wilde, May (Mrs. J. P. Earp) 

cAVilde, Reginald William 

Wilde, Mrs. W. C. See O’Neill, Jennie 

cWilkinson, Bertie, Ph.D 

cWilkinson, Ellen Cicely 

cWilkinson, Elsie Reed (Mrs. Mills) 

cWilkinson, John James 

Wilkinson, Manon 

Wilkinson, Pattic Eliza 

(Mrs. A. C. Cooke) 

Willatt, John 

cWillett, George 

c Williams, Charles Thomas ... 
c Williams, Eva Constance ... 

Williams, Florence Lilian ... 
c Williams, Florence Mabel . . . 

1 1 Williams, Henrietta Gladys 
Williams, Irene Frances 

(Mrs. G. A. Davies) 

cWilliams, Margaret 

cWilliams, Moses 







































1 Head Master, St. Mark’s School, Glodwick, Oldham. 

2 Professor of History in University College, Aberystwyth. 

3 Professor of Russian in the University. 

4 Director of Extra-Mural Studies m the University. 

5 Late Editor, Manchester City News. 

6 Professor of English and Philosophy, University College, Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa, 

7 Late Professor of Mediaeval History 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , McGill University, Montreal. 

8 Head Mistress, Pendleton High School for Girls, Salford. 

9 Professor of Comparative Philology in Harvard University, U.S.A 

10 Head Master, Higginbottom Central School, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

11 Head Mistress, Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School. 

* Awarded D.S.O. t Awarded M.C. •• Degree conferred under Charter 11 . (31. 


Graduates (Arts). 

M.A, — continued. Date of 


Williams, Sarah Bland 1893 

Williams, Mrs. See Muncaster, Marie 

cWillis, Dora Marjorie 1933 

cWillis, Janet Caroline Nicolson 1908 

cWillis, Margaret Gaye 1923 

Willis, Maria Maud Dunbar 1915 

cWillis, Reginald John 1924 

Wilson, Albert Knowles 1912 

cWilson, Charles Louis, B.D 1921 

c** Wilson, Edith Caroline 1903 

Wilson, Mrs. F. W. See Atherton, Clara 

Wilson, George William 1911 

c Wilson, Mabel (Mrs. W. E . Robinson) ... 1921 

cWilson, Stephen Grylls 1916 

cWinder, Richard Henry 1920 

Winstanley, Alice Ethel 1906 

AcWinstanley, Lilian 1901 

cWise, Lydia Beatrice 1910 

Withers, Ethel Agnes 1905 

cWolstenholme, Anice 1915 

cWood, Alfred Walton 1932 

cWood, Amy Louisa 1916 

cWood, John 1923 

AcWood, Joseph 1900 

xcWood, Leonard Bowker 1899 

cWoodall, Ethel Margaret 1917 

Woodall, Samuel James 1908 

Woodcock, Ada Winifred 

(Mrs. IF. H. Hardisty ) 1907 

Woodcock, Mabel Helen Mary 1912 

c 1 Woods, Frank Unsworth 1924 

Date of 

cWoodward, Amy 1916 

Woollam, Winifred Davenport 

(Mrs. C. E. G. Spencer) 1907 
Woolridge, Mrs. C. See Pickles, Edith A. 

cWorden, Charles Norman 1915 

Wormell, Lucy Elizabeth 

(Mrs. D. S. Inman) 1914 
cWorsick, Dorice Ethel 

(Mrs. A. H. Candler) 1913 
cWorsley, Constance Maude (Mrs . Slater) 1925 

Worsley, Robert CatteraU 1913 

2Worthington, John Hubert 1910 

cWragg, Janet Mary (Mrs. Knight) ... 1916 

cWray, Marjorie 1925 

Wright, Arthur 1912 

cWngkt, Enid (Mrs. F. L. Hudson) ... 1930 

3Wright, Herbert Gladstone 1916 

Wright, Jessie 1910 

cWright, Joseph Delves 1915 

Wright, William David 1890 

cWrigley, Edward Ernest 1933 

Wrigley, Mrs. J. C. See Pollard, Jane E. 

cWrigley, Margaret Joyce 1933 

cWrigley, Manon (Mrs. Whittaker) ... 1909 

Wynne, Arnold 1904 

Yates, Dora Esther 1902 

Yates, Ernest Cyril, LL.B 1904 

Yates, George Wearden, LL.B 1913 

cYates, Nellie Bertha 1917 

AYonge, John Arthur 1895 

cZucker, Elizabeth May Marie 1923 


The first part of this list contains the of the Associates of Owens College who received the 
degree of B.A. in connection with the provisions of the Charter of 1880 (iv. § 3), and of the Charter of 
J 903 (ii. § 3)- 

Elltanah Armitage. 
cGeorge Howell Ashworth. 

John Rawlinson Darling. 

Edwin Relfe Barrett . 

Arthur William Baxter 
Joseph Bell. 

Matthew James Bowdeiijdennett 
James Bottomley. 
c Arthur Henry Boyden. 

Henry Brierley. 

Edward John Broad field. 

Henry Ambrose Grundy Brooke. 
Frederick Dobson Brookes. 
Arthur LcoUne Jcnkyn Brown. 
cThomas Brownson. 

Percy William Bunting. 

Robert Watson Cameron. 
cCharles Clay. 

John Taylor Clegg. 

John PatchettCort. 

Richard Samuel Dale. 

Thomas William Dougan. 

Thomas Crossley Eastwood. 

William Eaton. 
cjohnson Lomax Eutwistle. 
cArthur Henry Fish, 
ojohn Mease Geden. 

George Gilchrist. 
cHermann Julius Goldschmidt. 
cWilliaui Alfred Guttndge. 

John Howe Gwytho . 

John Harker. 
cHenry Harwood, 
c Robert Travers Herford. 
cEmost Godfree Whitworth Hewlett. 

John Hey wood. 

Charles Gaskell Htggmson. 
cHenry William Holder. 

C4Alfred Hopkinson. 
cHarold Raleigh Hopwood. 
esAlfred Hughes 

Charles Hughes. 
cWalter Hughes. 

Edwin Jackson 

1 Head Master, Upholland Grammar School, Lancashire. 

2 Formerly Professor of Architecture, Royal College of Art, South Kensington. 

3 Professor of English, University College, Bangor, 

4 Formerly Vice-Chancellor of the University ; Kt. ; K.C. 

5 Formerly Organising Professor of Education in the University of Birmingham. 
** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3) 

Graduates {Arts). 


B.A. — continued . 

Arthur Newton Johnson. 
William Karfoot. 
cjohn Cort Livesey. 
Richard England Long 
cRobert Harley Lord. 
James Muir McKerrow. 
Ruper Mason. 

Walter Cartwright Massey. 
John Saxon Mills. 
xNomtan Moore. 

Joshua Murgatroyd. 
cjames Ross Murray. 
Frederick Parker Napier. 
c Alfred Neild, Jun. 

James Parkinson. 

Henry Richard Parry. 
James AUanson Picton. 
Charles Thomas Poynting. 
Joseph Priestley, 

William Henry Rhodes. 
cFercy Robinson. 

cEdward Oskar Schneider. 

Charles Sheldon. 
c Arthur Smith. 

2 Henry Gibson Smith. 

William Taylor Smith. 
cHerbert Spencer. 

C3Edward Holdsworth Sugden. 

William Summers. 

Herbert Henry Surgey 

David Sutcliffe, 
cjohn Barlow Thistlethwaite. 
cjohn William Thompson. 

Joseph Thompson. 

Joe Midgley Thornton. 
cArthur Watson. 

Arthur Algernon Whitehead. 

C4 James Pounder Whitney. 

C5 Henry Spenser Wilkinson. 

George Burgess Lancaster Woodburne. 
c 6 Arthur Henry Worthington. 

Jeffery Worthington. 
cjohn Kentish Wright 

Date of 

cAbbatt, Mary Dilworth 1922 

c Abell, Marjorie May 1925 

cAbraham, Christabel Mary 1929 

cAbraham, Mabel ' 1916 

c Adams, Edith Rosamond 1926 

cAdams, Margaret Taylor 1924 

cAdaius, Phyllis Marjorie 1928 

Adamson, Alice 1905 

cAddis, Evelyn Clara 1931 

cAddis, Gwendoline 1930 

Agate-Williams, H. J. 

See Williams, H. J. A. 

cAgerskow, Edith Mary 1924 

Ainscough, Clara J ane 1910 

cAinscough, Mary Margaret 1932 

Ainslie, Hester Wingate (Mrs. Crichton) 1901 

cAitkenhead, Mary Gardner Ure 1931 

c Akers, Doris Mary 1030 

cAlbinson, Kathleen Mary 1933 

ac A lcock, Sarah ... 1S93 

Aldred, Mrs. H. See Webster, Lily 

cAldred, Margaret Elizabeth 1932 

Aldridge, Geoffrey de Ybarrondo ... 1897 

Aldridge, Noel igoo 

c Alexander, Ellen Baker 1927 

Alexander, Hyman Isidor. 

See Nemtzov, H. I. 

c Alison, Donald Fraser 1933 

c Allan, Dorothy 1927 

c Allan, Harry 1920 

cAllard, Gwendoline 

(Mrs. Robert Bryson) 1925 
Allcock, Mrs. W. B. See Jones, Alice M. 

Allen, Mrs. G. R. 

See Willson, Amelia H. 

cAllen, Horace Hares 1923 

cAUen, Mary Winifred 1927 

Allen, May 1903 

cAllen, Muriel Longcroft 1928 

cAllen, Philip Hemaman 1924 

cAJlott, Frances 1921 

cAnders, Ethel Mary 

c Anderson, Bessie 

c Anderson, Freda Mary 

c Anderson, James Dalgleish 

c Anderson, Jasper George Litchfield 

Anderson, John 

c Anderson, Lewis Pemberton 

cAnderson, Margaret 

Anderson, Marguerite Marie 

Anderson, Selina 

cAnderson, Theodore James 

cAnderton, Harriet Agnes 

(Mis. G. B. Jackson) 
Anderton, Neander 

cAndrew, Kathleen 

cAndrew, Winifred 

c Angus, Albert Alan ... 

cAnnis, Hilda 

cAppleby, Isobel Georgina 
c Appleton, Edith Lilias . . . 

7 Archer. Arthur Bennett 
c Arden, John Edward 
cArdern, Frances Mary ... 
cAmiitage, Charlotte Winifred 
cArmitagc, Ronald Rushfirth 

Armstrong, Mary 

Arnfield, William ... 

c Arnold, Mary 

cArnold, William, B.D. . 

Artingstall, Leslie 

8 Ascroft, Florence Sophia 
Ashburner, Mrs. H. S. 

See Ledward, Marion C. 
Ashby, Josephine (Mrs. Holden)., 
Ashcroft, Margaret 
cAsher, Maria Elizabeth 
c Ashley, Herbert Henry... 
cAshton, Helen Kathleen 

cAshton, Ida 

cAshton, Ivy 

cAshton, Margaret Martha, M.Ed. 

(Mrs. W. W. 

Date of 
■ 1923 

. 1928 
. 1921 

. 1918 
. 1897 
. 1S96 

. 1891 

. 1930 

. 1917 

. 1909 

















Kay) 1918 

1 Late Hon. Fellow, St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge ; F.R.C.P, 

2 Late Rural Dean of Childwall and Honorary Canon of Liverpool Cathedral. 

3 Master of Queen’s College in the University of Melbourne. 

4 Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History, University of Cambridge. 

5 Formerly Professor of Military History, University of Oxford. 

6 Chairman of the Council of the University. 

7 Head Master, Oldershaw Secondary School for Boys, Wallasey. 

8 Head Mistress, Blakey Moor Central Sch. for Girls, Blackburn. 


Qrafauiies (Arts). 

B.A. — continued . Date of 


c Ashton, Mary Beatrice 1922 

c Ashton, Philip * 9 T 7 

cAshworth, Alice 1928 

cAshworth, Edith i 9 1 2 9 

cAshworth, Florence Margaret 1928 

cAshworth, Henry Ingham 1929 

cAshworth, John Alfred 1916 

Ashworth, Norman 1898 

cAshworth, Will 1923 

cAtkinson, Elizabeth Alice 1928 

Atkinson, Janet 1904 

cAtkinson, John Jennings 1924 

cAtkinson, Lilian Lockwood. 1904 

cAtkinson, Margaret Josephine 1924 

cAtkinson, Marjorie 1925 

cAtkinson, Marjorie Katherine 1932 

AcAtkinson, Roberta Mary Moreland, 

M.Ed 1900 

cAtkinson, Thomas Samuel 193° 

cAtterton, Mrs, R. See Dack, Isabel 

Auld, Catherine Gemmell 1897 

c Austin, Percy 1920 

cAuty, David Eastham, B.D 1908 

cAynsley, John Swinbum 1932 

cBache, Dorothy (Mrs. Maye) 1927 

cBacon, Horace, B.D 1921 

cBadland, Mary Alice 1930 

cBadrock, Elsie 1920 

AcBagshaw, Edith Mary 1897 

Bagshcew, Irene Annie 1924 

Bagshaw, Lilian Jane (Mrs. Morris) ... 1901 

cBahin, Kate Madeleine 1921 

cBailey, Bertha (Mrs, R. C. Gowthorpe) 1923 
Bailey, Mrs, Norman, 

See Lamb, Phyllis M. S. 

cBainbridge, Eleanor 1922 

Bainbridge, Mrs. J. H. 

See Middleton, Florence J. 
cBaines, Ethel (Mrs. A. Douglass) ... 1920 

cBaines, Mabel Mary Doreen 1931 

Bainton, Charles Morel! 1899 

cBaker, Beatrice Annie 1926 

cBaker, Dora Annie 1933 

cBaker, Dora Frances Helen r93i 

cBaker, Eileen Margaret 1929 

cBaker, Marcus 1933 

cBaker, Muriel Croft 1929 

cBalderstone, Alice 1929 

cBalderstone, Mary 1926 

cBaldick, George Sidney 1920 

Ball, Mis B. See Fallowfield, Annie (J. 

cBallance, Edna 1933 

Balraforth, Mrs. H. See Haigh, Helen 

cBalshaw, Elizabeth 1933 

cBamber, Mary Cecilia 1930 

Baraford, George Harold 1903 

Bamford, James Edmund 1895 

cBamford, Rose Pullen 1930 

Band, Stephen 1897 

cBanks, Florence (Mrs. Hankm) . ... 1923 

Banks, Mrs. H. 

See blacking, Margaret A. 

cBanks, Jane 1926 

Bann, Emily Georgina .. ... 19 11 

cBannister, Elizabeth ... 1924 

cBannister, Mary 1930 

Barber, Eric Siordet 1913 

Bark, Mrs. G. M. See Smith, Gertrude 

Barker, Florence Annie 1904 

cBarker, Nora 1923 

Barker, Mrs. W. B 

See Wilkinson, Dorothy C 

Date of 

Bark way, James Lumsden 1899 

Barlow, Mrs. A. See Moyes, Effie 

Barlow, Gertrude Emily 1900 

cBarlow, Mildred Elliott 1933 

c Barnes, Anthony Gordon 1931 

cBarnes, Edith 1930 

Barnes, Grace (Mrs. Metcalfe) 1908 

cBarnes, John 1932 

cBarnes, Margaret Spencer 1933 

cBarnes, Norman Omar 1929 

cBamett, Herbert Arthur, B.D 1919 

Baron , William 1908 

Barr, Dora Douglas (Mrs. Nicol) 1903 

cBarras, Elsie Clara (Mrs. Hammond)... 1903 
Barratt, Mrs. J. G See Collins, Clara 

cBarratt, Muriel 1926 

Barrett, Mary (Mrs. H. M. Speedily) ... 1892 

c Barry, William Patrick 1933 

cBartlett, Amy Katherine Elizabeth ... 1930 

Barton, Mrs. ’John. 

See Haworth, Jane A. 

cBarton, Linda (Mrs. S. J. Bennett) ... 1921 

j Barton, Marion (Mrs. G. Kim bor) ... 1903 

I cBarwisc, Wilfrid 1930 

Bason., Charles James 1890 

1 Bass, Elizabeth Lucy (Mrs. W. C. Hall) 1898 

cBass, Freda Wild Palmer 1931 

ciBate, James Reed, B.Sc 1894 

cBateman, Robert Wallace 1920 

cBates, Lawrence 1930 

Bates, Mabel Alice 1902 

cBates, Mona 1930 

Bateson, Hartley 1911 

c Bateson, Nora 1917 

cBatty, Elizabeth Rita 1924 

cBawden, Gerda Dulce 1929 

cBaxendale, Agnes Annie 1928 

cBaxter, Ada Louise 1929 

cBaxter, Elsie IQ30 

cBaxter, Eunice Adc«>ck 1918 

! cBaxter, Thelma Mackay 1931 

! cBayley, George Teer 1924 

} cBaylis, Millicent Mary' Sarjeant 1927 

■ Baynes, Amy Pilkington 
! (Mrs. Sidebotham) 1903 

cBeacall, Phyllis 1923 

, Beale, Mrs. P. E. Sec Onnrod, Lucy 
Beard, Mrs. J . See Rundle, Ale then V. 

Beard, Mary Lilian, B.Sc 1894 

cBeard, Oliver Jesse 1928 

cBcard, Ralph 1917 

, cBeardsell, Sidney William rQ30 

cBearpark, Margaret 1919 

j ‘Beaumont, John Somerville 1911 

I c Beaver, Mary 1926 

1 cBeck, Frank Leslie 1922 

Beck, Louisa (Mrs. Mainwuring) 1913 

Beckett, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Kerr) 1888 

, cBeckett, James Harold... ’ 1932 

cBeclcitt, Marjorie 1929 

cBeddis, Lionel Gilbert, 1922 

cBedford, Dorothy 1916 

cBedford, Francis John 1932 

cBedsvell, Walter Thomas 1933 

cBee, Beniamin 1910 

c Beech, Elsie 1922 

Beecroft, Jennie 1907 

' Beeley, Annie Howard 1909 

cBeer, Phyllis Adeline 1927 

* cBeggs, Mary Eleanor 1925 

Beggs, Mrs. D. C. 

See Sutton, Alice M. E. 

1 cBell, Beatrice Constance 1928 

1 Head Master, Ormskirk Grammar School. 

* Awarded M.C. 

Graduates (Arts). 145 

B.A. — continued. Date of 


cBell, Caroline Mary 

(Mrs. G. N. Burkhardt) 1924 

cBell, Dorothy (Mrs. G. L. Meachim) ... 1916 

cBell, Florence Kathleen 1921 

Bell, John Johnston iSgg ! 

cBell, Olga 1930 

cBellman, Vera Marguerite 1916 

cBellwood, William 1922 

cBembridge, George 1933 

cBenas, Bertram Benjamin Baron ... 1902 ; 

Bendall, Mar}' Constance (Mrs. Cockrill) 1900 , 

cBennett, Clara 1922 

cBennett, Hannah 1919 j 

iBennett, Harold 1907 

Bennett, Mrs. S. J. See Barton, Linda 

cBennett, John 1029 

Bennett, Mrs. See Porritt, Florence M. ~ ; 

Bennett, Mrs. See Emmett, Mary E. 

cBentle}’-, James Kay ' ... 1922 1 

cBentley, Mary (Mrs. J. H. Burnet) ... 1926 

Bentley, Mrs. See Walker, Ada 
cBeresford, Mildred Edith 1930 

cBemhardt, Elsie Sarah 

(Mrs. Soloman Bernstein) 1924 

Bernstein, Mrs. Soloman. 

See Bernhardt, Elsie S. 

Berry, Annie 1913 

cBerry, Constance Alice 1920 

cBerry, Edith Mary (Mrs. George North) 1918 

cBerry, Ellis 1933 

cBerry, Mary Diana Royale 1932 

cBcrrymau, J ames Septimus 1921 

cBesso, Betty F.ileen 1928 

Besso, Mrs. S. L. See Simon, Nora 

AcBest, Rachel 1S97 

cBest, Ruth 1928 

cBeswick, Sarah 1930 

Betten, Mrs. Munro. See Woolfltt, Eva 
cBeving, Charles Adolphus Douglas ... 1933 

cBiddulph, Irene Mary 1932 

eBillam, Olivo Mary 1920 

cBillington, Thomas 1930 

cBilsborrow, John Leslie 1929 

cBimrose, Arthur Eric 1926 

cBirch, Doris (Mrs. G. F Pearsont ... 1916 

cBirch, Elsie 1924 

Birch, Sarah (Mrs IT. D. Hull) 1888 

ABirchal, Minna (Mrs. T. E Neal) ... 1901 

cBirchall, Arthur Leslie 1931 

cBird, Lancelot William 1898 

cBird, Rena Campbell 1932 

Birkhead, Alice 1900 

cBirlev, Barbara Fernandes 1933 

Birley , Hugh Ronald Chichester 1901 

cBirtles, Alfred 1927 

cBirtwell, Miles Emmett 1931 

Bishop, Sarah Ellen 1896 

c Black, Kathleen Mary 1925 

Black, Margaret Eleanot 1926 

Blackburn, Xorah 1930 

cBlackith, Enid 1931 

Blackledge, Katherine 1896 

cBlackledge, Mary Dorothy 

(Mrs. Daniels; 1917 

Blackshaw, Roland ... 19 11 

cBlair, Arthur Feamley 19 30 

Blakewav, Janet Maud 

(Mrs. D. E. Bowen) 19 11 

cBlainire, Winifred (Mrs. Denis Hegan) 1922 

Bland, Mrs. R. See Provost, Ethel 

cBlease, Margaret 1930 

Blevin, Edith Mary 1902 

Blnv, Marion Edna 1908 

Date of 

cBoard, Beatrice Mary (Mrs. Scott) ... i88q 

cBoden, Reynold Blomerley 1916 

Boden, Mrs. R. B. 

See Robinson, Winifred 

xBold, Edgar, LL.B ... 189 6 

cBollans, Vivien Mary 1931 

Bona via, Mrs. F. See Jdcker, Hilda A. 

cBond, Dorothy Howard 1926 

cBond, Theodora 1917 

c Boon, Eva 1921 

cBooth, Doris Campbell 1920 

cBooth, Elizabeth (Mrs. A. Laithwaile) 1918 

cBooth, Lena 1928 

cBooth, Walter 1921 

cBoothman, Dorothy Sarah 1928 

cBoothman, Hazel Elizabeth 1923 

Boraston, Louisa Adina 1900 

cBom, Aileen Maura (Mrs. E. S. Hedges) 1924 

Botham, Flsie May 1912 

Bottomley, Christine 1907 

cBottomley, Herbert 1929 

cBottomley, Lily 1922 

cBottomley, Phyllis Margaret 

(Mrs. Arthur Whitel 1924 

cBottomley, Ruth 1926 

cBottomley, Sarah Ellen 1917 

c Bowden, Beatrice Serena 

(Mrs. Harold Hughes) 1925 
Bowden, Mrs. John. 

See Walmsley, Elizabeth A. M. 

cBowden, Marjorie 1927 

Bowen, Mrs. D. E. 

See Blakeway, Janet M. 

cBowker, Minnie Freda ... ". 1922 

Bowteli, Louisa Minnie 1903 

cBoyd, Ethel Dalziel 1925 

Boyle, Mrs. See Weston, Elsie M. 

j cBracegirdle, Dorothy Winifred 1918 

cBradbury, Frank 1920 

, cBradbury, Ronald 1929 

Bradley, Florence Margaret 

(Mrs, Rydall) 1902 

cBradley, Gladys Lillian ig2i 

1 *Bradle\', Mary Melicent 1916 

Bradley, Mrs. See Dinnis, Marjorie 

1 cBradshaw, Mary Annabel 1932 

cBradshaw, Rhoda 1931 

cBrady, Mildred 1929 

cBramfit, Eric Pembroke 1933 

cBramley-Moore, Evangeline 1S94 

Brammall, Mrs. See Jackson, Mary M. 

cBramwell, Ronella Mary 1930 

cBrankin, James 1931 

, Brash, Charlotte Agnes 1900 

cBrayford Harry Barnes 1922 

cBrayshaw, Austin 1921 

cBrayshaw, Kathleen Orrey 1924 

cBreakey, Mane Alfreda 1924 

cBrennan, Hannah 1927 

1 ABrentnali, Alice Marian 1900 

cBrentnall, Beatrice Ammye 1933 

, xcBrereton, Neville 1898 

; cBrethcrton, Ann 1922 

1 2Bre\\is, John Thomas, B.D 1904 

! cBridge, Doris Mary 1920 

1 cBridge, Stanley Kirkland 1931 

j Bnerlev, Edith 1913 

i cBriggs, Arnold Russell 1930 

Briggs, Charles Lionel 1898 

Briggs, Ernest 1903 

1 Briggs, Maude (Mrs. F. 'I', chapman;... 1901 

! Briggs, Richard Ward 1922 

j Briggs, Mrs. R. W. See Jones, Norah A 

1 Head Master, Grey Mare Day Continuation School, Openshaw, Manchester. 
3 Principal of the Methodist College, Victoria Park, Manchester. 

* Honours student awarded ordinary degree on grounds of ill-health. 


Graduates {Arts). 

B,A. — continued. Date of 

Date of 

cBrightman, John Richard 



Burkhardt, Mrs. G. N. 


cBrindle, Elsie 


See Bell, Caroline M. 

cBriscoe, J ohn N isbe t 


Burkitt, Mrs. V. G. 

cBritten, Arthur George Richard 


See Pearson, Katie M. 

cBritton, Lewis John, B.D 


Burley, Leo Le Gay 


Britton, Mrs. L. J . 

cBurman, Gertrude Leslie 


See Burgess, Matilda L. 

Burman, Sarah 


Broadbent, Ethel Beatrice 


Bum, Helen 


cBroadbent, Florence Mabel 

(Mrs G. J. Stiaw) 


Burnet, Mrs. J. H. See Haiti. *y, Mary 
cBurnett, Harold Young 


cBroadbent, Walter Donald 


Burnley, William Ewart 


cBroadhurst, Sarah Evelyn 

X'G 2 

Burrow, Alice 

19 1 1 

ABrodmeier, Edith Lily 

cBurrovvs, Margaret Alice 


(Mrs. \V. G. W'jghtwan) 


Burrows, Nor cross 

1 S.X 4 

cBromiley, Norman Elston 


c Burton, Frank 


cBroinley, Ernest John 


Burton, Marguerite Rachel 

cBrooke, Joyce Mar)' 


(Mrs. G. E West* »n) 


cBrooks, Constance, Ph.D 


cBurton, Mary (Mrs. F. C. Ormorod) ... 


cBrooks, Edith 


cBurton, Olive May (Mrs. L. M. Webb) .. 


Brooks, Elsie 


cBurtt, Annie Emma Louise 

Butterfield, Edith Alary 


cBrooks, Elsie 



cBrooks, Nellie 


cButterworth, Stanlcv 


Brooks, Selina 


cBultrick, George Arthur 

I'J I.*? 

Brooks, Mrs. See Sharpies, Nor.ih 

c Buxton, Frank Louis 

191 J 

cBrookshaw, Amy Mary 

I «/23 

Buyse, Airs. M. T. 

cBroom, Dorothy 


See Huh ue, Elizabeth 1. 

cBroster, William Shufflcbotham 


Byrne, Mrs. G. 

cBrotherton, Francisco Ferrer 


See Walthew, Florence A. 

c* Brown, Agnes 


c Byrne, John 

X 93 I 

cBrown, Allan Miller 


cByrom, Margaret Elizabeth 


Brown, Caroline Mary 


Byrom, William 

I«H 3 

cBrown, Eifie Margaret 


Byron-Scott, Mrs. 

cBrown, Elizabeth 


See Greenwood, Marv A, 

cBrown, Ida Margaret (Mrs Johnson)... 


c Byway, Alice Doris Akers 

I 92 fi 

cf Brown, Phyllis Worden 

cBrown, Reta Wilson 


193 ° 

cCahill, Thomas Joseph 


cBrown, Robert, B.D 


cCain, Florence Ruth 


cBrown, Wilfrid Wheeler 

MI 5 

Caldecote, Florence (Mrs. Hairy Rente) 


Brown, Mrs. See Hartley, Harriett A. 

cCalder, Ralph Forman Godley, B.D. ... 


cBrowne, Ena 


Calderbank, Helen 


Browning, May 


cCalderwood, Gertrude (Mrs. Houston) 


ABromison, Alfred Lever , LL B 


cCaldwcll, John Frederick 

7 937 

Brownson, George Leigh 


cCaldwell, Joseph Arnold, HD 


cBruce, Isabella Grassie 


xCallender, Cecil Margaret Romaiitr* ... 


cBruckshaw, Agnes Ellen 


Callis, Airs. F. B. 

cBrunton, Florence 


See Manners, Wuufn d M. 

cBryson, Mrs. Robert. 

Calverley, Vera 

I‘H 3 

See Allard, Gwendoline 

cCalvert, Thomas 


Buck, Gertrude Barbara 

< Crimm, William Arthur 


(Mrs. A. W. Richardson) 


^Campbell, Emma Margaret 

cBuckley, Annie 


cCanipbell, Evelyn Alary 


ci Buckley, William Henry 


cCampbell, Janie (Mrs. F. Ta tiers fi<‘ld)... 


BudenSerg, Janet Selma 


Campbell, Violet Smith 

cBufEey, Grace Elizabeth 


(Mrs. A. W. Russell) 


Bulcock, Harry, B.D 


Candler, Albert Henry 

19 T 4 

cBuIlivant, Robert Andrew 


Cardwell, Mrs. D. 

cBullock, Amy (Mrs. G. L. Stringer) ... 


Sifti Rolileder, Fiances Al. 

Bullough, Alice 


Cardwell , Mary Nettleton 

cBullough, Audrey Lilian 


{Mrs, L. H. Ryder) 


cBullough, Edith 


Carey, James 


Bullough, Joseph 


cCarey, Lucy Agnes 


Bullough, Louisa 


cC.irlill, Eleanor Lonsdale 

J 9>8 

cBullough, William 


Carr, Mrs. C. T. See Rosco**, Marion F. H 

cBundey, Stanley Isaac Deavin 

19 30 

cCurr, James Stanley 


cBunting, Hilda Mary (Mrs. M. Shepherd) 


cCarruthers, Joseph’ 


Bunting, Mrs. S. See Nunn, Florence 
cBurgess, Claude Bramall 


Carter, Annie Constance 

(Mrs. H. Carter) 


cBurgess, Ethel 


cCarter, Catherine 


cBurgess, Hilda (Mrs. G. Thompson) ... 


cCarter, Cecilia 


Burgess, Lillie (Mrs. Harvey) 


Carter, Effie 


cBurgess, Mary Lloyd 


Carter, Mrs H. See Carter, Annie C 

cBnrgf ss, Matilda Lucinda 

Carter, Hilda Alary (Airs. Daik) 


(Mrs. L. J . Britton) 


Carter, Mrs. L. See Parkinson,Elizabetb 

i Head Master, Plymouth Secondary School. 

* Honours student awarded ordinary degree on grounds of ill-health. t M.B.E. 

Graduates (Arts). 

U 7 

B.A. — continued. 

Carter, Mabel 

ciCarter, Nellie 

cCarter, Norah 

cCartwright, Albert... . 
cCart wright, Edna . . 
cCartwright, Emily . . . 

cCarty, Doreen... ’ 

Castley, Mrs. R. See Walwvn, Helen 

cCaton, Walter Raymond ' 

cCatterall, John Herbert 

aCatton, Annie Sarah 

cCausey, Ahce Adeline 

cCavanagh, Bernard 

Chadwick, Caroline 

cChadwick, Dorothy Margaret 

Chadwick, Edith Dorothy 

cChadwick, Edna May 

cChadwick, Gilbert ... 

cChadwick, John 

cChadwick, Thomas 

cChadwick, Thomas 

cChnfler, Isabel 

cChallenor, Irene Monica 

(Mrs. E. L. Horsburghl 

cChalliner, Marjorie Elizabeth 

Chalmers, Mrs. 

See Wadding ton, Dorothy 
Chamberlain, Irene Maude Tankenille 

Chambers, Ethel 

cChambers, Mary Evelyn 

(Mrs". T. T. Sandison) 
cChampion, George Henrv James... 
cChampness, Katlileen Sinclair ... 

AChnndley, Silvia Dorothy 

cChannell, Dorothy ... . 

cChant, Herbert 

cChantler, Percy 

cChantler, Philip 

cChaplow, Joseph Richard 

Chapman, Mrs. F. T. 

See Briggs, Maude 

cChapman, George 

cChapman, Harold Charles 

cChapman, Orlando Hudson 

cChapman, Thomas 

cChapman, Walter Christopher 

Chapman, Mrs. See Holmes, Ethel 

cChard, Edith Annie 

cChamock, James 

Chamock, Mrs. J . 

See Wadsworth, Amy 
Charsley-Howard, Thomas Godwin .’. 

cChatterton, Harriet Dorothy 

cChatterton, Hilda 

Cheatle, Herbert John 

cCheckley, Harry' Hulton 

cCherry, John 

Cherry, Mrs. P. 

See Geake, Catherine M. 

cChester, Dorothy Mary' 

Chesworth, Nellie 

cChettle, Joan (Mrs W. G Weston) ... 

cChew, Doris Nield 

AcChisholm, Catherine, M.D 

Chisholm, Elizabeth Phillips 

Chisholm, Emily 

cChorley, Marion Grace 

Clague, Nessie Catherine 

Clark, Mrs. J . B. See Cotton, Edith M. 

Date o j 




191 1 






X 93 i 







iy2 + 



















TQI 3 






cClark, Margaret Alice 

cCIark, Nellie 

cClarke, Elaine, 

Clarke, Ernest Bradshaw 

cClarke, Grace Edith 

Clarke, Hebe 

Clarke, Katharine 

cCIarne, Katharine Marcia 

cClarke, Kathleen 

cClarke William 

Clarkson, Elsie 

cClarkson, Joan Handley 

cClaydon, Mrs. See Viner, Mary 

cClayton, Dora * 

Clayton, Edith 

cClayton, Edith 

Clayton, Norman 

cQegg, Doris Mary 

cClegg, Helen Gwendoline 

cClewes, Maggie 

cCliff, Dorothy Alice 

(Mrs. A. G. Pomeroy) 

Clift, Francisco Caroline 

cCIiff , Margaret Elaine 

Clifi, Rose Gertrude 

(Mrs. John Prie&tnall) 

cClitt, Fdgar Llewelyn 

cCliit, Mabel Louisa 

cClitheroe, Amy 

cClitheroe, Marjorie 

(Mrs. J 1 ‘. Lockwood) 

cClitheroe, Muriel Emma 

c Clough, Doris May 

Clough, Lilian Mary 

cClulow, Arnold Harrison, B.D. ... 

cCoan, Man- Veronica 

c*3Coatman, John 

Cockcroft, Clement Randolph ... 
Cockrill, Mrs. See Bendall, Mary C. 
Cocks, Mabel Angelina 
, (Mrs. H. H. Mottram) 

1 Cocks, Maud Gertrude (Mrs. Cottier) 

| cCohen, Dora Gertrude 

i cCohen, Mary 

1 cCole, Hylda Constance 

I cCole, Ruth 

i cColeman, Frank Odetl 

Collett, Mrs. G. A. 

Date of 

• 1932 



















*9 97 




See Houghton, Dorothy 

| eCollier, Alice 1939 

l c Collier, Donald 191 1 

, cCollingwood, Beryl Maud 1933 

cCollins, Clara (Mrs. J. G. Barratt) ... 1906 

Collins, Mary ... tuor 

Collins, Mary' Catherine 1896 

Collins, Mrs." R. See Fairhurst, Rhoda 

cCollinson, Katherine Margaret 1932 

cCompton, Olive 1926 

cConcannon, Margaret Rosaleen 1933 

cCondlifie, Edith Alice (Mrs. Ing) .. 1923 

cConnell, Richard John, B.D 1929 

cConnolly, Cecilia 1933 

cConnolly, Clara Josephine 1938 

. cConnolly, Joseph Bernard 1923 

. cConnor," Beatrice Harriet (Mrs. Reichel) 1921 

I cConnor, Dorothy Augusta 1917 

I cConnor, Herbert Pearse, B.D 1925 

; C4Connor, James, B.D 1920 

cConnor, Joseph Eric 1932 

1 Head Mistress, Girls’ Central School, Ashton-in-Makeifield. 

2 Head Mistress, Workington Central School, Cumberland. 

3 Professor of Imperial Economics in the University of London. 

4 Head Master, Fulneck School, Fulneck, Leeds. 

* Awarded Indian Police Medal. 


Graduates (Arts). 

B.A .—continued, Date of 


cConstantine, Leonard 1028 

cCoogan, Mary Francisca 1933 

cCook, Loma 1926 

cCooke, Annie Freda 1929 

cCooke, Esrae Selwood 1931 

cCooke, Leslie Edward, B.D 1930 

cCooke, Reginald Garforth, LL.M. ... 1920 
cCooke, Sybil (Mrs. A. N. Hickling) ... 1925 

cCookson, Phyllis Mary 1926 

cCoomber, Henry Hastings 1928 

cCooper, Dorothy Rose 1925 

Cooper, Mrs. F. B. See Gregory, Lillie 

cCoopcr, Marjorie Mary 1930 

cCope, Norman Atkins 1932 

Copeman, Mrs. Sec Sackur, Margaret R. 
cCorbett, Emilv Margaret 

(Mrs. Galloway) 1924 

cComelius, Edna 1926 

Cotes, Thomas Llanfajr 1910 

Cotes, Mrs. See Thomas, Esther T. 

cCottam, Emily 1924 

Cottier, Mrs. Sec Cocks, Maud G. 
cCotton, Edith Margery 

(Mrs. J. B. Clark) 1927 

eCottrell, Nora 1933 

Cottrell, Rboda 1910 

cCowan, Lulie Brabazon 1931 

c Cowan, Maureen Brabazon 1926 

cCoward, Frederic Edward 1931 

Coward, Milburga Scott 

(Mrs. C. G. Mackay) 1898 

cCowell, Hilda 1926 

Cowley, Mrs. D. H. Sec Nutter, Freda 

cCowlin, Dorothy 1932 

Cowlishaw, Mrs. See Gibson, Louisa 
Cowpe, Mrs. See Sanders, Muriel 

Cox, Frank 1908 

Coxhead, Mrs. See Kelly, Margaret D. 

Coxson, Esther Shelmerdine 1904 

cCrabtree, Arthur Bamfnrd 1933 

cCrabtree, Harry Holden 1913 

ACrabtree, James Fox 1892 

cCrabtree, Luther 1916 

cCraggs, Sallie (Mrs. J. T. Hilton) ... 1928 

Craig, Elsie 1903 

cCraig, Patrick Edward Septimus, B.D. 1930 

Cranwill, Emily 1902 

Craven, Clara 1906 

Craven, Mrs. F. H. 

See Dishart, Ellen H. 

Crawford, Herbert Lindsay 1912 

c*Crawsha\v, Charles Herbert 1916 

Crawsbaw, Kate 1902 

Crawsbaw, Margaret 1903 

cCrawshaw, Phyllis May 1930 

Craze, Bessie (Mrs. S. B. Johnson) ... 1898 

Creer, William Henry 1903 

Crichton, Elizabeth Shankland 

(Mrs. Kerr) 1902 

Crichton, Mrs. See Ainslie, Hester W. 
cCridlan, Nancy Mary 

(Mrs. L. J. Henderson) 1939 

AcCrompton, Andrews 1890 

cCrompton, Richmal Irene 1923 

cCronkshaw, Phyllis 1930 

cCrook, Reynard Matthew 1933 

Crosfield, Mrs. H. See Emmott, Mary K. 
'Crosland, Dorothy(Mrs.G.H.Darricotte) 19x2 

cCross, Doris Louisa 1922 

cCrossfield, Jessie 1926 

cCrossley, Evelyn Leggo 1929 

cCrossley, Hettie Hartley 1915 

cCrossley, Thomas Adams 1922 

Date of 

Crowe, Eleanor Gertrude 1901 

cCuerdon, Albert Victor 1923 

cCullen, Leslie Stuart 1931 

cCulshaw, Kathleen Hannah 1929 

cCummings, Robert Gerard 1932 

cCurtin, Sylvia Stella 1925 

cCutclifie, Mary 1933 

cCuthbert, Derrick 1932 

Cuttill, Kathleen (Mrs. R. P. Hitchin) 1912 

cDack, Isabel (Mrs. R. Atterton) 1924 

cDalby, Hilda Florence 1925 

AcDale, Clara Martha (Mrs. Frank Perrot) 1896 

Dale, Mary Isabella 1903 

cDallimore, Jane 1920 

cDaniells, Nina 1928 

cDaniels, Hilary Barbara 1928 

Daniels, Mrs. See Blackledge, Mary D. 

cDarby, Rowland Birchall 1927 

Dark, Mrs. See Carter, Hilda M. 

Darling, Mrs. See Hodge, Dorothy 
Darricotte, Mrs. G. H. 

See Crosland, Dorothy 

Daughtry, Edith Irene 

(Mrs. B. T. Hebert) 1912 
cDavenport, Annie Elizabeth 

(Mrs. Forster) 1918 

cDavenport, Mary Isobel 1932 

cDavidson, John Percival 1930 

Davidson, Margaret 1901 

cDavie, Andrew Fowler 1922 

cDavies, Ben 1922 

cDavies, Beniamin Joseph 1932 

cDavies, Catharine Mary Wollaston ... 1910 

cDavies, Doris 1927 

Davies, Mrs. D. J. See Worrall, Bessie 
ADavies, Ernest Edward Dentith, M.Sc. 1893 

cDavies, Gwladys Winifred 1927 

cDavies, Kitty Powell ... 1927 

cDavies, Leslie Moms 1933 

Davies, Marion Marchant (Mrs. Lees) 1911 

cDavies, Mary Margery Margaret 1917 

Davies, Mrs. M. 

Sec Thomason, Elizabeth A. 
Davies, Mrs. See Raven, Hilda M. 

Davies, Samuel Lloyd 1895 

Davies, Thomas Hafren 1908 

Davies, Thomas Lewis 1912 

Davies, William Claude Howard, B.D. 1910 

cDavies, William Solva, B.D 1916 

Davies, Mrs. W. T. See Lucan, Amy 

cDavison, Frederick 1929 

cDawson, Evelyn 1922 

cDawson, Frances 1918 

Dawson, Margaret 1903 

Dawtiey, Henry 1901 

cDay, Kathleen Agnes Elliott 1928 

cDean, Christabel Margaret 

(Mrs. Eidgway) iga6 

cDean, Dorothy Susan 1930 

cDean, Ernest Lloyd 1930 

Dean, Mrs. J. B. See Thomas, Dilys M 

cDean, Winitred Mary 1929 

cDempsey, Annie Mary 1922 

cDenard, Evelyn 1932 

cDening, James Reginald 1931 

cDennis, Leslie Henry 1933 

cDent, Hilda Marjorie 1930 

Dent, John 19x2 

AcDerby, Emily 1899 

cDerbyshire, Marjorie (Mrs. J. A. Petch) 1922 

cDevons, Nina 1933 

Dewar, Mrs. Lindsay. 

See Hudson, Edith M. 

Awarded M.C, 

B.A. — continued. 

Graduates (Arts). 


Date of 

cDewhirst, Phyllis 1928 

cDiamoud, Catherine Mary 1933 

Dibben, Lila Brodie 1907 

cDicks, Cecil Charles 1929 

Diggle, Elizabeth 1909 

Diggle, Mrs. H. F. See Jackson, Mary C. 

cDilks, John Stuart 1931 

Dilworth, Mrs. J. See Wrigley, Edith 

Dimmock, John 1907 

cDinnis, Marjorie (Mrs. Bradley) 1925 

Dishart, Ellen Holliday 

(Mrs. F. H. Craven) 1903 

cDives, Marjorie 1925 

cDix, Edith Marjorie 1927 

Dixon, Annie 1900 

cDixon, Frank Simon 1921 

Dobson, Alan 1920 

cDobson, Catherine Mary Jane Alice 

(Mrs. F. J. Wagener) 1922 

Dobson, Constance (Mrs. Wheatley) ... 1899 

cDobson, Gilbert Gordon 1931 

cDobson, Hilda Frances 1924 

Dobson, Howard 1912 

cDobson, Jessie 1927 

cDobson, Martha Helena 19x7 

AcDockray, Kenneth Titus Smalley ... 1895 

Dodd, Emmeline Beatrice 1896 

ADodd, James 1901 

cDodd, Raymond 1927 

Doherty, Patrick Joseph 19x4 

Dorrington, Percy 1915 

Douglas, Mrs. F. T. See Gowan, Alice M. 

cDouglas, Lilian 1924 

Douglass, Mrs. A. See Baines, Ethel 
Dowler, Helen (Mrs. W. S. Fairbrother) 1903 

Draycott, Edwin George 1908 

cDredge, Phyllis Margery 

(Mrs. Thomas Nutter) 1927 

cDrescher, James Anthony 1922 

cDrinkwater, Charles Yarwood 1930 

Drinkwater, Lilas (Mrs. E. Nightingale) 1910 

cDrury, Evelyn 1930 

cDrury, James Harold 1931 

cDrury, Winifred Elsie 1926 

Duck, Mrs. See Rider, Kathleen E. I. 

cDuckworth, Marion 1926 

cDuckworth, Muriel Downs 

(Mrs. E. J. R. Grietens) 1928 

cDuckworth, Sybil 1925 

cDuddle, Marion Elizabeth 1920 

cDuffy, Annie 1923 

cDufiy, John 1926 

Dugaale, Florence Martha 1910 

cDugdale, Marion 1926 

cDuguid, Gladys (Mrs. H. H. Hilton) ... 1920 

Duguid, Mrs. See Ingham, Kathleen W. 

cDullard, Norah 1932 

cDunbar, Jessie 1929 

cDuncan, Margaret Catherine 1930 

cDuncan, Phyllis Weir 1922 

cDuncan, Sophia Ramsay 1923 

Dunlop, Mrs. See Maxwell, Helen B, S. 

cDurrant, Francis Alfred Ward 1933 

cDutton, Ethel 1902 

cDutton, Fred 1916 

cDuxbury, Alice 1929 

cDwyer, Mary Josephine 1927 

cDyson, Elaine 1931 

cEager, Mary Mildred 1927 

cEarlam, Marjorie 1929 

Earnshaw, Mrs. A. See Seddon, Helen 

Earnshaw, Elizabeth 1908 

cEaston, Hilda 1933 

Date of 

cEastwick, Rowland 1923 

cEastwood, Alice Lancaster 1916 

I cEastwood, De nnis Townend 1929 

I cEastwood, Hilda Mary 1930 

Eastwood, John Hastings 1899 

cEastwood, Kathleen Margaret 1924 

cEckersley, George 1923 

cEckersley, Stanley 1925 

cEcroyd, Henry Russell 1927 

cEdden, Marion Sarah 1933 

cEddy- Jones, Joseph Arthur 1922 

Edge, Mrs. Vernon. 

See Grant, Constance N. 

Edmonds, Stanley Herbert 1904 

cEdmondson, Norman 1933 

cEdmundson, Joan Wigham 1928 

Edwards, Edith Louise 1908 

Edwards, Gwendolen 1904 

cEdwards, James Alfred 1930 

| Edwards, Sirs J. W. 

See Litchfield, Agnes M. 

1 cEdwards, Mary Elinor Isabel 1919 

cEgerton, Janet Drummond 1923 

Elfenbaum, Arthur 19 11 

cEllerington, Alfred Herbert 1923 

cElliott, Cyril Broadwood 1931 

cEUiott, Lucy 1919 

cElliott, Roy 1933 

Ellison, Florence 1890 

*Elstob, Wilfrtth 1909 

Emmett, Mrs. Eric. See Hulme, Doris S. 
Emmett, Mary Elton (Mrs. Bennett)... 1912 
Emmott, Mary King (Mrs. H. Crosfield) 1904 

cEnglesberg, Bernard 1933 

I cEntwistle, Harry ' ... 1930 

j Epstein, Mrs. E, M. See Yoffey, Sarah 

j Eva, Mrs. See Sandiford, Mary 

I Evans, Daniel Emlyn 1896 

t cEvans, Edith May 1930 

, Evans, Evan 1898 

, cEvans, Frank Wilfred 1931 

cEvans, Geoffrey John 1933 

Evans, George, B.D 1908 

Evans, George Arthur, B.Sc 1910 

cEvans, Grace Margaret 1926 

cEvans, Harold Hartley 1924 

cEvans, Hilda Eleanor 1930 

Evans, Mrs. H. See Taylor, Ruth 

AEvans, John 1901 

AfEvans, Samuel Ernest 1897 

Evans, Susannah 1902 

I cEvans, Thomas Hanna Aitken 1927 

I cEvans, William Newton 1930 

Evans, Mrs. See Ridyard, Bertha 

cEwbank, James Herbert, B.D 1914 

cEwen, Katharine Horth Gordon ... 1925 

cEyers, Muriel 1931 

cEyre, Arthur Rowland 1923 

i Fairbrother, Mrs. F. 

See Paiton, Laura L. 

Fairbrother, Jessie 1903 

I Fairbrother, Percy Thomas 1893 

| Fairbrother, Mrs. \V. S. 

I See Dowler, Helen 

| Fairhurst, Rhoda (Mrs. R. Collins) ... 1909 

; cFairweather, Ruth Evelyn 1931 

Fallowfield, Annie Gertrude 
I (Mrs. Benjamin Ball) 1893 

j Fallowfield, Honoria Constance 1911 

Farmer, Amy Margaret 1905 

I Farmer, Euphemia Lethbridge 

(Mrs. Morrison) 1901 

j cFarrar, Elsie « 1932 

* Awarded V.C. for heroic defence of Manchester Hill, March aist, 1918 ; D.S.O. ; M.C. 
t M.B.E. 


Graduates (Arts). 

B.A. — continued. D&te °f 


cFarrington, Geoffrey 1933 

cFaulkner, William Tetlow I93 1 

cFarvcett, Grace Raine 19 3° 

cFawcett, Hannah Mary *933 

cFee, Kathleen 1932 

cFenby, Alexander Starmer 1925 

cFerguson, Mary Marjorie *9*8 

cFerguson, William Miller 1920 

cFernihough, Clifford, M.Ed 1921 

Fernley, Florence X9°3 

cFidler, Sarah (Mrs. W. Hannah) 1919 

cField, Doris Ida 1922 

cFieldhouse, Nora . 1927 

cFielding, Dorothy Dixon 1932 

Fielding, Mabel 1909 

cFildes, Marion 1925 

cFinch, Charles Douglas 1933 

Findlay, George Hindson ... 1903 

cFindlay, Mary Myfanwy 

(Mrs. Hedley Hodkin) 193 1 

cFindlow, Jack Bernard I93 1 

cFirth, Edna (Mrs. W. A. Clegg) 1910 

cFirth, Lily (Mrs. R. T. Smith) 1927 

AFirth, Margaret Ann 

(Mrs. Herbert Oates) 1896 

cFish, George Holden 1925 

cFisber, Constance Mary 1918 

Fisher, Frederick Broughton 1904 

cFisk, Cyril Ayden 1932 

cFitton, Ernest 1923 

Fitton, Phyllis Mary 1928 

cFitzgerald, Eileen Katherine 1928 

cFleming, Mabel (Mrs. Wadsworth) ... 1917 

Fleming, William Cowan 1890 

cFlemons, Douglas Gordon 1922 

Fletcher, Annie Caroline 

(Mrs. J. E. Whittaker) 1901 

cFletcher, Charles 1933 

cFletcher, Dora 1931 

cFletcher, Dorothy Emma 1933 

Fletcher, Harriet Mary 1902 

cFletcher, Mary Winefride 1927 

Flower, Mrs . W. See Webster, Mary E. 

cFloyd, Lionel Rupert, B.D 1924 

cFoden, Joyce Mary 1925 

cFogg, Geoffrey 1928 

Fogg, Nathan Hall 1909 

Folkard, Muriel Bracewell 1904 

Forbes, Marv Cameron Gunn 

(Mrs. J. L. Haigh) 1897 

Ford, Ethel 1909 

Forrest, Archibald 1901 

Forrester, Mrs. S. F. 

See Williamson, Lillian 
Forster, Mrs. See Davenport, Annie E. 

cForsyth, Donald Leslie 1927 

Fortune, Alfred Price 1899 

iFortune, Mabel 

(Mrs. E. T. A. Stedeford) 191S 

cFoster, Elsie Kathleen 1895 

Foster, Emily 1908 

cFoster, Eva Muriel 1925 

cFoster, Frank "William 1930 

cFoster, Muriel 1925 

cFoster, Muriel Isobel 1928 

cFoster, Norah 1923 

cFoster, Ruth 1922 

Foster, Mrs. See Moore, Constance C. 

cFowden, Eileen Conway 1928 

Fowler, Mrs. H. R. See Scott, Margaret 

cFox, Edna Alice 1926 

cFox, John Reginald 1924 

cFox, Winifred Mary 1919 

cFoy, John Humphrey 

cFoy, Margaret 

cFrame, Thomas Randolph 

cFrancke, Bernard 

Frankenburg, Mrs. M. F. 

See Nathan, Elise M. 
Frankland, Lilian Winifred 

Date of 
• 1932 

. 1924 



(Mrs. C, E. Thomson) 
cFranks, Beryl (Mrs. M. D. Gaster) 
Fraser, Dorothy (Mrs. Rogerson) 
Freedman, Reuben ... 

Fry, Mrs. E. H. See Weston, Lillie 





Fullen, Harry 

Fullerton, Thomas George 
Fulton, Arthur 

cFurlong, Norman 

Furlong, Mrs. Norman. 

See Holroy 
Furlong, William Clarke .." 






♦Galbraith, Vivian Hmiter rgro 

Galloway, Mrs. See Corbett, Emily M. 

cGandy, Kathleen 1930 

cGarbutt, Elaine 1919 

cGarfield, Alice 1931 

AGarlick, Winifred 1906 

cGarnett, Charles 1919 

cGamett, Linda 1923 

cGarnett, Nora Kathleen 1922 

Garrard, Barbara Mary 

(Mrs. S. C. Moffett) 19x1 

cGarrett, Emma Mary 1928 

Garside, Bertha 1902 

cGarside, Marion Schofield 1917 

cGaskell, Annie 1922 

cGaskins, Emily Madge 1929 

Gaster, Mrs. M. D. See Franks, Beryl 

cGatley, Amy (Mrs. Shingler) 1909 

cGaukroger, Kathleen 

(Mrs. P. D. Willcock) 1919 

cGaul, Herbert Eric 1931 

cGawthrop, Vera 1925 

cGeake, Catherine Margaret 

(Mrs. P. Cherry) 1920 

cGee, Edith Edna 1916 

George, Mrs. H. H. 

See Wellard, Marjorie 

cGibbons, Mary Margaret 1924 

cGibson, Donald Evelyn Edward ... 1931 

cGibson, John Leighton 1915 

Gibson, Louisa (Mrs. Co wlishaw) ... 1891 

cGibson, Sylvia Joan 1932 

cGibson, Thomas Herbert 1919 

cGifford, Mary Bessie 1917 

cGilberg, Celia 1927 

cGill, Austin 1928 

GiU, Cecil Ernest 1922 

cGill, Eileen Mary 1932 

cGill, Frank 1933 

GiUiat, Frederick 1912 

cGillin, Phyllis 1928 

cGillmour, Gladys 1923 

cGillmour, Marjorie X928 

Glasgow, Mrs. Edwin. 

See Postance, Eva C. 

Glasgow, George 19x3 

cGlassey, William 1931 

cGlen, Enid Isobel, Ph.D 1923 

cGlencross, Arthur 1928 

cGoddard, Wilfred Henry 1933 

Goff, Mrs. N. T. See Watson, Doris 

Goldsmith, Herbert Francis 1915 

Goldstraw, Edith Alice 1906 

I Principal, New Missionary School, Ningpo, China. 
* Awarded Croix de Guerre. 

Graduates [Arts), 


B.A. — continued. Date of 


cGoldstraw, George Albert 1937 

cGoldthorpe, Ruby May 192S 

cGoodall, Florence Rosa 1924 

cGoode, George 1923 

cGoodreid, Dorothy 1929 

cGoodwin, Cathleen Mary 

(Mrs. Wolstenholme) 1924 

cGoodwin, Marianne Ellen 1931 

cGoodwin, Percy Henry 1931 

cGoodyer, Eileen Elizabeth 1930 

cGordon, Clifford Joseph 1930 

Gordon, Daisy Harris (Mrs. Jackson)... 19x3 

cGordon, Robert Stanley 1919 

cGorst, Annie (Mrs. Taylor) 1925 

Gough, Sarah (Mrs. G. E. Hayward) ... 19x3 

cGould, Beatrice Marion 1927 

cGould, Madeleine Elizabeth 1924 

Gowan, Alice Margaret 

(Mrs. F. T. Douglas) 1905 

Gowan, Edith Mary 1903 

cGowanlock, Reginald 1926 

cGower-Jones, Alfred 1930 

cGower-Jones, Pauline Louise 

(Mrs. J. L. Merrett; 1929 
Gowthorpe, Mrs. R. C. 

See Bailey, Bertha 

cGraham, Rachel (Mrs. P. D. Sturge) ... 1923 

Grant, Constance Neville 

(Mrs. Vernon Edge) 1912 

cGrant, Emily 192S 

cGrant, Frieda 1933 

Gray, Arabella Hyde Janet Ethel ... 1897 

Gray, Catherine Isabella (Mrs . Welpton) 1904 

cGreavcs, Edith Helen (Mrs. J. H. Race) 1923 

cGreaves, Kathleen Mary 1927 

Greaves, Mary Helena 1900 

Green, Mrs. See Swithenbank Dora 
cGreen, Mrs. C. S. See Johnson, Emily 

Green, Lucy Mary 1929 

AGreen, Mary Katharine 1895 

cGreen, Muriel 1926 

Green, Percy Charles 1899 

cGreenhalgh, Margaret Helen 1929 

cGreenhalgh, Nancy Forrest 1932 

Greenhough, Mrs. C. K, 

See Iveyte, Emily 

cGreenway, Ruth 1930 

cGreenwood, Amy 1927 

cGreenwood, Edith 1928 

cGreenwood, Ethel 1932 

cGreenwood, John 1891 

cGreenwood, John Henry 1932 

cGreenwood, Mar}’ Antoinetta 

(Mrs. Byron-Scott) 1922 

cGreenwood, Muriel Pearl 1926 

cGreeves, Frederic 1924 

cGregory, Lillie (Mrs. F. B. Cooper) ... 1922 

cGregory, Lucy 1933 

cGregory, Ruth Annie 1928 

cGrey, Natalie Maud 1932 

cGribbin, Patricia Rose 1933 

cGrice, Eva (Mrs. R. A. West) 1921 

Gnetens, Mm. E. J. R. 

See Duckworth, Muriel D. 

cGrifhths, Margaret Mary 1923 

cGriftiths, Mary 1932 

cGnrne, John Ernest, B.D 1906 

cGriine, Kate 1920 

cGrimshaw, Edith 1919 

cGnndrod, Hilda 1926 

Grosskopf, Gladys Edith 1914 

Grundy, Allan Wilson 1898 

cGrundy, John 1925 

Date of 

ciGrundy, William Hurst Roy, LL.B. ... 1917 

cGulbenkian, Virginia Annahid 1931 

cGunson, Edith (Mrs, Knight) xg22 

Hacking, Margaret Atherton 
! (Mrs. Howard Banks) 1898 

cHadfield, Dora 1903 

Hadfield, Ellen (Mrs. Arthur Walker) 1904 

cHagan, Rose Denise 1933 

! cHaggas, Annie 1933 

cHaigh, Dorothy 1919 

! cHaigh, Helen (Mrs. Henry Balmforth f ign 
Haigh, Mrs. J. L. See Forbes, Mary C. G. 

Hainsworth, Frederick 189S 

Hale, Gladys 1920 

cHaley, Mary Beatrice 19 00 

cHall, Charles Haddon 1930 

cHall, Edna (Mrs. H. Hopkinson) ... 1924 

cHall, Eleanor Daisy 1921 

cHall, George Henry 1924 

cHall, Herbert 1930 

cHall, Kathleen Mallalieu, B.D 1928 

Hall, Marian 1893 

cHall, Marjory Allen 193° 

1 Hall, Mary Jane Tuton 190b 

I cHall, Mary Lecky 1933 

cHall, Sylvia ..." 1932 

I Hall, Mrs. W. C. See Bass, Elizabeth L. 

I Hall, Mrs. See Mellor, Lily 

j Hallas, Elizabeth 1909 

cHalliwell, Madge 1924 

I cHalliwell, Richard 1931 

I cHalliwell, Thomas 1923 

cHallows, Dorothy 1928 

cHallows, Hilda Mary 1925 

Halstead, Annie 1910 

Halstead, James Henry 1895 

Halstead, Nancy Westwell 

(Mrs. John Howard) 1893 

cHamer, Margaret 1929 

cHamilton, Herbert Alfred 1921 

Hamilton, John George ... ... ... 1897 

Hammond, Margaret Louise 1897 

Hammond , Mrs. See Barras, Elsie C. 
Hampson Annie Fara worth 

(Mrs. Mawson) 1906 
cHampson, Dorothy Mary 

(Mrs. 32. B. Jackson) 1918 

1 cHampson, James Robert 1922 

Hampson, William Robert, jun.,Mus.B. 1914 

! cHampson, Winifride Mary 1930 

cHamwee, Aslan Lionel 1929 

| cHamwee, David 1928 

I cHancock, Muriel 1922 

j cHand, Winifred Eveline 1931 

Handley, Florence 1901 

| Hankin, Mrs. See Banks, Florence 

cHankinson, Frances Alina 1934 

I Hannah, Mrs. W. See Fidler, Sarah 
1 cHannam, Elsie 1924 

Hanscomb, Mrs. See Keyte, Margaret 
Happold, Mrs. F. C. 

! See Smith, Annie M. M. 

| Hardisty, Mrs. W. H. 

! See Jones, Dorothy H. 

Hardman, Bessie 1909 

I cHardman, Frances Ramsey 1937 

i cHardy, Ronald Albert 1937 

I cHargreaves, Dorothy Elizabeth 

(Mrs. L. C. Hargreaves) 1927 

cHargreaves, Edith 1915 

Hargreaves, Mrs. Fred. 

See Robinson, Mary 

1 Head Master, Bolton Municipal Secondary School. 


Graduates (Arts). 

B.A. — continued. Date of 


Hargreaves, Mrs. L. C. 

See Hargreaves, Dorothy E. 

cHargreaves, Mary 1928 

cHarker, Frederick David 1931 

cHarker, Gladys May 1926 

cHarland, Arthur Edward 1931 

cHarley, Joan Laker 1932 

Harman, Richard Ashbee 1914 

Hamden, Maude Elizabeth 1897 

Harper, Arthur Hope 1910 


Constance Gwendoline Roberts 1932 

Harris, Aubrey 1914 

cHarris, Brian Fitz-George 1932 

cHarris, Lancelot Stephen 1922 

cHarris, Phyllis Morfydd 1927 

cHarrison, Dorothy May 1925 

Harrison, Eliza Alice (Mrs.H.Wainman) 1910 

cHarrison, Elizabeth Mildred 1931 

cHarrison, Eva 1923 

cHarrison, Muriel 1923 

cHarrison, William Harland 1922 

Harrison, Mrs. See Simon, Grace E. 

cHarrop, Ernest 2930 

cHart, Charles 1927 

Hart, Lily 1911 

Hart, Robert Cecil Howard ... ... igog 

cHartley, Arnold Meeson 1921 

cHartley, Arthur Coulton 1928 

cHartley, Dorothy Gertrude May ... 1932 

cHartley, Eileen Mabel 1930 

cHartley, Ernest Beecher, B.D 1922 

Hartley, Esther Olive (Mrs. G. W. Jones) 1913 

Hartley, Florence Mary 1903 

Hartley, Mrs. Harold 

See Milbourne, Ethel 

Hartley, Harriett Annie (Mrs. Brown) 1897 

Hartley, Mrs. J. See Walling, Eva 

Hartley, Joseph 1895 

cHartley, Robert Rixon 1931 

cHartnoll, Sydney William Foster ... 1933 

AcHartt, Richard 1893 

Harvey, Thomas Edmund 1893 

Harvey, Mrs. See Burgess, Lillie 

cHarwood, Herbert Chadwick 2927 

AcHaslam, Theodore 1884 

♦Hassall, Handel 1911 

Hasse, Edwin Ridgley 1914 

cHasselgren, John 2932 

cHaswell, John Hirst Winn 1923 

cHatton, Mabel Helena 1920 

Haughton, Amy 2904 

AHaughton, Ethel Anne (Mrs. Seaton)... 190 r 
Haworth, Mrs. Alfred. See Muir, Dora J. 

AcHaworth, Alfred 1890 

cHaworth, Eunice 1933 

cHaworth, Jane Alice 

(Mrs. John Barton) 1926 

cHaworth, Margaret Emily 1926 

cHaworth, Mary Evelyn 2925 

‘cHaxby, Constance 1931 

cHay, Kathleen Mary Baron 2927 

Hayes, Alfred Parker 1897 

cHay hurst, Kathleen 1929 

Haythomthwaite, William 1921 

AcHayton, Edward Ribtan 1885 

cHayward, Doris 1922 

Hayward, Mrs. G. E. See Gough, Sarah 

cHeadndge, Eleanor 1928 

cHealey, Anys Arnold 1932 

cHeaney, Mary 1925 

cHeap, Eustace John 1916 

Heap, Florence Annette 1904 

„ Date of 


cHeap, Kathleen Maud Montgomery . . . 1933 

cHeap, Mary 1924 

j cHeap, Miriam 1928 

1 cHeard, George Arthur 1921 

i Heath, Mrs. D. S. B. 

I * See Thomas, Martha 

j cHeath, Thomas 1922 

Hebblethwaite, Douglas Nichols ... 1901 

S Hebert, Mrs. B. T. 

See Daughtry, Edith I. 

cHebron, Ida Manr 1921 

Hedges, Mrs.E. S. See Bom, Aileen M. 

i cHedley, William Conway 1926 

Hegan, Mrs. Denis. 

See Blamire, Winifred 

Hegmbotham, Marion Dorothea 1911 

cHeUuvell, Edith Mary 1925 

1 cHelm, Margaret 1922 

! Helwig, Mrs.S.H. See Ramsden, Agnes 

j Henderson, Hilda 1905 

I Henderson, Mrs. J. See Smith, Mary W. 

Henderson, Mrs . L. J. 

I See Cridlan, Nancy M. 

cHenshall, Frances Florence 1929 

1 cHenthorn, John Melling 1929 

| Henthorne, Emma 1913 

| cHepplestone, Marian 1931 

, Hepworth, Minnie 1902 

I AcHerford, Henry John Robberds 1888 

Herford, Mrs.O. See Regan, Margaret M. 

, AcHerford, Ulric Vernon 1889 

I cHerring, Edith Mary 1929 

Herschell, Constance (Mrs. Morrison)... 1901 
! cHesketh, Emily (Mrs. Rawlinson) ... 1936 

1 Heslarn, Alice Margaret 

j (Mrs. McEwan S. Lawson) 1910 

Hethenngton, Emily Mary 1910 

I cHewitt, Wesley 1927 

cHeworth, Kathleen Agnes 1933 

| Heys, Frederick Arnold 2907 

I cHeywood, Doris Edith 1927 

I cHeyworth, Thomas Cuthbert 1921 

f cHibbert, Lilian 1926 

, Hibhert, Walter 1907 

| Hickling, Mrs. A. N. See Cooke, Sybil 

j cHickman, Agnes 1932 

cHickman, Irene 1930 

cHicks, Doris Evans 1923 

Hield, Esther Margaret 1899 

cHiggin, Jane 1929 

cHiggins, Edith 1933 

| cHiggins, Ethel Grace Talbot 1916 

I cHiggins, Gertrude Talbot 1913 

Higgins, Leonard Talbot 1913 

i cHigson, Fred 1933 

cHigson, Hilda 1927 

, cHigson, Nora Constance 1933 

cHigson, Thomas 1933 

] cHilditch, Charles Stanley 1927 

I cHill, Kathleen Mary 1924 

1 cHill, Lena Elise 1924 

Hill, Mabel 1903 

1 cHill, Mona 1928 

Hilton, Mrs. H. H. See Duguid, Gladys 
Hilton, Mr&. J. T. See Craggs, Sallie 

cHilton, Margaret Annie 1926 

cHilton, Nellie Trent 1929 

i cHilton, Walter 1928 

i cHinchclifi, Frances Joyce 1929 

j cHind, Roland 1916 

| Hmdes.Mrs.F. W. S«eSanders, Alberta I. 

| cHindle, Teresa 1927 

{ cHindley, Ena 1929 

* Awarded M.C. 

Graduates (^ris). 


B.A. — continued. Date of 


cHindmarch, Marion (Mrs. Wright) ... 1924 

Hindshaw, Mrs. F. See Mungall, Mary N. 1924 

cHindson, Doris Mary 1922 

AHinkley, William 188S 

cHird, Mary 1932 

cHird, Mary Winifred (Mrs. George Perry) 1924 

cFIirst, Doreen Ramsden 1933 

Hirst, Grace 1903 

cHirst, Joseph Gregson 1924 

Hirst, Tom Oakes 1903 

Hitchin, Mrs. R. P. See Cuttill, Kathleen 

Hoare, Florence Annie 1909 

Hoare, Louisa O’Donoghue 1898 

cHobbs, Leonard James 1924 

cHobson, Mary Millicent 1928 

cHockenhull, Dorothy 1924 

cHockenhull, Dorothy ig26 

cHodge, Dorothy (Mrs. Darling) 1928 

cHodgkinson, Constance Evelyn 1932 

Hodgkinson, Harry 1929 

Hodgkison, Mrs. E. G. 

See Roberts, Winifred W. 

cHodgkiss, Jessie Dorothy 1927 

cHodgson, John Derrick 1933 

cHodgson, Mary 1917 

Hodkin, Mrs. Hedley 

See Findlay, Mary M. 

cHohenhouse, William Paul 1922 

cHolden, Beatrice Alice 1930 

cHolden, Beatrice May ‘ 1932 

cHolden, Margaret 1931 

Holden, Mrs. See Ashby, Josephine 

cHolden, Winifred Mary 1933 

Holdsworth, Jennie 1898 

cHolehouse, Charles George Edward ... 1931 

Holgate, Bessie (Mrs. Wilmore) 1909 

Holgate, Jane 1904 

Holgate, Percy Henry 1911 

cHolland, Gladys 1931 

cHolland, Margaret Mary Callwood ... 1933 

cHolland, Renee Carruthers 1927 

c Holland, Silvester Harold 1930 

Holland, Mrs. See Morrish, Edith R. 

^Hollands, Charles John 1922 

cHollas, Freda Leach 1926 

cHoIlings, Mary Evangeline 1925 

AHollingsworth, William 1895 

cHollis, Winifred 1929 

Hollway, Mrs. See Rome, Ethel 

Holme,' Dorothy (Mrs. C. S. O’Neill) ... 1902 

cHolme, Mary 1928 

Holmes, Ethel (Mrs. Chapman) 1902 

cHolmes, Montague 1922 

cHolroyd, Agnes (Mrs.Norman Furlong) 1928 

cHolroyd, Jack Harry Thompson 1923 

cHolt, Annie 1922 

cHolt, Arthur 1927 

cHolt, Felix 1904 

cHolt, Geoffrey Hargreaves 1926 

*Holt, Hubert Granville 1916 

cHolt, James 1922 

cHoneybume, Mary 1895 

Hooper, Alice Constance 1897 

Hooper, Elsie Maria 1912 

cHooper, Ernest Thomas 1922 

Hope, Ernest 1903 

cHopgood, Cecil Robert 1932 

AHopkins, Ethel 189S 

cHopkins, Meta Amy Constance 

Josephine 1927 

Hopkins, Mrs. E. D. M. 

See Musgrove, Kathleen A. 
Hopkinson, Mrs. H. See Hall, Edna 

Date of 

cHopwood, Evelyn Mary 1931 

cHopwood, Harold 1933 

cHorman, Marcella Mary 1931 

Home, Jesse 1896 

1 cHorasby, Margery 

(Mrs. Marshall Robinson) 1924 

cHorridge, Margaret 1933 

Horsburgh, Mrs. E. L. 

See Challenor, Irene M. 

| cHorsfield, Kathleen Amelia 1932 

j cHorsfield, Winifred Mary 1927 

| cHorton, Bernard Singleton 1932 

cHotchin, Honor Gerrard 1929 

cHough, Florence 1928 

cHoughton, Dorothy 

’ (Mrs. G. A. Collett) 1923 
AcHoughton, Elizabeth Annie 

(Mrs. Richard Ward) 1898 

Houston, Mrs. 

See Caiderwood, Gertrude 

cHoward, Dorothy 1918 

Howard, Mrs. J. 

See Halstead, Nancy \V. 

Howard, Rebecca 1914 

cHowarth, Aileen 1904 

Howarth, Frederick 1896 

Howarth, Gladys 1913 

, Howarth , Hilda Batty 

[Mrs. H. S. Woolley) 1913 

cHowarth, Mary (Mrs. Arthur Roberts) 1920 

Howarth, Wilfrid 1906 

i cHowden, Mabel 1927 

I Howell, Idris Llewelyn 1912 

! cHowells, Margaret Hilda 1917 

1 cHowie, David Stanley 1930 

Howorth, Mary Eleanor r9i2 

Hoyland, Mrs. W. L. 

See Schippers, Katharine E. 

Hoyle, Arthur Ernest 1903 

cHoyle, Stephen Hill Stead 1933 

cHudson, Edith Marjorie 

(Mrs. Lindsay Dewar) 1926 

cHudson, Mabel Elizabeth 1928 

Hudson, Margaret Ellen (Mrs. Parnaby) 1901 

cHughes, Alfred Kenneth 1922 

cHughes, Arthur 1926 

! Hughes, Mrs. Harold. 

See Bowden, Beatrice S. 

iHughes, Marianne Matilda 1900 

| cHughes, Ruth Myfanwy (Mrs. Thomas) 1915 

! Hughes, Mrs. See Penney, Mary 
! Hull, Mrs. W. D. See Birch, Sarah 
cHulme, Doris Spencer ... 

(Mrs. Eric Emmett) 1920 

cHulme, Dorothy 1918 

cHulme, Elizabeth Ina 

(Mrs. M. T. Buyse) 1923 

cHulme, Ernest 1928 

cHulme, Lillian 1931 

j Hulme, Thomas Stanford 1889 

cHurae, Kenneth Hall 1923 

cHumphrey, John Frederick, B.D. ... 1926 

cHumphreys, Norah 1931 

cHunsworth, Ethel 1921 

cHunt, Nancy Blackstone 1933 

Hunter, Douglas Egbert 1903 

cHunter, Hugh, B.D 1918 

Hurst, Thomas Ockerby 1892 

cHuss, Patricia Margaret Clarke 1932 

Hutchinson, Mrs. A. S. 

See Parkes, Margery M. 

cHutchinson, Harold Mills 1924 

cHutchinson, Harriet 1934 

1 Head Mistress, Municipal Secondary School for Girls, Newport, Mon. 
* Awarded M.C. 


Graduates (Arts) 

B.A. — continued. 

Date of 

cHutchinson, Ida Mary 

... 1918 

Hutton, Arthur Best 

... 1900 

Hutton, Ellen Mary 

... 1901 

cHutton, Joan Burslem 

• • 1933 

cHuxley, William Sidney 

... 1931 

Huxtable, Louisa (Mrs. R. S. Jones) 

... 1922 

Hyde, Margaret 

... 1910 

cHyde, Sylvia Hazel 

... 1926 

clbbeTson, Marion Evelyn 

... 1931 

Iiulach, Gladys Maud 

... 1900 

clnce, Arthur 

... 1925 

clneson, Kathleen Gertrude 

... 1929 

Ing, Mrs. See Condliffe, Edith A. 

clngham, Arthur 

... 1924 

Ingham, Mrs. Arthur. 

See Sherratt, Norah 

clngham, Clifford Hardiker 1929 

clngham, George Walshaw 1932 

Ingham, John Vemer 1910 

clngham, Kathleen Winifred 

(Mrs. Duguid) 1926 

Ingham, Sarah 1905 

clngoldshy, Mary 1926 

clngram, Doreen 1930 

clreland, Mary 1925 

Aclreland, Percy Edward 1891 

clreland, Rachel 1923 

clrving, George 1931 

clsaacs, Adolf 1931 

cjackson, Alice (Mrs. Younie) 1918 

Jackson, Archibald William 1906 

Jackson, Dora 1911 

cjackson, Edith Constance 1917 

cjackson, Eleanor May 

(Mrs. A. H. Little) 1928 

Jackson, Ellen May 1910 

cjackson, Ernest 1931 

cjackson, Ernest Benjamin 1921 

Jackson, Mrs. E. B. 

See Hampson, Dorothy M. 

cjackson, George Basil 1921 

Jackson, Mrs. G. B. 

See Anderton, Harriet A. 

cjackson, Glynn 1922 

cjackson, Herbert Sheldon 1928 

Jackson, John 1910 

cjackson, Mary Carr (Mrs. H. F. Diggle) 1923 
a Jackson, Mary Matilda (Mrs . Bra mm all) 1899 
Jackson, Sarah Elizabeth 

(Mrs. A. F. Johnson) 1907 

Jackson, Winifred (Mrs. E. S. Kiek) ... 1907 

Jackson, Mrs. See Gordon, Daisy H. 

c Jacobs, Ada Mary 1931 

cjacobs, Ella (Mrs. Ridley Jacobs) ... 1926 

Jacobs, Mrs. Ridley. See Jacobs, Ella 

c Jacques, Dons 1921 

cjaques, Vera Annie 1927 

cjagger, Gladys (Mrs. Kenne) 1919 

cjagger, Kathleen Marian 1932 

cjames, Ann Arnfield 1922 

cjames, Charles 1921 

cjames, Edith 1920 

James, Grace 19 11 

cjames, Harold Ernest Oswald, M.Sc.... 1919 

cjames, Howard Ingli, B.D 1912 

cjames, Mary Isabel McCormack . . . . 1933 

James, Mrs See Owen, Eliza M. 

cjardm, Bessie 1924 

cjarman, Alice 1917 

cjarvis, Charles Richard 1922 

Jeans, Vectoring Elizabeth 1889 

Date of 

Jeffreys, Ethel Heath 1912 

c Jenkins, Marjorie Esm6 1931 

c Jenson, Kathleen 1930 

Johnson, Alfred Forbes 1907 

Johnson, Mrs. A. F. 

See Jackson, Sarah E. 

cjohnson, Bernard Martin 1932 

Johnson, Charles Curtis igoi 

cjohnson, Dora 1923 

cjohnson, Dorothy 1933 

cjohnson, Dorothy Mabel 1933 

Johnson, Edith Alice 1913 

cjohnson, Elizabeth Heywood 1929 

Johnson, Emily (Mrs. C. S. Green) ... 1888 

Johnson, Florence Annie 1903 

cjohnson, Hilda Gwynne 1930 

cjohnson, Minnie 1923 

Johnson, Mrs. S. B. See Craze, Bessie 
Johnson, Mrs. See Brown, Ida M. 

cjohnston, Annie Wyllie 1933 

cjohnston, Donald Christian 1929 

cjohnston, Ruth Ellen 1932 

Jones, Alice Maud (Mrs. W. B. Allcock) 1905 

Jones, Catherine 1915 

Ajones, Cyril Bethel! 1896 

cjones, Doris Mary (Ord.) 1926 

clones, Doris Mary (Hons.) 1926 

cjones, Dorothy Frida 1933 

Jones, Dorothy Hepburn 

(Mrs. W. H. Hardisty) 1903 

cjones, Elizabeth Margaret 1931 

cjones, Gladys 19 iS 

cjones, Harold Hartley 192X 

cjones, Harry ... • 1921 

cjones, Harry Bannister 1922 

cjones, Herbert Allan 1926 

Jones, John Angell 1897 

Jones, John William 1907 

cjones, Mabel 1923 

cjones, Mair Eluned 1932 

cjones, Marie 1932 

cjones, Marjorie (Mrs. Thompson) ... 1927 

cjones, Marjorie Pennant 1919 

Jones, Myfanwy 1912 

cjones, Newton Surdival 1922 

cjones, Nor ah. Aldwyth 

(Mrs. R. \V. Briggs) 1928 

cjones, Norah Alice 1923 

Jones, Mrs. R. S. See Huxtable, Lomsa 

Ajones, Simon 1901 

Jones, Stanley Wilson 1908. 

Jones, Mrs. S. W. See Hartley, Esther O. 

Jones, Mrs, See Smith, Florence. 

Jones, Mrs. See Vity, Winifred, 
c J ones- Williams , Gwen Elizabeth 1933 

Jowett, Mrs. Albert. See Lord, Lilias A. 
cjucker, Sylvia Mary 

(Baroness Menzinger di Preussenthal) 1931 
cjucker, Hilda Anna (Mrs. F. Bonavia) 1907 
Judson, Mrs. J. A. See Lee, RoseK. 

cKahn, Lilian 1932 

Ivamel, Mahmud 1912 

cKane, Margaret Johanna 1928 

cKane, Mary 1931 

Karfoot, Bertha 1910 

1 Kauntze, William Henry, M.D 1907 

Kay, Annie 1887 

cKay, Edith Annie 1930 

cKay, Frank 1930 

cKay, John Alfred 1923 

cKay, Robert Stanley 1932 

cKay, William 1923 

• M.B.E. 

Graduates ( Arts ). 


B.A.— continued. Date of Date of 

Degree Degree 

Kay, Mrs. W. W. j cLamb, John David 1897 

See Ashton, Margaret M. cLamb, Phyllis Mary Severn 

Keate, Mrs. Henry j (Mrs. Norman Bailey) 192a 

See Caldecote, Florence I cLambrick, Margaret Evelyn 1926 

cKeeley, Keith Morgan 1933 ■ cLancashire, Jessie 1923 

cKeen, Doris Millicent 1924 , cLancashire, Mabel 1920 

AKelly, Clara Julia 1899 Land, Mrs. See Raddin, Isabella M. 

cKellv, John Ernest 1923 ■ Landman, Samuel 1904 

cKelly, Kathleen 193° ' Lane, Maria Edith 1902 

cKelly, Leslie Hal 1931 AcLang, Edith 16S7 

cKelly, Margaret 1928 , Lange, Mrs. C. W. See Lord, Annie E. 

Kelly, Margaret Duncan (Mrs. Coxhead) 1903 1 cLangley, Katharine Mary 1928 

cKelly, Marjorie 1929 j cLangton, Dorothy Mather. 

cKelly, May (Mrs. Mayers) 1922 See Rogerson, Dorothy M„ M.A. 

cKelly, Osmond 1926 ! (Mrs. W. A. Rogerson) 1915 

cKelly, Thomas 1929 j cLansdale, Robert James 1928 

Kelly, Mrs. Thomas. ! cLapidus, Sarah 1928 

See Winstanley, Edith ; cLatham, Dorothy Mary 1930 

cKelsall, Ethel 1900 i ALa Trobe, Frederic Herbert 1889 

cKemp, Dorothy 1926 1 cLaver, Marcelle Anne 1928 

cKemp, Nel’ie Dorothy 1930 1 cLaw, Elizabeth 1930 

cKendrick, Myra 1933 | Law, Marion 1907 

cKennaugh, Margaret 1932 | cLaw, Robert 1928 

Kenne, Mrs. See Jagger, Gladys ; Lawrence, Mrs. S. G. 

cKennedy, Winefride Agnes 1930 1 See Park, Margaret E. 

cKenney, Sylvia 1932 , cLawson, Constance Joyce 1932 

Advent, Ernest Alfred 1883 j cLawson, Edith 1925 

cKent, Marjorie May *93* , Lawson, John 1883 

cKenworthy, Josephine Ethel 1933 Lawson, Sirs. McE. S. 

Kenyon, Alice 19 07 ‘ See Heslam, Alice M. 

c Kenyon, Alicia 1933 cLawson, William 1930 

Kenyon, Mrs. A. H. I cLawton, Hilda 1933 

See Wollaston, Elizabeth M. | cLawton, John Eustace 1923 

cKermode, Rita Isabel 1929 Lawton, Percy James 1913 

Kerr, Mrs. James. See Beckett, Elizabeth Lawton, Mrs. P. J. 

Kerr, Mrs. See Crichton, Elizabeth S. See Pedder, Ethel M. 

c Kerrigan, Mary Agnes 1929 cLaycock, Annie 1933 

Kershaw, Ethel Mary 1903 Layland, Anne Helen (Mrs. Smart) ... 1908 

cKershaw, Freda 1928 cLazofsky, Max 1931 

cKershaw, Margaret Joan 1926 Lazonby, Annie 1928 

cKey, Lucy Margaret 1921 cLea, Esther Lilian 1929 

Keyte, Emily (Mrs. C. H. Greenhough) 1906 cLeach, Ellen ... 1929 

Keyte, Margaret (Mrs. Hanscomb) ... 190S cLeach, Rosina May 1921 

Kielc, Mrs E. S. See Jackson, Winifred Learmonth, Janie 

cKillip, Kathleen Caley 1932 (Mrs. S. R. Winkworth) 1913 

Kimber, Mrs. G. See Barton, Marion Leather, Mrs James. 

cKimsey, Evelyn Mary 1924 See Wright , Gertrude M , 

cKindberg Doris Eleonora 1925 cLeatherbarrow, Joseph Stanley 1929 

r King, William John 1921 1 cLeaver, Muriel Gertrude 1925 

Kipling, Mrs. Arthur. See Rainey, Amy ALedivard, Mai ion Craig 

1 Kirk, Frances May 1902 {Mrs. H. S. Ashburner) 1888 

cKirkman, Alice 1933 cLee, Arthur 1926 

cKirkman, Ann (Mrs. L. H. Oldfield) ... 1926 cLee, Bertha 1922 

cKirkman, John . . 1928 cLee, Dora 1926 

c Kirkpatrick, Jessie 1925 cLee, Leonora Ellen 1933 

cKirkup, Mary Thomasina 1926 cLee, Mary Josephine 1925 

cKirton, Eric Charles 1924 cLee, Nellie 1930 

cKitchen, Nellie 1930 ALee, Rose Evelyn (Mrs. J. A. Judson) 1896 

Kitchener, Ernest Edward 1904 cLeece, Florence Margaret Mona 1924 

cKlein, Henriette (Mrs. Spurr) 1917 cLeech, Elsie 1930 

Kletz, Florence. Graduated as Reich. cLeeming, Clarice Carette Rodway ... 1931 

cKnight, Eric Francis Herbert, B.D. ... 1924 Leeming, Emily Marianne 

c Knight, Gertrude Graham 193° (Mrs. L. du G. Peach) 1912 

Knight, Mrs. See Gunson, Edith ... cLees, Frank 1922 

cKnowles, John Clapham 1922 cLees, Grace 1926 

cKnowles, Kathleen 1928 cLees, Leonard Arthur 1923 

cKnowles, Margaret 1932 cLees, Mildred Winifred Mary 1929 

cKwan, Quen-Yuan 1918 cLees, Robert Edward 1927 

Lees, Mrs. See Davies, Marion M. 

cLace, May Violet Blanche 1933 Lees, Mrs. See Watson, Alice M. 

cLackland, Leonard 1894 Leicester, Elizabeth Emily 1905 

Laithwaite, Mrs Alfred. cLeigh, Ellen Dobson 1929 

See Booth, Elizabeth cLejeune, Caroline Alice 

cLally, Mary 1930 (Mrs. E. R. Thompson) 1921 

x Head Mistress, Sleaford and Kesteven High School. 


Graduates (Arts). 

B. A.— -continued. Date of 


iLe Mare, Arthur Stanway xgoo 

Lemon, Alfred Heath 1903 

cLeon, Rachel (Mrs. G. R. Potter) ... 1922 

cLeonard, Constance Annie 1923 

cLemer, Myer 1932 

cLester, Joseph 1932 

cLester, Thomas Milner, M.Com 1921 

cLever, John 1924 

cLevy, Louie Evelyn (Mrs . Joseph Tavil) 1921 

cLevy, Madeleine Jeanne 1919 

cLewin, Dorothy 1925 

cLewis, Betty 193 1 

cLewis, Marjorie 1918 

cLightfoot, Jack Whitley 1930 

cLighton, George 1933 

cLillywhite, Marjorie Patricia 

Angel O’Sullivan 1930 
Lindh, Gustaf Waldemar, B.Com. ... 1913 

cLindsay, Ada Josephine 1930 

cLindsay, James Edward 1929 

cLindsay, Lilian Elsie 1933 

cLinford, Nora Mary 1924 

Linforth, Edith Mary Elizabeth 

(Mrs. Rowe) 1904 

cLingard, John 1931 

cLinton, Evelyn 1932 

cLishman, Mary Butler 1927 

Lister, Ethel 1933 

Lister, Helen 1906 

Lister, Martha 1899 

Litchfield, Agnes Muriel 

(Mrs. J. W. Edwards) 1909 

cLithgow, Mary Paton 1931 

Little, Mrs. A. H. 

See Jackson, Eleanor M. 

cLivesey, Edith 1930 

cLocker, Freda 1923 

Lockwood, Mrs. J. F, 

See Clitheroe, Marjorie 

cLodge, Alice 1929 

cLofthouse, Hilda 1933 

cLomas, Annie Marjory 1932 

cLong, Edmund Royal 1932 

Long, Mrs. J. B. See Madden, Mary' R- 

Longbottom, Marion Rena 1907 

cLonsdale, Frederick Edgar 1918 

Lord, Annie Estella (Mrs. C. \V. Lange) 1904 

cLord, Bernard Hoyle 1939 

cLoid, Bertha 1927 

cLord, Cecil 1923 

Lord, Cicely Eveline 1909 

Lord, Fred* 1913 

Lord, John 1895 

cLord, Joshua, B.D 1921 

cLord, Lilias Annie (Mrs. Albeit Jowett) 1904 

cLord, May Brockbank 1923 

Lord, Mrs. See Temperley, Mary E. 

Loveday, Oliver Herbert 1909 

cLowe, Edith Mary 1933 

cLowe, Eric Arthur 192S 

Lowe, James 1914 

cLowe, Marion 1926 

Lowe , Xaticy Maud 1917 

Lucan, Amy (Mrs. W. T. Davies) ... 1899 

cLucas, Alice 1929 

Lunib, Lizzie 1904 

Lumb, Mrs. See Walton, Florence H. 

cLumbv, Charles. Frederic 1900 

Lumb\ , John Henry 1896 

cLunu, Jessie 1927 

cLundie, Charles Cow an 1891 

Date of 

cLunn, Dorothy Florence 

(Mrs. T. A. Whitehead) 1910 

cLunn, John 1928 

cLyall, Evelyn Mary 1931 

Lycett, Mrs. E. L. 

See Setzer, Frieda M. 

cLyman, Arthur Reginald Brown 1931 

cLyons, Elsie 1931 

cMcAleavy, Henry 1933 

| cMcBeath, Irvine Alexander 1931 

cMacCarron, Gerard Majella 1930 

cMcCarthy, Alice 1928 

cMcCaulay, Sybil Ida 1919 

cM’Caw, Leslie Stuart ... 1928 


Hilda Alexandra Alice Hall 1927 

cMcCully, Mary Woodward 1928 

cMcDermott, Alice 1924 

cMcDermott, Nancy Mary Patricia ... 1929 

a McDonald, Annie Jane 1895 

McDonald, Catherine Davenport ... 1901 

Macdonald, Louis Adam 1902 

cMcGilvray, James Clifford 1933 

cMcGIynn, Thomas William 1930 

cMcGough, Winifride 1931 

cMcGowan, Winifred Mary 1933 

MacGregor, John Marshall 1899 

cMcInnes, Dorothy Margaret 1917 

cMcIntyre, Annie Margaret 1917 

cMcIntyre, Dorothy 1923 

j Mackay, Mrs. C. G. 

See Coward, Milburga C. 

i c Mackay, Elizabeth Robertson 1929 

j cMcKay, Sheila Sutherland 1930 

j MacKeand, Maggie Woodrow 1903 

cMcKechnie, Maggie 1922 

! cMcKenzie, Alexander 1930 

j c McKinnon, Emelie Vera Margareta ... 1932 

! cMackintosh, Cecilia Ballingall 19 17 

cMcLachlan , Marion Wilsoi 1 

(Mrs. N. P. Thompson) 1930 

! McLaine, Helen Margaret 

(Mrs. Frank Walker) 1908 

! cMacLean, Archibald 1928 

j cMacLean, Donald Hector 1923 

1 cMaclean, Jeannie Edith 1928 

! cMcLellan, Agnes Jackson 1919 

j cMcLellan, Janet Tomlinson 1921 

cMcLullich, Agnes Dobson 1926 

! ■"McNamara, John 1912 

fMcNicol, Primrose (Mis. J. L. Mather) 1914 

I cMcNicol, William Hamilton 1927 

cMcPhail, Joseph Cort 1922 

! Macpherson, Ethel Louisa 1890 

1 cMcPhcrson, Mary Blount 1916 

I cMcSweeney, Brigid Mary 1929 

cMadelly, Amy Amelia 

(Mrs. Frank Nixon) 1925 

| Mahmud, Abd el Lalif 1912 

| Maiden, Joseph Percival 1912 

Maimvaring, Mrs. Sec Beck, Louisa 

cMakhlouf, Moustafa 1922 

! Makin, George 1913 

, cManby, Edward George 1929 

j cManners, Winifred Maude 

1 (Mrs F. B Callis) 1917 

l Mansfield, Fred 1914 

cMappin, Alfred Gregory 1933 

J cMargenson, Harry 1928 

cMarks, Annie 1924 

1 Warden of Walthamstow Settlement, Loudon. 

* Awarded D C M 

t Honours student awarded ordinary degree on grounds of ill-health. 

Graduates (Arts). 


B.A. — continued. Date of 


cMarks, Lily 1920 

cMarlow, Nellie 1920 

Mamer-Smythe, L. H. 

See Smythe, L. H. M. 

Marsden, Dora 1903 

cMarsden, Harold, B.D. 1922 

cMarsden, Mary Rowena (Mrs. J. B. Long) 1927 

cMarsden, Willie 1922 

cMarsh, Eric Haldane 1921 

Marsh, Mabel Edith 1907 

cMarsh. Richard William 1922 

cMarshall, Elizabeth Ann 1924 

cMarshall, Ellen 1929 

cMarshall, Kathleen Mary 

(Mrs. J. Whitehead) 1926 

cMarshall, Margaret Nina 1929 

cMarshall, Norman Gomm 1918 

Marshall , William Percy , M.B., Ch.B. 1903 
Marshall, Mrs. See Parish, Susie E. 

cMartin, Ada 1926 

cMartin, Kathleen Marjorie 

(Mrs. E. F. Young) 1926 

cMartin, William Stirling 1931 

cMartlew, Alice 1928 

cMartyn, Philip Docton 1926 

cMason, Leonard 1932 

cMason, Nora Doreen 1928 

cMason, Ruth Alice 1929 

cMassey, Dorothy Olga 1921 

cMather, Ida Mary (Mrs Sutclifte) ... 1917 

cMather, Madeline Beatrice 1923 

Mather, Mrs. J. L. 

See McNicol, Primrose 

cMather, William 1922 

cMatthews, Ronald William 1922 

Maule, Catherine Jane 1897 

Mawson, Mrs. See Hampson, Annie F. 
Maxwell, Helen Brown Scott 

(Mrs. Dunlop) 1901 

Maxwell, John 1893 

Maye, Mrs. See Bache, Dorothy 

cMayers, Dorothy Hester 1924 

cMayers, Eleanor Mabel 1926 

Mayers, Mrs See Kelly, May 
Meachim, Mrs. G. L. See Bell, Dorothy 

Mead, Percy John 1909 

cMeadows, Harry 1916 

cMeadows, Mary Hawley 1922 

cMeams, Robert 1924 

cMedd, Grade Lightfoot 1931 

cMellor, Elsie 193° 

a Mellor, Harold Porter, LL.B 1892 

Mellor, Lily (Mrs. Hall) 19x0 

Mellor, Mrs. See Thompson, Mary C. 

Mellowes Harry William 1894 

Mercer, Mrs G. M. 

Sec Walker, Majorie V. 
Merrett, Mrs. J. E. 

See Gower-Joues, Pauline L. 

cMerriman, Evelyn Mary 1921 

cMetcalfe, Olive 1933 

cMetcalfe, Robert 193X 

Metcalfe, Mrs. See Barnes, Grace 

cMeyer, Kathleen Mary 1927 

Miall, Winifred (Mrs. H. W. T. Wager) 1892 
Michafel, Mrs. Daniel. 

See Palmer, Roberta F. 

Michael, Esther Ann 1925 

cMiddlebrough, Ivor Leslie 1929 

cMiddlebrough, Phyllis Winifred 1932 

cMiddleton, Florence Jane 

(Mrs. J. H. Bainbridge) 1902 

cMiddleton, James Albert 1919 

cMiddlewood, Marion Shipley 1928 

Milboume, Ethel (Mrs. Harold Hartley) 1909 
Millar, Mrs. See Steele, Lily H. 

cMillard, Fernande Suzanne 1930 

cMillburn, William Watson 1931 





Date of 

cMiller, Elizabeth 1928 

cMiller, Harold Charles, M.Ed 1924 

cMiller, Marjorie Vera 1924 

cMiller, Mary Macdiarmid 1926 

cMiller, Teresa Mabel 1926 

Miller, William Reginald, B.D 1911 

Millington, Edward Turner 1903 

Millman, Oliver John 1902 

cMillner, Marjorie Whitaker 1933 

Mitchell, Lilian 1904 

Mitchell, Myra 1908 

cMitchell, Vera Kathleen 1930 

cMitton, Charles Leslie 1928 

cMoakler, Mary 1932 

Moffett, Mrs. S. 0 . 

See Garrard, Barbara M. 

cMolloy, Agnes 193X 

cMolyneux, Fred 1922 

Moncrieff, Mrs. A. M. 

See Thomas, Annie L. 

cMonks, Mary 1923 

cMoon, Henry Joseph 19x9 

Moore, Constance Gertrude (Mrs.Foster) 1888 

cMoore, Harold Victor 1922 

cMoore, Margaret 1920 

cMoorhouse, Dorothy Mary 1919 

cMoorhouse, Edna ... 1925 

cMoorhouse, Jessie X927 

cMoores, Gertrude Kershaw 19x6 

cMorahan, Dorothy 1920 

Morgan, Aldwyth Kate 1904 

Morgan, Annie 1906 

Morgan, Edward 19 06 

cMorgan, Henry Leslie 1915 

Morland, Mrs. H. N. See Walker, Alice 

cMorley, Marjorie I 93 1 

cMorphet, Avis 19x9 

cMorxill, Patrick James Thomas 193X 

cMorris, Arthur Geoffrey 1925 

cMorris, Arthur Ireson 1925 

cMorris, Hadassah May I 93 1 

Morris, Isabel Maud 1906 

Morris, Mrs. Lyn 

See Oppenheim, Freda 

cMorris, Margaret Isabella Gertrude ... 1919 

Moms, Mrs. See Oliver, Violet 

Morris, Robert 19x1 

Morris, Mrs. See Bagshaw, Lilian J. 

Morns, Thomas Ernest Elliston 1923 

Morrish, Edith Rodenhurst 

(Mrs. Holland) 1898 

Morrison, Mrs. 

See Farmer, Euphemia L. 
Morrison, Mrs. 

See Hersch£ll, Constance 

cMorton, Robert Edwin 1923 

cMoseley, Elizabeth Joan X933 

Moss, Emily Ann 19x2 

cMoss, Evelyn (Mrs. A. L. Taylor) ... 1922 

Mottram, Mrs. H. H. 

See Cocks, Mabel A. 

cMottram, Lilian Alexandra X932 

cMoulding, Harry New all 1928 

cMoulton, Jane X 92 f 

cMounsey, William Henry 1921 

cMoyes, Effie (Mrs. A. Barlow) i 9 Xf 

cMoyle, Ethel Muriel X92 4 

Muir, Dora Jeanne 

(Mrs. Alfred Haworth) 189c 

cMulrooney, Christina xgat 

Mungall, Mary Neill (Mrs. F. Hindshaw) 1905 

cMunkley, Isabel ... I 93 a 

cMunro, Alice Katherine 193c 

cMusgrove, Kathleen Amy 

(Mrs. E. D. M. Hopkins) 193^ 

ANathan, Elise Marion 

Mrs. M. F. Frankenburg) 190 


Gh'aduaies (Arts). 

B.A. — continued. Date of 


cNaylor, Eleanor Jane 1931 

cNeal, Arthur Duerden 1933 

Heal, Mrs. T. E. See Birchal, Minna 

cNeate, William 1928 

aci Needham, Christopher Thomas 1887 

Needham, Herbert Sidney 1911 

ANeill, John Clarke 1896 

Neill, Mary 1907 

Nelson, George Frederick 1912 

cNelson, John Bownas 1922 

cNelson, victor 1928 

cNelson, William Henry 1922 

cNelstrop, Mary Florence 1932 

cNemtzov, Hyman Isidor 

(now H. I. Alexander) 1930 

Newall, Charles Ernest 1912 

Newborn, Albert Henry 1888 

Newcomen, Mrs. T. G. 

See Williams, Elsie L. 

Newett, Mary Margaret 1898 

cNewman, Benjamin Hutchison 1894 

cNewman, Kitty 1929 

Newns, Samuel John 1908 

cNewsam, Lois 1931 

ANevvsum, Arthur Crookes 1883 

cNewton, Agrnes 1929 

Newton, Eric See Oppenheimer, E. N. 

cNewton, Joan Hilary 1933 

cNewton, Susan Margaret Howell 1932 

cNice, Doreen Aik 1929 

Nicholls, Ernest James 1896 

Nicholls, John Macintyre 1897 

Nichols, Henry 1909 

cNicholson, Thomas Alwyn 1932 

Nicol, Mrs. See Barr, Dora D. 

cNield, George Kenneth 1033 

Nightingale, Mrs . E . 

See Drinkwater, Lilas 

cNiven, Annie Laird 1929 

cNixon, Alice Millicent ig26 

Nixon, Mrs. Frank 

See Madelly, Amy A. 

Noar, Constance Madge 1908 

cNoar, Helen Alison (Mrs. J. R. Park) 1925 
cNoble, Gertrude Louise 

(Mrs. C. E. Soley) 1894 

Norbum, Frederick William 1898 

cNorris, Ethel 1924 

cNorris, Francis James 1932 

North, Fanny Caroline 1903 

North, Mrs. G. See Berry, Edith M. 

AJSTorthrop, Frank 1893 

cNorthrop, Lesley 1924 

cNorthrop, Margery , 1932 

Nunn, Florence (Mrs. S. J. Bunting) 1908 

cNunn, John Price 1922 

cNuttall, George 1920 

cNuttall, Hilda 1926 

cNutter, Alice 1922 

cNutter, Freda (Mrs D. H. Cowley) . . 1928 

Nutter, Mrs. Thomas 

See Dredge, Phyllis M. 

Oates, Mrs. Herbert 

See Firth, Margaret A. 

cO’Brien, Hester Gilmore 1923 

cO’Brien- Kelly, Harriett ... .. 1929 

cOddie, Margaret Ann 1916 

cOdell, Ernest Walter, B.D 1920 

cO’Donnell, Nora 1931 

O’Gara, Mrs. D. See Tipping, Mary A. 
cOgden, Elizabeth (Mrs. H.L. Smith) . 1926 

cOgden, Harold Leach 1921 

cOldfield, Leonard Hulme, B.D 1925 



Oldfield, Mrs. L. H. See Kirkman, Ann 

AcOldfield, Sarah 

Oliver, Lottie (Mrs. Sunman) 

cOliver, Violet (Mrs. Morris) 

cOllerenshaw, Edward 

cO’Neill, Sarah 

O'Neill, Mrs. C, S. See Holme, Dorothy 

cOpenshaw, Ronald 

cOppenheim, Freda (Mrs. Lyn Morris)... 

cOppenheim, Lillian 

Oppenheimer, Eric Newton 

(now Eric Newton) 

cOrchard, Ronald Kenneth 

cOrford, Evelyn Mary Christian 

cOrme, Daisy Lilian Jessie 

cOrme, Una Maude 

Ormerod, Mrs. F. C. See Burton, Mary 

Ormerod, Grace 

cOrmerod, Robert Edwin 

Ormrod, Lucy (Mrs. P. E. Beale) 

cOrr, Eleanor Nancy Hyde 

sOrr, Jessie Farquhar 

Orr, Norman Farquhar 

Orr, Thomas Edwin 

cOsbom, Winifred 

cOsgathorp, Herbert James 

Osgathorp, Mrs. H. J. 

See Watkin, Eloanor B. 

O’Sullivan, Mary Elizabeth 

cOverfield, Marion 

cOwen, Alice Winifred 

cOwen, Cecil Mark 

cOwen, Dorothy Elizabeth Tudor, M.Ed. 

(Mrs. D. Truman) 
Owen, Eliza Margaret (Mrs. James) ... 

cOwen, Eustace Sidney 

Owen, Florence 

Owen, Mrs. T. W. See Stubbs, Linda 
Owens, Dora 

Date of 


I 9«5 























Page, Mrs. W.E. 

See Stooke, Kathleen M. 

cPailin, Marie 

Paiton, Laura Leah 

(Mrs. Fred Fairbrother) 
Palmer, Roberta Frances 

(Mrs. Daniel Michafel) 
cParish, Susie Elizabeth (Mrs. Marshall) 
Park, Mrs. J. R. See Noar, Helen A. 
cPark, Margaret Eveline 

(Mrs. S. G. Lawrence) 

cParker, Ada 

Parker, Agnes 

Parker, Irene 

cParker, Isla 

Parker, Mrs. T. G. See Turner, Annie 

Parker, Walter Townsend 

Parkes, Margery Moyle 

(Mrs. A. S. Hutchinson) 

cParkinson, Cecilia 

Parkinson, Elizabeth (Mrs. L. Carter) 

Parkinson, Helen Frances 

AParkyn, Joseph Atherton 

Parnaby, Harry 

Parnaby, Mrs. See Hudson, Margaret E. 

Parr, Agnes Winifred 

c Parrott, Bessie 

c Parry, Elizabeth Joan 

cPartington, Edna 

cPartington, Esther 

Partington, Howard 

cPashley, Harry 

1 Formerly Treasurer of the University ; Kt. 

2 Head Mistress, Ockbrook Moravian Girls’ School, Ockbrook, near Derby. 

Graduates (Arts), 


B.A. — continued. 

Date of 

cPaterson, Dora Isobel 

cPatterson, Annie Christina 

cPatterson, Cecil 

Patterson, Elizabeth Gertrude 

a Paiireiouex, Florence 

(Mrs. F. J. W. Rycroft ) 

cPeace, Margery Amy 

Peach, Mrs. L. du G., M.D. 

See Leeming, Emily M. 
Pear, Mrs. T. H. 

See Robinson, Catherine 

Pearce, Augusta Clarice 

cPearce, Hilda Mary 

cPearse, Rachel Nodal 

Pearson, David 

cPearson, Eric Heaton 

cPearson, Eva Mary 

Pearson, Mrs. G. E. See Birch, Doris 

cPearson, Gladys May 

cPearson, Gwladys Jane 

cPearson, Joseph 

cPearson, Kate Midgley 

(Mrs. V. G. Burkitt) 
Peattie, Mrs. J. D. See Walker, Doris M. 
Pedder, Ethel May (Mrs. P. J. Lawton) 

a Peddie, James 

cPeeling, Elaine 

Pegler, George 

ciPendlebury, Annie 

Penn, Amy Florence 

cPenney, Mary (Mrs. Hughes) 

cPennington, Olive Mary Seiriol .. 

cPenrose, John 

a* Perkins, Joseph John 

Perrot, Mrs. F. See Dale, Clara M. 
Perry, Mrs. George. See Hird, Mary W. 
Pestre, Mrs. See Ward, Edna K. 
Petch, Mrs. J. A. 

See Derbyshire, Marjorie 

Petford, Ida Winifred 

cPewtress, Alfred William 

Phillips, Mrs. E. G. 

See Phillips, Hilda M. 
Phillips, Hilda Mary 

See Cliff, Dorothy A. 

cPhillips, John Mills 

Phillips, Winifred 

cPhythian, Mabel, Ph.D. 

(Mrs. F. E. Tvlecotej 

cPickard, Edith ' 

cPickering, Gertrude 

cPickering, Winifred 

APickford, George Hyde 

cPickford, John Harcourt Stensby 

cPickstone, Helen Sheila 

Pickup, Emily Marjorie Allinson 

cPickup, Eric 

cPierson, Rosamund Katherine 

cPilkington, Sydney Verden 

Pilling, Arnold 

cPilling, Ernest 

cPmck, Annie 

Pinck, Frances Metcalfe 

cPinner, Muriel 

cPiper, Thomas William 

cPiper, Winifride Mary ... 

Pitt, Charles Perceval 

cPitt, Francis Charles William Arthur... 

Pitts, Catherine Alice 

AcPlace, Ernest William 

cPlatt, Annie 

cPlatt, Florence Isabel 













































Date of 


cPlayfoot, Marian Ada 1928 

cPliuston, David 19 2 g 

cPlinston, Elsie 1926 

c Pollard, Elsie 1920 

cPollard, Margaret Watson 1930 

Pollard, Phillis Mary 1912 

cPollock, Frederick Edgar Gibson ... 1932 

Pomeroy, Mrs. A. G. 

See Cliff, Dorothy A. 

cPoole, John Lewis 1922 

cPoppitt, Ronald David 1933 

Popple, Lilian (Mrs. Jerry Whitehead) 1905 
Forritt, Florence Mary (Mrs. Bennett) 1899 

Porteous, Geraldine Alberta 3902 

Porter, Emily 1911 

cPorter, Gladys Mary (Mrs. Slater) ... 1918 

c Porter, Mary Alice 1906 

cPossnett, Phyllis 1921 

Postance, Eva Cecilia 

(Mrs. Edwin Glasgow) 1899 

cPotter, Edna Mary 1930 

cPotter, Margaret Grace 1928 

Potter, Mrs. G. R. See Leon, Rachel 

cPotts, Annie Edith 1922 

Potts, Ella 1909 

Potts, Frank 1914 

Poulter, Mrs. E. S. See Winder, Amy P. 

Powell, Arthur Lawrence 1913 

Powell, Francis Palmer 1899 

cPowell, Letitia 1928 

cPowicke, Anna Elizabeth 1933 

Powicke, Gertrude Mary 19x1 

cPownall, Clarence Winston 1929 

Pownall , Rose Edith (Mrs . C . P. Wright) 1909 

cPratt, Alan 1923 

Precious, Julia Hopper 1900 

cPrendergast, Francis Michael 1932 

cPrescott, Harry William 1923 

cPrescott, Sarah 1926 

cPreston, Muriel 1931 

di Preussenthal, Baroness Menzinger. 

See Jucker, Sylvia M. 

cPrice, Elisabeth Joan 1932 

Price, Ethel Norah 1907 

cPrice, Marjorie Annie 1925 

cPrice, Marjorie Patten 1933 

cPrice, May 1929 

cPrice, Samuel Marion 1927 

c Priestley, May 1929 

Priestnall, Mrs. John. See Cliff, Rose G. 

cPrince, Mary Heathcote 1930 

cPring, Leslie Walford 1927 

c Pringle, William Morris 1932 

cPritchard, Mervyn Walthew 1930 

Procter, Harry, LL.B 1894 

Prosser, Mrs. Alan. 

See Williams, Drusilla V. 
Proudlove, Mrs. J. M. 

See Walton, Ethel C. 

cProudlove, Winifred Marjorie 1923 

cProvost, Edith (Mrs. Bertie Wilkinson) 1918 
cProvost, Ellen (Mrs. W. C. Russell) ... 1917 

cProvost, Ethel (Mrs. R. Bland) 1922 

cProvost, Mary lgsg 

cPrynne, Kathleen Mary 1932 

cPuddy, Ella 1929 

cPurcell, Jean 1933 

cPursglove, Kathleen Frances 1931 

cPye, Muriel Barton 1919 

cQuinn, Austin Robert 1933 

■f o 

1 Head Mistress, Ursulme Convent, Crewe. 
* F.R.C.P. 


Graduates (Arts). 

B.A. — continued. Date of 


cRabinowitz, Sarah 1928 

cRace, Elfrida 1926 

Race, Mrs. J. H. See Greaves, Edith H. 

Race, Margaret Isobel Wishart 1914 

cRack, Henry Tong, B.D 1924 

cRadclitfe, Mabel 1925 

cRaddin, Isabella Mary (Mrs. Land) ... 1924 

cRainey, Amy (Mrs. Arthur Kipling) ... 1922 

cRainey, Elisabeth I93 1 

cRalph, Thomas Charles 1921 

Ramsbottom, Sarah Isabel 1905 

Ramsden, Agnes (Mrs. S. H. Helwig)... 1922 

Ramsden, Annie 1906 

Ramsden, John Eli 1902 

Randles, Joseph 1903 

cRaper, Robert 193° 

cRaper, Winifred Mary 1932 

Ratcliffe, John Laverack 190* 

Ratcliffe, Lillian Mary 1909 

cRatcliffe, Norah Elizabeth 1930 

cRatledge, Ernest David 1932 

Raven, Hilda Mary (Mrs. Davies) ... 1904 

cRavenscroft, Alma 1930 

cRawlings, Lilian 1933 

Rawlinson, Mrs. See Hesketh, Emily 
Rawlinson, Mrs Alec 

See Wright, Margaret 

cRawson, Freda 193* 

cRayman, Woolfe 1922 

Raymond, Annie Walton 

(Mrs. W. H. Roberts) 1897 

Rea, Catherine 1905 

cRedford, Dorothy 1931 

cReeves, Edwin 1929 

cRegan, Margaret Mary 

(Mrs. Oliver Herford) i8g6 

cReich, Florence («<fe Kletz) 1927 

Reichel, Mrs. See Connor, Beatrice H. 

cReid, Mary 1901 

cReid, Robert John Saul 1927 

Reid, Thomas Wemyss igro 

cRenshaw, Bernard Artoune 1931 

cReynolds, Francis Maurice 1931 

cRhoden, Evelyn 1925 

cRhodes, Edward Ewart 1926 

cRhodes, Frank Connolly 1933 

cRhodes, John Sydney, LL.B 1923 

cRichards, Edith Margaret Harding ... 1924 

cRichards, Edith Selina 1930 

cRichards, Elizabeth May 1918 

Richards, John Slater 1895 

Richardson, Mrs. A. W. 

See Buck, Gertrude B. 

cRichardson, Bessie 1924 

Richardson, Gladys Maude 1903 

cRichardson, Harold 1930 

cRichardson, Mabel 1916 

cRichardson, Margery Edwina . .. 3928 

cRichman, Mordecai Jehuda . . . 1928 

cRider, Kathleen Emily Isabel 

(Mrs. Duck) 1920 

Ridge, William Sheldon 1897 

Ridgway, Mrs. See Dean, Cbristabel M. 

cRidley, John Robert, B.D 1925 

cRidyard, Bertha (Mrs E\ans) 1923 

cRigby, Charles Ronald 1926 

cRigby, John Frederick Charlton 1931 

cRigby, Richard 1933 

cRigby, Thomas Arthur 1933 

Rigby, William, B Sc 1902 

cRigg, Arthur 1932 

Rigg, Fred . . 1896 

cRigsby, Winifred Edna 1924 

cRiley, Anastasia Lawrence 1924 

cRiley, Mary 1916 

cRiley, Mary Kenyon 1933 

1 Date of 

! Degree 

cRiley, NoSl Woodward Taylor 1920 

cRiley, Wilfred Stanley 1925 

Roberts, Mrs. Arthur 

See Howartk, Mary 

c Roberts, Edward Henry 1933 

cRoberts, Eira 1923 

Roberts, Florence Edith 1895 

cRoberts, George Leslie 1928 

Roberts, Hugh Pierce 1903 

1 cRoberts, John Edgar 1913 

. Roberts, Lora Anne 1909 

j Roberts, Louisa 1920 

i cRoberts, Margaret Anne 1927 

j cRoberts, Marion 1931 

! cRoberts, Robert Cecil 1921 

Roberts, Mrs. W. H. 

See Raymond, Annie W. 
Roberts, Winifred Wallis 

(Mrs. E. G. Hodgkison) 1914. 

cRobertson, Edith Beaton 1924 

ARobertson, Jane Cumming 1901 

cRobins, Albert Leslie 1922 

cRobins, Grace 1929 

Robinson, Arthur Leigh 1897 

Robinson, Catherine (Mrs. T. H. Pear) 1911 

cRobinson, Edward 1931 

Robinson, Elizabeth Clare 1898 

cRobinson, Ernest Henry 1929 

Robinson, Ethel Frances 1902 

Robinson, Ethel Margaret 1902 

cRobinson, George Arnold 1933 

Robinson, Mrs. H. A. 

(Mrs. E. G. Hodgkinson) 1914 

cRobinson, Lillie 1931 

Robinson, Mrs. Marshall 

See Hornsby, Margery 

cRobinson, Mary (Mrs. Fred Hargreaves) 1923 

cRobinson, Tom 1925 

Robinson, Walter 1902 

Robinson, Winifred (Mrs. R. B. Boden) 1916 

Robison, Lionel MacDowell 1908 

cRodbourne, John Richard 1931 

c Rodriguez -Pereira, Benjamin 19 *7 

cRogers, Eileen ... 1924 

cRogers, Elsie 1922 

cRogers, Emerson 1919 

cRogers, Francis Henry 1921 

cRogers, Hadrian Cornelius 1933 

j cRogers, Herbert Sydney 1919 

I cRogers, Mildred 1930 

I Rogers, Ruth Augusta (Mrs. Tinsley)... 1909 
cRogerson, Henry (Harry) 1916 

j Rogerson, Mrs. W. A. 

| See Langton, Dorothy M. 

! Rogerson, Mrs. See Fraser, Dorothy 
cRohleder, Frances Maud 

(Mrs. D. Cardwell) 1919 

ARome, Ethel (Mrs. Hollway) 1887 

I cRooks, George Frederick 1933 

\Roper, Charles 1886 

\cRoper, Esther Gertrude 1891 

c Roper, Muriel 1923 

cRoscoe, Ernest 1920 

1 Roscoe, Jessie 1903 

cRoscoe, Marion Frances Hilton 

(Mrs. C. T. Carr) 1917 

| Roscoe, Robin 1896 

Rose, Mabel 1910 

Rose, William Alexander 1894 

Rosenberg, Louis 1912 

cRosenblum, Gertrude 

(Mrs. W. Emrvb William**) 1918 

c Roskell, John Smith 1933 

Ross, Blanche Edith 1899 

cRoss, Edwin Harold Walmsley, 1923 

I cRoss, Kathleen Frances 1929 

Graduates (Arts). 


B.A. — continued. Date of 


aRoss, Oswald Bishop 1893 

a Ross, Stewart Buckle Came 1899 

cRothwell, Alice 1931 

cRothwell, Harry 1925 

cRoulson, Kathleen 1926 

Round, Frederick 1894 

c Rouse, Richard 1932 

cRousseff, Roussi 1923 

Rowe, Jane Adelaide 1894 

Rowe, Lillie (Mrs. Sweenie) 1894 

Rowe, Mrs. See Linforth, Edith M. E. 
Rowling, Mrs, M M. 

See Thexton, Marjorie A . 

cRoxby, Muriel Marguerite 1925 

Royle, Florence West 1909 

cRoyle, Marion 1924 

cRubery, Kathleen (Mrs. Smart) 1922 

cRuff, Lorna Annie 1933 

cRule, May Stewardson 1932 

Rundle, Alethea Violet (Mrs. J, Beard) 1914 

cRuscoe, Gordon George 1924 

cRush, Thomas Tinker 1924 

cRushforth, Gladys Catherine 1930 

Rushton, Helen 1914 

Russell, Mrs. A. W. ' ' 

See Campbell, Violet S. 
Russell, Mrs. W. C. See Provost, Ellen 

Ruthven, Emily Hope 1910 

Ryan, May 1890 

Rycroft, Mrs. F. J. W. 

See Patlreiouex, Florence 
Rydall, Mrs. See Bradley, Florence M. 

cRyde, Donald Gilbert 1930 

cRyder, John Pearce 1932 

Ryder , Mrs. L. B. 

See Cardwell, Mary N. 
cSackur, Margaret Ruth 

(Mrs . T. Copeman) 1918 

cSalusbury- Jones, Olwen Evadne 1929 

cSambrook, William John 1929 

a6 ample, John Alexander 1894 

cSamuel, Alice Jane 1917 

Samuels, Frederick 1914 

cSanders, Alberta Irene 

(Mrs. F. W. Hmdes) 1922 

ASanders, Haiold Freer 1893 

cSanders, Muriel (Mrs. Cowpe) 1926 

cSandersou, Hilda 1925 

Sandiford, Mary (Mrs. S. H. Eva) ... 1909 

cSandiford, Mildred 1925 

Sandison, Mrs T. T. 

See Chambers, Mary E. 
Sankey, \\ illiam Henry, M. Ed. .. ... 1911 

cSauvain, Alan 1930 

Savage, Hilda 1902 

cSavigny, William Bryan 1930 

cSaxton, Gwendoline Annie Marjorie ... 1929 

cSayer, Dorothy May 1922 

cScandrett, May Hayward 1929 

cScarr, William Fielden 1922 

cSchippers, Katharine Elizabeth 

(Mrs. W. L. Hoyland) 1917 
cSchmitt, Wilfred, B.D. 

(1 now Wilfred Smith : 

graduated B D. as Smith) 1920 

cSchofield, Daphne Bulkeley 1930 

cSchofield, Edna 1920 

Schofield , Elsie 1924 

cSchofield, Frank Raymond 1926 

cSchofield, Henry Norman 1919 

Schofield, Samuel Ogden 1913 

cScholes, Dorothy Elizabeth 1922 

cScholes, Nellie 1932 

cScorey, Charlotte Wakely 1921 

cScott, Annie Margaret Lee 1917 

cScott, Harry MacLennan 1929 

cScott, Margaret (Mrs. H. R. Fowler) . . 1896 

Thomas) 1921 

cScott, Sheila Maude 1933 

Scott, Mrs. See Board, Beatnce M. 

Scotter, Gordon St. Clair 1913 

Scnmiger, Gertrude Elsie 

(Mrs. W. Willis) 1905 

Scruton, Harriet Annie 1903 

Scruton, Kate Ellen 1904 

cScullion, Margaret 1932 

cScal, Gladys Winifrith 1933 

cSearle, Dorothy Viti 1915 

Seaton, Mrs. See Haughton, Ethel A. 
cSeddon, Helen (Mrs. A. Earnshaw ) ... 1922 

cSeddon, Louie 1927 

cSeeley, Henry Carl 1928 

cSellors, Joseph 1932 

cSemper, Wilfred Herbert 1928 

cSetzer, Frieda Mabel (Mrs. E. L. Lycett) 1924 

cShaffer, Hilda 1028 

cShand, Mary Garrow 1930 

cShanJks, Muriel Isabella 1931 

cSharp, John Victor James 1927 

cSharp, Phyllis . . 1921 

cSharpe, Annie Mary 1928 

cSharples, Alfred Cyril 1933 

cSharples, Helen 1921 

cSharples, Nellie Mary 

(Mrs. D. J. Thomas) 1921 

cSharples, Norah (Mrs. Brooks) 1922 

cSharpley, John Warner 1895 

Shave, Alfred 1899 

cShaw, Charles Edward 1933 

cShaw, Dorothy Annie 1933 

cShaw, Ethel Lydia 1933 

Shaw, Jeannette Booth 1907 

cShaw, John William 1922 

cShaw, Winnie Malcolm 1922 

Sheard, Mary Beatrice 1895 

cShepherd, Frank 1931 

Shepherd, Mrs. M. 

See Bunting, Hilda M. 

cShepherd, William Henry 1932 

cSherratt, Norah (Mrs. Arthur Ingham) 1924 

cShield, Mary Winifred 1933 

cShildrick, Benjamin Christopher 1931 

Shingler, Mrs. See Gatlev, Amy 

cShohet, Louise ! 1929 

cShort, Graham 1928 

Short, Walter 1907 

cShorter, Alfred Henry *933 

cSibley, William Alfred 1923 

Sidebotham, Mrs. See Baynes, Amy P. 

Silverstone, Maurice ..." 1909 

cSimmons, Frank 1917 

cSimnis, Mane 1928 

Simon, Grace Elizabeth (Mrs. Harrison) 1910 

.\S1m0n, John Edwin 1893 

Simon, Nora (Mrs.S. L. Besso) rgi2 

cSimpkm, Olive Mary 1926 

cSimpson, Annie 1926 

cSimpson, Barbara Taylor 1932 

cSimpson, Fanny (Mrs. Watson) 1910 

Simpson, Frances Eunice 1909 

cSimpson, Frank 1926 

cSimpson, Hilda Mary 1921 

Simpson, Mrs. L. See Snowdon, Bessie 

cSimpson, Margaret 1919 

Simpson, Robert 1906 

cSimpson, Sarah 1930 

Smgle, Annie 1911 

Sinkmson, Mrs. See Taylor, Mary H. 

cSircom, Geoffrey 1932 

Skinner, Mabel 1904 

cSlanev, Mabel Myrre 1926 

cSlater, Marion * 1930 

cSlater, Mary Kenyon 1933 

cSlater, Nellie ..." 1928 

cSlater, Sheila Monahan 1932 


Graduates (Arts). 

B.A. — ■continued. Date of 


Slater, Mrs. See Porter, Gladys M. 

cSlinger, Annie 1932 

cSlinger, Bertha 1928 

Sloss, Duncan John 1903 

cSmart, Silas Allen 1922 

Smart, Mrs. See Layland, Anne H. 

Smart, Mrs. See Rubery, Kathleen 

cSraith, Annie 1928 

cSmith, Annie Cowie 1928 

cSmith, Blanche Marie 1931 

cSmith, Caroline Agnes 1926 

cSmith, Dora 1933 

cSmith, Dorothy Edith 1933 

cSmith, Douglas 1932 

cSmith, Ethel 1921 

ASmith, Florence (Mrs. Jones) 1897 

iSmith, Frank, B.Sc 1907 

cSmith, Gertrude (Mrs. G. M. Bark) ... 1917 

cSmith, Gertrude Mary 1933 

Smith, Mrs. H. L. 

See Ogden, Elizabeth 

ASmith, James Henry 1 1893 

Smith, Mrs. J. W. 

See Whitehead, Ellen E. 

cSmith, Lawrence 1932 

cSmith, Lillie 1898 

cSmith, Marjorie Glanvil 1929 

Smith, Mary 1910 

cSmith, Mary Waugh (Mrs. J. Henderson) 1922 

cSmith, Nora May 1923 

Smith, Quinton Liuingstone 1910 

C2Smith, Richard Andrew, LL.B 1898 

Smith, Mrs. R. A. See Whiteside, Enid 

C3Smith, Robert Thornton 1927 

Smith, Mrs. R. T. See Firth, Lily 

Smith, Sidney 1914 

cSmith, Thomas Keighley 1932 

cSmith, Vera 1925 

Smith, Wilfred. See Schmitt, Wilfred 

ASmith, William, B.Sc 1900 

cSmith, William 1930 

cSmith, Willie 1926 

cSraithies, Dorothy Evelyn ig33 

cSmithies, Ethel Margaret 1932 

cSmythe, Louis Henry Mamer 

{now L. H. Marner-Smythe) igoi 

cSnape, Percy 1933 

cSnape, Thomas 1923 

Snodgrass, Mrs. See Southerst, Dora 
cSnowdon, Bessie 

(Mrs. Leonard Simpson) 1916 

cSobee, Frederick James 1922 

Soley, Mrs. C. E. 

See Noble, Gertrude L. 
cSo&be, Sarah Madalenc 

(Mrs. W. T. P. Wheeler) 1925 

Southerst , Dora (Airs. Snodgrass) 1907 

cSouthwell, Kathleen Annie 1930 

cSouthviorth, John Fletcher, B.D. ... 1927 

cSouthworth, Margaret 1923 

Spalding, Mrs. J. 

See Trigger, Winifred E. 

cSpeakman, Wilfred 1922 

cSpedding, Walter William 1921 

cSpeddy, William Sumner 1932 

Spcechley, Mrs H. M. 

See Barrett, Mary 

cSpenc«.T f Edith 1920 

cSpencer, Florence Muriel 1929 

cSpencer, Lillie Agnes 1927 

Spun, Airs. See Klein, Hennette 
Stafford, Ethel (Airs G. L. A. Turnbull) 1906 
cStaiford, l lnllis 1917 

1 Professor of Education, University of Leeds. 

Date of 

Stallybrass, Mrs. 

See Weatherhead, Irene 

Standring, Harold 1914 

Stanley, Henry Edmund Thomas ... 1892 

Stapleton, Arthur Leonard 1904 

cStead, Geoffrey 1931 

Stedeiord, Mrs. E. T. A. 

See Fortune, Mabel 

cSteel, George Roy 1930 

Steele, Lily Henly (Mrs. Millar) 1902 

cSteiner, Hilda Constance 1932 

cStellig, Dora Olga Alicia 1924 

cStephens, Averil Bowen 1930 

cStephenson, Hilda 1926 

Stephenson, Robert Irwin 1900 

cStevenson, Kathleen Mary 1928 

Stevenson, Maud Worsley 1906 

cStewart, James Alan 1930 

cStewart, Mabel 1930 

cStewart, Muriel 1927 

cStewart, William 1930 

cStimpson, Beryl Hilda 1933 

cStirling, James Clarke Paul 1924 

cStiirup, W'alter 1922 

cStockley, Norah 1930 

cStocks, George Randal 1932 

cStoddard, Gladys Meredith 1927 

cStone, Annie Darbyshire 1926 

cStone, Gertrude 1901 

Stone, Phyllis May 1914 

cStonex, Norman Tilney 1925 

cStooke, Kathleen Margaret 

(Mrs. W. K. Pago) 1922 

cStorey, Olive Margaret 1925 

Story, Jeanie Douglas 1913 

cStory, Winifred 1925 

cStott, Godfrey 1924 

cStott, Joan Margaret 1931 

cStott, John Robert Crossley ig28 

cStott, Lizzie 1916 

cStowell, Harry 1916 

Strachan, Blanche 1913 

estrange, Gladys Maude 

(Mrs. G. R. Walkdeu) 1917 

Straw, Mrs. G. J. 

See Broadbent, Florence M. 

Stringer, Mrs. G. L. See Bullock, Amy 
Struthers, Mrs. See Williams, Enid M. 
cStubbs, Linda (Mrs. T. W. Owen) ... 1918 

cStudholme, fllaiy 1921 

Sturge, Mrs. P. D. See Graham, Rachel 

cStyan, Minnie 1927 

cSudworth, Eveline 1923 

cSugden, Marcelle Winifred 1925 

cSumner, Joseph 1892 

cSunderland, Norman 1930 

cSunman, Mary 1927 

Sunrnan, Mrs. See Oliver, Lottie 

cSurman, Charles Edward 1931 

cSusman, Flora 1923 

cSutclifte, Albert 1932 

Sutclille, Alfred 1896 

Sutcliffe, Mrs. See Mather, Ida M. 

Sutton , Alice Maud Ellen 

(Mrs. D. C. Bcggs) 1888 

cSut ton, Gwendoline Mary 1933 

Swame, Elsie Newton 1912 

Swaine, George Arthur 1901 

Sweenie, Mrs. See Rowe, Lillie 

cSwire, Kathleen Enid 1929 

Switlienbank, Dora (Mrs Green) ... 1903 

Syers, Annie Gaskell 1911 

cSykes, Manon 1930 

2 Chief Solicitor, Attorney General’s Department, Alberta, Canada. 

3 Head Master of Friends’ School, Tananarivo, Madagascar. 

Graduates (Arts). 


B.A. — continued. 

Date of 

cSykes, May 


cSykes, Sara Edith 


cTalbot, Cyril 


cTalithman, David 

.. . . 1927 

AcTasker, William Henry... 


cTattersall, Mary 

Tattersfield, Mrs. F. 


See Campbell, Janie 

Tavil, Mrs. Joseph. 

See Levy, Louie Evelyn 

cTaylor, Alice 1927 

cTaylor, Alice Irene 1923 

Taylor, Mrs. A. L. See Moss, Evelyn 

cTaylor, Beatrice 1929 

cTaylor, Dora Margaret 1917 

cTaylor, Elizabeth Annie 1932 

cTaylor, Elizabeth May 1927 

cTaylor, Frederick 1924 

Taylor, Henrietta 1913 

cTaylor, John 1922 

cTaylor, John Gresham 1929 

AcTaylor, John Percy 188S 

cTaylor, John Whitfield 1929 

cTaylor, Karl 1929 

cTaylor, Kathleen Ruth 192 2 

cTaylor, Lavinia 1924 

cTaylor, Lizzie 1918 

cTaylor, Marion 1926 

cTaylor, Mary Beatrice 1923 

ATaylor, Mary Hannah (Mrs. Sinkinson) 1900 

cTaylor, Mary Katherine 1931 

cTaylor, Robert 1928 

Taylor, Robert Lester 1916 

Taylor, Ruth (Mrs. Harold Evans) ... 1902 

cTaylor, William Cecil, LL.B 1921 

cTaylor, Wilson 1927 

Taylor, Mrs. See Gorst, Annie 

cTeasdale, Agnes 1926 

Teasdale, John Bertram 1913 

cTeece, Amy 1923 

cTemperley, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Lord) 1926 

cTennant, Bernard Victor Ashlin 1905 

AcTerry, Thomas Leonard 1884 

cTetlow, Max Booth 1931 

Theobald, Bernard Gage 1895 

cThexton, Marjorie Alice 

(Mrs. M. M. Rowling) 1921 

cThomas, Albert 1916 

cThomas, Annie Letitia 

(Mrs. A. M. Moncriefi) 1915 

Thomas, Constance Kate 1904 

cThomas, Dilys Mary (Mrs. J. B. Dean) 1927 
Thomas, Mrs. D. J. 

See Sharpies, Nellie M. 

cThomas, Martha (Mrs. D. S. B. Heath) 1924 

cThomas, Muriel Annie 1928 

Thomas, Percy Goronwy 1896 

Thomas , Ursula 1916 

Thomasson, Elizabeth Ann 

(Mrs. M. Davies) 1904 

cThompson, Arthur William 1922 

Thompson, Mrs. E. R. 

See Lejeune, Caroline A. 

cThompson, Frances 1933 

cThompson, Geoffrey Ernest 1927 

Thompson, Mrs. G. See Burgess, Hilda 

cThompson, Jessie 1926 

cThompson, Joan ... 1929 

Thompson, Mary Christine (Mrs. Mellor) 1905 
Thompson, Mrs. N. P. 

See McLachlan, Marion W. 

cThompson, Rachel Dorothy 1932 

cThompson, Robert Eric 1932 

Date of 

Thompson, Mrs. See Jones, Marjone 
Thompson, Mrs. See Walker, Julia B. 

I Thomson, Andrew 1S94 

| Thomson, Mrs. C. E. 

See Frankland, Lilian W. 

I cThomson, Elsie Winifred 1932 

j Thorbura, Alexander Douglas 1903 

j Thomley, Frank 1907 

| cThomton, Delia 1930 

cThornton, Phyllis Pearson 1929 

I Thorp, Harold Kendall Kelly 1902 

I cThorp, Jim 1923 

cThorpe, Ethel 1918 

Tickle, Thomas 1901 

; cTiemey, Annie 1925 

j cTiffany, Margaret 1933 

I cTindall, George 1927 

! cTindall, Samuel 1891 

j cTinkler, Joseph Lumsden 1923 

1 cTinn, Lilian 1933 

j cTippmg, Mary Anne (Mrs. D. O’Gara) 1924 

i cTittenngton, Muriel Sutherland 1933 

| cTodd, Francis Raymond 1928 

cTomblin, Marjory 1926 

cTomkinson, Doris 1929 

cTomlinson, Marion Howard 1932 

cTomlinson, Mary 1929 

tTonge, Alice Mary 1930 

cTonge, Malcolm Wallace 1933 

cTonge, William 1915 

Tooner, Kathleen Mary (Mrs. ) 1911 

cTootill, Arthur 1927 

cTootill, Frances Elizabeth 1931 

cTootill, Kathleen Beatrice Phyllis ... 1925 

cTopham, Alice Margaret 1933 

Topham, Mrs. A. G. See Perry, Dorothy 
Townsend, Mrs. See Williams, Jessie G. 

cTrehame, Enid Muriel 1930 

cTrevor, Kathleen 1931 

Trietschel, John Albert Martin 1894 

Trigger, Winifred Ethel 

(Mrs. J. Spalding) 1912 

cTroup, Hannah Celeste 1922 

cTrue blood, Robert Percival 1917 

Truman, Mrs. See Owen, Dorothy E. T. 

ATrott, Herbert Alfred 1893 

cTucker, Gladys Dean i93° 

cTudsburv, John Sheridan 193° 

cTuer, Eileen Edna 1926 

Turnbull, Mrs. G. L. A. 

See Stafford, Ethel 

cTuraer, Annie (Mrs. T. G. Parker) ... 1917 

cTumer, Edna 1927 

cTurner, Frederick Bancroft, LL.B. ... I9 I 3 

cTumer, Gertrude Madge 1927 

Turner, John Edward 1897 

cTurner, Wilfrid 1926 

Turton, Arthur Edward 1900 

Turton, Charlotte 1898 

Twisse, Sarah 1904 

cTwist, Marjorie 1923 

Twynam, Henry Joseph 1907 

Tylecote, Mrs. F. E. 

See Phythian, Mabel 

cUnwin, Phyllis *933 

cUnsworth, Florence Medlicott 1930 

cUpright, Norman, B.D 1929 

cUsher, William 1916 

cUttley, Thomas William 1902 

cVarcoe, Doris *9*7 

*Varley, Russell 1912 

Awarded M.C. 


Grackiates ( Arts ). 

B.A. — continued. Date of 


cVaugban, Clarice 1919 

Vaughan, Frank Heming 1899 

c Vernon, Helen Newton 1927 

cVessey, Marjone Dawson 1930 

c Vickery, Pauline Winifred 1917 

Vincr, Mary (Mrs. Claydon) 1907 

cVity, Winifred (Mrs. Jones) 1922 

Waddington, Dorothy (Mrs. Chalmers) 190+ 

cWaddington, John Wiltred 1930 

Waddington, Marie Emma 1912 

cWaddington, Wilfred, B.D 1928 

cWade, Norah Emily 1932 

Wade, Spencer 1913 

Wade, Zipporah Jane 1910 

Wadsworth, Amy (Mrs . J . Chamock) ... 1905 

cWadsworth, Gladys 1926 

Wadsworth, Millicent 1905 

Wadsworth, Mrs. See Fleming, Mabel 
Wagener, Mrs. F. J. 

Sec Dobson, Catherine M. J. A. 

Wager, Mrs.H.W.T. See Midi, Winifred 

cWainman, Ethel* 1918 

Wainman, Mrs. H. 

See Harrison, Eliza A. 

cWainwright, Mary 1931 

cWainwright, Nancy 1932 

c Waite, George ..' 1933 

Wakefield, Florrie 19 ix 

cWakeham, Hilda Forster 1920 

W alder, Heinrich 1889 

Walkden, Mrs. G. R. 

See Strange, Gladys Maude 

Walker, Ada (Mrs. Bentley) 1900 

cWalker, Alice (Mrs. H. N. Morland) ... 1921 

Walker, Archibald Lewis 1901 

Walker, Mrs. Arthur 

See Hadfield, Ellen 

cWalker, Doris May (Mrs. J. D. Peattie) 1917 

cWalker, Douglas Christopher 1933 

cWalker, Edith 1922 

Walker, Mrs. F. See McLaine, Helen M. 

cWalker, John Beat 1915 

Walker, Julia Beatrice (Mrs. Thompson) 1902 
cWalker, Marjorie Vernon 

(Mrs G. M. Mercer) 1931 

cWalker, Muriel Clarkson 1930 

cWalker, William John 1928 

c Wall, Cyril Frederic Leonard 1932 

Wall, Airs . See Wilson, Edith 

c Wallace, Eric 1931 

c Wall bank, Edwin Wallis 1930 

cWallbridge, Percy Edward 1922 

cWaller, Dennis Leigh 1931 

Waller, Thomas Edge 1902 

cWalley, Nance Mira 1932 

Wallhead, Elsie Adeline 1903 

cWalling, Eva (Mrs. J. Hartley) 1919 

Wallis, John Peter Richard 1903 

cWalraesley, Phyllis 1927 

cWaliuslev, Elizabeth Ann Mabel 

(Mrs. John Bowden) 1921 

cWalmsley, Mary Victoria 1927 

cWalm&ley, Norman 1932 

cWalsh, Francis 1926 

cWalters, Constance Mary Eileen 1927 

AcWalthew, Florence Annie 

(Mrs. George Byrne) 1894 

c Walton, Edith Alice 1920 

Walton, Ethel Constance 

(Mrs. J. M. Proudlove) 1898 
Walton, Morence Helen (Mrs. Lumb) 1900 

c Walton, Neville Winston 1932 

cWalton, Thomas 1926 

cWalton, William 1926 

cWalwyu, Bertha Elizabeth 1921 

Date of 

cWahvyn, Helen Lester 

(Mrs. R. Castley) 1928 

cWarburton, Gwendoline 1924 

Warburton, Thomas Marshall 1912 

cWard, Cyril 1929 

cWard, Dorothy Margery Herdman ... 1917 

cWard, Edna Kathleen (Mrs. Pestre) ... 1921 

Ward, Gritli 1894 

cWard, Margaret Ellen 1933 

cWard, Norman ... 1932 

Ward, Mrs. R. 

See Houghton, Elizabeth A. 

cWardle, John 1922 

Wardlow, Ethel 1906 

cWareham, Elsie Mary v 1933 

cWaring, Alice Irene * 1927 

cWamngton, Mary 1933 

cWarwick, Joseph Lester 1920 

cWaterhousc, James 1925 

cWaterhouse, Mary 1931 

cWatkin, Eleanor Bainbridge 

(Mrs. H. J. Osgathorp) 1923 

cWatson, Alice Mary (Mrs. Lees) 1910 

c Watson, Annie 1922 

cWatson, Beatrice Mary 

(Mrs. J.' F. Wheelhouse) 1917 

cWatson, Clifford James Joseph 1922 

cWatson, Doris (Mrs. N. T. Goff) ... 1924 

cWatson, George Stanley 1919 

cWatson, Nora Creina 1931 

cWatson, Thomas 1932 

cWatson, Winifred Mary 1932 

Watson, Mrs. See Simpson, Fanny 

cWatts, John Robert 1932 

cWeatherhead, Gertrude 1928 

Weatherhead, Irene (Mrs. Stallybrass) 1900 

cWebb, Beatrice 1925 

cWebb, Kathleen Stewart 1931 

Webb, Mrs.L.M. See Burton, Olive M, 

W T ebb, Walter Herbert 1895 

cWebster, Irene Alice 1928 

Webster, Lily (Mrs. Harold Aldred) ... 1909 

A Webster, Mary Elizabeth 

[Mrs. W. Flou'er) 1901 

Weir, John Loudon 1903 

cWeisgard, Ruth 1930 

cWeitzman, David 1921 

cW T elford, Alice Margaret 1930 

cWellard, Marjorie (Mrs. H. H.George) .. . 1925 

W r elpton, Mrs. See Gray, Catherine I. 

cWelsh, Constance Agnes 1932 

cWerschy, Greta Newton 1931 

West, Mrs. R. A. Grice, Eva 

cWeston, Amy 1929 

cWeston, Anne Jane 1924 

Weston, Elsie Margaret (Mrs. Boyle) ... 1910 

Weston, Mrs. G. E. 

See Burton, Marguerite R. 

cWeston, Lillie (Mrs. E. H Fry) 1921 

cWeston, William Guy 1928 

Weston, Mrs. W. G. See Chettle, Joan 
Wheatley, Mrs. See Dobson, Constance 
Wheeler, Mrs. W. T. P. 

See Sosbe, Sarah M. 
Wheelhouse, Mrs J. F. 

Sec "Watson, Beatrice M. 

cWhewell, Helen 1928 

cW’hitaker, Jack Bowling 1931 

cWhitby, George Stanley 1931 

White, Mrs. Aithur. 

See Bottomley, Phyllis M. 

c White, Edgar John 1922 

White, Ethel 1903 

c White, Florence 1926 

c White, Fred 1931 

White, Mrs . J. D. See Wood, Harriet H. 

Oradtiates (Arts). 


B.A. — continued. Date of 


cWhitehead, Ellen Elizabeth 

(Mrs. J. W. Smith) 1924 

cWhitehead, Gladys Mary 1930 

Whitehead, Mrs. J. 1 

See Marshall, Kathleen M. 

Whitehead, Mrs. Jerry. 

See Popple, Lilian 

cWhitehead, John Benson J923 

Whitehead, Mrs. T. A. 

See Lunn, Dorothy F. 

cWhitehouse, Kathleen Mary 1933 

cWhiteley, Dorothy Elizabeth 1930 

cWhiteley, Frank 1925 

cWhiteley, John Hazard 1931 

c Whiteman, Philip Crabbe 1919 

cWhitoside, Enid (Mrs. R. A. Smith) ... 1924 

Whiteside, John 1893 

Whitlock, Percy Oddie 1904 

Whitlow, John Penrose 1903 

c Whitmore, Alice May 1922 

cWhittaker, Edith Mary- 1924 

c Whittaker, Edna Alice 1929 

Whittaker, Mrs. J. E. 

See Fletcher, Annie C. 

cWhittaker, Jessie 1931 

cWhittaker, Marjorie Irene 1931 

Whittaker, Roslyn 1909 

cWhittick, Ronald Vyvyan 1933 

c Whittington, Marie Louise 1931 

cWhittle, Edith 1930 

cWhitton, Harold 193c 

Whitton, Helen Grace 1901 

cWhitton, Norman 1929 

c Whitworth, Doris 1925 

c Whitworth, Mabel 1933 

cWhyatt, Clifford Burton IQ33 

cWhyman, Gordon Philip 1931 

cWiffen, Albert John 1933 

Wightman, Mrs. W. G- 

See Brodmeier, Edith L. 

cWigley, Alfred Lanceley, B.D 1936 

cWigley, Henry Townsend, B.D. ... 1917 

cWilcock, John 1921 

cWileox, Edwin Frederick Robert ... 1923 i 

c Wilcox, Margaret Travis 1933 j 

c Wild, Bertha 1924 

cWildbore, Edward William Redstone ... 1922 

cWile, Geoffrey 1932 

ci Wiles, Carlos Edward 1925 

cWilkinson, Annie 1918 

cWilkinson, Arthur 1929 

Wilkinson, Mrs. Bertie. 

See Provost, Edith 

cWilkinson, Caroline Maud 1919 

Wilkinson, Dorothy Constance ; 

(Mrs. W. B. Barker) 1904 

cWilkinson, Dorothy Elizabeth Lucy- .. . 1918 ( 

cWilkinson, John Thomas, B.D 1917 

cWilkinson, Margaret 1933 j 

cWilkinson, Margaret Eleanor 1933 J 

cWilkinson, Margaret Gwenyth 1929 

cWilkinson, Stanley 1927 j 

cWilkinson, Winifred 1930 ! 

cWillatt, Anna Mary 1926 

cWillatt, Malcolm Barker 1929 I 

Willatt, Richard Leslie 1913 J 

Willcock, Mrs, P. D. 

See Gaukroger, Kathleen 

Willey, Robert Bayne 1S89 1 

c Williams, Constance Phvllis Eayrs ... 1930 j 

cWilliams, Drusilla Vaughan 

(Mrs. Alan Prosser) 1929 I 

Williams, Edith Sophia 1901 j 

cWilliams, Edna Beryl 1932 

Date of 

cWilliams, Elsie Livesey 

(Mrs. T. G. Newcomen) 1919 
cWtlUams, Enid Mary (Mrs. Struthers) 1921 

Williams , Erna Evadne 1022 

Williams, Esther 1904 

cWilliams, Florence Jessie 1924 

Williams, George 1907 

cWilliams, Gwyneth 1930 

Williams, Harold Edmund 1897 

cWilliams, Henry John Agate 

(.Vote H. J. Agate-Williams) 1922 
cWilliams, Herbert Lewis Octavius ... 1923 

Williams, Isaac Rhystyd 1903 

Williams, James Griffith 1901 

cWilliams, Jessie 1918 

Williams, Jessie Gertrude 

(Mrs. Townsend) 1903 

cWilliams, Joan Ruth Dixon 1932 

Williams, John David Ellis 1902 

cWilliams, John Ronald 1926 

cWilliams, Kathleen Mary 1931 

cWilliams, Mary Grace 1930 

cWilliams, Mary Isobel 1930 

cWilliams, Mary Marjorie 1933 

cWilliams, Maud Millicent 1927 

cWilliams, Nancy Doreen Morris ... 1927 

cWilliams, Rachel Nora Jenkins 1923 

cWilliams, Roland Sylvester Dennis ... 1927 

cWilliams, William Emrys 1918 

Williams, Mrs. W. Emrys. 

See Rosenblura, Gertrude 

Williamson, Alice Frances Ada 1914 

cWilhamson, Fred 1933 

AWilliamson, Lillian (Mrs.S. F. Forrester) 1901 

cWilliainson, Louisa Elizabeth 1921 

cWillis, Barbara Kirsteen 1920 

c Willis, Doris 1931 

Willis, Mrs. W. 

See Scrimiger, Gertrude E. 
cWillson, Amelia Hilda (Mrs.G. R. Allen) 1918 

cWillson, Mildred 1929 

Wilmore, Sarah Elizabeth 1903 

Wilmore, Mrs. See Holgate, Bessie. 

cWilson, Alfred 1922 

c Wilson, Annie Davison 1923 

Wilson, Cyril. See Wolkenberg C. 

cW T ilson, Doris Edith 1920 

W T ilson, Edith (Mrs. Wall) 1909 

cWilson, Edward, B.D 1930 

cWilson, Flora 1926 

Wilson, Florence 1901 

Wilson, Harold James 1900 

cWilson, Hilda Elizabeth 1924 

Wilson, James Alexander 1901 

cWilson, Jeanie 1930 

cWilson, Mabel 1917 

cWilson, Mary (Mrs. Wood) 1926 

Wilson, Mary Gertrude 1904 

Wilson, Muriel 1907 

Wilson, Robert Williams ... 1894 

Wilson, Selina Ethel 1904 

cWilson, Winifred Margaret 1931 

Wilson, Mrs. See Winstanlev, Maude 
cWmder, Amy Phyllis 

(Mrs. E. S. Poulter) 1921 
Winkwortb, Mrs. S. R. 

See Learmonth, Janie 

c Winn, Constance Eileen Harrison ... 1926 

cWinson, Annis 1935 

cWinstanley, Edith (Mrs. Thomas Kelly) 1929 

cWinstanley, Edward William 1893 

cWinstanley, Mabel Annie 1926 

cWinstanley, Mary Cowell I9 2 3 

Winstanley, Maude (Mrs. Wilson) ... 1910 

1 Principal of Primitive Methodist Institute, Uzuakoi, Nigeria. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.A. — continued. Dale of Date of 

Degree Degree 

cWintour, Cora 1923 cWorswick, Millicent Frederica, B.Sc. 1906 

ciWolfe, Clarence Albert Edward 1913 cWorthen, Frederic Morley 1928 

Wolkenberg, Cyril (now Wilson) 1899 Worthington, Joseph 1904 

cWollaston, Elizabeth Mary I Wragg, Florence 19 11 

(Mrs. A. H. Kenyon) 1932 1 cWright, Albert Leslie 1930 

Wolstenholine, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. C. P. See Povvnall, Rose E. 

See Goodwin, Cathleen M. > cWright, Doris 1925 

cWood, Dorothy 1905 ! Wright, Emily 1905 

cWood, Dorothv Jean 1933 ! W fight, Gertrude Margaret 

Wood, Edith Gladys (Mrs. James Leather ) 1920 

(Mrs. H. A. Robinson^ 1906 cWright, Margaret 

cWood, Edward Rudolf 1927 ' (Mrs. Alec Rawlinson) 1927 

cWood, Elsie Mary 1929 cWright, Marjorie Eliza 1926 

KdWood, George Arnold 1885 cWright, Mary Frances 1933 

cWood, Grace Margaret 1925 cWnght, Nora Dennison 1930 

cWood, Harold 1922 Wright, Mrs. See Hindmarch, Marion. 

Wood, Harriet Helena (Mrs. J.D. White) 1907 cWrigley, Edith (Mrs. J. Dihvorth) ... 1923 

AcWood, Jane Fearns 1896 j cWrigley, Joan Winifred 1932 

Wood, Jessie Graham 1903 cWyatt, Agnes Lilian 1931 

cWood, John Leslie 1932 J cWyatt, Geoffrey 1931 

cWood, Norman Wright 1924 j 

cWood, Robert Walter Lockyer 1931 1 

cWood, Sheila Maud 1926 , cYarwood, Edith 1931 

cWood, William Jefferson 1930 Yates, Ada Bolton 1912 

Wood, Mrs. See Wilson, Mary Yates, Annie 1903 

c Woodall, Hilda Mary 1918 c Yates, Audrey Alice 1929 

cWoodali, John Emmett 1926 cYates, Elsie 1928 

cWoodall, Ronald Selkirk 1930 cYates, Olive 1932 

cWoodhead, Eileen Mabel 1930 cYoffey, Sarah (Mrs. E. M. Epstein) ... 1921 

C3Woodmass, Doris Mary 1926 cYoffey, Taube 1926 

c Woods, Florrie 1925 cYoule, Edna 1921 

cWoolfenden, Janet 1924 Young, Mrs. E. F. 

cWoolht, Eva (Mrs. Munro Betten) ... 1920 j See Martin, Kathleen M. 

Wooll, Edward 1897 ] c Young, Edith Marjorie 1930 

Woolley, Mrs. H. S. 1 cYoung, Myrtle Amy 1924 

See Howarth, Hilda B. J Young, Norman Malcolm 1907 

Wormell, Charles Edward 1908 | Young, William Thomas 1920 

Won-all, Bessie (Mrs. D. J. Davies) ... 19x0 Younie, Mrs. See Jackson, Alice 


C4Andrew, John Harold 1915 xcBradshaw, Lawrence 1907 

cAntonoff, Georges 1920 c7Brierley, William Broadhurst 1921 

AcArdem, Edward 1918 a8 Brightmore, Arthur William 1898 

KAshton, Harold Thomas 1900 cBuckley, Harold Eugene 1932 

AcAshworth, James Reginald 1903 ^Burgess , Charles Hutchens 1906 

cAtack, Frederick William, M.Sc.Tech. 1921 Cam, John Connell 1904 

cCampbell, Arthur Fred 1922 

cBailey, Wilfrid Norman 1931 cCampbell, Colin 1921 

c Baker, Wilson, Ph.D 1933 AcgCapstick, John Walton 1893 

csBanghani, Donald Hugh 1927 Carrington, Herbert, M.Sc.Tech ig27 

ABeard, John 1894 cCaspan, William Augustus 1916 

AcBentley, William Henry 1900 *cioChapman, Sydney 1912 

cBishop, Ann 1932 AcColman, Harold Govett igog 

*Ac6Bone, William Arthur 1897 cnCook, Gilbert 1920 

cBradley, Albert James, Ph.D 1933 cCopisarow, Maurice 1925 

1 Warden of Aberlour (Banffshire) Orphanage. 

2 Late Professor of History in the University of Sydney. 

3 Head Mistress, Haconby School, near Bourne, Lines. 

4 Professor of Metallurgy in the University of Sheffield. 

5 Professor of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry in the Egyptian University, Cairo. 

6 Professor of Fuel and Refractory Materials in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, 

South Kensington. 

7 Professor of Agricultural Botany in the University of Reading. 

8 Late Professor of Constructive Engineering and Surveying at the R.I.E. College, Cooper’s Hill. 

9 Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 

10 Chief Professor of Mathematics in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University 

of London. 

11 Professor of Mechamcal Engineering m the University of London (King’s College). 

* F.R.S. 

Qradiiates (Science). 


D.Sc. — continued. Date of 


AcCornish, Vaughan 1901 

ciCotton, Harry 1930 

cCoward, Hubert Frank rgog 

c2Cramp, William, M.Sc.Tech .. 1915 

cCrofts, James Murray 1915 

*a Crossley, Arthur William 1899 

cDavies, William 1929 

*$Datts)kin$, William Boyd 1910 

*A./[Dendy t Arthur 1891 

**S*Dixon, Harold Bailv 1922 

cDuff, J ames Cooper 1923 

Dufftdd, Walter Geoffrey 1908 

a 6 Dunker ley, Stanley ... 1905 

cEarle, Frank Maynard, M.Ed. 
c7Edgar, Edward Charles 
8Edwards, Charles Alfred 
cEsdaile, Philippa Chichcley ... 
cEvans, Alwen Myfanwy 






cFairboume, Arthur 

cFairbrother, Fred 

cFargher, Robert George 
cFirth, James Brierlcy 
cFishenden, Margaret White (Mrs. R. B. 
Fishenden ; graduated Al.Sc. as White) 
Fishenden, Mrs R. B. 

See Fishenden, Margaret W. 

AcgFowler, Gilbert John 

cFrancis, Ernest Francis 








*ai oGamble, Frederick William 
1 1 Gibson, Arnold Hartley 

ci2Gill, Edwin Leonard 

ci3Gravely, Frederic Henry ... 
♦i+Gray, Joseph Alexander ... 

Greenwood, Harold Cecil 
ci 5 Greenwood, John Neill 
ACidGriffiths, Albert 









Aci7Gnndley, John Henry 

Date of 
.. 1902 

*Aci8Harden, Arthur 

i9Harding, Victor John 

C'joHarris, Leslie Julius 

c Harrison, William Hudson 

1 cHartlcy, Harold 

cHarwood, William Albert 

I 2iHasse, Henry Ronald 

j C22Ha\vkins, Herbert Leader 

j AcHaworth, Edward 

cHaworth, Robert Downs, Ph.D. 

*c23Ha\vorth, Walter Norman 

Hewitt , Charles Gordon 

j A24Hibbert, Harold 

cssHickling, Henry George Albert 

1 *C26**Hickson, Sydney John 

I C27Holden, Henry Smith 

1 cHolker, Jacob, M.D., ( now John Holker) 

I Holker, John. See Holker, Jacob 

I Holt, Alfred 

i cHope, Edward 

C28Hopwood, Arthur 

! cHopwood, Arthur Tindell 

| cHowell, Owen Rhys 

, ac Howies, Fred 

AC29Hutton, Robert Salmon 





















climes, William Ross 1902 

c Isaacs, Susan (Mrs. Nathan Isaacs; 
graduated M.A. as Susie Sutherland 

Fairhurst) 1931 

Acjerdan, David Smiles 1901 

c Jackson, John Wilfrid 1929 

*030 Jones, John Edward 

j {now J. E. Leonard -Jones) 1922 

j 031 Jones, William Jacob 1918 

j C32Kay, Herbert Davenport 1927 

1 Professor of Electrical Engineering in University College, Nottingham ; M.B.E. 

2 Professor of Electrical Engineering in the University of Birmingham. 

3 Under Ordinance XXVIII. (4) ; Late Hon. Professor of Geology in the University. 

4 Late Professor of Zoology in the University of London (King’s College). 

5 Late Professor of Chemistry in the University ; subsequently Hon. Professor. 

6 Late professor of Engineering in the University. 

7 Principal of Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

8 Principal and Professor of Metallurgy in University College, Swansea. 

9 Principal of the Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Cawnpore, India. 

10 Late Professor of Zoology in the University of Birmingham. 

11 Professor of Engineering in the University. 

12 Director of the South African Museum, Capetown. 

13 Curator of the Museum at Madras, India. 

14 Chown Research Professor of Physics, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. 

15 Professor of Metallurgy in the University of Melbourne. 

16 Professor of Physics in the University of London (Birkbeck College). 

1 7 Principal of Dudley Technical School. 

ifi Head of Bio-Chemistry Department, Lister Institute, and Professor of Bio-Chemistry, 
University of London. Nobel Prize in Chemistry. 

19 Professor of Pathological Chemistry in the University of Toronto. 

30 Director of the Nutritional Laboratory, Medical Research Council, Cambridge. 

21 Professor of Mathematics in the University of Bristol. 

22 Professor of Geology in the University of Reading. 

23 Professor ot Chemistry m the University of Birmingham. 

24 Professor of Organic Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 

25 Professor of Geology in Armstrong College. 

26 Formerly Professor of Zoology in the University ; now Professor Emeritus. 

27 Professor of Botany and Head of the Department of Biology in the University College, 


28 Vice-Principal and Head of Chemical Department, Portsmouth Municipal College. 

29 Goldsmiths’ Professor of Metallurgy in the University of Cambridge. 

30 Plummer Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Cambridge. 

31 Professor of Chemistry, University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff. 

32 Director of the National Institute for Research in Dairying, Reading. 

* F.R.S. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates (Science). 

D.Sc. — continued. Date of 


Keane, C. A. See Kohn, C. A. 

AciKohn, Charles Alexander 

(now C. A. Keane) 1908 
C2Kovarik, Alois Francis 1916 

c*3 J, *Lamb, Horace 1921 

Grander, Cecil Howard 1916 

*AC5Lees, Charles Herbert 1895 

Leonard -Jones, J. E. See Jones, J. E. 

c6Long, Cyril Norman Hugh 1932 

AyLunt, Joseph 1909 

8 Marsden, Ernest 1914 

AcMason, William i 9 r 4 

Meek, Charles Francis Ullathome ... 1914 

cMoore, Charles Watson 1919 

AcgMorley, Arthur 1918 

croMoss, Charles Edward 1907 

cMucklow, Graham Fertile 1932 

Musgrave, Mrs. S. See Pratt, Edith M. 
JcMyers, James Eckersley 1917 

Date of 

AcPratt, Edith Mary 

(Mrs. Stanley Musgrave) 1904 

j cPrcscott, John 1917 

| cPring, John Norman 1910 

*ci6Pvman, Frank Lee 1910 

I c Ramsbottom, John Edwin 1913 

j cRawhnson, William Ferdinando ... 1923 

j cRay, Jnanendra Nath, Ph.D 1931 

1 a Rhodes, William Gould 1902 

| cRoberts, Walter Morrell, M.D 1932 

j ciyRobertson, Andrew 191& 

! *c 1 8 Robinson, Harold Roper 1917 

! *cj 9 Robinson, Robert 1910 

20 Robinson, Wilfrid 1919 

1 Rossi, Roberto 1914 

1 Royds, Thomas 1911 

I -"ca 1*"* Rutherford, Ernest 
! ( now Lord Rutherford of Nelson) 1921 

Rutherford of Nelson, Lord. 

See Rutherford, Ernest 

cNewbery, Edgar 1916 

cNorbury, Allan Leslie 1926 

cNuttall, John Mitchell 1929 

c O’Neill, Hugh 1929 

ci iOsborn, Theodore George Bentley ... 1920 

ci2Partington, James Riddick 1918 

cPatterson, William Hamilton 1927 

cPayman, William, M.Sc.Tech 1928 

cPearsall, William Harold 1921 

ci3Pearson, Joseph 1922 

*14** Perkin, William Henry 1913 

*i5Petavel, Joseph Ernest 1908 

Ret fie, Paul Telford (graduated B.Sc. 

as Steinthal) 1926 

cPickles, Samuel Shrowder 1908 

*AC22' 4, *Schuster, Arthur 1907 

j cShort, Wallace Frank 1929 

*C23Simonsen, John Lionel 1909 

| *AC24Simpson, George Clarke 1906 

I C25Sinnatt, Frank Sturdy, M.Sc.Tech. ... 1928 

i JcSlade, Roland Edgar 1913 

J cSlater, William Kershaw 1927 

■ c Smith, Ernest Woodhousc 1918 

j AC26Smith, James Henry 1903 

cSmith, Kenneth Manley 192b 

AC27Smith, Norman 1906 

cSpeakman, Horace Bradbury 1928 

cSpeakman, John Bainber 1931 

i *a Stanton, Thomas Ernest 1898 

l Steinthal , Paul Telford. Sec Petrie, P. T. 

*C28Stephen, Henry 1920 

1 Principal of Sir John Cass’s Technical Institute, London. 

2 Professor of Physics in Yale University, U.S.A. 

3 Professor Emeritus, and formerly Professor of Mathematics, in the University ; Kt. 

4 Professor of Engineering in the Imperial College of Science and Technology. 

5 Formerly Professor of Physics in the University of London (East London College). 

6 Director of The Cox Medical Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania. 

7 Astronomer, Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 

8 Assistant Director of Education for New Zealand. 

g Professor of Applied Mechanics, University College, Nottingham. 

10 Professor of Botany, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. 

11 Professor of Botany m the University of Sydney ; Acting Economic Botanist to the South 

Australian Government. 

12 Professor of Chemistry m the University of London (East London College). 

13 Director of the Colombo Museum and Marine Biologist to the Ceylon Government. 

14 Late Waynflete Professor of Chemistry in the University of Oxford ; formerly Professor ot 

Organic Chemistry in the University. 

15 Director of the National Physical Laboratory ; formerly Professor of Engineering in the 

University ; Kt. 

16 Formerly Professor of Technological Chemistry in the Umveisity. 

17 Principal of Merchant Venturers’ Technical College, Bristol. 

18 Professor of Physics in the University of London (East London College). 

19 Waynflete Professor of Chemistry in the Umversity of Oxford. 

20 Late Professor of Botany, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. 

21 Cavendish Professor of Physics in the Umversity of Cambridge , O.M. ; Nobel Prize for 

Chemistry ; Baron. 

22 Honorary Professor of Physics in the University ; Kt. 

23 Professor of Physics m the University College of North Wales, Bangor. 

24 Head of the Meteorological Office, London. 

25 Director of Fuel Research, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 

26 Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Municipal Technical Institute, Belfast. 

27 Registrar of the University. 

28 Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S. Africa. 

* F.R.S. t O.B.E. % Awarded M.C. 1 *• Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates Science ). 


D.Sc, — continued . Date 0/ 


ciTattersall, Walter Medley iyii 

caThomton, William Mundell ... ... 1902 

*t C3Thorpe, Jocelyn Field 1908 

cTitherley, Arthur Walsh 1901 

Tyrer, Dan 1913 

C4Varley, William Mansergh 1904 

c Walker, Thomas Kennedy, Ph.D. ... 1931 

c Wall, Thomas Frederick 1912 

cWalmsley, Horace Pearson 

Date of 
... 1929 

c Walton, John 

... 1929 

csWeizmann, Charles 

... 1907 

cWest, Joseph 

... 1932 

c 6 Wheeler, Richard Vernon 

... 1908 

kWilsom , George 

... 1900 

cWilson, William 

... 1913 

cWood, Albert Beaumont 

... 1919 

a Wood, John Kerfoot 

... 1902 


Abell, Charles Thomas 


AAuden, Harold Allden 


Abram, Harold Helling 


cAuld, Jessie 


cAdams, Stephen 


cAuld, Margaret Downes 

c A damson, Alexander 


(Mrs. W. W. Hope) 


c Adamson, James 


AcAyres, Thomas 


cAdamson, Wallace Wright 


cBagnall, Ernest Harold 


Adshead , Sydney Douglas 


cBagnall, Mane (Mrs. H. V. Mitchell) ... 


Agar, Herbert William 


cBailey, Alfred 


7Agashe, Ganesh Sakharam 

I 9 J 3 

ioBailey, Doris 


cAinley, Arthur Donald, Ph.D 


Bailey, Harold 


Albery, Richard Henry 


Bam, David 


Aldred, Harold 


Bainbridge, Ernest Graham 


Ali, Mohsrn 


Bainbridge, James Roland 


Alker, Francis 


c Baird, Fred 


cAlkins, William Ernest 


cBake, Henry John Tyack 


Allahvenhants, Michael A ghad jam an ... 


cBaker, Henry 


a Allen, Alfred Llewelyn 


Baker, Mrs. H. 

c Allen, Jack 


See Lightbown, Constance M. 

cAlmond, Enid Hartshome 


cBaker, Henry Wright 


cAlston, Norman Abbott 


Baker, Mrs. H. W. 

AAnderson, William Roocroft 


See Drew, Kathleen M. 

cAndrew, George William 


Baker, Richard Stanley 


cAndrew, Gerald 


1 Baldwin, John McLean 


Andrew, Harry 


Baldwin, Sam 


Andrews, Wilham Allen 


AcBaldwin- Wiseman, William Ralph ... 


cArafa, Moussa 


cBalkin, Mark, Ph.D 


cArcher, Norman 


Ballardie, George de Caynoth 


Arnutage, Sydney Herbert 


Bamber, Alice (Mrs. T. H. Bowtell) ... 


Anmtage, Thomas Coulbum 


ABamber, William Edward, M.D. 


cArmstead, Dorothy 

Bamford, Hannah 


(Mrs. N. B. Maurice) 


aii Bam} or d, Harry 


8 Armstrong, Francis Edwin 


1 2 Bancroft, Alfred Ernest, M.A 


Armstrong, George Edwin 


cBancroft, John Bevis Beeston 


cAming, Dorothy, M.B., Ch.B 


Barber, George Alfred 


Ashforth, George Ernest 


cBardsley, Doris Alice 


cAshworth, Florence 


fci3Barkla, Charles Glover 


cAshworth, Frank 


cBarlow, Henry Septimus 


cAspey, Thomas Hulme 

1928 1 

Barnes, Charles Kepler 


Astbury, Alexander 


AcBaron, William Briscoe 


c Atkinson, Margaret Yourdi 


cBarr, Rose Aileen 


(Mrs. E. R. Brady) 

1922 | 

cBarraclough, Frank Tweedale 


gAtkinson, Samuel Greenup 


cBarton, Frank, B.A. (Admin.) 


Attwell, Mrs. See Scotson, Annie 


cBarton, J ames 


1 Professor of Zoology, University College, Cardiff. 

2 Professor of Electrical Engineering, Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

3 Professor of Organic Chcnustry, Imperial College of Science and Technology. 

4 Principal of Brighton Technical College. 

5 Principal of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 

6 Professor of Fuel Technology in the University of Sheffield. 

7 Professor of Chemistry, Pachaiyappa College, Madras. 

8 Late Professor of Mining Engineering m the University of Sheffield. 

9 Head Master, Alleyne’s Grammar School, Uttoxeter. 

10 Head Mistress, Queen Mary’s School for Girls, Lythain. 

11 Late Professor of Hydraulics, McGill University. 

12 Head Master, Dowdales Central School, Dalton-in-F umess. 

13 Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Edinburgh. 

* C.B.E. t F.R.S. 


Graduates ( Science ). 

M.Sc. — continued. Date oj Date of 

Degree Degree 

cBateman, Isabella 1921 tc**3Bragg, William Lawrence 1929 

Batley, Ward Allen 1909 cBraithwaite, Fenton 1931 

cBaxter,Alan 1932 cBramhall, Randle James 1926 

cBeard, James Robert 1909 cBray, Arthur 1924 

Beam, Joseph Gauld 1907 Brentnall, John 1907 

Bceley, Arthur 1903 | c Brian, Percy 1906 

*Beesley, Richard Moore 1913 Brierley, Jesse Carl Albert 1909 

Bell, Charles Dickson 1898 Briggs, Samuel Henry Clifford 1903 

a Bell, George Herbert 1903 cBrindley, Florence 1923 

Bennett, George Ernest 1907 ; cBrindley, George William 1928 

Bennion, John Alexander 1898 1 c+Brittain, Charles Edward 1899 

cBenson, Leonard Ellis 1922 1 cBrittain, John, Ph.D 1930 

cBenson, Margaret 1915 ! cBroadbent, Henry Win ter bottom ... 1923 

cBerry, Edgar 1918 cBrockbank, Philip Edward 1929 

cBerxy, Wsuter Richard 1920 I Brooks, Clement Crawshaw 1926 

cBest, Stanley Robert 1909 Brooks, William Stansfield 1903 

cBetts, Charles Leslie, Ph.D 1924 Broome, James Spears 1907 

Sevan, Ellen May (Mrs. J. H. Currie) 19x1 5 Brown, Ernest 1900 

Beverley, Walter 1913 c Brown, George Lindor, M.B., Ch.B. 1925 

cBibby, James 1902 cBrown, Guy Burniston 1925 

cBiggs, Henry Francis 1916 Brown, Robert John 1889 

cBinks, Walter 1936 Brown, William Lowe 1898 

cBird, Frank 1910 cBrowning, Henry, B.Com 1911 

cBirks, Stanley Graham Brownsdon, Henry Winder 1904 

(now S. G. Brade-Birks) 1914 Brownson, Thomas Kerfoot 1908 

cBirtwell, Constance (Mrs. Tyldesley) .. . 1930 AcBrownsword, Frank 1891 

Bishop, Harry Coghill Watson 1909 cBruckshaw, John McGarva 1928 

cBlack, Muriel May 1931 j Buckle, Philip 1920 

crBlakeman, John 1904 tcBuckley, Harry Fawcett 

Bland, Norman iqii i (graduated B.Sc. as Harry Buckley) 1926 

Blandford, John Henry 1897 AcBudenberg, Christian Frederick 1887 

Bleakley, James 1910 cBullock, Kenneth, Ph.D 1924 

Bles, Charles Marcus i8gg | Bullough, William Arthur, M.B., Ch.B. 1909 

cBloomer, Vincent 1925 , Bunting, Samuel John 1911 

ABone, Albert Hilhouse 1897 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ac6Burgess, Arthur Henry, M.B., Ch.B. 1895 

Booth, Thomas 1911 cBurkhardt, George Norman, Ph.D. ... 1921 

cBottocnley, Arthur Cecil, Ph D 1927 a Barman, John Harold 1901 

ABottomley, William Cecil igoo . Burnet, Robert, M.B., Ch.B 1901 

C2Boullen, Rachel 1928 Burrell, Wilkinson William 1910 

Boulton, Robert Edgar 1902 cBurrows, Merrick William 1898 

Bowen, David Jones 1897 1 ABury, Ernest 1899 

Bowen, Frederick 1909 cBury, Frank Ward 1922 

a Bower, Joshua 1899 1 Bush, Harry Julius 1902 

Bowtell, Alice 1910 Bush, Herbert Henry 1911 

Bowteli, Alice (Mrs. T. H. Bowtell, cButler, Carlton 1922 

graduated B.Sc as Bamber) 1910 Butterworth, Stephen 1908 

xBowtell, Norman Edwin 1901 Byne, Loftus St. George 1897 

cBowyer, Arthur Stewart 1910 Byrd, Mrs. J. D. See Powell, Elizabeth C. 

cBoyer, Thomas rg26 | 7Byme, George Thomas 19 11 

cBoyland, Eric, B.Sc.Tech 1928 ! 

\Bracher, William Herridge 1890 cCadness, Bessie Helena Edith, 

Bradbury , Harry 1914 M.B., Ch.B. 1022 

Bradbury, John Seferian. Callaghan, Frank (now F. O’Callaghan) 1901 

SaeSeferian, Manouk H. Callan, Thomas 1908 

Bradbury, Thomas Rayner 1910 cCalvert, Norman 1929 

cBrade, Hilda Kathleen, M.B , Ch.B. SCameron, Alfred Ernest 1913 

(Mrs, S. G. Brade-Birks) 1913 cgCardwell, David, B.Com 1912 

Brade-Birks, S. G. See Birks, S. G. Carey, Arthur 1894 

Brade-Birks, Mrs. S. G. cCarr, Norman Halhwell 1926 

See Brade, Hilda K cCarr, Winston Eric 1930 

cBradley, J ames 1910 Carson, Madeline 1907 

cBradley, William, Ph.D 1925 cCartwright, Walter 1921 

Bradshaw, George Arthur 19 11 cCasey, Edwin Vincent 1930 

Bradshaw, John 1914 cCashen, George Harold 1926 

Brady, Mrs. E. R, fc Chadwick, James 1912 

See Atkinson, Margaret Y. cChadwick, Samuel 1908 

1 Principal of Northampton Technical School. 

2 Head Mistress, High School for Girls, Leyton, London. 

3 Professor of Physics in the University ; Nobel Prize for Physics. 

4 Head Master, Normanton Grammar School. 

5 Professor of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, McGill University, Montreal. 

6 Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University. 

7 Professor of Chemistry in the University of Hong- Kong. 

8 Professor of Zoology m the University of Saskatchewan ; F.R.S.E. 

9 Vice-Principal, College of Technology, Manchester. 

* Awarded M.C. f F.R S. t Mentioned in Despatches. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3) 

Graduates (Science). 


M.Sc. — continued. Date of 


cChaloner, Samuel Eyton 1927 

cChambers, Francis Clayton 1929 

cChapman, Ernest, Ph.D 1921 

cChapman, James Fraser 1909 

cChapman, Thomas William 1902 

Charlesworth, Arthur 1904 

cCharlesworth, John 1908 

cCharlton, Edwin Johnson 1909 

ciCharlton, James 1923 

Chater, Frank 19x0 

Cheetham, Frederick Thomas 1910 

cChippindale, Harold Grimshaw 1927 

Chorley, Percy 1914 

xChorlton, James Dewsbury 1897 

Chou, Tsan Quo 1911 

Christie , Kenneth Vernon 1928 

cClark, Bertram 192S 

Clark, Charles Bernard 1908 

2Clarke, Harold 190S 

AClarke, John Hutton 1S9S 

cClarke, Winifrid Sowter 1932 

Clegg , Alford Victor 1910 

Clements, Sarah Eliza 

(Mrs. G. R. Elliottj 1909 
ClifEe, Gladys (Mrs. E. M. Muinford) 1913 

cCMe, Wilfrid Herbert 1933 

cCliiford, George Herbert Workman ... 1924 

cClubb, Joseph Albert 1897 

cCoates, Archibald 1924 

Cochran, James 1907 

cCockcroft, James Philip 1923 

cCocker, Wesley, Ph.D 1929 

3Cockshutt, John Albert 1912 

Cohen, Alexander Max 1907 

Colclough, Tom Peach 1907 

Collett, John Henry 1899 

cCollyer, Dons Hollins 1929 

Conway, Mrs. F. R. A. W. 

See Yeoman, Joyce B. 

cCook, Maurice 1920 

Cooke, Herbert Swift 1911 

Cooke, Martha Elizabeth 19 11 

C4Cooke, Matthew James Hilton 1909 

cCooper, Albert Henry 1900 

Cooper, Charles 1910 

Cooper, Charles 1911 

cCooper, Eugenia Rose Aylmer, M.D. ... 1926 

cCope,Fred\Volverson 1932 

Copley, Frederick 1904 

cCore, Angus Fairthorne igig 

cCore, Colin Granville 1919 

a Core, William Hamilton 1901 

Comiack, Robert Richardson 1905 

cComish, Ronald James 1926 

cCorrigan, James Frederick 

(now James Frederick Stirling) 1922 

cColton, Francis Wilfrid 1931 

Cotton, Robert 1908 

Cottrell, Alim 1910 

cCoulson, Alfred 1900 

cCousins, Harry 1909 

cCoventry, Theodore 1889 

Coward, Dorothy Gladys 

(Mrs J. Roth well) 1909 

Coward, Katharine Hope 190S 

**Coward, Thomas Alfred 1921 

I Date of 

I Degree 

j Coward, Winifred Ethel 1909 

cCowen, William 1928 

[ Coxon, Laurance Adams 1905 

Crabtree, James 1914 

Crabtree, John Ickeringill 1912 

cCrabtree, Walter Robinson 1892 

cCraddock, Quinton Lee 1927 

Crawford, David McFarlane 1910 

AcCreak, Robert Brown 1887 

Creeth, Norman Allen 1008 

cCumick, Harry Raymond 1932 

Crookes, Bernard Humphrey 1893 

oCumick, Harry Raymond 1932 

Curaock, William Emmanuel Macbryde 1904 

cCurphey, Douglas Carr 1924 

I Currie, Mrs. J. H. 

\ See Sevan, Ellen May 

J Curzon, Thomas 19 11 

cCuthbertson, Joseph William 1927 

cDaly, Leonard 1928 

cDarbyshire, James Albert 1928 

cDarb’yshire, Orrell 1924 

cDatta, Sarojim 1932 

Davenport, John Alfred 1905 

j Davidson, John Howard 1904 

Davidson, Jonathan, Roberts 1898 

| rDavies, Beatrice (Davies, Mrs. W. E ; 

graduated B.Sc. as Beatrice Shorrock) 1931 

Davies, Edward Conference 1921 

cDavies, Elwyn 1932 

ADavies, Ernest Edward Dentith, B.A. XS92 

Davies, Samuel Henry 1895 

Davies, Mrs. W. Emrys. 

Sec Davies, Beatrice 

cDavis, Edwin X932 

cDavis, Eli, M.B., Ch.B 1930 

xDavis, Frederick 1904 

Davis, Frederick William Daniel ... 1899 

Davis, George Keville 1905 

cDawson, Kathleen Kendall 1928 

cDawson, Robert Brian 1927 

cDawson, Wilfred Ernest 1926 

cDay, Henry 1915 

*Dean, Arthur Creswell 1911 

ADean, Gertrude Augusta, M.A. 

(Mrs. A. A. Mellor) 1903 

Dearden, Frank 19 11 

cDearden, William Hoghton 1924 

cDeamaley, Sam 1925 

Delin, Frank Bernhard 1908 

*+$DeMpine, Auguste Sheridan 1905 

Ddepine, Helenas George Sheridan ... 1914 

Dell, John Alexander 1906 

cDent, Frankland 1897 

Denton, Emest 1905 

cDeshpande, Datta Laxman 1931 

Devon, Arthur 1903 

khewiturst, Charles Bennett 1893 

Dewiiurst, Melbourne 1910 

cDixon, Annie 1922 

ttbDobson, Joseph Henry 1906 

Dobson, Mary Elizabeth 

(Mrs. F. Thomas) 1910 
Dodds, Herbert Henry 1908 

1 Principal, College of Agriculture, Burma State, Mandalay. 

2 H.M. Inspector of Factories and Workshops. 

3 Head Master, The County School, Sutton, Surrey. 

4 Head Master, Stockport Secondary School. 

5 Late Professor of Public Health and Bacteriology in the University. 

6 Professor at the Transvaal Technical Institute, Johannesburg 

* Awarded M.C. t Awarded D.S.O. J Mentioned in Despatches. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates {Science). 

M.Sc. — continued. Date of 


Donovan, Mrs, H. W. 

See Jackson, Eleanor M. 

Dootson, Percy 1910 

Doughty, Joseph Henry 19 11 

Douglas, George Frederic 1908 

Douse, Oliver Statham 19x1 

Downs, Edmund 19x1 

iDrennan, William St. George lyoi 

Ji**aDresc}ifeld, Julius 1905 

cDrew, Kathleen Mary 

(Mrs. H. W. Baker) 1923 

Drugman, Julien Leon Eugene 1906 

cDrummond, Alan Ashby igiy 

Drummond, John Malcolm 1913 

Duckworth, Samuel 1907 

Duffy, Kate, (Mrs. W. F. Harvey) .. 1911 

cDunbar, Charles ... .. 1930 

cDunkerley, Wilfrid 1925 

**3 Dunkerly, John Samuel 1929 

c^Dunii, John Shaw 1929 

cDwerryhouse, Arthur Richard 1902 

cEastwood, Eric 

cEaves, Charles Warrell 

Eccles, William 

*C5 Eddington, Arthur Stanley 

cEden, Thomas 

cEdge, Vernon 

Edmonds, Mrs. G. C. 

See Pritchard, Freda M. 

AcEdmondson, Alfred Richard 

cEdmondson, Franklin 

Edwards, Ernest John 

Edwards, William 

cElliot, John Kenneth 

Elliott, Mrs. G. See Nash, Gladys 
Elliott, Mrs. G. R. 

See Clements, Sarah E. 

Elliott, Reginald Leslie 

cEllis, Cyril Gascoigne 

cEllis, Er Victor 

Ellis, James John, B.D 

cEllis, Oliver Coligny de Champfleur, 


cEUson, Fergus Alexander 

cElsden, Oscar 

Elton, Percy Maden 

England, Amos 

England , Helen Mary 

cEvans, Meredith Gwynne 

cEvans, Rbydwyn Harding 

Evans, W alter Herbert 

xcEwan, Thomas 

Ewart, Robert John, M.D 























6Fairbrother, Fred 

cFarrbrother, Thomas Harold 
7Faixbrother, William Samuel 

cFairclough, Norman 

Fairlie, Dorian Maceheld 

Falkner, Ernest Basil 

cFalshaw, Edith Helen 








Fanner, John Taylor 

Fanner, Robert Crosbie 

cFarquharson, Donald John 

AcFarrar, Harolu 

AcFarrar, Tom Douglas 

Farrell, Frank James 

harrington, Henry 

cFawcett, Reginald Clifford, Ph.D. 

cFazackerley, Thomas Shaw 

cFearnley, Nora 

cFerguson, Roderick Morrison 

Ferns, John Fitzpatrick 

Fielding, William 

cFielding, William Richard, M.A., M.Ed 

cFinch, Arthur Calvert 

Findlay, Mary Grace 

cFinklcman, Benedict, M.B., Ch.B. 

cFinlayson, Thomas Campbell 

cFirth, Elsie May (Mrs. William Taylor 

Firth, William Winterbottom 

AcFish, Ellen, (Mrs. Ritchie) 

8 Fisher, Kenneth 

cFletcher, Dorothy Brewster 

Fletcher , James 

cFogg, Albert 

cFoliey, Sydney John, Ph.D 

Follows, George 

cForbes, William Bulloch 

Ford, George Harold 

Forrest, James Alexander Mitchell 

cForshaw, Arthur 

Forsyth, John Andrew Cairns, M.B., 

Date of 

















Xt )28 






AFoster, Edmund Dean 

Foster, Frank 

tgFosler, Trevor Thomas 

cFothergill, Fred 

Foulds, Robinson Percy 
France, Norman Edgar... 
c Francis, Edgar Llewellyn 
AcFrankland, John Naylor 
Fraser, William Norman 

Fry, George Cecil 

cFryer, Alfred Henry 
cFryer, Arthur Frederick 
Furness, Reginald 










Gabbatt, John Percy 

cGalloway, Walter Johnstone 

cGardner, Henry Dent 

Garnett, James Holden 
cGarrard, Stanley Frederick ... 

Garratt, Ernest 

AcGarrctt, Frederic Charles 

Garside, Sydney 

cGaul, Ernest George 

Gawler, Robert 


Gerard, Tom Overton 

AcGerland, Conrad 

Gerrard, Harold 

Gibbms, Hugh 










1 Head Master, Grammar School, Leominster. 

2 Late Professor of Medicine in the University. 

3 Late Professor of Zoology in the University. 

4 St. Mungo Professor of Pathology in the University of Glasgow, 

5 Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of 

Cambridge ; Kt. 

6 Head Master, Leighton Buzzard Grammar School. 

7 Head Master, Hindlcy Grammar School. 

8 Head Master, Oundlc School, Northaruptonsliire. 

9 Head Master, County School, Frome. 

* F.R S. t Awarded M.C. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates (Science). 


jg'Sc.— continued. 

Date of 






cGibbins, Leslie Brisbane ... . 

cGibbs, Winifred Mary 

cGibson, Osborne 

AcGilbody, Alexander William 

Gill, James Francis 

cGladding, Geoffrey 4 ..j* u 

cGleaves, Edward, M.Ed,, M.B., Ch.B. 1914 

cGlover, Arthur 1917 

cGlover, Donald William 1923 

cGoffey, Arthur 1922 

Goldsmith, John Naish 1903 

Gooch, Sydney 1906 

Goodson, Ethel Elizabeth 

(Mrs. W. A. Osborne) 1905 

Goodwin, Harold 1913 

cGoodwin, Wilfred Lees 1933 

Goodwin, William 1909 

AGomall, Frank Howorth 1903 

Gough, Thomas 1910 

a Graham, Edward 1897 

Grant, Charles Henry 1904 

Grant, Frederick Ernest 1905 

Grant, William Prince, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1901 

cGray, Harold Heath 1930 

Grayson, John 19** 

AGreen, Clarence James 1901 

Green, Ernest 1913 

Green, John Singleton. 

See Singleton-Green, J. 

cGreenhalgh, Stanley 1909 

cGreenwood, Emmeline 

(Mrs. Finnic Radclitfe) 1923 

cGreenwood, Gilbert 1922 

cGreenwood, Hubert 1931 

cGreenwood, Morrison 1928 

cGregory, Charles Henry 1927 

cGregory, Irene Jane (Mrs. Platts) ... 1922 

Gregory, Mrs. S. O. 

See Priestley, Dorothy 

c**Grier, J ames 1909 

cGrieve, William Scott Minto 1931 

cGrif&th-Jones, Ernest *9** 

Griffiths, William Henry 1903 

cGrime, Harry 193* 

cGrime, Roger Ernest 1907 

cGrimshaw, Harold Charles worth ... 1922 

cGrindley, Thomas Douglas 1924 

Groocock, Henry Lloyd 1902 

cGruning, Henry Hermann 1898 

Gunter, John Henry *9* x 

•Gwythcr, Reginald Duncan 1909 

cHacking, Richard Alan *93° 

xciHaguc, John Scholes *9 00 

cHaiusworlh, Wilfred 1925 

cHalew, Jacob 1925 

cHall, Albert Claypolc 1931 

Hall, Archibald Alexander I9°3 

aH all, John Albert 1903 

cHall, Marjorie 1923 

Hall, Norman *9*3 

Hall, Richard John *9°5 

AC2Hallam, Joseph Henry 190° 

Halstead, George *9°^ 

cHamer, John Parkinson *93* 

Hance, Henry Malkin *9*6 

cHanckel, Alfred Woods* 1899 

cHandforth, Joe *9*4 

Date of 

Hankey, J. L. See Heinke, J. L. 

Hanna , William 1911 

cHappold, Frank Charles, Ph.D 1925 

Harcourt Frederick 1920 

cHarding, George Angier 1931 

Hardman, David 1899 

cHardman, May 1924 

Hardman, Robert Taylor 1911 

cHarger, John 1897 

Hargreaves , Egerton iyo7 

Acliargreaves, Louisa J ane 1911 

^Har her, John Allen 1906 

Harris , Sydney Joseph 1887 

cHarrison, Albert Seddon 1911 

cHarrison, Arnold Frean 1906 

Harrison, Fred 1910 

cHarrison, Harold Ainsworth, Ph.D. ... 1923 

Harrison, Joseph Greenall 1907 

Harrison, Leonard Hubert 1909 

cHartley, Arthur Griffiths 1925 

cHartley, Harold James 1926 

c+*3Hartree, Douglas Rayner 1933 

cHartwcll, Francis John 1922 

Harvey, Eleanor Beatrice (Mrs. Vextch) 1909 

Harvey, Thomas 1911 

Harvey, Mrs. W. F. See Duffy, Kate 

Harwood, Henry Francis ..." 1909 

cHanvood, John 1919 

cHaslam, John 1924 

Hawkes, John Henry 1910 

Haworth, Albert, M.B., Ch.B 1911 

c Haworth, Frederic 1898 

Haworth, Harold Firth 1905 

cHay, John Black Morrison 1927 

Hayhurst, Mrs. Horace. See Letter, Lily 

Hayhurst, Walter 1910 

C4Hayward, Joseph William 1898 

Hazlehurst, Alfred Noel 1899 

Heap, Harri 1907 

cHeap, Richard Rankin 1899 

Heap, Samuel 1904 

cHeap, Tom, Ph.D 1925 

cHeard, Albert 1921 

AcHeathcott, John 1893 

Heaton, William Lawson 1907 

c Hedges, Ernest Sydney, Ph.D 1922 

Heflord, Charles Nelson 1899 

AcHemke, John Loathart 

(now J. L. Hankey) 1909 

Hemsalech, Gustavus Adolphus 1906 

cHcnstock, Herbert ... 1906 

c Herbert, James Banks Morice 1930 

cHewitt, Francis William i9°3 

cHewlett, Edith Lettice, M.Ed 1908 

cHey, Donald 1932 

cHey, James Stanley 193* 

Heyhurst, Annie 1904 

cHey wood, Frank *9 22 

cHcyworth, Dorothy *9 2 7 

Hnirorth, Edith, (Mrs. Henry Stephen) 1939 

Hibbert, Gilbert Stanley 1909 

cHigginbotham, Lucy 3920 

cHigginbottom, Constance 3928 

cHiggins, Sydney Herbert 3907 

cHiggins, William Frederick, Ph.D. ... 3924 

cHigginson, Reginald 3923 

Higham, Joseph 3923 

AcHiles. Isa Lockyer 1900 

1 Principal of the Darlington Technical College. 

2 Director of Secondary Education, West Riding County Council. 

3 Beyer Professor of Applied Mathematics in the University, F.R.S. 

4 Principal of a Continuation School and Business College, Montreal. 

* Awarded M.C. t O.B.E. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates ( Science ) 

M.Sc. — continued. Date of 


c**i*Hill, Archibald Vivian 192s 

Hill, James Edward Hornsby 1908 

cHindes, Frederic William 1924 

cHindes, Gwendolen 1922 

Hindley Harry 1901 

Hindley, John Pear 1905 

caHird, Samuel 1903 

Hirst, Harry 1906 

Hobson, Arthur Bertram 1913 

jkHobson, Bernard ... 1890 

A Hodgkinson, Alexander, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1901 

cHodkinson, Benjamin 1926 

Hogarth , John Preston 1898 

3Holden, Edmund Haworth 1907 

cHolden, Ernest 1919 

AHolden, Henry 1S88 

cHolden, Norman Elleishaw 193 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

cHolland, Frederick George Code ... 1927 

AC*4Holland, Robert Wolstenholme, M.A., 

LL.D 1904 

Holme, George 1908 

t Holme, Richard Carlyle 1903 

Holmes, Frank William 1902 

cHolmes, William 1929 

Holt, Fred 1911 

cHoneyman, Percy Allan Whorlton.M.A. 1^15 

cHope, Harry, M.Ed 1928 

c Hope, Richard Arnold Hoyle 1931 

Hope, Mrs. W. W. See Auld, Margaret D. 

Hopkinson , Edwin 1906 

cs Houghton, Clara, M.Ed 1911 

cHousley, Harold, M.A. (Com.) 1915 

Howard, John Whiteley igo7 

c Howard, Thomas 1922 

Howarth , Edward 1906 

cHowarth, Ernest 1924 

cHowarth, John Trafford 1923 

cHowarth, Willis Openshaw 1918 

xc6Howden, Samuel Percy 1925 

cyHowell, Hugh Fletcher 1907 

Hoyle, Arthur Alwyn 1910 

A ** Hoyle, Williams Evans 1893 

Hoyochi, Ning-ye 1909 

cHudson, Frederick Lyth 1929 

cHughes, George William 1929 

Hulme, William 1913 

Humfrey, John Charles Willis 1903 

Hummel, John James 1904 

c Huntington, Alfred 1929 

Hutchison, Daniel Lean 1895 

Hutton, William Austin 1902 

Hynes, James Edward 1914 

clldn, Alice Graham 1923 

ac I llingworth, Dudley Holden 1899 

clngham, Bertram Hobart, Ph.D. ... 1924 

clngham, Harry 1907 

Ireland, Clement Arthur 190S 

Isgrovo, Annie (Mrs. Matthews) 1908 

c Israels, Martin Cyril Gordon, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1929 

Date of 

t Jackson, Arthur Randell, M.B., Ch.B... . 1900 

cj ackson, Editha 1923 

cjackson, Eleanor Margery 

(Mrs. H. W. Donovan) 1928 

Jackson, Eric Henry 1891 

cjackson, Harry Percival 1901 

Jackson, William Bramley 1907 

cjackson, William Wclsby 1929 

cjackson, Willie (now Willis Jackson) ... 1926 

Jackson, Willis. See Jackson, Willie 

J agger, J ohn Ernest 1901 

*8Jalland, William Edward Cecil 190S 

ejames, Alfred Thomas Stephen 1903 

James, Edward William Harold ... 1907 
ejames, Harold Ernest Oswald, B.A. ... 1025 

AC9 Jameson, Alexander Hope 1897 

AcJameson, William Hope Masterton ... 1899 

ejay, Alfred Hartley 1931 

Jefterson, Robert Ernest 1909 

ejepson, Clarence 1920 

ejepson, Douglas 1923 

ejepson, Mary Winifred Maud 1935 

ejewson, Sibyl Trevor 1922 

c jinks, James Richard Ashworth ... 1933 

c Johnson, Arthur Edward 1929 

c Johnson, Edith Drinkwater ... ... 1910 

ac Johnston, John Haslam 1900 

Jones, Arthur 1911 

cjones, Arthur Llewelyn, Ph.D 1922 

a Jones, David Trevor 1903 

Jones, Edward 19x1 

cjones, Eric 1921 

cjones, Ernest, MB., Ch.B 1905 

Jones, Ernest Gabriel 1904 

Jones, Francis Augustus 1915 

’’""rojones, Owen Thomas 1923 

cjones, Robert Cyril Briscoe 1923 

Jones, Mrs. R. C. B. 

See Lindsey, Marjorie 

a Jones, Robert Henry 1899 

Jones, Thomas Gilbert 1897 

cjones, William Herbert, Ph.D 1930 

c Jordan, John 1930 

Joseland, Walter Herbert 1893 

Jowett, Albert 1900 

Kaizer, Myer ( now Myer Kaye) 1903 

Kay, Francis William 1906 

cKay, William Whittle, M.B., Ch.B. . . 1932 

Kaye, Edward Percy 1907 

| Kaye, Myer. Sec Kaizer, M. 

I cKelletl, Alice Corficld 1929 

j cKendal, Laurence Pollard 1928 

cKenneford, Arthur Spencer 1933 

! Kenyon, George Henry 1907 

I Kenyon, Harold Leigh 1910 

j Kenyon, Maxwell Slater 1902 

Kenyon, Richard Ernest 1897 

1 Kershaw, Edith May 

| (Mrs T. G. B. Osborn) 1908 

j AcKershaw, Joseph Wood 1897 

l cKettlewell, John Gibson 1901 

1 Foulerton Research Professor of the Royal Society ; Nobel Prize for Medicine ; F.R.S. 

2 H.M. Inspector of Factories. 

3 Head Master, Bacup and Rawtenstall Secondary and Technical School. 

4 Principal of Pitman’s Schools, London. 

5 Head Mistress, West Hartlepool Municipal High School 

6 Principal of Branch Technical School, Openshaw. 

7 Principal of Walker Technical College, Hartshill, Wellington, Salop. 

8 Director of Education for Harrogate. 

9 Professor of Civil Engineering, University of London. 

1 o Woodwardian Professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge ; F.R.S. 

* O.B.E. 

t Awarded D.S.O. and Croix dc Guerre (French and Belgian); Belgian Ordre de Leopold; 

Portuguese Order of Ariz ; Mentioned in Despatches four times, 

\ Awarded M.C. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates ( Sc ience ) . 


M.Sc. — continued. 

Date of 

cKhan, Ahdus Samad 

... 1918 

cKing, Alfred 

— 1931 

King, Herbert 

... 1901 

cKirby, Frederick Oscar 

... 1905 

cKirkby, William Antony, Ph.D.... 

... 1919 

c Kirkland, John 

... 1903 

Kilchin, Albert 

... 1907 

Kletz, Leonore (Mrs. B. Peim/ml 

... 1913 

Knott, Cyril Wakefield 

... 1907 

Knott, Frederick Vernon 

... 1914 

cLabrow, Schofield 

... 1924 

AiLamb, Ernest Horace 

... 1902 

c**2Lung, William Henry 

... 1929 

Langton, Joseph Lusts’ arten. 

See Lustgarton, J. 

Lankshear, Frederick Russell 1912 

cLapage, Enid (Mrs. Geoffrey Lapage ; 

graduated D.Sc. an Oldham) 1928 

cLapage, Geoffrey, M.B., Ch.B. 1914 

Lapage, Mrs. Geoffrey. See Lapage Enid 

**3Lap\vorth, Arthur 1923 

Latham, Annie 1907 

Laurie, Mrs. 

See Thatcher, Kathleen M. 

cLaw, John 189S 

cLea, Fanny 1923 

cLea, Thomas Russell 1934 

cLeach, William 1924 

Leah, Annie (Mrs. Nicholl) 1910 

Lee, Norman 1908 

Leeming, William Thomas 1904 

Lees, Norman 1908 

Leigh, Harold Shawcross 1912 

cLempert, Hyme 1928 

ACLester, Joseph Henry 1893 

cLetter, Lily (Mrs. Horace Hayhurst) ... 1916 

AcLevinstein, Herbert 1902 

cLewis, Douglas Rostron 1926 

cLewis, Eric Hadfield 1922 

cLexvis, Joseph Watson 1926 

Lcwtas, Oscar 1914 

AcLidbury, Frank Austin 1902 

Lightbown, Constance Mary 

(Mrs. H. Baker) 1917 
Lindsey, Marjorie (Mrs. R. C. B. Jones) 1914 

Lingford, Herbert Muschainp 1911 

cLmskill, William Arthur 1902 

Lmton, Stanley Fox, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1919 

cLittlejolm, Ernest Salmond 1917 

cLittler, Thomas Simms 1926 

cLittler, William Bryan, Ph.D 1930 

cLivens, Robert Geoffrey 1915 

a Livesev, Charles Harold Cort 1888 

Llewellyn, Benjamin 1910 

Lloyd, William Gibbs, M.B., Cn.B. ... 1903 

cLobloy, Alfred Glynne 1921 

Lockett, William Thomas 1909 

Lo nax, Ernest Lawson 1912 

Lord, Mrs. A. V. See Smith, Rachel M. 

cLord, Frank 1907 

AcLord, George Wilfred 1899 

AcLord, J ames 1901 

AcLovell, Reginald 1928 

cLowe, Frank Harold 1906 

cLowe, Harold 19II 

Lowe, Harry Marchanton 1913 

Lubrzynska, Eva Frouiaa 1913 

cLudlam, Ernest Bowman 1002 

cLunn, Robert Howard 1807 

Lupton, Hartley 1022 

AcLustgarten, Joseph 

(now Joseph Lustgarten Langton) 1901 

cLyon, Gerald XQ23 

cLyth, Rupert i y 3i 

Macalpine, George Lawson 1005 

cMaccall, William Tolme 1902 

McClure, William Ewart 1897 

McConnan, James 1905 

McDavid, James Wallace 1912 

4McDougall, William i8gg 

cMcGaughey, Charles Angus 1932 

cMacgill, Elsie Isabel 1921 

cMcKay, Alfred Tozer 1930 

cMackerill, John 1915 

SMacMahon, Patrick Sarsfield 1909 

cMcNicol, Mary 1907 

MclVtlham, Alexander 1911 

cMaines, Albert 1924 

c**6Maitland, Hugh Bethune 1929 

Mallinson, Augustus. 

See Schloesser, Augustus 

C7Mann, Flarold Hart 1902 

March, Margaret Colley 1911 

cMarples, Brian John 1931 

Marsden, Fred 1893 

cMarsden, Harold 1902 

cMaisden, Ralph John Basil 1932 

cMarsh, John Thompson 1925 

Marsh, Robert Lawrence igo8 

**8 Marshall, Arthur M tines 1893 

cMarshall, Charles Edmund 1925 

A* Marshall, Charles Frederic, M D. ... 1887 

M arshall, Frederick William Dyson . . . 1907 

AcMarshall, John Willis 1892 

cMartin, Harold Eric, M.D 1923 

Martin, Vincent Joseph 1902 

Mason, Charles Moir 19 n 

Mason, Airs, E. Sec Slane, Una L 

cMastin, Harold, Ph.D 1922 

c.Matheson, James Louis 1933 

Matthews, Mrs See Isgrove, Annie 
Maurice, Mrs. N. B. 

See Armstead, Dorothy 

cMawson, Colin Ashley, Ph.D 1930 

cMaxfield, Herbert Lightfoot 1913 

Maxim, J ames Leonard 1910 

Meadowcroft, Lancelot Vernon igo 7 

cMeek, Colin Alfred 1932 

t Mar, Wilfrid Ault 1914 

AcMeischke-Smith, William 1890 

a Melland, Brian 1886 

AcMelland, Godfrey 1903 

AMellor, Alfred Ayre rgoi 

Mellor, Mrs. A. A. See Dean, Gertrude A. 

Mellor, Benjamin Stanley 1914 

cMellor, Herbert Edward 1907 

Mercer, Alfred 1910 

Metcalfe, J ames Croxon 1905 

Middleton, Herbert 1911 

x Professor of Engineering in the University of London (East London College) ; Awarded D.S.C, 

2 Professor of Cryptogamic Botany in the University ; F.R.S. 

3 Professor of Chemistry in the University ; F.R.S. 

4 Professor of Psychology m Duke University, Durham, North Carolina ; F.R.S. 

5 Professor of Chemistry, Canning College, Lucknow, India. 

6 Professor of Bacteriology in the University. 

7 Principal and Professor of Chemistry, Government of Bombay Agricultural College, Poona. 

8 Late Professor of Zoology in the Owens College. 

* F.R.C.S. t Mentioned in Despatches. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates (Science). 

M.Sc. — continued . Date of 


cMiles, Mary (Mrs. H. W. Miles) 


AMiller, James McPherson 


AMillett, John Thomas 


c**i Milne, Edward Arthur 


Milner, Harold Wood 


cMinton, Thomas Hosker 


cMitchell, Elizabeth Gertrude ... ... 


Mitchell, Mrs. H. V. See Bagnall, Marie 

AcaMoorby, William Henry 


*cMoorc, Ernest John 


AC3Moore, Frederick Craven, M.D 


Moorfield, Samuel Howarth 


cMoorhouse, Mary Alice 


c**4Mordell, Louis Joel 


cMoreton, Walter 


cMorgan , Albert Sidney Louis 


cMorgan, Conway Frederick John 


Morgan, John Stanley 


**Monts, Siegmund 


cMorrall, James 


AMorris, Alfred 


cMorris, Hubert Meredydd 


Morris , Tom Harrison 


cMorris, Victor Allen 


Af MorriS'A trey, Harold 


cMorrow, John 


cMorss, William Livesey 


cMorton, Edgar 


Motley, Parker 


Mottram, Edward Neville, Ph.D. 


xMouilpied, Alfred Theophile de 


Mullock, Amy 


C5 Mumford, Edward Philpott 


Mumford, Ernest Moore 


Mumford, Mrs. E. M. See Cliffe, Gladys 

cMurphy, Alfred John 


A6Murray, John Moore 


Myers, John Ellis 

1897 1 

cNanney, Phyllis 

1929 I 

Napier, Arthur George Fritz 

1905 ! 

Narke, Ganesh Govind, B.Sc Tech. ... 

1912 | 

cNash, Gladys (Mrs. G. Elliott) 


AcNaylor, Ernest Brooks 


Naylor, Geoffrey Somerville 


Naylor, Jonathan Harold 


Naylor, Luther 


cyNaylor, Thomas Martin 


cNeave, Ferris 


Neil, Alexander Cockbum 


a Nelson, George 

1904 j 

Newson, Henry J ames 

1911 j 

c Newton, William Henry, M.B.,Ch B.. . 


Nicholl, Mrs. See Leah, Annie 

tSNicholson, John William 


Nicoll, Frank 


Nightingale, Ernest 

igil ! 

cNonninton, Harold 

1903 ; 

Norris, Dorothy 

{graduated B.Sc. as Harrop) 


Date of 

cgNorris, Roland Victor 1909 

Nuttall, Henry 1907 

O'Brien, Frederick 

O’ Callaghan, Frank. 

See Callaghan, Frank 

cOgden, Geoffrey 

AcOkell, Joseph 

Oldham, Enid. See Lapage, Enid. 

roOldroyd, Arthur 

Ormcrod, Ernest 

Osborn, Mrs. T. G. B. 

See Kershaw, Edith M. 
Osborne, Mrs. W. A. 

See Goodson, Ethel E 

cOulton, Llewellyn 

1 1 Owen, Gwilym 

cOxford, Albert Edward, Ph.D 

cOxland, Charles Harold 







* 9<>3 



cPage, Arthur 1929 

*%Palmev , Rupert William 1913 

cParker, Albert 1913 

cParker, Bertha 1930 

cParker, Herbert Myers 1931 

Parkinson , 

Thomas William Faraday, M.Ed. 1904 

Parlby, Joshua ' 1924 

cPartington, William ... 1905 

Pauls, Charles Alfred 1897 

cPaulson, Eric Hodson 1931 

cPayne, Olga Grace Mary 

(Mrs. Paync-Chadwick, M.D ) 1914 

Payne-Chadwick, Mrs. 

See Payne, Olga G. M. 

AcPeace, Thomas Arthur 1888 

AcPearce, William Felix 1888 

Pearson, Mrs. B. See Kletz, Leonore 

AcPearson, Herbert Pink 1902 

Pearson, Robert John Addison 1904 

Peaty, Henry Furaell 19x1 

cPeck, Harry 1918 

cPeel, Eric Lord 1929 

cPemberton, Douglas Gordon 1929 

cPennington, Dorothy Welsby 1921 

Kpcnnington , James Dixon 1897 

iaPerkins, William Hughes 1907 

Peterkin, James Dysaxt 1901 

cPeters, Arnold Thornton, Ph.D. ... 1925 

cPliillips, Edgar Giraldus 1924 

Phillips, Ethel Margaret, M.B., Ch.B. 1912 

ACi3Pickford, Alfred Garsidc 1890 

Pickford, Fred 1908 

Platt, Be vis 1911 

i4Platt, James Clement 1911 

cPlatt, John Isaac 1924 

Platt, Wilfred 1908 

Platts, Mrs. See Gregor}', Irene J. 
cPollard, Alfred, Ph D 1937 

1 Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford ; F.R.S, 

2 Director of Works Department, the Admiralty. 

3 Formerly Professor of Systematic Medicine in the University ; F.R.C.P. 

4 Fielden Professor of Pure Mathematics in the University ; F.R.S. 

5 Director of the Pacific Entomological Survey, Honolulu. 

6 Director of Education, Warrington Borough Council. 

7 Fnncipal of the Harris Institute, Preston. 

8 Professor of Mathematics in the University of London (King’s College) ; F.R.S. 

9 Professor of Bio-Chemistry in the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, S. India. 

10 Head Master, The Grammar School, Hey wood. 

1 1 Professor of Physics, University College, Aberystwyth. 

12 Director of Education for Warwickshire, 

13 Head Master of the Hulme Grammar School, Oldhanx. 

14 Head Master, Chadderton Grammar School. 

* Awarded M C. f C B.E. t Mentioned in Despatches. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II (3). 

Graduate (Science). 


M.Sc. — continued. Date of 


cPollard, Benjamin, B.D 1912 

Pollard, Reginald Sidney 1911 

c*Pollitt, George Paton 1903 

kPopplewcll, William Charles 1S93 

Porter, Ralph Classon 1895 

cPortman, Edward Dudley 1928 

cPotash, Simon 1930 

cPotter, Harry 1931 

Powell, Elizabeth Caroline 

(Mrs. J. D. Byrd), M.B., Cb.B. 1908 

cPowell, Percival Herbert 1904 

ciPrescott, James Arthur 1919 

cPrice, Albert Thomas ... 1927 

cPriestley, Adam 1907 

Priestman, Harold 1901 

cPritchard, Freda Mary 

(Mrs. G. C*. Edmonds) 1922 

AcProudlove, Reginald 1895 

cPugh, Caecilia Elisabeth Mary, Ph.D. 1927 

AcQuarmby, Alphonso Pitzalan 1904 

cQuayle, Mark, M.Ed. igi2 

cQuinn, James Cardwell 1894 

Radclifle, Mrs. Frank. 

Sec Greenwood, Emmeline 

Radcliffe, Nonnan Brooke 1907 

Ramshaw, Walter 1902 

c Randall, John Turton 1926 

c**sRaper, Henry Stanley 1929 

AcRaundrup, Jens Henrik 1897 

Rawsthom, Reginald Bromley 190S 

Read, William John 1911 

AReckitt, Ernest 1909 

Redfem, Herbert Stanley 1905 

c Reed, Richard Sellers 1926 

cRees, William Pritchard 1921 

Reeve, Edward 1909 

Renshaw, Bertha 1908 

Reynolds, Frank Du Cane 1913 

AReynolds, Henry 1911 

Rhead, Alan Victor 1914 

cRhead, Thomas Fred Eric 1909 

cRichardson, Edwin 1923 

3 Richardson, Harry 1913 

cRichardson, William Alan 1925 

Riddlesworth, William Henry 1901 

Ridgway, Isaac Althorp 1910 

cRidgway, Leslie Randal, Ph.D 1921 

AcRigby, Joe 1904 

cRigg, Jack 193 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

Riley , Clifford 1910 

Riley, John 1910 

c Riley, Kenneth 1925 

Riley, Mary 1908 

Riley, Thomas Nixon 1907 

cRimmer, Travis 1907 

4Rimmer, William Bolton 1906 

Ritchie, Mrs. See Ellen Fish 

Ritchings, Walter 1907 

ARixon, Frederick William 1903 

cRoberts, Alice 1928 

t Roberts, Arthur 1912 

Roberts, Francis Joseph 1911 

cRoberts, Frank 1927 

Date of 

cRoberts, Ivy 1923 

Roberts, WUliam Henry 1902 

c Robinson, Arthur James 1905 

1 c Robinson, Edwin Brew 1925 

• c Robinson, Henry 1922 

; a Robinson, Henry Fishwick 1898 

I c Robinson, Joseph 1913 

Robinson, Mrs. R. 

See Walsh, Gertrude M . 

, Robinson, Rona 1907 

a Robson, Ernest Smith Awmack 1898 

Rogers, Frank 1904 

cRogerson, Harold 1907 

cRoscoe, William Hilton 1931 

cRosenblum, Nathalie 

(Mrs. George Smith) 1916 

Ross, William McGregor 1901 

i cRothkopf, Bernard Paul 

( now Bernard Paul Rothweil) 1916 
Rothwell, Bernard Paul 
: See Rothkopf, B. P. 

Rothwell, Mrs J.Src Coward, Dorothy G. 

cRoussin, Arthur Louis 1931 

Rowland, William Martin 1908 

1 Royds, Robert 1906 

cRoyle, Frank Albert, Ph.D 1914 

f Rudolf, Norman Scott 1897 

\ Rule, Alexander 1904 

; Russell, John Marshall 1903 

1 Rutter, George 1908 

j Ryan, Alfred 19 n 

j cSalisbury, Eric Hall 1926 

| c Salmon, Robert Joseph 1923 

! cSamaan, Ivaram, Ph.D 1919 

' c**Sandeman, Edward 1916 

cSanderson, William James 1920 

' csSandiford, Peter 1907 

CASaunsbury, Robert, M.Ed 1903 

i cSaxelby, Charles Harold 1905 

cSaxelby, Edith Mary (Mrs. A. G. SirnonJ 1907 

. Ac6Saxelby, Frank Moulton 1898 

cSchedler, Jack Arnold 1922 

[ AcSchloesser, Augustus 

; (nott' Augustus Mallinson) 1888 

( cSohofield, Thomas Hugh 1925 

j Scholefield, Fred 1906 

1 c^Scholes, George Ernest 1907 

, AScotson, Annie, (Mrs. Attwell) 1901 

1 Schroder, Harold 1914 

; cSefenan, Manouk Haroutune 

(now John S Bradbury) 1921 

I cSein, Maung Kyaw ig33 

: c§Sellars, Edwin Lloyd 1913 

cSettle, Herbert Leslie 1932 

c Sever, William 1922 

cSewell, James Fowler 1933 

cShaffcr, Gershon 1932 

c Sharpies, George Bertrand ... ... ... 1906 

Sharratt, Walter 1914 

eShaw, Edwin Brian 1926 

cShaw, Elsie 1925 

AShaw, William Bolton 1S98 

cShaw, William Senior 1915 

cSheehan, Donal, M.D 1932 

1 Professor of Agricultural Chemistry in the University of Adelaide. 

2 Professor of Physiology in the University ; C.B.E., F.R S. 

3 Principal of Bradford Technical College. 

4 Officer-in- Charge, Commonwealth Solar Observatory, Mount Stromlo, Canberra, Australia. 

5 Professor of Education in the University of Toronto. 

6 Head of Mathematical Department, Battersea Polytechnic. 

7 Professor of Engineering in the University of Liverpool. 

* Awarded D.S.O. f Awarded M.C. and additional bar ; Serbian Order of Whitt Eagle (with Swords). 
% M.B.E. § Awarded M.C. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates (Science). 

M.Sc. — continued . Date of 


cSheehan, Harold Leeming, M.D 1933 

Sheldon, Ada 1910 

AcSheldon, Robert Acheson 1904 

Sheldon, Wilfred 1914 

Shepherd, Arthur Burton 1902 

cSherratt, Joseph 1931 

cShirley, Jack 1930 

Shoesmith, John Baldwin 1920 

cShores, Jeff Henry 1899 

Shorrock, Beatrice. See Danes, Beatrice 

Shorrock, Joseph 1898 

Shorrocks, Ernest 1900 

Short, Mis. W. F. See Brown, Kathleen 

cShortt, William Methuen 1922 

cShutt, William James 1919 

Sikes, Louis 1898 

cSimon, Alfred Gordon 1908 

Simon, Mis. A. G. See Saxelby, Edith M. 

cSimpson, Charles 1922 

cSimpson, Robert 1928 

AcSims, William Edgar 1896 

Sinclair, John Henry 1906 

cSingleton-Green, John, Junior 

( graduated B.Sc. as Green, J, S.) 1925 

ASinkinson, Samuel 1902 

♦iSinnatt, Oliver Sturdy 1907 

cSkirxow, Frederick William 1900 

cSlane, Una Christine (Mrs. E. Mason) 1917 

C2Slater, Francis Philip 1921 

Slater, Wilfrid Ernest 1914 

cSmith, Alan Lawrence 1922 

Smith, Albert Joseph 1903 

Smith, Arthur Richard T908 

cSmith, Edgar Charles, Ph.D 1923 

Smith, Frank Wagstaff 1897 

cSmith, Frederick Llewellyn 1931 

cSmith, George 1918 

Smith, Mrs. George. 

See Rosenblum, Nathalie 

t3 **Smith, James Lorraine 1905 

ASmith, Joseph Tertius 1917 

cSmith, Rachel Margaret 

(Mrs. A. V. Lord) 1924 
cSmith, Thomas {now T. Knape Smith) 1924 
Smith, Thomas Knape. 

See Smith, Thomas 

cSmith, Victor 1924 

A4Snape, Alfred Ernest 1905 

cSnape, Nellie 1908 

South, Arthur 1903 

Southall, Arnold 1909 

cSouthem, Herbert Kenneth 1923 

Sowerbutts, Hilda 1909 

Spencer, Edmund Stone 1901 

ASpencer, Henry Thomas 1893 

Spencer, Richard Decimus 1910 

cSpiers, John 1933 

cStafford, John 1924 

Stafford, William 1913 

**Standen, Robert 1924 

Standing, Herbert Fox 1904 

AStansfield, Edgar 1903 

xStansfield, Samuel 1906 

Starkie, James Kay ton 1904 

C5Stedman, Ernest 1911 

Date of 

Steele, Frances Mary 1908 

a Steinthal, William Paul 

(later W. P. Stonedale ) 1897 

cStennitt, Sydney Dockeray 1904 

cStephen, Florence Violet, M.B., Ch.B. 1923 

Stephen, Mrs. Henry. 

See Heyworth, Edith 

cStephens, Frances Lotte 1928 

AStephens, Blarney 1899 

cStephenson, William 1923 

Stewart, Charles Henry 1900 

cStewart, David 1926 

Stewart, Dorothy Anderson 1914 

Stirling, James Frederick. 

See Corrigan, J. F. 

Stockings, William Ernest 1905 

cStocks, Frederic Arnold 1920 

Stonedale, W. P. See Steinthal, W. P. 

Stones, George Bertram 1908 

| Stopford, Thomas Rinck, Junior ... 1913 

| Storey Robert 1909 

Storr, Bertram Vincent 1901 

cStott, Vaughan Husband 1915 

AStrange, Edward Halford 1897 

estrange, Nevill Hilder 1930 

I cStubbs, Alfred Eric, Ph.D 1930 

1 cStubbs, John Robert 1003 

! cStubbs, Sydney Robert 1923 

, cSud worth, James 1928 

; Sugden, John Henry 1904 

! cSugden, Vincent Henry 1901 

j cSunmer, Cyril Gordon, Ph.D 1926 

j ASuinner, Leonard 1897 

a Sumner, William 1S85 

! Sutcliffe, Edgar 1905 

j Sutcliffe, Herbert 1920 

1 cSutton, Hubert 1917 

cSwan, Enoch 1921 

1 cTabemer, Edwin 1918 

j cTattersall, Fred 1929 

cTattersall, George 1906 

Tayler, John Bernard igoi 

cTaylor, Elizabeth Alice 1924 

cTaylor, Frank Edward, M.A.,M.B.,Ch B. 1898 

cTaylor, Harold (Bacup) 1923 

Taylor, Herbert George 1909 

xTaylor, John 1902 

Taylor, Mary 1912 

1 Taylor, Robert Francis 1905 

I Taylor, Mrs. William. 

See Firth, Elsie M 

cTaylor, William Hodge, Ph.D 1927 

; c**6Tc‘lford, Evelyn Davison 1929 

cTennant, Norman Scholefield 1906 

cThatcher, Kathleen Mary (Mrs. Laurie) 1921 

I cTheivlis, James 1926 

Thomas, Arnold 1902 

1 cThomas, Doris Mary 1923 

ATho.nas, Fred 1904 

Thomas, Frederick 1908 

! Thomas, Mrs. F. See Dobson, Mary E. 

cThomas, Garfield 1922 

Thomas, Percy 1901 

c**7Thompson, Frank Charles 1929 

Thompson, John Lmdley 1910 

1 Professor of Aeronautical Science at the R.A.F. Cadet College, Cranwell. 

2 Formerly Professor of Textile Technology in the University. 

3 Late Professor of Pathology, University of Edinburgh. 

4 Professor of Civil Engineering, South African College, Capetown. 

5 Head Master, Purbrook Park County High School, Cosham, Hants. 

6 Professor of Systematic Surgery in the University ; F.R.C.S. 

7 Professor ot Metallurgy in the University. 

* Awarded M.C. t F.R.C.S. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates (Science). 


M.Sc. — continued. Date of 


Thompson, Monel 1907 

AThomson, Charles Sheldon 1S93 

**Thomson, James Stuart 1915 

cThomley, Sidney, Ph D 1922 

cThorp, Henry, M.B., Cb.B 1903 

cThorp, Samuel 1915 

Threlfall, Harold Spenctr 1899 

TImaites, John Herbert 1903 

cTideswell, Frederick Vincent 1917 

cTilling, Norman 1922 

ACiTimpany, Harold Munknian 1902 

cTimpe, Ronald 1924 

cTinker, George Parker 1923 

Toft, Louis 1907 

Tomlinson, Alfred 1907 

Tomlinson, John 1902 

Tomlinson, John , B.Sc.Tech 1928 

Topham, Leonard West 1907 

c**2Topley, William Whiteman Carlton. . . 1923 

cToppmg, James 1925 

cTuck, James Leslie 1931 

Turner, Harry 1906 

Turner, Maurice Russell igog 

cTvvist, Herbert 1924 

Tyldesley, Mrs. See Birtwell, Constance 

AUdaU, William 1902 

cUnwrn, Frederick 1906 

Uttley, James Arthur 1906 

Valentine, Abraham Henriques 1895 

AcVarley, George Percy 1904 

cVarley, Harold 1926 

Veitch, Mrs. See Harvey, Eleanor B. 

cVickers, Wilfred, M.Ed 1912 

Vollmer, George Frederick 1900 

Vonberg, William Martin Ronald ... 1911 

Wadsworth, Thomas 1906 

\Wagstaffe, Ernest Arthur 1893 

AWale, Royden Cobden 1903 

cWalkden, James 1925 

AWalker, Charles 1905 

AWalker, Edward 1889 

cWalker, Jack 1926 

Walker, John Haslam 1911 

Walker, William Eric 1908 

Wall, George 1900 

cWalley, Robert Josiah 1914 

cWalley, William Stanley 1920 

cWalls, Noel Stanley, Ph.D., MB., 

Ch.B 1920 

Walmsley, Mrs. Charles. 

See Withington, Doris 

cWalmsley, George James 1909 

cWalsh, Gertrude Maud 

(Mrs. Robert Robinson) 1908 

WalsJt, Joseph 1912 

cWalton, Arthur 1929 

Date of 

Walton, Harry 1904 

cWard, Edith 1899 

AWard, Harry Bernard 1906 

cWard, Henry Pilkington 1903 

AWard, Percy Frank 1912 

3Wardle, Robert Arnold 1914 

Warmisham, Arthur igir 

AC4 Warrington, Arthur Waliey 1887 

♦csWatson, David Meredith Sieares ... 1910 

Watson, Fred Sheasbj* 1905 

cWatson, Herbert Wood 1920 

Watson, Hubert 190S 

c Watson, William Harling 1923 

Watteville, Charles Frederic de 1906 

Waugh, Christopher England 1911 

Waugh, William 1911 

cWebb, Charles Henry 1901 

*c**6Weiss, Frederick Ernest 1905 

AWells, Norman 1904 

West, John 1911 

West, Tom 1911 

Weston, Arthur Tom 1906 

Wetherall, Arthur 1906 

Whaley, Frank Walmsley 1908 

Whalley, George William 1911 

Whatmough, William Henry 1901 

Wheatcroft, Kenneth Douglas 1904. 

cWhite, Seville Milne 1931 

Whitehead, Thomas 1907 

cWhitehead, Raymond , M.D 1932 

cWhitehouse, William John 1933 

Whiteley, Charles Edward 1902 

Whiteley, William 1913 

cWhittenbury, George Vincent 1932 

cWhittington, Richard Barrett 1933 

Whitton, Fred 1908 

c Whitworth, Clifford, Ph.D 1928 

cWigglesworth, Grace 1906 

cWignall, Hairy 1916 

Wiki, Eric Theodore 1907 

cWilcox, Leonard 1924. 

AC7Wild, Robert Briggs 1894 

Wildridge, Arthur Westley 1908 

Wilkinson, George Robert 1910 

cWilkinson, J ohn Frederick, Ph.D. , M.D. 192 1 

c Wilkinson, Lionel St. George 1910 

cWilkinson, Marjorie 1930 

cWilkinson, Reginald 1929 

cWillans, Thomas Bowden 1902 

cWillcox, Thomas 1930 

ac W illiams, Arthur Edward 1920 

( cWilliams, Charles Garrett 1931 

Williams, Christmas Price 1906 

8 Williams, Evan Clifford 1917 

9 Williams, Frederic John, M.Ed 1911 

cWilliams, James 1924 

cWilliams, Samuel 1921 

Williams, Thomas Arthur 1911 

cWilliams, William Ewart 1926 

1 Head Master, Evening Technical School, Brighton. 

2 Professor of Bacteriology and Immunology in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical 


3 Professor of Zoology in the University of Manitoba. 

4 Professor of Science in the Shansi Imperial University, China. _ 

5 Jodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the University of London 

(University College). 

6 Professor Emeritus, formerly Professor of Botany and formerly Vice-Chancellor m the 


7 Professor Emeritus, and formerly Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the 

University. . . .. . _ , 

8 Formerly Ramsay Professor of Chemical Engineering m the University of London 

(University College). 

9 Head Master, Central School, Alexandra Road, Tipton. 

* F.R.S. Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduate* (Science). 

M.Sc. — continued. Date of 


cWillmer, Edward Nevill 1926 

Willott, Frank 1909 

cWillows, Richard 1930 

cWilson, Alexander 1907 

cWilson, Douglas Patrick 1929 

AWilson, George Harper 1891 

1 Wilson, Harold Albert 1900 

AWilson, John * 1897 

Wilson, John 1910 

cWilson, Percy George 1929 

cWilson, Richard Henry 1923 

Wilson, Sidney Ramson, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1906 

cWilson, Stuart Henry John 1932 

cWilson, Vera Katherine 1936 

cWithington, Doris 

(Mrs. Chailes Walmsley) 1921 

cWithrington, John Wilfred 1928 

cWolfenden, Keith 1925 

Wolfenden, Ralph 1908 

AcWolff, Charles Ernest 1910 

cWood, Cyril Warcup,M. Ed 1923 

cWood, Harold 1923 

cWood, Harry Edwin 1905 

Wood, Herbert Alexander 1909 

cWood, Raymond George 1929 

cWood, Stanley Albert 1936 

Dale of 

cWood, William Arnold 1925 

! V Woodall, Ambrose Edgar, M.D 1909 

| cWoodhead, Donald Whitley 1923 

I cWoodhead, John Alfred Abarestro Lamb 1931 

cWoodhead, Norman 1927 

ac W oolley, Bertha Elizabeth 1905 

c Worm well, Frank 1927 

c Won-all, Gladstone Walter 1904 

1 cWrigley, Joseph Schofield 1933 

I cWyatt, Stanley, RI.Ed 1912 

j cWykes, Frederick Henry 1915 

Wylie, James Rawdon 1920 

j a Yates, John William 1903 

Yates, Joseph 1908 

v Yates, William Herbert 1898 

cYeadon, Robert 1932 

j c Yeoman, Joyce Buckley 

(Mrs. F. R. A. W. Conway) 1923 

cYofiey, Joseph Mendel, M.D 1929 

| Young, John Henry 1901 

| Young, Robert 1911 

i **Young, Thomas John 1915 

j a Young, William John rQ02 

| Zortman, Israel Hyman 1918 


The first part of this list contains the names of 
Degree of B.Sc. in accordance with the provisions oi 
of 1903 (ii. § 3 ). 

John Edward Alim. 

1 2 James Hartley Ashworth.. 

Percy Ashworth 
Edmund Atkinson. 

Frederick Harvey Barling. 
ctt3Thomas Barlow. 

George William Barrow. 

04 Peter Phillips Bedson. 
cFrederick William Bennett. 

Edward Jeremiah Blcs . 

Isaac Blore. 

Hugh Walter Boddy. 
cThonms Carter Booth. 
cWalter Henry Brazil. 
cHorace Edward Brothers. 
cGeorge Brown. 

Samuel Buckle y. 

5judson Sykes Bury, 
c Frank Butterfield 
Arthur Wellesley Caiman. 

Thomas Carnelley. 
c William Edward Chadwick. 
f6Julius Berend Cohen, 
c Joseph Collier. 

John Kent Crow. 

William Dancer. 
c Willi am Howarth Darling, 

the Associates of Owens College who received the 
: the Charter of 1880 (iv. § 3), and of the Charter 

George Henry Darwin, 

William Dodgson. 

Gibson Dyson. 

Clifford Blackburn Edgar. 
Abraham Matthewson Edge. 
John Elliott. 

William Arnold Evans. 
cjohn James Kent Fairclough. 
John Thomas Faulkner, 
cjohn Ferguson. 

Arthur Walton Fuller. 
cThomas Harry Gardner. 
Alexander Gibson. 
c§Thomas Ashton Goodfellow. 
cjohn Harley Gough. 
cAlired Henry Green. 

John Alfred Griffiths. 

James Gwyther. 
cArthur Harry Haigh. 
c William John Hancock. 
Nathan Charles Haring. 
Thomas Harris 
cGeorge James Haslam. 
Thomas Hahnemann Hayle 
J ohn Parsons Heudndge. 
Edward George H tiler 
John Hodgson. 

1 Professor of Physics, Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 

2 Professor of Natural History m the University of Edinburgh. 

3 Bart. ; Physician to H.M. Household ; formerly Holme Professor of Clinical Medicine in 

the University College Hospital, London. 

4 Professor of Chemistry m the Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

5 Formerly Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University. 

6 Formerly Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Leeds. 

* F.R.C.S. ; Kt. t F.R.S. * F.P.C.P. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

§ C.B.E. ; T.D. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc — continued. 
cAIbert Hopkinson. 

Charles Hopkinson. 

Edwaid Hopkinson. 

John Hopkinson. 

Peter Hor rocks. 

* William Heaton Horrocks. 

Walter Hurst. 

Frederick William Jordan. 

A IJred John King. 

Arnold William Warrington Lea. 

Walter Lea J. 

Archibald Prentice Ledwaid. 

David Bridge Lees. 

Charles Richard Lindsey. 
c Robert Meredith Littler. 

Arthur McDougall. 

Robert Maguire. 
cjohn William Meek. 
cCharles Herbert Melland. 
ciEdward Thomas Mellor. 
fc2joseph William Mellor. 

Mica-Smith. See A. M. Smith. 

Edmund Taylor Milner 
cAlfred Alexander Mumiord. 
cjohn Crawhall Nichol. 
cCharles Joseph Parkinson. 

Frederick Morrish Pierce. 

John Edward Platt 
f sJohn Henry PoynUng. 

Charles Henry Preston. 

Thomas Carleton Railton. 

Edwin Rayncr. 

4 Ernest Septimus Reynolds. 

Charles Ernest Richmond. 

j Edward Robinson. 

[ cjohn Thomas Rogerson. 
j cjjohn Henry Roskill. 

Isaac Scarth. 

William Edward Sowers Scott. 

Thomas Hoyle Sims. 

Frank Bletikinsopp Skerrett. 

Alfred John Smith . 

6 Alfred Micaiah Smith (later A. Mica-Smith) 
cfyArthur StnitheUs. 

8 Frederick A rmitage Southam. 

9 Alfred Ernest Stemthal. 

I Frederick Tertius Swanwick. 
j James Taylor. 

Jio William Thorburn. 

I iiThotnas Edward Thorpe. 

! Henry Tomkins. 

i cClement Bernard Voisey. 

! c§Thomas Watts. 

; William Marshall Watts. 

I Malcolm Webb. 

! ci^IFrederic Hibbert Westmacott. 

cArthur Thomas Wilkinson. 

! cjohn Price Williams. 

! William Carleton Williams. 

j cRichard Thomas Williamson, 

i Thomas Alfred Willis. 

! William Leonard Wills. 

| cOliver Withers. 

1 cEdgar Worthington. 

cWilliam Barton Worthington. 

Charles Romlev Alder Wright. 

Richard Thomas Wright. 

Sydney Young. 

cAbba, Edna Dorothy 

Date of 

cAbraham, Mazhuvanchery Chakko ... 


Adams, Claire Estelle 


Adams, Joseph 


cAdarns, May Louise 


Adamson, George 


cAdderley, Cyril John 


cAddey, Dorothy Mary 


cAinscouth, John 


cAinscow, Cuthbert Blundell, 

M.B., Ch.B. 


c Ans worth, Thomas 


cAirey, Frederick Thomas 


Aitken, Gladys Mary Elizabeth 


cAitken, William 


cAkred, Alice 


cAlain, Syed Mahmood 


cAlbinson, John 


cAlderson, Bernard Dunn 


||Alderson, Christopher 


cAlderson, John Dalton 

1927 1 

cAldred, Violet 


cAldrick, Maurice John 


c Aldridge, Clarice Mabel 

i 93 i 

cAlexander, Thomas Stuart 


Date of 

Alexandre, Mrs. See Cass. Kathleen L. 

cAlexandresco, Grigore 


cAli, Mir Laik 


cAli, Mohd Vajahat 


Alikkan, Mir Ahmed 


cAllara, El-Sayed Ahmed 


cAllanson, William Greenall ... 


Allcott, Arnold 


c Allen, Jessie 


c Allen, Margaret Dorothea ... 


cAllen, Walter Edward 


Allison, John Raymond 


cAllison, Muriel 


Allpass, J ames Trafiord 


c Almond, Agnes May 


cAlmond, Percy 


cAlston, Robert Torr 


AAltham, Jesse Liddel 


cAmes, Mercy Sybil 


cAmin, Abdel Halim 


cAmos, John Henry 

Anderson , Cyril Clark Segar... 



cAnderson, James Gordon 


c Anderson, Jean Margaret . . . 


Anderson, Jesse 


1 Acting Director, Geological Survey of the Transvaal. 

2 Principal of Stoke-on-Trent Central School of Science and Technology. 

3 Late Professor of Physics in the University of Birmingham. 

4 Late Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University, and Professor Emeritus. 

5 Judge of the Salford Hundred Court of Record. 

6 Sometime Professor of Chemistry in the School of Mines, Ballarat. 

7 Director of the Salters’ Institute of Industrial Chemistry. 

8 Formerly Professor of Systematic Surgery in the University ; late Professor Emeritus. 

9 Late Treasurer of the University. 

10 Late Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University ; C.B. (Military Division) ; C.M.G, ; K.B.E, 

11 Formerly Professor of Chemistry in the Royal College of Science. 

* K.C.M.G. t F.R.S. t F.R.C.S. § Kt. 

1 C.B.E. ; T.D. ; Mentioned in Despatches. |i Awarded D.S.O. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of 

Date of 



c Anderson, Joseph Evelyn Femon 


cBailey, Elfrieda 


Anderson, Mrs. W. McK. 

♦Bailey, George Cyril 


See Whitehead, Phyllis P. 

Baillie, Thomas Bryson 


Anderton, James Westall 


Baillic, Thomas Grimbaldeston ... 


c Andress, James Russell, M.A 


cBaird, Marjorie 


cAndress, William Russell 


Baker, Frank 


cAndrew, Mrs. Gerald. 

CfBaker, Norman Butler 


See Gartside, Winifred 

cBaldwin, Ada 


Angus, Alfred Henry 


cBall, Alec Richard Chesters 


cAnnis, Walter 


Ball, James Hamlby 


cAnsari, Ziauddin 


cBall, John 


Anson, Emily 


cBall , Leslie Wilson 


cAppleby, Enid 


cBall, Mary Alice 


cAppieton, Lydia Mary (Mrs. Gee) 


Bally, Harold Spencer 


Appleyard, John Henry Ross 


cBalme, Harold 


Archdeacon, William Henry 


Balmforth, Edgar Nichols 


Arifudden, Syed 


cBamber, Cecil Horace 


Armes, Jane Prue 


cBamber, John Plowright 


cArmitage, Dennis Lockhart 


cBamber, Robert Stansfield 


cArmitage, Geoflrey Lockhart 


cBamford, William 


Armitage, George Herbert 


cBanfield, James Robert 


Armitstead, Henry 


cBanham, Katherine May 

Armstrong, Gladys Maria 

(Mrs. J. W. Bridges) 


(Mrs. H. B. Speakman) 


c Banks, George Baldwin 


cArndell, Leslie 


cBannister, Gladys 


Aron, Mrs. C. J. See Stiebel, Dorothy C. 

cBardsley,. Reuben 


cAronszajn, Zusman 


cBarkas, Wilfred Watson 


c Arthur, Esther Marguerite 

cBarker, James Frederic 


(Mrs. J. D. Hannah) 


Barker, Leonard Noel 


Arthur, William Alfred 


cBarker, Mabel Adeline 


cAsgar, Syed Ali 


cBarker, Sidney Middleton 


cAshburner, Alfred Edward 


cBarker, Wilfred 


cAshby, Leonard James 


cBarlow, Alfred 


cAshcroft, Alice 


cBarlow, John Elliott 


cAshcroft, Walter 


Barlow, Percy Smith 


Ashforth , Thomas Bertram 


cBarlow, Richard 


cAshhurst, William, M.Se.Tech 


Barnes, Arthur Chapman 


cAshton, Albert 


cBarncs, Hilda Jane 


cAshton, Arnold Broadbent 


cBames, Mary (Mrs. Higginbotham) 


cAshton, Margaret Karfoot 


cBarnes, Richard Burcham 


cAshton, Ralph 


cBarnes, Roland, M B , Ch.B. 


cAshworth, Arthur 


cBamett, Charles William 


cAshworth, Arthur 


cBamsdale, Hilda Mary 


cAshworth, Fred 


Baron, Harold 


cAshworth, Josiah 


cBarraclough, Oswald 


cAshworth, Milton Hargreaves 


cBarretto, Herculano do Livraniento 


cAspinall, Henry Turner 


cBamtt, Agatha Olive 


xAspland, Alfred Lees 


cBamtt, Maxwell Mandall 


cAtack, Mary 


t^§Barron, Sidney Norman 


cAtherton, Arnold 


ih arrow, Ernest Isaac 


Atherton, James 


Bartlett, Godfrey Thomas 


c i Atherton, William 


Barton, Edith Beatrice 


cAtlcinson, Arthur Lawrence 


cBarton, John 


cAtkinson, Charles 


cBashforth, Edward 


cAtkinson, Elizabeth Joyce 


Bash f orth , George Alba t 


cAtkinson, John Domville 


cBate, James Reed, B.A 


cAttenborough, Edith Mary 


cBate, Reginald Noel 


cAttenborough, Joan Margaret 


Bateman, Samuel 


A uld, Elda 


Bates, Mrs. See Brocklehurst, Mary 

2Auld, Helen Park 


Batho, Cynl 


Auld, Lilian Elizabeth 


cBattersby, Thomas Frederick 


cAung, Maung Hla 


cBatty, Richard John, M D 


cAustm, George Bentley 


cBaxendale, Herbert Addison 


cAustrn, Marjorie 


cBayley, George Alasdair 


Aveyard, Ethel Ann (Mrs. Beckerlcgge) 


cBeadle, Margaret 


Bean, David Denzil 


*|JBachtold, Heinrich 


cBeard, Mary Lilian, BA . ... 


cBagshaw, Constance Marian 


3Beard, William Keith 


cBaguley, Frederick Everard 


cBeam, James 


cBaig, Mirza Humayun All 


cBeaton, Joseph Robert 


Baiky, Alfred 


Beattie, William Austin 


1 Principal, Denton Technical School 

2 Head Mistress, Esdaile Ministers’ Daughters’ School, Edinburgh 

3 H.M. Inspector of Factories. 

* Awarded. D.S.O. t Mentioned in Despatches. \ Awarded M C. § O.B.E. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc. — continued. Date of 


Beazlev, Arthur Tetley 1902 

cBeck, Hugh 192+ 

Becker, Mrs. See Butler, Mary H. 
Beckerlegge, Mrs. See Aveyard, Ethel A . 
Beckett, Arthur Denison , M.B. , Ch.B. . . . 1896 

Beckett, Eleanor 1909 

cBedson, Noel Phillips 1909 

cBeeley, John Wilfred 1931 

cBeetham, Jack 1932 

cBee\ er, Grace 1928 

cBegbie, Dorothy Grace 1922 

cBegg, Frances Barbara 

(Mrs. J. A. Williams) 1929 

cBell, Alan Brewis 1922 

Bell, Albert Henry 1902 

cBell, Christina Malcolm 1933 

cBell, Edward 1932 

Bell, James 1906 

cBell, John 1915 

cBell, Laura J oan Lancaster 1925 

cBell, Marjorie 1916 

cBelhs, Cecil 1929 

cBellis, Edith 1925 

Belsen, Mrs. See Thompson, Ethel 

cBenatar, David 1894 

Benn, Ethel 1909 

cBennett, Alwyn 1930 

cBennett, Ruth 1926 

cBenson, Donald 1922 

Benson, Hannah 1912 

cBenson, Marjorie 1911 

Benson, Mary, M.A 1908 

Benson, Willie 1911 

Bentley, Basil 1915 

cBentlev, Dorothy Lilian 

(Mrs. A. N. Taylor) 1921 
cBentley, Frederic Herbert, M.B., Ch.B. 1926 

cBentley, James Priestley 1922 

Benton, Harold William ign 

cBerens, Cyril 1933 

cBerrington, Maud 1931 

cBerry, Ethel 1922 

Berry, Frederick 1912 

cBerry, Malcolm 1930 

cBerry, Stanley 1921 

cBerth-Jones, Eric Wollaston 1933 

cBest, Albert Edward 1932 

cBeswick, Norah (Mrs. Thomas Dawe) ... 1917 

ABickerton, William Henry 1892 

♦cBicknell, Arthur 1913 

Billmgton, Whitworth Leonard 1915 

Binns, Arthur 1914 

Bums, Joseph 1912 

Bion, Melvyn Robert 1913 

cBirkett, Alan Geoffrey 1922 

cBirkett, Arthur Noel, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1927 

cBirkett, Francis Karl 1924 

cBirley, Stephen Harvey Yvon 1909 

Bimage, George Alfred 1896 

cBirtles, Sam 1929 

cBirtwell, Ellen Hamson 1925 

cBirtwistle, Alice 1924 

kBirtwisfie, George 1896 

cBishop, Edward 1928 

iBlack, James 1906 

Blackburn, Charles Bewicke 1894 

cBlackwell, Charles Alfred 1916 

cBlakeman, Kathleen Joyce 1926 

* Bland, John 1911 

cBlank, Merton 

(now Merton Joseph Blank) 1929 

I Date of 


Blank, Merton Joseph. 

See Blank, Merton 

cBIashill, Thomas 1933 

cBlaylock, Thomas Eggleston 1923 

cBlomerley, Harold William 1922 

cBloomer, Dora 1931 

cBloor, Frederick 1920 

Bloor, Harold Edgar 1902 

cBlower, George Frederick 1921 

cBlythe, Harold John 1927 

ABoardman, Ernest 1896 

cBoardman, John Leslie 1932 

| cBoardman, Tom 1934 

' cBoden, Edith 1932 

cBoffey, Harold 1923 

cBogie, Reginald 1929 

Bolas, Harold 1910 

cBolton, Norman William, M.B., Ch.B. 1927 

Bond, Raljph Victor 1912 

cBone, William Henry 1932 

cBooth, George Harry Hodgson, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1922 

cBooth, Harold 1929 

cBooth, Mary (Mrs. Rupert Howard) ... 1915 

cBooth, Norman 1924 

cBoothby, Orlando 1922 

cBor, Joseph, M.Sc.Tech 1931 

cBorrows, Francis Alfred 1925 

I cBossons, Arthur 1923 

cBoswell, Joseph, B.A. (Com.) 1920 

Bott, Constance Mary 1902 

cBotteley, John 1925 

cBottomlcy, Edith 1921 

cBoulsover, Esther Ann 

(Mrs. Harold Jaggard) 1903 

cBowcott, Charles 1921 

cBower, Thomas Fleming 1924 

Bowker, Eliza Kenyon 1910 

cBowker, Hilda Mary 1924 

cBownass, Nora 1930 

Boyd, Harold de Haven 1895 

Boyd, Simeon 1903 

cBoyer, John Harrison 1932 

AcBoyle, David Harrop 1896 

cBraby, Frederick Cyrus 1922 

c Bracegirdle, Roy 1924 

c Bradbury, Dorothy 1925 

c Bradbury, Rupert Harcourt 1925 

cBradley, Cecil William 1923 

cBradley, Charles Arthur 1924 

cBradley, Christine 1918 

Bradley, Mrs. E. See Heyes, Marion 

cBradley, Hilary r92i 

Bradley, William Timothy 1897 

cBradshaw, Alfred Ernest 1925 

c Bradshaw, Harold 1916 

' cBradshaw, William Norman Bingham 1915 
I Bradshaw, Mrs. See Holden, Daisy A. 

cBrady, Richard Peter, M.A 1922 

j Braithwaite, William Dalston 1895 

1 Bramall, Mrs. Geoffrey. 

See Law, Gertrude 

j Bramwell , Frederick 1906 

I cBrandt, Solomon iSriS 

1 Branson, John Charles Sydney 1904 

I cBraund, Basil Kelly 1923 

I Brayshay, Maurice William 1903 

Brear, Arthur i §94 

Breeze, Charles Alfred 1910 

1 cBreeze, John Frederick 1904 

| Brennan, Louis Harry 1906 

1 Head Master, Durban Boys’ High School, Natal. 
* Awarded M.C. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of i Date of 

Degree Degree 

cBrentnall, Ammye Selina Bullough, Mrs. W. A. 

(Mrs. G. B. Wild) 1915 See Ross, Agnes L. 

cBrereton, Arthur Russell 1932 Bulman, John Arthur 1904 

cBrew, Austen Charles 3932 Bundock, Arthur William 1910 

cBrevvin, John Lees 1930 cBunting, Ethel (Mrs. Robinson) 1923 

cBrewis, Grace Molly (Mrs. D. C. Henry) 1930 cBurchill, John 1931 

cBridge, Alan Hardman 1933 cBurden, Ivon Charles Joseph 1934 

cBridge, Frederick Handel 2929 Burger, Arthur William 1913 

cBridge, Marjorie Alexander 1931 cBurgess, Arthur 1921 

cBridge, Thomas Ridley 1923 cBurgess, Fred 1927 

Bridges, Mrs. J. W. Burgess, William Ernest 1902 

See Banhara, Katherine M. cBurke, Frank 1922 

Brier, Albert 1902 3Bumett, Theodore Ridley 1898 

cBrierclifte, Rupert, M.B., Ch.B 1913 AcBurnham, John Charles 1888 

cBrierley, Arthur 193 ° cBums, Doris 1922 

xBrierley, Joseph, B.Com 1893 cBurrows, Gladys May 1919 

Briggs, Ernest 1901 cBurton, Arthur 1933 

cBriggs, George Hamer 1933 Burton, John Reginald 1905 

xBrindley, Albert Edward, M.B., Ch.B. 1886 ABurtt, Arthur Henry 1896 

cBriscoe, John 1928 cBurtt, George Edward 1905 

Brislee, Francis Joseph 1902 Bury, Frederick Norman Victor 1914 

cBrittain, Herbert 1915 cBushnell, Edward Luvins 1928 

cBroadbent, Frank Reginald 1922 Butler, Mrs. Carlton. 

rBroadhead, James Arthur 1904 See Simpson, Margaret G. 

Broadley, William i8g8 cButler, Frank 1922 

cBrocklehurst, Mary (Mrs. Bates) 1915 Butler, Mrs. Frank. See Coxon, Katie L. 

2Bromley, Harry, M.A 1906 cButler, Frederic 1921 

Brook, Harry 1902 cButler, Mary Horsfall (Mrs. Becker) ... 1922 

cBrooks, Dons 1916 cButterfield, Margery 1927 

cBrooks, Gladys 1924 cButterworth, Alice Marjorie, 

cBrooks, Harry 1921 M.B., Ch.B. (Mrs. F. W. Cundiff) 1925 

cBrooks, May 1923 cButterworth, Ernest, M.Sc.Tech. ... 1922 

cBrooks, Nora 1930 cButterworth, Harry Lewis 1921 

cBrown, Annie Elizabeth 1922 Butterworth, Harwood 1907 

cBrown, Clifford 1921 cButterworth, James Harvey 1923 

cBrown, David Gregory 1921 Butterworth, John Pilling 1913 

Brown, Florence Margaret 1905 cButterworth, Philip Stanley 1922 

cBrown, Florence Winifred cButterworth, William Fred 1928 

(Mrs. Williams) 1918 Byles, John Edward 1911 

cBrown, Herbert 1928 Bywater, William 1904 

cBrown, James Arthur Kinnear, cCadman, Anton John 1931 

M.B., Ch.B. 1924 Calam, Harold 1904 

cBrown, Joseph Patrick 1920 Callaghan, Charles James 

cBrown, Kathleen (Mrs. W. F. Short) ... 1920 (now C. J. O’Callaghan) 1899 

cBrown, Margaret Mary 1915 cCallan, Edward McCallum 1933 

♦cBrown, Sydney 1903 Callister, William Edward 1902 

Brown, Tom, M.A 1910 cCallow, George Eric Cheslyn 1913 

cBrown, Walter John 1920 Calvert, Harry Thornton 1897 

cBrown, William Gilroy, M.Ed 1925 cCameron, Duncan 1932 

Brownsdon, Charles 1900 Cameron, Mrs. S. 

ABroxap, Walter 1894 See Warham, Amy E. 

Bruce, Albert Ezra 1913 Campbell, Duncan 1905 

Bruce, Mary Walbrand (Mrs. J.McCrae) 1901 cCampbell, Herbert 1927 

cBruce, Reginald 1933 cCampbell, John Duncan 1924 

cBrundrett, Joseph 1922 Campbell, Mrs. N. R. 

cBuakwan, Chai ... 1925 See Sowerbutts, Edith U. 

Buckle, AmyMis. O. C. de C. Ellis) ... 1913 cCane, Ellen 1925 

cBuckle, Helen (Mrs. Macauley) 1916 Cannell, John Kanecn 1899 

cBuckley, Frank 1932 cCannell, Norman 1925 

cBuckley, Harry 1916 cCapper, Hal 1933 

cBuckley, Joan 1926 C4Caress, Nora 19x1 

cBuckley, Lawrence Lees 1922 cCargill, Walter Paulet 1931 

cBuckley, Lucy (Mrs. J. W. Pinniger) ... 1891 cCarmichael, John Fisher 1896 

Budden, Gilbert 1912 cCaro, William Albert 1923 

Budge, Huyton Ernest Ulric 1914 cCarr, Alan Fifield 1927 

cBullin, Lawrence 1921 cCarr, Harry 1932 

cBullock, William Charles Penry 1922 Carr, William 1914 

cBullough, Arthur Stanley 1931 Carrier, Else Haydon 1903 

cBullough, Phyllis Joyce 1928 cCarruthers, Bertha Helen 1931 

1 Head Master, County Secondary School, Leiston, Suffolk. 

2 Head Master, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Middleton, Lancs. 

3 Principal, George Green School, Poplar. 

4 Head Mistress, Wyggeston Grammar School for Girls, Leicester. 

• Awarded M.C. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc. — continued. 

Date of 

J.iie q* 



Carson, George Edward St. Lawrence 

I Sc, 2 

cCleverlcy, Albert Mountain 


cCary, Charles William Edwin 



cClifford. Ivor Laurence 


cCasasola, Elizabeth Marv 


Close, William Woof 


cCasev, Emily Mildred 

19 IQ 

cClough, Eva (Mrs Stewart) 


cCass, Gordon William George 
cCass, Kathleen Lydia. M.B., Ch.B. 


cCIough, James 

cCoates, William Henrv Roy Addison... 



(Mrs. Alexandre) 


cCock, Ellen 


cCasselden, Marjorie Florence 


cCockenll, Harry’ 


cCastle, Doris Caroline 


cCockram, Ellis 


* Castle, Leonard James 


cCockrain, Leslie 


cCauser, Marjory 


cCocknll, Gerald Whittaker 


cCausey, George Hargreaves 


cCocks, Gertrude Fallows, M.ScTech. 

Causey, Samuel 

Cavanagh, Mrs. Bernard. 


(Mrs. E. V. Newnham) 
cCohen, Maurice 



See Nightingale, Florence 

Cohen, Simon 


Caville-Turaer, H. See Turner, Herbert 

Coleclough, Henrv Tudor ... 


cCawley, Martin 

192 s 

cColeman, Guy Wiliam Jordan 


cCawley, Mary (Mrs. R. E. C Thomas) 


cColeman, Mary Hicks 


Chadwick, Edgar Ignatius ... ... 


cColles, Charles 


cChadwick, Isabel Ellen 


cCollmgwood, Barbara Lilian 


cChadwick, John 


cCollins, Alfred Drew 


Chadwick, Percival Wager 


cCollins, Patrick Gerrard 


Chalmers, Charles Stuart 


cCollinson, Harold 


Chambers, Joseph Stanley Claud 


AColbnson, Robert Whiteley 


cChambers, Margaret Halley 


cComstive, Elsie 


Champion, Claud Lee 


Condliffe, George Edward 


cChampness, Gladys Margaret 


cConnal, John Macdonald 


cChan Toon, John 


Connolly’, Thomas Francis 


cChantler, Winifred 


c Constantine, Muriel 


cChaplin, Basil Henry Giles 


cConwav, Aubrev John 


Chapman, Harold Percy 


Cook, Albert William 


cCharlesworth, Ruth 

cCharlton, Margaret Helena 


Cook, Charles 

cCook, Kenneth Barry 



(Mrs. Lance Fallaw) 


cCooke, Harry 


cCharnley, Frank 


cCookson, Charlotte Catherine ... ... 


cChamley, John 


Cooper, Cecil Hamer 


Chater, William John 


cCooper, Elizabeth Maud 


■cChatterton, Bessie 


c Cooper, Evelyn Mary 


cChatterton, Roland 


cCooper, Jack 


cChatwood, Albert 


cCooper, Leonard 


cChaudhurv, Salcasana-Prosad 


Cooper, Thomas Brammall 


cCheetham, Kenneth Heyworth . . . 


1 Cooper, William Arthur 


Cheshire^ Walter Kay 


Cope, Herbert Ambrose 


Chevassut, Frederick George 


cCoppock, Philip Dalton, M.Sc.Tech. ... 


cChick, George Clifford 


cCorbishley, Helena Ruth 


Childs, Hugh 


cCorkill, John Henry 


cChristie, William Allan 


Corkill, Mrs. W. H. 

cClapp, John Bernard 


See Perry, Dorothy E. 

cClark, Alan Percy 


cCorlett, Edward Wattleworth, M.Ed.... 


cClark, Campbell 


Come, William Edward 


cClark, Francis James 


Coston, Edward Percy 


Clark, James 


cCotton, Henry Ernest 


cClark, Leslie Vincent Woodhouse 


cCottrill, Eric Grant 


cClark, Margery’ 


Couldrey, Paul Sidney 


cClarke, Bradbury Percy James ... 


Coulthard , Albert 


cClarke, John 


Court, Arthur Lacy 


cClarke, John Robert 



cClarkson, Charles Edwin 


Francis James Henderson, M.D. 


Claus, Frank Harold 


Coutts, Mis. See Lee, Bessie 

cClayton, David 


cCoventry, Arthur Frederick 


cClayton, James Gillespie 


cCow’an, Robert 


Clayton, John Alfred 


Cowap, John Chester 


AcClayton, Robert Henry 


cCow’ell, Evelyn Norma 

Cowell, Rhoda Mary 


cCleary, Ralph Phillips 


cCleaver, Richard Francis 


(Mrs. Alfred Robinson) 


Clegg , Alexander 


c Cowin, Kenneth Henry 

cCouiey, Anna (Mrs. T* S. Haul in) 


cClegg, .Arthur Wynford 



cClegg, Edward Leslie Gilbert 


cCox, Winifred Elsie 


Clegg, Frederick Bradbury 


cCoxon, Katie Leonora 

Clegg, Kathleen 


(Mrs. Frank Butler) 


Clegg, William Alfred 


cCrabtree, George Hampden 


1 Head Master, Friends’ School, Sidcot. 

2 Senior Medical Officer, Ministry of Health ; C.B. 

* Awarded M.C. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of Date of 

Degree Degree 

cCrabtree, John Wallace 1915 cDamsehewsky, Ewsey 1927 

Crabtree, Walter, M.B , Ch H 1896 cDarbyshire, Elsie 1920 

cCran, David Leslie, M.I3., Ch B 1926 cDarbyshire, Wilfred 1932 

cCran, James Donald Hanson 193* cDareh, Leslie Thomas 1926 

cCrane, Rose 1920 cDarhngton, Charles Roy 1931 

Crankshaw, Hugh Mason 191*6 l Darlington, Cyril Edward 192S 

Craske, Mrs. F. W. T. cDarwin, George 1915 

See Wilson, Nellie cDasnabairochana, Smd 1928 

Crawford, William 1913 cDavenport, Arthur Keetley 1933 

Crawford-Kehrmann , /. Davenport, George 1897 

See Kehrmann , J. caDavenport, Harold 1927 

Crawshaw, Annie 3903 cDavenport, James 1.929 

cCravvshaw, Irene 1921 Davey, Charles Edwin 1S8S 

cCrawshaw, Jenny 19-29 David, William John 1904. 

cCreek, Arthur Sydney 1933 cDavidson, John Foster 1921 

Creerv, William Foster 191+ cDavidson, Ronald 1922 

Creighton , Thomas Henry 1894 cDavies, Eric Shore 1925 

cCressy, Eileen Margaret 1927 Davies, Eric William David 1906 

Crichton, James 1903 cDavies, Frederic Bernard 1922 

cCrighton, Harold Mossman 1925 cDavies, Herbert 1934 

cCritchlow, John 1931 Dawes, Margaret Elizabeth 

cCroft, Agnes Gertrude (Mrs. H. Salkeld) 1923 (Mrs. Frank Roscoe) 1895 

Crofts, George 1903 cDavies, Mona Kathleen 1923 

ciCronshaw, Cecil John Turndl 1913 * Davies, Thomas Charles BLagdeu ... 1907 

cCropper, Edmund 1926 cDavies, Wilfred 1920 

cCropper, Frank 1922 cDavies, William Emrys, B A. (Admin ) 1924 

cCropper, Jennie Hosker (Mrs. Marsden) 1917 Davis, William John 1904 

Cropper, John Westray 1902 Dawn, Harold Ft cderick 1914 

cCropper, Nellie (Mrs. 1. M. Hughes) ... 1935 cDawson, Annie Margaret 1931 

cCroslield, Hilda 1921 a Dawson, Den 1900 

CrosftU, John 1901 cDawson, Charles Dermot Rangdale ... 1933 

ACross, George Harold 1893 cDawson, George Duncan 1932 

cCross, Phyllis Margaret 1924 Dawson, James Ferguson 1907 

Crosse, Elsie J osephine 1914 cDawson, John Arthur Thorp 19 33 

Crossle, Henry’ Corry 1906 cDawson, Sarah Elizabeth 1919 

cCrosslev, Thomas ‘ 1933 Davkin, John Bertram 190 4 

Crowcroft, Olive Marv 1910 cDeakin, George Arthur 1903 

Crowthcr, Herbert ’ 1900 cDeakin, Kenneth Vincent, M.B., Ch.B. 1918 

cCrowther, J ames 1933 cDeakin, Man' St. Faith 1931 

cCrowthcr, Kenneth Appleyard 1931 cDean, Frank 1930 

cCroxson, Charles 1916 cDean, Jeffrey Baron 1927 

cCruikshank, Hilda Artiss 1918 3Dean, Thomas 1903 

Cryer, Edward 1902 cDean, Winifred, M.B., Ch.B 1927 

Cundiff, Mrs.F. W. cDearden, Alexander Charles 1923 

See Buttcrworth, Alice M. cDearden, John 1935 

cCunliffe, Herbert *933 cDeamaley, Alfred 1920 

cCunliffe, Leslie 1933 cDeamaley, Annie Mildred 1931 

Cunhfte, Mrs. See Heath, Emily C cDeer, William Alexander 1932 

cCunnah, Jack Eric ’ ... 1922 cDeighton, Thomas, M. A 1911 

Cunningham, Jean Orine 1903 Denison, Robert Beckett 1S99 

cCunnington, Harold Tipping . ... 1933 Dennis, Herbert 1902 

cCursetjee, • Denniston, William Cunningham, 

Noslurvan Jehaughir Manockjee 1913 M.B.,LhB. 1903 

Curzon, John Richard 1911 cDent, John Geoftrev 1930 

Cussans, Margaret Marv (Mrs. Hewitt) 1901 cDesai, Rasendra Pmuki Prasad 1932 

Cussons, John *. 1S97 Dew hurst, Frederick 1902 

Cussons, Mabel Olive 1908 Dezehurst, James .. 1896 

c Cutler, Maurice Frederick ryay cDewhurst, Milton 1921 

cDakin, Harold Percy iy32 j Dickerson, Emily 1909 

Dakin, Henry Drysdale igoi ! cDickey, John Porter Yeates 1924 

cDale, Alfred John 1931 cDickinson, Cohn 1931 

Dalglish, Jessie Dorothy 1903 Dicldnson, Cyril 1901 

cDalton, Edna Eileen 1931 cDickinson, Elsie 191S 

cDaly, Joseph Hector 192 1 cDickinson, Norman Farrer 1931 

Daly, Mrs. L. cDickinson, Wmiircd 1925 

See Gulbenkiau, Christine M cDigby, Ronald Yarham 1921 

cDaniel, Elizabeth 19x5 cDillamore, Altred William Arthur ... 1928 

cDaniiT, Frederick 1921 1.4D1A011, Anthony 1923 

cDaniHs, Harold 1924 1 c Dixon. Douglas Leslie 1925 

1 Joint Managing Director, Dyestuns Group, British Chemical Industries. 

2 Fellow ot Trinity College, Cambridge. 

3 Head Master, Tiffin Boys’ School, Kingston-upon-Thames. 

.4 Principal, Bovs’ High School, Panehnani, Bombay Presidency, India. 

* Awarded M C. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc. — continued. 

Date of 

hate of 

cDixon, Francis J ames 



cEcrovd, Eveline Marv 

cDixon, James 


(Mrs. George Tattersallj 


Dixon, Thomas J ohnson 


cEdgoose, Burt Walter 


cDixon, Walter 

cDixon, William Graham 


cEdkins, John Rov Pierpoint, 

i 9*5 

M.B., Ch.B. 


Dobson, J ames Whalley 


c Edwards, Alice 


cDobson, Svdnev Birkett 


c Edwards, Edith Frances 


Dobson, William Henry Soel 


Edwards Frank Stanley 


Docker , Fred 


cEdwards, Muriel Man', M.B., Ch.B. ... 


cDodd, Frederick Thomas . . . 


cEdwards, Sydney 


cDodds, Marv 


cEgli, Minnie (Mrs. E. T. Moorei 


Doncishv , William 


cEl-Diasti, Salih 


Donaldson, Mrs. 

See Gibbons, Wilhelmina 

cEley, Hubert Leslie 

cElias, Gwyn 



cDone, Bertram 


EHer y Cyrus Rati cliff 


cDone, Cyril 


Elliott, Cyril 


♦Douglas, William Robert, M.B 

, Ch.B. 


c Ellis, Annie 


i Douglass, Arthur 


Ellis, Frank Thomas 


Douglass , Malcolm 


cEllis, Hedlev Wickers 


cDownham, Watson Charles ... 


Ellis, Mrs. O. C. de C. See Buckle, Amy 

cDowning, Francis William Hal 
cDowns, Edna Kathleen 


c Ellis, Sarah 



c Ellis, Sarah 


Dojde, Arthur Lawton 


c Ellis, Thomas Parry 


cDoyle, James 


Ellis, Violet Jessie (Mrs. Thompson ) ... 


cDrake, Edith Marion 

I ')23 

Ellison , Wilfred 


cDrake, James 


Embleton, John William 


cDreyfus. Charles Philip 


c Emmett, Stanley 


cDriver, Harold 


Emmott, Robert 


cDruce, Solomon 


Emslev, Sydney 


cDubash, Mahiar Dhanjishaw 


Emson, Mrs. Sec Winstanley, Gertrude 

cDuckworth, Mary 

cDuddle, Charles Leslie 


Ensor, Mrs. R. C. K. See Fisher, Helen 


Entwistle, Adeline Maud 


Duff, Gordon Alison 


cEntwistle, Harold 


cDuff, John Bruce 


Esdaile, George Augustus Chui chill ... 


Duggan, Edwin Merle 


Eva, Douglas Cooper 


cDuke, Lillie 

I 9 1 / 

Eva, Wilfred Harvey 


cDuke, Richard Corder 


cEvans, Alwyn Gwynne 


Dukes, Ashley 

I 9 f >5 

cEvans, David Donald 


cDunbar, Allen Dawson 


cEvans, David Gwynne 


cDuncan, Doris Margaret 


cEvans, Ella Margaret 

Evans, George Arthur, B.A 


cDuncan, Jeannette 



Duncan, John 


Evans, Henry Collins 


Duncanson, Alexander Walker 


Evans, Horace Walter 

cEvans, Jack Edmund 

Evans, John Eric 


Dungan, Mrs. E. A. 

See Watts. Ethel A. 



cDunkcrley, Beniamin, M.B., Ch.B. ... 

I.J 2 S 

cEvans, Michael Irwin 


cDunn, Roland Hams 


cEvans, Philip Rainsford,M.B.,Ch.B — 


cDunsbee, Harry 

1922 ! 

cEvans, Stephen Walmsley 


cDurant, Nicholas John 


Evans, Trevor Maldwyn ' 


cDurham, Ernest George 


Evans, William Thomas 


Dutt, Saraju Kumar 

1 90S I 

Evans, Mrs. See Tlirelkeld, Eileen ... 
Everett, James Herbert 

j Dutton, Frank 

1896 I 


cDutton, Rita Harris 


Ewart, Arthur Ernest 

cExton, Robert Gordon 


cDuxbury, Hilda 

1929 1 


cDuxburv, Margaret (Mrs. Pilling 

gi ... 

1924 | 

AcFairboum, William Walker 


cDye, Herbert 


Fairbrother, Mrs. Fred. 

Dyke, Thomas James 


See Spann, Grace 

cDysou, Harry Gibson 

1927 j 

♦Fairclougb, John 


Eardley, Mrs. See Sinister, Elsie 

cFairhurst, John 

cFairweather, Alan 



cEarl, Francis John Glen 


Fallaw, Mrs. L. 

cEaxnshaw, Annie 


See Charlton, Margaret H. 

cEasey, Harold Ernest 


Falle, Mrs. H. de C. 

cEastwood, Cyril Gravell, M.B., Ch.B. 


See Huxley, Frances M. 

cEastwood, Edith 


cFarber, Miriam 


cEastwood, Ethel Maude 


Farmer, Frank Harvey 


cEastwood, Frank Edward ... 


cFarmer, Norman Ward 


cEastwood, Fred Homcastle . . . 


cFamworth, Ellen 


cEaton, John 

i 93 i 

Farquharson, Mrs. D. J. 

•tcEchlin, John Patrick 


See Wright, Hilda M. 

cEchlin, Joseph Edward O’Brien 


c Farrar, Dennis 


cEckersley, Ida Mary, M.Ed. 

(Mrs. Littler) 


c Farrar, Harry Taylor 

cFarrer, James Alfred 



i Head Master of Friends’ School, Wanganui, New Zealand. 

* Awarded M.C. t Awarded Order of the Crown of Italy. 

Graduates (Science) 


B.Sc, — continued. Date of 


cFaulkner, Mary Somerulle 1933 

cFawthrop, Margaret Renton 1932 

cFayle, Harold 1905 

Fearnley, Lewis William Knapton ... 1003 

AFeatherston, Sydney 1001 

cFeingold, Reuben 1933 

cFelton, Audrey 1926 

cFenton, Eric Graham 1031 

cFcrguson, Margaret Mary, M.B., Ch.B. 1927 

cFerguson, Rowcna Mabel 1932 

Fernyhough, Walter Mitchell 1914 

cFerrcy, Georgp James Watson 1923 

Ffoulkes -Jones, Geoffrey Squire 1932 

Fuller , Florence Eliza Ckeetham 191S 

Field, Erne s/ I V lifted Fulham 189ft 

cFicld, Eve Garwood 1924 

Fielden, John Albert iqn 

Fielden, John Richard 19 ro 

cFidden, Leonard 1921 

cFielding, William 1932 

c Files, James Stanley 1930 

cFiles, Joseph Robeit 1927 

c Files, Mary 1925 

cFinch, Eliza 1920 

cFinch, Frank Leighton 1928 

Finch, Mary 1912 

Findler, Charles Bailey 1925 

cFindlow, Harry Henshuw 1927 

Finn, Cornelius Philip 1901 

cFinney, Jack 1929 

Firth, Annie (Mrs. Arthur Rhodes) ... 1S98 

Firth, Charles Turner 1900 

cFirlh, Frank Irving 1932 

cFirth, Harold 1931 

AcFisher, Helen (Mrs. R. C. K. Ensor) ... 1897 

Fisher, John Care w kjit 

cFisher, John McNeal 1931 

Fisher, Paul 1903 

cFishwick, John 193d 

cFitton, Arnold 1931 

cFitton, Jack 1926 

cFitton, William 1932 

Fitzgerald, Edward 1902 

cFitzpatrick, Reginald Tom 1922 

cFleet, Marjorie 1932 

Fletcher, David 1901 

cFletcher, George Alexander 1926 

cFletcher, Harold Roy iQ2p 

cFletcher, Marian Rebecca 1913 

Fletcher, Mrs. See Pickles, Ina 

cFlmt, Richard James 1925 

Flower, George William 1901 » 

Flower dew, Dorothy Phyllis 1913 

cFlowers, Charlie 1910 

cFoden, George Emil Gregbou 1927 

cFoden, John Eathorne 1923 

cFogg, Elaine do Samte Croix 1917 

Fortier, Edward Rodolph 1897 

cFord, William George Kenneth 1932 

Forsyth, Christina Brand iyou 

Foster, David Charles, M. \ 1907 

cFoster, Florence Mackenzie 1929 

cFos ter, Freda 1929 

cFoster, George 1931 

Foster, Glyn William Arnold . . io»»3 

Foster, Robert Bruce 1902 

Fothergill, Albert Saudall Cyril .. . . 19115 

Fothergill, George Harold 1910 

cFothergill, Louisa 1920 

cFoulds, Edward Janies, M B , Ch.B. . . 1916 

Foulkes, William nmo 

cFowlds, William Lyndon 192.8 

cFowles, John .. 1925 

Date of 

Fox, Herbert 1910 

cFox, Joseph Patrick 1932 

Fraine, Mis. See McHowat, Annie 

cFrance, Albert 1936 

cFrancis, Marcus, Ph D 1921 

cFrancis, Thomas George 1923 

cFrancke, Joan 

(Mrs. G. V. \Vhittenbur5O 1930 

cFrankland, William 1932 

cFraser, Harry Roy 1933 

Fraser, Kenneth Rovse 1924 

Fraser, Lennox Reginald 1902 

cFreeman, Kenneth 1932 

Freeman, Peter 1910 

Fremantle, William George 1910 

French, James Wilson 1895 

cFrith, Frank Stuart 1932 

cFrith, Louis, M.Sc.Tech 1931 

AcFrosl, Robert 1882 

Fry, Stafford 1900 

cFryer, Arthur 1923 

cFuller, Dorothy 1936 

Gabbott, Edgar Parr 1907 

Gadd, Mrs. R. P. See Lisle, Minnie I. 

Galleymore George Reginald 1910 

cGandine-Stanton, Dorothy Annie ... 1931 

cGarde,Vinayak Govina 1933 

cGardiner, Henry 1933 

cGardiner, Mary 1925 

Gardner, Alexander 1906 

cGardner, Frank 1931 

Gardner, Vincent 19 n 

Garland, Ellen Mary 19 

cGarland, James Bowden 1923 

cGarlick, Wilfrid 1931 

cGamett, Enid (Mrs. Harry Shaw) ... 1924 

cGarnctt, Gilbert 1930 

Gamsey, Lady. See Howies, Miriam 

cGarrett, Reginald 1931 

cGarthwaitc, Wilfred 1930 

cGartside, Harold 1916 

cGartside, Herbert 1928 

cGartside, Winifred (Mrs. G. Andrew) ... 1922 

cGarvie, Robert Morrison Halley 1929 

cGaskell, Helen Marguerite 1923 

Gaskell, Sam 1914 

Gatecliff, John 1903 

cGattie, Charles Hubert, M.B. , Ch. B. ... 1929 

cGauld, George Alexander iy27 

cGaulter, Ley land Victor 1930 

Gaunt, Louis Henry Armistead . . 1 903 

Gaunt, Rufus 1902 

Gaut, Robert Charles 1904 

Gee, Mrs. See Appleton, Lydia M. 
cGeiler, Dorothy Anna, M.B.’ Ch B. .. 1927 

cGeiler, Elsie Gertrude 1927 

Geiler, Gertrud Henuine, M.D 

(Mrs. G. Hickhng) 1906 

cGelder, William Alfred Edward 1932 

Gerrard , Percy . 1914 

Gerrard, Mrs. Percy. See Higsnn, Evelyn 

Gerrard, Peter 1913 

cGerrard, Sydney Joseph 1928 

Ghosh, Jyotish Chandra 1912 

Gibb, Alec Terns, M.B., Ch B 1913 

cGibbon, Eric Rupert 1922 

cGibbons, Wilhelmina (Mrs Donaldson) 1928 

iGibbs, George Reginald, M.A 1910 

cGibson, Frederick Roberts 1922 

cGibson, John Buchanan 1932 

Giflord, Philip Henry 1 qiz 

cGilbert, Stuart Kendrick 1922 

1 Head Master, Royal Orphanage School, Wolverhampton. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.S c. —continued. Date of 


cGilbody, Henry Joseph 1923 

cGilbraith, Kenneth 1925 

Giles, Humphrey Noel 1903 

cGill, Amos 1916 

cGill, Anne (Mrs. A. V. tbberson) 1919 

Gill, John Frederic 1897 

AcGill, Margaret Emma 1890 

Gill, Percy Smith 1902 

cGill, Sydney 1926 

cGill, Thomas 1925 

Gillman, Percy 1905 

cGiiman, Joseph Arthur 1920 

Gilmore, Edward Fitzgerald Gelston ... 19x3 

cGilmore, Eric St. George, M.B., Ch.B.... 1919 

cGirgis, Fahmy Yousif 1931 

cGlaister, Kenneth Goodall 1931 

Gleave, Ada Bmeham 1902 

iGledhill, Luther 1S98 

Gledhill, Walter 1905 

cGlover, Hilda Margaret 1921 

Godwin, Lilian 1905 

cGolding, Monica Irene 1924 

Gomersall, Ernest Edward 1904 

♦Gooch, Harold igofi 

cGoodall, Ernest 1920 

c Goodall, George Forest 1922 

cGoodier, Ethel 1921 

cGoodson, Frederick James 1Q22 

cGoodwm, Leslie Charles 1921 

cGoodwin, May Edwards 1928 

cGoom, Wilfrid 1926 

Gordon, Mrs. D. G. 

See Presslie, Dorothy G. 

cGordon, Horace 1930 

cGordon, Thelma 1931 

cGordon, William 1932 

cGorst, Bernard James 1930 

Gorst, Joseph Harold 1902 

cGorton, James Moorhouse 1931 

cGoude, Helena Louise 1920 

♦Gould, Charles Alfred 1912 

cGow, Ronald 1922 

cGowland, Thomas Brown 1931 

cGowthorpe, Richard Cooper 1922 

Graham, John igoo 

Graham, Margaret 1903 

cGrainger, William Ivan John Robert... 1929 

Grant, Alexander 1910 

cGrant, Florence Se afield, M.A. 

(Mrs. Grimshaw) 1914 

cGrant, John Kelly 1922 

cGray, Charles Herbert, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1929 

cGray, William, B.Com 1922 

cGreaves, George Wilfred 1922 

cGreen, Anme Owen 1926 

cGreen, Eva Margery 1930 

Green, Francis John 1912 

cGreen, Frank 1931 

cGreen, John Jabez 1923 

Green, John James 1892 

cGreen, Moses 1928 

cGreen, Samuel 192 S 

cGreen, Samuel Sinclair 1931 

Greenall, Charles Edwin 1900 

cGreenbank, Rowland 1925 

cGreen grass, Mary Ethel 

(Mrs. H E. Wood) 1903 

cGreenhalgh, Frank 1933 

Greenhalgh, Nathaniel 1009 

cGreenhalgh, Richard 1924 

Greenhalgh, Mrs. Richard. 

See Whipp, Hilda 

cGreenough, Albert 1924 

Greenwood, Alfred, M.D 190S 

cGreenwood, Arthur 1903 

cGreenwood, Frederic Mervyn 1925 

Greenwood, Harry ... 1910 

cGregorv, James 1923 

cGregory, James Edgar 1924 

Gregory, William Macdonald igir 

cGriffiths, David Lloyd, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1929 
cGriffiths, Griffith Walter Harding ... 1922 

Griffiths, John, jun 1922 

AcGrime, Jessie 1897 

Grime, John William 189& 

Grimshaw, Mrs. See Grant, Florence S. 

AGrindrod, Walton igor 

cGrocott, John Gerald Samuel 1922 

Grove, Thomas 189& 

c Groves, Alexandra Winifred, 

M.B., Ch.B. (Mrs. S. L. Mucklow) 1925 

Grummitt, William Clarke 1914 

2Grundey, Frederick Roscoe 1S94. 

c Grundy, Stanley James 1929 

*c3Guest, George, LL.B., M.Ed r 5 o& 

Guest, Peter Healey, M.A 1912 

cGuha, Pares Chandra 1933 

cGuise, Paul Elmore Colin 1928 

cGulatee, Ram Dass 1922 

cGulbenkian, Christine Mary 

(Mrs. L. Daly) 1926. 
cGuthrie, Thomas 1894. 

cHabanananda, Swai 1928 

cHaddock, Violet Wray 1931 

Haddon, John William 1903 

cHaden, George Nelson 1921 

cHadfield, Mary 1930 

Hadfield, Stanley ,* xgro 

Hague, Harold 1902 

Hague, Sydney 19x3 

cHai, Mohamed Abdel 1930 

Haigh, Frederick Alwyn 1902 

cHailwood, Anthony Janies 1922 

4Haler, Percy James 190 r 

cHalford, Brian 19 28 

cHalkyard, Harold 1923 

cHall, ’Christobel Mary, M.B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. B. A. Taylor) 1926 

cHall, Doris Maud 1919 

cHall, Geoffrey Ecroyd igiq 

Hall, George Frederick 1912 

cHall, Leonard 1930 

cHall, Leonard Edward 1926 

cHall, Richard Laurence 1027 

Hall, Ruth (Mrs. Wrigley) 1910 

Hall, Sydney ipr>6 

AHall, William 1897 

cHallard, Beatrice Anme 1923 

csHallsworth, Harry Mainwaring, M.A.... 1901 

cHalpem, David 1933 

cHalson, Leonard 1922 

cHalstead, Harry 1933 

Halstead, J ohn Edward 1895 

1 Head Master, Runcorn Secondary School. 

2 Director of Education, Douglas, I.O.M. 

3 Deputy Director of Education for City of Manchester. 

4 Principal of Leyton Technical Institute, London. 

5 Professor of Economics, Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

* Awarded M.C. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of 


Hamer, Ernest Fenton 1900 

cHamer, George Stanley 1926 

Hamer, Harry, M.B. , Ch.B 1893 

cHamer, Mary 1926 

Hammerton, Jonas 1896 

cHammond, George Grimshaw 1921 

cHammond, Gladys Mary 1919 

cHammond, Harold 1932 

cHamnett, Frederick George, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1900 

cHampson, Charles Burnet 1916 

cHampson, Donald Chisnall 1921 

cHampson, Ellen 1930 

cHampson, Marie 1929 

cHampson, Mary Elizabeth 1920 

Hancock, Hilda 1913 

cHancock, Mabel Moseley 1911 

cHancock, S3'dney Thomas Ralph ... 1929 

cHand, Edith Marion (Mrs. MarksJ ... 1922 
Hanlin, Mrs. T. S. See Cowley, Anna 

cHann, Ethel Marion 1922 

cHauna, Walter 1921 

cHannah, Mrs. J. D. 

See Arthur, Esther M 

cHannay, Ramsay John 1922 

cHanson, Eric 1920 

Hardaker, Walter Henry 1898 

Hardie, Violet Helen 1909 

cHardikar, Vithal Dattatrava 1921 

cHarding, Annie Kathleen * 1923 

cHarding, Ethel 1920 

cHarding, Fred 1931 

cHaidman, Alice 1932 

cHardman, Herbert 1923 

cHardman, Sybil Mary 

(Mrs. A. J. Winkup) 1926 

cHardwick, William Roscoe 1895 

Hardy, Joseph 1904 

cHardy, William Percy 1930 

*t Hargreaves, Grainger Hope 1913 

cHargreaves, Leslie Calverley 1927 

cHargreaves, Lucy Eveline (Mrs. Akcd) 1925 

cHarker, Frank 1923 

*Harkcr, Howard Rcdmaytie 1913 

cHarker, Katherine Nancie Helen, 

M.Sc.Tech. 1920 

cHarkness, David 1932 

cHarper, Josiah 1916 

cHarris, Frank Charles Powell 1924 

cHarris, James Lyon 1923 

cHarris, John Rendel 1931 

cHarris, Wilfrid Herbert, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1926 

cHarrison, Audrey 1924 

Harrison, Cuthbert 1913 

AHamson, James 1916 

Harrison, Maud 190 x 

cHamson, Stanley Leonard 1932 

cHarrison, Stanley Taylor 1932 

cHart, Bessie 1924 

cHartill, Ethel 1930 

cHartley, Herbert Kent 1931 

cHartley, Kenneth 1926 

crHartley, Percival 1903 

cHartley, Thomas Stanley, M.Sc.Tech. 1925 

csHartog, Philip Joseph, M.A 1S82 

Hartt, Mrs. R. Sec Hodges, Elizabeth 

Harvey, Bertram Lionel 1909 

Harvey, Edwin Josiah William 1897 

Date of 

Harvey- Jacobs, C. E. See Jacob's, C. E. 

cHarvey, John, Jun 1922 

Harwood, Arnold James 1905 

cHarwood, Stanley 1923 

cHarwood, Vincent... ... 1922 

cHaslam, Cecil 1928 

cHassall, Marion 1926 

cHassan, Ali 1923 

cHassan, Syed Sanvar 1930 

Hatch, Herbert Andrew 1899 

Hatton, Arthur Barker 1914 

cHavekin, Thomas 1922 

cHawkesworth, Stanley 1931 

Hawksworth, Robert 1911 

cHaworth, Frank William 1926 

cHa worth, Harry Cecil 1922 

cHaworth, Mary 1920 

cHaworth, Robert 1922 

cHayes, John Crossley 1932 

cHayes, Norman 1927 

cHaynes, Edgar 1930 

AHaynes, James Herbert 1896 

Hazlewood, John ryos 

cHeadley, Hugh Bridgnall 1922 

a Heald, John Forster 1897 

cHealey, Ernest Leslie ig2i 

AHeap, James Henry 1888 

Heap, William 1904 

Heath, Emily Charlotte (Mrs. Cunliffe) 1902 

cHeath, Leslie Ernest 1928 

cHeathcote, Francis William Lister ... 1922 

cHeaton, John 1923 

Hedley, Jane Elizabeth 1913 

cHefford, George Winfield 1893 

Helliwell, Hamlet 1905 

cHelm, John Hay 1921 

3Hemingway, Charles Stuart 19x4 

r.Hemsley, Sydney Henrick 1923 

*Henderson, James Grcig. Mitchell 1916 

Henry, Mrs. D. C. Sec Brewis, Grace M. 
Henshaw, Mrs. Lindley. 

See Yates, Edna M. 

Heptinstall, Richard 1901 

Her ford, Siegfried Wedgwood 19x2 

cHerrod, Harold 1919 

cHewison, Edna May 1924 

Hewitt, Herbert 1914 

Hewitt, Mrs. See Cussans, Margaret M 

cHewlett, Harold Bryning 1904 

Hey, Frances Stringer 1913 

cHeyes, Elizabeth 1922 

cHeyes, Marion (Mrs. E. Bradley) ... 1923 

cHeyes, Wallace 1925 

Heywood, Mrs. See Pennington, Dorothy 

cHeywood, Edna 1930 

cHeywood, William Simpole 1925 

Hickling, Mis. G. S^Geiler, Gertrud H. 

Hicks, George Winifred Adair 19x3 

cHicks, John Henry 1930 

Hield, Mary Elsie 1900 

cHiggin, Reginald 1921 

Higginbotham, Mrs. See Barnes, Mary 

cHighara, Marion 1923 

Higson, Evelyn (Mrs. Percy Gerrard) ... 1913 

Hill, Mrs. Edward. 

See Stewart, Charlotte M. 

cHill, Frank 1924 

Hill, Harry 1909 

cHill, Herbert 1915 

3 Professor of Bio-Chemistry, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University 
of London. 

2 Formerly Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dacca, Bengal, India ; K.B.E. 

3 Head Master, Hurst Park Modem School, Ashington, Northumberland. 

* Awarded M.C. t Awarded Belgian Croix de Guerre. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc. — continued. Date of 


Hill, James Samuel 1907 

cHillary, Hubert Cawood 1925 

Hilliam, George 1899 

cHilton, Gertrude Alice 1925 

Hinchliffe, Mrs. George. 

See Rideal, Margaret 

Hinchliffe, George Herbert igio 

cHindle, Annice 1919 

cHindle, Harold 1921 

cHindle, John Geoffrey Maurice 1926 

cHindle, William Burston 1929 

cHindley, Harry Rastron 1933 

cHindshaw, Dorothy 1929 

Hinton, Arthur Gerald 1901 

Hirst, Henry Reginald 1895 

cHirst, Lilian Constance Vane 

(Mrs. Charles Simpson) 1921 

Hitchens, Ernest 1905 

cHitchens, Ethel May 1931 

cHitching, Wilfrid Wallace 1913 

Hobart, John William 1896 

Hobley, Robert Arthur 1898 

cHobson, Jack Abbott 1931 

AcHodges, Elizabeth (Mrs. Richard Hartt) 1895 

cHodgetts, Mary 1922 

cHodgkin, Ernest Pease 1930 

Hodgkin, Mrs. E. P. 

See McKerrow, Mary C. 

cHodgson, Warns 1929 

cHodkinson, Arthur 1923 

cHodson, John Darlington 1925 

cHoggins, Horace 1926 

Holden, Charles 1903 

Holden, Daisy Alice (Mis. Bradshaw) ig2i 

cHolden, George Atkinson 1906 

Holden, Laurence Brockett 1912 

Holden, Legh 1908 

cHolden, William Frederick 1928 

cHolder, Mary Eileen (Mrs. B. P. Wood) 1922 

Holland, Charles Cheadle 1913 

cHollingworth, Francis Vernon 1916 

Hollinrake, Foster 1908 

Holmes, Richard Clive 1913 

Holt, Herbert 1912 

Holt, Tom 1913 

m Holton, Alfred Edward 1916 

Hookham, Felix John 1914 

cHooper, Olive Octavia rS99 

Hooton, William Mans 1 S95 

Hope, Geoffrey Dodleston 1903 

cHope, Thomas 1923 

cHopkins, Harold 1921 

cHopkinson, Jessie 1925 

cHopwood, Alice 1931 

cHopwood, Samuel 1922 

cHornbrook, Patricia Wyatt 1933 

c Hornby, Clara 1918 

cHornby, Marts 1933 

Hornby, Thomas Baldwin 1900 

cHomer, John Wood 1922 

Horowitz, Phineas 1909 

cHorrex, Charles 1933 

cHorrobin, Sadie 1920 

cHorrocks, Alfred 1924 

cHorrocks, Harry 1933 

cHorrocks, John 1923 

cHorrocks, Joseph Barnes 1922 

cHorsfall, John Thorpe 1920 

cHorton-Smith, Clifford 1931 

cHotton, Donovan Holmes 1922 

Hoult, Wilfred 1902 

cHousley, Alfred 1931 

Howard, George 1906 

cHoward, John Stanley 1032 

Howard, Mrs. Rupert. See Booth, Mary 

cHowaith, Arthur io^o 

cHowarth, Hilda ro^S 

cHowarth, Leslie 

cHowarth, Robert 1925 

cHowarth, Robert 192a 

cHowgate, Eric 1932 

Howies, Miriam (Lady Gamsey) 191a 

♦Howorth, George Eric 100a 

Hoyle, Arthur William 190S 

Hoyle, David ... *906 

cHoyle, John Whittaker 1933 

cHoyle, Rachel 1929. 

Hubback, George Clay 1902 

c Hubbard, Harold 1932 

Hubbard, Norman Frederick Septimus 191a 

cHudson, Frank, M.Sc.Tech 1916 

Hudson, Robert Denis 1915 

cHufton, Philip Arthur 1933 

cHughes, Arthur 1924 

Hughes, Benjamin iyoS 

cHughes, Eileen Mary iQ3r 

cHughes, Ernest 1931 

Hughes, Frederic Selby 1895 

Hughes, Mrs. I. M. See Cropper, Nellie 

cHughes, Marjorie Eileen 1931 

cHughes, Percy Wilkinson 1924 

Hughes, William Arthur 1903 

cHughes , William Gerald Hugh , 

M.B., Ch.B. 192/ 

cHughes, William John 1922 

cHullah, Stanley 1930 

cHulse, Evelyn (Mrs. T. P. Spencer) ... 1916 

cHulse, Thomas Leslie 1921 

Hummel, Alfred Roland Ure 1901 

Hummel, Ernest Lonsdale 1903 

Humphreys, Gwendolen 1919 

Hunt, Francis William 1900 

tHunt, Geoffrey Howard 1913 

cHunt, George Arthur 1933 

cHunt, George Edward Draper 1920 

cHunt, Owen Duke 1922 

cHunt, William Geoffrey 1925 

Hunter, Herbert 1903 

Hunter, Holiday Leyccster 1905 

cHuntingdon, William 1933 

cHurst, Charles Christopher 1929 

cHurst, John 1932 

cHurt, Arnold Herbert 1924 

cHuss, Percy Desmond Francis Tweedie 1931 

cHutchinson, Florrie 1903 

Hutchinson, Maurice Seymer 1910 

cHutton, Thomas Edward 1926 

cHuxley, Frances Mabel, M.D. 

(Mrs. H. de C. Falle) 1905 

AHyde, Ellis 1894 

cHyde, Florence 1923 

Hyde, Frank King 189/ 

cHyde, Gilbert Waters 1922 

Hyslop, Margaret (Mrs. Simpson) ... 1913 

Ibberson, Mrs. A. V. See Gill, Anne 

clllingworth, James William 1933, 

clngham, Albert Arthur 1931 

clngham, Kathleen Annie 1919 

Ingham, William 1910 

clngle, Harry 1891 

clngman, Arthur Leslie 1931 

Ingouville, Peter 1903 

clsherwood, Cyril, M.Sc.Tech 1927 

Ishenvood, James Grime 1903 

Isle, William Collinson igoz 

Awarded M.C. 

t Mentioned in Despatches. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc.— continued. 

Date of 

Date of 


clyengar, Seringapatam 

Venkataramiengar Gamda 1030 

cjones, Leonard 

cjones, Maldwyn 




ac J ackson, Alfred Henry 


cjones, Mary Eunice 

cjones, Myfanwv 



1. ‘ackson, Arthur 


cjones, Philip Arthur 


c[ ackson, Charles William 


clones, Richard Norman 


c f ackson, Deborah 


cjones, Thomas Herbert, M.Sc.Tcch. ... 


c/ackson, Eric Robert Bucklcv ... 


Jones, Thomas Maitland, M.A. 

cjackson, Frank 


( now Thomas Gwynne Maitland) 


c ’ ackson, Frank 


cj ones, Wilfred Edmondson 


, 'ackson, Harold 


Jones, William 


Jackson , Hugo Harrtson 


cjones, William Charles 


C, ackson, John Fabian Brindley ... 


Ajordan, Rose Frances 


c. ackson, John William 


cjudson, Raymond, M.B., Ch.B 


Jackson, Mrs. J. See Yates, Doris E. 

c Julian, William Henry 


cj ackson, Mabel Alice 


cjump, Bessie 


Jackson , Mary (Mrs. H. H. Lister ) 


cjump, Leonard Barlow 


c Jackson, Muriel 


Jung, Masudullah Sarbuland 


cjackson, Robert 


cjureidini, Geoffrey Rhodes 

c Jackson, Roland 


(wow Geoffrey Rhodes Rhodes) 


cjackson, Samuel Chantler 

cjackson, Sylvia Margaret Cleland 
Jackson , Thomas 




Kahan, Zelda 


cjackson, William 


Kain, Arthur 


Jacobs, Charles Ernest 


cKamberian, Adrine Arsine 


J adkava, A nandrao K hasher ao . . . 


cKasz, Frank 


Jaggard, Mrs. Harold. 

See Boulsover, Esther 


Kay, Colin Lowther 

Kay, Douglas J ohn 



cJ a gger, Ernest 


cKay, Esther ... "* 


cj agger, John Greenwood 

IQ 29 

cKay, Fred 


cjagus, Jijibhoy Sorabji 


Kay, John Bertram 


c Janus, Fred 


cKaye, Edward Thornton 


cjanus, Oscar 


cKaye, Harrv 


Jardine, Douglas Kennedy 


cKaye, Madge, M.Sc.Tech 


Jarrett, Percy 


c Keenan, James 


cjeans, Violet Woodyatt 


Kekrmann, Jessel 

cjenkins, Doreen Ida 


(now Jessel Crawford-Kehrmann ) 


Jenkins, Richard Owen 


c Keighley, Gilbert 


cjennett, Stanley 


cKelkar, Gopal Rao 


rjemings, John 


3Kellett, Ernest 


cjennings, John William 


Kelly, Mrs. Hubert. See Riley, Sheila 

cjessop, Edgar Ernest 

i 93 i 

c Kelly, John Francis 


c Johnson, Beatrice Eugenie 


c Kelly, John Philip 


c Johnson, Eileen Molly 


tKelly, Robert Ernest, M.B., Ch.B. ... 


cjohnson, Ethel Muriel 


cKelly, Simon, M.B., Ch.B 


Johnson, Harold Carruthers 


c Kelly, Stanley Horace Llewellyn 


2 Johnson, Hewlett 


Kelly, Thomas Joseph 


Johnson, Irvine Willis 


Kemp, Paul 


Johnson, John William Haigh ... 


cKendal, Dons Mary 


Johnson, Norman Miller 


c Kendall, Amelia Ruth 


cjohnson, Ralph Spencer 


cKennedy, Alan Robert, M.B., Ch.B. ... 


cjohnson, Richard Balderstone ... 


cKennedy, Kenneth Ronald 


cjohnson, Samuel Herbert 


cKenyon, Alec Lomax, M.B., Ch.B. ... 

193 7 

Johnson, Sydney Goode 


c Kenyon, Doris 


Johnson, William Prescott 


cKenyon, Francis 


c Johnston, Marjone Doreen 


cKenyon, George 


c Jolly, Frank Houghton 


c Ken yon, George Henry, Junior 


Jolly, Herbert 


Kenyon, James 


Jonas, Leslie 


Kenyon, James Douglas, M.B., Ch.B. 


a Jones, Alfred 


cKenyon, Nora 

19 22 

c Jones, Arthur 


Kenyon, Percy Smith 


cjones, Benjamin Paul, M.Ed. 


c Ker, Andrew Martin 


c J ones, Brian Wheatley 


Kershaw, Ethel 


cjones, Charles 


c Kershaw, Grace Vera ... 


* Jones, Cynl Ernest Turner 


0 Kershaw, James Wilfred 


cjones, Edward Alexander 

(notv E. A Paterson-Jones) 


c Kershaw, Leslie Ray 

c Kershaw, Thomas 



Jones, Evelvn G wynne 


cKeys, Stanley 


[ones, Frank Marsmgale 


cKhan, Khwaja Mohammed Nematullah 


a Jones, John Htrvey 


cKhan, Mohamed Abdul Kayyum 


cjones, Kate 


cKhan , Mohamed Ghouse Dad 


1 Head Master, Carlton Street Boys’ Secondary School, Bradford, Yorks. 

2 Dean of Canterbury. 

3 Head Master, Tootal Road Central School fox Boys, Salford. 

* Awarded M.C. t C.B. 

B.Sc. — continued. 

Graduates (Science). 

Date of 



Date of 

cKhan, SadiqAli 


cLee, Szih-chung 


cKhosla, Ram Nath 

1930 ’ 

Lee, Thorold Dracup 


KUlick, John Raymond 


cLeece, Walter Alfred Gill 


cKillingbeck, Eric 


cLeech, Harry Rowland 


King, Arthur 


Leech, Jane 


King, Edward William 


Lees, Frank 


cKmg, Harry 


cLees, George 


c King, Henry 


cLeese, Jessie 


cKing. Jeffrey William Hitchen ... 


cLeese, Wilfred 


King, William 


cLeicester, Dorothy 


Kippax, James 


cLeicester, Thomas Billington 


cKirkman, Thomas 


AcLeigh, Adamson Lennox 


cKirkpatrick, Donald 


ACiLeigh, Thomas Bowes 


cKirsop, Kathleen Pearson 


Leigh, William Booth 


Kitchln, Jonathan 


Leighton, Arthur 


cKiichin, Walter 


ALe Mare, Ernest Bristow 


clutching, Lillian Becky 

Kitto, Thomas Edward 


cLeon, Israel Solomon 



Lester, Edward Claude 


c Knight, Albert Mayne 


Lever, Darcy 


c Knight, Henry de Boyne 


cLever, Margaret 


Knight, John Arthur 


c Lever, Victor 


cKniveton, Raymond 


cLevv, Emile Andre 


Knott, Alan Gordon 


cLevv, Isidor 


Knowles, Percy 


cLevy, Samuel 


Knowles, Wilfred 


cLewis, Wilfred James 


cKulapongse, Wongse 


cLewney, George Graham 


Kyffin, Annie (Mrs, G. I. Wagstaff) 


cLewtas, George Selby 

ALibbey, Hubert Cornelius 



cLaidler, Marjorie 

cLaing. James Niven, 


cLiddington, Ronald 

cLimcharoen, Honghee 



LL.B., M.B., Ch.B. 


cLimcharoen, Hongsieng 


AcLaithwaite, John 


cLindsey, Gilbert ... 


cLamplough, Bessie 


cLinnell, Louis 


cLang, Cecilia Hilda ... 


cLinnell, Maurice 


cLangley, Frank Foster 


Liptrot, Richard 


Langstajf, Bilton 


cLisIe, Minnie Ida (Mrs. R. P. Gadd) 


Langstreth , Edmund 


Lister, Henry Hams 


cLanigan, George Ernest, M.Sc.Tech. 


Lister, Mrs. H. H. See Jackson , Mary 

cLansdell, Arthur Norman 


cLister, Marian 


Lantsberry, George Edward Hyatt 


cLister, Mary 


Lantsberry , Walter Caleb 


Littler, Mrs. See Eckersley, Ida 


Larkman, Raymond 


cLittler, Nellie 


cLatham, John 


Livesey, Charles Edwin Leonard... 


Law, Arthur 


cLivesey, Ellis 


cLaw, David Allan 


cLivesey, Frank, M.B., Ch.B. 


cLaw, Gertrude (Mrs. Geoffrey Bramalli 


cLloyd, Edward 


Law, Harold 


Lloyd, George Moss, M.A 


cLaw, Sydney 


Lloyd, John Barrow 


cLaw-Wright, Hubert 

J 93- 

cLloyd, Nancy Lelia 


cLawrie, Wilham Burton 


Lodge, Harry Livingston 


cLawson, Dennis Illingworth 


Lomas, Harold 


cLawson, Harold Wood 


Lomas, Leslie Hall 


cLawson, Hilda Florence 


cLomax, William Ernest 


Laycock, Benjamin 


c*Long, David Stables 


cLaycock, Kenneth 


Long, William Laurence 


cLaytham, .Albert James 


cLongbottom, Harry 


cLea, Doris Martha 


Longdon, Alfred Eglesfield 


xLea, James Edward 


cLongworth, Maurice 


cLea, Jeffrey Txmstall 


ALooker, George Henry 


Leach Elsie (Mrs. Guthrie) 

Leach! Gertrude Rachel 


a Lord, John William 

cLord, Percy 



(Mrs. A. E. Thompson! 


Loveday, Charles Norton 


c Leach, Harold Taylor 


c Lowe, Arthur 


Leach, Herbert 


cLowe, Leonard Thornton 


c Leach, Winifred Germaine 


AcLowe, Sarah Hannah 


cLean, Owen Bevan 


Lowe, William Henry 


cLecomber, Leslie Vincent 


cLowther, Harold 


Lee, Ada 


cLuckmau, Frank 


cLee, Bessie (Mrs. Coutts) 


2Lunn, Henry Pontefract 


cLee, Fu Ching 


cLuxton, Reginald William, M.D. 


Lee, Haydn 


Lyon, Julius Henry 


Lee, John Sandiford 


cLyon, Millicent Edith 



cLee, Robert Marr 


1 cLyon, Nancy Isabel 


1 County Court Judge on the Manchester Circuit. 

2 Head Master, Yardley Secondary School, Birmingham. 

* Awarded Croix de Guerre. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of 


cLyons, Lawrence ... 1925 

cLyons, Winifred Muriel 

(Mrs. F. G. N. Polkmhorne) 1928 

c+fMacalpine, Francis Geoffrey 1918 

Macaulay, Mrs. See Buckle, Helen 

cMcCall, John Neil 1913 

cMcCall, Walter Bleasdale 1915 

McCann, Hugh Cameron 1905 

cMcClement, William Edward 1927 

cMacColl, Hugh Alexander 1927 

McConechy, Fergus Malcolm Graeme .. 1912 

McCrae, Mrs J. See Bruce, Mary W. 

McCurrick, Laurence Oliphant 1909 

cMacdonald, Cyril James 1927 

Macdonald, William Kean 1914 

cMcDougall, Edith Jean 1930 

ACiMcDougall, Robert 1891 

cMcGlone , Wal ter 1933 

cMcGuffie, Sheila Emmet 1932 

AMcHowat, Annie (Mrs. Fraine) 1901 

McIntyre, Charles Campbell 1905 

cMackereth, John 1924 

cMcKerrow, Mary Constance 

(Mrs- E. P. Hodgkin) 1930 

cMackintosh, Elsie 1926 

cMcLellan, Andrew George 1927 

McLellan, James 1903 

cMacLennan, Annabella 1932 

cMcLeod, Geoffrey 1930 

McLeod, Hugh 1910 

cMcMillen, Ernest Henry 1929 

McNair, Lawrence Crawford 1897 

McPherson, John 1904 

McWilliam, Allan Stewart 2912 

Madden, William Henry’ 1908 

cMagee, John 1931 

cMaguire, Catherine Anne 1930 

Maguire, Harry 1906 

cMain, Margaret Louise 1920 

Malnprice, Geoffrey Dennis 1903 

cMaitland, Hector Charles 1929 

Maitland, T. G Wynne. See Jones, T. M. 

cMaitra, Monomohan 1925 

cMaizels, Gerald, M.B., Ch.B 1928 

cMajeed, Sheikh Abdul 1929 

cMakin, Ednie Robinson Lamb 1930 

cMakin, John 1922 

cMalan, Henry Lawrence 1920 

cManekshaw, Jan Hormusjie 1929 

cManley, Goidon 1921 

Mann, Ernest Edwin 1900 

cMann, George Thomas 1922 

Mann, John Carl, M B., Ch.B . . . . 1899 

cManning, Frederick John 1926 

Mannings, Richard Arnold igoo 

cManson, Janies Herbert 1924 

cManson, John 1921 

cMarchington, Harold Edwin . ... 1925 

cMarginson, Charles Carr 1928 

AMark, Harry Thiselton, M Ed 1898 

Marks, Mrs. See Hand, Edith M. 
cMarkwick, Alfred Herbert Dorlencourt 1924 

cMarland, Emily May 1925 

cMarland, Robert Newton 1927 

Marples, Percy Morris 1897 

cMarquis, Frederick James, M A 1906 

cMarriott, Walter Edward 1930 

cMarsden, Alice May 

(Mrs H. L. Penney) 1917 
Marsden, Charles Arthur . .. 1913 

1 Deputy Treasurer of the University. 
* Mentioned in Despatches, 
t Awarded M C. 

Marsden, Ernest Vane 

cMarsden, George 

Date of 
... 1897 


Marsden, Herbert 


Marsden, Herbert 


cMarsden, Herbert 


cMarsden, Leonard 


cMarsden, Margaret Forsythe 

(Mrs. Yates) 


Marsden, Richard Walter, M.D. ... 


Marsden, Mrs. See Cropper, Jennie H. 
cMarsh, Beatrice Man' 


cMarsh, Cecil Walpole 


cMarsh, Herbert 


Marsh, Mrs. T. 

See Walker, Cicely M.H. 
cMarsh. Willan Ewart 


cMarshall, Charles William . ... 


cMarshall, Cyril 


cMarshall, Frances Mary 


cMarshall, Frederic Nugent, M.D. 


Marshall, Herbert 


cMarshall, John 


Marshall, Joseph 


cMarshall, Joseph William 


cMarshall, Winifred Vera 


cMarshall, Winston Leslie 


Marston, Eric 


cMartin, Annie Ogilvie 


Martin, Arthur Edward Colston ... 


cMartin, Ernest 


Martin, Ethel Mary 


cMartin, Thomas Murray 


cMartin, William Ernest 


Martin, Mrs. See Williamson, Amy 

cMartindale, Hugh 


cMartyn, William Lawrence Doc ton 
c Mason, Annie 



Mason, Horace George 


cMason, Marv Constance 


cMassev, Donald Percival 


AcMassey, Harold Fletcher 


cMassey, James Lomax 


cMasterson, Edward Charles 


cMather, Arnold 


Mather, Ernest 


cMather, Kenneth 


cMathews, Norman Leslie 


Matthews, George 


cMatthews, Gertrude Evelyn 


cMat thews, Norman 


cMattinson, Edward Hugh 


Maudsley, Frank 


Maudsley, Richard Thompson 


cMaxwell, Arnold Ashbv 


cMaxwell, George Burton 


cMaver, John 


cMavoh, Wilfred 


cMeadley, John Cowan 


cMeadows, Alan 


cMellers, Charles Edward . . 


cMelling, Annie 


cMelling, Clifford 


cMellor, Maggie Astbury 


cMelrose, Edwin Malcolm 


cMennell, Frank 


Mercer, James 


Mercer , Jenny 


cMercbant, Alan Naylor 


Merchant, Frederick Ernest . . . . 


Merrick, James 


cMeswani, Vasanji Mulchand 


Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc. — continued. 

Date of 

Date of 



cMetcalfe, Marjorie Ethel 

I 93 i 

CMorris, Joseph Chappell, M.B., Ch.B. ... 


cMetcalfe, Percival Ignatius Howe 


Morris , Tom Dutton 


Meyer, James Holford 


cMorrison, Ellen Isabella 

Miall, Laurence 


(Mrs. K. K. Wood) 


cMiddleton, Arnold 


cMorrison, James Latto 


c Miller, John Poynter 


cMorrison, John 


c*Miller, Mary Eynon 


cMortimer, Clifford Hiley 


cMiIler, May 


Mortimer, Fannie (Mrs. Roberts) 


Millers, John Townley 


Morton, Dora 


Milligan, John Lloyd 


cMorton, Percy Frederick 


cMills, Bernard 


cMosallam, Sayed 


cMills, Clifford McKenzie 


cMoss, Phyllis (Mrs. John Nuttall) 


cMills, Ernest Leslie 


cMoss, Thomas 


cMills, Ethel 


cMoss, William Henry 


cMills, Ida Elfrida Joyce 


Mottram, Alee 

cMount, Ernest Edward 


cMills, James Roland 



cMills, Stephen George 


cMoyle, John Percival 


ciMilne, James 


Moys, Herbert ... 


cMilne, Philip Sidney 


Mucklow, Mrs. S. L. 

Milner, John Edward 


See Groves, Alexandra W. 

cMilward, William Edward Arnold 


cMullineaux, Florence 


c Mitchell , Alfred Harvey 


cMuni, Nai 


c Mitchell, James Frederick 


Murphy, Harold Newton 


•czMitchell, Marian Elaine 


Murray, Mrs A. V. See Seares, Winifred 

Mitchell , Willy 


cMurra3 T , Bethia 


cMockler, George Statnbank 


cMurray, Gerald 


cMoffatt, Allen Brookes, M.B., Ch.B. 


c Murray, Jean Marianne 


cMoffatt, John 


cMurray, Norbert 


Moffet, John Lesson 


Mutch, Clement Hollinshead 

Mutch, George 


cMoffett, Geoffrey Leicester 



c Mohammed, Shaikh Gulzar 


Myers, France 


Motr, William 


cMyers, Harold 


Moncrieff, Andrew Mason 


cMyers, William 


cMoncrieff, Robert Wigton 

cMone, Vishnu Trimbak 



Myers, Mrs. \V. See Tunnicliffe, Lilian 

Monk, James Edmondson 


cNagpaul, Nihal Singh 


Monks , Beryl 


Nanson, Musard Roper-Curzon 


Montford, Ivan Claude 


cNarayana, Kotagiri Peda Satya 

Montgomery, John Knowles 


[now K. P. Satyanarayana) 


Montgomery, Walter Ernest 


cNash, Margaret Isabel 


cMoon, Derrick Ivor Barrington ... 


Nash-Gower, V. H. 

cMoon, Frederick Henry 


See Nishigawa, V. H. S. 

Moore, Arthur 


cNatt, Lawrence Robert 


cMoore, Clifford 


cNattrass, Henry 

192 2 

cMoore, Dorothy 

Moore, Mrs. E. J. See Egli, Minnie 


cNattrass, John Elliott 

cNawaz-Jung, Faridoon Sohrab 



Moore, Fred 


Naylor, Alice 


cMoore, Henry Godfrey 


Naylor, Hannah 


AMoore, James Herbert 


Naylor, Tom 


cMoore, John Rider 


cNedderman, Arthur 


cMoore, Mary 


ANeedbam, Edward Rushton 


cMoore, Mary 


AC3t§Needham, Richard Arthur, M.D. ... 


cMoore, Ronald Leslie, M.Sc.Tech. 
Moorfield, Bertha Mima 


Nelson, Walter Ruthven 

C4Neville, Margaret Mary Constance ... 



(Mrs. A. J. Norris) 


AcNewbold, Augustus Scotcher 


Moran, Florence 

Moran, Margaret Elizabeth 



Newnham, Mrs. E. V. 

See Cocks, Gertrude F. 

(Mrs. E. P. Thomas) 


cNewton, Percy 


Moreton, Joseph , M.D 


cNewton, William Stewart 


cMorgan, Edward 


Nichol, John Oswald 


Morgan , Frederick John 


cNicholas, Jack Lawton 


cMorgan, Olive Irene 


Nicholls, Percy 


cMorgans, David Leslie 


cNichols, Katherine Sibella 


cMorland, Christopher Choat 


cN icholson, J ack 


cMorrey, Dora 


cNichoIson, John Stanley 


Morris, Florence Annie 


cNicholson, William Alan Butler, 

cMorris, Francis Montague Staples 


M.B., Ch.B. 


tMorris, Frank Mosedale 


cNicks, William Anthony 


cMorris, John Colin 


cNickson, Frank 


1 General Manager. Great Western Railway ; C.S.I. 

2 Head Mistress, Chatham County School for Girls. 

3 Assistant Director of the Indian Medical Sendee ; Mentioned in Despatches (three times) ; Kt. 

4 Head Mistress, Redhill School, Wrington, near Bristol. 

* Honours Student awarded Ordinary Degree on grounds of ill-health, 
t Mentioned in Despatches. % C I.E. § Awarded D.S O. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of 


cNidd, John Arthur Parkinson 1921 

Nidd, Mrs. J. A. P. 

See Pearson, Marjorie 

cNield, Leslie Camden 1933 

cNightingale, Florence 

(Mrs. Bernard Cavanagh) 1928 

cNightingale, Thomas Marginson 1896 

Nishigawa, Victor Henry Seishin 

[now V. H. Nash-Gower) 1914 

cNixon, Frank 1926 

cNixon, William Gibson Craig 1898 

cNoble, Herbert 19-37 

cNockolds, Stephen Robert 1929 

cNoden, William Leslie 1928 

cNop, Nai 1931 

Norcross, Arthur 1913 

N orcross , Thomas 1 9 n 

cNorman, William James 1922 

ANorquoy, Frederick 1901 

Norris, Sirs. A. J. 

See Moorfield, Bertha M. 

Norris, Dorothy 190S 

cNorris, Edwin ‘thomas 1936 

Norris, Mrs. See Harrop, Dorothy 

cNunn, Richard Edward 1913 

cNuttaJl, Annie 1926 

Nuttall, Edwin James 1894 

Nut tall, Mrs. John. See Moss, Phyllis 
cNutter, Mary Winifred 1924 

Oates, James Holroyd 1902 

O’Brien, Henry Eoghan 1898 

O’Callaghan, C. J. See Callaghan, C. J. 

cOccleshaw, Sidney 1932 

CO’ Connor, Ita Eileen 1929 

Odd y, Annie Maude 1900 

Oddy, James 1S97 

cOgden, Horace Chadwick 1923 

cOgden, James Albert 1922 

cOgden, Joyce 1933 

cOgden, William Marklaml 1930 

♦Oldham, Eric 1912 

Oldham, Harold 1914 

cOldham, Walter Frederick 1906 

cOldman, Eric Rushbrooke 1933 

1 Oliver, Frances Elizabeth 1914 

Oliver, Hilda Mary 19*3 

cOmar, Mahmoud 1931 

cOppenheimer, George Frederick 1924 

cOrmerod, Oliver 1917 

Ormerod, Thomas 1900 

cOrmes, William Stephen 1929 

cOrmesher, Edwin Charles 1926 

Orrell, Walter Walsh 1895 

cOrrell, William Ramsden 1924 

Osbaldeston, William Gilbert . . 1898 

cOsborne, Rowland Percy, M.B., Ch.B. 1928 

cOsman, Soliman 1929 

cOulton, Bernard 1922 

cOwen, Herbert 1916 

Owen, Idris Larkby 1900 

cOwen, Peers 1927 

cOwen, Walter 1928 

cOxburgh, Henry Clarkson 1932 

cOxley, Walter David 1924 

cOxtoby, Doris 1932 

cPage, Harold 1930 

Paine, Maitland Francis Austen . . . 1S97 

coPalmer, Frank Herbert 1903 

Palmar, Herbert Henrv 191 t 

Date of 

cPamkkar, Mathoor Saukaran Rama . . 192$ 

cPanikkar, Sankaran Narayana 1924 

Parish, Ephraim John igix 

cParish, Frederick Arnold 1921 

cParish, Hilda Constance 1916 

Park, Edward Charles 1906 

cPark, James Ramsay 1925 

Parker, Alfred Gordon 1905 

Parker, James 1913 

cParker, John 1933 

cParker, John Nutter 1932 

cParker, Lilian 1917 

cParker, Philip 1932 

Parker, Mrs. R. E. 

See Ward, Florence K. 

cParker, Thomas Frederick 1924 

Parker, William Ellis 1900 

cParkes, Elsie Mary 192& 

cParkeSjLily 1933 

Parkin, Amy Beatrice 1909 

cParkin, Ernest 1891 

cParkin, George 1933 

cParkin, Jessie, M.Ed 1899 

Parkin, Mary Wilton 1913 

cParkinson, Allan Rycroft 1921 

cParkinson, John Scholes, M.B., Ch.B. 1929 

cParkinson, William Lonsdale 1933 

c Parry, Janet 1920 

Parry, Stephen ... 1901 

Parry, William Lawrence 1898 

cParsons, Cicely Janet 1921 

cPartington, Frederick William 1920 

cPartington, Norman 1922 

APatchett, Joseph Langton 1901 

Paterson- Jones, E. A. See Jones, E. A. 

cPatterson, Edward Loudon ig3r 

cPattinson, William Ross 1908 


Mazuvanchenparambathu Virkkey 1932 

c Payne, Eric 1920 

cPayne, Ethel 1916 

c Payne, Kathleen Audrey 1929 

Peacock, Arthur 1899 

cPeak, Elias 1928 

♦Pearce, Harold Ellis Dallas 1911 

Pearsall, Mrs. W. H. 

See Williamson, Marjory S. 

cPearson, Alec 1923 

Pearson, Copeland Eric 1913 

Pearson, Doris Muriel 19x2 

cPearson, Harry 1933 

cPearson, Herbert 1916 

Pearson, Hilda Hewitson 1909 

cPearson, Marjone (Mrs. J. A. P. Nidd) 1919 

c Pearson, Maurice Daintree ig23 

Pearson, Richard Edgar 1910- 

cPearson, Ronald White 1930 

c Peart, Gladys May 192& 

Peatfield, Albert Edward 1894 

Peck, Ernest Lawrence 1896 

Peel, Nora 1903 

Peel, Selina (Mrs. J. B. Taylor) 1902 

c Pemberton, Elsie 1925. 

cPemberton, Max 1921 

♦Pendlebury, James William 1913 

cPenketh, Herbert Isaac 1923 

cPeiuiey, Humphrey Linthorne 1920 

Penney, Mrs H. L. 

See Marsden, Alice M. 

I cl’euuington, Charles Irvin 1925 

Pennington, Dorothy 19 11 

x Head Mistress, Southlands School, Seaford, Sussex. 

2 Head Master, The Grammar School, Morecambe, Lancs. 

+ Awarded M C 

Graduates (Science), 


B.Sc. — continued. 

Date of 

■ 1905 
. 1900 

. 1 *97 
. 192S 

Pennington , Thomas 

ai Pepper, Margaret Clayton. 

Perkins, Henry 

cPerrot, Maximilien Andr6 

c Perry, Dorothy Edith 

(Mrs. W. H. Corkhill) 1923 

c Perry, Douglas Stair 1926 

Perry, Mrs. D. S. See Tipper, Helen M. 

cPerry, Ethel Mary 1933 

cPershad, Shanker Bala 1930 

cPetty, Edward Ralph 1931 

* Petty, John Dameley 1912 

cPhilip, Archibald 1921 

C2Phillips, Albert James, M.Ed 1920 

cPhillips, Ernest 1914 

cPhillips, Gerald Judah, M.B., Ch.B.... 1927 

Phillips, James Oliver Rann 1910 

Phillipson, Abram 1904 

c Phipps, Florence Agnes 1915 

cPhipps, John Degory Bacon 1922 

Pickering, Arthur igo2 

c Pickering, Herbert ig3o 

Pickersgill, Samuel Edwin 1904 

cPickford, William 1916 

cPickles, Ina (Mrs. Fletcher) 1926 

cPickston, John 1924 

cPickstone, Diana Myfanwy 1933 

cPickup, Richard 1926 

cPickup, Rupert William 1931 

Picton, Grace Ethel rgoS 

cPidgeon, Frank Holt 1923 

Pierpont, Arthur Edwin 1887 

cPike, Betsy 1915 

cPilkington, Madge 1925 

APill, Robert 1889 

cPilling, Frank 1926 

Pilling, Mrs. See Duxbury, Margaret 

cPimlott, Harry 1929 

Pinniger, Mrs. J. W. See Buckley, Lucy 

Pinton, Charles Wilfrid 1910 

Platt, Stanley 19 14 

Platt, Sydney Ernest 1905 

cPlews, Dorothy Margaret 1932 

Plugge, Arthur 1897 

cPolkmhome, Mrs. F. G. N. 

See Lyons, Winifred M. 

cPollard, Hubert Arthur 1926 

cPollard, Mabel 1923 

cPollard, Seymour Randall 1928 

Pollitt, Frank Haynes 1912 

Pollitt, Samuel 1896 

Pool, Godfrey Howard 1914 

cPoole, James 1915 

cPooley, Olive 1933 

AcPopplewell, Dorothea 189S 

xPopplewell, Frank 1901 

cPorter, Arthur 1933 

cPorter, Gilbert 19 22 

cPorter, Ronald Philip 1922 

cPortman, Percy Raymond ...* 1930 

Potter, Charles Etty 1900 

cPotter, Frank Dean 1928 

cPotts, Russell 1932 

c Powell, Horace 1931 

cPownall, Gwendoline (Mrs. Sam Yates) 1929 

cPramanik,Mahadeb 1927 

C3Prasad, Hari 1910 

c Prescott, Miriam Dyson 1936 

cPrescott, Stanley Lewis 1932 

cPresslie, Dorothy Gertrude 

(Mrs. D. G. Gordon) 

cPreston, Benjamin 

cPreston, Ronald 

4Priestley, Albert Weston, M.A 

cPriestley, Dorothy (Mrs. S. O. Gregory) 

c Priestley, Henry Benjamin 

Priestman, Mrs. C. E. 

See Walker, Marv H. 

Pring , Thomas Victor ' ... 

c Prior, Theodora 

Pullman, Arthur Donald Rieber 

Pumphrey, George Stanley 

c Purdy, Dons May Winifred 

Date of 







1 90S 

cQuaas, Alma Emma Hedwig 1903 

cGuader, Syed Abdul 1932 

cQuadri, Syed Ahmed 1933 

Quayle, Alice 1912 

cQuinn, Alice Mildred 1924 

cRace, Joseph Harry 

cRace, William 

cRadcliffe, Frank 

cRadcliffe, Gordon Brownlow 

cRaffael, Alexander Maurice 

cRailton, Reid Antony 

cRamage, Gerald, M.B., Ch.B 

cRamsbottom, Edgar Nelson 

cRamsden, Wilfred Scotcher 

ARamsden, William Bates, M.B., Ch.B.... 

c Rankin, Helen Clark 

cRanshaw, Nellie 

cRansome, Edwin Oakes 

cRanson, John 

cRasbum, Wallace 

cRashid, Hassan Hasni 

cRatcliffe, Norman Ault 

cRathbone, John Henry 

cRathmell, Gladys Mary May 

cRaven, Arthur 

cRaven, Leonard 

cRawcliffe, Richard Bryning 

cRawlinson, Eleanor 

cRawsthome, Bernice 

cRay, Elsie ' 

sRayner, Herbert Emmett 

Rayner, Thomas Hudson 

Raza, Syed Ali 

Read, Frederick 

.\Read, Sydney 

c Reddy, Bond’ugal Ranga 

cRedford, Harold 

Reed, Agnes 

t Reed, Walter Nelson 

ARees, John Lambert 

AReid, Alexander, M.B., Ch.B 

AReid, John Herbert 

Renwick, Walter 

Revell, Percy Harry 

cReynolds, Lewis Norman 

Reynolds, Stephen Sydney 

cReynolds, Thomas lierbert 

cReza, Ali 

Rhodes, Mrs. A. See Firth, Annie 

Rhodes, Bertram 

Rhodes, Edgar Swain 

Rhodes, Edwin 

{ Rhodes, Geoffrey Rhodes. 

J Se e Jureidini, G. R. 




















1 93 I 2 3 4 5 










1 Principal of the F. L. Calder College of Domestic Science, Liverpool. 

2 Head Master, The Grammar School, Colne, Lancs. 

3 Professor of Chemistry and Vice -Principal, Government College, Ajmer. 

4 Director of Education, Worcester. 

5 Head Master, Hunts. County Secondary School, Fletton, Peterborough. 

* Mentioned in Despatches. t Awarded M.C. 


Graduates (Science), 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of Dale of 

Degree Degree 

cRhodes, Minnie 1933 cRobson, Edward John 1931 

cRhodes, Mona 1932 cRobson, Henry 1929 

c*Richards, Alan Roy 1933 cRock, Norman Cecil 1931 

cRichards, Kenneth 1932 cRoe, Squire 1935 

cRichards, William John 1923 cRogers, Constance Agatha 

cRichards, William Stanley 1923 (Mrs. Edmund Troup) 1919 

Richardson, Agnes Mabel 1914 Rogers, James 1912 

cRichardson, Edith 1926 cRogers, Wilfred Taylor 1927 

cRichardson, George Alfred 1931 cRogerson, Winifred 1931 

cRichardson, John Howarth 1926 cRolo, Maurice 1925 

cRichardson, Marion 1931 cRooney, William Kay 1924 

cRichardson, William Alan 1923 Roscoe, Mrs . F. 

cRichmond, David Alan 1933 See Davies , Margaret E . 

t Rickards, Joseph, M.B., Ch.B 1903 Rose , Charles Leigh 1916 

cRickards, Muriel Josephine 1927 Rose, E. A. See Rosenheim, E. A. 

cRiddall, Mary Joanna Aline 1925 Rose, John Leonard 1898 

cRideal, Margaret cRose, Nina Kathleen 1923 

(Mrs. George Hinchliffe) 1920 Rosenbaum, Simon 1899 

Rider, Maud Mary 1901 Rosenheim, Ernest Albert 

cRidgway, Frank I 93 1 2 3 4 [now E. A. Rose) 1898 

cRidgway, Stanley 1925 Ross, Agnes Lilian 

cRidler, Alfred Edmund 1926 (Mrs. W. A. Bullough) 1910 

cRigby, Albert 1902 cRoss, George 1910 

Rigby, Edward Hulme 1891 cRostron, Constance Mary, M.B., Ch.B. 1928 

cRigby, Fred Frankland 1925 AiRostron, Harold 1895 

Rigby, Harold 1897 Rothwell, George Green 1903 

Rigby, William, B.A 1896 cRothwell, Mary 1917 

Rigby, Mrs W. J. See Sutton, Olive cRouse, Elizabeth 1923 

Riley, Albert 1914 Rowbotham, Albert 1913 

cRiley, Allan Woodbume 1921 cRowbotham, George Frederick 1924 

cRiley, Arthur, M.Sc.Tech 1923 cRowlands, Erwyn Norman 1933 

cRiley, James Jackson 1925 cRowntree, Henry Brightman 1929 

cRiley, John Edward ... 1927 cRoy, Grace Mitchell 1923 

Riley, Joseph 1901 cRoyds, Albert 1923 

Riley, Joseph Willie 1909 Royle, Alan Gilbert 1914 

cRiley, Muriel 1924 cRush, Francis Joseph 1925 

cRiley, Reuben 1917 cRushton, Eric 1924 

cRiley, Sheila (Mrs. Hubert Kelly) ... 1923 cRushton, Evelyn 1928 

Rimmer, Edward Johnson 1904 AC2 Russell, Ephraim, M.A 1901 

cRitcbie, John, Jun 1924 cRussell, Harold 1925 

cRoberts, Arnold Mitchell 1921 Rydall, George Herbert igo3 

Roberts, Arthur Trevor 1902 cRyder, Lawrence Bradshaw 1923 

cRoberts, Edwin Donald 1931 

Roberts, Hugh Henry 1903 cSadler, Cyril Arthur Needham 1927 

Roberts, Lizzie (Mrs. Stafford) 1912 Salkeld, Mrs. H. See Croft, Agnes G. 

cRoberts, Richard Clifton 1929 * cSalter, Albert George 1929 

Roberts, William 1906 cSamuel, Phyllis 1928 

cRoberts, William 1939 cSandiford, Tom Royle 1936 

Roberts, Mrs. See Mortimer, Fanny cSankey, John James 1930 

cRobertson, Bertram Howard 1924 cSansom, Vernon Joseph 1922 

Robertson , David Thompson Strachan... 1896 Sardon, Juan de. See Sardon, J. de D. 

Robertson, Eric 1914 Sardon, Juan de Dios 

cRobins, Cecil 1929 {now Juan de Sardon) 1909 

cRobinson, Alice 1927 AcSargent, Samuel Rogers 1901 

Robinson, Arthur Samuel 1911 cSarginson, Amy 1928 

Robinson, Mrs. A. Sarginson, William 1903 

See Cowell, Rhoda M. cSatterthwaite, Elizabeth 1921 

cRobinson, Cyril Frederick 1923 Satyanarayana, K. P. 

cRobinson, Edward... 1925 j See Narayana, K. P. S. 

cRobinson, Eileen Muriel 1933 J Saunders, Samuel McIntyre 1906 

cRobinson, Errol Clive 1928 | Saunderson, Constance Margaret ... 1906 

ARobinson, George 1895 j Saunderson, Frederick W illiam 1907 

cRobinson, George 1915 | 3Sawdon, Ernest William 1898 

cRobinson, Maurice Juby 1932 cSaxon, Hilda 1932 

cRobinson, Percy Ralph 1920 4Saxon, Robert ... 1896 

cRobinson, Tom 1922 cSchofield, Herbert 1924 

Robinson, Mrs. cSchofield, Joseph Leeming 1923 

See Winterbottom, Estella J. cScholefield, Arline Annie 

Robinson, Mrs. See Bunting, Ethel (Mrs. E. N. Smith) 1921 

1 Head of Educational Department, Messrs. Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co. Ltd. 

2 Head Master, Verdin County School, Winsford, Cheshire. 

3 Professor of Education, Union University, Chengtu, West China. 

4 Head Master, Forster School, Bradford, Yorks. 

* Honours Student awarded Ordinary Degree on grounds of ill-health. 

t Awarded M.C. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc. — continued. 

Date of 
. 1910 
. 1906 

• 1929 
. 1929 

• 1929 

. 1938 

. 1926 

. 1899 

• 1913 

. 1911 
. 1910 

. 1922 

• 1923 

• 1915 

■ 1930 

• 1925 

. 1932 

• 1913 

• 1924 

. 1912 

. 1918 

■ 1912 

. 1911 

. 1902 

• 1923 


cScholfield, Alfred Lakeman ... . 

Scholfield, Basil 

cSconce, Kathleen Elizabeth 

cScott, Alan Thurbum 

cScott, Claude Worthington 

cScott, Harry Wallace 

cScott, John 

Scouller, Walter Daly 

cSeares, Esther Gertrude 

cSeares, Winifred (Mrs. A. V. Murray) 

Searle, Milton Mazzini ... 

Seddon, Fred 

cSeed, Isabel Hunt, M.A 

cSeed, William Herbert 

cSellers, Henry Norman 

cSen, Ardhendu Shekhar 

cSenogles, Phyllis ... 

cSephton, Ada Florence 

Sethi, Parmeshwari Das 

cShackleton, Herbert 

Shackleton, Walter 

cShah, Sami-ullah 

Shams el Din, Mohamed 

cShatwell, Hugh George, M.Sc.Tech. ... 

Shaw, Daniel Thomley 

cShaw, George Edward 

cShaw, Harry 

Shaw, Mrs. Harry See Garnett, Enid 

Shaw, Marion 1913 

Shaw, Thomas 1907 

Shaw, Thomas 1932 

cSheard, Walter 1922 

Shearman, Bertha (Mrs. Wood) 1904 

cSheehan, Brendan, M.B., Ch.B 1929 

cSheehan, Maurice, M.B., Ch.B 1928 

Sheldon, John 1914 

cShelley, Herbert John 1916 

cShenton, Leonard Roy ... 1931 

cSheorey, Rabhaker Raghunath 1930 

Shepherd, Douglas Howard, M.A. ... 19 11 

cShepherd, Ernest, M.A. (Com.) 1923 

Shepherd, Reginald des Forges 1892 

cShepley, Eric 1930 

cShilling, Beatrice ... 1932 

Shipperbottom, Abigail 1903 

cShlosberg, Betty 1929 

cShlosberg, Nathan, M.B., Ch.B 1931 

cShorten, Richard George 1923 

Shorter, Sydney Alfred. 1899 

cShuttleworth, Donald Anthony 1933 

cSilk, Philip Baxter 1922 

cSilverman, Israel Reuben 1931 

cSimister, Elsie (Mrs. Eardley) 1920 

cSimm, William Donald Mellis 1922 

cSimmons, Harry Teasdale, M.B. , Ch.B. 1926 
Simpson, Mrs. Charles. 

See Hirst, Lilian C. V. 

cSimpson, Geoffrey Elliott 1926 

cSimpson, Kathleen 1925 

cSimpson, Margaret Gertrude 

(Mrs. Carlton Butler) 1920 
Simpson, Mrs. See Hyslop, Margaret 

cSinclair, Eleanor Mary 1923 

cSingle, Janet 1922 

cSingleton, Eric 1932 

cSingleton, Hilda 1932 

cSkinner, Edith 1926 

c*Slack, Harry 1914 

cSlate, James 1921 

Slater, Alfred 1897 

Slater, Arthur Evan Cross 1921 

Date of 

_ Degree 

cSlater, Frank ioi« 

cSlater, Harold, M.Ed 1924 

cSlater, Jack 1928 

Slater, John Henry 1903 

Slater, John Wardle 1914 

cSlater, Robert 10 a® 

Slater, Mrs. W. K. 

See Whittenbury, Hilda 

cSleep, .Arthur 1918 

Slefrig, Samuel 1898 

Sloan, Robert John Joseph 1899 

cSmalley, Lionel Milton 1931 

cfSmart, Johnson Ewart 1916 

Smart, Mrs. See Stephens, Mabel W. 

cSmethurst, George 193a 

Smith, Allan Higson 1916 

cSmith, Arthur Chamock 1930 

Smith, Arthur Clifford 1904 

cSmith, Charles Frederick 1033 

cSmith, Charles Holt 1924 

cSmith, Charles Richard 1923 

cSmith, Douglas Aikman 1922 

Smith, Ellen 1903 

cSmith, Ethel 1926 

Smith, Mrs. E. N. 

See Scholefield, Axline A. 

Smith, Foster 1896 

Smith, Frank 1903 

iSmith, Frank, B.A 1906 

Smith, Frank James 1900 

cSmith, Frank Wemyss 1933 

Smith, George 19x2 

Smith, George Frederic 1904 

Smith, Harold Hall 1912 

cSmith, Harry Digby 1918 

a Smith, Harry Wood 1888 

Smith, Henry Lambert 1898 

Smith, Henry Llewellyn 1906 

cSmith, Herbert Charles 1926 

cSmith, James 1925 

Smith, Jennie Jardine 1909 

cSmith, John Charles, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1928 

Smith, John Edgar 1901 

cSmith, John Higson 1932 

cSmith, Kathleen Mary 1933 

cSmith, Leonard 1931 

cSmith, Maxwell 1927 

Smith, Mary *. 1902 

cSmith, Mary 1930 

Smith, Norman Septimus Joyner ... 1901 

cSmith, Ronald 

(■ now Ronald Heath Smith) 1922 
Smith, Ronald Heath. 

See Smith, Ronald 

cSmith, Sydney 1922 

cSmith, Thomas 1916 

a Smith, William, B.A 1899 

Smith, William James 1895 

cSmith, William Patterson 1922 

cSmith, William Simister 1932 

cSmithells, Thomas Archibald 1910 

cSmithies, George Thomas Spears ... 1924 

cSmithies, Thomas 1923 

Smythe, John Seabury 1896 

Snelson, Laura Jane 1914 

cSnook, Thomas 1923 

cSolly, Henry Wilkinson 1922 

cSoundy, MiUicent Annie 

(Mrs. Charles Thorpe) 1916 

AcSouthem, Frank 1891 

cSouthworth, Thomas Cyril 1930 

1 Professor of Education, University of Leeds. 
* Awarded D.C.M. 
t Awarded M.C. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of 


Sowerbutts, Edith Utley 

(Mrs. N. R. Campbell) 1901 

cSowerbutts,Edna 1932 

cSpann, Grace (Mrs. Fred Fairbrother) 1930 
Speakman, Mrs. H. B. 

See Armstrong, Gladys M. 

cSpeight, Alice, M.B., Ch.B 1928 

Spencer, James Frederick 1901 

cSpencer, Ralph 1931 

cSpencer, Robert Irving 1927 

Spencer, Mrs. T. P. See Hulse, Evelyn 

Spiegelhalter, Cecil 1903 

cSpokes, Thomas Frederick 1924 

cSquire, Irene Mary 1925 

cSreshthaputra, So 1925 

cStafford, Alice (Mrs. Wignall) 1915 

Stafford, Mrs. See Roberts, Lizzie 

Standing, Margaret 1904 

cStandring, Percival Kay 1916 

eStansfield, Harry 1933 

Stansfield, Samuel 1898 

cStanton, Leonard Radford 1924 

c Stanwor th, J ames 1916 

cStarkey, Albert Ernest 1926 

cStarkey, Robert Fenton 1930 

cStarkie, Colin, M.B., Ch.B 1928 

cStaton, William 1915 

Stead, Arthur 1899 

cStead, Clifford 1930 

Stead, Frank Cawthron 1903 

cSteel, Harry Cecil 1932 

Stelfox, Sydney Herbert 1902 

Stell, Nellie 1914 

cStent, Howard Braithwaite, M.Sc.Tech. 1925 
Stephens, Mabel Winifred (Mrs. Smart) 1907 

cStephenson, Eric Fletcher 1921 

Stephenson, Isabel 1901 

cStephenson, James Finder 1926 

ASteuart, Douglas Stuart 1895 

Stevens, Robert Henry 1906 

cStevenson, Elsie Caroline 1903 

cStevenson, Marjorie Alice ig3i 

Stevenson, Rose Evelyn 1906 

cStewart, Archibald William 1933 

Stewart, Charles 189R 

Stewart, Charlotte May 

(Mrs. Edward Hill) 1912 

cStewartfDavid Fortune 1927 

cStewart, Ian 1926 

cStewart, Mary 1923 

Stewart, Tom 1904 

Stewart, Mrs. See Clough, Eva 
Stiebel, Dorothy Charlotte 

(Mrs. C. J. Aron) 1913 

cStirling, Enid Helen 1929 

Stitt, James Arthur 1910 

cStockdale, William Henry, M.Ed. ... 1917 

Stocks, .Arthur 1900 

Stocks, Frank Elliot 1908 

Stocks, Marion 1904 

Stockton, Albert Thomas 1923 

Stoddard, Arthur Askwith 1902 

Stoddard, Mary ... ... ... 1913 

Stoekr, Emil Moritz 1884 

cStokes, Douglas Dodd 1931 

cStonestreet, Maurice 1933 

cStopard, Winifred May 1918 

a Storey, James A shbnrner 1890 

Storey, John Everard 1907 

Storrs, Hubert Townsend 1897 

cStott, Charles Frederick, M.B., Ch.B. 1926 

cStott, Frederick Clifford 1929 

Stott, John Henry 1897 

Date of 

cStott, Louisa Roberta Nicholson 1922 

a Stringer, A Ibert Edward 1900 

cStringer, Arthur Lawrence 1928 

Stringer, William 1905 

| cStruthers, Ada Margaret 1925 

cStruthers, Francis Boyd 1923 

cStruthers, Rupert Alexander 1918 

1 Strut hers, William Henderson 1913 

Stuart, Wilson, M.A 1897 

cStubbs, Denis Robert 1932 

cStubbs, Ernest Bagnall 1922 

cStubbs, Francis James 1931 

Studley, Charles Wilcoek 1897 

cSturge, Wilson Waterhouse 1933 

Sturges, Arthur Manning 1901 

c Sullivan, Robert 1931 

Summers, Herbert Henry 1903 

cSummers, Walter Alec 1908 

Sumner, Ernest Jonathan igoo 

Sutcliffe, Albert Ormerod 1910 

! cSutcliffe, Geoffrey William ig2S 

Sutcliffe, Henry igoo 

I cSutcliffe, Hubert Thomas 1916 

j Sutcliffe, Joseph 1911 

' Sutcliffe, Luke 1900 

1 cSutcliffe, Mary Greenwood 1929 

: cSutcliffe, Munel Mary Helme 1923 

cSutcliffe, Roland Arthur Harrington ... 1923 

1 c Su thers, Hilda Marguerita ... ... 1918 

| cSutton, Isaac, M.B., Ch.B 1928 

! cSutton, Olive (Mrs. W. J. Rigby) ... 1916 

cSutton, Winifred 1923 

Svensson, Gillis rgoo 

1 cSwaine, William igrs 

| cSwales, John 1915 

| Swallow, George Herbert 19 ro 

Swallow, Robert William 1899 

cSwift, Edgar 1925 

Sykes, Albert 1904 

c Sykes, Albert 1925 

Sykes, Mrs. See Whitfield, Evelyn 

cTabemer, Alice 19x9 

Tainton, Urlyn Clifton 1912 

cTainton-Clayton, Erith Geraint 1928 

cTalbot, Geoffrey, M.B., Ch.B 1916 

Talbot, Herbert Smith 1912 

cTandan, Ram Chandra 1925 

cTankard, Joseph 1934 

cTanner, Charles Sydney 1932 

cTanner, Henry Hector 1923 

cTanner, Thomas Gordon 1925 

Tansley, George Edward 1897 

cTarver, Constance Margaret 1932 

Tattersall, Mrs. George. 

See Ecroyd, Eveline M. 

cTaws, Kathleen 1923 

Tayler, Mrs. J. B. See Peel, Selina 

cTaylor, Abraham 1933 

Taylor, Albert 1910 

I cTaylor, Albert 1920 

Taylor, Alice Jane (Mrs. J. A. Uttley)... 1906 
Taylor, Mrs. B. A. 

See Hall, Christobel M. 

cTaylor, Ernest 1926 

AcTaylor, Ethel igor 

cTaylor, Evelyn (Mrs. J. B. Wright) ... 1919 

cTaylor, Ewen Wilford 1925 

Taylor, Francis 1902 

cTaylor, George Eric 1921 

AcTaylor, George William 1897 

cTaylor, Harold (Bolton) 1922 

cTaylor, Harry 1932 

1 Head Master, Tewkesbury Grammar School. 

Graduates (Science). 


B.Sc. — continued . 

cTaylor, Herbert Edwin 

cTaylor, James 

cTaylor, James Nicholson 

cTaylor, Joan 

cTaylor, Leslie Senior ... 

Taylor, Mabel Alice 

Taylor, Norman 

cTaylor, Norman 

cTaylor, Philip Hood ... 
cTaylor, Randal Henderson 

Taylor, Sarah 

cTaylor, Vera 

cTaylor, William 

Taylor, Mrs. A. N. 

See Bentley, Dorothy L. 

Telfer, James 

cTetlow, Clifford 

cTetlow, Norman 

cThakur, Kimatrar Thakurdas 
cThatcher, Wilfred Arthur ... 

Thewlis, Harold Darling 

cThora, Elsie Georgina 

Thomas, Edward J erman . . . 

Thomas, Mrs. E. P. 

See Moran, Margaret E. 

xThomas, Hubert Robert 

Thomas, Hugh Spenser 

iThomas, Joseph Henry 

Thomas, Mrs. R. E. C. 

See Cawley, Mary 

AcThomas, Robert Howarth 

cThomasson, John 

Thompson, Mrs. A. E. 

See Leach, Gertrude R. 

Thompson, Chadwick Eckersley 

Thompson, Ethel (Mrs. Belsen) 

cThompson, George Leslie 

Thompson, Hubert 

AThompson, James David ... ... ... 

Thompson, John Thomas 

Thompson, William Benson 
Thompson , Mrs. See Ellis, Violet J. 
cThomely, Philip Cawthom 

cThomley, Bernard 

cThoraley, Robert Rayner 

cThornley, Roland 

xThomton, Arthur Lambert 

cThorp, Dawson 

cThorpe, Arthur 

Thorpe, Mrs Charles 

See Soundy, Millicent A. 
cThorpe, Clifford Padgett 
Thorpe, John William .. 
cThrelkeld, Eileen (Mrs. Evans) 

cThroup, Nancy 

cTibbs, Stanley Robert ... 

Tickle, Matthew James... 

Tiffany, Joseph Edgar ... 

Timmis, Arthur Carlyle 
cTimperley, David Richard Triffitt ... 
cTipper, Helen Margaret 

(Mrs. D. S. Perry) 
cTirrell, Clifford John ... 
cTirrell, Harold Fred 

Todd, John Henry 

Todd, Reginald Austen... 
cTofail, Ahmad Khan 

cToft, Herbert 

cToft, Joseph Warburton 

cTolson, Maurice 

cTomlinson, Henry 

Date of 
i 93 i 












































Date of 

cTomlinson, Thomas Gamer, B.Sc.Tech. 1933 

cTomlinson, Waiter Campbell 1930 

Tomlinson, William Henry 1911 

cTompkins, Dennis Gordon 1928 

cTonge, Joshua William 1925 

cTooth, Olive 1933 

Townend, Allan Luke 1926 

Trantom, William 1896 

cTnppier, Frank 1916 

cTristram, Margaret Julia 1927 

Troup, Mrs. Edmund 

See Rogers, Constance A. 

cTudge, Fred iy 33 

cTunnicliffe, Lilian (Mrs. W. Myersj ... 1918 

Tunstall, John ’ 1910 

cTunstall, Norman 1915 

cTuplin, William Alfred 1923 

cTumer, Harry Entwistle 1922 

Turner, Herbert {now H. Caulle-Tumer) 1908 

cTumer, William Hollins 1923 

cTurnock, Ruth Mary 1933 

cTurtle, Norman Foster 1928 

Turton, Edward, M.D 1903 

cTyas, Mary Montgomery 1931 

Tyler, John Ronald Cather 1911 

cTyson, George, M.Ed 1926 

Underwood, John Maurice 

cUnsworth, Alfred Victor 

Uns worth, Maggie 

Unwin, Ernest Ewart 

Ure, James Matthew 

Uttley, Mrs. J. A. See Taylor, Alice J. 

AVarlev, William Crowther 

cVasev, Joseph Reginald 

cVaudrey, Edward 

c Vaughan, Winifred 

cVerity, Carl, M.B., Ch.B 

Verity, John Arthur 

cVemon, Edith (Mrs. F. T. Watts) 

cVernon, Eric, M.B., Ch.B 

cVemon, Herbert Ward 

cVickerstaff , Thomas 

•tVmer, Edward 

cVmten-Fenton, Charles Victor 

cVose, John 

Waddington, Harry 

cWaddington, John' 

Waddington, William Walch 

cWade, ~ Charles Henry Townsend, 

M.B., Ch.B 

cWade, Edith Mary 

cWade, Henry John 

Wade, John Mayall 

cWadhams, John Oswald 

Wagstaff, Mrs. G. J. See Kyfiin, Annie 

cWahbi, Ahmed Kamel 

cWaimvright, Dorothy 

Waite, Harold 

Waite, Joseph Harold 

cWajnfeld, Juda Pejsach 

cWake, John Gregson 

Walbank, Wilfrid Stephen 

Walker, Albert Norman 

cWalker, Arnold Henry 

Walker, Arthur George 

Walker, Augustus John 

c Walker, Cecil v Mary Helen 

(Mrs. T. Marsh) 
cWalker, Charles Stanley 





























1 Head Master, Waterloo Secondary School, near Liverpool. 
* Awarded D.S.O. 
t Mentioned in Despatches. 


Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of i Date of 



cWalker, Edith Frances 


c Webster, John James 


cWalker, Edward Louis 


a Webster, Joseph Sidney 


cWalker, Frederick Stanley 


cWebster, Margaret Buchanan 


cWalker, George Alfred 


cWeiss, Margaret Erica 

cWalker, Jesse Holland 


(Mrs. G. G. Wicksteed) 


cWalker, John 


ac* Wells, Lionel Fortescue 


cWalker, Joseph 


cWest, Kathleen Margaret 

Walker, Joshua 


(Mrs. R. M. Wood) 


cWalker, Mary Hannah 

cWestem, George Rex 


(Mrs. C. E. Priestman) 


cWestmacott, Brian Slater ... 


cWalker, Nathaniel ... 


cWeston, Nancy 


cWalker, Sidney Alexander 


c Wetherell , Sydney ... 


cWetherill, Hilda 


cWalker, Thomas Stafford 


2 Whaley, James 


Walker, William Frank 


cWhalley, Eric 


cWall, John Derwent 


Whaliey, Harry ... 


Wall, Mrs. H. See Walmsley, Mary 

cWhalley, Mary Alice 


cWall, Ronald 


cWhalley, Wilfred, M.Ed. ... 


cWallace, John 


Wharton, Edgar, M.B., Ch.B. 


W allbridge, Mrs. P. E. 

Wharton, Harold 


See Wolstenholme, Vera 

cWhatmough, Beatrice Margaret 


Walley, Percy Woods 


c Wheeler, John Stanley Carress 


cWallwork, Alice 


cWhipp, Harold 


Wallwork, Arthur Vivian 


cWhipp, Hilda (Mrs. Richard Greenhalgh) 


cWalmsley, Frank 


c Whitaker, Edward Cecil 


Walmsley, Mary (Mrs. H. Wall) 


cWhitaker, James Rudman 


Walmsley, Percy Dawson 


c Whit aker, J ohn Latham 


Walmsley, William Arthur 


Whitaker, John Stanley 


Walsh, J ames Thomas 


cWhitaker, Sidney Nisbet, B A. 



cWalsh, John 


cWhitcomb, Amy Victoria . . . 


cWalsh, Margaret Kathleen 


White, Cecil 


cWalshaw, Ronald Stanley 


cWhite, Charles Ernest 


cWalters, Arthur Leslie 


c White, Donald William 


cWalton, Millicent 


White, Ernest Dark 


cWalton, Ronald 


White, Robert George 

... ... 


cWandless, Winifred Agnes 


cWhite, William 


cWarburton, Gladys Mary 


White, William Henry 


cWarburton, John Daine 


Whitehead, Arthur Henton ... 


cWarburton, Mary 


c Whitehead, Douglas John ... 


Ward, Charles Harold 


cWhitehead, Muriel Mary 


cWard, Florence Katie 

cWhitehead. Phyllis Pennell 

(Mrs. R. E. Parker) 


(Mrs. W. McK. Anderson) 


cWard, Frank 


cWhitehead, William 


cWard, Kathleen Nutter 


cWhitehead, William Thomas 


Waremg, Marion 


cWhiteley, Sidney 


Warham, Amy Elizabeth 

cWhiteman, Spencer William 

I93 2 

(Mrs. Stewart Cameron) 


c Whiteside, Alice Muriel 


cWarhurst, Ernest 


c Whitfield, Ernest Victor 


Warmington, Edith 


cWhitfield, Evelyn (Mrs. Sykes) 


cWarmington, Marjory Patience 


c Whitfield, Monica Colquitt ... 


Warner, Claude Errington 


cWhitnall, Edward John 


cWarwick, Tom 


Whittaker, Croydon Meredith 


cWason, Joseph Samson 


c Whittaker, Douglas 


Waterhouse, Rennie 


c Whittaker, James 


Waterhouse, William John 


c Whittaker, Lucy Greenhalgh 


Waterlow, Cecil Beauchamp 


cWhittaker, Randal, M.B., Ch.B. 


cWatkins, Ernest Roger 


cWhittakcr, Robert 


cWatkins, Kenneth Harold 


Whittenbury, Mrs. G. V. 

Watkins, William Morris 


See Franche, Joan 

Watson, Aithur Alfred 


cWhittenbury, Hilda (Mrs. W. K. Slater) 


cWatson, Eric 


c Whittle, Elizabeth 


IVatson, Harry 


cWhittle, Norah Marguerite ... 


cWatson, Madge 


Whittles, Willie 


c Watson, Walter 


3Whitton, William Alexander 


cWatt, Joseph Herbert Saltmarsh 


c Whitworth, John 


iWatton, Sydney Leonard 


cWhitworth, Nina Madge 


cWatts, Ethel Amelia 

cWhyatt, Gilbert Henderson 


(Mrs. E. A. Dungan) 


cWhyman, William Henry Noel 


Watts, Mrs F. J. See Vernon, Edith 

Wicksteed, Mrs. G G. 

Watts, Thomas Guy 


See Weiss, Marg 

aret E. 

cWeaver, William 


cWigley, Harold 


r Head Master, Lyme Regis Grammar School, Dorset. 

2 Director of Education for Dudley. 

3 Head Master of New Mills County Secondary School. 

* Awarded DSU t Mentioned in Despatches 

J Awarded Serbian Order of Kara George, 4th Class (with Swords). 

Graduates (Science). 

B.Sc. — continued. 

cWignall, Walter Bennett ... . 

Wignall, Mrs. See Stafford, Alice 
Wild, Mrs. G. B. 

See Brentnall, Annyc C. 

a Wild, John 

cWild, Thomas Gordon Fletcher 

Wild. William Ernest 

Wilde, Hilda 

Wilde, Wenden Ray 

cWilding, Alice 

cVVildman, Harry 

cWildman, Sybil 

cWilkes, Cecil 

Wilkinson, Arthur Cecil 

cWilkinson, Ethel 

Wilkinson, Frederick Randolph 

cWilkinson, Harold 

cWilkinson, Herbert 

cWilkinson, Martin Edward Towler . . . 

cWilkinson, Robert Dennis 

cWilkinson, Rowland 

cWillacy, Kelsall Robson 

cWillan, George 

cWillett, Alice 

Williams, Bernard 

Williams, Cyril Stoate 

cWilliains, Denis John, M.B., Ch.B. ... 

cWilliams, Frederic Colland 

Williams, Harry 

Williams, Mrs. J. A. 

See Begg, Frances B. 

Williams, Kate 

cWilliams, Philip 

cWilliams, Margaret Isabel 

Williams, Mrs. See Brown, Florence W. 

cWilliamson, Ainy (Mrs. Martin) 

cWilliamson, Ernest Frederick 

cWilliamson, George 

cWilliamson, Marjory Stewart 

(Mrs. W. H. Pearsall) 
cWilliamson, Raymond, M.D. 

Willis, Frank 

Willis, Fred 

Willis, Malcolm Featherston 
c Willis, Margaret Brooke 
cWillison, Olive Gwendoline ... 

cWilshaw, Ralph Eric 

Wilson, Alfred Carruthers ... 

Wilson, Charles Richard 
ai Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees 

Wilson, Frances Annie 

c Wilson, George Ernest 

c Wilson, Lilian Mary 

cWilson, Mary Bailey 

c Wilson, Nellie, M.B., Ch B 

(Mrs. F. W. T. Craske) 
cWilson, Thomas Oakley 

Wilson, William, M.D. ’ 

cWilson, William Leslie 

Wilson, Winifred 

cWinder, Richard 

A2 Windsor, Frank Needham ... 

Winfield, Henrietta Sarah ... 

Winkup, Mrs. A. J. 

See Hardman, Sybil M. 

Winnard, John 

cWinstanley, Edith 

Winstanley, Gertrude (Mrs. Emson) ... 

cWinstanley, Martha Alice 

cWmterbottom, Amy 

cWinterbottom, Edgar 

Date of 
. 1921 













































Date of 

, Degree 

\\ mterbottom, Estella Jane 

(Mrs. Robinson) 1902 

cWinterbottom, Fred 1930 

cWinward, Thomas 1917 

cWise, Colin George, M.Ed 1936 

cWitty, Frank Roy 1026 

cWolf, Harry ig22 

cWolf, Walter Albert Louis 1921 

cWolfenden, Tom 1923 

cWolstenholme, Vera 

(Mrs. P. E. Wallbndge) 1924 

cWoo, Feng En 1919 

cWood, Alan Cregan 1931 

cWood, Frederick James 1933 

Wood, Mrs. H. E. 

See Greengrass, Mary E. 

Wood, Humphrey Rayner rgio 

cWood, Ida ’ 1921 

cWood, Jack 1927 

Wood, John 1911 

Wood, Mrs. K. K. 

See Momson, Ellen I. 

Wood, Leonard Sutton 1901 

cWood, Mary Kathleen 1926 

Wood, Mrs. P. B. See Holder, Mary E. 

cWood, Robert Basil Perceval 1925 

cWood, Ronald Mackay 1925 

Wood, Mrs. R. M. 

Sec West, Kathleen M. 

cWood, Sam 1932 

Wood, Sarah Ann 1913 

3Wood, William Henry, M.D 1908 

cWood, William Stanley 1922 

Wood, Mrs. See Shearman, Bertha 

cWoodcock, Clarice Mary 1921 

cWoodfield, Frank William 1922 

cWoodham, Charles 1914 

cWoodruff, Winifred Mabel 1926 

c Woods, Thomas Clayton 1921 

Woodward, William 1903 

cWoodyatt, Grace May 1897 

cWoolman, Harold George 1924 

Wong, Chung Yik 1913 

Worgan, Alfred Edward 1 1896 

cWorswick, Millicent Frederica, B.A. ... 1902 

AcWorthington, Robert Edward 1899 

cWrather, Harry Coupe 1933 

. cWray, Irene Gordon 1925 

cWray, Robert Arnold 1922 

cWray, William Ulliott 19=8 

cWright, Gladys I93 1 2 3 

cWright, Hilda Mary 

(Mrs. D. J. Farquharson) 1922 
Wright, Mrs. J. B. See Taylor, Evelyn 

cWright, Leslie 1925 

cWright, Louis Charles, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1926 

Wright, Richard Bertram 1905 

cWright, Richard Valentine, M.B., Ch.B. 1929 
Wrigley, Mrs. See Hall, Ruth 

cWroe, Freda 1929 

cWroe, Harry 1929 

cWu, Chen-tsung 19 1 7 

cWyatt, Harold 1932 

cWylde, Kenneth Haslam 192J 

cWylie, Margaret Ritchie tgzo 

c Wynne, John Francis Geoffrey 1923 

c Yarborough, Winifrede *93* 

cYanvood, Ernest Sydney 1922 

Yates, Doris Eyre (Mrs. J. Jackson) ... 191+ 

1 Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge ; Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy 

in the University of Cambridge ; Nobel Prize for Physics ; F.R.S. 

2 Chemical Analyst and Bacteriologist, Government of Burma, and Major, i.M.S. 

3 Derby Professor of Anatomy in the University of Liverpool. 


Graduates {Law). 

B.Sc. — continued. Date of [ Date of 

Degree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Degree 

C Yates, Edna Mary I c Young, John 1925 

(Mrs, Liudley Henshaw ) 1926 Young, John Stevenson 1903 

Yates, Edward 1903 1 Young, Maude Eveline 1900 

Yates, Mrs. Sam ! cYounus, Syed Mohamed 19 r8 

See Pownall, Gwendoline ! 

Yates, Mrs. See Marsden, Margaret F. Zagury, Leon 1892 

cYedatore, cZelcer, Rubin 1939 

Sadasivaavadhani Venkataknshnaiya 1917 cZender, Jean Pierre Justin 1923 

cYeoman, Kathleen Campbell 1931 cZwarenstein, Harry, Ph.D 1923 

Young, Bernard 1910 


(Under Ordinance 19.) 

The following have satisfied the Examiners at the standard of the Final B.Sc. Examination 
in the subject named : — 

T. G. Tanner (Electro-Chemistry, Division I.) 1926 

Leslie Wright „ „ „ 1926 


LL.D. Date of 


ci Eastwood, Reginald Allen 1918 

cHedges Robert Yorke 1932 

AC2HoIland, Robert Wolstenholme, M.A., M.Sc 1914 

Phillipson, Coleman, Litt.D 1908 

Stephenson, Charles Harold Simpson 1910 


c**3Brierly, James Leslie 1923 

cCooke, Reginald Garforth, B.A 1924 

cDean, Frederick Harold 1932 

cHolt, Walter 1931 

C4Marsden, Henry Lathrope, B.Com 1930 

**5 Oldfield, Francis du Pre 1924 

cRoberts, Geoffrey Bamford 1926 

AC^eTumer, Harold Pilkington, M.A 1923 

Webber, George Julius 1933 

cWinterbottom, Allan, M.A. (Com.) 1928 


Date of Date 0/ 

Degree Degt ee 

c Andrews, Frank, M.A. 1927 Bodel, Frederick Ernest 1902 

cAspden, James Priestley 1933 ABold, Edgar, B.A 1901 

cAshworth, Charles Reginald 1930 Boote, Richard Harvey 1893 

cAshworth, Reginald 1922 Booth, John Bennion iSgg 

cAubrey, Ralph 1931 .\Bottomley, Leonard, M.A 1895 

Bradbury, Mrs F. See Heshng, Edith 

c Baker, George Arthur 1904 At'7Bradley, Francis Ernest, M.A. ,M. Com. 1888 

Bancroft, George Raymond Beeston ... igri Branthwaite, Raymond Helton 1913 

cBanmster, Reginald Payne 1926 AcBrayshaw, Alfred Neave 1885 

cBattersby, Frank Newton 1924 cBrearley, Denis Herman Root 1929 

c Beattie, David Joy 1931 c Brewer, Arnold 1931 

Bell, Wilson 1902 Brodnck, Edward 1912 

c Beilis, William Harold 1925 cBromlev, Donald William 1923 

Berry, Harry Leopold Firth 1911 t Brooks * Hartley 1920 

cBesso, Sabbato Louis 1904 Brown, William Henry Trotter 1903 

cBlades, Henry Johnson 1929 Ktiraiaison, Alfred Lever , B.A 1898 

c Blank, David 1932 Brownsword, Percy rgoi 

1 Professor of Law in the University. 

2 Principal of Pitman’s Schools, London ; O.B.E. 

3 Chichele Professor of International Law in the University of Oxford ; O.B.E. (Mil.). 

4 Principal of Manchester Municipal High School of Commerce. 

5 Late Professor of Jurisprudence in the University ; Kt. 

6 Director of Extra-Mural Studies in the University 

7 County Court Judge on the Blackburn and Preston Circuit ; F.R.S.E. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates (Law). 

LL.B. — continued. Date of 


cBuckle, Albert Edward 1923 

cBuckley, Norman Hughes 1929 

cBullough, Frederick Osborne 1933 

cBurgis, Edwin Cooper 1905 

Burroughs, Benjamin Palmer 1897 

Cade, Reginald Harry 1913 

cCadman, Reginald Hugh 1930 

a Cain, Herbert Porritt 1902 

cCantley, Joseph Donaldson 1930 

cCardwell, Henry M.A 1913 

cCarey, Edward 1896 

cCarr, John Philip Marshall 1933 

cCastle, George 1927 

c Caulfield, James Irvine 1932 

Chambers, Kenneth William 1910 

cCheetham, George 1933 

cChorlton, Alfred Ethelbert Gospatric. . . 1903 

cChorlton, Anthony Michael 1932 

Clayton, Reginald 1904 

Cleaver, Leonard Swainson 1897 

cClement, Oswald ... ; 19 01 

cClough, Francis Frederick ... ... ... 1933 

cCohen, Cecil Susman 1931 

cCohen, Maurice 1933 

cCooke, Robert 1932 

cCooper, Marian, B.Com. 

(Mrs. R. V. Roger) 1925 

cCottam, William Townley 1927 

cCowley, Geoffrey Worth 1929 

•cCox, Sydney George 1901 

Cunningham, Frank Bennett 1904 

Davies, Albert 1902 

cDavies, Roderick Albert 1932 

cDavis, Joseph Eric 1927 

cDay, John Bigland 1923 

Dehn, Curt Gustav 1902 

cDesquesnes, Arnold 1913 

cDesquesnes, Ernest 19 01 

cDiamond, Morris 1928 

cDick. John Staveley Graham 1927 

Dickinson, Richard 1903 

cDriver, John Edward 1932 

cDuck, Geoffrey Richardson 1932 

Earle, Nicholas Albert Edward 191 1 

cEaston, Humphrey Copinger 1927 

•Eaton, Henry Rayner *9*3 

Eaton, Thomas Rayner i9 12 

cElbogen, Isaac 1929 

Eldon, Harry Brisbane iyio 

Elias, William Alfred 1901 

cElliott, John Braddock *933 

ciEmmett, Enc, M.A *932 

tEntwistle, Cyril Fullard 1908 

AcFaraday, Wilfred Barnard 1897 

Finklestone, Harry 1906 

Ftsh, George Alfred Briggs *9°° 

cFitz-Patrick Harold Smith 1928 

xcFletcher, Alfred Woodroofe 1892 

Foley, Frank Settle 19 00 

cFox, Philip I93 1 

cFrance, Ronald Allen 1921 

cFrankenstein, Geoffrey Philip 

{now G. P. F. Wilson) 1928 

Fraser, Edward *9° 3 

cFreeman, Mary Alexandra 193 2 

cFurniss, George Frederick *93* 

cGallagher, Monica 

cGallaway, Leslie Kemplay igTr* 

cGarratt, Enid 1931 

Garside, George Henry 

(later George Herford Garside ) 1903 

Garside , G. Herford 

(See Garside G. Henry) 

cGaunt, Edward Martin 1930 

cGaunt, John Howard 1927 

Gaunt, Mrs. J.H. 

See Mason, Beatrice h. 

Gee, Randolph Hatton 1905 

cGibbons, Herbert John 1932 

Gilmore, Randolph Orme 1901 

Gilmore , Randolph Somers 1912 

cGoldstone, Bernard Patrick Horace 

Antony 1931 

Greaves-Lord, Walter. See Lord, W. G. 

cGreenhalgh, Ronald Manley 1930 

Gregory, Frederick Charles 1901 

C2 Grundy, William Hurst Roy, B.A. ... 1928 

cGuest, George, B.Sc.,M.Ed 1926 

cHaboba, Nathaniel 1932 

Hall, Sam 1912 

cHall, William Leslie 1932 

cHallsworth, Joseph Allen 1932 

Hamer, Frederick 1905 

cHamwee, Neville 1928 

c3Harbottle, David Lindsay 1898 

cHaring, Ruth 1927 

cHarrison, Dennis Arthur 1925 

Harrison, Edgar Yates 1913 

cHeap, Desmond 1929 

cHeathcote, Godfrey 1891 

cHeron, Cuthbert George 1933 

cHesling, Edith (Mrs. Frank Bradbury) 1922 

cHewitt, John Charles 1923 

Heywood, Horace 19H 

cHickey, Denis *9*5 

Hickson, Cuthbert Gollan 1913 

Higson, Rennie iqii 

cHinchcliffe, Arthur Edward Townend... 1901 

cHodgson, Harold Robinson 1930 

cHodson, John Wignall 1904 

cHollinshead, John Reginald Wood ... 1923 

cHollows, James William 1920 

cHomer, Hubert Ashton 192S 

cHorrocks, Gilbert iy27 

cHowarth, Frank Arthur 193 1 

cHowarth, Neville Stanley 1933 

c Hudson, Arthur Keith 1924 

Hudson, Frank i9°3 

Hughes, Robert Bristow 190° 


Thomas Christopher 1899 
cHyde, Denis 1926 

Ives, Robert Garside 1888 

Jackson, Albert 19 n 

c Jackson, Philip I 93° 

Jaffe, J acob. See Y affe, J acob 

J alland, Arthur Edgar 19 w 

James, Joseph Henry, M.A 19 01 

c Jeffery, Dorothy Foster 1924 

Jessop, Frederic Hubert *9° 3 

Johnson, Stanley Webb 

{now S. Webb- Johnson) 1909 

c Jones, Gladys Forshaw r 93 2 

cjones, Hugh Emlyn 1922 

1 Professor of Law in the University of Capetown. 

2 Plead Master, Bolton Municipal Secondary School. 

3 Town Clerk of Blackpool. 

• O.B.E. t Awarded M.C. 


Graduates (Law). 

LL.B. — continued. Date of 


cKeogh, George 1937 

cKinsey, Philip Francis 1937 

cKnott, Roger Birkbeck, M.A 1911 

cLaing, James Niven, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 1914 

cLancaster, Stanley 1933 

cLangstaff, Harry Ferguson 1931 

cLansdale, William 1933 

cLawton, John Hardy 1917 

iLeathley, Samuel Arthur 19 11 

Leese, Charles 1910 

cLever, Denis Isambard 1931 

cLever, Dorothy Rae 

(Mrs. Hyman Stone) 1929 

cLever, Norman Harold 1933 

cLevy, J oseph Benjamin 1933 

cLewis, Joseph 1929 

cListon, Aidan Pitfodels-Menzies 1929 

cLittlewood, Arthur 1933 

Livsey, George 1893 

AcLomax, James 1911 

2Lord, Walter Greaves 

( now W. Greaves-Lord) 1899 

Lord, Zachary Mellor 1903 

xcLyster, Philip Stanley 1891 

cMcConnell, John William 1906 

cMacdonald, Eileen Agnes 1926 

Macfie, James ... 1905 

cMack, Janet Evaleen 1928 

Macnab, Stuart 1905 

cMarchington, John Mellor 1932 

cMarshall, John Theobald ... 1921 

Mason, Arnold Telford 1905 

cMason, Beatrice Elizabeth 

(Mrs. J. H. Gaunt) 1931 

cMason, Edward Brewster 1933 

xMeeson, Joseph Arthur , M.A 1886 

cMellor, Ernest 1909 

A Mellor, Harold Porter , B. A 1895 

Montmorency , Frederick Raymond de ... 1902 

cMoore, Denis 1930 

Moorhouse, Edward Albert 1899 

Moxon, Paul Bourchier 1906 

cNeedham, Ellis Ashby 1928 

cNewton, Francis Donald 1932 

cNewton, Francis Kay 1929 

cNormington, Arthur Eric 1924 

Oakes, William John 1903 

Oliver, Cyril Arthur 1907 

Orford, Edwin Arthur 1891 

Ormerod, Benjamin 1911 

Pankhurst, Christabel Hamette ... 1906 

cParker, William Ronald 1933 

Parry, Hugh Lloyd 1898 

Parsons, Gilbert 1909 

cParsons, Stanley 1903 

cPatterson, Arthur Norman 1932 

cPhilipp, James Denis 1932 

Pickles, Henry Thornton , M.A 1913 

cPorter, Philip Sugden 1929 

xPostlethwaite, William Taylor 1899 

Price , Thomas ' 1902 

Procter, Harry, B.A 1S94 

cProcter, Margaret Heather 1930 

Proctor, William 1914 

Quiggm, Arthur John igoo 

Date of 

a Raby, Percy , M.A. 1896 

cRhodes, John Sydney, B.A 1925 

cRice, David 1930 

c Rigby, Herbert Richard 1922 

Rigby, Wilfrid James, M.A 1016 

Riley, Henry Lmdon 1898 

cRitchie, Isabel Marianne Crane 1922 

a, Roberts , Frederic Richard, M.A. 1894 

c Roberts, Harry Nicholas 1930 

c Robinson , J ohn Edgar 1916 

Robson, William Newby 1903 

Roger, Mrs. R. V. See Cooper, Marian 

Rosenthal, John rgn 

Ross, George Alexander 1902 

cRubinstein, Arie 1928 

Rushton, Herbert George 1903 

xRussell, Thomas George 1898 

cRyder, Gerard 1930 

Rylands, Reginald Victor 1912 

AcSampson, Edward Joseph 1898 

cSamuels, Edward 1922 

cSandler, Isidore 1926 

i cSaville, Stephen Ernest 1930 

j Scholfield, Honor 1913 

j Scott, Hubert Edward 1906 

! aS ean or, James Richard ... . 1888 

I cSecoulov, Ivan 1922 

I cSeddon, Robert Kersly 1930 

Seed, George Percy 1911 

cShawcross, Cyril Wilfred 1930 

Sidebotham , Gerald 1917 

cSidebottom, Otho Nowell 1917 

cSimmons, Horace Lander 1927 

j Simmons, Laurence Mark 1891 

! cSimpson, Eric Atchinson 1928 

; Simpson, John Harold 1904 

C3Smitk, Richard Andrew, B.A 1899 

Somers, Alexander Charles Crof ton ... 1902 

Spaflord, Christopher Howsin 1909 

Stephens, Thomas Smithson 1904 

Stirling, Carl Ludwig 1911 

Stone, Mrs. Hyman. 

See Lever, Dorothy R. 

Storrs, James Parker 1914 

Sutcliffe, Harry Peveril 1905 

cSykes, James 1902 

AcTalbot, Edward, M.A 1886 

Taylor, Arthur Gilbert 1911 

cTaylor, George Percy 1927 

cTaylor, Josiah 1917 

cTaylor, William Cecil, B.A 1923 

cThistleton, Harry Stansfield 1930 

cThomas, John William, B.Sc.Tech. ... 1926 

Thomas, Robert William Hughes ... 1902 

Thompson, Fred 1907 

| cThorapstone, William Gordon 1930 

i Tmg, Alexander Young, M.A 1908 

cTowns, Frederick William 1932 

Townson, Eric 1914 

cTurner, Frederick Bancroft, B.A, ... 1914 

I Turner, Stanley Bancroft 1909 

| cUnsworth, Edgar Ignatius Godfrey ... 1929 


Varley, John 1906 

cVaudrey, Hugh John Kevilin 1914 

cVerney, Harry, B.Coin 1909 

c Wade, James Mervyn 1903 

I cWalkden, Charles Gerald 1952 

1 Principal of Belgrave College, Lythani. 

2 Recorder of Manchester , Kt. 

3 Chief Solicitor, Attorney General’s Department, Alberta, Canada. 

LL.B. — continued . 

Graduates {Medicine). 


Date of 

Walker, George Edward 1904 c White, William 

cWalker, Harold Clegg 192 2 kWhitehead, William Marquis 

cWalker, Kenneth Hainblett 1932 Whitfield, John Lawrence 

W alley , Stephen Minshull 1905 c Wills, Frederick 

cWalsh, Leslie 1924 Wilson, G.P. F. See Frankenstein, G.P 

cWalsh, Robert 1932 c Wilson, Gordon Cunningham 

cWalsh, William Edmund Tillotson ... 1933 Wilson, Leslie 

iWarhurst, William Henry 1914 Witt, George ![ 

AcWatson, Charles Sydney 1893 j cWood, Arthur Henry 

Watson, Frederick William iqii Wood, Rupert 

Webb-Johnson, Stanley. c Worth, Edward Lyttleton 

See Johnson, S. W. ' cWragg, Arthur Henry Wmdridge 

Webster, Herbert Walter 1906 1 cWrngg, Edmund Arthur Windrindge.. 

cWelford, Philip Lawrence 1927 , 

cWeston, John Hartley 1932 , cYaffe, Jacob [now Jacob Jaffe) ... 

cWhillier, John 1916 ! c Yates, Edwin 

cWhite, Cyril 1930 , Yates, Ernest Cvnl, M.A 

White, Francis 1912 ! Yates, George Wear den, 1M.A. 

Date of 

■ 1913 

. 1S91 

• 1907 

. 1916 

. 1931 

. 1924 

• 1913 

. 1920 

. 1908 

. 1924 

■ 1925 

. iyoo 

. 1929 

• 1927 

. 1904 

• 1903 



For names of Graduates to whom the Gold Medal was awarded, see page Sir. 

Alcock, Richard 1S94 

cAllanson, Herbert Evelyn 1911 

C2Annett, Henry Edward 1899 

Appleton, Roy 1907 

cArmstrong, Hubert 1900 

cAmold, Miles Bracewell 1905 

Ash, Alfred Edwin 1903 

cAshcroft, George Vincent 1925 

AcAshton, George 1903 

♦cBailey, Kenneth Vernon 1924 

ABamber, William Edward, M.Sc. ... ign 

cBatty, Richard John, B.Sc 1932 

cBeal, John Reginald 1927 

*ttcBeam, Frederic Aroot 1920 

Beaver, Robert Atwood 1896 

♦cBennett, John George 1920 

cBerry, Ronald Briers 1920 

cBirtwhistle, Frederick Percy Hewetson 1909 

cBlakely, Arthur Philip Lewis 1933 

Bonser, Mrs. K. J. 

Sec Duthie, Georgina M. 
cBoul, William Thomas Garthorpe ... 1924 

cBramwell, John Crighton 1923 

c Bride, John Webster 1919 

cBride, Thomas Milnes 1909 

Ac§Brockbank, Edward Mansfield 1893 

cBroomhead, Charles Herbert 1923 

cBrothwood, Wilfred Cyril Vernon 1932 

Brown, George Herbert 1911 

Brown , John 1889 

cBrowning, Basil 1921 

c||Biyce, Alexander Graham 

{now A. Graham -Bryce) 1913 
cBuchanan, Robert James McLean ... 1SS9 

Buckley, George Granville 1906 

Buckley, James Charles 1894 

Bury, George William 1914 

cButterworth, John James 1904 

AcByers, Alfred 1902 

AclfBytheU, William James Storey 1902 

By water, Harry Howard 1911 

cCapamagian, Andon Hovannes 

l now Anthony John Capper Magian) 1903 

cCardwell, Mary Gertrude ... ... ... 1920 

Chalmers, Albert John 1893 

AcChisholm, Catherine, B.A 1912 

AcClarke, Andrew Campbell 1905 

cClarke, Henry Reginald 1909 

tl J Clegg, Sydney James 191+ 

3Clemesha, William Wesley 1904 

AcCoates, Harold 1901 

Congdon, Phyllis Marjorie 1925 

Conwav, Ruth Eden 

See Conway- Verney, Ruth E. 
cConway-Vemey, Ruth Eden (Mrs. E. B. 
Verney ; graduated M.B., Ch.B., as 

Conway) 1923 

cCook, Joseph Basil 1904 

cCooper, Eugenia Rose Aylmer, M.Sc.... 1923 

Coppock, Harold 1913 

c§Core, Donald Elms igio 

Corke, Mis. C. G. 

See Mitchell, Winifred H. 
cCorkhill, Joseph George Garibaldi ... 1901 

Corson, James Frederick 1911 

xcaCoutts, Francis JamesHenderson, B.Sc. 1898 

cCowan, Samuel Tertius 1933 

Craig, Colin McKean 1907 

cCraig, Norman Stewart 1932 

c Crake, Herbert Milverton 1909 

cCrawshaw, John William 1920 

Crocker , John Hedley 1894 

Crompton, Harold James 1903 

cCunha, Frank da 

( graduated M.B. as Francisco da Cuhha) 1916 

Cunliffc, Ernest Nicholson 1903 

cDakeyne, Daniel Irving 1916 

Davies, Charles Augustus 1899 

Davies, John Harcourt 1902 

cDavis, Abram Albert, Ch.M 1933 

cDawson, George Duncan 1909 

ADesai, Umedram Lalbhai 1901 

c Dickinson, Thomas Edwin 1921 

1 Town Clerk of Accrington. 

2 Professor of Comparative Pathology in the University of Liverpool ; Widnes Borough 

District Council. 

3 Head of the Department of Public Health for the Presidency of Bengal, India. 

4 Senior Medical Officer, Ministry of Health ; C.B. 

* Awarded M.C. t Mentioned in Despatches. 

§ F.R.C.P. || F.R.C.S. 

t Awarded D.S.O. 
«r o.B.E. 


Graduates (Medieive) 

M.D . — cont in ued. Date of 


Dixon, James Lowe Barton 1896 

AcDockray, John Smalley 1898 

ci*Dougal, Daniel 1913 

Dow, James Fleming 1910 

cDuthie, Georgina May 

(Mrs. K. J. Bonser) 1923 

cDuthie, Ogilvie Maxwell 1924 

cf Dyson, William 1910 

AcEdwards, Arnold John 1895 

Edwards, George Frederick 1891 

cEgan, Margaret 1932 

cEllis, Reginald 1929 

XEwart, Rcfoert John, M.Sc 1904 

cFairbrother, Ronald Wilson 1928 

cFairer, John Arnold 1916 

Falle, Mrs. H. de C. 

See Huxley, Frances M. 

cFerguson, Fergus Robert igz4 

Ferguson, Ronald Leslie 1909 

AFinney, Albert Ernest 1903 

cFish, Eric Wilfred 1924 

Fletcher, Rowe Brennand 1906 

AcGamble, Mercier 1905 

AcGamer, Charles 1902 

\Good, James Percy igoi 

Gordon, Edward 1886 

Goulden, Edmund Albert 1905 

Graham-Bryce. See Bryce A. G. 

Greenhalgh, John Percival Handel ... 1905 

AcGreenwood, Alfred, B.Sc 1900 

cGrifEth, Arthur Stanley 1901 

Guthrie, Mrs. G. L. 

See Hickson, Sylvia Kema 

cHall, Frederick 1935 

AC2Hall, Isaac Walker 19U2 

Haworth, Henry Dean 1907 

cHay, Joan 1901 

cHeaid, Samuel Linlev 1920 

cHeathcote, Harold...' 1913 

cHibbert, Cecil 1912 

Hickling, Gertrud Hermme Geiler 
[graduated B.Sc. as Gertrud H. Geiler) 1912 
cHickson, Sylvia Kema (Mrs. G. L. 

Guthrie) 1926 

Hill, William Bertram 1908 

cHodgson, John Frederick 1903 

cHolker, Jacob, D Sc [now John Holker) 1920 
Holker, John. See Holker, Jacob 

Holmes, Arthur Hilly ard 1914 

cHough, Cyril Dale 1924 

a iHowarth, William James 1893 

Hutchinson, James Randal 1911 

cHutchinson, Richard Cecil 1920 

cHutton, Samuel King 1925 

cHuxley, Frances Mabel, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. H. de C. Falle) 1912 
Johns, Alun Morris. See Jones, A. M. 

Johnson, John Mountfort 1897 

cjones, Alun Morris (now A. M. Johns) 1923 

Date of 

Acjones, Joseph 1906 

cjordan, Norman Theodore Kingsley 1920 

c[|Kauntze, William Henry, B.A 1921 

cKelly, Archibald Claude 1927 

AcKelynack, Theophilus Nicholas 1893 

A Kerr, Willi am James 1895 

cKilroe, Lawrence 1910 

cLacey, Frank Hamilton 1912 

Lakin, Robert 1910 

Landman, Abraham Judah 

(now Julian Landman) 1908 
Landman, Julian. See Landman, A. J. 

c*HLapagc, Charles Paget 1905 

Laslett, Ernest Edward 1901 

Latham, Arthur William 1904 

Laurence, Reginald 1902 

Lea, Charles Edgar 1909 

Leigh, George Hamer 19 n 

ff Ligertwood, Charles Edward 1897 

cLightbody, John Henry 1893 

cLinell, Eric Ambrose 1920 

cLinford, Hilda Margaret 1930 

cLivsey, William Edward 1903 

ctLongridge, Charles John Nepean 1901 

cLord, Gilbert Brook 1925 

cLuxton, Reginald William, B.Sc. ... 1933 

McDougall , Alan 1904 

cMcIlraith, James 1906 

cMcKelvie, William Bryce 1927 

MacLaren, James Alexander 1900 

cJJMacklin, Alexander Hepburne 1920 

cMcNabb, Harry Horsman 1903 

3Magian, A. J. Capper. 

See Capamagian, A. H. 

AMarsden, Richard Walter, B.Sc. ... 1896 

Marshall, Charles Bertram 1913 

At Marshall, Charles Frederic, M.Sc. ... 1891 

AC4Marshall, Charles Robertshaw 1899 

cMarshall, Frederic Nugent, B.Sc. ... 1931 

Martin, Arthur Francis 1905 

cMartin, Harold Eric, M.Sc 1930 

Martin, John Michael Harding 1892 

cMather, John de Ville 1906 

Miller, John Watterson 1903 

cMills, John 1927 

cMills,Nora 1933, 

cMitchell, Winifred Harriett 

(Mrs. C. G. Corke) 1927 

cMoffatt, Allen Brookes 1933 

cfisMoore, Frederick Craven, M.Sc. ... 1898 

cMoore, Samson George Haydock 1905 

Moran, Peter 1911 

Moreton, Joseph, B.Sc 1903 

Moritz, Manfred ( now M. Morns) ... 1914 

ctMorris, Leslie 1928 

Morris, Manfred. See Moritz, M. 

cMort, George Cecil 1915 

cMoss, Lovell 1916 

cMumford, Percival Brooke 1923 

Ac6Needham, Richard Arthur, B.Sc. ... 1920 

1 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the University ; Awarded MLC. ; Awarded Croix 

de Guerre. 

2 Professor of Pathology, University College, Bristol. 

3 Ofhcier de l’lnstruction Publique ; Medaille de la Reconnaissance Frangaise ; Medaille du 

Roi Albert ; Medal of St. John. 

4 Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Aberdeen. 

5 Formerly Professor of Systematic Medicine in the University. 

6 Assistant Director of the Indian Medical Sendee ; Mentioned in Despatches (three times) : 

C I.E. ; D.S.O.; Kt. 

* Mentioned m Despatches. t O.B.E. % F.R.C.S. § C.B.E. 

(| M.B.E. 1 F.R.C.P. tt Awarded D.S.O. tt Awarded M.C. 

Graduates ( Medicine ) 


M.D. — continued. Date of 


Nelson, Philip 1902 

c* Newell, Robert Leech 1921 

Newall, William Allwood 1900 

cNewton, Robert 1933 

Nixon, Herbert Thomlinson 1896 

cNuttall, John Ramsbottoni 1931 

cO’Neill, Charles Sefton 1907 

cOliver, Thomas Herbert 1919 

cfOllerenshaw, Robert 1908 

cOrmerod, Frank Cunliffe 1920 

Osborne, Harry 1902 

cPanton, John Allison, Ch.M 1921 

Parakh, Framrose Ratanshaw 19 ro 

c Parkin, George Gray 1925 

c Parkinson, Willie Howarth 1917 

cPaterson, Ronald Simpson 1928 

cPayne, Olga Grace Mary, M.Sc. 

(Mrs. Payne-Chadwick) 1922 
Payne-Chadivick, Mrs. 

See Payne, Olga G. M. 

Peach, Emily Marianne, B.A. [graduated 
M.B., Ch.B. as Emily Marianne 

Leeming) 1926 

cPeirson, Thomas ... 1931 

c* Platt, Harry 1921 

a Pomfret, Henry T Vaytes 1889 

cPopc, Samuel 1929 

Porter, Alexander 1914 

c Porter, Gerard Ford 1909 

AcRadclifie, Frank 1897 

cRamage, Donald 1925 

cfti Ramsbottoni, Albert 1906 

ac R amsbottoni, Charles Henry* Geoffrey 1897 
cRatner, Edwin [graduated MM., Ch.B. 

as Efime Ratner) 1933 

Rayner, Arthur Ernest 1909 

c Regan, Norah (Mrs. R. T. Wimmer) ... 1930 

AcRenshaw, Graham 1914 

Ricketts, Charles Albert 1903 

cRoberts, Walter Morrell, D.Sc 1925 

c Robinson, Frank 1895 

cRobinson, Harry Arniitage 1902 

c Rodgers, Frederick Millar 1913 

Iioss , Stephen John iQ°3 

Roikwcll, Thomas Andrew 1899 

cRoyle, Elsie Marsh 

(Mrs. John Thompson) 1909 
Russell, Harry William I9°5 

Sabertan, Claude William Scott 1905 

cSandiford, Cyril Ratclifie 1919 

cSawdon, Frank Reginald 1927 

C2Shaw, William Fletcher 1906 

cSheehan, Donal, M.Sc 1932 

cSheehan, Harold Leeming, M.Sc. ... 193 1 

cSheehan, Kathleen 1931 

cSheldon, Harold 1930 

c§Simcock, James 1893 

Simms, Harold 1906 

J3Smallman, Arthur Briton 1913 

cSmirk, Frederick Horace 1927 

cSmith, George Stewart 1931 

cSmith, Vernon Turner 1922 

Date of 

cSmith, Wilson 1929 

Smyth, John Cecil 1909 

cSomerford, Alexander Robert 1930 

cSomerford, Annie Elizabeth 1924 

Spong, Ambrose 1912 

Stansfield, Frederic Wilson 1900 

cStent, Lois 1931 

cf|Stirling, William, jun 1916 

cStones, Hubert Horace, M.D.S 1931 

Stoney, William Walter 1S95 

C4Stopford, John Sebastian Bach 1915 

cSutherland, Donald McKay 1921 

cTaylor, George Lees 1930 

cThomas, Frederic Percival Selwyn ... 1922 

AcThompson, John Hilton 1888 

Thompson, Mrs. John. 

See Royle, Elsie M. 

as Thompson, Peter 1899 

a Thomson , Samuel Woodhou $e 1905 

cThresh, John Clough 1896 

AcTiemey, Thomas 1905 

cTitcombe, Roland Hereward 1911 

cTomlin, Herbert 1911 

Trotter , Robert Hale 1901 

cTumer, Harold Midgley 1930 

cTurner, Richard Timm is 1895 

Turton, Edward B Sc 1903 

Ac6Tylecote, Frank Edward 1904 

cVeale, Frederick John de Coverly ... iyo6 
Verney, Mrs. E, B. 

See Conway- Verney, Ruth E. 

cWalker, George Charles, Junior 1908 

cWalker, Thomas Warburton 1909 

Ward, Herbert Gibbons 1912 

cWard, John Forbes 1920 

Warner, Charlotte Emma 1914 

Wharton, Alwyn 19x3 

cH White, Harry Vere 1915 

Whitehead, Henry .... 19 11 

cWhitehcad, Raymond, M.Sc 1932 

Wilkins, Eric Maurice 1907 

c Wilkinson, John Frederick, 

M.Sc., Th-D. 1931 

cWilliamson, Raymond, B.Sc 1924 

Wilson, Basil Mayor 19x1 

cWilson, Stanley Pierce, M.Sc.Tech. ... 1927 

Wilson, William, B.Sc 1912 

Wimmer, Mrs. R. T. See Regan, Norah 

kWindle, Jabez Davenport 1899 

c Witts, Leslie John 1926 

Wood, James iyti 

Wood, Martin Stanley 1911 

c7Wood, William Henry, B.Sc iy23 

c* ft Woodall, Ambrose Edgar, M.Sc. ... 19 a 

cWoodcock, Oswald Hampsou 19x8 

cWoolham, Josiah Gilbert 1925 

Wrigley, Frank Graham 19x2 

cYoffey, Joseph Mendel, M.Sc 1928 

Young, John Stirling X9X 1 

c Young, William Arthur Bruce 19x5 

2 Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University ; Awarded M.C. 

2 Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the University. 

3 Deputy Assistant Director — General Medical Services ; Awarded D.S.O. 

4 Professor of Anatomy in the University ; F.R.S. 

5 Late Professor of Anatomy in the University of Birmingham. 

6 Professor of Systematic Medicine in the University ; F.R.C.P. 

7 Derby Professor of Anatomy in the University of Liverpool. 

* F R C S t F.R.C.P. X Mentioned in Despatches. § M.B.E. 

|| O.B.e! ' f Awarded M.C. tt Kt 

Graduates {Medicine). 



For names oj Graduates to whom the Gold Medal ( instituted 1912) was awarded, sec page 81 1, 

Date of Dale of 

Degree Degree 

cDavis, Abram Albert, M.D 1931 ac* Ray, John Howson, M.B 1896 

c*Hughes, Ernest Ethelbert, M.B. ... 1912 c*Smith, Edward Archibald, M.B 1909 

cLambert, Victor Francis, M.B 1933 *Thompson, Arthur Ralph, M.B 1907 

c*fMorley, John, M.B iqii *Warburton, Gilbert Bertram, M.B. ... 1913 

cPanton, John Allison, M.D 1925 I 

M.B. and Ch.B. 

evan Aalten, Robert Scott 1921 

cAbbatt, Philip Dilworth 1922 

cAbdoh, Nooman 1920 

cAbraham, Richard Swanton 1927 

cAdam, Robert Stuart 1924 

Adam, Mrs. R. S. See Wilde, Jane M. 
cAddey-Redfera, Arthur Reginald 

(no w Redfem, A. R.) 1925 

cAdler, Samuel 1922 

Ainscow, Albert Edward 1910 

cAinscow, Cuthbert Blundell, B.Sc. ... 1932 

Ainscow, Herbert 1905 

Ainsworth, Granville 1906 

1 1 Ainsworth, Hugh 1895 

c Albinson, J ames Henry 1916 

SAlcock, Reginald 1893 

Alderson, George Pickles 1899 

cAldred, Charles Nunn 1923 

Aldred , John White 1899 

Alexander, David Alfred 1898 

Alexander, David Moore 1901 

Alexandre, Mrs. See Cass, Kathleen L. 

c Allan, Alexander 1929 

cAllan, Lily (Mrs. J. S. B. Stopford) ... 1914 

Allen, John 1908 

Allen, Thomas Percy 1900 

cAUison, Oswald Roy, B.D.S 1913 

cAlmond, Simon 1921 

cAlmond, Thomas Henry 1918 

Anderson, Arthur 1900 

Anderson, Edmund Basil Litchfield ... 1901 

cAnderson, Francis Hessey 1920 

cAnderson, John Keith 1926 

Anderson, Jonas William 1898 

cAnderson, Nancy 1932 

Anderson, William Jenkins Webb ... 1 899 

Anderton, Edward William 1900 

Anderton, John Westall 1904 

cAnderton, Reginald 1922 

c Andrew, Samuel Smith 1932 

Anstall, Harold. See Arstall, Harold 

cAppleton, Frank 1926 

cAppleton, James Harold 1922 

cAppleton, Sydney Kennaugh 1927 

|( cArcher, George Eric ... 1916 

cAming, Dorothy, M.Sc 1927 

Amison, Thomas Wright 1896 

cAronovitch, Louise 1925 

cArstall, Harold (now Harold Anstall) 1927 

Ashcroft, Edward Maynard 1902 

Ashcroft, Mrs. G. V. 

See Burton, Lillie M. 

Ashe, Charles Septimus 1S95 

Ashmore, Patncius Wallace 1904 

Ashton , Albert 18S9 

Ashton, Daniel Aspinall 1900 

Ashworth , Frank Henry Staunton ... 1902 

cAshworth, Harold Kenneth 1925 

AcAshwortb, Joseph Harold 1893 

Atkinson, Estelle Irene Elgin 

(Mrs. J. I. P. Wilson) 1910 

Atkinson, Mrs. King 

See May, Kate King 
cAtkinson, Mary Whitehouse 

(Mrs. G. S. Davison) 1922 
Atkinson, Raymond Alexander Hannay 1904 
Aungier, Mark 1897 

cBacon, William Basil 1923 

Badger, Walter Spencer 1896 

cBagot, Frederick 1932 

cBagshaw, Henry Swinburne 1929 

hBailey, James Harold 1891 

Bailey, John Thomas 1901 

cBailey, Sybil (Mrs. C. B. Martyn-Johns) 1918 

cBainbridge, Marion Lilian 1925 

cBaker, Anthony Harvard 1927 

cBamford, Charles Horace 1925 

Bamford, Thomas Fletcher 1897 

cBarber, Arthur Richard 1925 

J cBarber, Mercy Dora 

(Mrs. Barber-Taylor) 1917 
Barber-Taylor, Mrs. 

See Barber, Mercy D. 

Bark, Thomas Taylor 1899 

Barker , John Hampden 1888 

Barker, William Edward 1893 

cBarlow, Arthur 1923 

cBames, Richard Hibbert 1927 

Barnes, Mrs. R. H. 

See McGowan, Kathleen 

1 cBarnes, Roland, B.Sc 1930 

Barnes, Walter 1912 

j cBaxr, John Kenneth 1924 

' Barras, Mrs. H. P. See Doyle, Kathleen 

Barrett, Allan 1913 

Barrett, Mrs. Allan. See Bentz, Ada L. 
cBarritt, Martha Florence 

(Mrs. T. H. Oliver) 1921 

Bateman, James Alexander 1909 

J Bateman, William Hirst 1897 

Bates, Herbert 1901 

Batten, Francis Joseph 1896 

Battersby, John 1904 

Bean, Kenneth Dobing iyii 

cBeard, Harvey Johnson 1932 

Beaver, Hugh Atwood 1891 

Beckett, Arthur Denison, B.Sc ryoi 

Beddoes, John Lewis 1901 

cBeer, Adolphus Sharman 1932 

cBcgg, Elsie Cecilia 1922 

Benington, Philip igoo 

Bennett, Bertram Marriott 19U5 

cBennett, Helen Gwendoline Mary ... 1926 

cBennett, Henry Ward 1915 

cBennett, John Barry 1922 

Benson, Arthur Newton 1903 

cBentham, Doris Heald 1922 

cBentley, Frederic Herbert, B.Sc. ... 1929 

Benton, Graham Miles 1910 

Bentz, Ada Lois (Mrs. Allan Barrett)... 1913 
Bentz, Frederick Colin 1913 

1 Lieutenant-Colonel, Indian Medical Service. 

* F.R.C.S. J Awarded Cross of French Legion of Honour. J F.R.C.P. § C.B.E. || F.R C.S. (Edin). 

Graduates (Medicine). 


M.B. vm> Cu B. — continued. Date of 


JJtrg, Erie Chailes 1921 

c Bernard, Doris 1928 

cBemstcin, Soloman 1927 

cBemstein, Solomon ( now Bums, Sydney) 1925 

Berry, Herbert Martin 1902 

cBester, Pieter 1926 

Biekerton, Reginald Ernest 1895 

■ Bicknell, Arthur 1892 

cBigham, Allan 1930 

Billing, John Henry 1900 

Bmns, George 1903 

Bird, Charles Thomas Grant igi2 

cBirkett, Arthur Noel, B.Sc ig30 

Birkett, Harold Metcalfe 1903 

Bishop, George Harry 1896 

cBlackbum, Robert Henry 1927 

Blackburn, Mrs. R. H. 

See Turner, Olive de la W 

cBlades, Florence Muriel 1926 

cBlakiston, May 1920 

cBleakley, Nancy Ethel 1921 

cBleasdale, Barbara Elizabeth 1930 

Bleasdale, Robert 1896 

Biease, Arthur Torkington igo2 

Bligh, John Patrick 1903 

•Blore, William Roy 1913 

Boag, Frank Leigh 

(now Frank Boag Leigh) 1905 

cBoardman, Hedley 1929 

cBodoano, Agnes Mary 1925 

cBodoano, Margaret Mary 1931 

Bold, Henry Alfred 1893 

cBold, Leslie 1939 

Bollans, Robert Wilfred 1897 

cBolton, Norman William, B.Sc. ... 1925 

Bolton, Thomas Boardmau 1908 

cBond, Lilian (Mrs. R. J. Owen) 1925 

cBooth, Edith Marion 1929 

cBooth, George Harry Hodgson, B.Sc. 1925 

Booth, Norman 1909 

Booth, William Seville 1914 

BootJiroyd, Alexander 1903 

Boothroyd, Frank 1905 

cBoullen, Mary Eflord 1919 

cBowden, Frances Hannah 

(Mrs. J. J. McKane) 1925 

Bowden , William James 1894 

cBower, Charles Edward Whitley 1924 

cBowman, Bernard 1923 

Bowman, George Frederick 1S96 

cBoyes, Kathleen Mary 1933 

Boyle, Alan 1904 

cBrade, Hilda Kathleen, M.Sc. 

(Mis. S. G. Brade-Birks) 1917 
Brade-Birks, Mrs. S. G. 

See Brade, Hilda K. 
cBradley, Dorothy May 

(Mrs. J. A. Jackson) 1927 

Bradley, Neville ig(>3 

cBradley, Wilfrid 1933 

Bradley, William 1898 

1 Braide, George Frederick William ... 1886 

*Braith\vaite, Leonard Ralph 1903 

cBramwell, Bernard Roy 1930 

Brayne-Nicholls, George Edmund Eyre. 

See Nicholls, G. E. E. 

cBrennan, Henry Joseph 1927 

cfBrentnall, Charles Gordon 1910 

cBrentnall, Edward Stanley igr3 

Brentnall, Samuel Boyre 1901 

cBndge, George 1926 

Date of 

, , Degree 

Bridge, Henry Xuttall igor 

ctBriercliffe, Rupert, B.Sc 1910 

Brierley, Wilfrid Edward 1904 

Briggs, Walter 1903 

Bnghtmore, Harry Sterndale 1894 

cBrindle, Thomas Wynne 1933 

a Brindley, Albert Edward, B.Sc 1889 

Broad, William Henry igoo 

cBroadhurst, William 1923 

Bromhall, Charles Harry 1903 

cBromhall, Margaret Ann 1924 

cBromley, John Frederick 1923 

Bromley, Mrs. J. F. See Walker, Sarah 

Brook, Sydney Wilkinson 1894 

cBrooks, Edward Hamilton 1928 

cBrooks, John Edward 1915 

cBrooks, John William 1927 

cBrooks, Roger Ollivant 1929 

Broughton, Alfred Galen Scheele ... 1900 

cBrown, Arnold 1923 

cBrown, Cedric Vipont ... 1924 

Brown, Charles Richardson 1906 

Brown, Elsie (Mrs. W. H. Hey) 1909 

cBrown, George Lrador, M Sc 1928 

Brown, Harry Mewbum 1896 

cBrown, Henry 1901 

cBrown, James Arthur Kinnear, B.Sc. 1939 

Brown, James William Henry 1901 

AcBrown, John Percival ... 1900 

cBrown, Stella Henderson 1924 

Brown, Thomas 1903 

cBrown, Thomas Austin 1924 

Brown, William Croumbie Treadwell ... 1894 

Brown, William McIntyre 1894 

Brown, Mrs. See Smith, Eleanor P. 

Browne, Percy Alfred 1899 

fBuck, Howard 1903 

Buckley, Agnes Neil 1927 

cBuckley, George Holden 1921 

Budden, Charles William 1901 

cBullough, Frances Gertrude 

(Mrs. C. Wilcocks) 1917 

Bullough, Fred 1903 

Bullough, William Arthur, M.Sc. ... 1909 

Act2Burgess, Arthur Henry, M.Sc 1896 

Burkhard, Alexander Emil Albert 

(now A. E. A. Ivor) 1902 

Burnet, Robert, M.Sc 1900 

Burnett, Mrs. Gerrard. See Pratt, Hilda 

Burnett, Thomas Gregory' ryt*7 

Bums, Sydney. See Bernstein, Solomon 
Burns, Mrs. W. R. H. 

See Thompson, Marjorie 
c Burton, Lillie Marguerite 

(Mrs. G. V. Ashcroft) 1937 
cBurton, Louie Jardine (Mrs. Carlyle) ... 192 7 

Bury, Frederic Charles 1SS7 

cButtenvorth, Alice Marione, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. F. W. Cundiff) 1928 

Butterworth, Charles Edward 191 1 

Butterworth, Robert Neilson 1903 

Byrd, Mrs. J . D. See Powell, Elizabeth C. 

Byrne, John Scott 1901 

cCadman, Harold Carlier 1S93 

cCadness, Bessie Helena Edith, M.Sc. ... 1929 

cCaithness, John Fraser 1926 

Caldwell, Mrs. 

See Warburton, Margaret J. 

Callum, Harold Sidney Hill 1897 

Calverley, William 1904 

1 Late Lieutenant-Colonel, Indian Medical Semce, 

2 Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University. 

* Awarded M.C. t F.R.C.S. t O.B.E, 


Graduates (Medicine). 

M.B. and Ch.B. — continued. Date of 


Cambell, Archibald 1905 

Campbell -Horsfall, C, E. 

See Horsfall, C.E.C. 

Canter, William Hathin 1903 

Capper- Johnson, L. See Johnson, L. C. 
Carlyle, Mrs. See Burton, Louie J. 
c Carruthers, ChristopherFrank J ohnstone 1917 

cCarter, George Bailey 1931 

c Carter, Godfrey 1S98 

Carter, James Btibier ..." ... 1894 

cCarter, Nancy Narcisse 

(Mrs. J. S. B. Forde) 1931 

cCasasola, Edith Mollie 1930 

cCass, Kathleen Lydia B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Alexandre) 1917 

Catchpool, Mrs. E. St. J. P. 

See Wilson, Ruth A. 

cCatlow, Elsie 1924 

cCave, Alexander James Edward ... 1923 

■"Chadwick, Frank 1914 

cChadwick, Hitchon 1916 

cChadwick, Theodore Herzl 1929 

cChadwick, Vincent 1921 

cChadwick, William 1924 

cChamberlain, Michael Arthur 1929 

cChamley, James 1917 

Char-nock, Frederick Sutton 1913 

cCheetham, David Hubert 1893 

cChevassut, Robert ... 1916 

Childs, G. H. M. Sec Joseph, G. H. 

c Chorlton, J ohn Stuart 1915 

Christian, Alexander Gladstone 1902 

cChristopher, William 1916 

t JChristophers, Samuel Rickard 1896 

oC-ircuitt, Edna 1933 

Clarke, James Bertram 1S97 

a Clarke, fames McFarlane 1885 

Clay, Laurence 1903 

Ac§Clegg, John Gray 1S93 

cClegg, Sydney Fletcher 1924 

cCliff, Marguerite Eleanor 1926 

c Clifford, Thomas Keith 1926 

Clough, Ernest Walker 1922 

cClough, Richard Kenneth 1933 

Coates, Richard 1903 

Cocker, J ames Fairbank 1911 

cCohen, Maurice Myer, B.Sc.Tech 1932 

cColeman, Albert 1923 

cfColler, Frederick Albertyn van 1900 

cColley, Richard 1916 

c Colley, Thomas 1918 

cCollins, Arthur Ward 1886 

cCompston, Edmund Leach 1893 

Connolly, Dominic Ignatius 1909 

Coogan, Thomas 1903 

cCook, Bessie Evelyn 1923 

cCoope, Geoffrey 1925 

Coope, Mrs. Geoffrey. 

See Sheehan, Eileen 

cCoope, Hubert Macgowan 1922 

cCoope, Muriel (Mrs. E. E. Hughes) ... 1921 

cCoope, Thomas Edwin 1921 

Coope, Mrs, T. E. 

See Davies, Elizabeth C. 

Cooper, Emor Reuben ..." 1901 

a ^Cooper, Percy Robert 1893 

cCorbett, Catharine Louisa 1905 

cCort, Frank 1931 

Cor t, John Milton 1901 

Coventry, Charles 1S96 

Cowan, John 19 it 

Cow m, Daniel 1900 

l|Cox, Edward Harvie 1903 

Date of 

Cox, William Joseph 1903 

cCrabtree, Henry Victor igzO 

Crabtree, Walter, B.Sc 1899 

cCraig, Jenny Drennan 1924 

Craig, John 1899 

cCraig, Patience 1932 

cCraigie, Hugh Brechin 1931 

cCran, David Leslie.B.Sc 1929 

Craske, Mrs. F. W. T. See Wilson, Nellie 

Craw, John Woodruffe 1914 

"Crawshaw, Charles Harold 19x3 

Crawshaw, Charles William X900 

§*Crawshaw, George 1908 

c Crawshaw, James Wardle 1920 

c Crawshaw, Samuel 1891 

*Cregan, George Theodore 1910 

cCretney, Eric 1927 

cCritchley, Samuel Edward 19x8 

cCrompton, Gordon 1923 

cCrook, John 1925 

cCrossley, Harry Newbold 19x3 

cCrowe, Philip Michael 1931 

cCrowther, James Arnold 1924 

cCrowther, Joseph 1936 

Cundall, Edward 1904 

Cundiff, Mrs. F. W. 

See Butterworth, Alice M. 

Cunha, Francisco da. 

See Cunha, Frank da, M.D. 

Dalton, Joshua Bower 1905 

cDanby, Thomas Anyan 1925 

cDarbyshire, Douglas Edward 1895 

| cDarlow, Francis 1897 

1 Davenport, John Aldersey 1903 

I J-Davies, Arthur Vernon 1895 

1 cDavies, Arthur Warren 1932 

I Davies, Caleb 1910 

cDavies, Elizabeth Catherine 
I (Mrs. T. E. Coope) 19x9 

j cDavies, Eric Boyd 1927 

Davies, Herbert 1898 

i cDavies, Mary Gwyneth 

(Mrs. R. H. Tootill) 1928 
cDavies, Mary Sievwright 

(Mrs. J. B. Fulton) 1924 

Davies, Seymour Whitney 1901 

cDavies, Thomas Edwin 1924 

Davies, William Edwin 1892 

j cDavies, Eli, M. Sc 1933 

1 Davison, Mrs. G. S. 

See Atkinson, Mary W. 

1 Davison, Neville Hollingsworth 1918 

Dawson, Charles Hollows 1901 

' Day, Frank Herbert 1894 

j cDeakin, Kenneth Vincent, B.Sc 1930 

cDean, Winifred, B.Sc 1930 

• Deane, Arthur Maslen 1904 

cDelaney, Noel Edward 1935 

: Denruston, William Cunningham, B.Sc. 1908 

Depree, Sidney Smalbroke 1900 

. cDerbyshire, Margaret (Mrs. J. O’Grady) 1932 

( cDevine, Stanley 1934 

cDick, Harriet Mary 1936 

; §Dickinson, Harold Bertie 1893 

cDickinson, Kathleen 1925 

§Diggle, Frank Holt igog 

Dimond, John Lyn 1900 

^fDixon, Gerald Conroy 1912 

Dixon, Harry Simm 1906 

Dobson, Robert Thornley 1903 

Dottridge, Mrs. R. H. 

See Sherry, Florence G. 

Awarded M.C. t O.B.E. J C.I.E. § F.R.C.S. |j Awarded D.S.O. If F.R.C.S. (Edin.). 

Graduates (Medicine). 


M.B. avd Ch.B. — continued . Date of 


*tDouglas, William Robert, B.Sc 1905 

cDowling, Stephen Gerald John 1915 

cDoyle, Kathleen (Airs. H. P. Barras) 1919 

cDrinkwater, Stanley Wilson 1921 

cDruker, Jane 1931 

cDuckworth, Florence Maude 

(Mrs. Ralph Edmondson) 1924 

Duffy, Henry Carson 1914 

Duggan, Norman 1911 

Dunk, Harry 1898 

cDunkerley, Benjamin, B.Sc 1931 

Dunkerley, Harry Atkin 1913 

Dunlop , John 1889 

Dutton, Edward Charles 1899 

Dutton, Mrs. Harold 

See Youatt, Marjorie 

Dutton, Joseph Everett 1897 

cDyson, Dorothy Mary Lawton 

(Airs. Gawme) 1922 
cDyson, Margaret (Airs. C. D. Roff) ... 1926 

■CiEastham, Tom 1903 

cEaston, William Cochrane Caimie ... 1916 

cEastwood, Cyril Graven, B.Sc 1930 

Eastwood, Kathleen Mary 1922 

Eatock, Eric Richard 1911 

cEccleston Charles 1924 

cEdghill, Winifred Alildred 1921 

cEdkins, John Roy Pierpoint, B.Sc. ... 1930 

Edmonds, Arthur James 1903 

cEdmondson, Ralph 1928 

Edmondson, Airs. Ralph. 

See Duckworth, Florence AI. 
cEdwardes-Evans, Caroline Margaret 

(Mrs. T. H. McLeod) 1921 
cEdwards, Madge Elizabeth 

(Airs. W. S. Whimster) 1925 

cEdwards, Muriel Mary, B.Sc 1927 

Edwards, Norman Fox 1894 

cEdwards, Norman Llewellyn 1923 

Edwards, Mrs. N. L. 

Sec Sim cock, Alargaret 

CE1 Aguizy, Aly Mahmoud 1920 

Ellis, John William 1889 

cEllison, Beatrice Lucie 

(Mrs. G. A. Remvick) 1922 

cElwell, Edgar Graham ... 1930 

cEmmett, Harold Edmund 1921 

Emrys- Roberts, Edward 1902 

cEvans, Leslie Francis 1925 

cEvans, Mary 1923 

cEvans, Philip Rainsford, B.Sc 1933 

Fairrie, Septimus Harold 1891 

Falconer, Edwin Walter 1899 

•Falconer, James Law 1903 

cFarquhar, Joseph Douglas 1924 

Faulkner, Airs. S. H. 

See Wbitrow, Florence 

cFay, Hugh Patrick 1922 

Fay, Airs. H. P. See Glancy, Anne H. 

cFay, Leo 1924 

Fearnsides, Philip Henry 1897 

Fennell, Theodore Llewellyn 1901 

Ferguson, Charles Henry 1 899 

cFerguson, Alargaret Alary, B.Sc. ... 1930 

*Ferguson, Philip 1906 

cFerguson, Ronald Angus 1924 

Ferris, Daniel Joseph igor 

Ferris, Robert Francis 1901 

cFiddes, Joshua Coupe Thomas 1917 

1 Recorder of Oldham ; K.C. 

• F.R.C.S. 

f Awarded M.C. 

Date of 

cFielding, Charles Roberts 1923 

Fildes, Geoffrey 1913 

cFildes, Walter Eric 1023 

Fildes, Airs. W, E. 

See Grant, Alarjorie A. 

I cFinkleman, Benedict, AI.Sc 1932 

Firth, Arthur 1S98 

j cFirth, Ernest 192G 

I cFirth, Stanley J oseph 1925 

| Fish, Frederick William 1895 

I c Fisher, Thomas Norman 1921 

I Flack, Frederick Henry 1900 

j c Fleming, Alec 1926 

j Fleming, Jane Allison (Mrs. F. Lyall) 1907 

cFleming, William Aloysius Joseph ... 1923 
Fleming, Mrs. W. A. J. 

See O’Dea Marjorie AI. 

Fletcher, Albert Herbert Bateson ... igox 

cFletcher, Beatrice Noel 1925 

Fletcher, Francis Statham 1901 

Fletcher, Hubert Middlecott 1899 

Fletcher John 1886 

Fletcher, Joseph 1906 

cFletcher, Joseph Henry 1922 

cFlorentin, Alinam 1925 

Floyd, Ernest William 1898 

Floyd, James Edward 1902 

cForbes, Alexander Gardner 1924 

Forde, Airs. J. S. B . See Carter, Nancy N. 

Forster, Robert Thomas ' ... 1901 

•Forsyth, John Andrew Cairns, AI.Sc 1901 

Fort, Charles Wainwright 1914 

Fort, Henry Mellor 1906 

cFoulds, Edward James, B.Sc 1923 

cFox, Frank William Whetton 1922 

Fox, Henry Edward 1905 

cFox, William Woolfe 1929 

c Francis, Douglas Ernest 1927 

fFrank l in, Charles Leopold 1906 

cFranklin, George Herbert Massey ... 1931 

cFreedlander, Isaac Harry 1926 

Freshman, E. S. See Frischmann, E. S. 
cFrischmann, Edgar Samuel 

{now E. S. Freshman) X923 
Fullerton, Kathleen M. 

{graduated as Fullerton- Bailey) 
cFullerton-Bailey, Kathleen Mary 

{ndc Fullerton) 1921 

cFulton, James Boyd X925 

Fulton, Airs. J. B. See Davies, Mary S. 

Gandhi, Shiavax Hormazshav rgo7 

Gandy, Edward igo8 

Garfit, Charles Corringham rSg3 

cGarfit, Charles Forester 1926 

Garlick, John Percy 1904 

cGamett, Evelyn Alice 

(Mrs. H. A. Lavelle) 1920 

Garstang, Walter 1901 

cGattie, Charles Hubert, B.Sc 1933 

Gawne, Mrs. See Dyson, Dorothy M. L. 

Gaye, Alan Willis 1911 

cGefler, Dorothy Anna, B.Sc 1930 

Gelderd, Gilbert Wright igoi 

tGeorge, William 1906 

cGeraghty, William 1921 

cGerrard, Eric Arthur 1925 

Gerrard, Herbert Shaw 1913 

cGibb, Alec Terris, B.Sc 1915 

Gibson, Ernest Augustine 1903 

xGiles, Arthur Edward 1888 


Graduates ( Medicine ) 

M.B. an’D Ch.B, — continued . Date of J 

Date of 

Degree i 


cGiles, Kenneth Percival 


Hamer, Roland 


cGillbanks, Bryan Hardy 


cHamnett, Frederick George, B.Sc. 


cGilmore, Edward Raymond William ... 


cHancock, Arthur 


cGilmore, Eric St. George, B.Sc 


cHandley, Richard 


cGimson, Olive Marjorie 


cHanlin, Tom Shaffleton 


cGirgis, Riad 


cHanna, Zaky 


cGlancj’, Anne Howard (Mrs. H. P. Fay) 


cHarbum, Mary 


cGlasier, Eva Louise (Mrs. Roberts) . . . 


cHarburn, Neville 

* 93 * 

cGleaves, Edward, M.Sc., M.Ed 


Harding , Percy Thorp 


cGlenn, Alan 


cHardman, Doris Mabel 


Glover, Vincent Joseph 


cHardman, Eric William 


cGold, Barnet 


cHardman, George Bowden 


a Goldschmidt, Oscar Bernhard 

189 7 

Hardman, Richard Smith 


cGoldstone, Jessie 

193 * 

Harris, Alfred 


cGoller, Judah Simon 


cHarris, Archibald 

* 9*9 

Goodall, Joseph 


aHarris, Daniel Thomas 


Gordon, Reginald 


Harris, Mrs. D. T. 

Gorst, Raymond Barclay 

IQI 2 

See Lomas. Clara A. 

i Gould, Jay * 


cHarris, Joshua 


Govaerts, Mrs. R. 

cHarris, Wilfrid Herbert, B.Sc. ... 


See Jehansart, Irma M. C. 

Harris- Jones, Percival James 


*Gow, John 


Harrison, Edmund 


cGraham, Charles Lester 


Harrison, Harold 


cGraham, Florence Muriel Louise 

Harrowell, Francis William 


(Mrs. J. L. Holt) 


Hart, Herbert Frere 


Graham, Walter 

189 7 

cHart, Thomas Wheeler 


cGranger, Edgar 


Hartley, Frank 


cGrant, Marjorie Ainslie 

Hartley, Harold 


(Mrs. \V. E Fildes) 


cHartley, John 


Grant , William Prince , M.Sc 


Hartley, John Whittam 


cGratrix, William Henry 


cHaslam, James 


Gratton, Mrs. J. M. 

Haslam, Robert 


See Rothwell, Annie 

Hawke-Genn, B. See Stahllcnecht. B. 

cGray, Charles Herbert, B Sc 


Hawkes, James Leonard 


cGreaves, Ernest Mewburn 


cHawkins, Frederick Seller 


Greaves, Frederick William Marshall... 


Haworth, Albert , M.Sc 


Green, Edgar Francis Stephen 


Hayes, Frederick William 


Green, James Howard 


cHayle, Geoffrey Hahneman 


Green, John Hugh Cuthhert 


cHayward, George Eyes 


Green, Philip Halbert 


3 Hayward, William Davey 


Green, Philip Sydney 


Healey, John 


cGreenhalgh, Arthur 


c Healey, John Edridge 


Greenwood, Archer 


cHeap, Frank Leslie 


♦Greenwood, Charles Henry 


Heapy, Harold Ernest 


Greenwood, John William 


cHeard, Ernest 


c Greenwood, Joseph Mellor 


Heathcote, Godfrey 


c Gregory, Philip 


Heathcote, Henry Charles 


Gregson, Arthur Herbert 


kH elm, William Alexander 


Grey, Edgar 


Henderson, Henry Martyn 


Grierson, J ohn T umer ... 


Henderson, William Savile 


Griffith, Frederick 


cHerbert, Amy Herminia 


AcGrififith, William 


cHeslop, James Firth 


cGriffiths, David Lloyd, B.Sc 

IQj2 j 

cHeslop, Thomas Stewart 

* 93 * 

cGroves, Alexandra Winifred, B.Sc. 

c*tHey, Wilson Harold 


(Mrs. S. L. Mucklow) 


Hey, Mrs. W. H. See Brown, Elsie 

cGuest, Dorothy 

1927 1 

cHeywood, Madge Elizabeth 

(Mrs. Johnson) 


Hack, Frederick George 


cHeyworth, Albert Harold 


Hadfield, John Kershaw 

193 * i 

Hickey, Walter 


Hains worth, John William 

1894 | 

cHiggins, Tames Basil 


Hall, Charles Richard 

1900 1 2 3 

* JHiggins, Thomas Twistington . . . 


cHall, Christobel Mary, B.Sc. 

Higson, Richard Woodward 


(Mrs. B. A. Taylor) 


AHill, Edward Falkner 


Hall, James Thomas Bridge 

1907 1 

cHill, Ruth (Mrs. MacLeod) 


AcHall, Joseph Percy 

1895 ! 

Hime, Edward Maurice 


cHall, William 

1932 1 

Hime, Henry Charles Rupert 


cHalliwell, William 


Hindley, John Chadwick 


cHalstead, James Ingham 

1909 j 

Hindshaw, James 


Ha>ne > , Harry , B Sc 

1897 j 

cHirsh, Barnett 


1 Late Colonel, Indian Medical Service ; C.B.E. 

2 Professor of Physiology, London Hospital Medical College, University of London. 

3 Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Medical College, Calcutta. 

t Awarded Cross of French Legion of Honour. J O.B.E. 


Graduates (Medicine), 


JIB. and Ch.B. — continued. Date of 


Hitchm, George Robert 1503 

cHithcrsay, Geoffrey Dauntesey 1937 

Hodge, Hubert ... ... ...* 1903 

a Hodgkin son, Alexander, M.Sc 1902 

Hodnett, Mrs. J. O’B. 

See Tompkin, Dons M. R. 

cHolmes, Edward 192+ 

cHoImes, Evelyn Mary 1023 

Holmes, Francis Bumand ... 1895 

Holmes, William Smithson 1902 

Holt, Henry 1900 

Holt, Joseph James Harrison 1895 

Holt, Mrs. J. L. 

See Graham, Florence M. L. 

cHolt, Robert Lord 1925 

Hooper, Marshall, Junior 1906 

Hopper, Ashley Scott 1903 

Hopwood, Cecil Hutchinson 1902 

Horrocks, Mrs. F. S. See Kilroe, Jessie 

cHorrocks, Frank Sutcliffe 1919 

cHorrocks, George Bairowdough ... 1915 

AHorroclcs, Herbert 1890 

Horsfall, Arthur Edward 1900 

Horsfall, Charles Edward Campbell 

(later C. E. Campbell -Horsfall) 1899 

cHorton, Winifred Langley 1924 

House, Samuel Herbert 1893 

Howard, Arthur 1903 

Howard, John Albert 1899 

Howe, Ernest 1909 

cHowe, Fanny (Mrs. A. D. Walwyn) ... 1926 

Howe , John 1894 

Howlett, Arthur Waltham 1906 

Howlett, Cecil George 1908 

Howlett, Leslie William 19 n 

cHowson, William Giles 1924 

Hoyle, Frederic 1898 

cHudson, John Newton 1924 

Huff -Hewitt, Wilham Elisha 1903 

Hughes, Clement Alston 1903 

c*Hughes, Ernest Ethelbert, Ch.M. ... 1904 

Hughes, Mrs. E. E. See Coupe, Muriel 

cHughes, Ivor Meredith 1928 

cHughes, William Gerald Hugh, B.Sc. . . . 1933 

Hulme, Ernest 1905 

Hulme, Ernest Copeland 1900 

cHumble, Elizabeth Greta 1924 

Hunt, Arthur Douglas 1903 

cHunt, John 1926 

Hurtcr, David Garnett 1897 

Hutchinson, Harry Fleming 1913 

Hutchinson, Mrs. H. F. 

See Ramsden, Gladys H. 

llderton , Frederick George Fell 1904 

Illingworth, William Arthur 1899 

clngham, Arthur 1922 

Inman, Frederick William 1898 

* Irving, Hamilton 1904 

Israfels, Martin Cyril Gordon, M.Sc. ... 1932 

Ivor, A. E. A. See Burkhard, A. E. A. 

t Jackson, Arthur Randell, M Sc 1900 

Jackson, George 1912 

Jackson, Mrs. J. A. 

See Bradley, Dorothy M. 

c Jackson, Kenneth Herbert 1923 

Jackson, Reginald Barnes 1910 

Jackson, Robert Ashton 1910 

Jackson, William Ferriday 1S97 

Jaffit, Mrs. Sec Kahn, Bertha 
J agger, Mrs. E. R. See Wild, Margaret 

Dale of 

Jagger, John Radcliffe 1914. 

James, Matthew Benjamin 1S96 

Acjeffery, Harry Foster 1S96 

ejehansart, Irma Melanie Catharine 

(Mrs. R. Govaerts) 192a 

Jenkins, Huch Llewellyn 1902 

ejewson, Violet Mary 

(Airs. Herbert Palmer) 1921 
c*J§ Johnson, Alfred Edward 

[now A. E. Wehb-Johnson) 1903 

c Johnson, Edward Petgrave 1928 

HJohnson, Frederick Wilham 1899 

cjohnson, James Frederick Earlam ... 1933 

Johnson, John Anderton 1902 

Johnson, Lionel Capper 

(now L. Capper-Johnson) 

cjohnson, May 1925 

cjohnson, Percy George 1924 

Johnson, Samuel James Cecil 

(later Cecil Webb- Johnson) 1903 

cjohnson, Walter 1925 

cjohnson, William Crosby 1901 

Johnson, Mrs. Sec Hey wood, Madge E. 

c Johnstone, Marguerite Frances 1931 

Jones, Charles Owen 1903 

Jones, Clement Royds 1893 

c Jones, Emrys Lloyd 1922 

cjones, Ernest, M.Sc 1920 

cj ones, Frank Carlton 1920 

Jones, George Frederick 1891 

cjones, Godfrey William 1926 

cj ones, J ohn Arnold 1903 

cjones, John Hargreaves 1927 

Jones, Kenneth Hurlstoue 1897 

cjones, Leslie 1930 

Jones, Raymond John 1901 

Jong , Oscar Meyer de 19 14 

Joseph, George Harold (now G. H. 

Mackinnell Childs) 1903 

1 cjudson, Raymond, B.Sc 1933 

Judson, Wilfred Hyde 1907 

cKahn, Bertha (Mrs. Jaffit) 1923 

ACiKauffmann, Otto Jackson 1889 

cKaufmann, Phyllis Irene 1924 

cKay, Leslie Ward 2923 

1 cKay, Thomas Joseph 1926 

cKay, William Whittle, M.Sc 2930 

j cKeddie, John Thomas Chalmers ... 2925 

cKelly, Julius Israel 2922 

, *«IKelly, Robert Ernest, B.Sc 2901 

cKelly, Simon, B.Sc 1928 

*§Kelsall, Robert 2898 

cKerap, David 2924 

Kemp, James rgoi 

c Kemp, James 1937 

Kempsey, Harold 1913 

c Kennedy, Alan Robert, B.Sc 1933 

cKent, Mary 1922 

c Kenyon, Alec Lomax, B.Sc 1930 

c Kenyon, James Douglas, B.Sc 1915 

* Kilner, Thomas Pomfret 1912 

c Kilroe, Harold Bernard 2926 

Kilroe, Jessie (Mrs. F. S. Horrocks) ... 2921 

Kinton, Walter Gregory 1904 

c Kirkbride, Charles Bernard 1922 

cKirkham, Arthur Welsby 1920 

clvitson, James Heyworth 1936 

' cKletz, Norman 1917 

c Knight, Barbara Mary 1925 

Knight, Samuel Ratcliff e 1891 

! Knowles, Robert Edward 1903 

2 Professor of Medicine in the University of Birmingham. 

* F.R.C.S. t Awarded M.C. i Mentioned in Despatches ; C.B.E. 

§ Awarded D.S.O. || O.B.E. C.B. 



Graduates (Medicine). 

M.B. and Ch.B. — continued. 

Date of 

Date of 


cLabiebc, Kamil Maximus ! 

( formerly Kamil Maximus) 1915 

Lowe, Joseph Peter 

Lyall, Mrs. F. See Fleming, Fane A. 



Ladell, Robert George Macdonald 
cLaing, James Niven, B.Sc., LL.B. 
Lakin, Arthur Thomas 




cJMacalpine, James Barlow 


Lambert, John Reginald 

cLainbert, Victor Francis 


McCarthy , Eugene Charles 



$McClatchev , Samuel Edward 


cLane, Ronald Rothweli 


cpicClelland, William 


Lane, Mrs. See Single, Margaret 
cLangford, Geoffrey Ferns 


Maccormac, William Leonard 

McDonald, Neil 



cLapage, Geoffrey, M.Sc 


McDougall, James Edlington 


♦Laslett, William Henry 


AcMcDougall, Percy 


cLauner, Nathan 


McFall, John Edward Whitley 


Lavelle, Mrs. H. A. 

See Garnett, Evelyn 


cMacGill, Andrew Maxwell 

•MacGiIl, Janies Taylor Rogers 



Lawrance, Milo Charles Shrieves... 


cMcGowan, Alan Sinclair 


Lawson, Alexander 


AcMcGowan, James Sinclair 


Lawson, Garnet Gloag 


cMcGowan, Kathleen. 

Leach, James 

I 9 M 

(Mrs. R.H. Barnes) 


Leahy, Eugene 


McICane, Mrs. J. J. 

cLeather, James 


See Bowden, Frances H. 

Lee, Charles Howarth 


Machennal, Henry 


Lee, Harry Fox 


Mackenzie, Hector 


Lees, Clarence Gregory 


Mackey, Charles 


cLees, George Herbert 


McKinlay, James Gladstone 


Lees, John Ashton 


cMackintosh, Annie Emily (Mrs. Miles 

cLeflaive, Charles Denys 




cLeigh, Annie Theresa 


Mackintosh, Mrs. James 

cLeigh, Arthur 


Sec Taylor, Doris A. 

Leigh, Frank Boag. See Boag, F. 


cMackintosh, Mary Isobel Chalmers ... 


cLeigh, Gertrude Bridget 


Maclacblan, Mrs. See White, Julia C. 

cLeigh, John Byron 


cMcLean, Gladys Frances Agnes 


Leighton, Thomas William Parkinson 


McLeilan, Harold Scott 


Le Mcssurier, Eva G. 

{graduated as Le Mess urier- Knee bone) 
cLe Messurier-Kneebone, Eva Gladys 

{nee Le Messurier) 


McLeod, Mrs. T. H. 

See Edwardes-Evans, Caroline M. 

1 MacManus, Hugh Charles 

Macvean, Herbert Janies 



Lempriere, Lancelot Raoul 


Haddocks, Mrs. J. R. 

cLendruin, George MacCormac ... 


See Stokoe, Lucy 

cLendrum, John Denis 


Madgavkar, Vasantrao Dinanath 


cLett, Hugh 


Maffin, Hairy 

Mahamadi, Saeed {now S. S. Mohaniedi) 


cLevine, Morris 



cLevy, Hyman Max 


Main, David William 


ALilley, Arthur William 


cMaizels, Gerald 


Lindesay, Victor Edward Hugh ... 


Mann, John Carl, B.Sc 


Lindon, Ernest Hingston Lorraine 

1894 t 

cMarcli, Gordon Humphrey 


Linton, Stanley Fox, M.Sc 


Marsden, Edith Maude 

a Lister , H erbert Shaw 


(Mrs. Trndal- Robertson) 


cLivesey, Frank, B.Sc 


Marsden, Joseph Thomas 

cLloyd, Benjamin Layton 


(later Thomas Marsden) 


Lloyd, William Gibbs, M.Sc. 


Marsden, Thomas. See Marsden J. T. 

cLockhart, Frederic Ramsdale 


cMarshall, Cornelius Theobald 


Lomas, AJfred 


Marshall, Frank Edgar 


Lomas, Clara Adeline 

(Mrs. D. T. Harris) 


cMarshall, Jean McDougall 

(Mrs. J. C. C. Poole) 


Lomas , Emanuel Kenworthy 


^Marshall, John Dodds 


t Lomas, Ernest Courtney 


Mat shall, William Percy, B.A 


cLomax, Harold Aloysius 


cMarson, Edward Ault 


Longley, Joseph Alan 


Martin, Ernest Jackson 

Martin, John Graham 


cLongsou, Edith Annie 



cLongworth, James Arnold 


1 * * * § Mat tin, Thomas Whittle 


cLoagworth, John Pomfret 


Martin, William Whittle 


Longworth, Joseph 


Martin, William Young , jun 


Lonsdale , Thomas William 


cMartland, Edward Norman Platt 


ALord, Robert Ellis 


cMartland, William Lionel 


Lovegrove, Frederic Thomas Alexander 


Martyn-Johns, Mrs. C. B. 

Lovell, Mrs. R. See Orrell, Alice M. 
Lowe, Charles Edwin Maximilian 


See Bailey, Sybil 
Mason, John Harold 


cLowe, Greta 


cMason, William Edward 


* Awarded M.C. 

t Awarded D.S.O., ryoi, for services at Ladysmith m the bouth African War; C.B. 

I F.R.CS. 

§ Awarded Serbian Order of St. Sava, 5th Class ; Mentioned in Despatches. 
j| M B.E. IF Awarded D.S 0 

Graduates [Medicine). 


M.B. and Cn.B. — continued. Date of 


Mathwin, Frank Sirett 1S94 

Matthews, Craufurd Tait 1903 

Matthews, Newton 19 11 

Mawdslev, Henry Aloysius 1S9S 

Mawdsley, Joseph Bentley 1892 

Maximus, K. Graduated as Labiebe 

May, Kate King [Mrs. Atkinson) 1914. 

May, Mabel Eliza 19 11 

cMeachun, George Leslie 1923 

Mehta, Sumant Batukrain 1901 

Melhng, William Thomas 1898 

cMengershausen, Hubert Methley von... 1915 
Mercer, Richard Hubert ... ’ . ... 1906 

Mercer, Thomas Unsworth 1894 

cMerrall, Harry 1S89 

c Metcalfe, George 19 27 

Middleton, Basil Charles 1900 

Middleton-West, S. H. Sec West, S. H. 

Midgley, Patrick Haworth 1912 

Miller, Edwin Swainson 1893 

Miller, Jane Craig 1911 

cMiller, John Stanley 1928 

Miller, Thomas Henry 1895 

cMills, Clifford Townehd 1926 

cMills, Simon 1931 

Milne, John 1&9S 

Minshall, Ernest Dttchfield 1S94 

cMitton, William Donald 1925 

Moffet, William Percy 1907 

Mogg, Mrs. G. C. F. 

See Thompson, Annie G. 
Mohamedi, Saeed Shamsudin. 

See Mahamadi, S. 

Moir, John Lowndes 1908 

cMoll, Gilles Steyn de Wet 1926 

Molyneux, Edward 1889 

Monks, Ernest t8q6 

Mooney, John T897 

Moore, Harold Ettrick 1904 

Moore, Samson Courtenay 1898 

cMoorhouse, Charles Herbert 1897 

cMorgenstem, Louis 1923 

c*tMorley, John, Ch.M 190S 

cMorris, Ethel 1925 

cMoms, Joseph Chappel, B Sc . .. 1933 

Morris, Thomas Glynn 1S96 

Morrison, Frederick Alexander ... . 1900 

Momson, William Harold 1900 

Morton, Arinitage 1899 

Mosley, Robert Vyvian Acton 1003 

Moss, Arthur Janies 18S9 

cMottershead, William ... 1925 

cMucklow, Stuart Leslie 1925 

Mucklow, Mrs S. L. 

St e Groves, Alexandra W. 

Mulholland, Daniel Joseph 1903 

AcMurgatroyd, Alfred' 1892 

e Murray, John William 192S 

Murray, Stuart 1904 

AcNeild, Newman 1896 

cNelson, Cecil 1921 

Xesficld, Richard Webster 1893 

cNewman, Allan Cameron 1922 

Newton, Frank Leslie 1913 

cNewton, William Henry, M.Sc 1929 

AcNichol, Reginald Stuart 1900 

Nicholls, George Edmund Eyre (now 
B r ay ne -N i cholls , George Edmund Eyre) 1909 
Nicholls, Mrs. M. F ' 

See Schuster, Norah H. 

| Dale of 

1 Degree 

! cNicholson, John Campbell 1930 

cNicholson, William .Man Butler, B.Sc. .. . 1932 

Nicholson, William Leathley 1913 

Xickerson, George Snvder ' 1S96 

iNickerson, William Henry Snyder ... 1S96 

Nightingale, Roland 1906 

1 cNightingale, Roland 1933 

Nightingale, Wilfrid 1907 

Nixon, John Pollock 1&93 

Nolan, John Aloysius Joseph Gough .. 1919 

cNonnan, Doris Barbara 1920 

§Xormington, Arthur Edward 1S96 

cNonnington, George Lee 1927 

cNovvell, Stanley 1928 

Nuttall, John Stanley Wardleworth ... 1903 
Nuttall, William 1890 

cOberdorfer, Alice 

(Mrs. W. Stewart Stalker » 1907 
O’Brien, Mrs. D. W, See Scnston, Agnes 

cO’Brien, Terence 1920 

cOckman, David 1930 

cO’Dca, Marjorie Miriam 

(Mrs. W. A J. Fleming; 1923 

cO’Donnell, Kathleen ... 1918 

O’Gradv, Mrs. J. 

See Derbyshire, Margaret 

cO'Hagan, John Joseph 1S93 

Oliver, Mrs T. H. 

See Barritt, Martha F. 

cO’Loughlin, Herbert John 1930 

O'Meara, John Frederick Cooke .. .. 1915 

a O'Neill, Thomas 1899 

Oppenheimer, Frank 1912 

cOrmerod, Edwin Ronald 1919 

cOrrell, Alice Maria (Mrs. R. Lovell; ... 1924 

cOsbome, Rowland Percy, B.Sc 1927 

cOwen, Robert Johnstone 1925 

Oyston, William Fletcher 1S98 

c Palin, Hubert Culliford 1933 

c Palmer, Harold Anstruther 1927 

Palmer, Mis Herbert. 

See Jewson, Violet M. 

I Pare, Henry Burton 1905 

t Parker, Richard Wilfred 1923 

i Parker, William 1902 

j cParkes, Miles 1923 

I Parkes, Mrs. Miles 

I See Mackintosh, Annie E. 

Parkinson, Arthur Stanley 1900 

c Parkinson, John Scholes, 'B.Sc 1933 

| Parkinson , William Hoyle 1910 

1 cParness, Joseph ... *. 1926 

Partridge, Arthur John* 1893 

Paterson, Alexander Salton 1914 

cPaterson, Malcolm Clark, B.D.S. ... 1917 

cPattyson, James Harold 1929 

Peake, Henry Gilbert 1911 

cPearce, Raymond Maplesden 1923 

cPearson, Archer 1925 

cPeirson, Thomas 1924 

cPendlebury, Richard 1926 

c Penman, Henry 1925 

cPeringuey, Louis Corstorphine 1927 

cPerrv, Marion Winifred 1932 

cPerry, Nesta Helen (Mrs. Perry Wells) 1916 

Phillips, Ethel Margaret, M.Sc 1903 

cPhilhps, Gerald Judah, B.Sc 1930 

Pickering, Stanley 1898 

cPickett, Francis Lionel 1919 

* F.R.C.S. t Awarded Cross of French Legion of Honour, 

t Awarded V.C. for gallant conduct at Wakkerstroom (South Africa), 1900 ; C.M.G. ; C.E. 
§ M.B.E. 


Graduates [Medicine). 

M.B. and Ch.B. — continued. Date of 


cPiggott, Ellis 1919 

cPigott, Harry 1926 

Pilcher, Archibald McLelland 1897 

Pillifant, Mrs. See Robinson, Marjorie 

Pimblett, Cedric 1910 

Pitt-Taylor, Francis Stanhope 1897 

Place, Mrs. Turner. See Turner, Mary I. 

cPlatt, Alckey Bamber 1917 

Platts, Sydney 1902 

cPlownght, Geoffrey Evven 1929 

Pollard, Pereival 1903 

Pollard, Percy Lund 1906 

cPonifret, Arnold Ashworth 1922 

Poole, Mrs. J. C C. 

See Marshall, Jean McD. 

Popple, Thomas Mills 1909 

* Porter, Robert Nuttall 1904 

Porter, Thomas 1889 

cPotter, Leslie Sharr 1921 

cPotts, Dorothy 1916 

Potts, Matthew Bertram 1906 

cPowell, Elizabeth Caroline, M.Sc. 

(Mrs. J. D. Byrd) 1917 

Powell , Winston Elias 1921 

cPownall, Margaret 1921 

cPoyser, Ronald Herbert 1926 

cPratt, Hilda (Mrs. Gerrard Burnett) ... 1922 

cPrentice, Mary Isabel 1926 

Prestwick, John 1897 

Priestley, Arthur Henry 1901 

Pritchard, Frank 1897 

cProsser, Leslie John 1924 

Pugh, Thomas Freer 1901 

*Quine, Albert Edward 1906 

cRacker, Dudley Clifford 1933 

cRacklyeft, George Harold 1927 

Radcliife, Adolphus Harold 1903 

Radclijfc, Percy A let and er Hurst 1901 

* Radley, Sidney Bertram 1911 

Rainford, George 1907 

Ralphs, Frank Gerald 1904 

cRamage, Gerald, B.Sc ... 1931 

tRamsbottom, James 1909 

Ramsden, Gladys Hilda 

(Mrs. H. F. Hutchinson) 1913 

A Ramsden, Henry Kay 1891 

AcRamsden, Herbert 189a 

a Ramsden, William Bates, B.Sc 1903 

Rawes, Charles Kinsman 1891 

AC* Ray, John Howson, Ch.M 1894 

*Rayner, Henry Herbert igoi 

cRead, Florence Carlyle 1933 

Redfern, A. R. 

See Addey- Redfern, A. R. 
Redmond, Charles Henry Stennett ... 1906 

Reed, John Arthur 1899 

c Reekie, Marian Maxwell 

(Mrs. A. R. Somerford) 1929 
cReekie, Marjorie (Mrs. J. F. Ward) ... 1926 

Reid, Alexander, B.Sc 1911 

cReid, Harriet Rowland Louise 1921 

Reid, Mrs J. M. See Scott, Kate B. 

KRenshaw, John Harold 1895 

Renwiek, Mrs. G. A. 

Sec Ellison, Beatrice L. 

cReynolds, Francis 1925 

Rhind, Alexander Low 1897 

cRich, Louis 1933 

c Richards, David Arthur 1930 

Richardson, Wilfnd Henry 1899 

c| Richmond, Arthur 1902 

* F.R.C.S. t O.B.E. 

§ M.B.E. || Mentioned in Despatches. 

Date of 

c Rickards, Charles Edward Bernard ... 1933 

ct Rickards, Joseph, B.Sc 1905 

cRidehalgh, Nora 1927 

c Rigby, John 1915 

c Rigby, Walter Chaloner 1891 

Rigby, William igoo 

Rigg, James Rowland iyn 

cRiley, Albert 1924 

cRiley, Edward 1930 

Rimmer, John Faulkner 1896 

Roberts, Edmund Cleaton igoi 

Roberts, Mrs. See Glasier, Eva L. 

Robertson, Robert 1907 

Robertson, Thomas Postlethwaite ... 1913 

cRobinson, Brian Powell 1930 

Robinson, Frank 1904 

Robinson, Frederick Gardner 1887 

cRobinson, George Tweinlow 1923 

cRobinson, Joan 1925 

cRobinson, Marjorie (Mrs. Pillifant) ... 1923 

cRobinson, Marshall 1927 

Rodger, Douglas 1907 

cRoff, Charles Daniel 1926 

Roff, Mrs. C. D. See Dyson, Margaret 

cRosenstone, Abram 1922 

cRosenthal, Harry 1921 

cRosenthal, Leonard 1926 

Ross, John Stuart 1896 

Ross, William Hodgson 1907 

cRostron, Constance Mary, B.Sc 1932 

cRothwell, Annie (Mrs. J. M. Gratton) 1921 

Rothwell, John 1913 

cRothwell, Thomas William 1925 

Rothwell, Wilfnd Edwin 1903 

c Rowley, Stuart Lichfield 1928 

c Rowling, Samuel Thompson 1896 

Roy, John Allan Chisholm 1903 

Russell, George Herbert Heywood ... 1906 

Russell, John Russell Brodie 1914 

cRyan, Sydney Hamilton 1904 

cSadek, Abd El Hamid 1919 

cSagar, Martin Raymond 1925 

cSagar, Walter 1933 

Salisbury, Francis Hugh 1903 

cSandiford, Brian Ratcliffe 1926 

§|[Sandiford, Hugh Arthur 1914 

cSandler, Bernard 1930 

Sankey, William 1S98. 

Saville, Edwin 1901 

Sawdon, George Ernest 19 11 

cSchill, Eleanor Beatrice 

(Mrs. C. E. Sykes) 1927 

ASchofield, Cusack Roney ! ... 1900 

Schofield, Francis William 1902 

cSchofield, John 1933 

Scholefield, Harry 1900 

cSchuster, Norah Henriette 

(Mrs. M. F. Nicholls) 1918 
cSchwartz, Louis Jacob 

(now Shaw, Louis Jack) 1918 

*Scotson, Frederick Charles 1894 

cScotson, Frederick Hector 1932 

Scott, Herbert Ainshe 1895 

HScott, James Bethune 1911 

Scott, J obn Edmund Haigh 1899 

cScott, Kate Barron (Mrs. J. M. Reid) 1923 

cScully, John 1931 

cSeaston, Agnes (Mrs. D. W. O’Brien) ... 1923 

Seaton, Douglas 1894 

cSeed, Neville Francis 1925 

cSewell, Edward James Bernard 1929 

cShaffer, Raphael, B.Sc.Tech 1925 

cShannon, James Webster 1891 

t Awarded M.C. 

H Awarded M C. and additional bar ; Mon s Star. 

Graduates (Medicine), 


M.B. and Cii.B. — continued. Date of 


eSharp, George Cynl 1923 

AeShaw, George Hedley 1901 

cShaw, Harold Frederick 1923 

cShaw, John Hepworth 1S91 

Shaw, John Vincent 1S95 

Shaw, Louis Jack. See Schwartz, L. J. 

cSheehan, Brendan, B.Sc 1932 

cSheehan, Eileen (Mrs. Geoffrey Coope) 1924 

cSheehan, Gerald 1920 

cSheehan, Maunce, B.Sc 1926 

Sheldon, John Henry 1897 

cShepley, William Hadfield 1925 

cSheppard, Evelyn Irene Margaret ... 1928 

cSheppard, Ronald Freer 1928 

cSherry, Florence Gertrude (Mrs. R. H. 
Dottridge), now Sherry-Dottridge, 

Florence G 1920 

Sherry -Dottridge, Florence G. 

See Sherry, Florence Gertrude 

cShlosberg, Jacob 1917 

cShlosberg, Joseph 1925 

cShlosberg, Nathan, B.Sc 1933 

Silvester, Charles Edward 1899 

cSimcock, Margaret (Mrs. N. L. Edwards) 1923 

cSiramons, Dorothy (Mrs. H. C. Smith) 1924 

cSimmons, Harry Teasdale, B.Sc. ... 1924 

Sims, John 1924 

cSingle, Margaret (Mrs. Lane) 1921 

Sissons, Arthur Tinley 1S9S 

Skinner, James Macgregor 1903 

c Slack, Arthur Birtles 1924 

Slack, John Radley 1914 

Slater, Harry 1901 

cSlater, Robert 1924 

cSlater, Walter Sunter 1926 

*Slinger, Robert Townley 1903 

•fSmalley, Arthur Ashton 1909 

Smalley, James 1905 

cSmiley, Agnes Gilraour 

(Mrs. Albert Stubbs) 1925 

cJSmith, Edward Archibald, Ch.M. ... 1896 

Smith, Mrs. E. G. See Urmson, Vera 
cSmith, Eleanor Purcer (Mrs. Brown) ... 1923 

cSmith, Henry Charles 1924 

Smith, Mrs H C. See Simmons, Dorothy 

Smith , Herbert Sidney ." 1S94 

Smith, James EckersUy 1S97 

Smith, James Fletcher 1904 

cSmith, James Willoughby 1921 

cSmith, John Charles, B.Sc ... 1931 

cSmith, Maurice Wolstenholine 1930 

AcSmithard, Walter Reginald Norman ... 1901 

c Smyth, George Geoffrey Evanson ... 1931 

Snape, Harold 1899 

*^%Sneath, Wilfrid Archer igio 

cSnowdon, Constance ... 

(Mrs. Frank Whittaker) 1920 

Somerford, Mrs. A. R. 

See Reekie, Marion M. 

cSouthem, Walter Graham 1923 

Southwell, Vincent 1907 

cSouthworth, Henry 1922 

Sparrow, Lancelot William 1912 

cSpeight, Alice, B.Sc 1931 

Spencer, Edward 1893 

Spmk, Walter Lee 1S95 

Spurway, Harold 1907 

Stacey, William Wngley 1910 

c Stafford, Harry 1921 

Date of 

Stahlknecht, Bernard 

(now B. Hawke-Genn; 1896 
Stalker, Mrs. W. S. See Oberdorfer, Alice 

Stallard, Charles Marshall 1913 

Stallard, John Prince 1911 

cStansfield, Harry 1898 

cStarkie, Colin, B.Sc 1932 

cStarr, Donald 1926 

Steele, Percy Kingsley 1903 

cStenhouse, Geoffrey Balfour 1933 

cStenhouse, Graham 1925 

cStephen, Florence Violet, M.Sc 1926 

Stephens, John Harding i^oi 

Ai*§T[Sfc£AflHSO«, John 1S93 

Steward, J. See Steward, J. V. 

Steward, John Vincent 

( now John Steward) 1908 

Stewart, Roger Papillon 1912 

Stocks, Arthur Vernon 1913 

Stocks, Percy 1913 

cStokoe, Lucy (Mrs. J. R. Maddocks) ... 1927 

cStone, Barnet 1931 

Stopford, Mrs. J. S. B. See Allan, Lilv 

cStott, Charles Frederick, B.Sc 1929 

Stott, William Atkinson 1901 

Stowcll, Gruner 1892 

estrange, Muriel Nevill 1932 

cStrauss, Joel Nathan 1933 

cStruthers, John Henry 1922 

Stubbs, Mrs. Albert 

See Smiley, Agnes G. 

cStubbs, Jane Bowden 1923 

cStubbs, Reginald Frank 1928 

Sugden, Frank 1903 

cSuggit, Bertram 1904 

Sutcliffe, Joseph Herbert 1901 

Sutherland, Robert 1897 

cSutton, Isaac, B.Sc 1931 

cSutton, Simon 1932 

Swindells, Raymond Herbert 1903 

Swindells, Scott Wallis 1902 

cSykes, Charles Ernest 1927 

Sykes, Mrs. C. E. See Schill, Eleanor B. 

cTaggart, Joseph Scott iSy5 

! fTalbut, Ernest 1913 

cTalbot, Geoffrey, B.Sc. 1923 

♦Talbot, Philip * 1904 

i Tansley, Harold Glendower 1901 

j Tattersall, Norman 1909 

1 AcTattersall, William Hartley 1S99 

J cTaylor, Alan * 1929 

! Taylor, Mrs. B. A. 

See Hall, Christobel M. 

| AcTavIor, Charles Bame 1892 

! cTaylor, Dons Adeline 

(Mrs. James Mackintosh) 1920 
! cTaylor, Frank Edward, M, A., M Sc. ... 1897 

| Taylor, George 1902 

; cTaylor, Harry * 1917 

1 a Taylor, James Henry 1S92 

cTaylor, Samuel Norcross 1921 

! cTt-are, John iSyo 

, Teasdale, John Camidge 1903 

- cTerry, Herbert 1900 

' cThomas, Alfred 1927 

cThomas, Joseph Kelsall 1925 

Thomas , Thomas Jones 1899 

Thompson, Alfred Francis 1903 

1 Late Principal of the Government College, Lahore, and late Vice-Chancellor of the Punjab 

♦ F.R.C.S. 
§ F.R.S. 

t Awarded M.C. 
II C.I.E. 

Mentioned in Despatches. 


Graduates (Medicine). 

M.I-? and Cn.B. — continued. Date of 


cThompson, Annie Gladys 

(Mrs. G. C. F. Mogg) 1919 
•fThompson, Arthur Ralph, Ch.M. ... 1901 

Thompson, Cornelius 1913 

Thompson, George Kenworthy 19 11 

cThompson, Henry Worsley 1930 

Thompson, Hubert Gordon 1903 

♦Thompson, John 1908 

cThompson , Marjorie 

{Mrs. W. R. H. Burns) 1923 

Thompson, Robert Busher 1908 

Thompson , William 1899 

Thorp, Harold 1901 

cThorp, Henry, M.Sc 1903 

Thorp , Leonard 1905 

cTickle, Henry 1928 

Tindal-Robertson, Mrs. 

See Marsden, Edith M. 

Tinker, Ernest 1902 

Todd , Charles Gordon 1915 

cTodd, Kenneth 1931 

c*tiTodd, Thomas Wingate 1907 

Tomlinson, Frank Kershaw 1913 

cTomlinson, Henry ig20 

cTompkin, Doris May Renshaw 

(Mrs. J. O’B. Hodnett) 1919 

cTootill, Reginald Hunt 1927 

Toothill, Mrs. R. H. 

See Davies, Mary G. 

Townley , Alfred Ernest 1902 

cTownley, Herbert, B.D.S 1927 

Trevor-Roper, Bertie William Edward 1909 

* Trotter, Edward 1898 

cTroup, Janies 1924 

Trumper, Oscar Bagster 1894 

Turner, Arthur Chadderton rgio 

cTumer, Mary Isabel (Mrs. Turner Place) igao 
cTumer, Olive de la Wyche 

(Mrs. R. H. Blackburn) 1926 
Tylecote, John Howard Lee 1894 

Unsworth, George 1903 

cUnsworth, James Wilcock 1889 

cUnsworth, Leo 1922 

cUrmson, Vera (Mrs. E. G. Smith) ... 1927 

Uttley, William Wilkinson 1909 

cVause, Frank 1915 

cVerity, Carl, B.Sc 1930 

cVernon, Erie, B.Sc 1933 

cVine, Joseph 1927 

AWaddington, William Heywood 1892 

cWaddy, Francis Fisher * 1927 

cWade, Charles Henry Townseud, B.Sc. 1931 

cWade, Emmeline 1922 

cWalker, Charles Barnet Victor 1922 

cWalker, Charles Latchford 1924 

c Walker, Charles Stanley 1933 

Walker, David 1905 

Walker, Ernest Harold 1914 

Walker, Frederick Dearden 1908 

cWalker, Geoffrey Richard 1927 

Walker, George Francis Clegg 1902 

Walker, James 1911 

cWalker, Norah Margaret 1921 

Walker, Sarah (Mrs. J .F. Bromley) ... 1923 

cWalley, Bryan 1918 

cWalls, Noel Stanley, M.Sc., Pli.D. ... 1930 

cWalmsley, George Henry Cooper ... 1930 

cWalmsley, Josephine 1927 

Date of 

cWalmsley, William Claud Dudley ... 1926 

cWalshaw, Ronald 1924 

c Walton, Louis *9*5 

Walton, Frederick John 1904 

Wahvyn, Mrs. A. D. See Howe, Fanny 

tWamsley, William Bunting 1910 

cWand, Solomon 1921 

cWarburton, Edward Jowett 1926 

♦Warburton, Gilbert Bertram, Ch.M. ... igo7 
cWarburton, Margaret Jovcc 

(Mrs. Caldwell) 1922 

Warburton, William 1911 

Ward, Basil Vernon 1908 

Ward, Mrs, J. F. See Reekie, Marjorie 

Ward, Stephen Ernest 1924 

Wardlmorth, Douglas 1905 

Wardman, Marie 1919 

t§Warrington, William Barnett 1891 

XWaterworth, Sidney 1921 

cWatkins, Bernard Vincent 1895 

c.Watkins, Kenneth Harold 1927 

Watson, Andrew Blair 1889 

Webb, Frederick James : 1889 

AWebb-Johnson, A. E. 

See Johnson, A. E. 

Webb- Johnson, Cecil 

See Johnson, S J. C 

c Webster, John Sutton 1906 

Weizmann, Vera Rebecca 1912 

Wells, Mrs. Perry. See Perry, Ncsta H. 

West, Harry 1899 

West, Robert Newberry 1901 

JW’est, Stephen Harold 

{now S. H. Middleton-West) 1904 

cWhalley, Samuel 1925 

Wharton, Edgar, B.Sc 190S 

Wheeldon, William Albert 1906 

Whimster, Mrs. W. S. 

See Edwards, Madge E. 

cWhincup, Frederic Lancelot 1918 

Whitaker, John Dent 1896 

White, Charles Francis 1912 

c White, Julia Crawford 

(Mrs. Maclaclilan) 1906 

Whitehead, Gordon 1911 

Whitehead, Jerry 1909 

Whiteley, Herbert William 1901 

cWhiteside, Eric 1924 

cWhitley, John Theodore 1926 

cWhitrow, Florence 

(Mrs. S. H. Faulkner) 1926 
Whittaker, Mrs. Frank 

See Snowdon, Constance 

c Whittaker, Randal, B.Sc 1932 

Whittall, Cyril Hubert 1913 

cWhittle, Hugh 1924 

Whitwam, Leonard Sykes iSgg 

Whitworth, Arthur William Thirkill ... 1906 

Wightwick, Alfred 1897 

Wignall, Thomas Henry 1898 

Wilcocks, Mrs. C 

See Bullough, Frances G. 

c Wilcocks, Charles 1924 

cWild, Granville Burnett 1916 

cWild, Margaret (Mrs. E. R. Jagger) ... 1932 

cWilde, Jane Margaret (Mrs. R S. Adam) 1923 

kWilkins, Arthur Godfrey 1900 

Wilkins, William Douglas 1904 

Wilkinson, Arthur Geden 1912 

Wilkinson, Sydney Carter 1903 

Wilkinson, William Arthur Hot slev ... 1892 

1 Professor of Anatomy, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. 
* F.R.C S. t Awarded Croix de Guerre. j: Awarded M C. 

§ O.B E. 

Graduates (Music). 


M.B. and Ch.B. — continued. Date of 


cWilIan, Richard 1915 

Willans, Charles Rudolph 1900 

cWillcocks, Roger Durant 1901 

c Willett, James Hayward 1897 

cWilliams, David Owen 1S99 

cWilliams, Denis John, B.Sc 1932 

Williams, Herbert Wyndham Fitzroy 1913 

cWilliams, J ohn Leslie David 1933 

cWilliams, Richard Morris 1924 

Williams, Thomas Buckley 1901 

Williams, Thomas Gee 1908 

Williams , William Batten 1896 

c Williamson, Geoffrey 1924 

^Williamson, Henry Merrill 1901 

Williamson, Joshua 1898 

Williamson, Norman Reginald 1907 

♦Williamson, Percy Gordon 1900 

c Williamson, Robert 1921 

c Willis, Ethel Dorothy 1918 

Willis , Hugh Duherly 1913 

Wilshaw, Robert Heywood 1896 

Wilson, Arthur Chandler 1891 

Wilson, Frederick Perera 1901 

♦Wilson, Henry 1914 

cWilson, John Cecil 1925 

Wilson, Mrs. J. I. P. 

See Atkinson, Estelle I. E. 
c Wilson, Nellie, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. F. W. T. Craske) 1929 
cWilson, Ruth AUason 

(Mrs. E. St. J. P. Catchpool) 1919 
Wilson, Sidney Rawson, M.Sc 1905 

] Date of 

■ Degree 

| cWimmer, Robert Tinley 1928 

! cWinstanley, Sidney Adams 1915 

j ttWolstenholine, Thomas Blakeway ... 1903 

cWood, Alfred Arthur 1896 

i Wood, Frank Lomax 1889 

i Wood, Geoffrey Ward 1913 

j cWood, Kenneth Knight 1925 

j cWood, Paul Butterworth 1925 

! cWood, Reginald 1925 

j Wood, Robert Lucius 1S94 

j §Woodcock, Harold Brookfield 1896 

j Woodhouse, Herbert Clement 1897 

Woods , Frederick John 1893 

I Woods, Henry 1903 

\ Woodyatt, William Jeffery 1901 

c Worthington, James 1921 

cWraith, Frederick 1928 

| ‘Wright, Andrew Rae 1904 

i cWright, Joseph Brotherton 1920 

cWright, Louis Charles, B.Sc 1929 

cWright, Richard Valentine, B.Sc. ... 1932 

A||Wright, William 1897 

! Wright, William 1910 

1 Wngley, William Sugden 1902 

Wylie, David Storer 1898 

cYates, Frank 1924 

cYates, James 1922 

J Youatt, Leonard 1890 

cYouatt, Marjorie (Mrs. Harold Dutton) 1923 

Young, Frederic William Baker 1904 

I c Young, Neville Andrew Jack 1925 

cZimmerman, Philip 1932 

M.D.S. Vale ol 


cHutchinson, Arthur Cyril William ... 1929 

cStones, Hubert Horace, M.D 1933 


cAllison, Oswald Roy, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1909 cMellodew, John Lees 1932 

cAppleton, Allan Herbert 1927 Paterson, Malcolm Clark, M.B., Ch.B. 1914 

cButterworth, James Spencer 1927 Ramsden, Mrs. A. See Latarche, Kate 

cCampion, Dennis Henrv 1924 Renshaw, Arnold 1909 

cCampion, Leslie George 1926 Scott, Cecil Francis 1912 

Corless, Thomas Arthur Bell 1911 cSnuth, Edward Gillespy 1927 

cjohnson, Nellie 1926 c Stafford, Alfred Wheeler 1924 

Latarche, Kate (Mrs A. Ramsden) ... 1912 cTorkington, Harold Holt 1932 

cLewis, Philip Reginald 1927 cTorkington, John Lees 1931 

cLilley, Walter Arthur 1929 cTownley, Herbert, M.B., Ch.B 1924 

cMedd, Robert Clifford 1924 cWilliams, Frederick Wilfrid 1928 

cMedd, Samuel Roland 192S 


c Andrew, Norman 1928 

c Armstrong, George Alfred 1931 

cBarlow, Walter Aaron 1929 

Berten<haw, John Wright 1919 

Bradshaw, John Christopher 1901 

Brookes, Harry 1914 

cCarroll, Walter 1300 

cCourcy-Smale, Percy W alter de 1933 

Crossley, Walker 1915 

cDickerson, Frederick William 1930 

England, John Herbert 1914 

c Griffiths, Thomas Edwin Teasdale ... 1931 

cGrundy, Charles Stanley ... 1920 

Hazlehurst, Richard Cecil 


c Jackson, Joseph Bernard ... 


cjarvis, Caleb Edward 


ci Keighley, Thomas 


Knowles, Francis William ... 


cLmdley, George Ernest 


c Mason, Edward 


Mort, Richard Henry 


cParker, George 


RadchfJe, Frank 


cRead, Henry Lucas 


caWilcock, Alfred William 


1 University Organist. 

2 Organist of Exeter Cathedral. 

* Awarded M.C. t F.R.C.S. % Awarded Croix de Guerre ; O.B.E. § M.B E. li Awarded D.S.O. 


Graduates f Commerce) . 


Date of 

c Archer, Hannah 1927 

c Bolton, Lucy 1896 

cBoughey, Edith Emily 1901 

cChapman, Samuel, M.A 1929 

cDavies, Albert Victor 1909 

cDavis, Katherine Hilary 1933 

cGreen, Frederick 1927 

Hamer, Norman Stanley 1905 

Hampson, William Robert, jun., B.A. 189S 

cHardie, Albert Leonard 192 r 

cHarper, Constance 1935 

Ingham, Thomas Herbert 1893 

Isaacs, Edward Maurice 1901 

Knight, George Herbert 1897 

Lancaster, Walter James 1897 

Lofts, Mrs. T. M. 

See Walker, Catherine M. 
Lythgoe, Thomas Stanley 1894 

| Date of 

! Degree 

| cMarshall, Mary Ethel Maud 1917 

Millar , Marian 1894 

cMoore, Clement Arthur 1923 

I Morrison , Frederick 1923 

! Payton, William Henry 1898 

1 Potter, John Marsden 1898 

I Scott, Hayward Argyll 1902 

| Sheaves , Harry Mozart 1899 

J Smith, Joseph Leopold 1902 

J cSnowball, Annie Dempster 1933 

j Stoneley, William Henry 1911 

I cTaylor, Reuben 1931 

Walker, Catherine Mary 

j (Mrs. T. M. Lofts) 1899 

I cWest, Charles Lawrence 1923 

1 cWhite, Dora 1913 

I cWolfenden, William Harold 1927 


1 NE.Com. 

c*iAins cough, Thomas Martland 1916 

cAshmore, Lawrence 1913 

cBehrens, Leonard Frederick 1914 

Act 2 Bradley, Francis Ernest, M.A., LL.B. 1914 

cBreeze, George 1923 

c** Carter, Roger Neale 1907 

c**3Chapman, Sydney John, Litt.D. ... 1905 

cChew, Robert Owen 1931 

c**4Clay, Henry 1933 

c** 5 Daniels, George William, M.A. ... 1921 

** Ferguson, Harold Stuart 1922 

cdForrester, Robert Blair 1921 

**tFraser, Drummond Drummond 1907 

Harrison, Leonard Arthur 1911 

Jack, Alexander Fmgland 1910 

ejenkins, Gilbert 1926 

ejewkes, John 1924 

cLawley, Emmy Frida Gerty 1923 

cLester, Thomas Milner, B.A 1922 

cLocker, Thomas Cecil, M.Sc.Tech. ... 1922 

c**McFarlane, John 1905 

cMarsh, Cyril Herbert 1923 

Mellor, Harold 1912 

c**7Meredith, Hugh Owen 1908 

cMindel, Abraham Simon 1919 

cOgden, Joseph 1919 

Parry, William Henry 1921 

c§8Peach, Sydney Ensor 1915 

cPilkington, William Gwyn 1924 

c Radford, Frank 1921 

c Roberts, Arthur 1924 

eg Rogers, Norman 1919 

Rutter, William Pickering igio 

cScholfield, Alfred 1915 

Stephenson, James, M.A 1913 

cioSykes, Joseph 1925 

**xiUntvin , George 1923 

evan der Veen, Gerald Menno, M.A. ... 1925 

cWhitton, Olga Mary 1923 

cWilde, Constance Elizabeth Mary ... 1920 


cAbul-ela, Ahmed Mahmoud 1928 

cBennett, George Arthur, M.Sc.Tech. .. 1933 

cBottomley, Cyril 19 3 ° 

cBrennan, Edwin 1931 

cBurke, Irene 1931 

cCampion, Harry 1928 

cGamble, Frederick Norman 1930 

cGray, Edward Mayall, B.Sc.Tech. ... 1933 

cHodgkinson, Samuel Edwards 1928 


cHousley, Harold, M.Sc 1929 

cKair, Hilda Adelina 1928 

cPrest, Wilfred 1932 

cSabry, Abd el Aziz 1931 

cSharp, Arthur 1927 

cShepkerd, Ernest, B.Sc 1928 

cTrevillion, Alexander 1929 

cWinterbottom, Allan, LL.M 1930 

r Board of Trade, H.M. Semor Commissioner for India and Ceylon ; Kt. 

2 County Court Judge on the Blackburn and Preston Circuit. 

3 Chief Economic Adviser to H.M. Government ; C.B.E. ; K.C.B. 

4 Formerly Professor of Social Economics in the University ; Economic Adviser to the Bank of 


5 Stanley Jevons Professor of Political Economy and Cobden Lecturer in the University. 

6 Professor of Economics and Political Science in the University College of Wales, Abersytwyth. 

7 Professor of Economics in the University of Belfast. 

8 Director of Technical Education for Cheltenham area. 

9 Head Master, Bolton Municipal Day Commercial School, 
ro Warden of Astor Hall, Plymouth. 

11 Late Professor of Economic History in the University. 

* O.B.E. t F.R.S.E. ? K.B.E. 

* * Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

§ Awarded Croix de Guerre, 

Graduates (Commerce). 


Jil A. (Admtn ). 

ciAtack, Granville 

cCampbell, Charles Douglas, Ph.D 

cChester, Daniel Norman 

cHerbert, William Frank 

Long, Amalie E. W. See Weiss-Long, Amalie E. 

c Riley, Walter 

cWeiss-Long, Amalie Elisabeth (now Amalie E. W. Long) 
cWood, Elizabeth Jessica (Mrs. R. H. Wood! 

( graduated B.A. (Com.) asTimpson) 

Date of 
• - 1933 

... 1927 

••• 1933 

... 1932 

... 1931 
... 1929 

— 1933 


Date of 

cAmbrose, Isaac Southern ... 1924 

c Andrew, John Barton, M.A 1922 

cAngles, Albert 1922 

cAntoniou, Spiro George 1923 

c Ashton, Gertrude Mary (Mrs. Warwick) 1923 
cAspin, John 1925 

cBailey, Gladys 1923 

cBanks, William Leonard 1923 

cBarker, William 1925 

cBarlow, John 1915 

cBaxter, John Boocock 1920 

cBaronian, Stephen Iplicjian 1915 

cBearaish, Arthur 1924 

c Benson, John Stanley 1923 

Bmns, John Bentley 1912 

cBirtles, Wilfrid 1922 

cBlackbum, Fred 1926 

cBlears, Herbert 1922 

cBIomley, Fred 1914 

cBolchover, Jonas 1926 

Bolton, Reginald Lightbown 1909 

cBooth, James Herbert 1910 

cBottrill, Alfred Leo 1923 

cBowden, Geoffrey ... 1922 

c Bowden, Kearslev William 1925 

cBowers, Herbert 1923 

♦Bozellec, Yves Marie 1914 

cBradlev, Elizabeth Madeline, 

SI. A., M.Ed. 1919 

cBrierley, Eric 1914 

cBrierley, Joseph, B.Sc 1913 

cBright-Smith, John Vandeleur . ... 1921 

cBronnert, Arnold 1922 

cBrooks, Norah Mary 

(Mrs. R A Eastwood) 1924 

c Broome, Emest Smith 1923 

c Brown, Oswald Theodore 1925 

cBrowwug, Henry, M.Se 1926 

cBuckley, Arthur 1920 

cCalvert, Ernest Frederick 1922 

csCardwell, David, M.Sc 1926 

c Chadwick, Arthur 1926 

cChaloner, Sam Richard 1920 

Cheetham, James Oldham 1910 

cChinassi, Rassim, M.A 1918 

Chow, Tien 1909 

C3Clark, Matthew, M.A 1918 

cClegg, William 1926 

cClough, Mabel 1924 

cCohen, Leonard 1925 

cCooper, Marian, LL.B. 

(Mrs. R. V. Roger) 1922 

cCopley, Edward igi5 

Crammer, Mrs. R. W. 

See Rosenblum, Margaret 
cCrawford, Harold 1923 

Date ot 

cCntchley, Henry Stephen - ... 1922 

cCroft, Thomas Walsh 1924 

cCrouchlev, Arthur Edwin 1925 

Dalai, Sorabjee Adarjee 1907 

cDann, Edward John ig25 

cDanes, Harry Donald 1922 

cDavies, Walter John 1923 

cDembowsky, Rebecca 1925 

cDemel, George Carl X915 

cDewar, John Turner 1926 

cDucker, Frederick Ronald 1923 

cDuckworth, Alan 1926 

cDunham, Herbert Henry 1923 

cDunkerley, Thomas Ward 1922 

cDunn, .Albert 1916 

cDutton, William Braithwaite 1922 

cDymond, Mary Frances, M.A 1915 

Eastwood, Airs. R. A. 

See Brooks, Norah M. 

j cEaves, John 1926 

cEdmeston, Ruth 1926 

| cElliott, William, M.A 1918 

j Emmott, John Barlow . 1908 

I Epstein, Benjamin 1913 

cErian, Aziz Ghaly 1921 

I cEnan, Meleika 1920 

| cEwing, Joseph Denis 1922 

cFarahat, Henri Victor 1926 

c Firth, James Hubert 1923 

cFisher, John Thomas 1924 

cFlemmg, Dorothy 1923 

cFletcher, Douglas 1910 

cFlorentin, Arthur Isaac 1925 

cFord, Frederick 1924 

cForsyth, Joseph 1912 

I C4Foulkes, Edward 1909 

| cGilpin, Ida Offland (Mrs. H. E. Kern) ... 1921 

cGlenn, Arthur 1922 

cGoodier, William George 1913 

Goodwin, Eric Lindsey 1913 

cGoodwyn, Wyndham Tiioxnasson ... 192a 

| cGradwell, George Cornwallis 1925 

; cGray, William, B.Sc 1926 

! c Green, James Albert 1925 

i Greene, John W timer 1911 

; c Gregory’, Charles John Brazennar ... 1925 

I cHall, Alma Violet 

(Mrs Frederic Vaughan) 1926 

! Hall, Fred, M.A 1908 

' Hall, Harold Arthur, M.A 1912 

cHalstead, Frank, B.Sc.Tech r924 

cHarding, William 1922 

1 Harris, Mrs. E T. See Smith, Gertrude 

| cHatton, Henry Philip 1926 

i cHaworth, Florence 1926 

r Head Master, Brunswick School, Bury, Lancs. 

2 Vice-Principal, College of Technology, Manchester. 

3 Principal, City School of Commerce, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. 

4 Chief Clerk to the Overseers of South Manchester. 

* Awarded Croix de Guerre. 

7 ~ 


Graduates ( Commerce ) . 

B.Com. — continued. Date of 


cHetherington, Herbert rQ22 

cHindshaw, Marcus 1923 

cHitchens, John Herbert 1923 

Holford, James 1911 

cHolmes, Wilfrid, M.A 1915 

cHolt, Ernest Sefton 1924. 

Hsii, Singloh 1913 

cHudson, David Robert 1920 

cHughes, Henry Glyn 1920 

Hughes, Mrs. H. G. 

See White, Eunice M. 

Jackson, Henry Hollingvvorth 1910 

cjacobs, Norman Myer 1923 

cjohnson, John Brocklebank 1923 

Johnson, Richard Roscoe 1914 

cjones, Mark Wheatley 1921 

cKellett, Owen 1921 

c Kenyon, Cyril 1922 

Kern, Mrs. H. E. See Gilpin, Ida O. 

c Kerns, Harry 1922 

cKing, John Humphreys 1924 

cKirkham, Fred 1925 

c Kitchen, David 1925 

c Knott, Dorothy 1919 

c Knott, Edward Austin 1920 

cLand, William Walker 1922 

c 1 Leather, Herbert 1924 

cLevin, Abraham 1924 

cLightfoot, John Reginald 1922 

Lindh, Gustaf Waldemar, B.A 1912 

cLittler, John Herbert 1922 

cLowe, Mane 1922 

cLutfy, Mohammed Fuad 

.. 191S 

cLymer, Meryl Watts 

.. 1925 

cMcDiarmid, Peter Pentland 

... 1925 

cMcGann, Edmund Rogerson 

... 1926 

c2Marsden, Henry Lathrope, LL.M. 

... 1922 

cMaxsden, James Herbert 

... 1914 

cMarsland, Edith Mary 

... 1922 

Martin, James Harold 

... 1910 

cMassey, Janies 

... 1926 

cMatthews, William, M.A 

... 1922 

Mercer, Charles Henry, M.A. 

... 19 1 1 

cMerriman, Doris Elizabeth 

... 1926 

Middleton, Thomas William 

... 1909 

Milbourne, Leshe 

... 1916 

cMilner, Alfred 

... 1916 

cMitchell, William 

... 1924 

Moms, J ohm 

... 1913 

cMorris, Thomas Stanley 

... 1924 

cMorrison, J ames Binnic* . . . . 

.. 1926 

* Mum ford, John Houston 

... 1914 

cMurgatroyd, Rose Marian 

... 1915 

cNaggiar, Elwyn Jack 

.. 1924 

ede Ocio, Enrique 

... 1925 

cOgden, Albert 

... 1926 

cO’Loughlin, Joseph Rankin 

... 1923 

cPadfield, Clarence Edward .. 

.. 1926 

cParekhji, Vavabhai Natverlal 

... 1924 

cParker, William Alonzo 

-. 1925 

fParkes, George Bowden 

... 1914 

cParkin, Robert 

... 1923 

cPauldmg, John 

... 1926 

Date of 

c Phillips. Herbert Allen 1925 

cPickles, William 1920 

cPiekstone, Travice Holland 1921 

cPollard, Clifford 1924 

cPolliack, Mendel 

(now Polliack, Michail Mendel) 1919 
Polliack, Michail Mendel 

See Polliack, Mendel 

cPowell, William Percival X926 

c Procter, Joyce Woodyatt 1923 

cRees, Annie 1926 

cRhmd, John Ewart 1925 

Roberts, James William, M.A 19 11 

c Roberts, Stuart Gray 1423 

cRobinson, Edward Eric 1924 

cRosenblum, Margaret 

(Mrs. R. W. Crammer) 1917 

cRogers, Marjorie 1924 

Rogers, Norman 1911 

t Rowbotham, John Edwin , M.A 1909 

cRushton, Frank Waddington 1922 

Rushworth, William Alfred 1911 

cSalt, William Edward 1921 

cSaul, Edgar Albert ... 1916 

Scott, Norman Sawers 1914 

1 cSeddon, George 1921 

! cShamash, George 1916 

! cShaw, Geoffrey 1922 

cShaw, Richard Lawrence 192C 

cShephard, William Joseph 1916 

cShercliff, William 1923 

cShirra, Edith Mercedes 1926 

cShuttleworth, Joseph, M.A 1914 

cSieff, Israel Moses 1908 

cSinclair, Harold Paul 1925 

Smgh, Keshari Prasad I909 

Sladen, Edward 1913 

cSlatter, Thomas 1923 

cSlee, Edwin Sheppard 1924 

cSmall, Leonard 1923 

cSmitb, Daniel Smith 1925 

cSmith, Gertrude (Mrs. E. T. Harris) ... 1916 

cSmith, Granville 1924 

Smith, Sidney 1913 

cSouthem, David Fulton 1924 

cSpeakmaa, Edward Gatenby 1923 

cStables, John Norman ... ’. 1924 

Stevenson, James, M A 1911 

Stewart, Ethel Nina 1923 

cStock, Thomas Dyson 1930 

cStones, Doris Ratcliffe 1918 

I cTawfik, Ahmed Mohamed 

(now Zeitoon, A M. T.) 1923 

cTayler, Frederick Thomas 1926 

cTaylor, Alfred 1925 

cTaylor, Arthur 1925 

cTaylor, George Albert 1920 

cTaylor, Laurie Harold Cuthbert 1922 

cTaylor, Richard Allen, M.Ed 1924 

cTaylor, Sidney 1923 

j cThonias, Bertha Margaret 1920 

cThompson, Arthur 1917 

cTomlinson, Thomas Joseph 1924 

c Vakil, Madanlal Hardevrain 1923 

1 cVarley, Benjamin, M.A 1921 

Vaughan, Mis. Frederic. 

See Hall, Alma V. 

1 Head Master, Tyldesley Council School. 

2 Principal of Manchester Municipal High School of Commerce. 

* Awarded M.C. and additional bar. t Awarded M.C. 

Graduates (Commerce) 


B.Com. — continued. 

cVemey, Harry, LL.B. 
c Vogel, Henry 

Date of 
... 1908 

... 1924 

cWalkden, Eric 1926 

c Walsh, John 1921 

cWalton, Frank Pearson 1922 

Warwick, Mrs. 

See Ashton, Gertrude M. 

AcWatson, Arthur 1920 

cWhite, Eunice Madge 

(Mrs. H. G. Hughes) 1921 
cWhitmore, J ack 1923 

c Whittle, Jack 

c Wilkinson, Laurence 

c Williamson, Sam Burgess 

cWinerlak, Szmul 

cWinterbottom, Frank Simcox 

cWood, John Frederick 

cWood, Robert Gordon 

cWright, Frank Leslie 

Date of 
... 1922 

... 1922 

... 2926 

... 1924 

... 1919 
... 1923 
... 2925 
... 2922 

cZeitoon, Ahmed Mohamed Tawfik. 

See Tawfik, A. M. 

B.A. (Com.). 

cAidley, John Henry ... . 

c Allison, Kathleen Jane 
c Allman, Alan Henry ... . 

cAndrews, Henry Wolfendale 
cArditti, Alfred Abraham 

c Ashworth, John 

c Ashworth, J ohn Arthur 
cAshworth, Peter Noel ... . 

cAshworth, Ross Spencer 
c Atkinson, Evelyn Alcock . 










cBale, Leslie David 

cBamford, Thomas Kenneth 

cBanks, Leonard Hacking 

cBaxendale, Cecilia 

cBendell, George Augustus 

cBeswick, Arthur 

cBibby, Eli 

cBiddle, George Edwin 

cBinns , Maureen Muriel 

cBirkett, Leon Douglas 

cBlades, Alan 

cBooth, John 

cBoswell, Joseph, B.Sc 

cBowden, Wilfrid 

c Bowman, Isabel Dixon 

cBridge, Norman 

cBrieriey, Ernest William 

cBrown^ Leonard, B.D 

cBruce, Frank Meams 

cBullough, Arthur Geoffrey James 

cBurrell, Charles Edward ’ 

Burrell, Mrs C. E. See Emmott, Elsie 
Burton, Mrs. W. V. 

Sec Wood, Joyce L. 

cButterfield, Harold Charles 

cBuxton, William Thornton 

1931 ; 

1930 j 

2929 : 

1930 ; 



2927 ! 



1932 1 











1931 ! 


cCampbell- Kelly, Bernard Randolph 

cChatterjee, Debi Prosanna 

cChessell, Henry 

cClaydon, Percival 

cClift, Thomas Matthew 

cCooke, Colin Arthur 

cCooper, Joseph Clifton 

cCroft, Harold Richard 

cD’Abreo, Joseph Herman 

cDatta, Susil Kumar 

cDealdn, William Francis 

cDimbleby, Cecil Frederick George 

cDowns, John Stainthorpe 

Dtapkm, Aubrey 

cDriver, George Francis 

cDuncan, John Ronald 

cDuncan, Sidney Buckley 


















cDunn, Sydney Joseph 1928 

cEastwood, Robert Leslie 1932 

cEaton, Arthur 1931 

cElliott, William Norman 2929 

cEmmerson, John Ralph 1931 

cEmmott, Elsie (Mrs. C. E. Burrell) ... 1927 

cEntwistle, Marian Thompson 1932 

cErin, Henry 1929 

cFalconer, Clarence Stanley 1927 

cFish, Clarence Hall 1928 

cFletcher, Enid 

(Mrs. J. MacCormac Lendruni) 1929 

cFletcher, Leslie 1928 

cFrancis, Harold 1927 

cFreeman, John 1933 

cGartside, George Richardson 

cGaukroger, J ames Clifford 

cGerrard, Thomas 

cGhilchik, Martin 

cGibb, William John Wilson 

cGoodier, James Harold 

cGopalan, Kuttan 

Gordomer, Mrs . H . 

See Shipper, Sarah M. 

cGraham, Robert Lawrence 

cGreen, Edwin Downs 

cGreen, Harry Clifiord 

cGrindrod, John 

cGuba, Pratapchandra .. ... 












cHafez, Mohamed Abdel Rahman 

cHall, Brenda Fielding 

cHall, William Brogan 

cHamdy, Moh amm ed 

cHarnnett, Norman Robert 

cHamza, Abd El Maksud 

cHardinan, Henry 

cHams, Arthur ” 

cHar\ ey, Martin 

cHazhtt, Joe 

cHerbert, Kathleen 

cHesketh, Stanley Orrell 

cHiggmbottom, Humphrey James 

cHiU, James Reginald 

cHodgkiss, John Hoyle 

cHodson, Bernard Edwin 

cHoe, Tom Boyd 

cHolmes, Muriel 

cHolt, Wilfnd Thomasson 

cHough, John Aspey 

cHunt, Kenneth Horrocks 

cHurst, John 












clreland, Frank 



Graduates (Commerce ) . 

B.A. (Com.) — continued. 

Date of 

ejepson, Eric Siddle 

... 192S 

c Jones, Herbert Hilton 

... 1929 

cjones, Muriel Silveiwood 

... 1933 

cjuhlin, Karin Lois 

• •• 2933 

cKaaokomcn, Siri 

... 1927 

cKellett, James Norval 

... iy27 

cKemp, VVilliam 

... 1929 

c Kenyon, Helen Louise 

... 1932 

cKerr, Wilfred 

... 1928 

c Knighton, Edith 

... 1932 

cKrishnamra, Abharana 

... 1928 

cKron, Victor 

... 1933 

cLambert, Fred 

... 1931 

cLambrick, John Gibson 

... 1933 

cLangton, Kathleen Margaret 

... 1931 

cLeek, Edward 

Lendrum, Mrs. J. MacCormac 

... 1933 

See Fletcher, Enid 

cLever, Isaac 

... 1933 

cLilwall, Raymond James Barnett 

... 1929 

cLivesey, Stewart Ward 

... 1931 

cLomax, Hilda 

... 1932 

cLongworth, Marian Carlton 


cLowe, Thomas Edgar 

... 1929 

cLunt, Isabel 

... 1929 

cMcGrath, Ellen 

cMcHardy, Alexander 

... 1933 

... 1933 

c McHugh, James 

... 1930 

cMcLellan, VVilliam John 

... 1933 

cMack, Leonard 

... 1929 

cMfikm, John Major 

-. 1933 

c Marrow, Frank 

... 1929 

c Martin, Emil Walter Rudolf 

... 1932 

cMason, James George 

... 1929 

cMathesou, Alice Mary 

... 1931 

cMitchell, Stanley Alexander 

... 1929 

c Moran, Gilbert Laurence 

... 1928 

c Morland , Thoina s Broclibank 

... 1927 

cNeedofif, Sydney 

... 1928 

cNewton, Harold 

... 1932 

cNorris, Edgar 

». 1933 

cOsbome, Frank William 

... 1928 

cOwen, James Arthur 

... 1931 

cParish, Benjamin Wilkin 

... 1927 

cPearce, Frank 

... 1927 

c Pettigrew, William 

... 1927 

cPinder, John Giles 

... 1930 

cPorthouse, William 

... 1931 

cRace, Winifred 

... 1930 

cRayner, Nellie Powell 

... 1928 

cRedieru, Dorothy Mary 

(Mrs. K. F. B. Roberts) 1931 
cReekie, Charles William Maxwell ... iycS 

cReeves, Sidney 1931 

c Rhoden, George Stewart 1932 

c Roberts, Harold 1927 

Roberts, Mrs. K . F. B 

See Redfern, Dorothy M 
c Rob^ni, Erie Norman 1929 

B. A. 

cAmscow, Edwin 1930 

cAndrew, George Smith 1931 

cBarton, Frank, M.Sc 1929 

cBirlev, Stanley 1933 

cBirtwell, Katharine de Hoghton 1930 

Date of 

Roger, Mrs. R. V. 

See Cooper, Marian 

cRoughley, Charles 1932 

cRowbottom, Phyllis 1929 

cRuddin, Charles Eugene 1933 

cRyder, Robert 1928 

cScammell, Jonn Cosson 1932 

cSeanor, William Albany 1929 

cSeddon, Arthur Wilfred 1932 

cSen, Benoy Kumar 1933 

cShabtay, Abraham 1931 

cShipper, Sarah Millicent 

(Mrs. H. Gordomer) 1928 

cShorrock, Peter 1928 

cShngley, Stanley 1927 

cSimms, Herbert Greenwood 1929 

cSirothia, Vinayak Prasad 1930 

cSmith, George 1928 

cSmith, John Arthur 1929 

Smith, William Raymond 1927 

cSouthworth, Stella 1933 

cSpencer, John Arnold 1928 

cSpillcr, Harry Boden 1927 

cStanaway, Harold 1928 

cStapley, Henry Standen King 1931 

cStatham, Kenneth 1933 

cStones, Eric Highley 1927 

cStorer, Samuel Alfred 1929 

cSuinner, Walter Barrowclough 1929 

cSusman, Bernard 1930 

cTalent, Charles Leslie 1932 

cTandon, Prakash Lall 1932 

cTattersall, Jessie Kathleen 1932 

cTavlor, Albert Ashworth 1932 

cTaylor, Arthur 1928 

cTaylor, Robert Norman James 1931 

cThomas, Harold Heath 1932 

cThomas, Richard Gratton 1927 

cThompson, Eric 1929 

cThomley, John Deakin 1930 

cTonge, Harold 1929 

cTracey, Denis Brougham 1927 

cTravis, Charles Harold 1929 

cTurnbull, Geoffrey 1932 

cTurton, Harry Bancroft 1933 

cVimalasiri, Charoon 1928 

cWalker, Kenneth 1927 

c Waller, Edmund 1933 

c Walsh, David Patrick 1929 

cWareing, Harold 1933 

cWhite, Oswald, M.Ed 1927 

cWhittaker, Sidney Nisbet, B.Sc. ... 1927 

c Wilkinson, Joe 1928 

c Wilkinson, John 1929 

cWilliaius, Sydney Walter 1928 

cWilson, John 1933 

cWinder, Eileen Doris 1932 

cWood, Arthur 1929 

cWood, Joyce Lee 

(Mrs. W. V. Burton) 1931 
cWright, Thomas 1927 

cYates, Frances Doreen 1928 

cZorian, Derail Ewart 1939 


cBrasicr, Frederick Alan 1932 

cBrocklcbauk, Alan Francis 1928 

cBroxup, Oswald 1928 

cCalthrop, Mary Elizabeth Gordon 

(Mrs. Lancelot Owen) 1931 

Graduates {Theology). 


B.A. (Admin.) — continued. 

Date of 

cChynoweth, Herbert Boyd 

... 193° 

cClift, Walter Thomas 

... 1932 

cCochrane, Harold 

... 1930 

cCook, George 

... 1931 

cCook, Herbert 

... 1932 

cCooke, Herbert William 

• •• 1933 

cCottam, Ernest George Bingham 

■ 1933 

cDavies, William Emrys, B.Sc. ... 

... 1931 

cElkington, Cuthbert 

... 1931 

cEllis, James Emery 

... 1929 

Eyre, Joan Madge 

... 1932 

cForbes, Alexander Thomas 

... 1931 

c Fowler, Harry 

... 1933 

c Frost, Charles Ethelbert 

... 1930 

c Gallon, Robert 

... 1932 

cGrist, Valerie Shovelton 

... 1931 

cHalstead, James 

... 1931 

cHawkins, Robert Henry 

... 1931 

cHeyworth, Kathleen Alary 

... 1929 

cHill, James William 

... 1930 

cHollings, Elsie 

... 1930 

cHolme, Dorothy 

... 1932 

cjohnson, Stanley 

... 1932 

c Jones, Frederick 

... 1932 

cLewis- Jones, Eurgain Tertia Lilian 

... 1932 

cLomax, James 

... 1933 

Date of 

cMcDonald, Thomas Alfred 1929 

cMatthews, Leslie 1933 

cMiller, Colin Theodore 1931 

cMoynihan, Arthur 1932 

cO’Connell, Noel Stanley 1928 

I Owen, Mrs . Lancelot . 

See Calthrop, Mary E. G. 

cPage, Harry Robertson 1932 

c Robinson, Cecil 1932 

cRobinson, James Marcus 1933 

1 cRose, Hugh Sydney 1933 

cRothwell, Arthur 1933 

cShepherd, George 1933 

cShepherd, William Heath 1933 

cShuttleworth, John Dewhurst 1929 

ciSkeet, George William 1931 

cSnowden, Neil 1931 

cStowe, George Thomas 1933 

c Sylvester, George Harold 1928 

cTidswell, Thomas 1933 

cUnderwood, Arthur Cecil 1931 

! cWebb, Ronald 1931 

cWellings, Gordon Henry 1933 

1 cWood, George 1930 

1 c Woods, Emily Mary 1930 

I cWraith, Ida 1930 


D.D Date of 


C2McLachlan, Herbert, M.A 1920 


cAraold, William, B. A 1933 cCIulow, Arnold Harrison, B.A 1931 

cAuty, David Eastham, BA 1910 cCole, Cedric 1925 

cBacon, Horace, B.A 1923 Coley, Samuel Ernest 1912 

cBaillie, Andrew Welcome, M.A 1924 cConnell, Richard John, B.A 1931 

Bakker, Hendrik Raluph 1913 cConnor, Herbert Pearse, B.A 1927 

cBarker, Rosamond Hawksworth 1933 C4 Connor, Janies, B.A 1921 

cBametl, Herbert Arthur, B.A 1921 cCooke, Leslie Edward, B.A. 1933 

Bass, William Henry 1912 cCraig, Patrick Edward Septimus, B.A. 1932 

cBean, Arthur Selwyn 1931 cCrook, Robert Waddington, M.A. ... 1916 

*fBest, John Kenneth 1914 Davies, William Claude Howard, B.A. 1914 

cBiggins, Charles, M A 1915 cDavies, William Solva, B.A 1918 

cBowen, David Edgar, M.A 1915 Dodd, Roland Pocock 1911 

Bray, Arthur Henry 1912 Dozt'sicell, Thotnas Percival 1920 

3 Brevis, John Thomas, BA 1906 $Druitt , Cecil Henry 1908 

cBntton, Lewis John, B.A 1926 cDuckworth, William 1924 

cBrown, Leonard, B.A. Com 1933 

cBrown, Robert, B.A 1932 Ellis, Janies John, M.Sc 1910 

Bulcoek, Harry, B.A 1906 Evans, George, B.A 1913 

cBullock, Frederick William Bagshawe 192S ' Evans, Thomas John 190S 

cBurrows, Robert Allanson, jun., M.A. 1919 j cEwbank, James Herbert, B.A 1916 

Caiger, Stephen Langrish 1912 **6 Farquhar, John Nicol 1924 

cCalder, Ralph Forman Godley, B.A. ... 1930 cFleel, Wilfred Fletcher 1927 

cCaldweil, Joseph Arnold, B.A 1926 cFloyd, Lionel Rupert, B.A 1926 

Callow, Haydn Wilberforce, M.A. ... 1914 cFnth, Harold Ingram, M.A 1925 

1 Head Master of the Choir School, Manchester Cathedral. 

2 Principal of Manchester Unitarian College. 

3 Principal of the Methodist College, Victoria Park, Manchester. 

4 Head Alas ter, Fulneck School, Fulneck, Leeds. 

5 Late Bishop of Granton, Australia. 

6 Late Professor of Comparative Religion in the University. 

* Awarded M.C. t Mentioned in Despatches. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (5). 


Graduates ( Technology ). 

B.D. — continued. Date of 


cGiles, John Philip 1933 

cGregory, Wilfrid, B.Sc.TVch 1927 

iGrensted, Laurence William 1910 

cGriine, John Ernest, B.A 1909 

Groves, Charles Pelhain 1910 

cHall, Kathleen Mallalieu, B.A 1932 

cHall, William Arnold 1932 

cHarding, William Eric, M.A 1925 

cHartley, Ernest Beecher 1927 

cHawes, Gorden Kusel, M.A 1932 

Hirst, Frank Melvem, M.A 1914 

cHoltby, Edward Barlow, M.A 1918 

cHoItby, William Henry 1917 

cHumphrey, John Frederick, B.A. ... 1929 

Humphreys, Elvin Ivor 1910 

Humphries , Cyril AntliJJ, M.A 1922 

cHunter, Hugh, B.A 1921 

Ingham, Harry Lionel, M.A 1913 

ejames, Howard Ingli, B.A 1915 

cjones, George Randall, M.A 1917 

cjones, John Roger 1928 

Kelly, Charles , M.A 1912 


Edward John Benedict Manners 1915 

c Kenworthy, Frederick, M.A 1931 

Kinsey, Arthur Barber 1908 

c Knight, Eric Francis Herbert, B.A. ... 1929 

cLawrence, Reginald Arthur 1932 

Lawson, McEwan Stott, M.A 1912 

cLawton, Henry 1932 

Lomas, Reginald Hampson, M.A. ... 1913 
cLord, Joshua, B.A 1925 

cMcConnick, George Herbert 1928 

cMcLachlan, Herbert John, M.A. ... 1933 

cMarsden, Harold, B.A 1924 

Marsh, Herbert George 1913 

cMeadley, Thomas Donald 1933 

cMeecham, Henry George, M.A., Ph.D. 1911 

Miller, William Reginald, B.A 1913 

cMorley, Laurence 1929 

cMurray, Dorothy Bruce 1931 

cNye, John Arthur Keith 1927 

cOdell, Ernest Walter, B.A. 1932 

cOldfield, Leonard Hulme, B.A 1928 

Date of 

cPaget, Harold Herbert 1935 

Painter, William Arthur, M.A 19 n 

cPaterson, Edward Douglas, M.A. ... 1914 

c**2Peake, Arthur Samuel 1905 

cPhillips, George 1927 

Phimbridge, James Henry John ... 1909 

cPollard, Benjamin, M.Sc 1928 

Porteus, Thomas Cruddas, M.A. ... 1906 

3Price, Ernest Jones, M.A 1910 

Quail, James Arnold, M.A 1908 

cRack, Henry Tong, B.A 1926 

cRamsey, Kenneth Venner 1933 

Redfern, Lawrence, M.A 1914 

c Ridley, John Robert, B.A 1927 

cRobinson, William Gordon 1927 

cRogers, Edward, M.A 1933 

cRoss, Edwin Harold Walmsley, B.A. 1927 

cRossington, Herbert John, M.A 1907 

Rule, George Simpson 1914 

Sandys, Samuel 1908 

cSears, Selwyn Edward 1915 

cSharp, Douglas Simmonds, M.A. ... 1909 

cSheward, Cyril Godfrey 1922 

cSmith, Wilfred, B.A. 

( graduated L'.A. as Schmitt) 1922 
cSouthworth, John Fletcher, B.A. ... 1932 

♦cStephenson, Edgar, M.A 1925 

cStewart, Duncan Percy 1931 

cSturt, Dudley Elliott 1928 

cSwarbrick, John William, M.A 1924 

Taylor, Frederick Clifford, M.A 1913 

a Thackray, Edgar , M.A. 1908 

cUpright, Norman, B.A 193 1 * 3 4 

cWaddington, Wilfred, B.A 1929 

c Walker, Walter Amos 1929 

4 Waugh, William Templeton, M.A. ... 1906 

cWeeks, William Robert 1930 

Whewell, William Edward 1915 

cWigley, Alfred Lanceley, B.A 1928 

cWigley, Henry Townsend, B.A 1920 

Wilkinson, Arthur Henry 1910 

c Wilkinson, John Thomas, B.A 1920 

cWilliams, J ames Arnold 1929 

. cWilson, Charles Louis, M.A 1923 

! cWilson, Edward, B.A 1932 

M.Sc. Tech. 

** A damson, Arthur 

... 1912 

1 cAustin, Charles Reuben 

... 1920 

c Adamson, Arthur Norman 

... 1925 

Avery, Hugh Burton 

... 1911 

Advani, Pritandas Bhojraj 

... 1918 

cAndersen, Anders 

... 1926 

J Badger, May (Mrs. Craven) 

.. 1908 

Anderson, Robert Mair 

... 1910 

cBalaban, Isidore Elkanah, Ph.D. 

.. 1921 

cArrowsmith, George 

... 1909 

c Barash, Michael, Ph.D 

.. 1918 

cAshhurst, William, B.Sc 

... 1931 

c Barker, Sydney Warren 

.. 1922 

c Ashworth, John 

... 1926 

j c Barnes, George Reginald 

.. 1927 

cAshworth, J ohn 

... 1931 

i cBamett, Stanley 

.. 1924 

cAtack, Frederick William, D.Sc. 

... 1913 

, cBarratt, Noel Marshall 

.. 1932 

C Atkinson, John 

... 1923 

{ cBarton, John 

.. 1927 

cAtkinson, Sidney 

... 1927 

. f Batey, John Percy 

.. 1909 

1 Oriel Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion m the University of Oxford and 

fornierlv Principal of Egerton Hall, Manchester. 

3 Luti Protestor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis in the University. 

3 Principal of Yorkshire United Independent College, Bradford. 

4 Late proit'SSur of Medieval History, McGill University, Montreal. 

* Awarded M M. t Awarded Belgian Croix do Guerre ; D.C.M. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates ( Technology ). 

229 . 

M.Sc.Tech. — continued. Date of 


cBayley, Frank 1916 

cBean, Charles Percy 1926 

cBeeley, Eric William 1924 

Bell, Hugh Glover 1914 

cBennett, George Arthur, M. A . (Com. ) . . 1929 

cBennion, Edmund Baron 1923 

cBerry, Harold 1924 

cBerry, William 1924 

cBevan, Thomas 1915 

cBhattacharya, Brajendra Chandra ... 1930 

cBinns, Vincent 1921 

cBlack, Raphael 192S 

cBond, Cecil Robertson 1931 

cBooth, Francis Micklewright 1929 

cBooth, John Roy Newman 1923 

cBor, Joseph, B.Sc 1932 

Bostock, Bertram Ravenscroft 1909 

Bostock, Clifford 1911 

cBoswall, Robert Oliphant 1924 

Bowman, Frank 1911 

cBradshaw, Eric 1931 

cBramwell, Evelyn Carlton 

(Mrs. Harold Storey) 1922 

cBrierley, John Corns 1924 

c* Brindley, William Harrison, Ph.D. ... 1922 

Brinsley, Frank 1913 

cBronnert, David Henry 1932 

cBrookes, George 1927 

**Brotherton, Harrison 1910 

cBrown, William Richardson 1930 

cBryans, Frank 1926 

cBuras, Alan Chamley 1920 

cBums, Herman Morrison 1924 

cBurns, Philip Leonard 

[graduated B.Sc.Tech. as Bernstein) 1924 

cBurr, Alfred Hamilton 1926 

Hurtles, Richard 1922 

cButterworth, Ernest, B.Sc 1926 

cButterworth, Frederick Fielden 1933 

cButterworth, Jack 1928 

cCampbell, Duncan Arthur ... 1926 

Campbell, James Williamson 1908 

Cansino, Joshua H 1910 

cCarpenter, Charles William 1915 

c Carr, Laurence Hudson Ashdown .. 1909 

Carrington, Herbert D.Sr 1926 

cChadderton, Edward 1926 

cChndwick, Marion 1920 

cChadwick, Samuel 1921 

cChand, Lakshami 1910 

cCheshire, Leslie Jack 1922 

cChew, Clifford 1927 

cChristian, John Austen 1925 

cClark, David Allen Richard 1932 

ci Cockcroft, John Douglas 1921 

cCocks, Gertrude Fallows, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. E. V. Newnham) 191S 

cCoe, Noel, William 1928 

cCoe, Reginald Thornton 1922 

c Collins, George Ernest 1921 

Constantine, Herman Richaid 1913 

Cooling, John William 1910 

cCoop, Eric 1928 

cCoppock, Philip Dalton, B.Sc 1937 

cCorbishiey, Samuel Geoffrey 1924 

cCorser, Harold Kenelm 1922 

Cory, Harold Edward John 1910 

cCrabtree, Harold Stead 1936 

cCraig, Thomas John Ireland 1918 

j Cramer, Barnett Joseph 

' C2Cramp, William, D.Sc 

| Craven, Mrs. See Badger, May. 

j cCrawshaw, Harry 

cCross, James 

1 *Cunliffe , James Grimshaw 

Cunliffe, Richard Grimshaw 

Date of 

... 1913 

... 1909 

... 1928 

... 1928 
... 1908 

... 1908 

j cDarhoos, Moustafa Mohammed 

1 cDatta, Subodh Khrishna 

cDavies, John Stanley Herbert, Ph.D ... 

i Delahunty, Paul Vincent 

I cDigweed, Charles Roy 

j cDoxey, Gerard 

I c**3Drury, Francis Edson 








: cEccles, Arthur ... . 

| cEgan, James Patrick ., 

j cElce, Norman ... . 

I Elce, Tom 

j Embleton, Arthur ... . 

1 cEnglish, Walter ... . 

j cEssam, John Maltby ., 

cEvans, Harry Leonard . 

; cEvans, John Gwynant 

I Evans, Sam 







cFairhurst, Harold Hargreaves 

' cFarrar, Eric John 

cFarrer, Sidney 

c Fernandes, Francis Vito 

; Firth, Agnes 

1 •"’"Fishenden, Richard Bertie ... 

cFletcher, Norman Barry 
1 cForshaw, Henry Watson 
I cForsyth, Robert, Ph.D. 

! cForsyth, William Greenwood 

l **Fox, Thomas William 

cFrith, Louis, B.Sc 







cGaff, Henry Douglas 

| t**Gamble, Charles William 

cGampell, Sydney Solomon 

cGamer, Richard Hough 

**Gee, William Winson Haldane 

I cGelling, Alfred John McAlpin 

{ | ^Gibson, Charles Stanley 

! cGibson, William 

I cGillett, James Keith 

; cGodbert, Albert Laurence 

cGokhale, Bhasker 

I cGoodger, Arthur Harold 

i c Gopalsw ami , Bangalore Muniswamappa 

; ** Grant, James 

cGrant, Reginald Lindsay 

I c Greenwood, Robert Stansfield 

cGrindley, Robert, Ph.D 

cGupta, Nripendra Nath Sen 

I §||Ga!>y/7r^r, Henry James 



















j cHali, William ... 

! cHancock, Algie 

j cHannah, James Dickson 

I cHannon, John 

j cHanton, William .Alexander 

I cHarker, Katherine Nancie Helen, B.Sc. 







1 Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. 

2 Professor of Electrical Engineering in the University of Birmingham. 

3 Principal of London County Council School of Building, Brixton. _ 

4 Professor of Chemistry m Guy’s Hospital Medical School, University of London. 

* Awarded M.C. t O.B.E. J F.R.S. § Awarded M.C. with second baar. 
II Mentioned m Despatches. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates (Technology). 

i8 0 

M.Sc.Tech. — continued. Date of 


Harrison, William 1912 

cHartley, Thomas Stanley, B.Sc 1930 

cHastings, John James Hunter 1936 

cHatton, Charles Alfred 1923 

cHatton, John Percival 1933 

cHayes, Thomas Reginald 1923 

cHazeldine, Charles Edgar 1923 

** Herring-Shaw , Alfred 1912 

cHey, Israel 1923 

Heys, George Duncan Arthur 1913 

**Hibbert, Eva 1916 

cHill, Edward Percy 1926 

cHimmat, Mahmoud Ahmed 1927 

cHoiden, George Edward 1916 

cHolt, Sidney 1929 

Horner, Thomas T908 

cHothersall, Arthur Wesley 1929 

Hothersall, William Christian 1914 

cHoward, Bernard Scott 1929 

cHoyle, Bertram 1918 

cHsuch,Dih-Yee 1933 

cHubball, Wilfrid, Ph.D 1922 

**Hubner, Julius ... 1906 

cHudson, Frank, B.Sc ... 1924 

cHumphries, Norman Samuel An tliff ... 1924 

cHyland, Thomas 1928 

clsherwood, Cyril, B.Sc 1932 

* Jackson, Harry Yule Vivian 1911 

Jacobs, Julius 1913 

cjacobs, Ridley Saul 1925 

cjaftrev, John Alan 1922 

cjambusenvala, Gev Bamanshaw 1928 

Jenkins, Daniel 19 n 

c Jen kins, Samuel Harry 1924 

cjennings, Juseph Keith 1921. 

Johnson, Eric Maurice 1911 

Jolley, Fred Raby 1912 

cjones, Edward Charles Snell 1931 

ci Jones, Thomas Herbert, B.Sc 1923 

** Jordan, Henry George 1906 

2jordan, Henry Paul 1908 

cjoshi, Pandurang Narayan 1931 

cKanga, Dorab Pestoniee 1932 

cKapadia, Dorab Franji 1932 

cKay, Harry 1931 

cKaye, Madge, B.Sc 1919 

Keer, Roger Kininmonth 1908 

cKelly, Charles Ignatius 1924 

3 Kemp, Philip 1909 

cKcnyon, Geoffrey Holland 1939 

c Khan, Abdul Ghafoor 1918 

cKhotibasker, Moreshvar Ganesh 1920 

cKirby, John Albert 1933 

**Knccht, Edmund 1906 

cKnight, Edwin Coulthard 1930 

cKoivuhleto, Reino Weikko 1920 

cLamb, Ivan Douglas 1923 

cLanigan, George Ernest, B.Sc 1931 


Frederick Charles Alfred Hyatt 1910 

cLawson, Thomas Marsland 1922 

cLea, Charles 1921 

Leeming, Ernest Leonard 1909 

cLeigh, Arthur 1924 

Date of 

cLeigh, Walter Norman 1916 

cLeigh ton, Gordon Loftus 1931 

cLeon, Morris 1917 

cLevin, Clara 1922 

cLevin, Esther 1931 

cLewis, Gladys Mary 

(graduated. B.Sc.Tech. as Wigley) 1922 

cLeyland, John 1937 

cLight, Louis 1922 

cLocker, Thomas Cecil, M.Com. 1923 

cLockton, Cedric Phillips ig24 

cLomax, John 1932 

Lund, William Jackson 1914 

cLupton, Tom Reginald 1935 

cLvthgoe, William 1929 

1 McCraith, John Stuart 1916 

j ♦■‘•McCulloch, Andrew 1928 

I cMcGregor, Douglas Sheldon 1939 

j c* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ^McKay, William Barr 1933 

1 cMackenzie, Kenneth 1928 

cMacMahon, Heber Hugh 1910 

1 cMacpherson, Harold 1922 

cMalwin, Victor 1922 

, cMarchant, Albert Edward 1930 

1 Marks, Edward 1922 

cMarks, Sydney 1921 

I cMarsh, Arnold 1925 

j c Massey, James 1921 

J cMassey, Leonard ... 1926 

j cMatar, Ibrahim Hilniy el-Said 1928 

cMathias, Owen 1923 

j cMaurice, Norman Brocklehurst, Ph.D. 1920 

■ Mavcack, Charles Ernest 19 11 

! cMedofski, Samuel ( now S. Medsforth)... 1917 

i Medsforth, S. See Medofski, S. 

j cMehta, Mohanlal Pranlal ... 1928 

i cMclling, Cecil Thomas 1921 

1 cMetcalf, Alfred Whitley 1930 

I cMilbura, Denys Percival 1933 

cMohn, George 1920 

! cMontgomery, Fred Harding 1932 

cMoore, Albert Edwin 1917 

cMoore, Burrows, Ph.D 1919 

Moore, Harold 1912 

Moore, Joseph Albert 1923 

cMoore, Ronald Leslie, B.Sc.* 1931 

cMorgan, Ayyad Loka 1929 

I cMorley, Arthur Milnes, Ph.D 1932 

I cfMorrey, Percy 1921 

cMorton, Frank 1931 

1 csMorton, William Ernest 1923 

1 cMouniield, James Dennis 1923 

cMuller, Eric Frank 1925 

1 cMurgatrovd, Frederick 1926 

| c6Murthy, Bhermarao Khrishna 1928 

1 **7 Myers, William 1914 

Nair, Valhvil Govindan 19 n 

j Nasmith, John Irving 1911 

i cNeville, Thomas Shore 1932 

i cNewall, Harold Earle 1923 

j Newman, Herbert Samuel ... 1911 

Newnham, Mrs. E. V. 

1 See Cocks, Gertrude F. 

**8 Ntcolson, John Thomas 1906 

cNimkar, Vishvanath Krishna 1925 

j Nyman, Alexander rgi5 

1 Principal, Technical Institute, York. 

2 Formerly Professor of Structural Design, Government College, Poona. 

3 Head of Electrical Engineering Department, Regent Street Polytechnic, London. 

4 Head of the Building Department in the College of Technology, Manchester. 

5 Professor of Textile Technology in the University. 

6 Principal, Government Textile School, Cawnpore. 

7 Late Professor of Textile Technology in the University. 

8 Late Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the University. 

* Awarded M.C. t M.B.E. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3), 

M.Sc.Tech. — continued. 

Graduates ( Technology ). 


Date of 

cOakden, John Clarke 1927 

cOiserman, Cemach 1918 

cOkamoto, Katsuzo 1916 

cOwner, Frank Morgan 1924 

cPM, Patitpabon 1933 

c Parrish, Eric 1925 

cPatel, Chaturbhai Kuberbhai 1928 

cPayman, Joseph 1916 

cPayman, William, D.Sc 1916 

Peachey, Stanley John 1909 

cPearson, Ernest Leigh 1933 

cPerry, Fergus Roy 1924 

Pickworth, Philip Charles Newton ... 1908 

Pilkin gton, Geoffrey Eaton 1912 

cPlatt, Geoffrey Hine 1932 

c Pollard, Arthur iq3r 

cPollitt, Alan Ashton 1916 


Constant Constantin Nicolas 1917 

**iPope, William Jackson 1906 

Pradhan, Balkrishna Bhasker 1912 

Prescott, Raymond Coleman 1912 

cPrice, Ernest Maurice 1927 

cProfi&tt, Edward Arnold 1925 

cQuinn, Frederick Hubert 1922 

cRabenovitch, Hvman Saloman 

{flow Ravenson, Harr}”) 1929 

**2Radclitfe, Joseph 1906 

♦♦Radcliffe, Lionel Guy 1912 


Aerukaluva Venkatanarasimhachar 1924 

cRatcliffe, Thomas 1922 

cRavald, Leonard Allen 1920 

Ravenson, Harry 

See Rabenovitch, H. S. 

cRedford, Charles Frederick, jun. ... 1923 

Reynolds, Frank Gordon 1909 

**Rhead, Ezra Lobb 1910 

cRichards, Charles Graham 1925 

cRilev, Arthur, B Sc 1929 

cRobert, Roger Laurent Felix 1924 

cRobertson, George Archibald .. . 1931 

c Robertson, Kenneth James Rennie ... 1922 

cRobinson, Alan Theodore Cedric ... 1929 

cRobinson, Frank Arnold 1930 

Robinson, Frederic 1912 

cRobinson , Herew ard George Bentley ... 1932 

cRobson, Leonard Seardison ’ ... igar 

cRoylance, James 1923 

cRucklidge, William Aspinall 1923 

Rush ton, Albert 190S 

cSadasivan, Ramasarny 1933 

'* ^Schwartz, Alfred 

(later A . Schwartz-Barnes) 1906 

cScott, Thornton 1924 

cSeddon, William 1921 

cSen, DUres Lobhan 1923 

cShakeshaft, John Edward 1922 

cShallcross, Arthur 1914 

cSharp, Thomas Marvel 1923 

cSharples, Edwin Holroyd 1924 

cShatwell, Hugh George, B.Sc 1920 

Dale 0) 

Shaw, Ernest 19 to 

cShaw, Frank iyi6 

cShaw, Herbert 1928 

cShepherd, William Raymond 1929 

cShorrock, James Norman 1921 

cSimpkin, Neville 1920 

Singer, Maurice Worth. 

See Singer, Moses 

Singer, Moses 

1 . (now Singer, Maurice Worth) 1914 

cSingh, Kishen 1925 

cSinha, Juanendra Nath ... 1923 

C4Sinnatt, Frank Sturdy, D.Sc 1915 

cSivasankaraiya, Tumkur 1926 

cSlater, Leonard, Ph.D 1915 

cSlater, William Thornton 1924 

Smith, Charles Frederick 1909 

**5Srnith, Dempster 1913 

cSmith, Kate *933 

Southern, Harry Leslie 1914 

cSpencer, William Gordon igrfl 

cSpibey, Horace 1928 

1 Srivastava, Jwala Prasad igir 

cStafford, Fred Raymond 1927 

cStainer, William Witcombe 1915 

cStaulev, Edmund 1934 

cStent, Howard Braithwaite, B.Sc. ... 1929 

Stephens , William Arthur 1909 

| Storey, Mrs. Harold. 

See Bramwell, Evelyn C. 

I cStreat, George Herbert 1932 

cSumner, John Houghton 1931 

Sunpar, Sih 1912 

1 cSutcliffe, William 1925 

; cSuthers, Arthur James 1931 

! cSwatni, Adoni Yogananda 1932 

cSwann, William John Nicholls 1928 

cTarbett, Victor John 1922 

cTasker, Cyril 1923 

cTattersall, Walter 1922 

cTaylor, John Eric 1929 

Taylor, George Henry 1908 

cTaylor, Nathan 1920 

Taylor, Sidney Herbert 1914 

Taylor, Stanley Edward Weston 1912 

Teggin, George Smith 1908 

cTepper, Wolfe 1925 

cThadham, Hotechand Rigbumal 1925 

cThomas, Terence Felix 1926 

cThompson, Frank Peberdy 1921 

cThompson, Leonard 1920 

cThornlev, George Herbert 1923 

•♦Threlfall, Harry 1912 

cTimmis, Geoffrey Milward 1922 

cTimmis, Laurence Barnett 1921 

Tong, Walter Wharton 1911 

cTownson, Harry 1930 

cTravis, Arthur Hadkinson 1931 

cTricker, Reginald Ernest Lanham ... 1924 

| Trickett, Anthony Berry 1911 

cVakil, Kapilram Hardevram 191 7 

cVashist, Shankar Dat 1930 

cVatchagandhy, Jal Sorabji 1927 

cVenkataraman, Krishnasami, Ph.D. ... 1925 

1 Professor of Chemistry* in the University of Cambridge ; formerly Professor of Applied 

Chemistry in the University *, Kt. 

2 Late Head of the Department of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering in. the College of 

Technology, Manchester. 

3 Late Professor of Electrical Engineering in the University. 

jl Director of Fuel Research, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research ; M.B.E. 

5 Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the University ; M.B.E. 

** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates ( Technology ). 


M.Sc.Tech. — continued. 

cWaddington, George 

cWalthew, Reginald Carrington 
Warburton, Christopher Henry 
cWaughray, Prithvinath 

cWebb, Philip Henry 

cWhitelegg, Cyril James 

cWhittaker, John Robert 

cWhittle, Thomas 

cWild, Sydney Victor 

c Wilkins, Arnold Frederic . , . 

Williamson , Ernest 

c Willis, Frederick William ... 
Willoughby, Godfrey Pountney 

Date of 
... 193a 

... 1921 

... 1912 

... 1927 









' c Wilson, Stanley Pierce, M.D. 
**Winstanley, George Hiram ... 
cWinterbottom, Arthur Baker 

**Winterbottom, James 

c Wood, Charles Goldstraw .. 

Wood, James William 

cWooller, Arnold 

cWootton, Eric 

c Worsdell, Thomas Arnold . . 
**1 Wrapson, James Platt 

cYates, Morris Lord 

Yusuf, Syed Mahammed 

Dale of 

... 1915 

... 1910 
. . 1926 
... 1914 

... 1920 
... 1914 
... 1924 

... 1924 

... 1923 
... 1906 

... 1925 
... 19x1 


cAbul-Ela, Abul Ela Mahmoud . . 

cAdamson, Donald Wallace 

cAdamson, John Thewlis 

cAdamson, Oliver Hardman 

cAdey, John Edward 

cAdvani, Bhagwandas Himatsing... 
cAdvani, Khemchand Kotumal ... 
cAdvani, Ramchand Chainrai 

cAfzal, Mohamed Ali Khan 

c Agar, Edwin Walker Leyden 
cAhlstrom, Hans Erik Gunnar ... 
c Ainsworth, Geoffrey Nichols 

cAirey, Frank Stuart 

cAlikhan, Mir Vizarat 

Allan , Annie 

c Allcock, Frank Byard 

cAllison, Harry 

c Alston, William 

cAmbady, Govindan Kuttythenson 

cAmir, Syed Mohomed 

cAnderton, Fred 

cAnkersmit, Anton 

oAnkersmit, Diderik Leonard 
c Appleton, Joseph Richard ... 

cAras, Ramachandra Gopal 

cArnot, William Donald 

cAshdown, Maurice Herbert 

cAshton, Dorothy 

Ashton, George 

cAshworth, Frank McAlpine 

cAslamidis, Pandelis Nicholas 

cAstbury, William 

Aston, Kenneth 

cAthey, John Bernard 

cAtkinson, Arthur Leslie 

c Atkinson, Frank 

cAtkinson, George Scott 

cAtkinson, Marjory Rose 

Austin, Samuel Sydney 
































cBadawi, Hassan Mohammed 

Badger, Louie Midgley 

(Mrs. F. S. Sinnatt) 

Badhwar Naranjandas 

cBagnall, John Frederick 

cBagnall, John Stuart 

cBaguley, Eric 

cBaird, John Douglas 

cBaker, Arthur Lempricre Lancy 

cBaker, Arthur Robert 

cBallinger, Marcus Lloyd 

cBanerji, Shyamananda 

cBankapur, Ramkrishna Nemasa 

cBanks, Maurice Alfred Lister 
cBann, Reginald James 













cBannister, Sydney 1923 

cBapat,MahadesNilkanth 1932 

cBardsley, Frederick 1927 

cBarenboim, Aron 19x6 

Barker, Roland 1907 

cBamard, Theodore Robert 1926 

cBarnes, Harry Cheethara 1921 

cBaron, Henry Lewis 1923 

cBarrett, George Edward 1922 

cBarton, Albert Eaton 1922 

Barton, Thomas 1921 

cBayes, Alfred Walter 1929 

cBaylis, Percival George Serjeant 1921 

cBean, George Robert 1929 

cBeanland, Arthur John 1932 

cBeck, Leonard 1922 

cBedford, John Gordon 1920 

cBeg, Mirza Mustafa 1926 

cBegg, George Alexander Janies X920 

cBeggs, David Norman 1929 

Beggs, John Coulter 1926 

Bell, Robert Lancaster 1907 

cBenfield, Thomas 1931 

cBennett, Samuel John 1922 

cBenstead, Charles Grey 1922 

cBentley, Joseph Holman 1932 

Berlin, Leslie Joseph 1913 

cBemard, John Iver 1921 

C2Berastein, Philip Leonard 

{rum' P. L. Bums, M.Sc.Tech.) 1917 

cBerry, Norman ’ 1925 

cBertenshaw, Norman Wright 1932 

cBhandari, Raghbir Chand 1929 

cBhatia, Roshan Lai 1931 

cBhatia, Shamdas Dandumal 1929 

cBhavnagri, Shapur Klinshro 1924 

cBhavnani, Hashmatrai Khubrhanrl ... 1924 

cBianca, Edoardo Giuseppe 1929 

cBibby, Herbert Frederick 1933 

cBirchall, Harold 1921 

cBirchall, Lawrence Edwin 1920 

cBirtwistlp, Arthur Charles 1929 

cBirtwisle, Thomas William Sydney ... 1930 

cBlack, George 

(now George Saunders Douglas Black) 1921 
Black, George Saunders Douglas, 

cBolton, James Frankland ... 
cBolton, Robert 



cBomford, Leslie 


Boodson, Isidor 


cBooth, Frank 

c Booth, Norman Joseph .. . 



cBootheway, George Hartley 


cBoullen, Harold Godfrey 


1 Late Vice-Principal of the College of Technology, Manchester, 

2 Professor of Electrical Engineering, Municipal College of Technology, Belfast. 
** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 

Graduates ( Technology) . 


B.Sc.Tech — continued. 

cBoulton, John 

cBower, Harold Davies 

cBowles, Reginald Ewart 

Bowmer, John James 

cBowyer, Eric 

Box, Raymond 

cBoyer, Richard 

cBoyland, Eric, M.Sc 

cBrackenbury, Kenneth Allan 

cBradshaw, Joseph Tarver 

cBramall, Geoffrey 

cBraraley, Eric Charles 

cBreakell, Arnold 

cBrearley, James 

cBridge, Charles Gordon 

cBroadhurst, Harold Marland 

cBromley, Norman 

cBrooke, George Victor 

cBrooks, Alfred Maurice 

cBrooks, Sarah 

cBroome, Albert Henry 

cBrown, Reginald Lewis 

Brown, Robert Stanley 

cBrown, Sydney Charles 

cBrown, Vance Auberon 

cBrown, Vincent Walker 

cBrownson, Gilbert Lever 

cBuchanan, Matthew Scott 

cBuckley, Richard 

cBull, Lionel Alfred 

Bunch, John 

cBurgoine, Edward 

cBurnet, Harold 

Burns, P. L. See Bernstein, P. L. 

cBurt, Brian Morton 

cButterworth, Samuel Walter 
cBuyse, Marcel Theophile 

Date of 
... 1930 
... 1924 

... 1921 

... 1909 

... 1931 
... 1914 
... 1930 
... 1926 
... 1924 
... 1932 | 

... 1924 

... 1924 

... 1922 

... 1932 
... 1932 
... 1914 

• •• 1931 

... 1920 

... 1926 

... 1922 
... 1922 

... 1923 

... 1910 

... 1922 1 

... 1921 

... 1930 
... 1927 

... 1921 

... 1930 
... 1923 

... 1912 

... 1929 

... 1922 

... 1921 

... 1926 

... 1923 

cCaliis, Geoffrey Thomas 

cCampbell, Thomas Evans 

cCandlish, Charles Gilbert 

cCarrellas, Panayiottis D 

cCarruthers, John Edward 

cCatford, Maurice Braund 

cCatterall, Harold Hodgson 

cChadwick, James 

Chadwick, Robert Bertram 

cChakravarti, Sudhakar 

cChakravarty, Sailaja Nath 

cChandiramani, Mangharam Bulchand 

♦ciChandler, Frank Ewart 

cCharnock, Frederick Clement . ... 

cChaudhuri, Joy Deb 

cChazan, Rachel 

cChazan, Simon 

cChazan, Sydney 


Carnapati Venkata Krishnaswami 
cChinnappa, Edwin Bhaktavatsala 

cChirnside, Herbert Stuart 

cChorley, John William Arthur 

cChristian, Albert Millais Crossley 

cClapham, Joseph Edward 

cClarke, Maurice Moxon 

cClayton, William Regmald 

cClegg, Percy 

cClipsham, George Frederick 

♦Codling, William. Garnett 

cCohen, Israel Victor 

Cohen, Manasseh 

cCohen, Maurice Myer, M.B., Ch.B. 

cColclough, John 

cCole, George Milner 

































cCollier, Geoffrey Woodruff ... 

cCongdon, John 

cCook, Wilham Norman 

cCooper, John Percy 

cCotterill, Ernest 

cCoulson, Donald Arthur 

Coupe, Walter 

cCourtenay, Harry 

Couyoumdjian, Aggup Chan. 

See Couyoumdjian, Agop 
cCouyoumdjian, Agop 

(now Couyoumdjian, Aggup Chan) 1929 

cCrabtree, Harold Ashworth 1933 

cCrabtree, Thomas 1933 

cCraddock, Robert Steele 1923 

cCraig, Alexander Baird 1922 

cCrass, Norman Edward 1933 

cCrawshaw, Alan Donald 1923 

cCraivshaw, Alfred Hunter ig32 

cCreasey, Cecil 1932 

cCroasdale, Harold Owen 1929 

cCrosby, Philip Hallard 1930 

cCrossland-Hinchliffe, John Clive 1933 

cCrossley, Harold Edgar 1925 

cCunliffe, Edward Neill 1928 

Cunliffe, Harry Norman 1907 

Cumow, Eland 1914 

cCurphey, George Alfred 1924 

Date of 

• 1917 

• i93i 
■ 1917 

• 1933 

• 1930 

• 1930 

• 19^3 

• I93i 

cDamesick, Isaac 

cDaniels, Marcel 

cDas, Amarendra Nath 

cDas, Anulya Khrishna 

cDasani, Pumshottam Narayan 

cDastidar, Nagendra Nath Ghosh 

Davenport, Vernon 

cDavidson, Abram Charles 

cDawe, Alfred 

cDawe, Thomas 

cDawes, Fred Sydney Hodgson 

cDawson, Herbert 

cDean, Edmund Stanley 

cDean, Ralph Hubert 

cDelany, Denis Macadam 

cDensem, Norman Eastcott 

cDenton, Harold 

cDichmont, Ronald William 

cDiggle, Harold 

Doff, Maurice 

cDonnelly, Wilfrid 

Doog, John Miles Gregory 

cDordi, Faramroj Pestanji 

Douet, Charles Louis 

cDownes, Aubrey Douglas Wheldal . . . 

Downing, James, jun 

cDreyfus, Henry Benfey 

cDriver, William Bannister 

cDrummond, Christopher 

cDuarte, Adolphus Swithin Telemarque 

cDuckworth, Harry 

cDuerden, Tom 

Duguid, Leslie Newman 

Duguid, Sydney Newman 

Dunworth, Ahce Gertrude 

Dun worth, James Francis 

Dunworth, John Leonard 

cDunworth, Sydney William 

cDutta, Birendra Nath 

cDutta, Sesin Coomar 

Dyer, Alfred 




































cE, Maung 1930 

cEaton, Noel Beattie 1930 

1 Secretary of Education for Worcester. 
* Awarded M.C. 




B.Sc.Tech. — continued. 

Date oj 

Date of 



cEatough, Clifford 

... 1921 

Grounds, Arthur 


cEchavarria, Heman Edgar . . 

... 1932 

cGrundy, Eric 


cEdgeworth- Johns tone, Robert 

... 1926 

Guha, Ashutosh 


cEdmondson, Harold Leonard 

... 1925 

cGuilford, Alfred Leslie ... 


cEdmondson, Leonard 

... 1922 

cGuIrajani, Navalrai Tiritlid 



cEdwards, Charles Philip 

... 1932 

cGupta, Chittaranjau Dass 


cEl Shishini, Mahmoud 

... 1024 

cGupta, Chunni Lai 


cEUiott, Harry Laurence 

... 1933 

cGupta, Kanakendu 


cElstub, Arthur Douglas 

... 1917 

cEvans, Herbert Farmer 

.. 1922 

cHaddad, Philip Nagi ... 


cEvans, Herbert Oliver 

... 1922 

cHagry, Sohman Aziz ... 


cEvans, William 

... 1916 

cHall, Fred 


cEvans, Wynn Havryn . . 

... 192S 

cHall, Frederic 


cHall, Harry 


cFahmy, Ragheb Ncssmi 

... 1932 

cHall, Joseph Stanley . . . 


cFairhurst, William Harry 

... 1931 

cHall, Reginald Harold ... 


cFaragher, Arthur John 

... 1926 

cHall, Wilfred 


c Farmer, William Thorpe 

... 1922 

cHall, William John 


Faulkner, Joseph William .. 

... iyic 

cHalstead, Frank, B.Com. 


cFenton, William 

... 1923 

cHamand, Dattaram Sambhaji 


cFerguson, John 

... 1931 

cHamer, Sidney Actou ... 


cField, Charles Edgar 

... 1921 

c Hamilton, Robert 


cField, Victor Harvey 

... 1 923 

cHampson, Cyril Garfortli 


cFielden, John Arthur 

... 1927 

cHampson, Harry 


cFielding, Colin Heap 

• 1933 

cHampson, Ralph 


cFmkel, Mark 

.. 1928 

cHamson, Paul 


c Firth, John James 

... 1923 

c Hancock, George 


cFit^simons, Margaret Mary . . 

.. 1932 

c Handle)', Ronald Laroux 


cFlax, Samson 

... 1920 

cHanclley, William Cecil... 


cFleming, Jack Morris 

... 1928 

cHardman, David Wilson 


cFletcher, Joseph Stan held . . . 

... 1921 

cHargraves, Leonard Percy 


r Flight, Harold 

. . 1924 

cHargraves, Robert Edwin 


cFlinn, Francis Arthur 

... 1922 

cHargreaves, Jamos 


cFodeu, Arthur Moore 

... 1921 

cHarper, Harold Francis 


cFowler, Geofirey 

... 1928 

cH arris, Frank 


cFox, Frank 

... 1923 

cHarris, Valentine Arthur 


cFrancis, Roger 

... 1929 

cHarrison, George Ernest 


cFrost, Thomas Milner 

... 1922 

Harrison, Henry Moore 


cFuchs, Arnold 

... 1921 

cHamson, Thomas Miller 


cHamson, Thomas Reginald 1 ‘oreival ... 


cGafbn, Isaac 

... 1916 

cHarrison, William Harold 


cGardiner, Robert 

. . 1922 

cHart, Thomas 


cGarfield, Francis 

... 1924 | 

cHartshome, Ernest 


cGarrett, William Basil 

... 1911 | 

cHartup, Famworth 


Garsitfe, Robert Oiler enshaw ... 

... 1922 1 

cHatton, John Eric 


cGarvie, William Macgregor ... 

... 1932 

cHatton, Walter 


cGaskell, Francis Rupert 

... 1927 

cHayman, William 


cGee, Colin Brooke 

... 1920 

cHazare, Gajanan 


cGee, Frank Watson 

... 1923 

cHeap, Bertram 


cGeering, Leo Edwards 

... 1923 

cHeap, David 


cGeldart, Thomas Howard ... 

... 1923 

cHeap, Herbert Raymond 


cGhadiali, Mahyarji Raton ji ... 

... 1908 

cHegan, Alfred Desmond 


cGibbons, Arthur John 

... 1920 

cHeikhda, Aarne Sigfrid... 


cGibsun, Arnold William 

... 1920 

cHelliwell, Joseph Brock 


cGibson, Norman 

... 1929 

cHempling, Harris 


cGill, Thomas 

... 1922 

cHey, Charles Matthews... 


Gilpin , Arthur 

... 1916 

cHeywood, Herbert 


cGlass, Nathan Percy 

... 1923 

cHeywood, William Johnson... 


cGolding, Edward William ... 

... 1933 

cHey worth, James Crabtree 


cGocdman, Leah 

... 1921 

cHickson, Henry Einem... 


cGough, Cyril Maynard 

... 1932 

cHigginbotham, Joseph Henry 



cGould, Gerald 

... 1922 

cHigson, Donald Hesketb 


cGray, Edward Mayall, M.A. (Com.) 

... 1931 

cHigson, Thomas Heslceth 


cGray, John Whitworth 

... 1932 1 

cHill, Sydney 


cGray, Robert 

... 1926 

cHilton, William Owens. . . 


Grtaves, John 

... 1912 | 

Hindle, James Newton ... 


cGreaves, Reginald Douglas ... 

... 1922 

cHindy, Shafik 


cGreen, Wilhatn 

... 1927 

cHine, Alfred 


cGreenwood, Fred 

... 1921 

cHinnawv, Abdel Magid... 


cGregory, V, ilfrid, B.D 

... 1922 

cHmton, Alfred John ... 


cGresty, Ernest 

... 1931 | 

cHinton, Cyril Herbert ... 


cGriffin, Eric Ian 

... 1921 

cHira, Bhagwandas Pessumal 


cGrifiiths, Harr)' 

... 1921 

cHirst, John 


cGriffiths, Leslie Herbert 

... 1932 

cHitchen, Cedric 


cGnmshaw, Gilbert 

... 1925 

c Hobson, Alfred 


cGrimshaw, Harold Bayley ... 

... 1922 1 

cHockmeyer, Ian Otto ... 


Graduates (Technology). 


B.Sc.Tech. — continued. Date of 


cHodgkinson, Thomas 1922 

cHodgson, Hugh Stanley 1932 

cHodgson, Philip Ward 1933 

cHofgaard, Gabriel 1922 

cHolden, Edward 1923 

cHolding, Hubert Cecil 1923 

Holgate, John Edward 1912 

cHolland, Erconwald 1915 

cHolligan, Philip Terence 1920 

cHolmes, Frederick Charles Victor ... 1920 

cHolmes, Sydney Whittaker 1932 

cHolt, Clifford Morton 1929 

cHolt, Donald 1922 

cHolt, John Baylev 1933 

cHolt, Percy Ashworth 1920 

cHolt, Sydney 1922 

cHood, Charles 1932 

cHoontrakool, Thien Yong 1925 

cHope, Harry Reginald 1921 

cHorsfall, Harold 1931 

cHoyle, Douglas Clayton 1926 

cHoyle, Joseph Dearden Spencer 1921 

cHoyle, William Dickson 1921 

cHudson, Frank Wilkinson 1927 

cHudson, Margharita Emily 1923 

cHughes, Frederick Leslie 1919 

cHunt, Leslie 1930 

cHunter, William Percy 1931 

cHyland, William 1930 

cldnani, Thakurdas Narainsing 1926 

clqbal, Mir Ali Khan 1921 

Irminger, John Charles 1906 

Irving, Henry Braid 1909 

clrwin, Harlow ... 1922 

c Jackson, Herbert John 1920 

cjackson, Joseph 1929 

cjackson, Stanley Ridings 1919 

cjackson, William Eastwood 1929 

Jackson, William Ewart 1912 

cjehu, John William 1925 

c Jennings, Frank Reginald 1929 

cjohnson, Alec Owen 1929 

cjohnson, Kenneth Nelson 1927 

cjones, Harry 1932 

Jones, Jeffery Woodward 1909 

cjones, John Williams 1915 

cjones, William Gwyn 1923 

cijones, William Richard 1923 

cjordan, Frederick Cecil 1925 

Jowit, Leslie James 1910 

c Joyce, Richard Cecil 1931 

cjungerhans, Bemardus Johannes Mane 1925 

cKalapesi, Minoo Jehangir 1925 

cKaufman, Solomon 1933 

cKay, John 1933 

cKay, Rupert Michael 1927 

cKay, Walter 1923 

cKaylor, Harry 1927 

c Kelly, Harold Craig 1920 

cKelly, William Henry 1920 

cKelsall, Arthur Cooper 1922 

cKemp, James Edgar 1921 

cKennck, David Arthur 1922 

cKenworthy, John William 1933 

cKern, Hans Ewald 1921 

cKhosla, Shanti Sarup 1932 

cKidd, William Leslie 1932 

cKilby, William 1922 

cKing, Arthur John 1922 

Date of 

Kingsley , Harry 1915 

cKininm’onth, Colin Peter igo7 

cKirkman, Douglas William Theodore. . . 1923 

Kirloskar.Vinayak Ganesh 1911 

cKirpalani, Nawal Parsram 1928 

cKnight, Henry Branson 1931 

cKnott, Bernard 1924 

cKnott, Harold 1922 

cKnowles, Harry 1925 

cKoch, Carl Bernhard 1922 

cKoh, Ming Chang 1932 

cKoivuhlehto, Remo Veikko 1918 

cKolker, Morris 1922 

cKonerski, Thadeus 1927 

cKuperman, Moshe 1924 

cLaine, Howard Bunch ... 1929 

cLakhanpal, Dev Datta 1929 

cLal, Jishnu 1925 

cLamb, Alfred Cowley 1922 

cLancaster, Arthur Turner 1923 

cLand, Henry Sydney 1915 

cLandless, Reginald Knight 1922 

cLarnach, Robert 1923 

cLatham, Leslie Sawyer 1922 

cLatimer, Dennis 1921 

cLaw, Frank 1932 

♦Lawrence, Frederick Charles 1914 

cLawrenson, Edgar 1926 

cLazarus, Samuel 1913 

cLeach, Edwin 1925 

cLeach, John Norman 1924 

cLee, Arthur Wakefield 1923 

Lees, Alfred Robin Martyn 1912 

cLeigh, John 1931 

cLeite, Jose Gonsalves 1916 

Leonidhopoulos, Apostolos 1914 * 

cLevinson, Charles 1917 

cLevinson, Henry „ 1918 

cLeyland, Arthur James 1920 

cLevy, Sydney Lionel 1921 

cLewis, Clifford George 1931 

Lewis, Mrs. J. W. See Wigley, Gladys M. 

cLewty, Wilham Mawdslev 1932 

cLightbown, Roger 1928 

cLiller, Emilo H 1921 

cLindroos, Torsten Martin 1916 

cLister, Walter 1932 

cLitler, Fred ... 1923 

cLittle, Frederick Matthew 1927 

Livesley, Robert Edwin 1910 

cLock, Sect Yew 1921 

cLock, Shu Quann 1913 

cLongworth, .Archibald Leslie 1932 

1 cLoo, Shih Chen 1919 

cLord, Sam 1923 

cLowe, William 1925 

cLulla, Pribhasing Sewasmg 1932 

Lunn, Walter Stanley 19IX 

cLyon, Edwin 1921 

cLyon, Joseph 1922 

cMabbs, Ronald Hubert 1919 

cMcCracken, Donald Harry 1930 

cMcCulloch, Alban Francis 1926 

cMcDermott, William 1928 

cMacdonald, Angus Alexander 1930 

cMcGill, David 1922 

cMacGill, Hu^h Alexander Haldane ... 1920 

cMcGreevy, Thomas 1937 

cMcKav, Frederick 1932 

cMcKellar, Donald 1922 

cMcKenlay, George Edward 1922 

1 Professor of Chemistry, Peshawur Islamia College, India. 
♦ Awarded M.C. 


Graduates ( Technology ). 

B.Sc.Tech. — continued. Date of 


cMcManus, William 1923 

cMcN eill, William Alexander 1932 

cMaddox, Francis Harry 1926 

cMainer, Oswald Edwin T926 

cMalik, Iqbal Singh 1929 

cMalkani, Tolaram Khemchand 1932 

cMamartcbeff, Dimiter 1 922 

cMargolis, Jack 1923 

cMarsden, Norman 1921 

cMarshall, Herbert 1928 

cMarsland, Gilbert Gould 1922 

cMason, Francis Richard 1926 

cMason, Samuel Bernard 1923 

cMather, Gilbert 1922 

Matheson, Armen. 

See Malteossian, .Armen 

cMatheson, Charles Edward Glen 1924 

cMatteossian, Armen 

[now Matheson, Armen) 1924 

cMatthews, Thomas Hollingsworth ... 1932 

cMawdsley, Joseph Frederick Anthony 1927 

Maybury , Percy Tindell 1907 

cMaye, John Wintle 1925 

cMayor, Arnold Lloyd 1024 

cMercer, Edwin Leslie 1924 

cMercer, William Harold Gordon 1926 

cMerchant, Tribhovandis Bhugvandas. . . 1923 

cMhitarian, Mamicone 1933 

Miede, Carl Heinrich Franz 1912 

cMiller, William Graeme Livingstone ... 1929 

cMills, Alan 1925 

cMills, Edward Sidney 1932 

Mills, Leonard 1908 

cMilne, Richard Henry John 1930 

cMitchell, James Earnshaw 1929 

cMockler, Frank Leslie 1929 

cMojumdar, Apurba Kumar 1923 

cMontgomery, Alexander William . . . 192 1 

cMoore, Douglas Kinley 1921 

cMoore, Ralph Bradley 1922 

cMorgan, Albert 1930 

cMorgan, William Reginald 1924 

cMorley, John Baillie 1931 

cMorrey, Percy 1915 

cMorris, Leonard 1931 

cMorrison, John George 1932 

cMorritt, Leonard 1933 

Mort, Thomas Li vesey ... 1908 

cMoxton , J ohn Henry 1933 

cMoses, Isaac Abraham 1932 

cMoss, Geoffrey Neville rg22 


Bangalore Gurusamy Appadorui 1917 

cMurthy, Baily Vencoba Rao Vittal ... 1933 

cNabar, Parashuram Malhar 1925 

cNadkarni, Dwarkanath Yeshwantrao. . . 1932 

Narke, Ganesh Govind, M.Sc 1911 

cNash, William Lees 1923 

cNassar, Abdel Raouf 1930 

cNayar, Padinharankennath 

Tharathail Roman 1928 

cNaylor, Donald Sanderson 1920 

cNeedham, Ronald 1928 

cNegus, Edward Victor 1921 

cNeogy, Dhirendra Nath 1927 

cNevrekar, Madhav Laxman 1933 

Newsome, John 1912 

cNewton, Carlos German 1926 

Nicholls, John Victor 1914 

cNicholson, Charles Tuke 1922 

cNicol, Thomas Carrick 1920 

cNizamuddin, Khaja 1925 

Date of 

Nomrosi, Mahmoud Ibrahim igri 

Nordling, Hugo 1906 

Nuttall, Theodore Hodson 1908 

cNuttall,ThomasCayton 1932 

cNuttall, William 1923 

cNutter, Arnold 1922 

cNutter, Thomas 1926 

cO’Brien, Eric Ackerley 1920 

cO’Brien, George Holme 1909 

cOckman, Tobias 1919 

cO’Dea, William 1924 

Ogden, Arthur Hay dock 1910 

cOgden, George Stanley 1924 

cOgden, Robert Hume 1932 

cOke, Sitaram Damodar 1922 

cOldham, Frank ig25 

cOldham, Thomas Frederick 1929 

cOIiver, John Leonard 1926 

cOIney, Frederick Edward 1932 

cOman, George Rendall 1928 

. cOrmiston, Osmond 1933 

cOrmrod, Alan Taylor 1922 

cOstle, Joseph Carleton 1923 

cOverend, Edward 192X 

cOwen, Arthur Edward Stuart 1930 

Owen , Arthur Percy 1914 

cOwen, Wilfred Hubert 1921 

cPadel, Stuart Hunter 1933 

cPalitcb, Velyko A 1920 

cPalmer, Albert Edwin 1922 

cPalmer, Charles Wilfred 1915 

cPalmer, Edgar Kent 1923 

cPangu, Hari Ramchandra 1932 

cParkinson, John Harold 1920 

cParr, Percy 1920 

cParrish, John 1915 

cPass, Charles William 1933 

cPayman, Saul 1919 

cPeacock, George 1923 

cPearce, Edward Roy 1931 

cPearce, Mark Swayne 1928 

cPearson, George Matthew 1927 

cPerry, Archibald Laurence Hillyer ... 1923 

cPerry, Ronald Grafton 1923 

cPeters, James Eadie 1929 

cPetrides, Sophoclis 1922 

cPickerill, Thomas 1922 

cPickles, John Sydney 1921 

Pickup, Arnold 1914 

cPickup, Harry 1932 

cPierce, Watson O’Dell 1933 

cPilkington, Denis Fielden 1920 

iPitre, Trimbak Janardan 1906 

cPlagerson, Reuben 1915 

Platt, Joseph Horace 1912 

cPlews, Arthur Ernest 1920 

cPollard, Norman 1934 

Porter , Eric Craig 1930 

cPotter, Percy 1937 

cPotter, William Standring 1939 

cPotts, Frederick 1921 

cPoutnik, Vladimir 1932 

cPrice, Dennis William 1923 

cPrice, William Geoffrey 1922 

Priestley, Alan 1909 

cPritchard, Eric 1922 

cProckter, Anthony 1933 

cProcter, Thomas 1922 

cProctor, George Burdett 1929 

Prosad, Bhagwat 1926 

i Chief Officer, Sholapur Municipality, India. 

Graduates (Technology). 


B.Sc.Tech. — continued. Date of Date of 

Degree Degree 

cQuilliam, Leslie 1921 cScott, George Cecil 1932 

cQuinn, Arthur Edmondson 1930 cSeddon, William 1919 

cSedgwick, John 1924 

cRadclifEe, Sydney 1931 cSegaller, Philip 1917 

cRahman, Khan Abdur 1938 Sen, Aswini Kumar 1909 

cRaine, David Coulthurst 1922 cSen, Basanta Kumar 1925 

cRamchandani, Atmaram Chartsing ... 1930 cShackleton, John 1929 

cRangaswami, Valavanur cShaffer, Raphael, M.B., Ch.B 1919 

Narayanaswami 1930 cShah, Pranjiwandas Vanechand 1931 

cRao, Surapur Venkataramanachar cShallcross, John 1933 

Rama 1929 cSharma, Ilam Chand 1926 

cRatdiffe, Alfred 1925 cSharples, Harry 1922 

Ratclifle, James Corlett 1931 cSharples, John Thomas 1930 

Rau, Hattikudar Sakharam 1912 cShaw, Alan 1921 

cRay, Jogat Bondhu 1933 cShaw, Eric 1923 

Ray, Susil Chandra 1928 cSheeran, Wilfred 193a 

cReddi, Chithathurai Govindurajulu ... 1926 cShepherd, Harold 1933 

cRedfern, William Duckett 1907 cSheret, Noel Leslie Ross 1929 

cRedman, John 1930 cSherratt, John Graham 1923 

cReis, Arthur dos 1929 cShlosberg, Joseph 1916 

cReiss, Conrad 1925 cShroff, Hasmuldal Bhagnandao 1913 

cRennie, Wallace 1931 cSia, Yen 1933 

cRhodes, Arnold 1920 cSibson, James Noel 1927 

cRibeiro, Augusto 1920 cSiddons, Frank Cecil 1920 

•Richards, Charles Sydney 1907 cSih, Tien-Tsung 1931 

cRichards, Leslie Cameron 1915 cSilander, Sanfrid Stefanus 1919 

Richardson, Walter 1914 Simcock , Gilbert Alexander 1914 

cRigby, Walter Leonard 1920 tSinclair, Kenneth 1913 

cRiley, Colin 1920 cSinha, Anukul Chandra 1915 

cRistitch, Petar 1922 Sinnatt, Mrs. F. S. See Badger, Louie M. 

Roberts, Henry 1908 Sitaraman, Malli Chockiyer 1914 

cRoberts, Thomas 1916 cSivell, Arthur Ernest 1928 

cRoberts, Victor George 1922 cSkou, Bertet Johannes 1926 

cRoberts, William Elfed 1923 cSlack, Alvar Esmond 1921 

cRobertson, Ernest James 1930 cSlater, James Alexander 1931 

cRobertson, William 1930 cSlater, William Henry 1922 

cRobinson, Ernest Yeoman ..., 1922 Sloman, Alfred James 1910 

Robinson, I, H. See Rubinstein, I. H. cSmith, Francon James 1922 

Robinson, S. See Rubinstein, S. cSmith, George 1932 

cRobinson, William George 1931 %Smith, Lionel Stockdale 1914 

cRobson, John Stephenson 1927 cSmith, Norman Heath 1932 

cRomeiro, Joaquin Pinto 1918 Smith, Sydney Tideswell 1907 

cRoscoe, \\ illiam 1923 cSmith, Thomas Haworth 1934 

c Rosenthal, Eduard 1922 cSmith, Victor 1927 

Ross, Alexander 1914 cSmith, Walter Reginald 1922 

cRossiter, Stanley Albert 1931 cSnelson, John Harold ig30 

cRothwell, Carl 1932 c Snow, Ernest William 1930 

cRothwell, Charles Maurice 1927 cSohlberg, Erik Rudolf 1917 

Rothwell, Joseph 1902 cSopwith, Douglas George 1928 

cRowlev, Alan Stamford 1922 ede Sousa, Joao Frederico 1928 

cRoy, William Macalister 1924 cSowerbutts, Frank 1922 

Rubinstein, Isaac Harry cSpeak, Frank 1933 

[now Robinson, I. H.) 1907 cSpeare, Leonard Samuel 1933 

cRubinstein, Samuel [now Robinson, S.) 1927 Spencer, Hugh 1921 

cRushton, Thomas Bamber . . . . 1921 cSpenle, Charles Davies 1921 

cRj'der, Robert George 1929 cSpindler, Arthur Hardman 1924 

cStanheld James Francis 1931 

Sadasivarn, Doraiswanu 1912 cStephenson, William Wakefield * 93 ° 

cSaft, Sunon 1919 cStott, John Chadwick 1924 

cSabgal, Aniar Chand 1924 cStott, Kenneth Ainsworth 1931 

cSakuntanaga, Poon 1926 Stott, Marjorie 1912 

cSalem, Adolphe Albert 1928 Stubbs, Arthur 1909 

cSalem, Karsa 1923 cSugden, Eric William 1927 

cSahsbury, Robert 1931 cSunderland, John 1932 

tt§Salt, Wilfred Austm 1913 Sutcliffe, Joseph 1907 

cSalter, Jack 1923 cSutcliffe, Tom Halliwell 1921 

cSambrook, Kenneth Harry 1924 cSutton, Lawrence Henry 1921 

Sanderson, Wilfrid Hickie 1924 cSutton, Leslie... ... 1921 

cSansom, Hubert Maurice 1926 cSutton, Richard William 1921 

cSarangapani, Krishna Che tty 1933 Swann, Herbert 1914 

Scarlett, Eric Yorke 1923 cSweetlove, James Arthur 1923 

cSchofield, Tom Graham 1922 cSyers, Alexander James 1915 

cSchwartz, Hvam 1915 cTabb, John Ashby 1929 

* Awarded Order of St. Anne. 

t Awarded M C. + Mentioned in Despatches. § Awarded Belgian Ordre de Leopold 


Graduates ( Technology ). 

B.Sc.Tech. — continued. 

Date of 

cTadros, Negib 

.. 1930 

cTalbot, Richard . 

.. 1921 

cTarachand, Cursetjee Sorabji ... . 

.. 1935 

cTaylor, Alexander 

.. 1921 

cTaylor, Alfred Wilson 

.. 1932 

cTaylor, Eric Green 

.. 1929 

cTaylor, Frank Warburton 

... 1922 

cTaylor, John Stanley 

... 1928 

cTaylor, Joseph 

... 1924 

cTaylor, Samuel Mellor 

... 1925 

cTearle, Francis John Enoch 

... 1923 

cTee, Nai 

... 1920 

cThadani, Parmanand Tahilram ... 

... 1931 

cThadani, Shamdas Tharumal 

... 1930 

cThadhani, Gopaldar Thammal . . . 

... 1921 

cThadhani, Parmanand Valiram ... 

... 193° 

cThatcher, Edwin Hey 

... 1922 

cThomas, David Hylton 

... 1933 

cThomas, Eric 

... 1923 

cThomas, James Eyton 

... 1931 

Thomas, John William, LL.B. ... 

... 1907 

cThomas, Reginald Lloyd 

... 1922 

Thomasson, James 

... 1907 

cThompson, Albert 

... 1928 

cThompson, Edward 

... 1924 

cThomson, James Leonard 

cThomson, Norman Bennet 

... 1929 

... 1923 

cThomson, William Robert 

... 1914 

cThomhill, Philip Tugwell 

... 1928 

cThornley, Frederick Cheetham . . . 

• 1933 

cThomton, Geoffrey Leonard 

... 1925 

cTin, Maung Tun 

... 1929 

cTinnion, Frederick Seddon 

... 1927 

cTitcomb, Egbert Fredenck 

... 3915 

cTobe, Tack 

... 1924 

cTobe, Myer 

... 3921 

cTodd, Eric Anthony 

... 1924 

cTodd, John Park 

... 1922 

cTolfree, Sydney Kenneth 

■ • 3932 

cTombat, Sakkarama Rao 

... igis 

Tomlinson, John, M.Sc 

... 1926 

cTomlinson, Thomas Gamer, B.Sc. 

... 1930 

cTonge, Edward Clough 

... 1915 

cTooke, William Albert 

... 1930 

cTrelease, John Stanley 

... 1920 

cTremayne, John Cecil 

... 1923 

cTsiang, Teh-Shiao Samuel 

... 1924 

cTulip, Sydney Ferguson 

... 1923 

cTumbull, Alexander Williams . . 

.. 1922 

cTyacke, John Arthur 

.. 1922 

Unsworth, Charles Leonard 

... 1912 

cU nsworth, Louis F airclough 

... 1922 

cVaughan, Norman 

-• 1933 

cVero, Eric 

... 1933 

Vickers, William 

... ign 

cViryasiri, Phong 

... 1928 

cVlies, Harold Alexander 

... 1932 

W'adsworth, George Wade 

... 1907 

cWaite, Donald Morris 

... 1926 

cWalker, Richard 

... 1919 

cWalker, William Shelley 

... 1933 

cWalmsley, William Herbert Greenfield 1924 

cWalters, John Price 

... igai 

cWalton, Harold 

... 1924 

cWalton, Hereward Royden 

... 1921 

cWalton, John Percy 

... 1928 

Walton, Percy Weaver 

... 1913 

W arburton, Frederick William . . . 

... 1921 

Date of 

eWarren, Frederick William 1909 

eWarrington, Eric 1926 

cWatal, Indra Prakash 1925 

cWaterfield, Henry, Junior 1924 

c Watson, Ernest 1933 

cWatson, Hubert 1921 

Watts, Percy Martin 19x4 

cWearing, Robert 1930 

cWebb, Henry James 1930 

cWebb, John Kraus 1924 

cWebb, Sydney Watkin 1932 

cWedd, Gilbert Selby xg24 

Welch, Oswald 1907 

I cWemcr, Artur Herman 1933 

c Weston, George Whitehead 1920 

j cWhitby, Robert Edward 1924 

cWhite, Noel Walter 1924 

I cWhitehead, John Herbert 1923 

cWhitehead, Joseph Hirst 1932 

cWhitehead, Norman 1920 

1 cWhitehouse, William Hardy 1921 

cWhiteley, Joseph William 1927 

1 cWhitfield, John Nelstrop 1930 

cWTrittaker, Edmund 1929 

Whittall, James Douglas 1909 

I cWhyman, Frank 1924 

cWhyman, Leslie Fieldhouse 1925 

cWiddup, Francis Alan 1926 

cWightman, William Brewis 1920 

cWigley, Gladys Mary (Mrs. J. W. Lewis) 1917 

c Wilcox, Ewart Gladstone 1921 

cWild, Eric Egbert 1924 

cWild, Leonard ... 1922 

cWilkinson, Harold 1923 

I cWilkinson, John Reed 1921 

Willcock, Frank 1909 

cWilkams, Donald Ernest 1928 

cWilliams, Frederick Herbert 1908 

Williams, George Melville 1908 

Williams, Humphrey 1908 

c Williams, Lionel Ewart Humphry ... 1921 

cWilliams, Nathan 1922 

cWilliams, William Meirion 1920 

Williamson, Francis Herbert 1913 

cWilliamson, Ronald 1932 

Willis, Russell 1914 

c Willson, Walter Stanley 1923 

c Wilson, James Arthur 1927 

Wilson, John 1910 

cWilson, Neville 1926 

cWilson, William Eric 1930 

Winstanley, Edwin Victor 1907 

c Wiseman, 'Thomas Holt 1921 

cWithnall, Frederick 1926 

Wood , Alfred Lee 1907 

cWood, Arthur Lees 1924 

cWood, Henry James 1929 

cWood, Sidney Thomas 1929 

cWorth, Harry 1924 

cWragge, William Benjamin 1924 

cWrapson, George 1922 

c Wright, John Stanley 1933 

cWrighton, James 1923 

cYates, James Ashton 1921 

, cYen, Tsze Chu 1929 

1 cYovanovitch, Miloche Vassa 1924 

cZiver-Hagopian, Vahram 1913 

cZweigbergk, Charles Arthur 1932 

Graduates (Philosophy). 




Date of Date of 

Degree Degree 

CiArscott, Christine Marguerite 1922 cLythgoe, Norman Leigh, M.A 19x8 

cAshby, Mabel Kathleen 1930 cgMaltby, Samuel Edwin, M.A 1916 

cAshton, Margaret Martha, B.A. **Mark, Harry Thiselton, B.Sc 1920 

(Mrs W. W. Kay) 1929 cMerrick, Frank George 1920 

cAtkinsonj Roberta Mary Moreland, B. A, 1922 cMiller, Harold Charles, B.A 1928 

cBaker, Lilian Annie 1924 cMiller, Wright Watts 1926 

cBeddis, Lionel Gilbert, B.A 1932 cMitchell, Alice Maud 1928 

cBowman, Florence Louise 1919 cMitchell, Frank, M.A 1930 

cBradley, Elizabeth Madeline, cioMoore, Robert Charles 1921 

M.A., B.Com. 1917 cOwen, Dorothy Elizabeth Tudor, B.A. 

cBrown, Wesley John 1933 (Mrs. Douglas Trueman) 19x9 

cBrown, William Gilroy, B.Sc 1929 c Parkin, Jessie, B.Sc 1918 

cClarke, Edward Robert 1933 c Parkinson John Wilson 1920 

cCleaton, John Critchley, M.A 1921 Parkinson , Thomas William Faraday , 

cCorlett, Edward Wattleworth, B.Sc ... 1931 M.Sc. 1921 

Dymond, John AlUn Grills 1917 cPeter, David, M.A 1930 

C2Earle, Frank Maynard, D.Sc 1921 cii P hillips, Albert James, B.Sc 1926 

cEckersley, Ida Mary, B.Sc. cPilkington, Evelyn Madge, M.A 1921 

(Mrs. Littler) 1921 cPotter, Rachel, B.A, {nee Leon) 1930 

cEvans, Jessie Maud 1923 c.Quayle, Mark, M.Sc 1930 

cFernihough, Clifford, B.A 1923 cRhodes, Cecil Josiah 1932 

cFielding, William Richard, M.A., M.Sc. 1932 AcRoper, Reginald Edward, M.A 1915 

c**3Findlay, Joseph John 1915 

cGaraer Wilhelmina 1930 cSankey, William, Henry, B.A 1923 

cGleaves, Edward, M.Sc., M.B., Ch.B.... 1916 AcSaunsbury, Robert, M.Sc 1916 

cGregory, Maurice Vincent, M.A 1929 cSlater, Harold, B.Sc 1933 

*C4Guest, George, B.Sc., LL.B 1916 Smith, George Sidney 1921 

cHewlett, Edith Lettice, M.Sc 1932 c**i2Smith, Henry Bompas 1915 

AcHindshaw, Winifred, M.A 1920 ci3Stafford, Francis John, M.A 1916 

csHolman, Edward Walter 1920 c**Start, Laura Emily 1919 

cHope, Harry, M.Sc 1933 cStockdale, William Henry, B.Sc. ... 1924 

c6Houghton, Clara, M.Sc 1918 cSutton, Joseph Hertford, M.A 1930 

c7Howarth, Walter, Litt.D 1920 

cHughes, Hugh James 1930 cTalbot, Maud, M.A 1921 

cHunter, John 1932 cTaylor, Richard Allen, B.Com 1929 

c8Jackson, Gordon Balmbra 1924 cr4Thomas, William Ernest 1925 

c Jackson, Thomas Hodges 1927 Truman, Mrs. Douglas. 

cjones, Benjamin Paul, B.Sc 1927 See Owen, Dorothy E. T. 

cjones, Henry Leonard, M.A 1927 cTyson, George, B.Sc 1930 

Kay, Mrs. W. W. cVickers, Wilfrid, M.Sc 1918 

See Ashton, Margaret M. cWhalley, Wilfred, B.Sc 1919 

cLeese, John, M.A 1931 > cWhite, Oswald, B.A. (Com ) 1930 

cLemon, Herbert William 1920 I c Williams, Frederic John, M.Sc 1928 

cLennon, Annie 1921 I cWise, Colin George, B.Sc 1932 

cLewis, Arthur 1931 cWood, Cyril Warcup, M.Sc 1933 

Littler, Mrs. See Eckersley, Ida M. cWyatt, Stanley, M Sc 1916 


cAinlev, Arthur Donald, M.Sc 1931 cBalkin, Mark, M.Sc 1930 

cAshley, Julius Nicholson 1926 cBarash, Michael, M.Sc.Tech 1930 

cAspinall, Arthur, M.A 1924 cBecker, Maurice Lund 1927 

cBeeby, Clarence Edward 1927 

cBaker, Wilson, D.Sf 1924 cBetts, Charles Leslie, M.Sc 1928 

cBalaban, Isidore Elkanah, M.Sc.Tech, 1924 cBhagwat, Vinayak Keshav 1925 

1 Head Mistress, Whalley Range High School for Girls, Manchester. 

2 Principal, The High School, Kirkcaldy, Fife. 

3 Formerly Professor of Education in the University ; now Honorary Professor. 

4 Deputy Director of Education for City of Manchester. 

5 Head Master, Bury Municipal Secondary School. 

6 Head Mistress, West Hartlepool Municipal High School. 

7 Director of Education, Burnley. 

8 Head Master, Ashton-under-Lyne Secondary School. 

9 Head Master, Friends’ School, Penketh. 

10 Director of Education, City of Kingston-upon-Hull. 

1 1 Head Master, The Grammar School, Colne, Lancs. 

12 Formerly Professor of Education in the University. 

13 Head Master, Baines’s Grammar School, Poulton-le-Fylde. 

14 Head Master, County School, Tenby. 

* Awarded M.C. ** Degree conferred under Charter II. (3). 


Graduates ( Philosophy ). 

Ph.D. — continued . Date of 


cBottomley, Arthur Cecil, M.Sc 1929 

cBradley, Albert James, D. Sc 1924 

cBradley, William, M.Sc 1927 

cBrindley, William Harrison, M.Sc.Tech. 1 928 

cBrittain, John, M.Sc T 932 

cBrooks, Constance, B. A 1929 

cBroome, Dorothy Mary, M. A 1923 

cBullock, Kenneth, M.Sc 1927 

cBurkhardt, George Norman, M.Sc. ... 1925 

cCampbell, Charles Douglas, 

M.A. (Admin.) 1931 

cChapman, Ernest, M.Sc 1924 

cChatterjee, Bibhu Charan 1938 

cCocker, Wesley, M.Sc 1931 

Cole-Baker, Georgina R. 

See Galbraith, Georgina R. 

cDavies, John Stanley Herbert, 

M.Sc.Tech. 1924 
cDouie, Decima Langworthy 1930 

cEllis, Oliver Coligny de Champfleur, 

M.Sc. 1922 

cEvans, Florence May Greir, M.A. 

(Mrs. C. S. S. Higham) 1921 
cEwing, Alexander William Gordon ... 1929 

Fawcett, Reginald Clifford, M.Sc. ... 1928 

cFolley, Sydney John, M.Sc 1931 

cForsyth, Robert, M.Sc.Tech 1929 

cFrancis, Marcus, B.Sc 1926 

ciFriedlander,Moses,M.A 1933 

cGalbraith, Georgina Rosalie 

( nee Cole-Baker) 1922 

cGlen, Enid Isobel, B.A 1926 

cGregory, Alys Lydia, M.A 1929 

cGrindley, Robert, M.Sc.Tech 1927 

cHappold, Frank Charles, M.Sc 1927 

cHarrison, Harold Ainsworth, M.Sc. ... 1925 

cHaworth, Robert Downs, D.bc 1922 

cHeap, Tom, M.Sc 1927 

cHeard, Robert Donald Hoskin 1932 

cHedges, Ernest Sydney, M.Sc 1924 

cHiggins, William Frederick, M.Sc. ... 1927 
Higham, Mrs. C. S. S. 

See Evans, Florence M. G. 

cHodge, Caroline Esther 1933 

cHubball, Wilfrid, M.Sc.Tech 1927 

cHughes, Helen Campbell 1929 

clngham, Bertram Hobart, M.Sc 1926 

clrvine, Frank Mouat 1926 

c3McAulay, Alexander Leicester ... 

cMcRae, John Alexander 

cMalan, Jacques 

cMalkin, Thomas 

cManske, Richard Helmuth Fred... 

cMastin, Harold, M.Sc 

cMaurice, Norman Brocklehurst, 

M.Sc.Tech. 1923 

cMawson, Colin Ashley, M.Sc 1932 

cMeecham, Henry George, M.A., B.D.... 1929 

cMiles, Herbert William 1930 

cMoore, Burrows, M.Sc.Tech 1923 

cMorehouse, Frances Milton Irene ... 1926 

cMorley, Arthur Milnes, M.Sc.Tech. ... 1929 

Mottram, Edward Neville, M.Sc 1925 

cOakden, James Parker, M.A 1929 

cOxford, Albert Edward, M.Sc 1926 

c*Parkes, Alan Stirling 1923 

cPeters, Arnold Thornton, M Sc 1928 

cPhythian, Mabel, B.A. 

(Mrs. F. E. Tylecote) 1930 

cPollard, Alfred, M.Sc 1929 

cPugh, Caecilia Elizabeth Mary, M.Sc. 1930 

cRabbinowitz, Joseph 1930 

cRay, Jnanendra Nath, D.Sc 1925 

cRedford, Arthur, Junior, M.A 1922 

cReiss, Erna, M.A 1924 

cRidgway, Leslie Randal, M.Sc 1925 

cRoyle, Frank Albert, M.Sc 1920 

cRudra, John Jitendranath 1929 

cSamaan, Karam, M.Sc 1921 

cSeshadii, Tiruvenkata Rajendra 1929 

cSharp, Margaret (Mrs. \V. D. Sharp) 

(nee Tout, Margaret, M.A.) 1925 

cSilverstone, Alec Eli, M.A 1924 

cSlater, Leonard, M.Sc.Tech 1921 

cSmalley, Beryl 1929 

cSmith, Edgar Charles, M.Sc 1925 

cSmith, John Charles 1925 

("Stubbs, Alfred Eric, M.Sc 1932 

cSubramanian, Vira 1927 

cSumner, Cyril Gordon, M.Sc 1929 

cTaylor, William Hodge, M.Sc 1930 

cThornley, Sidney, M.Sc 1925 

cToynbee, Margaret Ruth 1924 

C4Treharne, Reginald Francis, M.A. ... 1925 

Tylecote, Mrs. F. E. 

See Phythian, Mabel 

cTyson, Moses, M.A 1927 

Date of 
.. 1921 

.. 1921 
.. 1926 
.. 1925 

.. 1926 
.. 1924 

C2jackson, Stanley Herbert, M.A 1921 

ejames, Herbert Caldwell 1923 

cjones, Arthur Llewelyn, M.Sc 1931 

c Jones, David Clarence Rhys 1930 

cjones, Phyllis 1930 

cjones, William Herbert, M.Sc 1931 

cKirkby, William Anthony, M.Sc. ... 1921 

cLewis, John 1924 

cLewis, Norman Bache, M.A 1928 

cLions, Francis 1925 

cLittler, William Brian, M.Sc 1932 

cVenkataraman, Krishnasami, 

M.Sc.Tech. 1927 

cWalker, James 1931 

cWalker, Thomas Kennedy, D.Sc. ... 1921 
cWalls, Noel Stanley, M.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 1922 

cWeitzman, Sophia, M.A 1921 

cWhitworth, Clifford, M.Sc 1930 

cWilkinson, Bertie, M.A 1926 

cWilkinson, John Frederick, M.Sc., M.D. 1924 
c Williams, Evan James 1926 

cZwarenstein, Harry, B.Sc 1925 

1 Head Master, Glasgow Talmud Torah Schools and Vice -Principal of the Hebrew College, Glasgow. 

2 Professor of the Theory of Education in the University of Cairo. 

3 Professor of Physics in the University of Tasmania. 

4 Professor of History in University College, Aberystwyth. 

* F.R.S. 

Statement of Qradiiates. 


since the foundation of the XJniversity. 



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D.Sc. ... 








1,2 54 

B.Sc. ... 

















. . . 





M.B., Ch.B 


• • • 






















M.A, (Com.) ... 




M.A. (Admin.) 



p »» 



. . . 



B.A. (Com.) 


* • * 


B.A. (Admin.) 




. . . 




• • • 


M.Sc. Tech 





B.Sc. Tech. 

. . . 




. . . 

• . . 









Persons who have graduated in more than 
one Faculty 




Number of individual graduates 



. . . 


Number of Honorary Graduates 




Included in the above totals are Degrees 
under Charter II. (3) 

Included in the above totals are Owens 
College Associates 


Diploma in Public Health. 

Diploma in Public Date of 

Health — continued. Diploma 

Hogben, Frances Anne, M.B., B.S. ... 193° 

Holmes, Reginald, M.D 1910 

Hood, William Douglas, M.B., Ch.B. 1924 
Howard, James, M R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ... 1905 

tHowarth, William James, M.D 1896 

Hovten, William James, 

M.R.C.S., L R.C.P. 1910 
Hutchinson, Henry Fleming, M.B. , Ch.B . 1915 
Hutchinson, Janies Randal, MB., Ch.B. 1904 
Hutchinson, Richard Cecil, M.B., Ch.B. 1913 

Hutton, Malcolm, M.B., Ch.B 190S 

Irving, Lewis Allen, M.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. 1892 
Jackson, Robert Ashton, M.B., Ch.B. 1912 
agger, John Radclitle, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1920 

elly, George Aubrey, 

M.R.C.S.,L R.C.P. 1907 
Tessel, George Jessel Zacharias, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1913 
de Jong, Edward Moyer, M.R.C.S. ... 1915 

de Jong, Oscar Meyer, M.B,, Ch.B. ... 1915 

Jones, Benjamin, M.D. 1S90 

Jones, Ernest, M.B., Ch.B 1921 

Jones, Nora Alice, M.B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. T. W. Lovett) 1923 
Jones, Thomas Morgan, M.B , Ch.B. ... 1922 

Jordan, Frederick William, M.D. ... 1S90 

Jordan, Norman Theodore Kingsley, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1912 
♦Kauntze, William Henry, B.A., M.D. 1921 
Keddie, John Thomas Chalmers, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1932 
Kelly, Simon, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ... 1923 

Kemp, David, M.B., Ch.B 1929 

Knight, Barbara Mary, M. B., Ch.B. ... 1927 
Laing, Alexander Walker, M.B., Ch.B. 1913 
Latham, Walter, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. ... 1902 

Lawrence, Reginald, M.D 1905 

Lawrie, Hugh, M.B., C.M 1903 

Leech, Ernest Bosdm, M D 1905 

Leigh, George Hamer, M.D 1921 

Leigh, William Hamer, 

M. R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1922 
Lezama, Joseph Elias, 

L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. 1918 

Ligat, David, M.B., C.M 1898 

Littler, Robert Meredith, 

F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., B.Sc. 1894 
Lloyd, Benjamin Layton, MB., Ch.B. 1923 
Lotnas, Emmanuel Kenworthy, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1911 

Lovett, Mrs. T. W. Sec Jones, Nora A. 

Low, Edward Bruce , M.B. , Ch.B. ... 1932 

Lund, John Knowles, 

M R C.S., L.R.C.P. 1922 

McCloghry, Haniet, M.B., C M 1909 

MacDonald, Angus Graham, M.B., C.M. 1909 
Macllraith, Alexander Robb MacIntyre, 

L.R.C P., L.R.C.S. 1913 
Macllraith, William McLaren, 

L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. 1914 
Mclvor, William John, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1920 

McKinley, James Gladstone, M.B. ,Ch.B. 1924 
MacGregor, Murdoch, M.B.. Ch.B. ... 1933 

Mackay, Charles, M.B., Ch.B 1912 

Mackenzie, Hector, M B , Ch.B 1909 

Mackenzie, Thomas Cooper, M.B.,Ch B. 1917 
Mackintosh, Mrs James 

See Taylor, Doris A. 

MacLaren, Agnes Jane, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1911 

Date of 

McLean, Gladys Frances Agnes, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1926 
Maclean, Shon Walker, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1916 
McLennan, William Anlay, M B.,Ch B. 1932 

McMaster, Arthur Berry, M.D 1910 

Madgavkar, Vasantrao Dinanath, 

M.B., Ch.B., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. 1907 
Magee, Cuthbert Gaulter, L.R.C.P. ... 1920 

Manson, John Sinclair, M.B. , Ch.B. ... 1910 
Marsden, Edith Maude, M.B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. Tindal- Robertson) 1911 
Marsden, Richard Walter, B.Sc., M.D. 1898 
Marshall, Charles Bertram , M.B., Ch.B, 1911 
Martin, William Beare, 

M R.C.S., L.R.C P. 1909 
Martin, William MacDougall, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1933 

Martyn-Johns, Mrs. See Bailey, Sybil 

Meikiejohn, Andrew, M.D. ... 1930 

Menon, Maniketh Vythi, L.R.C.P., 

L.R.C.S. 1927 

Mercer, Richard Hubert, M.B., Ch.B. 1911 
Mercer, William Brace-well, 

M.A., M.B., B.C. 1896 
Meynell , Joseph Leopold, 

M R.C.P., F.R.C.S. 1919 
Mitra, Satyendra Nath, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1917 

Monaghan, Thomas Joseph, M.D. .. 1892 

Mooney, Annie, L.S.A 1909 

Moore, Walter Francis, M.B igoo 

Nash, Elwin Harral Thomas, M.R.C.S. 1908 

Naughton, Martin, M.B., B.Ch 1928 

Neech, James Thomas, M.D 1893 

iNeedhatn, Richard Arthur, 

B.Sc., M.B , Ch.B. 1910 

Newall, William Allwood, M.D 1904 

Newman, Allan Cameron, M.B., Ch.B. 1925 
Newton, Vernon Arthur 

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1932 
fNickerson, William Henry Snyder, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1907 

Nicoll, Agnes Hill, M.B., Ch.B 1910 

t Norris, Arthur Herbert, 

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1910 
O’Donnell, Kathleen, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1920 

Oliver, Mrs. T. H. 

See Barritt, Martha F. 

O’Neill, Charles Sefton, M.D 1904 

O’Reilly, John Joseph, M.B., B.Ch. ... 1929 
Orkney, Jean Murray, M.B., Ch B. ... 1928 

Osborne, Hurry, M.D 1907 

Parkinson, Arthur Stanley, M.D. ... 1906 
Parkinson, Malcolm, M.B., C.M. ... 1895 
Peach, Emily Marianne, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1921 

Pemberton, George Benjamin, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1914 

Pierson, Thomas, M.B., Ch.B 1928 

Place, Mrs. T. See Turner, Mary I. 

Potts, Dorothy, M.B., Ch.B 1918 

Pownall, Margaret, M.B. Ch B 1924 

Pratt, Hilda, M B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. Gcrrard Burnett) 1925 
Prendergast, William Dowling, M.D. ... 1891 

Prentice, Mary Isabel, M.B , Ch.B. ... 1929 

Price, Richard, L R.C.P., L.R.C.S. ... 1911 

Ptoudfoot, Harohl Heajjord, M.B. , Ch.B, 1915 
§Proudfoot, Robert, M.B., Ch.B 1913 

1 Assistant Director of the Indian Medical Service ; Mentioned in Despatches (three times) : 
C.I.E., D.S.O., Kt. 

* M.B.E. t Awarded V.C. for gallant conduct at Maklcerstroom (South Africa), 1900. C.M.G. 
} Awarded M.C. § Serbian Order of White Eagle (5th class). 


Diploma in 

Diploma in Public Date of 

Health — contm ued. Diploma 

Quine, Richard Henry, L R.C.P. ... * 1892 
Quine, William James Aitken. 

M.B., B.S. 1920 
Radcliffe, Adolphus Harold, M.B. ,Ch.B. 1905 

*1 Ramsbottom, Albert. M D 1903 

Ramsbottom, Edgar Nelson, M.B,. B.S. 1919 
Ramsbottom, James, M.B , Ch.B ... 1914 

Ramsden, Ernest Arthur, 

L.R.C.S , L.R CP. 1914 

Ramsden, Herbert, M D 1899 

Ratner, Edwin. See Ratner, Efirne. 

Ratner, Ehme, M.B., Ch B , 

[now Ratner, Edwin) 1033 
Rawson, Edward Albert, M.B., Ch B.... 1S91 

Reekie, Marjorie, M.B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. J. F. Ward) 1929 
Reinedios, Antonio Baptista dos, 

M.B , Ch.B. 1903 

Renshaw, Arnold, M.D 1930 

Renwick, Mrs. G. A. ... 

See Ellison, Beatrice L 

Rice, David, M.R.C.S , L.R.C.P., M.D. 1906 

Rigby, John, M.B., Ch.B 1926 

Rigby, Walter Chaloner, M.B , Ch.B.. .. 1905 

Ritchie, Alexander Wilkie, M.B., Ch.B. 1921 
Roberts, George Henry, M.B., B.S. ... 1922 

Robertson, Lewis Stevens, M B., Ch.B. 1920 
Rodgers, Frederick Millar, M.B., Ch.B. 1903 
Roscoe, Henry, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ... 1906 

Ross, Sheila Margaret, M.D 1909 

Ross, Thomas, M.B., Ch.B 1933 

Royle, Elsie Marsh, M.D. 

(Mrs. Thompson) 1909 
Russell, Gladys Julia Cuthbertson, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1924 

Saul, Barnett, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ... 1909 
Scholefield, Ernest Hall, M.B. , Ch. B. . . . 1912 

Scholefield, George Edward, M.D. ... 1898 

Scott, Herbert Amslie, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1S98 

Sellers, Arthur, M.D 1S94 

Sellers , William , M.D 1889 

Sewell, James Scott, M.D 1930 

Sharpies, William Henry, 

M.E.C S., L.R.C.P. 1894 
Sheehan, Kathleen, M B , Ch.B. ... 1929 

Sheldon, Hugh Frederick, M.R C S. ... 1919 

Sheldon, John Henry, M.D 192 1 

Sinclair, William Smith, M.B. , C.M. ... 1901 

Smith, James Fletcher, M.B., Ch.B. ... 190S 

Smith, Jolla Stuart, M .3 , Ch B. ... 192S 

Snuthard, Walter Reginald Xomian, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1921 
Snowdon, Constance, M.B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. Frank Whittaker) 1922 

Soni, Mul Raj, M.B., Ch.B 1920 

Sproul, Margaret, M B., Ch.B 1928 

Stacey, William Wngley, M B., Ch.B. 1914 
Staley, Robert James, M B., Ch.B. ... 1921 

Starkie, Colin, 

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.B., Ch.B. 1933 
Stephens, Horace Elliot Rose, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1918 
Stewart, Robert, .L.R.C.F., L R C.S.... 1907 
Stocks, Arthur Vernon, M B., Ch.B. ... 1920 

Stocks, Marion, M.B., B.S 1913 

Stott, William, M.B., B.S 1921 

Stowell, Enid Florence, M B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. Cook) 1924 
Sydenham, Frederick William, M.D. ... 1S95 

Public Health. 

Date of 

Talent, John William, M.D 1007 

Tate , Isobcl , M.D 1904 

Tattersall, William Hartley, M.B.,Ch.B. 1916 
Taylor, Dons Adeline, M.B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs James Mackintosh) 1922 
Thom, Alexander Philip, M B., C M. ... 1890 

Thompson, George Kenworthv, 

M.B., Ch B. 1914 

Thompson, Mrs. See Royle, Elsie M. 

Thorp, Harold, M.B., Ch.B 1904 

Tindal-Robertson, Mrs. 

See Marsden, Edith M. 
Titcombc, Roland Hereward, 

M B., Ch.B. 1911 
Tomb, James Alexander, M.B. , Ch.B ... 1914 

Townley , Alfred Ernest, M.B., Ch.B.... 1914 

Trayer, Hugh George, M.B 1913 

Turner, Harold Midgley, M.B., Ch.B.... 1926 

Turner, Mary Isabel, M B., Ch.B. 

(Mrs. T. Place) rq 23 

Turner, Richard Timmins, M D 1910 

Turton, Philip Henry Job, M.D 1929 

2Tylecote, Frank Edward, M.D 1906 

Uttley, William Wilkinson,*M.B., Ch.B. 1911 

Waddington, William Heywuod, 

MB., Ch.B. 1901 
Walker, Cuthbert Ferguson, M.B. , Ch.B. 191 1 
Walker, Ernest Harold, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1919 

Walker, James, M.B., Ch.B 1919 

Walker, Victor Robert, M.B , Ch.B. ... 1932 

Walmsley, George Henry Cooper, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1933 
Walmsley, Josephine, M.B , Ch.B. ... 1929 

Walshaw, Ronald, M.B., Ch.B 1929 

Ward, Eric, M.RC.S., L.R.C.P 1931 

Ward, Herbert Gibbons, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1 909 

Ward, Mrs. J. F. See Reekie, Marjorie 
Webb, Charles Carew, B.A., M.B., B.C. 1904 
Webb, Frank, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ... 1910 

Wells, John William , M.D 1901 

White, Charles Francis, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1920 

White, Fthel, M.B., Ch.B 1924 

Whitehead, Henry, M.B., Ch.B 1909 

Whittaker, Mrs. Frank 

See Snowdon, Constance 
Wigglesvorth, Winifred Farmval, MB. 1910 
Wilcocks, Frances Gertrude, M B , Ch.B. 1922 

Wiley, Ja nei, Browne, M.B. Ch.B. ... 1928 

William®, John MrGoagh, M.B 1913 

Williamson, Hau v Merrill , M B., Ch.B. iqii 
W ilkinson, Arthur Geden, M.B., Ch.B. 1913 

Wilkinson, j ames Bates, M.D 1 894 

Wilshaw, Robert Heywood, M.B., Ch.B. 1901 
Wilson, Basil Mayor, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1911 

Wilson, David McGruther, M.B., Ch.B. 1915 
Wilson, Stanley Pierce, M.B. , Ch.B. . . . 1927 

Woolham, Josiah Gilbert, MB., Ch.B. 1909 

Woolley, Jaspar, Maxwell, M.B 1907 

Woheley, William Owen, 

L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. 1893 

Wong, Chung Yik, M.B., Ch.B 1912 

W : ray, Gerald Gage, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1912 

Wright, William, M B., Ch.B 1913 

Wynne, Frederick Edward, M.B.,Ch.B. 1910 

Youatt, Leonard, M.B., Ch.B 1892 

Young, Meredith, M.D 1896 

Young, William Arthur Bruce, 

M.B., Ch.B. 1913 

1 Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University. 

2 Professor of Systematic Medicine in the University ; F. R.C.P. 
1 Awarded M.C. 


Diploma in Dentistry. 

Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine 

Alexander, Andrew 

Date of 
... 1922 

Allen, Cecil Gordon 

... 1934 

Antony, David John 

... 1924 

Aston, Frank 

... 1928 

Balfour-Jones, Sidney Edmund Bruce 1931 

Bennison, John Carr 

... 1933 

Beynon, Albert Gwyn 

... 1932 

Blakemore, Frederick 

... 1929 

Blanchard, John Harley 

• 1933 

iBrittlebank, Joseph William 

... 1907 

Brown, John 

... 1906 

Caldwell, Hawkeshead Seddon . . . 

... 1927 

Comer, Edward Anthony 

... 1929 

Crompton, Clifford 

... 1932 

Douglas, Alexander 

... 1907 

Dwerryhouse, William Leslie 

... 1932 

Facer, John 

Finch, Richard 

... 1914 

... 1908 

Garside, John Stanley 

... 1931 

Halstead, William 

... 1914 

Hart, Andrew Kerr 

... 1909 

Hayhurst, James Rogerson 

... 1911 

Henderson, William Walker 

... 1910 

Holland, Charles 

... 1913 

Holmes, Roger Parkinson 

Holroyd, John 

... 1915 

... igro 

Hornby, Henry Epton 

... 1912 

Levie, Alexander 

Lloyd, John Smout 

... 1907 

... 1905 

Date of 

Locke, Richard Conway 1935 

Lomas, John Harold 1908 

Lovell, Reginald 1935 

McGaughey, Charles Angus 1936 

McGaughey, John 1929 

MacGregor, William Alister 1926 

McKinna, William Robert 1920 

Menzies, Thomas 1914 

Matheson, Donald Capell 1907 

Mattinson, Arthur Bowman 1910 

Pollard, John 1908 

Robertson, James Ambrose Renwick... 1937 
Runciman, James Philip Graeme ... 1933 

Sewell, Edward James Bernard 1930 

Smyth, Richard Samuel 1927 

Spruell, John 1909 

Stirling, James Millar 1905 

Thomas, Gwilym Hugh 1929 

Torrance, Harry Lietch 1914 

*de Vine, Brennan 19x0 

Watchom, Richard William Ambler ... 1922 

Whitehead, Joseph Donaldson 1908 

Wood, Clifford Robert 1927 

Young, William Jackson 1909 

Diploma in Dentistry. 

Ackers, Robert 

Aldred, Arthur 

Allison, Oswald Roy, B.D.S 



Brandwood, Mary Marion 

(Mrs. M. M. Peacock) 



Breakell, Charles Clayton 


Anderson, George Peele 


Brennan, Sydney Herbert 


Andrew, Arthur Stanley 


Brooks, Amos 


Appleton, Allan Herbert, B.D.S. 


Broughton, Harry 


Appleton, John 


Brown, Benjamin ... 


Ashworth, Harold 


Brown, Hugh Vipont 


Ashworth, Harold Senior 


Brown, Wilfred James 


fBanies, Douglas Molyneux 


Buck, Norman Anwyll 

Butterworth, Eric James 

Butterworth, James Spencer, B.D.S. 




Batty, Edgar Douglas 


Butzkie, Carl 


Batty, John Redvers 

Beighton, Ethel 



Caldwell, Harry Alburn 


Benson, Elizabeth 


Caldwell, Margaret Eliza 


Bentz, Manon 

* 93 * 

Campion, Dennis Henry, B.D.S. ... 


Besford, John Charles Preston 


Campion, Leslie George, B.D.S. ... 


Betts, Bernard Chap 


Candon, Teresa (Mrs. Hull) 


Birtwistle, Albert 


Cardwell, Charles Ernest 


Bleakley, Arthur Dixon 


Casstles, Reginald 


Bolton, Henry Arthur 


Casstles, Sydney Arthur 


Booth, Alan 


Chronnell, Gerald 


Booth, Sidney 


Clee, Harry Jeffrey 


Booth, Mrs. 

See Walker- Anderson, Gracie 
Bradbury, Ronald 


Cleworth, Stanley Dixon 

Cocker, Ralph 

Cooke, Bernard 




Bradley, Ernest 


Cooke, Colin 


1 Assistant Director of Veterinary Services ; C.M.G. 

* Awarded M.C. t Mentioned in Despatches. 

Diploma in DentuUy 


Diploma in 

Date of 




Dentistry — continued 



Cooper, Cyril Claude 

IQ 25 

, Hargreaves, Geoffrey William ... 

193 r 

Corless, Thomas Arthur Bell, B.D.S. 

... 1911 

Harper, Cecil 


Cory, Charles George Awdrv 

... 1923 

Harrison, Cecil George Westerman 


Cotton , Edward Charles 

... 1 90S 

Harvey, Ernest 


Craggs, Alfred Lishman 

. . 1920 

Hatton, Herbert Oswald 


Cregan, Thomas Cyril 

... 1912 

Hayes, Leslie Fayle 

1 924 

Cropper, Albert 

... 1923 

Healey, Thomas Frederick 


Cropper, John 

. . 1924 

Heap, John Butterworth 


Cross, Mildred 

... 1923 

Heaton, Eric Raymond 

I ij2f. 

Cross, Ralph Stanley 

... 1930 

Heelan, Reginald Laurence 


Henderson, Alfred William Bruce 


Daw son, Raymond Gillie 

... 1029 

Hilton, Alan Howard 


Dellow, Hemy 

... 1931 

Hobson, Alan 


Dickson, David Ritchie 

... 1932 

Holcroft, Thomas 

19 29 

Ditcham, Vernon 

... 1910 

Horsfield, Stanley 


Dockree, Anthony Arthur 

... 1924 

Horsman, Roy Sarginson 


Doming, Kenneth MacLeod 

... 1930 

Howard, Charles Douglas 


Duffy, Arthur 

... 1915 

Howarth, Frederick Andrew 


Duncan, Howard 

... igafi 

Ho worth, Henry’ Leslie 


Dunn, Florence Ansley . ... 

... 1923 

Hoyles, John Bernard 


Dutton, Edgar William 

... 19 27 

Hughes, Eunice Winifred 


Duxbury, Moses Harry 


Hull, Mrs. See Candon, Teresa 

Dykes, Thomas Podmore 


Hutchinson, Arthur Cvril William, 

Dykes, William Gillespie 

... 1010 



Ivers, Harold Bradley 


Ellis, George Johnston 

• 1933 

Ellis, Harold Richardson 

... 1911 

Jackson, John Baldwin 


Ellis, James Edward 

... 1930 

Jackson, Wilfred 


Ellison, Reginald 

... 1924 

J agger, James Irwin 


Elmitt, George Lionel 

... 1913 

Janes, Bernard Victor 


Elton, James Brandreth 

... 1922 

Jefferson Charlotte Cecilia 


Emerson, Douglas Elson 

... 1927 

Jewison, William Henrv 


Entwisle, Edward 

... 1930 

Johnson, Nellie, B.D.S 


Entwisle, Ellen Mary (Mrs. Jonesj 

... 1934 

Johnstone, Alan Broster 

19 23 

Esilinann, Douglas 

... 1913 

Jones, Frank 


Evans. Joseph Derek 

... 1930 

Jones, Sydney Clement Cuthbert 


Jones, Airs. See Entwistle, Ellen M. 

Fanner, Thomas Charles 

... 1924 

Farrington, Roy Leech 

... 1924 

Keighley, Richard Bamher 


Faust, Edward 

... 1924 

Kennedy, John O'Hanlan 


Fawcett, Ronald Stephen 

■■ 1930 

Kershaw, James 


Fennah, Robinson Golding 

. . I924 i 

Kieran, Peter Joseph 


Fewster, James Roy 

■ ■ *y 32 | 

Kieman, Antony Raymond 


Fillingham, Stanley Bewers 

.. 1923 

Kirkbridc, George Henry 


♦Fillingham, Sydney Ingram .. .. 

... 1910 

Kirkbride, Herbert Beeslev 


Firth, Harold Daniel 

... 1912 1 

Knowles, Tohn Cecil 


Fish, Enc Wilfred 


Kolligs, Fritz Ferdinand Hugo Ernest 


Fisher, Gerald William Noel 

1924 ! 

Fhtcroft, Norman 

... 191S 

Lamb, Eric Robert 


Funnss, Austin 

... 1015 ' 

Laslett, Harold 


Fumiss, George 

.. 1913 

Latarche, Kate, B.D.S. 

(Mrs. Arthur Ramsdenj 


Gardner, Philip Anthony 

... 1921 

Lawrie, Douglas McEwan 


Garforth, Harold Wmton 

... 1924 

Le Marchant, Denis 


Garforth, Helen 

... 1924 

Lever, Walter Kenyon 


Garstang, Wallace 

... 1921 

Lewis, Gwilym 


Gibbons, Frederick Ralph 

... 1924 

Lewis, Philip Ivor 


Gibbons, John M<<s>s 

. - 1932 

Lewis, Philip Reginald, B.D.S. ... 


Gibson, Arnold 

... 1911 

Lewty, Richard Arthur 


Gibson, Edward Bmnoj 

... 190S 

Lillev, Walter Arthur, B.D S. 


Gibson, Sidney Knight' 

... 1916 

Littlewood, Albert Vincent 


Gilbert, Joseph Edwin 

... 1912 

Lomax, Gerald Alban 


Gittmgs. Sidney James 

■ 1933 

Long, Oswald Ambrose 


Gledsdale, Herbert Pickering 

... 1933 

Longson, Arthur Gerald 


Gray, Stanley Johnson 


Longson, Herbert Victor 


Green. Herbert James Finlay 

... IQI 5 

Lonsdale, Thomas 


Green, John ." 

... 1925 

Lord, Cyril 


Gregory, William Fairbaim 

... I9II 

Lord, John Williamson 


Lyth, Frank 


Hall, James Eldred 

... 1932 

Lyth, Harry 


Halliwell, John Leslie 

... 1921 

Hampson, Robert Allan 

... IQ 2 S ! 

McCarthy, Albert Walshaw 


Hankinson, George Reginald Davenport rqi6 ! 

McFarlane, William Stark 


Harding, Cecil Sutton 


McGeorge, David Augustus 


4 T 

Mentioned m Despatches. 


Diploma in Dentistry. 

Diploma in Date of j 

Dentistry — continued ^ Diploma 

McNabb, Charles Ernest 1910 

Maden, William Henry 1910 

Magraw, John Eric 1915 

Manley, Edgar Booth 1920 

Markland, Howard 1926 

Marsden, Dorothy 1920 

Marsden, Norman Rowley 1923 

Masters, Herbert . 1916 

Medd, Robert Clifford, B.D.S 1924 

Medd, Samuel Roland, B.D.S 1928 

Mellowdew, Tohn Lees, B.D.S 1932 

Metcalfe, George 1924 

Midgley, James 1923 

Monks, Frederick Taylor 1933 

Moody, John Robert 1926 

Moore, Charles Granville 1928 

Moran, Lawrence 1930 

Morgan, Edward Llewelyn 1918 

Money, Frank Raymond 1931 

Money, Joseph 1909 

Morse, Valentine Wheatstone 1920 

Morton, Harry 1914 

Moule, Alan Weldon 1933 

Muller, Ferdinand 1923 

Newman, William Ferguson 1932 

Nidd, Mary Vivian 1922 

Noble, John Wood 1923 

Norcliffe, Thomas Stainthorpe 1933 

O’Brien, Donogh Joseph 1912 

O’Donahue, John Michael 1924 

O’Neill, Charles 1924 

Oxendale, Albert 1930 

Papazian, Herant 1915 

Parker, Alan 1929 

Parkes, Denis Lcwin 1928 

Parkinson, Harold Ainsworth 1920 

Parry, Arthur Leslie 1933 

Paterson, Agnes Marianne 1932 

Paterson, Malcolm Clark, B.D.S. ... 1914 

Patterson, David Alexander 1925 

Paulding, George James xg32 

Peacock, Jack NoSl 1928 

Peacock, Mrs. M. M. 

See Brandwood, Mary M. 

Peers, Robert Walter 1924 

Pickering, Oliver 1932 

Pilling, Joseph Arthur 1932 

Piper, William John 1911 

Place, Alfred Noel 1922 

Place, Thomas Byron 1914 

Place, Thomas Keen 1913 

Platford, Minnie Hill 1930 

Plummer, Charles Harold 1911 

Pollitt, Laurence Hilton 1925 

Poole, Arthur Wilman 1923 

Poole, Bessie Helena 1922 

Poulter, Eric Seymour 1922 

Poulter, Leslie Bertram 1925 

Preston, Frank Bassnett 1910 

■Quinn, William Henry Darley 1915 

Radcliffe, Asenath Mary 1926 

Raeside, Matthew 1920 

Ralphs, Emest Edward 1924 

Ramsbotlom, Robert 1913 

Ramsden, Alice 1920 

Ramsden, Arthur 1923 

Ramsden, Mrs. Arthur 

See Latarche, Kate 

Ramsden, Jessie 1915 

Rapier, Leonard Aubrey 1923 

Renshaw, Arnold, B.D.S 1909 

Date of 

Reynolds, John Leonard 1907 

Rigbey, George Frederick Leonard ... 1923 

Riley, John 1909 

Riley, John 1923 

Roberts, Fred Crossley 1933 

Ross, Samuel Gordon 1911 

Rothwell, Thomas 1911 

Royley, George Cook 1916 

Ryley, Edward Bernard 1912 

Sandiford, Herbert Edgar 

Scott, Cecil Francis, B.D.S. 

Scotts, George Newton 

Sheldon, Maurice 

Sherry, Mary Hilda 

Shute, Kenneth Vivian 

Sibson, Maurice Daniel 

Sibson, Reginald Daniel 

Simm, Frederick Charles 

Slater, Wilfrid Jennings 

Smith, Edward Gillespy, B.D.S. 

Smith, Fred Eric 

Smith, John 

Smith, Leslie David 

Smith, Robert Stephen 

Smith, Tom Bernard 

Spedding, Henry Edward 

Spedding, J ames Herbert 

Stafford, Alfred Wheeler, B.D.S. 

Stafford, Charles Herbert 

Statham, Joseph Edgar Warburton 

Stirling, George 

Stirzaker, Laurence Edwin 

Stones, Hubert Horace, M.D.S. ... 

Stronach, Ian Rennie 

Sutton, Denis Herbert 

Swallow, William Edward Hawley 




I 93 i 




















Taylor, Emest Robert 1934 

Taylor, Hereford Philip 1922 

Taylor, William Geoffrey 1928 

Theakston, Joseph Allan 1932 

Thomas, James Leslie 1923 

Thomas, Ronald Evelyn Crosthwaite... 1926 

Thornton, Eric ... 1933 

Thornton, James Edwin 1921 

Timperley, Robert Maywhort X913 

Torkington, Albert 1907 

Torkington, Harold Holt, B.D.S. ... 1932 

Torkington, John Lees, B.D.S 1931 

Tough, Arnold Bannatyne 1911 

Townley, Herbert, B.D.S 1924 

Travis, Charles Henry 1917 

Tunstall, Granville 1926 

Twelves, Emest 1926 

Vernon, Harold 1924 

Vickers, Norman igio 

Voss, Hugo 1923 

Waddingham, Frank Clifford ... ... 1924 

Walcb, Walter Grimshaw ... 1924 

Walker- Anderson, Gracie (Mrs. Booth) 1921 

Walmsley, Harold 1919 

Walton, Reginald Arthur 1925 

Warburton, George Birket 1928 

Ward, Ernest 1913 

Ward, Leonard Wallworth 1911 

Ward, Robert Sydney 1911 

Warner, Edward Brown 1914 

Waterhouse, Wilfrid 1925 

Watson, Eric Amim 1913 

Watts, George Edward 1924 

Wells, Stanley 1925 

Whitehead, Aquila 19x4 

Teacher's Diploma, 


Diploma in 

Dentistry — continued. 

Whitworth, Sydney 

Wild, Norman 

Wilkinson, Bertram 

Wilkinson, James Varley 

Williams, Frederick Wilfrid, B.D.S. 
Williams, Vernon Anderson 
Williams, William Richard 

Date of 

Date of 

... 1921 

Williamson, David Vincent .. 


... 1929 

Wood, Douglas 


... 191S 

Wood, George Henry 


... 1914 

Wood, John Glen 


... 1928 

Wood, Norman 


... 1925 

... 1921 

Wood, Norman Holroyd 


Diploma in Psychological Medicine. 

Chevens, Leslie Charles Frederick, 

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1924 
Cormac, Harry Dove, M.B., M S. ... 1924 

Davidson, Thomas Wishart, M.B.,Cb.B. 1924 

Gebbie, Nicholas, M D., D.P.H 1930 

Handley, Richard, M.B., Ch.B. ... ... 192& 

Howie, James Erskine, M.B., Ch B. ... 192S 

Luff, Mary Constance, M.B., B.S. ... 1927 

Lynch, William Joseph, M.B., Ch.B. ... 1924 

McGlashen, William Reid, M.B., Ch.B. 1924 
McKail, Robert Buchanan Forbes, M.D. 1929 

. Montgomery, Edwin, F.R.C.S 1913 

| Mulholland , Henry Cunningham , 

M.B., B.Ch., D.P.H. 1930 
Palmer, Harold Anstruther, 
j M.B., Ch.B. 1933 

! Reid, Beniamin, M.B., Ch.B 1930 

i Shepley, William Hadfteld, M B., Ch.B. 1928 

I Stafford, Harry, M B., Ch.B 1928 

Stewart, Roy Mackenzie, M.B., Ch.B. 1914 
Thomson, William George, M.B., Ch B. 1925 
, Walker, Charles Barnet Victor, 

! M.B., Ch.B. 1925 


Diploma in Social Study. 

Date of 

Allison, Kathleen, Jane, B.A. (Com.) 1930 

Daniels, Hilary Barbara, B.A 1930 

Fielder, A. E.H 1932 

Grist, Valerie S., B.A. (Admin.) 1932 

Haring, Ruth, LL.B 1931 

Rhess, Jean, M.A 1931 

Roberts, Beatrice Helen, B.A 1931 


Teacher’s Diploma. 

Noie. — After 1905 the list was divided into two classes, and after 1913 the second class was divided 
into two divisions. The figures following the names denote the class and division respectively. 
After 1918 division into classes was discontinued, but was re-introduced in 1921. 

Abba, Edna D., B.Sc ... . 



Airey, Alice, B.Sc 

... n. 


Abell, Marjorie M. , B.A. 



Akred, Alice, B.Se 

... 11. 

* 93 ° 

Abraham, Christabel M., B.A 



Alderson, J. D., B.Sc 

... II. 


♦Abraham, Mabel, B.A 




Aldred, Harold, B.Sc. 

... II. 


*Ackroyd, Louis, B.Sc. (Leeds) 
Adam, Jeanie I., B.A 



Alfred, Violet, B.Sc 

... II. 




Aldridge, Clarice M., B.Sc. ... 

Allan, Dorothy, B.A 

Allard, Gwendoline, B.A 

... II. 


Adams, Edith R., B.A. 
♦Adams, F. R., B.A 




. . II. 


Adams, Margaret T., B.A. . 



(Mrs. Robert Bryson) II. 


Adams, May L., B.Sc 

Adams, Phyllis M., B.A. 
Adams, Violet D., M.A. 





Maun, Ray P., B.A I. 

Allcock, Mrs. W. B. 

See Jones, Gladys M. 


(Mrs. E. Constantin) 



Allen, Margaret D., B.Sc. ... 

. . II. 

iy 23 

Adamson, James, B.Sc. 



Allen, Mary W. f B.A 

... 11 . 

I (28 

Adderlev, C. J., B.Sc 



.Allen, Muriel L., B.A 

... II. 


Addey, Dorothy M., B.Sc 



.Allen, P. H., B.A 

... II. 


Addis, Gwendoline, B.A. 



Almond, Percy, B.Sc 

... 11 . 


Agar, H. W. t M.Sc 

Ainslie, Hester W., B.A. (Mrs 


Alston, N. A., M.Sc 

... 1 . 




Anders, Ethel M., B.A. 

... II. 


Ainsworth, Thomas, B.Sc. .. 



Anderson, Bessie, B.A 

. . 11 . 


* Secondary Branch 


Teacher's Diploma 



♦Anderson, Freda M., B. \ I. 

Anderson, Jeau M., B.S e II- 

Anderson, Margaret, B. \ II. 

Anderson, Marguerite M., B.A. II. (i) 
♦Anderton, Harriet A., B.A. 

(Mrs. G B. Jackson) II. (2) 

Andress, Mary, B Sc II. 

Andrew, Kathleen, BA II. 

Angus, A. A., B.A II 

Annis, Walter, B.Sc II. 

Appleby, Enid, B.A II. 

Arden 1, Francis M., B.A II. 

Armstrong, Gladys M., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. H. B. Speaknian) I. 
Arthur, Esther M., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. J. I). Hannah) II. 

Ascroit, Florences., B. A II 

Ashburner, A. E., B.Sc II. 

Ashcrott, Alice, B.Sc II. 

Ashhurst, William, B.Sc II. 

* Ashley, Frances H., B.A. 

(Mrs. Rowbotham) I. 

Ashton, Florence, B.A II. 

Ashton, Helen K., B.A II. 

* Ashton, Margaret M., B.A. 

(Mis. \\\ W. Kay) 
Ashton, Martha, M.A. 

(Mrs. Herbert Blune) I. 

Ashworth, Arthur, B.Sc II. 

Ashworth, Florence M., B.A. ... II. 
Ashworth, John, B.A. (Com.) ... II. 

Ashwortu, Josiah, B.Sc II 

Ashworth, Margaret M., Li A. ... II. 

♦Aspinall, Aithur, B.A II. (1) 

Atherton, William, B.Sc 11. 

Atkinson, Elizabeth I., B.Sc ... II. 

Atkinson, J. J., B.A.’ II. 

Atkinson, Marjorie, B.A II. 

Atkinson, Marjorie K., B II. 

Atkinson, T S., B.A II 

Attcrton, Mrs. R. See D.iek, Isabel 

Austin, G. B., B.Sc II. 

Aveyard, Iithel A , B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Beckerlcgge) 

Badland, Mary A., B.A I. 

Baguley, K. 1C., B.Sc II. 

♦Bahm, Kate M., B.A II (2) 

Bailey, Elfrieda, B.Sc II. 

Bailey, Ethel, B.A II. 

Baillie.T.G., B.Sc II (1) 

Baines, Mabel M. D., B.A 11 

Baird, Marjorie, B.Sc il. 

Baker, Mrs. H. 

Sec Lightbown, Constance M. 

Balderstone, Alice, B.A II. 

Ball, Hilda M., B.A II 

Ball, John, B.Sc II. 

Ballautme, Esther, M.A. ... II. (2) 

Ballautiue, Mrs. 

See Macahster, Margaret W. 

Banfield, J. R., B.Sc II 

Banhani, Katharine M., B.Sc 

(Mrs. J, \V. Bridges,) 

Banks, Mrs. H. 

Date of 


... I. 


... II. 


... II. 


II. (i) 


II. (2) 


... II. 


... II. 


... II 


. . II. 


... II. 


... II. 


nan) I. 


ah) II. 


... Il 


... IL 


... II. 


... II. 


iam) I. 


... II. 


... 11. 


W. Kay) 


iane) I. 


... II. 


... 11. 


... 11. 


... II 


... II. 


Ik (1) 


... 11. 


... 11. 

19 3 x 

... 11. 


.. II. 


... II. 


... II 


c, Isabel 

... II. 


.. I. 

.. II. l«3 
II ( 2 ) Iy32 
.. II. I932 
.. II. I9IO 
II (I) 1915 

.. 11 1932 

IE (2) 1915 

See Hacking, Margarei 

t A 

Bannister, Elizabeth, B.A 



♦Bannister, Gladys, B.Sl. .. II 



Bannister, Sydney, B.Sc 



Barber, Mabel M B A. 

(Mrs. E. N. Davenport; 



Bark, Mrs. (7 M. See Smith, Gertrude. 

Dote at 

Barkis, W. W., B.Sc II. nui 

+Barkoll, Lilian N., BA. (Shelftehl) I. iyn 

Barker, Florence A., B.A 1004. 

Barker, Mrs H J. 

See Bradley, Constance V. 

Barker, Mabel A., B.Sc II. 1925 

Barker, Nora, BA II. 1024 

Barker, R. B,, M.A II. 1913 

“Barlow, Alfred, B.Sc II. (1) 1922 

Barlow, Mrs. Arthur. See Moyes Ktfte 

Barlow, H S., B.Sc II. 1926 

Barlow, Richard, B.Sc II. 1923 

Barlow, Winifred, B.A II. (2) 1916 

Barnes, A. G., B.A 11. 1932 

Barnes, Grace, B.A. (Mrs. Metcalfe) II. 1910 

Barnes, Hilda J , B.Sc II. 1923 

Barraelotigh. Harold, M.Sc II. 1924 

Barwise, Wilirid, B.A II. 1931 

♦Basford, KathLeen E,, B.A. ... II. (1) 1922 

Bashforth, Edward, B.Sc II 19 y> 

Bass, Freda W. P., B A II. 1932 

Bate, R. N , B.Sc. I. 1926 

♦Bateman, Isabella, B.Sc 1920 

Bates, Lawrence, B.A II 1931 

Bateson, Thomas, M . \ 1897 

Bawden, Gerda G., B.A II. 1930 

Baxendale, Agnes A. , B. A II. 1929 

Baxter, Ada L., B.A II. 1030 

Baxter, Elsie, B.A 1. 1932 

Baylev, C. C., M.A I. 1932 

Bavley, G. A., B Sc XL 1927 

Baylev, G. T., B \ II 1923 

♦Beadle, Margaret, B.Sc 1920 

Beard, Ralph, B.A tiji8 

Bearpark, Margaret, B.A 1920 

Beattie, W. A. , B.Se II. 1927 

Beaver, Mary, B A II. 1927 

Beckeriegge,’Mrs See Aveynrd, Ethel A. 

Beckett, J. H , B.A II. 1933 

Beddow, Elsie G , M.A. . . 11. (2) 1918 

♦Bedford, Dorothy, B.A. ... 11.(2) 1017 

Bedson, Muriel A., M.A. 

(Mrs. R. E. Slade) II. 1909 

Beecroit, Jennie, B A II. iyo 7 

Beeley, Annie H., B.A 11. 1909 

Beelcy, J.W.,B.Sc II. 1932 

Beever, Grace, B Sc 11. 1929 

Bogbie, Dorothv G., B.Sc II 1923 

Bell, A. E , B. \ II. 1913 

Bell, Beatrice C., B.A II. *929 

Bell, Caroline M , B.A II. 1925 

♦Bell, Dorothy, B A. 

(Mr**. G. L Moachim) I. 1917 

Bell, Edward, B.Se II. 1933 

fin'll, J. M. t B.A. (Oxford) I. 19m 

Bell, Laura J L., B.Sc II. 1926 

♦Bell, Marjorie, B Sc I. 1917 

Bell, Minnie J., M.A (Mrs. Brice) II. 1909 

Bellman, Vera M , BA. ... 11(2) 1917 

Belsen, Mrs. See Thompson, Ethel M 
♦Bonnet, Leota K. 

(GirLnu College, Cambridge) II. (1) iyi<> 

Bennett, Alwyn, B Sc II 1931 

Bennett, Clara, B A II *923 

Bennett, John, B.A II. 103° 

Bentley, J. P , B.Sc II. 1923 

Bentley, Mary, B.A. 

(Mis J. H. Burnet) II. 1927 

Bernhardt, Elsie S , B.A II. 1925 

Bernngton, Maud, B Sc IL 1932 

Berry, Edith M , B.A. (Mrs. Noith) ... 19*9 

* Secondary Branch, 

t Distinction. 

Teacher's Diploma. 


TtachekV Diploma — continued Date of 


Berry, Ethel, B.Sc 


1^2 3 

Berry, Malcolm, B.Sc 



Berry, Mary D. R., B.\ 



Berr\% Stanley, Ft Sc 



Keswick, Norah, B.Sc 11. 

Bei'an , Ellen M., B.Sc. 



(Mrs. Curnei 



Beverlcv, Waller, B Sc 



Bewlev, Mrs. Arthur See Livesev, Hilda 

Bibby, Edna, B.A 



Biddulph, Irene M., B.A 



Bilsborrow, J. L., B.A 



Birch, Dons, B.A. (Mrs. Pearson) 



Birtles, Alfred, B.A 

Birtwell, Elizabeth W., B.A 



(Mrs. E. A. Royle) 11. 



Birtwell, Ellen H., B.Sc 



Birtwell, M. E., B.A 



Bishop, Edw’ard, B.Sc. 



Black , Margaret E., B.A 



Black, Muriel M., B.Sc 



Blackith, Enid, B.A 



♦Blackledge, Maty D., B A. ... 11. 

♦Blake, Caroline Jl B. 



(Somerville College, Oxford) 
♦Blakeway, Janet M., B.A. 



(Mrs. D. E. Bowen 1 
filainire, Winifred, B.A. 



(Mrs. Denis He-gcn) 
Bland Mrs. See Provost, Ethel 



Blane, Mrs. H. See Ashton, Martha 

Blaylock, T. E., B Sc 




Bleakley, J. A.. B.A. (Cambridge) 



Blomerlev, H. W., B.Sc. 
♦Bock, Charlotte M. V. 



(Girton College, Cambridge) 
Boden, Mrs. R. B. 


19 11 

See Robinson, 


Bogie, Reginald, B.Sc. ... 



Bond, T heodora, B.A. 


Bonney, J. P 


j:Boon, Eva, B.A 




Booth, Harold, B.Sc. ... 



Booth, Lena, B.A 


is 29 

Booth, Norman, B Sc ... 



-Booth, W S , B.A 




Booth-man, Dorothy S., B.A 



Boothman, Hazel E., B A. 



Borrows, b. A., B Sc. ... 



Boss , Elizabeth 11'., M.A. 


Bossons, \rthur, B.Sc. ... 



Bottomley, Harold, B.A. 



Bottomley, Sarah E , B.A. 




Bottomley, Wimfred 



JBowcott, Chas , B.Sc. ... 

.. ‘ii. 



Bowden, Marjorie, B.A. 



♦Howe, Eleanor M. f M.A. 
Bowen, Mrs D. E. 

u. (X) 


See Blakeway, Janet M. 

Bowker, Hilda M., B.Sc II. 1025 

♦| Bowman, Florence L. 

(Somerville College, Oxford; I n-u 
♦Bowman, Margaret E. 

(Girton College, Cambridge) II. (1) 1915 

Bownass, Nora, B.Sc 11. 1931 

Bowtell, T. H., M.A 1902 

Boyd, Ethel D., B.A II. 1926 

Boyer, Thomas, B Sc II 1925 

♦Bracewell, C. C., B.A II (1) 1922 

Bradbnrv, Dorothy, B.Sc II 1926 

Bradbury, Frank, B.A. ... II (2) 1021 

Date <>f 

Bradbury, R. H., B.Sc. 
♦Bradley,’ Constance V , B V. 


. . II. 

I',2 r > 

(Mrs. H. ] 

. Barker* 


♦Bradley, Hilary', B.Sc 

II. U: 


Bradley, Mrs. W. A. See Tones, Mabel 

Bradley’, Mrs. Ste Dinnis, 


Bradshaw, Mary A., B.A. ... 

. II. 


Bradshaw, Rhocia, B.A. 

... I 


Brady% Mildred, BA 

... li. 


Bradv, R. P., B.Sc 

Brarnall, Mrs. Geoffrey. 

. . 11. 


See Law, 


Brennan, Kathleen E., B.A... 

. . II. 


Brentnall, H. C 


Brewin, J. L , B Sc 



Bridge, F. H., B.Sc 

... 1. 


Endue, Kathleen, M.A. 

. . 11. 


Bridge, Marjorie A., B.Sc. ., 
Bridg.s, Mrs. J. W. 

... 11. 


Stc Banham, Katharine M. 

Brier, Albert, B.Sl 

Brn rlev, Arthur. B.Sc . II 

m lev, Edith, B.A Ii » 2* ’» 

Bnggs, A. li , B. A II. 

Briggs, Mrs. R. \V. See j on. s, NVrah A. 

Bnndle\,G W., B.Sc II 

Briscoe,' J. X., B.A II. 

♦Brittain, Dorothy, B.A 

Britteii, A. G. R.. B.A I. 

♦Broadbeut, Edith, B.A. 

(Mrs. G. F. Higham) II. (21 
♦Broadbeut, Florence M., B.A. 

(.Mrs. J. G. Straw) II. (i) 

Broadbent, F. R., B.Sc 11. 

Broadhurst, Sarah E. B.A II, 

Brodie, Elizabeth J., B.A II. 

Brooks, Elsie, B.A II. 

♦Brooks, Elsie, B.A II (2) 

Brooks, Gladys, B.Sc 11. 

t Brooks, Harry, B.Sc II. (21 

Brooks, May,’ B.Sc II. 

Brooks, Nellie, B.A II. 

Brooks, Mrs. Ste Sharpies, Norah 

Broom, Maria D , B.A II. 

Broster, \V. S., B.A II. 

Brown, Agnes. BA II 

Brown, Ettie M., B.A II 

Brown, Elizabeth, BA II. 

Brown, Florence M., B Sc 

♦Brown, Florence \\\, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Williams 1 
Brown, Ida M., B.A. (Mrs. Johnson j II. 

* Browm, Kathleen, B.Sc I. 

Browm, Reta W., B.A II. 

Brown. 1 'om, B.Sc II. 

Browm, T. A., B.Sc I. 

Brown, \V. G., B.Sc II. 

Brou'ne, Ena, B.A II. 

Browning, Mrs. Robert 

See Weiss, Elizabeth G. 

Bruce, Isabella G., B.A II. 

Bruckshaw, Agnes E., B A. ... li. 

Brunskill, Lizzie, BA II. (r) 

Brunton, Florence, B.A II. 

Bryson, ,\lrs. Robert. 

See Allard, Gwendoline 

Buckley, Annie, B.A II. 

♦Buckley, Annie L., B A. ... II (2) 

Buckley, Joan, B.Sc 11. 

Bufiey, Grace E., B.A II. 


193 - 





* 93 ^ 















193 ^ 









1 926 






Vji 7 


♦ Secondary' Branch, 
t Distinction. 

% Continuation School Branch. 


Teacher's Diploma. 

Teacher's Diploma — continued Date of 


Bullock, Amy, B.A. 

(Mrs. G. L. Stringer)II. 1925 

Bullough, Geoffrey, B.A. I. 1923 

Bullough, Phyllis J., B.Sc II. 1929 

Bunting, Ethel, B.Sc 

(Mrs. Robinson) II. 1924 

Bunting, Hilda M., B.A. 

(Mrs. M. Shepherd) II. 1923 

Burgess, Fred, B.Sc II. 1928 

Burke, Frank, B.Sc II. 1924 

fBurke, Laura, M.A. (R.U.I.) ... I. 1907 

Burnet, Mrs. T. H. See Bentlev, Mary 

Burrell, W. W., B.Sc ' II 1910 

* Burrows, Gladys M., B.Sc 1920 

Burton, Frank, B.A II. 1933 

Burton. Olive M., B.A. 

(Mrs L M. Webb) 1919 

Bury, F. N. V , B.Sc II. {2) 1915 

Bury, J. H., B.A II. 1913 

Bushnell, E. L., B.Sc II. 1929 

Butler, Frank, B.Sc II. 1923 

Butler, Mrs. Frank. See Coxon, Katie L. 

♦Byrne, Alice M. P., B.A II. 1911 

Byrne, T. W,, B.A II. 1928 

♦Byrom, William, B.A II. (3) 1914 

Cadman, A. J., B.Sc II. 

Camm, W. A., B.A II. 

Campbell, Mrs. A. C. 

See Ormerod, Elizabeth 

Campbell, Evelyn M., B.A II. 

Campbell, Jeanie, M.A II. 

Campbell, R J., B.A II. (3) 

Cane, W. A., B.A II. 

Caunell, Norman, B.Sc II. 

Cant, Mrs. F. V. See Cooper, Gladys M 

Carlill, Eleanor L. , B . A II . 

Caro, W. A., B.Sc II 

Carr, Mrs. C. T 

See Roscoe, Marian F. H. 
♦Carr, Hilda, B.A. (Mrs A. G. Walker) I. 

Carr, N. H., B.Sc II. 

Can:, W. E., B Sc II 

Carruthers, Bertha H., B.Sc. ... II. 

Carruthers, Joseph, B.A II. 

fCarter, Nellie, B.A II. (2) 

♦Carter, Norah, B.A II. (1) 

Carter, Norah C., M.A II 

Cartwright, Edna, B.A II. 

Cart3 T , Doreen, B.A II 

Casasola, Elizabeth M., B Sc ... II. 

Casey. E. V., M.Sc II. 

Casey, Emily M., B.Sc. .. ... ... 

Castle, Dons C., B.Sc I. 

Catterall, J. H., B.A II. 

Causer, Marjory, B.Sc II. 

Cawley, Man', B.Sc. 

(Mrs. R. E. C Thomas) II. 

Chadwick, Isabel E., B.Sc II. 

♦Chadwick, Mary E., B.A. 

(Mrs. Tabemer) II. 

♦Chaffer, Isabel, B.A II. (2) 

Challmcr, Marjorie E., B.A II. 

Chambers, Doris, E., B.Sc II. 

Chambers, Mary E., B.A. 

(Mrs. T. T. Sandison 1 II. 

Champion, G. H. J., B.A II. 

Champness, Gladys M., B sc. ... II 
Champness, Kathleen S., B \ ... II. 

Channell, Doiothy, BA . . II 

Chantler, Percy. B A II. 
































Date of 

Chantler, Winifred, B.Sc II. 1923 

Chaplow, J. R , B.A II. 1925 

Chapman, H. C., B.A II. 1925 

Chapman, O. H., B.A II. 1929 

Chapman, Thomas, B.A II. 1928 

Chapman, T. W., M.Sc i8g8 

Chapman, W. C„ B.A I. 1033 

Charles worth, Ruth, B.Sc I. 1929 

Charlton, E. J., M Sc II. 1909 

Chamley, Joseph, B.A II. 1909 

Chatterton, Bessie, B.Sc I. 1936 

Chatterton, Roland, B.Sc II. 1930 

Checkley, Harry, B.A II. 1933 

Cherry, John, B.A II. 1928 

Chester, Dorothy M., B.A 19x9 

♦fChew, Doris N., B.A 1919 

Child, Myrtle, M.A I. xgii 

Chisholm, Alice T., B.A 1902 

Chorley, Marian G., B.A II. 1933 

Clark, Margery, B.Sc II. 1933 

♦Clark, Mary G., B.A II. (1) 1922 

Clarke, Grace E. , B.A II. 1923 

Clarke, Grace L., B.Sc II. 1929 

Clarke. Hebe, B.A II. (a) 19x5 

Clarke, Kathleen, B.A II. 1924 

Clarke, William, B.A II. 1933 

JClarkson, C. E., B.Sc II. (1) 1921 

jClarkson, Elsie, B.A II. (1) 1921 

JClarkson, Jessie D., M.A. 

(Mrs. A. R. Skemp) 1905 

Clayton, J. A., B.Sc II. T912 

Clayton, Mary, M.A. 

(Mrs. Ernest Dean) I. 1909 

Cleaton, ]. C., B.A II. (1) 1916 

♦Clegg, Kathleen, B.Sc II (x) 1914 

Clements, Mrs. L. See Manlon, Emma 

Clewcs, Maggie, B.A I. 1929 

Clitt, Dorothy A., B.A. 

(Mrs A G. Pomeroy) ... II. (2) 1915 

♦Clift, Annie L., B.A II. (1) 19x6 

Clift, Mabel L., B.A II. 1924 

Clitheroe, Amy, B.A II. 1923 

Clitheroe, Marjorie, B.A. 

(Mrs. J. F. Lockwood) II. 1927 

Clough, Eva, B.Sc.(Mrs Stewart) II. (1) 1915 

Clough, Margaret, B.A II. 1925 

Coan, Mary V., B.A II. 1926 

Cock, Ellen, B.Sc II. 1928 

Cockram, Ellis, B.Sc II. 1920 

Cockcroft, Margery G., B.A. ... II. 1933 

♦Coekshutt, J. A., M.Sc II. 1912 

Coignou, Caroline , M.A. (T.C.D.) 1901 

Colclough, T. P., M.Sc II. 1907 

Cole, Ruth, B.A I. 1916 

Collett, Mrs. G. A. 

See Broughton, Dorothy 
Collingwood, Barbara L., B.Sc. ... II. 1926 

Collins, Mrs. R. See Fairhurst, Rhoda 

Collinson, Harold, B.Sc II. 1925 

Collinson, Katherine M., B.A. ... II. 1933 

Compton, Olive, B.A II. 1927 

Condliffe, Edith A., B.A. 

(Mrs Ing) II. 1924 

” * ‘ 1914 


♦Condliffe, G. E., B.Sc ... II. (1) 
♦Connor, Beatrice H. 

(Mrs, Reichcl) II. (x) 
Constantin, Mrs E. 

See Adams, Violet D. 

Cook, F,S„BA II. (1) 

Cook, Iv B., B.Sc II. 

Cooke, Annie F , B A II. 

Cooke, Esme S , B A II. 





* Secondary Branch, 
t Distinction 

t Continuation School Branch 

TeauiiVs Diploma — continued. 

Teacher's Diploma, 


Date of 

•Cooke, Martha E., B.Sc II. 1911 

Coombs, Edith A., B.Sc II. 1929 

Cooper, Elizabeth, M., B.Sc, ... II. 1932 

Cooper, Evelyn M., B.Sc II. 1926 

Cooper, Mrs. F. B. 

See Gregory, Lillie 
Cooper, Gladys M., B.A. 

(Mrs. F. V. Cant) I. 1917 
Cooper, Mary, B.Litt. (Durham)... II. 1908 
Cooper, Ruth C., B.A. 

(Mrs. E. S. Littlejohn) II. (1) 1917 

Cope, X. A., B.A II. 1933 

Corlett, E. \V., B.Sc I. 1923 

Cornelius, Edna, B.A. II. 1927 

Coltam, Emily, B.A II. 1923 

Cottrell, Rhoda, B.A II. 19x1 

Cottrill, E. G., B.Sc II. 1927 

Coulthurst, Gladys, B.A II. 1926 

Coutts, Mis. See Lee, Bessie 

Cowan, Lulie B., B.A II. 1932 

Cowan, Maureen B., B.A II. 1927 

Cowley, Mrs. D. H. 

See Nutter, Freda 
Coxon, Katie L., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Frank Butler) II. 1924 

Crabtree, H. S., B.Sc.Tech II. 1927 

Craggs, Sallie, B.A. 

(Mrs. J. T. Hilton) II. 1929 

•Crane, Rose, B.Sc. I. 1921 

•Craig, Robina Y., B.A. II. 1911 

* Cranks haw, Elizabeth M. 

(Newnham College, Cambridge) II. (1) 1916 

Craven, F. H., M A II. 1909 

Crawford, Harold, B.Com II. 1924 

Crawshaw, Annie, B.Sc 1904 

Crawshaw, Jenny, B.Sc II, 1930 

Crawshaw, Kate, B.A. 1902 

Crawshaw, Margaret, B.A 1903 

Cressy, Eileen M., B.Sc. ... II. 1928 
Crewe. Margery, B.A. 

(Mrs. A. Moodie) II. (1) 1916 

Crichton, Mrs. See Ainsiie, Hester \V. 

Critchlow, John, B.Sc II. 1932 

Crompton, Elsie M., B.A 

(Mrs. Eastwood) II. (1 1 1916 

Cropper, Edmund, B.Sc II. 1928 

Cropper, Jennie H., B.Sc. 

(Mis. Maisden) II. (2) 1918 

Cropper, Nellie, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. I. M. Hughes) II 1927 

Crussley, Annie, B.A II. 1926 

Crossle}*, Hettie H., B.A. ... II. (2) 1916 

Crossley, T. A,, B.A II. 1923 

Crowther, K. A., B.Sc II 1932 

Cullen, Mildred M , B.A II 1931 

Cummings, R. G., B.A II. 1933 

Cunliffe, Helen, B.A 1905 

Cunningham, Jean 0 ., B.Sc 1904 

Currie, Mrs. See Bevan, Ellen M. 

Curtin, Sylvia S. , B.A II 1926 

Curtis, Margery, B.A II. 1928 

Curzon, Thomas, M.Sc I. 1919 

Dack, Isabel, B.A. 

(Mrs. R. Attertonj II rgas 
•Dagutski, Harry, B.A. (Oxford) 

( now H. Duguid) II. ign 

Dalbv, Hilda F., B.A II. 1926 

•Dallimore, Jane, B.A II. (1) 1921 

•Daly, J. H., B.Sc II. (1) 1922 

Daniel, Elizabeth, B.A. ... II. (2) 1916 

Daniels, Nina, B.A I 1929 

Darbysnire, Wilfred, B.Sc II. 1933 

Darlington, C. R., B.Sc IT. 1932 

• Secondary Branch. 

Date oj 

_ „ Diploma 

•Darwin, George, B.Sc II. m 1016 

Davenport, Mrs. E. N. 

See Barber, Mabel M. 

Davenport, James, B. Sc II. 1930 

Davenport, Mary I., B.A II. 1033 

Davies, Mrs. D. J, See Worrall, Bessie 

Davies, Doris, B.A II. 1928 

Davies, Dorothy L., B.A I. 1916 

Davies, Mona K. f B.Sc II. 1924 

Davies, W. E., B.Sc II. 102-1 

Davies, Mrs. W. E. 

See Shorrock, Beatrice 
•Davies-Colley, Mabel N. 

(French Hons. Oxford) 1920 
•Davis, Jessie S., B.A. 

(Mrs. I. L, Kandel) II. (1) 1915 

Davison, Frederick, B.A II. 1930 

Dawson, Frances, B.A. ... II. (2) 1922 

Dawson, W. E., B.Sc II. 1930 

Day, Kathleen A. E., B.A II. 1929 

Deakin, Mary St. F., B.Sc II. 1932 

Dean, Mrs. Ernest. See Clayton, Mary 

Dean, Frank, B.Sc II. 1931 

Dean, Mary D. , B.A II. 1932 

Dean, Winifred M., B.A II. 1930 

Denard, Evelyn, B.A II. 1933 

Dening, J. R-, B.A II. 1932 

Dent, Hilda M., B.A II. 1931 

Dent, J. G., B.Sc II. 1931 

Dewhirst, Phyllis, B.A II. 1929 

Dickinson, Colin, B.Sc II. 1932 

Dickinson, Winifred, B.Sc II. 1926 

Diggle, Mrs. H. F. See Jackson, Mary C. 

Dinnis, Marjorie, B.A. 

(Mrs, Bradley) II. 1926 

Dives, Marjorie, B.A II. 1926 

•Dix, Edith M..B.A II. 1928 

Dixon, F. S., B.A ... II. (2) 1922 

Dobson, Catherine M. J. A., B.A. 

(Mrs. F. J. Wagener) II. 1923 

•Dobson, Jessie, B.A II. 1928 

Dobson, Martha H., B.A ... II. (1) 1918 

Dodd, Raymond, B.A II. 192& 

Dodge, Eva, M.A 1903 

•Douglass, Arthur, B.Sc II. 1913 

Downham, W. C., B.Sc II. 1933 

Doyle, James, B.Sc II. 1928 

Drury, J. H., B.A II. 1932 

Duckworth, Marion, B.A II. 1927 

Duddle, C. L., B.Sc II. 1927 

Duffy, Annie, B.A II. 1924 

Duffy, John, B.A II. 1927 

•Duffy, Kate, M.Sc. 

(Mrs. W. F. Harvey) II. 19x2 

•Duguid, Gladys, B.A. 

(Mrs. H. H. Hilton) II (1) 1921 

Duguid, H. See Dagutski, H. 

Duke, Lillie, B.Sc II. (1) 19x8 

•Duncan, Doris M., B.Sc. ... II. [2) 1921 

Duncan, Sophie R., B.A II. 1924 

Dungan, Mis. E. A. See Watts, Ethel A. 

Dutton, Rita H., B.Sc II. 1923 

Duxbury, Alice, B.A II 1930 

Duxbury, Hilda, B.Sc II. 1930 

Duxbury, Margaret, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Pilling) II. 1925 

Dwyer, Mary J., B.A II. 1928 

*Dymond f J. A . G., B.A. (London) II. 1914 

Dymond, Mrs. J. A. G. See Nixon, Elsie 

Earl, F. J. G., B.Sc II. 1929- 

Earlam, Marjorie, B.A II. 1930 

Easey, H. E., B.Sc II. 1924 

Eastwood, Alice L., B.A. ... 11.(2) 1916 


Teacher Diploma, 

Teacher’s Diploma — continued. Hate of 


Eastwood, Eric, M.Sc II. 1933 

Eastwood, Ethel M. , B.Sc II. 1929 

Eastwood, Hilda M„ B.A II. 1931 

Eastwood, Mrs. See Crompton, Elsie M. 

Eaves, C. \V., B.Sc 11. 1931 

Eckersley, C. E., B.A I. iyi6 

Eckersley, George, B.A II. 1924 

Eckersley, Ida M., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Littler) II. 1912 

Eckersley, Stanley, B.A II. 1026 

Ecroyd, Eveline M., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. George Tattersall) II. 1926 

Edees, E. S., B.A 11. 1930 

♦Edwards, Edith M., B.vSc. (Wales) II. x*ji2 

Edwards, J. A , B.A 11. 1931 

♦Edwards, Mary E. I., B A 1920 

Egci ton, Janet D,, B.A II. 1924 

♦Egli, Minnie, B.Sc. (Mrs. E. J. Moore) .. n)2i> 

♦Eker, S. J., B.A 1919 

Eley, H. L., B.Sc II. 1933 

Elfenbaum, Arthur, B.A II. 1912 

Ellerington, A. H., B.A II. 3924 

Elliot, J. K. f B.Sc I. 192S 

Elliott, C. B., B.A II. 11J32 

Elliott, Ethel M. L., B.A 1905 

Elliott, Joan, BA I 1927 

Elliott, Lucy, B.A 1920 

Elliott, Mabel A., M.A 1901 

♦Ellis, Annie 

(Girton College, Cambridge) I. 1915 

Ellis, C, G., B.Sc II. 1923 

Ellis, H. V., B.Sc II. 1932 

Ellis, Mary A., B.A II. (1) 1915 

Ellis, Sarah, B.Sc II. (1) 1922 

Ellscher, M. H., B.A. (Cambridge) II. 1908 

§Elstob, Wilfyith, B.A II. 1910 

* Emerson, Gladys M. , B . A II. 1911 

Emmett, Mary E., B.A II. 19x3 

Emson, Mrs. Sec Winstanley, Gertrude 
Enke, Mrs. See Lejeune, Marion 
Eva, Mrs. S. H. See Sandiford, Mary 
Evans, Ahven M., B.Sc. ... II. (t) 1917 

Evans, Edith M., B.A 11 1931 

Evans, Grace M., B.A II 1927 

♦Evans, Gwen 

(Somerville College, Oxford) II. 
Evans, Gwladys, M.A. 


1915 1 


(Mrs W. A. Povvicke) 



Evans, Susannah, B.A 


Evans, S. W., B.Sc 


1924 1 

Evans, T. H, A., B.A I. 

Evans, Mrs. See Ridvard, Bertha 

1928 ; 

‘JEwing, A. W. G., M.A 


ry2 1 

Ewing, Jean C., M.A 



Exton, R. G , B.Sc 



Eyre, A. R., B.A 



Fairhurst, John, B.Sc 

Fairhurst, Rhoda, B.A. 



(Mrs. R. Collins) II. 1910 
*Fairley, Duncan, B.A. (Leeds) ... II. 1912 
Fallowfield, Honoria C., B.A. ... II. 1912 

Faraday, Lucy W., M A 1903 

Farber, Miriam, B.Sc II. 1933 

Farnworth, Ellen, B.Sc II 1931 

Farquharson, Mrs. D. J. 

See Wright, Hilda M. 

Farrar, Elsie, B.A I. 1933 

Farrow, Betsy, B.A. (Mrs. Sykes) II (1) 1917 

Farrow, Maud, B.A II. (x) 1915 

Faulkner, W. T. B.A. II. 1933 

Date of 
D 1 ploma 

Fawthrop, Margaret R., B.Sc. ... IL ia« 

♦Fazackerley, T. S., B.Sc I. ijjj 

Fearnley, Elsie, B.A II 1524, 

Felton, Audrey, B.Sc II. 1927 

Femihough, Clifford, B.A. ... U. (1) 1921 
Femyhough, W. M., B.Sc. ... II. (1 ig™ 

Ferris, Olive A. M., B.A II. ig 3I 

♦Fidler, Sarali, B.A. (Mrs. W. Hannah) ig2o 

Field, Eve G., B.Sc II. 1,135 

Finch, Eliza, B.Sc II. (2) 1921 

Finch, F. L., B.Sc II. Iy2 g 

Finch, Mary, B.Sc II. igi 2 

Findler, C. B., B.Sc II. 1935 

Finney, Jack, B.Sc II. in 30 

Firth, Elsie M., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. William Taylor) 1. 1928 

♦Fisher, Constance M., B.A ling 

Fishwick, John, B.Sc II. 1937 

Fletcher, Marian R., B.Sc. ... II. (n 1916 
♦Fletcher, Ruth M. 

(Somerville College, Oxford) II. uju 

Fletcher, Mrs. See Pickles, Ina 

Flint, R. J., B.Sc II. 1932 

Fogg, Geoffrey, B.A II. 1929 

Folkard, Muriel B., B.A 1904 

Forrester, Mrs. See Williamson, Lillian 
Fortune, Mabel, B.A. 

(Mrs. E. T. A. Ste deford) 1919 

Foster, Elsie, B.A II, (2) 1917 

Foster, Eva M., B.A II. 1926 

Foster, Freda, B.Sc II. 1930 

Foster, F. W., B.A II. 1931 

Foster, Muriel I., B.A II. 1929 

Foster, Norah, B.A II. 1924 

Foster, Ruth, B.A II. 1923 

Fothergill, Fred, B.Sc I. 1928 

Fothergill, Louisa, B.Sc II. 1928 

Fowles, John, B.Sc II. 1927 

Fox, Edna A., B.A II. 1927 

Fox, J. R.,B.A II. 1923 

Foy, Margaret, B.A II. 1925 

Frame, T. R., B.A 11. 1929 

France, Albert, B Sc II. T927 

Francke, Joan, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. G. V. Whittenbury) II, 1931 

Frith, F. S., B.Sc II. 1933 

Fry, Mrs. E. H. See Weston, Lillie 

Fuller, Dorothy, B.Sc II 1927 

Furlong, Norman, B.A II. 1929 

Furlong, Mrs. Norman 

See Holroyd, Agnes 
Gandine-Stanton, Dorothy A., B.Sc. 

♦Gardner, Evelyn, BA 


IQI 3 

♦Garnett, Charles, B.A 


Garnett, Gilbert, B Sc 



Garnett, J. H., M.Sc 

... 11. 


Garthwaite, Wilfred, B.Sc. ... 

... 11. 


Gartside, Winifred, B.Sc. 

... ii. 


Gaskell, Helen M., B Sc. ... 

... 11. 


Gaskins, Emily M., B.A. 

... ii 

I 93 «> 

Gaulter, L. V., B.Sc 

... n. 

* 93 * 

Gawthrop, Vera, B.A 

... 11 


Gee, Edith E., B.A 

11. (1) 


George, R. L., M.A 

... ii. 


Geirard, Peter, B.Sc 

IL (1) 


Gibson, R. E., B.A 

II. (2) 


Gifford, P. H., B.Sc 

... II. 

* 9*3 

♦Gilbert, L. H., B.A 

... I 

* 9*4 

Gilbraith, Kenneth, B.Sc. ... 

... II. 


Gill, Austin, B.A 

... I 


♦ Secondary Branch. 

} Continuation School Branch. 

^ :\ warded V.C. for heroic defence of Manchester Hill, March 21st, 1918 ; D.S.O. ; M.C. 

Teacher's Diploma . 


Teacher's Diploma — continued . 


Gill, Svdnev, B.Sc. 

Gillin, ‘Phyllis, B.A II 

Gillmour, Gladys, B.A II 

Glassey, William, BA II. 

Gleaves, Edward, B.Sc I. 

Glen, Enid I., B.A II. 

♦Glover, Hilda M., B.Sc. ... II ( 2 ) 
Godson, Katherine H. 

(Mrs. G. R. Palmer) 

(Gixton College, Cambridge) 
Goff, Mrs. N. T. See Watson, Doris 
Golding, Monica J., B.Sc. .. 
Goldstraw, Harry, B.A. 

JGoodall, Ernest, B.Sc 

Goodall, Florence R., B.A. .. 

Goodall, George, B.A 

♦Goodier, Ethel, B.Sc 

Goodison, Constance M., B A, 

Goodreid, Dorothy, B.A 

Goodwin, Cathleen M , B.A. 

(Mrs. Wolstenholnie 

Goodwin, May E,, B.Sc 

Goom, Wilfred, B.Sc 

Gordon, Thelma, B.Sc 

Gorst, Annie B.A. (Mrs. Taylor) 

Gorst, B. J., B.Sc 

Gorst, Isabel G., B.A 

Goudie, Christina, B.A 

Goudie, Grace, M.A. 

(Mrs. Ramsbottom) 

Gowanlock, Reginald, B.A 

Gower-Jones, Pauline L., B.A. 

(Mrs. J. E. Merrett) II. 

Graham, E. H., B.A II. 

Graham, Mrs. See Pennev, Elizabeth 
Grant, Florence S., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Grimshaw) II. (i) 

Gray, William, B.Sc II 

■"Greaves. Dorothy, M.A II. 

Greaves, G. W M B.Sc II 

Greaves, Mary H., B.A 
Green, Annie O., B.Sc 
Green, Frank, B Sc 
Green, Harold, B.A. 

Green, Lucy M., BA. ... 

Green, Mrs See Johnston, 

Greenhalgh, Bertha, B.A. 

Greenough, Albert, B.Sc. 

Greenwood, Edith, B.A. 

Greenwood, Gertrude K., B, 

Date of 
II. 1927 


.. if 

.. II. 
II. (a) 
II. 1) 
.. II. 






Gregory, Alt’s, L., B.A.... 
y, Lillie, B.A. 


Adeliza N 
... II. 
... I. 
.. II. 

"• til 


(Mrs. F. B. Cooper) II. 

♦Gregory, M.V., B.A II. (2) 

Gregory, Ruth A , B.A II. 

Gregory, Mrs. S. O. 

See Priestley, Dorothy 

t Gregory, W. M , B.Sc I. 

♦Grice, feva, B.A 

(Mrs. R. A. West) II. (11 

Gnthths, Mary, B.A II. 

Grime, Harry, M.Sc II. 

♦Grime, Kate, B.A II. (1) 

Grimshaw, H. S., B.A 

Grimshaw, Mrs. See Grant, Florence S. 

Gnndrod, Hilda, B.A II. 

Grocott, J. G. S , B.Sc II 

♦Grosskopf, Gladys E., B.A. ... II. (2) 

Grundy, John, B.A II. 

Grundy, S. J., B.Sc II. 

Grundy, W.H.R..BA 
















































Guest, E. D., B A 

Hacking, Margaret A., B.A. 

„ (Mrs. Howard Banks) 

♦Haddock, Violet W. f B.A. ... II (1} 

Hadfield, Mary, B.Sc II. 

♦Haigh, Dorothy, BA 

Hale, Gladys, B.A II. (2 1 

Hall, Edna, B.A. 

(Mrs. H. Hopkinson) II 

Hall, Leonard, B.Sc II. 

Hall, Margaret A., B.A II 

Hall, Mary E., M.A 

Hall, Sylvia, B.A II. 

HaUam, Winifred, B.A II. 

Hallas, Mary, B.A II. (1) 

Halliweil, Thomas, B.A I. 

Hallows, Dorothy, B.A II 

Hallows, Hilda M., B.A II. 

Hamer, G. S., B.Sc II. 

Hampson, Dorothy M., B.A. 

(Mrs. E. B Jackson) 

♦Hancock, Hilda, B.Sc I. 

Hancock, S. T. R., B.Sc II 

Hand, Edith, M. , B.Sc. 

(Mrs Marks) II. 
♦Hand, Winifred E., B.A. . . II. (2) 

Hanna, Norah, M.A II. 

Hannah, Mrs. J. D. 

See Arthur, Esther M 
Hannah, Mrs. W. See Fidler, Sarah 

Hansell, Anges, M.A I 

Happold, Mrs. F. C. 

See Smith, Annie M. M. 
Hardaker, Dorothy, B.A. 

(Mrs. Ravnen II. (ij 

♦fHardie, Violet H., B.Sc. ' I. 

Harding, Annie K„ B.Sc II 

Harding, Fred, B.Sc II 

Hardisty, Mrs. IV. H. 

See Woodcock, Ada IF. 
Hardisty, Mrs. W. H. 

See Jones, Dorothy H. 

Hardman, Edith, B.A II 

Hardman, Herbert, B.Sc. . ..II 

Hardy, W. P., B.Sc II. 

Harger, Margaret I., B.A II 

Hargreaves, Dorothy E., B.A. 

(Mrs. L. C. Hargreaves) II. 

♦Hargreaves, Edith, B.A I 

Hargreaves, Mrs. Fred. 

See Robinson, Marv 

Hargreaves, L. C., B.Sc If. 

Hargreaves, Mrs. L. C. 

See Hargreaves, Dorothy E. 

Date of 
II 190; 


























19 33 



Hargreaves, Lucy E., B.Sc. 

Harker, F. D., B.A. .. 

Harkness, David, B.Sc. 

Harland, A. E., B.A 
Harley, Joan L., B.A. .. 

♦Harman, R. A., B.A. .. 

Hams, Pauline C., B.A. 

Harrison, Audrey, B.Sc. 

Harrison, Mrs. A. 

See Stringer, Lena II 

Harrison, Dorothy M., B.A II. 

Harrison, Eva, B.A. 

Harrison, Munel, B.A. 

Harrison, S. L., B.Sc. 

Hart, Charles, B.A. 

Hartley, A M., B.A. 

.. II. 
.. II 
.. I. 
II. < 3 t 
... I 
... II. 











* Secondary Branch, 
t Distinction. 

J Continuation School Branch. 


Teacher's Diploma, 

Teacher’s Diploma — continued. Date of 


Hartley, Dorothy G. M., B.A. ... II. 1932 

Hartley, Eileen M., B.A II. 1931 

Hartley, Harold, M.A 1897 

♦Hartley, Nora F., B.A. 

(Mrs. H. S. Thomas) II. (1) 1916 

Harvey, Amy C. , B.A I. 1908 

Harvey, Mrs. W. F. See Duffy, Kate 

Harwood, H. C., B.A II. 1929 

Haslara, Cecil, B.Sc II. 1939 

Hassall, Marion, B.Sc II. rg27 

Hasselgren, John, B.A II. 1933 

Ha weridge, Marion, M.A rgos 

Hawkesworth, Stanley, B.Sc. ... II, 1932 

♦Hawkworth, Robert, B.Sc II. 1912 

Haworth, Frederic, M.Sc 1895 

Haworth, F. W., B.Sc II. 1927 

Haworth, Margaret E. ( B.A. ... II. 1927 

♦Haworth, Mary, B.A II. (1) 1921 

Haxby, Constance, B.A II. 1932 

Hayes, T.C., B. Sc II 1933 

♦Hayes, R. A., B.Sc. (Leeds) II. 1913 

Hayhurst, Florence 

(Mrs. H. J. Rossington) 190+ 

Haynes, Edgar, B.Sc II. 1931 

Headley, H. B. f B.Sc II. 1923 

Heap, Mary, B.A II. 1925 

Health, L.E.,B.Sc II. 1929 

♦Hedley, Jane E., B.Sc II. (2) 1914 

♦Hedley, R. M., B.A II. (1) 1922 

Hedley, W. C., B.A II. 192; 

Hegan, Mrs. Denis. 

See Blamire, Winifred 

Helm, Margaret, B.A II. 1923 

Henderson, Catherine H., B.A. 

(Mrs. W. L. Marsland) I. X917 

Henderson, Mrs. John 

See Smith, Mary W. 

Hendry, Mary R., M.A II. 1928 

Henstock, Eva G., B.Sc II. 1928 

Henthom, J. M., B.A II. 1930 

♦Henthorne' Emma, B.A. ... 11 .( 2 ) 1914 

Hepplostone, Marian, B.A II. 1932 

Herford, Mrs. O. 

See Regan, Margaret M. 
Hesketh, Emily, B.A. 

(Mrs. Rawlinson) II. 1927 

Hewison, Edna M., B.Sc II. 1925 

Hewitt, Wesley, B A II, 1928 

Hey, Donald, M.Sc II. 1933 

Hey, Frances S., B.Sc II. (1) 1914 

Heyes, Elizabeth, B.Sc II. 1923 

Heyes, Wallace, B.Sc II. 1926 

Heyhurst, Annie, M.Sc 1905 

Heywood, Edna, B.Sc II. 1931 

Hicks, Dons E., B.A II. 1924 

Hicks, J. H., B.Sc II. 1932 

Higgin, Jane, B.A II 1930 

iHiggin, Reginald, B.Sc. ... II. (1) 1922 

Higgin, Vida, B.A II 1928 

Higgins, Ethel G. T., B.A. ... II. (2) 1917 

Highain, Mrs G. F. 

See Broadbent, Edith 

tHigham, Joseph, B.Sc. ... ... I. 

ttHigham, Margaret A. J. 

(Hist. Trip. Camb.) 

Higham, Marion, B.Sc II. 

Higson, Fred, B.A I. 

Higson, Helen E., B.Sc II. 

Higson, Hilda, B.A II. 

Hilditch, C. S. B.A II. 

Hiles, Isa L., M.Sc 








r 9°4 


Date of 

Hill, Kathleen M. , B. A II. 1925 

Hill, Lena E., B.A II. 1025 

Hilton, Gertrude A., B.Sc II. 1926 

Hilton, Mrs. H. H. See Duguid, Gladys 
Hilton, Mrs. J. T. See Craggs, Sallie 

Hinchclifl, Francis J., B.A I. igj 0 

Hindes, Mrs. F. W. 0 

See Sanders, Alberta I. .. 

Hindle, W. B., B.Sc II, 1930 

Hindley, Ena, B.A II. 1930 

Hindshaw, Dorothy, B.Sc II. 1930 

Hindson, Doris M. , B.A II. igaa 

♦Hirst, Lilian C. V., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Charles Simpson) II. {3) 1922 

Hirst, Miriam (Leeds) 1904 

Hobart, J. W., B.Sc 1897 

Hobbs, L. J., B.A II. 1^5 

Hobson, Mary M., B.A II. 1929 

Hockenhull, Dorothy, B.A II. 1925 

Hodgkin, Mrs. Mary C., B.Sc II. 1931 

Hodgson, Warris, B.Sc II. 1930 

Hodkinson, Arthur, B.Sc II. 1924 

♦Hodkinson, Benjamin, B.Sc. .. II. (a) 1914 

Hodson, J. D., B.Sc. ... ... ... IT. 1927 

♦Hoffert, Dorothy A. 

(Girton College, Cambridge) 1 . 1914 

Hoggins, Horace, B.Sc II. 1927 

Holdcroft, G. J., B.A II. 1926 

Holden, Beatrice A., B.A II. 1931 

Holden, Beatrice M., B.A II. 1933 

Holehouse, C. G. E., B.A II. 1932 

Holgate, Florence M., B.Sc. ... II. 1926 

Holland, Millicent, B.A II. 1925 

Hollings, Evangeline, B.A 1905 

Hollis, Winifred, B.A II. 1930 

Holme, Mary, B.A II. 1929 

Holme, Ursula, M.A. (Mis. H. W. Jeans) 1897 

Holmes, Florence, B.A I. 1931 

Holmes, Margaret J., B.A II. 1907 

Holmes, R. G. A., D.Sc II. 1924 

Holmes, William, B.Sc II. 1928 

Holroyd, Agnes, B.A. 

(Mrs. Norman Furlong) II. 1:929 

Holt, Annie, B.A II 1923 

Holt, Arthur, B.A II. 1928 

Hooper, E. T., B.A II. 1923 

Hopkinson, Mrs. H. See Hall, Edna 

Hopkinson, Jessie, B.Sc II. 1028 

♦Hopley, Beatrice M. 

(St. Hilda’s Hall, Oxford) II. (1) 1918 

Hopvvood, Evelyn M., B.A. ..* II, 1932 

Horman, Marcella M., B.A. ... II. 1932 

Hornby, Clara, B.Sc 1919 

Horner, Bertha, B.A II. 1924 

♦Horrobin, Sadie, B.Sc II (i) 1921 

Horrocks, Adelaide, M. A I. igo7 

♦Horrocks, Bessie, B.A II. (2) 19x7 

fHorsfall, Dorothy (Oxford) 

(Mrs. Skinner) 1905 
Horsfall, Mary G. , B.Sc. (London) I. i9of> 

Horton, B. S., B.A II. 1933 

Hotchin, Honor G., B.A II. 1930 

Houghton, Clara, B.Sc II 19 n 

Houghton, Dorothy, B.A. 

(Mrs. G. A. Collett) II 1924 

Housley, Alfred, B.Sc II. 1932 

Hovell, Mark, B.A II. 1910 

Howard, Rebecca, B.A. ... II. (2) 1915 

Howarth, J. H., B.A II. (2) 1914 

♦Howarth, Mary, B.A. 

(Mrs. Arthur Roberts) II. (i) 1921 

* Secondary Branch, 
t Distinction. 

t Continuation School Branch 

Teacher’s Diploma — continued. 

Teacher's Diploma . 


Date of [ 
Diploma • 

Howden, Mabel B.A II. 1928 I 

Howie, D. S. , B. A II. 1931 

*Hoyle, Harold, B.A. (Leeds) ... I. 1013 

•Hudson, Dora M. 

(Somerville College, Oxford) I. 1916 | 

•Hudson, Frances, B.A. (Liverpool) II. 1913 ; 

Hudson, Mabel E., B.A II. 1929 

Hughes, Ernest, B.Sc II. 1932 ! 

Hughes, G. W., B.Sc II. 1925 j 

Hughes, Mrs. I. M. See Cropper, Nellie 

Hughes, P. W., B.Sc II. 1925 1 

Hughes, Ruth M., B.A. ... II. (1) 1916 \ 

Hughes, Mrs. See Penney, Man,' 

Huliah, Stanley, B.Sc II. 1931 j 

Hulme, Dorothy, B.A 1919 

Hulme, Ernest, B.A II. 1929 | 

Hulme, Lillian, B.A II. 1932 { 

Hulse, Evelyn, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. T. P. Spencerj II. (1) 1917 

Humphreys-Edwards, Frances, B.A II. 1926 

•Hunsworth, Ethel, B.A. ... II. (1) 1922 

Hunt, W. K., B.A II. 1923 

•Hunter, May M., B.A II (2) 1917 

•Hurst, T. T., B.A. (London) ... II. 1913 

Hurst, W. T., B.A. ... II. 1910 

Hutchinson, Harriet, B.A. ... II. 1928 

Hutchinson, H, M., B.A II 1925 

t Hutton, Ellen M., B.A 1905 

Hyde, Florence, B.Sc I. 1924 

Hyde, Sylvia H., B.A II. 1927 

•Hyslop, Fred, B.A II (2) 1022 


Ince, Arthur, B.A II. 1926 

Ineson, Kathleen G., B.A I. 1930 j 

Ing, Mrs. See Condlige, Edith A. 

Ingham, Arthur, B.A I. 1926 

Ingham, Mrs. Arthur. 

See Sherratt, Norah 

Ingham, A, A., B.Sc 



Ingham, C. H., B.A 



Ingham, G. \Y., B.A 



JIngham, Kathleen A., B.Sc. 


Ingram. Doreen, B.A 



Ireland, Mary, B.A 



Ireland, Rachel, B.A 



Irving, George, B.A 



Ishenvood, Cyril, B.Sc 



Jackson, Alice, B.A., (Mrs. Younie; 


Jackson, Deborah, B Sc 



t Jackson, Ernest, M.A 



Jackson, E. B , B.A 

Jackson, Mrs. E. B. 



See Hampson, Dorothy M. 
Jackson, Mrs. G. B. 

See Anderton, Harriet A 

•Jackson, H H., B.Sc II 1912 

Jackson, H. P., M.Sc 1S98 

•Jackson, Mabel A., B.Sc. ... II (2) 19 iS 

Jackson. Mary C., B.A. 

(Mrs. H. F. Digglej II. 1924 
•Jackson, Muriel, B.Sc. . II. (2 * 1922 

Jackson, Sylvia, M.C., B.Sc 1 . 1931 

Jackson, W. W., B.Sc II. 1929 

Jaclvson, Mrs. See Yates, Dons E. 

Jacobs, Mrs. Cecil. See Jacobs, Judith 
•Jacobs, Judith, B.A. 

(Mrs. Cecil J acobs) 11 (i» 1916 

Jagger, Gladys, B.A. (Mrs. Kennej ... 1920 

Jagger, Kathleen M., B.A II. 1933 

•James, Edith, B.A II (2) 1921 

jeans, Mrs. H. W. See Holme, Ursula 

* Secondary Branch. 

f Distinction. 

X Continuation School Branch. 


Teacher's Diploma. 

Teacher’s Diploma — continued. Hate of | Date of 

Diploma : Diploma 

Kirkman, John, B.A II. 1929 Lind ay, Ada J., B. A II. 1931 

Kirkpatrick, Donald, B.Sc II. 1923 Lindsay, J. E.. B.A II. 1930 

Kirkpatnck, Jessie, B.A II. 1926 Linford, Nora M., B.A. II. 1925 

Kirltup, Mary T., B.A II. 19 37 Linforth, Edith M E , B.A, (Mrs Rowe) 1914 

Kitchen, Nellie, B.A II. 1931 Lingard, John, B.A I. 1933 

Hitching, Lilian B., B.Sc II. 1928 Linton, Evelyn, B.A II, 1933 

Knight, A. M , B.Sc II. 1928 Liptrot, Edith M , B.A II. 1928 

Knight, Gertrude G., B.A II. 1931 ! Lishman, Mary B., B.A II 1928 

Knight, Mrs Sec Wragg, Janet M. ' Littlejohn, Mrs. E. S. 

Knott, C. W., M.Sc I 1908 ! See Cooper, Ruth C. 

Knott, Mrs See Pauli, Margaiet C. Littler, Nellie, B.Sc II. 1927 

•Knowles, Pcrcv, B.Sc I. 1915 > Littler, Mis. See Eekersley, Ida M. 

i Livcsey, Hilda, M.A. (Mrs. Bewley) II. 1913 

I Locker, Freda, B.A II. 1923 

Laidler, Josephine, M.A (Mis. Kellett) 1905 I Lockwood, Mrs. J. F. 

Lambley, Kathleen A. L., B A. II. (a) 19x5 , See Clitheroo, Marjorie 

Lancashire, Jessie, B.A. 

.. 11 

1924 1 

Lodge, Alice, B.A 

...' II. 

♦Lancashire, Mabel, B.A. 

II. (2) 

1921 | 

♦Lodge, Frances A. , B A. 

11. (1) 


Lanigan, G. E. , B.Sc 

.. II. 


Lofthouse, Francis W., B.Sc. 

... II. 


Law, Gertrude, B.Sc. 

Lofthouse, Marion, B.A. 

... II. 


(Mrs. Geoffrey Bramall) II. 

1924 j 

Lomas, Lucy M., M.A 

... II. 


Law, Sydney, B.Sc 

.. II. 

1923 ! 

♦Lomas, R. H., M.A 

... II. 


Lawrence, E. H., M.A. 

190 1 : 

♦Long, D. S. , B.Sc 


Lawrence, Mrs, S. G, 


Long, E. R., B.A 

... ii. 


Sec Park, Margaret E. 

Long, Mrs. 1 . B. See Mar&den, 

Mary R 

Lawson, Edith, B.A 

.. II. 


Longworth, Maurice, B.Sc. ... 

... II. 


Lawson, Hilda F. , B.Sc. . . 

.. II. 

1927 : 

Lonsdale, F. E., B.A 

... II. 


\ Lawson, M. S., M. A., B.D. .. 

.. I. 


Lord, Cecil, B.A 

... II. 


Laycock, Benjamin, B.Sc ... 

.. II. 

1908 ; 

Lord, Percy, B.Sc 

... 11. 


Laycoclc, Kenneth, B.Sc. 

n. (x) 

1921 ‘ 

♦Louch, Nora F., B.A 

11. (2) 


Laythani, A. J., B Sc 

.. 11. 

1932 1 

Lowe, E. A., B.A 

... Ii. 


•Lea, Doris M., B.Sc 

11. (1) 

19x7 1 

Lowthcr, Harold, B.Sc. 

... II. 


Lea, Esther L., B A 

.. 11. 

1930 | 

Lucas, Alice, B.A 

... II. 


Lea, Fanny, B.Sc 

n (1) 


Lucas, Joseph, B.A 

... II. 


Leach, Albert, M.A 

. 1. 

1933 l 

Luckman, Frank, B.Sc. 

... II. 


Leah, Annie, B.Sc 

.. ir. 

1908 ! 

♦Lumb, Lizzie, B.A 


♦Learmonth, Janie, B.A. 

Lund, Jessie, B.A 

... II. 


(Mrs. S. R. Winkwnith) 

II (r) 

1914 ! 

Limn, John, B.A 

... II. 


Lee, Arthur, B.A. 

.. II. 

192; ! 

Lyman, A. R. B., B.A. 

... II. 


♦Lee, Bessie, B Sc. (Mrs Outt'.j 

11. (1) 

192 X 

Lyon, Nancv I. , B.Sc 

... I. 


Lee, Dora, B.A 

.. II 


Lyons, Winifred M. , B.Sc. 

Leecc, W. A. G., B.Sc 

.. I 


(Mrs. F. G. N. Polkinhorne) II. 


Leech, Elsie, B.A 

.. II. 


Looming, Clarice C. R., B.A. 

.. II. 


Macalister, Margaret W., B.A. 

♦Learning, Emily M , B.A. 

(Mrs. Ballautviie) II. 


(Mrs. L. duG Peach) II. 

1912 | 

MacCarron, G. M., B.A. 

... 11. 


Lees, Annie, B.A 

II. (1) 

M’Caw, L. S., B.A 

... II. 

192 9 

Lees, George, B.Sc 

... II. 

I 93 i I 

McCracken, Kathleen M., B.Sc. 

... II. 


Lees, Mildred W. M. , B. A. ... 

.. II. 

1930 ; 

McCuIly, Mary W., B.A. 

...’ II. 


Lees, Mrs See Speakman. Ethel. 

McDermott, Alice, B.A. 

... 11. 


Lees, Mrs. See Watson, Alice M 

McDonald , Annie B.A. ... 

* 9 ° 5 

Lees, Frank, B.A 

... II. 

1923 1 

Macdonald, W. K., B.Sc. 

ii. (2) 


Lees, L A., B.A 

... II. 

1924 1 

McGlyun, T. W., B.A 

... 11. 

X 93 i 

Lees, R. E., B.A 

... II. 

1928 | 

Mac Kay, Elizabeth R., B.A 

... ji 

193 ° 

Leese, John, B.A 

.. II. 


McKcchnie, Maggie, B.A 

. . 11 


♦Leicester, Dorothy, B.Sc 


Mackintosh, Elsie, B.Sc. 

... 11. 

X 927 

Lejeune, Marion (Newnham College, 

McLachlan, Marion W., B.A. 

Camb ) (Mrs. Enke) 


(Mrs. N. P. Thompson) II. 


Leon, Rachel, B.A. 

McLainc, Helen M., B.A. 

(Mrs. G R. Potter) 11 


(Mrs Walker) 11 


Leonard, Constance A , B.A. 

... II. 


MacLean, D. H., B.A. 

... 11. 


Lester, Joseph, B.A 

.. II. 


Maclean, Jeannie E , B.A. ... 

... 11. 


Lever, John, B.A 

... II. 


♦McLellan, Janet T., B.A. 

u. (2) 


Lever, Margaret, B.Sc 

... II 


♦Macpherson, Janet 

Lewis, Betty, B.A 

... II. 


(Girton College, Cambridg 

a. (i) 


Lewis, D. R., B.Sc 

... 11. 


Macpherson, Jean, B.A. 

n. (1) 


Lewis, J. \V., B Sc 

II. (2) 


♦McPherson, Marv B., B. . 

... 1. 


♦Lewis, Marjorie, BA. . . . 


Magee, fohn, B.*Sc 

... 11. 


Lewney, G. G., B.Sc 


Maincs, Albert, B.Sc 

... 11. 


* Light bown, Constance M , B.Sr. 

Mallison, J. C., B.A 

... 11. 


(Mrs FI Baker) 

11. (2) 


Maltby, S. E., M.A 


Lightfoot, J. W , B A 

... II 


Mann, G T, , B.Sc 

... ii. 


* Secondary Branch, 
t Distinction. 

Teacher's Diploma. 


Teacher’s Diploma— continued. Date of 


-Manning, F. J., B.Sc II. 1927 

Manton, Emma, B.A. 

(Mrs. L. Clements) II. (1) 192 * 

♦Mark, H. T., M.A., B.Sc 1897 

♦Marks, Lily, B.A II. (1) 1921 

Marks, Mrs. Sec Hand, Edith M. 

Marsden, Herbert, B.Sc II 1924 

Marsden, Mary R., B.A. 

(Mrs. J. B. Long) I 1928 

Marsden, Mrs See Cropper, Jennie H. 

♦Marsh, J. T., B.Sc II. (1) 1922 

Marsh, Mrs. T. See Walker, Cicely M. H. 
♦Marshall, Agnes G. (Camb. Tripos) 

II. (2) 1922 

Marshall, Frances M., B.Sc I. 1925 

Marshall, F. \V. D., M Sc II. 1906 

Marshall, John, B.Sc I. 1925 

Marshall, W. L., B.Sc II. 1928 

Marshall, Mrs. Sec Parish, Susie E. 

Marsland, Mary K, M.A 1896 

Marsland, Mis. W. L. 

See Henderson, Catherine H. 

Martin, Ethel M., B.Sc 1902 

Martin, R. X., B.A II. 192S 

Martin, W. E., B.Sc II. (2) 1921 

Martin, W. S., B.A 11. 1932 

Martlew, Alice, B.A II. 1929 

■♦Mason, Gladys D. 

(Nevvnham College, Cambridge) II. (1) 1915 

Mason, j. E., B.A 



Mason, Nora D., B.A 



Mason, Ruth A., B.A 



Mather, Arnold, B.Sc 



Maxwell, Margaret, M.A 



Mayers, Mrs. See Kelly, May 

Meachim, Mis. G. L. Sec Bell, Dorothy 

Meadows, Alan, B.Sc 



Meadows, Mary H., B.A 



Meams, Robert, B.A 



Medd, Gracie L., B.A 



Melling, Annie, B.Sc 



Melling, Clifford, B.Sc 



MeUor, H. A , B.A 



♦Menzies, Ethel, B.A II. 



Mercer, Alfred, B.Sc 



Merrett, Mrs. J. E. 

See Gower-Jones, Pauline L. 
Metcalfe, Marjorie E., B.Sc 



Metcalfe. Mrs. See Barnes, Grace 
♦Mever, J H , B.Sc 



Michael, Esther A., B.A 



Middlebrough, I. L., B.A 



Midglev, Laura M., B.A 



Millburn, W. W., B.A 



Miller, C. T., B.A 



Miller, D. G. See Schultze, D. G. 
Miller, Elizabeth, BA 



Miller, H. C., B.A 



Miller, Marv M., B.A 



♦Miller, May, B.Sc 


Miller, Teresa M., B.A 



Mills, C. M., B.Sc 



Mills, Eileen M. 

(Somerville College, Oxford) II. (1) 


Mills, Mrs. See Wilkinson, Elsie R. 

Mitchell, Frank, B.A 



Mitchell, Vera K., B.A 



Moffatt, John, B.Sc 



Moncneff, Mrs. A. M. 

See Thomas, Annie I. 

! Dale of 

! _ Diploma 

Moodie, Mrs. A. See Crewe, Margirv 

j Moore, Arthur, B.Sc 'II. 1012 

Moore, Dorothy, B.Sc 11.(2) 1917 

♦Moore, Dorothy I.. B.A 1920 

Moore, Mrs. E. J. See Egk, Minnie 

♦Moore, Margaret, B.A II. 12) 1921 

♦Moorhouse, Dorothy M.. B.Sc. . 1920 

Moorhouse, Mary A., B.Sc .. .. IT. 1924 

Morgan, A. S. L., M.Sc II, 1933 

Morgan, Olive I . , B . Sc II. 1927 

Morley, Marjorie, B. II. 1932 

1 Morrall, James, B.Sc II. 1923 

Momll, P. J. T., B.A II. 1932 

Morris, A. G., B.A II. 1926 

I Morris, A. I., B.A II, 1926 

J *Morris, H. R., B.A II. 1913 

Morris, Lucy (Newnham College, 

Cambridge) (Mrs. Sh-or-Best) 1902 
! Morris, Mrs. Lyn. 

I See Oppenheim, Freda 

; Morris, Mrs. See Oliver, Violet 

I Momson, Ellen I., B.Sc. 
j (Mrs. K. K Wood) II. 1927 

j Morton, P. F., B.Sc II. 1930 

j Morton, R E., B.A II. 1924 

Mottram, Lilian A., B.A I. 1933 

Moulding, H. N., B.A II. 1929 

Moulton, H. K., B.A I. 1927 

Moulton, Jane, B.A I. 1927 

Mounsey, \V. H., B.A II. (xj 1922 

Mountain, Mrs. See Stevenson, Rose E. 

Moyes, Effie, B.A. 

(Mrs. Arthur Barlow) II. (1) 1916 

Mullineaux, Florence, B.Sc II. 193- 

1 Mumford, W. F., B.A II. 1923 

1 Murray, Bethia, B.Sc II. 1923 

Nash, Margaret I., B.Sc II. 1928 

Nattrass, J. E., B.Sc II. 1926 

Naylor, Eleanor J., B.A II. 1932 

Neate, William, B.A II. 1929 

Nedderman, G. H., B.A. ... II. (2) 1914 

Needham, Elizabeth, M.A 1901 

Newbold, J. T. W., B.A II. 1910 

Newton, Agnes, B.A II. 1930 

j Newton, Mrs. R. E. 

See Shepherd, Kathleen A. 
Newton, Susan M. H., B A . ... II. 1933 

Nice, Doreen A., B.A II. 1930 

♦Nicholas, Lily, B.A II. (1) 1915 

Nichols, Katharine S., B.Sc. ... II. 1931 

Nicholson, J. S., B.Sc II. 1924 

Nixon, Alice M., B.A II. iy2> 

♦fNixou, Elsie (Mrs. J. A. G. Dymond) 

(Girton College, Cambridge) I. 1914 

Noden, W. L., B.Sc II. 1929 

Norclifte, Clare, B.A II. 1910 

Norman, W. J., B.Sc II. 1923 

Norris, Ethel, B.A II. 1925 

Norris, E. T., B.Sc II. 1927 

Norris. F. J., B.A II. 1933 

North, Mrs. See Berry, Edith M. 

Northrop, Lesley, B.A... . II. 1925 

fNuttall, Annie R. 

(Newnham College, Cambridge; 1905 

Nutt all, Hilda, B.A II. 19 27 

Nutter, Freda, B.A. 

(Mrs. D. H. Cowley) II. 1933 

Oakden, J. P., B.A II. 1926 

♦ Secondary Branch, 
f Distinction, 


Teacher's Diploma. 

Teacher’s Diploma — continued. Date of 


♦O'Brien, Florence, B.A. 

(Mrs . Frederick Speakmati ) II. 1913 

Oddy, Annie M., B.Sc 1901 

O’Gara, Mrs. D. See Tipping, Mary A. 
Oldfield, Mrs. L. H. 

See Kirkman, Ann 

Oliver, Violet, B.A. (Mrs. Morris) II. 1925 
♦O’Neill, Jennie, B.A. 

(Mrs. W. C. Wilde) 



O’Neill, Sarah, B.A 



♦Oppeuheim, Freda, B.A. 

(Mrs. Lyn Morris) 


Ormc, Daisy L, J., B.A 



Ormerod, Elizabeth, B.A. 

(Mrs. A. C. Campbell) II. 



Ormerod, R. E., B.A 


Orme&, W. S., B.Sc 



Ormeshcr, E. C., B.Sc 



Orr, Jessie I*'., B.A 


Osborn, Winifred, B.A 



Osgathorp, Mrs. H. J, 

See Wat kin, Eleanor B. 

Oulton, Bernard, B.Sc 



Owen, Mrs. T. W. See Stubbs, Linda 

Owen, Walter, B.Sc 



Oxley, W. D., B.Sc 



Oxtoby, Doris, B.Sc 



Palmer, Mrs. G. R. 

See Godson, Katherine H. 
Palmer, Olive L. 

(Nevvnham College, Cambridge) II. 1905 
♦Pansli, Hilda C., B.Sc II. (a) 1917 

Parish, Jessie M., B.A 

.. I. 


Parish, Susie E., B.A. 

(Mrs. Marshall) 

II. W 


Park, Margaret E., B.A. 

(Mrs . S . G . La wrcnce ) II. 


Parker, Ada, B.A 

. II. 


Parker, Agnes, B.A 


Parker, G. H..B.A 


Parker, Lilian... 

ii. (2) 


Parker, Mis. R. E. 

See Ward, Florence K, 

Parker, Mrs. T. See Turner, 


Parker, T. F., B.Sc 

... II. 


Parkes, E. Mary, B.Sc 

... II. 


Parkin, Mary W., B.Sc. 

II. (1) 


Parrott, Bessie, B.A 

... II. 


Parry, Janet, B.Sc 

II. (a) 


Partington, lidtia, B.A. 

... 11 . 


Partington. Esther, B.A. 

II. (1) 


Partington, T C.,M.A. 

... II 


P.ishley, Harry, B.A 

... II. 


Paterson, Dora I., B A 

... II. 


Patterson, Annie C. , B. A 

II. (2) 


Patterson, Rosa, M.A. 

Pattison, J, H., M.A 

... II. 


(Trin. Coll., Dublin) 


Pauli, Margaret C., M.A. 

(Mrs. Knott) II. 1908 

Pawsou, Emily, B.A . . . . II. (1) 1915 

Pavne, Kathleen A., B.Sc II. 1930 

Peace, Margery A., B.A II. 1930 

Peach, Mrs. L. du G. 

See Leeming, Emily M. 

Pearsall, \V. H., B.Sc II. (1) 1914 

Pearsall, Mrs. 

See Williamson, Marjory S. 

Pearse, Rachel X., B.A II. 1928 

Pearson, K. H , B.A II. 1928 

Date of 

Pearson, Eva M., B.A II. 1925 

Pearson, Gladys M„ B.A II. 1923 

Pearson, Gwladys J., B.A II. 1923 

Pearson, Rachel F., B.A. ... II. (a) 1917 
Pearson, Mrs. See Birch, Doris 

Peel, E. L., B.Sc II. 1928 

j Pemberton, Elsie, B.Sc II. 1926 

Penketh, H. I., B.Sc II. 1923 

Penney, Elizabeth, B.A. 

(Mrs. Graham) I. 1910 

\ Penney, Mary, B.A. (Mrs. Hughes) II. 1925 

I * Pennington, Dorothy W., B.Sc 1930 

| Pennington, Margaret, B.A II. 1939 

I Percival, Walter, B.A I. 1923 

I Peter, David, B.A II. 1928 

! Peters, A. T., B.Sc II. 1938 

j Petty, E. R., B.Sc II. 1932 

1 Petty, J. D., B.Sc II. 1913 

< ^Phillips, A. J., B.Sc II. (2) . 1921 

Phillips, Doris, B.A II. fi) 1919 

Phillips, Ernest, B.Sc II. (3) 1915 

Phillipson, H. M., M.A I. 1930 

< *Phillipson, Sydney, B.A II. 1919 

i Pickard, Edith, B.A II. 1930 

Pickering, Herbert, B.Sc. 


Pickles, Edith A., B.A. 

(Mrs. C. Wi: 

mlridgo) II. 


Pickles, Ina, B.Sc. (Mrs. Fletcher) II. 


Pickston, John, B.Sc. ... 



Picton, Grace E., B.Sc,... 



Pierson, Rosamund K„ B.. 

A ... II. 


Pilkington, Evelyn M,, B.A. II. (2) 


Pilling, Mrs. See Duxburv, Margaret 

Pimlott, Harrv, B.Sc. ... 



Pinner, Muriel, B.A. 



Platt, Annie, B.A 



Platt, Bevis, B.Sc 



Platt, J. C., B.Sc 



Platt. Stanley, B.Sc. ... 

... II. (1) 


Plinston, Elsie, B.A. ... 



Polkinhorne, Mrs F. G. N. 

See Lyons. 

Winifred M. 

Pollard, Elsie, B.A. 

... II. (2) 


Pollard, F. E 


Pollard, H. A., B.Sc. ... 



Pollard, Mabel, B.Sc. ... 



♦Pollard, R. S., M.Sc. ... 



Pollard, S. R., B.Sc. ... 



Pomeroy, Mrs. A. G. 

See Clift, Dnrotbv A. 

Poole, J. L., B.A 



Popple, Lilian, B.A. (Mrs, 

. Whitehead) 


Porter, Gilbert, B.Sc. ... 



Portman, P. R., B.Sc. ... 



Potter, Edna M., B.A. ... 



Potter, Mrs. G R. See Leon, Rachel 

Powell, Horace, B.Sc II. 1933 

Power, Edward, BA II. 1931 

Powieke, Agnes< K., B.A II. 1910 

Powicke, Mrs. See Evans, Gwladys 

Pownall, C.W., B.A II. 1930 

Pratt, Alan, B.A II. 1938 

Prendergast, F. M., B.A II. 1933 

Prescott, Sarah, B.A II. 1927 

Price, Ethel N., B.A II. 1908 

Price, Mrs. See Bell, Minnie 1. 

Price, S. M., B.A ‘ ... II. 19*8 

♦Priestley, Dorothy, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. S. O. Gregory) II. (1) 1921 

Priestlev, H. B., B.Sc !. ... II. 193* 

Pnestlev, May, B.A II. 1930 

Priestly, A. W., M.A., B.Sc 189/ 

* Secondary Branch. 

% Continuation School Rranch 

Teacher's Diploma, 


Teacher’s Diploma — continued. Date of 


Prince, Mary H., B.A II. 1931 

Pring, L. W., B.A II. 1929 

Prior, Theodora, B.Sc 1902 

Pritchard, M. W., B.A .... I. 1931 
Proudfoot, Harry, B.A. ... II. (1) 1914 

Proudlove, Winifred M., B.A. ... II. 1924 
* Provost, Edith, B.A. 

(Mrs . Bertie Wilkinson \ 1919 

Provost, Ellen, B.A. 

(Mrs. W. C. Russell) II (1) 1918 

Provost, Ethel, B.A. (Mrs. Bland) II. 1923 

Provost, Mary, B.A II. 1930 

Prynne, Kathleen M., B.A II. 1933 

Puddy, Ella, B.A II. 1930 

Quayle, Mark, M.Sc II. 1912 

Quinn, Alice M. t B.Sc II. 1925 

* Race, Margaret I. W., B.A. .. 11.(2) 1915 

Ractivand, Nicholas, B.A I. 1924 

Radeliffe, Mabel, B.A II. 1926 

Rainev, Amy, B.A. 

(Mrs. .Arthur Kipling) 1922 

♦Rainford, Sarah J., B.A I. 1917 

Ralphs, A. L., M.A II. 19*2 

Ramsbottom, Mrs. See Goudie, Grace 

Ramsden, Annie, B.A II. 190 6 

Rankin, Helen C., B.Sc II. 1923 

Ranshaw, Nellie, B.Sc II. 1925 

Ranson, John, B.Sc II. 1933 

Rasbum, Wallace, B.Sc II. 1927 

Ratcliffe, N. A., B.Sc II. 1926 

Rathbone, J. H., B.Sc II. 1926 

Ravenscroft, Alma, B.A II. 1932 

Rawlinson, Mrs. See Hesketh, Annie 
Rawlinson, Mrs. See Wright, Margaret 

Ray, Elsie, B.Sc II. i 9 2 7 

Rayner, Mrs. See Hardaker, Dorothy 

Redfearn, Elsie M., M.A II. 1909 

Redfearn, H. S., M.Sc I. 1909 

t Rees, Caleb, B.A. (Wales) I. 1906 

Rees, Mabel M., B.A II. 1930 

Reeves, Edwin, B.A II. 193° 

Regan, Margaret M., B A. 

(Mrs. 0 . Herford) 1S97 

Reichel, Mrs See Connor, Beatrice H. 

Reynolds, Mary, M.A 


Rhoden, Evelyn, B.A 



Rhodes, J E ; B.A 


♦Richards, Elizabeth M., B.A. 

ii. (1) 


♦Richardson, Agnes M., B Sc. 

11. U) 


Richardson, Gertrude M., B.A. 



Richardson, G. A., B.Sc. 

... 11. 


Richardson, Harold, B.A. ... 

.. 11. 


Richardson, Marion, B.Sc. .. 

. 11. 


Ridler. A. E., B.Sc 

.. 11. 


Ridyard, Bertha B.A. (Mrs Evans) II. 


Rigbv, F. F., B.Sc 

.. 11. 


Rigby, Mrs. W. J. See Sutton 

, Olive 

♦Riley, A. W., B.Sc 

.. I. 


Riley. J. J., B.Sc 

.. II. 


Rdcy, Sheila, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Hubert Kelly) 



Riley, W. S., B.A 

... II. 


Ritchie, John, B.Sc 

... I. 


Rivers, Jack, B.A 

II. (1) 


Roberts, Alice, B.Sc 

... II 


Roberts, Eleanor M., M.A. ... 


Roberts, Ellen, B.A. 

(Mrs. R. F. Treharne) 11 . 


* Secondary Branch. 

Roberts, Frank, B.Sc. 

Date of 
. Diploma 
. . I. 1926 

Roberts, Fred, B.A 

II. (1) 


Roberts, G. L., B.A 

... II. 


Roberts, Harry, B.A 

... II. 

19 27 

♦Roberts, Louisa, B.A 

II. fi) 


Roberts, Margaret A., B.A. .. 

. . II. 


Roberts, Marion, B.A 

... II. 


Roberts, Mary M., B.A. 

II (V 


! Roberts, Mrs. Arthur. 

Sec Howarth, Mary 
Roberts, Mrs. Norman. 

See Smith, Dons 

' *Roberts, R. C., B.A II. (i) 1922 

| Robertson, Edith B., B.A II. 1925 

1 Robinson, Edith A., M.A 1905 

Robinson, Edward, B.Sc II. 192b 

Robinson, E. H., B.A I. 1930 

Robinson, Mary, B.A. 

(Mrs. Fred Hargreaves) II. 1924 

Robinson, Mrs. See Bunting, Ethel 

Robinson, Tom, B. A II. 1926 

Robinson, Torn, B.Sc II. 1923 

Robinson, Winifred, B.A. 

(Mrs. R. B. Boden) II. (2) 1918 

Robson, Mary A., B.A II. (1) 1918 

Roby, William, B.A II 1925 

Rodboume, J. R., B.A II. 1932 

; Rogers, James, B.Sc II. 1913 

Rogers, Mildred, B.A II. 1931 

♦Rogerson, Harry, B.A 1920 

1 Roper, R. E., M.A 1903 

j Roscoe, Manan F. H., B.A. 

(Mrs. C. T. Carr) II. (2) 191ft 

I jRoss, George, B.Sc 1920 

! Rossington, Mrs. H. J. 

See Hayhurst, Florence 

Rothwell, Alice, B.A II. 1932 

i Rothwell, Mrs. B. P. 

1 See Fowler, Elsie H. 

Rothwell, Mary, B.Sc II. (2) 19*8 

1 Rothwell, Mary M., B.A II. 1928 

i Round, Lucy M., B.A II. 192ft 

Rowbotham, Mrs. 

See Ashley, Frances H. 

1 Rowe, Mrs. See Einforth, Edith M. E. 

; Rowling, Mrs. M. M. 

| See Thexton, Marjorie A. 

| Ro\le, Mrs. E. A. 

See Birtwell, Elizabeth \V 

Royle, Marion, B.A. 



Rule, May S , B.A. 



Ruscoe, G. G., B.A. 



Rushforth, Gladys C., B.A 



Russell, Harold/B.Sc. ... 



Russell, Mrs. W. C. See Provost, Ellen 

♦Ruthven, Emily H., B.A. 

... II 



Rvde, D. G.,B.A 



Sadler, C. A. N., B.Sc. ... 



Salmons, Mary, B.A. ... 



Salter, A. G., B.Sc. 



Sambrook, \V. J.,BA.... 



Samuel, Phyllis, B.Sc. ... 



Sanders, Alberta I., B.A. 

(Mrs. F. W. 




Sanderson, Hilda, B.A.... 



♦Sandiford, Mary, B.A. 

(Mrs. S. 

H. Eva) 



Sandiford, Mildred, B A. 



Sandiford, T. R., B.Sc.... 



t Distinction. 

+ Continuation School Branch. 


Teacher's Diploma. 

Teacher’s Diploma — continued. Date of 


Sandison, Mrs. T. T. 

See Chambers, Mary E. 

Sankey, J. J., B.Sc II. 1931 

Sargent , Elsie K., B.A II. 1909 

Sarginson, Amy, B.Sc II. 1929 

•Satterthwaite, Elizabeth, B.Sc. II. (1) 1922 
Saunderson, Constance M., B.Sc.. . . II. 1 yo7 
Saxton, Gwendoline A. M., B.A.... II. 1930 

Scandrett, May H., B.A II. 1930 

Schofield, Dorothy U., B.Sc. .. II. 1930 

Schofield, Daphne B., B.A II. 1931 

•Schofield, Edna, B.A II. (1) 1921 

Schofield, Herbert, B.Sc II. 1928 

Scholes, Dorothy E., B.A II. 1923 

Scholey, William, M. A. (Edinburgh) II. 1912 
•Scholfield, Alfred, M.Com. ... II. {2) 1916 

Scholfield, Elsie, B.A II. 1925 

Schulze, D. G., B.A. (Oxford) 

(Now D. G. Miller) 1905 

Scarr, W. F., B.A II. 1924 

Scorey, Charlotte \V. } B.A. ... II. (i) 1922 

Scott, Christina A., M.A II. 1930 

Scott, H. W„ B.Sc II. 1929 

Scott, Irene, B.A II. (2) 1915 

Scott, John, B.Sc II. 1927 

Searle, Dorothy V., B.A. ... II. (2) 1917 

Seddon, Connie, B.A 11.(2) 1917 

Seddon, Louie, B.A II. 1928 

Seeley, H. C., B.A II. 1930 

Seex, Marjorie M., B.Sc II. 1927 

•Segaller, Philip, B.Sc.Tech 1920 

Sellors, Joseph, B.A II. 1933 

Semper, W. H., B.A II. 1929 

Sephton, Ada F., B.Sc II. 1933 

Shanks, Muriel I., B.A II. 1932 

Sharp, J. V. J., B.A II. 1928 

Sharpies, Norah, B.A. (Mrs. Brooks) II. 1923 

Shaw, Marion, B.Sc II. (x) 1914 

♦Shaw, Mary, B.Sc I. 192 2 

♦Shaw, W. S., B.Sc II. (1) 1914 

Sheard, Walter, B.Sc II. 1923 

•Shephard, H. H., M.A I. 1921 

•Shepherd, D. H., B.Sc II. 1912 

Shepherd, Kathleen A., B.A. 

(Mrs. R. E. Newton) II. 1910 

Shepherd, Mrs. M. 

See Bunting, Hilda M. 

Shepherd, W. H., B.A II. 1933 

Sherratt, Joseph, B.Sc II. 1929 

Sherratt, Norah, B.A. 

(Mrs. Arthur Ingham) II. 1925 

Shorrock, Beatrice, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. W. K. Davies) II. 1927 

Shorten, R. G., B.Sc II. 1924 

Sibley-Haycock, Nancie V., M.A. II. 1933 

Sim, Annie, B.A 1 . 1925 

•Simmonds, Elsie, B.A 1920 

Simmon ds, Florence, B. A I. 1916 

Simpson, Mrs. Charles. 

See Hirst, Lilian C. V. 

♦Simpson, Fanny, B.A. (Mrs. Watson) II. 1911 

Simpson, Frank, B.A II. 1927 

Simpson, Hilda M., B.A. ... II. (1) 1922 

Simpson, Sarah, B.A II. 1931 

Singleton, F. C., B.A II. 1911 

Singleton, Phyllis, B.A II. 1931 

Sireom, Geolirey, B.A II. 1933 

Skemp, Mrs. A. R. 

See Clarkson, Jessie D. 

Sldnner, Edith, B.Sc II. 1929 

Skinner, Mrs, See Horsfall, Dorothy 

* Secondary Branch. 

$ Continuation School Branch. 

Date of 

Slade, Mrs. E. R. See Bedson, Muriel A. 

Slaney, Mabel M., B.A II. 

Slater, Harold, B.Sc II. 1926 

Slater, Nellie, B.A II. i Q2 q 

Slater, Winifred, M.A. (Dublin) 1901 

Slinger, Bertha, B.A II. 1929 

Smalley, L. M., B.Sc II. jqm 

Smith, A. C., B.Sc II. 

Smith, Annie, B.A II. 1929 

Smith, Annie C., B.A II. iq 2 q 

Smith, Annie M. M., B.A. 

(Mrs. F. C. Happold) II. 1924 

Smith, A. J., B.Sc ig 0 o 

Smith, Blanche M., B.A II. 10*2 

Smith, Doris, M.A. 

(Mrs. Norman Roberts) II. (2) 1918 
Smith, Dorothy S., B.A. ... II. (2) 1917 

Smith, Ethel, B.Sc. II, 1927 

♦Smith, Gertrude, B.A. 

(Mrs. G. M. Bark) I. 1918 

Smith, G. B., B.A II. 1925 

Smith, H. C., B.Sc II. 1927 

Smith, Mrs. J. W. 

See Whitehead, Ellen E. 

Smith, Lawrence, B.A II. 1933 

Smith, Mary \V., B.A. 

(Mrs, John Henderson) II. 1923 

Smith, Nora M., B.A II. 1924 

Smith, 0 . L. t B.A II. 1911 

Smith, Mrs. R. A. 

See Whiteside, Enid 

Smith, Robina B. (Oxford) II. 1907 

Smith, R. H., B.Sc II. 1923 

Smith, Ruth S., B.A II. 1930 

Smith, Sydney, B.Sc II. 1925 

♦Smith, Thomas, B.Sc II. (1) 1917 

Smith, T. K., B.A II. 1933 

Smith, William, B.A., B Sc 1900 

Smith, William, B.A II. 1931 

Smith, W. S., B.Sc II. 1933 

Smithies, G. T. S., B.Sc II. 1925 

Snape, Thomas, B.A II. 1924 

♦JSneath, A. A., M.A 1920 

Soundy, Millicent A., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. C. Thorpe) II. (1) 1917 

Southworth, Margaret, B.A. ... II. 1926 
Spalding, Mrs. J. 

See Trigger, Winifred E. 
Speakman, Ethel, M.A. (Mrs. Lees) II. 1909 
Speakman, Mrs. Frederick. 

See O’Brien, Florence 
Speakman, Mrs. H. B. 

See Armstrong, Gladys M. 

♦Spencer, Edith, B.A 

II. 1) 


Spencer, Florence M., B.A. ... 

... II. 


Spencer, Lillie A., B.A 

... II. 


Spencer, Mary, B.A 

... II. 


Spencer, Mrs. T. P. Sec Hulsc, 


Spokes, T. S., B.Sc 

Stafford, Alice, B.Sc. 

... II. 


(Mrs. Wignall) 

II. (i) 


Stafiord, F. J., B.A 

. * . 1 . 


•Stafford, Phyllis, B.A 

II. (2) 


Standring, Harold, B.A. 

II. (2) 


Stanley, Caroline, B.A 

II. (1) 


Stead, Geoffrey, B.A 

Stedeford, Mrs. E. T. A. 

... II. 


See Fortune 

, Mabel 

Steel, G. R., B.A 

... II. 


Steel, H. C., B.Sc 

... II. 


Steiner, Hilda C., B.A 

... 11. 


Teacher’s Diploma . 


Teacher's Diploma — continued. Date of 


Stephenson, J. F., B.Sc II. 1927 

Stevenson, Elsie C. , B.Sc 1903 

Stevenson, Ethel M., M.A 1903 

Stevenson, Kathleen M., B. A. ... II. 1929 
Stevenson, Rose E., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Mountain) II. 1906 

♦Stewart, Dorothy A. , M.Sc, . . . II. (1) 1915 
Stewart, Mrs, See Clough, Eva 

Stirling, Enid H., B, Sc II. 1930 

Stockley, Norah, B.A II. 1931 

Stocks, G. R., B.A II. 1933 

Stockton, C. E., M.A I. 1906 

Stokes, W. A., M. A I. 1907 

Stonex, N. T., B.A II. 1926 

Stooke, Kathleen M., B.A. II. 1923 

♦Stopard, Winifred M., B.Sc 1920 

Storey, Olive M., B.A II. 1926 

Storr-Best, Mrs. See Morris, Lucy 

Story, Winifred, B.A II. 1926 

Stott, Joan M., B.A ,, ... II. 1932 

Stott, Lizzie, B.A II. (r) 1917 

Strange, Gladys M., B.A, 

(Mrs. G. R. Walkden) II. (2) 1918 

Straw, IVlrs. J, G. 

See Broadbent, Florence M. 
Stringer, Lena H., B.A, 

(Mrs A. Harrison) II. 1913 

Stringer, Mrs. G. L. 

See Bullock, Amy 

Struthers, F. B., B.Sc II. 1924 

Struthers, W. H., B.Sc. ... II. (r) 1914 

Struthers, Mrs. See Williams, Enid M. 

Stubbs, D. R., B.Sc I. 1933 

♦Stubbs, Linda, B.A. (Mrs. T.W. Owen) 1918 

Styan, Minnie, B.A II. 1928 

Sudworth, Eveline, B.A II. 1924 

Sugden, Emily E., B.A. ... II. (a) 1917 

♦Sullivan, Frederica, B.A. ... II. (1) 1916 

Sunderland, Norman, B.A II. 1931 

Sunman, Mary, B.A II. 1928 

Sutcliffe, Albert, B.A II. 1938 

♦Sutcliffe, Joseph, B.Sc I. 1913 

Sutcliffe, K. E., B.A II. 1933 

Sutcliffe, Mary G., B.Sc II. 1930 

Sutton, J. H., B.A II. 1926 

Sutton, Olive, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. W, J. Rigby) II. (2) 1917 
Swaine, Mrs. F. See Thorpe, Flome 

Swallow, G. H,, B.Sc II. iyn 

Sykes, Marion, B.A I. 1931 

Sykes, May, B.A II. 1926 

Sykes, Mrs. See Farrow, Betsy 
Sykes, Mrs. See Whitfield, Evelyn 
Sylvester, G. H., B.A II. 1929 

Tabemer, Mrs. See Chadwick, Mary E. 

Talbot, Cyril, B.A II. lyog 

Tahthman, David, B.A II. 1928 

Tanner, H. H., B.Sc II. 1924 

Tarver, Constance M., B.Sc. ... I. 1933 

Tattersall, Mrs. George 

See Ecroyd, Eveline M. 

♦Tattersall, Mary, B.A II. (2) 1921 

Taws, Kathleen, B.Sc II. 1924 

Taylor, Alice, B.A II. 192S 

Taylor, Beatrice, B.A II. 1930 

Taylor, Dora M., B.A II. {2) 1918 

Taylor, Elizabeth A., B.A II. 1933 

Taylor, Elizabeth M. ( B.A II. 1928 

Taylor, Emily H., M.A II. 1906 

Taylor, Eveline M., B.A, ... II. (2) 1918 

Taylor, Frederick, B.A II. 1925 

♦Taylor, George, B.A. ... ... II. (1) 1922 

Taylor, Harold, B.Sc 

Date of 
... II. IQ 23 

Taylor, J. G., B.A 

... I. 


Taylor, J. W., B.A 

... II. 


Taylor, John, B.A 

... II. 


Taylor, Karl, B.A 

... II. 


Taylor, Kathleen R., B.A. ... 

... II. 


♦Taylor, Lizzie, B.A 


Taylor , Lydia , M.A 

.!! I* 


♦Taylor, Mary, M.Sc 

... I. 


' Taylor, Vera, B.Sc 

... II. 


Taylor, Mrs. William. 

See Firth, Elsie M. 
Taylor, Wilson, B.A II. 


Taylor, Mrs. See Gorst, Annie 

Teece, Amy, B.A 

... II. 


♦Thackrah, Elsie, B.Sc 

II. (1) 

XQ 2 I 

♦Thexton, Marjorie A., B.A. 

(Mrs. M. M. Rowling) 

II. (x) 


Thomas, Annie L., B.A. 

(Mrs. A. M. Moncrieff) II, (2) 1916 
, Thomas, Gwyneth M., B.A. ... II. 1927 

j Thomas, Muriel A., B.A II. 1929 

♦Thomas, Nesta E., B.A. ... II. (rl 1915 

| Thomas, R. H., B.Sc II 1927 

I Thomas, Mrs H. S. 

See Hartley, Nora F. 

| Thomas, Mrs. R. E. C. 

See Cawley, Mary 

1 ♦Thomasson, John, B.Sc. ... II. (2) 1922 

Thompson, A. \V„ B.A II. 1923 

! Thompson, Eric, B.A.fCom.) ... II. 1930 

Thompson, Ethel, B.Sc. ( Mrs . Belsenl 1903 
♦Thompson, Ethel M., B.A. ... II. (1) 1914 

; +Thompsoa, E. R., B.A II. (2) 1914 

1 Thompson, G. E., B.A II. 1928 

I Thompson, Jessie, B.A II. 1927 

Thompson, Joan, B.A II. 1930 

Thompson, Mrs. M. P. 

See McLachlan, Marion W. 

Thompson, Rachel D., B.A II. 1933 

Thomely, P. C. , B.Sc I. 1930 

Thornton, Phyllis P., B.A II. 1930 

Thorp, Arthur, B.Sc II. (3) 1917 

Thorpe, Mrs. C. 

See Soundy, Millicent A. 

Thorpe, Ethel, BA 1919 

Thorpe, Florrie, B.A 

I (Mis F. Swaine) II. (if 1916 

j Throup, Nancy, B.Sc II. 1927 

I Tinkler, J. L., B.A II. 1924 

I Tipping, Mary A., B.A. 

; (Mrs. D. O’Gara) II, 1925 

, Todd, F. R., B.A II. 1929 

Toft, Herbert, B.Sc II, 1933 

: Toft, J.W., B.Sc II. 1936 

! Tomlinson, Henry, B.Sc II. 1930 

Tomlinson, Marion H., B.A. ... I. 1933 

1 Tomlinson, Mary, B.A. ... II. 1930 

I Tomlinson, W. C., B.Sc II. 1931 

Tompkins, D. G., B.Sc II. 1929 

, Tooth, Olive, B.Sc II. 1933 

i Tootill, Arthur, B.A II, 1928 

! Topharn, Alice M., B.A II. 1923 

Towler, Elsie H , B.A. 

(Mrs B. P. Rothwell) II. (1) 1918 

Travis, J. E., B.A I. 1923 

I Treharne, Enid M., B.A II. 1931 

; Treharae, Mrs. R. F. See Roberts, Ellen 
| * Trigger, Winifred E , B.A. 

I (Mrs. J. Spalding) II. 1923 

1 Tucker, Gladys D., B.A II. 1931 

t Turner, Annie, B.A 

! (Mrs. T. Parker) II. (a) 1918 

Secondary Branch. 


Teacher' s Diploma. 

Teacher's Diploma — continued. Date of j 

Turner, Edna, B.A , 

... I. 1928 

Turner, Gertrude M., B.A. ... , 

... II 


♦Turner, Lilian M., B.A 

II. (1) 


Turner, Wilfrid, B.A 

... II. 


♦Twist, Herbert, B.Sc 

... II. 


Twist, Marjorie, B.A 

... II. 


Tyson, George, B.Sc 

... II. 


Unsworth, A. V., B.Sc 

... II. 


Unsworth, Maggie, B.Sc. 

II. (2) 


Varley, Russell, B.A 

... II. 


Vasey, J. R., B.Sc 

... II. 


♦Vaughan, Clarice, B.A. 


Vernon, Helen N., B.A. 



Vessey, Marjorie D. , B.A. . . . 

... II 


Vose, John, B.Sc 

... II 


Waddington, W. W., B.Sc. ... 

... II. 


Wadsworth, Gladys, B.A. ... 

... II. 


Wagener, Mrs. F. J. 

See Dobson, Catherine M. J. A. 
♦Wainruan, Ethel. B.A 


Wainwright, Dorothy, B.Sc, 

... II. 


Wake, J. G., B.Sc 

... I. 


♦Wakehara, Hilda F., B.A. ... 

... I. 


Walkden, Mrs. G. R. 

See Strange, Gladys 
•Walker, Alice, B A II. (2) 


Walker, Mrs. A. G. See Carr, Hilda 
♦Walker, Cicely M. H., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. T. Marsh) II. (a) 

I«J 2 I 

Walker, Edith, B.A. 

... II. 


Walker, Edith F., B.Sc. ... 


193 1 

Walker, E. L-, B.Sc 

... II. 

I 93 1 

Walker, John, B.Sc 

... II. 


Walker, Mrs. See McLaine, Helen M. 
Walker, Nathaniel, B.Sc 11 . 


Walker, S. A., B.Sc 

... II. 


Walker, T. S„ B.Sc. ... ... 

... II. 


Walker, W. J., B.A 

... II. 


Wall, Mrs. H. Sec Walmsley 
Wallace, Eric, B.A 

, Mary 
... II. 


Wallbank, E. W., B.A. 

... II. 

IQ? I 

WaUbridge, Mrs. P. E. 

See Wolstenholine, Vera 
Walley, Nance M. , B. A II. 


Walmesley, Phyllis, B.A. 

... II. 


Walmsley, Frank, B.Sc. 

... II. 


Walmsley, G. J., M.Sc. 

... II. 


Walmsley, Mary, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. H. Wall) II. 


Walsh, John, B.Sc 

... II. 


♦Walsh, Joseph, M.Sc 

... II. 


Walsh, Margaret K., B.Sc. ... 

... II. 


Walters, Constance M , B.A. 

... II. 


Walters, Constance M. E., B.A. 

... II. 


fWalton, Arthur, B.Sc 

... II. 


Walton, Edith A., B.A. 

II. (2) 


Walton, N. W., B.A 

... II. 

t 933 

Walton, Ronald, B.Sc 

... II. 


Wandless, Winifred A., B.Sc, 

... II. 


Warbuiton, Gwendoline, B.A. 

... II. 


Warburton, Mary, B.Sc. 

... II 


War burton, Stanley, B.A. 

... II. 


Ward, Cyril, B.A 

... II. 


Ward, Dorothy M. H., B.A.... 

II. (2) 


Ward, Florence K , B.Sc. 

(Mrs. R. E 



Ward, Frank, B.Sc 

... II 


Date of 

Wurdloiv, Ethel, B.A II. ig 0 7 

Waring, Alice I., B.A II. 

Warmington, Marjory P M B.Sc, ... II. 1927 

Waterhouse, James, B.A II, 1026 

Watkin, Eleanor B,, B.A. 

(Mrs. H. J. Osgathorp) II. 1924 
■“Watson, Alice M., B.A. (Mrs. Lees) II. ign 

Watson, Annie, B.A I. nm 

Watson, Boa '.rice M., B.A. 

(Mrs. J. F. Whitehouse) II. (1) 1918 
Watson, Doris, B.A. 

(Mrs. N. T. Goff) II. 1925 

Watson, Madge, B.Sc II. iq 2 6 

Watson, Mrs. See Simpson, Fanny 

Watson, Thomas, B.A II. 1933 

♦Watts, Ethel A., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. E. A. Dungan) 1920 

Watts, J. R., B.A II. 1933 

Webb, Mrs. L. M. See Burton, Olive N. 

Weiss, Elizabeth G., B.A. 

(Mrs, Robert Browning) II. 19.17 

Wcitzman, Sophia, B.A I. xoio 

Welch, Janet M„ B.A II. 1910 

Welford, Alice M., B.A II. 1931 

Welsh, Constance A.. B.A II. 1933 

West, Mrs. R. A. See Grice, Eva 

Western, G. R., B.Sc II. 1931 

Weston, Anne J., B.A. II. 1925 

Weston, Lillie, B.A. 

(Mrs. E. H. Fry) II. (2) 192? 

Wethonll, Hilda, B.Sc II. 1924 

Whalley, Wilfred, B.Sc I. 1915 

Whalley, Wilfred, B.A II. 1925 

Whewell, Helen, B.A II. 1929 

Whitaker, E. C,, B.Sc II. 1924 

Whitaker, Mabel, B.A II. 1910 

White, Cecil, B.Sc II. 1911 

White, C. E., B.Sc II. 1933 

White, Florence, B.A II. 1927 

White, Fred, B.A I. 1932 

White, Mary I., M.A. 

(Mrs. C. E. M. Joad) II. 1910 
Whitehead, Blanche E,, B.A. ... II. 1925 

♦Whitehead, D. J., B.Sc I. ig22 

Whitehead, Ellen E., B.A. 

(Mrs. J. W, Smith) II. 1925 

Whitehead, Gladys M., B.A. ... II 1931 

Whitehead, J. B., B.A II. 1924 

Whitehead, J. E., M.A II. 10 07 

Whitehead, Mrs. See Popple, Lilian 
Whitchouse, Mrs. J. F. 

See Watson, Beatrice M. 

Whiteley, Dorothy E., B.A II. i93 £ 

Whiteside, Enid, B.A, 

(Mrs. R. A. Smith) II. 1925 

Whitfield, Evelyn, B.Sc. (Mrs.Sykcs) II. 1927 

Whitmore, Alice M., B.A II. 1923 

Whittaker, Edith M., B.A II. 1925 

Whittaker, Jessie, B.A II. 1932 

Whittaker, Marjorie I., B.A. ... II. 1932 

Whittaker, Robert, B.Sc II. 193° 

Whittaker, Mrs. See Wrigley, Manon M 
Whittenbury, Mrs. G V. 

See Francke, Joan 

Whittington, Marie L., B.A. .. II. 1933 

Whittle, Edith, BA II. 1931 

Whittle, Elizabeth, B.Sc II. 1929 

vVhitton, Harold, B.A II 1933 

Whitton, Norman, B.A II. * 93 ° 

Whitworth, John, B.Sc II 19*5 

Whitworth, Nina M., B.Sc II. 1926 

♦ Secondary Branch, 
t Distinction. 

Teacher's Diploma. 


Teacher's Diploma — continued. Date of 


Wignall, Mrs. See Stafford, Alice 

Wilde. Hilda, B Sc II. (2) 1015 

Wilde, Mis. W. C. See O’Neill, Jennie 

* Wilde. W. R., B.Sc II. (1) 1915 

Wilding, Alice, B.Sc II. 1924. 

Wildman, Sybil, B.Sc II. 1920 

Wiles, C. E., B.A II. 1926 

•Wilkinson, Annie, B.A 1919 

•Wilkinson, Bertie, M.A. ... II. (1) 1921 

Wilkinson, Mrs Bertie 

See Provost, Edith 

•Wilkinson, Caroline M., B.A 1920 

tWilkinson, Elsie R. , B.A. , (Mis. Mills) I. 1916 

Wilkinson, Margaret G., B.A. ... II. 1930 

Wilkinson, Marion, M.A II. 1906 

Wilkinson, Marjone, B.Sc II. 1928 

Wilkinson, Stanley, B.A II. 1928 

Wilkinson, Winifrid, B.A II. 1931 

Willatt, Anna M , B.A II. 1927 

Willatt, E. M., B.A II. 1931 

Willatt, M. B., B.A II. 1930 

Willatt, R. L., B.A II. 1913 

Willett, Alice, B.Sc II. (2) 1918 

•Williams, Bernard, B.Sc I. 1914 

Williams, Constance P £., B.A. ... II. 1931 

Williams, Edna B., B.A II. 1933 

Williams, Enid M., BA. 

(Mrs. Struthers) II. (1) 1922 

Williams, Florence M., B.A. II. (2) 1916 

Williams, H. L. O., B.A II. 1924 

•Williams, Jessie, B.A 1919 

Williams, J. G., B.A 1904 

Williams, Kathleen M., B.A. ... II. 1932 

Williams, Lilian M., B.A II. 1930 

Williams, Mary G., B.A II. 1931 

Williams, Mary I., B.A II. 1931 

Williams, Nancy D. M„ B.A. ... II. 1928 

Williams, T. A. , B.Sc II. 19 1 1 

Williams, Mrs. See Brown, Florence W. 
Williamson, Lillian, B.A. (Mrs. Forrester) 1901 
Williamson, Louisa E., B.A. II. (2) 1932 

Williamson, Marjory S., B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Pearsall) I. 1915 

Willis, Edith (Girton College, Cambridge) 1905 

Willis, Janet C. N., M.A II. 1906 

*Wilhs, Maria M D.,B.A. ... 1 1. (2) 1915 

Wilson, Alfred, B.A II. 1923 

Wilson, Hilda E , B.A II. 1925 

Wilson, Mabel, B.A. II. (1) 1918 

Wilson, Mary, B.A. (Mrs Wood) II. 1927 

Wilson, Marv B., B.Sc II. 1930 

Wilson, W. L., B.Sc II. 1931 

Winder, Richard, B.Sc 1920 

Wlnkworth, Mrs. S. R. 

See Learmonth, Janie 

Winstanley, Alice E., M.A II. 1905 

Winstanley, Edith, B.Sc. 

(Mrs T. Kelly) I. 1930 
Winstanley, Gertrude, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. Emson) II. (z) 1915 

Winstanley, Mabel A., B.A. ... II. 1927 

Winstanley, Martha A., B.Sc. ... II. 1933 

Wmterbottom, Fred, B.Sc I. 1931 

Wise, C G., B.Sc II. 1927 

! Date of 


\\ ithrington, j. W., B.Sc I, 1026 

Witty, F. R„ B.Sc II. 1927 

Wolfenden, Keith, B.Sc II. 1925 

Wolfenden, Tom, B.Sc II 1924 

Wolstenholme, Mrs. 

See Goodwin, Cathleen M. 

I Wolstenholme, Vera, B.Sc. 

(Mrs. P. E. Wallbridge) II. 

i •fWood, A. B., B.Sc ... I 

Wood, A. C., B.Sc II. 

Wood, Dorothv, B.A II. 

I Wood, Elsie M'., B.A II. 

I Wood, E. R., B.A II. 

Wood, Harold, B.A II. 

Wood, Ida, B.Sc 

•Wood, John, B.Sc II. 

Wood, John, B.A I. 

Wood, J, L., B.A II. 

t Wood, Mrs. K. K. See Morrison, Isabella 

j Wood, N. W., B.A IL 

j Wood, Mrs See Wilson, Mary 

Woodall, J. E., B.A. ... ... II. 

Woodall, S. J„ M.A I. 

. Woodcock, Ada W., M.A. 

(Mrs. W. H, Hardisty) 

Woodmass, Doris M., B.A II. 

Woodruff, Winifred M., B.Sc. ... II. 

1 Woods, Florrie, B.A II. 

Woodward, Amy, B.A. ... II (2) 

Woolridge, Mis. C. See Pickles, Edith A. 
Worrall, Bessie, B.A. 












(Mrs. D. J. Davies) II. 
Worswick, Millicent F., B.A., B.Sc. ... 
•Wragg, Janet M., B.A. 

(Mrs. Knight) II. (1) 

Wray, Irene G., B.Sc II. 

Wray, W. U., B.Sc I. 

Wright, Gladys, B.Sc II. 

■Wright, Hilda M., B.Sc, 

(Mrs. D. J. Farquhaxson) II. 
Wright, Margaret, B.A. 

(Mrs. Rawlinson) II. 

Wright, Marjorie E,, B.A II. 

Wright, Nora D., B.A II. 

Wriglev, J oan W. , B.A II . 

Wrigley, Marion, B.A. (Mrs Whittaker) 
Wngley, Margaret J., B.A. ... II. 

Wroe, Freda, B.Sc I. 

Wroe, Harry, B.Sc II. 

Wyatt, Stanley, M.Sc. ... 
Wylde, K. H., B.Sc. ... 
Wylie, Margaret R., B.Sc. 



















I Yarborough, Winifrede, B.Sc. ... II. 1933 

Yanvood, Edith, B.A. II. 193a 

1 *Yates, Doris E., B.Sc. (Mrs. Jackson) I. 1914 

Yates, Elsie, B.A II. 1929 

Yeoman, Kathleen C., B.Sc. ... II. 1932 

( Yoffey, Taube, B.A II. 1927 

; *Youle, Edna, B A II. (2) 1922 

Young, John, B.Sc II. 1926 

Young, Robert, B.Sc II. 19 ri 

, Younie, Mrs. Sre Jackson, Alice 

• Secondary Branch . 
t Distinction. 



Note. — For list of Teachers’ Certificates, see Calendar , 
1914-15, pages 926 — 928. 

For lists of Certificates awarded before 1933, see previous 

Session 193*2-33. 


Certificate in Architecture. 

1933 Buttrick, W. T. 

Speakman, H. G. 

Taylor, Harry 


Certificate in Engineering. 

1933 Kurup, P. K. 

Tsolakides, D. M. 

(In addition tojstudents] who pass the examination for the Certificate only, all graduates who 
have obtained the ordinary degree of B.Sc. in Engineering, or the degree in the Honours 
School of Engineering, are held to have satisfied the requirements of the Certificate 


Certificate in School Hygiene. 

1933 McLennan, W. A., M.B., Ch.B. 

Certificate in Factory" Hygiene. 

1933 Newton, V. A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 


Certificate in Public Administration. 

1933 Hunter, Mary 


Certificate in Biblical Knowledge. 

1933 ’•'Clarke, Harold -*T Harmon, Marjorie E. 

*Darvill, Ralph *Holgate, Clifford 

♦fDuckworth, Frank *+ McQuillan, Thomas 

*Epstein, Harry r Williams, Arthur 

*Gunn, \V. G. £>. 

* Satisfies requirement (4) for Certificate in Theology, 
t Satisfies requirement (5) for Certificate in Theology. 

Certificate in Theology. 

1933 Western, Wilfred (with Distinction iu Church History, and with Psychology of 
Religion as an additional subject). 




Certificate in Technology. 

Textile Chemistry , Municipal Engineering 

1933 Baker, C, T. Hannay, G, B, 

Textile Industries . 

Stewart, Ernest 


Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf. 

Class a. 

1933 Dickinson, Dorothy S. Rule, May S., B-A. 

Jagger, Kathleen SI., B A. Sibley-Haycock, Nancte V., M.A. 

Johnson, Eileen SI., B.Sc Sturman, Rose H. 

Maxwell, .Margaret, SLA. Swanwick, G. R. 

Pargeter, Helen E. Watson, Thomas, B.A. 


Ibonoturs Schools 

N.B. — Tlie numbers preceding the names indicate holders of Fellowships 
Scholarships, &c., as follows: 1 University Fellow. 2 Langton Fellow. 3 Bishop 
Berkeley Fellow. * John Bright Fellow. 5 Jones Fellow. 0 Faulkner Fellow. 
7 Beyer Fellow. s Vulcan Fellow. '* Hon. Research Fellow. xo University Scholar. 
11 Graduate Scholar (Old Regulations). 12 Derby Scholar. 13 Mercer Scholar. 
14 Exhibition (1851) Scholar. IC R. Platt Zoological and Botanical Scholar. 
16 Gilchrist Modern Language Student. 17 Derby Exhibitioner. 18 Derby 
Prizeman. 10 Mercer Prizeman. 20 Leblanc Medallist. 3:1 Schuuck Fellow. 
3 3 Mark Stirrup Scholar. 23 Graduate Bursai in Education. 24 Schuster 
Research Scholar. 30 Leech Fellow. 2 Advanced Student in Education. 
27 Travelling Scholar in Architecture. 28 (1851) Exhibition Industrial Bursar. 
80 Industrial Research Scholar. 30 University Research Fellow in Arts, 
31 Jevons Student. 33 Lewis’s Scholar in Commerce. 33 Sir Clement Boyds 
Scholar. 31 Graduate Prizeman (New Regulations). 35 Graduate Research 
Scholar (New Regulations). 3a (1851) Exhibition Senior Research Student. 
37 R. Platt Physiological Scholar. Osborne Reynolds Fellow. 3I> Mark Stirrup 
Prizeman. to Harling Fellow. 41 Darbishire Fellow. !3 Bishop Harvey 
Goodwin Scholar. 43 Samuel Bright Scholar. 4L DruimnoncVFraser Fellow. 
Langton Bursar. **Zimraern Travelling Fellow. 

(The names in each class are hi alphabetical order.) 

First Class . 

1884 J. J. Perkins Owens 




1889 Alice Crompton ... Owens 

1890 A. S. Kidd Owens 


1892 ir >L. D. Barnett ... Univ. 
1893 10 John Maxwell ...Owens 

1895 lo EthelR. Faraday Owens 


1897 l °Edward Wooll ... Unto. 
IS 98 Herbert Lakin ... Owens 

1899 10 J. hr. MacGregor. V tiv. 
H. S. Sir com Owens 


1901 XO D. N. 

Hebbletli waite . Univ. 

IQUS^Isaac Handel Owens 

1903 E. T. Millington.. Owens 

1904 A "H. R. Singleton . Mane. 
1905 Martin Kraus 

19(»6 il Gwladys Llewellyn 

1907 aix Sarah E. Jackson 
1X A. F. Johnson 
xl Constance M. Watson 


Second Class. 

R. M. Pope Owens 

J. D. Jones Owens 

V. E. Marsrlen ... Owens 
J. H. Waddington Owens 
a Helnricli Walder Owens 

C. K. Richardson Owens 

Edward Shillito.. Owens 

Norali M. Doman Owens 
Ivath. Blaekledge Univ. * 

A. T. Strong Univ. 

S. E. F4vans Owens 

Edith M. Platt ... Univ. 

G.J. Clemens Owens 

C. M. Imlach Univ. 

li. A. Smith Owens 

Ethel T. 

Me Ivnight... 


Eva (J. Postance.. 


P. C. Green 


Ethel A. 


. Owens 

J. L. lladcliffe 

. Univ. 

T. V. Tweedy 

, OweiiR 

Ruth Taylor 

. Owens 

C. H Brown 


D. S. Sharp 


A. D. Thorburn... Univ. 

Alice M. Gowan 
Mary E. Taplen 
J. L. Howson 
Winifred \ Stocks 
Winifred T). Woollani 

Third Class. 

J. A. Meeson Owens 

A. R. Alvarez Owens 

Florence Acton... Owens 

B. N. Atkinson ... Owens 
W. D. Wright ... Owens 
Edith Johnstone Owens 
E. J. Libbey ...... Owens 

Fanny C. 

Beaumont Univ. 
A. F. Alcock Owens 

L. P. Anderson... Univ. 

M. Beatrice R. 

Led ward Owens 
Mary Barrett ...Univ, 
Ethel Robinson.. Owens 
J.W. Tsherwood.. Oivens 
Percy Raby Owens 

R. E. ltoiier Oivens 

Irene Burn Univ. 

MaryHoneyburne Univ. 

F. P. Powell Oivens 

E. C. Yates Owens 

Mary Hartley ... Oivens 

Walter Robinson Univ. 
Ethel M. L. 

Elliott Oivens 

Nor ah Hanna 
Alan Stevenson 

Honours Schools. 


CLASSICS — continued . 

First Class. 
1908 Esther Orosland 
^Effie Watson 

1909 Ethel Bailey 

1910 Jessie Wright 

Kill 11 Elea noi .Rhodes 

1912 Division I. 

11 Theresa M. Browne 
11 Mary A. B. Herford 
Division II. 

Nora Simon 

1913 11 H. H. Crabtree 

1914 113 Jessie S. Davis 
ll S. D. Sedgley 
“Florence Whitehead 

l915 J1 Percy Dorrington 

1917 Elsie Hancock 
1918 6 “Madeleine E. Lees 

I919 n 11 Joshua Whatmough 

1920 W. S. Booth 

Mary Howarfch 
C. A. Humphries 

1921“T. M. Gribhin 
Lucy M. Key 

1928 s * aB H. M. Pliillipson 


1930 Margaret W. Pollard 
M. W. Pritchard 

Second Class. 

F. H. Craven 
Amy Greenhalgh 
Jemima Nicholson 
Carleton Thompson 

Helen L. Chaffers 
D. C. Foster 

Maggie Bleakley 
Gilbert Coates 
Gladys N. Dixey 
Ellen M. Jackson 
Edna Wadsworth 

G. S. Fawell 
Elizabeth R. Finlayson 
Hilda Livesey 
Blanche Strachan 
Emma Sutcliffe 

Division I , 

Isabel A. Ashton 
Louis Rosenberg 

Division I. 
George Glasgow 
Sarah M. Howarth 
Frances A. Lodge 
Anice Wolstenholme 

Division II. 
Frank Ashworth 
Mabel Briscoe 

Division I. 

R. W. Crook 
Ada Stevens 

Division II. 

C. N. Worden 

Division 2. 
Judith Jacobs 

Division II. 

Tom Rowley 
R. It. Taylor 

Division II. 

E. H. W. Conway 

Division 1. 

Hilda M. Woodall 
Division II. 
Phyllis M. Pritchard 

Division II. 
Elaine Garbutt 

Division I. 

Alan Dobson 

Division 1. 

C. L. Mitt on 

Division I. 
y. NT. Briscoe 
E. S. Edees 
Margaret N. Marshall 

Division I. 

A. F. Blair 
Edith A. Kay 

Division II. 
William Smith 
Muriel C. Walker 

Third Class 
Margaret S. Mills 

F. C. Singleton 
F. H. Sloman 

Frank Andrews 
Lawrence Redfern 

Dorothy H. Creyke 
F. A. Harrison 
Ellen C. Nightingale 

Maria M. D. Willis 

Amy L. Wood 

Elsie G. Beddow 
Luther Crabtree 

Irene M. Challenor 


Honours Schools. 

First Glass, 

1932 Mair E. Jones 

1933 Beryl M. Collingwood 

195Sa 3 * 3 «E. P. D. Thomas 

1923 3* aaj, A preacher 

1924 J. J. Atkinson 
Ida M. Brown 
Arthur Ingham 


1937 Annie Bimpnon 


1981 Elsie Baxter 
1933^ Sylvia J. Gibson 


1922** se Doris I. Field 
3 *Annie Wataon 

1928 3 *Ida M. Brown 

1924 “Helen M. Briggs 
John Lover 

1925 Cooper, Dorothy K. 
Stonex, N. T. 

CLASSICS — continued. 

Second Class. 
Division 7. 

A. R. B. Lyman 
R. G. Steven 
Division 1 
Marion G. Chorley 
Constance E. Hodgkinson 
Division II. 

Anys A. Healey 
Division I. 

Henry McAIeavy 
Division II. 

\V. P. Barry 
T. A. Rigby 


Division I. 
Flora Busman 
Division 11. 
Lillie Gregory 
X> ivision I. 
Samuel Chapman 
Division IT. 
Doris I. Field 

Division /. 
Elsie Birch 

Division I. 
Dorothy Bache 

JHvision II. 
Mary Arnold 
L. \V. Bring 


Division II 
Ida M. Hebron 

Division I. 
Marjorie Derbyshire 
liufch Foster 
S. V. Pillungton 
Mary W. Smith 
Division II. 
Bernard Oavanagli 
Sam i nil Chapman 
Annie M. Dempsey 
J. A. Dresehov 
Annie Gaakell 

Division I. 

Lillie Gregory 
Winifred M. Proud love 
Division II. 

H. C. Chapman 
Mary A. J. P. Kerr 
Flora Susinan 

Division I 
Elsie Birch 
H. M. Hutchinson 
Godfrey Stott 

Division II. 
Constance M. Worsley 
Division I. 
Majorie M. Abell 
J J. Atkinson 
Arthur Ingham 
Division II 
Mary E. O’Sullivan 

Third Class. 

Kate M\ Bah in 
N. P. Bentley 

H. H. Allen 

J. C. P. Stirling 

Honours Schools. 


First Class . 

3926 Muriel Barr at t 
s *Annie Simpson 


1928 Irene A. Webster 

1929 Muriel Pinner 

1 930 Margaret Anderson 
Mary A. Badland 
Elsie Baxter 
Marjory A. Hall 
Daisy L. J. Orme 


1932 Sylvia J. Gibson 


First Class . 

LATIN — continued . 

Second Class. Third Class, 

Division I. 

Edith M. Hudson 
Sarah Prescott 
Francis Walsh 
Mary Wilson 
Division II. 

Marion Lowe 

Division I. 

Mary Arnold 

Division II. 

Dorothy Bache 
L. W. Pring 
W. Taylor 

Division I. R, J. Lansdale 

Nora D. Mason 
Gertrude E. Weatherhead 

Division I . 

Alice Balderstone 
Ada L. Baxter 
Mildred Brady 
Frances J. Hinchcliff 
Harriett O’Brien-Kelly 
Division II. 
Marjorie Beckitt 
Alice Lodge 

Division I. 

Ethel H. Job 
Frank Kay 
Elsie Leech 

Division II. 
Kathleen Kelly 
Gladys M. Whitehc ad 
Winifrid Wilkinson 

Division I. 

Thelma M. Baxter 
Muriel I. Shanks 
Division II, 

Esme S. Cooke 
Lillian Hulme 
Margaret J. Wrigley 

Division /. 

Sarah E. Broadhurst 
Elsie Brooks 
Katherine M. Collinson 

Division I. 

L. H. Dennis 
May V. B. Lace 
Loraa A. Ruff 
Division II. 

Edna Ballance 
Nora Cottrell 
Nina Devons 
Josephine E. Kenworthy 
H. C. Rogers 
Gertrude M. Smith 
Lilian Tinn 
Dorothy J. Wood 

Agnes Molloy 
Marjorie V. Walker 
Kathleen S. Webb 

Charlotte W. Armitage 
Nancy B. Hunt 
Lilian Kahn 
R. K. Orchard 
Rachel D. Thompson 
Edna B. Williams 
Eilis Berrv 
Mary L. Hall 
Nora C. Higson 


Second Class. Third Class. 

“Robert Dunlop O toons. .. . 

T. A. Walker Owens 

1883 James Tait Owens. 

Edward Talbot ... Owens, 

Honour a Schools , 


HISTORY — continued . 

First Class. Seco?id Class. Third Class , 

1885 F. R. Roberts Owens. 

G. A. Wood Owens. 

1886 B W. A. Shaw Owens. C. E. Heclit Owens. 

James Thorburn Owens. 

1887 J. W. Bowman .. Owens. 

1888 Ii. A. Mines Owens. 

1880 J. E. Hutton Oivens. 

1890 B Aliee M. Cooke .. Owens. Adelaide Trevor.. Owens. 

Sarah Me lkuisk ... Univ. - Sarali B. William s Univ. 

1801 H. S. Perris Owens. Elizabeth A. F. M. Tavlou Yorks. 

MaeGowan Oio«i,s. 

W. H. Stables ... Tories. 

1892 1 ®W. E. Rhodes ... Owens. J. F. Crabtree ... Oivens . 

P. T. Fail-brother Owens. 

\V. H. Satter- 

tliwaite Owens. 

1893 10 J. R. B. Muir Oniv. H. W. Clemesha.. Owens. .. .. 

1894 1Q ThomasBateson Owens. 


Handlev Univ. 

1895 xo Ellinor L. 

Broadbent (Jniv. 

5 10 Mary Johnstone Owens. 

189H J. M. Bass Owens. K. A. Haworth ...Owens 

Clias. Chapman... Owens. 

C. B. Ferguson ... Owens. 

Elea.n.M.Itoberts Owens. 

L. B. Wood Owens. 

1898° ia MavyM. Newett Owens. Gertrude Bourne Owens. T, T. James ... Owens . 

Sarah Potts Owens. 

Xiita A. Steuart... Owens. 

1899 1 10 F. M. Powicke Owens. Kate Blackstock., Owens. .... 

Annie M. Clark . Owens. 

1900 XO J. J. Bell Univ. Ernest JBroxap ... Owens. Mabel A. Elliott Owens 

F. W. Skemr) Oivens. E. H. Lawrence... Owens. 

1 D *<> Elizabeth T. W. Selioles ... Tories. 

Speakman Owens. 

1901 XO C. F. T/tunby Univ. lu Eva Dodge . . .. Owens. H. R. O. Birley ... Owens. 

Taylor D>son ... Owens. J. A. Wilson Univ 

Ada Russell Owens . 

190-2 X(J Edifch M. Blevin Univ. Horde cai Epstein Owens. 

Dorothy Holme .. Owens. 

1903 J 1<5 A. H. Baker Owens. J. A. Dews Owen* ... . 

a » i^Hilda Johnstone Oivens. 


McEachlan Owens, 
a \v. T. Waugh ... Owens. 

1004 Jessie D. W. H. Davis Leeds. J. G. Altham Mano. 

Clarkson Mnnv. 

1905 3 * 1 ‘Arthur Jones Marjorie Cooper 

J. W. Graham 
Elsie M. Redfearn 

1906 E. D. Agate 

Gwladys Evans 
Emma E. Tittevingfcon 

Honoivt's Schools . 


First Class, 

190b S. W. Jones 

19l >9- “Marl. Hovel I 

1910-* 11 V. H. Galbraith 
H. T. Pickles 
s 6 “A. E. Prince 
Grace E. Simon 

1911 11 P. R. Barnes 

1912 Sydney Phillipson 

1913* 3 L. H. Gilbert 
“Harold K»y 


191.3 2 11 Arthur Bedford 

HISTORY — continued. 

Second Class. 

E. G. Bearn 
0 Lila B. Dibben 
Ada Neild 
Sidney Salomon 
H. J. Twinam 

Harry Boulton 
E. B. Knott 
Jane A. McClymont 

Third Class. 

G. K. H. Nicholson 

Mabel M. Barber 
Sarah Matthias 
S. O. Moffet 

Martha Ashton Elsie I. V. Bryant 

H. A. Beaton 
Harry Cammack 
P. F. Horton 
aa Jessie M. Parish 
Elizabeth Penney 

J. F. H. Beddow Kobina Y. Cruig 

Alice M. P. Byrne Dora K. Royle 

Gladys M. Emeraou A. A. Sneath 

23 Gertrude Quinn 

Clara Atherton Dorothy Greaves 

R. B. Barker Maud Gregory 

Margaret Curtis 

Barbara M. Garrard 
Theodora Pitt 
W. A. Wildblood 
Mabel H. N. Woodcock 

H. L. Beales 
Gladys May Prydderch 
Edith Rodgers 
William Shaw 
Edgar Waterhouse 

Division l. Ethel Brough 

E. H. Pilling Jean Macpherson 

G. M. van der Veen 
B. A. Westphal 
Ellen C. Wilkinson 
Division TI . 

S. J. Davie 
Arthur Fulton 
Evelyn Miller 
Jennie M. Potter 
Ethel M. Thompson 

Division I. Alice P. Brooks 

E. H. Bedford Lydia Hall 

Lizzie Brunskill Irene Scott 

F. S. Cook 
Margaret A. Hall 
Annie Lees 

T. P. Spencer 
Dorice E. Worsiek 
Division II. 

Dorothy Butterwortb 
Fanny Rubinstein 

Division I. 

Dorothy L. Davies 
Dorothy Evans 
Florence Simmonds 
Harland Watts 
Division II. 

Myrtle Child 
Dorothy V. Collier 
Margaret F. Dibben 
Elsie Foster 
May M. Hunter 
Florence M. Williams 


Honours Schools. 

HISTORY — continued. 

First Class. Second Class. Third Class. 

1916 Division I. 

Eva M. Boodle 
E. H. Dance 
Betsy Farrow 
Mary Thomas 

Division II. 

Catherine II. Henderson 
Emma Manton 
Elizabeth Ormerod 
Rachel F. Pea.rson 
Jane E. Pollai*d 
Nellie 13. Yates 

Division 1. 
Nora Bateson 
Ralph Beard 
Nancy M. Lowe 
Evelyn B. Wells 

Division II. 
Mabel Fleming 
Marian S. Garside 
Mary B. Gifford 

Division I. 
Margaret M. Ashton 
“Doris N. Chew 
K. B. P. Martin 
Freda Oppenheim 
Margaret R. Sftokur 

Division U. 
Annie E. Davenport 
Editli Provost 
Lizzie Taylor 

Division I. Clarice Vaughan 

Annie Bradley Eva Walling 

Constance V. Bradley 
B Dorotliy M„ Broome 
Mary E. I. Edwards 
Dorothy Hai^h 
Mabel Pbythian 
Elsie L. Williams 

Division II. 

Winifred M. Fox 
Dorothy I. Moore 
Ida K. Walker 

1920 Division I. 

Doris M. Bridge 
Eric Emmett 
e M. V. Gregory 
Louisa Roberts 
Edith Spencer 
Hilda F. Wakehaui 
« ao Bertie Wilkinson 
F U Woods 

Division 11. 
Margaret Moore 
Mary Tattersall 

Gladys Duguid 
Catherine M. Geake 
Doris S. Hulme 

lSlSP^H. E. O. James 
Phyllis J. Mudie 

HMS 1 * Alice Jackson 
Marjorie Lewis 
* 11 Margaret Tout 

1917* ll Florence M. G. Evans 
° ^Cecilia B. Mackintosh 
Doris M, Walker 
° 11 Sophia Weltzman 

JETonouvs Schools. 


HISTOKY continue *! . 

S&concZ Clttss. 

JD ivision l. 

J. E . Arden 
s e 23 Ar tl3.nx- As;pinall 

Kathleen E. Basford 
O. O. Bracewell 
Norah Carter 
it. M. HEedley 
GK B. Jackson 
W. HE. Alounsey 
IP hi y Ills Slia.rp>~ 

W. 'W. S;pecldin£* 
S3 George Taylor 
UDavid Wei'tzuian 
John Wood 

Dlvisicni XI. 
Harriett A. Arxderfcon 
Eva. Boon 
E. S. Dixon 
Eva Grice 
Ma ry Studholme 
W . O. Taylor 

O Ll> isio n X 
F. Hi. Beck 
W. A- - Cane 
Mary E. Chambei*3 
J* A. Darbyshire 
Catherine ML J„ A. 


George Goodall 
Doris M. Hi nelson 
W. K. Him fc 
IPliyllls 3VX. S. Lamb 
Frank Mitclxell 
W. IT. Minn ford 
Florence Koscoe 
Gr. W. Stafford 
“Moses Tyson 
Alice M.‘\Vliitmore 
X>iz>zsio 7 i IX. 
Winitred Blamire 
"W. S. Broster 
Hilda M, Bunting 
Amy Clitheroe 
O. E. Grill 

Mary A. Greenwood 
Ann A. James 
H. IB. Jones 
it. "W. Marsh 
Laura HVT. Midgley 
J. IB. 1ST cl son 
H>. O- Parker 
Ethel Provost 
Dorothy E. Sclioles 
Ed gjax* Stephenson 
Kathleen 1ST Stooke 
"Winifred Vity 
C. J. J. Watson 
A If reel 'Wilson 

X>i.uiaioJL X. 
Hazel E. Boothnian 
S. M. Houghton 
J. S. 
Amy Teece 
J. B. Whitehead 
Dtrzsion 12. 
Etlxel M. Anders 
Florence Banks 
Mabel E. Clift 
Etlxel Lister 
May B. Lord 
Dorothy McIntyre 
H>. HE. MacLean 
Hex- tix a Ridyard 

Th.i Class. 

Linda Barton. 
Herbert Chant 
Beatrice EE. Connor 
Marjorie A. Thexton 
Alice Walker 

Will Ashworth. 

H. B. Brayford 
Thomas Chadwick 
Editlx Gunson 
Bertha Lee 
Mostafa Makhlouf 
Alice IVI. Topliam 

Margaret M. Ashworth 
George Eckersley 
El a c lx el Ireland 
Jessie Lancashire 
Muriel itojper 
Eveline Sudworfch 


Honoius Schools. 

First Class. 
1924 L. J. Hobbs 

Elizabeth A. W. 
r *Ellen Roberts 

1926 Tom Robinson 
34 , 3 RHarry Roth well 

1926 3 ^Arthur Hughes 
' 14 P. D. Martyn 

HISTORY — continued. 
Second Class. 

Division T. 

Kinsey Elsie S. Bernhardt 
Mary E. Broxap 
Kathleen M. Hill 
Annie Marks 
William Roby 
Hilda E. Wilson 

Division II. 
Phyllis M. Bottomley 
Amy Bullock 
Alice A. Causey 
Emily Cottam 
Kathleen M. Eastwood 
Margaret Foy 
Elsie Hannam 
Dorothy Hargreaves 
Marion Hindmarch 
Doris M. Keen 
Evelyn M. Kimsey 

Division I. 

Mary E. Beggs 
Annie Buckley 
Stanley Eckersley 
A. R. Eyre 
A. S. Fenby 
John Grundy 
John JLunn 

Gwenllian C. Ransome 
C. E. Wiles 

Division II. 
Beatrice S. Bowden 
Muriel E. Clitheroe 
Hilda F. Dalby 
Marjorie Dirmis 
.Joyce M. Foden 
‘• r 'Alys Xj. Gregory 
Hilda M. Hallows 
Mary J. Lee 
Dorothy Bewiu 
Amy A. Madelly 
Esther A. Miohael 
Evelyn M.C. Orford 
W. S. Riley 
Eucy M. Round 
Vera Smith 
Winifred Story 
Marcelle W. Sugden 

Division /. 
Marjorie Clitheroe 
John DnlTy 
Sylvia H. Hyde 
1 )orothy Kemp 
Jaue Moulton 
Margaret E. Park 
Rosamund K. Pierson 
Harry Roberts 
Mabel M. Slaney 

Division 11 . 
Mary Balderstone 
Helen Brady 
Ethel Burgess 
Olive Compton 
Maureen B. Cowan 
Constance M. Davey 
Chi’istabel M. Dean 
Marion Duckworth 
Reginald Gowanloelc 
W. C. Hedley 
Freda L. Hollas 
Eleanor M. Mayers 
Christina Mulrooney 
Kathleen Roulsen 
Marjru\ Tomblin 

Third Class. 
Gilbert Chadwick 
Florence R. Goodhall 
Edna Hall 
Madge Halliwell 
Alice McDermott 
Ethel Norris 
Lesley Northrop 
Eileen Rogers 
Wilfred W lia! ley 
Elizabeth M. M. Zucker 

Katherine H. 


Margaret A. Hilton 
Osmond Kelly 
Winifred A. Owen 
Hilda M. Pearce 
F. R. Schofield 

Honours Schools. 


HISTORY — continued . 

First Class. 

Second Class, Third Class. 

Division I, 

T, W. Byrne 
E. H. Graham 
Wesley Hewitt 
Bertha Lord 
Mary M. Rothwell 
Constance M. E. Walters 

Charles Hart 
E. H. Pearson 

Division II. 
Beatrice M. Gould 
C. S. Hilditch 
Jessie D. Hodgkiss 
Renee C. Holland 
Margery L. Hoyle 
Edith Malley 
Cecil Patterson 
Elaine Peeling 
Alice I. Waring 
Margaret Wright 

1928* 3 *Kathleen H. Holden Division I. Kathleen Knowles 

W. G. Weston H. G. Arnold 

C. C. Bay ley 
Eileen K. Fitzgerald 
Arthur Glen cross 
A. C. Hartley 
Mary M. Hobson 
Norah A. Jones 
Marie Simms 

Division TI, 

Sarah Cohen 
Muriel I. Foster 
Fred Kenworthy 
Robert Law 
Harry Margerison 
Marion S. Middlewood 
H. N. Moulding 
Freda Nutter 
W. H. Semper 
Annie M. Sharpe 
Nellie Slater 

1929®* se Cyril Ward Division I. E. G. Manby 

Joseph Camithers Olwen E. Salusbury-Jones 

Thomas Kelly Mary Tomlinson 

J. S. Leatherbarrow 

Alice Lucas 

H. J. McLachlan 

Annie L. Niven 

Mary Provost 

Mary C. Rixon 

Margaret G. Wilkinson 

Division II. 

Dorothy Goodreid 

D. C. Johnston 
David Plinston 
May H. Scandrett 
Drusilla V. William 
Edith Winstanley 
Audrey A. Yates 

1930 5 35 F. D. Hodgkiss Division J. 

Harold Richardson T. S. Atkinson 

*®L. V. Sumner Hilda M. Eastwood 

Dorothy E. Whiteley J. A. Edwards 

Nellie Kitchen 
Mary H. Prince 
Marion Sykes 

E. W. Wallbank 

Reta W. Brown 
Phyllis M. Crawshaw 
F. W. Foster 
Marion Slater 


Honours Schools, 

HISTORY — continued. 

First Class. Second Class. Third Class. 

1930 Division II. 

Margaret C. Duncan 
Grace R, Fawcett 
J. \V. Lightfoot 
Sheila S. McKay 
Alice K. Munro 
Edna M. Potter 
Mabel Stewart 
Norman Sunderland 
Frank Taylor 
Enid M. Treharne 

1931 S C. B. Elliott Division I. J. H. S. Pickford 

38 William Mather A. G. Barnes Dorothy Redford 

«Ina S. Russell Bridget G. Carroll J. H. Whiteley 

Ruth E. Fairweather 
Marian Hepplestone 
George Irving 
Marion Roberts 
Geoftrey Stead 
Marjorie I. Whittaker 

Division II. 

N. E. Bromiley 
J „ H. Drury 
Muriel Byers 
J. B. Findlow 
H. E. Gaul 

Marianne E. Goodwin 

E. R. Long 
Wiuifride McGough 
W. S. Martin 
Lillie Robinson 

1932 Elsie Farrar Division I. J. H. Greenwood 

Marion H. Tomlinson G. W. Ingham 

Ruth E. Johnston 
Marie Jones 
R. S. Kay 
Joseph Lester 

F. M. Prendergast 
Annie Slinger 

T. K. Smith 
Non nan Walmsley 

Division 11. 

Dorothy D. Fielding 
Evelyn Linton 
Lilian A. Moltiam 
Winifred M. Raper 
Barbara T. Simpson 

1933 C. M. Owen Division I. K. M. Keeley 

J. S. Roskell E. P. Bramfit Hilda Lawton 

’■■“•Fred Williamson Catharine M. I diamond 

Roy Elliott 
Doreen R. Hirst 
Harold Hopwood 
Hilda Lofthoust* 

Margaret E. Ward 

Division II 
Mildred I£. Barlow 
Helen G. Clegg 
Mary F. Coogan 
Annie Haggas 
Winifred M. Ilolden 
Richard Rigbv 


1886 aa Fred Harsley ...Owens. 

a TQ. W. Rhodes ... Oruens. 

Honours Schools. 


First Class. 

Second Class. 

Third. Class. 


Ursula Holme ... Owens. 
10 S. B. C. lioss Owens. 

1897 1 10 Lucy W. C. R. Lewis .... Univ. 

Faraday Owens 

* 1Q Lilian 

Winstanley Owens. 

1898 Eliza Bygott Owens. 

1900* 10 Josephine 

Laidler Oivens. 

Cecil M. R. 

Callender Owens. 
H. J. Rossi ngcon Owens. 

Mabel Boon .. . Owens. 

Needham Owens. 

1901 Elizabeth Parker Owens, 

1902 ‘Margaret Bickin Univ. 

1;t Irene F. Williams Univ. 

1908 T. O. Hirst . ... Univ. 

Helen M. Hooper Owens. 

Mary Reynolds .. Owens. 

1904 e 10 A. R. Skernp ... Mane. Maurice Den liy Leeds. S. H. Edmonds .. Mane. 
4 10 Osborn S. H. Elliott Leeds. Marion 

Waterhouse Leeds. Elizabeth Hawcridge Mnnc. 

Harrison Mane. Ella D. 

Frank Hepworth Leeds. Macdonald Mane . 

Nissirn Lisbona . Mane. Edith A. 

Robinson Mans, 
Ethel Winstanley Mane. 

19J6 H. C. Duffin Eva M. Newton 

S. J. Woodall 


John Broadbent 

1908 Isabel M. S. Maepherson l Mary H. Deakin 

‘Margaret A. Dobson 
Eleanor G. Mollor 
Evelyn? D. Scott 
Ethel SpeakiLan 
Mary T. White 
Patti e E. Wilkinson 

1909 lx Margaret W. Macalister Isaac Jackson 

Ethel Thomas 
Mabel Whitaker 

1910 W. E. A. Harris D. A. Mackenzie 

* a 13 -Laura A. Lomas 
11 J. D. Wright 

1911° ® 13 -Hartley Bateson Frederick Critchley 

Flora E. McGregor Henrv Lindsay 

A. L. Llalplis 
R. S. H. Richard's 
A. K. W ilson 

Elizabeth Graham 

Constance O. Stenhouse 

Edith M. Isaac 
Emily Porter 

1912 Peter Haworth Frances H. Ashley H. S. Grimshaw 

• 1:L Agnes Strawson W. M. Ha vthornthwaite L. du G. Peach 

Jennie O’Neill 
John Willatt 


E S. Barber 
Vera Calverley 
F. H. Lee 
Helen S. Mo^s 
Harry Proudfoot 
Hannah Riley 

Lilian H. Baxter 
T. C. Elliott 
R. E. Gibson 
Katie Mason 
G. H. Nedderman 
Isabel Seddon 

1914 Mary A. Ellis Division I. Mary L. Ogden 

4 11 Marie Muncastev Winifred Ayres 

Division 21. 

Lilv Nicholas 
William Tirrell 


Honours Schools 


First Class. 

Second Class. 

Third Class. 

l915**Philip Heap 

ia -Elsie it. 'Wilkinson 
“Amy Woodward 

1916* “Mabel Jonos 

1917 Mary A. Bobson 

Division I. 

J. O. Gleason 
C. E. Eekersley 
Maaol M. Wragg 

Division II. 
Mary 1\I. Roberts 

Division I. 

HlI da Burgess 
•Dorothy Hardakur 
Bessie Hortnuks 
Ethel Menzies 
Savali .1. Bain l ord 

Ethel wyn Haigh 
Elsie G. Morrow 

May Blakeley 
Ruth G. Cooper 

Division T. Phyllis Stafford 

* “Ma-rtliu H. Dobson 
Doris Phillips 
Katliorinio E. Schippera 
u;t Gertvude Smith 
Esther T. Thomas 

Division II. 

Theodora Bond 
Ellen Provost 
Elsie H. T owl or 


lQlQ 1 * Janie Campbell 
^-Elsio Simmonda 

1920 11 30 Priscilla G. Gorton 
11 3 °R. D. Waller 

Division I. 

Ida i\I. Hutchinson 
Elizabeth M. Kieliards 
Bind a Stubbs 
Ethel Wainnian 

J^i vision If. 

Const! nice M. Fisher 

Division I. 

Lucy Asliton 
Hannah Bennett 
Mvfanwy W. Jenkins 
““Marjorie P. Jones 
Constance M. Roe. 

Division I, 

Annie C. Patterson 

Ih vision II. 
Mabel Baneashire 
Edna Schofield 

Edith J tunes 
Edith O. Newell 
Ernest Pilling 
Gertrude M. Wright 

1921 Freda M. Anderson 
11 Caroli no A. Bejeuno 

Division 1. 
Chari es J ames 

R. E. Swire 

Division II. 
Gladys B. Bradley 
Doris Jacques 

Edna Youle 

1922 *Geoifrey Bullough 
“’John Earnshaw 
Annie E. Potts 
*Bucie I. Street 

Division I. 
B. S. Harris 
Rachel Beon 
Winnie M. Shaw 

S. A. Smart 
Kate Siumionds 

Division II. 

B. G. Bfcddis 

T. A. Orossley 
Jauies Holt 
J. C. McPhail 
Alberta I. Sanders 
Helen Seddon 

A. W. Thompson 

Dorothy M. Broom 
Alico Nutter 

Honours Schools. 



First Glass . 

1923 Phyllis Beacall 
a 34 ssEnid i. Glen 
Cecil Bord 

1924 P. H. Allen 

a3 Millicent Holland 
Edith M. H. Richards 
34 Annie Sim 

1925* 34 *« J. P. Oakden 
34 SB D. S. Pearson 

1926 Margaret E, Black 
Ann Kirkman 

Second Glass. 

Division I. 
Norah Foster 
Rachel Graham 
Thomas Halliwell 
Constance A. Leonard 
Mary Robinson 
Nora M. Smith 
Eleanor li. Watkin 
Cora Win tour 

Division II. 

Nora Barker 
Edith Bui lough 
Annie Dutfy 
Eva Harrijon 
Dora Johnson 
E. H. W. Ross 
Marjorie Twist 

Division I. 
Frances M. Ardern 
Dorothy Cliannell 
Ethel M. Moyle 
Eva M. Pearson 
Myrtle A. Young 

Division II. 
Margaret T. Adams 
Elizabeth R. Batty 
J. R. Chaplow 
Isabel Dack 
Hilda F. Dobson 
.Lilian Douglas 
Mary Penney 
Marion Royle 

Division I. 
Evelyn AT. Campbell 
Vera Gawthrop 
Mary Ireland 
Doris 13. Kindberg 
J. C. Mallison 
Helen A. Noar 
L. H. Oldheld 
Edward Ollerens 
Sarah O’Neill 
Una M. Onue 
Beatrice Webb 

Division II. 
Gwendoline Allard 
Sj bil Cooke 
Marion Fildes 
Ada, Parker 
Mabel Radcliffe 

Division I. 
Beatrice A. Baker 
Beryl Franks 
Muriel Green 
Muriel P. Greenwood 
Emily M. Kenjon 
Agnes D. McD'ullich 
Elizabeth Ogden 
Mary Salmons 
Florence White 

Division II. 
Edna Cornelius 
Hilda Cowell 
Jessie (Jrossfield 
Ada Martin 
Kathleen M. Martin 
Maiy M Miller 
Agnes Pearce 
Elsie Plinston 

Third Class. 

Roland East wick 
Kilmeny Graham 
Elsie A. Lindores 
A. B. Richardson 

Eva M. Foster 
Dorothy AI. Harrison 
Mary E. Rollings 
Evelyn Rhoden 

A. E. Bimrose 
DorisaM. Jones 
Mary T. Kirkup 


Honours Schools, 


First Class. 

1927 3 * Florence Ashton 
4 Marjorie Fidler 

Second Class. Third Class. 

Division /. Nora Field-house 

Dorothy Allan Georye Tindall 

Kathleen M. II. Hay 
Meta. A. O. J. Hopkins 
Edith 1\1 . biptrot 
Mary 11. Fishman 
Rachel N. l'carse 
Cl. Fj. Thompson 
Gertrude M. Turner 

Division 11. 

Millicent M. S. Baylis 
John CTierr.N 
l)ova. G. Cohen 
Edith M. Dix 
H. It. Eernyd 
Lily Firth * 

Phyllis M. Harris 
Do ids E. Hey wood 
Vem. A. .Taqiies 
&. M. Price 
E. 11. Wood 

1928 Florence Hough 
®* 3B F. M. AVer then 

1929 3A 35 Enid Wright 

Dil'iftion 1. 

Dorothy S. Bootluuai 
Joan W. Edmnntlson 
Norman Furlong 
Marjorie (Jlllmnur 
Dorothy Hallows 
Mary Hargreaves 
Agnes Holvoyd 
Marian A. Playfoot 
Annie Smith 

Division 11. 
Lena Booth 
FI or enuo Bi-unfcon 
Annie E. L. Burtt 
Clara «1. Connolly 
Sal lie CriLggs 
Phyllis M. Fitton 
T. it. Frame 
Dorothy Hodge 
Mary I .ansclaie 
Alice McCarthy 
"Victor Nelson 
Bertha Hlingor 

Division l m 
J . L. BiFborrow 
Joan Chut tie 
Nancy M. Ciitlhm 
KnthleiMi H. Culshaw 
Emily i\I. Gaskins 
Lucv M. Green 
A. I . I lam woe 
J. M. Hen thorn 
Honor G. lloichin 
Elizabeth H. Johnson 
Grace .Robins 
Donald Sunimeri'ndd 
Enid K. Swire 
Phyllis P. Thornton 
Norman Whit ton 

Division II. 

J. E. Lindsay 
Brigid M. Me Sweeney 
Doreen A. Nice 
Kathleen F. Ross 
Mildred Willson 

W. A. Caitnn 
Mabel IS. Hudson 
Eua JB, Kemidjian 
William Noaio 
Cyril Talbot 

Edith Ashworth 
Doris M. Clegg 
Elizabeth R. Mackay 
C. W. Pownali 
Gwendoline A. M. Saxton 

Honours Schools. 



First Class. Second Class. Third Class. 

1930 sa Gordon Baldwin Division l . Gwendoline Addis 

33 Kathleen Gandy Amy K. E. Bartlett Ida Ashton 

Robert Raper Ronella 7vL Bramwell Rose P. Bamford 

William Stewart A. R. Briggs Sarah Beswich 

C. B. Burgess 
Marjorie M. Cooper 
Mary Lally 
Dorothy M. Latham 
Elizabeth Law 
Edith Livesey 
Alan Sauvain 
G. R. Steel 
Marjorie Topham 
J. S. Tudsbury 
Jeanie Wilson 
R. S. Woodall 

Division II. 

Winifred Andrew 
Phyllis Cronkshaw 
Eileen E. Goodyer 
. Beatrice A. Holden 

Marion W. McLachlan 
Mildred Rogers 
Delia Thornton 
Eileen M. Wood head 

1931 Mary M. Findlay Division /. Max Lazotsky 

33 Robert Metcalfe Dora F. H. Baker Betty Lewis 

* 35 B. A. Renshaw Audrey L. BulJough Eda Partington 

Alice Garfield 
Marcella M. Honnan 
Mary P. Lithgow 
Eleanor J. Naylor 
J. R. Rodboume 
Blanche M. Smith 
Mary K. Taylor 
Eric Wallace 
R. W. L. Wood 
Division II. 

Mary G. U. Aitkenhead 
Cecilia Carter 
Joan H. Clarkson 
William Glassev 
Norah Humphreys 
Marion E. Ibberson 
Elizabeth M. Jones 
Isla Parker 
Frances E. Too till 
Mary Wain wright 

1932 R. G. Cummings Division I. Kathleen M. Jagger 

33 Arthur Rigg Margaret E. Aldred Thomas Watson 

33 J. L. Wood Johu Byrne 

Mary I." Da\enport 
Natai. ' M. Grey 
Mary Grittith- 
Lawrence Smith 
Sara E. Sykes 
Elizabeth A. Tavlor 
J. R. Watts 
Constance A. Welsh 
Geoffrey Wile 
Division II. 

A. A Angus 
Mary D. R Berry 
Irene M. Biddulph 
Evelyn Denard 
Ethel Greenwood 
Sylvia Hall 
Sylvia Kenney 
Kathleen C, Killip 
E. D. Ratledge 
Albert Sutchhe 
Harold Whitton 

28 4 

Hono M's S ch or > l a . 


t?ivH Class. 

1933 Winifred J. Davis 
Geoffrey Farrington 
•'"Kathleen M. Whitehouse 

Sseoitti O l Wifi. 

Division 7 . 

Marg.uot S. Barnes 
J. I>. Hodgson 
Dorothy Johnson 
Myra Kendrick 
Alicia Keuvon 
Alice Kirkman 
Olive M. S. Pennington 
Jean Purcell 
A, R. Qutnu 
Beryl H. Stimpson 
Margaret T. Wilcox 
Mary M. Williams 

Division ll . 

Isoliel G. Appleby 
Edith L. Appleton 
Stanley Duttmvorth 
Mary Cutclifte 
G. J. Evans 
Rose D. Hagan 
Kathleen M. M. Heap 
Thomas Higson 
Annie W. Johnston 
Owen E. Jones- Williams 
Annie Laycock 
Leonora K. Lee 
Toan H. Newton 
Percy Snape 
Margaret Tilfanv 
Margaret E. Wilkinson 

Third Class. 
W. T. Bed well 
Gladys W. Seal 
Dorothy A. Shaw 


1900 Jethro Bithell Owens. F. E. Nutfcall Owens. 

1901 Caroline M. Brown Owens. Catherine A. 

Pitts ... Univ. 

Charles Potts ...Owens. 

1903 lo J, D. R. Williams Univ. T. A. Fish Owens. C. J. L. Holt Owens. 

Ethel JM. 

Robinson Yorks. 

Ethel M. 

Stevenson Yorks. 


Amy P. Baynes.. fTniv. 
Hilda M. Carter. Univ. 
XV. W. AY. Mann.. Yorks. 
O. M. Stockton ... Owens. 

1904 Milliceut Airoy ...Leeds. 
10 JLilian L. Atkinson Mane. 

Sarah A. Dodgson Leeds. 

Hilda M. Haven ..Leeds, 

1905 la Violet D. Adams 
“Emily H. Taylor 

Annie P. ITowitt 

Millicont Wadsworth 
Gertrude AVihl 

Ernest Classen 

1906- lM Dora T. J. lJauerkoller 

Mabel D. Peel 

Eleanor M. Rothwoll 

J907 Xf5 Josoph Oharnley 
“Adelaide Horrooks 

Leonard Clarkson 

F. (>. Harriinan 

Margaret C. Pauli 

a. R. Edge 

1908“ 16 Minnie J. Bell 

Mary Clayton 

11 in H. G. Wright 

Muriel A. Bedson 

Amy F. Green 

Frances R. M. Sailman 

Honours Schools , 



First Class, 



X9U 11 le G. W. Glover 

1912 H. JR. Morris 
° 11 Arthur Walsh 

Second Class. 

A. F. Lund 
Mary L. Rushton 
Kathleen A. Shepherd 
Margaret J. Welch 

Amy Armifcsfcead 
Henry Card well 
Catharine M. AY. Davies 
162, E. J. Hurst 

JR, L. George 
Douglas MeKillop 
Gertrude M. Powicke 
John Stirland 
Lena H. Stringer 

Edith Bamber 
A. E. Bell 
Florence O’Brien 
J VY. Roberts 

Third Class. 

Clare Norclitfe 
DaiBy Roberts 

Nora Ward 

Katherine B. Evans 
Jean R. Mclnnes 
T. C. Partington 

Winifred H. 

Edith A. Pickles 

french; language and literature. 

lQlS^A, J. Farmer Maria J. Ciceri 

J. L. Hampson T. S. Pinder 

11 Joseph Marks Fred Roberts 

6 11 Albert Rose 
Harry Ward 

1914 Edith Brown Division I. 

1 ®Lilian Klein Charles Ashton 

6 lx Kathleon A. L. Lambley Dorothy Jones 
^Emily Pawson Dl vUion u 

Ethel Braibhwaite 
* 3 Hilda Carr 
Fred Mansfield 
Dorothy Perry 
Gertrude M. Riohardson 
Nesta E. Thomas 

Ruth Littlewood 
Lucy E. Wormell 

Aubrey Harris 

1915 11 °*Frederioa Sullivan 

1916 1:l Gladys M. Cooper 
Ursula Thomas 

1917 1;1 ElsIe Br indie 

Helen Calderbank 
Dorothy A. Connor 
Ida M. Mather 

Division I. 

Ida Bristow 
Elsie Crankshaw 
VS inifred G lass 
Florrie Thorpe 

Division II. 
Winifred Barlow 
Elizabeth \\ . Birtwell 
Annie L. Clift 
Margery Crewe 
Nora F. Hartley 
Division 1. 

Maurice Cuiger 
Division 11. 

Elsie M. Donohue 
Constance M. Goodison 
Gladj T s M. Hurling 
Ellen C. James 
Nora F. Louch 
Ethel M. Scott 
Conn Seddon 
Dorothy S. Smith 

Division 1. 

Edith (J. Jackson 
Annie M. McIntyre 
Winifred M. ?Janners 
Eveline M. Taylor 

C. M. W .Davies 
H. H Murgatroyd 

Gertrude Mielziner 
Doris Smith 

Annie M. Scott 
Annie Turner 
Pauline W. Viokery 

V’ vision II. 
Dorothy M. Mclnnes 


Hono nrs Sch oo Is . 


First Class. 

Second Class . 

Third Class . 

1918“ ll S. J. Ekor Division I. Annie Wilkinson 

Mary TVr. Ferguson Phyllis b. KvaiiH 

Margaret Whitoloy 
Jessie Williams 

Division II, 

Dorothy \V. Hraoogivdlo 
F. HI. lionsdiilt* 

1919 xl KatihloGii Gaukrogor Division I. 

11 Agnes «T. MeLell&n Edith Urinmhaw 

Madeleine J. Levy 
Murjol B. Pyo 

Dints ion fl. 
Dorothy Brittain 
Avis Mori diet 
Margaret Simpson 

1920 Lily Marks Division /. Isabel Chaffer 

Constance A. Booth 
Jane Dallimoro 
Kate Grime 
Mabel H. Hatton 
Alice CJ. Hitch on s 
Nellie Marlow 

Division II. 

Olive AI. Rillam 
Lenli Jacobs 
Dm*othj Mo rah an 

1921“ / l J. P. Bowden 
/! y Dorothy Dowson 
Al Eleanor D- Hall 
H. H. Jones 
Robert 0. lto bores 
3 ll Marjorio M. Sansom 

Division I. 
Barbara L, 

“Albert Tlyslop 
Prod Hyslop 
Lilian M. Turner 

Division II. 

John barber 
Florence K. Bell 
H. H. < Jlieckley 
A. AI. Hartley 
T. C. J ley worth 
Evelyn M. Merriman 
Helen Sharpies 

Frances Allott 
Mabel Garter 
Winifred E. Hand 
Ethel Hunsworth 
Louie E. Jjovy 
Janet T. MaLollan 
Nellie M. Sharpies 
Bertha E. Wftlwyn 

1932 A. K. Hughes 
William. Kay 
William Mather 
34 35 Walter Percival 
34 3a Katli]e 0 n H. Peters 

Division I. 
Annie C. Carter 
Allan Clayton 
Julius Eker 
Muriel Hancock 
Pi'ecla Locker 

Division tl. 
Clara Bennett 
J. K. Bentley 
Grace K. Clarke 
Loris L. Cross 
Evelyn Dawson 
Leopold liayman 
Nor ah Sharpies 
J. E. Travis 

Eleanor Bainbridge 
Lily Bottomley 
Ann Bretberton 
Maggie McKeehnie 
Dorothy M. Sayer 
Harold Wood 

Honours Schools. 



First Class . 

Second, Class* 

Third Class. 

1923 Gladys G-ilmour 
®*J. A. Kay 

1924 s * 3B Helen Axon 
3 *Marion Lofthouse 

1925 s * SB Annie Crossley 
3 *Edith Lawson 

1926 s * 3B Zillah Taylor 
3 *Agnes Teasdale 
• e 34 as^homas Walton 

Division I. 

Edith A. CondliHe 
Janet D. Egerton 
Margaret M. Griffiths 
Mary C. Winstanley 
Division II. 
Jeanie 1. Adam 
Mary N. Cardwell 
Kathleen Clarke 
Riclmml I. Crompton 
Muriel Harrison 
Dorothy Houghton 
Mary Monks 

Division I. * 
Emily M. Corbett 
Lucy Gardner 
Cathleen M. Goodwin 
Lena E. Hill 
Nora M. Linford 
Edith K. Robertson 
Nor ah Sherratt 
Marv A. Tipping 
Enid Whiteside 
Bertha Wild 
Janet Wolfenden 
Marjorie Wray 
Division II. 

Marie A. Breakey 
J. R. Fox 
Bessie Jardin 
Dorothy H. Mayers 
H. C. Miller 
Frieda INI. Setzer 
Frederick Taylor 
Martha Thomas 
Edith M. Whittaker 
Division /. 
Marjorie Dives 
Jessie Kirkpatrick 
A. G. Morris 
Eric Pickup 
Dorothy Wood 
Division II. 

Ethel D. Boyd 
Sylvia S. Curtin 
Annie Gorst 
Arthur lnee 
A. I. Morris 
Muriel M. Roxby 
Olive M. Storey 
Annie Tierney 
Majorie Wellard 
Doris Whitworth 
Florrie W’oods 
Division 1. 

Jane Hanks 
Alice D. A. Byway 
Grace M. Evans 
C. R. Rigby 
Anna M. Willatt 
Constance E. H. Winn 
Division II. 
Edith K. Adams 
Mary Beaver 
Ruth Bobtomlcy 
Grace E. Butfey 
Edith H, Greaves 
Gladys M. Harker 
Dorothy Hockenhull 
Kathleen W. Ingham 
H. A. Jones 
Hilda Nuttall 
Jessie Thompson 

A. H. Ellerington 
Minnie Johnson 
Hester G. O’Brien 

Margaret J. Atkinson 
Doris Watson 

Mary de H. Birtwell 
a. H. Fish 

Margaret South worth 
James Waterhouse 

Mary Bentley 
Lucy A. Carey 
Emily Hesketh 
Willie Smith 


Honotirs Schools . 


Fir at Glass. 

Second Class. 

Third Class. 

1927 s * 30 jLynetto G. Evans 
34 Amy Greenwood 

Division I. 

Mary \Y. Alien 

Harold Bottomloy 
Marjorie Bowden 
Gwladys W. Davies 
Winifred M. HorKiield 
Arthur Holt 

Mabel Howrlon 

Mary H. MarHdeu 

Helen N. Vernon 

Nancy D. M. Williams 

W. D. Broad bent 
Mary J. Dwyer 
Minnie Styan 

Alice Taylor 

Division II. 
Kathleen Andrew 

Helen K. Ashton 

Edith Brooks 

Ena Browne 

Editli M. Cotton 

Doris Da, vies 

H. 3. Ma.yall 

Bessie Parrott 
Elizaboth M. Taylor 
Phyllis Walinsley 

1928 Kathleen A. E. Day 
s *PliylliB Do whir at 
a 3 *■ 3J5 Austin Gill 
s * ss Norman Haycocks 
3 * SB Sarali Rabinowitz 

Division I. 

Agnes A. Baxondalu 
Emma M. Garrett 
Margaret ,T. Kane 
Katharine M. Lnugley 
Ma.ry W. Me Gully 
Jeannie Jfl. Maclean 
Alice Martlow 

Helon S. Piekstone 
\V. J. Walker 

Helen Whewoll 

Phyllis Gillin 

Division II. 
Elizabeth Brown 
Maggie Clowes 

Eileen O. Fowden 
Emily Grant 

Edith Greenwood 

Uutli A. Gregory 
Miriam Heap 

Ernest Ilulmo 

Marcello A. Laver 
Elizabeth Miller 
Margaret Pennington 
Betitia Powell 

H. C Seeley 

Annie C. Smith 

Helen L. Walwyn 

1929* *N. O. Barnes 

3 fc A. G. R. Britten 

3 * Kathleen G. Ineson 

3 *■ 3 B Marjorie Kelly 

May, Priestley 
a *E. H. Robinson 
»-*■ as Dorothy R. Sanders 

Division 1 . 

Herbert Bottomley 

Alice DujAmry 

Eleanor N. H. Orr 

H, M. Scott 

Beatrice Taylor 

J. W. Taylor 

Edna A. Whittaker 

Gerda D. Bawdea 
Arthur Wilkinson 

Division II. 

Eileen M. Baker 

Muriel C. Baker 

Effie M. Brown 

Hilda Chatterton 

Dora Clayton 

Annie F. Cooke 

Marjorie Earl am 

Mildred W. M. Lees 

Ella Puddy 

Marjorie G. Smith 

Amy Weston 

Elsie M. Wood 

Honours Schools. 



Second Class. ' Third Class. 

Division I. C. Y. Drinkwater 

Mary Bannister 
Edith Barnes 
Wilfrid Baru is=e 
Margaret Blease 
Edith Clayton 
D. S. Howie 
Edith S. Richards 
D. G. Ryde 
Sarah Simpson 
Kathleen. A. Southwell 
Alice M. Tonge 
Edith Whittle 
Mary I. Williams 
Dora M. Willis 
Nora D. Wright 

Division II. 

Edna Cartwright 
G. H. J. Champion 
Ruth Green way 
Winitride M. Haxnpson 
Ernest Harrop 
Gertrude G. Knight 
Ada J. Lindsay 
Fernando S. Millard 
Norah E. Ratclifle 
John Roscoe 
Norah Stoclsley 
Florence M. Unsworth 
Constance P. E. Williams 
Gwyneth Williams 
Mary G. Williams 
A. L. Wright 

Division I. P. J. T. Mojrill 

Enid Blackith 
Dora Fletcher 
Virginia A. Gulbenkian 
Constance Haxbv 
W. S. Hu dey 
Albert Leach 
Alice Rothwell 
Kathleen Trevor 
Doris Willis 

Division II. 

A. L. Birchall 
M. E. Birtwell 
Dorothy M. Chadwick 
J. R. Dening 
F. W. Evans 
Elizabeth M. Harrison 
Dorothy G. M. Hartley 
C, G. E". Holehouse 
Evelyn M. Hopwood 
Ada M. Jacobs 
Marjorie E. Jenkins 
Sylvia M. Jucker 
L. H. Kelly 
Marjorie M. Kent 
W W. Millburn 
Kathleen A. Musgrove 
Kathleen F. Pursglove 
Elizabeth Rainey 
Freda Rawson 
J. F. C. Rigby 
Joan M. Stott 
Mary Waterhouse 
Fred White 
Marie L. Whittington 

1931 Rhoda Bradshaw 
Margaret Holden 
Gladys Holland 
35 John Lingard 
Greta N. Werschy 

First Class. 

1930 3a E. L. Dean 

Doreen Ingram 
30 William Lawson 

Marjorie P. A. O’S. 

Daphne B. Schofield 
Gladys D. Tucker 
e Edith Ward 


Honours Schools. 


First Olasst Second Glass. Third Glass, 

1932*’ *°W. D. Elcock Division I. Eileen M. Gill 

" 35 Margaret R. Roberts William Clarke Joan R. D. Williams 

N. W. Walton N. A. Cope 

Hannah M. Fawcett 
Annie Halliwell 
John Ha .‘•el^ren 
Myer Leruer 
F. 1. Norris 
W.'H. Shopheul 
Ethel M Smithies 
Nancy Wainwright 

Division II. 

Marjorie K. Atkinson 

F. E Brothertoii 
Frank Burton 
Edna M Chadwick 
Frank Gill 

Joan L. Harley 
B. F. Harris 
Beatrice M. Hoklen 
Phyllis W. Middlebrough 
Elisabeth J. Price 
Joseph Sell nr s 
Geoffrey Sircom 
Sheila M Slater 
Hilda C. Steiner 

G. R. Stocks 

1933 JI5 Marcus Baker Division I. L. M. Davies 

Olive Metcalfe F. A. \V. Durrant Eunice Haworth 

Hilda Easton T. W. Piper 

S. H. S. Huyle G. F. Rooks 

Mary 1C. Riley 
Elsie M. W'areham 

Division II. 

Kathleen M. Alhinson 
Margaret E. Bvrom 
* Dorothy E. Fletcher 

Edith Higgins 
A. D. Neal 
G. K. Neilcl 
Lilian Rawlings 
Sheila M. Scott 
Dorothy K. Smithies 
MurielS. Titterington 
George Waite 
Margaret Wilkinson 


■J. H. Howarth 

Hilda M. Segal I 
Margueri to M. Anderson 


1913 1A F, W. Hallidav 



191T 11 H. 11. G-rundv 


1921 William Bullougli 

1923 10 sl Norah A. Jones 

1924* T. Carr 

F. J. Statfoi-d 
Harold Ham son 
Division I. 
Jack Rivers 

Division 11. 
Esther Partington 
Division I. 

R. S. Eaton 
Phyllis Posuetfc 
Division I. 
Fii’na E. Williams 
Division II. 
Janet S. Bud on berg 
Pliyllis \V. Duncan 

Di vision I. 
Alice T. Taylor 
Mary B. Taylor 

Honours Schools. 



First Class. Second Class. Third Class . 

1925 .... Division I. .... 

Alary E. Haworth 

1926 3t Sheila M. Wood Division I. 

Mabel A. Winstanley 

19*27 31 Edna Turner Division IT. 

Gladys M. Stoddard 

1928 34 35 H. S. Jackson . .. Bessie Anderson 

1929 Division I. 

Edwin Reeves 

1930 Division I. 

W. B. Savignv 

Division II. 

Olga Bell 

1931 3 ~’R. A. Fothergill Division I. 

J. F. Caldwell 

Division II. 

Evelyn C. Addis 

1932 3 “ Kathleen A. Horsfield Division I. 

40 Isabel Munkley B. S. Horton 

3933 C. D. Finch Division I. Mabel Whitworth 

D. F. Alison 
W. H. Goddard 
Division II. 

Bernard Englesberg 


1888 G. JD. Hicks Owens. 

Joseph Walker ... Owens. 

1890 W. It. Dacey Owens. . . . 

1895 lo Uargrieta van 

der Veen Owens. 

1897 1H J. C. Hague Owens. T. M. Jones Owens, .... 

1898 2 10 ,T. hi. Asher Owens. .. . 

110 Wilson Stuart.. Yorks. 

1904 Edgar Thackray Mane. .. . 

1907 Nellie Hilton 

1908 T. H. Davies Eva M. Newton 

1910 1:L E. J. Nuttall A. Y. Ting 

1911 F. C. Taylor T. H. Procter ... . 

1912 Susie S. Fairhurst F. 3VI. Hirst W. J. Rigby 

Annie F. Griffiths 

1915 Erna Reiss Dorothy Court 

E. B. Holtby 

1916 1:t Peter McPhail ... 

19*21 ■ Division I. 

A. \V. Baillie 

1922 W. H. Harrison .... .... 

1928 Walter Hilton 

1 930 Thomas Billington 


1905- ^Douglas Knoop 

1906 C. H. Mercer 

1909 J. E Uowbotham Fred Hall 

James Stephenson 

1910 G. A. Evans Harold Dearnaley 


Honours Schools. 


Wirst Class. 


1912 J. W. Bftnisbottom 



1916 W. P. Phillips 


1918 Gertrude Rosenblum 

1920® Arthur Bedford 







192 7 94t 35 Sybil Simpson 

1928 H. H. Comber 
3 *Mary Holme 

1929° 3dt *‘\Jack Stafford 




1933- 1 " ^Philip Chan tier 

Second Class. Third. Clans. 

G-. W. Daniels 

H. A. Hall 

G-. H. Marshall 

Division I. G. W. Tjindh 

Mary F. Dymoud 

Division I. 

’ i:L Josepli Shut Lie worth 

Division II. 

Margaret J. FyiJe 

Division II. 

Mary Burton 
Henrietta Klein 
Alice .J . Samuel 

Division I. 

N. G. Mars! jail 
Division XI. 

Amelia H. Willson 

Division II. 

Doris C. Booth 

Division I. 

Florence M.Broadhent 
T. M. heater 

Division II. 

John Wilcock 

Division 1. 
Elizabeth I. Hulme 
Division II. 

Elsie Beech 
Oliver Graham 

Division I. 

:t ^C. T. Brunner 

Phyllis A. Manning 
J. A. A. Ralph 

Division II. 

H. W. Prescott 

Division I, 

T. T. Rush 

Division IJ. 
Robert Mearns 
Ellen E. Whitehead 
Division 11. 
Muriel Foster 

Division II. 

Hilda Grindrorl 

Q. Y. Kwan 

J. W. Shaw 

Ernest Fitton 
Annie M. M. Smith 

J. H. Sutton 

Division II. H. C. Harwood 

Hilda A. A. H, MaeCormack 

Division I. 
Edward Rogers 
A. W. Wood 

Division I. 

G. G. Dobson 
Division I. 

Nancy F. Grt-cnhalgh 

Division I. 

C. A. D. Bevmg 
Dorothy E. Smith 
Division II, 
Bernard Franc ke 
F. C. Rhodes 

G. M. MacCarron 

B. M. Johnson. 
Olive Yates 

Barbara F. Birley 

Honours Schools. 

j First Class. 



1909 J. H. Worthington 


1911 11 J. S. Beaumont 


1913 11 47 G. B. Howcroft 
ix 27 -^. o. Jones 



1919 47 R. H. Winder 
1920 3T R. W. Bateman 

1922 47 3 i R. A. Cordingley 
J. P, Nunn 
27 aiElsie Rogers 



1927* 7 3 *G. A. Goldsfcraw 


1929 fi7 H. I. Ashworth 
3 7 Ronald Bradbury 
° 4,8 Sadie Speight 


1931 27 T. J. Cahill 

a 7 D. E. E. Gibson 
a 7 G. P. Whyman 


1933 s7 Anna E. Powicke 


Second Class. 

J. G. Ainsworth 
JL. M. Angus 
W. J. Roberts 

L. H. Cross 

Theodore Herford 

Division II. 

J. B. Teas&ale 

Division 1. 
a 7 R. W. Briggs 
P. G. Fairhurst 
W. A. Nor bury 
a 7 R. J. Willis 

Division II. 

G. H. Gatley 

37 Kathleen O. Brayshaw 
Frank Whiteley 

27 Ellen B. Alexander 
a7 W. H. McNicol 

27 Arobibald MacJLean 

37 J. A. Stewart 

J. S. Dilks 
Adolph Isaacs 
27 F. M. Reynolds 
M. B. Tetlow 

- 7 R. A. Bullivant 
aT Elizabeth M. Wollaston 

- 7 Winifred M. McGowan 

Third Class. 

W. S, Owen 
J. R. Gwyther 

S. G. Wilson 
Harold Butterworth 

Evelyn Drury 

Douglas Smith 


1914 s 1 A M. H. Farbridge 



1921 1:L H. G. JR. Eltofk 
1 923 23 34 j # j. siotki 
1930 3S H. I. Nemtzov 



B. A. Burrows 

Benjamin Rodriguez-Pereira 

S. K. Bridge 

C. R. Hopgood 


Honours Schools. 


First Class. Second Class. 

1907 3 s “Arthur Jones 

1923° 3A Helen M. Briggs 

1935* 3 * n5 Constaiace Brooks 

1931 « 5 Edith Ward 


Kathleen Speight 







1932 35 W. C. Chapman 

1933 Mary W. Shield 
A. H. Shorter 


Division I. 

Edna A. Fox 
Division II. 
Margaret J. Kershaw 
Margaret FJ. Bam brick 

Division I. 
David Peter 
Annie Platt 
Division II. 
Lillie A. Spencer 

Division I. 
O. H. Chapman 
L. S. M'Oftw 
Division II. 
Hilda Annie 
Elsie Yates 

Division I. 
Evelyn L. Crossley 
Agnes Newton 
J . G . Taylor 
Division II. 
Edith M. Herring 

Division I. 
Gladys C. Rushforth 
Division II. 
Hilda M. Dent 
Herbert Hall 
Alexander McKenzie 

Division I 
F. D. Harker 
Evelyn M. Lyall 
Lillian Oppenheim 
Winifred Osborn 
Winifred M. Wilson 

Division II. 
Marjorie Morley 
Lois News am 
Edward Robinson 

Division I. 
J. H. Beckett 
Fred Higson 
R. E. Thompson 

Division II. 
Joyce M. Brooke 
W. S. Speddy 

Division I. 
Margaret E. Cliff 
George Lighton 
R. D. Poppitt 
Division II. 
Lucy Gregory 
Edith M. Lowe 
Elizabeth J. Moseley 

Third Class. 

Doreen Carty 

Lawrence Bates 

Marie Failin 

Honours Schools , 



Second Class . 

First Class, 

1883 xo J. W. Capsfcick ... Owens. 

1886 1Q G. H. Lees Owens. 


1889 ia Sfcanley 

Dunkerley Owens. 

1890 XS W. G. Rhodes ... Owens. 

189*2 X8 F. M. Saxelby ... Owens. 
13 J. D. Thompson Owens. 

1898 xa G. E. St. b. 

Carson Univ. 




1897 xa W. G. Bofctomley Owens. 
X7 E. K. Forher ... Univ. 


1899 X3 J. N. Frankland .. Yorks. 
X3 Williain King ... Owens. 

1900 X2 G. H. Bell Owens. 

xa J. P. Gabbatfc ... Univ. 

190l X3 John Blakemau Owens. 

xa F. T. Ellis Univ. 

13 Annie Heyhursfc Owe7is. 


1903 1S H. R. Hass£ Owens. 

13 James Mercer ... Univ. 

1904 12 Ij.V. Meadowcrofb Mane. 


1907 Charles Cooper 
xa A. A. Hoyle 
HHarry "Watson 

1908 x2 Sydnev Chapman 
HG. A. Evans 
HEleanor B. Harvey 

1910 X1 J. H. Doughty . 

12 F. M. Morris 
11 Joshua Parlby 
Arthur Warmisham 

1911 Willie Benson 
Walter Beverley 
Robert Hawks worth 

13 Mary Taylor 
^Joseph Walsh 
P. F. Ward 

1912 Simon Cohen 
Raymond Larkman 

19l8 03 Benjamin Hodkinson 
ia C. A. M&rsden 
Arthur Norcross 

Henry Holden ... Owen*. 

Jessie Auld Univ. 

Amv Mullock Owens. 

Reg. Proudlove... Owens. 

J.K. Montgomery Univ. 

A. T. S. James . Owens. 

J. H. Blandford... Owens. 
J. D. Pennington Owens. 

Marv Li. Beard . Owens. 

Myer Kaizer Univ. 

Edith Ward Owens. 

P. M. Marples ..Univ. 
A. C. Neil Owens. 

Thomas Ayres ... Owens. 
C. G. Bark'la Univ. 

Gertrude A.Dean Owens. 
Mary G. Findlay Yorks. 
R. A. Mannings... Univ. 


Norquoy ..... Owens. 

R. B. Foster Univ. 

C.H. Saxelby Owens. 

J. G. Isherwood... Owens. 

J. E. H. Hill 

G. J. Walmsley 

Martha E. Cooke 
2 3 Mary Walmsley 

M. M. Searle 
Joseph Sutcliffe 
John Winnard 

C. A. Gould 

Doris Bailey 
Peter Gerrard 
- 3 Hilda Hancock 
Esther G. Seares 

Third Class . 

W. F. Pearce Owens. 

A. E. Williams ... Oiuens. 
A. G. Pickford ... Owens. 
E. E. D. Davies Owens. 

H. T. Spencer ... Owens. 

G. W. Lord Owens. 

Helen Fisher Owen*. 

Grace M. 

Woody att Owens. 

Rhoda M. Cowell Owens. 
Harry Hindley... Owens. 

D. O. Foster 

Joseph Binn 

A. E. Bruce 


Honours Schools , 

First Class. 

MATHEMATICS — continued. 

Second Class. 

1914 ia P. A. W. Honeyman 
“Ernest Phillips 
William Stevenson 
“W. R. Wilde 

1915 W. N. Bradshaw 
11 fl3 George Darwin 
ia 30 J. JG. Jones 

1916 Thomas Smith 


1918 ia Nora Fearnley 

1919 Edith H. Falshaw 
ia Doris Witliington 


1921 ia T. S. Fazackerley 
“E. V. Whitfield 

1922 Winifred Gliautler 
Nora Kenyon 
12 James Mo r mil 
“Thomas Smith 

1923 13 Florence Hyde 

1924 ja A. T. McKay 
tQ A. T. Price 
“.Tames Topping 
3 *Harold Wilkinson 

1925 XU \V. Li. Andress 
io Henry Tomlinson 
lii J. W. Withrington 

I927 aa Harold Davenport 

1928 ±a Arthur Page . 
a* -iaj 0Re pk shevratt 

F. N. V. Bury 
C. S. Hemingway 
Percy Knowles 
E. S. Littlejohn 

a. h. Pool 

Herbert Brittain 
Elizabeth Daniel 
Dorothy P. Flower daw 
H. W. Lawson 
John Swales 

Lydia M. Appleton 

H. D. Smith 
Norah M. Whittle 

Doris M. Hall 

Joseph Boswell 
Albert Chatwood 
Hose Crane 
Alice M. Whitehead 
Mary Atack 
Irene Orawshaw 
Violet W. Haddock 
E. G. Philips 

Division I. 
Charles Atkinson 
C. G. Ellis 
Norman Fairclough 
Division II. 
Wilfred Leese 
Keith Wolfenden 

Division I. 
Wilfrid Hains worth 
Kathleen P. Kirsop 
Mabel Pollard 
Division II. 
Mary A, Moor ho use 
J. S. Nicholson 
Tom Wolfendeu 

Division I . 

N. H. Carr 
G. W. Hughes 
C. W. Jackson 
Division II. 

J. H. Manson 

Division I. 

3. R. Andress 
Oswald JBarraelough 
Mary Gardiner 
Division II. 

J. W. Toft 

Division I. 
Marjorie Baird 
11. G. Exton 

Division II. 

G. S. Hamer 
2 °George Tyson 

Division I. 

A . F. Carr 

Division II 
C. A. N. Sadler 
Division I. 

Amy Sarginson 
Dwiston II 
W. F. Butter worth 

Third Class. 
W. K. Macdonald 

W. W. Hitching 

Walter Hanna 

Albert Maines 
Louisa P. N. Stott 

Albert Ashton 
May Brooks 
Agnes G. Croft 
Doris Kenyon 

Amelia Efc. Kendall 
G. T. S. Smithies 

Laura J. L. Bell 
Norman Uannell 
Edward Robinson 
J. D. Hodson 

Frank Pilling 
II. H. Thomas 
Mary K. Wood 
Margaret R. Wylie 

Winifred A. Wandless 

Jack Slater 

1926 lu Leonard Daly 

* 2 <Jkristine M. Gulbenkian 

42 34 E> T Norris 

Honours Schools. 


MATHEM ATICS — continued. 

First Glass. 


Jenny Crawshaw 
W. S. Ortnes 
3i Edith Winstanley 

1930 xa B. J. Gorst 

Arthur Howarth 

1931 ia C. R. Darlington 
Leslie Howarth 
43 A. L. Ingman 

1932 A. N. Merchant 
12 S. R. Tibbs 
Sam Wood 

1933 Thomas Crossley 
Simon Levy 
142 Albert Paynter 
A. R. Tennyson 

Second Class. 

Division II. 

Hilda Duxbury 
Marie Hampson 

Division I. 

Frank Dean 
C. W. Eaves 

Division II. 

F. E. Eastwood 
Horace Gordon 
Ethel Hartill 

T. C. Southwortb 

G. R. Western 

Division I. 

G. B. Austin 
A. J. Laytham 
John Magee 
L. R. Shenton 

Division II. 
Frank Green 
A. A. Ingham 
Marion Richardson 

Division I. 

W. A. Christie 
Hilda Singleton 
Fred Tudge 
Martha A. Winstanley 
Division II. 
David Harkne&s 
J. S. Howard 
Division I. 

T. F. Battcrsby 
Mary S. Faulkner 
Lucy G. Whittaker 
Division II. 

Mavis Hornbv 
P. H. Taylor 


188S 3 A. W. Brightmore Owens. 

1885 H. T. Ashton Owens. 

Malcolm Douglass Owens. 

1886 Edward Walker ... Owe?is. 


it. B. Creak... Owens. 

William Sumner Owens. 

C. F. Budenberg Owens. 
3 T. A. Peace ... . Owens. 

Tlieo.Coventrv... Owens. 

W. Meischke- 

Smith Owens. 

1888 Harry Bamford ... Owens. 
B. H. Crookes ... Umv. 
J. H. Heap Owens. 

C. M. Bles Owens. 

W. H. Cavendish Owens. 
W. R. Crabtree .. Vniv. 
John Heathcott.. Owens. 
C. S. Thomson ... Owens. 

1890 C. B. DewhurBt ... Owens. W. C. Popplewell Owens, 
sstanley Dunkerley Owens. 

1801 B. H. Dunn Ow6n$. 

Percy Nicholls ... Yorlcs. 

T. E. Stanton Owens. 

George Wilson ... Owens. 

Third Class. 

A. E. Ashbumer 
Winifred G. Leach 
Harry Wroe 

Alan Baxter 
E. G. Durham 
Ellen Hampson 
J. J. Sankey 

E. R. Petty 

L. R. Natt 

M. A. Allahver- 

diantz Owens, 


Honours Schools. 

ENGINEERING — continued 

Second Class. 

First Class. 

1893 10 R. C. Porter Un in. 


1894 T. H. Creighton ... Unlv. 

J. T. Farmer Univ. 

E. D. Foster Owens. 

3 A. H. Jameson ... Owens. 

10 T. G. Jones Owens. 

1 °W, K. Moor by .. Owens. 

1895 10 W.Ii. Brown ... . Uviu. 
xo ,T. W. Hayivai'd... Owens. 
J. P, Hogarth f Tnfit . 

D.D. Hutchison... Owens. 

F. W. D. Davis ... Yorks. 
.T. W. Kershaw ... Owens. 
Leonard Sumner Owens. 

G. E. Armstrong Owens . 

A. E. Ewart Univ. 

W. E. McClure .. Univ. 

J. E. Monk Owens. 

Samuel StansfioldOitfemi. 

J. It. Davidson .. Thiiv. 

Jl. D. Elliott Owens. 

H. Ft. Griming ... Owens. 
Joseph Shorrook Owens. 

1806 1O W. K. Heard .. .. Owens. 
1 °J. H. Grindley... Owens. 
10 William Mason... Owens. 

1897 G. E. Ashfortli Owens. 

Ernest Brown Umv. 

P. S. Couldrey Univ. 

10 W.H.BiddloH worth Ihiiu. 
x °J. H. Smith Owens. 

1898 Art mu* Devon Owens. 

10 P. W. Howitt ... Univ. 

10 J. E. .Tagger Owons. 

E. S. Spencer Univ. 

1899 AO J. C. W.Humtrey. Univ. 

10 E. H. Lamb Owens. 

W. A. Linskill Yorks. 

10 W. T. Maceall ... Owens. 
T. B. Willans . . Owens. 

George Follows... Owens. 
A. N. Hazlehurst Univ. 

O. N. Heft’ovd Yorks. 

P. S. Hughes .. .. Univ. 
D. H. Illingworth Givens. 
W.H.M. Jameson Owens. 
Blarney Stevens.. Owens. 
\V. M. Thornton Univ. 
H. H. Throlfall ... Univ. 

James Oddy Yorks. 

C. H. Stewart ... Univ. 
Herber-t Sutcliffe Owens. 
O. E. Tansloy .. Yorks. 
Percy Thomas ... Oirens. 

George Wall Owens. 

C. H. Webb Oioens . 

J, H. Burman ... Owens. 

W. E. Corrie Yorks. 

Harold Farrar... Owens. 

A. A. Mollor Owens 

W. McG. Koss ... Univ. 
L. F. Wells Owens. 

F. E. Armstrong. Univ. 
-Tames Bibby Univ. 

K. Fj. Groocock .. Forks. 
Maxwell Kenyon Owens, 

1900 AO Frederick Bowen Owens. A. It. Edmondson Owens. 

It. Ft. Cormaek ...Univ. Samuel Hird Owens. 

John Kirkland ... Owens. Arnold Thomas.. Univ. 

E. E. Mann Yorks. ° Fred Thomas .. Owens. 

xn Art bur Morley ... Owens. 

A. E. Snape Owens . 

H. P. Ward Owens . 

1901 W. E. M. Curnock. Univ. G.deC. Ballardie Yorks. 

F. H. Farmer Univ. Henry 

1 AO P. H. Powell ... Univ. Farrington .. Univ. 

Xo Frank Rogers ... rbuu. «T. F. Gill Univ. 

Harry Walton Oircns. Alfred Jones Owens. 

Jl. -T. A. Pearson.. Tories. 
Norman Wells ... Oicens . 
G. W. Worrall ... Univ. 

1902 J. C. Metcalfe Owens. Si. S, Baker Owens . 

xo S. H. Stelfox Yorks. G A. Barber Oioens . 

10 A. A, Stoddard ... Yorks. Edward Cryer ... Yorks. 

J. A. Davenport... Univ. 
G. K. Davis Owens. 

Third Class. 

A. H. Bone Owens. 

A. M. Ker Univ. 

John Daw Owens, 

Frank Bakor Owens. 

W. It. Baldwin- 

WiKaumn Owens. 

C. D. Boll Owens. 

A. W. Hanckel ... Univ. 
Harold Lomas ... Owens. 

Louis Sikes Owens. 

A.C. Wilson . . .. Owens. 

David Hardman Owons. 

It. It. Heap Univ. 

A.E. W organ . .. Univ. 

W. H. Core Owens. 

J. S. Hague Owens. 

H. II. Bush Owens, 


Priostman. Yorks. 

U. 111. Boulton.. .. Univ. 
Hugh Gibb ins ... Owens. 

W. A. Hutton Tories. 

Joseph Jtobinson Owens. 
Sami. Sinkiuson Owens. 
R.E. Worthington Owens. 

H. A. Cope Owens- 

R. C. Holme Owens. 

Norman Leo Owens. 

M. It. C. Nanson... Owens. 
J. it. Wylde Owens. 

A. W. Cook Owens. 

A. G. Hinton Owens. 

E. F, Merchant... Univ. 
A. G. F. Napier ... O wens. 
11. A. Sheldon ... Owens. 
K. D. Whoatcroft Owens. 

If. M. Fiance Univ. 

H. F. Haworth... Univ. 

F. O. Ivirby Tories. 

G. Li. Macalpine Oioens. 

Honouis Schools, 


ENGINEE RING — con tinned . 

First Class* Second Class. Third. Class. 

1903 s 10 Frank Foster .. Ouem. J. H. Dobson Vniv. M. W. Bra\shay Yorks. 

xo A. H. Gibson Owens. \V. 13. Iiimmer ... Umv. J. P. Hastier Owens. 

T. N. Riley Vnir. Robert Boyds ...Owens. A. F. Harnson .. Owens. 

J. A. Uttley Owens. G. B. Sharpies ... Owens. George Holme ... Univ. 

ao A. T. Weston... .Owens. T. F. Wall Univ. Edward Ho warth Chmza. 

Arthur W etherall l’orfrs. P. D. Walmsley... Owens. Frederick head.. Owens. 

H. B. Ward ... Unir. J. H. Sinclair Uitiv. 

WTllmm J. H. Slater Yorks. 

Woodward Owens. N. S. Tennant ... Yorks. 

C. P. Williams .. Owens. 

1904 xo Fred Pickford ... Mcinc. 
Adam Priestley .. Mane. 

1905® 11 Gilbert Cook 
C. H. Lander 
* X1 Andrew Robertson 

1906 il H. C. W. Bishop 
J. F. Chapman 
X1 H. E. Mellor 

1907 xx X3 Sydney Chapman 
Fred Harrison 
A. C. Timmis 

1908 F. A.Ellson 

R. D. Gwyther 
Legh Holden 
C. M, Mason 

1909 N. P. Bedson 
11 James Brndle\ 
xx Melbourne Dewhurst 
Edmund Langstreth 
\V. E. Parker 

1910 Mohsin All 

xx Heinrich liach told 
xl Harold Bolas 
William Hanna 
F. A. Jones 
C. N. Lovedav 
Alfred Ryan 

1911 2S E. J. Parish 

11 Arthur Roberts 

N. E. France Mane. 

A. H. Fryer ... Mane. 
J. W\ Howard .... Mane. 
P. H. Rcvell . . . Mane." 
G. E. Scliolos ... Mane. 

O. 8. Sinnatt .... Mane. 

Louis Toft Mane. 

C. B. Clark 
“Robert Cotton 
Stanley Gveenhalgh 
George Halstead 
W. E. Walker 
Rali>h Wolfenden 

Alexander Gardner 
Arnold Southall 
H. G. Taylor 

Alfred Bailey 
T. C. B. Da\ies 
O. W. Knott 

Alexander Me William 
t,H F. du C. Reynolds 

L. O. MeC urricLi 
J. L. Thompson 

G. C. Bailey 
C. A. Breeze 

II. ti. S. Delepine 
Cliavlie Flowers 
J. L. Moifet 

H. J. Newson 

J. H. lvi llick 
T. M. Navlor 
Thomas Nbrcross 
H, E. D. Pearce 
J. K. C. Tyler 
VV. M. R. Vonberg 

G. E. Bennett ... Mane. 
E. M. Duggan ... Mane. 

H. F. Howell Mane. 

Frank Lord Mane, 

Alfred Tomlinson Mane. 
E. T. W’ihl Mane. 

G. D. Main price 
A. G. Parker 
Wilfred Platt 

T. B. Ashforth 
E. I. Chadwick 
H. C. Crossle 
E. W. D. Davies 
W. F. Oldham 

D. McF. Crawford 

H. L. Kenyon 

I. A.Ridgwav 
W . M. Rowland 

J. E. Storey 

G. It. Wilkinson 
L. St. G. Wilkinson 

A . C. Dean 
William Eccles 
Thomas Harvey 
W. R. Nelson 
T. V. Prin g 
F. J. Roberts 
J. H. Walker 

H. H. Y. Birley 

B. L. Harvev 
T. H. Morris 
John ltiley 

J. de D. Sardon 

C. B. Wnterlow 

Rennie Waterhouse 

M. A. Alikhan 
Syed Arifudden 
J.' A. Fielden 
Jessel Kehrmanu 


Honours Schools , 

ENGINEERING— continued. 

First Class. 

Second Class. 

Third Class. 

1012 X1 S. W. Harford 

Gilbert Bndden 

G. A. C. Esdaile 

F. M. G. Me Con achy 

W. N. Heed 

W. F. Walker 

D. D. Bean 
Frederick Berry 

A. L. Court 

F. J. Groon 

U. C\ Tainton 

1913 E. F. G. Gilmore 
USydney Hague 

H. R. Barker 

G. E, C. Callow 

B. P. Oleary 

A. J. Conway 

N. «f. M. Onrsetjea 

G. YV. A. Hicks 
*G. H. Hunt 

S. A. llaza 

A. N. Walker 

P. D. Sethi 

H. H. Smith 

lSl^J. M. Wade 

F. J. Hookham 

C. E. T. Jones 

T. H. Jones 

A. G. Boyle 

1015 Jj. J. Ashby 

Solomon Brandt 
“Herbert Carrington 

Henry Baker 

H. W. Baker 

A. W. Clegg 

R. A. liailton 

H. N. Sellers 

Charles Gollen 

J. O’B. Echlin 

1916 Nai Muni 

Bertram Done 

Harold Gartside 

Eric Jones 


Samiullali Shall 

S. M. Younus 

Szih-Ohung Dee 


Harold Horroti 

L. B. Jump 

lSBO^W. J. Brown 

H. Lewis 

1X E. C. Master-eon 

Wilfred Davies 

J. S. Green 

P. R. Robinson 

Frank Hade l iff e 

1921“R. J. Cornish 

X1 B. W. Edgoose 
aB F. S. Edwards 

G. F. Mucklow 

T. C. Woods 

Frederick Butler 

F. W. H. Downing 
Frank Gardner 

F. O. Goodwin 

a Frank Haywood 

T. lli. Hulse 

William Myers 

E. E. Stephenson 

G. M. Taylor 

J. S. Wriglev 

D. G. Brown 

H. L. Butter worth 
A. P. Clark 

Sidney Edwards 
Gordon Manley 

F. A. Parish 

A. E. C. Slater 

W. A. L. Wolf 

1922 3 1 3S H. W. I3roa.dbent 

K. C. Gowtliorpe 

a Reginald Higglnson 
*■* 33 Gera,ld Lyon 

Herbert Marsh 

J. A. Ogdon 

L. B. Ryder 

P. B. Silk 

Division 1. 

C. L. Dudtlle 

F. \V L. Hoathcote 

J. W. Horner 

H. tie 13. Knight 

W. E. A. Mil ward 

W r . S. Richards 

W T . P. Smith 

P. S. Buttorworth 
Thomas Havekin 
R. B. Johnson 
Arthur liiley 

Division IT. 

H. T. Aspinall 

F. J. G-oodson 
ft. D. Gulatee 
b F. W. Wood field 

R. A. Wray 

Honours Schools, 


ENGINEERING — continued. 
Second Glass. 

First Glass. 

1923 M. C. Abraham 
3 R. H. Evans 
Jolin Heaton 
John Jennings 
34 Labrow 

W. J. Richards 
C. R. Smith 
W. A. Tuplin 

1924 84 Tom Boardman 

C. A. Bradley 
A. H. Hurt 
as A. H. D. Mark'nick 
W L. D. Marty n 
John Mayer 
84 W. K. Rooney 
Eric Rushton 
43 J. N. Taylor 

1925 3A David Clayton 
Thomas Gill 
34 3K Willie Jackson 
Frank Mennell 
G. I. Pennington 
F. J. Rush 
Edgar Swift 
J. W. Tonga 
Jack "Walker 
S. A. Wood 

1936 s 3 Mack Allen 
J. P. Bamber 
aa 3 4 John Barton 
John Chadwick 
William Coven 
E, R. Watkins 

19*27® 8 34 H. Aspey 

J. E. Barlow 
James Drake 
Dennis Farrar 
G. A. Gauld 
34 J. W. H. King 
A. G. McLellan 

D. P. Massey 
34 35 0 . f. j. Morgan 
Fred Tattersall 

R. H. Taylor 

Division I. 
J. J. Green 

S. H. Hemsley 
John Lathaui 
"W. A. Nicks 
H. C. Ogden 

Division II. 
A. F. Coventry 
A. C. Dearden 
D. D. Evans 

T. M. Evans 

R. A. H. Sutcliffe 
Norman Tetlow 

J. E. F. Anderson 
Arthur Ashworth 
Wilfred Barker 
Hugh Beck 
C. W. E. Cary 
J. B. Clapp 
Franklin Edmondson 
F. C.P. Harris 
Wongse Kulapongse 
J. T. Lea 
F. C. Lee 
Isidore Levy 
"V. M. Meswani 
S. N. H Panikkar 
Herbert Shackleton 

Division I. 
Lawrence Lyons 
George Parkin 
3s Frank Roberts 
Albert Sykes 

Division 11. 
Moussa Arar'a 
Honghee Limcharoen 
Maurice Rolo 

E. H. Salisbury 
R. C. Tandan 
C. J. Tirrell 

Division I. 

T. E. Hutton 
a9 Stauley Jennett 
E. T. Kavc 
K. M. A. Kav yum 
Frank Nixon 
J. H. Richardson 
A- D. Townend 

Division II. 
J. G. M. H indie 

Division l 
R. M. Lee 
J. P. Moyle 
W. T. Rogers 
R. I. Spencer 

Division II. 
as Oscar Elsden 
Clifford Moore 
H. F. Tirrell 

Third Class . 

J. H. Amos 
R. S. Bamber 
G. H. Causey 
J. E. Foden 
Stanlev Harwood 
J. \V. Jackson 
A. T. Stockton 
W. H. Turner 
Harold Wliipp 

L. V. W. Clark 
John Marshall 

J ohn Botteley 
W. G, Hunt 
R. S. Johnson 
Francis Kenyon 
R. S. Reed 
J. R. Whitaker 

James Clough 
F. G. C. Holland 
Khan K.M. Nematullah 
Ernest Taylor 

S. H. Alam 
M. L. Ali 
Norman Hayes 
C. V. Vinten-Fenton 


Honours Schools. 

ENGINJEEBIN G — continued. 

First Class. 

1928 John Briscoe 
S *F. C. Chambers 
J. M. Connal 
A. E, Johnson 
John Jordan 
S *D. I. B. Moon 

1929 Ziauddin Ansari 
A. D. Dunbar 
34 Albert Fogg 
34 J. G. Jagger 
Gilbert Keighley 
Benjamin Preston 
A. T. Scott 
C. W. Scott 

1930 W. M. Ogden 
Harold Page 
L. N. Reynolds 
Eric Shepley 
F. L. Smith 

1931 A. R. C. Ball 
Arnold Fitton 
George Foster 
J. R. Harris 
B. R. Reddy 
E. J. Robson 

1932 A. C. Brew 

F. J. Clark 

R. P. Desai 
J. B. Gibson 

G. H. Kenyon 
Hubert Law-Wright 
J. L. Matbeson 

S. A. Quader 
George Sraethurst 
W. W. Sturge 
Harry Taylor 

F. C. Williams 

1933 Arthur Burton 
R. F. Cleaver 
Alan Fair weather 
P. A. Hufton 

F. H. Moon 
Robert Slater 
Harry Stansfield 

Second Class. 

Division 1. 

Martin Cawley 
Thomas Jackson 
Hongsieng Liimcharoen 
A. D. Stringer 
Division. II. 

E. H. Dunn 
M. 1. Evans 
Ronald Wall 

Division II. 

F. F. Langley 

Division I. 

* 8 W. H. R. A. Coates 
D. L. Deshpande 
Geoffrey McLeod 

Division L 
J. McN. Fisher 
W. L. Goodwin 
F. M. S. Morris 
M. K. Sein 
Tohn Spiers 
M. E. T. Wilkinson 
Robert Yeadon 
Division 11. 
Reginald Garrett 
J. L. Morrison 

R. B. Whittington 

Division I. 
-'■’Arnold Atherton 
C. W. Barnett 
William Fitton 
H. C. Oxburgh 
Arthur Raven 
Beatrice Shilling 

C. S. Tanner 

Division II. 
Sheila E. JMcGuffie 
Russell Potts 

S. W. Whiteman 

Division /. 

D. L. Aruntage 
Jack Cooper 

J. W. Hoyle 
M. G. D. Khan 
H. B. Sedgfield 
Division II. 

A. S. Creak 
L. W. Kershaw 
L. C. Nield 
Alfred i'orkington 
J. S. C. Wheeler 

Third Class. 

Swai Habanananda 
J. Xi. Nicliolas 
M. S. R. Panikkar 
E. O. Robinson 
J. P. W T a.jnfeld 

M. H. A. Baig 
C. P. Dreyfus 

R. M H. Garvie 

S. V. G. Iyengar 
Robert Jackson 
J. W. Jennings 

J. H. Manekshaw 
Ali Reza 
William Roberts 

Reuben Bardsley 

K. H. Cowin 
38 A. C. Hall 

E. A. Jones 
Clifford Stead 

P. D. F. T. Huss 

J. P. Fox 
W. A. E. Gelder 

Frank Greenhalgh 
W. L. Parkinson 


1890 a Albert Griffiths Givens. 



1894 J.D.Cliorlton Oivem s. 

10 F. W. Smith TJniv. 

E. E. D. Davies... Givens. 
\Y. P. Stemthal... Gwens. 
T. C. Armitage ... Givens. 

Honours Schools. 


PHYSIOS — continued. 

First Clast.. Second Class. 'Third Class. 

1895 10 W. M. Thornton Univ. 

189G . . W. B. Shaw Owens. 

1897 JonasHannjaertonForfcs. Edward Reeve . Owens. 

189S William reason Owens. James Lord Owens. . .. 


Lustgarten. Owens. 

1899 10 A. H. Cooper Yoj-Jcs. H. Morris- Airey.. Owens. T. P. Connolly ... Univ. 

10 W. M. Varley ... York*. Simon Olive O. Hooper.. Univ. 

Rosenbaum Ow&ns. John Tomlinson Owens. 

1900 C. G. Barkla TJniv. 

S. A. Shorter Yorks, 

slo G. C. Simpson Givens. 

1901 C. H. Grant Yorks. 

1902 lo A. S. Eddington Oivens. 
10 J. W. Nicholson Owens. 
H. E. Wood Oirsus. 

1903 L. N. Barker Owens. 

ls Travis Rimmer Otrens. 

Frederick Unwin Owens. 

1904 R. E. Grime Mane. 

xo J. G. Isberwood Mane. 

Abram Phillipson Leeds. 

1906 J. R. Beard 

1906° 1X1 ‘Thomas Boyds 

1907 Stephen Butterworth 
• XX F. W. Whaley 
® 11 14 William Wilson 

W. S. Brooks Owens. 

R. C. Wale Owens. 

Frederick Copley Yorks. W. A. Andrews ... Yorks. 
Douglas Farrar... Owens. A. F. Quarmby... Owens. 

Percy Jarrett Univ. 

F. J. Morgan Univ. 

Gwilym Owen ... Univ . 

R. H. Albery Univ . Constance M. 

Ernes t Denton ... F 'orks. Bott Univ. 

F. T. Ellis Univ. William Donaghy Univ. 

F. A. Haigli Owens. Ethel E.Goodson Yorks. 

J. H. Oates Yorks. 

Edgar Sutcliffe... Owens. 

Samuel Tliorp ... Yorks. R. B. Foster Univ. 

Thomas Harry Hirst Oivens. 

Wadsworth Owens. J. A. Verity Univ. 

J. M. Baldwin ... Mane. 
G. F. Douglas ... Mane. 
John McPherson Mane. 

Edith L. Hewlett 
A. W. Wildridge 

S. G. Atkinson 
Alice J. Taylor 

James Bleakley 
Clifford Riley 

Harold Clarke 
David Hoyle 
Thomas Gough 

1908 XX P. M. Elton 

7 0 11 W. A. Harwood 
®Roberto Rossi 

1909 s “Erneat Marsden 
7 11 Margaret White 

1910 xx Henry Cotton 

Ineligible for Classification. 
°John West 

Harold Gerrard 

W. L. Long G. E. Waugh 

Bevis Platt 
J. C. Platt 

191 1 7 James Chadwick J. A. Clayton 

W. M. Gregory George Matthews 

Joseph Higham Ernest Nightingale 

xi J. M. Nuttall 
xx Harold Robinson 
® XX H. P. Walmsley 
a « John Wood 

1912 Doris Bailey 
Ernest Green 
7 11 Harry Richardson 
HA. B. Wood 

1913 fl3 G. E. Condliffe 
23 Bernard Williams 

W. H. Slruthers Not Classified. 

R. H. Wiison C. C. Holland 

1914 11 Hartley Lupton W. M. Fernyhough W. G. Lantsberry 

7 XX W. F. Rawlinson J. W. Lewis" 

George Mutch 
John Sheldon 
F. P. Slater 


First Class. 

1916 13< Norman T unstall 
^Joseph West 

1917 Annie Kills 



1922 Harold Boffey 

Ernest Butterworth 
Prank Charnley 
34, A. J. Hailwood 

1923^ 35 Orrell Darby shire 
34 James Gregory 
3 *T. S. Littler 
3 * 35 Leonard Wilcox 

1924 3J Samuel Causey 

Dorothy Hevwortli 
Frank Ward 
* 3 W. A. Wood 

1925 3 * *s Wa]ter ^i n ks 
34 3Bi J. T.Bandall 
31 3S James Thewlis 

1926 3J William Ash hurst 
3+ 3S cjr, W. Brindley 
31 30 * s Elaie M. Firth 
34 W. H. Taylor 

1927 31 30 A. Alston 

Fred Baird 
3l J. M. Bruclcshaw 
3i J. A. Darbvslnre 
31 33 Fred Fotliergill 
James Sudworfch 

,,r> Charles Dunbar 
ll W. W. Jackson 
K G. Wood 

Honours Schools. 

PHYSIOS — ctmtinued. 

Second Class. 

Gilbert Lindsey 
James Poole 
William Swaine 

Gertrude F. Cocks 
Charles Croxson 
Hilda C. Parish 

Evelyn Taylor 
Hilary Bradley 

Division LI 
E. W. Corlett 
G. E. Lanigan 

Division ■ I. 
S. A. Walker 

Division TI. 

S. W. Evans 
H. J. Gil body 

Division 1. 
Thomas Boyer 
G. B. Brown 

T. F. Spokes 

Division TI. 
Norman Booth 
O. H. Smith 

Division I. 
James Adamson 

G. H. Caslien 
W. E. Dawson 
J. J. Kiley 

Division II. 

H. S. Barlow 
Ellis Cockrani 
E. S. Davies 
T. S. Hartley 
Ellis Livesey 
Maurice Long worth 

Division 7. 

C. H. Gregory 
L. E. Hall 

Division II. 

John Fish wick 
Jack Fitton 
Elsie Mackintosh 
F. J. Manning 
J. P. Stephenson 
Beatrice M Wliatinoug] 
William White 
2r -C. G-. Wise 

Division IT. 
J. K. Hllioit 
Cyril Jslitsrwood 
A. M. Knight 
J. D. W in take r 

Divtsion T. 
W. E Carr 
Charles Jones 
■A. H. Jay 
W. U. Wray 

Division II. 
F. L. Finch 
Alan Meidows 

Third Class. 

William Staton 
W. E. Williams 

J. P. Kelly 

Leonard Fielden 
W. G. Allanson 

Frank Butler 

Harold Collinson 
F. J. Kelly 
John Pickston 
Harold Bedford 
Joseph Tankard 
T. G. F. Wild 

Gertrude A. Hilton 
Stanley Keys 
J. E. Nattrass 
Douglas Whittaker 

Jolm Fowl os 
Albert Fvamv 
Hubert Howarth 
Wallace Hash urn 

J. D. Alder son 

L. E. Heath 

Honours Schools. 

PHYSIOS — continued. 

First Class. 
1929 3 *Jack Finney 

1930 F. W. Cotton 
3B J. S. Hey 
R. A. H. Hope 
A3 H. M. Parker 
A3 Harry Potter 

1931 Joseph Bor 
3j Eric Eastwood 
* >3 Deborah Jackson 
33 13 A. S. L. Morgan 
T. S. Walker 

1 932 05 i3 Duncan Cameron 
D. I. Lawson 
Philip Parker 

1933 3 “ J. W. Illingworth 
Ronald. Liddington 
35 13 Arthur Porter 
T. H. RejTiolds 
Abraham Taylor 

Second Class. 

Division I. 

Cecil Beilis 
Fenton Bruit hwaite 

Division II. 
Reginald Bogie 
Harry Pimlott 
P. C. Thornely 
Thomas Willcox 

Division I. 

George Lees 
R. L. Moore 

Division II. 
Wilfred Garthwaite 
Roland Jackson 

Division I. 

Alan Baxter 
Louis Frith 
Oscar Tanus 
C. A. Meek 

K. R. Willacy 

Division If. 

H. V. Ellis 
Ernest Hughes 
Arnold Mather 
Mahmoud Omar 
F. J. Stubbs 

Division I. 

Margaret R. Fawthrop 
Eric Howgate 
R. S. Walshaw 

Division II. 

F. E. Baguley 
Kenneth Freeman 
John Hurst 
Arthur Jones 

Division I. 

L. W. Ball 
Alice Edwards 
William Huntingdon 
T. M. Martin 

Division II 
J. A. T. Dawson 
H. R. Hindley 
Annie Mason 
J. R. Moore 

Third Clast;* 

S. J. Grundy 
W. B. Hindle 
Harry Kaye 
Robert Whittaker 

A. C. Smith 

J. H. Cor kill 

F. Y. Girgis 
J. M. Gorton 

G. A. Richardson 

J. L. Boardman 
J. H. Boyer 
S. L. Harrison 
D. R. Stubbs 
Herbert Wilkinson 

Harry Halstead 
A. H. Mitchell 
S. A- Quadri 
Maurice Stonestreet 
J. H. Walker 


1884 Conrad G-erHnd .. Owen*. A. W. Warrington Owens- 

1885 1S H. G. Column .Owens. Aug. Schloesser.. Owens, 

Arthur Harden ...Owens. 

1886 13 R. J. Brown . ...Owens. .. . 

G. J. Fowler Oweyis. 

J. P. Miller . ...Owens. 

C. A. Pauls .. Owens. 

1887 13 F. C. Garrett ..Owens. \\ . 11. Braclier . Owens. . . 

Ernest Hecldtt . . Oive?is. J. T. Smith Owens. 

1888 F. Browns word ... Owens. E. H. Jackson . Owens. . 

Vaughan Cornish Owens. Godfrey Melland Owens. 

13 J. a. Hall Owens. 

H. W. Smith Owens. 


Honours Schools. 

JTirst Class. 

CHEMISTRY — continued . 

Second Class. 

1889 1 -‘Thom afl Ewan ... Owens. 

180O 13 “ U S. H. Davies... Owens. 
W. H. Joseland ... Owens, 

1991 1 3 u JO \V. A. Bone Owens. 
19 ao Arthur Carey... Univ. 
QO Harry Ingle ...... Yorks. 

1892 J. C. Gain Owens. 

xa A. F. Frver Univ. 

2 °H. H. Mann Yorks. 

10 A. W. Titherley Univ. 

1893 1Q G. H. Cross Oivens. 

Frankland Dent .. Yorks, 
x s q Haworth Owens. 

3 20 VV. E. Sims .. .. Owens. 

1894 x 10 W. H. Bentley... Owens. 
is ao^r a jter Broxap Owens. 

John Harger On tv. 

John Wilson Owens. 

A. W. Crossley ... Owens. 

E. Y. Ellis Univ. 

Fred Marsden . Owens . 

J. A. Storey Oivens. 

E. A. Wagstaife... Owens. 
William Udall ... Oioens. 
A. II. Valentine .. Owens. 

F. E, Francis .... Univ. 
R. des F. 

Shepherd Owens. 

W. EL Bamber ... Owens. 

J. N. Goldsmith O teens. 

Ellis Hycle Owens. 

W. 11. Innos Unto. 

Joseph Ok oil Oivens. 

E. H. Strange , Owens. 

1895 C. K. Barnes Univ. 

J. Li. Heinke O teens. 

W, M. Hooton Unin. 

1 xo D. S. Jordan .. O tee ns. 
X3 Goorge Robinson Otvens. 
ao H. F. Robinson... Owens. 
®G. P. Yarley Owens. 

1896 C. T. Abell Owens. 

E. H. Bagnall Owens. 

10 3 °Geo. Birtwistle Otvens. 
10 ao W. A.Caspari... Univ. 

F. J. I^arrell Owens. 

R. H. Jones Owens. 

F. H. Lowe Owens. 

1C| R. T. Maudsley .. Give ns. 

E. li. Peck Univ. 

E. Shorrocks Oivens. 

J. H. Sugden Yorks. 

J.K. Wood Owens. 

1897 1 10 R. W. Collin son Owens 
10 Fredevick Davis Owens. 
a °A.T.deMouilpied Owens. 
13 R. C. Farmer ... . Univ. 

J. H. Hallam . Owens. 
Harold Hibbort ... Oivens. 

Fred Howies Owens. 

li. F. Hutton Owens 

W. B. liaiusden... Otvens. 
H. A. Wilson . . .. Yorks. 

1898 W. St. G. Dronnan Otvens. 

C. J. Green Owens. 

loao P. A.riidbuvy Otvens. 
J. Ij. Rose . .. .. Owens, 

ao F. W. BJkirruvv .. Yorks. 

1 13 Norman Smith. Otvens. 
J. H. Thomas . . Otvens. 
W.H. Whatmough Owens. 

1Q09 1 ®F.W r . lilxon Owens. 

13 20 John Taylor ... Otvens. 
10 Charles Walker.. Owens. 

Ernest Bury Owens. 

J. H. Clarke Owens. 

J. W. French. . .. Owens. 

G. C. Fry Yorks. 

Thomas Guthrie Yorks. 
W.T. Deeming . Otrvns. 

O. E. Brittain ... Yorks. 

Arthur Ring Yorks. 

J. H. Shores Univ. 

P. (t. Wilson Univ. 

J. H. Young ()wens. 

T. B. Kaillie .. Univ 

J. H. Ball Univ. 

WML. Harrison. . Yorks. 

J. M. Miller Otvens. 

J. S. Smvthe Univ. 

Edward Aidcrn.. Owens. 

N. E. Bow tell Otvens. 

H. T. Calvert Yorks. 

Albert Coultbard Owens. 

E. B. Na\ lor Owens. 

B. Y. Storr Yorks. 

J.B. Taller .... linm. 

J. H. Todd Ott'ens. 

E. K. Watson Otvens. 

\V. B. Baron ... Oivens. 

H. J. Basil Owens. 

W.K. Cheshire... Owens. 
J. H, Davidson Otvens. 
W. H. N. Dobson. Yorks. 
E. C. Lester Univ. 

Frederick o’Bneu Univ. 

Third Class. 

J. W Marshall . Owens. 

A. W. Gil body .. Owens. 
J. H. Lester . Oivens. 

J. C. Quinn Umu. 

N. S. Rudolf Univ. 

W.H. Arehdoaeon Yorks. 
R. H. Clayton ... Oivens. 

J. M. Murray Oioens. 

A. A. Watson Univ. 

H. A. Atulon Oivens. 

M. W. Burrows... Owens. 
Zi. St. (r. Byne ... Owens. 
J. A. M. Forrest .. Otvens . 
Edward Graham Oivens. 
R. E. Kenyon Univ, 

H. li. Hirst Yorks. 

Herbert King ... Yorks. 
W. H. Yatos Oi turns. 

Joshua Bower ... Oioens. 

J. H. Collott Owens. 

F. H. Owens. 

IVni. Trantom ... Univ. 
H. W. Watson ... Yorks. 

J. H. Johnston ... Oioens. 

Ellen Fish Owens. 

Frank Niooll Otvens. 

H. P. Pearson ...Owens, 
J. D. Petorkin .. Owens. 
Annie Scotson .. Owens. 
W. J. Young .. . Otvens. 

Harold Marsden. Owens. 
G. L\ Pollitt Owens. 

Honmus Schools 


CHEMISTRY — contin ned. 

First Glass. Second Class. 

1900 W. R. Anderson ... O wants. A. B. Allen Givens. 

i xs sec,, j£. Burgess Owens. Bawrence 

Ben Dawson O teens. Bradshaw Givens. 

10 R, B. Denison ...Yorks. H. W.Brownsdon Umv. 

10 D. T. Jones Owens. F. AY. Holmes Oivens. 

ao E. B. Budlam .. . Unir. Ernest Ormerod Owens. 

Sydney Read Owens. 

Edgar Stansfield Owens. 
A. B. Shepherd ... Yorks. 

1901 13 H. D. Dakin .. .Yorks. Samuel Baldwin.. Owens. 

ilo E. C. Edgar ....Owens. Ernest Jin ggs Univ. 

E. B. Be Mare Owens. Amos England ... Owens. 

*°E. R. Needham .. Owens. Robert Gawler ... Yorks. 
Frank Popple well Owens. William Jones ... Untv. 

1 10 30 J. F. Spencer... Univ. George Nelson ... Owens. 

S. D. Stennitt Owens. J. K. Starkie Owens. 

X C. E. WLiteley ... Yorks. A. M. St urges Owens. 

W. A. Wbifcton Univ. J. H. Thwaifces .. Univ. 

1902 J. T, Allpass Owens. Arthur Forshaw .. Owens. 

Samuel Bateman.. Oivens. ^-G. W. A. Foster Owens. 

S. H. G. Briggs York*. Rufus Gaunt Yorks. 

10 F. J. Brislee Univ. R. J. Hall Owens. 

Frederick John Hazlewood.. Owens. 

Dewhursfe Oivens. Herbert Henstock Oivens . 

F. E. Grant Tories. E. G. Jones Univ. 

^-EdwinHopkinsonOir^ns. T. D. Bee Oivens. 

Alfred Morris Oivens. James McConnan Umv. 

xo ao william Frank Mautlsley... Owens. 

Partington Owens. Harold 
as sop, l. Pyman ...Owens. Norminton Yorks. 

A. J.Robinson Owens. H. S. Redfern Yorks. 

Alexander Rule ... Univ. \V. E. Stockings... Owens. 
Francis Taylor ... York*. J. T. Thompson... Yorks. 

R. F. Taylor Oivens. 

Harold ^Vharton.. Owens. 

19U8 13 Harold Baron ... Owens. 

10 H. F. Coward Owens. 

J. W T . Haddon Owens. 

*°Butlier Naylor ... Owens. 

S. S- Pickles Owens, 

1o H, S. Raper... .... Torlrs. 
Fred Scholefiold... Yorks. 

1904 7 10 G. W. Andrew... Mane. 

13 J. S. Broome Mane. 

J. C. Co^ap Mane. 

John Gatecliil Leeds. 


Hargrea\ es Mane. 
Percival Hartley . Leeds. 

X S. H. Higgins Mane. 

7 X *F. W. Kay ... . Mane. 

Joseph Marshall. . Leeds. 

C. W. Moore Mane. 

10 ao W. H. Perkins Mane. 

J. N. Pring Mane. 

Walter Ritchings Mane. 

21 J.B. Simonsen Mane. 

xo I. H. Zortman ... Leeds. 

1905 °J. E. Ramsbottom 
11 a °Robert Robinson 
x xs aojj ona Bobinson 
10 Peter San diford 
G. B. Stones 

J. J. ElliB Yorks. 

W. H. Evans Owens. 

W. B. Jackson Owens. 

E. B. Lomax Oivens. 

F. H. Palmer Owens. 

X R. V. Wheeler ... Owens. 

J. G. Bearn Mane. 

Harold Cnlam Leeds. 

P. W. Chadwick .. Lectls, 

W. B. Heaton Mane. 

Albert Kit chin ... Mane. 
N. B. Radcliffe ... Leeds. 

Samuel Chad a ick 
Asbley Dukes 
E. B. Falkner 
J. H. Garnett 
R. B. Rai\stbovn 
George Rutter 
Frank Willott 

Third Class. 

A. B. Aspland ... Oivens. 

Erne&t Garratt .. Univ. 
Sam Heap Owens. 

Li. A. Coxon Yorks. 

S. S. Reynolds... Owens. 

W. C. Denniston Owens* 
Sydney Gooch.. Owens. 
Edwin Rhodes.. 1 arks. 

Edith B. Barton Leeds. 
John Brentnall Mane. 

A. M. Cohen Mane. 

Annie Batham Mane. 
Henry Nuttall... Mane. 
0. H.’Oxland .. Mane. 
W. H. Patterson Mane. 

W ilson Mane . 

T. K. Brownson 
H. H. Dodds 
T. T. Foster 
Herbert Marsden 

F. W. D. Marshall 

G. S. Naylor 


Honours Schools, 

CHEMISTRY — continued. 

First Class . 

Second Class. 

1906 J. O. A. Brierley 
Thomas Gall an 
flo Sarali E. Clements 
“ ao V. J. Harding 
H. F. Harwood 
9 N. Ho. worth 

13 R. E. Slade 
H. TA. Smith 
Muriel Thompson 
11 Tliomas Whitehead 

L. H. lirenuan 
N. A. Creotli 
J. G. Harrison 
Harri Heap 
Norman Bees 
W. T. Bockofct 
J. H. Naylor 
TO. W. Smith 
Frederick Thomas 

1907°J H. Andrew 
H. H. Cray 
7 J,1 H. C. Grreenwood 
Harold Hartley 
P. S. MacMalion 
7 M. R. Turner 
xl Hubert Watson 

1908 Claire E. Adams 

G. T. Byrne 
°Jolin Perns 

11 Ij. H. Harrison 
1X G-. S. Hibbert 
7 Edwam Hope 
1A A. G. Lobley 
W. J, Bead 
X3 Robert Storey 

H. A. Wood 

1909 Colin Campbell 
James Crabtree 
Mary E- Dobson 

11 °°J. C! Duff 

Herbert Marsden 
ao J. T. Millers 
7 11 i4j_ n. Partington 
7 13 Dan Tyrer 

120 A. V. Clegg 
Allin Of it troll 
F. B. Bohn 
William Edwards 
Norman Taylor 

S. R. Best 
Edmund Downs 
Fred Fairbrotber 
William Fielding 
R. V. Norris 

T. F. K. Rliead 
Ernest Stedman 

A, S. Bowyer 
T. It. Bradbury 
A. F. Campbell 
Nathaniel Greenlialgh 
Dorothy Hurrop 
PI linens Horowitz 
H. G. Mason 

1910 3O Henry Browning 
T. Q. Chou 
13 W. W. Close 
Charles Cooper 
Thomas Curzon 
Albert Haworth 
ii au Frecl Holt 

n Arthur Hopwood 
Clara Houghton 
W. P. Johnson 
a H. M. Lingfovd 
7 J. B, Myers 
30 W. TVT. Roberts 
Albert Taylor 
Tom West 

Margaret Benson 
Norman 331 and 
O. S. Douse 
Ernest Griffith' Jones 
°R. T. Hardman 
N. F. S. Hubbard 
M. S. Hutchinson 
Clarence Jopson 
Alfred Mercer 
W. A. Walmsley 
T. A. Williams 
Robert Young 

1911 J. R. Baiubridge 
J. E. By les 
13 QO David Cardwell 
Gladys Cliff c 
J. I. Crabtree 
«1. R. Curzon 
A. A. Drummond 
Sydney Euialey 
James Fletcher 
J. S. Morgan 
R. S. Pollard 
ai J. A. Prescott 
11 3 °A S. Robinson 
- ‘D. S. Shepherd 
ao siH W iniaiu Stafford 
7 ii liHenry Stephen 
Wilfred Vickers 

J. A. Cookshutt 
Thomas Deighton 
Vernon Edge 
R. P. Foulds 
Arthur Moore 
9 E. M. Mumford 
Benjamin Pollard 
A. D. 11. Pullman 
Herbert Twist 
William Whiteley 

Third Glass. 

Francis A] Iter 
Frank Bird 
E. G. Gaul 
A. R. Smith 
R. D. Spenoer 

Arthur .Tones 
Edward Jones 
W. R. Pattinson 
F. E. Stocks 
R. J. Walley 

Hannah Bamford 
W. W. Burrell 
J. S. Leo 
Harold Lowe 
John Wilson 

D. M. Fail-lie 
W. G. Freomantlo 
John Grayson 
William Ingham 
H. C. Johnson 
Horbort Middleton 
J . A. Stitt 
C. S Williams 

H. H. Jackson 
E.W. King 

Honours Schools. 


CHEMISTRY — con tinned 

First Class. Second Class. 

1912 George Adamson S. D. Adshead 

G. S. Agashe R. M. Beesley 

,l . B. Firth C. H. Coopor 

13 flo Reginald Furness R. G. Fargher 

“Harold Goodwin P. H. Guest 

A. B. Hobson Norman Hall 

S. G Johnson William Hal me 

3 Leonore Kletz James Kenyon 

Eva F. Lubrzynska A G. Knott 

7 11 Albert Parlcer H. M. Lowe 

Eric Oldham 
E. L. Sellars 
Charlotte M. Stewart 
T. li. Stopford 

John Bradshaw Arthur Bicknell 

A. W. Burger J. P. Butter worth 

Hugh Childs Moses Copisarow 

Arthur Fairbourne Oscar Lewtas 

T. O. Gerard G. S. Pumpbrey 

* a Joe Handforth 
Harold Jackson 
Herbert Jolly 
F. V. Knott 
Maggie A. Mellor 
A. V. Rhead 
x- S 3 F a Hoyle 

Harold Schroder 
Walter Sharratt 
Wilfred Slieldon 
W. E. Slater 
Dorothy C. Stiebel 

Sam Gaskell H. F, Dawn 

Herbert Hewitt Eric Robertson 

Harold Housley 

John Mackm-ill 

H. Ii. Maxtield 

A. L. Norbury 

Stanley Platt 

Albert Riley 

Harry Slack 

V. H. Stott 

Charles Woodham 

leiB 11 ao J . W. Crabtree F. T. Airey W. G. Dixon 

7 Fred Fairbrother John Albinson W. A. Kirkby 

fl °T. H. Fairbrother T. S. Alexander 

X 1 S. F. Garrard R. T. Alston 

1 s Harry Wignall C. H- Bamber 

Janies Charlton 
T. B. Leicester 
Lily Letter 
Nathalie Rosonbluin 
B. P. Rothkopf 
Frank Slater 
Huuert Sutton 
Edwin Tabernev 
T. K. Walker 

1914 A. C. Barnes 
William Carr 
A. B. Hatton 
ao H. D. Ivay 
J. W. Slater 
8 11 a °W. K. Slater 

Wilfred Whalley 
XS E. C. Williams 
F. H. Wykes 

19I3 1X E. G. Bainbridge 
flo Horry Bradbury 
7 isp er0 y chorley 
C. ,t. T. Cronslmw 
J. E Hynes 
11 W. A. Meir 
B. S, Mellor 

Third Class. 

F, H. Claus 
J. M. Drummond 
A. S. Newbold 

1916 ao C. A. Blackwell Amos Gill Frank Hudson 

Arthur Glover C. B Hampson G. B. Raacliffe 

Harry Peck Frank Jackson Frank Trippier 

xi aoQ eor g e Smith Herbert Pearson 

P. K. Standring William Piekford 

X 1 F. Y. Tideswell C. L. Rose 

1 S H. W. Vernon James Stanworth 

H. T. Sutcliffe 


Honours Schools. 

CHEMISTRY — continued . 

First Class. 

Second Class. 

Third Class. 

1917 1 ''"VVillij«,m Davies 

xx aoQ eo ff rey GUadding 
11 aojyx ar i on jjy Mitchell 
Oliver Ormerod 

Mary A. Ball 
W. W. Kay 
W. J. Lewis 
Alice M. Mavsden 
ao R. B. Rawclitle 
Thomas Win ward 

D. J. Whitehead 

1918 13 ao 20 W, E. A1 kins 
Q9 John Harwood 
xi Heyworth 

7a9 W. F. Short 

2 °W. J. Shutt 
Winifred M. Stopard 
Lilian Tunnicliffe 

1919 Constance Birtwell 
7 is i* jo D . Haworth 

fl °Lucy Higginbotham 
May Miller 
X J. B. Shoesmiitk 

uo Glftdys M. Burrows 
B. P'. J. Clarke 
2 ®N. S. Walls 

Hilda Whitt an bury 

1920 n =oj. p. Brown 
7 G. N. Bnrkhardt 
7 ii ao a 3 Srnes ^j Chapman 
Bessie Lee 
T. H. Minton 
X1 A. J. Mnrphey 
11 ao Mai*garet G. Simpson 
13 J. B. Spealiman 
ao Enocli Swan 
W. H. Watson 
lx a» J. F. Wilkinson 

Mane B agnail 
Kathleen Brown 
Walter Cartwright 
Alfred Dearnaley 
Herbert Dye 
Annie Earnshaw 
J. A. Giliuan 
Katharine N. H. Harkov 
Esther Kay 
H. Li. Mai an 
E. O. Ransom e 
W. P. Rees 
Li. It. Ridgwu.y 
William Sever 
Albert Taylor 

Eliza Finch 
Mary Haworth 
Violet W. Jeans 
Margaret L. Main 
H. L. Penney 
M. H. Seferian 

1921 7 11 20 Wilson Baker 
Lawrence Bullin 
Carlton Butler 
ll J. H. Daly 
N. W. Farmer 
ii oi-Marcus Francis 
ii Greenwood 

ao L. J. Harris 
Harold Hindi e 
ao A. L. .Tones 
C. N. H. Long 
7 Harold M&stin 
Henry Robinson 
W. M. Shortt 
Charles Simpson 
Garfield Thomas 
S3 Sidney Thornley 

W. E. Allen 
Alfred Barlow 
F. T. Barraclough 
Frank Barton 
Dorothy L Bentlev 
** na A. ,T. Bradley 
H. E. Buckley 
A. J, Dale 
Milton Dewhurst 
R. Y. Dig by 
Thomas Eden 
Ethel Goodior 
H. C. Gritnshaw 
F. J. Hartwell 
•^E. S. Hedges 
Julian 0. V. Hirst 
W. E. Jones 
D. A. Law 
^L. T. Lowe 
Archibald Philip 
J. H. Race 
N. ii. Rock 
Elsie Sliaw 
*° James Slate 
A L. Smith 
Florence V. Stephen 
William Taylor 
C P. Thorpe 
Norman Tilling 
Eric Whalloy 

Margaret 5T. Atkinson 
Bessie E, 3-f. Cadnoss 
J. F. Corrigan 
Frederick Daniel 
J. F. Davison 
Marjorie Laidler 
B. A. hew 
John Morrison 
Max Pemberton 
Freda M. Pritchard 
J. A. Schedler 
J. O. Waclhams 

Honours Schools. 


CHESMISTRY — continued. 

First Class. 

Second Class. Third Class. 

19*22 M. J. Aldrick 
Harry Cockerill 
Q-. F. Goodall 
T. D. Grindley 
7 3<i H. A. Harrison 
34= 3BJ. B. M. Herbert 
J. T. Howarth. 

13 ao J. R. A. Jinks 
B. P. Jones 
G. B. Maxwell 
Harold Taylor 


2 °Harold Taylor 


3o 0. W. Wood 
30 3 *Harold Wood 
W. S. Wood 

Division I. 
Florence Ashworth 
A. B. Bell 
L. Li. Buckley 
Archibald Coates 
Frank Cropper 

D. C. Curphey 
G. W. Greaves 
Harold Halkvard 
W. H. Moss 
Janet Single 
S. R. Stubbs 
30 G. H. Whyatt 

Division II. 
as William Atherton 
John Ball 
Donald Benson 
Orlando Boothby 

G. W. J. Coleman 
Ronald Davidson 

F. B. DavieB 
Harry Dunsbee 

H. T. Farrar 
L. B. Gibbinn 

E. R. Gibbon 

D. W. Glover 
William Gi*ay 
Frank Harker 
Robert Haworth 

G. W. Hyde 
Leon ard Jones 

H. T. Leach 
Victor Lever 
John Makin 

H. E. Martin 
S. G. Mills 

V. A. Morris 
Bernard Oulton 
Norman Partington 

R. J. Salmon 

W. D. M". Simm 

E. C. Smith 

H. K. Southern 
Ronald Timpe 

D. B, T. Timperley 
J. G. Wake 

S. N. Whittaker 
Philip Williams 

T. O. Wilson 

D. W. Woodhead 

Joseph Brundrett 
Doris Burns 
Mary H. Butler 
J. P. Cockcroft 
J. E. Cunnah 

F. R. Gibson 
R. J. Hannay 
John Harvey 

D. H. Hotton 

F. H. Jolly 
B. W T . Jones 
Fred Kay 

Edwin Richardson 

D. A. Smith 

E. B. Stubbs 
Doris M. Thomas 
H. E. Turner 

W. H. N. Whyman 

1923 Kenneth Bullock 
Herbert Hardman 
ao s *Marion Heyes 
Ernest Howarth 
Cyril Marshall 
a*. as N . Xj, Mathews 
R. W.-Moncrietf 
t is so E. Oxford 

W. A. Richardson 
8 A John Stafford 

Division I. 

Frank Ashworth 
W. A. Caro 
Robert Cowan 
J. L. Harris 
John Haslam 
Marion High am 

F. W. Hindes 
B. H. Ingham 
T. R. Lea 

E. I j. Mills 
Thomas Smithies 
Muriel M. H. Sutcliffe 
Phyllis P. Whitehead 

Division II. 

Fred Ashworth 
aa R. N. Bate 

G. J. W. Ferrey 
20 W. J. Galloway 

F. C. Happold 

Percy Almond 
R. B. Barnes 
Thomas Blashill 
T. E. Blaylock 
J. R. Clarke 
Wilfrid Dunkerley 
A. G. Hartley 
Thomas Hope 
Wilfred May oh 
Ethel Mills 
Walter Moreton 
Grace M. Roy 
G. E. Shaw 
Victor Smith 
A. V. Unswortli 
James Williams 
J. F. G. Wynne 


JSonours Schools . 

CHEMI STRY — continued. 

First Class. 


1924 7 83 41 William Bradley 
9<*s«Enid Garnett 

Albert Greenougb 
41 Tom Heap 
Arthur Hughes 
Frank Jaokson 
R. Lewis 
1 S C. E. Marshall 
John Ritchie 
E. B. Robinson 
3i Harry Shaw 

19i5* x R. C. Fawcett 

^Morrison Greenwood 
ao H. C. Hillary 
l 32 °H. R. Leech 
Percy Lord 
Clifford Mel ling 
J. H. Ratkbone 
7 ao a 4 G g- Sumner 
T. G. Tanner 
314 3S Harold Varley 

1926 7 X 3 A. C. Bottomley 
33 a* sB Mt Q. Evans 
3 * SS A. C. Finch 

Alfred Pollard 
A. E. Ridler 
3 # saFrank Wormwell 

Second Class. 

Division IT. — contd. 
W. F. Higgins 
John Horrocks 
L. V. Lecomber 
Kenneth Riley 
J. L. Schofield 
Ernest Shepherd 
Nathaniel Walker 
Kathleen N. Ward 
Erie Watson 
Walter Watson 
R. E. Wilshaw 
Edgar Winter-bottom 

Division /. 
Richard Greenhalgh 
Frank Hill 
W. R. Orvell 

Division II. 
Grigore Alexandresco 
Ralph Ashton 
Roy Bracegirdle 
R. J. Bramhall 

G. W. Cookrill 
Herbert Davies 
Jacob Hal<5vv 
Marjorie D. Johnston 
Sydney Law 

John Mackereth 

H. G. Moore 
James Walkden 

Division I. 

C. B. Findler 
Margaret Lever 
Elizabeth Rouse 
Phyllis Senogles 
H. B. Stent 
Nina M. Whitworth 
Leslie Wright 

Division IT. 

R. H. Bradbury 
P. D. Coppock 
H. M. C right on 
Kenneth Gilbraith 
Wallace Heyes 

J. W. Kershaw 
Squire Roe 

Division I. 

K. V. Christie 
E. C. Ormesher 
Caecilia E. M. Pugh 
Joseph Samuel 
John Scott 
Donald White 

Third Class 

Harold Balm© 

F. K. Birkett 
J. A. K. Brown 
S. E. Chaloner 
Leonard Cooper 
Alfred Horrocks 
Alec Mottram 
H. G. Woolman 

Ellen Cane 
Nellie Cropper 
Ada M. Struthers 
Alice Wallwork 
Ronald W'alton 

Annie O. Green 
Sayed Mosallam 
D. S. Perry 

Division II 
G. A. Bayley 
John Clarke 

E. G. Cottrill 
Q. L. Craddock 
Edmund Cropper 
L. T. Darck 

G. A. Fletcher 
Sidney Gill 

F. W. Haworth 
Maldwyn Jones 
J. L Massey 

E. L. Pee] 
Richard Pickup 
A H. Walker 

Honours Schools, 


CHEMISTRY — continued. 

First Class . 

1927 s *Mark Balkin 
13 S. J. Folley 
3 * 3 B L. P. Kendall 
3 * sa W. H. Roscoe 

33 Clifford Whitworth 

1928 7 3 * 35 A- D. Ainley 
73 * as^eiley Cooker 
13 F. L. Hudson 
Phyllis Nanney 
D. G. Pemberton 
3 *H. W. Scott 

1929 Merton Blank 
s* aajohn Brittain 
S 3 s* adr s> v Casey 

\V arris Hodgson 
7 W. B. Uttler 
C. W. Marshall 
13 A. E. Stubbs 

■1930 Nora Bownass 
Arthur Brierley 
J. S. Files 
7 W. S. M. Grieve 
S 6 N. E. Holden 
E. H. Paulson 
13 Jack Rigg 

Second Class. 

Division I. 
Bertram Clark 
J. R. Files 
R. L. Hall 
Margaret I. Nash 
Arthur Walton 
Harry Wildman 
Jack Wood 

Division II. 
Mary Duckworth 
William Holmes 
Alice C. Kellett 

Division I . 
Edward Bishop 
W. H. Jones 
Walter Owen 

Division II. 

H. A. Baxendale 
Norman Calvert 

I. L.. Clifford 
Cecil Haslam 
Alfred Huntington 
Rupert Lyth 

C. C. Marginson 
Elias Peak 

G. W. Sutcliffe 

D. G. Tompkins 

Division I. 
Florence M. Foster 
Leonard Marsden 
C, A. Mawson 
Bertha Parker 
Cecil Robins 
Dawson Thorp 

Division II. 
Roland Chatterton 
M. F. Cutler 
Freda Foster 

E. H. Mattinsoh 
Simon Potash 

Division I. 

G. A. Harding 

J. H. Hicks 
Eric Killingbeck 
Harold Lowther 

Division II. 

Grace M. Brevds 
Alfred King 
Maurice Linnell 
R. F. Starkey 
G. L. Thompson 
W. C. Tomlinson 

1931 Hilda M. Bamsdale 
Maud Berrington 
Mary St. F. Deakin 
13 Geoffrey Gee 
Donald Hey 
Alfred Housley 
W. A. G. Leece 
R J. B. Marsden 
7 3B Geoffrey Ogden 
I. R. Silverman 

Division I. 

John Burchill 
S. S. Green 
Marv C. Mason 
H. B. Priestley 
D. D. Stokes 
Robert Sullivan 

Division II. 

K. B. Cook 
Helena R. Corbishley 
K. A. Crowther 
R. W. Pickup 

Third, Class 

H. J. Blythe 
Eileen M. Cressy 
H. G. Dyson 

Thomas Kirkman 
Hyme Lem pert 
Reginald Wilkinson 

Grace Beever 
Evelyn Rushton 
A. K. Wahbi 

T. P. Ellis 
D. L. Morgans 

Hugh Martin dale 


First Class. 

1932 Doris C. Castle 
W. G. K. Ford 
L1 3r, E. R. B. Jackson 
ir - Louis Linnell 
'*■ 3 Ronald Preston 
lx Thomas Vickerstaft 

1933 J. G. Anderson 
LH A. G. Evans 
Patricia W. Hornbrook 
Charles Horrex 
R. N. Jones 
:i “Ernest Warhurst 
James Whittaker 
Rowland Wilkinson 
H. C. Wruther 


1891 3 F. W. Gamble ... Owens , 

1894 l ° J. A. Clubb Univ. 

1897 lo A. li. Jackson ... Untv. 


1901 H. F. Standing... Yorks. 

190*2 10 Joseph Pearson Uni v. 
10 Walter TatterBall Univ. 

Honours Schools. 

CHEMISTKY —continued 

Second Class. 

Division I. 
Margery Clark 
A. K. Davenport 
Doris Oxtoby 

Division II. 

A. E. Best 
W. H. Bone 
Kenneth Richards 
M. J. Robinson 
Thomas Shaw 
Eric Singleton 
C. E. White 
Sidney Whiteley 

Division I. 

K. H. Chcetham 
Doreen I. Jenkins 
Joyce Ogden 
E. R. Oldman 
Edna M. Wright 
Division II. 
Reuben Fcingold 
Ethel M. Johnson 
Henry King 
Arthur Lowe 
Norman Matthews 
Jack Nicholson 
Kathleen M. Smith 


Arthur Demly ... Owens. 

E. J. W. Harvey Univ. 
Isa L. Hiles Owens. 


1905“C. G. Hewitt 


1907 Annie fsgrove 

1908 Winifred FI. Coward 



1012 :L1 GeotTi*ey Lapage 
a3 Dorothy A. Stewart 
It. A. War die 


l915 ll Kayinond Williamson 

1916 1B Alwen M. Evans 

1917 Lilian Parker 

1918 ... . 

J. A. Doll Yorks. 

It. L. Marsh 
AB F. H. Gravely 

Kate Diitfy 
Philippa C. Esdaile 

Annie Kyftin 
Ol ga C+ . M . Payne 

Irene J. Gregory 

A * a<, Constance M. Light 
Amy Williamson 

Geoffrey Talbot 

Mary Barnes 
Madge Kay 

Third, Class 
F. S. Frith 

Henry Thorp Owens 

9 Helen M. 

Fmgland Owens 

Kathleen Clegg 
Ernest Holden 

Ethel A. Watts 

Hilda A. Cruikshaak 
Hilda M. Suthors 

Honours Schools 


ZOOLOGY — continued. 

First Class. 

Second Clasi. 


Edith Vernon 

1920 Elsie I. MacGill 


•Ann Bishop 

1922 34 0. D Hunt 

4 Eileen Threlkeld 

Division I. 

Hilda M. Wright 

Division II. 

Mary E. Holder 

Elsie G. Thom 

102B a *O. B. Lean 

Ferris -Neave 

Division I. 

Annie O. Martin 

Mary Stewart 

1924 Rose A. Barr 

Mary W. M. Jepson 
Joyce B. Yeoman 

Division I. 

Monica I. Golding 

E P. Mnmford 

Division II. 

Enid H. Almond 

Audrey Harrison 


Division 1. 

C. C. Brooks 

Mary .T. R. Riddall 

1926 s * 3S D. P. Wilson 

Division I. 

Audrey Felton 

Nellie ’Littler 

Division II. 

Evelyn Whitfield 

1927 . . 

Division I. 

Elsie G. Geiler 

1928 ... . 

Division 1. 

Elsie M. Parkes 

Division II. 

G. V. Whifctenbury 


Division I. 

F. C. Stott 

Division II. 

Kathleen E. Sconce 


Division II. 

E. P. Hodgkin 


Division I. 

P. S. Milne 

1932 8r, Tom Warwick 

Division /. 

Marjory Causer 

C. H. Mortimer 



Brian Melland ... Owens. 
R. 35, Wild Owens. 





W. C. Varley .... Owens. 


R. J. Ewart .... Univ. 


J. A. C. Forsyth... Yoi'les. 

1898 .. . 

W. P. Grant Owens. 


R. E. Kellv Univ. 

J. C. Mann Unit/. 

Third Class. 

Winifred Sutton 
Elizabeth A. Taylor 

A.E. Brindley ... O teem. 
J. T. Millett ... . Owens 
G. H. Wilson .... Owens. 

S. F. Linton Unit' 


Honours Schools , 

PHYSIOLOGY- continued. 

First Class . 





1914 Jacob Holker 



1922 3 *G. H. H. Booth 

37 Harry Zwarenstein 
1924 3 * 36 37 G. L Brown 

Raymoad Whitehead 
1925 3 1 35 37 W H. Newton 

1928 3 * 30 37 M. C. G. Israels 

1929 s * 38 37 Eli Davis 
R. V. Wright 

1930 30 37 J. A. A. L. Woodliead 
1931 3 * 37 H. L. Settle 

Second Class. Third. Class . 

W. G. Lloyd ZJniv. 

J. J. Hummel ... Yorks. 

Ethel M. Phillips Owens. 

W. A. Bullougli 

Simon Kelly 
K. V. Deakin 

Muriel M, Edwards 
K. R. Fraser 

Division I. 
E. D. Portman 

Division I. 

G. V. Whittenbury 


1888 Bernard Hobson... Owens. 
1890 Win, MeDougall... Owens. 

1895 D. S. Steuiirt Owens. 

1897 W. R, Baldwm- 

Wisemau Owens. 

1898 Albert Jowett York's. . .. 

1889 10 A.R.Dwerryhouse Yorks. 
19Q5 1:i H. G. A. Hickling 
1907 7 1X D. M. S. Watson 
190811 aa H> Hawkins 
1910 11 fla Margavot 0. Marob 


1912 Marjorie Lindsey 
aa R. W. Palmer 


1914 X1 ° ,J Henry Day 

W. G. Gruinmitt 

1915 ll Basil Bentley 

S. G. Birks 

J. N. McCall 
Frances E. Oliver 

G. L. Kay 


1921 Harold Hopkins 

192 k 2 3i Gerald Andrew 
ao R. C. B. Jones 
3 * Walter Kitchen 

E. L. G. Cletfg 
Albert Heard 
Marjorie Pearson 
G. S. Moulder 
J. I. Platt 
George Williamson 
Division 1. 
iT. 1\ Bentley 
J. B. Garland 
a A. T. Hopwood 
Edgar Morton 

Division LI. 
D. J. Ffi.rfjuhavson 
G. S. Ffoulkes-Jones 

Honotirs Schools. 

31 T 

— continued. 

First Class . 




1928 3fl Jack Shirley * 

1929 s * s a Sm Nockolds 

Second Class. 

Division I. 

Arthur Bray 

Division I. 

“Gladys Nash 

J. R. Park 

So Sreshthaputra 

Third Class 

1931 2 2 F. W. Cope 

19327 s*W. A. Leer 

1933 Herbert Cunliffe 

Division I. 

Harry Pearson 


1897 10 Bobert Burnet ... Univ. 

1809 lo Helen P. Auld ... Univ. 


Bose F. Jordan ... Owens. 


9 Grace 

Wigglesworth Owens. 

19G6 lx Marv McNicol 

Frances M, Steele 

lx Edith M. Saxelby 


Madeline Carson 
Katharine H. Coward 

1907 xx Edith M. Kershaw 
Nellie Snape 

Alice Bamber 

Edith D. Johnson 

Annie Leah 

1908 1X T. G. B. Osborn 

Dorothy G. Coward 

Elizabeth C. Powell 


H. S. Holden 

Hilda H. Pearson 


Ellen M. Bevaa 
xs Sydney Garside 

AgDes L. Boss 

1911 1X W. B. Brierley 

Marjorie Benson 

Nora Caress 

G. E. H Lantsberry 

1912 R. G. Livens 

Hilda K. Brade 

Hannah Benson 

1918 Tom Holt 

11 W. H. Pearsall 

\Y. O. Howarth 

Jenny Mercer 

William Crawford 

Mary Stoddart 

1914 H. B. Speakman 

Gladys M. Armstrong 

Florence S. Grant 

11 Marjory S. Williamson 

T. G. Baillie 

Margaret H. Chambers 
Sibyl T. Jewson 

Harold Oldham 

Hilda Wilde 


Evelyn N. Cowell 

Florence A. Phipps 


“Una C. Slane 


Jennie H. Cropper 
15 Elaine de St. C. Fogg 
Mabel A. Jackson 


Florence W. Brown 

Elsie Dickinson 

1919 xx Is&bella Bateman 

X0 Kathleen M. Thatcher 

Margaret Beadle 

Minnie Egli 

Dorothy W. Pennington 

Alice Taberner 


Honours Schools. 

BOTANY — continued * 

First Class. Second Class. Third Class. 

1920 Ethel Harding Max-jorie F. Casselden Doris ML Duncan 

Sadie Horrobin Helen L. Goude Mary E. Hampson 

“Samuel Williams E. J. Mooi'e Elsie Simister 

Dorothy Priestley 
Cicely M. H. Walker 

1921 Emmeline Green wood Gla : dys Bannister 

Elizabeth Sattertliwaite Editli Bottomley 
Hilda ML Glover 
Daisy A. Holden 
Muriel Jackson 
Bernice Rawsthorne 
George Will an 
Clarice M. Woodcock 

1922® s * 3B Kathleen M. Drey? Division 2. Agnes M. Almond 

William Beach Doris A. Bardsley Annie E. Brown 

Winifred Gartside Rita H. Dutton 

Elizabeth G. Mitchell Edith M. Hand 

Division II. 

Esther M. Arthur 
Editha Jackson 
Gertrude Law 
Bethia Munay 

1923 . . Division I. Katie L. Coxon 

Winifred M. Gibbs Beatrice A. Hallard 

J. P. J. Zender 

Division II. 

Ethel Bunting 
Annie K. Harding 
Kathleen Taws 

1994 ... Division /. Margaret Duxbury 

Elda Auld Nellie Ranshaw 

Alice M. Quinn 
Norman Woodliead 

Division II. 

Mabel A. Barker 
Hilda M. Bowker 
Gladys Brooks 
Edna M. Hewison 
Mui'iel 1-til ey 

1925 Division 1. 

Bessie Cliatterton 

Division II. 
Alice Roberts 
Mary H. Walker 

J926 H. G. Chippindale Division I. 

Beryl Monks 
Frances Li. Stephens 

Division II. 
Millicent E. Lyon 
Ina Pickles 
Edith Skinner 

Division 11. Ellen Cock 

Margery Butterfield 

Division 1. Phyllis Samuel 

Doris H. C ollyer 
Ethel M. Eastwood 
Division II. 

Nancy L. Llo>d 
S. R. Pollard' 

1927 Marjorie Wilkinson 


Honours Schools 


First Class. 



1931 Kenneth Mather 


1933 C. D. R. Dawson 
T. G. Tomlinson 

BOTANY — continued. 
Second Class. 

Division I. 

Alice Akred 
H. R. Fletcher 
Kathleen A. Payne 
Joan Taylor 
Freda Wroe 

Division l. 

Violet Aldred 
Salih El Diasti 
Mary Hadfield 
Sylvia M. C. Jackson 

Division II. 

Alwyn Bennett 

Division /. 

Elfrieda Bailey 
Gladys Wright 

Division 11 
Elizabeth M. Cooper 
Ethel M. Hitchens 
Lilian M. Wilson 

Division I. 

Rowena M. Ferguson 
Eileen M. Johnson 
Mona Rhodes 

Division II. 
Edward Bell 
Winifrede Yarborough 

Division I. 

Cecilia H. Lang 
Diana M. Pickstone 
Division II. 

Minn ie Rhodes 

Third Class. 

Mary C. McKerrow 

Harold Wigley 




1923 3a 3 *H. B. O. Jame-> 

Ethel Wilkinson 



1933 35 J. J- Webster 

Cicely J. Parsons 
Division I. 

S. 0. Jackson 

Division 1. 
s, Edna M. Yates 

Division 1. 

Joan M. Attenborough 
Min am Farber 


1916 11 J. N. Greenwood 

1919 ao Maurice Cook 

1921 a9 L. E. Benson 
»A. M. Cleverly 

1922 s 1 35 W. H. Dearden 
a& R. A. Hacking 
Douglas Jepson 
20 G. P. Tinker 

T. C. Finlayson 
Arthur Gofley 

Division 1. 
G. L. Betts 

Division 11 
V „ J. Sansom 

Norman Taylor 



Honours Schools . 

METALLU EGY — continued . 

First Class. 

Second Class. 

1923 ao B, K. Braund 
**T. H. Schofield 

1924°° ** 3 *J. W. Cuthbertson 



1928 Richard Willows 

1930 Hubert Greenwood 

1931 3fs Edwin Davis 
J. F. Sewell 

1932 3S S. T. Harrison 

1933 A. B. Ashton 
:1D James Crowther 
Gerald Murray 
John Waddington 

Division I. 
2 ®M. D. Pearson 
Division II. 
fln Harol& Entwlstle 

Division II. 
Li. R. Stanton 

Division II. 
John Dearden 

Division I. 
James Barton 
Division II. 
H. A. MacColl 

Division I. 
A. S. Kenneford 
Division II. 
H. R. Cumick 

Division /, 
Frank Buckley 
Division II. 
Frank Kasz 

Division I . 
J. F. B. Jackson 
W. B. Lawrie 
Division II. 
Hal Capper 

Third Class. 

Harry Carr 


Section I. 

( Chemistry T Physics , and 



Division II. 

N. A. Ratcliflfe 



Division i I. 

Horace Hoggins 

Ethel Smith 


Division II. 

Li. C. Hargreaves 

1928 W. S. Newton 

N. F. Turtle 

Division I. 
Elizabeth Whittle 

1'929 3 *P. F. Morton 

Division I. 

James Davenport 
Division II. 

Harold Booth 

Doris M. Kendal 

Edvrard Bashforth 

1930 s 8 Harry Grime 

Division I. 

Arthur Ashworth 

J. L. Tuck 

Division II. 

J. L. Brew in 

Leonard Hall 

Malcolm Berry 
Vera Taylor 

1931 B. D. Alderson 

35 W. J. Whitehouse 

Division 1. 

Margaret K. Ashton 

John Critchlow 

Division II. 

Horace Powell 

L. M. Smalley 

Clarice M. Aldridge 
C. E. Mellers 

Honours Schools. 


GKENERAL SCIENCE — continued . 

Section I. {Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics) — continued. 

First Class. 

Second Class. 

Third Class. 

1932 3S H. P. Dakin 
John Ranson 

1933'U Harry Horrocks 
Ruth* M. Tumock 

Division I. 
Wilfred Darbyshire 
Division II. 
Edith Boden 

Division I. 

A. L. Walters 
Division II. 

\\. T. Whitehead 

W. C. Down ham 
Harold Wyatt 

Reginald Bruce 
Leslie Cunhffe 

Section II. [Botany, Zoology , and Chemistry). 

l9G4 34, Frances M. Marshall 

1926 Kenneth Hartley 


1928 Rutli Charlesworth 

1929 Dorothy Hindshaw 




1933 Morris Cohen 
Olive Pooler 

Division I. 
li. 13. Dawson 
Winifred Dickinson 
Division II. 

Enid Oldham 
Kathleen Simpson 
Irene M. Squire 

Division I. 
Beatrice Shorroek 
Division II. 
Winifred M. Woodruff 
Division I. 
Margaret E. Weiss 

Division II. 

Edna D. Abba 
Division I. 

May E. Goodwin 
Division II. 
Winifred M. Lyons 

Division I . 

Juan Francke 
Katharine S. Nichols 

Division II. 

K. G. Glaister 

Division I. 
Hilda Saxon 
W. S. Smith 

Division I. 

G. H. Briggs 
Division II. 
Ethel M. Perry 
Eileen M. Robinson 

Herbert Campbell 

Beatrice E. Johnson 

Gwendoline Pownall 

Edith T. McDougall 
E. L. Walker 

Thelma Gordon 

Edna Sowerbuttb 

Section III. ( Geology , Geography, and Botany or Zoology 

1931 Division II. 

Dora Bloomer 
Mary’ M. Tyas 

1933 B. H. G. Chaplin 

Section IV. (Mathematics and Physics, with Elementary Botany 
and Zoology). 

1931 Division I. 

Herbert Toft 

Division II. 

Marjorie E. Metcalfe 


Honours Schools 


First Class. 

Second Class. 

Third Class 

1925 J. S. Rhodes 

A. H. W. Wragg 

192H a4 Denis Hyde 

iA Allan Winterbottom 

Eileen A. Maodonald 

R. P. Bannister 
Isidore Sandler 

1927 34 George Castle 

J. H. Gaunt 

Gilbert Horrocks 

J. K. Davis 

G. P Taylor 

Edwin Yates 

1928 Ai*ie Rubinstein 

Morris Diamond 

W. H. K. Grundy 
Neville Hamwee 

Janet M. Mack 

E. A. Simpson 


G. W. Cowley 

Desmond Heap 

Walter Holt 

P. S. Porter 

E. I. Unsworth 

Jacob Yaffe 

D. H. R. Breariev 
N. H. Buckley ' 

A. P. M. Liston 

1930 ,o F. H. Dean 

R. H. Cadinan 

C. R. Ashworth 

H. R. Hodgson 

[. D. Cant ley 

R. M. Greenhalgh 

Ger.rnl Rydei 

E. M. Gaunt 

Denis Moore 

Margaret H. Procter 

H. S. Thistle Ion 

Cyril White 

David Rice 

H. N. Roberts 

S. E. Saville 

W. G. Thompslnne 

1931 F. A. Howarth 

Philip Fox 

G. F. Furniss 

Beatrice E. Mason 

Arnold Brewer 

C. S. Cohen 

Monica Gallagher 
Enid Gacratt 

D. I. Lever 

G. C. Wilson 

1932 David Blank 

Robert Cooke 

A. M. Chorlton 

J. I. Caulfield 

Mary A. Freeman 

R. A. Davies 

J. E. Driver 

H. J. Gibbons 

G. R. Duck 

A. N. Patterson 

J. A. Hallsworth 

Nathaniel Haboba 

33 F. W. Towns 

Gladys F. Jones 

J. D. PhilLipp 

C. G. Walkden 

Robert Walsh 

W. L. Hall 

J. M. Marching ton 

F. D. Newton 

K. H. Walker 

J. H. Weston 

1933 J. P. Aspden 

George Cheethani 

C. G. Heron 

•'’■"‘J. P. M. Carr 

F. F. Clough 

J. B. Elliott 

Stanley Lancaster 

J. B. Levy 

Arthur Lit tie wood 

N. S. Howarth 
William Lansdale 

K. B. Mason 

W. R. Parker 

W. li. T. Walsh 


(Previous fco the institution 
1885 A. N. lirayshavv, Owens. 

1888 F. K. Bradley [with Honours), „ 

1891 Godfrey Heatlicote 

(with Honours), „ 

L. M. Simmons (with Honours), 

1892 A. W. Fletcher, 

1893 George Livsey, „ 

C. S. Watson (with Honours), „ 

1894 Harry Procter (with Honours), „ 

1895 Leonard Bottomleyf with Honours), „ 

1896 Percy Itaby (with Honours), „ 

1897 W. B. Faraday, „ 

1898 A. L. Brownson, Owens, 

D. L. Harbottle (with Honours >, Unw 
T. G-. Russell (with Honours), Owens 

E. J. Sampson (with Honours ), ,, 

of the Honours School of Law.) 

1891) J. B. Booth, Univ. 

W. G. Lord (with Honours), „ 

E. A. Moorhouse (with Honours), „ 

1900 It. B. Hughes, „ 

A. J. Quiggm, 

E. A. W. Wragg (with Honours), Owens. 

1901 Oswald Clement (wit li Honours), Univ. 

S. G.Cox, Owens. 

10 W. A. Elias (with Honours), Univ. 

1902 Wilson Bell (with Honours) „ 

C. G-. Deim, Owens, 

F. R. de Montmorency 

(with Honours), Univ. 
10 Edward Fraser (with Honours), ,, 

James Sykes, Yorks. 

R. W. H. Thomas, Univ. 

1903 lo Frank Hudson (with Honours), Owens. 
F. H. Jessop, Yorks. 

H. G. Rushtou, Owens. 

C. H.ift. Stephenson Univ. 

Honours Schools 


First Glasses at Final LL.B. Examination— continued. 

1904 G. A. Baker 

Reginald Clayton 
10 J. W. Hodson (tvith Honours) 

1905 ll E. C. Burgis 

R. H. Gee 

Frederick Hamer ( with Honours) 

R. W. Holland (with Honours) 

1906 11 Harry Finklestone (with Honours) 
Cbristabel H. Pankhurst (with Honours) 
John Varley 

1907 Fred Thompson 

1908 1A C. F. Entwistle (with Honours) 

Rupert Wood (with Honours) 

1909 S. W. Johnson ( with Honours i 

1911 H. L. F. Berry 
Rennie Higaon 
C. L. Stirling 
A. G. Taylor 

1912 Edward Brodrick (with Honours) 

11 Francis White (with Honours) 

191S 1;t Henry Cardwell (with Honours) 

H. T. Pickles (with Honours) 

1914 R. A. Eastwood (with Honours j 

1915 Denis Hickey 

101(3 W. J. Rigby (with Honours) 

1922 s * :i5 R. G. Cooke (tvilh Honours) 

Eric Emmett (with Honours) 

Edith Heeling (with Honours) 

H. E. Jones (with Honours > 

Isabel M. C. Ritchie ( with Honours) 
Ivan Seconlov ( with Honours) 

1923 \V. C. Taylor (with Honours) 

1924° s * S3 R. Y. Hedges (u'ith Honours) 
Leslie Walsh 


Fir at Class. Secoutl Chtss. 

1892 J. W. Crawshaw Owens. A. E. Ash Owens. 

J. H. Crocker ... . Owens. E. C. McCarthy Owens. 

J. H. Taylor . Oivens. R. W. Marsden Owens. 

C. R. Marshall Owens. 

R. T. Turner Owens. 

1893 John Stephenson .. Owens. J. G. Clegg Owens. 

E. L. Compston Owens. 

H. T. Nixon Univ. 

J. P. Nixon Univ. 

F. J. Woods Univ. 

1894 xo S. W. Brook .. Oivens. H, E. Annett .. . . Univ 

J. B. Carter Owens. 

W. W. Clemesha Oivens. 

Frank KadcliiTe . . . . Oivens. 

J. H. Ray Oivens. 

F. C. Scotson Owens. 

Douglas Seaton Yorks, 

Peter Thompson Oivens. 

0. B. Trumper Yorks. 

3895 Hugh Ainsworth Owens. J. P. Hall Owens. 

C. E. Ligertwood Yorks. R. S. Hardman Oivens. 

10 F. C. Moore Ouens. F. B. G. Holmes ... . Owens. 

J. S. Taggart Owens T. H. Miller .. Oivens. 

J.H. Renshaw Owens. 

J. V. Shaw ...Yorks. 

R. H. Trotter Turks. 

B.V. Watkins Oivens. 

1896 George Ashton Owens. H. M. Crake Univ. 

X0 A. H. Burgess Owens. John Hay Univ. 

S. R. Christophers Univ. E. E, Laslett Univ. 

J S Ross Oivens. Newman Neild Owens. 

B A. Smith Untv. Philip Nelson Univ. 

A. E. Normington Owens. 

T. A. Rothwell Owens 

S. T. Rowling F orks. 

H. B. Woodcook Owens. 


Honours Schools 

First Class. 

1897 J. S. Dockray Owens. 

1898 10 Kobort Kelsall Oiveno. 

Edward Trotter Yorks. 

D. S. Wylie Owens. 

1899 10 Joseph Moreton Owens. 

1900 G. R. Hall Owens. 

C. J. N. Liongridge Givens. 

1901AE. N. Canllfife Owens. 

1902 \V. S. W rig ley Owens. 

1903 Li. R. Br&itbwaifce York. s. 

J. Tj. Falconer Owens 

Examinations — continued. 
Seeoncl Class. 

W. H. Bateman Owens. 

Harold Ooates Owens. 

J. E. Dutton Univ. 

W alter Graham Univ. 

A. S. Griffith Univ. 

Harr.s Hamer Owens. 

Harold Hartley Owens. 

D. G. Hurter Univ. 

K. H. Jones Owens. 

C. H, Moorhouse Yorks. 

J. H. Sheldon Owens. 

A. B. Smallman Owens. 

J. E. Smith Univ. 

R. Sutherland Univ. 

F. E. Taylor York s. 

H. J. Crompton Owens . 

E. W. Floyd Owens. 

Ambrose Spong Yorks. 

Edward Turton Yorks. 

40 Walter Crabtree Owens. 

John Craig Owens. 

E. W. Falconer Owens . 

H. M. FI etoher Univ. 

I. W. Hall Owens. 

H. O. R. Hiwe Yorks . 

W. A. Illingworth Yorks. 

Armitage Morton Yorks. 

A. E. Rayner Owens . 

W. H. Richardson Owens. 

Harold Snape Owens. 

O. H. Woodcock Owens. 

J. 1j. Diniond Univ. 

A. E, Finney Owens. 

A. K. Jackson Univ. 

A. G. Wilkins Owens. 

E. It. Cooper Owens. 

Mereier Gamble Owens. 

*G. W. Gelderd Univ. 

P. H. Green Owens. 

R. E. Kelly Univ. 

Charles Mackey Owens. 

Edwin Saville ' Yorks. 

LO H. G. Tansley Owens. 

Walter Briggs Owens. 

G. H. Brown Owens. 

A. G. Christian Owens. 

Alexander Hodgkinson... Owens. 
J. R. Hutchinson Owens. 

1 A. W. Xjatham Owens. 

G. H. Keigli Owens. 

Thomas Googau Oivens. 

1Q H. D. Haworth Oivens. 

C. A. Hughes Univ. 

A. D, Hunt Univ. 

A. E Johnson Oivens. 

D. J JVIulholland Univ. 

F, H. Salisbury Univ. 

R. T. Slinger Owens. 

P. K. Steele Yorks. 

1904 Alan Boyle Heeds. 

William Calverley Mane. 

E. E. Hughes Mane. 

10 Pkilip Talbot Mane. 

Herbert Torn Tin t o*no 

Honours Schools , 


Honours at M.B. and Ch.B. Examinations — continued . 

First Class, 




1906 a *D. E. Core 

C. M. Craig 

J. D. Marshall 

S. B. Wilson 

1907 T. W. Todd 

J. A. Fairer 

Frank Hartley 

Robert Lakin 

1908 xl John Morley 

T. B. Bolton • W. P. Marshall 

C. H.Broombead John Thompson 

E. K. Lomas ** A. E. Woodall 


F. H. Biggie 

John Gow 

T. T. Higgins 

Harry Platt 

B. W. E. Trevor-Roper 

1910 W. A. Sneafch 

R. C. Hutchinson 

N. T. Iv. Jordan 

1911 E. B. Eatook 

A. H. Holmes 

W. H. Kauntze 
Jane C. Miller 

S. B. Radley 

J. S. B. Stopford 


R. B. Berry 

P. H. Midgley 

T. H. Oliver 

C. F. White 


A. V. Stocks 

Percy Stocks 


Lily Allan 

D. T. Harris 

O. M. de Jong 


H. M. von 


Frank Vause 

Richard Willan 

1920 W. B. Mason 

P. B. Mtunford 

1921 X1 G. V. Ashcroft 

Vincent Chad-wick 
H. Hi. Sheehan 

Margaret Single 


S *F. H. Scotson 

1923 3 *L. J. Witts 

Arthur Barlow 
Albert Coleman 

Marjorie A. Grant 

G. 0. Sharp 


J. A. Crowther Hilda M. Linford 

Phyllis I. Kaufmann 

1925 3 * 3 ®F. H. Smirk 

B. L. Holt 

N. W. Bolton 

G. H. H. Boot 

1926** so KatlxLeen Sheehan 

Florence Whitrow 


K. H. Watkins 


G. L. Brown 


Dona I Sheehan 

Edith M. Booth 

F. N. Marshall 


W. W. Kay 

A. L. Kenyon 

1931 T. S. Heslop 

Nancy N. Carter 

J. C Smith 

G. G. E. Smyth 

1932 D. LI. Griffiths 


C. H. Gray 

W. A. B. Nicholson 

J. S. Parkinson 

T. F. Heslop 


First Class. 

1914 H. H. Stones 
1924 Herbert Townley 


1932 J. L. Meliodew 

Second Class. 
M. C. Paterson 
D. H. Campion 
A. H. Appleton 
J. L. Torkington 
H. H. Torkington 

326 : 

Honours Schools. 


1914 Lawrence Ashmore (Economics} 

1918 Rassim Chinassi ,, 

1919 Dorothy Knott „ 

Constance E. M. Wilde „ 

1922 3a W. G. Pilkington (Economics) 
Arthur Roberts „ 

Geoffrey Shaw ' M 

Laurence Wilkinson „ 

F. L. Wright „ 

1920 ll S. R. Chaloner 

1921 Emmy F. G Lawley 
11 W. E. Salt 

1922 J. B. Andrew 
31 George Breeze 

E. F. Oalvort 
Marian Cooper 
T. W. Dunkerley 
J. D. Ewing 

34 Herbert Hetherington 
Cyril Kenyon 
O. H. Marsh 

1923 31 36 John Jewkes „ 

Frank Whitmore „ 

Ethel N. Stewart (Economic History) 

1924 S. I. Ambrose (Economics) 

sa Gilbert Jenkins „ 

Mabel Clough (Geography) 

1925 Leonard Cohen (Economics) 

1926 s a aA C. D. Campbell 

Harry Campion „ 

William Clegg ,, 

W. P. Powell „ 

Edith M. Shirra (Spanish) 




R. S. Ashworth 
Elsie Emmott 
M. A. R. Hafez 
Henry Hardman 
D. B. Tracey 





Mohamed Haindy (French) 

Abharana Krishnamra „ 

1929 Henry Erin (Spanish) 

^Brenda F. Hall (Economics) 

Isabel Lunt (German) 

Phyllis Rowbottom (Economics 

C. H. Travis 

D. P. Walsh „ 

1931 R. L. Graham (Economics) 

Kathleen M. Langtou „ 

Sidney Reeves „ 

Abraham Shabtay 

1932 Marian T. Entwistle „ 

N. R. Hamnett „ 

Eileen D. Winder „ 

Kathleen Herbert (Law) 


1923 Oswald. Broxup (Economics) 


1925 a * a6 H. I. Frith (Group I.) 

1926 H, T. Rack (Group II.) 

1927 3i 3S W. G. Robinson (Groups I. and III.) 

1928 Sl J R. Jones (Groups I. and II.) 

34 35 L. H. Oldfield (Group H.) 

1929 a *W. A. Walker (Group II.) 

1932 SB H. J. McLachlan (Groups I. and II.) 

1933 3£3 K. V. Ramsey (Groups I., II., and III.) 

Honours Schools. 


Under Old Regulations. 




J, D. Whittall 


a *E. P. Jordan 
G. S. Teggin 
E. V.Winstanley 

Electrical Sanitary Applied 

Engineering. Engineering. Chemistry. 

R. K. Keer 
Philip Kemp 
C, 3. Richards 
J. W. Thomas 
G. W. "Wadsworth 

S. N. Duguid P. V. Delahunty 

T. J. Pifere *Cuthbert Dixon 

Prank Willcoek S. Evans 

♦Erie Higgins 
Hugo Nordling 
P. G. Reynolds 

H. N. Cunliffe Tom Elce 
W. A. Stephens 

May Badger 
B. K. Bostock 

Mining. Architecture . 


George J. N. Hindle 

Arrowsmitb Humphrey 
J. W. Cooling Williams 

a M. P. Batey 
H. H. MacMahon 
Leonard Mills 

34 G. P. Willoughby 


H. Y. Y, Jackson 
a4 C. E. Maycock 
John Wilson 

P. R. Jolley a *H. J. Gwyther 
R. C. Prescott B. B. Pradhan 
38 VP, G. Spencer 
S. E. W. Taylor 

Vernon Davenport 

A. B. Trickett 

Frank Bowman H. B. Avery G.G.Narke 
A. J. Sloman V. G. Nair 

H. S. Newman 
G. E. Pilkington 
J, P, Srivastava 
W. W. Tong 

P. W. Atack 

Frederic Robinson 


a *John Bunch J. W. Faulkner Louie M. Badger 

J.E. Holgate 
C. L. Unsworth 
J. W. Wood 


fl * as H, L. Southern a9 H. G. Bell A. H. Goodger 

Ernest Moses Singer W, C. Hotbersall 

a8 F. H.Williamson 


Thomas Bevan Kenneth Aston L. N. Duguid 
W. R. Thomson ^Alexander 
P. M. Watts Nyman 

Walter Richardson 

H. M. Broadhurst 
Simon Chazan 
Leonard Slater 
Herbert Swann 
Russell Willis 


Kenneth Sinclair Harold Diggle Thomas Dawe A. W. Hotbersall 
A. J. Syers J. W. Jones Erconwald W. N. Leigh 
L. C. Richards Holland C. W. Palmer 
S. R. Tombat John Parrish 

William Payman 
A. A, Pollitt 
H. B. Shroff 
E. C. Tonga 

* r Percy Morrey 


S. W. Dunworth 
William Hall 
Morris Leon 
C. C. N. Polychronis 



* Not eligible for graduation. 


Honours Schools. 

Honours Division in the Final Examination for the 
Degree of B.Sc.Thch.— continued. 

Mechanical Electrical Sanitary Applied Textile 

Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Chemistry. Mining. Architecture. Industry, 

1917 A. G. Khan Michael Baras u William 


1918 Dorothy Aston 

1919 F. L. Hughes 3H Samuel Chadwick . 

S. R. Jackson 
George Mohn 

3a K. J. R. Robertson 
T. B. Rushton 
F. R. Stafford 
J. P. Walters 

Neville Simpkin 

C. G. Wood 


G. V. Brooke a V. D. Cockcroft Percy Parr 

Norman Elce A. .T, Leyland 

A. W. Gibson 

H. C. Kelly 

W, B. Wightmau 

P. T. Holligan 

P. A. Holt 

Charles Lea 

Sidney Marks 

A. M. Morltsy 

D. R. Naylor 


P. G. S. BayJiss J. 1. Bernard 11. E. Bowles 

Harold Birchall ,J8 V. A. Brown 

Clifford B. M. Burt 

Batough R. T. Coe 

W. J. Heywood A. M. Foden 

E. H. Liller Thomas Ratcliffe 

J. E. Shakeshaf t E. Y, Robinson 

H. R. Walton J. R. Wilkinson 

8 L. E. H. 


S. W. Barker 

A. H. Burr 

Richard Burtles 

Rachel Chazan 

A. L. Godbert 

C. G. Hampson 

J. D. Hannah 

C. A. Hatton 

J. E. Kemp 

Clara Levin 

D. K. Moore 

H.C. Barnes 

H. K. Gorier 
J. D. S. Hoyle 


8 C. G. Benstead 
F. E. Chandler 

E. S. Dean 
Harlow Irwin 
Harold Knott 

F. M. Owner 
T. A. Worsdell 

H. W. Forskaw G. G. Marsland M. A. L. Banks F. J. Smith 

A. J. King Leonard Edmondson 

0. P. Lockton C. E. Hazeldine 

Gilbert Mather Morris Kolker 

Sophoclis Petrides I. D, 1 *amb 

W. T. Slater JaB. Roylance 

F. W. Taylor E. Y. Scarlett 

J. A. Tyaclce W. II. Smith 

E. H. Thatcher 
R. E. L. T richer 
W. S. Willson 
John Winchester 

G. A. Bennett 
J. M. Ejsam 
R. B. Moore 
W.E. Morton 
W T . H. Slater 


C. R. Digweed 
A. K. Mojumdar 
A. V. 


Torn Duerden Fred 
F. W. Gee 
T. R. Lupton 
J.H. Whitehead 

Anderton W. Berry 

A. J. McA. Gelling 
S. H. Jenkins 
W. R. Jones 
E. H. Sharpies 

H. L. Baron 

N. B. Thomson 


J. F. Bagnall 


A. N. Adamson 


....S.S. Gampell 

N. W. Coe 

H. R. Thadbani 

Wolfe Tepper 


John Colclougli 
* 8 J. H. M. 

J. K. Webb 

E. A. Proffit 
T. S. Tsiang 

Honours Schools. 



Under New Regulations 
































First Class. 

William O'Dea 

Frank Whynaan 

Second Class 
as T. R. P. Harrison 

E. E. Wild 

Third Class. 
Joseph Taylor 

Francis Garfield 

J. J. H. Hastings 

Eric Parrish 

A. B. Winterbottom 

J. A. Christian 

Nonnan Pollard 

W. M. Rov 

N. W. White 

W. B. Wragg 

28 Edwin Leach 

S. M. Taylor 

L. F. Whyman 

J. W. Maye 

Frank Bryans 

Clifford Chew 

Harris Hempling 

A. L. H. Perry 

H. S, Crabtree 

A. F. McCulloch 

H. M. Sansom 

Frederick Withnall 

Sidney Atkinson 

A. J Faragher 

E. M. Price 

H. G. Boullen 

0. E. Mainer 

Eric Wamngton 

G. R. Barnes 

F. M. Booth 

Robert Edgewoi th- 

Eric Boyland 

A. L. L. Baker 

J. C. Beggs 

Raphael Black 

S. \V. Butterworth 
Cedric Hitclien 

A. J Sutbers 
’"Moira Tomlinson 

Harry Sampson 

K. N. Johnson 

H. H. Fairhurst 

William Green 

Thomas McGreevy 

J. W. Whiteley 

A. F. Wilkins 

J. A. Wilson 

Jack Butterworth 

Arthur Eccles 

Samuel Rubenstein 

L. P. Hargraves 

Sidney Holt 

F. R. Gaskell 

Frederick Bardsley 

28 F. S. Tinuion 


Mechanical TV. H. Eva>is 
Engineering. D. G-. Sop with 
J. S. Taylor 



E. N. Cunliffe 
Mark Finkel 
28 Fred Hall 
G. R. Oman 

Hyman Rabenovitcli 

Sydney Farrar Alfred Hobson 

Geoffrey Fowler 
P. T. Thornhill 

Applied A. C. Davidson 

Chemistry. J. G. Evans 
G. H. Kenyon 

Sanitary A. L. Morgan 


Textile ... . 


TV. O’D. Pieree 

A. T. G. Robinson 

Honours Schools, 


Honours Division in the Final Examination on the Higher Courses 
for the Degree of B.Sc Tech.— continued. 


First Class. 

Second Class. 

Third Class. 


Norman Gibson 

W. S. Potter 


J. L. Thomson 

J. R. Whittaker 


Robert Hamilton 

G. R. Bean 

Engineering.** Janies Hargreaves 

A. 0. Johnson 

J. E. Peters 

D. N. Beggs 

Richard Boyer 

J. D. Forster 

Eric Grundy 

C. M. Holt 

J. E. Mitchell 

G. B. Proctor 


W. R. Brown 

E. C. Knighl 


Edward Burgoine 

Gerard Doxey 

F. A. Robinson 

2!i John Shackleton 

J. A. Tabb 

Textile Industries 

E. G. Bianca 

F. dmund Whittaker 




E. W. Snow 

W. W. Stephenson 


Eric Bradshaw 

G. L. Leighton 

Frank Atkinson 


N. B. Fletcher 

D. H. McCracken 

Albert Morgan 

J. H. Sumner 

J. T. Sharpies 

T. G. Tomlinson 


John Boulton 

C. R. Bond 


* h Harry Kay 

Frank Morton 

E. J. Farrar 



E, R. Pearce 

T. S. Neville 



J, B. Morley 

J. C. Ratclifife 

W. G. Robinson 

W. P. Hunter 

A. R. Baker 



T. C. Nuttall 

G. H. Platt 


H. B. Knight 

S. A. Rossiter 



Norman Bromley 

J. P. Hatton 

F. H. Montgomery 


Leonard Morris 




F. F. Buttcrworth 

R. N. Fahmy 

E. W. L. Agar 


J. G. Morrison 

Wilfred Sheeran 

Walter Lister 

H. A. Vlies 

J. H. Bentley 


H. S. Chirnside 

H. L. Elliott 

Engineering. J. W. A. Cliorley 

C. P. Edwards 

W. L. Kidd 
• I. A. Moses 

W. A. McNeill 

Harry Pickup 

John Sunderland 



James Brearley 

Frank Law 

S. K. Tolfree 

A pphed 


D. W. Adamson 

J. T. Bradshaw 

George Hancock 

R. E. Hargreaves 

Harry Jones 

Textile Chemistry. 

C. G. Bridge 




J. R. Appleton 

F. C. Thornley 

M. V. Alikhan 


S. H. Padel 

J. B. Holt 


C. W. Pass 

D. H. Thomas 


N. E. Densem 

R. H. Hall 

Chemisti y. 

Eric Vero 
\V. S. Walker 

Leonard Morntt 


Session 1933*4934. 

admission and iRegistration of Students. 

The Session extends from Thursday, October oth, 1933, 
to Saturday, July 7th, 1934. It is divided into the following 
terms, viz. : 

Commencement. Termination . 

Michaelmas term ... October 5th, 1933 ... December 19th, 1933 

Lent term January 11th, 1934 ... March 27th, 1934, 

Summer term April 19th, 193-1 ... July 7th, 1931. 

Degree Days : December 19th, 1933. 

July Gth and 7th, 1934. 

In the Faculty of Technology the dates are as above, with 
the addition of the Long Vacation term, July 9th to July 27th, 
1934. Students who are able to obtain an approved course of 
practical training extending over not less than two months in a 
works or otherwise will be excused the Long Vacation term. 

Persons seeking admission are required : 

(a) To have attained the age of 16 years ; in the case of 
women students, 17 years. 

(b) To produce a testimonial of good character. 

(c) To have passed the Matriculation or other examination 
required for the course to be taken, or, in the case 
of students not entering for a degree, diploma, or 
certificate, to give such evidence of proficiency as 
may be satisfactory to the Vice-Chancellor. 

( d ) To sign a declaration that they will observe the 
Regulations of the University. 

The Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, may exclude 
from the University and refuse to re- admit any students whose progress 
in their studies shall be deemed unsatisfactory. 

The normal period of study for the degree of Bachelor extends 
over three years, except in the case of the courses leading to the 
degrees of B.A. with Honours in Architecture, Classics, or 
Philosophy, M.B. and Ch.B., and B.D.S. 

Students are required, before entering upon a course of study 
leading (a) to a degree, to have passed the Matriculation Exami- 
nation of the Joint Matriculation Board or to have obtained a 
certificate of exemption as having passed an examination accepted 


Admission and Registration of Students . 

as of equivalent standard, or ( b ) to a certificate, to have passed 
the Entrance Examination or some examination accepted in lieu 

Attention is drawn to the fact that in certain Faculties, 
special requirements are made regarding the subjects forming 
part of the examination qualifying for admission to the Faculty. 

Before registration shall be considered as complete every student 
entering on a degree course will be required to produce to the Registrar 
(in the Faculty of Medicine, the Dean of the Medical School) his 
Matriculation Certificate or certificate of exemption. In the case of a 
certificate of exemption, the certificate of the examination on which 
exemption was granted must be produced. 

On payment of the class fees the student will receive a card 
of admission to classes, which must be shown to the Professor 
or Lecturer conducting each class, and be signed by him. 

After October 31st students are admitted only for special 
reasons. Application for admission after October 31st must 
be made, in the first instance, to the Registrar. 

Persons qualified to conduct independent research are 
admitted to the Library and the laboratories under special 
regulations, particulars of which may be obtained from the 

All students are recommended to make use of the coat lockers 
provided ; they can be hired from the porters in the respective 

Women Students . 

All women students registering for the first time are required 
to see the Adviser to Women Students as soon as possible after 
registration and, in any case, not later than the end of the tliird 
week of the session. It is desirable to consult her beforehand as 
to the choice of a course of study with a view to the career 
contemplated, and she will attend at the University to advise 
students from Wednesday, September 27th, to Wednesday, 
October 4th, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12-30 p.m. and 
2 and 4 p.m. on weekdays, except Saturday. 

All women students are invited to apply to the Adviser to 
Women Students at any time for information or advice. She is 
also available for consultation by former students and others, 
by appointment. 

Training Department Students. 

For detailed information regarding admission to the Training 
Department, see page 682. 

Admission and Registration of Students. 


Faculty of Arts. 

Honours Courses . 

Candidates intending to enter upon any Honours Course 
(save Architecture ; Economics, Politics, and Modern History ; 
Philosophy ; Geography ; and Oriental Studies) must have 
passed the Matriculation Examination, or some equivalent 
examination, in Latin (in the case of the Honours Schools 
of German and English, Greek may be substituted for Latin) ; 
otherwise, they may not, without special permission of the 
Board of the Faculty, proceed in less than four years to the Final 
Honours Examination. Permission to complete their Honours 
Course in three years will be given not earlier than the close of 
the first session, upon evidence as to the applicant’s ability 
to complete the course satisfactorily within the shorter period, 
and will be confined either to candidates who have obtained 
exemption from one of the subsidiary subjects required under 
Regulation C 1 of their Honours Schools or to candidates who 
have passed Intermediate Latin before the beginning of their 
second session and have not more than one subsidiary subject 
to complete. 

Persons wishing to enter any of the Honours Schools in the 
Faculty of Arts are advised to communicate at an early date with 
the Professor of the subject and to submit evidence of suitability 
for entry to the Honours Course, e.g ., examinations passed and 
School record. 

Ordinary Courses . 

No additional requirement as to the subjects passed in the 
Matriculation Examination is made, but it is pointed out that, 
during their course, candidates must pass the Intermediate 
Examination in either Latin or Greek. 

Students intending to take a course ieading to an ordinary 
degree should consult the Tutor of the Faculty of Arts. 

Registration of Arts Students . 

Registration will take place in the Arts Building. 

Old Students in the Faculty of Arts must register between 
(Honours) 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Monday, October 2nd, 
or between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3rd. 

NOTE. — Old Students (Honours) living within easy reach of 
Manchester are expected to register on Monday morning. 

New Students in the Faculty of Arts must register between 
(Honours) 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3rd, 
or between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4th. 


Admission and Registration of Students. 

Students who are candidates for the Ordinary Degree of 

B.A. must register on Tuesday, October 3rd, or Wednesday, 
October 4th, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., or 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. 

Faculty of Science. 

Candidates entering upon a course for a degree in the Faculty 
of Science are required (i.) to have passed in Mathematics as a 
subject of the Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence 
satisfactory to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 
standard; (ii.) to have passed in Mechanics as a subject of the 
Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence satisfactory to 
the Senate of having attained an equivalent standard. (See 
Note below.) 

Persons wishing to enter any of the Honours Schools in the 
Faculty of Science (except the Honours School of General Science) 
are advised to communicate at an early date with the 
Professor of the subject, and to submit evidence of suitability 
for entry to the Honours course, e.g., examinations passed and 
school record. In the case of the Honours School of General 
Science, applications should be made to the Tutor of the Faculty 
of Science. 

Students intending to take a course leading to an ordinary 
degree should consult the Tutor of the Faculty of Science. 

Registration of Science Students. 

Students will be enrolled on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- 
nesday, October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., 
and 2 and 4 p.m., and on subsequent days between 10 a.m. 
and 1 p.m. 

Note. — The following examinations will be regarded as 
satisfying the University requirements as regards Mechanics for 
admission to the Faculties of Science and Medicine : 

Joint Matriculation Board. 

Higher School Certificate. 

A pass in : 

(a) Applied Mathematics (Principal or Subsidiary 


(b) Pure and Applied Mathematics (Principal or 

Subsidiary subject). 

(c) Physics (Principal subject). 

( d ) Physics (Subsidiary subject, provided that the 

Mechanics section of the paper has been taken). 

Admission and Registration oj Students. 


Matriculation Examination . 

A pass in : 

(а) Physics, provided that the Mechanics seotion of the 

paper has been taken. 

(б) Physics- with- Chemistry, taken subsequently to 1926, 

provided that the Mechanics section (three questions) 
of the paper has been taken. 

School Certificate Examination . 

A pass with Credit in : 

(а) Physics, provided that the Mechanics section of the 

paper has been taken. 

(б) Physics- with- Chemistry, taken subsequently to 1926, 

provided that the Mechanics section (three questions) 
of the paper has been taken. 

Applications for the acceptance of other examinations in 
Mechanics may be made. Such applications should be addressed 
to the Registrar, and must be accompanied by full particulars, 
together with a Syllabus of the examination or a copy of the 
examination paper. 

Any candidates who have not already satisfied the require- 
ments in Mechanics will be required to pass an examination in 
Mechanics, to he held in the University at the end of September 
or the beginning of October each year. 

Faculty of Law. 

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Laws are required 
to have passed in Latin in the Matriculation Examination or in 
some examination of equal or of higher standard, or to give evidence 
of such proficiency in Latin as may be satisfactory to the Board 
of the Faculty of Law. 

Students proposing to read for the degree of LL.B. should 
in the first instance see the Secretary to the Faculty. Students 
intending to take the special course under the Solicitors Act, 
1932, should consult the Tutor for Articled Clerks. 

Registration of La tv Students . 

Students will be registered on Monday and Tuesday, October 
2nd and 3rd, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 2 and 4 p.m., and 
on subsequent days between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 


Admission and Registration oj Students. 

Faculty of Medicine. 

Candidates entering upon a course for a degree in the Faculty 
of Medicine are required : 

(i.) To have passed in Latin as a subject of the Matriculation 
Examination, or, in special cases, to give such other 
evidence of the knowledge of Latin as may be satisfactory 
to the Senate. 

(ii.) To have passed in Mathematics as a subject of the 
Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence satis- 
factory to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 

(iii.) To have passed in Mechanics as a subject of the Matricu- 
lation Examination, or to give evidence satisfactory to 
the Senate of having attained an equivalent standard. 
(See Note under Faculty of Science, page 334.) 

Intending students must send in their applications as early as 
possible to the Dean of the Medical School. 

Students commencing the study of Medicine at a Medical 
School should be registered within 15 days after the beginning 
of the session. No person can he thus registered unless he 
shall have previously passed a recognised Preliminary Exami- 
nation in the subjects of General Education. 

The General Medical Council require that medical studies 
shall extend over a period of five years from the date of 
passing a recognised examination in Chemistry and Physics. 

Registration of Medical Students . 

The Dean of the Medical School will be present in the 
Dean’s Office to confer with parents or guardians and to enrol 
new students and arrange for their registration on Thursday and 
Friday, September 28th and 29th, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 
during the following week at hours to be arranged. He may 
be seen at other times only by appointment. Old Students will 
register with the Tutor of the Faculty of Medicine at the times 
stated above, and in the afternoon of the same days (except 
Saturday), as posted in the Medical School. 

Students are strongly urged to enrol with the Dean or Tutor 
before the actual opening of each session. In this way they save 
much time and are enabled at once to profit by continuous 
and uninterrupted attendance at lectures and other classes. 

Admission and Registration of Students. 


Registration of Dental Students . 

The Dean of the Dental Hospital will be present, in the 
Dean's Room, on Tuesday, October 3rd, from 9-30 a.m. to 
12 noon, and Wednesday, October 4th, from 9-30 a.m. to 12 
noon, to register new students. All students should see the 
Dean at the Dental Hospital before proceeding to register at 
the University. 

Faculty of Commerce and Administration. 

Students proposing to enter upon a course for a degree or 
certificate in either Commerce or Administration should consult 
the Tutor or Secretary to the Faculty. 

Registration of Students in Commerce or Administration . 

Students will be enrolled on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- 
nesday, October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, 
2 and 4 p.m., and 6 and 8 p.m., and on subsequent days between 
10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The Dean of the Faculty will attend at the 
University at the same hours as above to advise students as to 
their courses, and may also be seen on subsequent evenings by 
appointment. For the convenience of evening students the 
Bursar’s Office will be open from 6-30 p.m. to 8 p.m. each evening 
from October 9th to 13th. 

Faculty of Music. 

Intending students should communicate as early as possible 
with the Dean or Secretary of the Faculty. 

They must give evidence satisfactory to the Dean or Secretary 
of the Faculty that they have an adequate knowledge of Harmony 
and Counterpoint. 

Registration of Students in Music. 

Students will be registered on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- 
nesday, October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., 
and 2 and 4 p.m., and on subsequent days between 10 a.m. 
and 1 p.m. 

Faculty of Theology. 

Students intending to enter the Faculty of Theology should 
communicate with the Dean or Secretary of the Faculty. 

Registration of Theological Students . 

Registration will take place on Wednesday, October 4th, from 
2 to 4 p.m., when the Secretary of the Faculty and Professor 
Dodd will be present to give advice to students. Professor 
Dodd may be seen on subsequent days by appointment. 


Degree Days. 

Faculty of Technology. 

Candidates entering upon a course for a degree in the Faculty 
of Technology are required to have passed in Mathematics as a 
subject of the Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence 
satisfactory to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 

Intending students should apply direct to the Registrar, the 
College of Technology, Manchester. Early application is ad- 
visable, as the date of application will be considered when the 
allocation of places is made. 

Registration of Students in Technology. 

Enrolment will take place at the College of Technology but 
all students in the Faculty must subsequently sign the University 
Register in the University Buildings. Students will be enrolled 
on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, October 2nd, 3rd, and 
4th, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon and 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. 
Students should see at the time of their registration the 
Professor in charge of the Department in which they wish to 

Faculty of Education. 

Application for admission to courses in the FacuLty of 
Education should be made to the Dean or Secretary of the 

Applicants for admission to the Teacher’s Diploma course, 
who are not already students in the Training Department, must 
submit their applications not later than February 1st preceding 
the beginning of the session for which admission is sought, and 
applicants will be provisionally admitted as soon as possible. 
Applications received after February 1st can be considered only 
in special cases. 

Registration of Students in Education . 

Students will be registered on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- 
nesday, October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 
and 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., and on subsequent days between 10 a.m. 
and 1 p.m. 

H>egree iDa^s. 

The Ceremonials for conferring degrees will be held on 
December 19th, 1933, and July 6th and 7th, 1934, and on such 
other days as may be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor. 

Dates of Examinations. 


2>ates of Byammaticms. 

I. Terminal Glass Examinations. 

These examinations commence approximately on the following dates 

Michaelmas term December 13fch, 1933 

Lent term March 20th, 1931. 

II. Degree and Diploma Examinations in 1933-34. 

The dates of commencement of examinations given in the following 
time-tables are approximate and may be varied. Candidates most 
consult the Final Issue of the time-tables displayed on the University 

If, owing fio special circumstances, no fee is due for an examination or 
part of an examination, notice, in writing, must be sent to the Registrar 
on or before the date named for the payment of the fee. 

The attention of candidates is particularly invited to the following table, as 
the Rules as to dates for payment of Fees and for sending in Certificates will 
be strictly enforced. Candidates not in attendance during the session in which 
they are examined, must in all cases give notice and pay fees not later than 
February 1st. 

Certificates, Entrance Examination j ; 
; Matriculation Examination .... i 

Intermed. B.A., B.Sc., & B.Sc.Teeb i 
Ditto, Supplementary Exam. ... 

Final B.A., B.Sc., & B.Se.Tech. ... 

Final B.A., B.Sc., B.A. (Com.), B.A 

(Admin.), and B.So.Tech 

Candidates not in attendance 
during session in which exami- ! 
nation is taken. ! 

Intermediate & Final LL.B 

Honours Schools (B.A. and B.So.l .. 

3M.Sc., M.Sc.Tech., Thesis (under f 
Ord. T.) ', ! 

Ditto (Ord. II.) 


M.Sc.Tech. (Ord. I II.) ! 


M.A., M.A. (Com.), ALA. (Admin.), 1 
and LL.M., by Thesis j 

M.A., M A. (Corn.), and M.A. (Admin.), 
by Examination and Thesis 

M.Ed . f 


Preliminary and Final B.D. 

Liitt.D., DSp,LLD 1 & D.D i 

Date uf 


of Eiom, 

Last day for 
no. ice and 
payment of 

Last day for 
sending m 
Certificates of 

Oct. 4th 
July 6th. 

Sept. 28th. 
June 30th. 

June 4th. 
Sept. 17th 

March 15th. + 
Sept, lsfc.i 

June 4th. 

March 15th.* 

June 4fch. 

Feb. 1st. 

June 4th. 

March 15th.’ 

June 4th. 

March 15th. + 

March 1st 
or June 1st. 

Thesis to be 
, presented by 
May 24th 

1 or Sept. 15th. 


i March 1st 
i or June 1st. 

Thesis to be 
presented by 
! April 30th or 
i Sept. 15th. 



| March 1st. 

j Thesis to be 
presented by 
; April 30th. 

June 4th. 

June ith. 

: March 1st 
or June 1st 

March 1st. 


| March 1st. 
i March 15tli.* 

i Thesis to be 
| presented by 
■ April 30th 
: or Sept. 15th. 

' Thesis to be 
presented by 

1 April 30th. 

1 Thesis to be 
i presented by 
April 30th 

Candidates mubt make application to the 
Registrar on or hpfore January 31ht. 

Late entries ma\ be received up to March 21st on payment of an additional tee 
t Late entries maybe received up to September ath on payment of an additional fee, 
: See Syllabus of Joint Matriculation Board, obtainable from the Secretary, 
315, Oxford Road, Manchester, 13. 


Dates of Examinations, 

Degree and Diploma Examinations — continued . 

Date of 

of Exam. 

Last day for 
notice and 
payment of 

Last day for 
sending m 
Certificates of 

First Mus.B 

June 4th. 

March 15th. + 

Second Mus.B 

June 4fch. 

March 15th. * 

Third Mus.B 

June 4th. 

Exercise Fee, 
Mar. 30th. 
Exam. Fee, 
March 15fch.* 

Exercise to be 
sent in by 
April 1st. 


June 4th. 

Exercise Fee, 
Mar. 30th. 
Exam . Fee, 
March 15th. + 

to be sent 
in by 

March 30th. 

B.A.(Com.), and B. A. (Admin ) 

June 4th. 

March 15th.* 

First M.B.: 

Chemistry, Physics | 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 18th. 
Sept. 1st. 

Zoology j 

March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 18th. 
May 1st. 

Botany j 

Nov. 30th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Oct. 20th. 
Sept. 1st. 

Second M.B ( 

March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 18i.U. 
May 1st. 

Third M.B -j 

Nov. 30fch. 
June 18th. 

Oct. 20th. 
May 1st. 

Nov. 24th. 
June 10th. 

Final M.B { 

"Nov. 30th. 
June 18th. 

Oct. 20th. 

| May 1st. 

Nov. 24th. 
June 10th. 

M.B { 

June 18th. 

May 1st. 
to be sent in 

by May 1st. 


June 18tb. 

May 1st. 

First B.D.S. Chemistry, Physics ... -j 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 18th. 
Sept. 1st. 

Zoology ( 

March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 19fch. 
May 1st. 

Botany j 

Nov. 30th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Oct. 20th. 
Sept. 1st. 

First B.D.S j 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 18th. 
Sept, 1st. 

Second B.D.S j 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 38th. 
Sept. 1st. 

March 1st. 
July 18fih. 

Second B.D.S. : 

Zoology | 

March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 18th. 
May 1st. 




Nov. 30th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Oct. 20th. 
Sept. 1st. 

Dental Metallurgy and Dental j 
Mechanics 1 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. ISth. 
Sept. 1st. 

March 1st. 
July 18th. 

Third B.D.S. and Third D.D.S. ... j 

Nov. 30th. 
June 18th. 

Oct. 20th. 
May 1st. 

Nov. 24th. 

Late entries may be received up to Maroh 21st on payment of an additional fee. 

Dates of Examinations. 

Degree and Diploma Examinations — continued . 


Final B.D.S. and Final L.D.S. j 

Diploma in Geography 

Diploma in Public Health (Part I.) j 

Diploma in Public Health (Part II.) -j 

Diploma in Bacteriology 

Diploma in Veterinary State j 
Medicine 1 

Teacher’s Diploma -J 

Diploma in Psychological Medicine ( 
(Part I) 1 

Diploma in Psychological Medicine { 
(Part II) t 

Higher Commercial Certificate 

Certificate in Public Administration 

Certificate in Technology 

Certificate of Distinction in Tech- 
nology ’ 

Certificate in Biblical Knowledge ) 
Certificate in Theology » 

i Date of Last day for 

commencement J notice and 
of Exam. ; payment of 

j Nov. 30th. 
, June 18th. 

t June 4th. 

j June 18th. 
j Oct. 8th. 

{ June 22nd. 
j Oct. 11th. 

I June 18th. , 
! Oct. 8th. t 

j 1 

Prac., March | 

jWritt'n, June j 

March 12th. i 
.Tune 18th. 

i t 

* June 25th. 
j Nov. 30th. 

| June 4th. 

! June 4th. 

I June 4th. 


June 4th. 

i Oct. 20th. 

| May 1st. j 

March 15th. + 1 

May 1st. j 
Sept. 1st. j 

May 1st. 
Sept. 1st. 

May 1st. 

May 1st. 
Sept. 1st. 

March lst.* 

Feb. 18th. 
May 1st. 

May 1st. 
Oct. 20th. 

j March 15th.* 

| March 15th. 

March 15th.* 

March 1st. 
or June 1st. 

March 15th. 

Last day for 
sending in 
Certificates of 

Nov. 24th. 
June 10th. 

•Tune 10th. 
Sept. 22nd. 

Jane 10th. 
Sept. 22nd. 

| June let. 

| June 10th. 

I Sept 22nd. 

: March 1st. 
| June 10th. 


f June 10th. 
Nov. 24th. 

Thesis to be 
presented by 
May 24th 
or Sept. 15fch. 

, i j 

*Liate entries may be received up to Marcb 21st on payment of an additional fee. 

Sets of Examination Papers are published for Sale 
and may be obtained from the Secretary to the University 
Press, 23, Lime Grove, Oxford Road, Manchester, 15. 




Cheques for fees , which are due at the time of registration, should 
he made payable to the order of "'The Bursar, the Victoria University 
of Manchester," and crossed ee District Bank Limited." 

NOTE. — The Council reserve the right to alter any of these fees 
without previous notice. 

Class ifees. 

The Men’s Union fee was increased by 10s. 6d. as from Session 
1930-31 : this causes the difference in the Composition Fees for Men 
and Women in which the Union Fee is inclusive. 

Students registering for the first time and paying Composition 
Fees are supplied free with a copy of the University Calendar . 
The charge for a further copy is three shillings. 

I. Composition Fees for Ordinary and Honours Deoree 




Ordinary B.A., per session 

30 J guineas. 



„ B.Sc., where no Laboratory 

Course is taken, per session 30 J 


9 * 

,, B.Sc. (excluding Engineering), 

with a Laboratory Course 
in one subject, per session 35£ 




,, B.Sc. (excluding Engineering), 

with Laboratory Courses in 
more than one subject, per 




, B.Sc. Engineering, first and 

second years, per session ... 





Third year, per session ... 





* Honours Courses : 

Faculty of Arts. 

Any Honours Courses in the 
Faculty of Arts, except Archi- 
tecture, per session 





Architecture, first, second, and third 
years, per session 





Fourth and fifth years, per 





+ £7 of this fee is i*eturnable in the second year in the case of students in the 
Honours Schools of English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish, proceeding to 
a foreign Institution approved by the Board of the Faculty of Arts. 

Fees . 


Men. Women. 

Faculty of Science . 

Mathematics, per session 30J guineas. 30 guineas. 

Zoology, Botany, Psychology, or 
Geography and Anthropology 
(Science) per session 384 „ 3S „ 

Physics, Geology, Physiology, 

Anatomy or General Science, 

per session 40£ „ 40 „ 

Chemistry or Metallurgy, per 

session 42J „ 42 „ 

Engineering, per session 45£ „ 45 „ 

The above Composition Fees include the Registration, Library, 
Students’ Union and Athletic Union fees. 

B.A. (Com.) or B.A. (Admin.), 20 guineas per session. 

In cases where a Laboratory Course is selected as one of the 
subjects, 24 guineas per session. 

Candidates for Distinction pay 7 guineas in addition. 

LL.B., 16 guineas for the first and 12 guineas for each of 
the second and third sessions. 

The above Composition Fees include the Registration, Library, 
and Athletic Union fees. 

M.B., Ch.B. Men . Women. 

First M.B 404 guineas. 40 guineas. 

Remaining years of Medical Course 
(payable in equal instalments 
at the beginning of the second 
third, fourth, and fifth years 

of study) 114 „ 112 ,, 

The above Composition Fees include the University Registra- 
tion, Library, Students’ Union, and Athletic Union fees for the 
sessions in which an instalment of the Composition Fee is paid. 
The Composition Fees payable in the second, third, fourth, and 
fifth years also include the Medical Students’ Representative 
Council fees. 

Hospital Composition Fees : 

Royal Infirmary 60 guineas. 60 guineas. 

St. Mary’s Hospitals (payable 
at the respective 

institutions) 29 ,, 29 

1 1 


Women . 



(payable in equal instalments at 
the beginning of the first, 
second and - third years of 

study) 96 guineas. 9 guineas. 

The above Composition Fees include the University Registra- 
tion, Library, Students’ Union, and Athletic Union fees for the 
sessions in which an instalment of the Composition Fee is paid. 

Dental Hospital Fee 160 guineas. 160 guineas. 

General Ef«>>pital Fee (payable at 

Manchester Royal Infirmary) 15 ,, 15 „ 

Mus.B. 2 u guineas for First Mus.JB. Course ; in subsequent 
years according to classes taken. 

The above Composition Fee includes the Registration, 
Library, and Athletic Union Fees. 

Mus.D *15 guineas. 

B.D. Average per session, about ... guineas. 

B.Sc.Tech., per session, about *£40 — £60. 

II. Fees for Diploma antd Certificate Courses. 
Diploma in Geography : 

Composition Fee ... :;: 10 guineas. 

Tf the candidate is in attendance during two 
sessions, the fee for the second session 
is 5 guineas. 

Diploma in Bacteriology » Dp.Bact. and Diploma 
in Pathology \ Dip. Path.) : 

Composition Fee 34 ,, 

Fee for Apparatus 6 ,, 

' laboratory Course. - 
Diploma in I dentistry ;L.D.S. : 

payable in e|ual instalments at the begin- 
ning of the first, second, and third years 

Jfen. Women. 

ofsTudv. $»3 guineas. 844 guineas. 

Tijrf above Deutid Composition fee includes 
t!ie Library, Students’ Union, and 
Athletic Union fees for the sessions in 
which an instalment of the Composition 
Fee is paid. 

' P«Ts 'jns uLo La. -its cot a.rea..y puid a n ■j.-strat^cn toe- in this Universitv for a 
ti.rc-e :< a‘ir fl : av ;t ro^-t^at.on tots o i ill. 1«. per session in addition. 
; -b;s:- + rat-r*u ise . >t £} r <y -e"Ci r., uhieL includes the Library and 
A?' Itr, j ./n*- n „n rt.- in. 

. ft-ea im* TV-r.-e an I ‘ L'-e- ai the Faculty of Technology 

■t ~er t..: » ert Vo-ji .n Puoto jiv^Lic Teonnoloi’y are': 

: Y ' r . "-<?-*> fr *-l« Ywi- • Isle* ' a* 3 S. 16 s. 6 d. per session. 

- or ,r !l\ •— :r-. the Er:tl-L I'ies . . i‘5S. ids. Cd. per session. 

- - r f t iVe-, mclrde the Library and Athletic 

i'ft-*, are i •■T.’t' in d ::».us : F;r-,t i*3. 3s ; Second year, £2 12 h 6d. ; 

i.i.rd 5 -*’.:r, j£2 1 w.tL tie fees b-r tie Students’ Union (£1. 4sO. 

... .‘.f.’ ,a::‘ , i>: . :e; o«.:. 



Dental Hospital Fee . 125 guineas. 

Dental Hospital Fee for students who have 
received approved instruction from a 

registered Dentist 25 ,, 

General Hospital Fee 10 ,, 

Diploma in Psychological Medicine (D.P.M.) : 

Composition Fee 25 ,, 

(This fee does not include the Hospital Fee 
for Clinical Instruction.) 

Diploma in Public Health (D.P.H.) : 

Composition Fee for both parts 34 r , 

Fee for Part L alone 22 ,, 

Fee for Part II. alone 12 „ 

(These fees do not include attendance at a 
Health Office or at a Fever Hospital. ; 

Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine (D.V.S.M.) : 

Fee for Lecture and Practical Courses given 

in the Laboratory, Parts T. and II. ... 20 ,, 

Practical Instruction in the duties of 
Veterinary Inspection, under an 
approved Veterinary Surgeon, for 

Part II. Normal Fee 10 „ 

(to be paid direct to the Veterinary 
Inspector concerned). 

■^Diploma in Social Study : 

For first year 16 ,, 

For second year 12 ,, 

For persons excused one year’s attendance 22 ,, 

Men. Women. 

§Teacher’s Diploma £35 10 6 £35 

§Course for Certificate for Non-Graduate 

Teachers £35 10 6 £35 

§Course for Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf £35 10 6 £35 

§Certificate in Architecture : 

For first, second and third years, 

per session 41 J guineas. 41 guineas. 

For fourth and fifth years, per 

session 28i ,, 28 ,, 

JCertificate in Engineering : 

For first and second years 45 J ,, 45 „ 

For third year 40| ,, 40 ,, 

§These Composition Fees include the fees for the 
Library, Students’ Union, and Athletic Union. 

* Persons who have not already paid a Registration Fee in this University for 
a period of three years, will pay a Registration Fee of £1. Is. per session. 

Dates of Examinations. 

Degree and Diploma Examinations — continued . 

Date of 

of Exam. 

Last day for 
notice and 
payment of 

Last day for 
sending m 
Certificates of 

First Mus.B 

June 4th. 

March 15th. * 

Second Mus.B 

June 4 th. 

March 15tli. * 

Third Mus.B 

June 4th. 

Exercise Fee, 
Mar. 30th. 
Exam. Fee, 
March 15th. * 

Exercise to be 
sent in by 
April 1st. 


June 4th. 

Exercise Fee, 
Mar. 30th. 
Exam . Fee, 
March 15th. * 

to be sent 
in by 

March 30th. 

B.A.(Gom.) t and B. A. (Admin ) 

June 4th. 

March 15th.* 

First M.B. : 

Chemistry, Physics | 

March 12bh. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 18th. 
Sept. 1st. 

Zoology ( 

March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 18th. 
May 1st. 

Botany j 

Nov. 80th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Oct. 20th. 
Sept. 1st. 

Second M.B ( 

March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 18 th. 
May 1st. 

Third M.B -j 

Nov. 30th. 
June 18th. 

Oct. 20th. 
May 1st. 

Nov. 24th. 
June 10th. 

Final M.B { 

'Nov. 30th. 
June 18th. 

Oct. 20th. 

| May 1st. 

Nov. 24th. 
June 10th. 

M.B \ 

June 18th. 

May 1st. 

bo be sent in by May 1st. 


June 18tb. 

May 1st. 

First B.D.S. Chemistry, Physics ... j 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 18th. 
Sept. 1st. 

Zoology j 

March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 19th. 
May 1st. 

Botany j 

Nov. 30th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Oct. 20th. 
Sept. 1st. 

First B.D.S j 

March 12bh. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 18th. 
Sept, 1st. 

Second B.D.S j 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. 18th. 
Sept. 1st. 

March 1st. 
July 18fih. 

Second B.D.S. : 


March 12th. 
June 18th. 

Feb. 18th. 
May 1st. 




Nov. 30th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Oct. 20th. 
Sept. 1st. 

... ... 

Dental Metallurgy and Dental j 
Mechanics 1 

March 12th. 
Sept. 17th. 

Feb. ISth. 
Sept. 1st. 

March 1st. 
July 18th. 

Third B.D.S. and Third B.D.S. ... j 

Nov. 30th. 
June 18th. 

Oct. 20th. 
May 1st. 

Nov. 24th. 

Late entries may be received up to March 21st on payment of an additional fee. 



IV. Fees foe Ph.D. Candidates. 

(а) Registration Fee on admission to course (for others than 
graduates of this University), £5. 

(б) Sessional Fee for supervision and tuition (a deduction 
being made for each term kept at another approved institution) : 
Faculties of Science, Medicine, and Technology, 12 guineas to 
17 guineas (according to subject taken) ; other Faculties, 9 guineas. 

V. Fees foe Occasional Students. 

The Lecture fees in the Faculties of Arts and Science are, for a 
Class meeting for one hour per week throughout the session, 
£3. 3s., and £ 2 . 2s. for each additional hour except where 
otherwise stated. 

In the Faculty of Theology the fees are slightly lower. The 
fee for Graduate Research in Theology is £3. 3s. per session. 

The Laboratory fees are, for one day (6 hours) throughout the 
session, £7. 7s., and £6. Os. for each additional day. 

The fees for the separate classes in the Faculty of Medicine 
will he found in the Prospectus of that Faculty. 

Occasional students (taking not more than two classes) are 
required to pay a special registration fee of £1 . Is., which 
includes the use of the Library. If such students desire to 
become members of the various Unions, they may do so on 
payment of the following fees : 




Men's Union ... 



6 per session. 

Women’s Union 

... 1 



Men’s Athletic Union ... 



0 „ 

Women’s Athletic Union 



0 „ 

jfccs for xanipersitfi JEjaminations anfc 
Conferment of iDecjrees. 

Note. — (1) A candidate for examination who is not in attendance is 
required to send to the Registrar, on or before February 1st 
in the yeai of examination , notice of his intention to be 
examined, together with the fee for the examination ; 
candidates who are in attendance must pay fees, and give 
notice of their intention to present themselves by the 
required date (see pages 389 to 341) 

(2) These fees are subject to revision, without notice, from time 

to time. 

(3) No fee will entitle to admittance to more than one examination 

(4) A fee paid for an examination is not returnable, nor is it 

carried forward to the next examination except by sperial 
permission. Application for such permission must be 
made within one month after the date of the examination 
for which the fee was paid, and must be accompanied bj 
the receipt for the examination fee. 



1. Examinations. 

All Faculties. 


Matriculation Examination* ... £2 0 0 

Entrance Examination 

(for Certificate candidates) f 2 2 0 

Degree of Ph.D. : 

Fee on application to be examined 
Fee for each subsequent examination 

Fee for each 
£2 0 0 

if taken in October 
of the same year, 
10 0 0 
10 0 0 

10/6 each subject. 
10/6 each subject 

Faculty of Arts. 

Intermediate B. A. Examination 10/6 each subject. 
General B.A. Examination 
Special B.A. Examination 
Intermediate subject for Honours 


Final Honours Examination (except 
Architecture) : 

Part I 

Part II 

Final Honours Examination in 
Architecture : 

Part I. a 

Part I. b 

Part II. 

Certificate in Architecture Exami- 
nation : 

Part I. a 
Part I. b 

Part II. 

M.A. thesis^ ... 

M.A. Examination, including the 

presentation of the thesis ... 3 8 

..10/6 each subject 
. .10/6 each subject 
..10/6 each subject 

10/6 each subject. .. 10/6 each subject 

Diploma in Geography Examination 
Litt.D. thesis 












10/6 each subject 
10/6 each subject 
10 /6 each subject 
£* 3 0 

2 2 0 
for examination, 
for thesis 8 3 0 

3 3 0 

10 10 0 

Faculty of Science. 
Examination in 

Special Entrance 
First M.B. and Ch.B. Examination!’.! 
First B.D.S. Examination ... 

First L.D.S. Examination ... 

0 10 
3 8 

6 6 
3 3 

3 3 

3 3 

2 2 

.‘^rscs’of oT*«i ee *° r examination when taken by forms or 
t J tLe Joint ’\riViSiiS n t^ os ?? on l 5, application should be made to the 
7 ; - - - \ ° nt Matriculation Board. 315, Oxford Road, Manchester, 13. 

.. 7V la B«nage other than French or German 

i-v kt m .tmn, r Zt later i-?i Ce °t language, and pay the fees for* 

-■ I u£ ^ li n „ "Jar o* ni and September iilat respectively. In the 

-■ ’fee for S F;^ l n r 81 ^’ an extra fee of £1. Is., in Addition 
he Rntianee Examination, will be charged, fox* each 

ersons who are not graduates of this University pay an exemption fee. 

- e normal 
f -a-.^xation. 



Faculty of Science— continued. 

Fee for each 

Fee re-examination 

Intermediate B.Sc. Examination (or 

any part) 







Intermediate B.Sc. Examination 

(Candidates exempted from 

any part) 








Final B.Sc. Examination 








Final Honours (except Mathematics) 

Examination : 

Fart I. 





Part II. 





Honours Examination in Mathe- 

matics : 

Fart I 





Fart II 




. . 


Part III 





Part I., with one Inter- 

mediate Subject ... 





M.Sc. thesis* 




. .. 




Certificate in Engineering Exami- 

nation ... 







Diploma in Bacteriology Exami- 









D.Sc. thesis* ... 








Faculty of 


Intermediate LL.B. Examination ... 








Final LL.B. Examination ... 








LL.M. thesis*... 








LL.D. thesis*... 







Faculty of Medicine, 

Special Entrance Examination in 






Special Entrance Examination in 

Latin ... 





First M.B. and Ch.B. Examination... 







Second M.B. and Ch.B. Examination 







Third M.B. and Ch.B. Examination 







Final Examination ... 







Ch.M. Examination ... 








M.D. Examination or thesis 







First B.D.S. Examination ... 







Second B.D.S. Examination 







Third B.D.S. Examination ... 








Final B.D.S. Examination ... 








M.D.S. Examination or thesis 








First L.D.S. Examination ... 







Second L.D.S. Examination 








* Persons who are not graduates of this University pay an exemption fee. 

Session 1933*4934 

Hfcmisston aitb IReglstratton of Students. 

The Session extends from Thursday, October oth, 1933, 
to Saturday, July 7th, 1934. It is divided into the following 
terms, viz. : 

Commencement. Termination . 

Michaelmas term ... October 5th, 1933 ... December 1 if th, 1933 

Lent term January 11th, 1934 ... March 27th, 1934, 

Summer term April 19th, 1934 ... July 7th, 1931. 

Degree Days : December 19th, 1938. 

July Gth and 7th, 1934. 

In the Faculty of Technology the dates are as above, with 
the addition of the Long Vacation term, July 9th to July 27th, 
1934. Students who are able to obtain an approved course of 
practical training extending over not less than two months in a 
works or otherwise will be excused the Long Vacation term. 

Persons seeking admission are required : 

(a) To have attained the age of 16 years ; in the case of 
women students, 17 years. 

(b) To produce a testimonial of good character. 

(c) To have passed the Matriculation or other examination 
required for the course to be taken, or, in the case 
of students not entering for a degree, diploma, or 
certificate, to give such evidence of proficiency as 
may be satisfactory to the Vice-Chancellor. 

( d ) To sign a declaration that they will observe the 
Regulations of the University, 

The Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, may exclude 
from the University and refuse to re- admit any students whose progress 
in their studies shall be deemed unsatisfactory. 

The normal period of study for the degree of Bachelor extends 
over three years, except in the case of the courses leading to the 
degrees of B.A. with Honours in Architecture, Classics, or 
Philosophy, M.B. and Ch.B., and B.D.S. 

Students are required, before entering upon a course of study 
leading (a) to a degree, to have passed the Matriculation Exami- 
nation of the Joint Matriculation Board or to have obtained a 
certificate of exemption as having passed an examination accepted 



Faculty of Technology. 


Intermediate B.Sc.Tech. Examination 

(or any part) ... ... ... £2 2 0 

Intermediate B.Sc.Tech. Examination 
(Candidates exempted from 
any part) ... ... ... 110 

Final B.Sc.Tech. Examination (Ordi- 
nary Courses) ... ... 2 2 0 

Final B.Sc. Tech. Examination 
(Higher Courses) : 

Part I. ... ... ... 2 2 0 

Part II. ... ... ... 110 

M.Sc.Tech. thesis* ... ... ... 3 SO 

Certificate in Technology Examination 2 2 0 

Certificate of Distinction in Tech- 
nology thesis ... ... ... 330 

Certificate in Industrial Administra- 
tion Examination ... ... 3 3 0 

Fee for each 

£2 2 0 
2 2 0 

3 3 0 

2 2 0 

3 3 0 

3 3 0 

Faculty of Education. 

M.Ed. thesis* 4*4 0 ... 330 

Preliminary Examination for M.Ed. 

Course ... ... ... 3 3 0 ... 330 

Teacher's Diploma Examination ... 330 ... 330 

Non-Graduate Teacher's Certificate 

Examination ... ... 330 ... 330 

Teachers of the Deaf Certificate 

Examination ... ... ... 330 ... 3 80 

Teacher’s Diploma and Teachers of 
the Deaf Certificate Exami- 
nations, taken together ... 440 ... 440 

: 2 . Exemptions. 

Candidates exempted from any University examinations are 
required to pay the fee for such examinations before com- 
mencing their course of study. Persons who are not graduates 
of this University, studying for the degree of M.A. or M.Se. 
or LL.M. or M.A. (Com.) or ALA. (Admin. ,i or M.Sc.Tech., under 
Clause 2 of the respective Ordinances tor these degi*ees, or 
studying for the degree of M.Ed., are required to pay the 
following exemption fees, which are additional to the fees for 
supervision and for the examination of the thesis : Graduates of 
other Universities, £3. 3s. ; persons who are not graduates, 
£10. 10s. 

Candidates for the degrees of D.Sc., LL.D., and D.D. 
respectively, who are not graduates of this University are 
required to pay a fee of £8. 8s. before commencing their course 
of study. 

* Parsons who are not graduates of this University pay an exemption fee. 

I 2 


Research Degrees. 


The fees for conferment of degrees, which do not include any 
fees for examination or thesis, are as follows : 

Degree of 13. A. or B.Sc. or LL.B. or M.B. and Ch.B. 
or Mus.B. or B. A. (Coni.) or B.A. (Admin.) or B.D. 
or B.Sc.Tech. or B.D.S., £8. 8s. 

Degree of M.A. or M.Sc. or LL.M. or M.A. (Com.) or 
M.A. (Admin.) or M.Sc.Tech. or M.D.S. or M.Ed., 
£8. 8s. 

Degree of Oli.M., £10. 10s. 

Degree of Litt.D. or D.Sc. or LL.D., or D.D., £5. 5s. 

Degree of M.D., £9. 9s. 

Degree of Mus.D., £8. 8e. 

Degree of Ph.D., £5. 

Diploma in Dentistry, £8. 8s. 

IResearcb 2>egcees* 

Research degrees have been instituted by the University, 
open to graduates or persons who have passed the degree 
examination of other approved Universities, and under certain 
conditions to candidates not so qualified. 

In all cases graduates r#f other Universities, or non-graduates 
studying for the degree uf Master, shall be required at the 
beginning of the prescribed period of study to register as 
University students and apply for recognition to the Faculty 

The ordinances which have been adopted will be found in 
the following pages : 

Master of Arts, page 402. 

Master of Science, page 52»>. 

Master > f Laws, page 545. 

Master of Arts in Commerce, page 627. 

Master of Arts in Administration, page 627. 

Master of Technical Science, page 676. 

Master of Education, page 695. 

Itoctor of Philosophy, page 399. 

Doctor of 1 .etters, page 471. 

Doctor of Science, page 53U. 

Ductcr »■? Law=, page 546. 

Doctor of Music, c.ige 617. 

D.etor cf Divinity, page 646. 

V:.** list f prescribed fees payable by all students presenting 
themselves Lr exam:nar:«;n ur sending in theses will be found 
in j at:-es^547 — 352. 

Convocation Ordinances. 


Details of the fees for supervision payable by research 
students preparing for the degree of Master "and for the degree 
of Ph.D. are given on pages 346 and 347. 

All research students must fulfil the University requirements 
as to registration. 

©finances regarding Convocation* 

1. The Register of Convocation shall be kept by the Univer- 
sity Registrar, who shall supply a copy to the Clerk of Convoca- 
tion whenever required. 

2. The Registrar shall enter upon the Register the 
names of those entitled to be members of Convocation, and shall 
remove from the Register the names of any who shall have 
ceased by death, by resignation of office, or otherwise, to be 
members of Convocation. 

3. The names of all persons who graduate in the University 
after the year 1914 shall be entered on the Register.* 

Summons of Convocation. 

4. The date of the ordinary annual meeting of Convocation 
shall be the third Wednesday in January or such other date as 
may be determined by the Chairman. 

5. A postal list of members of Convocation shall be compiled 
and shall include the names of all the members who signify their 
wish to receive notices of meetings of Convocation. For the 
compilation of the postal list a circular shall be sent to all 
members of Convocation at least once every three years. A 
similar circular shall he sent to all Graduates when their names 
are entered as members of Convocation . (Note. — Special 
Ordinances apply to the summoning of a meeting and the 
procedure to be followed for the election of a Chancellor of the 

6. Not less than twenty-one days before every meeting of 
Convocation the Clerk shall send to each member of Convocation 
on the postal list, and to the Registrar notice of such 
meeting. If it is part of the business of such meeting to elect 
the Chairman of Convocation or the Clerk, it shall be so stated in 
the notice. 

7. Not less than fourteen days before every meeting of Con- 
vocation the Registrar shall send to the Clerk of Convocation 
notice of such business as the Court or Council may desire to 
refer to Convocation. 

* PerBOD s Tvho graduated in the University prior to the year 1915 may become 
members of Convocation on payment of a fee of five shillings. 


Faculty of Technology. 


Intermediate B.Sc.Tech. Examination 

(or any part) ... ... ... £2 2 0 

Intermediate B.Sc.Tech. Examination 
(Candidates exempted from 
any part) ... ... ... 110 

Final B.Sc.Tech. Examination (Ordi- 
nary Courses) ... ... 2 2 0 

Final B.Sc. Tech. Examination 
(Higher Courses) : 

Part I. ... ... ... 2 2 0 

Part II. ... ... ... 110 

M.Sc.Tech. thesis* ... ... ... 3 SO 

Certificate in Technology Examination 2 2 0 

Certificate of Distinction in Tech- 
nology thesis ... ... ... 330 

Certificate in Industrial Administra- 
tion Examination ... ... 3 3 0 

Fee for each 

£2 2 0 
2 2 0 

3 3 0 

2 2 0 

3 3 0 

3 3 0 

Faculty of Education. 

M.Ed. thesis* 4*4 0 ... 330 

Preliminary Examination for M.Ed. 

Course ... ... ... 3 3 0 ... 330 

Teacher's Diploma Examination ... 330 ... 330 

Non-Graduate Teacher's Certificate 

Examination ... ... 330 ... 330 

Teachers of the Deaf Certificate 

Examination ... ... ... 330 ... 3 80 

Teacher’s Diploma and Teachers of 
the Deaf Certificate Exami- 
nations, taken together ... 440 ... 440 

: 2 . Exemptions. 

Candidates exempted from any University examinations are 
required to pay the fee for such examinations before com- 
mencing their course of study. Persons who are not graduates 
of this University, studying for the degree of M.A. or M.Se. 
or LL.M. or M.A. (Com.) or ALA. (Admin. ,i or M.Sc.Tech., under 
Clause 2 of the respective Ordinances tor these degi*ees, or 
studying for the degree of M.Ed., are required to pay the 
following exemption fees, which are additional to the fees for 
supervision and for the examination of the thesis : Graduates of 
other Universities, £3. 3s. ; persons who are not graduates, 
£10. 10s. 

Candidates for the degrees of D.Sc., LL.D., and D.D. 
respectively, who are not graduates of this University are 
required to pay a fee of £8. 8s. before commencing their course 
of study. 

* Parsons who are not graduates of this University pay an exemption fee. 

I 2 

Convocation Ordinances. 


14. The Clerk shall send to every member of Convocation, 
not less than seven days prior to the meeting- at which the 
election of the Chancellor is to be made, a circular letter 
containing a list of all candidates who have been duly nominated, 
and a list of the persons nominating- them ; and also a voting 1 
paper, stating the names of the candidates, with a direction to 
such member to write his initials against the name of the candidate 
for whom he votes, and to sign the paper ; and in case he desires 
to vote without being present at the meeting, to post such 
voting paper to the Clerk of Convocation, at the University, so 
as to arrive before the hour appointed for the meeting. 

15. All voting papers sent to the Clerk by post shall bear on 
the outside the words “Voting Paper.” 

16. The Clerk shall, on the day of the meeting, deliver 
unopened the voting papers which he has received to the 
Chairman so soon as the Chairman shall have appointed two 
scrutineers to examine the voting papers, and to ascertain the 
result of the election. 

17. Those members who are present at the meeting, and 
have not previously forwarded their voting papers to the 
Clerk, shall deliver their voting papers to the scrutineers within 
half an hour after their appointment. In any case of doubt as 
to the validity of any vote the question shall be referred to and 
determined by the Chairman. 

18. As soon as the scrutineers shall have ascertained the 
result of the election, they shall deliver it in writing to the 
Chairman, who shall at once publish it to the meeting ; and a 
copy of the result, duly attested by the signature of the 
Chairman, shall be forwarded by the Clerk to the Registrar. 
Unless the meeting otherwise determine the voting papers shall 
be destroyed by the scrutineers at the close of the meeting. 

Election of Members of the University Court by Convocation. 

19. Whenever any vacancy or vacancies shall occur in the 
number of members of the University Court elected by Convoca- 
tion, the Registrar shall immediately report the same to 
the Clerk of Convocation ; and should the Council desire a 
Special Meeting of Convocation to be convened to elect such 
member or members of the Court, then the Registrar shall 
send notice thereof to the Clerk of Convocation not less than 
twenty-eight days before the day appointed for such meeting. 

C f mvoca tinn O rd in a nces . 


20. Not less than twenty-one days previous to any meeting 
at which a member or members of the Court shall be elected, the 
Clerk shall send a circular letter to every member of Convoca- 
tion on the postal list at his registered address, stating at what 
time the meeting is to be held and the number of persons to be 
elected, and calling attention to the following regulation : — 

No candidate shall be deemed to be duly nominated for 
election at any meeting unless a proposition for such nomination, 
in writing, signed by live members of Convocation at least, shall 
have been transmitted to the Clerk not less than fourteen days 
previous to the date of the meeting at which the election is to 
he made. 

21. The Clerk shall send to every member of Convocation 
on the postal list, not less than seven days prior to the meeting 
at which the election is to be made, a circular letter containing a 
list of all candidates who have been duly nominated, and a list of 
the persons nominating them ; and should more candidates have 
been duly nominated than there are vacancies to be filled he shall 
also send a voting paper, stating the names of the candidates, with 
a direction to such member to write his initials against the names 
of the candidates for whom he votes and to sign the paper ; and 
in case lie desires to vote without being present at the meeting 
to post such voting paper to the Clerk of Convocation at the 
University, so as to arrive before the hour appointed for the 

22. All voting papers sent to the Clerk by post shall bear on 
the outside the words 4 6 Voting Paper/’ 

23. The Clerk shall, on the day of the meeting, deliver un- 
opened the voting papers which he has received to the Chairman 
so soon as the Chairman shall have appointed two scrutineers to 
examine the voting papers and to ascertain the result of the 

24. Those members who are present at the meeting, and 
have riot previously forwarded their voting papers to the Clerk, 
shall deliver their voting papers to the scrutineers within half an 
hour after their appointment. In any case of doubt as to the 
validity of any vote the question shalf be referred to and deter- 
mined by the Chairman. 

25. As s jon as the scrutineers shall have ascertained the 
result of the election, they shall deliver it, in writing, to the 
L vmo shall at once publish it to the meeting; and a 
c^py ti;e result, duly attested by the signature of the Chair- 
man, sunk rje f warded by the Clerk to the Registrar. 
Unless the meeting f tnerwise determine the voting papers shall 
be destroyed by the scrutineers at the close of the meeting. 

District Groups of Convocation 

district ©roups of Convocation. 


Manchester Group. 

The Manchester Group of Convocation was inaugurated in 
February, 1932. Its objects are to foster and maintain a link 
between graduates and their University, to provide opportunity 
for past students to meet and associate, to assist in the formation 
of sections within the Group consisting of members possessing 
interests in common, and to aid in the development of the 

Membership (Annual subscription, 2/6d.) is open to all 
members of Convocation, both men and women residing in 
Manchester and the surrounding district. 

(Non-graduates who have been enrolled as students in the 
University for at least one academic year are admitted as 
“ Associate members.”) 

Graduates of the University may be enrolled as members by 
sending the following particulars to the Honorary Secretary : 

Full Name ; Degree and Year of Graduation ; Permanent 
Address, together with the first Annual subscription. 

Meetings are held monthly in the Union during the University 

The following sections have been formed : — Music and 
Dramatic ; Social Service ; Rambling. 

Chairman , 1932-33 : Dr. F. E. Tylecote, Heaton Lodge, 
Heaton Mersey. 

Honorary Secretary : Dr. A. Coulthard, 136, Barlow Moor 
Road, West Didsbury. 

Assistant Hon . Secretary : Miss Marjorie Jenkins, Lyme 
House, Brooklands, Cheshire. 

Further information may be obtained from the Honorary 

London Group. 

The London Group was formed in March, 1931. A list was 
compiled of the past students and ex-members of the teaching 
staff of the University who were residing in or near London. 

This list is probably far from complete, but the attempt is 
made to collect the names of all ex-members of the University, 
and the Secretaries will be very glad to receive any further 

H5S Cnirersitjj Parliamentary Constituency. 

A Dinner was held in 1931 anrl also in 1932, the chair being 
taken by the Chancellor oil each occasion. The guests of honour 
have Wen Lord Rutherford, Professor Alexander, Professor 
Elliott .Smith and Air. J. R. Clynes. It is intended that this dinner 
*hull be an annual function and held during October. 

During 1932 an informal tea and re-union was held at the 
University of Lout Ion Club, and this year a visit has been paid 
to the Rotlianwred Experimental Station under the kind 
hospitality uf Sir John Unwell. 

Chit * u > : S] r Sydney J. Chapman. 

: Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Ormerod, 22, Upper 
AVimpole Street, W.l. 

Leeds Grot;p. 

A AVe<t Riding Old Owensians Association has been in exis- 
tence for the last year. Its object is to provide fellowship for past 
members of our University who are resident in the AVest Riding 
and to welcome tho>e of our University who come new to the 
district. The Association L open to all past or present students 
uf tlie University, a red newcomer* are cordially invited to write 
to the 

^tcrtfary : Dr. F. C. Happold, School of Ale di cine, University 
ut L* j e* I*. 

^University parliamentary Constituency, 

Ry the provisions »»i‘ the Representation of the People Act, 
Hi IS, the \ icinria 1 ni versify uf Manchester forms part of the 
English T ni“ ersi:; Constituency, which returns two members to 
Parliament * 

A r er*or eutir led to hr registered as a Parliamentary 
elect - t proviu»-iI that be or ^Le has attained the age ;>f 21 years, is 
not subject to any legal incapacity, and has received a degree 
{other than an Honorary Degree j at the Univ**rsitv. 

Ice University L nrt. ’ii the ci.erc:te of powers conferred 
upon it. ny section 1 9 *.f the Act. has Ini*! do w n the following 
con (linens of regi st ra t i or. * 

(i.) Poisons who graduate for the first time in the ATctoria 
University of Manchester after December 1st, 1925, and 
wno are otherwise qualified will be placed upon the 
Pari lame nra ry Register without payment of a registration 
fee. [It will be necessary for the graduate to fill in the 
registration form,] 

Academic Costume. 


(ii.) Persons who graduated in the Victoria University of 
Manchester previous to December 1st, 1925, and who 
are otherwise qualified, will be placed upon the Parlia- 
mentary Register upon the payment of the registration 
fee of 10s. 

Claims may be made up to July 3 1st in each year and the 
Register will come into effect from October 1st following. 

Forms of Claim may be obtained from, and all communica- 
tions should be addressed to 

The Registration Officer, 

The University, Manchester, 13. 

IReaulatfons as to Hca&emic Costume/ 

1. In all the Faculties, except those of Medicine and Tbeoingy, 
the gowns of Bachelors shall be alike. 

2 . In the Faculties of Medicine and Theology the gowns for 
Bachelors shall be the same as the gowns for Masters of other 
Faculties. Gowns for Doctors and Masters shall be the same for 
all Faculties. The shape of the Gowns for Masters and 1 toctors 
are distinctive and special to this University. 

3. The gowns of graduates shall be either of stuff or of silk. 

4. Doctors are entitled to wear a scarlet gown trimmed with 
pale gold silk. 

5. The hoods of Masters and Bachelors shall be of fine black 
woollen cord, or of black silk, trimmed in the following manner: 

For Bachelors of Arts — an edging of pale blue silk with a 
white fur lining inside the edging. t 

For Masters of Arts — a lining of pale blue silk. 

For Bachelors of Science— an edging of salmon silk with a 
white fur lining inside the edging. J 

For Master of Science — a lining of salmon silk. 

For Bachelors of Law — a broad edging of violet-ooloured 

For Masters of Law- a lining of violet- coloured silk. 

For Bachelors of Medicine — a broad edging of red silk. 

For Masters of Surgery — a lining of red silk. 

* Candidates tor graduation are required to come up in the robes and lioodci 
prescribed by tbe XJmvereitv tor the degree wbieb they are about to receive. 

i Bachelors of Arts who have graduated before 19U1 are allowed, if they wish, 
to use the hood without the fur lining. 

j Bachelors of Science who ha^ graduated before 1901 are allowed, if they 
wish, to use the hood without the fur lining. 

3* ji > Hegulatiuns concerning Attendance and Conduct . 

For Bachelors of Dental Surgery — an edging of fawn silk vrith 
a white fur lining inside the edging. 

F,r Masters of Dental Surgery— a lining of fawn silk. 

For Bachelors of Music— dark blue silk with a two-inch border 
of light blue silk on both the inner and outer side. 

For Bachelors of Arts in Commerce and Bachelors of Arts in 
Administration —an edging of orange silk with a white 
fur lining inside the edging. 

F. r Masters of Arts in Commerce and Masters of Arts in 
Administration — a lining of orange silk. 

For Bachelors of Divinity — a lining of heliotrope silk with a 
white fur edging within the silk. 

For Bachelors of Technical Science — an edging of terra- 
cotta corded silk and a white fur lining inside the 

For Masters of Technical Science — a lining of terra-cotta 
corded silk. 

For Masters of Education — a lining of bluish-green silk. 

0. The hoods for the Doctors of Letters, Doctors of Science r 
Doctors of Law, Doctors of Divinity, Doctors of Medicine, and 
Doctors of Philosophy shall be of velvet or of satin serge of a 
gold colour, lined with silk of a lighter shade of the same colour. 

7. The caps for all graduates shall be the ordinary academic 
cups. Doctors may wear caps of velvet. 

IReaulattons concerning Httenfcance an£> Conbuct* 

1. All students are required to provide themselves with a 
copy of the Luiversity Calendar ° and of the Prospectus of their 
Faculty, and to make themselves acquainted with the regulations 
stated therein. 

2. Students are required to present their card of admission 
to classes so that their names may be placed on the class registers 
of the several Professors and Lecturers in charge of the Lecture 
or laboratory courses for which they have entered and to attend 
the same with regularity. In rase of absence a written notice- 
(specifying the classes inissed) should be sent at once by men 
students (except Medical students, and students of the Depart- 
ment of Educate n who should write to their respective L>eansj 
to tae Registrar, and by women students to the Adviser to 
^ oinen Sr m tents. The notice should be accompanied by a 
meiical certificate in cases of illness likely to be prolonged. *No 

* Students ^ for ll.e tirist t.nze paying Composition Fees are 

Bupp.ied free it.;: a copy cf sLe tTiiLVers.iv Calendar. The charge for a further 
copy is three 

Information for Women Students. y61 

student who has suffered from an infectious illness, or in whuse 
home there has been such illness, is allowed to return to his 
classes until a medical certificate has been received by the 
Registrar or the Adviser to Women Students, stating that there 
is no danger of infection being conveyed. 

3. Irregularity in attendance, neglect of work, disorderly con- 
duct, or other breach of discipline may lead to suspension from 
classes, or in grave cases to expulsion. 

4. Students whose attendance or work is unsatisfactory, or 
who have absented themselves without official permission from 
the Sessional or Terminal Examinations will not be entitled to 
certificates of attendance on the class. 

5. No student may attend a class for which he is not registered, 
and any addition to or withdrawal from the course approved at 
the beginning of the session must be intimated to the 
Adviser in the case of women students, and in the case of men 
students to the Dean or Tutor of their Faculty, who will give a 
note to the Bursar for the correction of the card. 

Students who attend classes without registration will be 
charged an additional fee of 2s. 6d. for each such class. 

6. Any change of address must be intimated at once to the 

7. FOREIGN STUDENTS- - A foreign student who does not make 
reasonable progress during his first term, owing to a lack of knowledge 
of English, will normally be required to receive tuition in English, and 
unless satisfactory progress in the study of the language he made, the 
attendance of the student on his University course will not be approved- 

Special information for TKttomen students. 

Women students are admitted to instruction in all subjects 
included in the various Faculties. 

Certain rooms in the University are specially assigned to 
women students ; they include a luncheon room for those 
providing their own lunch, and other accommodation in the 
main building. Thei'e is also the Women’s Union, the fee for 
membership of which is included in the Composition Fee. 
It adjoins the Refectory and Quick Luncheon Room, both open to 
women students. 

All women students registering for the first time are required 
to see the Adviser to Women Students as soon as possible after 
registration and, in any case, not later than the end of the third 
week of the session. 

Convocation 0?'di?ianees. 

14. The Clerk shall send to every member of Convocation, 
not less than seven days prior to the meeting- at which the 
election of the Chancellor is to be made, a circular letter 
containing- a list of all candidates who have been duly nominated, 
and a list of the persons nominating- them ; and also a voting- 
paper, stating the names of the candidates, with a direction to 
such member to write his initials against the name of the candidate 
for whom he votes, and to sign the paper ; and in case he desires 
to vote without being present at the meeting, to post such 
voting paper to the Clerk of Convocation, at the University, so 
as to arrive before the hour appointed for the meeting. 

15. All voting papers sent to the Clerk by post shall bear on 
the outside the words “ Voting Paper.” 

16. The Clerk shall, on the day of the meeting, deliver 
unopened the voting papers which he has received to the 
Chairman so soon as the Chairman shall have appointed two 
scrutineers to examine the voting papers, and to ascertain the 
result of the election. 

17. Those members who are present at the meeting, and 
have not previously forwarded their voting papers to the 
Clerk, shall deliver their voting papers to the scrutineers within 
half an hour after their appointment. In any case of doubt as 
to the validity of any vote the question shall be referred to and 
determined by the Chairman. 

18. As soon as the scrutineers shall have ascertained the 
result of the election, they shall deliver it in writing to the 
Chairman, who shall at once publish it to the meeting ; and a 
copy of the result, duly attested by the signature of the 
Chairman, shall be forwarded by the Clerk to the Registrar. 
Unless the meeting otherwise determine the voting papers shall 
be destroyed by the scrutineers at the close of the meeting. 

Election of Members of the University Court by Convocation. 

19. Whenever any vacancy or vacancies shall occur in the 
number of members of the University Court elected by Convoca- 
tion, the Registrar shall immediately report the same to 
the Clerk of Convocation ; and should the Council desire a 
Special Meeting of Convocation to be convened to elect such 
member or members of the Court, then the Registrar shall 
send notice thereof to the Clerk of Convocation not less than 
twenty-eight days before the day appointed for such meeting. 

Boohs concerning Studies Abroad . 


(2) Holiday Courses in Europe. International Institute of 

Intellectual Co-operation. Paris, 2, rue de Montpellier. 
Is. or 50 cents. (German edition : Ahulenusche Ferien - 
kurse in Euro pa. 1 RM. French edition : Cours superiors 
de vacances en Europe. 5 French franc*.) 

Detailed information on approximately 120 holiday courses 
organised by European Universities and open to foreign students. 
Issued annually in January. 

(3) Quelques ouvnujes de reference pour Vetudiaut d Vet ranger. 

International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, 
Paris, 2, rue de Montpensier, 1931. 21 pages. 

A list of about 100 international and national publications 
containing information on University studies and the facilities 
granted to foreign Students in various European countries 
and in the United States of America. 

(4) A List of International Fellowships for Research. Published 

by the International Federation of University Women, 
Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, London. S.W.3., 1931). 223 
pages, Is. 

A list of international and national scholarships enabling 
students of various countries to engage in scientific research 

(5) Handbook of Student Travel (Europe). Published annually 

by Committee III. of the International Confederation of 
Students. 3, Endsleigh Street, London, W.C.l. 1931 
edition, 186 pages. 2s. (French edition issued in 1931.) 
Practical information for students concerning travel ctn- 
ditions in various European countries (hotels, clubs. University 
restaurants, passports, exchange, special rates, etc.). This guide 
is completed by an annual booklet entitled The Intelligent 
Student's Guide to Europe , published by the same organisation 
and containing information on students’ gatherings, scientific, 
literary, and art congresses, athletic meetings, exhibitions, etc. 
to be held in Europe during the current year. 

(6) Vade-Mecum. Ad usum studentium eatholicorum in universi- 

tatibus extraneis versantium edendum curavit Pax 
Humana . (Fribourg, Switzerland, Pax Romana) 1930, 
304 pages. 

Information in Latin concerning university schools, univer- 
sity associations, clubs, hostels, information bureaux for foreign 
students, and conditions regarding study and living in 18 
European countries. 

Academic Costume. 

(ii.) Persons who graduated in the Victoria University of 
Manchester previous to December 1st, 1925, and who 
are otherwise qualified, will be placed upon the Parlia- 
mentary Register upon the payment of the registration 
fee of 10s. 

Claims may be made up to July 3 1st in each year and the 
Register will come into effect from October 1st following. 

Forms of Claim may be obtained from, and all communica- 
tions should be addressed to 

The Registration Officer, 

The University, Manchester, 13. 

IReaulatfons as to Hca&emic Costume/ 

1. In all the Faculties, except those of Medicine and Tbeoingy, 
the gowns of Bachelors shall be alike. 

2 . In the Faculties of Medicine and Theology the gowns for 
Bachelors shall be the same as the gowns for Masters of other 
Faculties. Gowns for Doctors and Masters shall be the same for 
all Faculties. The shape of the Gowns for Masters and 1 toctors 
are distinctive and special to this University. 

3. The gowns of graduates shall be either of stuff or of silk. 

4. Doctors are entitled to wear a scarlet gown trimmed with 
pale gold silk. 

5. The hoods of Masters and Bachelors shall be of fine black 
woollen cord, or of black silk, trimmed in the following manner: 

For Bachelors of Arts — an edging of pale blue silk with a 
white fur lining inside the edging. t 

For Masters of Arts — a lining of pale blue silk. 

For Bachelors of Science— an edging of salmon silk with a 
white fur lining inside the edging. J 

For Master of Science — a lining of salmon silk. 

For Bachelors of Law — a broad edging of violet-ooloured 

For Masters of Law- a lining of violet- coloured silk. 

For Bachelors of Medicine — a broad edging of red silk. 

For Masters of Surgery — a lining of red silk. 

* Candidates tor graduation are required to come up in the robes and lioodci 
prescribed by tbe XJmvereitv tor the degree wbieb they are about to receive. 

i Bachelors of Arts who have graduated before 19U1 are allowed, if they wish, 
to use the hood without the fur lining. 

j Bachelors of Science who ha^ graduated before 1901 are allowed, if they 
wish, to use the hood without the fur lining. 

Halls of Residence. 


Information as to lodgings may be bad from the Registrar 
and from the Adviser to Women Students. 

I&alle EicenseD for IResfoence of stuDcnts 

(In pursuance of the ordinances of the University as to Halls of Residence). 


Dalton Hall, Victoria Park, Manchester. 



George A. Sutherland, M.A. (Cambridge), late Senior Lecturer 
in Physics in the University of London. 

tutors : 

Mathematics : W. Hunter, M.A., B.Sc. 

Engineering : H. Wright Baker, M.Sc. 

Chemistry : Fred Fairbrother, D.Sc., Eric Bevan, B.Sc.* 

Physics : The Principal. 

Law: Edith Hesling, LL.B. 

Accountancy : G. H. Blair, F.S.A.A. 

Pathology : E. D. McCrea, M.D., D.P.H., F.R.C.S.I. 

French : Joseph Marks, M.A. 

German : K. L. F. Thielke, M.A., F. P. Pickering, B.A. 

Textiles : G. A. Bennett, M.Sc.Tech. 

Economics : Allan Winterbottom, LL.M., M.Com. 

Spanish : E. Sarmiento, B.A., Ph.D. 

Physiology : A. D. Macdonald, M.A., M.B., Ch.B. 

Classics : J. A. Davison, B.A. 

Botany : James Gillespie, B.Sc. 

Zoology : B. J. Marples, M.A., M.Sc. 

* Resident. 

Tutors in other subjects are appointed as necessary. 

Dalton Hall, the oldest University Hall of Residence in 
England outside Oxford and Cambridge, was founded by the 
Society of Friends in Manchester in 1876. The present building, 
specially erected for the purpose, stands about a mile from the 
University, in three acres of recreation ground. It contains 
a Dining Hall, an up-to-date Library, a Tutorial Room, a 
Common Room, a Billiard Room, a Photographic Dark Room, 
and a "Workshop, as well as separate study-bedrooms for 12 
students and 1 Tutor. In addition, 16 students and a Tutor 
are accommodated at “ Eaglesfield,” a large house standing in 
the Hall grounds, and 13 students and a Tutor at “Neild House” 
adjoining the Hall. Tn these houses some of tlie large rooms 
are each occupied by two men 

There are three shale, one asphalt, and one grass Tennis 
Courts, a Cricket practice wicket, and a Fives Court lighted by 
electricity. A Football Field is also provided. 


Halls «/f lii’Miluin . 

The object of the Hall is to enable students to have tho 
benefit of social intercourse, friendly oversight, and tutorial 
assistance of the individual kind that i» not provided by Uni- 
vert it y lectures. There is a Tutorial staff of two or three 
resident, and about twelve visiting tutors, most of whom hold 
appointments on the University staff. 

The Hall i- open to member- of all denominations and is 
managed on unsecTarian line*. Th»* inclusive Hall charges are 
£KW for the complete University Ses-h.n uf three terms, covering 
about -ft weeks of rc-Ab-nee and tuition : >pecial reductions are 
made for uradiiate*. There i* rut entrance foe and there are 
no extra- except for personal laundry. An allowance of 1 - per 
day is made for lunehe* necessarily taken outside. Outside the 
Univt‘T>ity term.- the charge is 7 ^. per day. Students in the 
Faculty of Education who arc admitted to the University Training 
Department and reside in Dalton Hall arc entitled to receive the 
Board of Education'* Hostel Grant. 

Open Scholarship* varying in value from to £50 per 
annum, tenable for three y< *ur-, are offered every year. Further 
information may be obtained from the Principal. 

Hulmb Ha.ld, Victoria Park, Manohbsteb. 


The Rev. T. Nxcklin, M.A. (Cambridge), late Foundation 
Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, University 
Members’ Prizeman for Latin Essay, and Examiner for 
the Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board Higher Certificate 
and for the Oxford University Teacher's Diploma. 


A. L. Powei.l, B.A. 

A. CtRaham-Bryce. M.D., IhP.H., F.R.C.S., Lecturer in 

Rt gion. - 1 Su rg> ry . 

C. E. H. Bawx. B.Sc., PL.D. ( Bristol?, A-si-taiir Lecturer in 

L UemPrrv. 

E. A. I. green. M.R.C.S.. L.R.C.P. 

W. H. Jones, M.Se.. Research ,-vh.r l of Chemistry. 

J. A. Todd, B.A.. Ph.D. * Cambridge - , I it- Scholar of Trinicv 

CdDm, t\i yhridjr.. A-d-r.;: t "L . rurvr in Mirhema:.^. ' 

D. A. Reid, B.Sc.* En.:, i *Gia.-oar;, A.M.I.C.E., Assistant 

Lecturer in Buiaduu Const ru*, dior: i 7 ; rue College of 
Tech nolo ay. 

K. -C Eaton. M.A.. Lni.-rh M-.d‘*i \ in the College 

■ * nr* ~ — 

! aecaii o-o-y. Wil uixs. ,n\ M.A.. PL.D.. L*vt^r.ciu History. 

CviilL Ja»3-:-oN'. PL.D. ' Leed- . 

Halls of Residence. 


This Hall was founded through the effort* of Sir William H. 
Houldsworth, Bart., Hugh Birley, Esq.. M.P., and others, who 
secured the assignment to that purpose of a portion of the 
revenues of the Hulme Trust, created in 1691. The Hall occupies 
an island site of about eight acres in Victoria Park, ten minutes’ 
walk from the University. The Main Buildings were specially 
built to serve as a Hall of Residence, and can accommodate 
63 students in single bed-sitting rooms. Additional buildings, 
acquired subsequently, will accommodate some 80 more, nearly 
all in single rooms but a few in larger rooms shared by two or 

The Dining Hall will seat 150 ; there is a Common Room 
and a Senior Members’ Combination Room : a Library of 3,000 
volumes ; a Hall Chapel ; a Lecture Room ; a billiard room ; 
a dark room for photography ; covered Fives Courts (which can 
be artificially lighted), six Tennis Courts (grass and hard), a 
punt-about ground, and a Cricket Practice Wicket. 

The Hall charges, apart from gas fire (towards which a 
return up to 25s. a session is made), personal laundry, and any 
expenses of illness, are an Admission Fee of five guineas, and 
for a normal minimum period of 25 weeks’ residence a fee 
ranging, according to the accommodation selected, from 70 to 
84 guineas for a single bed-sitting room, the average being £80. 
(The average residence has beeu found to be 184 days, except for 
Medical students, for whom special and alternative charges are 
made.) For residence beyond this period the charge is 6s. a day 
in term-time and 5s. in vacation. After three years’ residence 
the period covered by this fee is 28 weeks in a fourth year, and 
after four years’ residence the fee is reduced by £15 for a fifth year. 

Students in the Faculty of Education who are admitted to 
the University Training Department and reside in the Hall are 
entitled to receive the Board of Education’s Hostel Grant. 

A large part of the endowment is devoted to the maintenance 
of Scholarships and Exhibitions. There is an Annual Examination 
in May (see pages 702 and 741) in which vacant Scholarships and 
Exhibitions are offered for competition. All enquiries and 
correspondence with regard to admission, etc., should be addressed 
to The Warden, Hulme Hall, Manchester. 

St. Anselm Hall, Victoria Park, Manchester, 
warden : 

Rev. Duncan Armytage, M.A, (Oxford). 
sub-warden : 

B. T. Stanley, M.A. (Oxford), Lecturer in Education. 


G. A. Richardson, B.Se. (Manchester). 

Hath of Residence. 


The Hall is situated in very pleasant surroundings in Victoria 
Park, within twenty minute*’ easy walking distance from the 
University, or ten minutes by tram. It stands in its own grounds 
of some four acres in extent, in which there are Tennis Courts 
and a Cricket Practice Net. There is also a Football Field and 
a Fives Court. 

It was founded, largely through the munificence of the late 
Lord Brassey, as a place where members of the Ohurch of 
England might enjoy, so far as may be, the advantages of collegiate 
life afforded to them by the older universities of Oxford and 
Cambridge. Those who are nut Anglicans, however, are welcomed 
if vacancies permit. 

Students, belonging to the Training Department for Teachers, 
are entitled to the increased maintenance grant, allowed to 
those who reside in Institutions recognised by the Board of 

The fees are £80 per annum. This figure covers residence for 
30 week*. If University work entails residence beyond this 
period the charge is bs. a day. These fees are inclusive providing 
for all. meals, together with the use of the Common Room and 
the Library, but they do not include personal expenses such as 
laundry. There* is no entrance fee or caution money, but a deposit 
of £1 becomes due when an applicant has been accepted for 
admission : this is deducted from the first term's fees. 

There are certain Scholarships offered each year in connection 
with the University Scholarship Examination in May. Further 
information regarding these and other matters may be obtained 
from the Warden, St. Anselm Hall. Victoria Park, Manchester, 14, 
to whom also application for admission should be made. 

Lancashire Independent College. Whalley Range, 



Rev. Alex. J. Grieve. M.A. (Oxford). D.D. (London). 

The College was founded in 1813 for the purpose of training 
students for the Ministry of the Congregational Churches. It 
his always been in close connection with the Victoria Universitv 
• f Manchester, where ail its students attend courses in Arts and 
T Ecology, and. in^ view ui its extensive accommodation, has 
L *con:e avanab.e iyr tne residence of a number of men apart 
::om tnose foduwir.g the st joifie training mentioned above. 
In 1922 it was licensed by tne Universitv as" a Hall of Residence. 

It !> ft ns r>yer. ti- any un'iergrtiduates or graduates who 
desire a communal life. bar preference is given to Free Churchmen. 

Halls of Residence. 


The College is situated in one of the most agreeable parts of 
Manchester — Whalley Range, and is served by two tram routes, 
Ohorlton and Alexandra Park. It has nearly eight acres of 
ground, including a Football Field, hard and grass Tennis Courts, 
a Fives Court, and provision (indoors) for Badminton. There 
is also an excellent Common Room, with Piano, etc. 

Each student has two separate rooms, study and bedroom. 

The terms of residence are the same as the University terms 
as given on page 331 , except that the College term begins on the 
evening before the date given on that page. 

Students who are admitted to the University Training 
Department and who reside in the College are entitled to receive 
the Board of Education’s Hostel Grant. 

There is no entrance fee or caution money, but damage done 
to property or furniture beyond reasonable wear and tear must 
be paid for at the end of each term. The fees are £27 per term 
(£24 per term in the third and subsequent years of residence), 
and must be paid within a month of the beginning of term. They 
are inclusive of board and lodging, light and heat, except for 
personal laundry and expenses incidental to illness, etc. Resi- 
dence outside the terms is charged for at 6s. a day. There are 
certain Common Room Levies made by the students in their own 
€f House.” 

Application, as early as possible, should be made to the 

The Unitarian College, Summerville, Victoria Park, 

principal : 

Rev. H. McLac-hlan, M.A., D.D. (Manchester). 

The College was founded in 1854. All its students attend 
courses in Arts or Theology at the University. It was licensed 
in 1927 as a University Hall of Residence. 

Summerville is open to any undergraduates or graduates 
without restriction. It stands in its own grounds '4 acres i in 
which are Tennis Courts (grass and shale i and a Croquet. Lawn. 

There is no Entrance Fee. The fees are £90 for the 
University session. They are inclusive of board and lodging, 
light and heat, but not personal laundry or expenses incurred 
by illness. 

Students in residence may use the Common Room, Drawing 
Room, and the Library, which contains 20,000 volumes. 

Applications for admission should be made to the Principal. 

372 Students' tit£>i'esentativc Council. 

There is accommodation fur 32 students, and most of the rooms 
are single ones. 

The fees are £70 per session. Students sharing a room pay 
£66. Students accepted by the University Training Department 
have a reduction of fees equal to the Board of Education Grant. 

For further information, apply to the "Warden. 

Sr. Gabriel’s Hall, Victoria Park, 
warden : 

Miss N. S. Parnell, B.A. (Liverpool). 

The Hall is licensed by the University of Manchester and 
recognised by the Board of Education for the residence of 
women students. It is intended primarily for Roman Catholic 
students, but students of other religious denominations may 
be admitted. 

The Hall is about ten minutes' walk from the University 
and stands in its own grounds, which include courts for tennis 
and net-hull. There is accommodation for 36 students, who 
occupy study- bedrooms and have the use of the Chapel, Common- 
Room, and other public rooms. 

The fees are £05 per session for a single study-bedroom ; 
£55 per session for sharing a douole room. Students accepted 
for Training by the Education Department of the University 
receive a maintenance grant of £31 a year from the Board of 
Education. Forms of application for admission and further 
information may be obtained from the Warden. 

Students’ IRepresentative Council. 


1- There shall be a Students’ Representative Council or 
Councils pursuant to Statute X. Such Council or Councils shall 
consist of representatives of the students, including students 
who are engaged in Research at the University. 

2. The functions of the Council or Councils shall be : 

(o) To promote the general interests of the students and to 
represent them in matters affecting their interests. 

[b To afford a recognised means of communication between 
the students and the University Authorities. 

(c) To promote social and academic unity. 

The University Union. 


3. The Students’ Representative Council or Councils may, 
from time to time, with the sanction of the Vice-Chancellor, 
make and alter the regulations as to the composition of the 
Council, as to the mode of holding elections, the filling up of 
vacancies, and otherwise as to the organisation of the Council 
and other matters relating thereto. 

4. Special Sectional Councils or Committees shall from time 
to time be appointed from among the members of the Council to 
deal with matters affecting the interests of special sections of the 
students, including Special Committees or Sectional Councils for 
the Medical Faculty and for the department for Women. 

fE>ebical Students’ Council. 

For information, apply to the Secretaries. 

Cbe ‘miiiversits Colours. 

The University colours, officially recognised by the Senate of 
the University on the recommendation of the Students’ Represen- 
tative Council, are adapted from the colours of the University 
Shield, and are composed of shades of silver and green on a dark 
blue field. 

The University colours can be obtained only at Messrs. 
E. Brace & Son, Oxford Road (opposite the University), who 
are sole agents, and will be supplied only on presentation of the 
official permit signed by the Secretary of the Union. 

Members of the University who have been supplied with the 
colours once, and have had their names entered on the books of 
Messrs. E. Brace & Son, are entitled to purchase colours at any 
future date, without again presenting a permit. 

Ube TUmversit^ mnton. 

The Union was established in the year 1861, as the Owens 
College Union, with the object of affording students of the College 
opportunities of discussion on topics of general or local interest, 
and of developing social intercourse in the College. 

The Union acts as the centre of cultural and voluntary in- 
terests and fills a very definite place in University life. In it are 
centred the activities of student societies, which are so numerous 
as to represent all interests and shades of opinion. 


l ~n : remi .*y Women & l 'n io n. 

The pres lit Union building,-, adjoining the University, 
comprise Debating Hall. Heading and Writing Rooms, Lounge 
and Library, Music and Games Rooms, Billiards and Card Rooms, 
CoiTe** Bar and Refreshment service, Change Rooms with bathing 
fru.Li'ies. and a Dark Room. 

The Annual Subscription, £2. 6d., is ordinarily included in 

the G an position Fee. 

Ti.e University Unim is a 1 to the National Union of 

Sludenr.4 whose headquarters are in London, and which is 
fed*‘*r::““ : r the In+er.mU mul O. moderation of Stmlents. 

i:it- Uni :»n Is governed by a Committee elected annually, on 
a Fiu*::ify basis, by the members from amongst themselves. 

Lt/t McHtbertthifK Every life member shall, upon his election 
as such, pa y to the Union a sum sufficient for the completion of 
t ire O >sition fee of .£! L I Is., towards v^hich each annual 
subscription already paid shall be reckoned as part payment. 

Further information with u copy of the Union Handbook 
and Rules, may be had on application to the Secretary, 
University Union. Manchester. 

Cbe llmversits XQLomen’s 'Cimon. 

(The Queen's Hall.) 

Ike Women’s Union, which is adjacent to the University, 
comprises a Debating Hall, Reading Room, Committee Room, 
Drawing Room, and Visitors* Room, and in the basement are 
Cloak Rooms with Bath Rooms and Dressing Rooms. 

The Committee of the Womens Union is responsible for 
organising the social life of the women students, acting in concert 
with th»* Men's Union where joint interests are concerned. 

The annual subscription is £1. 15s., which is ordinarily 
included in the Composition fee. A member is entitled to the 
use of the Union Rooms and to attend the debates. The Women’s 
Union is affiliated to the National Union of Students whose 
headquarter^ are in London, and which is federated to the 
International Confederation ot students. Students who have 
paid three annual subscriptions may become life members on 
payment of a sin.le subscription of £3. 3s. 

For: .t:* : .fi.rn ath.::^ an Lo? * btainel on application to the 
Secivrarv, \V, 11.0.'= L ;dur.. 

Tf.c Athiczic L\ v 375 

Ube College of Uecbnologx? ‘Union, 

The College of Technology Students’ Union compri-es ail the 
students of the College of Technology who are registered students 
of the University, and contains Technical, Social, and Athletic 

XL be Btbletic “Clnion. 

President : 

/Sir Ejjwarp Donxer, Bait. 

I Dr. E. Moir. 

Vice-Presidents : - Dr. H. V. White. 

|Dr. C. H. Meleand. 

' Mr. H. 31. McKechnie. 

Honorary Treasurer : Mr. H. M. McKechnie. 

Honorary Secretary’ : Mr. K. D. G. Abbott. 

The Athletic Union comprises all the various men's athletic 
clubs of the University. 

The Athletic Grounds consist of : 

(a) A main ground of about 28 acres on The Firs Estate, at 
Fallowfield. The freehold of The Firs Estate was presented to 
the Owens College by the munificence of the Devisees of Sir 
Joseph and Lady Whitworth. A large Pavilion is situated on this 
ground. The original Pavilion, the gift of Sir E. Tootal Broadhurst 
and erected from the designs of Mr. J. W. Beaumont, was found 
to be inadequate for the needs of the various clubs and was 
extended to its present dimensions in 1924-. This Pavilion is 
open to all members of the Athletic Union, who have the privilege 
of introducing friends to the Visitors 9 Hall and Balcony. A 
subsidiary Pavilion consisting of additional dressing accommoda- 
tion was adapted for use from one of the buildings of The Firs 
Farm in 1930. 

(b) A plot of land of about three acres adjoining Old Hall 
Lane, acquired by the Council of the University in 1930. 

These grounds are used by the Rugby Football, Association 
Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Cross Country, and Athletic Clubs 
in the winter, and by the Cricket, Lawn Tennis, and Athletic 
Clubs in the summer. 

Members of the Athletic Union are members of all the men's 
clubs incorporated in the Athletic Union, and may play for any 
of the clubs. All members of the Athletic Union are entitled to 
free use of the University Gymnasium. 

TLe annual fee is JL2, which is ordinarily included in the 
Composition fee. 

'After the payment of fire annual subscriptions members are 
eligible for election as life members without further payment. 

m I 


Athletic U?iion. 

The following University 
Union : 

The Rugby Football Club. 
The Association Football < 
The Hockey Club. 

*The Swimming Club. 

The Lacrosse Club. 

The Cricket Club. 

The Lawn Tennis Club. 

The I 

Clubs are included in the Athletic 

The Athletic Club. 

Club. The Cross-Country Club. 
The Gymnastic, Fencing, 
and Boxing Club. 
The Golfing Society. 

The Rifle Club. 

The Badminton Club. 

» at Cltjb. 

As a memorial to Sir Joseph Whitworth, Airs. Christie 
presented to the Owens College a Challenge Shield for Rugby 
Football and a Challenge Cup for Association Football, for annual 
competition among teams representing the Universities of Leeds, 
Liverpool, and Manchester. Mrs. Christie also provided a fund 
from the interest on which a presentation bat is awarded annually 
to the lending batsman of the Cricket Eleven. 

The University Athletic Sports are under the direction of the 
Athletic Club Committee. Challenge Cups are awarded to the 
winners of the principal events. A “ Marshall Gold Medal ” is 
awarded to the most distinguished athlete of the year. 

TOlomen’s Htbietic TOnion* 

Chairman : Miss W. S. Clarke. 

Honorary Treasurer : Professor H. R. Rarer. 

Honorary Secretary : Miss M. Byroai. 

Assistant Secretary : Miss G. Cowan. 

There are two Hockey grounds and two Net-ball pitches 
provided at the University Athletic ground at Fallowfield and a 
Lacr*. ground near Old Hail Lane for the use of women 
students. There are also nine hard Tennis Courts used jointly 
by the men and women students. There is suitable accommodation 
in the Pavilion for women students. Members of the Athletic 
Union are members of all the clubs incorporated with it. 

Annual fee, £2. The Athletic Union fee is ordinarily included 
in the Composition fee. 

After the payment of three annual subscriptions, students are 
eligible forelection as life members rvu payment of two guineas. 

After the payment of y:n? animal subscriptions, students are 
ekihime for ejection as life members without further payment. 

* In* true tier: :s provided L” the C’~V at the High Street Bathe. 

Recognised Stcieiit l . 

The following clubs have been incorporated ; 

The Hockey Clue. *Thi: Swimming Clud. 

The Lawn Tennis Club. The Xet-Ball Club. 

The Athletic Sports Club. The Lacrosse Club. 
The Cricket Club. The Badminton Club 

The Fencing Club. 

For further information, apply to th? Secretary. 

TRecoQniseb Societies* 


1. The recognition of a Society will imply the privilege of 
•applying fur the use of a room in the University buddings 
(excluding the block comprising the Unions and Refectory) 
in which meetings, other than social functions, of the Society 
might be held, during the hours in which the University is 
normally open. 

Notes : — (i.) Application for the use of rooms for meeting* or 
social functions in the Unions should be made to the Secretary 
of the Men’s or Women’s Union and for the rooms in the Refectory 
to the Secretary of the Refectory Committee. 

(ii.) It should be clearly understood that recognition does not 
imply the right to the use of a room as the granting of such use 
must be governed by the availability of rooms at the time of 

2. All applications for recognition must be sent to the Vice- 
Chancellor who will consider each application, and, in particular, 
the regular activities of the Society, and will grant recognition 
in such cases as he may think fit. A copy uf the constitution and 
rules of the Society must be sent to the Vice-Chancellor with the 

3. The Vice-Chancellor shall have authority to withdraw 
recognition from a Society at any time, and to remove the 
name of that Society from the list of recognised Societies. 

4. A list of recognised Societies will be kept in the Vice- 
Chancellor’s Office. 

5. All recognised Societies must submit to the Vice 
Chancellor, as soon as possible in each session, the syllabus for 
the session. 

+ Instruction is provided by the Club at the Old Tratford Baths. 

Manchester U.iirenUy Settlement. 

6. All recognised Societies must inform the Vice-Chancellor 
of any change in the constitution or rules of the Society, 
immediately :?uch a change is adopted by the Society. 

7. No religious services or political meetings for purposes of 
propaganda may be held within the University buildings. 

S. Tim Vice-Chancellor .shall have authority to prohibit the 
holding of any particular meeting of a Society within the Univer- 
sity buildings. 

9 . The Vice-Chancellor shall have authority to ask for a 
report on the meetings held, together with the attendances at each 
rneetin-?, in the case of any recognised Society. 

jflbancbester clmverstt^ Settlement* 

President : 

The Et. Hon. Tin: Earl or Crawford and Balcarres, 

P.C., K.T.. LL.D., T).Litt. s F.R.I.B.A.. F.B.S. 

C u air a v »?f' louxltl : 

W. H. Moberly, Esq., D.S.O., M.A., LittJD. 

Vir.E-CiiAimrAN : Prohs.-or J. L. Stocks, D.S.O., M.A. 

PI ox. Treasurers : W. H. Lowe. 



R. 0. Wilson. 

Joint Wardens : 

Mrs, Jean C. Wyatt, M.A. (Edinburgh). 

R. H. Wyatt, B.A. (Cambridge). 

Ike Headquarter^ of the Settlement i- at 20, Every Street, 
Ar. coats ; postal address : Ancoats Hall, Every Street. There 
is a Sett lenient representative at 34, Tarporley Avenue, 
Wiibraham Road Estate, and work is now developing on the 
Newton Heath Housing Estate, with four Settlement representa- 
tives at 5 and 7, Surbiton Road. Many branches of work are 
carried on . The Settlement is used increasingly as a centre for 
the study of Mjeial pro! denis and social experiments. Members 
of the University are i>keu to use it as a means by which to get 
into touch with Timst* problems. A Luncheon Club is held in the 
Roiino Hoiistr every day except Saturdays, to which members 
tf the Ui.rwr>ity t*iv cordially invited. Enquiries for further 
inf *n -la>ukt k »e adcre.-sed to the Secretaries of the Settle- 

ment, t..e aments' Repre.-« maxives at the Men’s and Women’s 
Uni* ns, « r to the Warth..,-. 


.'Hut (ii. r„,. 

@lb ©wenstan Bssociatioti 

Aattcbester mnivevsit'g OlO Stubcnts’ association* 

President : Professor F. E. Weiss, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S, 

General Hon. Secretary and Treasurer : Chas. W. 
Duckworth. F.C.I.S., The Bungal >\v, Park Road, 
Monton, Ecch-s, Manchester. 

Hon. Secretary, University Old Students* Sectfon : 
Edgar Morton. M.Se., F.G.S. 

Membership of the Association is open to past and present 
students uf the day and evening el < of Owens College and 
the Victoria University, also of the Mechanics Institute and 
College of Technology, together with Professors and Lecturers in 
all Departments, and those who have had Honorary Degrees 
conferred upon them. 

Subscriptions, 5s. per annum (due January 1st). Life Member- 
ship, £2. 

The Journal is now published every four months and posted 
free to all members in all parts of the world. 

TL be iboit ©pmnasium. 

Instructor: M. J. Healy. 

The Gymnasium, erected through the generosity of the late 
Sir Edward Holt. Bart., occupies a site in Burlington Street, next 
to the Refectory. 

The Gymnasium is open to all members of the Athletic 
Unions and is under tlie control of the Athletics Committee of 
the University Council. 

A time-table showing the hours at which the Gymnasium 
is reserved for Gymnastics, Fencing, Boxing and for other 
purposes will be displayed in the Gymnasium as early as 
possible in each term. 

Students intending to join the Gymnastic, Fencing, or Boxing 
classes should give their names to the Instructor or to the Hon. 
Secretaries of tlie Clubs at the commencement of each term. 


1. All persons, whether students or others, will be under 
the orders of the Instructor while in the Gymnasium. 

2. Students must confine themselves during each lesson 
strictly to the exercises prescribed by tlie Instructor, and perform 
them in the order arranged by him. 

J. Students, while working in the Gymnasium, must wear 
proper shoes and belt (to be approved by the Instructor). 

380 Magazines and Journals. 

4. No student will be allowed to displace or in any way inter- 
fere with any portion of the Apparatus without permission. 

5. No student will be allowed to fence without liis mask, 
jacket, and glove ; or to thrust at another who is not so prepared. 

6. No smoking will be permitted in the Gymnasium. 

7. Students infringing any of the above rules will render 
themselves liable to exclusion from the Gymnasium. 

Lockers in the Gymnasium can be rented for 2s. 6d. per 
session, and Is. will be refunded on return of the key. 

There is, in connection with the Gymnasium, a Gymnastic, 
Boxing, and Fencing Club which is open to all members of the 
Athletic Unions. The Club, which is included in the Athletic 
Union, arranges and controls all Gymnastic, Fencing, and 
Boxing competitions and displays. A competition is held 
annually at which the Champion Eight is selected for the year, 
each receiving a certificate of proficiency. The Champion of the 
Eight is awarded the Milnes Marshall Gold Medal and the Ward 
Challenge Cup. Competitions are also arranged in Fencing and 
Boxing, and teams are entered for the annual Inter-University 

The Women’s Fencing Club holds an annual competition for 
the Fencing Championship, and sends in a team to compete at 
the Inter-University Contest. 

/foaaasines ant> Journals, 

The Serpent. 

The Uttirersiti/ Magazine. 

The Serpent is the olfieial organ of the University Union, 
the Women/ s Union, anu the College of Technology Union. 
J wo is.^ue^ are published each term and the subscription is 
included in rim Union fe«-s. A life subscription to the Men’s 
Union also entitles a member to receive The Serpent post free, 

‘ n application to the Publisher. Contributions, in the form 
of articles, verse, fiction, or drawings are invited from all past and 
present members of the University. 

A Fiction Prize of £5 is also awarded yearly, particulars of 
which will be found under the heading Magazine Prize. 


T* Journal of the College, printed at the College of 
Teeni.oiogy Press, contains, either in abstract or full, papers 
np.' matters of scientific and technical interest contributed to 
:ne .r .rae . societies and scientific periodicals by members of 
toe rstafi nr.a ay research students. The Journal is sent to the 
principal scientific institutions of the world. 

Opicrrs Trailing Corps , 

a** i 

/Hba»ja3inc g>t*i3e. 

A Prize of £ 5 is awarded annually for the best fiction 
contribution to The Serpent. The competition is open to all 
past and present students. Entries must reach the Editor, 
The Serpent, by May 1st of each year. All fiction published 
in The Serpent , subject to this condition, is automatically 



1920 0. E. Montague . . 

1921 Maurice Hewlett 

1922 12 . Y. Lucas 

1923 Arnold Bennett . . 

1921 Miss Clemence Dane 
19*25 J. Middleton Murry 
192t> E . V. Knox 

1929 Miss Catherine I. Dodd 

1930 Henry Williamson 

1931 Gilbert Frankau . . 

1932 L. du Garde Peacb 

1933 Miss Yera Brittain 


Hilda M. Prescott, M.A. 

. . 0.0. de C. Ellis, M.Rc. 

.. Rev. T. C. Porteus,B.A.,B.D. 
.. Geoffrey Bullough, B.A. 

. . Enid I. Glen, B A. 

.. A. A. Davis, M.B., Ch.B 
John Wood 
No award 

. . E. H. McMillen 

R. Aileen Barr, M.Se. 

. . Phyllis Singleton, B.A. 

M. D. Roditi 
A. R. Quinn 

Officers draining Corps. 

Manchester University Contingent. 

Commanding Officer : Bt. Lt.-Col. 0. M. Mason. 

Adjutant : Capt. T. N. Penlixgton, The Bufe. 

The “ Officers Training Corps ’* includes, as Senior Division, 
all members of University Corps throughout the country. Its 
X^rimory object is to provide students at universities with a 
standardised measure of elementary military training, with a 
view to their eventually accepting commissions in the Regular 
Army, the Territorial Army, or the Supplementary Reserve. 
Two certificates of proficiency called respectively A and B are 
obtainable by Cadets, the examinations for which are held twice 
in each year. Special advantages are conferred on Cadets who, 
after obtaining one or both of these certificates, obtain commis- 
si ons in the Regular or Territorial Army. 

The Officers Training Corps does not form part of the Terri- 
torial Army ; it is independent of County Associations ; and, 
for purposes of organisation and control, is directly under the 
War Oifice ; its training is under the direction of the chief of 
the General Staff. 

The Rifle Ranges at Biggie are, by arrangement with the 
County Association* available for members of the Contingent. 

3- *2 Ch'i&tie /-t 

Commissions in tbe iRcouiar Hnuj ?♦ 

An ui;e of the Universities approved by the Army Council in 
accordance with the " Regulations under which commissions in 
♦\e Regular Army may be obtained by University Candidates, ” 
this University may forward to the War Office the names of 
candidates recommended by its Nomination Board. Before 
recommendation by the Board a candidate must have undergone 
the course of Military Studies which Has been established. 

The Army Council wish tu encourage the flow of under- 
graduates into the Regular Army and the regulations provide 
opportunities for undergraduate* who enter the University 
with the int>*uriou of applying for a Commission later, to qualify 
for this during their course of study. Facilities are also given 
to those who only decide towards the end of their course to 
become candidates. 

Candidates on nomination, are graded according to (a) 
educational qualifications, ( b ) military qualifications and ( c ) 
r* cord anti character. The Commission of an accepted candidate 
would be antedated by a period depending on the grade in which 
he had been placed by the University Nomination Board. 

The military qualifications may be obtained by efficient 
memh 'rship of the Officers Training Corps, and by a period of 
attachment to a Regular Unit during Vacation. 

It pointed out that an army career offers many advantages 
with its promise of a healthy life, an assured pension, and a 
chance of seeing the world. 

Detailed information with regard to the various branches of 
the Service, pay, etc., maybe obtained from O.T.G. Headquarters. 

Cbe Cbrtstic Xtbrary. 


Charles W. E. Leigh, M.A. 

The Christie Library, erected by the munificence of the late 
Chancellor Christie, 1b situated on the south side of the quad- 
rangle. It includes a large Reading Room and Reference Library, 
open to members of the University and to the holders of 
special readers* tickets. On the ground floor there are several 
small rooms which are available by special permission for the 
purpose of study. 

Tin- collection of books, which now numbers 256,013 
vc* runes, Las been augmented from time to time by purchases made 
from I ♦-queers or donations of money, and by the acquisition 

Ciir:sti library. 

38 » 

of several important private libraries, amongst which may be 
specially mentioned, those formed by Dr. Christie, Bishop Prince 
Lee, Professor Freeman, Professor Jevons, Professor Adamson 
Professor Strachan, and Professor Marillier. 


1. The Christie Library is open to all day students, for the 
reading and borrowing of bookB, on payment of the Library 
admission fee, during the following hours : Daily from 
9-30 a.m. to 5-30 p.m., except on Saturdays, when the Library is 
open from 9-30 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the session 1933—34 the 
Library will also be open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and 
Friday evenings during term until S-30, for the convenience of 
evening students.] 

2. Admittance to the Library and use of itB books are con- 
ditional upon the strict observance of the Rules, a copy of which 
is posted in the Library. 

3. During Vacations the Library may be consulted and books 
may be taken out only by persons qualified under Rules 10 and 
12, and by students holding Yacation orders, between the hours 
of 9-30 a.m. and 4-30 p.m. A fortnight will be allowed for the 
retention of books thus taken out. Tlie Library is closed on 
the dates indicated in the University Almanac, and on all 
University holidays. Books may be retained during these periods 
only by persons qualified under Rules 10 and 12, and by students 
who have on application obtained orders to that effect from the 
Chairman of the Library Committee. 

4. All books, by whomsoever borrowed, must be returned to 
the Library before the 22nd of June, but may be renewed. 
One shilling per volume will be charged on every book for each 
fortnight or portion of a fortnight it is detained after that time. 
The Library will remain closed from the 1st to the 14th August 
inclusive for the annual stocktaking. 

5. All applications for hooks (other than those placed in the 
Reading-room) to be read in the Library or to be taken out of it 
must be made to the Librarian or liis Assistant, on the printed 
voucher forms severally provided for the purpose. 

Books used in the Reading-room are not to be left on the tables, 
but must be returned to the Librarian or the Assistant in 
attendance ; books of reference must be replaced on the shelves 
from which they have been taken. 

6. No Library books are in any circumstances to be taken 
into the class-rooms by students. 

7. Books taken out of the Library may be retained not longer 
than one week, but may be renewed for a further period of the 
same length if no other application has been made for them 
to the Librarian in the meantime. Any borrower failing to 

•m 2 

return u hook within two Jays after notification by the Librarian 
that the book is required by another reader shall be liable to a 
fine of 6d. for each day of detention beyond the two days, and 
such borrower shall not be allowed to have further books until 
the volume required has been returned and the fine paid. 
Members of the Teaching Staff may have not more than twenty 
volumes out of the Library at one time. Students may not have 
more than three volumes at one time. Former Associates of 
the Owens College and Graduates of the University are allowed 
four volumes at one time. Books may he bespoken, but will 
not be reserved by the Librarian for more than one day. No 
books are transferable. 

8. The works of reference specially marked * by the Librarian 
may not be taken out of the Library. 

Books marked § in the Catalogue are not to he taken out 
except on a written order obtained from the Chairman of the 
Library Committee. 

9. Books enumerated in the List of Glass Reference Books 
Pasted in the Library at the beginning of each term, and books 
marked + in the Catalogue, may only be taken out after 3-30 p.m. 
for a single night, or from 3-30 p.m. on Friday, to be returned 
not later than 10 a. in. on Monday. 

IK The rooms other than the Reading-room are accessible 
to Professors and Lecturers, Fellows, Graduates, former Associates 
of the Owens College, and persons holding special orders under 
Rule 12. All books thus consulted are not to be replaced on the 
shelves, but to be left on the ledge. 

11. Students desiring to use Library Rooms other than the 
Reading-room shall make written application at the commencement 
of each session on the special forms to be obtained from the 

12. Persons not members of the University are allowed to 
read in the Library when introduced by one of the Governors, 
Professors, or Lecturers, or when they have obtained an ox*der 
from tue ( n airman of the Library Committee. Persons desirous 
of making continued use of the Library should apply to the 
Librarian, from whom special tickets may he obtained. These 
tickets are available for an academic year, at a fee of 10s. 6d. for 
readers" tickets, or £1. Is. for borrowers’ tickets. 

13. Any person borrowing a book, either to read in the 
Library or to take out, is held responsible for its return uninjured 
to the Library, and is required to replace a lost volume, or the 
series, ns the case may be. and pay for repairing any damage 

may have occurred. No marks of any kind may be made 
m tue Library Looks or periodicals, and no papers or books may 
be placed on them. 

* 1 . l he Rea- oeing a place for study only, conversa- 

tion n f any kind, is srrictly forbidden. 

Colleys of Tc:hn >>ogij Ulrary. 855 

Xibrarg for Beat jE&ucatien. 

This Library was established in 1919 by iik*ui]. s * uf a gr»uit 
received from the Carnegie United Kingdom Tru.-t. on d its 
resources were augmented in 1922 by the purchase of the Arnold 
Library from the National College for Teachers of the Deaf. It 
now comprises 7.215 volumes, including work- dealing with tin* 
various system* of teaching the deaf, lip-reading, speech-training, 
psychology of speech and hearing, phonetics, acoustics, ,»nd the 
anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the ear, as Weil as socio- 
logical, historical, and other works concerning the Deaf. 

The Library is freely available to all who are interested in 
education of the Deaf, and applications for permission to borrow" 
books should be addressed to the Librarian. 

A Catalogue of the Library was published in April, 1932, 
and copies can be obtained from the Manclioter University 
Press price 11s., post free. 

Ube jflDetocai Xtbrarp, 

Librarian: G. Wilson. 

1. The Medical Library, which was formerly the joint Library 
of the Manchester Medical Society (founded 1834:) and of the 
Manchester University, passed at the end of 1930 into the 
possession of the University. Right of use of the Library and 
its rooms is however, retained by the Medical Society. It contains 
6s, 000 volumes, and more than 200 journals, transactions of 
societies, and other periodical publications are regularly received. 

2. The Library is open daily from 9-30 a.m. to 5-30 p.m., 
except on Saturdays, when it closes at 12-30 p.m. 

3. The Library is open to members of the University Staff, 
Students of the Medical School, and members of the Manchester 
Medical Society. 

4. The text-books most frequently used by students have 
been placed together, but students have access to the other 
Library books. 

5. Conversation and smoking are not permitted in the Library. 

Jibe College of Uecbnoloas Xibrar 

Librarian : A. F. Hutt. 

The Libiury contains about 17,000 volumes and 2,700 
pamphlets relating to applied science and technology. The 
abridgements of specifications of patents from the year 1855 to 
date are also in the Library. The journals of the principal English 



and foreign Engineering and Chemical Societies are regularly 
received* and upwards ol 200 periodicals relating to science and 
technology are placed in the Reading-room. 

Fit regulations* see the Prospectus of the Fac<ditj of 

Ubc fliattcbester museum* 

Keeper : The Rev. Georc4E H. Carpenter, D.Sc. 

The Manchester Museum is established for the promotion of 
Natural Science, with special reference to Zoology, Botany, 
Geology. and Mine mingy, and, so far a3 practicable. Archaeology, 
Dimolugy and Anthropology and other subjects which can 
conveniently be associated with them. 

The collections are open to the public free of charge in 
accordance with the regulations from time to time made by the 
Museum C -minitree. Special facilities in the way of access to 
specimens and i . l* » ks are offered in students and others engaged 
in any r articular branch of study. 

The John Ruyle Endowment Fund was established in 1924 
in memory of the late John Ruyle, Iol many years an active 
member nf the Museum Committee. The interest, amounting to 
£25 annually, on shares presented to the University by his 
executors, is administered by tlm Museum Committee subject 
to the approval of the University Council. Grants from the fundB 
are made for the encouragement of scientific work in the Man- 
chester Mm cum to be conducted under the direction of the 
Scientific Supervisors and the Keeper. 

The nucleus of the Museum was furnished by the specimens 
formerly belonging to the Manchester Natural History and Geo- 
logical Societies, which were placed in the hands of the Council 
of the Owe ms College, in trust, for the benefit of the Public and 
of the College alike. 

liie Museum is under the management of a Committee, 
appointed in accordance with regulations made by the University, 
consisting of certain tx-oficlu members, of representatives of the 
Manchester Corporation, of several gentlemen specially elected on 
account of their scientific distinction, and of representatives of 
several Manchester scientific societies, ami of the association of 
Menioyi>- of the Museum. A minimum subscription of 5s. a year 
qualifies for M**niber>hip. 

Tiit* Pi 

Ma,*- a::i. 
Erhn* do- 

n^.-sors of Botany, Geology, and Zoology, are charged 
x-ntifie -ii| >er vision of these several departments of the 
The PmfV*->ur of Geography acts as Supervisor in 

The separate library of the Museum of u.jcut 

25, >00 books and pamphlets, partly transferred to the College by 
the Manchester Natural History Society with its collect ions, partly 
purchased from a special fund, given ny she Whitworth legatees, 
and partly received as donations from various friends of the 
Museum, and partly as bequests from Miss Caroline Birley, 
the late Mr. Mark Stirrup, the late Mr. R. U. Darbishire, the late 
Professor Thomas Barker, and others. A catalogue of the library 
■was printed in the year I8J5, and subsequent acquisitions are 
registered in a complete card-index. 

For the guidance of visitors and students a series of Museum 
handbooks has been published, which may be obtained at the 

Museum Regulations. 

1. The Museum is open to the public on weekdays, from 
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ; and on the first Wednesday evening in each 
month from 7 to 9 p.m. during the winter months, October to 
March. Admission free. 

2. The Museum and Museum Library are further open to 
persons desirous to make use of them for the purposes of study. 
The Keeper will issue tickets of admission on suitable recom- 
mendation . 

3. Students of the University are admitted to the Museum uii 
any day in the week between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. 
Tlioae whose studies necessitate access to the specimens and the 
loan, for use, in the Museum buildings only, of the books in 
the Museum Library, may procure StudenTs* Tickets from the 
Keeper, on the recommendation of the Professors or Lecturers in 
the several departments, such tickets to be valid only for the 
session in which they are issued. 

i. The Museum is closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day. 

.Museum Lectures. 

Session 1933-34. 

T.i-se L ctur^s will be given at 3-30 p.m. in the Natural 
History Theatre, except No. I. which will be in No. 7 L etuve 
Rjon. All the lectures are on Saturday afternoons excepting 
X .. I. (Monday, S p.m.) : and Nos. V. and IX. (afternoon Bark 
II ii'L v Itcturos). 

Admission to all lectures is free. 

1933. I. Lady (Flinders) Petrie. 

October 9th. “ The Latest D.'gging at Ga:a.” (Xu. 7 Lecture Room.; 

Hit semi: 


II. Pr. (feasor J. M 1<\ I Mif’MMOND, 'SI. A., F. R..S.E. 
Octoluff 1*1x11. i 

, , 2 l=t • ” Some A splits oj Town Gardening.’ * 

,, 28:h » 

III Miss C M. Legge, SI. A., A.R C.A. 
November 4th ] 

,, 1 1 cli T' rav 'port A n ini ah. ' ' 

ISMi. « 


■N ‘ rii^i r iJotjt 

Dtu-mjt*r 2nd. 
,, bth. 

Pn*ft*s^ r M. A. Cannky, M.A. 

Some Egyptian Beliefs and Superstitions .** 

V. Rev. George H. Carpenter, D.Sc., M.R.I.A. 
(Keeper of the Museum.) 

December 2tith. “ Family Patties among Animals.” 

(Specially intended fur Young People.) 

Ib34. \X. Professor H. Graham Cannon, 

J aim, try 
Ft bruary 

20 th 

How Animals Feed.” 

Sc.D. . 



Februurv ITtii 
. ' 24th 

VI. re* 3rd 

Prof t -ssi»r VC. J. Pugh, B.A., D.Sc., O.B.F, 


“ Origin md History of Mountains. ” 



24. ; 

\ III Profess*-. r H J. Fleure, D Sc. 

‘ The A fr 'can Et/rm\ogieal Collection in 

the 21 luseum.” 


RlV ciEOR “ E H. Carpenter, D.Sc., M.R.I.a. 
(Keeper of the Museum ) 

Wanderings 0/ A tumuli,." 

E Aster Monday. (1) Yearly Journeys. 

Whit-Monday. ,2i Age-long Trails. 

Public Health Laboratory. 


public Ifoealtb laboratory? 

{\Vjrk Place*. 


H. B. Maitland. 

M.D. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Manchester). 3I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 


( Professor of Bacteriology, H B. Maitunt; 

Lecturers in Bacteriology, 

A. W. Doivme, M.D. i Aberdeen;. 

R. W Fairbrother, M.D. i Manchester?, M.R.C.P. 
DactttiolofO' and Immunity. . ..-Lecturer in Veterinary Bacteriulo^v and Hygiene, 

C. A. McG.U’ghlv,' M.Sc , D.V.> M. ’Mauckester), 

(Assistant Lecturer, ( C Kekimn, M.D., D.P.H. 

( Lecturer in Sanitary ^i*d Bacteriological Chemistry 

Chemistry - H. Heap, M.Sc. (Manchester). 

• Demonstrator, W. M. Shortt, M.Sc. (Manchester:. 

Medical Zoology Senior Lecturer, F. J. Brows’ , M Sc. ( Birmingham , . 

j Lecturers, 

Public Health Administration ... - J. J. Butterworth, M.D., D.P.H. (Manchester). 

* E. H. "Walker, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. {'Manchester? . 

Epidemiology Lecturer, Professor H. B. Maitland . 

Factory Hygiene Lecturer, W. D. Hood, M.B., Ch.B. 'Glasgow*, D P.H. 


Vital Statistics Lecturer, E. H. Scholefield, M.B.. Ch.B. (Oxford), 

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H. (Manchester). 

Sanitary Engineering Lecturer, G. S. Coleman, D.Sc. (Eng.) (London), 

Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., Assoc. M Inst. Mun. and Cy.E., 

Honorary Lecturer m Wtcnnarv • CDrVl ; fT , rIfli .. 

Hvgtmc Willum Woods, F.R.C \ f England t. 


Assistant Director R. W. Fairbrother. MU J Manchester , M.R.C.P. 

Doris A. Bardsle\, M ?*c. (Manchester). 

.is.*:: fart bacteriologist^ Ll'cy Made>ocks, M.B., Ch.B. (Manchester!. 

1 A. L. P. Feeney, M.R.C.S , L.R C.P. 

The Public Health Laboratory was originally organised in 
1892 by the newly-appointed Professor of Pathology at Owens 
College for the purpose of assisting the Public Health authorities 
and the medical men in Manchester and adjoining districts in 
the work of prevention of disease. It was the first of its 
kind instituted in G-reat Britain. 

With the sanction and approval of the Council this work was 
at first conducted independently by the Professor of Pathology 
in the Medical School buildings. This innovation, which was 
found useful by the authorities and by the students* who came to 
prepare for the Diploma in Public Health and other qualifica- 
tions, proved successful in every respect. 

In 1902, the Council gave full official recognition to the con- 
duct of investigation for Public Authorities, and it became 


Regional Investigation. 

necessary to provide better accommodation for teaching, research, 
and investigation. A special department of Public Health was, 
therefore, instituted by the Council of the Owens College with 
Pathological, Bacteriological, and Chemical Laboratories at 
Stanley Grove. 

The erection of the new Infirmary necessitated the removal 
of the Laboratory to its present site, where entirely new buildings 
were erected in 1904, on plans prepared by the Director. 

In 1927 the dual object of the laboratory, which represents 
the Department of Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine in 
the University, was further indicated by organising the depart- 
ment into two sections. The routine section which undertakes 
bacteriological and chemical examinations for public health 
authorities and others has been accommodated in new 
laboratories in Whitworth House on the existing site, where 
facilities for research in addition to routine work are available. 

The academic section is devoted chiefly to teaching and 
research. Three post-graduate courses, viz. those leading to 
the Diploma in Public Health, the Diploma in Veterinary State 
Medicine, and the Diploma in Bacteriology, and two undergraduate 
courses in : lacteriology, one for medical students and one for 
honours B.Se. (Chemistry) students are given. Special research 
students are also accommodated. 

By arrangement with the Corporation of Manchester the City 
Analyst is provided with laboratories in the department. 

The department contains a comprehensive library relating to 
bacteriology and Preventive Medicine, and a museum devoted to 
Comparative Pathology, Bacteriology, and Preventive Medicine. 

"Kcflional Jnvestujatfoit Section of tbe ffacults 
of Commerce aitb Hfc ministration. 

Supervisor : John Jewkes, lI.Com. (Manchester). 

Research Assistants : 

Allan M interbottom, LL.M., M.A. (Com.) (Manchester). 

D. X. Chester, M.A. (Admin.) (Manchester). 

C. T. Saunders, B.A. (Oxford). 

E. M. Gray, M.A. (Com.), B.Sc.Tech. (Manchester). 

This section is concerned with research into current, economic 
and social pro] denis especially as they relate to Lancashire. In its 
work all the members of the Economics staff of the University 
co-operate and assistance is also received from individual members 
of tue stud* or other departments. The section offers facilities for 
the training of advanced students in realistic research. 


University Press. 

tCbe Taniversttg /fceteoroloijical Observatories. 


(Established 1892.) 

Whitworth Observer : H. E. Martin*, M.Sc., M.D. 

Observations of the temperature, wind, sunshine, rainfall, etc., 
are taken twice daily, and form the basis for reports to the 
Manchester daily papers and to the Meteorological Office in 

Enquiries regarding observations should be addressed to 
the Whitworth Observer, Physics Laboratory, The University, 
Manchester, 13. 


For details of this Observatory, see the Calendar for 1931-32, 
page 363. 

Ube /ifcancbester ‘Clmversttg press, 1933=4934* 


Professor Tait. H. M. McKechnie, M.A. 

The Manchester University Press was established in 1902, 
and is controlled by a Committee of the Council, whose Chairman 
is Professor Tait, and whose Secretary is Mr. H. M. McKechnie. 
The object of the Press is to publish works of learning and research 
in ah branches of knowledge, especially those written by the 
graduates, teachers, and other members of the University, 
but more general publishing is also undertaken. All official 
Calendars, Prospectuses, etc., of the University are now issued 
by it. Applications from authors desirous of submitting their 
works to the Press Committee for consideration should be 
addressed to the Secretary, Mr. H. M. McKechnie, at the Office 
of the Press, 23, Lime Grove. Any further information can be 
obtained from him. 

Since its establishment the Press has published about 400 
volumes, including a number of lectures and pamphlets. In 
addition it also acts as publisher for the works issued by The 
Chetham Society, The John Ry lands Library, the Manchester 
Museum, The British Society of Franciscan Studies, and The 
American Society for Archaeological Research in Asia Minor. 
All works issued by the Press are published by the Committee 
at the office in Lime Grove, where the whole work of producing 
and distributing the books is centralised. 


University Press 

The following books were issued during the session 1932-33 : 

The University Pocket Diary , 1932-33. 

The University Calendar , 1932-33. 

The French Quarterly (continuation). 

The Manchester School. Vol. 3, part- II. ; Vol. 4, part I. 

Deeima. L. Douie. The Nature and Effect of the Heresy of the 

T. F. Tout. Chapters in the. Administrative History of Medieval 
England, Vol. VI., with an Index to the Complete Work by 
Mabel H. Mills. 

R. F. Treharne. The Baronial Plan of Reform , 1258 — 1263. 

T. F. Tout. The Collected Papers of Vol. I. consisting of Mis- 
cellaneous Papers chief y on the Study of History and the 
University of Manchester. 

John Jewkes and Allan Winterbottom. An Industrial Survey of 
Cumberland and Furness : A study of the Social Implications 
of Economic Dislocation. 

F. (\ Burkitt, H. E. Goad, and A. G. Little. Franciscan Essays , 
Vol. II. (British Society of Franciscan Studies.) 

Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society , No. 
XVII. ' * 

S. Alexander. Spinoza. 

X. Kemp bmith. J ohn Locke (1632 — 1704) (The Adamson Lecture). 

J. L. Stocks. Jeremy Be nth am (1748 — 1832). 

Rv lands Library Publications. 

The Library Bullet it * (continuation). 

b « H. Dodd. The Gospel Parables. 

The Mind of Paid. 

H. J. Fleure. An Early Chapter on the Story of Homo Sapiens. 

E. F. Jacob. Two Lives of Archbishop Chichele with an Appendix 
containing an Early Book List of All Souls College , Oxford. 

T. Murgatroyd. List of Current Periodical Publications including 
Transactions of Learned Societies in the Library. 

E. Margaret Thompson. .4 Fragment of a Witham Charterhouse 
Miron tele and Adam of Dnjbnrgh , Prem on str a ten sian and 
Larthusia)* op Witham. 

K. S. Conway. The Elruacau Influence o« Roman Religion. 

Front Orpheus to Cicero. 

K. L. (. hurl ton. The Taming *jj the Shrew. 

*4 Mids'unn w? Night's Dream. 

M. Tyson and II. Guppy. The French Journals of Mr*. T I* rule 
and Dr. Johnson. 

Ratseis Ghost , or the Second Fart of his Madde Fr nukes and 
Robberies (1605). Reproducer! in facsimile from the copy 
Preserved in the Library. With an Introduction by H. B. 

Tittlar£> Bequest. 

This Fund was established in 1924 by a bequest of £1,000 
received by the University under the will of the late Sir Adolphus 
William Ward, formerly Principal of Owens College, and Vice- 
Chancellor of the University. 

1. The income of the Bequest is devoted to the advancement 
uf research in (a) History, and (b) English, in alternate years. 

2. The administration of the Bequest is entrusted to a 
Committee, consisting of the Vice-Chancellor and the Professors 
of History and English. 

3. The income is normally devoted towards the publication 
of works of Scholarship by the University Press, such works to 
bear the imprint of the “ Ward Bequest.” 

4. Any accumulations resulting from non-award or from other 
causes in any year are added to the amount available for ex- 
penditure in the following year but one. 

The following volumes have been published under the imprint 
of the Ward Bequest : 

1926. J. H. Frere*s The Monks and the Giants, edited, with 
notes and an introduction on the Italian Medley 
Poets and their English imitators, including Byron, 
by R. D. Waller, M.A. 

1929. The (Chancery under Edward III., bv B. Wilkinson, 

M.A., Ph.D. 

1930. Alliterative Poetry in Middle English. The Dialectal 

and Metrical Survey. By J. P. Oakdcn, M.A., Ph.D. 

1931. Philosophical Poems of Henry More . Edited by 

Geoffrey Bullough, M.A. 

1932. The Rossetti Family , 1824 — 1854. By R. D. Waller, 


3932. The Baronial Plan of Reform, 1258 — 1263. By R. F. 
T rename, M.A.. Ph.D. 

I'riviletj'd Institutions. 


Iprixnletjes conferees on other institutions. 

1. Institutions may be admitted to affiliation after report by 
the 3enate on the following conditions : 

■ (?) The Senate shall satisfy itself that the Institution has 
obtained a satisfactory standard of educational efficiency 
for the purposes for which affiliation is sought, and is 
established on a permanent basis. 

(£>,» That the majority of the regular students in such Institu- 
tion are of the age of 16 years at least. 

(c) Provision shall be made for the representation of the 
Universal ty on the body determining the annual plan of 
study of the Institution recognised. 

2. A student of an affiliated Institution shall be exempted 
from attendance on such portion or portions of the regular course 
of study in the University as the Senate may apprcwe, provided 

(a? He has attended at the recognised Institution a course of 
study approved by the Senate and extending over at 
least two years, unless for special reasons and on the 
recommendation of the Council the Court of the 
University shall reduce this period to one year in any 
individual case. 

' b Before the commencement of the course of Btudy at the 
recognised Institution the student shall have attained 
the age of 17 years. 

c * At least one year of study at the recognised Institution 
shall be taken subsequent to the passing of the Matricu- 
lation Examination by the student, or such other 
examination as may be approved by the Joint Matricula- 
tion Board as exempting from the Matriculation Exami- 

In no case shall a degree be conferred upon any person 
who has not attended in the University during two years 
at least the courses of study recognised for such degree. 

; ■. The University shall inspect from time to time the buildings 
auu equipment for teaching provided in any such Institution, 
an-: shall satisfy itself as to the qualifications of any teachers 
therein appointed to conduct the courses offered in place of 
University courses. 

4, The Council, after a report from the Senate, shall be entitled 
a to withdraw any privileges which may have been 

.unted to m:v Institution under these ordinances, and to remove 
t..$ sai l Institution from affiliation. 

^institutions a>mitteD to Bffiliatfon. 

Harris Institute, Preston. 

Camborne School of Metalliferous Mining. 

Extra-Mural Dei urhrenr. 


Hcceptance of decrees, <Xc m of 
otber Universities. 

1 . Subject to the provisions of § II- (8j and 10 . of the Charrer, 
the Council has power to allow members of any University of the 
United Kingdom, in which residence is required as a condition of 
Graduation, after Matriculation at this University, and presenta- 
tion of certificate of conduct satisfactory to the Council, to count 
such periods of residence passed by them at such other University 
as equivalent to periods of residence at this University. 

2. Undergraduates of other Universities who have been 
admitted, under this ordinance, as members of this University will 
he allowed to count examinations passed by them at such other 
University as equivalent to such portions of the Matriculation and 
Intermediate Examinations of this University as the Council or 
Joint Matriculation Board may from time to time respectively 

( liml Service appointments* 

The detailed regulations concerning the examinations for 
entrance to the various branches of the Civil Service (Indian, 
Home, Colonial, Inland Revenue, etc.) are liable to alteration 
from 3 'ear to year, and in every case the latest issue of the 
respective syllabuses should be consulted. It is essential that, 
before beginning a course of preparation, all candidates should 
make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the conditions 
under which examinations are held and appointments made in 
the department which they wish to enter. Students intending 
to enter for any of th;- brunches of the Civil Service, or desiring 
any information with respect thereto, are invited to consult 
Dr. J. E. Mters, the Supervisor for Civil Service Students, on 
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between 10-30 a.m. and 
12-30 p.m., or by appointment. 

JOSitra-ZlDuiral department. 

The Extra-Mural Department of the University organises the 
University Extension Courses, Special Evening Courses, and 
Public Lectures, in the University and at other Centres- The 
University Joint Committee for Tutorial Classes is responsible 
for the organisation of Tutorial and Preparatory Classes and of 
Summer Schools in conjunction with the Workers* Educational 

For information as to the Extra-Mural work of the University, 
application should be made to the Director of Extra-Mural 

Matriculaiintr Examination 

39 *'. 

public Xectures. 

Particular:- of the Ludwig Mond, the Adamson. the Warburton, 
nud other public lectures, and the Sir Samuel Hall Oration, will 
be ainionnrvd dnriivjr the -cssion. 

TEutorial Classes for Workpeople, 

A -chemc tit regular courses of instruction for workpeople 
ha*. U-en established under the direction of a joint committee, 
ctiiiristinu of representatives oi* workers organisations and of 
the University. The work is carried on in connection with the 
Worker-* Educational Association. Mr. Eli Bib by, the Secretary 
of rlic Xurrh-We^tcrn District of the Association, 292, Oxford 
Road, Manchester, acts as one of the Secretaries for the Tutorial 
Cluss-e* Joint Committee. Last session 47 Tutorial Classes and 
20 Preparatory classes, and 1 Terminal Course were arranged 
in the subject* »*f Economics ami Economic History, Modern 
History, Contemporary History, Social History, Philosophy, 
Social Philosophy, and Economic Thought, Political Philosophy, 
Psychology, Literature, Xew Testament History and Literature, 
Law and International Relations. Social Legislation, The Growth 
of Civilisation, Sociology and Citizenship, Public Administration, 
Industrial and Commercial Organisation, Geography, Appreciation 
of Miiaic, Greek and Roman Life and Literature, and Biology and 

Student.- who have completed a. course of instruction in a 
Tutorial Class and wish to undertake further investigations will 
receive advice from the Class Tutors. 

Full details of the scheme are given in ihp special Prospectus , 
which natg he obtained nf the Uni remit 

Courses in Social Stu&s* 

Pull information concerning the Diploma in Social Study is 
given in a pamphlet which may be obtained on application to 
the Registrar. The University ordinances and regulations for 
the Diploma will be found on page 632. 

Zhc flDatriculatlon ££amination. 

1. Candidates for degrees in all the Faculties of the University 
are required to have passed the Matriculation Examination or 
to have been granted exemption therefrom. 

2. The Universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, 
auLi Birniii.ghain, in accordance with the clauses in their charters, 
^ JH p t P er? - e by means of a Joint Board in conducting and con- 
:r ding the Matriculation Examination. 

Entrance Examination { for Certificate C a • 3',*7 

3. The examination is held twice in each calendar year in 
each. University, in July and September, and in July the exami- 
nation will also be held in other centres authorised by the Board. 

4. The fee for admission to any Matriculation Examination is 
£2. A candidate who lias failed in the July examination in 
any year will be required to pay for admission to the September 
examination in the same year the full fee of £, 2 . The full 
number of subjects must be presented by a candidate on each 

An alternative examination has been arranged for persons of 
mature age, and there is also an examination for persons who 
have been engaged in Industry. 

Full details of the Matriculation Examination, the alternative 
examinations, the Award of School Certificates and Higher School 
Certificates, and particulars as to exemptions granted to holders of 
certificates of other examining bodies are contained in the Syllabuses 
of the Joint Matriculation Board. All correspondence should he 
addressed to the Secretary, 315, Oxford Road, Manchester, 13. 

The Examination Papers of the Joint Matriculation Board are 
published by J. E. Cornish Ltd., 1, Ridgefield, Manchester, 3. 

Bntrance Bjaminatlon (for Certificate 

Candidates before entering upon a course leading to a Certifi- 
cate are required to pass an Entrance Examination in the 
following subjects : 

(i.) Mathematics. (Arithmetic, Elementary Geometry, Algebra, 
up to and including quadratic equations. 

(ii.) An English Essay. 

,'iii.l General knowledge (including questions in English liters 
ture and language, which shall not be compulsory). 

;iv.) Another approved language, which ordinarily would be 
French, or German. Translation at sight of easy passages 
into English ; either the translation of easy English 
passages into the foreign language, or a short essay 
written in the foreign language. 

Candidates taking the examination with a view to entering 
upon a course for the Certificate in Technology will also be 
required to satisfy the Examiners in 

fv.) Mechanics, Physics, and Chemistry. 

An additional subject or subjects may also be required by 
the various Faculties from students seeking admission to course* 
within the Faculties.** 

* For such requirements, if any, see and ti:e Prospectus uf tl:e 

Faculty concerned 

Entrance Scholarships. 

80 S 

The examination is held in J nly and October. Applications 
should be made to the Registrar, on forms which will be 
supplied, before J line 30th and September 28th respectively. The 
fee for admission is £2. 2s., but a candidate who has failed 
in the July examination will be admitted to the October 
examination of the same year at a fee of £1. Is. 

Candidates who propose a foreign language other than French 
or German must make application for the acceptance of such 
language, and pay the fees for the examination, not later than 
June 15th and September 21st respectively. In the case of a 
language not taught in the University, an extra fee of £1. Is., in 
addition to the normal fee for the Entrance Examination, will be 
charged for each examination. 

Candidates who have passed the Matriculation Examination of 
the Joint Matriculation Board are exempt from the Entrance 

In lieu of this special examination candidates may offer a 
certificate of having passed any public examination of adequate 
standard as exempting from the whole or any part of the above 
Entrance Examination. Application for such exemption with full 
particulars should be made to the Registrar, not later than 
September 15th. 

Bntraitce Scholarships* 

A number of Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions will be 
offered for competition in May, 1933, under the revised 
regulations set out on pages 702' — 735. 

Candidates should take note that the regulations of many of 
the Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions have been substan- 
tially altered, and that all candidates are now required to 
write an English Essay. 


faculties of tbe TOntocreity* 


(1) As to theses: 

No degree shall be granted on a thesis or published work which 
has already been submitted in support of an application for a degree 
in any other University. 

(2) As to graduation in more than one Faculty : 

Candidates who have graduated as Bachelor in one Faculty of 

the University shall not be eligible to graduate as Bachelor under the 
regulations of another Faculty unless the total period of approved 
attendances in the University is not less than five years. 

Degree of Doctor oT Philosophy. 

See general note as to theses, above. 

1. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) may he Ordinance* 
conferred on persons who, having fulfilled the provisions for 
attendance required from candidates, have graduated (or have 
passed the Final Examination for a degree) in this or any other 
approved University. 

2. A candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must 
be able to produce satisfactory evidence of having been engaged 
in research or advanced study for a period of at least one year 
subsequent to the above-mentioned graduation, and must pursue 
a course of advanced study or research in the University for at 
least two years, provided that after the first year of the course 
a candidate may be permitted to devote such periods as may 
be deemed desirable by the University to research elsewhere 
under conditions approved by the University. 

Note. — Intending candidates who have not complied with the 
above Ordinance will be required to undertake or complete at 
least one year’s preliminary training in research or advanced 
study before admission to the Ph.D. course, but in special circum- 
stances this period may, with the permission of the Executive 
Committee, be reduced. 

3. Before the commencement of the course of advanced study 
and research the candidate shall 

(a) have fulfilled the conditions laid down in Clause 1 ; 

( b ) have applied to the University for recognition ; 

(c) have given satisfactory evidence to the University of 

adequate training and ability to pursue the proposed 
course ; 

(d) have registered as a University student and paid the 

prescribed fees. 

Deg) it of D,':tor of PLiiosothy. 


Ordinance. 4 . A candidate, in addition to completing the course of 
advanced study or research, must present a satisfactory thesis, 
or published work, embodying the results of his research, and 
must satisfy the Examiners in an oral examination on the subject 
of the thesis and in matters relevant thereto. A candidate may 
also be required to satisfy the Examiners in a written or other 

i B e f ore entering upon the course a candidate must send 
in an application upon a prescribed form in time to reach the 
Registrar not later than September 1 st. The application must 
give particulars of the educational career and qualifications of 
the candidate, as well as the subject of the advanced study or 

Note. — A candidate is strongly advised to consult the teachers 
in ill.? subjects he proposes to study before making formal 
application to the Registrar. 

2 . At the beginning of each year of his course the candidate 
shall submit his proposed course of study for approval. 

3. A candidate may be required to take special courses of 
instruction in departments other than the one mainly concerned 
with the course, as well as in the subject in which he proposes 
to pursue advanced study or research. 

4. A candidate is not allowed to undertake work which, in 
the opinion of the Executive Committee, is likely to interfere 
with his Ph.D. course, or to restrict the freedom of publication 
of results, and is therefore required to report to the Committee 
any outside work which he proposes to undertake. 

D, A candidate must nppiy in writing to the Registrar not 
later than June 1 st in the first year of the course, if he desires 
to spend a part of the remainder of the course at some other 
approved Institution, and must state the Institution to which 
In? proposes to proceed and the facilities such Institution offers 
!or ids work. The period of study at the University shall in no be less than one academic year. 

0 . A candidate who wishes to submit himself for examination 
gi\e notice to the Registrar and pay the required fee to 
tivj Bur-v r, am, within one month after the date of notice, 
.-ubimt at least two copies uf his thesis (accompanied by a 
eL’jrt at struct) for the approval of the University, The copies 
cf me ti.c-'i- w:.i be emitted by the University. 

If tne candidate w.-hes to be presented for the degree at the 
en<: tn * ( uctideridc your, tin? notice, aforesaid, must 

given 1m -for.? April 1st. 

Degree oj B.A. 


A candidate will not be permitted to submit as bis thesis a 
thesis for which a degree has been conferred upon him in this 
or any other University, but he shall not be precluded from 
incorporating any part of the work already submitted with a 
view to a degree for which he has been a successful candidate, 
provided that in his entry-form and in the thesis he indicates 
the part of the work so incorporated. 

7. The following fees shall be charged to candidates : 

(а) Registration Fee on admission to course (for 

others than graduates of this University) ... £5 0 0 

(б) Fee for supervision and tuition : 

Faculty of Science £12 12 0 to £17 17 0 

according to subject taken. per session. 

Faculty of Technolog}’ £12 12 0 

per session. 

Other Faculties £9 9 0 

per session. 

(a deduction being made for each term kept 

at another approved Institution). 

(c) Fee on application to be examined £10 0 0 

(d) Fee for each subsequent examination £10 0 0 

(e) Fee on conferment of degree £5 0 0 

vibe If acuity of Bits. 

(For Set Books, Periods, and Subjects for Degree Courses in th8 
Faculty of Arts, see page 473.) 

1. The degrees in this Faculty are Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), 
Master of Arts (M.A.), and Doctor of Letters (Litt.D.). 

Degree of Bachelor of Arts . 4 

2. The degree of Bachelor of Arts shall be conferred either 
as an ordinary degree or as a degree in Honours. 

3. All candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts are 
required to have passed the Matriculation Examination, and 
to have attended approved courses of study as defined by 
regulation for a period of not less than three years, all of 
which shall be subsequent to the date at which the student 
passes the Matriculation Examination, provided that approved 
courses for the Matriculation Examination completed previous 
to October 1st, 1900, may be reckoned as one of the three 
years of study necessary for graduation. 

* Set A general not« i 2 3 m to grartuittion (page 399 . 



Fjl u't\ oj Arts. 


4. Subject to the uh.,ve conditions, the amount of attendance 
lor candidates for the decree of Bachelor of Arts shall be 
defined by regulation. 

* Ordinary Degree of Bachelor of Arts. 

NOTE. — The Roman figures in brackets are not part of the 
or dinan ce, but are inserted to indicate the class or classes in 
the Syllabus (see Prospectus of the Faculty of Arts) applicable to 
the subject. 

5. Courses of study for die Ordinary Degree of Bachelor of 
Arts are of three grades, namely, Intermediate, General, 

6. Candidates who have attended any course of study are 
said to complete it by satisfying the Examiners in the 
examination upon that course. 

7. Each course of study may be separately completed. 

S. Save as provided hereinafter candidates for the ordinary 
degree of Bachelor of Arts are required to attend and complete 
ten courses, of which 

Pive must be of Intermediate Grade, 

Three must be of General Grade. 

One must be of Special Grade and one must be 
either a second course of Special Grade or a 
fourth course of General Grade. 

9. Candidates who have attended satisfactorily for three 
years a subject approved for the ordinary degree of Bachelor 
of Science, and have passed the Intermediate and Pinal Exami- 
nations in this subject, shall be regarded as having attended 
and completed the equivalent of an Arts subject taken through 
the Intermediate, General, and Special stages, and another 
Arts subject taken through either the Intermediate or the 
Genera 1 , stages. Such candidate must complete a course in a 
foreign hi.muaLV ami in 1 >ry. 

10. Of the subjects for the hve Intermediate Courses : 

f aj One must be Mathematics (II.), Logic (Philosophy I. 
(i.) ), or Political Economy (I.), or English Law. 

■ b ; One must be Ancient Hi&iuiy (I.),f or Medieval 
History (I.). or Modern History (I.). 

One must be Greek (I.). or Latin (I.). 

, ‘ c:..\ Lu stuiesta couiiiiencii-g f.eir course m or after 

11 tS-i-*— . For for student 5 legist red prior to tbeae-sion 

:C»-‘ - 1 . ftn C.iler hr l ■ 

' Ktstrsy '-.a\ ' e substituted for Aneient Historj' (I.). 

Degree '/ B.A. 


(d) One must be a modern language chosen from tLe Ordinance* 
following : — 

French (I.). 

German (I. (i.) with (ii.) or (hi.) ; or I. (iv.) ). 

Spanish (L). 

Russian fid. 

Italian J.}. 


Chinese, *a Celtic language, or any other 
modern foreign language approved by the 
Senate. [Hebrew may be taken in this Group, 
by special permission uf the Board of the 

ie.) The fifth subject may be any one of those named 
in (a), (6), (c), or (cl) which has not been already 
selected, or any one of the following: — 

English (I.). 

Hebrew (I.). 

The Principles of Music and Acoustics (Har- 
mony, and Physics II. (a) ). 

Physics (II. and Pract.). 

Chemistry (either I. or III. with II. and Lab.). 

Geography (I.). 

f History of Art (I). 

Students who do not take English as an Intermediate 
subject under (e) above will be required to take 
English of General Grade, as one of their General 

Instead of one subject chosen from Group (u) above, 
students may take Philosophy of General Grade 
(Philosophy II. (i.) ), but they will then be required 
to take another course of Intermediate Grade to 
complete their full number of five courses of Inter- 
mediate Grade. 

11. The subjects of the three Courses of General grade 
may be any of the following : 

i. Greek Language and Literature (II.) or i Hellenistic 

Greek (II.). 

ii. Latin Language and Literature (II.). 

iii. French Language and Literature (II.). 

*A.t present suspended 

*■ The an-endruont in itiuioh is subject to continuation bv the Court. Instruction 
in these courses will be given during the Sessions 1533-34 and iy:J4-3r>, but the 
University doe& not bind itself to provide such instruction after the Session 

: For students intending to take Hellenistic Greek III. 


Faculty of Arts . 


\v. German Language and Literature (II.). 

v. English Language and Literature (E. Lit. II. A., E. 
" Language IT. (i.), or E. Lit. II. B., E. Language 

II. (i.) and (ii.) ). 

vi. Russian Language and Literature (II.). 

vii. Italian Language and Literature (II). 

viii. Hebrew Language and Literature (II.). 

ix. Arabic Language and Literature (Classical ArabicII.). 

x. Chinese Language and Literature. 

xi. *Geogranky (II.). 

xii. One Historical subject, as defined by Regulation; or 

Political Philosophy (Philosophy II. (ii.) ), or 
Political Economy (II.). 

xiii. Any one of the subjects as defined in (xii.) which has 

not already been taken under that section. 

xiv. Philosophy (II.). 

xv. (a) The History of Ancient Philosophy (Philosophy 

HI. (ii.))> 

( b ) The History of Modern Philosophy, or 

(c) Ethics (Philosophy III. (i.) ). 

xvi. Mathematics. III. a or ft. History of Art (II.). 
xviii. Spanish Language and Literature (TI.). 
xix.JCow * jiarafive Religion. 

12. A student may, with the permission of the Professor or 
Lecturer in charge of the subject concerned, subject to the 
approval of the Board of the Faculty, substitute for a Special 
Course a course in an Honours School. 

13. The subjects of the Special courses may be any of 
the following : 

i. Greek Language and Literature (III.), or Greek Testament 

and Hellenistic Greek (III.). 

ii. Latin Language and Literature (III.). 

iii. French Language and Literature (III.). 

iv. German Language and Literature (III.). 

* St ; ro^t-terei October, lOdS, may offer Geography ^1 ) 

, * 11 A :: . conr-es will ye given during the Sessions 1933-34 and 

*yo4-cr'j, k-::t the cm er:*ty c!c-es not bind itself to provide such instruction after 
the Se'S-.o:: I934-S5. 

1 The amendments m italics are subject to confirmation by the Court. 

Degree of B. A 

v\ English Language and Literature (E. Lit. III. 

Language III. (i.), or III. B. with E. Language III. 

vi. Russian Language and Literature (III.). 

vii. Italian Language and Literature (III.). 

viii. The Language and Literature of one or more Semitic 

Peoples (Hebrew III. or Assyrian III., or Hebrew 

III. (ii.) with either Classical Arabic III., or Aramaic III,). 

ix. Chinese Language and Literature. 

x. History (Ancient History III. (i.) or (ii.), or Modern 

History III.). 

xi. Philosophy (III., (i.), or (ii.), or (iii.) ). 

xii. Political Economy (III.) (i.), (Public Economics and 


xiii.*Geography (HI.), 

xiv.f %Eistory of Art (III.). 

xv. Spanish Language and Literature (III.). 

xvi. §Public Administration : Central and Local Government 

(Political Economy, III. (ii.) ). 

14. A student will be required to complete the Intermediate 
course in any subject in which an Intermediate course is 
provided before entering upon a General course in that subject, 
and to complete a General course in any subject before 
entering upon a Special course in that subject; provided 
always that a ssudent may be permitted, on the special 
recommendation of the Professor or Lecturer in charge of a 
subject whose class he desires to enter, to commence a 
General course without having taken the Intermediate course 
in that subject, but he will still be required to complete the 
full number of ten courses. 

A student, however, who. as a candidate for an Honours 
degree has been exempted from attendance and examination 
in one Intermediate subject under Regulation 1 (page 422) shall, 
with the special permission of the Board of the Faculty, be 
regarded as having completed the attendance and examination 
in that subject for the ordinary degree of B.A. 

15. Students who have not presented Greek as a subject 
in any previous examination of the University (including the 

* Students registered before October, 1926, may offer Geography (II.). 
t Instruction in these courses will be given during the Sessions 1933-34 and 
1934-35, but the University does not bind itself to provide such instruction after 
the Session 1934-1935. 

J The amendments in italics are subject to confirmation by the Court. 

$ This course may only be taken by students who have completed r course of 
general grade in either HiRtorv or Political Economy or Political Philosopbv. 

Faculty of Arts. 


Ordiunncei y atr * cu | at j un ) ^ w ith the permission of the Board of the 
Faculty, offer the Intermediate course in Greek in their second 
y» ar, in place of the General course in Greek, provided that they 
offer at the same time the General course in Latin ; and 
chj *a. me student may subsequently offer the General 
course in Greek as a fourth. General course if it be accompanied 
by the Special course in Latin. 

16. Subject to the above Ordinances, students must, unless 
with special permission of the Board of the Faculty, group their 
studies in general conformity with a scheme of approved courses. 

Xote. — A leaflet giving details uf the scheme may be obtained 
on personal application to the Dean or the Faculty Tutor. 

17. The examinations completing the Intermediate courses 
for the ordinary degree of Bachelor of Am are held ordinarily 
twice in each calendar year. 5 * 1 

18. The examinations completing the General and Special 
courses for the ordinary degree of Bachelor of Arts are held 
ordinarily once in each calendar year,* and at such additional 
times as may be prescribed by Eegulation. 

19. The names of candidates who have completed each 
course h r the ordinary degree shall be published in two divisions. 

30. A list, in alphabetical order, of the candidates who have 
completed all their courses in the Intermediate and General 
anu Special grades respectively shall be published after the 
end ot each examination. 

23. The Examiners in any of the examinations completing 
any of the courses for the ordinary degree of B.A. may take 
into consideration the class work done during the session by 
candidates for that examination. 

22. It shall also be lawful for the Examiners to examine 
candidates orally. 

23. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts with 
Honours who have not been awarded Honours in the exami- 
nation for the degree of B.A. with Honours for which they 
have presented themselves, may, if they have in the opinion 
of the Examiners acquitted themselves sufficiently well in such 
examination, proceed to the final courses for the ordinary 
degree without being required to take the intermediate courses; 
such candidates may also be excused by the Board of the Faculty 
from any «•£ their Final courses in thuse subjects in which they 
have been reported by the Examiners in the Honours School to 
have acquitted themselves satisfactorily. (See also Ordinances 15 
and 16, degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours, pages 421 — 422.) 

♦For dates of examination, see page $39. 

Degree of B.A. 


24. Candidates who are Bachelors of Science and who Ordinance* 
presented Pure and Applied Mathematics at the Final B.Sc. 
Examination are not allowed to oifer a course of General 

Grade in Mathematics for the B.A. Candidates who are 
Bachelors of Science and who presented Psychology at the 
Final B.Sc. Examination are not allowed to present General and 
Special courses in Philosophy. 

25. Graduates or persons who have passed the degree 
examinations of other Universities approved for the purpose 
are allowed to become candidates for the Bachelor’s degree m 
the Faculty of Arts after a course of study of two years in 
this University. 

The detailed courses of study for the ordinary degree of B.A. Regulation* 
are as follows : 


1. Pure Mathematics : — 

(U Elementary Solid Geometry t including Straight Lines, 

Planes, and Solid Angles; the simpler properties of 
the Parallelopiped, Prism, Cone, Cylinder, and Sphere, 
with the Mensuration of these solids.. 

(2) Algebra. 

(3) Plane Trigonometry to Solution of Tri angles (inclusive). 

(4) Analytical Geometry of the Straight Line and Circle. 

2. Logic : — 

Deductive and Inductive Logic. 

3. Political Economy : — 

Elements of Political Economy. 

4. English Law : — 

The elements of English Law. 

5. Ancient History : — 

Outlines of Greek and Roman History. 

6. Modern History : — 

Outlines of Mediaeval or of Modern History. 

7. Greek : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Greek into English. 

(2) Greek Grammar, including the translation of simple 

English sentences into Greek. 

(3) One prose and one verse book, with any literary and 

grammatical questions arising out of them. Students 
who intend to take Hellenistic Greek III. may substitute 
a second prose book for the verse book. 

n i 


Faculty of Arts. 

Regulation* & Latin : — 

(1 ) Translation at sight from Latin into English. 

(2) Latin Grammar, including the translation of English 

sentences into Latin. 

(3 1 One prose and one verse book, with any literary and 
grammatical questions arising out of them. 

9. French : — 

(1; Translation at sight from French into English. 

(2) Translation of easy English passages into French, with 

French Grammar. 

(3) Translation from one or more specified books, with any 

literary and grammatical questions arising out of 

(4) Dictation. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation, to be tested orally. 

10. German L»i.» : — 

(1) Translation at sight from German into English. 

(2) Translation of easy English passages into German, with 

German Grammar. 

(3j Translation from one or more specified books, with any 
literary and grammatical questions arising out of 

(4) Dictation. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation, to be tested orally. 

Intermediate is open to students who have attained the 
Matriculation standard in German. 

German I. ii.;: — 

(T> Translation at sight of easy German passages of a literary 

(2 Translation of easy English passages into German, with 
German Grammar. 

1 3) Translation of specified German texts of a literary 
character, with any grammatical and literary questions 
arising out of them. 

{4< Proficiency in pronunciation, to be tested by reading 

Intermeiiute I.<h. is open to all students, but especially 
adapted to student' of any Honours School who are beginners in 
werman to enable them to consult German authorities bearing 
on their own subjects. 

Degree of B.A. 


11. Spanish : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Spanish into English. 

(2) Translation of easy English passages into Spanish, with 
Spanish Grammar. 

(3) Translation from one or more specified books, with any 
literary and grammatical questions arising out of them. 

(4) Dictation. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation, to be tested orally. 

12. Russian : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Russian into English. 

(2) Translation of easy English passages into Russian, with 

Russian Grammar. 

(3) Translation from one or more specified books, with any 

literary and grammatical questions arising out of them. 

(4) Dictation. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation, to be tested orally. 

13. Italian : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Italian into English. 

(2) Translation of easy English passages into Italian with 

Italian Grammar. 

(3) Translation from one or more specified books, with 

any literary and grammatical questions arising out 
of them. 

(4) Dictation. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation, to be tested orally. 

14. Arabic: — 

(1) Translation at sight from Arabic prose into English. 

(2) Arabic Grammar, including the translation of easy 

English sentences into Arabic, and pointing. 

(3) Prescribed texts of classical Arabic prose, with and 

literary or grammatical questions arising out of them. 

15. Hebrew : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Hebrew into English. 

(2) Hebrew Grammar, including the translation of easy 

English sentences into Hebrew, and pointing# 

(3) A prescribed text or texts, with any literary or gram- 

matical questions arising out of them. 


Faculty of Arts . 


»egtfftti<ms 16. Chinese:— 

(1) Translation at sight from Chinese into English. 

(2) Translation of easy English passages into Chinese, 

with Chinese tones. 

(3) Translation from one or more specified books, with 

any points in construction arising out of them. 

(4) Dictation. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation, to be tested orally. 

Either (a i Irish : 

(1 Old Irish Grammar, including simple translation at 
sight from Irish into English, and the translation of 
easy English sentences into Irish. 

(2) Specified Irish texts, with any literary and grammatical 

questions arising out of them. 

Or b) Welsh : 

'1 Middle Welsh Grammar, including simple translation 
at sight from Middle Welsh into English, and the 
translation of easy English sentences into Welsh, 
f 2) Specified Middle Welsh texts," with any literary and 
grammatical questions arising out of them. 

18. English:-- 

f l Composition. 

(2‘ Specified representative books of English Literature. 

3 Outlines of the general history of English Literature 
with specified books. 

19. The Principle# of Music and Acoustics: — 

IV Forms of consonant and dissonant chords, their effects 
and progressive tendencies. 

(2 Writing chordal and contrapuntal harmony in four parts. 
3 Elementary 'Hieory of Acoustics. 

20. t Physics. 

21. + Ghemisti'y . 

22. Geography : — 

Outlines of General and Regional Geography. 

23. History of Art :■ — 
fl) History of Art. 

(2} History of Architecture. 

(3) Practical Class. 

*TI:fcs«- classes ?re at present suspended 

♦ For particulars, see the regulations for the Faculty or Science. 

Degree oj B.A. 411 


1. Greek:-- 

Either Greek Language and Literature : — 

: 1 ■ Translation at sight from Greek into English. 
f2; Greek Syntax and translation of simple English pro^e 
into Greek. 

3 One prose book and one verse book with auv literary 
and grammatical questions arising out of them. 

Or Hellenistic Greek (for students who intend to take 
Hellenistic Greek III.) : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Hellenistic Greek into English. 

(2) Hellenistic Greek syntax and translation of simple English 

Prose into Hellenistic Greek. 

(3) Prescribed Hellenistic Greek hooks with any literary 

and grammatical questions arising out of them. 

2 . Latin: — 

(1) Translation at sight from Latin into English. 

('2) Latin Syntax and translation of simple English prose 
into Latin. 

(3) One prose book and one verse book with any literary and 
grammatical questions arising out of them. 

3. French: — 

(1) Translation at sight from French into English. 

(2) Translation from English into French. 

(3) Translation from one or more specified books, with any 

literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

(4 ) A specified period of French Literature. 

f 5) Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to be tested 
by an oral examination, the subject of the latter being 
taken from the prescribed book or period. 

4. German : — 

(1; Translation at sight from German into English. 

(2) Translation from English into German. 

(3 s Translation from one or more specified books, with any 
literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 
i,4) A specified period of German Literature. 

( 5) Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to be tested 

by an oral examination. 

5. English Language and Literature : — 


'1) Phonetics, with special reference to English. 

•2) Study of Old and Middle English Texts, with literary and 
linguistic questions thereon. 



Faculty of Arts. 

Regulation b (3) Specified works of at least three authors not earlier than 



(1 Phonetics, with special reference to English. 

1 2} Specified works of at least three authors not earlier than 

(3) Hisrorv of a period of English Literature subsequent to 

tf. Rusxian Language and Literature : — 

< 1 J Translation at sight from Russian into English. 

\2> Translation from English into Russian. 

(&\ Translation from one or more specified books, with any 
literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

,4' A specified period of Russian Literature. 

*5, An oral examination. 

7. Italian Language and Literature : — 

,t Translation at sight from Italian into English. 

>2 Translation from English into Italian. 

3 Translation from one or more specified books, with any 

literary, linguistic, and historical questions arising out 
of them. 

4 A specified period of Italian Literature to be studied in 

relation with the political and social history of the 

5 Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to he 

tested by an oral examination, the subject of the latter 
being taken from the prescribed books or period. 

8. Hebrew Language and Literature : — 

'1 ' Translation at sight from Hebrew into English. 

(2; Hebrew Syntax and translation from English into 
Hebrew, and pointing. 

3, Prescribed Texts. 

,4 A prescribed period of history, political and literary. 

9. Arabic Language and Literature : — 

Either a Classical Arabic : 

1 Translation at sight of Arabic prose into English. 

2 Aran:e Syntax and translation from English into Arabic, 

and pointing. 

3 Prescribed texts. 

4 A t re.-cribeu period of history, political and literary. 

Or b Hudern Arabic : 

1 i ransuidor at sight from Arabic, Written and Colloquial, 
into English. 

Degree of B.J . 


(2) Arabic Grammar and translation from English into Regulations 

Arabic, Written and Colloquial. 

(3) Prescribed Texts in Written and Colloquial Arabic. 

(4) A prescribed period of history, political and literary. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to be 

tested orally, the subject of conversation being taken 
from the prescribed texts. 

10 . Ghim$e : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Chinese into English. 

(2) Translation from English into Chinese. 

(3) Translation from one or more specified books, with any 

literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

(4) Specified period or subject in Chinese Literature. 

(5) Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to be 

tested by an oral examination. 

11. Geography : — 

Regional Geography of the Lands of the North Atlantio 
Basin, with special reference to the British Isles. 

12 and 13. History , Politics : — 

Any one of the following will be counted as constituting 
a General course : — 

(a) Oriental History (Ancient History II. (i.)). 

(b) Greek History (Ancient History II. (ii.) ). 

(c) Roman History (Ancient History II. (iii.) j. 

(d) Mediaeval English History (Mediaeval History II.). 

(e) Modern English History (Modern History II. (ii.) ). 

(/) General Modern History (Modem History II. (i.) ). 

(g) Ecclesiastical History (Ecclesiastical History II. (i.) or 

II. (ii.) ). 

(h) Economic History (Economic History II.). 

(j) Political Philosophy (Philosophy II. (ii.) ). 

(A) Political Economy (II.). 

14 and 15. Philosophy : — 

One, or two, of the following : — 

(a) Philosophy. 

(1) The Elements of Psychology. 

(2) The Outlines of General Philosophy studied in connection 

with a prescribed hook or books. 

4 U 

Faculty of Arts, 

ftoffuUtionB ( bl Ethicrf. 

The elements of Ethics with a prescribed book or books. 
fcj Either ;i.. The History of Ancient Philosophy. 

From the beginning clown to and including Aristotle, with 
a special book or books. 

Or fiij The History of Modern Philosophy. 

From the Renaissance down to and including Kant, with a 
special book or books. 

16. Pure Mathematics 

(]■ The elements of Projective and Plane Co-ordinate 

?2) The simpler portions of the Differential and Integral 

Applied Mathematics : — 

;'b Statics of a Particle and of a rigid body (exclusive of 
Attractions ». 

<2) Hydrostatics. 

3) Kinetics of a Particle and of a Rigid Body (elementary). 

17. The History of Art : — 

(1) History of the painting and sculpture of the prescribed 


(2) History of the architecture of the prescribed period. 

(3) Practical Class. 

18. Contrapuntal Harmony : — 

Ml Analysis uf prescribed musical works. 

2» Writing chordal and contrapuntal harmony in four parts, 
for voices and instruments. 

ISh Spanish Laihjwuje and Literature : — 

It Translation at sight from Spanish into English. 

2; Translation from English into Spanish. 

*'3) Translation from one or more specified books, with any 
literary, linguistic, and historical questions arising out 
of them. 

■‘4) A specified period of Spanish Literature. 

; 5, Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to be 
te>u-d by an oral examination, the subject of the latter 
to h>‘ taken from the prescribed books or period. 

Degree of B.A. 

41 5 

20. Comparative Religion : — Regulation* 

( 1 ) Evolution of religions. ( 1 hour. ) 

(2) Either (a) Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion or 

(b) Psychology of Religion. (1 hour.) * 

(3) One of the following courses to be chosen from tho 3 e 

prescribed from year to year. (1 hour.) 

(а) Greek religion. 

(б) Roman religion. 

(c) Babylonian and Assyrian religion. 

(d) Egyptian religion. 

(e) Judaism. 

(/) Islam. 

(g) Hinduism and Indian Buddhism. 

Except with the permission of the Faculty, a student shall not 
proceed to courses 2 (a) and 2 (6) without having taken an 
appropriate course of General grade in Philosophy. 

Course 1, which is an introduction, should normally he taken 
in the student's second year, courses 2 and 3 in the third year. 

The subject selected under 3 should correspond as far as possible 
with the student’s previous training. 

Special Courses of Study. 

1. Classical Greek : — 

(1) Translation of unprepared Greek into English. 

(2) Translation of English prose of moderate difficulty into 


(3) Prose and verse books, with any historical, literary, and 

grammatical questions arising out of them. 

(4) Outlines of the history of Greek literature. 

2. Hellenistic Greek : — 

(1) Translation of unprepared Hellenistic Greek into English. 

(2) Translation of English prose of moderate difficulty into 

Hellenistic Greek. 

(3) Hellenistic Texts, literary and vernacular, with any his- 

torical and grammatical questions arising out of them. 

(4) Hellenistic Grammar, especially in its relation to Classical 


3. Latin : — 

(1) Translation of unprepared Latin into English. 

(2) Translation of English prose of moderate difficulty into 


n 2 


Faculty of Arts . 

Regulation** (3; p r ose and verse books, with any historical, literary, and 
grammatical questions arising out of them. Students 
will be expected to acquire a knowledge of the chief 
metres used by Latin poets of the classical period, and 
some acquaintance with the chief characteristics of 
Latin literature. 

4. French : — 

fl) Translation at sight from French into English. 

(2) Translation from English into French. 

(Si Translation from prescribed French books, with literary 
and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

(4) Original prose composition with the elements of French 


(5) A period of French literature. 

(6) Proficiency in conversation, to he tested by an oral 


5. German : — 

(1) Translation at sight from German into English. 

(2) Translation from English into German. 

\3) Translation from prescribed books of later date than 1350, 
with literary and linguistic questions arising out of 

:4) Outlines of the history of the German literature, with a 
specified period subsequent to 1350. 

t'5) Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to he 
tested by an oral examination. 

6. English Language and Literature : — 


1) Study of Old and Middle English Texts, with literary 
and linguistic questions arising therefrom. 

Translation from Old and Middle English Texts at sight. 

Either & specified period of English Literature subsequent 
to 1500 with specified hooks, or the Life and Works of 
a specified author. 


1 History of English Language. 

2 EP.verji specified period of English Literature subsequent 

to 1500 with specified books, or the Life and Works of 
a specified author. 

Degree of B.A. 


7. Russian : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Russian into English and from 

English into Russian. 

(2) Original prose composition in Russian. 

>3) Translation from prescribed Russian books, with 
literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

A; Outlines of the history of Russian literature studied in 
connection with the political and social history, 
together with a special period of the literature. 

l5j An oral examination. 

8. Italian: — 

(1) Translation at sight from Italian into English, and 

English into Italian. 

(2) Translation from prescribed books with literary, 

linguistic, and historical questions arising out of them. 

(3j Original prose composition. 

(4) A period of Italian Literature studied in connection 

with political and social History. 

(5) An oral examination. 

9. Semitic : — 

(1) Translation at sight from Hebrew or Assyrian into 


(2) Translation from English into Hebrew or Assyrian, with 

pointing (Hebrew). 

(3) Either (a) Prescribed Hebrew or Assyrian texts. 


(6) A modified Hebrew course, with fewer 
prescribed texts, in combination with the elements of a 
second approved Semitic language (Arabic or Aramaic) 
with prescribed texts. 

(4) A prescribed period of History, political and literary. 

10. Philosophy : — 

Any one of the following subjects not already taken at the 
General Stage : 

!,1) History of Greek Philosophy with set books. 

(2) History of Modern Philosophy with set books. 

(3) Ethics. 

(4) Experimental Psychology and Laboratory work as for B.Sc. 


Faculty of Arts . 

KeguUUon M] paitieaJ Economy 

(1) A special subject in Political Economy not already taken 
as a General subject. 

! '2j A special period of Economic History not already taken 
as a General subject. 

(3i A special subject in Economic History. 

lib History 

A period of Ancient or Modern History, other than that 
taken by the candidate for his General course, with 
a special study of some prescribed hooks and original 

Id. Geography : — 

(a) Physical Geology and Geography. 

(h) Cartography and Field Work. 

(c) The Geography of a special region. 

14. History of Art : — 

Special study of some monument or monuments or group of 
objects prescribed. 

Ifi, Spanish Language and Literature : — 

• V -Translation at sight from English into Spanish and from 
Spanish into English. 

[2) Original prose composition in Spanish. 

(3) Translation from prescribed books, with any literary, 

linguistic, and historical questions arising out of them. 
Ti A specified period of Spanish Literature. 

5 Proficiency in pronunciation and conversation, to be 
tested by an oral examination. 


dates presenting themselves for an Intermediate or 
rmal Examination for the first time will be required to furnish 
,ay cert ^ cutes attendance upon the corresponding 

Laihiioates wL« have, with the permission of the Professor 
< r i f cni r e f- attended a more advanced course in lieu of a course 
y . »c . srnge re, a Lniversity degree will be regarded 

as having cuvoo.e:: with the University requirements, and the 
cer.mrvr.- or sucu attenuate will be deemed satisfactory. 

Degree of B A n y 

Decree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours. 

1. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours ordinances 
are, save as hereinafter provided, required to have passed the 
Matriculation Examination, and subsequently to have attended 
courses of instruction approved by the Board of the Faculty 
extending over not less than three academic years in one of the 
Honours Schools hereinafter enumerated, except that in the 
Honours School of Philosophy the minimum period of attendance 

shall be not less than two academic years.* Provided that, under 
Regulations approved by the Senate and Council, the Board of 
the Faculty may allow students in any Honours School of modern 
foreign language or literature, to attend approved courses at a 
foreign University, or similar place of learning, in lieu of one 
term’s attendance at the University. 

2. With the consent of the Board of the Faculty, candidates 
for the ordinary degree or day students for a degree in the 
Faculty of Commerce and Administration, who, not later than 
the beginning of their second year of study after matriculation, 
are specially recommended as fit candidates for Honours by the 
Professors or Lecturers of any Honours School may, after two 
years of subsequent attendance upon the Honours course, proceed 
to the Honours Examination in that school. 

3. The Honours Schools examinations are held once in each 
academic year, and at such additional times as may be prescribed 
by regulation. 

4. Any Honours Examination may be divided into two parts, 
which may be held in different years, provided that the first part 
of any Honours Examination be not held before the end of the 
second year of study. 

5. Save as in hereinafter provided, every candidate for the 
degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours, except students in 
the Honours Schools of Philosophy and Architecture, is required 
to present himself for examination at the end of the third or 
fourth academic year from the time when he has entered 
upon the course of instruction for such degree, unless he shall 
present a medical certificate of illness satisfactory to the Board 
of the Faculty. Candidates desiring to present themselves in 
t-heir fourth academic year are required to give notice to the 
Registrar before January 31st of the third academic year as to 
the date at which they intend to present themselves. Candidates 
for the degree of B.A. in Philosophy shall not present themselves 

* ihe Intermediate B.A. is accepted instead ut the firat year's attendance m 
an Honours School, provided that the subjects cnosen and the course attended 
by the candidate are substantially and to the satisfaction of the Senate those 
required tor the first year’s course of the Honours School. 


Faculty of Arts, 

ordinances for their Final Examination before the end of the second year or 
later than the end of the third academic year after their admission 
to the Honours School of Philosophy. Candidates for the degree 
of B.A. in Architecture shall not present themselves for their 
Final Examination before the end of the fifth or later than the 
end of the sixth academic year, except in the case of the examina- 
tion in Design, which may be taken at the end of the fifth or any 
subsequent year. 

6. Xo candidate for the degree of B.A. with Honours shall be 
admitted more than once to examination in the same Honours 
School, provided that this shall not apply to the Examinations 
in Design in the Honours School of Architecture, nor to the case 
contemplated in Ordinance 7 below. 

7. A candidate in any Honours School prevented by ill-health 
or accident from beginning or completing his examination may, 
by special permission of the Board of the Faculty, become a 
candidate at a subsequent Honours Examination. 

8. In awarding scholarships and prizes .on an Honours Exami- 
nation, candidates who present themselves for it at the end of 
their third year of study shall, if they attain the standard required 
for such distinctions, have a prior claim to election over candidates 
of senior standing, provided that in the case of great superiority 
of merit the latteT be not disqualified. 

9. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Honours 
may present themselves in any of the following Honours Schools : 

i. Greek. 

ii. Latin. 

iii. Classics. 

iv. History. 

v. English Language and Literature. 

vi. French Studies. 

vii. German Language and Literature. 

viii. Philosophy. 

ix. Architecture. 

x. Economics, Politics, and Modern History. 

xi. Oriental Studies. 

xii. *Celtic Studies. 

xiii. Russian Language and Literature. 

xiv. Italian Studies. 

Sch*c^° ^ rovis:o11 avaiJable for the necessary instruction in this 

Degree ofB.A. 


xv. Geography. 

xvi. Spanish Studies. 

xvii. Composite Honours Schools : 

(a) Greek and English. 

10. Candidates who have completed all the courses for the 
Ordinary degree of Bachelor of Arts may, with the permission of 
the Board of the Faculty, present themselves, not later than 
two years after completing those courses, for examination in any 
Honours School, provided that during the interval they have 
attended such part of the course of study in that school as shall 
have been approved for them by the Board of the Faculty. 

11. Students who have completed all the courses required for 
the B.A. Degree with Honours in any school may be admitted to 
examination in a second Honours School after the expiration of 
not more than two years from their admission to the first, 
provided that during that period they have attended such part of 
the course of study in that school as shall have been approved for 
them by the Board of the Faculty. 

12. The names of those who have completed the course of 
study in any Honours School by passing the whole examination 
of that School shall be drawn up in three classes, and each class 
shall be arranged in alphabetical order. The Examiners shall 
have power to divide the Second Class into two divisions. 

13. The Examiners, in drawing up the Honours lists, may 
take into consideration the class work of candidates during their 
Honours course and also any thesis, written or other original 
work carried out by candidates during that course. 

14. It shall be lawful for the Examiners to examine orally 
any candidates for an Honours School. 

15. A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in any 
Honours School who has failed in the University examination 
may be recommended to the Board of the Faculty of Arts for the 
ordinary degree by the Examiners in that school on the ground of 
ill-health, and may be awarded the ordinary degree, provided the 
record of his w T ork during his course of study has, in the opinion 
of the Board of the Faculty, been satisfactory. 

16. Students who, at the end of their second year of residence, 
have completed all the Intermediate courses required for an 
Honours School and have passed the Preliminary or Part I. 
Examination of that School may be allowed to proceed to the 
Ordinary Degree of B.A. at the end of a further year’s residence 



Faculty of Arts . 

Ordinances if they have pursued such courses of study and satisfied such 
requirements of examination as may be approved by the Board 
of the Faculty in each case : provided that in any case the work 
involved in such further requirements shall not be less than that 
of two Special courses. 

17. The Board of the Faculty shall have power to recommend 
for the Ordinary B.A. degree without further attendance any 
student who, at the end of his third year of residence, has com- 
pleted all the requirements for admission to the Final Examina- 
tion of any Honours School, but has failed to reach the standard of 
a Third Class in that School, provided that he shall satisfy such 
further conditions as the Board of the Faculty shall in each case 

In ordinary eases such candidates shall be required to pass at 
least two Special Examinations (or their equivalent) in other 
subjects tlmn those included in their Honours School. 

The Board of the Faculty shall also have power to recommend 
for the ordinary degree, on the reports of the examiners, can- 
didates in any final examination of an Honours School, provided 
that such candidates have satisfied all existing requirements 
under Regulation 0. of their Honours School. 

18. A candidate who has satisfied the Examiners in the 
Honours School of Greek, Latin, English, French, German, 
Russian, Italian, or Spanish, but who has not satisfied the require- 
ments under Regulation C. 2 in the Honours School concerned 
shall not be eligible for the degree of B.A. with Honours. Should 
the candidate, however, satisfy the requirements under Regulation 
C. 2 within a year from the date of his Final Honours Examina- 
tion he shall be entitled to proceed to the Ordinary Degree of B.A. 

Such a candidate may be allowed subsequently, with the 
special permission of the Board of the Faculty, to enter for the 
M.A. in the subject of the school in question on the same terms 
as holders of the Honours degree, he., without further examina 
tion apart from the thesis. 

19. Candidates for the degree of B.A. with Honours may be 
exempted from attendance and examination in subsidiary subjects 
required under Regulation C. 1 of their Honours School under 
such Regulations as may be prescribed. 


Regulation*. ] Candidates lor the degree of Bachelor of Arts with 
Honours who, in the opinion of the Board of the Faculty, have 
before elite ring the University attained an equivalent standard 
in ohe of the subjects required under Regulation C. 1 of any of 
the Honours Schools may be considered as having fulfilled the 

Degree of B.A. 


requirements in respect of this subject and may, with the approval K«gui»tfon* 
of the Board of the Faculty, be exempted from attendance on 
the course and examination in this subject. 

2. Candidates who, in the opinion of the Board of the Faculty, 
have attained an equivalent standard in more than one of the 
subjects required under Regulation C. 1 may, as set forth in the 
preceding paragraph, be granted exemption from attendance 
and examination in respect of one of these subjects, and in respect 
of the remaining subject ,or subjects) may either 

(a) Pursue this subject (or subjects) to the General stage; or 

h) Present certificates of satisfactory attendance on certain 
courses specially arranged in this subject (or subjects) and 
approved by the Board of the Faculty ; or 

! e) Present certificates of satisfactory attendance on courses 
in some other subject for subjects) outside their Honoure 
Course, to be prescribed by the teachers in the Honours 
School as auxiliary to their main subject of study, and to 
be approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

3. Certificates of satisfactory attendance in any subject must 
bear the signature of the teacher of that subject, and relate to a 
course of not less than two hours per week extending over three 
terms of study. 

4. The approval of the Board of the Faculty for the courses 
mentioned in paragraph 2 must be obtained not later than the 
end of November in the session in which the courses are to be 

5. The Higher School Certificate of the Joint Matriculation 
Board of the Universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, 

Sheffield, and Birmingham is accepted as evidence of a candidate 
having attained the standard of the Intermediate Examinations 
in the following subjects : — English, French, German, Greek, 

History, Latin, Mathematics, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Geo- 
graphy, provided that these subjects have been taken as mam 
subjects in the Higher School Certificate Examination and that 
the candidate has attained a satisfactory standard of merit in 

6. Candidates other than candidates in the Honours School of 
Architecture are required to complete the courses under Regu- 
lation C. 1 of any of the Honours Schools not later than the 
October preceding the date on which they sit for their Final 
Honours Examination. 

Candidates other than candidates in the Honours School of 
Architecture who present a General subject in lieu of an Inter- 
mediate subject under C. 1 are required to complete the course 


Faculty of Arts, 

Regulations not later than the June preceding the date on which they sit 
for tht*ir Final Honours Examination.* 

Candidates in the Honours School of Architecture are required 
to complete the courses mentioned in Regulations 1 and 2 not 
later than the end of their third academical year. 

7. Candidates are required to complete the courses under 
Regulation C. 2 in the Honours School of Greek, Latin, 
English, French, German, Russian, Italian, or Spanish, not 
later than the year in which they sit for the Final Honours 
Examination. Provided that candidates who have failed in their 
examination under Regulation C. 2, but have attained the stan- 
dard of a First or Second Class in their Honours School may, on 
payment of a special fee, take the examination required under 
Regulation C. 2 again in September next following their Final 
Honours Examination. (See Ordinance 18.) 

8. Candidates are required to attend, during three or four, 
and in the Honours School of Architecture during five, academic 
years, such courses of instruction in the subjects of the school as 
the Senate, after report from the Board of the Faculty of Arts, 
may from time to time prescribe. 

9. In certain cases candidates are allowed to present them- 
selves for the examination of an Honours School after having 
attended the courses of instruction of the school for two years. 
Fox this they must have previously obtained the special recom- 
mendation of the Professor or Lecturer concerned and the consent 
of the Board of the Faculty (Ordinance 2, page 419). 

10. Candidates intending to enter upon any Honours course 
(save Architecture ; Economics, Politics, and Modern History ; 
Philosophy; Geography; and Oriental Studies) must have 
passed the Matriculation Examination, or some equivalent 
examination, _ in Latin [or Greek in the case of the Honours 
Schools of German and English]; otherwise they may not, 
without special permission of the Board of the Facidty, proceed' 
in less than four years to the Final Honours Examination. 
Permission to complete their Honours course in three years will 
be given not earlier than the close of the first session (see Regula- 
tion 6, page 423), upon evidence as to the applicant’s abilitv to 
complete the course satisfactorily within the shorter period/and 
will be confined either to candidates who have obtained exemption 
from one of the subsidiary subjects required under Regulation 
C.l of their Honours Schools or to candidates who have passed 
Ii^ermeoiate Latin before the beginning of their second session 
and have not more than one subsidiary subject to complete. 

* Tt*e attention o! candidates who do not fulfil the above requirements bv the 
end of Uieir fccosu year is ara^n to Ordinances 5 and 18 for th^de^ee ofXchelo? 
of Arte wrtti Honours ‘see pages 419 and 422). uegree ot j^acneior 

Degree of B.A . 


Honours School of Greek. 


1. The prescribed Greek books, with any literary, textual, Beguiattona 
or grammatical questions arising out of them. 

2. One Greek author, or part of an author, or a group of 
works by different authors, prescribed for special literary study. 

3. Essays upon any points connected with the subjects of 
the school. 

4. Translation at sight from Greek authors. 

5. (a) Translation from English into Greek prose. 

(b) Translation from English into Greek Verse may also 

be offered. 

6. Greek and Roman History. 

7. A period in Greek History studied in connection with the 
original authorities. 

8. One of the following subjects : 

(а) Classical Archaeology. 

(б) The Comparative and Historical Grammar of Greek, 

with either Selections from Greek Dialect Literature 
and Inscriptions, or The Elements of Sanskrit 
Accidence, with easy texts. 

(c) The Outlines of Greek Philosophy. 

(d) A second period in Greek History, studied in connection 
with the original authorities. 

( e ) A subject in Hellenistic Greek, to be prescribed from 
year to year. 

9. (a) In the examination five papers will be allotted to the 
subjects numbered (1) to (5). One paper will be set upon (7) and 
one upon each of the alternatives in (8). The paper under 
(6) in Greek and Roman History for candidates who do not take 
Ancient History under C. 1 will be that of the Intermediate 
Examination in Ancient History, and candidates must satisfy 
the Examiners in this examination before entering upon the 
course of study prescribed under (7). 

(b) Candidates who have previously taken the Honours School 
of Latin and a period in Roman History studied in connection 
with the original authorities need not offer the Greek History 
required under (7) but may offer a period in Greek History 
under (8 (e ) ). 


Candidates are required to attend courses of instruction in 
the subjects of the school during three academic years. The 
attendances during the first ye ar* must be not less than eight 

* The Intermediate B.A. is accepted instead of the first year’s attendance in an 
Honours School, provided that the subjects chosen and the courses attended bv 
the candidate are substantially and to the satisfaction of the Senate those required 
for the first year’s coarse of the Honours School. 


Faculty of Arts. 

tegnuiiions hours a week, during the second year not less than ten hours 
a week, and during the third year not less than eight hours a 


The»e requirement's must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
»sol* Regulations 6 and 7, pages 428—424). 

1. Candidates are required to have completed courses of at 
least Intermediate Grade in Latin and in two of the following 
subjects : 

(а) Ancient History. 

(б) English. 

(c) French. 

(d) German. 

(e) Italian. 

(/) Philosophy and Psychology. 

(<?) Any other subject approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

2. Candidates are required to complete a course of at least 
General Grade in Latin. 

3. Not later than the close of the session next before the 
last year of their Honours course, candidates must either have 
obtained at least a Third Class in the Honours School of Latin, 
and have reached the standard of the Special course in Greek, 
or have satisfied the Examiners in a Preliminary Honours 
Examination in Greek. 

(a) The subjects of this examination will be : 

i. Books prescribed year by year from Homer, the 
Greek Dramatists, Thucydides, Plato or the Greek 
Orators, and other authors. 

ii. Unprepared translation from Greek. 

iii. Greek prose composition. 

ib) The list of candidates qualified for entrance upon the 
last year’s Honours course will be issued in alphabetical 
crder. Su»*h candidates as are not admitted to continue 
their Honours course may be excused from completing 
such courses in Greek for the Ordinary B.A. degree as 
the Board of the Faculty may, on the recommendation of 
the Examiners, determined* 

L The Examiners may examine any candidate orally as 
well as on paper. 

+ SimK lit.* ;iu..iub aianiar.! the Preliminary ExaLtii- 
cati.-L. ' t *»a i l *> » *4 w.l •«? required to complete at least three p 

<jo:;iSes efore wCiH£ ..Ilor «. . to nroeocu in ;)i. oivLnary decree. 

Sitt'h students e.iv : t'tju.reil to complete, if t : :ey not done so already, 

STieh cump:ii'ory courses for tl*e orlirary decree ais u.e not covered bv the 
Preliminary Examination. 

Degree of B, A. 


5. In determining the class list the Examiners, have power Regulations 
to take into account the work of each candidate during his 
academic course. 

6. Candidates who satisfy the Examiners in the Preliminary 
Honours Examination in Latin and in the requirements under 
C. 1 at the end of their first year may he permitted by the 
Board of the Faculty to take the Final Honours Examination in 
Latin with the Greek required under C. 2, but omitting the 
Special subject under (8), at the end of their Second Tear instead 
of the Preliminary Honours Examination in Greek ; but they 
will not be granted a degree with Honours unless they attain at 
least the standard of a Third Class in the Final Honours Examina- 
tion in Greek. Examiners in the Final Honours School of Latin 
shall return the names of candidates under this clause who have 
reached the Honours standard as having satisfied the require- 
meats of the Preliminary Honours Examination in Greek, and 
may state that such a candidate has been distinguished in this 
examination in Latin. 

Honours School of Latin. 


1. The prescribed Latin books, with any literary, textual, 
or grammatical questions arising out of them. 

2. (a) Historical Latin Syntax. 

(b) Latin Literary Criticism. 

3. Essays upon any points connected with the subjects of 
the school. 

4. Translation at sight from Latin authors. 

5. (a) Translation from English into Latin prose. 

(b) Translation from English into Latin Verse may also 
be offered. 

6. Greek and Roman History. 

7. A period in Roman History studied in connection with 
the original authorities. 

8. One of the following subjects : 

(a) Classical Archaeology. 

(b) The comparative and Historical Grammar of Latin, 
with either Selections from the Italic Dialects, or The 
elements of Sanskrit Accidence, with easy texts. 

(c) The History of Stoicism, or some other prescribed 
subject in Ancient Philosophy. 

( d ) A second period in Roman History, studied in connec- 
tion with the original authorities. 


Faculty of Arts . 


9. (a) In the examination not less than one paper shall be 
allotted to each of the above subjects and alternatives. The 
paper under (6) in Greek and Roman History, for candidates 
who do not take Ancient History under C. (1), will be that of the 
Intermediate Examination in Ancient History, and candidates 
must satisfy the Examiners in this examination, before entering 
upon the course of study prescribed under (7). 

(6) Candidates who have previously taken the Honours School 
of Greek and a period in Greek History studied in connection 
with the original authorities need not offer the Roman History 
required under (7) but may offer a period in Roman History 
under (8 (d) ). 

( c ) Candidates (other than those who have already taken the 
Honours School in Greek) may substitute the subjects of a 
prescribed course in Greek above the General stage for a certain 
number of the books prescribed in Latin, to be specified from 
year to year. 

For other conditions under which Greek and Latin may be 
combined in the Honours School, see C. 6 under the Regulations 
of the Honours School in Greek. 


Candidates are required to attend courses of instruction in 
the subjects of the school during three academic years. The 
attendances during the first year* must be not less than eight 
hours a week, during the second year not less than ten hours a 
week, and during the third year not less than eight hours a week. 


Theae requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 423 — 4*24). 

1. Candidates are required to have completed courses of at 
least Intermediate Grade in Greek and in two of the following 
subjects : 

(a) Ancient History. 

(b) English. 

(c) French. 

(d) German. 

(e) Italian. 

(/) Spanish. 

(g) Philosophy and Psychology. 

(h) Any other subject approved by the Board of the 


* ruter:.:t?liate 3. A. is accepted instead of the first year’s attendance in 

Honours School, provided the subjects chosen and the courses attended 
by the caudi late are substantially and to the satisfaction of the Senate those 
required for the first year a course of the Honours School. 

Degree of B. A. 


2. Candidates are required to complete a course of at least Regttla«ou» 
General Grade in Greek. 

3. Not later than the close of the session next before the 
last year of their Honours course, candidates must either have 
obtained at least a Third Class in the Honours School of Greek, 
and have reached the standard of the Special course in Latin, 
or have satisfied the Examiners in a Preliminary Honours 
Examination in Latin. 

(a) The subjects of this examination will be : 

i. Books prescribed year by year from Plautus or Lucretius, 

Vergil, Horace, Cicero, Livy or Tacitus, and other 

ii. Unprepared translation from Latin. 

iii. Latin prose composition. 

(b) The list of candidates qualified for entrance upon the 
last year's Honours course will be issued in alphabetical 
order. Such candidates as are not admitted to continue 
their Honours course may be excused from completing 
such course in Latin for the Ordinary B.A. degree as the 
Faculty may, on the recommendation of the Examiners, 

4. The Examiners may examine any candidate orally as 
well as on paper. 

5. In determining the class list the Examiners have power 
to take into account the work of each candidate during his 
academic course. 

Honours School of Classics. 


1. The prescribed Greek and Latin books, with any historical, 
literary, textual, or grammatical questions arising out of them. 

2. One author or part of an author in Greek and also in 
Latin, prescribed for special literary study. 

3. Essays upon any points connected with the subjects of 
the school. 

4. Translation at sight from Greek and from Latin authors 

5. Translation from English into Greek and into Latin prose. 

b. Greek and Latin Historical Syntax. 

7. Greek and Roman History. 

* Students who fail to attain the Honours standard in the Preliminary Exami- 
nation of an Honours School will be required to complete at least three pasB 
courses before being allowed to proceed to an ordinary degree. 

Such students are required to complete, it they have not done so already, 
such compulsory courses for the ordinary degree as are not covered by the 
Preliminary Examination. 


Faculty of Arts. 

Eegnu«ona ^ ^ period in Greek or Koman History studied in connection 
with the original authorities. 

9. One of the following subjects : 

(а) Greek and Roman Archaeology. 

(б) The Comparative and Historical Grammar of Greek 
and Latin, with either (i.) the Elements of Sanskrit, 
or (ii.) Greek Dialects, or (iii.) Italic Dialects. 

(c) Greek Philosophy with prescribed texts. 

(d) Greek or Latin Verse Composition. 

In the Final Examination two papers of three hours each 
will be allotted to each of the subjects numbered (1) to (5), the 
historical, literary, and other questions upon the prescribed 
books being set in the same papers with the Essays, one paper 
relating to Greek subjects and one to Latin ; one paper of two 
hours will be set on the subject numbered (6). 

One paper will be set on (8) and on each of the alternatives 
in (9). The paper under (7) will be the paper of the General 
Course in either Greek or Roman History, but satisfactory 
attendance will be required in both courses ; these courses will 
satisfy the requirements in Ancient History under Regulation C. 1 


Candidates are required to attend courses of instruction in 
the subjects of the school during four academic years, unless 
they satisfy the Examiners in the Preliminary Examination at 
the end of their first year, in which case the requirements of the 
school may be completed in two further years. The attendances 
during the first year must be not less than eight hours a week, 
during the second year not less than ten hours a week, and 
during the remaining year or years not less than eight hours 
a week. At least four hours a week in each year must be 
attendance in Greek and at least four in Latin. 


These requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 428 — £24). 

1. Candidates are required to have completed courses of at 
least Intermediate Grade in Ancient History and in one of the 
following subjects : 

(а) English Literature. 

(б) French. 

(c) German. 

(tl) Celtic. 

f>) Italian. 

(/) Philosophy and Psychology. 

10) Any other subject approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

Degree of B.A. 


2. Candidates must satisfy the Examiners in a Preliminary insolations 
Honours Examination, and mast subsequently attend for not 

less than two years before presenting themselves for the Final 
Honours Examination. 

(a) The subjects of the Preliminary Examination will be : 

(i.) Books prescribed each year. 

(ii.) Unprepared translation from Greek and Latin. 

(iii.) Greek and Latin prose Composition. 

(b) The list of candidates qualified for entrance upon the 
Final Honours course will be issued in alphabetical 
order. Such candidates as are not so qualified may be 
excused from completing such courses in Greek or Latin 
for the Ordinary B.A. degree as the Board of the Faculty 
may, on the recommendation of the Examiners, deter- 
mine ; but if they have attempted the Preliminary 
Honours Examination at the end of the first year, they 
may, on the recommendation of the Examiners, be 
permitted by the Board of the Faculty to become can- 
didates at the Preliminary Examination for Greek 
Honours or at the Preliminary Examination for Latin 
Honours at the end of their second year, and, if success- 
ful, to proceed in one year thereafter to the final Honours 
Examination in the same school. 

3. The Examiners may examine any candidate orally as 
well as on paper. 

4. In determining the class list the Examiners have power 
to take into account the work of each candidate during his 
academic course. 

Honours School of History- 


1. The General History of Western Civilisation, Ancient, 
Mediaeval, and Modern. 

2. A more particular study of British History. 

3. A special subject mainly studied in original sources drawn 
from within a special period more generally studied. 

The course of study will also include some at least of the 
following subjects : — Archaeology, Geography, Literature, 
Political Economy, Political Science. 

The examination will be in two parts. Part I. shall normally 
be taken at the end of the second year of study, and must not 


Faculty of Arts . 

legni&tioBs b e taken later than the close of tie session next before the con- 
cluding year of the Honours course. It will include the following 
papers : 

(a) Outlines of Ancient History. 

(i b ) Outlines of Mediaeval History. 

(c> Outlines of Modern History. 

(d) Mediaeval English History with Constitutional Documents. 

(e) Modern British History. 

(/) English Economic History. 

The names of those who have satisfied the Examiners in 
Part I. will be published in alphabetical order, and no candidate 
who has failed in Part I. will he allowed to proceed to the 
examination in the Second Part. The Bradford and Shuttleworth 
Scholarships will be awarded on the results of Part I. 

Such candidates as are not admitted to continue their 
Honours course may be excused from completing such courses 
in History for the ordinary degree as the Board of the Faculty 
may, on the recommendation of the Examiners, determine. 

Part II. will be taken at the end of the Honours course. 
It will include the following papers : 

(a) and (b) General Questions on Historical Problems, Ancient, 
Mediseval, and Modern. 

(c) The History uf the nineteenth century or some other 

subject approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

(d) An Essay. 

(e) Political Theory. 

(/) and ( g ) Two Papers on the special subject. 

( h ) During the course of study students will be required to 
submit one or more exercises based upon original 
sources, upon themes arising out of the special subject. 

In determining the final class list the Examiners shall take 
into account the result of the examination in Part I. and the 
work of each candidate during his academic course. 

The Examiners may examine any candidates orally as well 
as on paper. 

B. attendance. 

Candidates are required to attend during three academic 
years courses of instruction in the subjects of the School, averaging 
not less than six hours a week. 

Degree of B.A * 



These requirements must he fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 4*23 — 4*241. 

1. Candidates are required to have completed courses of 
at least Intermediate grade in : 

(а) Latin. 

(б) Either Greek, or French, or German, or Russian, or 

Italian, or Spanish. 

(c) Either Political Economy, or English, or Philosophy and 
Psychology, or any other subject approved by the 

With the special permission of the Board of the Faculty, 
Arabic may be offered in lieu of the subject under 0. (a). 

Honours School of English Language 
and Literature. 

All candidates are required to complete a specified number of 
courses in both literature and language. The examination in 
these constitutes Part I. of the Honours examination, and will be 
held at the end of the second year, or one year before Part II. of 
the Honours examination. Candidates who satisfy the Examiners 
in Part I. may proceed to a course affording opportunities either 
mainly for linguistic study (Part II. a) or mainly for literary study 
(Part II.b). 

Candidates who intend to take courses mainly linguistic in 
Part II.a. may also take special linguistic courses in their second 
session. They will be examined in such additional courses only 
in Part II. of the Honours Examination. 


The subjects of study for Part I. are : 

1. The History of the English Language. 

2. Translation from specified and unspecified Old and Middle 
English Texts (to 1300), with literary, historical and linguistic 
questions arising out of them. 

3. Chaucer and the literature of the fourteenth and fifteenth 
centuries, with specified texts. 

4. Shakespeare. 

5. The History of English Literature (1550 — 1760), with 
specified books. 


4 14 

Faculty of Arts . 

The examination will consist of six papers, one on each 
of the subject, -5 enumerated above except No. 5, on which there 
will be two pipers. 

The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners 
in this Part will be published in alphabetical order, and 
the Examiner^ may test candidates orally and take into 
account the work done previously in the candidates’ academic 
course. Such candidates as are not admitted to continue their 
Hunours course may be excused from completing such courses in 
English for the ordinary degree as the Board of the Faculty may 
on the recommendation of the Examiners, determine. 

The subjects of study for Part II.a (mainly linguistic) are : 

1. The Hhtory of the English Language. 

2. Old EugbVh Texts a ud translation. 

3. Middle English Texts and translation. 

L English Literature, comprising (a) Medieval literature, and 
{it) Literary History, 1760 — 1830. 

o. Old and Middle English Philology. 

6. Gothic. 

7. *Uld Icelandic or a subject chosen from the following : — 

(a J Germanic Philology. 

( h ) Anglo-Norman French, with reference to specified 

(e) Old Saxon, with a study of the Heliand . 

(d) Modern Icelandic, with reference to specified Texts. 

(e) A period of Anglo-Saxon ur Medieval English 
History, with a study of specified historical documents. 

{f) Any other linguistic subject approved by the Board 
<if the Faculty. 

S. E-say. 

Tin- examination will of nine papers, one on each 

the subjects numbered 1 to 3 and 5 to 8, and two papers on 
me subject numbered 4. Candidates whose special study of 
English iai:L'nay>‘ limited to one y»ar may substitute for 
subject 7. ,'iibject 2 ».<r subject 3 under Part II.B. 

"For candidate' takmvi old k-edandicto complete a General Course two payers 
w:V. be '-f-t cr. uM 

Degree o f B A 


The subjects of study for Part TI.b i mainly literary, are : Relation* 

1. ( )ld and Middle English. Translation from specified and 
unspecified books, with questions relating to Literature, History, 
and Institutions. 

2. Outlines of English Literature to 38^0. 

3. History of Criticism and Literary Theory 

4. History of Literature, 1760 — 1830. 

5. Essay. 

6. A special subject, chosen from the following : — 

(а) Old French Literature, with reference to specified 


(б) Old Norse Literature, with reference to specified 


(c) A subject from English Literature treated in com 

nection with either (i.) Political and Social History 
or (ii.) one or more continental literatures. 

(d) The Middle English lyric. 

(e) The English language 1575 — 1675, with special 
reference to Shakespeare and Milton. 

(/) Any other subject in English Literature approved by 
the Board of the Faculty. 

7. Thesis. 

The examination will consist of seven papers, two on the 
subject numbered J, and one on each of the subjects numbered 
2 to 6. 

Every candidate for Part II. is required to submit two copies 
of the thesis, one of which shall be filed in the English Seminar 
Library. The Examiners in each section of Part II. have the 
power to take into account the work done throughout the 
candidate’s academic course, and to test candidates orally. 


Candidates are required to attend during three academic 
years courses of instruction in the subjects of the school, of not 
less than six hours a week during each year. Provided that such 
students as may be allowed by the Board of the Faculty may, in 
lieu of attendance at the University during the Summer term 
immediately preceding their last academic year, attend approved 
courses during that term at the University of Iceland, and may 

Faculty of Arts. 

43 ti 

Jegulations take there their Part I, examination and the written papers in 
any General or Special subject required by them under the 
regulations for the Honours School of English. 

0. SPECIAL Ilia jC i RE.MEN'TS . 

The>e requirements muse be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
»see Regulations 6 aud 7, pages 4*23 — 424). 

1. Candidates are required to complete courses of at least 
Intermediate grade in the following subjects : 

'ai Greek or Latin. 

b French or German or Italian, or Spanish. 

(c) Modern History, or Mediaeval History, or Philosophy and 
Psychology, or any other non-linguistic subject approved 
by the Board of the Faculty. 

2. Candidates axe required to complete a course of at least 
General grade in Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, or 

In the case of Second or Third Year Students who have 
received the special permission of the Board of the Faculty 
specified in B above, they may present as evidence of having 
completed their General or Special course certificates of satis- 
factory attendance at the end of the Lent term. Such candidates, 
however, may, if they so desire, satisfy this requirement by 
passing either the General or Special Examination in the subject 
chosen, and in this case, any oral part of the General or Special 
Examination may be taken at the end of the Lent term instead 
of in June. 

Candidates who at the end of their first year have decided 
to specialise for two years in English Language and who in their 
first year were not qualified to pursue a course of General grade 
in any of the preceding subjects may substitute a prescribed 
course in Old Icelandic as a General subject. 

°3. Candidates who offer Part H.b. are required in their 
third year to attend a course of instruction of not more than two 
hours a week in the department of History. The subject studied 
shall in general be the one most closely bearing on the Special 
Subject or the Thesis; but, if no course suitable for that purpose 
is provided, the appropriate instruction will be determined by 
the Board of the Faculty. 

i. In determining the class lists the Examiners have power 
to take into account the work of each candidate during his 
academic course. 

* This Regulation is at present suspended. 

Degree of B.A, 


Honours School of French Studies. 

NOTE.— The attention oi students intending to enter the Honour! 
School of French Studies is drawn to the facilities offered for completing 
a portion of the prescribed course by attendance at the University 
of Paris in the Summer term immediately preceding the last academic 
year of their course. 


For the conditions under which students may proceed to the 
Final Honours Examination in Italian in two years after com- 
pleting all the courses of the Honours School of French, see 
Regulation C. 3 of the Honours School of Italian. 

For the conditions under which students may proceed to 
Part I. of the Honours School of Italian in one year after com- 
pleting all the courses of the Honours School of French, see 
Regulation C. 4 of the Honours School of Italian. 

For the conditions under which students may proceed to the 
Final Honours Examination in Spanish in one or two years after 
completing all the courses of the Honours School of French, see 
Regulation C. 4 of the Honours School of Spanish. 

For the conditions under which students may proceed to Part 

I. of the Honours School of Spanish in one year after completing 
all the courses of the Honours School of French, see Regulation 
0. 5 of the Honours School of Spanish. 


1. Translation from English into French. 

2. The writing of an Essay or Essays in French on subjects 
relating to French Literature, History, or Institutions. 

3. Translation from unspecified Old and Modern French 

4. Translation and explanation of specified Old French texts, 
with literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

5. The History of the French language, including the study 
of the elements of French metre. 

6. The Growth of Modern France. 

7. The History of French Literature from 1500 — 1600, with 
special reference to certain specified authors or works, and to 
questions of language and metre connected with them. 

8. A special period or subject of French Literature subsequent 
to 1600, with certain specified authors or works. 

9. A Special Subject chosen from a specified group ( see below), 
or a thesis on some subject selected by the candidate and approved 
beforehand by the Faculty. The thesis must be sent in to 
the Registrar before the first day of the Summer term in the 
year in which the candidate completed his Honours course. 


Faculty of Arts. 


Regulations. (i. ) Anglo-Norman, with special reference to certain specified 
authors or texts. 

(ii.) Old Provencal, with special reference to certain specified 
authors or texts. 

(iiU Old Italian, with special reference to certain specified 
authors or texts. 

(iv.) Pre-renaissance French Literature 

(v.l An additional approved subject or period of French 
Literature with specified texts. 

(vi. The History of Criticism and Literary Theory. 

(vii.j An approved subject of Comparative Literature. 

(viii.) The history of Romance metre, with special reference to 

(ix.) The principles of Romance Philology, or an approved 
branch of Romance Grammar. 

In all the work of the school the literature will be studied in 
its relation to political and social conditions. 

Eight papers will be set, one on each of the subjects enumerated, 
except that a combined paper will be set on subjects 4 and 5. 
There will be also an Oral Examination, the requirements of which 
shall include a knowledge of French Phonetics. 

No candidate shall he regarded as having passed the examina- 
tion unless he has satisfied the Examiners in composition as tested 
by the papers on A. 1 and 2 . 


Candidates are required to attend during three academic 
years courses of instruction in the subjects of the school of not 
less than six hours a week during the first year, and not less 
than seven hours a week during each of the second and third 
years. Provided that such students as may be allowed by the 
Board of the Faculty may, in lieu of attendance at the University 
during the Summer term immediately preceding their last 
academic year, attend approved courses during that term at the 
University of Paris, or othex place of learning sanctioned by the 
Board of the Faculty, and may take, at the British Institute at 
Paris, the written papers in any General or Special subject 
required by them under the regulations for the Honours School 
of French. 


The^e requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 423 — 424). 

I, Candidates are required to complete courses of at least 
Intermediate grade, in the following subjects : 

(o) Latin. 

Degree of B.A. 

43 U 

(b) English, or German, or Italian, or Spanish, or any other 

modem language approved by the Board of the 

(c) Modern History, or Mediaeval History, or Philosophy and 

Psychology, or any other non-linguistic subject 
approved by the Board of the Faculty or a second 
modern language not already taken under (6). 

2. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily a course of at least General grade in either 
(a) or (2>). In the case of Second or Third Year Students, these 
certificates may be granted at the end of the Lent term. Candi- 
dates, however, who so desire, may satisfy this requirement by 
passing either the General or Special Examination in the subject 
chosen. In this case, any oral part of the General or Special 
Examination may be taken at the end of the Lent term instead of 
in June by candidates who have received the special permission 
of the Board of the Faculty specified in B above. 

3. Candidates must satisfy the Examiners in a Preliminary 
Honours Examination held in the Lent term of the session next 
before the last year of their Honours course. 

(a) This examination will consist of the following papers : 

d.) Translation from English into French, and an Essay in 

liid Translation from specified and unspecified Old and 
Modern French texts, with literary and linguistic 
questions arising out of them. 

(iii.) The outlines of French Literature. 

(iv.) French Historical Grammar. 

(b) The list of candidates qualified for entrance upon the last 

years Honours Course will be issued in alphabetical 
order. Such candidates as are not admitted to 
continue their Honours Course may be excused from 
completing such courses in French for the ordinary 
degree as the Board of the Faculty may on the 
recommendation of the Examiners determine. 

4. In determining the final class lists the Examiners have 
power to take into account the work of each candidate during 
the whole of his academic course. 

Honours School of German Language and 


The subjects of study for Part I. are : — 

1. Translation from English into German. 

2. Translation from unspecified Old and Modern German 

0 1 


Faculty aj Arts. 

Regulations § Translation and explanation of specified Old High German 
and Middle High German texts, with literary and linguistic 
questions relating thereto. 

4. German Literature after 1500, with specified texts. 

The subjects of study for Part II. a. (mainly linguistic) are : — 

1. Translation from English into German. 

2. The writing of an Essay in German on a subject relating to 
German Literature, History or Institutions. 

3. Translation from unspecified old and modern German 

4. The Growth of Modern Germany. 

5. Specified Old High German and Middle High German 

6. The history of German Literature up to 1600, with specified 
texts of the sixteenth century. 

T. The history of the German language. 

8. Germanic Philology and either Gothic or Old Saxon or 
Old Norse, or Old French. 

9. Modern German literature with specified texts. 

The subjects of study for Part II.b. (mainly literary) are : — 

1. Translation from English into German. 

2. The writing of an Essay in German on a subject relating 
to German Literature, History, or Institutions. 

3. Translation from unspecified old and modern German texts. 

4. The Growth of Modern Germany. 

5. The writing of an Essay in English on an unspecified 
subject from German Literature. 

6. General questions on German Literature. 

7. German Literature from 1760 to 1805 with specified texts 
(excluding Goethe). 

8. German Literature since 1805 with specified texts (excluding 

9. Goethe. 

The examination will be in two parts. 

.U1 candidates will be required to complete a specified number 
ot courses, in both language and literature. Candidates who 
sati-fy the Examiners in Part I. may proceed to a course affording 
opportunities either mainly for linguistic study (Part II.a.) or 
mainly for literary study (Part II.b.). 

Degree of B.A. 


Part I. (to be taken not later than the close of the session iiuguiatiun* 
nest before concluding the course) will consist of four paper.-, 
one on each of the four subjects enumerated above. 

The names of those who have satisfied the Esc mine] s in Part I. 
will be published in alphabetical order, and no candidate who has 
failed in Part- I. will be allowed to proceed to the examination in 
the Second Part. 

Such candidates as are not admitted to continue their Honours 
Course may be excused from completing such courses in German 
for the ordinary degree as the Board of the Faculty may on the 
recommendation of the Examiners determine. 

Part II. (to be taken at the end of the Honours course) will 
consist of an oral examination and of nine papers, for Part II.a. 
and Part II.B. respectively. No candidate shall be regarded as 
having passed the examination, unless he Las satisfied the 
Examiners under subjects 1 and 2. 

In determining the final class lists the Examiners have power 
to take into account the result of the examination in Part I. and 
the work of each candidate during the whole of his academic 


Candidates are required to attend during three academic 
years courses of instruction in the subjects of the school of not 
less than six hours a week in the first year and seven hours a 
week in each of the second and third years, and must have taken 
a regular and active part in the Germanic Seminar during two 
academic years. 

With the approval of the Board of the Faculty, students may 
attend during the Summer Term preceding their last academic 
year, approved courses at a German University or other place of 
learning sanctioned by the Board of the Faculty. 


These requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(sea Regulations G and 7, pages 4*23—424). 

1. Candidates are required to complete courses of at least 
Intermediate grade in the following subjects : 

(a) Greek or Latin. 

(b) English or a modern language other than German. 

(c) Philosophy. 

2. Candidates are required to complete a course of at least 
General grade in one of the subjects enumerated under (a), (b), ( c ) 
of Regulation C. 1, 

Faculty of Arts. 



Iii the ease of Second or Third Year Students, who have 
received the special permission of the Board of the Faculty 
specified in B above, certificates of satisfactory attendance may 
be granted at the end of the Lent term. Such candidates, however, 
may, if they so desire, satisfy this requirement by passing either 
the General or Special Examination in the subject chosen, and in 
this case, any oral part of the General or Special Examination 
may be taken at the end of the Lent term instead of in June. 

Honours School of Philosophy. 

The Honours School of Philosophy requires either (I.) a 
course of study extending over three sessions with no previous 
course of study in another department, or (II.) a course of 
study extending over two sessions (or, in special cases, as provided 
under B, one session) with a previous course in another depart- 

I. In the former case, the examination will be in two parts, 
Part I. being taken at the end of the second session or one year 
before Part II. of the Honours Examination ; Part II. at the 
end of the third or fourth session. The subjects of examination 
in Part I. will consist of the first three of the subjects enumerated 
under A below together with a selection of the subjects prescribed 
for another H< incurs School. The selection of subjects proposed 
must be submitted to the Board of the Faculty for approval 
before the end of the student's first term. Part II. will consist of 
the remaining subjects enumerated under A. 

II. In the latter case, before admission to the school a 
student mu<t 


(i.) Have satisfied the Examiners in the Preliminary or 
Part I. Examination of another Honours School in 
the Faculty of Arts, and fulfilled all requirements 
under Regulation C of that Honours School. 


(ii.) Have satisfactorily completed two sessions' study 
and attendance, and satisfied the Examiners in such 
Examinations as may be required during that period, 
r any Honours School in the Faculty of Science. 


(iii.) Have satisfied the Examiners in the Preliminary 
Examination in Theology. 


(iv.) Having studied for two sessions for an Ordinary degree 
in the Faculty of Arts or as day students for a degree 
in the Faculty of Commerce and Administration, and 

l e§7€c i f B.A 


having been specially recoin mended by the Professor ue^nJat 
of Philosophy, have obtained the permission of the 
Board of the Faculty of Arts to enter on the course. 


(v.) Have graduated in a Faculty of the University. 

Note. — Students who intend ultimately to proceed to the 
Honours School of Philosophy should consult the Professor of 
Philosophy before entering on their University course and should 
register themselves as students in the Honours School of 
Philosophy, but the fact that a student has nut been so registered 
will not debar him from proceeding to the School at a later 


1. General Psychology. 

2. Ethics and Politics. 

3. History of Modern Philosophy with the study of sources. 

4. Logic and Metaphysics. 

5. Questions of General Philosophy. 

6. One of the following : — 

(a) Advanced Psychology or a special course in Psychology 
as approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

{ b ) Theory of the State and Principles of Government. 

•c) Scientific Thought and Method. 

(d) Philosophy of Religion. 

(e) ^Esthetic. 

(/) Philosophy of a Special Period or Country, studied in 
the original texts. 

( g ) A Special Subject, as approved by the Board of the 

7. A Special Author or Authors, as prescribed, or an 
alternative Author or Authors, specially approved by the Board 
of the Faculty. 

S. Essay. 

The Examination will consist of eight papers, one on ouch 
of the above subjects under A. (Note. — Subjects 1. 2, and 3 
represent the work of the first session.) 


Candidates are required to attend court es oi instruction 
in the subjects of the School for three sessions (alternative I. 
above) or two sessions (alternative II. above), but, with the 
special permission of the Board of the Faculty, candidates who 
have already qualified for an Honours Degree in the Faculty of 
-Arts, or Graduates in Divinity who have also graduated in the 
Faculty of Arts, may be allowed to take the examination after 
one session’s study. 

Faculty of Arts 

l f i 


These requiiv meats mast be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
isee Rvgulatirns 6 an i 7, pages 423 — 424). 

1. Candiilaurf under alternative I. are required to complete 
ei.urM.j? of at least Intermediate grade in either three or two 
subjects other than those of the approved course as the Board 
of the Faculty may determine in each particular case ; of these 
subjects however Greek or L/.tin, or French, or German shall 
always Ik* one. The subjects proposed an satisfying this require- 
ment shall he submitted to the Board of the Faculty for approval 
before the end of the student'* first term. 

2. CuudidaUs under alternative II. who have not completed 
a course of Intermediate grade in Logic before entering the 
Honour* Seh«’*.l of Philosophy will be required to complete such 
a course during their first year of study in the Honours School 
of Philosophy. 

Honours School of Architecture. 


1. The following are the subjects of study : - 

1. History. 

\i ; General History of Architecture. 

.* h ; Mediaeval Architecture. 
ic) Renaissance and Modern Architecture. 
d) Italian Mural Painting. 

U) Classical Sculpture. 

2. Architectural Construction. 

a Building Construction, including Steel and Ferro- 
Concrete Construction. 

h Graphic Statics, Theory of Structures, and 
Strength and 'besting of Materials, 
c Sanitation and Hygiene. 

% . A tv \ i tect ur (! brs iy ns. 

'ft: Architectural Drawing. 
h A rcL it eeturrd T Csi k n . 

c Freehold Drawing, Drawing from tlie Antique and 
Li-V, and Modelling. 

,.?■ Town Planning. 

4. Measured Drawings. 

3. Burners’ Quantities and Specifications; the .Esthetic 

Pr jpert’es of Building Materials. 

Degree of B.A 


EL The examination will be in two parts. 

Part I. (a) may be taken at the end of the Second year, and 
must be taken not later than the end of the Third year. It will 
include the following subjects: — General History of Architecture, 
Renaissance or Mediaeval Architecture, Sanitation and Hygiene, 
Building Construction, Candidates must submit testimonies of 
studies in elementary Architectural Design and in Town Planning, 

Part I. (b) rnnst be taken at the end of the Third year, and will 
include the following subjects Renaissance or Mediaeval 
Architecture, History of Italian Mural Painting and of Classical 
Sculpture, Building Construction. Candidates must submit a 
Thesis Design with Memoir, and will be required to undergo an 
Oral Examination. They may, if necessary, again submit them- 
selves for the examination in Design, but will then be required to 
attend in the University for three terms in each of the fourth and 
fifth years. 

Part II. must he taken not earlier than the end of the Lent 
term of the Fifth year. It will include the following subjects : — 
Builders 1 * * * 5 Quantities and Specifications, ^Esthetic Properties of 
Building Materials. Candidates will also prepare a Design 
en loge for this examination, but, if necessary, they may again 
submit themselves for the examination in Design. 


1. Candidates are required to attend courses of instruction in 
Architecture, and allied subjects, averaging not less than twelve 
hours a week in the First, year, and thirty hours a week in the 
Second and Third years, and thirty-two hours a week in the 
two terms of the Fourth and Fifth years. 

2. Candidates are required to attend a course in Materials 
Testing in the Laboratory of the Department of Engineering. 


These requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 423—424). 

1. Candidates are required to have completed three courses 
of at least Intermediate grade in the following subjects (see pages 

■402 — 403; : 

[cl) One of the following : — Greek, Latin, French, German. 

i'b; One of the following : — Ancient History, Mediaeval History, 
Modern History, English. 

(<s) One of the following: — Physics, Pure Mathematics, 
Applied Mathematics. 

Regulation * 


Faculty oj Arts. 

Kwiifctions ^ 2. Candidates who have passed the Intermediate Examina- 
tion for the Degree of B.Sc. or B. Sc. Tech, will he exempted 

(i.) from the subject under (c), provided that subject has been 
taken in the examination ; 

(ii.) from the subject under (a), provided that they have 
already presented certificates of satisfactory attendance 
on one of the languages. 

3. Candidates must submit evidence that they have, with the 
approval of the Professor of Architecture, spent a period during 
both their Fourth and Fifth years in an Architect’s or Builder’s 
Office, or in the capacity of a Clerk of Works. 

4. Candidates who have passed the Intermediate Examina- 
tion o( the Royal Institute of British Architects as at present 
constituted, are exempted from the Architectural courses inquired 
in the first and second years.* 1 * 

Honours School of* Economics; Politics, and 
Modern History. 

The School is divided into three sections : 

I. Economics ; II. Politics : III. Modern History. 


In each section the examination will be in two parts. All 
candidates must take Part I. and Part II. in the section chosen. 
Part I. shall be taken not later than the close of the session next 
before the concluding year of the Honours course. 

I. Economics. 

The course for Part I. will consist of the following subjects : 

1. Polirieal Economy. 

2. Organisation and Administration of Industry. 

3. Economic Hi>t< >ry. 

1. Political Philosophy. 

5. Statistics (including the mathematical groundwork of 
elementary statistics). 

The examination in Part I. will consist of eight papers, two 
papers on each of the subjects numbered 1, 2, 3, and one paper 
on eaen of the subjects numbered 4 and 5. 

for the Degree and 
itute from al! bus the 

; ivvfcii-e quahfpo^ for the JLR.I.B.A. 

Degree oj B.A. 


Part II. will be taken at the end of the Hoi.nuiv course. The R» j »m •* -ni 
course for Part II. will consist of the following subjects : 

1. Political Economy. 

2. Public Economics and Finance (including Currency and 
Foreign Exchange). 

3. A Special Subject in Economics or Economic History. 

The examination in Part II. will consist of seven papers, 
two papers on each of the subjects numbered 1, 2, 3, and an 
essay paper. 

4. During the course of study candidates will be required to 
submit an essay, embodying independent work, on a subject 
in Economics or Economic History. This essay shall be submitted 
to the Examiners. 

77. Politics. 

The course for Part I. will consist of the following subjects : 

1. Political Economy. 

2. Political Philosophy. 

3. Public Administration. 

4. Modem History. 

5. Economic History. 

The examination in Part I. will consist of eight papers, two 
papers on each of the subjects numbered 1, 2, 3, and one paper 
on each of the subjects numbered 4 and 5. 

Part II. will be taken at the end of the Honours course. The 
course for Part II. will consist of the following subjects : 

1. Political Philosophy. 

2. Public Economics and Finance (including Currency and 

Foreign Exchange). 

3. Modern History. 

4. A special Subject in Political Philosophy or Public 


The examination in Part II. will consist of seven papers, two 
papers in each of the subjects numbered 1 and 4, one paper in 
each of the subjects numbered 2 and 3, and an essay paper. 

5. During the course of study candidates will be required 

to submit an essay, embodying independent work, on a 

subject in Political Philosophy or Public Administration. 

This essay shall be submitted to the Examiners. 


Faculty oj Arts. 


Bagration* UJ m Modern History. 

The course for Part I. will consist of the following subjects : 

1. Political Economy, 

2. Political Philosophy. 

3. Modern British History. 

4. Modern European History. 

5. Economic History. 

The examination in Part I. will consist of eight papers, two 
papers in each of the subjects numbered 1, 2, 3, and one paper 
in each of the subjects numbered 4 and 5. 

Part II. will be taken at the end of the Honours Course. The 
course for Part II. will consist of the following subjects : 

1. Nineteenth Century History. 

2. A special subject in 

(a) British Constitutional History or 

(b) Economic History or 

(c) Diplomatic History. 

3. Either Public Economics and Finance (including Currency 

and Foreign Exchange), or Modern Political Thought. 
The examination in Part II. will consist of seven papers, two 
on each of the subjects numbered 1, 2, 3, and an essay paper. 

4. During the course of study candidates will be required to 

submit an essay, embodying independent work, on a 
theme within their special subject. This essay shall be 
submitted to the Examiners. 


Candidates are required to attend during three academic 
years courses of instruction in their section of the School of not 
less than six hours a week in each year, 


These requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
fsee Regulations 6 and 7, pages 423 — 424). 

1. (i.) Economics. 

Candidates in this section are required to complete courses 
of at least Intermediate grade in : 

(a) Eithr French or C4erman. 

i b) Either a second language or any other subject approved 
by the Board of tin* Faculty. 

.Cj Modern History and Geography as required under 
Ordinance 3 for the degree of B.A. (Cum.). 

Degree r.j B . A . 

4 4n 

(ii.) Politico. j 

The requirement* in this section are the -mne n.- in the 
Economics section except that under (c) Geography alum* is 

(iii.) Modern History . 

Candidates in this section are required to complete cnur.-e> of 
at least Intermediate grade in (a) both French <n*d German, 
(6) either Geography or any other subject approved by the Euird 
of the Faculty. 

2. Candidates who have failed to satisfy the Examiners in 
Part I. may be excused from completing such courses for the 
Ordinary degree of B.A., or for the degree of B.A. (Com.) nr 
B.A. (Admin.), as the Board of the Faculty of Arts or the Board 
of the Faculty of Commerce and Administration respectively 
may, on the recommendation of the Examiners, determine. 

3. The list of those who satisfy the Examiners in Part I. 
will be published in alphabetical order, and no candidate who 
has failed in Part I. will be allowed to proceed to the examination 
in Part II. 

<£. The Examiners may examine any candidate orally as well 
as on paper. 

5. In determining the class lbt the Examiners shall have 
power to take into account the work of each candidate during 
liis academic course. 

Honours School of Oriental Studies. 


1. The subject of the school is: Oriental Languages, 
Literatures, History, Antiquities, Philosophies, and Religions, 

2. Each student must select : 

(a) One of the branches mentioned in 1 as determining 
the general character of his course. 

(7/) An Oriental language round which to group his 

ic) For less detailed study, a second language, suitable 
to be studied in connection with the first. 

3. The course includes : 

{ a ) A study in outline of the history aud literature 
as represented by the languages selected under 
2 (?>) and (e). 

(h) A study in detail of a period or portion of the branch 
selected in 2 {a) as represented by the languages 
selected under 2 (b) and (c). 

* ^aUttau* 

Faculty of Arts. 


4. The studies will he tested by a series of papers, as 
follow - : 

{1 and 2) Subjects as in 3 (a) (one paper for each 

(3, 4, and 5) Specified books as in 2 ( b ) and (c). 

(6, 7, and 8) Unspecified books and composition or 
re-translation : — 

(a) In the language of 2 ( b ) (two papers), and 
(bj In the language of 2 (e) (one paper). 

(9 and 10) Special subject as in 3 ib) in relation to the 
two languages. 

(11) Essay on a subject determined by 2 (a), 

5. In all parts of the course, except those described in 3 
(a), the student will be allowed and expected, in so far as the 
character of the subject permits, to give special prominence 
to the subject selected under 2 (a). 

6. With the permission of the Board of the Faculty, a thesis 
or other piece of independent work may be offered in lieu of (10) 
in 4. 

7. Candidates must select, with the approval of the Board of 
the Faculty, 

< i.) Lnder 2 (b) one of the following languages : 
la) Hebrew, 
i b) Arabic, 
icj Egyptian. 

(d) Sanskrit. 

(e) Pali. 

(/) Chinese. 

ii.i Under 2 \c) another of the language's enumerated 
under (i.) or one of the following : 

(u) Assyrian. 

(b) Aramaic. 

(c ) Old Iranian. 

The Buard of the Faculty must be satisfied that the languages 
selected are languages for the study of which there is adequate 
provision in the University. 


Candidate* are required to attend during three academic 
y e-iuses of instruction in the subjects of the school of 
Ie*s :Laa four hour* a week during the first year, and not 
le*-» than six hours a week during each of the second and 
third years. 

Degree oj B.A. 

4.j l 


These requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 4*28— 424 ). 

Candidates are required 

1. To complete three courses of at least Intermediate grade 

approved by the Board of the Faculty ; of these, two 
will normally be Greek and Ancient History. 

2, Vo satisfy, unless specially exempted by the Faculty, the 

Examiners in a Preliminary Honours Examination,® 
which will be held not later than the close of the 
session next before the last year of their Honours 

(a) The subjects of this examination will he : 

i. Texts selected by the Board of the Faculty from 

those prescribed in the course, with sp. cial 
reference to the line of study selected under 
2 (a). 

ii. Oriental History. 

iii. Unprepared translation from the Oriental 

languages that are being studied. 

iv. Translation or re-translation into the Oriental 

languages that are being studied, and pointing 
or transliteration. 

/ b) The list of candidates qualified to enter upon the last 
year’s Honours course will be issued in alphabetical 

t>) Such candidates as are not admitted to continue their 
Honours Course may be excused from completing 
such courses in Oriental languages or History for 
the Ordinary B.A. degree as the Board of the 
Faculty may, on the recommendation of the 
Examiners, determine. 

Honours School of* Celtic Studies. 


Part I. 

1. Prescribed Irish texts, with any literary, textual, or 
grammatical questions arising out of them. 

2. Prescribed Welsh texts, with any literary, textual, 
grammatical questions arising out of them. 

* See first footnote, page 4*1. 

-illation - 

LV2 F^iiuty of Arts. 

3. Traii^lation at sight from Irish texts. 

4. Translation at sight from Welsh texts. 

5. Grammar. 

6. History and Literature. 

Pakt IJ. 

1, On* of the following . 

A. Philology . 

>1} Either 

(u) Translation from Irish Texts with any questions 
arising out of them. 

or \b) (i.j Translation from Welsh texts with any 
questions arising out of them. 

(ii. ) Translation from Breton or Cornish text 3 
previously specified, with any questions 
arising out of them. 

(2i The Comparative Grammar of the Celtic languages. 

B. Hi*ttuy and Literature. 

(1) Eifhr Irish or Welsh History. 

(2) A selected subject of Celtic History or Literature 
including prescribed original texts. 

2 Pa Leogr-.phv. 

3. A thesis. 

The examination on Part I. shall be taken at the end of 
the second or third year, and that on Part II. at the end of 
the third or fourth year after the candidate has entered upon 
his course of study. 

In the examination one paper will be set upon each of the 
subjects enumerated above, except that in Part II. : A. (1) 
Translation from Irish texts, etc.: and B. (2) Selected subject 
of Celtic History, etc., will each be treated in two papers. 


Candidates are required to attend during three academic 
years courses of instruction in the subjects of the school of 
not less than four hours a week each year. 


Tfct.-e i\ quirt nei.ts must bo fultil'ed by the prescribed date 
•see Regulations 0 ni:d 7. pages 423—424). 

Candidates are required to complete courses of at least 
Intermediate grade in Latin, History, and either French or 

Degree oj B A 


Honours School of Russian Language and u^niatio 


1. Translation from English into Russian and from Russian 
into English. 

2. The writing of an Essay or Essays in Russian on subjects 
relating to Russian Literature, History, or Institutions. 

3. Translation from specified Old Slavonic and Old Russian 
texts, with literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

4. The History of the Russian Language 

5. The Outlines of Russian Literature 

6. The History of Russian Literature from 1700 to 1800, 
with special reference to certain specified authors or works 

7. Either (a) Pushkin, Gogol, and Bielinski, or (b) Turgenev, 
Dostoevski, and Tolstoi 

8. Outlines of the History of Russian Civilisation. 

9. Either a Special Subject chosen from the list giv.?n below, 
or a thesis on some subject selected bv the candidate and approved 
hv the Board of the Faculty. The thesis must be sent in to the 
Registrar not later than the first day of the Summer term 
in the year in which the candidate completes his Honours 

Special Subject*. 

(i.) Old Slavonic, with certain specified texts. 

(ii.) Outlines of the Historical Grammar of the Slavonic 

(iii.) The rise and developments of the chief Russian dialects, 
with regional study of the Great Russia and the 

(iv.) The Native Poetry of Russia, including the study of 
principal works on Russian folk-lore. 

(v.) The Slavonic Race : Regioual study of Slavonic peoples 
of to-day. 

(vi.) An approved subject of Comparative Literature. 

(vii.) An additional approved subject or period of Russian 
literature with specified texts 

(viii.) An approved subject bearing on Russian History or 
Social and Economic conditions. 

In ail the work of the school the Literature will be studied 
in its relation to political and social conditions. 

The examination will consist of nine papers, one on each of 
the subjects numbered 1 to 9 on the list. There will be also 
an Oral Examination, including a test in Russian Phonetics. 


F acuity of Arts, 

uiations No candidate shall be regarded as having passed the examina- 
tion unless he has satisfied the Examiners in composition as 
tested by the papers on A.l and 2. 


Candidates are required to attend during three academic 
years courses of instruction in the subjects of the school of not 
less than nine hours a week during the first year, and not less 
than ten hours a week during each of the second and third years. 


These requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 423 — 424). 

L Candidates are required to complete courses of at least 
Intermediate grade in the following subjects : 

(а) Greek or Latin. 

(б) French or German 

fc) Modern History, or Philosophy and Psychology, or any 
other non -linguistic subject approved by the Faculty. 

2. Candidates are required to complete a course of at least 
General grade in Greek. Latin, French, or German. 

3 Candidates must satisfy the Examiners in a Preliminary 
Honours Examination held not later than the close of the session 
next before the last year of their Honours course. 

{ *t) This examination will consist of the following papers : 

(i.) Translation from English into Russian and free 
composition in Russian, 

iii.) Translation from Russian into English, and an Essay 
in English on a subject connected with the studies 
of the school. 

(iii.) Translation from specified Old Slavonic and Old 
Russian texts with literary and linguistic questions 
arising out of them. 

Civ. ) The Outlines of Russian Literature. 

! v } Outlines of the History of the Russian Language. 

lb) The list of candidates qualified for entrance upon the 
last year's Honours course will be issued in alphabetical 
order Such candidates as are not admitted to continue 
their Honours course may be excused from completing 
such courses in Russian for the ordinary degree as the 
Board of the Faculty may, on the recommendation of the 
Examiners,, determine. 

-1. In determining t;:e final class lists the Examiners have 
power to take into ncouunt the work of each candidate during 
the whole i f his academic course. 


Degree of B.A. 

Honours School of Italian Studies. 

For the conditions under which students may proceed to the 
Final Honours Examination in Spanish in one or two years after 
completing all the courses of the Honours School of Italian, see 
Regulation C. 4 of the Honours School of Spanish. 

For the conditions under which students may proceed to Part 

I. of the Honours School of Spanish in one year after completing 
all the courses of the Honours School of Italian, see Regulation 
C. 5 of the Honours School of Spanish. 


1. Translation from English into Italian. 

2. The writing of Essays in Italian, 

3. Translation from unspecified Italian books. 

4. Specified Italian books from the period of Dante onwards. 

5. Translation, with literary and linguistic commentary of 
specified and unspecified Old Italian Texts. 

6. The History of the Italian Language and the study of the 
elements of Italian metre. 

7. Dante and his times. 

8. Outlines of Italian Literature, with special reference to 
certain specified modern authors or works. 

9. The Making of Modern Italy. 

10. A Special Subject. 

In all the work of the school the literature will be studied in 
its relation to political and social conditions. 

The examination will be in two parts. Part I. shall be taken 
not later than the end of the session preceding the last year of the 
Honours Course. It will consist of 5 papers, one on each of 
subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. The books under 4 will always include 
a portion of Dante’s work. 

Part II. will be taken at the end of the Honours Course. 
It will consist of an Oral Examination, and of 7 papers, one on 
each of subjects 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, and a combined paper on subjects 
5 and 6 in the above list. 


Except as provided under Regulations C. 3 and 4, candidates 
are required to attend during three academic years courses of 
instruction in the subjects of the school of not less than six hours 
a week, provided that such students as may be allowed by the 
Board of the Faculty, may attend, during the Summer term 
preceding their last academic year, approved courses at an 
Italian University or other place of learning sanctioned by the 
Board of the Faculty. 


Faculty of Arts. 



T-itisa requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed date 
I see Regulations C and 7, pages 4=23—124). 

1. Candidates are required to complete courses of at least 
Intermediate Grade in the following subjects : 

(a) Latin. 

(b) English or French or Spanish or German. 

(c) Mediaeval or Modern History. 

2. Candidates are required to complete a course of at least 
General Grade in either (a) Latin, or ( b ) French or Spanish. 

3. Candidates who wish, under Ordinance 11 for the degree 
of B.A. with Honours, to proceed to the Final Honours Examina- 
tion in Italian in one year after completing all the courses of 
the Honours School of French are required to have attained at 
least a Second Class in the Final Examination of their Honours 
School, to have reached the standard of the Special Course in 
Italian, and to have offered one of certain subjects approved by 
the Board of the Faculty as the Special Subject under the 
requirements of the French Honours School. Candidates with 
these qualifications are also permitted, if they so desire, to 
attempt the Final Honours Examination in Italian in two years 
after the completion of the course for Honours in French. 

4. Students who have attained at least a Second Class in the 
Final Examination of the Honours School of French and who 
have reached the standard of the General Course in Italian are 
permitted, under Ordinance 11 for the degree of B.A. with Honours, 
to take Part I. of the Italian Honours School in one year after 
completing all the courses of the Honours School of French, 
whether or not they proceed to take Part II. in the subsequent 

Honours School of Geography. 


1. Outlines of World Geography. 

2. Cartography. 

3. Hist tv of Geographical Uiscovery. 

4. The Regions of the World. 

5. T Le detailed study of a prescribed area, with special 
attention rr? a portion that area. 

6. Modern problems in Economic and Political Geography. 

7. Modern History. 

Degree of tt.A. 


The examination will be in two part*. Part f. shall normally a« i li'iiiun* 
be taken at the end of the second year, ami most not lie taken 
later than the close of the session next before the concluding 
year of the Honours course. It will include the following 
papers : 

(i.) General Geograpliy. (One paper.; 

(ii.) Cartography. (One paper and practical examination.; 

(iii.) Modem History. (One paper.) 

(iv.) Regions of the World. (Three papers.; 

The names of those who have satisfied the Examiners in 
Part I. will be published in alphabetical order, and no candidate 
who has failed in Part I. will be allowed to proceed ^to the 
examination in the Second Part. 

Such candidates as are not admitted to continue their Honours 
course may he excused from completing such courses in Geography 
for the ordinary degree as the Board of the Faculty may, on the 
recommendation of the Examiners, determine. 

Part II. will include the following papers : 

(i.) General questions on Geographical problems. (Two 

(ii.) Special subject. » Two papers.) 

(iii.) An Essay. 

(iv.) History of Geographical Discovery. (One paper.) 

(v.) Cartography, practical examination. 

Candidates will he required to present a dissertation (with 
requisite maps and diagrams) on a selected geographical 
region or subject. 

In determining the final class lists the Examiners shall take 
into account the result of the examination in Part I. and the 
work of each candidate during his academic* course. 

The Examiners may examine any candidates orally as well 
as on paper. 


Candidates are required to attend, during not less than three 
academic years, courses of instruction and laboratory work in 
the subjects of the School averaging not less than eight hours 
a week. 


These requirements must be fulfilled by the prescribed dat.* 

(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 423 — 4241. 

Candidates are required to have completed t ourses of at 
least Intermediate grade in : 

(a) Political Economy. 

( b } Any one of the following languages : French, German, 

Greek, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish, 


Facility oj Arts 


\c) Another language chosen from i b) above. 

(d) The elements of Physical Geology. This course must bo 
completed not later than the beginning of a candidate’s 
second session. 

Honour's School of Spanish Studies. 


1. Translation from English into Spanish. 

2. The -writing of Essays in Spanish. 

3. Translation from unspecified Old and Modern Spanish 

4. Translation and explanation of specified Old Spanish texts, 
with literary and linguistic questions arising out of them. 

5. The History of the Spanish Language. 

6. Cervantes and his Age. 

7. The Outlines of Spanish Literature, with special reference 
to certain specified modern authors or works. 

8. A special period or subject of Spanish Literature, with 
certain specified authors or works. 

9. The Growth of Modern Spain. 

10. A Special Subject. 

In all the work of the school the literature will be studied in 
its relation to political and social conditions. 

The examination will be in two parts. Part I. shall be taken 
not later than the end of the session preceding the last year of the 
Honours Course. It will consist of four papers, one on subjects 
1 and 2, one on -ub jeers 3 and 4 , and one on each of subjects 5 
and 7. 

The list of candidates qualified for entrance upon the last 
year’s Honours Course will be issued iu alphabetical order. 
Such candidates as are not admitted to continue their Honours 
Course may be excused from completing such courses in Spanish 
for the ordinary degree as the Board of the Faculty may on the 
recommendation of the Examiners determine. 

Part II. shall be taken at the end of the Honours Course. 
It will consist of eight papers, one on each of the subjects 1, 2, 
3. 6, 8, 9, 10. and a combined paper on subjects 4 and 5. There 
will uisu be an Oral Examination, including a test in Spanish 

No candidate shall regarded as having passed the exami- 
nation unle>s no n»< satisfied the Examiners in composition as 
tested by the papers on A. 1 and 2. 

Degree oj B.A. 


In determining the dual class lists the Examiners have power Regulation? 
to take into account the work of each candidate during the 
whole of his academic course. 


Except as provided under Begulations C. 4 and 5, candidates 
arc required to attend during three academic years courses of 
instruction in the subjects of the school of not less than five 
hours a week during the first year, and not less than seven hours 
a week during each of the second and third years ; provided that 
such students as may be allowed by the Board of the Faculty, 
may attend, during the Summer term preceding their last 
academic year, approved courses at a Spanish University or 
other place of learning sanctioned bv the Board of the Faculty. 


These requirements musb be tulhlled by the prescribed date 
(see Regulations 6 and 7, pages 423 — 424), 

1. Candidates are required to complete courses of at least 
Intermediate grade in the following subjects : 

(a) Latin. 

(b) English or French or Italian or German or Arabic. 

(c) Medieval History or Modern History or a second modern 

language not already taken under (6). 

2. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily a course of at least General grade in 
either (a) or (6). In the case of Second or Third Year Student.', 
these certificates may be granted at the end of the Lent term. 
Candidates, however, who so desire, may satisfy this requirement 
by passing either the General or Special Examination in the 
subject chosen. In this case, any oral part of the General or 
Special Examination may be taken at the end of the Lent term 
instead of in June by candidates who have received the special 
permission of the Board of the Faculty specified in B above. 

3. Candidates are required during their second year to attend 
satisfactorily a course of not more than two hours a week in the 
Department of History on the History of the Nineteenth Century. 

4. Candidates who wish, under Ordinance 11 for the degree of 
B.A. with Honours, to proceed to the Final Honours Examination 
in Spanish in one year after completing all the courses of the 
Honours School of French or Italian are required to have attained 
at least a Second Class in the Final Examination of their Honours 
School, to have reached the standard of the Special Course in 
Spanish, and to have offered oue of certain subjects approved by 


Faculty of Arts * 

Emulations the Board of the Faculty as the Special Subject under the 
requirements of the French or Italian Honours School. Candidates 
with these qualifications are also permitted, if they so desire, to 
attempt the Final Honours Examination in Spanish in two 
years after the completion of the course for Honours in French 
or Italian. 

5. Students who hare attained at least a Second Class in the 
Final Examination of the Honours School of French or Italian 
and who have reached the standard of the General Course in 
Spanish are permitted, under Ordinance 11 for the degree of B.A. 
with Honours, to take Part I. of the Spanish Honours School 
in one year after completing all the courses of the Honours School 
of French or Italian, whether or not they proceed to take Part II., 
in the subsequent year. 

Honours School in Greek and English. 

The examination will he in two parts, Part I. being taken 
at the end of the second session or one year before Part II. 
of the Honours examination ; Part II. at the end of the third 
or fourth session. 


The subjects of study for Part I. are : — 

1. Translation of prescribed Greek books. 

2 . Topics arising out of the prescribed books. 

3. Translation at sight from Greek. 

4. Shakespeare, 

5. English Literature 1550 to 1750 with prescribed books. 

The examination will consist of one paper on each of the 
subject." numbered 1 to 1 above and two papers on the subject 
numbered o. 

The Ntihjt'Ct't of study for Part 11. are - 

1. Prescribed Greek books with literary questions arising out 
of them. 

2 . A grpup oi works by * >ne or more Greek authors prescribed 
for sped a I lit era i y <ru dv . 

3. An Essay upon points connected with the subjects of the 
Honour> .Schools »»f Greek and of English. 

1. Translation at sight from Greek authors. 

\ Outlini ' t >t Lh'jbsh Literature from 155U. 

* . IL'ton* t»: fntiom and Literary Theory. 

H>tory • : EnuiLh Literature. 175U to 1S3(>. 

Degree of b\A. 


S, Either Regulations 

(a) A special subject : some aspect of the relations of English 

and Greek Literature. 

(b) Dissertation. 

One paper of three hours trill be set on each of the subjects 
enumerated above. 


Candidates are required to attend courses of instruction in the 
subjects of the School for three sessions. 


1 . Candidates must provide evidence of a satisfactory- know- 
ledge of Greek before being admitted to the School. 

2. Candidates are required to have completed 

{ a ) one year before presenting themselves for the Part I. 
Honours examination a course of at least Intermediate 
grade in Greek. 

(6) Courses of at least Intermediate grade in 
(i.) Latin, 

(ii.) one of the following : a modern foreign language ; 
Philosophy ; any other approved subject. 

3. Candidates are required to have completed a course of 
at least General grade in one of the following : 

(a) Latin, 

( b ) Philosophy, 

( c ) any other approved subj ect . 

Conditions for Courses and Examinations taken in 


of B.A. with Honours. 

Students in Honours Schools in the Faculty of Art» may 
attend, with the concurrence of the Professors concerned and 
with a view to examination, classes within the Faculty other 
than those required by the regulations for their Degree courses. 

Such students may proceed to examination in the additional 
subject or subjects studied, provided they have fulfilled the 
requirements as to attendance normally prescribed for University 
examinations ; and provided also that no student shall have 
the right to demand a special examination in any additional 


Faculty of Arts, 

Notice of intention to sit for the examination in the additional 
subject or subjects must be given at the same time as notice for 
the usual University examinations, and it must be clearly 
indicated by the candidate that the subject or subjects are 
additional to those required by the regulations for the Honours 

Students may sit for the examination in the additional subject 
or subjects prior to, or concurrently with, their Final Exami- 
nation in the Honours School. Students will not be admitted 
to an examination at a later date than that of their Final Exami- 
nation, either on account of a previous failure or for any other 

An Examination Fee of 10s. 6d. for each additional subject 
must be paid, and no transfer or return of fee will be made. Late 
entries to an examination in an additional subject will not be 

Certificate in Architecture. 

iriinauijo There shall be a Certificate in Architecture. 

eguUtinn a Certificate shall be awarded to candidates who attend 
the courses and pass the examinations required for the degree 
of Bachelor of Arts in the Honours School of Architecture, 
provided that such candidates must have passed the Entrance 
Examination for Candidates for Certificates, but need not have 
passed th8 Matriculation Examination, nor the examinations in 
the subsidiary subjects required under Regulation C. 1 of the 
Honours School of Architecture. 

Degree of Master of* Arts. 

See general note a? to theses, page 399. 

The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred on the 
following persons : 

1. a} Graduates in Arts of the University of not less thau 
one year s standing from the date of their grad nation as Bachelors, 
who have 

i. Graduated with Honours in the Faculty of Arts and 
subsequently presented a satisfactory thesis on an 
approved subject. 

A person who has qualified to sit for the Final Exami- 
nation in an Honours School in the Faculty of Arts and 
has been awarded an a ij rot at degrt** or who has pro- 
ceeded to the Ordinary degree of B.A. under Ordinance 
18 for the decree of B.A. with Honours may, by special 
permission of the Board of the Faculty, proceed to the 
M.A. ■iMtrree under Ordinance 1 0?) (id. 

Degree of .\F.A. 


(ii.)*Graduated Bachelor of Arts without Honours, and have Ordinances 
either (a) Attended subsequently to graduation such courses as 
the Board of the Facility may determine, passed a 
further examination under the regulations, and 
presented a satisfactory thesis on an approved 

For dates of presentation of thesis, see Regulation 3, 
page 464. 

or ib) Presented subsequent to graduation, with the special 
permission of the Board of the Faculty, a thesis, 
dissertation, or published work embodying the 
results of original investigation and research approved 
by the Board of the Faculty. 

(iii.) Graduated in Divinity and subsequently presented a 
satisfactory thesis on an approved subject. 

1. (6) Graduates of the University in other Faculties than the 
Faculty of Arts, who have, subsequent to graduation, attended 
approved courses in the Faculty of Arts of at least six hours 
per week during two sessions ; and fulfilled, in addition, the 
requirements for the M.A. degree under Ordinance I fa; (ii.i. 

2. (a) Graduates (or persons who have passed the Final 
Examination for a degree) of approved Universities, who, without 
having taken previously a lower degree of this University, have 
given sufficient evidence of their qualifications, have conducted 
research work approved by the Board of the Faculty during a 
period of two years in the University, have attended such courses 
as the Board of the Faculty may determine, and have presented 
a satisfactory thesis on an approved subject. 

The Board of the Faculty shall decide in each case with 
reference to the record of the applicant whether he shall be 
required to pass a further examination as one of the conditions 
of the degree. 

2. (b) Persons who are not graduates (nor have passed the 
Final Examination for a degree) of any approved University, 
who have : 

(i.) Satisfied the Senate as to their general educational 
qualifications after a report from the Board of the 
Faculty as to their competence for the investigations 
proposed ; 

(ii.) Satisfactorily attended such classes as the Board of the 
Faculty may require and conducted research work 

* Students 'fflio <;ouuiienoe<l their course prior to the session X921-22 should 
consult the Calendar for session 


Faculty of Arts. 



approved by the Board of the Faculty during a period 
of three years in the University.; and 

(iii.) Presented a thesis or published work embodying the 
results of original investigation and research. 

3. Any person who has qualified for the degree of M.A. in 
one subject and proceeded to the degree, and has subsequently 
fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Board of the Faculty the 
regulations for the degree of M.A. in another subject, shall be 
entitled to have a statement to that effect endorsed on his certi- 
ficate of graduation as Master of Arts. 

L In all cases graduates of other Universities, or non-graduates 
studying for the degree of Master, shall be required at the 
beginning of the prescribed period of study to register as 
University students and apply for recognition to the Board of the 
Faculty concerned. Every such candidate shall be required to 
show that he has attained a linguistic knowledge sufficient to 
enable him to begin work upon the subject of his thesis ; and 
the Board of the Faculty may require, if it thinks fit, attendance 
at a course or courses of linguistic study. Every non-graduate 
studying for the degree of M.A. under Ordinance 2 (b), shall, 
in any case, be required to attend satisfactorily a course of study 
to be approved by the Board of the Faculty in a subject other 
than that to which his thesis belongs. 

2. Applicants for admission under Ordinance 2 (b) will be 
required to submit written work as part of the evidence of com- 
petence asked for. They may also be required to submit to 
oral or other examination. 

•“>. tid All subjects of theses which are to be presented for the 
degree of Master must be submitted to the Board of 
the Faculty of Arts for approval not later than the 
Michaelmas term preceding the date on which the 
theses are to be presented. 

The Board of the Faculty may, in considering any 
subject proposed for a thesis by a candidate proceeding 
to the degree under Ordinances 1 (a) (i.) and 1 (a) (iii.), 
impose, as a condition of its approval, the attendance 
on some approved course of further instruction in the 

ii. Candidates intending to proceed to the degree of Master 
under Ordinance 1 (a) (i.), 1 (a) (ii.) (&), 1 (a) (iii.), 
2 (a) or 2 (b) (i.e., by theses alone), must 


Pay the required fees not later than March 1st. and 
notify the Registrar by that date of the titles 

of their theses. These theses must be presented 
not later than April 30th. 


Pay the required fees not later than June 1st and notify 
the Registrar by that date of the titles of their 
theses. These theses must be presented not later 
than September 15th. 

(iii.) Candidates intending to proceed to the degree of Master 
under Ordinance 1 (a) (ii.) (a), or 1 (b) ( i.e ., by 
examination and thesis), must pay the required fees 
not later than March 1st, and must notify the 
Registrar by that date of the titles of their theses. The 
theses must be presented not later than April 30th. 

Form of Notice may be obtained from the Registrar. 

For Exemption Fee, see page 351. 

4. Candidates are required to present two copies of the 
thesis submitted in support of an application for the degree of 
M.A. and also to present therewith two copies of an abstract 
(not -more than 500 words in length) of the thesis. These copies 
will be retained by the University. 

5. Except by special permission of the Faculty, no thesis 
may be submitted before April 30th following the year in which 
the candidate has either obtained a B.A. with Honours or passed 
the qualifying examination described in Ordinance 1 (a) Hid 'a). 

ORDINANCE 1 («) ii. (Cl). 

Greek or Latin or Greek and Latin. 

(1) Greek or Latin. 

i. The subjects prescribed for the Hi mours School of Greek 
or of Latin, save that a specified portion of the texts 
prescribed for either of these Schools may be omitted, 
and that candidates need not offer more than one of the 
subjects enumerated under f7‘» and (8f of the Horn >urs 

ii A thesis on some special part of the subject offered. 

Candidates who take Latin for the degree of M A. 
and who have taken no course in Greek, are required either 
! a) to substitute for a certain number of Latin books the subject 
■natter of the Elementary course in Greek, or (5) to substitute 
either for a larger number of Latin books or for the subject 
chosen from paragraphs (7) and (8) of the regulations for Classical 
Honours, the subject matter of the Intermediate course in Greek. 


4t}B Faculty of Arts. 

(2) Greek awl Latin. 

i. Books prescribed year by year selected from the 

following authors : 

(a) Homer, the Greek Dramatists. Thucydides, 
and Plato or the Greek Orators. 

( b I Plautus or Lucretius, Vergil, Horace, Cicero, 
and Livy or Tacitus. 

ii, Greek and Roman History, as in the Intermediate 
Examination in Ancient History. 

iii. Unprepared translation from Greek and Latin. 

iy. Greek and Latin prose composition. 

y. A thesis on some special part of the subject offered. 

Candidates must have completed at least one course in 
Ancient History. 

Candidates may therefore lake any one of the four following 
alternatives : 

1. Greek . The subjects (somewhat reduced in amount) of 

the Third Year Greek Honours Examination, with one 
of the subjects enumerated in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the 
regulations for the Honours School of Greek. 

2. Latin . The subjects of the Third Year Latin Honours 

Examination, with exemption from a portion of the 
prescribed texts, part of this exemption "being given as 
an allowance for the course in Elementary Greek. Can- 
didates who have not previously taken a course in Greek 
are required to satisfy the Examiners in • 1) Elementary 
Greek Grammar, \2. An easy Greek text, (3j the re- 
translation into Greek of simple English sentences. 

3. Latin with Intermediate Greek. <V> The subjects (some- 

what reduced in amount? of the Third Y'ear Latin 
Honours Examination, \h » Greek Translation at sight 
from Greek into English, Greek Grammar, with the 
Translation of simple English passages or sentences into 
Greek, two Greek texts, one prose and one verse. This 
Greek subject may be offered as a substitute either for 
the one subject which would otherwise have to be taken 
from those enumerated in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the 
regulations for Latin Honours, or for a larger portion of 
tl.e^ prescribed texts than that from which candidates 
under 2j are exempted. 

4. Greed and L;tin with Greek and Roman History. 

a tireek and Latin as for the Preliminary Honours 

Degree of M.A. 

(6) Ancient History as in the Intermediate course in n«truutiftni 
Ancient History, unless that examination ha*> been 
already passed. 

In any alternative a candidate must present a thesis on some 
special part of the subject offered. 


(1) General questions on Ancient History. 

General questions on Mediaeval History. 

General questions on Modern History. 

Candidates must offer one of these papers, but may 
offer more if they so desire. 

(2) General questions in British History. 

(3) Two papers on a special subject to be selected from a list 

approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

(4) An oral examination if required by the Examiners. 

(5) A thesis connected with the special subject studied 

under (3). 

Candidates may, with the special permission of the Beard of 
the Faculty, present a thesis on another subject. 

English Language and Literature. 

Either A. Mainly Literary — 

(1) Outlines of English Literature. 

(2) History of Literary Theory. 

(3) Translation from specified and unspecified Old and 

Middle English Books, with questions relating to 
Literature, History, and Institutions. (Two papers, i 

(4) A period of English Literature, with specified books. 

(Two papers.) 

(5) A thesiB. 

Or B. Mai nly Li nguistic — 

(1) Gothic. 

(2) History of the English Language. 

(3) Translation from specified and unspecified Old and 

Middle English Books, with literary and linguistic 
questions bearing on them. (Two papers.! 

(4) A period of English Literature, with specified books. 

(Two papers.) 

(5) A thesis. 

Faculty of Arts. 


tiatior* french Language avd Literal ire. 

» } * Translation from English into French together with an 
Essay in French on a subject relating to French Litera- 
ture. History or Institutions. 

■ - Translation from unspecified Modern French texts. 

(3) Translation and explanation of specified Old French 
texts, with literary and linguistic questions arising out 
of them. 

(4: The Hi?r*e'y of the French Language. 

(5; A special period of French Literature subsequent to 
I H with certain specified authors or works. 

(6) A special subject, as in (9) of the regulations for the 
Honour-; School of French Language and Literature. 

(7; A diesis on some special part of the subject offered. 

The examination will consist of six papers and of an oral test. 

In audio) the Old French Texts and the period of literature 
will be the same as those prescribed for the Preliminary Honours 
Examination and for the Final Honours Examination respectively 
of that year. Language and Literature. 

(1) Translation from English into German, and the writing 

of an Essay or Essays in German on subjects relating 
to German Literature, History, or Institutions. 

(2) Translation from unspecified Modern German texts. 

\ b j Translation arA explanation of specified Modern German 
text*, with literary and linguistic questions bearing 
up hi them. 

(I) Ouilines of the History of German Language and Litera- 

(3) Lesd.ig, Goethe, and Schiller. 

(6) Specified and unspecified Middle High German texts, 
with literary and linguistic questions bearing upon them. 

7. A thesis on some special part of the subject offered. 

T..e examination wifi consist of six papers (three hours 
each . and an ora! examination, including a test in Phonetics. 

Degree of M.A. 



(1) An y two of the following : 




The History of Ancient or Modern Philosophy (prodded 
these have not been already offered in the course 
of study for the B.A.). 

(2) Questions of General Philosophy. 

(3) One of the following : 

A special author, as prescribed for Honours. 

A special subject, as prescribed for Honours (if the 
subjects have not entered into the course for the 
B.A. already). 

An approved special subject. 

(4) A thesis on some part of the subjects oSercd. 

Psychology . 

(1) Experimental Psychology, theoretical and practical. 

(2) Advanced General Psychology. 

(3) Industrial Psychology. 

(4) Comparative and Abnormal Psychology. 

(5) Scientific Method. 

(6) Logic, or History of Modern Philosophy, or Political 

Philosophy, or any other Philosophical subject approved 
by the Board of the Faculty. 

Economics , Politics, am] Modern History. 

. I. Economics. 

Candidates for the degree of M.A. in Economics 

(1) must take the following subjects in the Honours 
School : 

Either A : — 

1. Advanced Economics (two papers). 

2. Public Economics and Finance (one paper). 

3. Economic History (one paper). 

4. Geography (one paper). 
or B : — 

Three of the papers in the subjects enumerated 
above, and 

5. A special subject in Economics or Economic 
History (two papers). 

(2) must present a thesis on some special part of the subjects 


Ketrv tat ions 

Facultv o / A*ti. 


II. /v.v.v* 

CantudvUe.-, i*j r the >U jreo <-f M.A. iit /V/oVv mu^r present the 
followin'* : 

(1) Political Science (two papers). 

(2) Public Administration (one paper), 

•ii) and (4) Any two of the following : — 

(i.) Public Economics ana Finance (our paper), 
(ii.) Elements »»f Eu,.xli>h Law (one paper;, 
fiii.) Moral and Political Philosophy (one paper), 
(iv., Modem History p.n** paper). 

>5) A thesis on some special parr of i ie* subjects offered. 

111. JA*b,v 

Candidates fur the degree of M.A. in Modern History must 
present the following : 

(1) General questions on Modern Hi.-tory, 

(2; General que-nui > in British History, 
lii) Two papers uii a special subject To be selected from n list 
approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

(4) An oral examination if required by the Examiners. 

(5) A thesis connected with the special subject studied 

iimbr (3}. 

Candidate- may. w>h the special permission of the Board 
of the Faculty, present a thesis on another subject. 

Oriental Studies. 

(1) Translation from English into a selected Oriental 

(2i Translation into English from unspecified texts. 

\'S} Translation from specitird texts, with textual, philo- 
logical, and excgetieal questions arising out of them. 
, t 4* Outlines of Oriental History. 

.ni H istorv of the Literature of the selected language and 
Philology of the selected language. 
id) A special subject, chosen from the special subject* 
prescribed for the Honours School of Oriental Studies, 
iji A thesis on some special part of the subject offered 

In (1) to to; the standard of proficiency required will be that 
oi the Final Examination of the Honours School of Oriental 
S: tidies. 

Candidates may, however, offer two languages, in which 
case the standard of proficiency in each will be that of the 
Preliminary Examination of the same school. 

Degree of Litt.D. 


The examination will consist of six papers. In (3), if one 
language be offered, the texts will be those prescribed for one 
of the languages in the Final Honours Examination (with the 
exclusion, in the case of Hebrew, of ( a ), (d), and ( e ) : if two 
languages be offered, the texts will be those prescribed for two 
of the languages in the Preliminary Honours Examination. 


Candidates for the degree of M.A. in Russian must satisfy 
the Examiners in the papers set for the Final Examination in 
the Honours School of Russian. 


Candidates for the degree of M.A. in Geography must offer 
the following subjects : 

(1) The General and Regional Geography of the World. 

(2) A specified subject or region (which must not have been 
offered at the Special stage). 

(3) A thesis normally treating of the geography of a selected 
district, the area of which shall be approximately that 
of a sheet of the 1-inch Ordnance Survey. The thesis 
should be based on map studies and field observations. 

(4) Cartographical study of selected regions and the repre- 
sentation of land-forms. 

There will be two papers on each of subjects (1) and (2), 
an essay on a geographical subject set in the Honours 
School of Economics and Political Science, and an oral 
and practical examination. 

Degree of Doctor of Letters. 

See general note as to theses, page 399. 

Notk.— A pplications must be sent to the Registrar and fees paid to 
the Bursar not- later than January 31st of the year in which the candidate wishes 
to proceed to the degree. The fee is £15. 15s., of which £10. 10s. muBfc be paid 
on application for the degree and the balance of £ 8 . 5s. on graduation. For each 
application after the first an additional fee of £10. 10s. must be paid. 

1. The degree of Doctor of Letters is conferred by the OMinwcee 
University on persons who shall be deemed by the Senate, 

after considering a report from the Board of the Faculty, to have 
produced work of high distinction constituting a substantial, 
sustained, and original contribution to knowledge or scholarship. 

2. The degree of Doctor of Letters may be conferred on all 
persons who have been a dmi tted to the degree, other than 
Honorary, of Master, or of Doctor of Philosophy, in the University. 

Applications for the degree of Doctor of Letters shall be 
made in writing to the Registrar, and shall include a statement 
and copies of the contributions to knowledge or scholarship on 

Faculty of Arts,. 


guation which the applicant's claims to the degree are based. Candidates 
must submit two copies, either printed oc typewritten, of any 
unpublished work which they wish to be taken into consideration, 
and one of these copies shall remain in the possession of the 

Diploma In Geography. 

finance* 1. There shall be a Diploma in Geography. 

2. The Diploma shall be awarded to candidates who have 

(i.) After graduation in this or any other approved University 
attended the prescribed courses extending over at least 
one year ; and 

(ii.) Satisfied the Examiners in the examination prescribed, 
and presented a satisfactory thesis on an approved 

filiations Candidates for th* Diploma in Geography must offer : 

1 and 2. The General and Regional Geography of the World. 

3 and 4. A specified subject or region (which must not have 
been offered at the Final Special stage). 

5. An essay. 

d. An oral and practical examination 

7. A thesis normally treating of the geography of a selected 
district, the area of which shall be approximately that of a sheet 
of the 1-inch Ordnance Survey. The thesis should be based 
on map studies and field observations. 

The thesis under 7 may be presented in the year of the 
examination or in a subsequent year. 

Papers 2, 3, and 4 shall be the same as the papers in Geo- 
graphy set in the Honours School of Economics and Political 
Science, and 5 shall be the essay on a geographical subject set 
in the Honours School. 

Syllabus of Classes. 

1 tie fyj 'syllabus of clashes ami details of the lecture courses 
t. u.e r acuity of Arts are given in the Prospectus oi the 

The list of Fellowships. Scholarships, Exhibitions, and 
Prizes is given below "page 699b 

Faculty of Arts . 

Set IBoofes, ipevloOs, an6 Subjects 
for 2>egree Courses. 


I. Courses for the Ordinary B.A. Degree in 1D33—34. 

Greek. Intermediate : Demosthenes, Canon and Call ides ; Euripides, 
Medea for for those intending to take Hellenistic General 
and Special , Plato, Apology). 

General : Thucydides iv., ch. i — ioi ; Euripides, Troades. 
Special : As for General, with Homer, Iliad i., Odyssey ix. — xi. 

Hellenistic Greek. General : (a) The Story of Exodus {Exodus 
i. — xv. ; Cony be are and Stock Selections from lxx. ; 

(b) Wisdom of Solomo 7 i, i . — ix. ; {c) Selections from Papyri 
(Milligan) ; {d) Plutarch, Life of Sulla. 

Special : As for General, with the addition of Epistle to the 

Latin. Intermediate : Vergil, Aeneid i. ; Livy xxi., cc. 16 — 56. 

General : Horace, Epistles i. (omitting 15, 17, iS) ; Tacitus, 
Historiae i., cc. 1 — 56. 

Special : Horace and Tacitus as for General ; Apuleius, Cupid 
and Psyche (as in Butler’s ed.). 

English Literature. Intermediate : Chaucer, Prologue to the Canter- 
bury Tales and The Pardoner's Tale ; Shakespeare, Henry 
IV., Parts I. and 11., Macbeth , Winter's Tale ; The Book 
of Job ; Milton, Sonnets , Samson Agonistes ; Drydeii, 
Absalom and Achitopkel i. ; Swift, Gulliver's Travels ; 
Pope, Essay on Criticism ; Johnson, Lives of Milton and 
Dryden ; Wordsworth and Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads ; 
Carlyle, Past and Present ; Browning, Men and Women ; 
Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge ; Palgrave, Golden 
Treasury (additional Poems'). 

General (A) : Literary History, 1550 — 1660; Spenser, Shepherd' s 
Calendar , Four Hymns ; Sidney, Astrophel and Stella , 
Apology for Poetry ; Drayton," Minor Poems (Oxford 
Press) ; Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis , Love's Labour’s 
Lost , Julius Caesar , Othello ; Dekker, Shoemaker's Holiday ; 
Beaumont and Fletcher, A King and no King ; Jenson, 
The Alchemist ; Bacon, Selections (ed. Matheson, Clarendon 
Press) ; Characters of the Seventeenth Century (ed. Nichol 
Smith, Oxford Press) ; Milton, Poems written before 1660. 


Ftiemht >f Ai , 4 s. 

General B : Thu w- *rks *,f Sponger, Shakespeare, and Milton in 
the t .reef- ing list, t get her with Shakespeare, Hamlet, 
A i:Lo:y and Cleopatra \ Spenser, Faerie Oucene i. — ii. 

CunJiJL'tr r v'h < art- permitted t«- take IV. rii.) in lieu of the normal 
General e*.u->* Cl. A will hud a list of the prescribed texts under 
texts pr^s-r-ibul f- r the Honours Sch- nl *.S English Language and 
Literatim . 

Special : Shakespeare . 

English Language. General 'A) : Chaucer, Nonne Prestes Tale , 
Clerhes Tale, and the texts prescribed under English 
Literature, General (A.) ; Bradley's Making of English . 

General (B) : Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader , selections i., ii., iv., 
ix., xxi., xxri. ; Sisam, Fourteenth Century Verse and 
Prose , selections ii., iii., v., vi., viii., xi., xii., xv (> xvii. 

Special (A) : the texts prescribed under English Literature 
Special (A), and the language of Shakespeare, with a special 
study of Julius Caesar in the spelling of the first folio. 

Special (B; : Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader , selections vi., vii., 
viii., xvi., xvii., xviii., xix., xx., xxii., xxv. ; Chaucer, 
Parlement of Foules , The Frankeleyns Tale ; Piers Plow- 
man , prologue, passus i., ii. 

French. Intermediate ; Les Provinces de la France (ed. Howard, 
Harrap & Co.) ; Pailleron : Le Monde oil Von s’ ennui* 
^ed. Mansion, Harrap & Co.). 

General: Chateaubriand: A tala. Rend, Le Dernier Abenc&rage 
(ed. Dent & Co.) ; : Chronique dtt Regne de 
Charles IX. (ed. Baker, Oxford Press) ; Balzac : Le Pire 
Goriot (Coll. Nelson) ; Flaubert : Madame Bovary (ed. 
Charpentier) . 

Special: Rousseau: Extraits, pp. 66 — 91 and 360 — 377 (ed. 
Brur.el, Hachette & Cie) ; Chateaubriand : as for General ; 
Merimee : as for General ; Balzac : as for General ; Flaubert 
as for General. 

German. Intermediate I. (i.): Kotzebue , Dergevade IVeg derbeste{B>\a.c\Ae)i 
Keller, Die drei gerechten Kammacher (Harrap). 

Intermediate I. !.ii.) ; Bithell, A Modern German Course 
'Methuen;; Eichendorh, Aits dem Leben eines Taugenichts 
(Heath j. * 

General : Hebbel, T agebitcher , Gyges tind sein Ring ; Schiller, 

Die Braut von Messina ; Cher naive und seniimentalisehe 
Dichtimg ; Morike, Gedichic . 

Special : As under General, with addition of Hans Sachs 
Selections ied. Kinzel) ; Luther, Sendbrief vom Dolmetscken 
led. Xeubauep. 

Set Books , dtc. 


Italian". Intermediate : Pancrazi e De R^bertis, I Moderni ; Wilkins 
and Marinoni, L* Italia (Univ. of Chicago Press;. 

General : Dante, La Divina Commcdia ; Pancrazi e De Robertis, 
I Moderni ; Falqui e Vittorini, Scrittcri Xuovi. 

Period of Literature : Italian Literature from 1S70 to the 
present time. 

Special : Dante, La Divina Commedia ; Poliziano, Orfeo, Le 
Rime ; Ariosto, Orlando F arioso ; Machiawlli, Jl Principe . 

Russian". Intermediate : Tolstoy, Family Happiness . 
General : Turgenev, Zapiski Ohotnika . 

Special : Gogol : Revizor. 

Period of Literature : Gogol and Bielinsky. 

Spanish. Intermediate : Benavente, Los intereses creados fHarrap) ; 

Bolivar, Address to the Venezuelan Congress (Cambridge 
Univ. Press). 

General: J. Montero Alonso, Autologin de poetas y prosistas 
espaiioles ; Azorin, Al margen de los cldsicos (Longmans). 

Period : Outlines of Spanish Literature. 

Special : Lope de Vega, El remedio cn la desdicha ; Tirso de 
Molina, El burlador de Sevilla ; Calderon, La vida es sueho 
and El mdgico prodigioso . 

Period : The drama of the Golden Age, with special reference 
to the works of Calderon. 

Hebrew. Intermediate : The Book of Ruth. 

General : Genesis xxiv. — xxx. and Amos, to be studied with 
reference to textual criticism. 

Period of Hebrew History and Literature: 761 — 701 B.c. 
Special : See Semitic. 

Arabic. Intermediate: The Classical texts in Thatcher’s Arabic Grammar. 
General : The texts in Thatcher’s Arabic Grammar , pages 345 —357; 
Qur’an, xii. 

Semitic. Special : A. (a) Isaiah i. — xxvii. with 

lb) either (1) Psalms i. — xxxiv ; or {2) the Classical texts in 
Thatcher's Arabic Grammar ; or (3) the Syriac texts in 
Roediger's Chrestomathia Syriaca, pages 1 — 15 » 6° — 68 and 

{c) the History of Israel political and literary, from 701 to 
600 B.C. 

B. ( a ) Assyrian texts : As in DeimeTs Textus Cuneiformes, with 
(b) the History of the First Babylonian Dynasty. 

1 acuity or Arts. 

47 G 

Politic At- Economy, : G Organisation and Administratior of 

Special : Public Economics a :id Finance : Adam Smith, Wealth 
of X alters, Bor k V. ; Report of Committee on National 
Debt and Ta? n, 1927; Interim and Final Reports of 
the Curd i rfe Committee, 191S and 1919 ; Report on the 
Cam ncy and Bank of England Note Issues, 1925 ; Report 
of the G. mmittee ' t. Industry and Finance, 1931. 

Public Administration. Special : 

Central Government: Fourth Report of the Royal 
Commission cm the Civil Service, 1914* Cmd. 7338 ; Report 
of the Royal Commission cm the Civil Service, 1931, Cmd. 
3909 ; Report of the Imperial Conference, 1931 ; Report 
of the Machinery of Government Committee, 1918 (re- 
printed, 10251 Ciiid. 9230 ; Tin* War Cabinet's Report for 
the year 1917, Cmd. 9005 ; The Statute of Westminster 
22 G.V., c 4 ; Report of the Committee on Ministers' 
Powers, 1932, Cmd. 4060 ; The Whitehall series of mono- 
graphs on Government Departments. 

Local Government : The 48th Annual Report of the 
L «cal Government Board : First, Second and Final Reports 
of the Royal Gammisdon on Local Government, 1925 — 
1929, Cmd. 2506, 3213 and 3436 ; Minutes of Evidence, 
ditto, Parts I., II., V., VII., IX., XII., and XIV. ; Memo 
m the Local Government Bill, 1928 (1929), Cmd. 3273. 

Geography. Into mediate : (1) Outlines of World Geography. 

1,2] Regional studies of the British Isles and Europe. 

General : A geograpliical study of America. 

Special ■ 1; The Monsoon Lands of Asia. (2) Geographical 

aspects of present-day world -problems. 

Ancient Hisxgkv. Intermediate : Outlines of Greek and Roman 
History t*-. ‘33 & 

Genoa: : [i] Oriental History. Either (a) outlines of the history 
of Western Asia, with special reference to the history of 
Israel and Babylonia and Assyria from 722 to 539 b.c. ; 
or ib't the history’ uf Egypt from the Nineteenth Dynasty 
(inclusive'’ to 70 a.d., i.e . 3 from 1350 b.c. to 70 a.d., together 
with the outlines 01 the history- of Israel. 

i 2) Greek History-. 600 — 460 b.c 

,5‘j Roman History-. 133 b.c. to 251 a.d. 

Special: 1 Oriental History. A detailed study- from original 
source* ef ui; the history- of Bj.byd.onia and Assy-ria from. 
722 t’_* 539 e.c., together with \b) the contemporarv historv 
o: Israel. 

- Hist-ry of Brim::'. 43™-^ a.d. T-rj ' Tacitus, 
Agv::cla. Selected passages from Tacitus. Annals , Histories ; 
S letenius*. ikiur Caesarian ; Scripiores Hisioriae Augustae ; 
Hint raria Anicniui ; Acc-ny-mus Ravennas. Cassius Dio ; 
Ptolemy- ; Herodian (in translations). Select inscriptions. 

Set Books , etc. 


Medieval History. Intermediate : Outlines of Medieval History, 

General : Medieval British History (including Constitutional) , 
55 b.c. to 1485 A.D. 

Modern History. Intermediate : Outlines of Modern Historv 

1494 — 18 1 5- 

General : (1) Outlines of General Modern History, 1815 — 1914. 
(2) Modern British History (including Constitutional;. 

Special: English History, 1689 to 1714. 

Special History : Set Books: (a) Relevant Statutes and cases 
in Grant Robertson's Select Constitutional Documents . 
(b) Evelyn's Diary for 1688 — 1705. (c) Richard Baxter, 

Last Treatise (ed. F. J. Po wicket. (d) Trevelyan, Select 

Documents for Queen Anne's Reign. ( e > Swift, The 

Journal to Stella. (J) The Harlev papers for 1714 in 
Portland MSS. Vol. V. 

Ecclesiastical History. General : (2) General Church History from 
the beginning to the end of the tenth century, <b\ General 
Church History from the eleventh century. 

Economic History. General: English Economic History from 1700 

Philosophy. General : Outlines of General Philosophy. Plato, 
Republic : Russell, Problems of Philosophy. 

History of Ancient Philosophy. General : Burnet, Early Greek 
Philosophy ; Plato, Selected Dialogues ; Aristotle, Meta- 
physics, Book i. 

Special : As for General, with special study of Plato, Tkeaetetus. 

History of Modern Philosophy. General : Descartes, Discourse, 
Meditations ; Locke, Essay ; Berkeley, Principles of Human 
Knowledge ; Leibniz, Monadology , etc. (Latta's Selections/ ; 
Hume, Treatise of Human Nature ; Kant, Selections 
(Greene) . 

Special : As for General, with special study of Kant, Critique 
of Pure Reason. 

Ethics. General : Socratic Discourses by Plato and Xenophon 
(Everyman's Library) ; Butler, Sermons ; Kant, Fundamental 
Principles', Moor e, Principiu Ethica ; Carritt, Theory of 

Special : As for General, together with British Moralists 
(Clarendon Press, 2 vols., ed. Selby -Bigge) . 

Political Philosophy. General . (i.) (Theory). Aristotle, Politics ; 

Hobbes, Leviathan ; Locke, Civil Government , part ii. ; 
Rousseau, Social Contract . (ii.) (Government). Mill, 

Representative Government ; Bagehot, English Constitution ; 
Bryce, Modern Democracies . 


Faculty of Arts, 

II. Courses for the Ordinary B.A. Degree in 1934 - 35 . 

Greek. Intermediate : Plato, Euihyphra ; Aeschylus, Persae (or for 
those intending to take Hellenistic General and Special , 
Thucydides £.). 

General : Aeschylus, Septem ; Plato, Protagoras. 

Special : Aeschylus, Septem ; Aristophanes, Knights ; 

Demosthenes, Crown; ' Homer, Iliad h, Odyssey xi. 

Hellenistic Greek. To be announced later. 

Latin. Intermediate : Horace, Odes i. i — 4, 9 — 20, 22, 24, 37, 38 ; 

ii. 1 — 3, 6, 7, 10 — 20; Cicero, Pro Marcello , Pro Liguria , 
Pro Reg? Dcioiaro. 

General : Cicero i?i his Letters (Tyrrell), Nos. 40 — 78 ; Juvenal 
and Martial, selections in A. C. B. Brown’s Latin Literature 
of the early Empire, Part A, pp. 106 ff. and Part B. 

Special : Cicero and Juvenal as for General ; Catullus i. — v., 
x., xib, xiv., xxih, xxxi., xliv., Ixiv., Ixxvi., lxxxiv., lxxxv., 

English Literature. Intel mediate : Chaucer, Prologue to the Canter - 
our y Talcs and Xonne Preestes Tale ; Shakespeare, 
Richard III., Twelfth Sight, King Lear ; Bacon, Essays ; 
Milton, Paradise Lost i. — iv., Tract on Education ; Bunyan, 
Pilgrim’s Progress ; Dryden, Macftecknoe ; Swift, Tale 
if 1 Tub ; PJpe, Rape of the Loch ; Johnson, Rasselas ; 
Hazhtt, Spirit of the Age ; Keats, Poems published in 1820 ; 
Carlyle, Sartor Rtsartus ; Tennyson, Poems published in 
1S42"; Methuen, Anthology of Modern Verse. 

General i\) ; Literary History, 1660 — 1760; Metaphysical 
Poetry (ed. Grierson) ; Milton, Paradise Regained , Samson 
Agonistes ; Dryden, Spanish Friar, Don Sebastian, Essay 
of Dramatic Poesy ; Butler, Hudibras, Book i. ; Congreve, 
Way of the World, Mourning Bride ; Otway, Venice 
Preserved ; Browne, Hydriotaphia ; Swift, Tale of a Tub ; 
Pope, Windsor Forest, Epistle to A r but knot ; Fielding. 
Amelia; Smollett, Roderick Random; Poems of Johnson, 
Goldsmith, Gray, and Collins (Muses Library, Routledge). 

General :B) : The works of Milton, Dryden, Congreve, and 
Fielding in the foregi ing list, together with Milton, Paradise 
Lost , Becks i. — iv. ; Prior, Poems (Muses Library) ; 
Richardson, Pamela. 

Candidates who are permitted to take IV. Ui.) in lieu of the normal 

General course ;II. X> will find a list of the prescribed texts under 

texts prescribed for the Honours School of English Language and 


Special : Shakespeare, 

English Language. General (A) : Chaucer, Nonne Prestes Tale, 
Clerkes Tale, and the books prescribed for literary study ; 
Bradley, The Making of English. 

General (B) ; Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader, i., ii., iv., ix., xxi., 
xxvi. ; Sisam, Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose, ii., 
iii., v., vi., viii,, xi., xii., xv., xvii. 

Set Books , t tc. 


Special (A) ; The literary texts prescribed ; and the language 
of Shakespeare, with a special study of Julius Caesar in the 
folio spelling. 

Special (B) .* Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader, vi., vii., viii., xvi., 
xvii., xviii., xix., xx., xxii., xxv. ; Chaucer, Parlement of 
Foules , The Frankeleyns Tale ; Piers Plowman, Prologue, 
Passus i., ii- 

French. Intermediate : Maupassant, Covies Choisis (Harrap) ; La 
Bruyere ; Car act hr es (Harrap) ; Lcs cent mciUeurs Poimes 
(Gowans and Gray). 

General : Lamartine, Poimes Choisis (Manchester Univ. Press), 
pp. i — 33 ; Vigny, Poimes Choisis (Manchester Univ. 
Press) ; Victor Hugo, Pennies Choisis (Manchester Univ. 
Press), pp. i — 122 ; Musset, Poimes Choisis (Manchester 
Univ. Press), pp. i — 92. 

Period of Literature ; La po£sie romantique. 

Special : Lamartine, Poimes Choisis (Manchester Univ. Press) ; 
Vigny, Poimes Choisis (Manchester Univ. Press) ; Victor 
Hugo, Poimes Choisis (Manchester Univ. Press), pp. 
x — x6 0 ; Musset, Poimes Choisis (Manchester Univ. 

Period of Literature : As for General. 

German. Intermediate I (i.) .* Keller, Romeo und Julia anf dem Dorfe 
(Heath) ; Heine, Die Harzreise. 

Intermediate I. (ii.) Bithell, A Modern German Course 

(Methuen) ; Heyse, L’Arrabiata (Heath). 

General : Hauptmann, Der Narr in Christo , Vor Sonnenuntergang ; 
Schiller, Wallenstein ; Storm, Gedichte. 

Special ; As under General, with the addition of Luther, An 
den christlichen Adel (ed. Kinzel) ; Kunst- und Volkslied 
der Reformatio nszeit (ed. Kinzel). 

Italian. To be announced later. 

Russian. Intermediate : L. Tolstoy, A Prisoner of the Caucasus. 
General : Pushkin, Evgenii Onegin , chapters i., ii., iii. 

Special : Griboyedov, Gore ot uma . 

Period of Literature : Ostrovsky's Dramatic Works. 

Spanish. Intermediate . Julio Camba, La rana viajera (Harrap) ; 

Fernando de Arteaga, Petrona , and oilier stories (Longmans). 

General : J. Montero Alonso, Antologia de poctas y prosistas 
espanoles (Madrid) ; Azorin, A 2 margen de los cldsicos 
(Longmans) . 

Period : Outlines of Spanish Literature. 

Special : Garcilaso de la Vega, Obras (Clasicos Castellanos) ; 
Luis de Leon, Poesias originates (Madrid) ; Las cien 
mejores poesias (London ; Gowans and Gray). 

Period : Spanish poetry from 1500 to 1700. 

j> 2 


Faculty of Avis. 

Hebrew. Intermediate : The Book of Ruth . 

General: Genesis xii. — xviii., xx. — xxii., and Amos, to 

be studied with reference to textual criticism. 

Period of Hebrew History and Literature : 761 — 701 b.c. 

Special : See Semitic. 

Arabic Intermediate : The Classical texts in Thatcher's Arabic 

General: The texts in Thatcher's Arabic Grammar , pp. 345 — 357 ; 
Qur'tin, xii. 

Semitic. Special : A. U*j Isaiah i. — xxvii., with ( b ) either (1) Psalms 
i. — xxxiv. ; or [2; the Classical texts in Thatcher's Arabic 
Gramnzav ; or 1*3 j the Syriac texts in Roediger's Ckresto - 
math: a Syiiaea, pp. 1 — ”15, 60 — 68, and 

fc ) The history of Israel, political and literary, from 701 to 
600 B.C. 

B. la.) Assyrian texts : As in Deimel’s Textus Cuneiformes, with 

(b) The History of the First Babylonian Dynasty. 

Political Economy. As for 1933-34. 

Public Administration. As for 1933-34. 

Geography. As for 1933-34. 

Ancient History. Intermediate : As for 1933-34. 

General : (i) Oriental History : either (a) Outlines of the History 
of Western Asia, with special reference to the History of 
Israel and Babylonia and Assyria from 885 — 722 b.c. ; 
or (6) The history of Egypt from the Nineteenth Dynasty 
(inclusive) to 70 a.d., i.e., from 1350 b.c. to 70 a.d. 
together with the outlines of the history of Israel. 

(2) Greek History. As for 1 933-34. 

(3) Roman History. As for 1933-34. 

Special : (1) Oriental History : A detailed study from original 
sources of {a) the History of Babylonia and Assyria, 885 — 
722 b.c., together with (6) the contemporary history of 

(a) History of Britain. As for 1933-34. 

Medieval History. As for 1933-34. 

Modern History. As for 1933-34. 

Ecclesiastical History. As for 1933-34. 

Economic History. As for 1933-34. 

Philosophy. As for 1933-34. 

History of Ancient Philosophy. As for 1933-34. 

History of Modern Philosophy. As for 1933-34. 

Ethics. As for 1933-34. 

Political Philosophy. As for 1933-34. 

Set Hooks, dc. 

4^ I 

III. Courses for the B.A. Degree with Honours. 

Honours School of Classics. 

Course ending in 1934. 


Homer, Iliad vi., x., *xxii., xxiv. ; Aeschylus, Agamemnon, Choephon ; 
Sophocles, Electva ; Euripides, Electva ; Arista phanes, Birds ; 
♦Greek Lyric and Bucolic Poetry, Oxford Book of Gicch Verse, 
Nos. 274 — 290, 497 — 504 ; Demosthenes, Olynthiacs and 

* Private Speeches (Paley and Sandys, Vol. id ; Plato, Republic 
ii., iii., *x. ; Aristotle, Poetics ; Thucydides iii. ; Herodotus i. 

For special literary study : Aeschylus, Choephori ; Sophocles, 
Plectra ; Euripides, Electva ; Aristotle, Poetics. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1934. 

Homer, Iliad i., Odyssey xi. ; Euripides, ; Demosthenes, 
Conon and Call ides ; Plato, Phaedo ; Aristophanes, Frogs ; 
Xenophon, Anabasis i. — vi. 

Course ending in 1934. 


♦Plautus, Rudens ; ♦Lucretius v. ; Catullus 1 — 5, 12, 14, 22, 26, 31, 
34 , 49 , 5 L 62, 64, 84, 93, 101 ; Virgil, Eclogues i., iv., ix., 
Aencid vi. — xii. ; Horace, Epistles ii., including Ars Poetica ; 
♦Lucan v. ; Juvenal, Martial, and Petronius (as in A. C. B. 
Brown's Latin Literature of the Early Empire ) ; * Carmina 

Latina Epigraphica , Fasc. i. f selections ; Cicero, *Pro Mun ua, 
♦Letters (as in Tyrrell's Cicero in his Letters) ; Livy xxii. ; 
♦Tacitus, Annals iv. 

For special literary study : Virgil, Aeneid vi. — xii. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1934 - 
Cicero, Pro Archia, Pro Marcello ; Virgil, Aeneid i., vi., xii., Horace. 
Satires i. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 ; Livy ix. ; Tacitus, Historiae i. 

Course ending in 1935. 


Homer, Iliad vi., xviii., *xxii., xxiv. ; Aeschylus, Agamemnon , Septem ; 
Sophocles, Oedipus Coloneus ; Euripides, Phoenissae \ 
Aristophanes, Plutus ; *Greek Lyric and Bucolic poetry; 
Oxford Book of Greek Verse, Nos. 274 — 290, 497 -y 5°4 '» 
♦Antiphon, On the murder of Her odes ; * Isocrates, Areopagiticus ; 
♦Hyperides, Funeral Oration ; L3 T curgus, Against Leocrates ; 
Lysias, against Eratosthenes', Plato, Republic ii.,iii.,*x. ; Aristotle, 
Poetics ; Thucydides iii. ; Herodotus i. 

For special literary study : Aeschylus, Septem ; Sophocles, Oedipus 
Coloneus ; Euripides, Phoenissae \ Aristotle, Poetics. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1935 - 

Homer, Iliad i., Odyssey xi. Aeschylus, Septem ; Demosthenes, 
Crown ; Aristophanes, Knights ; Xenophon, Anabasis i. — vi 


Faculty aj Ar£s. 

Course ending in 1935. 


As fcr 1054 with alteration of the prescribed portion of Virgil as follows ; 
Ecl.gucs i., iv., v. , vi., ix., x., Georgies. 

For special literary .->tudy : Virgil, Eclogues i., iv., v., vi., ix., x., 
Georgies i., ti. , iv. 


As for 1934 '.nth vubstitntinn of Gt orgies ii. for Aeneid xii. 

Honours School of Greek. 

Course ending in 1934 * 

As for Honours School of Classics, omitting Herodotus i. and 
Thucydides iii. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1934 - 
Homer, Iliad i., Odyssey i. — xii. ; Aeschylus, Septem c. Thebas ; 
Sophocles, Oedipus Tyr annus : Euripides, Troades ; 

Aristophanes, Frogs ; Thucydides ii., iv., vii. ; Plato, Meno ; 
Demosthenes, Conon and Callicles. 

Course ending in 1935. 

As for Classic* without Herodotus iii., Thucydides iii. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1935. 

Homer, lit ad i., Odyssey i. — xii. ; Aeschylus, Septem ; Sophocles, 
Oedipus Tyra units : Euripides, Troades ; Aristophanes, 

Knights \ Thucydides iv. ; Plato, Gorgias ; Demosthenes, 
Cyou j: ; Herodotus i. 

Honours School of Latin. 

Course ending in 1934. 

Special attention will be paid to the books preceded by an asterisk. 

Plautus, Captivi t * Ritdens ; *Lucretius v. ; Catullus I — 5, 12, 14, 
22, 2'">, 31, 34, 49, 51, 62, 64, S4, 93, 101 ; Virgil, Eclogues 
i., iv., ix. ; Aendd vi. — xii. ; Horace, * Epistles ii., 
including Ars Poetica ; *Lucan v. ; Selections from * Carmina 
Latina Epigraphicn fed. Buechekr, Fasc. I., Teubner) ; Juvenal, 
Maitial, and Petronius (as contained in A. C. B. Brown's Latin 
Literature oj the Early Empire) ; Cicero, *Pro Murena, Pro 
Roscio Amentia ; Tyrrell’s * Cicerc in his Letters ; Livy xxii. ; 
Tacitus, * A nna. s iv.. Agricola. 

For special literary study, Virgil, Aeneid vi. — xii. 

Perk d of R. man History: The Reman Empire under Augustus, 
29 3.c. — 14 a. d. Prescribed texts: Suetonius, Augustus ; 
Cassius Dio, Books 51 — 55 l Velleius Paterculus, Book ii., capp. 
Sg — 124; dlonun: etztnm Ancyranunz ; Selected passages from 
(:*s Pliny, Hatural History \ \b) Strabo ; (e) the Augustan Poets; 
{d\ Tacitus, Annals ; Selected Inscriptions. 

Set Book's, iVe. 


Candidates under Regulation A. 9 {£) will omit in Latin : Plautus, 
Captivi \ Virgil, Eclogues i., iv., ix. ; Juvenal in Brown, Part 
A., pp. 1 — 76 ; Cicero, Pro Roscio A merino ; Tacitus, Agricola ; 
and substitute in Greek ; Homer, Odyssey vi. — viii. ; Thucydides 
iv. (cc. 1 — 100) ; Sophocles, Electro, ; Plato, Gorgias. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1934. 

Cicero, Pro Arckia , Pro Marcello ; Virgil, Aeneid i., 11., vi,, xn. ; 
Horace, Odes ii., iii.. Satires i. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 ; Livy ix. ; 
Tacitus, Historiae i. 

Course ending in 1935. 

As for 1934 * with the following alteration : for the works of Virgil 
mentioned substitute Eclogues i., iv., v., vi., ix., x. ; Georgies. 

For special literary study: Virgil, Eclogues i., iv., v., vi.. ix., x. ; 
Georgies i., ii., iv. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1935. 

As for 1934 - 

Honours School of English Language and Literature. 

Part I. Honours Examination 1934. 

Under A. 2 : Beowulf, lines 1 — 1060 ; Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader , 
selections i., ii., iv., vi., vii., viii., ix., x., xiv., xvi., xxi., xxii., 
xxv., xxvi., xxix. ; Wright, Elementary Old English Grammar; 
Emerson, Middle English Reader , pages 1 — S, 35 — 47, 18 1 — 191, 
197 — 203 ; The Owl and the Nightingale ; Wright, Elementary 
Middle English Grammar. 

Under A. 3 .* Pearl, stanzas 1 — 51 ; Chaucer, The Parlement of Foules, 
Troilus and Criseyde, The Frankeleyns Tale, The Nonne 
Prestes Tale ; Piers Plowman, prologue, passus i. — iii. 

Under A. 5 : A (1550 — 1660) * Elizabethan Lyrics (ed. Ault, Longmans); 
♦Spenser, Shepherd's Calendar, Four Hymns, Prothalamion, 
Faerie Queens vi.. Familiar Letters ; Sidney, Astrophel and 
Stella ; ♦Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis ; * Metaphysical 

Poetry (ed. Grierson, Oxford Press) ; Marlowe, Faustus ; 
♦Jonson, Every Man in His Humour, Alchemist , Sejanus ; 
Beaumont and Fletcher, Knight of the Burning Pestle , A King 
and No King ; ♦Webster, The Duchess of Malfi ; ♦ Shorter 
Novels, Elizabethan and Jacobean (Everyman Library) ; 
Bacon, History of the Reign of Henry VII . ; Hooker, Eccles- 
iastical Polity i. 

B. (1660 — 1760). Milton, Paradise Regained, Satnson Agonistes ; 
Seventeenth Century Lyrics (ed. Ault, Longmans) ; Dryden, 
The Spanish Friar , Don Sebastian, Religto Laid , The Hind 
and the Panther , Essay of Dramatic Poesy ; Butler, Hudibras i. ; 
Congreve, The Way of the World ; Wycherley, The Plain 
Dealer ; Browne, Hydriotaphia ; Swift, Tale of a Tub ; Pope, 
The D unci ad ; Minor Poets of the Eighteenth Century 
(Everyman) ; Fielding, Tom Jones ; Johnson, Rasselas, The 
Rambler (Selections, Oxford Univ. Press) ; Eighteenth Century 
Poetns (Percy Reprints, Blackwell) ; Poems of Goldsmith and 
Gray (Muses Library, Routledge). 

The books marked with an asterisk in list A. 5 A above are the 
prescribed texts for candidates taking the course IV. (ii.) in lieu of 
II. A. 


Faculty of Arts. 

Part XI. Honours Examination, 1934. 

Part II. a. 

Under 2: Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Re uicr ; Beowulf, Finnsburg Frag - 
went, Widsiih ; Homier, Engli ~h Historic jl Documents. 

Under 3 : Petri, 52 — 10 1 ; Sir Gait jin and ike Green Knight ; The 
L iy of H n clock the Dane ; H,dl, Early Middle English , selections 
vi.^ ix., xi., xiii., xv., xxi . ■ Emerson, Middle English Reader , 

pages 126 — 134, it*' 175, 215 — 219; Henrvson, Testament 

of Cres'fid. 

Under 4 : As for Part II. b., 1034, binder 4. 

Under 6 ; As a one-year subject : Selections from the Gospel of St. 
Mark in Wright's Gothic Grammar. 

As a two-year subject : Wright’s Gothic Grammar (with 
selections; ; Sheireins. 

Under 7 ; As a one-year subject: Gordon, Introduction to Old Norse, 
selections* i. f 11b, xiii. ; Hrafukets saga Freysgofa. 

As a two-vear subject : as preceding with the addition of 
Band am ann:i Saga and Gisla Saga Silrssonar, 

Part II.b. 

Under 1 .* Beowulf 1250 — 1887 {and the subject-matter of 18S8 — 3182) ; 
The A ncP-S.t.ven Chronicle, 979 to 1066; Sir Gawain and the 
Green Knight ; Pea)/, stanzas 52 — 101 ; Gower, Jason and 
Medea ; Henrvson, The Testament of Cresseid. 

Under 4 * S.uthey, Lives rf Wesley and Nelson ; Cow per. The Task, 
Letters \ World *s Cla&sics ed.) ; Blake, Poetical Sketches ; Burns, 
Poems 1780: Wordsworth, Poems (Golden Treasury ed., 
Macmillan ; * Keats, Qd* ? and Sonnets ; Shelley, The Cenci , 
Defence «./ ctvy ; Byron. Poems (World’s Classics ed.) ; De 
Quincoy, Recollections of the Lake Poets (Everyman ed.) ; 
Crabbe* Robinson, Blake etc. (Manchester Univ. Press) ; Scctt, 
RcdgauntUt, Guy Manner ing ; Austen, Emma ; Lamb, 
Letters Everyman ed.) ; Hazlitt, On the English Comic Writers . 

Under 6 .* Shakespeare or The Novel, 1700 — 1850 or English Literature, 
i860 — 1900 at The Middle English Lyrics or The English 
Language, 1575 — 1675, with special reference to Shakespeare 
and Miltrn. 

Under 6 , b, : As under F^rt II. a. 7. 

Part I. Honours Examination, 1035. 

Under A 2 ; As for 1934. 

Under A. 3 ; As for 1934. 

Cndet A 5 ; A ,1550 — 26*. c f . * P re -Ska 7 c 3 pc a re a 1 : Comedy and 

Pie -Ska ft sLl. .v t T raged \ ; Everyman ed. 2 vols.) ; * Jonson, 
Alckemis: ; Beaumont and Fletcher, * King and no King , 
Knight cf the Burning Pe 'tic Belles Lettres series) ; Webster, 
Das frees cf Ma If, , ^ wiicai'crhan L\rzcs ed. Ault, Longmans) ; 

Spenser, Complaints, Coin: Clouts Come Home Again, Astrophel, 
*Amc!£ , ::: > Ep:G: Famine,:, *Fa et\e, Bowles i., ii. ; 
Sp-znser-Ha rv*?v Correspondence t Spenser, Oxford Press); 
S...ikcspeare, jcLife <-7 5o:;,:G > ; * Meta physical Poetry 

(ed. Grierson, Oxb.rd Pa s> ; * As chain, Se hole master ; Lodge, 
Ro? alynde ; G ret re, Ge :s:k .f HVf and Repentance ; 

Jon son, DiizeccvG, ~ . Br. -wne, r /a ligic Medici and Urn Burial. 

Set Books , &c. 


B. (1660 — 1760). Milton, Paradise Regained, Samson A genistas. 
Seventeenth Century Lyrics (ed. Ault, Longmans) ; Dry don, 
Astraea Redux, Anmis Mirabilis, T liven edict Augustahs , Religio 
Laid ; Restoration Plays (Everyman Edition) ; Pope, Essay on 
Man , Imitations of Horace ; Walton, Lives ; Swift, Journal to 
Stella ; Gay, Poems (Oxford Press) ; Richardson, Pamela \ 
Fielding, Joseph Andrews; Steele, Selections from Taller, etc. 
(O.U.P.) ; Thomson, Seasons ; Eighteenth Century Plays 
(Everyman Edition) ; Poems of Gray and Collins (Muses 
Library, Routledge). 

The books marked with an asterisk in list A. 5 A above are the 

prescribed texts for candidates taking the course IV. (ii.) in lieu of 

fl. A. 

Part II. Honours Examination, 1935. 

Part II. a. 

Under 2 ; As for 1934 - 

Under 3 : As for 1934. 

Under 4 ; As for Part II. b., 1935, under 4. 

Under 6 .* As for 1934. 

Under 7 : As for 1934- 

Part II. B. 

Under 1 .* As for 1934 - 

Under 4 .• Johnson, Lives of the Poets ; Blake, Songs of Innocence ; 
Crabbe, The Village ; Wordsworth, Prelude, Lyrical Ballads ; 
Keats, Hyperion, Letters ; Shelley, Poems (G. T. Selection) ; 
Byron, Dramatic Works ; Scott, Heart of Midlothian ; Austen, 
Bride and Prejudice ; Peacock, Novels ; Landor, Selections 
(G. T.) ; Jeffrey, Literary Criticism (Oxford Press) ; De Quincey, 
Literary Criticism (Oxford Press). 

Under 6 ; Shakespeare or The Novel, 1700 — 1S50 or English Literature, 
i860 — 1900 or The Middle English Lyrics or The English 
Language, 1575 — 1675, with special reference to Shakespeare 
and Milton. 

Under 6 ( b ) : As under Part II. a. 7. 

Honours School of Fronoh Studies* 

Course ending in 1934 * 

Under A. 4 .* L. Clddat, Chrestomathie du moyen dge, pages 136 — 246 
and 352 — 3S2 ; Aucassin et Nicolette (ed. Bourdillon) ; 
Gormont et Isembart (ed. Bayot, Classiques fran9ais du moyen 

Under A. 7 .* Darmesteter et Hatzfeld, Morceaux choisis des icrivains 
du X VI e si&cle. 

Under A. S .* Period of Literature : The French novel in the NIXth 
Century in connection especially with the following texts 
Chateaubriand, A tala (Dent) ; Mine, de Stael, Corinne (Nelson) ; 
B. Constant, Adolphe (Universitv Press) ; V. Hugo, Quatre - 
Vingt-Treize (Nelson) ; A. de Vigny, Stella (Nelson) ; Merimee, 


Faculty of Arts. 

Chroniqite . . . de Charles IX. (Nelson) ; Stendhal, Le Rouge 
et le Xoir (Larousse; ; G. Sand, La petite F adeite (Oxford Press) ; 
Balzac, Les Chouans (Caiman-Levy) ; Daudet, Lettres de tnon 
Moulin (Macmillan) ; Fromentin, Dominique (Plon) ; Flaubert, 
L' Education scntimentale (Nelson). 

Special Subjects. 

To be announced later. 

Preliminary Honours Examination, 1934 

Under C. 3 .* (a) (nj : L. Cledat, Chresiomathie du moyen dge, pp. 136 — 
246 and 325 — 3S2 ; Aucassin et Nicolette (ed. BourdiUon) ; 
Darmesteter et Hatzfeld, Morceaux choisis des Scrivains du 
XV I c siicle (prose part). 

Course ending in 1935. 

Under A. 4 .* L. Clddat, Chrestomathie du moyen dge , pages 136 — 246 
and 325 — 3S2 ; Aucassin et Nicolette (ed. Bourdillon); La 
Chanson de Roland (Bibliotheca Romanics 53, 54). 

Under A. 7 : Darmesteter et Hatzfeld, Morceaux choisis des icrivains 
du XVI*’ siicle (Del a grave). 

Under A. 8 .* Period of Literature : Realism in the French Novel from 
Balzac to Proust in connection especially with the following 
texts: Balzac, Cisar Birotieau ; Stendhal, Lucien Leuwen ; 
Flaubert, Madame B ovary ; J. and E. de Goncourt, Ren&e 
Mauperin ; A. Daudet, Fromont jeune et Risler aini ; Zola, 
Les Rougon-Macquart (Extraits) ; A France, Histoire con- 
temporaine ; L. Fra pie. La Maternelle ; R. Boylesve, LI enfant 
it la balustrade ; C.-L. Philippe, La mire ct V enfant ; M. Audoux, 
Marie- c ; M. Proust, Le cdte de Guermantes . 

Special Subjects, 

To be announced later. 

Honours Softool of German Langruagre and Literature. 

Part I. <1934; . 

Under subject 3 .* Wright, Old High German Primer (selections) ; 
Meier Helmbrecht ; Der Winsbeke ; X ibelungeniied (ed. Bartsch 
or Sievers). 

U nd*:t subject 4: Hans Sachs ted. Ivinzeii ; Luther, Sendbrief vom 
Dolmctschen ted. Neu boner) ; Goethe, Gets von Berlichingen , 
Werther, Faust Iphigenic aitf Tuans, Torquato Tasso, 
Egmont, Wilhelm Til sisters the azrali sene Sendung ; Herder, 
Selections ; Leading, Minna ten Burn helm , Emilia Galotti , 
Nii than der If Vise 1 , Die Erciehung des Me.zschengeschlechts ; 
Keller. Det gtiina Heinrich. 

Part II.a. v I 934 ;> 

Under subject 5 ; Braunc, A itkockde utsches Lesebnch (selections) ; 
Naumann, Hofzsches Lescbuch selections; ; Hartmann von 
Aue, Der arnie Hezmich ; Dzv Wir.sichc ; Meier Helmbrecht ; 
Das X i beta n \genl zed ,'ed. Bartsch or Silvers). 

Under subject o .* Hans Sachs, Seles::, ns (ed. Kinzel). 

Set Books , 

4 S 7 

Under subject 8 ; Wright, Grammar of the Gothic Language (ivith 
selections) or Heliand (selections) or Gordon, Introduction to Old 
Norse, i., ii., iii., vi., xiii., xiv. ; Vo l its no ; prpmskvida 
Atlakvipa ; Hrafnkels scuja ; Freijstj octet . 

Under subject 9 ; Goethe, Faust I. ; Schiller, Wallenstein ; Schopen* 
hauer. Die Welt als Witte und Vorstcllung ii., iv. ; Nietzsche 
Selections ; Hebbel, Agnes Bernauer , Die Nibelangen. 

Part IX. b. (1934). 

Under subject 7 . Lessing, Emilia Galotti*, Die Ersiehung des 
Menschengeschlechts* ; Herder, Von deutscher Art und Kunsi* ; 

Schiller, Kabale und Liebe , Uber naive und sentimentalise he 

Dichtung, Uber die dstketiseke Ersiehung des Menschen , 
Wallenstein ; Burger, Gedichte ; Breul, The Romantic 
Movement in Germany \ Wackenroder, Hersensergiessungen 
eines kunstliebenden Klostevbraders ; Xovalis, Selections ; Fr. 
Schlegel, Fragmente, Lucinde. 

Under subject 8 .* Fichte, Reden an die deutsche Nation (selections)* ; 
Kleist, Prinz Friedrich von Hamburg, Michael Kohlhaas* ; 
Brentano*, Eichendorfl*, Uhland*, Selected Poems * ; Hoffmann, 
Die Elixiere des Teufels , N acktstUche* : Heine, Die Romantische 
Schule, Zur Gesckichte der Religicm und Philosophic in 
Deutschland ; Werner, Der 24. Februar* ; Schopenhauer, Die 
Welt als Wille und Vorstcllung ii., iv. ; Nietzsche, Selections ; 
Grillparzer, Das goldene Vliess, Konig Oitokars Gluch und 
Ende ; Hebbel, Agnes Bernauer, Die Nibelungen ; Hauptmann, 
Die versunhene Glocke. 

Under subject 9 .* Goethe, Gedichte (selections) ; Gotz von Berlichingen, 
Wert her, Faust I. and II., Wahlverwandtschaften , Wilhelm 
Meister ( Lehrjahre mid W anderjahre) ; Eckermann, Gesprdche 
mit Goethe. 

Texts marked * are for less detailed study. 

Parts I. and II. ( 1935 ). 

To be announced later. 

Honours School of Italian Studios. 

Part I. (1934). 

Under A. 4 : Piccioni, Da Prudenzio a Dante ; Petrarca, Rime ; 
Machiavelli, II Pyincipe ; Manzoni, / Promessi Sposi ; Leopardi, 
I Canti. 

Under A. S ; Croce, A utobiografia ; Serra, Esatne di coscienza ; 
D'Annunzio, JLe Laudi (volume III.)- 

Part II. ( 1934 )* 

Under A. 5 .* Monaci, Cresiomazia Italiana \ Piccioni, Da Prudenzio 
a Dante. 

Under A. 7 .* Dante, La Vita Nuova, Le Rime , II Purgatorio . 

Under A. 10 .* Special subject : Courtesy books and social customs in 
sixteen th-century Italy. 

Faculty of A rts. 

Honours School of Russian Language and Literature. 

To be announced later. 

Honours SGhoof of Spanish Studies. 

Part I. (1934). 

Under A. 4 ; Ford, Old Spanish Readings (Ginn) ; Poema dc Mio Cid, 
lines 1 — 1876 (ed. Menendez Pidal ; Cldsicos Castellanos) ; 
Letter of ike Marquis of SantHhina {ed. Pastor and Prestage ; 
Oxford University Press). 

Part II. (1934). 

Under A. 4 .* Poema de Mio Cid (Cldsicos Castellanos) ; Juan Ruiz, 
Libro de biten amor (Cldsicos Castellanos) ; Juan Manuel, El 
conde Lucanor. 

Under A. S : The drama of the Golden Age with special reference to 
the works of Calderon. 

Part II. (i 935 )- 

Under A. 4 ; Poema de Mio Cid (Clrisicos Castellanos) ; Poema de 
Fernan Gonzalez (ed. Marden ; Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins 
Press) : Juan Manuel, El conde Lucanor. 

Under A. S ; Spanish poetry from 1500 to 1700. 

Special Subjects. 

(i.) The principles of Romance Philology, or an approved branch 
of Romance Grammar. 

fix.) The Spanish Epic. 

(iii.) The Old Spanish Ballads. 

(iv.) Modem Spanish Poetry. 

Honours School of Oriental Studies. 

Course ending in 1934 AND * 935 - 
A. To be taken by all candidates. 

(id Languages. 

1. Hebrew and the elements of Semitic philology in relation to Hebrew. 

2. Either Aramaic, or A > Syrian or Arabic ; and the elements of Semitic 

Philology in relation to either Aramaic, or Assyrian, or Arabic 

(ii.) Texts. 

x. Hebrew: (id I. Samuel; ( b' Isaiah i. — xxvii., Amos; (£) Psalms 
i. — xxxiv. ; f S Pirke Abhoth, Mishit. Me gill ah ; (e) Com- 

mentary of Knslii on Genesis xx. — xxix. 

2. Either Aramaic : :*t Onaeln* on Genesis ; TheTargum of Jonathan 

i/ji Isaiah i. — xxxix. ; ,h Matthew v. — xx. in the Syriac Versions ; 

■ c, A pzei? Acts 0} ih t A pi. sties , S\ruc ze::i (ed. W. Wright), 
pp. 17- — 251. 

Or Assyrian ; a) The Annals of Sennacherib first three campaigns). 
The Anna’s of Ashur-bani-pal ; Grst three campaigns) ; (b) The 
Code of Hammurabi §§ 6 — 25, 53 — 5 S , 112 — 126, 196 — 227 
241 — 2S2 ; K c The Creation Tablets. 

Or Arabic : (a) The selections in Brunnow’s Chrestomathy ; el- 

Fakhri, pages 163 — 264 (Ahlwardt’s ed.) ; ( b ) Koran , Suras 3, 
93* 96, ioi, with the Commentary of Baidawi on 3, 1 — 139; 
(c) Noeldeke’s Delectus Carminum Arabicormn, Nos, 65 (page 
36), 93 (page 55), 15S (page 92), 164 (page 110} ; Hariri, 
Makama, i. 

(iii.) History and Literature. 

Either 1. Hebrew and Aramaic : to 70 a.d. 

Or 2. Hebrew and Assyrian : the outlines in each case to 538 b.c. 

Or 3. Hebrew and Arabic : the outlines of the history of Israel to 538 
b.c. : the Rise of Islam and the Omayyad period. 

B. Departments for Special Study: One to be selected . 

1. Hebrew, including the history of its study ; comparative Semitic 


2. Either Aramaic or Assyrian, including the script at various epochs, 

and some knowledge of the progress of the study hitherto. 

Or Arabic, including the elements of the Modem Egyptian dialect. 


1 . Hebrew : The period from Amaziah to the fall of Jerusalem under 

Nebuchadnezzar ; especially the reformation under Josiah. 

2. Either Aramaic : to the seventh century a.d. ; or Assyrian : period 

of later Assyrian empire ; Creation myth ; Gilgamesh epic ; 
and other selections ; or Arabic : down to 1000 a.d. 


Either 1 . Hebrew and Aramean : (1) the period of Hebrew and Aramean 
history from 722 to 539 b.c. to be studied in connection with 
the original sources ; and (2) in relation to the Assyro- 
Babylonian history of the same period . 

Or 2. Hebrew and Assyrian : the period of (1) Hebrew and of (2) 
Assyro-Babylonian history from 722 to 539 B.c., studied in 
connection with the original sources. 

Or 3. Hebrew and Arabic: (1) the history of Israel from the earliest 
times to 886 b.c., studied in connection with the original 
sources ; (2) Arabian history to the death of el-Mamun. 


1 . Hebrew Antiquities : Subjects in Benzinger's Hebrdische 

Arckdologie with special reference to the period of the monarchy. 

2. Either Assyrian Antiquities : Subjects in Morris J as trow 's 

Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria , cc. i., ii., vi., vii„ viii. 

Or Arabic Antiquities : down to 1000 a.d., including the pre- 
Islamic period. 


1. Hebrew : The period of Hebrew religion from the earliest times 

to 440 b.c. to be studied in connection with the original sources. 

2. Either Assyrian: Subjects in J as t row's Religion of Assyria and 

Babylonia, studied in connection with original sources. 

Or Arabic : Subjects in Houtsma, " Der Islam,” in Chan te pie 
de la Saussaye's Religionsgeschichie . 

Fac'flth .»*’ Art s 


Preliminary Honours, 1934 A?JD * 935 * 

Hebrew and Assyrian. 

(a) I. Samuel and Amos in Hebrew ; (b) Assyrian texts (a) and (£>) ; 
(c) outlines of the history of Israel, and of the history of 
Babylonia and Assyria to 538 b.c. 

Preliminary Honours, 1934 AND * 935 * 

Hebrew and Aramaic. 

;a) I. Samuel and Amos in Hebrew ; (b) Matthew v. — xx. in the 
Syriac Versions ; Onkelos on Genesis ; ( c ) outlines of the history 
of Israel to 70 a.d. 

Honours Softool of Eoonomios, Politics, and Modern History. 

Special Subjects for 1933 — 1934 
Political Economy : 

Economic Structure of Great Britain. 

Economic History : 

British Economic History, 1 S 30 — 1 S 4 S 

Geography : 


Special Subjects for 1934 — 1935 
Political Economy : 

Current Problems of Industry and Finance 
Economic History : 

As for 1933 — 1934- 
Geography : 


Honours School of Geography* 

Part I. (1934). 

Prescribed regions : America. 

Monsoon lands of Asia. 

Part I. (1935). 

Prescribed regions : Africa. 

Eastern Europe and Northern -Asia. 

Honours School of History. 

Course ending in 1934. 

No boohs are prescribed but the following are recommended , from which 
candidates are to select according to their special interests : 

Plato, Republic (Jowett’s or Lindsav*s Translation) ; Aristotle, Politics 
(Jowett’s Translation, ed. H. W. C. Davis) ; St. Thomas 
Aquinas, Sitmma Thcologica (selection) ; Dante, De J Ionarchia , 
ks i. and lii. (Wicksteed’s translation) ; Marsilius of Padua, 
Defensor pads <ed. Previte Orton.}, Dictio I. (selection) ; 
Hobbes, Leviathan ; Locke, Civil Government , Part ii. ; 
Rousseau, Contra* Social] Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations , 
'ed. Cannar, B »ks i , iy.) ; J. S. Mill, Liberty , Representative 
Gcver-r.n:. 1 !:: , u::d Principles of Political Economy, ed. Ashley 
selection; ; D;cxy, Law and Opinion, Law of the Constitution ; 
Brvce, Modern Democracies; R. Cannan, Review of Economic 
The cry. 

Set Books , d'c. 


Under A. 7 .* Special periods and subjects : — (1) The Transition to the 
Roman Empire, 59 b.c. to 37 a.d. The Empire under Augustus, 
29 B.c. — 14 a.d. ; {2) The Period of the Conciliar Movement, 
1378 — 1448 ; (3) The Eve of the American Revolution. The 
early reign of George III., 1760 — 1775 ; (4) The Age of Economic 
Reform. British Economic History, 1830 — 1848. 

Course ending in 1935. 

As for 1934 - 

Honours School of Philosophy. 

1933 — 1934 ' 

Special author under Regulation A. 7 : Kant, 

1934— 1935. 

Special author under Regulation A. 7 : Kant. 

IV. M.A. Examination. 

Greek, 1934. 

Homer, Iliad vi., xxii., xxiv. ; Aeschylus, Agamemnon ; Sophocles, 
Oedipus Tyrannus ; Euripides, Electra ; Aristophanes, Clouds ; 
Plato, Republic ii. — iv. 


As for 1934. 

Latin, 1934. 

Plautus, Rudens ; Catullus 1 — 5, 12, 14, 2 2, 26. 31, 34, 49, 51, 62, 
64, 84, 93, 101 ; Virgil, Georgies ii., Aeneid vi. — xii. ; Horace, 
Epistles ii. (including Ays Poetica) ; Cicero, Pro Murena ; 
Tyrrell’s Cicero in his Letters \ Livy xxii. ; Tacitus, Annals iv. 

For special literary study: Virgil, Aeneid vi. xii. 

Candidates who take the Intermediate Examination in Greek a s 
part of their qualification will be excused the following Latin 
Books : Virgil, Georgies ii. ; Horace, A rs Poetica ; Cicero in 
his Letters , xvii. — xxvi., Ixii. — Ixxx. 

1935 - 

As for 1934, with the following alteration in the Virgil : Eclogues i., 
iv., v., vi., ix., x. ; Georgies . 

For special literary study : Virgil, Eclogues i., iv., v., vi., ix., x. ; 
Georgies i., ii., iv. 

English Language and Literature. 

1934 * 

A. Mainly Literary. 

Under 3 .• As for Part II. B. Honours Examination, 1934, under 1. 

Under 4 .* As for Part I. Honours Examination, 1934 , under A. 5. 

1935 - 

Under 3 : As for Part II. B. Honours Examination, 1935, under 1. 

Under 4 : As for Part I, Honours Examination, 1935 , under A. 5. 


1934 * 

As for Preliminary Honours, 1934, under C. 3 (a) (ii.) and Final 
Honours, 1934, under A. S. 

1935 - 

As for Preliminary Honours, 1935, under C. 3 (a) (ii.) and Final 
Honours, 1935, under A. 8. 


Faculty of Arts. 


1934 . 

As for 1 cl*j -ar* School of German under Part II. a., subject 5 

^omitting A lihochde msches Leschuch), and Part II. b., subject 7. 

To be announced later. 

1935 - 


1934 and 1935. 

As for the Honours School of Oriental Studies course ending in 1934 
and 19 35, with the omission of (a), \d), and (<•?) from the prescribed 


1934 and 1935. 

As for the Honours School of Oriental Studies course ending in 1934 
and 1935, with the omission of ( c ) from the prescribed texts. 

Hebrew and Aramaic. 

1934 and 1935 - 

Hebrew : As for the Honours School oi Oriental Studies course ending 
in 1934 <tnd 1935, with the omission of I. Samuel, and Amos, 
and of id) and \e) from the prescribed texts. 

Aramaic : (a) Onkelos on Genesis i. — xxxv. ; (6) Matthew v. — xx. in 
the Syriac Versions. 

Hebrew and Assyrian. 

1934 and 1935. 

Hebrew : As for Hebrew and Aramaic. 

Assyrian : The texts for the Honours School of Oriental Studies with 
the omission of ( c ). 


1934 - 

A special region prescribed for Part I. of the Honours School of 
Geography, and the study of (i ) geographical aspects of world 
problems, (ii.) one other course, to be announced later, 
prescribed for Part II. of the Honours Examination. 


As for 1934. 


1934 . 

Under 3 ; Any oi the special subjects prescribed for Part II. of the 
Honours School of History ; or British History, 1689 — 1714- 

In additii to the books prescribed for Modern History 
III. the period may be studied in the following : Feiling, History 
of the Tory Party . 1660 — 1714 , Coxe, Shrewsbury Correspond 
t-t nee \ The Portledge Papers (ed. Kerr and X>uncan) ; N. Luttrell, 
Historical Relations of State Aff iirs ; Cor 1 -. Letters and 
C y sest»~‘rdcrc2 cj FolhigbroLe ; The Correspondence of 

7 Swift. 

As for 1934. 

1935 . 

Faculty of Arts. 


^facilities for Hfcvattceb Stubs in tbe 
^faculty of Hrts* 

Research students have at their command four large libraries, 
which to a great extent supplement one another. Included in the 
University library are the private libraries of Bishop Prince Lee 
(mainly local history and classics), Professor Freeman (Mediaeval 
History, History of Switzerland, History of the Low Countries, 
etc.), Prof essor John Strachan (Celtic Languages and Comparative 
Philology), Professor Stanley J evons (Economics, especially 
Monetary Science and Banking), Professor R. Adamson t Philo- 
sophy, especially Logic, Psychology and Metaphysics;, Dr. 
R. C. Christie (Bibliography, works printed at the Lyons presses 
of Dolet and Grypliius, etc.), and Professor Muirhead (Law). 
To these must be added the Hager and Hicks Collections of 
treatises and dissertations on Greek Law and Epigraphy, and the 
collection formed by the late \V. T. Arnold, bearing upon the 
history of Rome, more especially Roman Provincial Administration. 

The munificently endowed J ohn Rylands Library, with which 
is incorporated the famous Althorp Library formed by the second 
Earl Spencer, is rich in special collections of literature. It contains 
one of the most important collections of early printed books in exist- 
ence, the most complete collection ever formed of the works printed 
by the Aldine Press at Venice, a remarkable series of Bibles, both 
manuscript and printed, a collection of editions of the text and 
of the literature of Dante, which includes some five thousand 
volumes brought together by Count Passerini, and upwards of 
ten thousand pamphlets dealing with the Civil War, the Popish 
Plot, the Revolution of 1688, etc. Tbe Crawford collection of 
Oriental and Western manuscripts, number! rig about seven 
thousand, and including many Egyptian, Greek, and Coptic 
papyri, was bequeathed to the library by the late Mrs. Rylands, 
anti these manuscripts are thus readily accessible to scholars who 
may wish to consult them for purposes of special research. The 
library is also strong in Theology, History, Philosophy, Philology, 
anti Classics. There is an excellent collection of works for the 
study of Greek and Latin palaeography, an extensive biblio- 
graphical section, and a series of current historical, theological, 
and philological periodicals, such as can hardly be found elsewhere 
in the country outside London. Among its recent acquisitions 
is a complete series of inventories of the French departmental 
archives. It is always willing to purchase books which are 
required for the needs of a student investigating subjects within 
its field of work. 

In the ancient Chet ham Library will be found some mediaeval 
manuscripts, including the best text of the Flores Historiarum , 
extensive manuscript collections for the history of I-ancashire and 


Advanced Studies. 

Cheshire, and most of the books printed in the seventeenth and 
eighteenth centuries which are of permanent value to the scholar, 
including great works of reference like the Acta Sanctorum of 
the Bollandists and Gallia Christiana. It also comprises many 
thousand volumes of more modern literature, largely historical, 
and additions are constantly being made. The Municipal Refer- 
ence Library is very valuable for books published during the 
last hundred years and for English periodicals. 

Special short courses of lectures on subjects of interest to 
advanced students are given from time to time, and are open to 
all members of the University. The various University Societies 
afford opportunities for the reading and criticism of papers and 
for visiting places and sites of historical, architectural, and 
archaeological interest under expert guidance. An Excavation 
Committee of the local branch of the Classical Association, of 
which the Professors of Latin and Ancient History and the 
Lecturer on Classical Archaeology are members, in recent years 
uncovered a portion of the Roman station at Ribchester, near 
Preston, and it is proposed to undertake similar work on other 
sites. Facilities will be given to properly qualified students to 
follow the work as it proceeds. 

A comprehensive catalogue of all the books on Architecture 
available in public institutions in Manchester has been drawn up. 
It represents the books in the Library of the Society of Architects, 
the C'hetham Library, the Municipal Free Library, the Rylands 
Library, and the Libraries of the Municipal School of Art, the 
Municipal College of Technology, the Whitworth Institute, and 
the University. 

For particulars as to research degrees and fees, see page 352. 

For fuller particulars as to advanced study, see the special 

49 5 

tTbe Jfactilt? of Science. 


Students proposing to study for the degree of B.Sc. are 
required to pass tlie Matriculation Examination or to obtain a 
certificate of exemption before entrance. 

Special additional requirements are now enforced in the case of 
students entering upon undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Science* 
These requirements are given in full on page 334. 

Candidates for the ordinary degree must pass in addition 
the Intermediate and Final Examinations of the University 
after attending on courses of study in accordance with the 
regulations stated below. 

Students should pass the Intermediate Examination either at 
the end of the first or second year of study, and the Final 
Examination either at the end of the third year of study or by 
special permission of the Board of the Faculty at the end of the 
second year of study. Students who have passed the Final 
Examination at the end of the second year are required to devote 
the third year to an approved course of study. 

No medical student who is a candidate also for the degree of 
B.Sc. is allowed to proceed to the Final B.Sc. Examination unless, 
after passing the Intermediate Examination, lie devotes himself 
for at least, one year exclusively to the specified subjects of the 
Final Examination for the degree of B.Sc. 

1. The degrees in this Faculty are Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), 
Master of Science (M.Sc.), and Doctor of Science (D.Se.). 

Degree of Bachelor of Science.* 

2. The degree of Bachelor of Science is conferred upon 
students of the University who have attended in the University 
the courses of study approved by the University, and have passed 
the examinations appointed by it for the ordinary degree of 
Bachelor of Science, or for the degree of Bachelor of Science 
with Honours. Honours are granted to students of the 
University who have passed through a regular course in the 
University in one of the Honours Schools of the University. 

3. All candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science are 
required to pass the Matriculation Examination. 


* See general note as to graduation, page 399. 

Faculty of Science. 


Ordinary Degree of Bachelor of Science. 

4. Candidates for the ordinary degree of B.Se. are required 
to furnish certificates of having passed through, in the University, 
a course of study approved by the University extending over at 
least three academic years subsequent to the date at which they 
have passed the Matriculation Examination.* 

Students who have passed the Intermediate Examination at the 
end of their first year of study may, by permission of the Board of 
the Faculty obtained at the beginning of their second year of 
study, present themselves for the Final Examination at the end 
of the second year of study, but they are not permitted to proceed 
to the degree until they have undertaken, in the University, a 
further year of study approved by the Senate, which study shall 
include at least one Science Course. Prior to presentation for a 
degree they must present a certificate that this further course of 
study has been diligently pursued. 

5. The examination for the ordinary degree of Bachelor 
(B.Sc.) is divided into two parts, called the Intermediate and the 
Final Examination. 

f>. The Intermediate Examination is held, ordinarily, twice 
in each calendar year.t 

7. Candidates before entering for the Intermediate Exami- 
nation are required to furnish certificates of having passed the 
Matriculation Examination, and of having attended a course of 
study, approved by the University, and extending over at. least 
one academic year, in each of the subjects in which they present 
themselves for examination, unless exempted for special reasons 
by the Senate. 

8. The names of candidates who have passed the intermediate 
Examination are published in a single list, the names being 
arranged in alphabetical order. 

The Final Examination is held in June/}* 

10. Candidates presenting themselves for the Final Exami- 
nation for the ordinary degree are required to have passed the 
Intermediate Examination, and to furnish certificates of having 
attended in the University a course of study, approved by the 
University and extending over at least one academic year, 
in each of the subjects in which they present themselves; 
they must also satisfy the requirements set out in Ordinance 16, 
page 500, unless exempted for special reasons by the Senate. 

* The course ot study in any particular year must not axerage less than ten 
hour^ a week throughout the session. Graduates, or persons vrho have passed the 
degree examinations of other Universities approved for the purpose, shal 1 be 
alio .red to become candidates for the degree of B.Se. after a course of study ot two 
years in this Universritv. 

: For d.»tes ot examination, see page 33y. or :u e Prospectus ot the Faculty of 
bc;t n.-t. 

Degree of B.Sc. 


11. The names of candidates who have passed the Final 
Examination are published in two divisions, the names in each 
being arranged in alphabetical order. 

12. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of iSeience with 
Honours, who have not been awarded Honours in the examination 
for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours at which they 
have presented themselves, may, if they have in the opinion of 
the Examiners acquitted themselves sufficiently well in such 
examination, proceed to the next Final Examination for an 
ordinary degree of Bachelor of Science without being required 
to pass the corresponding Intermediate Examination. Such 
candidates may he excused by the Senate from presenting them- 
selves in those snbjects in which they have been reported by the 
Examiners in the Honours School to have acquitted themselves 
satisfactorily. See also Ordinance 8 (degree of Bachelor of 
Science with Honours), page 507. 

Subjects of Study for the Ordinary Degree of 
Bachelor of Science. 

NOTE — The Roman figures in brackets are not part of the 
ordinance, but are inserted to indicate the class or classes in 
the Syllabus (see Prospectus of the Faculty of Science) applicable to 
the subject. 


13. Candidates presenting themselves for the Intermediate 
Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Science are required 
to satisfy the Examiners in three of the following subjects, of 
which at least one must be taken from Group I. : 

I. (a) Pure Mathematics. II. (a) Botany. 

(b) Applied Mathematics. (b} Zoology. 

(c) Physics. (e) Geology. 

(d) Chemistry, (d) Elementary Biology. 

Candidates may substitute the papers of the Honours 
Examination in Mathematics (Part I.J for the papers set in Pure 
and Applied Mathematics [no and \h) above], and, if reported as 
having reached a satisfactory standard low the Examiners in the 
Honours School, shall be deemed to have passed the Intermediate 
Examination in the subjects of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 

Candidates taking Mathematics as a subject of the Final 
Examination who have not attended the Intermediate course in 
Pure Mathematics are required to attend satisfactorily one 
additional course approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

49 $ 

Faculty of Science. 

Ordinances Candidates must pass in 

either (a) three subjects at the same examination, 

or lb) two subjects at one examination and the third subject 
at any subsequent examination. 

Subject to the approval of the Senate, candidates who fail in 
the Intermediate Examination may be refused admission to any 
subsequent examination held within a period of six months. 

Candidates who are excused one subject of the Intermediate 
Examination, must pass in the remaining subjects at one and the 
same examination. 

Candidates taking Elementary Biology may not present either 
Botany or Zoology in addition to Elementary Biology. 

Students who have pursued an approved course of study 
either in the University, or at an approved Institution, in any of 
the subjects of the Intermediate Examination for the Degree of 
B.Sc., may, on application to and on the recommendation of the 
Board of the Faculty of Science, be excused attendance in such 

Candidates may take the first paper in Pure Mathematics in 
the Final Examination for the Degree of B.Sc. instead of one of 
the Intermediate papers in Pure Mathematics. 

Candidates who present Pharmaceutics as a subject in the 
Final examination are required to pass the Intermediate examina- 
tion in 

(i.) Physics. 

(ii.) Chemistry. 

(in') Biology. * 

Note. -Students who have passed the First Examination for 
the Degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. (Parts I., II. (A), and IE. (B) ) are 
excused the Intermediate Examination for the Degree of B.Sc. 

Regulations The detailed subjects of study fur the Intermediate B.Sc. are 
as follow : 

1. Pure Mathematics : — 

(l,i Elementary Solid Geometry. 

,2j Algebra. 

3) Plane Trigonometry to Solution of Triangles (inclusive). 

i D Analytical Geometry of the Straight Line and Circle. 

3) The Elements of the Calculus. 

2. Applied Mathematics : — 

(1) Elementary Statics, Dynamics, and Hydrostatics. 

3. Physics : — 

D The Properties of Matter, the chief phenomena of Sound, 
Heat, Light, Electricity, and Magnetism, treated in an 
elementary manner. 

.2- Practical Physics. 

Degree of B.Sc. 


4. Chemistry -- 

(1) Inorganic Chemistry, with special reference to the 


(2) Introduction to Organic Chemistry. 

(3) Practical Chemistry : The qualitative analysis of mixtures 

which may include inorganic substances and the 
more common organic acids and salts. Exercises in 
simple preparations. 

5. Biology : — 

(1) Animal Morphology. 

(2) Vegetable Morphology, Physiology. 

(3) Laboratory work. 

6. Botany : — 

(3) Elements of Vegetable Morphology, Anatomy, and Phy- 

(2) Classification of Flowering Plants. 

(3) Practical work. 

7. Zoology : — 

(1) Elements of Animal Morphology and Physiology. 

(2) Introduction to the Zoology of Vertebrata. 

(3) Practical work 

8. Geology : — 

(1) Elements of Physical Geography. 

(2) Principles of Stratigraphy. 

(3) Practical work. 


14. Candidates presenting themselves for the Final Examina- 
tion for the Degree of Bachelor of Science are required to satisfy 
the Examiners in : 

0 1, 2. Two of the following : 

i. Pure Mathematics (IH-j and Applied Mathematics 

(B) with practical work. 

ii. Physics (3H. and practical work). 

iii. Chemistry (III., IV. fa) and (h) and VI. and practical 


♦The numbers in brackets refer to the classes so numliered in the Syllabus of 
the respective classes (see Prospectus of the Faculty). 



Faculty of Suence 9 


iv. Zoolog\ fl., II , III., and IV., and practical work). 

v. Bntam Botany 1. first year; and Botany II. and 

practical w< rk . 

vi. Physiology. 

vii. Geology I.. 1 1 1 .a.. LV.a.. V., and practical work). 

viii. Psychology L II.. III. . 

i x. Anatomy. 

x. andxi. Pharmaceutics, 
xii., xiii. Engineering, 
xiv.. xv. Electrical Engineering, 
xv i.. xvii. Agriculture.* 
xviii. Metallurgy, 
xix. Geoirraphv. 

Candidates who present Pharmaceutics for the degree of 
B.Sc., are required to pass the Final examination in 

(i.) Botany and Pharmacognosy with practical work, 
tin. Chemistry with practical work. 

<iii.) Pharmaceutical Chemistry with practical work. 

(iv.) Pharmacy with practical work. 

la. Candidates who are Bachelors of Arts and who presented 
Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics at the Final B.A. 
Examination are not allowed to present Pure and Applied Mathe- 
matics, and candidates who are Bachelors of Arts and who 
presented Philosophy at the Final B.A. Examination are not 
allowed to present Psychology. Candidates who are graduates 
of another Faculty and have presented Geography in their Final 
Examination are not allowed to present Geography for the Final 
Examination ‘hr rhe Pegree of B.Sc. 

:»*. Candidates. hef..rt? -irting for the Final Examination fur 
the Pe^ree * n.u-* present evidence satisfactory to the 
Board of the Faculty that they can road scientific literature in 
either French er German, cr any other language approved by the 
Board of the Faculty. 

17. Candidates s :aii l.jz head: ::tted to the Final Examination 
at least one academic y-. t r after the completion of the Inter- 

iiat^ Examinati* n. 

*18. (SW rV'CUMto.i 

]\-K t ‘ar.dhh-to- wl. *i \e. <- \ e<i tl:«- Final Examination for 
tie degive : P#ac!.-7»r . >f Science with Honour-, may, with the r. t: ■-> . m. .m 1 . u t n*’i>h:iig certificates of having 

* Ti c O.'.'.iu-r. Emulation? hv Zue Jt*c,ree of ii.Sc. in Agriculture are 

a; 1'reses.z .\-J *«?e Calender, 1S3I-3*-, pp. 4t :5-47'-*i 

Degree of B.Sc, 


attended during the first year or first and second academic Ordnance* 
years following such examination for the Honours degree, such 
courses as may be approved by the Senate, may present them- 
selves for examination in one or more of the subjects for the 
ordinary degree of Bachelor of Science. 

The detailed subjects of examination are : Regulations 

1 . i. Pure Mathematics : — 

(1) Higher Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(2) The Elements of Projective Geometry, and of Analytical 

Geometry, plane and solid. 

3) Differential and Integral Calculus and the Elements of 
Differential Equations. 

ii. Applied Mathematics : — 

(1) Statics of a Particle and of a Rigid Body. 

■ 2) Hydrostatics. 

•'3) Dynamics of a Particle and of a Rigid Body. 

(4:) The elements of the Theory of Attractions, Elasticity, 
and Vibrations. 

2. Physics 

(!) Physical Laws and Principles and the experimental 
evidence on which they are based. 
i2) Practical Examination in the Laboratory. 

3. < 1 hemistry : — 

(1) General Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, including 
Chemical Theory. 

, 2) Practical Chemistry : including Qualitative Analysis 
Simple Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis, exercises 
in preparations, and the simpler operations in Organic 

4. Zoology : — 

(1) Animal Morphology. 

(2) Elements of Embryology and of Systematic Zoology. 

(3) Laboratory work. 

5. Botany : — 

(1) Elementary Tissues of Plants ; Compound Organs of 

Nutrition and Reproduction. 

(2) Vegetable Physiology. 

(3) Systematic Botany and Elements of Botanical Classifi- 


(4) Laboratory work. 


Faculty oj Science . 

filiations* \) m jp/, yriulogy : — 

1 Human, Experimental, and Chemical Physiology, with 
practical work ^ General Course, second year). 

'2, Advanced Physiology third year,.. 

Candidates not taking Anatomy must take Histology in both 
years jee under 9, 

7. Geolugu : — 

(1) Mineralogy and Petrology. 

>2) Palaeontology. 

>3 j Stratigraphy. 

^4J Practical work. 

All students presenting Geology for their B.Sc. (Ordinary) 
Examination are required to have attended the Field Excursion 
during the Easter Vacation during their second or third year. 

8. Psychology : — 

(1; The Elements of General Psychology (being Psychology 
as for the Final General B.A J. 

(2j Elementary Anatomy and Physiology of the Central 
Nervous System and of the sense organs. 0 
(3) Experimental Psychology. 

(4 \ Laboratory work. 

9. Anatomy : — 

*1/ Descriptive Anatomy and Morphology. 

1 2) Histology. 

(3) Embryology. 
f4) Anthropology. 
i5) Practical work. 

Candidates must attend special courses of instruction in 
Anatomy, Anthropology, and Embryology, with practical work, 
for one year subsequent to the completion of the course in 
Anatomy for the Second M.B. Examination. 

10. 11. Pharmaceutics : — 

(1) Pharmacognosy, including both a general and a particular 

knowledge of the constituents of drugs of vegetable and 
animal origin. 

(2) Pharmacy and Pharmacy Law’. 

(3) Pharmaceutical Chemistry, including a knowledge of 

synthetic and otheT new remedies. 

, * Students oL’tr i J u . '-U'lecy or Ar.atomj as one of their subjects for the 

final JB Sc. tor thi-s part Comparative and Abnormal Psychology 

Sjsr ■* otcer subject api r.*\ed bj toe Board of the Faculty. 

Degree of B.Sc. 


(4) Laboratory Work, including Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Re*ui«ioa« 
Pharmacognosy, and Galenical Pharmacy, and Dispen- 

Candidates must attend satisfactorily the full Intermediate 
course in Botany, and must present certificates of having attended 
satisfactorily during the second and third years approved courses 
in Chemistry, Botany, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacy, and Pharma- 
ceutical Chemistry, and short courses in Bacteriology and in 
methods of Biological Assay. 

Candidates who have passed the Intermediate Science 
Examination in Physics, Chemistry, and Botany, and who have 
also attended satisfactorily a course in Mathematics may proceed 
to the Second Year course provided that they attend satisfactorily 
in the second year the Zoology part of the course (IT.) Biology 
fox students of Chemistry and Physics. 

12, 13. Engineering : — 

(1) (a) Strength and Elasticity of Materials, (b) Theory of 


(2) Mechanics and Kine matics of Machines. 

(3) (a) Structural or Mechanical Design. 

(b) Geometrical Drawing. 

(4) (a) Differential and Integral Calculus and Differential 


(b) Plane and Solid Co-ordinate Geometry. 

Two of the following (5) and (6) : — 

(i.) Surveying and Hydraulics. 

(ii.) Heat Engines and Dynamics of Machines. 

(iii.) General Electrical Engineering. 

The work done in the Laboratory and Drawing Offices during 
the three years will be taken into account in the examination. 

Candidates in Engineering (11, 12) must present certificates 
of satisfactory attendance on an approved course of the Inter- 
mediate or higher standard in two of the folio wing subjects : — 

(1) Physics. 

(2) Geology. 

(3) Applications of Electricity. 

(4) Metallurgy. 

(5) Mining. 

14, lb. Electrical Engineering : — 

1 1 ) (a) Strength and Elasticity of Materials, l Mechanics 
and Kinematics of Machines. 

(2) (a) Dynamics of Machines, (b) Theory of Heat Engines. 

Faculty oj Science. 


Regulations f^) Continuous Current Measurements, Apparatus, and 

(4) Alternating Current Measurements, Apparatus, and 

Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electrical 

(6) (a) Differential and Integral Calculus and Differential 

(6) Plane and Solid Co-ordinate Geometry. 

Candidates in Electrical Engineering (13, 14) must satisfy 
the Examiners separately in (1), (2), and (3), (4), (5), and must 
undergo such tests in the electrical laboratories as the Examiners 
may prescribe. 

The work done in the Mechanical and Electrical Laboratories 
and Drawing Offices during the three years will be taken into 
account in the examination. 

Candidates in Electrical Engineering ‘,13, 14) must present 
certificates of satisfactory attendance on an approved course of 
the Intermediate or higher standard in two of the following 
subjects : 

(1- Physics. 

,'2) Chemistry. 

t3; Metallurgy and Fuel. 

*16,17. Agriculture. These courses are at present suspended.) 

18. Metallurgy. 

(1) General Metallurgy. 

(2) Metallography. 

(3) Fuel. 

(4) Laboratory work. 

Where a student has taken any of the courses required for 
the Ordinary degree as special subjects in an Honours School, 
alternative courses in Metallurgy will be required. Such courses 
must he chosen from those for the Honours degree and must 
be approved by the Professor of Metallurgy. 

19 . Geography. 

f 1 } Meteorology a nd Hydrography . 

2; Regional Geography. 

'3 Laboratory work. 


Candidates presenting themselves for an Intermediate or Final 
Examination for the first time will he required to furnish satis- 
factory certificates of attendance upon the course of instruction 
for such examination approved by the University. Candidates 

* Tiie Ordinances and Herniations for tho decree of B.Sc. in Agrionltnre are 
at present v’.-peKdeU ;?ee c\:'e/n 7 >ir. np. 4rI5— 47*2i. 

Degree oj B.Sc . 

-who have attended a more advanced course in lieu o! ^course up * * * § flW olw 
approved for any stage of a University degree will be regarifecfeas 
having complied with the University requirements, and 
certificate of such attendance will be deemed satisfactory. 

Note. — In the case of candidates who present Agriculture for 
the degree of B.Sc. such approved courses may be taken partly 
in the University and partly in some Institution recognised for 
this purpose by the University. 

Degree of B.Sc. with Honours. 

1. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Ordinances 
Honours are, except as hereinafter stated, required to furnish 
certificates of having attended in the University courses of 
instruction approved by the University and extending over not 

less than three academic years in one of the Honours Schools 
of the University hereinafter enumerated. 0 

2. Every candidate for the degree of B.Sc. with Honours is 
required to present himself at the examination next in date after 
the expiration of the third or fourth academic year from the 
time when he has entered upon one of the courses of instruction 
approved by the University for such degree, unless he shall present 
a medical certificate of illness satisfactory to the Senate.t 

3. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science with 
Honours may present themselves for examination in any of the 
following Honours Schools, $ on furnishing certificates of having 
attended, in accordance with the University regulations, the 
courses required for such Honours Schools in the University, 
and on proving to the satisfaction of the Senate that they have 
performed the exercises of such classes as they shall have attended 
for such courses, viz. : 

i. Mathematics. viii. Botany. 

ii. Engineering^ ix. Anatomy. 

iii. Physics. x. Psychology. 

iv. Chemistry. xi. Metallurgy. 

v. Zoology. xii. Geography and Anthropology. 

vi. Physiology. xiii. General Science. 

vii. Geology. 

* The Intermediate B.A. or B.Sc. is accepted instead of tlieiir&tjearV attendance 
in an Honours School, provided that the subjects chosen and the course attended 
by the candidate are substantially and to the satisfaction of the Senate those 
required for the first year’s course of the Honours School. 

t Candidates desiring to present themselves in their fourth academic year 
are required to give notice to that effect to the 1 Registrar 

i,(i) At the beginning of their second year of study in the case of those 

Honours Schools in which the Intermediate Examination is not taken, 
lb) At the end of the year of stud? following the passing of the Intermediate 

Examination in the case of those Honours Schools in which that exami* 

nation is taken. 

I For detailed scheme of subjects of examination, etc., see page 507 et *eq. 

§ This examination is accepted on certain conditions by the Council of tl e 
Institution of Civil Engineers as exempting from their prescribed examination for 
Associate Membership. 

Advanced Studies . 

Cheshire, and most of the boots printed in the seventeenth and 
eighteenth centuries which are of permanent value to the scholar, 
including great works of reference like the Acta Sanctorum of 
the Bollamlists and Gallia Christiana . It also comprises many 
thousand volumes of more modern literature, largely historical, 
and additions are constantly being made. The Municipal Refer- 
ence Library is very valuable for books published during the 
last hundred years and for English periodicals. 

Special short courses of lectures on subjects of interest to 
advanced students are given from time to time, and are open to 
all members of the University. The various University Societies 
afford opportunities for the reading and criticism of papers and 
for visiting places and sites of historical, architectural, and 
archaeological interest under expert guidance. An Excavation 
Committee of the local branch of the Classical Association, of 
which the Professors of Latin and Ancient History and the 
Lecturer on Classical Archaeology are members, in recent years 
uncovered a portion of the Roman station at Ribchester, near 
Preston, and it is proposed to undertake similar work on other 
sites. Facilities will be given to properly qualified students to 
follow the work as it proceeds. 

A comprehensive catalogue of all the books on Architecture 
available in public institutions in Manchester has been drawn up. 
It represents the books in the Library of the Society of Architects, 
the Clietham Library, the Municipal Free Library, the Rylands 
Library, and the Libraries of the Municipal School of Art, the 
Municipal College of Technology, the Whitworth Institute, and 
the University. 

For particulars as to research degrees and fees, see page 352. 

For fuller particulars as to advanced study, see the special 

Degree of B.Sc. 

8. A candidate for the degree oi I bachelor of Science in any Ordinances 
Honours School who lias failed in the University Examination 

may be recommended to the Board of the Faculty of Science for the 
ordinary degree by the Examiners in that school on the ground 
of ill-health, and may be awarded the ordinary degree, provided 
the record of his work during his course nf study has, in the 
opinion of the Board, been satisfactory. 

9. In the case of candidates who have either passed the Inter- 
mediate B.Sc. Examination or have reached a standard sub- 
stantially the same as that of the Intermediate B.Sc. Examination, 
and have also reached a standard satisfactory to the Board of the 
Faculty in one of the subjects accepted for the Ordinary Degree 
of B.Sc., other than the subject of their Honour- School, the 
Examiners in an Honours School either inav return such a can- 
didate as having satisfied them for the Ordinary Degree of B.Sc., 
or may recommend to the Board of the Faculty that the candidate 
be allowed to sit for the examination for tlie Ordinary Degree of 
B.Sc. in the subject of his Honours School, and on satisfying the 
Examiners in this examination lie awarded the Ordinary Degree 
of B.Sc. 

10. The Examiners in the Honours School of General Science 
may return candidates as leaving satisfied them for the Ordinary 
Degree of B.Sc., provided that such candidates have passed the 
Intermediate B.Sc. Examination and have reached a standard in 
two of the subjects of the Final Examination in General Science 
substantially the same as that required for the ordinary degree 
of B.Sc. 

11. The Examiners in coming to a decision shall have regard 
to the record of the University work done by the student. 

12. Candidates, before sitting for the Final Examination for 
the degree of B.Sc., must present evidence satisfactory to the 
Board of the Faculty that they can read scientific literature in 
either French or German, or any other language approved by the 
Board of the Faculty. 

Courses of StuDg. 

Note. — By “Course,” whether of Lectures or Laboratory work, is 
meant that recognised by the University for the Honours School. 

Where Laboratory work is required candidates must take regular courses of 
Laboratory work; but any candidate who can produce satisfactory <■' nlence that 
his knowledge is sufficient to make it unnecessary for him to pursue such regular 
courses shall be allowed, on the recommendation of the Board of Facultj 
accepted bv the Senate, to proceed to more advanced work or to undertake 
original investigations, and such advanced work or original inve'stigatiou may he 
accepted as a substitute for the required Honours Course of Laboratory work 
provided always that all candidates shall be required to undergo the whole of the 
Honours Examination in Laboratory work. 

Honours School of Mathematics. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having Kegui&t.onF 
attended : 

(1) During three academic years, courses in Mathematics 
averaging not less than six hours a week. 


F'icnitif uf S. it ko\ 

aiation> j, During the ti rat ;m I —e :m year?. approved courses of 
lectures *>u .0 k-as* nv . - <tlau* subjects ; provided that a 
earn I Male may. in each ,ear. substitute for one of these 
additii mil c*- «nr^r*5. an .tppnvtd course of la Moratory work. 

The examination will be held in three parts. Part 1. will 
consist of three papers. Part II. of four, and Part III. of 
five papers. The results of each par will b** taken into a count 
in drawing up the c!as< lists. 

The subject- • »T Part I. will ir.elud** elementary analysis, 
coinpriMmr ithiebr.j, rtilculu?. elementary differential equations, 
elementary pure analytic, d and differential geometry, elementary 
static-, dynamite, and hydi> 'statics. 

Tim subject- of Part II. will include the theory of functions of 
real and r.imple:.: vadable-. differential equation?, plane, solid 
and ditf’mmrial try. and dynamics (two and three 

dimon-d* ‘rial:. theory of electricity and magnetism. 

The subjects #»f Part 111. will be selected from the theory of 
fun* rinns, tL* a tht.*»»r\ »*f number?, higher geometry, differential 
equations, dynamic**, theory of vibrations and wave motions, 
hydrodynamics eh*, f ioma rheory and orhei selected 

branch**? * f j»u?v .md .spoiled}i**niatic*'. 

Honours School oT Engineering. 

Camiidutes are required to present certificates of having 
attended : 

1. B-fore the cnl of their sec and year of study : — 

dO Not less than two courses of lectures in Engineering, 
one of which may be electrical, each of three hours a 
week for a session. 

\h » Nut less than three courses of lectures in Pure and Applied 

i 1 Not loss rhan two courses in the Engineering Laboratory, 
one of which may be in the electrical laboratory, each 
of one day a week for a session, including special courses 
of lectures on laboratory work. 

Two courses of Drawing and Dvdgn. each of one day a 
wvck for a session, including special lectures on design. 

Degree of B.Sc. 


(e) Two courses, each of not less than 2 hours a week to be H©guiation» 
chosen from the following : — 

1. Physics. 

2. Geology. 

3. Applications of Electricity. 

4. Metallurgy. 

II. During their third year : — 

(a) Five courses of lectures to be chosen from the following : 

(1) Geodetic Surveying and Higher Civil Engineering. 

(2) Higher Elasticity and Theory of Structures. 

(3) Hydraulics. 

(4) Thermodynamics. 

(5) Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines. 

(6) General Electrical Engineering. 

(7) Higher Theory and Design of Electrical Machines and 


(8) Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical 

(9) Higher Frequency Currents. 

(10) Higher Pure Electricity and Magnetism. 

(11) Pure Mathematics. 

(12) Applied Mathematics. 

(b) A course in the Engineering Laboratories for not less than 

one day a week during the session. 

(o) Either a course of not less than one and a half days a week 
for the session in Machine and Structural Design, 
inclu d in g special courses of lectures on Design. 


A course of not less than one day a week for the 
session in the Electrical Laboratory, together with 
not less than half a day a week for the session in 
Mechanical and Electrical Design. 

The examination will consist of two parts : 

Part /. Six papers on the following subjects to be taken at the 
end of the second or third year : — 

(1) (a) Strength and Elasticity of Materials. 

(6) Theory of Structures. 

(2) Mechanics, and Kinematics of Machines. 

(3) Heat Engines and Dynamics of Machines. 

(4) (a) Differential and Integral Calculus. 

(b) Plane Co-ordinate Geometry. 


51m Factilt v * » / . c . it v sr . 

(5), (6). Two of the following : — 

(i.) Surveying and Hydraulic*. 

fii.) (a) Structural or Mechanical Design. 

(h) Geometrical Drawing. 

(iii.) Continu* *u<-Current Measurements, Apparatus 
and Machines. 

(iv.) Alternating Current Measurements, Apparatus 
and Machine-. 

Part 11 . Five PajKTs to be taken at the end of the third or fourth 
year, cliosen from the following : — 

(1) Geodetic Surveying and Civil Engineering. 

(2) Elasticity and Theory of Structures. 


i 4) Thermodynamics. 

(5) Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines. 

(6) General Electrical Engineering. 

(7j Higher Theory and Design of Electrical Machines 
and Apparatus. 

(tj Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of 
Electrical Energy. 

do Higher Frequency Currents. 

(IUj Higher Pure Electricity and Magnetism. 

(11) Pure Mathematics. 

(12) Applied Mathematics. 

Xo f e . — Paper {$} may nut be taken along with Papers 
7. 8, 9, or 10. 

The work done in the Laboratories and Drawing Offices 
during the three years will he taken into account in the 
examinatb *n. 

Honours School of Physics. 

i, * audidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

tn' In each of the three years stick cmrses in the subject of 
Physics, theoretical and practical, as will, in the opinion 
of the Profes-c r of Physics, enable them to continue satis- 
factorily the Honours < ’• urse of Physics. 

Degree of B.Sc , 


(6) During the first or second year courses of instruction of at na«uia*ton# 
least Intermediate standard in Pure and Applied Mathe- 
matics and Chemistry. 

(c) During the second year a course on Pure Mathematics of a 
standard at least substantially equivalent to that of the 
Final course for the ordinary degree of B.Sc. 

2. Candidates must present themselves for the following 
examinations : 

(a) Intermediate Examination for the Ordinary Degree of B.Sc 

at the end of the first year. 

(b) Part I. Honours Examination at the end of the second or 

third year. 

(c) Part II. Honours Examination at the end of the third or 

fourth year. 

At least one complete session must elapse between each 

3. Candidates who have passed the Part I. Examination must 
subsequently attend satisfactorily an advanced course or courses 
on one of the following : 

(a) Pure Physics. 

(b) Electro-Technics. 

(c) Physical Chemistry. 

Candidates choosing (b) or (c) must notify the Professor of 
Physics at the beginning of their second year of study, and must 
attend satisfactorily during that year such courses of instruction 
in these subjects as may be approved by the Professor. 

4. Part I. of the Honours Examination shall consist of three 
papers and a practical examination extending over one day. 

Part II. of the Honours Examination shall consist of three 
papers, an essay, and a practical examination extending over 
two days. 

Candidates taking Electro-Technics or Physical Chemistry 
under Regulation 3 will substitute two papers and a practical 
examination in these subjects respectively for two papers and 
practical woi*k in Advanced Physics. 

5. The Examiners in drawing up the Honours list may take 
into consideration the class work of candidates during their 
Honours course. 

5 1 '2 Faculty of Sctencf. 

Ration* Honours School of Chemistry. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
satisfactorily attended : 

L .'1) During the first and second years systematic courses 
on General and Inorganic Chemistry. 

(2) During the second and third years systematic courses 
on Organic Chemistry. 

(3) During the second and third years systematic courses 
on Physical Chemistry, including Electro-Chemistry. 

(4) During the third year two of the courses on the 
subjects of examination mentioned under B (5) 
below, of which either (i.) or (ii.) must be one of 
those selected. 

II. (i) During the first year a course in Pure or Applied 
Mathematics, and a course of Physics. 

(2) Daring the first or second year a course in German, 
unless the candidate has satisfied the Language test 
examination in German. 

(3) During the first year the Chemical Laboratory for 
350 hours. During the second year, the Chemical 
Laboratory for 400 hours, for 80 hours of which an 
equal time devoted to laboratory work in Physios 
or in some other subject in which a lecture course 
has been or is being taken by the student may be 
substituted. During the third year, the Chemical 
Laboratory for 450 hours, for 90 hours of which 
an equal time devoted to Laboratory work in another 
subject may be substituted. 

The Professors in Chemistry may. in special cases, modify 
me attendance requirements in the Chemical Laboratory. 

[Note. — Students who wish to take the degree of B.Sc. in 
the Honours School of Chemistry with a view ultimately to 
qualifying as Public Analysts ar^ advised to inform the Pro- 
fessor of Chemistry of the fact at the earliest opportunity.] 

B. The Examination will be held in two parts. 

Part I., to be taken at the end of the second or third year : 

fl) General Chemistry (2 papers). 

(2^ A practical examination. 

Par: II., to be taken at the end of the third or fourth year : 

i,3! Organic Chemistry (1 paper!. 

.'4; Physical Chemistry, including Electro-Chemistry 
(1 paper). 

Degree of B.Sc. 


(5) Two subjects, one of which must he either (i.) or (ii.) Be«ui*tioD» 
selected from the following (2 papers) : — 

(i.) Higher Organic Chemistry. 

(ii.) Higher Physical Chemistry. 

(iii.) Bacteriology. 

(iv.) Chemistry of Colouring Matters. 

( v .) Colloids. 

(vi.) Crystallography. 

(vii.) Electro-Chemistry, Applied. 

(viii.) Fuel with Gas- Analysis. 

(ix.) History of Chemistry. 

(x.) Metallurgy. 

(xi.) Physiological Chemistry. 

(6) A practical examination. 

A candidate may not present himself fur Part II. of the 
examination until at least one year after he has passed Part I. 
of the examination. 

The Examiners, in drawing up the Honours list, may take 
into consideration the work of candidates during their Honours 

Honours School of Zoology. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

f’L) During the first year or first and second years a course 
qualifying for the Intermediate Examination for the 
Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. 

(2) Before entering upon the courses mentioned in {3) for the 

Honours School a class in Zoology of the standard 
required for the Intermediate Examination for the 
Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. 

(3) During two subsequent academic years full courses of 

instruction in Zoology, including Laboratory work. 

(4) During part of one academic year a course in Embryology* 

and during one academic year a course in one of the 
following: — 

(a) Geology, with Practical work. 

(b) Physiology, witli Laboratory work. 

(c) Botany, with Laboratory work. 

(d) Organic Chemistry, with Laboratory work. 

(e) Psychology, with practical work. 

The Honours Examination shall consist of : — 

I, Five papers : 

1—4. Zoology and Comparative Anatomy (including the more 
important extinct formal; Embryology. 


Fl C'!;?y "/ Science. 

i.itfons 5. One of the following, which may be taken either at the same 
time as the Honours Examination or in the previous 
year : — 

d.) Geology. 

(ii.) Physiology. 

(iii.i Botany. 

liv.) Physical and Organic Chemistry. 

:'v.: Psychology. 

II. Practical Examination in the Laboratory extending over three 
days, one being devoted to the subject taken under 5. 

Honours School o-f Physiology. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

'll During at least one academic year, courses qualifying for 
the Intermediate Examination for the Ordinary Degree 
of B. Sc. For this purpose, the First M.B. is considered 
as equivalent t*> the Intermediate Examination. 

2;*I hiring two academic years from the date of passing the 
Intermediate Examination for the First M.B. Examination), 
full courses of instruction in Physiology. 

3 During one of the academic years subsequent to passing 
the Intermediate or First M.B. Examination, an approved 
course in mie of the following subjects : — 

•a Physics, with lalxiratory work. 

• b) Chemistry, with laboratory work. 

\ci Human Anatomy, with practical work. 
d) Zoology, with laboratory work. 
e Psychology, with laboratory work. 

/ Botany, with laboratory work. 

4; During the elementary course in Physiology, a course in 
Histology in the Department of Anatomy, unless such a 
course has already been attended. 

5; During the filial year, the student will attend a special 
course in advanced Ills: logy in the Department of 

The Honours F.xumiuutmn -Lull consist of ■ - 

I. /mu/* y.7 pess. 

! — >i Phy-i 0 ''ey. 

' ■ I.. 1 tl.« - ti .e Mr*st ..i li . -!i iuis.y. uith the baiiefcioii of the 

Senate, i<. > !(.■»*■ ■ ' '..:i t t- Sunned Yr^r Course tn.v ooi-iiletinj the First M.B. 
hiaoiii:.- > . t lied th:.t Part I. and II. ». .if the Pirsr U U. Examination have 
In**’: t*a— » 1 iv. :■ kl* \ear. 

Degree of B Sc. 


4. One of the following, which may be taken either at the 
same time as the Honours Examination or in the previous 

(a) Physics. 

(b) Chemistry. 

fc) Human Anatomy. 

(i d ) Zoology. 

(e) Psychology. 

(f) Botany. 

Students who have satisfied the Examiners in the Higher 
course (Section C) of the First M.B. Examination in 
Chemistry or Physics will he regarded as having passed 
in this part of the Honours Examination. 

II. Practical Examination in the laboratory extending over four 
days, one being devoted to the subject taken under *1. 

Honours School of Geology. 

Branch L Physical. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
.attended satisfactorily : — 

1. In each of the three years, such courses in the subject of 
Geology, theoretical and practical, as will, in the opinion 
of the Professor of Geology, enable them satisfactorily to 
continue the Honours course of Geology. 

*2. During the first or first and second years, approved courses 
of at least Intermediate standard in Geology, Biology, 
and Physics, 

Note. — If a student has given evidence of a standard 
in Physics satisfactory to the Faculty, Chemistry may 
be substituted for Physics under this regulation. 

3. During two subsequent academic years, full courses in 

Geology, including Laboratory and Field 'Work. Ihese 
courses will include Stratigraphy, Petrology, and 

4. Daring the second or third years, a course extending over 

one year in any two of the following : — 

(1) Physics, including Heat, Light, and Properties of 

Matter ; 

(2) Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Chemistry of 

the Metals; 

(3) Metallurgy; 

with the corresponding Practical Courses. 

5. All students presenting Geology for their Honours 

Examination are required to have attended the Field 
Excursion during the Easter Vacation during their 
second or third year. 


1 ' 

Fdc ::iiy m* Science- 

Bt’ruf'lt IL niofutjical. 

Candidate:? are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : — 

1. In each of the three years, such courses in the subject of 

Geology, theoretical and practical, as will, in the opinion 
of the Professor of Geology, enable them satisfactorily 
to continue the Honours ( burse of Geology. 

2. During the first, or first and second years, courses of at 

least Intermediate standard, in Chemistry or Physics, 
Biology or Zoology or Botany, and Geology. 

3 . During two subsequent academic years, full courses in 

Geology, including Laboratory and Field Work. These 
courses will include Stratigraphy, Petrology, and 
Pahe mtology. 

4. During the second and third years, an approved course ex- 

tending over two years in one of the following subjects, 
and an approved course extending over one year in the 
other : 

( 3 Botany ; 
i 2. Zoology ; 

and the corresponding Practical Courses. 

Note.— Students, in choosing the subjects for their Inter- 
mediate course should note the second and third year regulations. 

5. AH students presenting Geology for their Honours 

Examination are recpiired to have attended the Field 
Excursion during the Easter Vacation in their second or 
third year. 

Hfitnch III. Mi nun. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : — 

1. In each of the three years, such courses in the subject of 

Geology, theoretical and practical, as will, in the opinion 
of the Professor of Geology, enable them satisfactorily to 
continue the H< .liours Course of Geology. 

2. During the first, or first and second years, courses of at 

least Intermediate standard in Chemistry, Physics, 
Math emu r : cs, and G eol* *gv . 

3. During two subsequent academic years, full courses in 

Geology, including Laboratory and Field Work. These 
cruises will include Stratigraphy. Petrology, and 
Pahe ufoh g\ . 

Decree of B.Sc. 


4. During the second and third years, a course extending Rcsnutian* 

over one year in any two of the following subjects 

(1) Physics, including Properties of Mutter, Electricity, 

and Magnetism ; 

(2) Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Chemistry of 

the Metals ; 

(3) Metallurgy and Fuel, with Assaying ; 
with the corresponding Practical Courses. 

®(4) Engineering, with the corresponding Laboratory 
Work and Drawing. 

5. During the second, or second and third years, a full course 
of instruction in Mining and Mine Surveying. 

6. During the third year a course of Mineral Economics. 

7. A practical course of instruction in Mining, extending 

over two months at a coal mine, or two months at a 
metal mine. 

8. All students presenting Geology for their Honours 

Examination are required to have attended the Field 
Exclusion during the Easter Vacation during their 
second or third year. 

The Honours Examination shall consist of : — 

Branch I. Physical. 

I. Five papers. 

1, 2, 3, and 4. Geology, including Physical Geology, 
Stratigraphy, Petrology, and Palaeontology. 

Candidates are expected to show special know- 
ledge in either Physical Geology, Stratigraphy, or 

5. One of the following, which may be taken with the 
corresponding practical examination at the end of 
the second or third year of study : — 

(1) Physics. (Properties of Matter, Heat, and Light.) 

(2) Chemistry. (Physical Chemistry and Chemistry 

of the Metals.) 

(3) Metallurgy. 

II. A practical examination extending over tliree days (including 

a viva voce examination), in addition to the one devoted to 
the subject under 5. 

* Students who have taken Honours iu Mining Geology may qualify lor the 
Engineering Certificate bv taking in a subsequent year, in addition to the above 
course in Engineering, a complete one year's course in Engineering and Mathe- 
matics. The subjects of the examination, which will be held at the end of the 
completed course, are given o» page 539. 

Faculty of Science. 


Branch 11. Biological. 

gelations £ Five papers. 

1 and 2, Geology, including Physical Geology, Strati- 
graphy, Petrology, and General Palaeontology. 

3 and 4. Palaeontology (including Palseobotany). 

5. One of the following, which may be taken with the 
corresponding practical examinatioii at the end of 
the second or third year of study : — 

(1) Zoology. 

(2) Botany. 

II. A'practieal examination extending over three days (including 
a vim voce examination •, in addition to the one devoted to 
the subject under 5. 

Branch HI, Mining . 

I. Six papers. 

1, 2, 3, and 4. Geology, including Physical Geology, 
Stratigraphy, Petrology, Palaeontology, and Mineral 

5. The Principles of Mining and Mine Surveying. 

6. One of the following, which may be taken with the 

corresponding practical examination at the end of 
the second or third year of study : — 

(I) Physics. 

(2> Chemistry. 

(3; Metallurgy and Fuel, including Assaying. 

II. A practical examination extending over three days (including 

a viva voce examination), in addition to the one day devoted 
to the subject under 6. 

Honours School of Botany. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

(1) During the first year or first and second years a course 
qualifying for the Intermediate Examination for the 
Ordinary Degree of B.Re. 

,2 1 Before entering upon the courses mentioned in (3; for the 
Honours School a class in Botany of the standard 
required for the Intermediate Examination for the 
Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. 

(3) During two subsequent academic years full courses of 
instruction in Botany, including laboratory work. 41 ' 

* Labor at oi y work in the third year must extend over at least 2$ days a week. 

Degree of B.Sc. 

(4) I during one academic year a course in one of the following : — R 

(a) Zoology, with Laboratory work. 

(i b ) Geology, with Practical work. 

(c) Physiology, with Laboratory work. 

(A) Organic Chemistry, with Laboratory work. 

The Honours Examination shall consist of : — 

I. Five papers. 

1 — 4. Botany : Including Vegetable Anatomy and Morphology, 
Vegetable Physiology, Systematic Botany, and the 
Distribution of Plants in Time and Space. 

5. One of the following, which may he taken either at the same 
time as the Honours Examination or in the previous 
year : — 

(a) Zoology. 

(b) Geology. 

(e) Physiology. 

(d) Physical and Organic Chemistry. 

EL Practical Examination in the Laboratory, extending over three 
days, one being devoted to the subject taken under 5. 

Honours School of Anatomy. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended : 

(1) During at least one academic year, courses qualifying for 

the Intermediate Examination for the Ordinary Degree 
of B.Sc. (for this purpose the First M.B. Examination 
is considered as equivalent to the Intermediate Examina- 

(2) During two academic years from the date of passing the 
Intermediate Examination or the First M.B. Examina- 
tion* full courses of instruction in : — 

(a) Human Morphology, including the study of the 
structure of the Human Body, both macroscopic and 
microscopic, its developmental history, and such Com- 
parative Anatomy as is deemed necessary to explain 
the facts of Human Anatomy and Embryology. 

(b) Physical Anthropology. 

(c) Practical Work — a special course of dissection, 
human and comparative ; the preparation and study 
of embryological sections ; practice in anthropological 

♦ Students who take the First M.B. Examination may, with the sanction 
of the Sena’e, proceed with the second year course before completing the First 
M.B. Examination, provided that Fart I. and Bart II. i. of the Fir?t M.B. 
Examination have been passed in their first year. 

Faculty of Science. 

iguiations ^ Daring one academic year a course in Physiology, with 
practical work. 

A) Daring one aoademic year one of the following courses : — 

(а) Zoology, with practical work. 

(б) Advanced Physiology, with practical work. 

(c) Palaeontology, with practical work. 

(f/) Psychology, with practical work. 

(e) Such other courses as may he approved by the 
Board of the Faculty. 

The lectures in any course averaging not less than 
three hours per week. 

The Honours Examination shall consist of : 

I. Five papers : — 

1, 2, 3, Anatomy. 

4. Physiology, which may be taken either at the same time 

as the Honours Examination or in a previous year. 
Candidates who have passed the Second M.B. Examina- 
tion will nut be examined in Physiology under (4). 

5. One of the following subjects, which may be taken at the 

same time as the Honours Examination or in a previous 
year : — 

(а) Zoology. 

(б) Advanced Physiology. 

(c) Palaeontology. 

(cl) Psycholog}’. 

(e) Such other subjects as may be approved by the 
Board of the Faculty. 

II. Practical Examination, extending over three days, the 

third being devoted to the subject taken under 5. 

Honours School of* Psychology. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

(1) During the first year or first and second years a course 
qualifying for the Intermediate Examination for the 
Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. 

(2) During the first or second year a course of Intermediate 
standard in a Modern Language. 

Deqrcc of B.Sc. 


(3) During two academic years lull courses of instruction in Hwiatum* 
Psychology, including laboratory work. These courses 

shall include General and Experimental Psychology, the 
Elements of Comparative and Abnormal Psychology, 
and the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous 

(4) During one academic year a course of the Final standard 
in one of the following : — 

(a) Pure Mathe matics. 

(b) Physics, with practical work. 

(c) Physiology, with practical work. 

(d) Zoology, with practical work. 

(e) Or some other subject approved by tht* IWrd of 

the Faculty. 

The examination shall consist of : 

I. Seven papers: — 

1 — 6. On the subjects included und“r t3). 

7. On one of the following subjects, with a half-day’s practical 
work (or an equivalent paper wiiere the subject does 
not include practical work) which may be taken with 
the Final Examination or in the previous year : — 

(a) Pure Mathematics. 

(b) Physics, with practical work. 

(c) Physiology, with practical work. 

(d) Zoology, with practical work. 

(e) Or some other subject approved by the Board of 
the Faculty. 

II. Practical work extending over two days in addition to the 

half-day devoted to the subject taken under 7. 

Candidates may present a thesis or dissertation in some 
special branch of Psychology in lieu of one day’s practical work 
under II. 

Honours School of Metallurgy. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended : 

(a) In each of the years of the Honours Course such courses 
in Metallurgy (including Metallography and Electro- 
Metallurgy) as will, in the opinion of the Professor of 
Metallurgy, enable them to continue satisfactorily the 
Honours course in that subject. 

Faculty of Science. 



b) A course extending over one academic year and of a 
standard higher than Intermediate in two of the following : 

(i.) Mathematics, 
ii.) Physics, 
fiii.) Chemistry. 

(iv.) Geology. 

(f’i One additional course extending over one academic year 
to be chosen from the subjects enumerated under (b) 
nr from the following : 

(i.) Crystallography. 

(ii.) Colloids. 

(iii.) Higher Electro-Metallurgy. 

(iv.) Electro-Technics. 

(v.) Mining. 

(vi.) Engineering (Additional to that taken under ( d ) ). 
(vii.) Such other courses as may be approved by the 

(r 1) A course in Engineering with practical work. 

The Professor of Metallurgy may require a candidate to pass 
the Intermediate Examination. 

Students who have completed the attendance for the First 
year in the Honours Schools of Chemistry, Physics, or Engineering 
may proceed to Honours in Metallurgy after two years’ study 
in the ’School of Metallurgy, provided that they satisfy the 
Regulations for that Honours School. 

B. The Honours Examination will consist of two parts. 

Part L Taken at the end of the second or third year. 

(1) Metallurgy and Metallography. (3 Papers.) 

(2) Fuel. (1 Paper.)* 

(3) A Practical Examination. 

Part II. Taken at the end of the third or fourth year. 

(1) Metallurgy and Metallography. (3 Papers.) 

(2) Electro-Metallurgy. (1 Paper.) 

IS) A practical Examination extending oveT three 

The Examiners in drawing up the Honours list will take into 
consideration the work of the candidates during their Honours 

*W:u: U:e * »ori.u.-»iun < the Professor of Met allurgy. the examination in Fuel 
:uiay ix* taker, at ti.t* euti of } ear. 

* Notice \ e t.-* ii e litres. trar not later than March 15th. 

Degree of B.Sc. 


course, together with their laboratory note- books ami three 
drawings of metallurgical plant or apparatus and the dimensioned 
sketches from which the latter were made. 

No candidate may take Part II. of the examination until at 
least one year after passing Part I. 

A pass in Part I. will be accepted as a Pass in Metallurgy 
(xvii.) for the Ordinary degree of Bachelor of Science, provided 
that the Intermediate Examination has also been passed. 

Honours School of Geography and Anthropology* 

1. Candidates are required to present oerr ideates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

(a) In the first or second year courses of at Joust Intermediate 

standard in Geology, Physics, and eillur Botany or 
Zoology or Elementary Biology. 

(b) In the first or second year an approved course in 

Elementary Anatomy. 

(c) In the first year an approved course in Geography. 

(d) In the second year approved course ' in Geography 

(including practical work) on Regional studies and 
Racial diversities of mankind ; courses in Geology 
(intduding practical work) on the Geology of the British 
Isles, on Palaeontology and on Petrol* >gy : a c« mrse in 
Practical Physical Anthropology. 

(e) In the third year courses in Geography including The 

Pvaces of Mankind, Cartography, l*limat« lugv, Selected 
Regions, including Practical work. 

2. Candidates must present themselves for the following 
examinations : 

{a) The Intermediate Examination in Geology, Physics, and 
either Botany or Zoology or Elementary Biology, at the 
end of their first or second year. 

(b) Part I. Honours Examination will consist of four papers 

in Geology and Geography, and a practical test, at the 
end of the second or third year. 

(c) Part II. Honours examination will consist of six papers 

and a practical test at the end of the third or fourth 

At least one complete session must elapse between the 
Intermediate examination and the Part I. examination and 
between the Part I. and the Part II. examinations. 

Regiil&ti .tu * 

Faculty of Science. 



Honours School of General Science. 

Section F. Chemistry , Physics , and Mathematics. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of haying 
attended satisfactorily : 

i. During the first or first and second years, approved 
courses of at least Intermediate standard in Chemistry, 
Physics, Pure Mathematics, and Applied Mathematics. 

i ii. During two academic years subsequent to passing the 
Intermediate Examination : 

ut . Approved courses in Inorganic Chemistry, Physical 
Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. 

b i Approved courses in Physics, extending over two 

>cj Approved courses in Pure Mathematics and 
Applied Mathematics extending over one session, 

idj Practical work in Chemistry, which shall average 
nine hours per week during two sessions. 

\e) Practical work in Physics, which shall average 
six hours per week during two sessions, 

(iii.) During the first or second year, an approved course in a 
Biological science extending over one session unless 
evidence satisfactory to the Board of the Faculty of 
having attained a standard in a Biological Science 
equivalent to that required in the approved course is 

Candidates must present themselves for the following 
examinations : 

{ a ) The Intermediate Examination in Chemistry, Physics, 
and Pure or Applied Mathematics at the end of the first 
or second year. 

(/j) The Honours Examination which shall consist of 
Part /. at the end of the second or third year. 

One paper in Pure Mathematics, 

One paper in Applied Mathematics. 

Part II. at the end of the third or fourth year. 

Three papers in Chemistry with at least one day’s 
practical work. 

Three papers in Physics with at least one day’s 
practical work. 

At least two complete sessions must elapse between the 
Intermediate and the Honours (Part IT.) examination. 

He«u Julian* 

Degree of B.Se. 


Section IL Botany, Zoology. awl Chemistry. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

(i.) During tlie first or first and second years, approved courses 
of at least Intermediate standard in Botany, Zoology, 
and Chemistry. 

(ii.) During two academic years subsequent to passing the 
Intermediate Examination: — 

(a) Approved courses in Botany, extending over two 

(b) Approved courses in Zoology, extending over two 

(c) An approved course in Chemistry, including 
practical work, extending over one session. 

(d) Practical work in Botany, which shall average 
six hourB per week during one session and nine hours per 
week during a second session. 

(e) Practical work in Zoology, which shall average 
six hours per week during one session and nine hours per 
week during a second session. 

Candidates must present themselves for the following 
examinations : 

(a) The Intermediate Examination in Botany, Zoology, and 
Chemistry at the end of the first or second year. 

(h) The Honours Examination which shall consist of 
Part L at the end of the second or third year. 

An examination in Chemistry including practical 

Part 11. at the end of the third or fourth year. 

Three papers in Botany with at least one day’s 
practical work. 

Three papers in Zoology with at least one day’s 
practical work. 

At least two complete sessions must elapse between the 
Intermediate and the Honours (Part II.) examination. 


Faculty of Science 

-gniation.- Section III. Geology , Geography , and Botany or Zoology. 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : 

1. During the first or first and second years, approved courses 

of at least Intermediate standard in Geology, Biology,* 
and Physics.f 

2. During two academic years subsequent to passing the 

Intermediate Examination : — 

Approved courses in Geology extending over two sessions, 


(a) Approved courses in Botany or Zoology extending 

over two sessions, together with approved 
courses in Geography extending over one session, 
and the corresponding practical work in each 


( b ) Approved courses in Geography extending over 
two sessions, together with approved courses in 
Botany or Zoology extending over one year, 
and the corresponding practical work in each 

Candidates must present themselves for the following 
examinations : 

The Intermediate Examination in Geology, Biology, and 
Physics or Chemistry at the end of the first (or second) 

The Honours Examination, which will consist of : 


Part I. 


(a) For those candidates who have taken Geography 
for one year only an examination in Geography, 
including practical work, at the end of the second 
(or third) year. 

h) For those candidates who have taken Botany or 
Zoology for one year subsequent to the Intermediate 
Examination, an examination in Botany or Zoology, 
including practical work, at the end of the second 
(or third) year. 

*Tl:e Intermediate Examination requirements in Elementary Biology consist 
of the drst t'To terms' wjrk of Intermediate courses in Botany and in Zoology. 
Students are required, In a .-Uticn, to attend the summer term’s course in Botany 
or Zoology .'ceor ding to which of these subjects they have decided to continue in 
their second v ear work. 

- If a student has given evidence of a standard in Physics, satisfactory to the 
Bo*ird of the Faculty. Chemistry' may he substituted "for Physics under this 

Degree of B.Sc. 


Part II. 

Three papers in Geology, with at least one day’s practical 
work, and 

(а) For those candidates who have taken Botany or 
Zoology for two years subsequent to the Inter- 
mediate Examination, three papers in Botany or 
Zoology, with at least one day’s practical work. 


(б) For those candidates who have taken Geography for 
two years, three papers in Geography, with at least 
one day’s practical work. 

At least one complete session must elapse between the Inter- 
mediate and the Part I. Honours Examination, and one session 
between Part I. and Part II. 

The Part I. Examination must be taken at the end of the 
second (or third) year. 

The Part II. Examination must be taken at the end of the 
third (or fourth) year. 

Section IV, Mathematics and Physics with Elementary Botany 
and Zoology, 

Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily : — 

(i.) During the first or first and second years approved 
courses of at least Intermediate standard in Pure and 
Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Botany. 

(ii.) During two academic years subsequent to passing the 
Intermediate Examination : — 

(а) Approved courses in Pure and Applied Mathe- 
matics extending over two sessions. 

(б) Approved courses in Physics extending over two 

(c) Practical work in Physics which shall average 
six hours per week during two sessions. 

(iii.) During the second (or third) year an approved course 
of at least Intermediate standard in Zoology extending 
over one session. 

Candidates must present themselves for the following 
examinations : — 

(a) (i.) The Intermediate Examination in Physics, Botany, 
and Pure or Applied Mathematics at the end of the 
first or second year. 


Fnnunt <f Sue fit e 


«ion« (H.) The Intermediate Examination iu Zoology at the 

end of the second or third year and to be taken not 
later titan one year previous to the Part II. Examination. 

*b' The Honours Examination, which will consist of : — 

Part I. (at the end of the second or third year) : — 

One paper in Pure Mathematics. 

One paper in Applied Mathematics. 

Part II. (at the end of the third or fourth year) 

(a) One paper in Pure Mathematics. 

(h) One paper in Applied Mathematics. 

(c) Three papers in Physics, with at least one day’s 
practical work. 

No ie. —Students taking the Honours course in General Science 
are under the supervision *>f the Faculty Tutor. 

Degree of Matter of Science. 

S** gMiivral note as tu theses, page 399. 

Note. — One copy of each thesis submitted for the degree of 
M.Se. will be retained by the University. Drawings intended for 
publication will be returned to candidates on condition that 
sketches or photographs of these drawings are provided to be 
retained with the thesis. When a second copy of the thesiB is 
available, it should be submitted; it will be returned to the 
candidate after adjudication. 

1. The degree of Master of Science may be conferred on the 
following persons : 

;r i ; Graduates in the Faculty of Science of the University of not 
less than one year's standing from the date of their graduation 
as Bachelors, on the following conditions : — 

riU Each candidate shall present a thesis on some subject 
coming within the scope of the Faculty of Science. This 
thesis may consist of a record -published or not) of 
original work, or of an essay on some scientific question 
of importance involving criticism or historical research. 

(ii.) A candidate may be required, at the discretion of the 
Board of the Faculty, to present himself for examination 
(orally or otherwise) un the subject of his thesis or on 
any matter immediately connected therewith. 

(iii.) The Board of the Faculty shall recommend for the degree 
of M.Sc. those candidates whose theses are approved.. 

Degree of 31. Sc. 


(b) Graduates of the University in either Faculties than the ordinance 
Faculty of Science of not less than two years’ standing from the 
date of their graduation as Bachelors, who have 

(i.) Attended satisfactorily further approve* * courses in the 
Faculty of Science during two sessions : and 

(ii.) Fulfilled in addition the requirements for the M.Sc. 
degree under Ordinance 1 (at 

2. The degree of M.Sc. may also be conferred on 

(а) Graduates (or persons who have passed the Final Exami- 
nation for a degree) of approved Universities, who without 
having taken previously a lower degree of this University, 
can give sufficient evidence of their qualifications and 
have conducted research work approved by the Board of 
the Faculty during a period of two years in the University, 

(б) Persons who are not graduates (nor have passed the Final 
Examination for a degree) of an approved University, 
who have conducted research work approved by the Board 
of the Faculty during a period of three years in the Univer- 
sity, provided that such persons satisfy the Senate as to 
their general educational qualifications, and can give 
evidence (satisfactory to the Board of the Faculty) of 
having attained an adequate standard of knowledge before 
entering on such research work. The full three years 
required for non-graduates who are candidates for a 
Master’s degree by research should be spent in attendance 
at the University, but on the recommendation of the 
Board of the Faculty concerned the Senate may give 
permission that a period or periods not amounting to more 
than one year during the three years following registration 
may be spent elsewhere, provided that the Board of the 
Faculty is satisfied that such period or periods are spent 
in the prosecution of suitable research. 

in all cases graduates of other Universities, or non-graduates Regulation* 
studying for the degree of Master, shall be required at the begin- 
ning of the prescribed period of study to register as University 
students and apply fox recognition to the Board of the Faculty 

Candidates intending to proceed to the degree of Master 
under Ordinance 1 must pay the required fees not later than 
June 1st and must notify the Registrar by that date of the 
titles of their theses ; except that candidates who wish to submit 
theses in May must notify the Registrar to this effect on or 
before March 1st, and must pay the required fees and notify the 
titles of their theses by that date. 

Fttciut'h vf Science . 


puiataons Candidates in tending to proceed to t3ie degree of Master 
under Ordinance 3 must present their tlieseB not later than 
September loth. Candidates may, however, present their theses 
on or before May 24th with a view to obtaining the degree at 
Midsummer; but a candidate who avails himself of tills privilege 
without securing the approval of his thesis will not be allowed 
to submit the same thesis again in September except with the 
special approval of the Board of the Faculty. 

Camlidates intending to proceed to the degree of Master 
under Ordinance 2 must notify the Registrar of the titles 
of their theses, and pay the required fee> not later than March 1st, 
and must present their theses not lamr than April 30th. or must 
notify the Registrar of the titles of their theses and pay the 
required fee not later than June 1st and must present their 
theses not later than September 15th. 

Forms of Notice may be obtained from the Registrar. 

Note. — The following fees in addition to the registration fees 
and fees for any lectures and laboratory courses attended) are 
payable bv candidates for 1 he Master’s degree under Ordinance 

2 V.t ! \b : 

i. Kxemption fee to be paid at tbe commencement of 
course : — 

£3. 3s. fur candidates under Ordinance 2 (a) ; 

£10. 10s. for candidates under Ordinance 2 (5). 

Fee on presentation of the thesis, £3. 3s. 

*:i. Fee on graduation as Master, £8. Ss. 

Degree of* Doctor of Science. 

rrce geaeru.1 note as to tlmses, pa^e 390. 

Noil.-- O ne copy of each thesis submitted for the degree of 
D.Sc. will be retained by the University. Drawings intended for 
publication will he returned to candidates on condition that 
sketches or photographs of these drawings are provided to he 
retained with the thesis. 

Note.— A pplications should J « seat to the Registrar and should include a 
complete list or' published papers and ) e accompanied by copies of these 
papers. If possible the application and accompanying papers should he sent 
m duplicate in vrbieh ease ent- set will be returned to the candidate after 

The last date for a VJ heat. on and for payment of fees is January 31st 
of the year In which the candidate wishes to 'proceed to the degree. The fee 
is £1?'. lfis of uhieh £i“. It 1 #, must bt paid on application for the degree and 
the balance of £5. rx i»u ^ra 2uation. For each application after the first 
on additional fee cf i*lb 2?s. must be paid. 

Candidates admitted under Ordinance £ pf, must he recognised by the Faculty 
j»l i are required to pay a fee of £s. ss. before commencing their course of study. 

Ordinances 1. The degree of Doctor of Science is conferred by the 
Cniveraity on persons who shall be deemed by the Senate, after 

Degree of D.Se. 


considering a report from the Board of the Faculty, to have ^ nano** 
distinguished themselves by special research or learning, provided 
that the Senate may in such case as it thinks fit, after considering 
a report from the Board of the Faculty, also require candidates 
to pass such examination as it may from time to time determine. 

2. The degree of Doctor of Science may be conferred on the 
following persons : 

(a' Masters of Science and Masters of Technical Science of 
the University of not less than four years’ standing from 
the date of their graduation as Bachelors of the Univer- 
sity ; provided that Bachelors of Science and Bachelors 
of Technical Science of the University, of not less than 
four years’ standing, may he ad mitred to the degrees of 
M.Se. and M.Sc.Tecli. as the case may be, and ui D.Sc. 
simultaneously on the recommendation of the Board of 
the Faculty of Science. 

(b Masters of Science and Masters of Technical Science of 
the University, admitted under Ordinance 2 Wi ; and b) con- 
cerning the degree of Master in the Faculties of Science 
and Technology respectively, provided that Masters 
under Ordinance 2 (a) shall be of not less than four years' 
standing from the date of their first degree in their original 
University, and that they shall not be admitted to the 
degree of D.Sc. until at least one year shall have elapsed 
from the date of such admission to the Master’s degree ; 
and provided that Masters admitted under Ordinance 2 (bj 
shall not he admitted to the degree of D.Sc. until a period 
of not less than one year shall have elapsed from the 
date of such admission to the Master's degree. 

(ci < Graduates in other Faculties of not less than four 
years’ standing from the date of their graduation as 
Bachelors, who are recommended by the Board of the 
Faculty of Science, provided that, if they have not 
obtained the degree of Master, such degree of Master 
existing in their Faculty, they shall submit themselves 
for the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Science 

(d) Graduates of approved Universities who have obtained a 
degree substantially equivalent to the degree of Master 
of this University and are recommended by the Board 
of the Faculty. Such graduates must have pursued a 
course of study or research in this University during a 
period < *f not less than two years, and shall n< it be admitted 
to the degree of Doctor of Science until four years have 
elapsed from the date of their first degree in the approved 
Universities. (Fur exemption fee, >» e p tge 3^1 .) 

Fauii:i, t/'' Sc it nee 

! e Doctors of Philosophy of the rniversity who have been 
awarded the decree < »f Doctor of Philosophy on a thesis 
on some subject cuinmg within the scope of the Faculty 
of Science or Faculty of Technology. Such persons shall 
not be admitted to the degree of Lector of Science until 
f iur years shall have elapsed from the date of their first 
degree in the approved University. 

(/) Graduates of approved Universities who have conducted 
research work in this University and are recommended 
by the Board uf the Faculty of Science, provided that 
such graduates shall have been full-time members of the 
staff of n department in the University for not less than 
five years. 

1. Applications for the degree of D.Sc. shall be made in writing 
to the Registrar and shall include a statement of the contri- 
butions published or accepted for publication, to Science on which 
the applicant’s claim to tne degree is based, together with one or 
more copies of any memoir which the applicant may desire to 
submit in support of the application. 

2. The application must be based either wholly, or to a sub- 
stantial extent, on original work of merit carried out independently 
by the candidate. If a candidate desires to submit in addition 
work which has been done in c ^-operation with others, he shall 
make a written statement indicating precisely the share which he 
has personally taken in the work. 

Diploma in Bacteriology. 

Ordnance The University shall grant a Diploma in Bacteriology 
iDp.Baet.) which aha*! be awarded by the Senate to candidates 
who have satisfied tne University Regulations relating to the 

.e *!-/., eb i £ e f ore commencing the course of study, candidates must 
produce evidence that they have : 

a) Graduated in Science or in Medicine in this, or in some 
other a;!pr.»v*nl University, or 

*b) Obtained a medical qualification, registrable in this 
country, which shah be approved by the Senate of this 
University, or 

It*' Obtained a qualification approved by the Senate other 
t ha:: iL*se in (a) *t ib). 

Ai: earuiivh;ns niu.-r present evidence *d previous training 
approved by the Senate satisfactory for admission to 
the course. 

Diploma in Bacteriology. 

2. Before entering for examination, candidates must pr^ent Regulation* 
evidence of satisfactory attendance iu the course of study 
prescribed for the Diploma, in the University. 

3. The course of study shall include instruction in the 
following: (i.) General technical methods*, (ii.) General 
bacteriology: (iii.) Bacteriological chemistry; (iv.t Sy>temaric 
bacteriology; (v.) Filterable viruses; (vi.) Comparative 
pathology ; (vii.) Bacteriological examination of wat*r, milk, 
and foods ; (viii.) Immunology. 

4. The examination shall consist of : 

(а) One written paper on the subjects 3 (i.). (ii.). and (iii.) 

(б) Two written papers and one practical examination mi 

the subjects 3 (iv.), (v.), (vi.), and (vii.), above. 

(c) One written paper and one practical examination on the 

subject 3 (viii.) above. 

(d) An oral examination. 

( e ) Candidates shall, during the second half of the course, 

select some subject to be approved by the Professor, on 
which they must submit an essay at or before the time of 
presenting themselves for examination. 

Certificates of Proficiency in Special Subjects. 

Candidates before entering upon a course leading to a Certifi- 
cate are required to pass an Entrance Examination, for particulars 
see page 397. 

I. Course for Certificate in Engineering. 

The Engineering Certificates carry no title to a degree, but 
successful completion of the three years’ course will furnish 
evidence of thorough scientific training for the Engineering 
profession in its various branches. The courses, however, are not 
intended to supersede the practical training which can only be 
obtained in the cilice of a Civil Engineer or the workshop of a 
Mechanical or Electrical Engineer. 

Some of the principal Engineers in Manchester and the 
neighbourhood Lave signified their willingness to receive certifi- 
cated Engineering students of the University into their works, 
either as premium apprentices for a short term or as ordinary 
apprentices without premium ; and to confer upon them such 
privileges as they may from time to time lie found qualified to 
avail themselves of. 


[ • ‘Cut:, t ' S, j.iv, 

A. — Civil ant» Mf/hanical Engineering. 

CoLR«F OF Stltjy. 

I. C;ui lidutea for the Certificate are required to attend courses 
of «tudy extending over three years. 

Certificates of satisfactory attendance and progress will be 
required in respect of: 

(a) Two courses uf iecmres in Engineering, each oi three 
hours a week for a session. 

The subjects of the courses are : Surveying, Graphic 
Statics and The* >ry of Structures, Strength and Testing of 
Material*, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Heat 
Engines, Hydraulics. 

(b ; Not less than three courses of lectures in Pure and Applied 
Mathematics or Experimental Mechanics, each of three 
hours a week f* >r u session. 

c Two courses in the Engineering Laboratory, each of one 
day a week for a session, including special courses of 
lectures on Laboratory work. 

d Two course?* of Drawing and Design, each of one day a 
week for a session, including special courses of lectures 
on Design and Drawing. 

e Two courses each of not less than two hours a week to be 
eh.- sen from the following : — 

1. Physics. 

2. Geology. 

3. Elect deal Measurements and Theory of 

Electrical Machines. 

4. Electro technics. Metallurgy and Fuel. 

5. Chemistry, 
th Mining. 

T . F rencli or G ermur . 

Any deviation from the courses prescribed must be approved 
by the Professor of Engineering and sanctioned by the Vice- 

E\ AMINA : ion. 

II. At the oi:.: m ti e tnioi year candidates will be required 
to satisfy the Examiner* in the full wing subjects : 

1. «z Surveying, 6: Theory of Structures. 

2. ,‘u '"drtngth and Elasticity n: Materials, b, Mechanics and 

Kinematics r- ? Machines 

3. hi, Structural or Mechanical Design, s b Problems in 

de metr: id Drawing. 

Certificate of Proficiency 


4. One of the following : — 

(1) (a. Dynamics of Machines, i Theon of Heat 

(2) (a) Hydraulics, 6. Descriptive Civil Engineering. 

The award of the Certificate will depend r.n the marks 
obtained for the above papers and on the work done in the 
department during the three years. 

B. — Electrical Engineering. 

Course of Study. 

I. Candidates for the Certificate are required to attend courses 
of study extending over three years. 

Certificates of satisfactory attendance will be required in 
respect of : 

(u) Two courses of lectures in Mechanical Engineering and 
two courses of lectures in Electrical Engineering, each 
course to be of three hours a week for the session. 

<b) Not leas than three courses of lectures in Pure and Applied 
Mathematics or Experimental Mechanics, each of three 
hours a week for the session. 

(c) A course of lectures in Physics of not less than two hours 

a week for the session. 

( d ) Two courses in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 

and two courses in the Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 
each course to be of one day a week for the session. 

(e) Two courses of Drawing and Design, each of one day a 

week for the session, 

(f) One course of not less than two hours a week to be chosen 

from the following : — 

L Chemistry. 

2. Metallurgy and Fuel. 

3. Mining. 

4. French or German. 


II. At the end of the third year candidates will be required 
to satisfy the Examiners in the following subjects : 

1. (a) Strength and Elasticity of Materials. 

(b) Mechanics and Kinematics of Machines. 

2. (a) Dynamics of Machines. 

(b) Theory of Heat Engines. 

3. Continuous-Current Measurements, Apparatus, and 




Faculty of Science. 

tuiation* 4. Alternating-Current Measurements, Apparatus, and 

5. Generation, Transmission, anil Distribution of Electrical 

The award of the Certificate will depend on the marks 
obtained for the above papers and on the work done in the 
department during the three \ ears. 

C. — EuLJUii Year’s Courses. 

Cert ideates of Distinction will be awarded to students who 
having passed satisfactorily through one of the above courses 
shall iiave spent a fourth year in the Mechanical or Electrical 
Laboratories, and shall have submitted at the end of the year an 
approved thesis un some special subject connected with their 

ii. Course for Certificate vs Applied Chemistry. 

The course extends over a period of three years, and comprises 
systematic instruction by means of lectures and practical work id 
the laboratories. 

Before admission to the first year's course students are required 
to give such evidence of elementary knowledge of Mathematics 
and Chemistry as shall be considered satisfactory by the Senate. 

The Senate may, under exceptional circumstances, and on 
the recommendation of the Professor, exempt candidates from 
Attendance un the first year’s course, but all candidates will be 
required to satisfy the Examiners in the subjects of the course. 

The drat year’s course is the same for all students working 
for the Certificate. 

In the second and third years a choice may be made between 
Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. P»y this division of the 
subject, a student wishing tc apply himself specially to the 
inorganic side of the science may select to attend during his 
second year the Honours course in Metals, and courses on Electro- 
Chemistry, Geology or Petrology : during his third year he may 
? :.ect a course on one of me following: Physical Chemistry, 
Metallurgy. Eleeriv-CLemutry, Geology or Petrology; whiled 

- ideiit wish' ii g f o apply himself specially to the organic side 
,.i the science may attend during his second and third years the 

- Dnours Course? on Organic Chemistry, and courses on*the Coal 
"hr Colour* and on Dyeing and Printing. 

Par: of the Lab -raiory practice in the second and third years 
Till consist in the examination and analysis of raw materials, 

Cert luetic o f Pr^jl::- rc;, . >;7 

products from chemical works, etc., in cumjecri* -n with th- K*ial Heg ' 
courses of lectures on Applied Chemistry. In the Chemistry mid 
Physics laboratories the practical work in the sec md year will be 
arranged in accordance with the branch of Chemistry selected bv 
the candidate. 

In the third year the student, if sufficiently a b a need, will be 
set to work on some analytical process or problem in At plied 
Chemistry, under the direction of the teaching staff. 

The successful completion of such an investigation m the 
University will entitle the student to a Certificate with distinction. 

The following list contains the classes and practical courses, 
attendance on which is required from candidates for the Cerritfcate. 

Any deviation from the courses prescribed may only be made 
by written application to the Vice-Chancellor, with the sanction 
of the bead of the department. 

Firtt Year. 

Chemistry, III. (the Non-metals). 

Chemistry, II, (Introduction to Organic Chemistry). 

Mathematics, Pure or Applied. 

Physics (II., with practical work, or HI.). 

Chemical Laboratory 3 days (Qualitative and Quantitative 

Mechanical and Geometrical Drawing (one term 6 hours per 

Second Year. 'Inorganic.; 

Chemistry, IV. (Metals). 

One of the following ; 
ia) Geology, I. A. 
iff) Geology, HI, A. 

■. 7 ' Fuel. 

[8 Electro-Chemistry. 

Laboratory 3 days (for Practical vrork in Chemistry and Pi.yshal 

Mechanical Drawing (one term 6 hours per week*. 

Second Year. (Organic.) 

Organic Chemistry. 

Laboratory 3 days i,for Practical work in Chemistry), 
Mechanical Drawing (one term 6 hours per week). 


Faculty of Science. 


atioBfe Third Year. { Inorganic . ; 

Metallurgy. Leetures fa) or i b) and Practical. 

One of the following : 
a' Fuel. 

(j3j Geology, I. A. or any higher course. 

^y) Geology, III. A. 

(8) Chemistry, V. (Physical Chemistry). 
it) Practical Physics. 

({\ Electro-Chemistry, I. or II. 

Chemical Laboratory 4 days (Research in Inorganic Chemistry). 
Th i rd Year . ( Organic .) 

Organic Chemistry. 

Colouring Matters and the Principles of Dyeing and Printing. 
Chemical Laboratory 4 days (Research in Organic Chemistry or 
Work in Higher Technical Organic Laboratory). 

A student is required to obtain a first or second class in the 
class examinations in the following subjects, or to hare satisfied 
the Examiners in a special examination : 

Chemistry, HI. 

„ Laboratory, first and second year. 

Introduction to Organic Chemistry. 

Organic Chemistry or Chemistry, IV. 



And the optional subjects taken in the second year. 

Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing (first year’s course for the 

In the remaining subjects the candidate will be required to 
satisfy the examiners at the completion of the course. 

In connection with the courses on Applied Chemistry 
visits will be arranged to mines, works, etc., in the neighbourhood. 

Certificates in Technology (including the Certificate in 

For regulations, see page 679. 

Syllabus of Classes. 

Full details of the lecture and laboratory courses in the 
Faculty of Science are given in the Prospectus of the Faculty. 
Particulars of Fellowships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes 
are given below on page 699 et teq. 

Faculty af Sc< out. 


department of Geoloov an& coining. 


Students who have passed through approved courses and 
have passed tlie necessary examinations may he granted one 
of the following distinctions : 

The Certificate in Mining,* 

The Ordinary Degree of B.Se.,t 
The Degree of B.Sc.Tech.,J or 
The Degree of B.Sc. with Honours.§ 

After further prescribed study, and on the production of 
satisfactory evidence of results in research, students may be 
granted the degrees of 

M.Sc. or M.Sc.Tech. 


The Certificate in Mining and the degree of B.Se.Tech. in 
Mining are accepted by the Home and Indian Governments 
in lieu of two of the five years 5 practical experience otherwise 
required of candidates who apply for the Mine Manager’s Certifi- 
cate of Competency. 

The courses arranged to qualify for the degree of B.Sc. with 
Honours in Mining Geology are specially designed to meet the 
requirements of candidates for appointment to the Geological 
Surveys of India and the Crown Colonies, and of those who 
intend to become Prospectors under Mining and Oil Companies. 

In addition to the requirements of students who wish to take 
Geology as one of the qualifying subjects for the Intermediate 
and Final Ordinary B.Sc., the classes in this Department are 
organised to suit the needs especially of students who wish to 
take up the various branches of Geology and Mineralogy as a 
profession, including those who wish to specialise in Geology as 
applied to Coal, Metal, and Petroleum Mining with a view of 
becoming Consulting Geologists, Prospectors, or Officers of the 
various Geological Surveys. 

For particulars of the courses in the Faculties of Science 
and Technology, see the respective Prospectuses of the Faculties. 

* See page 679. 
*■ See x>age 495. 

t See page tV*J. 
? See page 3u3. 


Faculty of Science. 

^facilities tor H&Y>ance£> Stut>p in tbe 
Ifacuit^ of Science* 

Facilities are offered for advanced study and research ia 
gcience. The Owens College buildings include tbe Natural History 
Museum, which is organised in connection with the Beyer Labora- 
tories and the Zoological, Botanical, and Geological Departments ; 
the Botanical Laboratories ; the Physical Laboratories, with 
the John Hopkinson Laboratory of Electro-Chemistry ; the 
Thomas Graham Colloids Research Laboratory ; the Chemical 
Laboratories, to which are attached the John Morley Labora- 
tories, the Sehunck Research Laboratory and the Metallurgical 
Laboratories ; and the Whitworth Engineering Laboratories. 
In the College of Technology, in which University courses are 
given, elaborate equipment has been installed lor advanced 
work and research in applied science. 

The Christie Library in the University contains a very 
valuable collection of scientific books and journals. For some 
years the University has co-operated with the Manchester 
Literary and Philosophical Society in order to make their 
libraries supplement each other and include between them all 
the important scientific periodicals. 

Departmental libraries have been founded for the use of 
students in connection with many of the University Laboratories ; 
e.g tbe Scbnnck Library in the Chemical Department, the 
Milnes-Marshall Library in the Beyer Building, the special 
libraries which have been formed in the Physics and Engineering 
Laboratories and the Public Health Laboratories, and others. 

University societies dealing with Biology, Chemistry, En- 
gineering, Mathematics, and Physics, meet in the University 
buildings for the discussion of recent scientific work. The 
Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society gives an oppor- 
tunity for the public discussion and publication of the results of 
scientific research. 

Research students may be admitted to work in tbe Labora- 
tories at reduced fees. These fees are fixed by tbe Vice-Chancellor 
on tbe recommendation of tbe Director of tbe department concerned. 
Students desiring to work in a particular department may obtain 
Full information on this point by communicating with the Director 
of that Department. 

Fuc particulars as to research degrees and fees, see page 
3~j2. For full details as to the departments in which facilities 
for advance! study in Science are offered, see the Prospectus 
i-f Advanced Studies. 

Ebe tfacultv of Haw. 

Students proposing to study for the LL.B. degree should par- 
the Matriculation Examination, taking Latin r .^one j? the subjects, 
before the commencement of their Law Course. r an ii< late* must 
in addition pass the Intermediate and Final LL.B. Examinations 
after attendance on courses of study in accordance vrirts the 
regulations stated below. 

Degrees ix Law. 

1* The degrees in the Faoulty of Law are Bachelor of Laws Ordinance* 
(LL.B.), Master of Laws (LL.M.), and Doctor of Laws (LL.D.). 

Degree op Bachelor of Laws.* 

2. The degree of Bachelor of Laws may be conferred either 
as an ordinary degree or as a degree with Honours, 

3. All candidates for the degree of Baohelor of Laws are 
required to have passed the Matriculation Examination, or to 
have obtained a certificate of exemption therefrom, or to have 
graduated in an approved University. They are also required 
to have passed in Latin in the Matriculation Examination or in 
some examination of equal or higher standard, or to give evidence 
of such profioienoy in Latin as may be satisfactory to the Board 
of the Faoulty of Law. 

[Note. — A student intending to take the course for the degree 
of LL.B. is entitled to exemption from the Matriculation Exami- 
nation, pro rided that he has passed an examination approved for 
the purpose of exemption by the Joint Matriculation Board of the 
Universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, and 
Birmingham. The Board will also consider applications for 
exemption from Barristers-at-Law, and Solicitors of the Supreme 

All applications for exemption must be addressed to the 
Secretary, Joint Matriculation Board, 315, Oxford Road, 
Manchester, 13, and grants of exemption will be subject to and 
conditional upon the payment of the registration fee of £2. 

For further particulars, see page 396. 

An alternative Matriculation Examination has been instituted 
for persons of mature age. Particulars may be obtained from the 
Secretary to the Joint Matriculation Board.] 

* See general note as to gradimtion, page 3:<9. 


Faculty of Law . 

Ordinance 4. The examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws is 
divided into two parts, called respectively the Intermediate 
Examination and the Final Examination. 

6. The subjects of the Intermediate Examination are : 

(i.) The English Constitution, (a) its history, and (6) its 
law and custom, including the study of one or more 
set books to be prescribed from time to time by the 
Board of the Faculty of Law.* 

(ii.) Criminal Law and Procedure. 

iiii. i Elements of the Law of Contract and Tort. 

(iv.) Logic or Political Economy or History or any other 
subject of not less than Intermediate grade coming 
within the scope of the Faculty of Arts, to be selected 
by the student with the approval of the Board of the 
Faculty of Law. 

At the Intermediate Examination the following papers 
are set : 

(a) Two papers on the English Constitution. 
tb) One paper on Criminal Law and Procedure. 

(c \ One paper on the Elements of the Law of Contract and 

(d) The paper, or papers, set in the Faculty of Arts in the 
subject chosen under (iv.) above. 

6. Candidates for the Intermediate Examination are required 
to attend a course of study approved by the University in the 
Faculty of Law for one year. 

7, A candidate for the Intermediate Examination who fails 
to satisfy the examiners in the subject selected under Ordinance 
5 (iv.), but who passes in the law subjects of the examination, 
may, in special cases, by permission of the Board of the Faculty 
of Law, be allowed to sit for a supplementary examination in 
the subject in which he has failed, and if successful in Buch 
supplementary examination, shall be deemed to have passed 
the Intermediate Examination. 

8- The subjects for the Final Examination for the Ordinary 
Degree of Bachelor of Laws are : 

(i.^ The principles of the Law of Real Property and 

(ii.) The principles of the Law of Contracts, including the 
elements of the more important commercial contracts, 
(iii.) The principles of the Law of Torts. 

(iv.) The principles of Equity, with special reference to the 
Law relating to Trusts and Partnership. 

* See page 551. 

Degree of LL.D. 

5i :j 

(v.) Roman Private Law, to be studied in such part 3 of the owiimnce* 
Institutes of Gaius and Justinian a3 may be selected 
from time to time by the Board of the Faculty of Law.* 

(vi.) Jurisprudence, including the study of one or more set- 
books to be prescribed from time to time by the Board 
of the Faculty of Law.* 

(vii.) The Elements of the Law of Evidence. 

At the Final Examination, one paper will be set in each of 
the foregoing subjects. In the paper under v. , quest ions will be 
set involving <a« comparisons between Roman and English Law. 

(&' passages for translation and comment from the prescribed 

9. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Laws with 
Honours are required to reach a higher standard than that whicn 
is required from candidates for the ordinary degree in the papers 
set under Ordinance 8 and, in addition, to satisfy the Examiner^ 
in : 

(viii.) A special subject to be selected by the student from a 
list of subjects prescribed from time to time by the 
Board of the Faculty of Law * 

(ix.) Public International Law. 

(x.) An Essay Paper. 

10. Candidates for the Final Examination are required to 
attend a course of study approved by the University in the 
Faculty of Law for two years after passing the Intermediate 
Examination : except that the Board of the Faculty of Law 
may, in special cases, admit to the Final courses of study a 
candidate who has attended for one year on the Intermediate 
courses but has not completed his Intermediate Examination, 
and may admit such candidate to the Final Examination at 
the end of one year after he has completed the Intermediate 

11. Graduates of this University in any other Faculty, and 
graduates (or persons who have passed the Final Examination 
for a degree) of approved Universities who have pursued courses 
of study in such University qualifying for graduation, may, 
by permission of the Board of the Faculty of Law and of the 
Senate, proceed to the Final Examination after two instead of 
three years’ study in the Faculty of Law, and are required 
to he examined in subjects (i.), (ii.), and (iii.) only of the 
Intermediate Examination. 

12. No candidate will be permitted (except by special permission 
of the Board of the Faculty) to present himself for the Final 

r 2 

+ See imye .*31. 

Faculty of Law. 


iinanceB Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws with Honours 
after the expiration of four years from the date when he first 
became a student in the Faculty of Law. 

13. A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Laws with 
Honours who has failed to complete the Final Examination for 
that degree may he recommended hy the Board of the Faculty 
of Law for the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor u£ Laws, on the 
ground of ill-health, and may he awarded the Ordinary Degree, 
provided that, in the opinion of the Board, the record of his 
work during his course of study has been satisfactory. 

guiatiom 1. The Intermediate and Final Examinations are held 
ordinarily once in each calendar year. 

2. The names of candidates who have passed the Intermediate 
Examination are published in two divisions in alphabetical 
order, and the names of those who have passed the Final 
Examination in one list in alphabetical order : 

Provided that the names or candidates who have passed the 
Intermediate Examination and who have also satisfied 
the requirements of Ordinance 9 for the degree of 
Bachelor of Laws with Honours, shall be placed on a 
separate list as having obtained the degree of Bachelor 
of Laws with Honours, and the names placed on such 
separate list shall be published in three classes in 
alphabetical order. 

3. Candidates for the Intermediate Examination will be 
required to attend the classes in the subjects of the examination 
for one year : 

Provided that candidates who are already graduates of this 
University in some other Faculty, or graduates (or 
persons who have passed the Final Examination for a 
degree) of approved Universities are not required to 
attend classes in or to be examined in any subject under 
Ordinance 5 liv.). 

4. Candidates for the Final Examination will be required to 
attend the classes in the subjects of the examination during two 
years after passing the Intermediate Examination. 

Provided (I) that the Board of the Faculty of Law may in 
special cases admit to the Final Courses of study a can- 
didate who has attended for one year on the Intermediate 
Course but has not yet completed his Intermediate 
Examination, and may admit such candidate to the 
Final Examination at the end of one year after he has 
completed the Intermediate Examination. 

Degree 3/ LL.M, 


Provided (2) that candidates who are allowed i-tder Ordinance 
11 to proceed to tile Final Exaniirrjion after two in., read 
of three years’ attendance on cLiaj-ea in the Facility of 
Law must attend during the hist of *uch vear - ' the 
classes for the Intermediate Examination, together with 
such classes as students who are pursuing their Final 
Courses of study are required to attend. 

Deoree of Master of Laws. 

See general note as to theses, page 390. 

1, The degree of Master of Laws may be conferred on : 

(а) Bachelors of Laws of not less than two years’ standing 
from the date of their graduation as Bachelors who 
shall present a satisfactory thesis involving scientific 
discussion or historical research on a subject coming 
within the scope of the Faculty of Law ; provided 
that a candidate may be required, at the discretion 
of the Board of the Faculty of Law, to present himself 
for an examination (oral or written) on the subject of the 
thesis and matters relevant thereto. 

(б) Graduates of the University in other Faculties than the 

Faculty of Law who have either (i.) been called to the 
Bar or admitted on the rolls as solicitors, or (ii.) have 
furnished evidence, satisfactory to the Boajd of the 
Faculty of Law, of their knowledge of Law, after an 
attendance of not less than two years, subsequent to 
their graduation in the University, on approved classes 
or an approved course of study in the Faculty of Law ; 
and who, in either case, have fulfilled, in addition, the 
requirements for the degree of Master of Laws under 
Ordinance 1 (a). 

2* The degree of Master of Laws may also be conferred on : 

(a) Graduates (or persons who have passed the Final 
Examination for a degree) of approved Universities 
who have pursued courses of study in such University 
qualifying for graduation, and who either (i.) have been 
called to the Bar or admitted on the rolls as solicitois, 
or (ii.) can give satisfactory evidence of legal qualifica- 
tions of equal or higher standing, and who, in either 
case, have for two years conducted in the University 
research work approved by the Board of the Faculty 
of Law and attended approved classes or an approved 
course of study in the University, and, in addition, 
have fulfilled the requirements for the degree of Master 
of Laws under Ordinance 1 (a). 

i; wiJfctiom 


Faculty of Law. 

.nancr - 


Jrdiat^ nces 

54 fi 

(b) Persons who are not graduates (nor have passed the Final 
Examination for a degree) of an approved University, 
who have conducted for three years in the University 
researoh work approved by the Board of the Faculty of 
Law and have, during the same three years, attended 
approved classes or an approved course of study in the 
University, and, in adilition, have satisfied the require- 
ments for the degree of Master of Laws under Ordinance 
1 (a) ; provided that no person will be admitted as a 
candidate for the degree of Master of Laws under 
Ordinance 2 (b) unless he has : 

(i.) been called to the Bar or admitted on the rolls 
as a solicitor or presented satisfactory evidence 
of legal attainments of equal or higher standard ; 

(ii.) satisfied the Senate of his general educational 

Persons who become candidates for the degree of Master of 
Laws under either Ordinance 2 (a) or Ordinance 2 (6) must, at 
the beginning of the prescribed period of study, register as 
students of the University and apply for recognition to the 
Board of the Faculty of Law. 

Candidates for the degree of Master of Laws under Ordinances 

1 (a or 1 (b) or 2 a) mu-t pay the required fees not later than 
June 1st. and notify the Registrar by that date of the titles of 
their theses. These theses must be presented not later than 
September 15 th. 

Candidates may, however, pay the required fees not later 
than March 1st, notify the Registrar by that date of the titles of 
their theses, and present their theses on or before April 30th with 
a view to obtaining the degree at midsummer. 

Candidates for the degree of Master of Laws under Ordinance 

2 lb) musr pay the required fees and notify the Registrar not later 
than March 1st. and their theses mu:t be presented not later than 
ApM 30th. 

Forms of notice may be obtained from the Registrar. 

Degree of Doctor of Laws. 

Sc5 ginecai noSo as to theses, paye 390. 

1. The degree of Doctor of Laws may be conferred on persons 
wno are deemed by the Senate, after considering a report from 
the Board of the Faculty of Law, to have distinguished them- 
selves by special research or learning in Law, provided that the 
Senate may, in such cases as it thinks fit, after considering a 
report from the Board, also require a candidate to pass such 
examination as it may from time to time determine. 

Degree of LL.D. 

VI 7 

2. The degree of Doctor of Laws may be conferred on the o w>.. 
following persons : 

(a) Masters of Laws of the University of not less than ; wo 
years’ standing from the date of their graduation m 
Masters in the University : provided that Bachelors of 
Laws of the University of not less than four yeaisf 
standing from the date of their graduation as Bachelor* 
may, on the recommendation of the Buard of tae 
Faculty of Law, be admitted to the degrees of Master 
of Laws and Doctor of Laws simultaneously. 

(b) Graduates of the University in other Faculties of not 

less than four years' standing from the date of their 
graduation as Bachelors, who are recommended by the 
Board of the Faculty of Law, provided that, if such 
candidates have not obtained the degree of Muster, such 
degree of Master existing in their Faculty, they must 
submit themselves for the degrees of Master of Laws 
and Doctor of Laws simultaneously. 

(c) Graduates of approved Universities who have obtained 

a degree which is deemed to be substantially equivalent 
to the degree of Master of this University and are recom- 
mended by the Board of the Faculty of Law ; provided 
that such graduates have pursued a course of study or 
research in this University for a period of two years 
at least, and that at least four years have elapsed from 
the date of their first degree in their original University. 

Applications for the degree of Doctor of Laws shall be Regulation* 
made, in writing, to the Registrar*, and shall include a state- 
ment of the contributions to the knowledge of Law on which 
the applicant’s claim to the degree is based, together with one 
or more copies of any memoir, whether in type or in manuscript, 
which the applicant may desire to submit in support of his 

Examinations of the Law Society. 

1. The Preliminary Examination* 

The Matriculation Examination of the University is accepted 
by the Law Society instead of their Preliminary Examination. 

Candidates who actually enter for and pass in the First 
Division at the Matriculation Examination may be articled for 
four instead of five years, provided that Latin be one of the 
subjects in which tlie candidate has passed at such examination. 

* Applications should bo sent to tlio Registrar, not later than January 31st 
of the year in which the candidate wishes to proceed to the degree. 

Faculty of Law. 

54 ~ 

2. Solicitors' £n f erme-Vuih& Exinii nation. 

Students who have passed the Intermediate LL.B. Exami- 
nation of tlie I'ni versify before entering into articles (provided 
tli or Lave passed the Matriculation Examination of the Joint 
? Jut ri eiilution Board, cr some examination exempting therefrom, 
Latin being passed as a subject.;, and have attended the 
prescribed curriculum for the course, are required to be articled 
for four years only. 

Grad nates in Loot of the University are excused the Legal 
portion rt the S- die: tors’ Intermediate Examination, but are 
iv.y::re i to rake the Book-keeping and Trust Accounts portion. 

3 . Solicitors' 1 Final Examination. 

Students who take the degree of LL.B. before entering into 
articles have two advantages: (1) they are required to be 
articled for three years only; and ?2) they are excused the 
Solicitors’ Preliminary Examination and the Legal portion, of the 
Solicitors’ Intermediate Examination. 

4. Solicitors Act , 1932. 

Section 32 of this Act provides that, subject to certain excep- 
tions, a person articled to a solicitor after December 31st, 1922, 
shall not be admitted to the Final Examination, unless he 
satisfies the Law Society that he has, during a period of one 
year, such period being continuous or subject to such intervals 
as the Society may think reasonable, complied with the require- 
ments of the Society as to attendance at a course of legal educa- 
tion at a law school provided or approved by the Society. 

The Faculty of Law of the University is a school " approved ,r 
by the Law Society under this section. 

The Council of the Law Society have made the following 
Regulations as to attendance at a course of legal education 
by persons presenting themselves for the Society’s Final 
Examination, namely : 

(l) Attendance is required during three or more academic 
terms, each of not less than five weeks’ duration, at 
lectures and classes on law (and not on Trust Accounts or 
Book-keeping) at one or more of the Law Schools provided 
or approved by the Society. While it is desirable that the 
attendance should be in consecutive terms, the Society 
has power under the Act to permit of such intervals as 
it may think reasonable. 

Faculty of Lav \ ,5^7 

(2) The total attendance must amount to a mii/uamn of 72 

hours, either of not less than 4 hours a week during at 
least 18 weeks, or 3 hours a week during at least 21 weeks, 
or 2 hours a week during at least 36 weeks. Attendance 
of less than 2 hours a week during each of 5 weeks 
in a term at the same School cannot be counted in 
calculating the total attendance. 

(3) Attendance at a course of legal education shall mean 
attendance satisfactory in character to each Law School. 
The records of each Law School shall be conclusive as 
to attendance made at that School. 

(4) The attendance may ba before, during, or after service 

under articles, but must be completed before admission 
to the Final Examination. 

{5) Every person articled to a solicitor after December 31st, 
1922, unless he is exempted from the provisions of the 
section, must produce to the Secretary of the Society 
at the time of giving notice for his Final Examination, 
a certificate (or two or more certificates in the case of 
those students who attend at more than one Law School), 
signed by a responsible authority of each Law School at 
which his attendance has taken place, as evidence that 
he has complied with these Regulations. Such certificate 
or certificates will be accepted not less than 14 days 
before the first day of the Final Examination, if the 
candidate has not, at the time of lodging his notice 
for the Final Examination, completed his statutory 
attendance at a Law School. 

The University provides special classes for articled clerks 
who wish to satisfy these regulations without reading for the 
degree of LL.B. The classes are mainly tutorial in character. 
They occupy, normally, two hours on each of two afternoons 
per week and are designed to assist students who are preparing 
for the Intermediate and Final examinations of the Law Society. 
Students may, however, substitute other courses by permission 
of the Tutor for Articled Clerks, to whom all students who con- 
template entering the University with a view to satisfying the 
requirements of Section 32 of the Solicitors Act , 1932. should apply 
for an interview , 

Examinations or tee Council of Legal Education. 

The various classes will be found useful in preparing for 
examinations students intending to be called to the Bar. 

The Council accept the Matriculation Examination of the 
University in lieu of their Preliminary Examination, provided the 
student has passed in Latin. 


Faculty of Law. 

The Graduates in Law of the University may obtain exemption 
from the examination in Roman Law previous to being called to 
the Bar. 

Undergraduates of the University can keep their termB at 
any of the Iuns of Court by dining in Hull any three days in each 

For further mforuiati' «u. students should apply to the Secre- 
tary, Council of Legal Education. 15, Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, 
London. W.C.2. 

^Lectures an& Classes. 

Session - 1933-34. 

FVv f'lZZ details <>f lecture courses, sec the Prospectus of the Faculty of 
Law. For particulars as to Fellowships, Scholarships, JExhibiticms, and 
Prises, $e> page 009. 


Classes are Held both at the University and at the Law 
Library, Kennedy Street. Students are advised to note the place 
of any lectures tor which they register. 

NOTE. — The tees tor the classes tor non-compounding 
Students are ordinarily at the rate ot £3. 3s. tor any class 
which occupies one hour a week throughout the session. 

I. English. Law : (A) Solicitors’ Intermediate Class. (B) 

Solicitors' Final Class. (C) Book-keeping Class. (D) Real 
Property. (E) Equity. (F) Conveyancing. (G) Common 
Law. (H) Elements of Contract and Tort. (J) Criminal 
Law. <K) Probate and Divorce Law. (L) Law of Evidence. 
(31) Civil Procedure. 

II. Public International Law. 

III. The English Constitution. 

IV. Roman Law. 

V. Tutorial Classes (A. for Intermediate LL.B. ; and B. 
for Final LL.B.). 

VI. Commercial Law. 

VII. Company Law. 

VIII. Elements of English Law. 

Faculty of Laic 

oo 1 

Articled elerks preparing for the Law Society’s Inter- 
mediate Examination may enter for I. A. and C., on payment 
of a speeial Composition fee of £6. 6s. for the session. Articled 
clerks preparing for the Law Society’s Final Examination may 
enter for I.B. and C. on payment of a Composition fee of £8. 8s, 
for the session. They may also, if entered for LB., register for 
any or all of the elasses I.F., G. s K., and L. without any 
further fee. Other classes may be added with the permission 
of the Tutor for Articled Clerks, 

Fee for the Book-keeping Class I- (C) alone, £1, 11s. 6d. 

The Dauntesey Legal Scholarships and the Dauntesey Prize 
in International Law will be offered in the session 1933-34. (For 
Regulations, see pages 763, 764, and 800.) 

Set JBoofcs and Special Subjects m tbe JFacultg of Xaw 
for 1933*34. 

The English Constitution : 

Set Books : Wade & Phillips, Constitutional Lau\ Dieev ( Law of 
tin* Constitution ; Maitland, Constitutional History of England, 


Set Books : Holland, Elements of Jurisprudence ; Maine, Ancient 
Law ; Allen, Law in the Making', Eastwood and lveeton, 
Introduction to the Justinian Theories of Law and Sovereignty. 

List of Special Subjects tinder Ordinance 9 (viii.) : 

(i.) Bankruptcy and Company La-w. 

(ii.) Probate and Divorce Law. 

(iii.) Conflict of Laws. 

PlOJIax Law : Selected Portions of the Institutes : — 

(i.) Gaius : Books i. (Tit. 56 — 64 ; 97 — 123 ; 159 — 164) ; 
iv. (Tit. 1 — 44). 

(ii.) Justinian : Books i. (Tit. 1, 2) : ii. (Tit. 1 — 9) ; iii. 
(Tit. 13—29) ; iv. (Tit. 1—5, 7—9, 13, 15). 


tTbe ;!facult\> of flDebtcine. 


There are two classes of qualifications, namely, the Medical 
and Surgical degrees conferred by the Universities, and a 
Diploma of line of the Examining Boards. In preparing for the 
Preliminary Examination In the subjects of general education, 
the intending student should make himself acquainted with the 
schedule of subjects included in this examination. 

As the curriculum for all Medical students — whether for a 
Diploma or a University degree — must extend over a period of 
five years from the date of passing a recognised examination in 
Chemistry and Physics, students are recommended to qualify 
for the University course by passing the Matriculation Examina- 
tion of the University 'see page 39fij. 

After passing a recognised Preliminary Examination, the 
student enters the Medical School, at the beginning of the Winter 
session, and on completion of a recognised examination in 
Chemistry and Physics must be registered with the General 
Medical Council. The student is enrolled for this purpose by the 
Dean, who will transmit to the Registrar of the General Medical 
Council, 44, Hailam Street, Portland Place, London, W., Certi- 
ficates stating (I) that the student has commenced his medical 
studies, (2) that he has passed a recognised Preliminary 
Examination, (3) that he has attained the age of seventeen. The 
Certificates referring to (2) and (3) should he handed to the Dean 
when the student enters the Medical School. 

Candidates before sitting for the examinations for the 
qualifications of the Conjoint Board or for the Diploma in 
Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons are required to 
present satisfactory certificates of attendance and to satisfy the 
teachers either in the Class Examination or in a Test Examina- 
tion in the subject concerned. 


I n ler the existing regulations of the General Medical 
Cluix-iL a student preparing for the degree of M.B., Ch.B., must 
complete a cttrric vum tvj rtenr'nitj orcr Jive year# a Per the exami- 
nation lei Chemistry a: id Physic# has been raised. 

Students who enter the University in October, 1933, will 
therefore take Chemistry and Physics diming the first Winter 
session and should pass Part I. of the First M.B. Examination in 

Faculty of Medicine. 


March, 1934, when they will be registered by the General Medical 
Council, and, on the completion of the necessary courses and 
passing the pi'escribed examinations, will obtain the degrees of 
M.B., Ch.B., five years later, that is, in Jubj, 1'Jod. 

Students on entering the Medical Faculty are required to 
have passed in English Composition, Mathematics, and Latin in 
the Matriculation Examination or some equivalent examination 
accepted by the University. 

Students desiring to enter on a course in the Faculty of 
Medicine leading to the degrees of M.B., Ch.B., will be required 
to pass in Mechanics as one of the subjects of the Matriculation 
Examination, or to give evidence that shall he satisfactory to the 
Senate that they have attained a standard in Mechanics substan- 
tially equivalent to that of Matriculation. 

N.B. — Details of the examinations regarded as satisfying the 
University requirements in Mechanics for admission to the 
Faculty of Medicine will be found on pages 334 — 336, 

Summary of Regulations for Degrees of M.B., Ch.B. 

Matriculation to enter the Medical Faculty must include : 

English Composition, Mathematics, Latin, and Mechanics. 

Four Examinations are held for the degrees of M.B., Ch.B., viz. : 
The First Examination. 

Part I. Chemistry and Physics. 

Part IL Biology : (a) Botany, ih) Zoology. 

The Second Examination. 

Anatomy and Histology. 


The Third Examination . 

Pharmacology (including Materia Medica and Pharmacy). 
Pathology and Bacteriology. 

The Final Examination. 

Part I. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 

Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. 

Part II. Medicine (including Therapeutics, Mental and 
Children's Diseases). 

Surgery {including Ophthalmology ^ and 
Diseases of the Ear, Throat, and Nose- 
Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

This curriculum will occupy five years and nine months, and 
the students should present themselves ior the First part of the 
Final Examination not earlier than J uly of their fifth academic 
year, and for the Second part of the Final not earlier than July 
of their sixth academic year. 


Faculty ot Medici ut. 


Cheques should be drawn payable to “ The Bursar, The 
Victoria University of Manchester,” and crossed “ £ District Bank 

MOTE. — The Council reserve the right to alter any of the fees 
toe University courses or examinations without previous notice. 

Students Registering for the First Time. 

Students registering for the first time and paying Composition 
Fees are supplied free with a copy of the University Calendar . The 
charge for a further copy is three shillings. 

Composition Fees. 

The Medical Com posit ion Fees include the Library Fee, the Students' 
Union Fee, and the Athletic Union Fee, during the sessions in which 
an instalment of the Composition Fee is paid. The subscription 
to the Medical Student*’ Representative Council is compulsory upon 
all Medical stuleuts, and each instalment of the Composition Fee 
payable in the second, third, fourth, and fifth years of study includes 
a sum of lus. Od. fur this purpose. The fees for instruction given at 
the Manchester Royal Infirmary and other Hospitals, for Vaccina- 
tion instruction, for certain special courses, and for the use of 
apparatus, microscopes, &c., are additional 
Owing to the increase of the Men’s Union Fee to £'2. Ss. 6d. there 
is a difference in the Composition Fees for Men and Women. 

I. M.B. and Ch.B., University of Manchester. 

Men . 

First M.B. Course 40 \ guineas. 

For the remaining five years 
of medical study, payable in four 
equal instalments of 234 guineas 
for men and 28 guineas for women 
at the commencement of each 
Session 114 ,, 

II. M.B. and B.S., University of London. 
First Medical Course 404 

For the remaining five years 
of medical study, payable as 
follows : 

In the second year, Men 38J 
guineas, Women 38 guineas (this 
fee includes the necessary classes 
in Organic Chemistry) and in the 
third, fourth, and fifth years, 
Men 284 guineas. Women 28 



40 guineas. 






Faculty of Medicine, 


III. Diplomas of the Conjoint Board, 

Men. Women. 

Pre-Medical Course 35 £ guineas. 35 guineas. 

For the remaining five years 
of medical study, payable in four 
equal instalments of 28J guineas 
for Men and 28 guineas for 
Women at the commencement of 

each Session 114 „ 112 „ 

IV. Students from other Schools who have completed the courses 
qualifying for the examination in Anatomy and Physiology 
may take out the remaining classes included under the 
Composition Fee on payment of a sum of 77 guineas for Men 
and 70 guineas for Women. 

Other Fees. 

For fees for revision courses, see syllabus of subjects in the 
Prospectus of the Faculty of Medicine . 

Students failing to complete their course in any subject and 
requiring to supplement the number of lectures attended* must 
re-register and pay one-half of the ordinary class fee. 

Students who have paid the Composition Fee, and who are 
desirous ot repeating attendance on any class (except Physics, 
Che mis try, Biology, and all practical classes), may be allowed 
to do so on paying one-half of the ordinary class fee for each class 

A student, however, who desires to continue his study of 
Practical Anatomy beyond the prescribed course will be required 
to pay £3. os. for a one month’s, £5. 5s. for a three months’, or 
£8. 8s. for a six months’ course in the same session. 

Students who have paid the i*equired fees and attended the 
First M.B. course, the First Medical London course, or the FirBt 
▼ear’s course for the Conjoint 1 >iploma, and who are desirous of 
repeating attendance on the full course will be allowed to do bo, 
if the necessary accommodation is available, at a reduction of live 
guineas from the Composition Fee for this course. 

Faculty of Medicine . 


A fee of £3. 13s. 6d. is payable for the necessary Chemicals, etc., 
and for the use of apparatus required for the classes in Practical 

Students attending the Practical classes in Physics and 
Physiology are required to pay a deposit. Physics £1. Is., 
Physiology £1. 10s., which will be returned to them at the end 
of the session, after deducting the cost of papers, etc., supplied 
to them and any damage done to apparatus which can be traced 
to their carelessness. 

Microscopes are supplied for the use of students on payment 
of a fee (see statements under the headings of the Practical 
Glasses in Histology, Pathology, Zoology, and Botany in the 
Prospectus. Students are a< Ivised to provide their own microscopes. 

The classes for the primary F.R.C.S. and the Senior class in 
Operative Surgery (for Final F.R.C.S.) are not included in the 
Composition Fee. 

The special fee of £1. 11s. 6d. due to the Officer of the 
Ministry of Health for the course in Vaoci nation is payable at the 
Bursar’s Office. 

Occasional students ti.e. y those attending not more than two 
classes are required to pay during the first three years of 
studentship, in addition to the usual Class fees, a Registration 
fee of £1. Is., which includes the use of the Library. 

Occasional students who desire to become members of the 
various Unions, may do so on payment of the following fees : 

Men’s Union ... 
Women’s Union 
Men’s Athletic Union 
Women’s Athletic Union 

£ s. d. 
2 8 6 

1 38 0 

2 0 0 
2 0 0 

Facnizy of Medicine. 


lsf Year . 

2nd Year 

Brd Year 

4th Year. 

5 tli Year 

6th Year. 

Composition Fee for First M.B. 

Course ... ... £42 



Chemicals and Apparatus 




Physics Deposit 




First M.B. Examination Fee 




1st Instalment Medical Composi- 
tion Fee 




Physiology Deposit ... 




2nd Instalment Medical Composi- 

t-ion Fee 




Physiology Deposit 




Royal Infirmary Fee ... .. (aj 




Second M.B. Examination Fee 




3rd Instalment Medical Composi- 

tion Fee ... 




Vaccination Fee 




Third M.B. Examination Fee 




4th Instalment Medical Composi- 
tion Fee 




St. Mary’s Hospital (Obstetrical 

Practice) Two months ( b ) 

St. Mary’s Hospital, Children ...(&) 

2 9 






Final Examination Fee 




Fee on Conferment of Degrees of 

M.B., Ch.B 




bb 13 0 

HI 8 6 

102 10 6 

39 IS 0 

68 15 6 

8 8 0 

£606 19 6 

(а) This fee can either be paid as above or in three instalments of 

£21, at intervals of twelve months. 

(б) This fee is payable at St. Mary’s Hospital. 

The cost of Books, Instruments, hire of Microscopes, and extra 
Classes, if required, varies with the individual student but may possibly 
be covered by an additional £30 during the six years' course. 

Note. — A fee paid for an examination is not returnable, nor is it 
carried forward to the next examination except by special permission. 
Application for such permission must be made to the Registrar within 
one month after the date of the examination for which the fee was paid. 

* For Women students the First M.B, Composition Fee is £1*2, and 
in each of the second, third, fourth, and fifth years the instalment of the 
Medical Composition Fee is £29. Ss. 

The Museums of Human and Comparative Anatomy, Pathology, 
and Materia Medica are open without fee to all students of the 
Department of Medicine. 


Faculty of Medicine . 

j£yamtnations anb S>eQ rcc Courses. 


Candidates are required to pass the Matriculation Exami- 
nation or such other examination as may be accepted in lieu 
thereof. Any exempting examination must include Latin, except 
in the case of graduates of Universities of the United Kingdom. 

Arrangements are made by the Joint Matriculation Board for 
a special examination for candidates over 23 years of age. 
Applications must be sent to the Secretary to the Joint Matricu- 
lation Board not later than May 1st. 

For further particulars and conditions of exemption from 
Matriculation Examination, application should be made to the 
Secretary, Joint Matriculation Board, 315, Oxford Hoad, Man- 
chester, 13. 

Candidates entering upon a course for a degree in the Faculty 
of Medicine are required : 

(i.) To have passed in Latin as a subject of the Matriculation 
Examination, or, in special cases, to give such other 
evidence of the knowledge of Latin as may be satisfactory 
to the Senate. 

(ii.) To have passed in Mathematics as a subject of the 
Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence satis- 
factory to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 

(iii.) To have passed in Mechanics as a subject of the Matricu- 
lation Examination, or to give evidence satisfactory to 
the Senate of having attained an equivalent standard. 
(See below.) 

If a student has not obtained Matriculation in the subjects 
specially required for entrance to the degree course in medicine 
(Mathematics, Latin, and Mechanics) he may supplement his 
Matriculation Certificate in the following way : 

Mathematics : — To pass in Mathematics as a supplementary 
subject of the Matriculation examination, or to give 
evidence to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 

Latin : — To pass in Latin as a supplementary subject of the 
Matriculation examination, or in special cases, to give 
such other evidence of the knowledge of Latin as may be 
satisfactory to the Senate. 

Mechanics : — The examinations regarded as satisfying the 
University requirements with respect to Mechanics are 
set out on pages 331 — 335. 

Degrees of 31. B. and Ch.B. 559 


Notes. — No degree sliaii be granted on a thesis or published 
work which has already been submitted in support of an applica- 
tion for a degree in any other University. 

No Medical student who is a candidate also for the degree of 
B.Sc. is allowed to proceed to the Final B.Sc. Examination 
unless, after passing the Intermediate Examination, he devotes 
himself for at least one year exclusively to the specified subjects 
of the Final Examination for the Degree of B.Sc. 

Students are registered by the General Medical Council 
immediately after they have passed Part I. of the First M.B. 

1. The degrees in the Faculty of Medicine are Bachelor of Ordinance* 
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B. and Ch.B.), Doctor of 
Medicine (M.D.), and Master of Surgery iCh.M.). 


Candidates for degrees in Medicine and Surgery are required 
to register as students in the University. 

2. All candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and 
of Surgery are required to have passed the Matriculation 
Examination, or an approved equivalent examination, and to 
have satisfied the Examiners in the several Rubjects of four 
examinations, entitled respectively : 

The First Examination ; 

The Second Examination ; 

The Third Examination ; 

The Final Examination. 

First Examination for the Degrees of Bachelor of 
Medicine and of Surgery. 

3. Candidates, on presenting themselves for the First Exami- 
nation, are required to furnish certificates of having attended 
approved courses in the subjects of examination, and to have 
passed the Matriculation Examination, or such other examination 
as may have been recognised by the Joint Matriculation Board 
in that behalf. 

4. The subjects of the First Examination are : 

Part I. Chemistry and Physics. 

Part II. Biology : (A) Botany ; (B) Zoology. 


Faculty of Medicine. 

:uiatio«i6 The examination is divided into two Parts : Part L, Chemistry 
and Physics; Part II., Biology: (A) Botany; (B) Zoology. 
Candidates pass in these parts separately. A candidate in 
Part I., who has passed creditably in one subject and obtained 
not less than a certain minimum of marks in the other subject, 
may enter separately for such other subject in a subsequent 

Students who have passed the Higher School Certificate Exami- 
nation in Chemistry and/or Physics may, with the permission of 
the Faculty of Science, take higher courses in these subjects and 
sit for a special examination. 

The detailed subjects of the First Examination are as follows : 
I. (1) Chemistry : — 

Inorganic Chemistry, with special reference to the Non-metals. 

Elementary Organic Chemistry. 

Practical Chemistry. 

,2) Physics : — 

The Properties of matter; the chief phenomena of Sound, 
Heat, Light, Electricity, and Magnetism, treated in an 
elementary manner. 

Practical Physics. 

H. Blolotjy : — 

(A) Botany. 

Vegetable Morphology, Physiology. 

Laboratory work. 

,B) Zoology. 

Elementary Animal Morphology, Physiology, and 

Laboratory work. 

Une three-hours’ paper, and practical examinations in each of 

the subjects of Part 1.. and Part II. A'- and *B;. 

The examination in Part I. is held in March and September. 
The examination in Part II. : A j Botany, is held in September 
and December. The examination in Part II. iB Zoology, is 
held in March and J une of the second year. 

The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners 
in any part of the First Examination are published in 
alphabetical order. 

*■ Students vruo pass tlie First M.B. Examination (Parts I. and XI.) may 
pruceed to the Final Examination for the Ordinary Degree of P».Se., ■without 
haring to pass a further Intermediate Examination^ but such Medical students 
will be required to devote et least one year exclusively to the subjects cf the Final 
Examination for the Degree of B.Sc 

Degrees of M.B. and Gh.B. 


Th© fee for the First M.B. Examination is £.8. Ss. ; for each Regulations 
re-examination, £3. 3s. 

Students for the First Examination for the degrees of M.B. 
and Ch.B., who present themselves for the examination in Parti, 
in March and September, and for Part II. (Aj in September 
and December, and fail to pass any part of it, may not he 
re-admitted to the University. 

Second Examination for the Degrees of Bachelor 
of Medicine and of Surgery.* 

5. Candidates, on presenting themselves for the Second Ordinance 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of having 
attended courses of instruction in each of the subjects of the 
examination in accordance with the University regulations for 
attendance, to have completed their second year of medical 

study, and to have passed the First Examination. 

6. The subjects of the Second Examination are: Regulation* 



The detailed subjects of the Second Examination are as 
follow : 

(1) Anatomy including Histology. One three-hours’ paper 

in Anatomy, and Oral : Three hours, Practical 

(2) Physiology (including Experimental, Chemical, and 

Human Physiology). One three- hours’ paper. 

Practical and Oral. 

Candidates are required to present themselves in Anatomy 
and Physiology, and to pass in both these subjects at one 
and the same examination. 

The examination shall be held in March and June of the 
third year. 

The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners 
are published in alphabetical order. 

Students who fail to pass the Second M. B., Ch.B. Examination 
in March and pass in June of the third year, begin hospital work 
in the October following. 

The fee for the Second Examination for the degrees of M.B. 
and Ch.B. is £8. Ss. ; for each re-examination, £3. 3s. 

* Students who have passed the examination for the Second Al.B. and also the 
Matriculation Examination mav present themselves for examination m one of 
the Soienee Honours Schools. See page 506. 

5r»L? *7 2feuu' :t!. 

Third Examination fur iue Degrees or Bachelor 
of Medicine and of Surgery. 

rdinanoa 7. Candidates, <«ii presenting themselves fur either subject of 
the Third Exami nation for rhe Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine 
a; i of Surgery, are required to furnish certificates of having 
a: tended courses ui instruction in such subject of examination in 
accordance wita th* University regulations for attendance, and 
to have passe 1 the Second Examination for the said degrees. 

i{gutatio&' S. Thu Kuojecfs of the Third Examination are : 

Pjarniac’T^;- including Pharmacy.,. 

Path* logy aivt Bacteriology. 

The detailed subjects of the examination are as follow : 

■T Pharmacology i ncl tiding Materia Medicab One three- 
hours 1 paper. Oral examination. 

2‘ a Pathology. One three-hours 1 paper. Practical 
a.’jl t *ral. 

1; Bacteriology. One three hours 1 paper. Practical 
and Oral. 

The examination in Pharmacology shall be held in December 
and June of the fourth year. The examination in Pathology shall 
be held in December and June of the fifth year. 

The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners 
art published in alphabetical order. 

The fee for the Third Examination for the Degrees of 
M.B. and Ch.B. is £8. 8s. ; and for each re-examination in the 
whole or any part of the Third Examination, £3. 3s. 

Final Examination for the Degrees of Bachelor 
or Medicine and of Surgera. 

Ordinances J. Candidates, on presenting themselves for any subject of the 
Final Examination for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and 
of Surgery, are required to furnish certificates of having attended 
courses of instruction in such subject of examination in 
accordance with the l adversity regulations for attendance, and 
to have passed the Third Examination for the said degrees. 

1U. I he Final Examination shall be divided into two parts. 
Candidates shall take Part I. not earlier than June of the 
fifth year, and Part If. not earlier than June of the sixth year, 
he., not less than five years after registration by the General 
Medical Council. Part I. shall consist of Forensic Medicine, 
Hygiene and Preventive Medicine: Part II. shall consist of 
Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 

Candidates who have passed the Final Examination may 
be awarded either First or Second Class Honours. 

Degrees of M.B. and Ch,B. 


11. The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners Ordinance* 
in the Final Examination are published as follows : 

(1) Those awarded First Class Honours. 

(2) Those awarded Second Class Honours. 

(3) Those who have satisfied the Examiners. 

The names shall be in alphabetical order in each case. 

12. Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph the 
name of any candidate in the Second, Third, or Final Exami- 
nation may be marked as having passed with distinction in any 
of the following subjects : 




Pathology and Bacteriology. 

Forensic Medicine. 

Preventive Medicine. 



Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

N.B. — Consideration of the award of distinctions in the 
subjects of the Final examination is deferred until the completion 
of the examination by the candidate. 

The detailed subjects of examination are as follow : Regulations 

Part 1. 

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. One two-hours’ paper 
and oral. 

Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. One three-hours’ 

Part 11, 

Medicine. Two three-hours’ papers, including Medical 
Anatomy and Physiology, Therapeutics, Diseases 
of Children, Diseases of the Skin, and Mental 

Clinical, Practical, and Oral. 

Surgery. Two three-hours’ papers, including Surgical 
Anatomy and Surgical Pathology, and Diseases of the 
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. 

Clinical, Practical, and Oral. 

Obstetrics and Gynaecology 

Obstetrics. One two-hours' paper. 

Gynaecology. One two-hours’ paper. 

Clinical, Practical, and Oral. 


Faculty of IF licht, 

gniatiooB Candidates, in order to pass in Medicine, Surgery, and 
Obstetrics and Gynsecology muse satisfy the Examiners in 
the clinical part of these subjects respectively. 

Candidates are required to pass in all subjects of either part 
of the Final Examination at one and the same time. 

The examination in both parts shall be held in June and 

The fee for the Final Examination for the degrees of M.B. and 
Ch.B. is £8. 8s. (to be paid before the commencement of Part 

I.) ; and for each re-examination in the. whole or any part of 
the examinations, £3. 3s. 

Fee payable on conferment of the degrees of M.B. and Ch.B., 
£8. 8s. 

Attendance Regulations. 

1. Candidates, before completing the Final Examination for 
the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and of Surgery, are required 
to furnish certificates of having completed five years of medical 
study after registration by the General Medical Council. Two 
of these years must be passed in the University, subsequent 
to the passing of Part I. of the First M.B. Examination. The 
other three years may be passed at any College or Medical School 
recognised for this purpose by ordinance of the University. 

la. A candidate rejected in any subject, at a professional 
examination, must produce evidence that he has pursued 
further the study of that subject before he is re-admitted to 

2. Candidates, on presenting themselves for the First 
Examination , or any part of it, are required to furnish certificates 
of attendance on approved courses of instruction either in the 
University or in a College or Medical School recognised for this 
purpose by regulation of the University. 

For Part I. in Chemistry, and Physics : Lectures and 
Laboratory work. 

For Paxt II. in Biology (A) Botany, (B) Zoology : Lectures 
and Laboratory work. 

Note. — S tudents will not be admitted to the Second M.B. 
classes in October unless they have passed Part I. of the 
First M.B. Examination. 

3. Candidates, cm presenting themselves for the Second 
Examination for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and of 
Surgery, are required to furnish certificates of having attended 
cuurses of instruction, approved by the University, either in the 
University or in a College or Medical School recognised for this 

Degrees of M.B. ani Ch.B. 50.j 

purpose by regulation of the University, in the following Relation* 
gubjects : (l) Anatomy. 

(2) Physiology. 

Notes. — (a) The certificate in Anatomy must in all cases 
testify that the candidate has dissected the whole body. 

(b) The certificate in Physiology must in ail cases testify 
that the candidate has attended a course of laboratory 
instruction approved by the University, 

(c) Students will not be admitted to the Third M.B, classes 

in October unless they have passed the Second M.B, 

(d) Candidates who have passed the Final Examination for 
the Ordinary degree of B.Sc. of this University in 
Anatomy and Physiology will be excused the First and 
Second M.B., Ch.B. Examinations, provided they have 
fulfilled the following conditions : — 

(i.) Have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, 
and Botany or Zoology in the Intermediate B.Sc. 

(ii.) Have presented evidence of having attained a 
standard equivalent to that of the First M.B., Ch.B. 
Examination in Botany or Zoology, whichever was 
not taken in the Intermediate B.Sc. Examination. 

L Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Third 
Examination, are required, to furnish certificates of having 
attended approved courses of instruction in the University or in 
a College or Medical School recognised for that purpose by regu- 
lation of the University, in the subjects in which they offer 
themselves fox examination : the subjects of the examination 
being Pharmacology, and Pathology and Bacteriology. 

Notes. — (a) The certificates in Pharmacology must in ail cases 
testify that the candidate hits attended a course of 
practical instruction approved by the University. 

(b) The certificate in Patholugy and Bacteriology must in all 
cases testify that the candidate has attended a course of 
laboratory instruction in these subjects, approved by the 

(c) Candidates are also required to present certificates in 

Pathology of having acted as clerk in the post-mortem 
department of a recognised hospital fur three months. 

5. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Final 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of hating 
Attended approved courses of instruction in the University or in 
a College or Medical School recognised for that purpose by 


Faculty of Me< i u: l re , 

tiations regulation of the University, in the subjects in which they offer 
themselves for examination. 

Candidates are required to furnish certificates as follow : 

(i.) Systematic Instruction . Of having attended courses of 
systematic instruction approved by the University in 
the University or in a Medical School recognised for 
this purpose by regulation of the University in the 
following subjects : — 

Part I. 

(Jl) Forensic Medicine. 

(B) Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. 

Part II. 

{^} Medicine. 

(B) Applied Auatomy and Physiology. 

(C) Surgery. 

(D) Obstetrics and C4ynsecology. 

(ii.) Clinical Instruction. Of having attended the medical 
and surgical practice of a hospital or hospitals, 
approved by the University, during two years before 
entering on Part I. of the examination and three years 
before entering on Part II., which periods must 
be subsequent to the date of passing the Second 

Registered Dentists, or Dental students who 
have satisfactorily completed the attendance required 
by the Dental regulations, desiring afterwards to pro- 
ceed to the degree in Medicine, will be excused six 
months of the above periods of attendance on Medical 
and Surgical Hospital practice which is required of 
Medical students. 

(A.) In Clinical Medicine . 

The certificates must in all cases testify : — 

(а) That he has acted as clinical clerk in the 
medical wards for six months. 

(б) That he has attended for two years courses of 
instruction in clinical medicine. 

(c) That the candidate has attended a course of 
practical instruction in clinical pathology. 

(d) That he has received clinical instruction in 
infectious diseases. 

(e) That he has acted for one month as a clinical 
clerk in the Children’s Ward of St. Mary’s Hospital. 

Degrees of M.B. and Ch,B. 

11. The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners Ordinance* 
in the Final Examination are published as follows : 

(1) Those awarded First Class Honours. 

(2) Those awarded Second Class Honours. 

(3) Those who have satisfied the Examiners. 

The names shall be in alphabetical order in each case. 

12. Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph the 
name of any candidate in the Second, Third, or Final Exami- 
nation may be marked as having passed with distinction in any 
of the following subjects : 




Pathology and Bacteriology. 

Forensic Medicine. 

Preventive Medicine. 



Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

N.B. — Consideration of the award of distinctions in the 
subjects of the Final examination is deferred until the completion 
of the examination by the candidate. 

The detailed subjects of examination are as follow : Regulations 

Part 1. 

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. One two-hours’ paper 
and oral. 

Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. One three-hours’ 

Part 11, 

Medicine. Two three-hours’ papers, including Medical 
Anatomy and Physiology, Therapeutics, Diseases 
of Children, Diseases of the Skin, and Mental 

Clinical, Practical, and Oral. 

Surgery. Two three-hours’ papers, including Surgical 
Anatomy and Surgical Pathology, and Diseases of the 
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. 

Clinical, Practical, and Oral. 

Obstetrics and Gynaecology 

Obstetrics. One two-hours' paper. 

Gynaecology. One two-hours’ paper. 

Clinical, Practical, and Oral. 


Faculty of Medicine. 


■ cl That he has received during at least three 
months, in either a general or a special hospital, 
approved by the University, such clinical instruction 
in the diseases peculiar to women as shall be approved 
by the University. 

Before admission to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and 
of Surgery a candidate is required to present certificates that 
lie will have attained the age of twenty-one years on the day of 
graduation, and that he has pursued the courses of study required 
by the University regulations during a period of not less than 
five years subsequently to the date of his registration as a Medical 
student by the General Council of Medical Education, two of such 
years at least having been passed in the University, subsequent 
to the date of passing the First M.B. Examination.® 

Further particulars as to attendance and subjects for the above 
examinations may be obtained on application to the Registrar, 
The University. Manchester, 13. 

Recommended Course of Study after Matriculation. 

First Year. 

Michaelmas term ... Chemistry. 


Lear term Chemistry. 


First M.B., Fart Examination in March (and September). 

Medical registration of successful students in April. 

Summer term Botany. 

Elementary Anatomy. 

First M.B.n Part II. A.. Examination — Botany — in September 
(an l December). 

Second Year. 

Michaelmas term ... Zoology. 



Lent term Zoology. 




• A year of Medical study shall, except in special cases approved by tbe Council, 
qu t,:e report of tr.e Senate, be held to include the attendance on at least two 
courses of lectures in ea *h term, or one course of lectures and hospital practice. 

0**7 AS* i •» •/ St'f iP* 

First 3/.j B., Part II,B. S Examination — Zoology — in March t**i 


Summer term Anatomy. 



Third Year. 

Micliaelma3 term ... Anatomy. 



Lent term Anatomy. 


Second M.B . Examination in March (and June). 

N.B. — The subjects of the Second M.B. must be passed at one 
and the same examination. 

Hospital Work to be commenced. The attention of students 
is drawn to the regulation that a clerkship in the Pathological 
Department, of the Royal Infirmary must be held before they can 
enter for the examination in Pathology. 

Summer term Pharmacology and Practical. 

Practical Pharmacy. 

Fourth Year. 

Michaelmas term ... Surgery. 


Pathology and Practical. 

Third M.B. Examination in Pharmacology in December (and 


Lent term Pathology and Practical. 


Applied Anatomy . 

Applied Physiology. 

Summer term Bacteriology and Practical. 

Practical Surgery. 

Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

Applied Anatomy. 

Applied Physiology. 


Fazvltji cf lle.Iiciv 

Fifth Y"eap..* 

Michaelmas term ... Medicine. 

Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

Applied Anatomy. 

Patholo^v and Practical. 

Third M.B. Elimination in Pathology and Bacteriology in 
December 'and June*. 

Lent term Medicine. 

Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

Forensic Medicine. 

Hygiene and Preventive Medicine 
Applied Physiology (Psychology — 
Mental Hytriene). 

Summer term Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. 


Orthopaedic Surgery. 

Applied Anatomy. 

Diseases of Ear, Throat, and Nose. 

Filial Examination (Part /.) in June (and December) in Forensic 
Medicine, Hygiene, and Preventive 

N.B. — The subjects of Part I. mibt be passed at one and the 
same examination. 

Sixth Tear. 

Michaelmas term ... Medicine. 


Orthopsedic Surgery. 

Surgical Pathology. 

Applied Anatomy. 

Lent term Medicine. 


Surgical Pathology. 

Orthopcedic Surgery. 

Applied Physiology (Psychology — 
Abnormal behaviour). 

Applied Anatomy. 

• Students preparing to sit for s lie Examm-rsion - of tL.e Oonioint Board may 
not* be registered for Year ela-ae* of tins cuvrlc’a'iim in tlieir iiftliyear of study. 


Summer term Mental 

Surgied Pa ho logy. 

Final Examination [Part IL) in -fan*- ‘and » Accnv;.'r, in Medicine, 

Surgery. < ). s:**i run. and t rymcN/ogy. 

N.B. — 'Hie subjects of Part TI. mu-t be passed a* one the 
game examination. 

The requirement of residence in a Lying-in Hos ; iu- for two 
mo irlig should be complied with during the fifth or sixth year. 

One mouth’s .attendance in the Children’s Ward or St. Mary’s 
Hospital should be taken in the sixth year. 

Instruction in Infections I leases ar.d Vaccinal u U arranged 
fur during the fifth nn 1 sixth years. 

One month’s attendance at the Skin Hospital. Quay Street, 
for instruction in Skin Disease- should be taken in the «istii year. 

Examinations . — The Fiual Examination will be divided into 
t .vo part<, viz.: — 

Part I. Forensic Medicine Hygiene, and Preventive 

To be taken in June at the end of the fifth year. 

Part IL Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

To be taken in June of the sixth year, i.e., not less 
than five years after registration by the General 
Medical Council. 


See general not'* u« to those-, paaje 30‘J. 

1, The Master of Surgery Degree is conferred in the fallow- Or.iinances 
ing branches : Surgery Branch T.\ < J yusecology . Branch TL>, 
Ophthalmology Branch Tn , Laryn gob »gv , Otoh 'gy, and l?b i nology 

Branch TV,:. 

2. No candidate will lie admitted to the exnminat: ju fertile 
degree of Cli.M. unles- be has yivvio- i.-ly received the degrees of 
Bachelor of Medicine and Buchrmr of Surgery of the University, 
and at least one year has elapsed since l.e completed the 
examinations for these degrees 

1. Candidates, before admission to :he examination lor the heguia ous 
Jegree, are required to furnish certificates, which shall be deemed 
satisfactory by the University, that. since taking toe degrees of 
M.B., Ch.B., they have held for no: ie=s than twelve months an 
appointment in a public hospital or <. ‘her public instituth .a aff< -rd- 
ing full opportunity for :he study of the branch in which 
examination is desired. 

Fui'itluj of Mud cine. 

icgiiiatioxi 6 ' 1. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine who elect 
to present an original dissertation are required to furnish three 
copies preferably printed or typewritten, of the dissertation, 
together with any drawings or specimens which may be necessary 
for illustration. These copies shall be sent in to the Registrar 
not later than May 1st in the year of application. They will 
be retained by the University. 

2. Candidates who elect to present an original dissertation 
may be required to attend before the Faculty and to submit 
themselves to nn oral examination on the subject of their 

3. For candidates electing to undergo an examination : 

d.) The examination in Medicine shall consist of: — 
fa) One written paper. 

lb i A commentary upon a selected case or cases or an 
extempore essay upon some subject to be stated by 
the Examiners. 

(o) A clinical examination. 

( d ) An oral examination. 

lii.) The examination in Pathology shall consist of: — 
i a) One written paper. 
lb) A practical and oral examination. 

(iii.) The examination in the Special Subjects shall consist of ~ 

(a) One written paper. 

(b) A clinical or practical and oral examination. 

S iv.) The Special Subjects, one of which must be selected by the 
[idate.are: — 

(i.) Human Anatomy, including Embryology ami 

ii.) Physiology .'Chemical, Experimental, and Human 
Physiology j. 

(iii.) Pharmacology and Therapeutics 
(iv.) Midwifery and Gynaecology.* 

(v.) Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 

(viu Tropical Diseases. 

(vii.) Bacteriology and Comparative Pathology as applied 
to Public Health. 

\riiid Diseases of Children, 
i ix.'- Psychiatry. 

41 The dXc:j3inat5oD win melt* la a coiiiinerstary upoo a selected case or oases. 

Diploma in Psychol I'osl Medicine. *,75 

The fee is payable as follows : 

On sending in application for the degree, £fi. frb. 

For each subsequent application, £4. is. 

On the conferring of the degree, £9. Os. 

The last date for notice and payment of fees is May 1st, and 
dissertations must be submitted to the Registrar by that 

N.B. — For conditions under which a Gold Medal is awarded 
to candidates for the degree of M.D., see page fill. 

Ettplonta in psychological /Pe&icine* 

There shall be a Diploma in Psychological Medicine (D.P.M.) 
which shall be awarded by the Senate. 

1. Candidates, before completing the examination, must 
have held a registrable qualification in Medicine, Surgery, and 
Midwifery for one year. 

2. The examination shall be held in two parts — Part I. 
will be held in March and June and Part II, in June and 
December in each year. 

3. Before presenting themselves for Part I. of the exami- 
nation, candidates must produce evidence of having attended, 
subsequent to qualification : 

(a) Approved practical courses of instruction in the Develop- 
ment, Anatomy, and Physiology of the nervous system. 

( b ) An approved course of Psychology, including Experi- 

mental Psychology. 

4. Before presenting themselves for Part II. of the exami- 
nation, candidates must produce evidence of having attended: 

(a) An approved practical course of instruction in Pathology 

in relation to the nervous system. 

(b) A course of Clinical Neurology. 

(o) Approved courses of instruction in Psychological 
Medicine, namely, (i.) Mental Diseases, <ii.) Psycho- 
neuroses, (iii.) Mental Deficiency. 

(a) Clinical instruction, either with residence or, in approved 
cases, daily attendance, tor six months in an approved 
Hospital for Mental Diseases. 

5. The course of study shall extend over a period of three 
University terms, two of which musr be taken in the University ; 
the remaining term may be taken at the University or at some 
approved Institution. 





Faculty of Medicine, 

filiation* Candidates may preheat themselves fur Parts L and II. 
separately or at the same time, provided that no candidate be 
admitted" to Part II. unless lie has already passed in Part I. 

Subjects and Order or Examination. 

Part I. 

The examination will include : 

(1) A written and practical examination on the Development 

and Anatomy, human and comparative, and Physiology 
/including Bio- Chemistry) of the nervous system. 

(2 ) A written aau practical examination in Psychology (theo- 

retical and experimental^. 

Part II. 

The examination will include : 

(1) A written and practical examination in Pathology in 
relation to the nervous sj'stem. 

(2j A written, clinical, and oral examination in Psychological 

(3) A clinical and oral examination in Clinical Neurology. 

The fee for the examination is eight guineas for each part, 
and must be paid not later than February 18th, May 1st, and 
October 20rh respectively, in the year of the examination. For 
a subsequent examination in the same part the fee will be four 

The Composition fee for the full course of study is £26. 5s., 
exclusive of the clinical instruction under 1 ( d ), 

Any of the eight courses of instruction may be taken 
separately at a fee of £1. 4s. each, and these classes are open 
to any qualified medical practitioner. 

©tploma in flMtblic Ibealtb* 

Ordinance The University shall grant a Diploma in Public Health 
D.P.H. s which shall be awarded by the Senate to candidates who 
shall have satisfied the University regulations relating to the 

iUgrtacoE* 1. The examination shall he in two parts, and shall be written, 
oral, and practical. 

2, A period of not le3s than two years shall elapse between 
the anaini^ent bv a candidate of a registrable qualification in 
Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, and his admission to the 
Final Examination for the H,L*nm in Public Health. 

DipLma in F\ e_.:_ health 

3. Ali candidates fur the DipL-ma in labile liearh „iv 
required to attend the prescribed ;*_*•: ;;e m. : .ru - rv c> ;rv-s 

for either Part I. or Part II. ni :be I hj a h< p ii< I fealth in 
the University. The courses of insTucrl .»» for t' h . the:* part 
of the Diploma may he taken either :i: the University or in it 
Public Institution approve? i for 1 hat p un.r ,-e by tie University. 
The curriculum lor the Diploma in Public t ieah ' e.v.en i 

over a period uf not less tliun twelve m* *nl hr- *-r a . qe. h* 

of whole-time study covering a period of not less nine 
calendar months) subsequent to the attainment of a registrable 

L Candidates, before beginning the hrst tart >1 the examina- 
tion, must present hiitU factory wtiiVatea *.>! Laving attended, 
during at least five month'*, pnavcal in-rc:**:: u i:. laov.^turics 
approved by the University, in: 

la) Bacteriology and Parasitology including Imm:::/ kgy, 
Serology, Medical Untomul. »gy, etch, especially in their 
relation to di .-eases uf man. and to those diseases of the 
lower animals which are transmissible to man. 

,/u Chemistry, Physics. Thvliology, and Eitvirolugy in relation 
to Public Health. 

(c) Physiology and Bio-Chemistry in their application to 
nutrition and hygiene. 

id) Meteorology and Climatology in relation to Public Health. 

At least 23U hours must be devoted to courses (ti), (/>), (e), 
and (d). 

5. Candidates, before beginning the second part of the 
examination, must present certificates : 

•at Of having recched, during not less than 120 hours, 
instruction in the following subjects: - 

;lj The Principles uf Public Health and Sanitation. 
*2' Epidemiology and Vital Statistics. 

Sanitary Law and Adminintraron including 
Public Medical Services . 
id; Sanitary Construction and Planning. 
i ■ i T having attended for three mouths on the cli ideal 
practice of a recognised Hospital for Infections Diseases, 
and having received therein instruction in ti : e methods 
of administration. At least 2-1 daily attendances of not 
less than two hours each shall be required. 

•* Of having been engaged, during t period of Hot lei?5 than 
six months, in acquiring a practical knowledge of the 
duties, routine and special, w Public Health Administra- 
tion under the supervision of a Medical Officer of [IklIVlk 

Faculty of V&ticihe. 


who shall certify that the candidate lias received from 
this 0 dicer or other competent Medical Officer during 
not less than three hours on each of sixty working days, 
practical instruction in these duties, and also those 
relating to : — 

(i,j Maternity and Child Welfare Service. 

(ii.j H- Tilth Service for Children of School Age. 

(iii.) Venereal Diseases Service. 

(iv.) Tuberculosis Service. 

(v.) Industrial Hygiene. 

Ivij Inspection and Control of Food, including meat 
and milk. 

(Instruction in (i.) to (vi.) should include 
attendance at the centres, clinics, institutions, and 
[♦remises concerned.) 

Certificates of having received the prescribed instruction in 
Public Health Administration must be given by a Medical Officer 
of Health who devotes his whole time to Public Health work, or 
by the Medical Officer of Health of a Sanitary area having a 
population of not les3 than 50,000, or in Ireland the Medical 
Superintendent Officer of Health of a County or County Borough 
having a population of not les3 than 50,000. 

6. Candidates may present themselves for Parts I. and II. 
separately or at the same time, provided that no candidate he 
admitted to Part IL uuless ha has already passed in Part I. 
No candidate's name will he published until he has satisfied 
the Examiners in both parts of the examination. 

7. The examination is held twice yearly : Part I. in June and 
October ; Part IT. in J une and Oefi her. 


The examination for Part I. shall be practical, written, and 
oral, and shall include the following subjects : 

Bacteriology and Parasitology (including Immunology, 
Serology, Medical Entomology, etc.}. 

Chemistry, Physics, Radiology, and Electrology in relation to 
Public Health. 

Physiology an 1 Bin-Chemistry in their application to 
nutrition and hygiene. 

Meteorology nr. 1 Climatology in relation to Pul die Health. 

Candidates may m# t be admitted to examination for Part I. 
until after they have completed the prescribed courses of in- 
sr ruction in the subjects thereof. 

j .V ' 


The examination for Ptirt II. si.* II h;<*I t ■’ I g r^kuIuiw ns 

subjects: -- 

Hygiene ami Sanitation .including S. ; In r;. t ' .ns*:*’ * \oa ■. 

Epidemiology and Infectious Dbea>e-. 

Sanitary Law and Vital Statistics. 

Public* Health Administration. 

The examinations shall be written and oral, and ?’• bide 
practical examinations in Infections Disease*; Jo d in-i^ri* u ; 
Inspection of premises — dwellings, factories, workshops. sod *jU, 

Candidates may not be admitted to examinati'-n for Part li. 
until after they have completed the i re^eribed c arse? of 
instruction in the subjects thereof. 

Sttploma in Detetinarg State ADeMcine, 

The University shall grant a Diploma in Veterinary State oniitunee 
Mdieine (D.Y.S.M.), which shall be awarded by the Senate. 

1. Candidates, before entering the examination, must produce Regulation 
satisfactory evidence that they hold the membership of the Royal 

College of Veterinary Surgeons. 

2. All candidates for the Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine 
are required to attend the prescribed lectures and laboratory 
courses in the University. 

3. The examination shall be in two parts, and shall be 
written, oral, and practical. 

4. Candidates, before entering for the first part <*f the exami- 
nation, must present evidence of satisfactory attendance during 
one academic vear on the prescribed lecture and laboratory 
courses in : 

(a) Bacteriology and Parasitology (including Entomology) 

especiallv in their relation to the diseases of the lower 
animals, and to diseases of man which may be 
transmitted by the lower animals. 

(b) Chemistry and Physics in relation to Veterinary Hygiene. 

(c) Meteorology and Climatology in relation to Veterinary 



Fti'jiihi, if TJctlicine. 

•RnlatwiH 5 Candidates, before entering for the second part of the 
examination, must present certificates : 

la) Of having satisfactorily attended the prescribed lectures 
in the following subjects : — 

(i.) The Principles of Veterinary Hygiene and Sanitation, 
(ii.) Epizootiology and Vital Statistics. 

(iii.) Sanitary Law and Administration as it affects 
Veterinary Medicine. 

(b) That, after obtaining the membership of the R.C.V.S., 
they have, during at least six months, been diligently 
engaged in acquiring a knowledge of the duties of 
veterinary inspection under a Veterinary Surgeon 
(holding a public appointment) to be approved for that 
purpose by the University. This requirement may 
be modified by the Senate in the case of Veterinary 
Inspectors who have held an appointment recognised 
by the University for not less than one year. 

fi. Candidates may enter for Part T. and Part IT. separately 
or at the same time, provided that no candidate be admitted 
t<* Parr II. unless lie lias already passed in Part I. 

No candidate’s name will be published until he has satisfied 
the Examiners in both parts of the examination. 

7. The examination is held twice yearly, in June and 

Note. — The fee for each part is £6. fis., which must be paid 
by prescribed date. Fur any subsequent examination in the 
same part the fee is £4 4s. 

Order of Examination. 

Part I. 

1 A three hours’ written examination on the subjects set out 
iu Regulation 4 {a). 

2. A three hours’ written examination on the subjects set out 
in Regulation 4 (b) and (c). 

3. A three hours 5 practical and oral examination on the 
subjects set out in Regulation 4 (a). 

4. A three hours’ practical and oral examination on the 
subjects set out in Regulation 4 (h) and (c). 

Part II. 

1. Two written examinations, each of three hours, on the 
subjects set out in Regulation 5 (a) and (6V 

2. Sanitary Reporting. 

3. An oral examination in the above subjects. 

Diu . r > i'na in Path ->L g i. . , h ; 

Biplonm in patboiOtjYh 

The University shall grant a Diploma in PatbT»gy *'ip. 
Path.) which Bhall be awarded by the Sen: a*- * > candidate- wd* 
have satisfied the University Regulations reintiruTo the Dipl >im, , 

1. Before commencing .‘he course of study, cani: m-is:, 

produce evidence that they have : — 

(a) Graduated in Medicine in this or in some other ppr wi 
University, or 

<b) Obtained a medical qualification registrable in this c. mum , 
which shall be approved by the Senate of this University, 

i e) Obtaiued a qualification approved by rim Senate other 
than those stated in <ti) ur ’/>. Su*\. cuudidiPes mas* 
present evidence of previous training approved by the 
Senate as satisfactory for admission to the oun-e. 

2. Before entering for the examination, candidates must 
present evidence of satisfactory attendance during one academic 
year on the course of study prescribed for the Diploma in the 

3. The course of study shall include courses of i list ruction in: — 

Morbid Anatomy. 

General Pathology, with practical work. 

Special Pathology, with practical work. 


Chemical Pathology. 

Experimental Pathol >gy. 

4. The examination shall consist of : — 

(a) Three written papers on General Pathology, Special 
Pathology, and Bacteriology, together with oral and 
practical examinations. 

(b) A practical examination in Chemical Pathology. 

(cj Candidates shall during the second half of their course 
of study, select some subject, to be approved by the 
Professor, on which they must submit an essay at the 
time when they present themselves for examination. 

For information as to — 

The Diploma in Psychological Medicine, 
The Diploma in Pathology, 

The Certificate in Venereal Disease, 
apply to the Dean of the Medical School. 

’ Unread 

Ht-kf Tali’. 'Hu 


Faculty of Medicine . 

For information as to — 

The Diploma in Bacteriology, 

The Diploma in Public Health, 

The Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine, 
see the Prospectus of the Department of Public Health. 

For information as to — 

The Degree of B.Sc. with Pharmaceutics or Pharmaceutical 

see the Prospectus of the Pharmaceutical Department. 

Students preparing to take Diplomas of the Conjoint 
Colleges, or the Society of Apothecaries, or other medical quali- 
fications, should consult the regulations of the bodies concerned- 

For information as to Fellowships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, 
and Prizes, see page <399 et seq. 

Public Health LaUtrazcrr*. 5* ; 

Courses in public Ibealtb, 38acterioloov. anb 
in IDetertnarg State HDcbtcme.' 


York Place.; 


In this Department post-graduate courses of instruction 
are given, adapted to the requirements of (a) candidates preparing 
for the examinations of the various University and Examining 
Boards for the Diploma in Public Health. ( h\ candidates pivpariuo: 
for the Diploma in Bacteriology of the University of Manchester, 
(c) candidates preparing for the Diploma in Veterinary State 
Medicine of the University of Manchester. 

A. Diploma in Public Health. 

The course for the Diploma in Public Health is given once 
annually, and occupies a full academic year of nine months from 
October to June. The syllabus (see Regulations, page 57(>) 
complies with the regulations of the General Medical Council 

The course is divided into two parts which may be studied 

The subjects of Part I. are : — Bacteriology and Parasitology 
(including immunology., serology, medical entomology, etc.) ; 
Chemistry, Physics, Radiology and Electrology in relation to 
Public Health ; Physiology and Bio-Chemistry in their application 
to nutrition and hygiene ; Meteorology and Climatology in 
relation to Public Health. Instruction is given in the laboratory 
on three afternoons (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) of each 

The subjects of Part II. are : — The Principles of Public 
Health and Sanitation ; Epidemiology and Vital Statistics ; 
Sanitary Law and Administration; Sanitary Construction and 
Town Planning ; School Hygiene ; Industrial Hygiene. 
Instruction is given in the laboratory on two afternoons (Tuesday 
and Thursday) of each week. 

In addition iu is required that candidates shall receive, under 
the supervision of a Medical Oificer of Health, during a period 
of not less than six months, practical instruction in the duties of 
Public Health Administration ; and shall attend during a period 
of not less than three months on the clinical practice of a Hospital 
for Infectious Diseases, 


Faculty of Me, Heine. 

The course can be completed in nine months and it is strongly 
advised that candidates should, whenever possible, devote their 
whole time for one academic year to this work. Alternatively, 
Parts I. and II. may be studied separately in successive years. 

Examinations for Part I. and Part II. are held in June and 
in October. Candidates may not present themselves for exami- 
nation in Part II. until they have successfully completed Part I., 
and, until a period of two years has elapsed between the attain- 
ment of a registrable qualification and admission to the final 

Instruction in either part of the course, if taken in a Public 
Institution approved for that purpose by the University, will be 
accepted as part of the requirements for the Diploma of the 
University. Under such circumstances, instruction in the other 
part must be taken in the University and the candidate must 
complete successfully the examinations in Parts I. and II. of the 

B. Diploma tsr Bacteriology. 

Candidates for the Diploma in Bacteriology spend a full 
academic year of nine months in the laboratory as post-graduate 
students of the University. The course is intended for those who 
desire to train themselves to become competent bacteriologists 
in connection with medicine or other branches of science. It is 
designed to furnish a thorough grounding in the principles of 
bacteriology, to develop independent and critical judgment 
and to afford a working knowledge of the subject. 

The course will be most readily undertaken by those who hold 
a medical or veterinary qualification. Other candidates should 
possess a knowledge of biology and it is desirable that all can- 
didates should have had some special knowledge and experience 
of bacteriology. 

The course occupies from October to June, and is followed 
immediately by the examination which is held once each year. 
(For Regulations, see page 532.) 

C. Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine. 

The course for the Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine 
occupies from October to June. The qualification for entrance is 
the Membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. 

The course is divided into two parts which are studied con- 
currently and candidates can complete the course in nine months 
by devoting their Avhole time to it. This procedure is strongly 


Pula: Hts’cu LP *y.y. r 

advised, but candidates may take tile part:* ~ paraudy in &uccejs.*:ve 
years. The subjects of Part I. are: — Bacterial .gy and Para- 
sitology (including Entomology) ; Chemi-rry and Pkyrics in 
relation to Veterinary Hygiene; Meteorology and CiimatoL sgy 
in relation to Veterinary Hygiene. Tile subjects of P.^rt II. are 
The Principles of Veterinary Hygiene and Sanitation: Sanitary 
Law and Administration ; Epizootiolugy and V it «il statistics. 
In addition candidates must during a period of *ix monThs 
receive instruction, under a veterinary surgeon, holding a public 
appointment, in the duties of a veterinary inspector. 

Instruction in Part I. is, as far as possible, given in association 
with courses for the Diploma in Public Health, and diseases of 
importance in Public Health practice are studied from the 
medical as well as from the veterinary point of view. 

The examinations for Part I. and Part II. are Laid in June 
and October. They may be taken separately or at the same time, 
but a candidate may not be admitted to the examination for 
Part II. until he has passed in Part 1. (For Regulations, see 
page 57V*. ) 

Application for Examination. 

Candidates intending to present themselves for examination 
must give notice and pay the fee by the prescribed date fsee 
page »3‘J). 


Facilities may be granted for post-graduate students desiring 
to undertake research work in the Department, by arrangement 
with the Director. 

Sheridan Delepine Fellowship in Preventive Medicine. 

This Fellowship, for the encouragement of research in 
Preventive Medicine, was instituted in 1922 in memory of the 
late Auguste Sheridan Del6pine, M.B., C.M., M.Sc., Professor 
of Public Health and Bacteriology in the University of Manchester 
from 1891 to 1921. (For Regulations, see pag^ «S31.) 

Dr. Rodert Angus Smith Scholarship. 

This Scholarship was established in 1928 for the encourage- 
ment of research in Sanitary Science. It may be held in the 
Department of Bactex'iologv and Preventive Medicine. *For 
Regulations, see page 809.) 

For further information, see the Prospectus of the bourses 
in Public Health , Bacteriology , and Veterinary State Medicine, 
or apply to the Director of the Public Health Laboratory. 


Faculty of Medicine. 

jpacilittes for Hbranceb Stu&>? in the 
jfacults of /Re&icine* 

The foundation of systematic medical instruction in Manchester 
t<>ok place in 1S24 when Thomas Turner, F.R.C.S., began his 
lectures on Anatomy and Julm Dalton his courses on Pharma- 
ceutical Chemistry - Some of the leading physicians and surgeons 
in the town soon joined in the teaching, and Materia Medica, 
Surgery, Midwifery, Botany, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, 
and Pathology wei*e included, and, later, Medical Jurisprudence 
was added. The work was associated with the Infirmary, the 
Lunatic Asylum, and local hospitals, where clinical instruction 
was given. One of the important features of the Manchester 
Medical School of Medicine was that from the first students were 
able to dissect on their own account. 

In 1872 the School was amalgamated with the Owens College. 

Facilities for special research and advanced teaching are 
provided in the Chemical, Physical, Botanical, Zoological, 
Anatomical, Physiological, Pharmacological, Pharmaceutical, 
and Pathological Laboratories, as well as in connection with 
the Department of Public Health. 

The Medical Library, formerly the joint property of the 
Manchester Medical Society and of the University, is the 
fifth largest in the United Kingdom. It has now come entirely 
into the possession of the University and contains about 68,000 
volumes and the most important British and foreign periodicals. 
It is carefully selected and of great value for general medical study 
a:id research, and is available for use by students. Recent editions 
of all important text-books are constantly added to the collection. 
It was enriched in 1926 by the transfer of the books from the 
Radford Library. St. Mary’s Hospital. 

The Philosophical Society and the Chemical Society, which 
meet in the University, afford excellent opportunities" for the 
reading of papers and discussion of recent scientific work. 

The Department of Prune Health was instituted in 1902, 
and the new laboratory in York Place was opened in 1905. It is 
primarily intended for po3t-grad uate advanced studies or research 
bearing upon the causation and prevention of disease ''Preventive 
Medicine;. An extension of these buildings made possible the 
transfer, in 1929, of the 1 apartment of Pathology from the Medical 
School buildings to A or li Place, in close proximity to several of 
the hospitals. 

Aih-ttnCfid Stu-iff. 


Facilities for advanced study are offered in the Departure; »f 





Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 



Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 


Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine. 

Research may also be carried on in special department of 
Medicine and Surgery, such as Laryngology, Otulogv. Ophthal- 
mology, Diseases of Children, Disease 5 ? of the Skin. 

A Department of Clinical Investigations has been established 
in the Manchester Royal Infirmary where facilities for special 
research are provided. 

A Department of Cancer Research has been instituted in 
conjunction with the Manchester Committee on Cancer. 

For full details, see the Prospectus of Advanced Studies. 

Post-Graduate teaching, in addition to that iu preparation 
for the Diplomas in Psychological Medicine, Public Health, 
Bacteriology, Pathology, and Veterinary State Medicine, has now 
been organised by the Faculty of Medicine to meet the require- 
ments of graduates desiring to refresh their knowledge, or to 
pursue further their study in various special branches. 


3>cntal department. 

The Department forms an integral part of the Faculty of 
Medicine FFFS 

Cheque# for fees, tvloch arc due at the time of registration, should 
he static pa gable to the order of “ The Bursar , the Victoria University 
of Manchester /’ and toosstd District Bank Limited V" 

Note. — The Council reserve the right to revise any of these 
fees without previous notice. 


Students registering for the iirst time and paying Composition 
Ft-e- are supplied free with a copy of the University Calendar. 
The chaTge for a further copy is three shillings. 

Composition Fees and Class Fees. 

The Mens Union Fee was increased by 10s. Gel. per session as 
from Session 1030—31; this causes the difference in the Composition 
Fees for Men and Women in which the Union Fee is inclusive. 

The Composition Fee for candidates for the University Degree 
of Bachelor of 3 >ental Surgery is DO guineas for men and 
9i }; guineas for women, payable in three equal yearly instalments. 

The Composition Fee for candidates for the University 
Diploma in Dentistry is SG guineas fur men and 84 \ guineas for 
women, payable in three equal yearly instalments. 

fhe Cumpositinn Fee for candidates for tlieL.D.S. of England 
is ;»u guineas for ine:i and 934 guineas for women, payable in 
three equal yearly instalments. 

The payment of any of the above Composition Fees will entitle 
tbv student to attend all the classes required for their respective 

The Composition Fee includes the Registration Fee, the Library 
Fee. the Students' Union F^e, and the Athletic Union Fee, during 
the years in which an instalment of the Composition Fee is paid, 
but does not include the Hospital Fees (see Prospectus of the 
Denial Department), the Examination Fees, the fees for the 
conferment- of the Degree or the Diploma, the fees for Chemicals 
and Chemical Apparatus (£3. 13s. Cdd, nor the Deposit Fee for 
Physics (£1. Is.). 

Candidates failing in examinations for the B.D.S. and 
L.D.S. will be required to produce evidence of having satis- 
factorily attended revision courses in the subjects in which 
they have been referred, before sitting again. 

Fees for Olvasimnai. Student s. 

Lecture Cou rses : 

Except where otherwise stated die Class fees are as follows — 
Classes of one hour per week . . sSS. 3s. Od. 

,, ,, two hours ,, -- .. ^65. 5s. Od. 

„ ,, three hours „ .. £ 7 . 7s. Od. 

Dental Depttrtment. 

5 SO 

Occasional students i.c., those attending n-jJ than u\ • 
classes; are required to pay, in addition to me usual » lass lees, 
a Registration Fee o £ £1. Is. which includes the use of the 

Occasional students who desire tn bee .me members o!’ the 

various Unions may do so on pay 

me ut i 

£ th 

? follow 

iu,y fte= : 

Men's Union 

L ; 

s. < 



per ; 

Women’s Union 



0 ., 

Men’s Athletic Union 



<> „ 

Women’s Athletic Union . 



0 „ 


Non-compounding students 
attended, and in addition, pay a 



fee iu 

r each class 


m Fee 

(»f £3. 3s. per 

session, which includes the Library and Athletic Union Fees. 

Compounding students desirous of repeating attendance on 
any class (except Chemistry and all practical classes'; will be 
allowed to do so on paying for each class attended one-half of 
the fees payable by students who do not compound. A student, 
however, who desires to continue his study of Practical Anatomy 
beyond two sessions will be required to pay at the rate of £5. 5s 
for a three months’ or £8. 8s. for a six months’ course. 

The Museums of Human and Comparative Anatomy, Pathology, 
and Materia Medica are free to all students of the Department. 

Examination Fees. 

The fees for examinations for the degree of B.D.S. of the 
University are as follows : 

First Examination, £6. Gs. ; for each re-examination, £3. 3b. 

Second Examination, £3. 3s. ; for each re-examination. 

£2. 2s. 

Third Examination, £4. 4s. ; for each re-examination, £3. 3s. 

Final Examination, £6. Gs. ; for each re-examination, £3. 3s. 

The fee for examination or on presentation of a thesis for the 
degree of M.D.S. is £S. Ss. 

The fees for examinations for the University Diploma are a # 
follows : 

First Examination, £3. 3s.; for each re-examination, £2. 2e. 

Second Examination, £3. 3s ; for each re-examination. 

£2. 2s. 

Third Examination. £4. 4s. ; for each re-examination, £3. 3s. 

Final Examination. £4. 4s. ; for each re- examination, £3. 3s. 

The fee charged for the conferment u f the University I dploma 
(L.D.SA or the degree of B.D.S. or of M.D.S. is £8. Ss. 

The dates of University Examinations ,1 degrees and Dipl mas) 
in the session 1033—34 are shown in the table given on page o30. 


Dental Department. 


Graduates and licentiates in Dentistry are required to sign 
the following form of declaration before the Diploma is conferred 
upon them : 

u I hereby promise in the event of my admission as a Licentiate 
in Dentistry of the Victoria University of Manchester to 
refrain from advertising or employing any other unbe- 
coming mode of attracting practice, and I shall not allow 
my name to appear in connection with any one who 
does so.” 

Attention is called to the following regulations of the 
General Medical Council in regard to the Registration of 
Dental Students. 

On January 1st, 19 ‘23. the following regulations came 
into force : 

1. Before registration as a student every candidate shall 

produce evidence that be has attained the age of 
seventeen years. 

2. The minimum standard of general education required 

will be that of University Matriculation or Entrance 
Examination in Arts cr Pure Science. 

3. Before registration as a student every applicant shall be 

required to have passed an approved examination in 
General Education, and, in addition thereto, an examina- 
tion in Elementary Physics and Elementary Chemistry 
conducted or recognised by one of the Licensing Bodies. 

Denial Department . 

2>evU’^es anb diploma in S)entisti*v? of tbo 
TUniverstts of /IDancbester. 


The course for the degree in Dental Surgery t B.D.S.) requires 
attendance and study over a period of five and a half . 5 . 

The attention of intending students is drawn to the 
ordinances and regulations for the degree of B.D.S. (see pages 
592 to 596). 

Candidates are required to pass the Matriculation Exami- 
nation or such other examination a* may be accepted in lieu 

Arrangements are made by the Joint Matriculation Board for 
a special examination for candidates over 23 years of age. 
Applications must be sent to the Secretary not later than May 1st, 

For further particulars and conditions of exemption from 
Matriculation Examination, application should be made to the 
Secretary, Joint Matriculation Board, 315, Oxford Road, 
Manchester, 13. 

The special additional requirements enforced in the case of 
studentB wishing to enter upon the course for the degree of 
B.D.S. are the same as those applying to persons wishing to 
prepare for the degrees in Medicine and Surgery, as set out on 
page 55S. 

The degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) is granted 
after taking the requisite courses of study, and on passing the 
required examinations as set forth in the ordinances and regu- 
lations on page 592 et seq . ; the additional qualification of L.D.S. 
is also given to those who pass the Final B.D.S. Examination. 

After a further period of one year (after passing the 
Final B.D.S. Examination) and after fulfilling the regulations 
set forth on page 599 et seq., candidates may enter for the degree 
of Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S.) either by the presentation 
of an original dissertation in some department of Dental 
Surgery, or by examination (see page 600). 


Candidates for the Diploma must first pass an examination 
in General Knowledge accepted by the General Medical Council 
The Diploma (L.D.S. Mane.) is granted after taking the 
requisite courses of study extending over four years and after 
passing the required examinations as set forth in the ordinances 
and regulations for the Diploma on page boo et seq. 


De nta l Department . 



Ever? Dental Student must be registered by the General Medioal 
Co unc il in the maimer prescribed by the Regulations. Before 
registration as a student the applicant must produce evidence that he 
has attained the age of seventeen years and must have passed an 
approved examination in General Knowledge and, in addition thereto, 
an examination in Elementary Physics and Elementary Chemistry 
eonduoted or recognised by one of the Licensing Bodies. Particulars 
of the recognised examinations are contained in the Regulations in 
regard to Registration, copies of which may be obtained, price 1/- each, 
by post 1/2, from the Registrar of the General Medical Council, 
44, Hallam Street, Portland Place, London, W.l. 


Causes of Stubs auD Examinations. 


1. There shall be a degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery 
(B.D.S.), and a degree of Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S.). 

2. All candidates for degrees in Dentistry are required to 
have passed the Matriculation Examination as prescribed 
for the Faculty of Medicine or 3uch other examination as may 
be accepted by the Joint Matriculation Board. 

3. All candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Dental 
Surgery, are required to have pursued four courses of study and 
to have satisfied the Examiners in the four corresponding 
examinations entitled respectively : 

(a) The First Examination. 

(b) The Second Examination. 

(c) The Third Examination. 

{(I) The Final Examination. 


4. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the First 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of having 
attended approved courses of instruction in the subjects of 
the examination, in accordance with the University Regula- 
tions for attendance and to have \ydssed the Matriculation 
Examination or such other examination as may have been 
recognised by the Joint Matriculation Board in that behalf. 

Degree of L.D.S. 


5. The subjects of the First Course and Examination are: Ordinanfe* 

(a) Chemistry, Inorganic and Elementary Organic. 

( b ) Physics. 

(c) * Biology. i Aj Botany. i'B, Zoology. 

Candidates may pass in (a), ( b), and r separately. 


6. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Second 
Examination, are required to have passed the First Examination 
and to furnish certificates of having attended courses of instruction 
in each of the subjects of the course in accordance with the 
University regulations for attendance. Candidates, before 
presenting themselves for Part II. of the Second Examination, 
must also furnish certificates of having attended the Prosthetic 
Laboratory work of an approved Dental Hospital dining not 
less than three years. 

7. The Bubjectst of the Second (.burse and Examination are: 

Part I. Dental Metallurgy. 

Part II. Dental Mechanics. 


8. Candidates, before presenting themselves for either Part of 
the Third Examination, are required to furnish certificates of 
having attended courses of instruction in each of the subjects 
of the Part in accordance with the University Regulations for 
attendance and to have passed the Second Examination. 

9. The subjects of the Third Course and Examination are : 

Part I. (a) Anatomy and Histology. 

(6) Physiology. 

Part II. Dental Anatomy and Physiology (human and 

comparative) and Dental Histology. 

Candidates will be allowed to pass separately in Part I. and 
Part II. of the Third B.D.S. Examination. 

Note. — Instead of Part I. of the Third B.D.S. Examination 
candidates may, if they so wish, take tin? Second M.B. 
Examination (provided they have completed the dissection 
of the whole body). 


10. Candidates, before preseming themselves for the Final 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of having 

* Candidates mav tike ari, I pass qeparat.T} in Botany an I /.y . "wy 
f The sub: e. its of the e\a:mn*rtinn in a'- he tuJu'n -eparjte.j 


//« nuii De {fin incut. 

rtimaniM*pi ^tended courses of instruction in each of the subjects of 
the Course in accordance with the University Regulations for 
attendance and to have passed the Third Examination. 

IX. The subjects of the Final Course and Examination are : 
Part I. (a) Pathology and Bacteriology. 

(b) Surgery. 

(c) Medicine. 

Part H. (a) Operative Dentistry. 

( b ) Dental Pathology and Surgery with Materia 

Medica and Therapeutics in their application 
to Dental Surgery. 

(c) Dental Prosthetics. 

(d) Orthodontics. 

A candidate may present himself for Part I. of the Final 
Examination separately. A candidate will not obtain credit for 
Part II. until he has satisfied the Examiners in Part I. 

Honours will be awarded to candidates for the degree of B.D.S. 
who attain the prescribed standard in each of six of the subjects 
of the Second, Third, and Final B.D.S. Examinations, namely, 
Dental Mechanics. 

Dental Metallurgy. 

Anatomy and Histology. 


Dental Anatomy and Dental Histology. 




Dental Pathology and Surgery and Materia Medica. 
Dental Prosthetics. 


Operative Dentistry. 

two of such subjects being Operative Dentistry and Dental 


Reflations I. Every candidate for a degree in Dentistry shall be required 
to produce certificates showing — 

That he is twenty-one years of age. 

That he has been registered as a Dental student. 

That he has subsequently to the date of registration been 
engaged in professional study for tit least four years. 

Degree of JJ.D.S. 

7. 10 

2. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the First 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of attendance 
on approved courses of instruction in the University in *he 
following subjects : 

(Vi) Chemistry, Inorganic and Elementary Organic : Lec- 
tures and Laboratory work. 

(b) Physics : Lectures and Laboratory work. 

(c) Botany : Lectures and Practical. 

(d) Zoology ; Lectures and Practical. 

3. Candidates, before presenting themselves for Part I. of 
the Second Examination, are required to furnish certificates of 
having attended in the University, courses of instruction (lectures 
and practical work) in Dental Metallurgy for n* t* less than three 
months (see Ordinance 6). Candidates, before presenting them- 
selves for Part II. of the Second Examination, are required 
to furnish certificates of having attended in the University, 
courses of instruction in Dental Mechanics for not less than three 
months and of having attended during three years the Prosthetic 
Laboratory of an approved Dental Hospital. 

4. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Third 
Examination, must present certificates of having attended in 
the University the following classes : 

(a) Anatomy and Histology : Lectures, five terms. 

Histology, Practical, three terms. 

Anatomy, Practical, four terms. 

(b) Physiology: Lectures, five terms, or one course recog- 

nised by the University. 

Laboratory work, during five terms. 

(c) Dental Anatomy, Lectures, three months. 

Dental Histology, Practical, three months. 

5. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Pinal 
Examination, must present certificates of having attended 
approved courses of instruction in the following subjects : 

(a) Surgery (including Surgery of the mouth) : Lecture*, 
six months. 

Medicine : Lectures, six months. 

Pathology (General Pathology and Bacteriology , nine 

Practical Pathology and Bacteriology, nine month*. 

C lin ical Surgery at a recognised General Hospml, 
four terms. 

Clinical Medicine, four terms 

Dental Department. 



(b) Dental Pathology and Surgery, two terms. 

Dental Hospital Practice, two and a half years. 

Operative Dentistry, two terms. 

Dental Materia Meclica, one term. 

Dental Prosthetic®, one term. 

Orthodontics, one term. 

\c} Administration of the Anaesthetics usually employed in 
Dental Practice. 

As vj (ji'AMFiEb Dcktal Practitioners. 

Candidates who have obtained before 1st October, 1905, 
a dental qualification recognised by the General Medical 
Council, and who have pursued their studies for such quali- 
fication at Owe us College or the University and at a recog- 
nised Dental Hospital, may be allowed to obtain the degree 
of Bachelor of Dental Surgery after passing the Third and 
Final Examination. 


A candidate for the 13.D.S. degree must first pass the Matricu- 
lation Examination of the University (Faculty of Medicine). 
He should then commence his three years* course of Practical 
Dental Mechanics at the Dental Hospital. t Concurrently with 
this course he should attend the lectures in Chemistry, Physics, 
Botany, and Zoology, so as to complete the examination in 
these, subjects (the First Examination) at the end of his second 
year. Dental Metallurgy and Dental Mechanics are taken during 
the second year, in preparation for the Second Examination. 

Candidates failing in examinations for the B.D.S. and 
L.D.S. will be required to produce evidence of having 
satisfactorily attended revision courses in the subjects in 
which they have been referred, before sitting again. 

Students preparing for the Decree in Dentistry of this Uni- 
versity should attend the following classes : 

First Year. 

Michaelmas. Chemistry, Lectures and Practical. 

Physics. Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 

* See notice on page 5U-. 

■f For the B.D.S. decree the of the Practical Instruction in Dental 

Mechanics roust be taken at tee Dental Hospital. 

Degree of B.D.S. 










Chemistry, Lectures and Practical 

Physics, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 

First B.D.S., Part I., Chemistry and Physics, in 
Maich or September, and register with G.M.O. 

Botany, Lectures and Practical. 

Anatomy, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 

First B.D.S. Examination, Part II. A, Botany, in 
September or December. 

Second Ytar. 

Zoology, Lectures and Practical. 

Anatomy, Lectures. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Zoology, Lectures and Practical. 

Histology, Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Examination, First B.D.S., Part II. B, Zoology, in 
March or June. 

Histology, Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Third Year. 

Histology, Practical. 

Physiology, Lectures and Practical. 

Dental Mechanics, Lectures. 

Dental Metallurgy, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Physiology, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Examination, Second B.D.S., March or Septembei : 
Dental Mechanics. 

Dental Metallurgy. 

Anatomy, Lectures. 

Physiology, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hc&pirui 

Laboratory) , 


Dental Department. 






Fourth Year . 

Anatomy, Lectures ami Practical. 

Physiology, Lectures and Practical. 

Operative Dentistry, Practical (Dental Hospital). 
Dental Hospital, Practice. 

Clinical Medicine. 

Clinical Surgery. 

Anatomy, Lectures and Practical. 

Physiology, D-c cures and Practical. 

Dental Anatomy and Physiology, Lectures. 

Dental Histology, Practical. 

Operative Dentistry, Practical (Dental Hospital). 
Dental Hospital Practice. 

Clinical Medicine. 

Clinical Surgery. 

Anatomy, Practical. 

Dental Materia Medica. 

Dental Anatomy and Physiology, Lectures. 

Dental Histology, Practical. 

Dental Hospital Practice. 

Examination, Third B.D.S., Part 1., Anatomy and 
Physiology ; Part II., Dental Anatomy and 
Dental Histology, June or December. 

Fifth Year . 

Pathology, Lectures and Practical. 

Dental Pathology and Surgery, Lectures. 
Orthodontics, Lectures. 

Surgery, Lectures. 

Medicine. Lectures. 

Clinical Medicine. 

Clinical Surgery. 

Dental Hospital Practice. 

Pathology, Lectures and Practical. 

Dental Pathology and Surgery, Lectures. 

Dental Prosthetics, Lectures. 

Operative Dentistry, Lectures and Demonstrations. 
Medicine. Lectures. 

Regional Surgery, Lectures. 

Clinical Medicine. 

Clinical Surgery. 

Dental Hospital Practice. 

Lh'gree of 31. D. > 

Summer. Bacteriology, Lectures and Practical. 

Operative Dentistry, L?cnim> and Demonstrations. 

Dental Hospital Practice. 

Examination. Final Parr f., June : 

Medicine and Surgery. 

Pathology and Bacteriology. 

Sixth Year [one ter hi only). 

Michaelmas. Dental Hospital Practice. 

General Hospital Practice. 

Special Courses (to be arranged). 

Examination, Final B.D.S., Part IJ., December : 

Operative Dentistry. 

Dental Pathology and Surgery. 

Dental Prosthetics. 


Degree of Master in Dental Surgery. 

See general note as to theses, page 399. 

1. The degree of Master in Dental Surgery shall only be Ordinandi 
conferred on Bachelors in Dental Surgery in tbe University of 

at least one year’s standing. 

2. Candidates, before proceeding to the degree of M.D.S., 
shall produce evidence of having subsequently to the con- 
ferment on them of the degree of B.D.S. been engaged for at 
least one year in attendance on the practice of a Dental 
Hospital or in scientific work such as is conducted in the 
Medical departments of the University, or alternatively of 
having been engaged for at least two years in practice as a 
Dental Surgeon. 

3. Candidates may elect either (i.) to present an original 
dissertation or (ii.) to undergo an examination. 

4. The dissertation to be presented under (3) shall embody 
the results of personal observation, or original research, either 
in some department of Dental Surgery or of some science 
directly relative thereto; provided always that original work 
already published by the candidate shall be admissible in lieu of 
or in addition to a dissertation specially written for the degree. 

5. The examination taken under (3; shall consist of an 
examination in the principles and practice of Dentnl Surgery, 
and in some special subject to be selected by the candidate. 

It shall be conducted in part by written paper, and in part by 
a clinical and practical examination of an advanced type in 
each subject. 

1 1 


Dental Department. 

»guiati<m& 1. Candidates for the degree of Master in Dental Surgery 
wlio elect to present an original dissertation are required to 
furnish three copies, preferably printed or type-written, of the 
dissertation, together with any drawings or specimens which 
may be necessary for illustration. These copies shall be sent to 
the Registrar not later than May 1st in the year of application. 
They will be retained by the University. 

2. For candidates electing to undergo an examination : 

i. The examination shall consist of 

(a) One written paper. 

(b) A written commentary upon a selected case or cases. 

(c) A practical examination. 

(d) A viva voce examination. 

ii. The examination in the special subject shall consist of 

(а) One written paper. 

(б) A clinical, or practical, and viva voce examination. 

iii. The special subjects, one of which must be selected by 

the candidate, are 

Dental Anatomy (including Dental Histology). 
Dental Prosthetics. 

Dental Materia Medica and Pharmacology. 

Dental Pathology and Bacteriology. 

Oral Surgery. 

Dental Metallurgy. 


The following fees are payable : — 

On sending in application for the degree, £8. 8s. 

On the conferring of the degree, £8. 8s. 


Courses of Stufcp ano Examinations.* 


Ordinances 1. There shall be a Diploma of Licentiateship in Denta) 
Surgery, L.D.S. (Mane.). 

2. All candidates for the Diploma are required to have 
passed such a preliminary examination as may be from time 
to time required by the General Medical Council, for registra- 
tion as a Dental student before entering the University and 
before sitting for the First L.D.S. Examination. 

•For details of subjects of study and examination for the Diploma in Dentistry 
see page G03. 

Diploma in Dentist ?■»,. 


3. All candidates for the Diploma are required zo have Orlimmces 
pursued four courses of study and to have satisfied the 
Examiners in the four examinations entitled respectively : 

The First Examination. 

The Second Examination. 

The Third Examination. 

The Final Examination. 


4. The subjects of the First Examination are : 

(a) Chemistry, Inorganic and Elementary Organic. 

(b) Physics, including Mechanics. 

Note. — This examination must be passed before a candidate 
can be registered by the University as a dental student. The 
courses in Chemistry and Physics may be taken at the University 
or elsewhere. Students must be engaged in professional study 
for four years after passing the First L.D.S. Examination.* 

Special attention is drawn to the details of subjects of study and 
examination for the First L.D.S. in the Prospectus of the Dental 


5. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Second 
Examination, are required — 

(i.) to have passed the First Examination ; 

(ii.) to have registered with the General Medical Council ; 

(iii.) to furnish certificates of having attended courses of 
instruction in each of the subjects of the examination 
in accordance with the University regulations. 

Candidates, before presenting themselves for the examination 
in Dental Mechanics, must also furnish a certificate of having 
attended satisfactorily the Prosthetic Laboratory work of an 
approved Dental Hospital during not less than two years, or of 
having served an apprenticeship of not less than two years in the 
laboratory of a registered dental practitioner and, in addition, of 
having attended satisfactorily for not less than one year in the 
Prosthetic Laboratory of an approved Dental Hospital. 

6. The subjects! of the Second Course and Examination are : 

(a) Biology 4 

(b) Dental Mechanics. 

(c) Dental Metallurgy, 

* Students should register with the General Medical Council as soon as possible 
after they have passed the First LD.S. Examination. 

t The subjects of the examination may be taken separately. 

* Candidates may take and pass separately in Botany and Zoology. 


Dental Department. 


imatices 7. Candidates, before presenting themselves for either part of 
the Third Examination, are required to furnish certificates of 
having attended courses of instruction in each of the subjects 
of the part in accordance with the University Regulations for 
attendance, and to have passed the Second Examination. 

8. The subjects of the Third Course and Examination are: 

Part I. {a} Anatomy and Histology. 

(6) Physiology. 

Part II. Dental Anatomy and Dental Histology. 

Candidates will be allowed to pass separately in Part I. and 
Part II. of the Third L.D.S. Examination. 


9. Candidates, on presenting themselves for the Final 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of having 
attended courses of instruction in each of the subjects of the 
examination in accordance with the University Regulations for 
attendance, and to have passed the Third Examination. 

10. The subjects of the Final Course and Examination are : 

Part 1. i a) Surgery. 

(b) Medicine. 

, (c; Pathology and Bacteriology. 

Part ll.iUf Operative Dentistry. 

(6) Dental Pathology and Surgery, with Materia 
Medica and Therapeutics in their application to 
Dental Surgery. 

(c) Dental Prosthetics. 

(d) Orthodontics.* 

A candidate must present himself for Part I. and Part II. 
of the Final Examination at the same time. A candidate may 
be allowed to pa?s Part* I. or Part II. of the Final Examination 

11. The Diploma shall also be awarded 

(a) To persons who have graduated Bachelor of Dental 
Surgery in the University. 

ib) To candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Dental 
Surgery who have not passed the Final Examination 
for the degree, but shall have been declared by 
the Examiners to have so acquitted themselves at 
the Final Examination as to have deserved the 
Diploma. Such candidates shall receive the Diploma 
without further study or examination. 

* Examiners will take cognmaiu*^ ui uiiiuua* work clone during the period 
o. studentship, and a definite proportion of murk* will be allotted for this work. 

Dinknno i?i Dentistry. HOT 



Every candidate for a Licence in Dentistry or Denta! 
Surgery shall be required to produce certificates showing : 

1. That he is at least twentv-one years of a^e. 

2. That he has been registered as a Dental student. 

3. That he has subsequently to the date of registration been 

engaged in professional study for at least four years. 

4. That he has attended approved courses of instruction in 

the following subjects : — 

la) Biology. 

(A.) Botany. (Bj Zoology. 

\b) Anatomy and Histology, Lectures, six month**, 
or one course recognised by the University. 
Laboratory work, three terms. 

(c) Physiology, Lectures, six months, or one course 

recognised by the University. 

Laboratory, two terms. 

id) Surgery (including the elements of Surgical 
Pathology) for six months. 

{e) Medicine, six months. 

(/) Pathology and Bacteriology, Lectures, two terms, 
and Practical Work, two terms. 

(y) Clinical Surgery tut a recognised General Hos- 
pital) for four terms. 
iji ) Clinical Medicine, four tenns. 

6. That he has attended courses of instruction in the 
following Special Subjects, at a recognised Dental 
School, for at least the period sped lied: — 

(a) Dental Anatomy and Physiology, Human and 

Comparative, for three months. 

(b) Dental Pathology and Surgery for two terms. 
;c) Dental Metallurgy (with practical work and 

demonstrations; for three mouths. 

(d) Dental Mechanics (lectures and demo.istraiic 
for three months. 

:e) Operative Dentistry for three months. 

( f) Dental Histology for three months. 


GU4 Dental Department . 

(i g ) Administration of the Anaesthetics usually 
employed in Dental practice. 

(h) Materia Medica and Therapeutics in their 
application to Dental Surgery for three 

(i) Dental Prosthetics, an approved course. 

(k) Orthodontics, an approved course. 

6. That he has received two years’ instruction in Practical 

Dental Mechanics in the Prosthetic Department of a 
recognised Dental School and Hospital, or from a 
registered Dentist. 

From October, 1925, the regulations require that 
instruction taken by a pupil with a registered Dentist 
shall be at least twice the time required tor the 
corresponding instruction taken at a Dental School, 
and that at least three years be spent in study at a 
recognised Dental School. 

7. That he has for two years attended the practice of a 

recognised Dental Hospital, or of the recognised Dental 
Department of a General Hospital. 

[For Syllabus containing details of courses of study for the 
Diploma, see Prospectus of the Dental Department.'] 


Candidates failing in examinations for the B.D.S. and 
L.D.S. will be required to produce evidence of having 
satisfactorily attended revision courses in the subjects in 
which they have been referred, before sitting again. 

I. Students preparing for the Diploma in Dentistry of this 
University should attend the following classes : 

Preliminary Science Course. 

Miohaelmas 1. f Chemistry, Lectures I. (two terms), 
and 2. f Chemistry, Practical. 

Lent. 3. f Physics, Lectures and Practical. 

*S«#e notice on page 50d. 

1 tlu? instruction need uot be obtained at tlie University 










Diploma i?i Dentistry. 

First Year . 

Zoology, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Zoology, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Botany, Lectures and Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Second Year. 

Dental Mechanics, Lectures. 

Dental Metallurgy-, Lectures and Practical. 
Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Anatomy, Practical. 

Practical Dental Mechanics (Dental Hospital 


Third Year . 

Anatomy and Histology, Lectures, Demonstra- 
tions, and Practical. 

Physiology, Lectures and Practical. 

Operative Dentistry, Practical, (Dental Hospital). 
Dental Hospital Practice. 

Clinical Medicine. 

Clinical Surgery. 

As for Michaelmas term, with the addition of — 
Dental Anatomy and Physiology, Lectures. 

Dental Histology. 

Operative Dentistry (Lectures and Demonstrations), 

Dental Histology. 

Denial Anatomy and Physiology. 

Anatomy, Practical. 

Dental Hospital Practice. 

Operative Dentistry (Lectures and Demonstrations). 
Dental Materia Mediea. 

Dental Department. 

ft .i' 

Fourth Year, 

Michaelmas. Surgery, Lectures. 

Dental Hospital Practice. 

Clinical Medicine. 

Clinical Surgery. 

Pathology and Bacteriology, and Practical. 

Dental Pathology and Surgery. 

Medicine, Lectures. 

Orthodontics, Lectures. 

Lent. Regional Surgery. 

Dental Hospital Practice. 

Clinical Medicine. 

Clinical Surgery. 

Pathology and Bacteriology, and Practical. 

Dental Prosthetics. 

Dental Pathology and Surgery. 

Medici lie, Lectures. 

Summer. Dental Hospital Practice. 

IT. Students taking the L.D.S. of the University of Manchester 
after apprenticeship. 

The following suggestions are offered for students taking the 
L.D.8., who have already taken at least two years 1 training 
in Practical Dental Mechanics with a registered dentist and are 
registered Dental students, concerning the course of study which 
should subsequently be pursued, and which may be taken in the 
last three years in con; unction with their Dental Hospital Practice : 


First Year ( Second Year of Ordinary Course). 


The following courses should be attended : 

* Dental Mechanics Lectures and Demonstrations). 

'** Dental Metallurgy - Lectures and Practical). 

'•‘Zoology Lectures and Practical’. 

Practical Dental Mechanics Dental Hospital Laboratory a 

The Second Examination in Dental Metallurgy and Zoology 
should be passed at this stage. 

* It hoc airily atcsndeJ. 

Diploma in DcntLntrp. C07 


The following courses should be attend.? : : 

*Botany (Lectures and Practical;, 

Practical Dental Mechanics ;* Denial Hospital Laboratory*. 

Anatomy, Practical. 

Second Examination, Dental Mechanics and Botany in 

Second Year (Third Year of Ordinary bourse). 

As for Ordinary Students ' see page 005 , 

The Third Examination should now be taken. 

Third Year (Fourth Year of Ordinary Course,. 

As for Ordinary Students (see page 000). 

The Final Examination should now he taken 

Dental students are advised to consult the regulations 
referring to diplomas in Medicine and Surgery , and to register for 
Medicine as well as for Dentistry . This will enable them, without 
repeating the attendance on classes , to proceed to both qualifica- 
tions, should they desire to do so. 

Medical students who desire to study Dentistry should also 
register as Dental students. 

Special "Regulations relating to jflDe&icat Stu&ents 
or practitioners. 

Candidates who have passed in any of the subjects of the 
First Examination at an approved L Diversity or Institution 
may be exempted from the corresponding subjects in the First 
L.D.S. Examination. 

Candidates who have passed in Anatomy and Pliysi* »iogy at an 
approved University or Institution may be exempted from the 
corresponding subject or subjects in the Third L.D.S. Examina- 

If not already attended. 


Dental Department, 

Candidates who hare passed in Pathology or Surgery at an 
approved University or Institution may be exempted from the 
corresponding subject or subjects in the Final L.D.S. 

Candidates for the L.D.S. who may have been exempted 
from a portion of the course shall, in all cases, be required to 
attend at the University for a period of two years, the attendance 
to include Practical Dental Mechanics for a period of two years 
at an approved Dental Hospital. 

Candidates for the B.D.S. Examinations who may have been 
exempted from a portion of the course shall, in all caBes, be re- 
quired to attend courses at the University for a period of not less 
than three years, the attendance to include a course in 
Practical Dental Mechanics for a period of not less than three 
years at an approved Dental Hospital. 

Students wishing to study for the L.D.S. Diploma of the 
Royal College of Surgeons of England, may obtain the 
regulations on application to the Secretary, Examination Hall. 
8-11, Queen Square, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.l . 

Ipbannacentical department. 

The Pharmaceutical Department of the University or 
Manchester was founded in 1SS3, by the late Professor D. J. 
Leech. M.D., with the object of providing a sound course of 
training for students preparing for the examinations of the 
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain which are the 
qualifications for the practice of Pharmacy in this country. 
The responsible nature of the Pharmacist’s calling demands a 
thorough training*, and to this end flic Council of the Plnirinu- 
ceutical Society has instituted compulsory curricula, with 
division of the Qualifying Examinations into two parts. 

Pharmaceutical students before entering on the courses in 
the University which prepare for these examinations must have 
passed one of the several preliminary examinations recognised 
by the Pharmaceutical Society for registration as “ Apprentices 
or Students,” and must be so registered by the Pharmaceutical 
Society before enrolment. A list of such examinations, which 
must be of senior standard and must include English, Mathe- 
matics, and two optional subjects, one of which must be a lan- 
guage, is given in the Examination Regulations of the Pharma- 
ceutical Society, copies of which may be had on application to 
the Registrar, 17, Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C.l. Some 
knowledge of Latin is also very desirable. 

Up to April, 1936, the School Examination Certificate must 
include a “ pass with credit ” in any two of the specified subjects. 

After April 1st, 1936, the standard required will be 
(a) Matriculation or its equivalent:, (b) the Medical Preliminary 
Examination of the College of Preceptors taken at one sitting. 
The Certificate must include Mathematics. A person over 25 years 
of age may be admitted to a special preliminary examination. No 
period of attendance at approved courses of instruction can be 
recognised until one of these examinations has been passed. 

Women students are admitted to the classes in the Pharma- 
ceutical Department, and are required to see the Adviser to 
Women Students as soon as possible after registration, and, in 
any case, not later than the end of the third week of the session. 
All women students are invited to apply to the Adviser to 
Women Students at any time for information or advice. 


Complete courses of study are arranged for the Preliminary 
Scientific Examination and for the Qualifying Examination^ of 
the Pharmaceutical Society, for registration as “ Chemist and 
Druggist ” under the Pharmacy Acts, 1868 and 19GS, and as 


Pharmaceutical Department . 

e£ Pharmaceutical Chemist M under the Pharmacy Act, 1852, also 
for the decree of B.Sc. in pharmaceutical subjects which degree 
is accepted by the Pharmaceutical Society as exempting from the 
Pharmaceutical Chemist Qualifying Examination. 

The Preliminary Scientific Examination and the Chemist 
and Druggist Qualifying Examination are held in or about the 
fir^t week in January, April, July, and October, The 
Pharmaceutical Chemist Qualifying Examination is held twice 
yearly in July and January, and the B.Sc. examination in June 
of each year. 

In addition to attendance at an approved course of 
instruction a candidate for any of the Society’s examinations 
will he required to have completed the course to the satisfaction 
of the University authorities. 

The requirements for the Preliminary Scientific Examination 

are : Physics 120 hours. 

Botany 120 hours. 

Chemistry 200 hours. 

The Final or Intermediate Examination of any University 
and the Higher School Certificate Examination are accepted 
as Preliminary Scientific Examinations. 

The requirements for the 0 he mist and Druggist Qualifying 
Examination are : 

Pharmacy, including Forensic Pharmacy, 300 hours. 

Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 300 hours. 

Pharmacognosy, 120 hours. 

Total, 720 hours. 

Candidates sitting for this examination must be over 21 
years of age and must have completed an apprenticeship of 

4.000 hours spread over not less than two years. 

The requirements for the Pharmaceutical Chemist Qualifying 
Examination are : 

Chemistry, 440 hours. 

Botany, 270 hours. 

Pharmacy, including Forensic Pharmacy and 
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 620 hours. 

Pharmacognosy, 270 hours. ” 

Total, 1,600 hours. 

Candidates sitting for this examination must be over 21 
year* of age and must have completed an apprenticeship of 

2.000 hours. 1 

The apprenticeship or more correctly the practical training in 
the dispensing and compounding of medicines during apprentice- 
ship must be done under the direct supervision of a pharmacist 

Pharmaceutical Dt part a: nt. 

♦ ill 

in a pharmacy, or in a manufacturing pharmaceutical laboratory, 
or in the dispensary of a hospital or similar institution, imd**r 
conditions approved for the purpose by the Council of the 
Pharmaceutical Society. Registration a- an " apprentice or 
student ” must he effected with the Pharmaceutical Society 
before commencing apprenticeship, and before entering; for the 
Preliminary Scientific Examination. 

Courses of study for the Preliminary Scientific Examination 
extend from October to the end of March. 

Part-time courses of study for this examination are held at 
the Manchester Municipal College of Technology and at the 
Salford Royal Technical College ; they are intended to be taken 
during apprenticeship. 

Courses of study for the Chemist and Druggist Qualifying 
Examination extend over nine months, October to the end of 
June. The course covers the syllabus set forth in the Regulations 
of the Pharmaceutical Society, and an approved systematic course 
of instruction for this examination shall mean a course which 
provides for the attendance of students for a period of not less 
than 900 hours, spread over not less than one session of 
approximately nine months 5 duration after the passing of the 
Preliminary Scientific Examination, or after sitting for this 
examination and being referred in one subject only. 

The course for the Pharmaceutical Chemist Qualifying 
Examination extends over two sessions, each of approximately 
nine months* duration. The course covers the syllabus detailed 
in th6 Regulations of the Pharmaceutical Society and involves 
a knowledge of both scientific French and German. Students 
must have passed the Preliminary Scientific Examination or 
have passed in two of the three subjects of this examination. 

Persons holding the Chemist and Druggist Qualification must 
take a further course of instruction of 1,060 hours before entering 
for the Pharmaceutical Chemist Examination. In practice this 
means a nine months* course in the first year and a six months* 
course in the second year. Such persons are excused the 
examinations in Dispensing and in Forensic Pharmacy. 


Cheques for fees, which are due at the lone of registration, should 
be made payable to the order of The Bursar „ the Victoria 
University of Manchester and crossed " District Bank Limited. 

NOTE.— The Council reserve the right to alter any of 
these fees without previous notice. 

The Men's Union Fee was increased by 10 6 as from 
Session 1930-31 ; this causes the difference in the Composition 
fees for Men and Women. 


Pharmaceutical Department. 

Fees as follows are payable at the commencement of the 
Session : 

Men. Women. 

^Composition Fee for sis months’ 

Course for Preliminary Scientific 

Examination 22^ gns. 22 gns. 

Physics Laboratory Deposit, 1 gn. 
Deposit for Chemicals, etc., 2 gns. 
Fee for Botany microscope, 10s. 

^Composition Fee for nine months’ 

Course for Chemist and Druggist 

Qualifying Examination 30 £ gns. 30 gns. 

Fee for drugs, etc., 2 gns. 

^Composition Fee for Pharmaceutical 

Chemist Qualifying Examination ... 30^ gns. 30 gns. 

Deposit for Chemicals, Drugs, etc., £6. 

Fee for Botany microscope, 10s. 

In addition a botanical laboratory deposit of £1. Is. for 
apparatus, etc., to be returned less cost of breakages, is payable 
in alternate years commencing 1933-34, i.e., in the years when 
the Physiology of Flowering Plants Course is taken. 

^Composition Fee for nine, months’ 

Course for the Assistant's examina- 
tion of the Society of Apothecaries... 30i gns. 30 gns. 

Fee for Drugs, etc., 1 gn. 

Deposit for Chemicals, etc., 2 gns. 

* These Composition Fees include the fees for the 
Library, Students’ Union, and Athletic Union. 

Special students may enter the Pharmaceutical Laboratory 
for advanced work at the following fees : one day or two half- 
days per week for three months, £3. 3s. ; for six months, £5. 5s. 

A Revision Course is held in August — September. Fee 
for the Course, £5. 15s. 6d. 

Scholarships and Prizes. — The Manchester Pharmaceutical 
Association Scholarship, of the annual value of about £45, the 
Fairchild Scholarship , of the value of £60, and the Leverkulme 
Scholarships , three in number, each of the annual value of £60, 
are all tenable for one year at the University. The examinations 
for these Scholarships axe held in June of each year. Candidates 
must be i£ Student Associates ” of the Pharmaceutical Society 
and must be between nineteen and twenty-two years of age. 
For full particulars respecting these Scholarships apply to the 

Pharmaceutical Department 


Registrar, The Pharmaceutical Society, 17, Bloomsbury Square, 
London, W.C.I., but, in the case of the Fairchild Scholarship, 
apply to the Secretary to the Committee of Trustees. Albert 
Chambers, 65, Holborn Viaduct, London. E.C.l. 

For regulations for the award of the Wild Prize in 
Pharmacology see page 773, and for the Silver Medals in 
Pharmaceutics see page 774. 

In 1928 the Pharmaceutical Department of the University 
was recognised by the Pharmaceutical Society as the School 
of Pharmacy responsible for the training of pharmacy 
students in this area for the qualifying examinations. 
The classes in Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics, Forensic Pharmacy, 
and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, are given by the Lecturers 
in Pharmacy, and the classes in Chemistry. Physics, and 
Botany, are given by the Professors and Lecturers in these 
subjects. Students have thus the advantage of teachers 
who are specialists in their respective subjects, whilst the 
constant intercourse with medical and science students 
cannot but be productive of the best results to Pharmacy. 
All pharmacy students have access to the Museum 
of Materia Medica adjoining the Pharmaceutical Depart- 
ment, where every facility is given for the study of the actual 
specimens both of official and unofficial drugs, and to the 
departmental library as well as to the Botanical portion of the 
Manchester Museum, which adjoins the Botanical Department. 
The practical work in Pharmaceutics is carried out in three 
dispensaries and in a technological laboratory equipped with 
a small scale manufacturing plant. Two other laboratories 
are devoted to practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry ; these as 
well as the technological laboratory constitute the Woolley 
laboratories which were opened in 1930. The subject of 
practical Pharmacognosy is taught jointly by the staffs of the 
departments of Botany and Pharmacy in the Botanical 


In 1904 the subject of Pharmacy was included in the list of 
subjects which may be presented for a degree in Science. 
Pharmaceutical students who have passed the Matriculation 
Exa min ation, or its equivalent, may proceed to the degree of B.Sc. 
in the University which has been so arranged for students of 
Pharmacy as to include all the subjects of the Pharmaceutical 
Chemist Qualifying Examination. The degree does not confer the 
right to practise Pharmacy, but a person who has parsed the 
Final Examina tion for this degree and who has completed an 


Pharmaceutical Department. 

apprenticeship of 2,000 hours and has passed the examination in 
Forensic Pharmacy conducted by the Society shall be entitled 
to be registered as a Pharmaceutical Chemist. 

Candidates entering upon a course for a degree in the Faculty 
of Science are required (i.) to have passed in Mathematics as a 
subject of the Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence 
satisfactory to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 
standard ; (ii.) to have passed in Mechanics as a subject of the 
Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence satisfactory to the 
Senate of having attained an equivalent standard. All enquiries 
regarding the Matriculation Examination should be made direct 
to the Secretary, Joint Matriculation Board, 315, Oxford Boad, 
Manchester, 13. 

N.B. — Details of the examinations regarded as satisfying the 
University requirements in Mechanics for admission to the Faculty 
of Science will be found on pages 333 — 334. 

Ordinary Degree Course. — Pharmaoeutioal students who 
wish to take the ordinary degree of B.Sc. should, during their 
first year of study after passing the Matriculation Examination 
or its equivalent, attend courses in Chemistry, Physics, Botany, 
and Zoology, and present themselves for the Intermediate 
Examination in these subjects at the end of the first year. Can- 
didates who have passed the Intermediate Science examination in 
Chemistry, Physics, and Botany, and who have completed satis- 
factorily a course in Intermediate Science Mathematics, attend a 
short three months course in Zoology in the second year. Can- 
didates before proceeding to the Final Examination must present 
certificates of having attended satisfactorily during the second 
and third years approved courses in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical 
Chemistry, Botany and Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics, and 
short courses in Bacteriology and in methods of Biological Assay. 
They must also present satisfactory evidence that they can read 
scientific literature in German by passing a language test in 
this subject. They are required to pass the Final Examination in 
the subjects of (1) Chemistry, (2) Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 
(3) Botany and Pharmacognosy, (4) Pharmaceutics. 

For conditions under which the Joint- Matriculation Board 
will, on application, grant exemption from the Matriculation 
Examination to students who have passed other examinations of 
equivalent standard, see the Syllabus of the Joint Matriculation 

For full particulars as to the courses for the ordinary degree 
and the Honours degree of B.Sc. and as to the post-graduate 
courses in the Chemistry and Microscopy of Drugs, see the Pros- 
pectus of the Pharmaceutical Department and the Department 
of Public Health. 

Faculty of fIDusic. 


1. The degrees in the Faculty of Music are Bachelor jf Mubic Or lican.^ 
(Mus.B.) and Doctor of Music (Mus.D.j. 

First Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Music. 

2 . Candidates, before presenting themselves for the First 
Examination, are required to have passed the Matriculation 
Examination/ 6 * * * * 11 Candidates are also required at some period 
previous to the Third Examination to present certificates of 
satisfactory attendance on a class in one of the subjects other 
than the principles of music and acoustics of the Intermediate 
B.A. Examination. Candidates who are graduates in any other 
Faculty are excused from attendance under this clause. 

3. The subjects of the First Examination are : 

(1) Harmony. 

(2) History of Music. 

(3) Principles of Sound. 

4. The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners 
are published in alphabetical order. 

Second Examination for the Degree ok Bachelor of Music. 

5. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Seoond 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of having 
attended in the University, during at least one year, in each 
of the subjects of examination, courses of instruction approved 
by the University, and to have passed the First Examination, 
except that, with permission of the Board of the Faculty, candi- 
dates who have satisfied the Examiners in subjects (1) Harmony 
and (2) His tory of Music in the First Examination, and have failed 
in (3) Principles of Sound, may present (3) again, concurrently 
with the subjects for the Second Examination. 

6. The subjects for the Second Examination are : 

(1) Harmony. 

( 2 ) Counterpoint. 

( 3) History of Music. 

> 4 Musical Forms. 

- Candidates are advised to pass the Matriculation Examination see me 
396) before entrance. 

Faculty of Music. 


Candidates must satisfy tiie Examiners of their proficiency in 
playing a musical instrument/* 

7. The names of candidates who have satisfied the Examiners 
are published in alphabetical order. 

Third Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Music. 

S. Candidates, before presenting themselves for the Third 
Examination, are required to furnish certificates of having 
attended in the University, during at least one year, in each 
of the subjects of examination, courses of instruction approved 
by the University, and to have passed the Second Examination. 

9. The subjects for the Third Examination are : 

(T) Counterpoint, 

(2; Composition. 

(3) Orchestration. 

10. The names uf candidates who have satisfied the Examiners 
are published in two divisions, the names in each being in 
alphabetical order. 

13. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Music are 
required, after passing the Second Examination, and at such date 
as shall he fixed by the Senate, to present an original exercise, 
such as would occupy not less than a quarter of an hour in 
performance, accompanied by a written declaration in each case 
that it is the candidate’s unaided composition. Candidates 
may, however, with the special permission of the Board of the 
Faculty, substitute for the above exercise a thesis on, either ut) an 
important musical work, or (b> a period of musical history. 
No candidate will be admitted to the degree of Bachelor of 
Music unless the Examiners shall have certified to the Senate 
that the exercise or thesis has been approved by them. 



1. Harmony in not more than four parts, for voices, and for 


2. History of Music. 

3. Principles of Sound (Elementary Theory of Acoustics). 

* Candidates wuo have obtained ;tnv of tue iollowmvj qualifications are 
exempted from the Examination in proficiency in plavinv a musical instrument- 

The Licentiateslnp of the Royal Academy of Music . . Ii.n.A.M. 

The Associateshiy of the Royal Codes*# of Musi.' . . . A.R.C.M. 

The Associateship of the Royal Mano.iest-r College of Music A.R.M.C.M. 

The Fellowship of the Rova. College of Organists F.R.C.O. 

The Licentiateship of Trinity College, London L.T.C.L. 

Degree of Mw.D . 



1. Harmony in not more than five parts. 

2. Counterpoint (Ancient and Modern) in not. mm-e than four 


3. History of Music (some special period,. 

4. Musical Form. 

5. (a) Playing at sight. 

( b ) Playing a prepared piece, to be previously approved 
by the Board of the Faculty of Music. 


1. Counterpoint and Fugue in not more than five parts. 

2. Composition in various Forms. 

3. Orchestration. 

4. Oral Examination, including analysis of selected scores. 

Each candidate is required to send to the Registrar* 
an original composition, such as would occupy not less than a 
quarter of an hour in performance, and satisfying the following 
conditions : 

(а) That it comprise some portion for a solo voice, and some 

considerable portion for a chorus of five real parts. 

(б) That it comprise some specimens of Canon and 
Fugue, but at the same time show an acquaintance with 
the resources of Modern Harmony and Counterpoint. 

(c) That it have an accompaniment (occasionally indepen- 
dent) for a band of bowed instruments and wood-wind, 
with or without organ. 


Candidates for the Second and Third Examinations will be 
required to present satisfactory certificates of attendance upon 
the courses of instruction for such examinations, approved by the 

Degree of Doc tor of Music. 

See general note as to theses, page 399. 

1. No candidate will be admitted to the degree of Doctor of orjiaancts 
Music until at least four years have elapsed since the date of 
qualification for the degree of Bachelor of Music. 

* The composition must be sent to the iiegistrar on or before April 1st. 


Faculty of Music. 

rdinanwiB o Graduates in Music of other approved Universities, who 
are recommended by the Board of the Faculty, may be admitted 
to the degree of Doctor of Music provided they shall have 
pursued a course of study in this University during a period of 
not less than three years. Such graduates shall not be admitted 
to the degree until four years have elapsed from the date of their 
first degree in the approved Universities. 

3. Candidates will be required to present an original Exercise 
to be approved by the Senate after a report from the Board 
of the Faculty of Music, and to pas3 an examination. 

egulations Jjq the fourth or any subsequent year after having obtained 
the degree of Bachelor of Music, the candidate may, on or before 
April 1st, send to the Registrar an original composition, 

(a) The first movement of a symphony for full orchestra, in- 
cluding four horns, two trumpets, and three trombones. 
b) An unaccompanied Octet. 

(c) A Song. 

{d) A Recitative. 

(e) An eight-part Choral Fugue. 

As au alternative to the above, candidates may submit an 
Exercise in any one of the following forms : 

Symphony for full orchestra. 

Symphonic Poem or Suite for full orchestra. 

Concerto for Solo Instrument, with full orchestra. 

Cantata or Choral Ballad, with full orchestra. 

Artistic a3 well as scholastic merit will be taken into account. 
The Exercise will become the property of the University. 

Candidates will, after approval of the Exercise, be required 
to pass an examination consisting of four papers. These will 
include Counterpoint for not more than eight voices, and Com- 
position for a full orchestra, and for various combinations of 
selected instruments. 

For further particulars, including fees, see special Prospectus 
of the Faculty of Music. 

Coukse of Study for Degree of Mus.D. 

Attendance in classes is not required for this degree except in 
the case of a candidate entering under Ordinance 2, which applies 
to graduates of otlmr Dniversities, who must pursue a course of 
study in the University during a period of not less than three years. 
Nevertheless, the course for Mus.D. is open to any candidates who 

Degree of Mus.D. 


have taken the degree of Mus.B. in the University uf Manchester, UetfuMian* 
and who may desire to avail themselves of more advanced 

Graduates of other Universities desiring to seek a- huission as 
candidates for the degree of Mus.D. are advised 0 ■ c'Mnmuuieute 
with Dr. Keighley, Secretary of the Faculty ,»? Music. from 
whom further particulars may be obtained. 

Fee for each session, £15. 15s. Students who have not 
already paid a registration fee in this University for a period 
of three years, will pay a registration fee of £1. Is. per session, 
in addition. 

Candidates, before admission to the course, must satisfy the 
Lecturer as to their efficiency as performers in some branch of 
Practical Music. 



jfacultv of 

Commerce anfc Hfemtntetration. 

1. The degrees in this Faculty are Bachelor of Arts in Com- 
merce* (B.A. (Com.)), Master of Aits in Commerce (M.A. (Com.)), 
Bachelor of Arts in Administration* (B.A. (Admin.) ), and Master 
of Arts in Administration (M.A. (Admin.) ). 

2. Candidate* for the degree of Bachelor in the Faculty are 
required : 

(1) To have satisfied the Matriculation requirements of 

this University or to have obtained exemption 
ther< from. 

(2) Ts > have attended a course of study approved by the 

University and extending over at least three years. 

(3) To have passed an examination in the subjects pre- 

served in either Ordinance 3 (A) or in Ordinance 

3 (B). 

3. (A) Candidates for the degree of B.A. (Com.) will be 
required to satisfy the Examiners in the following subjects : 

(1) Political Economy. 

(2) Geography. 

(3) Modem History. 

A) A Modern Foreign Language - }* (including its commer- 
cial uses). 

(5) The Organisation and Administration of Industry. 

(6) Accounting. 

(7) Commercial Law.J 

t8) History of Industrial Organisation. 

(9) One or more special subjects, to be defined by regu- 

Distinction may be awarded in one or more subjects, to be 
determined by regulation. 

3. (B) Candidates for the degree of B.A. (Admin.) will be 
required to satisfy the Examiners in the following subjects : 

(1) Political Economy. 

(2) Political Philosophy. 

(3) Modern History. 

(4) One Modern Foreign Language. f 

* See nose a- to graduation, i>age 39y. 

t oandi'I Jte will be allowed to take in a decree or certificate course in the 
Faculty a foreign language which is his motuer-tungue. 

I The coupe m Company Law (Special Subject, Group C i mav be substituted 
lor the seconu year of the course in Commercial Law. 

Dsgyees of B.A, [Co>n. and Admin.}. tj-Jli 

(5) Central Government. 

(0) Local Government. 

(7) Accounting, or by permission of the Board of the 

Faculty, Geography. 

(8) History of Industrial Organisation. 

(9) A Modern Foreign Language taken at the advanced 

stage, or a Second Foreign Language. 

(10) One or more special subjects, to be defined by regu- 

Distinction may be awarded in one or more subjects, to be 
determined by regulation. 

4. Candidates may present themselves for examination in 
any one subject or any selection of subjects at one examination, 
and subjects in which candidates have failed may be offered in 
any subsequent examination. 

5. Candidates who have passed the Final degree examination 
of this or any other approved University, or who present evidence 
of University study satisfactory to the Board of the Faculty, 
may be excused such attendance as the Board of the Faculty 
and Senate may determine, provided that at least two years 
of study in the subjects for the degree shall be required. 

1. Candidates who have not attended approved courses in 
the University for a minimum of six hours per week in each of 
three years, shall not be admitted to the degree without such 
further attendance as the Board of the Faculty may determine. 

2. The successful candidates in the examination in each subject 
for the respective degrees shall be placed in two divisions, but the 
names of candidates who have completed the requirements fur 
a degree shall be placed in alphabetical order. 

3. Examinations in all subjects shall be held once in each year, 
at times determined by the Board of the Faculty. 


4. Before presenting themselves for examination in any 
subject candidates are required to have attended satisfactorily 
the course in that subject approved by the Board of the Faculty, 
provided that the Board may require further attendance from 
candidates in subjects in which they have presented themselves 
for examination and in which they have failed to satisfy the 

5. The subjects included in the examinations in the Faculty 
shall be as follows : 

Political Economy. 

The Economies of Uon sumption, Production, Exchange, and 




Faculty of Commerce find Administration. 

lations Geography . 

Definition a ini description of geographical conditions and 
their influence on economic and political development. 

Modern History. 

Outlines of General History from the full of Napoleon, with 
special reference to social and economic developments. 

Modern Languages (other than Russian . 

1. Translation from English and into English with gram- 

matical questions. 

2. Composition and commercial correspondence. 

3. Dictation and conversation. 


1. Translation at sight from Russian into English. 

2. Translation of easy English passages into Russian, with 
Russian Grammar. 

3. Translation from one or more specified books, with any 
literary and grammatical questions arising out of them. 

4. Dictation. 

5. Proficiency in pronunciation to be tested orally. 

The Organisation and Administration of Industry . 

A description and analysis of modern industrial and com- 
mercial conditions. 


The principles and practice of Accounting. 

Commercial Laic. 

Arbitration ; Contracts ; Principal and Agent ; Partnership ; 
Limited Companies; Guarantees; Carriage by Land; 
Carriage by Sea ; Insurance ; Sale of Goods ; Negotiable 
Instruments ; Bankruptcy. 

Pol it iced Ph iloso pk y. 

Central Government . 

Local Government. 

History of Industrial Organisation. 

Special Subjects . 

i. Candidates for the degree of B.A. ( Com. i shall be required 
to take one of the following alter natives : — 

1. One subject from Group A, cr 

Degrees of B. A. {Com. and Admin.-. 


2. Two subjects from Group B, one of which must be either filiation* 

a second modern foreign language ‘including its 
commercial uses), or tne advanced stage uf ;i modern 
foreign language, or 

3. A second modern foreign language : including its c- ,■ inner- 

cial uses), or the advanced stage o l a modern foreign 
language from Group B, together with two subject from 
Group 0. 

Group A* Any of the following subjects in Groups 1 and 2 of 
Ordinance 14 for the Final Examinations for the degree 
of Bachelor of Science : — Chemistry, Engineering, Geo- 
graphy, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Physics. Psychology, 
or any Technological subject or subjects of equivalent 
standard, as approved by the Board of the Faculty of 
Commerce and Administration. Candidates will be 
required to attend classes in the selected subject or 
subjects for at least four hours a week for two years, or 
equivalent attendance, and to take at least four papers 
in the required examination. 

Group B . 

(i) A second modern foreign language (including its commer- 
cial uses). 

(2 1 The advanced stage of a modern foreign language. 
This will include an extended practical knowledge of the 
written and spoken language anti its commercial uses. 

(3) Public Economics and Finance. 

*4) A period of Economic History. 

Group G. 

(1) The Cotton Industry. 

(2) Industrial Psychology I. 

(3) Industrial Psychology II. 

(4) Statistics I. 

(5) Statistics II. 

(<3) Social Economics. 

(7) Outlines of Political 


(8) Banking. 

(9) International Law. 

(10) Constitutional Law. 

(11) Advanced Accounting. 

(12) Currency and Foreign 


(13) Company Law.f 

Such other subjects as the B*>ard of the Faculty may at any 
time approve, under Groups B and C. 

* In tlie case of most subjects in those groups considerably more tluiu Unr 
hours attendance a week for two years will be required, and in certain sul ', 0 c**. a 
practical examination will be substituted for two papers, 

1 This course may be substituted for the second year of tha ecurj; m 
Commercial Law. 

62 i 

Faculty of Commerce and Administration. 


II. Candidates for the degree of B.A. (Admin.) shall be 
required to take one of the following alternatives : — 

1. Two subjects from Group B, or 

2. One subject from Group B t and two subjects from Group 0. 
Group B. 

(1) Public Economics and Finance. 

(2) Economic History. 

(3) International Law. 

(4) English Constitution. 

(5) Administration of Public Utilities by Statutory 


(6) History and Organisation of English Education. 

(7) Elements of English Law. 

Group 0. 

(1) Statistics I. 

(2) Statistics II. 

(3) Social Economics. 

(4) Industrial Psychology, I. 

(5) Industrial Psychology, II. 

(6) Advanced Accounting. 

(7) Regional Geography. 

Such other subjects as the Board of the Faculty may at any 
time approve under Groups B and C. 

6. Distinction may be awarded in one or more of the following 
subjects . — 


Economic History, 








7. Candidates who seek to obtain distinction are required to 
complete the additional attendance required, and also undergo 
further examination in the subjects in which it is sought as 
follows : 

Additional Attendance. 

Economics ... ... 5 hours a week. 

Economic History 5 hours a week. 

Geography ... 5 hours a week. 

French ... ... ... ... 6 hours a week. 

German 6 hours a week. 

Spanish ... ... ... ... 6 hours a week. 

Law (see page 626). 

Degrees of B.A. (Com. and Admin *. 

Further Examination. R«g«ution» 

Economics ; Economic History ; Geography ; 

in each subject : 


2 papers, 

Special subject 

2 papers 


As in Honours School of Economics, Politics, and Modern 

History, for B.A. degree. 

French : — 

Translation from English into French ... I paper. 

Essay or Essays in French on subjects relating 
to French Literature, History, or Institutions 1 paper. 

Translation from unspecified Modern French 

books ... 1 paper. 

A specified period or subjects of French Litera- 
ture subsequent to 1600 with certain speci- 
fied authors or works 1 paper. 


As in Honours School of French Language and Literature for 

B.A. degree. 

German : — 

Translation of passages from unspecified New 
High German Texts, and literary and lin- 
guistic questions bearing upon such texts... half paper. 

Translation and explanations of specified New 
High German Texts, with literary and lin- 
guistic questions bearing upon such texts... half paper. 

Lessing, Goethe, and Schiller 1 paper. 

As in Honours School of German Language and Literature 
for Honours B.A. degree. 

Translation from English into German, and 
the writing of an Essay or Essays in German 
on subjects relating to German Literature. 

History, or Institutions ... 1 paper. 

Outline of the History of German Language 
aud Literature 1 paper. 


As for M.A. Examination in German. 

Chinese : — 

To be settled later on application. 


Faculty of Commerce and Administration. 

, adulations 

Russian : — 

L. Translation from English and into English, with gram- 
matical questions. 

2. Composition and commercial correspondence. 

3. Dictation and conversation. 

Spanish : — 

Translation from Spanish into English and from 
English into Spanish 

Sssay or Essays in Spanish on subjects related to 
Spanish Literature, History, or Institutions 

Outlines of Spanish Literature 

A specified period or subjects of Spanish 
Literature, with certain specified authors 
or works 

Translation and explanations of certain specified 
modern or classical Spanish texts ... 


1 paper.- 

half paper, 
half paper. 

1 paper. 
1 paper. 

Italian : — 

To be settled later on application. 

8. (a) Candidates for the degree of B.A. (Com.) who seek to 
obtain distinction in Law are required : 

(1) To have completed the two courses in Commercial Law 
required for the degree of B.A. (Com.) without sub- 
stituting Company Law for one of the courses. 

(2) In addition the following subjects must he taken : — 

one hour a week for one session. 

one hour a week for one session. 

two hours a week for one 

two hours a week for one session, 
or one hour a week for two 

Any two of the following : — 

(a) Elements of Contract 

and Tort one hour a week for one session. 

(b) J urisprudence one hour a week for one session. 

(c) Conflict of Laws ... one hour a week for one session. 

(i.) Either 

Company Law ... 

Bankruptcy and 
Company Law ... 
(ii.) The English 


(hi.) Either 

Elements of 

English Law 


Degrees of M.A. {Com. and Admin . 

6: 27 

(6) Candidates for the degree of B.A. {Admin, who seek to Relations 
obtain distinction in Law are required to have completed the 
course in Elements of English Law as prescribed in the regulations 
for the B.A. (Admin.) degree. In addition the following subjects 
must be taken : — 

(i.) Commercial Law 

(ii.) Either 

The English 



Public inter- 
national Law 

(iii.) Jurisprudence 

one hour a week for two sessions. 

two hours a week for one session. 

one hour a week for two sessions, 
one hour a week for one session. 

Degrees of Master of Arts in Commerce and Master of 
Arts in Administration. 

See general note as to theses, page 399. 

The degree of Master in the Faculty may be conferred on : OnlinuuceK 

1. (a) Persons who have graduated B.A. (Com.) or B.A. 

(Admin.) in the Faculty of Commerce and Administration of this 
University of not less than one year’s standing from the date of 
their graduation as Bachelors, who have either (i.) presented 
subsequent to graduation a thesis, dissertation, or published 
work embodying the results of original investigation and research 
approved by the Board of the Faculty, or (ii.) presented a 
satisfactory thesis on an approved subject and passed a special 
examination as required by the Board of the Faculty, in which 
not less than five papers shall be set ; the thesis may be presented 
either in the year oi examination or in a subsequent year. 

(b) Persons who have graduated as Bachelors of Commerce 
(B.Com.) in this University and who have otherwise fulfilled the 
req ui rements of Ordinance 1 (a), provided that such persons on 
ad mis sion to the degree of Master of Arts in Commerce, or of 
Master of Arts in Administration, shall cease to be described 
as Bachelors of Commerce in the University. 

(c) Graduates of the University in other Faculties than the 
Faculty of Commerce and Administration who have, subsequent 
to graduation, attended approved courses in the Faculty for at 
least six hours a week for two sessions, passed a special examina- 
tion as required by the Board of the Faculty, in which not less 
than five papers shall be set, and presented a satisfactory thesis 
on an approved subject. 


Faculty of Commerce and Administration. 

OirdiawMei 2. (a) Graduates (or persons who have passed the final 
examination for a degree) of approved Universities, who have 
given sufficient evidence of their qualifications, have conducted 
research work approved by the Board of the Faculty during a 
period of two years in the University, have attended such courses 
as the Board of the Faculty may require, and have presented 
a satisfactory thesis on an approved subject. 

The Board of the Faculty shall decide in each case with 
reference to the record of the candidate whether he shall be 
required, in addition to the presentation of a satisfactory thesis, 
to pass a special examination. 

(b) Persons who are not graduates (nor have passed the 
Final Examination for a degree) of any approved University, 
who have: — 

(i). Satisfied the Senate as to their general educational 
qualifications after a report from the Board of the 
Faculty as to their competence for original investigation 
and research ; 

(ii.) Satisfactorily attended such classes as the Board of the 
Faculty may require and conducted original investigation 
and research in a subject approved by the Board during 
a period of three years in the University ; and 

(iii.) Presented a thesis, dissertation, or published work, 
which has been accepted by the Board of the Faculty 
and Senate as satisfactorily embodying the results of 
such original investigation and research. 



Regulations 1. Candidates who have not previously graduated in the 
University, proceeding to the Master’s degree in the Faculty 
of Commerce and Administration will be required: 

(a) To reside in the Manchester area. 

( b) To make substantial and regular attendance in the 
University during the prescribed period, provided that 
during one year of the prescribed period the Board of the 
Faculty and Senate, by special resolution, may permit 
attendance to be taken at some other suitable place of study. 

2. All subjects of theses which are to be presented for the 
degree of Master must be submitted to the Board of the 
Faculty of Commerce and Administration for approval not later 
than the Michaelmas term preceding the date at which theses 
are to be presented. 

Higher Commercial Certificate. 

t' 29 

3. Candidates intending to proceed to the degree of Matter i^guinuoni 
by examination and thesis must pay the required fees not later 

than March 1st, and must notify the Registrar by that date of 
the titles of their theses. These theses must be presented not later 
than April 30th. 

4. Candidates intending to proceed to the degree of Master 
by thesis alone must pay the required fees not later than June 
1st,, and notify the Registrar by that date of the titles of 
their theses. These theses must be presented not later than 
September 15th. 

Suoh candidates may, however, pay the required fees not later 
than March 1st, and notify the Registrar by that date of the 
titles of their theses, and present their theses on or before April 
30th, with a view to obtaining the degree at Midsummer. 

Forms of notice may be obtained from the Registrar. 

5. In all cases graduates of other Universities or non-graduates 
studying for the degree of Master shall be required at the begin- 
ning of the prescribed period of study to register as University 
students and apply for recognition to the Board of the Faculty 

For Exemption Fee, see page 351. 


There shall he a Higher Commercial Certificate which shall Ordiaanea 
be awarded by the Senate. 

1. Candidates, before entering upon courses for the Certificate KeguUUon* 
must comply with the requirements for the Entrance Examination 

of the University.* 

2. Candidates for the Certificate are required to have attended 
in the Faculty of Commerce and Administration a course of 
study approved by the University and extending over two 

3. Candidates must satisfy the Examiners in Political 
Economy, Geography, Commercial Law, and a Modern Languaget 
(including its commercial uses) as prescribed for the Examination 
for the Degree of B.A. (Com.), together with additional subjects 
selected from those prescribed for the examination for that 
degree, as follows : — 

either (a) Two additional subjects chosen from subjects 
numbered 1 to 7 in Ordinance 3 (A). 

* See pages 397— 39S. 

+ See footnote to Ordinance 3 (A) (4) for the degree of B.A. (Com.). 

Fiicnitit'jf C uunercr tvu AJmi>is:ru:ico: 


{h) One subject i?*jm those numbered 1 to 7, together 
with oup subj^t from 9 Grmq> B, or two subjects 
from 9 Gnuip C. 

or (c) Two subjeus from 9 Group B, or one subject from 
9 Group B. and two subjects from 9 Group 0. 

With the consent «»f the Board of the Faculty of Commerce 
and Administration other subjects may be substituted for one or 
mare of those specified uhnw. and a candidate offering a Science 
subject may offer one qualifying for the Final Examination for 
the Degree of Bachelor of Science instead of one qualifying for the 
Intermediate Examination in that Faculty. 

L The examination in all subjects shall be, so far as practicable, 
the sum** as that required for the degree of B.A. (Com.). 

5. The attendance required in each subject shall be the .same 
as for the degree of B.A. (Com.), but a student who has passed 
the Final Degree Examination of this or any other approved 
University, or who presents evidence of University study satis- 
factory to the Board of the Faculty, shall be excused such atten- 
dance as the Board and Senate may determine, provided that 
at least one year of study in the subjects for the Certificate be 

6. Candidates may present themselves for examination in 
any one subject or in any selection of subjects at one examination, 
and subjects in which candidates have failed may be offered in 
any subsequent examination. 

7. The successful candidates in the examination in each 
subject for the Certificate shall be placed in two divisions, but the 
names of candidates who have qualified by examination for the 
Certificate shall be placed in alphabetical order. 


There shall be a Certificate in Public Administration which 
shall he awarded by the Senate. 

1. Candidates, before entering upon the courses for this 
Certificate, must comply with the requirements as to the Entrance 
Examination set out on pages 397— 3;* s . 

2. Candidates for the Certificate are required to have attended, 
in the Faculty of Commerce and Administration, a course of 
study approved by the 41 niversity and extending over two years. 

t:: , 

Cer'ijic lie in Pith! c Arinin::*; 


3. Candidates must satisfy the Examiners in : Halation* 

Political Economy, 

Political Philosophy, 

One Modern Foreign Language, 

Central Government, 

Local Government, 

together with one subject chosen from Group B, or two subjects 
from Group G . 

Group B. 

Public Economics and Finance, 

Economic History, 

Modern History, 

International Law, 

English Constitution, 

Elements of English Law. 

Group G. 

Statistics I., 

Statistics II., 

Social Economics, 

Industrial Psychology I., 

Industrial Psychology II., 


Regional Geography. 

Such other subjects as the Board of the Faculty may at any time 
approve under Groups B and C . 

4. The examination in all subjects shall be, so far as practicable, 
the same as that required for the degree of B.A. (Admin.). 

5. The attendance required in each subject shall be the same 
as for the degree of B.A. (Admin.), but a student who has passed 
the Final Degree Examination of this or any other approved 
University, or who presents evidence of University study satis- 
factory to the Board of the Faculty, shall be excused such 
attendance as the Board and Senate may determine, provided 
that at least one year of study in the subjects for the Certificate be 

6. Candidates may present themselves for examination in 
any one subject or in any selection of subjects at one examination, 
and subjects in which candidates have failed may be offered in 
a subsequent examination. 

7. The successful candidates in the examination in each 
subject for the Certificate shall be placed in two divisions, but 
the names of candidates who have qualified by examination for 
the Certificate shall be placed in alphabetical order. 


Faculty of Commerce unJ Administration, 


it Jo; * 


1. There shall be a Diploma in Social Study which shall be 
awarded by the Senate. 

2. The Diploma shall be awarded to candidates who 

{a) Have graduated in this or in another approved University, 
or have been awarded the Certificate in Public Adminis- 
tration of this University, or hold a qualification of an 
approved University accepted by the Board of the 
Faculty and Senate as equivalent for this purpose to the 
Certificate ; and 

b) Have attended the prescribed courses during two sessions, 
or, in the case of approved candidates as defined by 
regulation, during one session ; and 

(c) Have satisfied the Examiners in the examinations pre- 
scribed and have produced satisfactory evidence of their 
practical competence in social work. 

1. The period of attendance on courses for the Diploma in 
Social Study shall extend over two sessions, but, for holders of 
the Certificate in Public Administration of this University, and 
for graduates of this and other approved Universities who 
produce evidence of satisfactory attendance at courses in Political 
Economy, Public Administration, and Modern Industrial History, 
the period may, by permission of the Board of the Faculty 
and Senate, be reduced to one session. 

2. Candidates for the Diploma who cannot produce the 
evidence required by Regulation 1 shall be required to attend 
approved courses and satisfy the Examiners in the subjects 
mentioned in that regulation. 

3. All candidates for the Diploma : 

Must attend classes and satisfy the Examiners in two 
subjects, one selected from each of the following groups, 
provided that candidates who hold the Certificate in 
Public Administration shall not be allowed to select 
subjects which they have taken in their Certificate 
course : — 

Group B . 

Public Economics and Finance. 


General Psychology. 

Political Philosophy. 

Elements of English Law. 

Group 0. 


R< jfnlatinm 

j fr; Sociji S::uf\, »»33 

Social Economies. 

Statistics I. 

Statistics II. 

Industrial Psychology 1. 

Industrial Psychology II. 

Regional Geography. 

Or in such other subjects as the Board of the Faculty may 
approve as equivalent to those specified in Groups B and C ; and 

(ii.) Must present a supplementary thesis on a subject to be 
approved by the Board of the Faculty in connection 
with which candidates may be required to attend 
additional courses ; and 

(iii.) Must satisfy the Board of the Faculty of t heir competence 
in practical work, which shall include (a) the observation 
of social agencies and attendance at courses organised 
in connection therewith ; and i b) a period of continuous 
practical work on the staff of some approved organisation. 

4. The subject for the supplementary thesis must be submitted 
to the Board of the Faculty for approval not. laier than the 
Mi chae l mas term preceding the examination for the Diploma. 

5. The supplementary thesis may be presented in the year 
of examination or in a subsequent year. Candidates intending 
to present their theses for examination in June must give notice 
of their intention to the Registrar not later than March 
1st, and present their theses not later than April 3Uth ; those 
inte nding to present for examination in September must give 
notice not laier than June 1st, and present their theses not later 
than September 15th. 

6. The period of continuous practical work requind under 
3 (iii.) (i) may, with the permission of the Board of the Faculty, 
be postponed until after the examination for the Diploma. 

For Syllabus of Classes, see the Prospectus of the Faculty of 
Commerce and Administration. 

£bc faculty? of Cbcolo^v. 



*,* Students or intending students who are in doubt as to the courses of 
lectures for which, they should registei , are invited to communicate 
with the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, the University, Manchester . 

imaccea ^ The degrees in the Faculty of Theology are : Bachelor 
of Divinity (B.D.i, and Doctor of Divinity (D.D.). 

2. Candidates for the degree of B.D. must either 

(a) Be graduates of the University or of some other 
University of the United Kingdom or have passed 
the Final Examination for a degree of an approved 
University ; or 

( h\ Have completed the Intermediate courses in the 
Faculty of Arts sped he d under Ordinance 10 (a), (b), 
<«■’»• id), and 0 1 (see pages 102 — 403), provided that 
under (o) Classical Greek is taken. 

3. Candidates under clause {a) uf the preceding paragraph 
may proceed to the B.D. degree after two years of study. The 
course of study for candidates under clause (6) will extend over 
at least three years after the Intermediate courses in Arts have 
been completed. 

The Board of Faculty in special cases shall have power to 
allow candidates to commence their course before graduation, 
but such candidates shall nut be admitted to any part of their 
Final Examination, except the examination on the English 
Text and general contents of the Bible, till they have graduated. 

4. The examinations for the degree of B.D. are the Pre- 
liminary and Final B.D. Examinations. 

5. Graduates of other Faculties of the University, or of 
-her I Diversities, of the United Kingdom, are excused the 

iVe.iminan Examination in Theology. 

8. lie i'.'uh at ttiti Preliminary K ran.: nation are: 

(1, Hellenistic Greek .Biblical Texts, etc.). 

(2) Elementary Hebrew. 

< v 3j A Philosophical Subject or a Science. 

Degree o 

* i J5 

(4) One of the following : — 

(a) More Advanced Hebrew; { A ; Clash icul Greek; 
Hellenistic Greek ‘non-Bil/deal texts, and 
Composition) ;{<!) Latin; fejGei-mm:: History; 

{;/} A Science. 

7. The subjects for the Final Examination shall be divided 
into three groups. Candidates must select one of the three 
groups and take all the subjects in the grou»< selected, and, in 
addition, certain subjects selected from the other groups in 
accordance with the following scheme : 

Group I. (Philosophy and Doctrine.) 

(1) History of Doctrine (General). 

(2) History of Doctrine (Special). 

(3) Philosophy of Religion. 

(4) Psychology of Religion. 

(5) Christian Ethics. 

Group II. ( Comparative Religion , and Ecclesiastical History.) 

(1) Comparative Religion, I. 

(2) Comparative Religion. II. 

(3) Ecclesiastical History (Special Subject, with prescribed 
texts) [Two papers) . 

(4) Ecclesiastical History (Special Subject, with prescribed 
texts) [Two papers]. 

Group III. ( Old and New Testaments.) 

(1) Old Testament Texts (A) (Hebrew, Greek, and English). 

(2) Old Testament Texts (B) (Hebrew, Greek, and English). 

(3) New Testament Texts (A) (Greek). 

(4) New Testament Texts (B) (Greek). 

(5) Biblical History, Tluology, and Introduction: — Old 


(6) Biblical History, Theology, and Introduction: — New 


A Candidate who chooses Group III. as his main group may 
substitute one only of the following : — 

(a) Prescribed Texts in Syriac, Hebrew, and Greek, for Old 
Testament Texts (A) or Old Testament Texts (B) ; 
or ( b ) Prescribed Texts in Cuneiform and Hebrew for Old 
Testament Texts (A) or Old Testament Texts (B) ; 
or (r) Prescribed New Testament Texts in Greek and the 
Syriac Versions for New Testament Texts (A) or New 
Testament Texts (B), prodded always that a candidate 
may not offer the same Greek New Testament Text in 
two examinations. 


Fiicitiiif of Th rot >iff if. 

uce " Candidates select, ing Group I. are required to take 
three subjects from Group II. 

[By permission of the Board of the Faculty, a candidate 
may substitute for one (or both) of the Ecclesiastical 
History Special Subjects one (or both) of Ecclesiastical 
History II. (i.) (to the end of the tenth century) or II. 
(ii.) (from the end of the tenth century), of the Arts 
course : provided that he has not already taken that 
subject in Arts.] 

four subjects from Group III., 

three of which shall be III. (5) Biblical History, Theology, 
and Introduction : — Old Testament, III. (6) Biblical 
History, Theology, and Introduction New Testament, 
aod either III. (3) New Testament Texts (A) (Greek), or 
III. (4) New Testament Texts (B) (Greek). 

Candidates selecting Group II. are required to take 
three subjects from Group I., 

one of which shall be I. (1) History of Doctrine (General), 

four subjects from Group III., 

three of which shall be III. (5) Biblical History, Theology, 
and Introduction Old Testament, III. (6) Biblical 
History, Theology, and Introduction : — New Testament, 
and either III. (3) New Testament Texts (A) (Greek), or 
III. (4) New Testament Text3 (B) (Greek). 

Candidates selecting Group III. are required to take 
three subjects from Group I., 

one of w)rt?b shall be I. (1) History of Doctrine (General), 


three subjects from Group II. 

By permission of the Board of the Faculty, a candidate 
may substitute for one {or noth) of the Ecclesiastical 
History Special Subjects one (or both) of Ecclesiastical 
History II. ,i. . (to the end of the tenth century) or II. 
(ii.) i from the end of the tenth century), of the Arts 
course : provided that he has not already taken that 
subject in Art 4 ?.] 

Candidates who do not oiler III. (1) Old Testament Texts (A) 
(Hebrew, Greek, and English), or III. (2) Old Testament Texts (B) 
(Hebrew, Greek, and English), >hull be required to give evidence 
of having done Hebrew up to the standard of General B.A., 
and to take a special additional examination on portions of the 
Old Testament specially studied in English. 

All candidates for the degree of B.D. must take a three Ordiaaucw 
hours essay paper on some subject falling within the candidate's 
■selected group. The essay may not be taken earlier than the 
year in which the candidate offers the last subject in his selected 


All candidates must also take an examination on the English 
Text and general contents of the Old and New Testaments studied 
in the Revised Version. 

1. The subjects of the Preliminary Examination must be Relation* 
presented at the same time. 

2. In the Final Examination, candidates must offer not less 
than three subjects at any one examination, unless the candidate 
shall require a lesser number to complete the full number of 
courses for the degree. 

Candidates may be returned as satisfying the Examiners 
in a number of subjects less than three, provided that they 
have attained a certain minimum standard in all the subject?* 
presented by them at that examination. 

Candidates will not be allowed to pass in any subject of the 
Final Examination until they have passed the Preliminary 
Examination or its equivalent ; but this restriction shall not 
apply to the examination on the English Text and general contents 
of the Bible, which may be taken at any stage in the course. 

3. Successful candidates will not be arranged in classes, but 
a special mark of distinction in any Group may be given to 
a candidate. 

4. Candidates presenting themselves for the Preliminary or 
Final Examination for the first time will be required to furnish 
satisfactory certificates of attendance upon the course of 
instruction for such examination approved by the University, 
except that attendance on lectures in the English Text and 
general contents of the Bible will not be required. 

To qualify for the Final Examination candidates will be 
required to attend lectures on the subjects of their course in 
accordance with the following scheme : — 

Subject . Lectures required . 

History of Doctrine (General) 2 hrs. per week foT 1 year. 

History of Doctrine (Special) 1 „ „ », 1 „ 

Facuitji of Theohyjy. 


jiations Subject . Lectures required. 

Philosophy of Religion 2 hrs. per week for 1 year. 

Psychology of Religion 1 „ „ „ 1 „ 

Christian. Ethics... ... ... ... ... 2 > > >> >> 1 >> 

Comparative Religion 1 1 „ „ „ 1 „ 

Comparative Religion II 1 „ „ „ 1 „ 

Ecclesiastical History (Special 

Subject) ... 3 „ ,, „ 1 ,, 

Ecclesiastical* History (Special 

Subject)... ... ... ... ... ... 3 ,, j 9 ff 1 ft 

Old Testament Tests (A) (Hebrew, 

Greek, and English) 1 „ „ „ 1 „ 

Old Testament Texts (B) (Hebrew, 

Greek, and English) 1 „ „ „ 1 „ 

New Testament Texts (A) (Greek)... 1 „ „ „ 1 „ 

New Testament Texts (B) (Greek)... 1 ,, ,, ,, 1 ,, 

Biblical History, Theology, and 

Introduction Old Testament 1 „ ,, „ 2 years. 

Biblical History, Theology, and 

Introduction : — New Testament 1 „ ,, „ 2 „ 

* Prescribed Texts in Syriac, Hebrew, 

and Greek 1 ,, ,, „ 1 year. 

^Prescribed Texts in Cuneiform and 

Hebrew ^ I „ „ „ 1 „ 

* Prescribed New Testament Texts in 

Greek and the Syriac Versions... 1 „ „ ,, I „ 

The Board of Faculty may grant exemption under special 
circumstances from part of the attendance required for any 
subject except Comparative Religion, provided that candidates 
must attend in the TJniversity courses which shall he equivalent 
to four hours a week for two sessions. 

courses of instruction and examination, 



V The words and Roman numerals enclosed in 
square brackets indicate the courses of lectures within the 
University which will satisfy the regulations as to attendance. 
The numbers appended to each class correspond to those given 
in the Syllabus of Classes in the Faculty of Arts. 

1. Hellenistic Greek. [Hellenistic Greek II.] 

(a) Prescribed Books in Hellenistic Greek. 

(5) Translation at sight from the Greek Testament, 
fr' Grammar. 

Alternative subjects under Ordinance 7, Group ill. 

Degree of B.D. 

II. Elementary Hebrew. * [Hebrew I.* 

(a) Prescribed text, The Book of Ruth. 

(£>) Translation of Hebrew sentences into English. 

(c) Translation of easy English sentences into Hebrew. 

(d) Elements of Hebrew Grammar. 

III. Either 

(a) A Philosophical Subject. [Philosophy II. (i.) or Philo- 

sophy HI. (i.)-] 

Psychology and General Philosophy will be studied 
in connection with Plato, Republic ; Bussell, 
Problems of Philosophy . [Philosophy II. (i.).] 
Ethics will be studied in connection with S erratic 
Discourses by Plato and Henophon ; Butler, 
Sermo?i$ ; Kant, Fundamental Principles : Moore, 
Principia Etliica ; Carritt, Theory of Morals. 
[Philosophy III. (i.).] 


(b) One of the Natural Sciences (of an Intermediate or 

higher standard). (See Prospectus of the Faculty of 

IV. One of the following : 

(a) More advanced Hebrew. Special books ; Genesis xxiv. — xxx. 

and Amos, to be studied with reference to textual criti- 
cism. [Hebrew II.] 

(b) Classical Greek. [Greek II. (i.) and (ii.).] Thucydides iv. f 

ch. 1 — 101 ; Euripides, Troadcs. 

(c) Hellenistic Greek. A course to be arranged. 

(d) Latin . [Latin II.] Horace, Epistles i. (omitting 15, IT, 

18) ; Tacitus, Historiae i., cc. 1 — 56. 

(e) German. [German II. (i.) and (ii.).] Interpretation; 

Composition ; Elements of Historical Grammar ; 
History of Literature. 

(/) History. Any one of the following courses : 

(i ) Oriental and Greek History [Ancient History II# 
(i.) and II. (ii.)] ; 

(ii.) Greek and Boman History [Ancient Hi-tor, II. 
(ii.) and II. (iii.)] : 

* Candidates who have already passed the Intermediate B.A. in Hebrew ^ill be 
excused this subject. 



Faculty of Theology. 

(iii.) Modern English History [Modern History II. (ii.)]; 
(iv.) General Modem History [Modern History II. (i.)]; 
(v.) Economic History [Economic History II.] ; 

(vi.) Ecclesiastical History, either II. (i.) or IL (ii.). 
(iii.), (iv.), (v.), and (vi.) are three-hour courses. 

(g) A Science. 

One of the Natural Sciences (of au Intermediate or 
higher standard). (See Prospectus of the Faculty of 


A. English Bible . 

The English Text and general contents of the Old and New 
Testaments, studied in the Revised Version. 

B. Group 1. 

(1) History of Doctruxe (General). 

Two of the following periods: 

(a) The first six centuries. 

(b) The Middle Ages and the Reformation. 

(c) The Modern Period from the seventeenth century. 

Note. — Candidates should not confine their study of the 
first period to Christological controversies. 

(2) History of Doctrine (Special). 

Either (a) The Doctrine of the Person of Christ. 

Prescribed Texts : H. R. Mackintosh, The Doctrine of the 
Person of Jesus Christ (Books II. and III.) ; Athanasius, 
Dc Incarnatione (Contents aud argument of the whole 
book in English) ; the three creeds (in English) ; the 
Greek texts of Athanasius. De Incarnatione (Chapters 
1 — 32) and the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed. 

Or ( b ) The Doctrine of the W ork of Christ. 

Prescribed Texts : H. Rashdall, The Idea of Atonement in 
Christian Theology , page 1S9 to the end; R. Mackintosh, 
Historic Theories of Atonement, Ch. V. to XVII. ; The 
Latin text of Anselm, Cur Deus Homo. 

1 3) Philosophy of Religion. 

Grounds of Religious Belief. The Idea of God. Theistie 
Arguments. Theistie Problems. Theodicy, Freedom, 
Immortality. Relations of Religion and Morality. 
Books recommended : Galloway, The Philosophy of Religion , 
Parts II. and III. ; E. Caird, The Evolution of Religion. 

The following will also be found u.-efui : CuhL.-eon, Th e 
Philosophy of Religion ; TPringle-Pjttti>**ii s The Idea of 
God and Studies ui the Philosophy of Religion : Hoffdinir, 
Philosophy of Religion ; Sorley, Moral Values and the 
Idea of God ; Matthews, Studies in Chri^ian Philosophy ; 
Teimont, Philosophical Theology. 

( 4 ) Psychology of Pel if/ ion . 

The Analysis of the religious consciousness. Its rational, 
affective, and conative elements. The psychology 
of personal and religious ideals. Instinct and the 
Unconscious in relation to religious experience. 
Conversion. Faith. Penitence. Prayer. Mysticism. 
Corporate Religious Experience. 

Boohs recommended : James, Varieties of Religions Experience ; 
Pratt, The Religious Consciousness ; Tliouless, An Intro- 
duction to ike Psychology of Religion . 

(5) Christian Ethics. 

Tim Ethical Ideals of the New Testament studied in 
relation to Hebrew, Jewish, and Hellenic Ideals. 
The history of the attitude of Christianity to 
Property, Punishment, War, The Family, The 
Monastic Ideal, The State. A comparison of Christian 
Ethics with the ethics of the great ethnic faiths. 
Christian Ethics in the light of modern ethical 

C. Group 11, 

(1) Comparative Religion I. The lecture^ deal with the chief 
forms of primitive religion and their later developments, 
and in the latter part of the course with the great living 

(2) Comparative Religions II, A special selected religion or 

group (details to be fixed with the Lecturer in the subject). 

(S) and (4) Ecclesiastical History Special Subjects (with 
prescribed texts* : two of the following: — 

(i.) Christianity in the Roman Empire to 325 a.d. 

(ii.) The development of Monastic Institutions in 
the West to the Sixteenth Century, 
fiii.) Tiie origins and early history of English 
Dissent, to 16S9. 

(iv.) The Religious and Ecclesiastical Movements 
of the early Nineteenth Century. 

Courses (iii.) and (iv.) will be given in 1933-34. 
Courses (i.) and (ii.) will be given in 1934-35. 


Faculty of Thevlor/y. 

Prescribed Texts for the Ecclesiastical History Special 

(i.) Christianity in the Roman Empire to 325 a.d. 

(i a ) In Greek . 

Martyrdom of Poly carp. 

Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. ix. — x. 

Acta J Iartyrum ScillUanorum . 

Dio Chrysostom, Or. 32 and 38. 

Aelius Aristides, Or. 14. 

Lucian. Peregrinus Proteus. 

(b) In English . 

Pliny, Epp. x. 

Philostratus, Vit . Apollonii (Selected passages). 
Cyprian (Selected letters). 

Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. (Selected passages). 

( c ) Selected documents and inscriptions. 

(ii.) The development of Monastic Institutions in the West 
to the Sixteenth Century. 

(a \ In Latin. 

S. Benedicts Beg id a Monasteriorum (ed. C. Butler, 
Herder, 2. edn. 1927). 

Cistercian 44 Carta Car it at is " (Migne, Patr. Latina). 
Selections from Documents of The General Chapters 
of the English Benedictines 1215 — 1540. 
Selections from Gesta Abbatum of St. Albans (Bolls 

(h) In English. 

Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond. 

Selections from Bishop Alnwick’s Visitations of 
Religions Houses of the Lincoln Diocese (ed. 
Hamilton Thompson). 

Ecelestou, De ad cent a fratrum minor um in Anglia m 
(in translation). 

(iii.: The origins and early history of English Dissent to 1689. 

Selections from Luther and Calvin as in Kidd’s Documents 
* f the Cent i rental Reformat ion. Xo>. 11, 36 s 273. 

Wye lit : The Chirr he caul Kir Mcmbris. 

B. Browne : A Boole which she wet h the Life and manners 

of <dl ten* Christian*. 

The Savoy Bet* la ratio:: »»f 165s ('* Of the Institution of 

Degive o* /; D. 


Selections from the following \vork> : — 

Gee and Hardy: Donum hfs ill " <f Engl ’Hi 
Church History. 

W\ A. Curtis : History uj'Cretd* <tfd Cjtfessiut*s nf 

The Journal of George Fox. 

(iv.) The Religious and Ecclesiastical Movements of the 
early Nineteenth Century. 

(i a ) hi Latin and French. 

Selections from Wickham Legg, Selected Documents 
of the F/ench Revolution* and C. Mirbc, (Jaeloi 
zur Greschichte des Papsitiuus. 

(b) In English : 

Priestley, A it tobioyraphy . 

Coleridge, Lay Sermons. 

Sidney Smith, Letters of Peter Piyniley. 

J. H. Newman, Apologia pro vita sua. 

Selected passages from the following : 

The Extraordinary Black Book of Abuses in Church , 
State, etc . 

Life of Wilber force , by his sons. 

Letters and Correspondence of J • H. Newman , 
Ed. Anne Mozley. 

J. Mozlev, Recollections , chiefly of Oriel College 
and the Oxford Movement. 

Ft. H. Froude, Remains. 

Tracts for the Times. 

Stanley, Life of Arnold. 

Selections from Charles Butler, Memories. 

D. Group 111. 

*(1) Old Testament Texts (A). In Hebrew .-—Judges iv.— viii. ; 
I. Kings xv ii. — xxii. : Joel : In Greek : — I. Kings 
xvii. — s ix . ; In English : — Job (omitting chapters 

xxxii. — xxx vii.) and Isaiah ad. — -lv. (O.T. I\ . and ^ I.) 

*(2) Old Testament Texts (B). In Hebrew ; — Judges ix. xvi., 
Am os ; In Greek : — Amos i. — v, ; In English : — Genesis 
i. — xi., Ecclesiastes, Zochariah. (O.T. I\ . and ^ I.) 

Special paper on English Texts for students offering 
no Hebrew : — Genesis, Judges, Job (omitting chapters 
xxxii. — xxxvii.), Isaich, Amos, and the B< ok of 'Wisdom 
(O.T. VI.) 

* fa tlxp rTcK-ew"' papers:*- ^ passages will 1 >l* ?vt Ui Ho: .re.”. 

faculty of Theology. 

(3) New Testament Texts (A). The Gospel of John, the Acts 
of the Apostles i. — xvi., and the Epistle to the Galatians, 
to be studied with special reference to Introduction, 
Exegesis, and History. (N.T. II. and III.) 

(4-) New Testament Texts ( B ). The Gospel of Luke, the Epistle 
to the Ephesians, and the First Epistle of Peter, to be 
studied with special reference to Introduction, Exegesis, 
and History. (N.T. II., and III.) 

(5) Biblical History , Theology , and Introduction (Old 

Testament ). 

*(a) Textual Criticism and History of the Canon of the Old 

(i.) Textual Criticism. The subjects treated in 
Burkitt’s article tc Text and Versions ” in the 
Encyclopaedia Biblica. (Reference may be 
made to Kenyon, Our Bible and the Ancient 
Manuscripts ; Weir, A short History of the 
Hebrew Text ; Driver, Notes on the Hebrew Text 
of Samuel (Introduction) ; Buhl, Canon and 
Text of the Old Testament ; Geden, Outlines of 
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible ; Relevant 
articles in Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible.) 
(ii.) Canon . The subjects treated in Ryle, Canon of 
the Old Testament. (Reference may be made to 
Wildeboer and Buhl.) 

(h) (i.) Introduction. The subjects treated in Sellin, 
Introduction to the Old Testament. (Reference 
may be made to Driver, Introduction to the 
Literature of the Old Testament (8th or 9th ed.) ; 
Gray, Critical Introduction to the Old Testament ; 
W. Robertson Smith, The Old Testament in the 
Jewish Church ; The People and the Book , ed. 

(ii.) History. The subjects treated in Ottley, A 
Short History of the Hebrews , or Foakes- Jackson, 
The Biblical History of the Hebrews. 

(iii.) Theology. The subjects treated in Kautzsch, 
The Religion of Israel (Hastings’ Dictionary of 
*he Bible , vol. V.), and Wheeler Robinson, The 
Religious Ideas of the Old Testament. (O.T., Y. t 
two v*n ii-s.) 

t i me question a must attempted in tile Kxaniination. 

Degree of B.D. 


(6) Biblical History , Theology, and Introduction {New 


*(a) Textual Criticism and History of the Canon of the 

New Testament . 

(i.) Textual Criticism . The subjects treated in 

Kenyon, Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the 
New Testament ; Lake, Text of the New Testa - 
ment. (Reference may bo made to Sourer, The 
Text and Canon of the New Testament, and to 
the relevant articles in dictionaries and en- 

(ii.) Canon . The subjects treated in Westcott, The 
History of the Canon ; Harnack, The Origin of 
the New Testament ; Jlilicher, An Inirodticiion 
to the New Testament , Part II. ; Souter, The 
Text and Canon of the New Testament . 

(b) (i.) Introduction . The subjects treated in Peake, 

Critical Introduction to the New Testament ; 
Moffatt, Introduction to the Literature of the New 
Testament . (Reference may be made to the 
Introductions by Zahn and Jlilicher, and to 
relevant articles in dictionaries and encyclo- 

(ii.) History . The subjects treated in Wade, New 

Testament History , pages 341 — 596 ; McGiffert, 
History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age . 
(Reference may be made to relevant articles in 
encyclopaedias and dictionaries.) 

(iii.) Theology . The subjects treated in Stevens, The 
Theology of the New Testament ; Moffatt, The 
Theology of the Gospels ; and H. A. A. Kennedy. 
The Theology of the Epistles. (N.T., I., two 

(7) Alternative courses to (1), (2), or (-1) above: — 

(a) Prescribed Texts in Syriac , Hebrew , and Greek : — 

Psalms 1 — 34. 

( b ) Prescribed Texts in Cuneiform and Hebrew : — 

The Code of Hammurabi in cuneiform . 

§§1—25; 57, 53; 60—65; 113—132; 137—117; 
153—158; 165—171; 194 — 214; 228—233; 
241—252 ; 261—267 ; 278—282. 

*At least one question on tills section must be attempted in tlie ExanhUHtxs. 

Faculty of Theology . 


Hebrew Texts : — 

Genesis : xvi. 

Exodus : xxi. — xxiii. 

Levit : xviii, — xx. 

Deut : xix., xxi., xxiv, 

Num : v. 

(c) Prescribed Hew Testament Texts in Greek and the 
Syriac Versions : — 

The Gospel of Mark, 


Sec general note as to theses, below, 

inaaces 1 . The degree of D.D. may be conferred by the University on 
persons who shall be deemed by the Senate, after considering a 
report from the Faculty, to have distinguished themselves by 
special research or learning. 

2, The degree of D.D. may be conferred upon the following 
persons : 

(a i Registered Bachelors in Divinity of the University of 
at least four years' standing. 

ib t Bachelors in Divinity of approved Universities who 
have pursued a course of study or research in this University 
for at least two years. 

These shall not be admitted to the degree of D.D. until 
six years have elapsed from the date of their first degree in 
the approved Universities. 

lations 1 . Honorary Research Fellows who intend to proceed under (b) 
to the degree of Doctor of Divinity will be required to pay such 
registration fee as may be prescribed by the Council. 

2. Applications for the degree of D.D. shall be made in writing 
to the Registrar, 0 and shall include a statement of the con- 
tributions to learning, published or accepted for publication, 
on which the applicant's claim to the degree is based, together with 
one or more copies of any memoir, whether in type or MS., which 
the applicant may desire to submit in support of the application* 

Candidates for the degree of D.D. who are not graduates of 
this University pay an exemption fee of £8. 83. at the commence- 
ment of their course. 

Note. — No degree shall be granted on a thesis or published 
work which has already been submitted in support of an applica- 
tion for a degree in any other University. 

* The applications of candidates should 1*0 &ent to the ilegistrar not later 
than Janaarv 31st of the year in winch they 'wish to proceed to the decree. 


Certificate in Biblical Knoich'-tge. 


1. The examination is held in the Summer term, at a date to 
be announced. 

2. Candidates must send in their names to the Registrar of 
the University on or before the fifteenth day of March preceding 
the examination. They must before that day have attained the 
age of 18 years and must produce satisfactory certificates of 
good conduct. 

3. In the event of a guarantee of at least Bix candidates, a 
local centre for the examination may be established on condition 
that a suitable room and satisfactory invigilation be provided 
without charge to the University. 

4. The candidates will be examined in : 

(1) Old Testament : — 

(a) Contents. 

(b) Introduction : — Peake's Commentary : pp. 44 — 

49, 63 — 114, 121 — 132, and the introductions to 
the separate boohs of O.T. 

(2) New Testament : — 

(a) Contents. 

(b) Introduction : — V. Taylor, The Gospels ; H. N. 

Bate, A Guide to the Epistles of St. Paul ; Peake 7 s 
Commentary : pp. 602 — 606, 766 — 775, and the 
introductions to Acts, Hebrews, Catholic 
Epistles, Revelation. 

(3) One at least of the following : — 

(a) Portion of the Old Testament in English 
specially studied: — Genesis xiii. — xxviii., II. 
Kings sdv. — xxv., Amos, Jeremiah i. — vi. 
{Peake's Commentary.) 

(b) Portion of the New Testament in English, 

specially studied : — Acts i. — xv. (Blunt, Acts, 
Clarendon Bible), I. Corinthians {Peake's 

(c) Greek New Testament (translation, introduction, 

and simple exegesis) : — Gospel of Luke ix. — xxiv. 

(d) Hebrew Old Testament (translation, introduction, 
and simple exegesis) : — Ruth. 

One three-hours' paper will be set upon each subject. 
Candidates must pass in all the three papers required for the 
Certificate at one time. 

The fee for examination is £1. Is. 


Faculty of Theology. 


egniationa Before entering upon the course of study leading to a 
Certificate, candidates are required to have passed the Entrance 
Examination or an examination accepted as of equivalent 
standard for the purposes of exemption, see pages 397 and 398. 
Tins regulation, however, will not be held to apply to members 
of recognised Theological Colleges. 

Certificate Course. 

The Certificate in Theology carries no title to a degree, but 
will furnish evidence of sound training in the subjects taken by 
the candidate. 

1. To obtain the Certificate the candidate must satisfy the 
Examiners in the following subjects : 

Preliminary . 

The course for the Certificate in Biblical Knowledge, see 
page 647. 

Final . 

(4) 3 (a) or 3 (d) in the Preliminary Course, if not taken 


(5) 3 (c) in the Preliminary Course, if not taken previously. 

(6) History of Biblical Religion. 

(7) Comparative Religion. 

(8) Outlines of Church History. 

(9) History of Doctrine. 

(10) One (at least) of Philosophy of Religion, or Christian 
Ethics, or Psychology of Religion. 

One three-hours’ paper will be set upon each subject. 

2. Successful candidates will not be arranged in classes, but a 
special mark of distinction may be given in any of the subjects 
(6 to ' 10} inclusive of the Certificate course. 

3. Attendance at lectures for at least one hour weekly for 
one year will be required in subjects (6) to (10), at least two of 
these courses being taken at the University. Not more than 
two of these subjects may be taken at the same time as the 
subjects of the Preliminary Course, but candidates shall be 
required to pass the Preliminary part of the examination before 
they can be credited with “Passes” in any subjects which fall 
within the Final part. 

of Instruction and Examination, including Special Books 
for 1933 - 34 . 

(I? — {oi See Certificate in Biblical Knowledge. 

( 6 • H istonj of B i hi i ca l Reli gion. 

Faculty nf The •?»/. r W 

(7) Comparative Religion : General {<. ommr.trive 

Religion L in B.D. syllabus.) 

(8) Church History : Outline.- of Briri.-h (. hunch History. 

(Eccles. Hist. IV.) 

(9) History of Doctrine : General Outlines. 

or The Doctrine of the Person of Christ {as set in the B.D. 

syllabus, but without the Greek Texts). 
or The Doctrine of the Work of Christ >et in the B.D. 
syllabus, but without the Latin Text). 

(10) (a) Philosophy of Religion : One halt* of the course as 

defined in the B.D. syllabus, to be arranged in 
consultation with the lecturer. Books recommended : 
Galloway, The Philosophy of Religion. Part* IT. and 
III. ; E. Cuird, The Evolution of Relgno,*. 

(h) Psychology of Religion : A> defined in the B.D. 

(c) Christian Ethics : One half of the course as defined 
in the B.D. syllabus, to he arranged in consultation 
with the lecturer. 

Candidates must register at the University at the beginning 
of each academical session, and must send to the Registrar, not 
later than March 15th in each year, a list of the subjects in 
which they desire to be examined in that year, (For sessional 
class fees, See Prospectus of the Faculty of Theology.) 

The fee for examination is £2. 2s, 

Colleges IRecogiuseD for External lectures 
in tbe jfacults of XTbeolog^ 

The Manchester Baptist College, Rusbolme 
Egerton Hall, Victoria Park. 

The Hartley Methodist College, Alexandra Park. 

The Lancashire Independent College, Wh alley Range, 

The Moravian College, Fairfield 
The Unitarian College, Victoria Park. 

The Methodist College, Victoria Park. 

The Methodist College, Didsbury 

Note. — For general information as to [legislation, Exami- 
nation dates, Fees, Attendance regulations, Academic Costume, 
Halls of Residence, etc., see page 331 et *eq. 

For Scholarships, Prizes, &c., having special reference to 
subjects studied in the Faculty of Theology, see Prospectus of 
the Faculty of Theology and the reference there given. 

M'ilHtJ Ui 


*Tbe Jfacult^ of Gecbnologig. 


©eatees a n& Certificates* 

Students who, having passed the Higher School Certificate 
Examination or given evidence satisfactory to the Senate of 
having reached the required standard for admission, satisfactorily 
complete a three years’ Higher Course and pass the required 
examinations in accordance with the Ordinances and Regula- 
tions become entitled to the degree of Bachelor of Technical 
Science (B. Sc. Tech.), with the opportunity of graduating with 
first, second, or third class honours, or with a pass in a Higher 

Students who, having passed the Matriculation Examination 
or its equivalent, satisfactorily complete a three years’ Ordinary 
Course and pass the required examinations in accordance with the 
Ordinances and Regulations become entitled to the degree of 
Bachelor of Technical Science (B.Sc.Tech.). Students who, instead 
of having passed the Matriculation Examination, have passed the 
Entrance Examination or its equivalent before entering upon 
their University Course become entitled, upon satisfactorily 
completing the course and passing the required examinations in 
accordance with the ^ Ordinances and Regulations, to the 
Certificate of the University. The degree of Bachelor of Tech- 
nical Science or the Certificate of the University carries with it 
the title of Associate of the College of Technology. 

A fourth year’s course of advanced study and research 
prepares Bachelors of Technical Science for the higher degree of 
Master of Technical Science (M. Sc. Tech.), and students who have 
obtained the Certificate of the University for the University 
Certificate of Distinction. 

Graduates of this University, holders of the University 
Certificate in Technology, and graduates of other Universities, 
approved by the Senate, may obtain, on satisfactory completion 
of an additional post-graduate course of at least one year, the 
University Certificate in Industrial Administration. 


The fees for Degree and Certificate Courses in the Faculty of 
Technology (other than Certificate Courses in Photographic 
Technology) are : — 

For students from the British 

Isles £38. 16s. 6d. per session. 

Faculty of Technology . 

(b) For students from outside the 

British Isles £58. 16s. 6d. per session. 

The fees for the University Certificate course in Photographic 
Technology are : — 

(a) £28- 16s. 6d. per session. 

( b ) £43. 16s. 6d. per session. 

(According to residence.) 

The fees for the Post-graduate Course for the University 
Certificate in Industrial Administration are : — 

(а) £20 per session. 

(б) £30 per session. 

(According to residence.) 

The University fees for registration and for examinations, 
and the Union subscription, locker rent, and a breakage deposit, 
are payable in addition. Cheques should be made payable to the 
College of Technology, except those in payment of fees for Univer- 
sity Examinations and for the conferment of degrees, which 
should be made payable to the order of “ The Bursar, The Victoria 
University of Manchester,” and crossed “ District Bank Limited.” 

For fuller particulars regarding fees, see page 342 et seq . and 
the Prospectus of the Faculty of Technology. 

IRcgulations Concetnina attendance and 

Persons seeking admission are required : 

(a) To have attained the age of 16 years, or, in the case of 
women students, 17 years. 

(b) To produce a testimonial of good character and proficiency 
from their last instructor, or such other evidence as 
shall be satisfactory to the Vice-Chancellor and to the 
Dean of the Faculty of Technology. 

(c) To sign a declaration that they will observe the Regu- 
lations of the University and of the College of Technology. 

(d) All candidates for degrees and certificates of the Univer- 
sity are required to sign the University Register each 
session not later than October 15th. 

On payment of the prescribed fees the student will receive a 
form of admission, which should be shown to the Professor or 
Lecturer conducting each class. 

Faculty of Technology • 


Students are required to attend with regularity the courses 
for which they have entered. In cases of absence, a written 
notice should he sent at once to the Principal of the College 
of Technology, accompanied by a medical certificate in case 
of illness likely to be prolonged. No student who has suffered 
from an infectious illness, or in whose home there has been 
such illness, is allowed to return to the College of Technology 
until a medical certificate has been received by the Principal 
stating that there is no danger of infection being conveyed. 

Students arriving late for a lecture or laboratory class will 
not be registered as having attended. 

The Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, may 
exclude from the University and refuse to re-admit any students 
whose progress in their studies shall be deemed unsatisfactory. 

Students ivho have not attended regularly or who have absented 
themselves without the permission of the Principal from the Sessional 
or Terminal Examinations of any class will not be entitled to certifi- 
cates of attendance at that class. (Such certificates of attendance are 
required to admit students to the examinations for the Degree or 
Certificate of the University.) 

The attention of students is drawn to the requirements in a 
Foreign Language set forth in Ordinance 3, page 657. 

The satisfactory evidence of being able to read the special subject 
in at least one foreign language approved by the Faculty , not only 
includes satisfactory attendance at the classes , but also a pass in the 
prescribed examinations , which will be held at the beginning of the 
session and at the end of the second term. ( See footnote regarding 
Language i?i the Regulations for Final Courses , B.Sc.Tech pages 
662 — 676 ; Certificate in Technology , page 6S0.) 

Irregularity in attendance, neglect of work, disorderly con- 
duct, or other breach of discipline may lead to suspension from 
classes, or in grave cases to expulsion. 

Fobeign Students. — A foreign student who does not make 
reasonable progress during his first term, owing to a lack of 
knowledge of English, will normally be required to receive 
tuition in English and unless satisfactory progress in the study of 
the language be made, the attendance of the student on his 
University course will not be approved. 

The cost of any articles broken or damaged by any student, 
and of repairing any damage to property will be deducted from 
his breakage deposit, the balance of which will be returned one 
month after the close of the session. Students will also be held 

Faculty of Technology . 

liable for damage beyond the amount of the deposit and mav 
also be held jointly responsible for damage which is not traceable 
to any one .individual. 

The Governing Body will not hold themselves responsible 
for the loss of, or damage to, any property belonging to a student, 
or for damage to a student caused by his own negligence, or by 
disregard of the instructions and regulations laid down for the 
proper management of the laboratories or workshops, or of the 
procedure incident to the various processes or operations con- 
ducted therein. 

Text-books and all materials and appliances may he obtained 
at the Book-room between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. 

The railway companies supply contract tickets at half-price 
to students under eighteen years of age, who must present a 
form (obtainable from the railway company) signed by the 
Principal or Registrar. 

Cbe College of GTecbnoiocip IRefectors. 

Lunch, tea, and other refreshments are provided daily in the 
Refectory between 12 noon and 6-15 p.m., except on Saturdays. 


Students who are placed in the Honours Division at the Final 
Examination of the Higher Course or the First Division at the 
Final Examination of the Ordinary Course for the degree of 
B.Sc.Tech. in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering are exempted 
from Sections A and B of the Associate Membership Examination 
of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 

Degree students in the Mechanical or Electrical Engineering 
Departments between 18 and 25 years of age are exempted from 
the Preliminary Examination which is required for the Student- 
ship of the Institution of Civil Engineers, provided that 
they have either passed the sessional examinations at the end 
of the first year of the course or the Intermediate Examination. 
Such students are qualified to sit for the Associate Membership 
Examination of the Institution at the age of 21 years. Otherwise, 
candidates must have attained the age of 25 years. 

Students who are placed in the Honours Division at the Final 
Examination of the Higher Course for the degree of B.Sc.Tech. 
in M echanical Engineering are excused from Sections A, B, and 
C of the Examination for the Associate Membership of the 
Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 

Faculty of Technology. 


Students who have obtained the degree of B.Sc.Tech. in 
Mechanical, Electrical, or Municipal Engineering are exempted 
from Sections A and B of the examination for the Associate 
Membership of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers^ 

Students who have obtained the degree of B.Sc.Tech. in 
Mechanical, Electrical, or Municipal Engineering are exempted 
from the examination for the Associate Membership of the 
Institution of Electrical Engineers. 

Students who have obtained the University Certificate in 
Mechanical or Electrical Engineering are excused Sections A and 
B of the examination for the Associate Membership of the 
Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 

Students who have been placed in the First or Second Classes 
of the Honours Division at the Final Examination of the Higher 
Course for the degree of B.Sc.Tech., or the First Division at the 
Final Examination of the Ordinary Course for the degree of 
B.Sc.Tech., and who comply with the conditions set forth in the 
Regulations of the Institute for the Admission of Students, 
Associates, and Fellows, are exempted from the examination for 
the Associateship of the Institute of Chemistry. Both the 
Matriculation Examination of the Joint Board and the Entrance 
Examination of the College of Technology are recognised by the 
Institute of Chemistry as approved preliminary examinations. 

Students who have obtained the degree of B.Sc.Tech. in 
Municipal Engineering are exempted from the examination for 
the Associate Membership of the Institution of Sanitary 

Students who have obtained the degree of B.Sc.Tech. in 
Municipal Engineering will be admitted to the Special Exami- 
nation, covering both the Intermediate and Final Examinations, 
of the Surveyors* Institution. 

Students who have obtained the degree of B.Sc.Tech. in 
Textile Industries are regarded as qualified in Textile Technology 
as required in by-law 67 (6), for the Associateship of the Textile 

The Certificate in Mining and the degree of B.Sc.Tech. in 
Mining are accepted by the Home and Indian Governments in 
lieu of two of the five years* practical experience otherwise 
required of candidates who apply for the Mine Managers’ 
certificate of competency. 

Students who have obtained the degree of B.Sc.Tech. are 
exempted from the qualifying examination for membership of 
the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents. 

Faculty of Techwnuny. 


Uh e laboratories. 

From a material point of view, the numerous large and 
well-equipped laboratories form one of the most marked charac- 
teristics of the College of Technology. 

They comprise the — 

Mechanical Engineering laboratories, including the Mate- 
rials Testing, the Hydraulic, the Machine Testing, the 
Steam Engine, the Gas and Oil Engine, and the 
Mechanics laboratories ; the Power Station and Boiler 
Room ; the Engineering workshops, the Smithy, the 
Foundry, and the Pattern Room. 

Electrical Engineering laboratories, containing the Dyna- 
mos, Motors, Rotary Converters and Transformers, 
the High Tension, the Standardising, the Oscillograph, 
the Research, and the Wireless laboratories. 

Municipal Engineering laboratories, including the fully 
equipped Highway Materials Testing laboratory. 

Chemical laboratories, including the Inorganic, Organic, 
Metallurgical, Physical Chemical, Fermentation, 
Rubber, Electro-Chemical, Dyestuff Research, the 
Fuel laboratories, and the Brew-house. There are 
also a Foodstuffs laboratory and a Bakehouse. 

Textile Chemical laboratories, including Dyeing, Paper- 
making and the Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing 

Textile laboratories, including the Preparation and the 
Spinning Rooms, the Weaving Sheds, and the Testing 

Photographic laboratories, including the Studio, Research 
laboratories, and Photo-printing Room. 

Printing laboratories, including Letterpress, Composing 
and Machine Rooms, Lithographic Drawing and Print- 
ing Rooms, and a Studio, Etching and Mounting 
Rooms for Photo-Mechanical work. 

Physics laboratories, including the Optical laboratories, and 
the Godlee Observatory. 

Building Laboratory, containing machines aud apparatus 
for the testing of building materials, the Wood- 
cutting Machine Shop, Carpentry and Joinery, and 
Brickwork and Masonry workshops. 

Work in the laboratories of the College of Technology is 
supplemented by visits paid by the various students’ societies 
to chemical factories, engineering and other industrial establish- 
ments, and by occasional vacation excursions under the direction 
of members of the staff. 

For full details of the facilities and equipment of the labora- 
tories, see the Prospectus of the Faculty of Technology . 


Faculty of Technology. 


£be dRatriculattou ^examination anb t be 
Entrance Examination* 

For particulars as to the Matriculation Examination and the 
Entrance Examination for certificate students, see pages 396 — 398 
and the Prospectus of the Faculty of Technology . 

Candidates entering upon a course for a degree in the Faculty 
of Technology are required to have passed in Mathematics as 
a subject of the Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence 
satisfactory to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 

{For authoritative information and for notice of any altera - 
tions as to the Matriculation Examination , see the Syllabus of the 
Joint Matriculation Board. The syllabus and all information 
relating to the Matriculation Examination may be obtained from 
the Secretary , Joint Matriculation Board , 315, Oxford Road , 
Manchester , 13.) 


Note. — The Ordinances and Regulations for the degree of 
B.Sc.Tech. now provide for Higher Courses in the Faculty. 
These Higher Courses extend over three years from the standard 
marked by the present Intermediate Examination for the 
B.Sc.Tech. degree or by the Higher School Certificate, or its 
equivalent, and their standard is thus at least one year in advance 
of that of the Ordinary Courses. Candidates taking one of the 
Higher Courses have the opportunity of graduating with first, 
second, or third class honours. 

Degree of Bachelor of ZTccbnieal Science* 

Students proposing to study for the degree of Bachelor of 
Technical Science are required to pass the Matriculation 
Examination or to obtain a certificate of exemption before 

The courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Technical 
Science are either Higher or Ordinary Courses. 

1. The degrees in this Faculty are Bachelor of Technical 
Science (B.Sc.Tech.) and Master of Technical Science (M.Sc.Tech.).* 

2. The degree of Bachelor of Technical Science is conferred 
upon students of the University who have attended in the 
University one of the Higher or Ordinary courses of study 
approved by the University and have passed the examinations 
appointed by it for the degree. The courses of study shall extend 
over at least three academic years, which shall be subsequent to 
the Matriculation Examination, and also subsequent to the 

• M* s-tvrs wi Techmeai isi*:en“e aiv ei^itled to become candidates for the degra* 
of <r r-f st*:ec^e n ruler riie r^U'at’ons of tile Faculty of Science. 

Degree of B. Sc. Tech. 


passing of the subject of Mathematics in the Matriculation or '> 
an equivalent examination approved by the Senate. 

3. Candidates for the degree of B. Sc. Tech, must, before 
proceeding to the degree, present satisfactory evidence of being 
able to read their special subject in at least one foreign language 
approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

(A) Higher Courses. 

4. Candidates for admission to the Higher Courses (A) are 
required (in addition to having passed or obtained exemption 
from the Matriculation Examination of the Joint Board of the 
Northern Universities) either 

(а) To have passed in at least three of the following subjects 
from Group III. of the Higher School Certificate 
Examination of the Joint Matriculation Board : — 

(i.) Pure Mathematics, or Pure and Applied 

(ii.) Applied Mathematics, 

(iii.) Physics, 

(iv.) Chemistry ; 

(б) To have passed the Intermediate Examination for the 
Degree of B.Sc. or B. Sc. Tech, after one year’s work in 
the University and to be recommended by the Board of 
the Faculty of Technology for admission to a Higher 
Course ; 

(c) To have passed the Higher Certificate Examination of an 
approved Authority, other than the Joint Matriculation 
Board, or the Intermediate or the First Examination in 
Science or Applied Science or Technology of an approved 
University, or to satisfy the Senate as to their general 
educational qualifications, and to give evidence satisfactory 
to the Board of the Faculty of having attained an adequate 
standard of knowledge for admission to a Higher Course. 

5. The Final Examination (A) is held once a year. 

6. Candidates presenting themselves for the Final 
Examination (A) will be required to have attended in the 
University a Higher Course approved by the University extending 
over at least three academic years in one of the following sections 
of Technology : — 

I. Mechanical Engineering. 

II. Electrical Engineering. 

III. Municipal Engineering. 

IV. Applied Chemistry. 

V. Textile Chemistry. 

VI. Textile Industries. 

VII. Building. 

Faculty af Technology. 


Except that candidates who have pas>ed the Final 
Ex unim-tYa h*r the decree of Bachelor "f Technical Science in 
an Or Y ary Cnur>c and have been placed in tlie Flr.-t Division, 
may, n«.r later than twn years afier pa >.-mg that examination, 
with ihe pr-nui.-sion nt the lYurd • f the Faculty, present them- 
selves foi Part II. of the Final Examination in the corresponding 
Higher Course, provided that during the interval they have 
satisfactorily attended the final year «»f the appropriate Higher 

7. The names uf candidates who have passed the Final 
Examination (Al are published in two divisions, and the first 
division shall be called the Honours division and be sub-divided 
into three classes. 

8. No candidate for the degree of B. Sc. Tech, with Honours 
shall he admitted more than once to the Final Examination 
(A), except that candidates who have passed the Final Examina- 
tion (A) in one section of Technology may present themselves for 
examination in a second section one or two years after passing 
the Final Examination and upon the satisfactory completion of 
approved Higher bourses during the period in question. 

No candidate shall be admitted to the Final Examination 
(Al in any section of Technology after a longer period than 
five years lia- elapsed since the date of his first entrance upon 
one of the Higher Courses. 

Candidates who fail in the Final Examination (A) may, if 
they have, in the opinion of the Examiners, acquitted themselves 
sufficiently well in such examination, and if the record of their 
work during their course of study has been satisfactory, be 
recommended by the Bo, rd < d the Faculty for the Ordinary Degree 
of B. Sc. Tech, in the first or second division. 

9. Any candidate who at the end of the first or second year 
of a Higher Course has, in the opinion of the Board of the Faculty, 
failed to make satisfactory progress, may be required to 
discontinue that course and to proceed with the second or third 
year respectively of the Ordinary Course in the same section of 
Technology. Such candidates may be exempted by the Senate, on 
the recommendation of the Board of The Faculty, from the 
Intermediate Examination for the Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. Tech. 

i Bj Ordinary Courses. 

30. The examination (B) for the degree of B.Sc. Tech, is 
divided into two [tart.-, called the Intermediate Examination 
and the Final Examination (B;. 

Degree of B. Sc .Tech. »'* ."V, * 

11. The Intermediate Examination 13 held ordinarily twice 
in each calendar year in June and September. 

12. At 'the second Intermediate Examination those can- 
didates only may present themselves wh«» have received the 
permission of the Board of the Faculty. 

13. Candidates before entering for the Intermediate Examina- 
tion are required to furnish certificates of having attended a 
course of study approved by the University, and extending over 
one academic year in each of the subjects in which they present 
themselves for examination, unless exempted for special reasons 
by the Senate. 

14. The subjects of the Intermediate Examination are : — 

1. Mathematics. 

2. Physics. 

3. Chemistry (Inorganic and Organic). 

Candidates who intend to present Mining or Applied 
Chemistry (d) (Metallurgy and Assaying) in their Final 
Examination may substitute Geology for Organic 

Candidates must pass in either 

(a) Three subjects at the same examination, 

or (b) Two subjects at one examination and the third 

subject at any subsequent examination. 

Candidates who are excused one subject of the Intermediate 
Examination must pass in the remaining subjects at one 
and the same examination. 

Candidates shall not be admitted to the Final Examination 
(B) until at least one academic year after the completion 
of the Intermediate Examination. 

15. The names of candidates who have passed the Inter- 
mediate Examination are published in a single list, the names 
being arranged in alphabetical order. 

16. The Final Examination (B) is held once a year. 

17. Candidates presenting themselves for the Final Exami- 
nation (B) are required to have passed the Intermediate 
Examination in the Faculty of Technology or the Intermediate 
Examination in the Faculty of Science, provided that candidates 
who present Mining in the Final Examination (B) shall have 
passed the Intermediate Examination in the Faculty of 

< u*dmancp« 

Faculty of Technology. 

i&ncPh Technology (see proviso, Clause 14) ; or the Intermediate 
Examination in the Faculty of Science in three of the 
following, one of which shall be (d ) : — 

(ft) Pure Mathematics. 

(6) Applied Mathematics. 

(c) Physics. 

(d) Inorganic Chemistry, with Elementary Geology. 

Candidates will be required to have attended in the University 

an Ordinary course of study approved by the University 
extending over at least two academic years in one of 
the following sections of Technology : — 

I. Mechanical Engineering. 

II. Electrical Engineering. 

III. Municipal Engineering. 

IV. Applied Chemistry. 

Ah Textile Chemistry. 

VI. Textile Industries. 

VII. Building. 

V1EI. Mining. 

18. The names of candidates who have passed the Final 
Examination (B) are published in two divisions, the names in each 
division being arranged in alphabetical order. 

Intermediate Course. 

nt:ous ^ The syllabuses in the subjects forming part of the 

Intermediate Examination are as follows : 

I. Mathematics : — 

(a) Pure Mathematics : — Algebra up to and including the 
Binomial Theorem with positive integral index. Plane 
trigr.nomotiy to the solution of triangles (inclusive). 
Analytical geumetry of the straight line and circle. 

(&) Calculations : — Applications of the above processes to 
practical calculations involving the use of the slide 
rule, tables of logarithms and other mathematical 
functions, and squared paper. 

(c) Mechanics : — Composition and resolution of forces acting 
on a particle. Parallel forces, moments, couples. Re- 
duction of a system of forces acting in one plane on a 
rigid body. Simple machines. Laws of friction. 

Composition and resolution of velocities and accele- 
rations. Laws of motion. Momentum. Energy. 
A\ ork. Simple cases of impact. The hodograph. 
Motion in a circle. Simple harmonic motion. The 
pendulum. Principles of hydrostatics. Theory of 
elementary hvdraulic machines. 

Degree of B. Sc. Tech 


II. Physics: — 

(a) The properties of matter, the chief phenomena of sound, 

heat, light, electricity and magnetism, treated in an 
elementary manner. 

(b) Practical Physics. 

III. Chemistry: — 

(a) Inorganic Chemistry with special reference to the Non- 


(b) Introduction to Organic Chemistry, or 

(c) Organic Chemistry (for candidates in Mechanical, 

Electrical, or Municipal Engineering. Mining nr Textile 
Industries) : The aliphatic and aromatic hvdrocarl m ms. 
Methyl and ethyl alcohols. Organic acids. Fats. Snap. 
Carbohydrates. Solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels. Flame 
and combustion. 

(d) Practical Chemistry : The qualitative analysis of mix- 
tures which may include inorganic substances, and the 
more common organic acids and salts. Exercises in 
simple preparations. 

IV. Elementary Geology (for candidates in Mining) : — 

(а) Physiography : — The agents at work on and beneath the 
surface of the earth ; water ; frost ; snow ; ice ; the 
atmosphere ; chemical action in building up and 
destroying ; organic action ; the phenomena resulting 
from earth-heat. ; volcanoes ; earthquakes ; elevation 
and depression of land ; mountain-making and valley- 
carving ; hot-springs. 

(б) Structural and Dynamical Geology : — Temperature and 

density of the earth ; its place in the universe ; the 
constitution of its crust ; the classification, history, 
and microscopical structure of the fragmental, crystal- 
line, and fragmento-crystalline rocks ; movements in 
the earth’s crust ; the circulation of water beneath the 
surface of the earth ; the formation of mineral veins. 

(c) Stratigraphical Geology : — The classification of the 

stratified crust of the earth ; the primary, secondary, 
and tertiary rocks, fossils, and minerals. 

(d) Geological Surveying : — The study of the rocks in the 
field and their representation in geological maps and 

2. Candidates will be required also to furnish certificates of 
attendance in the subject of Descriptive Geometry. 

3. Candidates will be required to present their note-books 
showing the work done in the University courses in preparation 
for this examination. 


TiK-i Fai'Ui: : i of TrcUV'ih 

Final Course. 

The minimum attendance for the several degree courses 
shad he twenty hours weekly. 

In determining the results of the Pinal Examination it shall 
be within the power of the Examiners to hold a viva voce 
examination of any candidate. They may further take into 
consideration the class work of candidates during their course, 
and also any thesis or record of original work conducted by 
candidates during their course. 

I . — Mechanical Engineering . 

Higher Course. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in the following 
subjects* : 

Daring the first gear : — Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, 
Physics, Electro-Technics, Metallurgy, Language, + and 

During the second gear : — Mechanical Engineering, Electrical 
Engineering, Mathematics, Works Management, Costing 
and Estimating, Language, f and in certain cases Paper 
Manufacture or Textile Engineering. 

During the third year: — Mechanical Engineering, Electrical 
Engineering, or Textile Engineering, Mathematics, 
Metallurgy, and in certain cases Paper Manufacture. 

B . The final examination will consist of two parts. Part I., 
which may be taken at the end of the second year, will consist of 
seven approved papers to be chosen from the final examination 
of the ordinary course, four of which must be Theory of Machines, 
Machine Design, Machine Designing, Strength of Materials and 
Theory of Structures. Part II. will be held at the end of the third 
year of the course and will consist of six papers, four to be chosen 
from the following subjects : 

1. Mathematics. 

: 2 . Mechanical Engineering. 

3. Strength of Material- and Metallurgy. 

-i. Eh\?tri< al Engineering or Spinning or Weaving Machinery. 

o. Engineering Work.- Organisation. 

* hi the e^e of ihe foreign language, examinations vVi.II be held at the beginning 
of rlie se-s:«m and at the end of the second term. A candidate ^lio satisfies the 
Ilxaiiiineis at either o: these oxamiuat.ons mar be excused further attendance. 

r The Ummaco umir neu th«* Board of tht Faculty for the courses in 
Mechanical Engineer inn is German, 

Degrei of B.Sc.Tech. 


and one paper in each of two approved special subject* from the Regulation* 
following list : — 

(a) Steam Turbines ; 

(b) Internal Combustion Engines or Textile* Mill 

Engineering or Paper Manufacture I. : 

(c) Hydraulics ; 

(d) Machine Tools ; 

(e) Engineering Works Organisation : 

(/) Structures ; 

(g) Spinning or Weaving MecUint-ry or Paper Manu- 
facture II. 

Work done in the drawing office and laboratories will be 
taken into account. Creditable performance in the special 
papers will be a condition of obtaining a place in the Honours 
Division in the final examination. 

Ordinary Course. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in Mechanical Engineer- 
ing, Electrical Engineering, Metallurgy, Mathematics, Physics, 
Chemistry, Language* - }*, and in certain cases Textile Machinery 
or Paper Manufacture. 

B. The final examination w - ill consist of nine papers in the 
following subjects : — 

1. Theory of Machines ; 

2. Machine Design ; 

3. Machine Designing ; 

T. Hydraulics ; 

5. Steam Engines and Turbines ; 

6. Internal Combustion Engines or Textile Machinery or 

Paper Manufacture : 

7. Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures ; 

8. General Mechanical Engineering ; 

9. Electrical Engineering. 

Work done in the drawing office and laboratories will be 
taken into account : all drawings and laboratory note-books 
must be handed in for inspection. 

*In the case of the foreign language, examinations will be held at the beginning 
of the session and at the «nd ot the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

+ The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the course in 
Mechanical Engineering is German. 



Faculty of Technology. 

Ltions II. Electrical Engineering . 

Higher Course. 

A . Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in the following subjects*: 

During the first and second years. — Electrical Engineering, 
Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, 
Language, f 

During the third year. — Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. 

B. Candidates are required to pass a Einal Examination. 
The Einal Examination will consist of two parts. Part I. 9 which 
may be taken at the end of the second year, will consist of six 
papers, three chosen from the following subjects : 

1. Theory of Machines. 

2. Steam Turbines. 

3. Heat Engines. 

4. Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures. 

B. Hydraulics. 

and the following three papers : — 

Single-phase and Polyphase Currents. 

Electro-Technology and Testing. 

Electrical Machinery and Apparatus. 

Part II. will be taken at the end of the third year and will 
consist of five (A) papers and one (B) special paper chosen from 
the following : 

A. Papers : — 

1. Mathematics. 

2. Electro-Magnetic Theory and Electrical Measurements. 

3. Generation and Transmission of Electrical Energy. 

4 Electrical Design. 

5. Electric Traction. 

6. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony. 

7. Line Telegraphy and Telephony. 

*In the case of the foreign language, examinations will be held at the beginning 
of the session ami at the end of the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

t The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in Electrical 
Engineering is German. 

Degree of B.Sc.Tech. 

0 Go 

B. Special Papers : — 

1. Generation and Transmission of Electrical Energy. 

2. Electrical Design. 

3. Electric Traction. 

4. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony. 

5. Electrical Measurements. 

Ordinary Course. 

A. Candidates will be required to present certificates of 
having attended satisfactorily approved courses in Electrical 
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, 

B. Candidates are required to pass a Final Examination. 
The Final Examination will consist of four papers chosen from 
Group C and five papers chosen from Group D. 

Group C : — 

1. Mathematics. 

2. Theory of Machines. 

3. Steam Turbines. 

4. Heat Engines. 

5. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, 

or Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures, 
or Hydraulics. 

Group D : — 

1. Electrical Instruments. 

2. Single-phase and Polyphase Currents. 

3. Electro-Technology and Testing. 

4. Generation and Transmission of Electrical Energy. 

5. Electrical Machinery and Apparatus. 

6. Electrical Design. 

7. Electric Traction. 

8. Line Telegraphy and Telephony. 

♦In the case ot the foreign language, examinations will be held at tbe beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who sati-hes the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

t The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in Electrical 
1 Engineering is German. 

Regulation t 


Faculty of Technology . 

tions II J. — Municipal Engineering. 

Higher Course. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in the following 
subjects*: — 

During the first year. — Mathematics, Languagef, Physics and 
Electro-technics, Geology and Chemistry, Municipal 
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. 

During the second year. — Municipal Engineering, Mechanical 
Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geology and 
Physics, Language! and Economics. 

During the third year. — Municipal Engineering, Mechanical 
Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology and 
Applied Physics. 

B. The Pinal Examination will consist of two parts. Part I. 
will be taken at the end of the second year and will consist of 
six approved papers, to be chosen from the subjects of the final 
examination of the Ordinary Course, as follows : — 

1. Surveying and Levelling. 

2. Physics or Chemistry. 

3. j 

l Four other approved subjects* 


Together with one paper in Mathematics. 

Part II. will be taken at the end of the third year and will 
consist of eight papers of an advanced character, of which six 
will be in the following subjects : — 

1. Sewerage, Sewage Treatment, and Befuse Disposal ; 

2. Boad construction. Maintenance and Cost, and Town 

Planning ; 

3. Building Construction (including steel and re-inforced 

concrete structures) ; 

4. Hydraulics ; 

5. Water Supply ; 

•In the case of the loreign language, examinations wilL be held at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A. candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

+ Tbe language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in 
Municipal Engineering is French. 

Degree of B. Sc. Tech. 


6. Strength and Elasticity of Materials, and Theory of 
Structures ; 

and two papers 

(i.) A written examination ; 

(ii.) A drawing examination or an extra paper, 
in one of the following special subjects : 

(a) Design and Construction of Sewerage and Sewage 
Disposal Works (including provision for treating 
trade waste). 

(b) Water Supply (including the design and construction 

of reservoirs). 

(o) Town Planning. 

(d) Design and Construction of Highway Bridges. 

(e) Design and Construction of Buildings for municipal 


Work done in the drawing office and laboratories and field 
work will be taken into account, and creditable performance 
in the special papers will be a condition of obtaining a place in 
the Honours Division in the Final Examination. 

Ordinary Course. 

A . Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in Municipal Engineer- 
ing, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, 
Geology, and Language* t- 

B . The Final Examination will consist of eight papers in 
the following subjects : — 

1. Municipal Engineering. 

2. Road Construction. 

3. Water and Sewage Analysis. 

4. Building Construction and Ventilation. 

5. Surveying and Levelling. 

6. Physics or Chemistry. 

7. Properties of Materials. 

8. Water Supply and Hydraulics. 

The Exa min ers may take into account the work done in class, 
in the laboratories and drawing offices, also the field work. 

* In the case of the foreign language, examinations will beheld at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

t The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in 
Municipal Engineering is French. 


Faculty of Technology. 

fcimis iy — Applied Chemistry. 

Higher Course. 

Higher Courses are arranged in the following branches of 
Applied Chemistry : — 

General Chemical Technology. 


Chemical Technology of Fermentation Processes 
(including Brewing). 


Colouring Matters. 



A. Candidates for admission to the Higher Courses (A) in the 
section of Applied Chemistry must have passed the Intermediate 
or Higher School Certificate Examination in Chemistry or an 
equivalent examination in Chemistry approved by the Board of 
the Faculty. 

B. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses as follows* : — 

During the first and second years. — Chemistry and Chemical 
Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, 

During the tJiird gear. — Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 

C . The Final Examination will consist of two parts. Part I. 
will be taken at the end of . the second year and will be 
common to all the above branches of Applied Chemistry. Part II. 
will be taken at the end of the third year and will vary 
according to the branch of Applied Chemistry selected by the 

Part I. will consist of four papers in the subjects mentioned 
below, and an examination in Practical Chemistry extending 
over three days : — 

1. Inorganic Chemistry. 

2. Physical Chemistry. 

3. Descriptive Engineering (for students caking any 

branch except Metallurgy), or General Metallurgy 
(for students taking Metallurgy). 

4. Organic Chemistry (for students taking any branch 

except Metallurgy), or 

Geology and Mineralogy (for students taking 

h In the case of the foieign language, examinations will beheld at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

+ The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in Applied 
Chemistry is German. 

Degree of B, Sc. Tech. 


Part II. will consist of four papers in one of the following Regulations 
branches of Applied Chemistry and a practical examination 
extending over at least five days : — 

General Chemical Technology : 

1. Higher Physical Chemistry (B). 

2. Industrial Organic Chemistry. 

3. Higher Physical Chemistry 'A). 

4. Fuel. 

Metallurgy : 

1 and 2. Metallurgy (two papers). 

3. Metallography. 

4. Fuel. 

Chemical Technology of Fermentation Processes (including 
Brewing) : 

1. Chemical Technology of Fermentation Processes. 

2. Higher Physical Chemistry (A). 

3. Industrial Organic Chemistry. 

4. Fuel. 

Electro-Chemistry : 

1 and 2. Electro-Chemistry (two papers). 

3. Electrical Engineering. 

4. Hydraulics and Hydrology. 

Colouring Matters : 

1. Coal Tar Distillation and Intermediates for Dyes. 

2. Colouring Matters and Heterocyclic Compounds. 

3. Chemistry of Dyeing and Lakes. 

4. Higher Physical Chemistry (A). 

Foodstuffs : 

1. Chemistry of Foodstuffs. 

2. Higher Physical Chemistry (A). 

3. Industrial Organic Chemistry. 

4. Fuel. 

Fuel : 

1 and 2. Fuel (two papers). 

3. Geology and Mining. 

4. Mechanical Engineering. 


Faculty of Technology. 

Ordinary Course. 

ions A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in Chemistry and 
Chemical Technology/ Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, and 
Language*! . 5 - 

B . The Final Examination will consist of papers in the 
following subjects: 

I. — 1. Inorganic Chemistry. 

2. Physical Chemistry. 

3 and 4. Two papers in one of the following branches 
of Chemical Technology : — 

( 0 ) General Chemical Technology. 

(6) Metallurgy and Assaying. 

(o) Chemical Technology of Fermentation Processes. 

(d) Electro-Chemistry. 

(e) Photography. 

For candidates taking options (a), (c), ( d ), (e) : 

5. Organic Chemistry. 

For candidates taking option (a) : 

6. Chemistry of the Colouring Matters. 

For candidates taking option ( b ) : 

7. Fuel. 

II. — Practical examination (extending over at least four days) 

in Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 

Y. — Textile Chemistry. 

Higher Course. 

Higher Courses are arranged in the following branches of 
Textile Chemistry : — 

Chemistry of Textiles. 

Paper Manufacture. 

A. Candidates for admission to Higher Courses in Textile 
Chemistry must have passed the Intermediate or Higher School 
Certificate examinations in Chemistry or an equivalent exami- 
nation in Chemistry approved by the Board of the Faculty. 

•In the case of tlie foreign language, examinations will bo held at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

+ The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in Applied 
Chemistry is German. 

Degree of B. 8c. Tech. 


B. Candidates are required to present certificates of having Reguiationi 
attended satisfactorily approved courses as follows : — * 

During the first and second years. — Chemistry and Chemical 

Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, 


During tke third year . — ( a ) In Chemistry of Textiles : 

Chemistry and Chemical Technology. (6) In Paper 

Manufacture : Chemistry, Chemical Technology, and 


C. The final examination will consist of two parts. Part I. 
will be taken at the end of the second year. Part II. will be taken 
at the end of the third year and will vary according to the branch 
of Textile Chemistry selected by the candidate. 

Part I. will consist of four papers in the subjects mentioned 
below and an examination in Practical Chemistry extending 
over three days : — 

1. Inorganic Chemistry. 

2. Physical Chemistry. 

3. Descriptive Engineering. 

4. Organic Chemistry. 

Part II. will consist of four papers in the following subjects, 
together with practical examinations, extending over at least 
five days : — 

Chemistry of Textiles : 

1 . Colouring Matters and Chemistry of Dyeing. 

2. Fuel. 

3 & 4. Chemistry of Textiles (two papers). 

Paper Manufacture : 

1 . Paper Manufacture. 

2. Properties of Materials. 

3. Heat Engines. 

4. Hydraulics. 

Ordinary Course. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in Chemistry and 
Chemical Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, and a 

* In the case or cue foreign language, examinations will be held at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

f The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in Textile 
Chemistry is German. 

V 2 


Faculty of Technology. 

bion« B. The final examination will consist of papers in the 
following subjects : — 

I. Chemistry of Textiles : 

1. Inorganic Chemistry. 

2. Physical Chemistry. 

3. Organic Chemistry. 

4. Chemistry of the Colouring Matters. 

5 & 6. Chemistry of Textiles. 

7. A practical examination extending over at least 
four days. 

or II. Pajper Manufacture : 

1. Inorganic Chemistry. 

2. Physical Chemistry. 

3. Organic Chemistry. 

4 & 5. Paper Manufacture. 

6. A practical examination extending over at least 
four days. 

VI . — Textile Industri es . 

Higher Course. 

Higher Courses are arranged in the following branches of 
Textile Technology : 

Cotton Spinning. 

Cotton Manufacture. 


A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
satisfactorily attended approved courses in the following subjects : 

During the first and second years . — Mathematics, Physics, 
Chemistry, a Language 5 ^, Economics, and Textile 

During the third year. — Textile Technology. 

B. The final examination will consist of two parts, of which 
Part I. will be taken at the end of the second year and Part II. 
at the end of the third year. 

Part I. will consist of six papers in the following subjects : 

1. General Textile Technology. 

2. and 3. Either Cotton Spinning III. and Weaving 

General, or Weaving III. and Cotton Spinning 

4. Economics (with special reference to the Cotton 


5. Either Chemistry of Textiles or Hosiery Manufacture. 

6. Either Textile Engineering or Applied Design. 

♦In the case of the foreign language, examinations will be held at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

+ The languages approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in Textile 
Industries are French and German. 

Degree of B. So. Tech. 


Part- II. will consist of three papers in one of the following 
groups : — 

Cotton Spinning : 

1. Essay paper. 

2 and 3. Cotton Spinning (two papers). 

Each candidate in this group is required to prepare and 
submit samples of yarn. 

Cotton Manufacture : 

1 . Essay paper. 

2 and 3. Cotton Manufacture (two papers). 

Each candidate in this group is required to prepare and 
submit eight woven samples. 

Design : 

1. Essay paper. 

2. Historic Ornament. 

3. Applied Design. 

Each candidate in this group is required to prepare and 
submit sixteen woven samples. 

Ordinary Course. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
satisfactorily attended approved courses in Mathematics, Physics, 
Chemistry, a Language**)*, Textile Technology, and such ancillary 
subjects as are required for the final examination. 

B . The final examination will consist of eight papers in one 
of the following groups : 

Group 1. 

1, 2, and 3. Cotton Spinning I., II., and III. 

4. Weaving General. 

5. General Textile Technology. 

6. Economics (with special reference to the Cotton 


7. Textile Engineering. 

8. Hosiery Manufacture. 

Group II. 

1, 2, and 3. Weaving I., II., and III. 

4. Cotton Spinning General. 

5. General Textile Technology. 

6. Economics (with special reference to the Cotton 


7. Textile Engineering. 

8. Chemistry of Textiles. 

+ Iu the case ot the foreign language, examinations will be belt! at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who eatisdes the 
Examiners at; either of these examinations may be excused further attend ; nee. 

1 The languages approved by the Hoard of the Faculty for the courses in Textile 
Industries are French and German. 



Faculty of Technology. 

^illations Group III. 

1, 2, and 3. Weaving I., II,, and III. 

4. Cotton Spinning General. 

5. Historic Design. 

6. Applied Design. 

7. General Textile Technology . 

8. Chemistry of Textiles. 

VII. — Building . 

Higher Course. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in the following 
subjects : — 

During the first and second years. — Mathematics, Build- 
ing Construction, Structural Design, Architectural 

Design, Quantities and Estimates, Language.* 

During the third year. — Building Construction, Struc- 
tural Engineering, Architectural Design. 

B. Candidates are required to pass a final examination, 
which will consist of two parts. Part I., which may be taken 
at the end of the second year, will consist of six papers, five in 
the following subjects: — 

1 and 2. Building Construction (two papers). 

3 Strength of Materials and Structural Design. 

4. Reinforced Concrete. 

5. Builders’ Quantities. 

and 6. One paper selected from the following : — 

(cl) Architectural Design. 

( b ) Builders’ Finance and Accountancy. 

(c) Builders’ Estimates. 

(d) Building Materials. 

Part II., which shall be taken not less than one year after 
passing Part I., will consist of seven papers, five in the following 
subjects : — 

1 and 2. Building Construction (two papers). 

3. Structural Engineering. 

4. Builders’ Quantities and Estimates. 

5. Building Materials. 

♦The languages approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses in 
Building are French and German. 

Degree of B.Sc.Tech. 


and 6, 7 . Two papers selected from the following : — Regulations 

(a) Applied Design (Reinforced Concrete;. 

(b) Applied Design (Steelwork). 

(c) Architectural Design. 

(d) Industrial Administration. 

The examiners may take into account the work done in 
class and in the laboratories and drawing offices. 

Ordinary Course. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in Mathematics, 

Building Construction, Structural Engineering, History of 
Architecture, Architectural Design, Language . * 

B. Candidates are required to pass a final examination, 
which will consist of eight papers, five in the following 
subjects : — 

1 and 2. Building Construction (two papers), 

3. Strength of Materials and Structural Design. 

4. Reinforced Concrete. 

5. Builders’ Quantities. 

and 6, 7, 8. Three papers selected from the following : — 

(а) Architectural Design. 

(б) Builders’ Finance and Accountancy. 

(c) Builders’ Estimates. 

(d) Building Materials. 

The examiners may take into account the work done in 
class and in the laboratories and drawing offices. 

VIII. — Mining. 

Ordinary Course. 

I. Coal Mining. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily approved courses in Mining, Engineering, 
Surveying, Geology, Chemical Technology, either Metallurgy 
(including Fuel and Gas Analysis), or Electro-technics, 
Language f J, and four months 5 practical work in a colliery. 

B . The examination will consist of nine papers in the following 
subjects : — 

1. Mining. 

2. Colliery Engineering. 

' 3. Surveying. 

*The languages approved by the Hoard of the Faculty for the courses ia 
Building are French and German 

1 In the case of the foreign language, examinations will be held at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term, A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

; The languages approved by the Board of the Faculty for the courses m Mining 
are French and German. 


Faculty of Teclmology. 

ations 4 and 5. Geology (two papers). 

6. Chemical Technology of Coal. 

7. Either Metallurgy or Electro-technics. 

8. Heat Engines. 

9. Mechanical Engineering. 

II. Metal Mining. 

A. Candidates are required to present certificates of having 
attended satisfactorily during their second year approved courses 
in Mining, Surveying, Chemistry of the Metals and Metallurgy, 
Geology, Engineering, and Language*! ; and, during their third 
year, an approved course in the Camborne School of Metalliferous 
Mining, and before the end of their third year two months’ 
practical work in a colliery. 

B. The examination will consist of five papers to be taken 
by candidates before proceeding to their final year in the 
following subjects : — 

1. Mining. 

2. Chemistry of the Metals. 

3. Metallurgy. 

4. Geology and Mineralogy. 

5. Engineering. 

Candidates will also be required at the end of their final year 
to pass the third year examination for the certificate of the 
Camborne School of Metalliferous Mining. 

Begree of flbastei* of tfecbntcal Science. 

See general note as to theses, page 899 . 

nances 1. The degree of Master of Technical Science may be conferred 
on the following persons : 

(a) Graduates in Technical Science or graduates in Honours 

in Science of the University of not less than one year’s 

standing from the date of their graduation as Bachelor 

on the following conditions : — 

(i.) Each candidate shall present a thesis on some subject 
coming within the scope of the Faculty of Technology. 
This thesis may consist of a record (published or not) 
of original work, or of an essay on some scientific 
question of importance involving criticism or histori- 
cal research. 

* Candidates must signify, in writing, their option not later than January 1st. 
f In the case of the foreign language, examinations will be held at the beginning 
of the session and at the end of the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of these examinations may be excused further attendance. 

Degree of M. Sc. Tech . 


(ii.) A candidate for the degree of Master of Technical ordinance* 
Science who has followed an Ordinary Course for the 
degree of Bachelor of Technical Science, and has not 
subsequently followed, in a manner satisfactory to the 
Board of the Faculty, a further course relevant to the 
subject of his thesis, shall be required to present 
himself for examination (orally or otherwise) on the 
subject of his thesis or on any matter immediately 
connected therewith. The Board of the Faculty 
may require any other candidate for the degree of 
M.Sc.Tech. to present himself fora similar examination. 

(iii.) The Board of the Faculty shall recommend for the 
degree of M.Sc.Tech. those candidates whose theses 
are approved. 

(b) Graduates of the University in Faculties other than those 
provided for in clause (a) of this Ordinance-, of not less 
than two years’ standing from the date of their graduation 
as Bachelor, who have 

(i.) Attended satisfactorily further approved courses in 
the Faculty of Technology during two sessions ; and 
(ii.) Fulfilled in addition the requirements for the 
M.Sc.Tech. degree under Ordinance 1 (a). 

Candidates intending to proceed to the degree of Master Reguiauons 
under Ordinance 1 must pay the required fees not later 
than June 1st and must notify the Registrar by that date 
of the titles of their theses ; except that candidates 
who wish to submit theses in May must notify the 
Registrar to this effect on or before March 1st, and 
must pay the required fees and must notify the titles of 
their theses by that date. 

Candidates intending to proceed to the degree of Master 
under Ordinance 1 must present three copies of their 
theses not later than September 15th. Candidates may, 
however, present their theses on or before May 24th with 
a view to obtaining the degree at Midsummer ; but a 
candidate who avails himself of this privilege without 
securing the approval of his thesis will not be allowed to 
submit the same thesis again in September except with 
the special approval of the Faculty. 

2. The degree of M.Sc.Tech. may also be conferred on : Ordinances 

(a) Graduates (or persons who have passed the Final Exami- 
nation for a degree) of approved Universities, who, 
without having taken previously a lower degree of this 


Faculty of Technology. 





University, can give sufficient evidence of their quali- 
fications and have conducted research work approved 
by the Board of the Faculty during a period of two years 
in the University. 

(b) Persons who are not graduates (nor have passed the Final 
Examination for a degree) of an approved University, 
who have conducted research work approved by the 
Board of the Faculty during a period of three years in the 
University, provided that such persons satisfy the Senate 
as to their general educational qualifications, and can give 
evidence (satisfactory to the Board) of having attained an 
adequate standard of knowledge before entering on such 
research work. The full three years required for non- 
graduates, who are candidates for a Master’s degree by 
research, should be spent in attendance at the University, 
but the Senate and Board of the Faculty concerned 
may give permission that a period of not more than 
one year may be spent elsewhere, provided that they 
are satisfied that such period is spent in the prosecution 
of suitable research. 

Candidates intending to proceed to the Master’s degree 
under Ordinance 2 must pay the required fees not later 
than March 1st, and must notify the Registrar by 
that date of the title of their theses, which must be 
presented not later than April 30th. Candidates desiring 
to obtain the degree at Christmas must pay the required 
fees not later than June 1st, and must notify the Registrar 
by that date of the titles of their theses, three copies of 
which must be presented not later than September 15th. 

3. The degree of M.Sc.Tech. may also be conferred on : 

Graduates (or persons who have passed the final examination 
for a degree) of approved Universities who, without having 
taken previously a lower degree of this University, can 
give sufficient evidence of their qualifications, and have 
pursued approved part-time courses, including at least 
one whole day a week, of advanced study and research in 
the University during a period of at least three years in 
accordance with the prescribed regulations, and on the 
completion of their courses have presented a satisfactory 
thesis which shall embody the results of their research 
undertaken in the University. 

1. Before entering upon his course for the degree of 
M.Sc.Tech. under Ordinance 3 a candidate must make 
application to the Registrar upon a prescribed form in 
time to reach the Registrar not later than October 1st. The 
application must give particulars of the candidate’s educational 

Certificate in Technology. 


career, qualifications, occupation, and position, as well as of the Ht-gniationa 
subject in which he proposes to pursue a course of advanced 
study and research. 

2. A candidate’s application shall be considered by the Board 
of the Faculty, which, having regard to his qualifications, 
occupation, and position, and especially to the relation between 
his proposed course and the occupation to which he devotes 
the remainder of his time, shall decide whether his proposed 
part-time course of advanced study and research be approved, 
and, if so, under what conditions, subject always to the ordinances 
and regulations for the degree. 

3. A candidate for the degree, after being approved by the 
University and before beginning his course, shall register as 
a University student and pay the prescribed fees. 

4. A candidate shall be responsible to a professor or lecturer 
of the University who shall be fully cognisant of the work 
undertaken by the candidate during his course, and who shall 
report to the Board of the Faculty from time to time. Candidates 
whose work is reported to be unsatisfactory may be required 
to discontinue the course. 

5. Not later than March 1st in the final year of his course 
a candidate must give notice to the Registrar of the title of 
his thesis, and must pay the prescribed fee. 

6. Not later than April 30th in the final year of his course 
a candidate must submit three copies of a thesis or published 
work which shall include the results of his research undertaken 
in the University. 

Forms of Notice may be obtained from the Registrar. 

Certificates in Cecbnologg. 

1. A certificate of proficiency of the University shall be ordinances 
awarded to students in the Faculty of Technology who have 
satisfactorily attended in the University the courses of study 
approved by the University, and have passed the examinations 
prescribed by the University for the certificate. 

2. The course of study shall extend over three years, unless 
where otherwise fixed by regulation, but in no case shall it 
extend over less than two years. 

3. The several subjects in which the certificates of proficiency 
shall be granted are as follows : 

Mechanical Engineering. Textile Industries. 

Electrical Engineering. Mining. 

Municipal Engineering. Photographic Technology . 

Applied Chemistry. Building. 

Textile Chemistry. 


Faculty of Technology 



4. Candidates, before entering on a course of study leading 
to a certificate, must satisfy the Board of the Faculty concerned 
as to their fitness to take the course. 

5. No deviation from the courses prescribed for the certificates 
may be made, except with the consent of the Senate. 

6. The certificate shall be named “ Certificate in Technology/’ 
and shall be endorsed with the name of the subject in which 
the certificate has been granted. 

7. Certificates of Distinction will be awarded to students 
who, having passed satisfactorily through one of the approved 
courses for the Certificate, shall have spent a fourth year in 
the laboratories connected with the course, and shall have sub- 
mitted at the end of the year an approved thesis on some special 
subject connected with their work. 

1. The examinations for the Certificate in Technology in 
subjects other than Photographic Technology shall be the same 
as the final examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Technical 

2. The minimum attendance for the several certificate 
courses shall be not less than twenty hours weekly and shall 
extend over three years, except in the subject of Photographic 
Technology, in which the course shall extend over two years. 

3. Candidates for the Certificate in Technology will be required 
to present the same certificates of satisfactory attendance as are 
required of candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Technical 
Science who take the same papers in the final examination. 

4. Candidates for the Certificate in Photographic Technology 
will be required to present certificates of having attended 
satisfactorily approved courses in Photography, Chemistry, 
Physics, and a Language*f . 

The examination for the Certificate in Photographic Tech- 
nology will consist of six papers in the following subjects : 

i. Pure Photography. 

ii. Photo-Technology. 

iii. Photo-Mechanical Processes. 

iv. Practical Photo-Mechanical Processes. 

v. Practical Pure Photography or Practical Photo- 

Mechanical Photography. 

vi. Chemistry. 

5. Candidates before entering upon a course leading to a 
Certificate are required to pass the entrance examination. 
(See pages 397—398.) 

r In the ease of the foreign language, examinations will be held at the beginning 
ot the session and at the end 01 the second term. A candidate who satisfies the 
Examiners at either of thebe examinations may l>e excused further attendance 

I- The language approved by the Board of the Faculty for the course in 
Photographic Technology is German. 

Certificate m Industrial Administration . 


Candidates who have passed the Matriculation Examination Regulations 
of the Joint Matriculation Board are exempt from this entrance 

In lieu of this entrance examination candidates may offer a 
certificate of having passed the Matriculation Examination 
of the Joint Matriculation Board or any public examination of 
adequate standard as exempting from the whole or any part 
of the above entrance examination. Application for such 
exemption should be made to the Registrar, to whom full 
particulars should be forwarded. 

6. Candidates intending to proceed to the Certificate of 
Distinction must present their theses not later than September 
I5th. Candidates may, however, present their theses on or 
before May 24th, with a view to obtaining the Certificate of 
Distinction at Midsummer ; but a candidate who avails himself 
of this privilege without securing the approval of his thesis will 
not be allowed to submit the same thesis again in September, 
except with the special approval of the Board of the Faculty. 

7. Candidates intending to proceed to the Certificate of 
Distinction must pay the required fees not later than June 1st, 
and must notify the Registrar by that date of the titles of their 
theses ; except that candidates who wi3h to submit theses in 
May must notify the Registrar to this effect on or before 
March 1st, and must pay the required fees and notify the 
titles of their theses by that date. 

Certificate tn Jnbustrial H&mimstration, 

1. There shall be a Certificate in Industrial Administration, Ordinance* 
which shall be awarded by the Senate. 

2. The certificate shall be awarded to graduates of this 
University, holders of the University Certificates in Technology, 
and graduates of other Universities approved by the Senate, 
who, on furnishing certificates of having attended approved 
courses of study and having passed an examination to be pre- 
scribed in Industrial Administration, are recommended by the 
Board of the Faculty of Technology. 

1. The course of study shall extend over at least one year, Regulations 
and the minimum attendance shall be not less than twenty 

hours weekly. 

2. Graduates of other Universities who wish to become 
candidates for the Certificate in Industrial Administration must 
make application in time to reach the Registrar not later than 
September 25th ; the application must give particulars of the 
candidate’s educational career and qualifications. 


Faculty of Technology. 

iitions 3. All candidates for the Certificate shall register as University 
students and pay the prescribed fees. 

4. Candidates whose work is reported to be unsatisfactory 
may be required to discontinue the course. 

5. The final examination will be held once a year and will 
consist of eight papers in the following subjects : — 

(i.) Industrial output. 

(ii.) Purchasing and stock control. 

(iii.) Economic history. 

(iv.) History of industrial organisation. 

(v.) Factory law. 

(vi.) Wage systems and factory costing. 

(vii.) Business statistics. 

(viii.) Industrial relationships. 

6. The names of candidates who have passed the final 
examination will be published in two divisions, the names in 
each division being arranged in alphabetical order. Candidates 
whose names appear in Division I. shall be entitled to have the 
certificate endorsed to that effect. 

B&v>ancet> Stubs aitb IResearcb* 

Courses of post-graduate and specialised study and research 
are offered for a fourth year to students who have successfully 
completed the three years’ course for a degree or certificate, or 
are otherwise deemed competent to enter upon them. For 
particulars as to Research Scholarships in Technology, - see 
the Prospectus of the Faculty of Technology. 

(1) Advanced Study and Research in Mechanical Engineering . 

(2) Advanced Study and Research in Electrical Engineering . 

(3) Advanced Study and Research in Municipal Engineering. 

(4) Advanced Study and Research in Applied Chemistry. 

(5) Advanced Study and Research in Textile Chemistry. 

(6) Advanced Study and Research in Textile Industries. 

(7) Advanced Study and Research in Applied Physics. 

(8) Advanced Study and Research in Mining Engineering. 

(9) 'Advanced Study and Research in Industrial Administration . 


]f acuity of Education. 

information fot Stu&ents. 

The following classes of students pursue courses of study in 
the Faculty of Education : 

1. Students taking the Four Year Course under the Regula- 

tions of the Board of Education for the Training of 
Teachers. During their first three years these students 
take University degree courses leading to a Bachelor’s 
degree in the Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Science, or 
some other Faculty, and in their fourth year take the 
course for the University Teacher’s Diploma. 

2. Graduates of this or some other approved University, 

who spend one year in taking the Diploma Course. 

3. Trained Certificated Teachers, who are admitted as Third 

Year Students under the Board of Education Regulations 
and take a special one year professional course. 

4. Students intending to take the special course for Teachers 

of the Deaf. 

5. Students who are admitted under certain conditions to 

one or more single courses of lectures. 

6. Candidates for the degree of Master in Education (page 605) 

and other students taking courses^ apart from the 
Regulations of the Board of Education. 


Faculty of Edtication. 

donations of BDmisston. 

I. Admission to tee Four Year Course. 

A candidate for admission to the first year of the Four Year 
Course must, as a rule, be over 18 years of age on the first day 
of the academic yeaT for which he is admitted. 

A candidate must be a British subject ordinarily resident in 
England or Wales, unless an exception to this rule is approved 
by the Board of Education, and will be required to produce a 
birth certificate on entry. 

The University Authorities must be satisfied as to the 
candidate’s character, probable suitability for the teaching pro- 
fession, and health and physical capacity for teaching. 

A candidate must also have passed or obtained exemption 
from the Matriculation Examination of the Joint Board of the 
Northern Universities. Certificates of exemption can be obtained 
from the Secretary of the Joint Matriculation Board, 315, Oxford 
Road, Manchester, 13, to whom all enquiries regarding the Matricu- 
lation Examination should be addressed. 

Before registration shall be considered as complete every student 
entering on a degree course will be required to produce to the 
Registrar his Matriculation Certificate or certificate of exemption. In 
the case of a certificate of exemption, the certificate of the examination 
on which exemption was granted must be produced. 

Admission to certain Faculties is conditional upon satisfying 
special requirements as to the subjects taken in the Matriculation 
Examination. Candidates must consult the Prospectus of the Faculty 
concerned for details of these requirements (see also page 687.) 

Students of the Manchester University, who have passed the 
Matriculation Examination and have attained the requisite age, 
may he admitted to the second, third, or fourth year of the 
Four Year Course, if they have completed one year, or two years, 
or the whole of the course for a degree, as the case may be, 
before entering the Training Department. They spend three 
years, two years, or one year, respectively as recognised 
students in the Training Department, making in all four 
years’ attendance. 

Faculty of Education. 


A candidate for admission to the second, third, or fourth year 
of the course must, as a rule, be over 19, 20, or 21 years of age, 
as the case may be, on the first day of the academic year for 
which he is admitted. 

Application for admission to tdae Four Year 
Course must be made on tbe prescribed form, 
to be obtained from tbe Director of tlie Depart- 
ment of Education. Applications can be 
received between October 1st and October 
10th. in the year preceding that in which 
the student desires to enter upon the course.* 
Applications received after October 10th can 
be considered only in exceptional cases. 

Promises of admission in any academic year 
cannot be given before February 1st. 

Students already in the University applying for their admis- 
sion to the Teacher’s Diploma Course, or as second or third year 
students in the Training Department, must send in forms of 
application not later than February 1st in the session 
preceding that for which they desire to he admitted. 

The Training Department Authorities and the Board of 
Education must be satisfied by a medical certificate in a pre- 
scribed form that the state of the candidate’s health is satisfactory 
and that he is free from serious bodily defect or deformity 

A candidate is required on admission to sign a declaration 
that he intends to complete the course of training for which he 
is admitted and thereafter to adopt and follow the profession of 
teacher in an approved school, and that in entering the Depart- 
ment he takes advantage 4 of the public funds by which it is 
aided in order to qualify himself for that profession and for 
no other purpose. 

Persons who have been appointed as Bursars, Pupil Teachers, 
or Student Teachers under the Board’s Regulations may not be 
admitted to a Training College before the termination of their 
period of appointment without the special sanction of the Board 

Candidates are not officially accepted by the Board of 
Education until these conditions have been complied with , but are 
provisionally admitted by the University so long as places are 
available , and notice to that effect is sent to the applicants as soon 
as possible after February 1st. 

* When asking for the form of application, candidates should make it clear 
that they wish to apply for admission to the Training Department. Acknowledg- 
ment of receipt of applications is sent to the candidate’s Head Master or 
Head Mistress 


Faculty of Education. 

II. Admission to the Diploma Course (One-year 
Post-Graduate Course). 

Before they can he finally admitted applicants mast have 
passed the Final Examination for a degree in this or some other 
approved University. 

Applications for admission to the Teacher’s Diploma Course 
should be sent in not later than February 1st preceding the 
beginning of the session for which admission is sought, and 
applicants will be provisionally admitted as soon as possible. 
Applications received after February 1st can be considered only 
in special cases. 

III. General Conditions of Admission. 

Students are admitted to the Four Year Course or to the 
Course for the Teacher’s Diploma only under the following 
conditions : 

(a) That they will not accept any remunerative engagement, 

as teachers or otherwise, during their period of 
training, either in vacation or during term, except by 
special permission. 

( b ) That they will not, without special permission, enter for 

any examination other than those prescribed by the 

(£) That during their year of professional training they will 
not, without special permission, attend courses other 
than those in the Faculty of Education, whether in 
preparation for a University examination or not. 

Faculty of Education. 


Begree Courses an& JEjammations* 

Regulations for the Courses and Examinations taken 

Four Year Students spend their first three years in taking the 
course for an Ordinary degree or a degree in Honours, usually in 
the Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Science. The proposed course 
must be sanctioned by the authorities of the Faculty in which 
the student is taking a course for a degree, and by the 
authorities of the Faculty of Education. 

All women students registering for the first time must 
see the Adviser to Women Students as soon as possible after 
Registration and, in any case, not later than the end of the third 
week of the session. 


Honours courses . Candidates intending to enter upon any 
Honours course (save Architecture ; Economics, Politics, and 
Modern History; Philosophy; Geography ; and Oriental Studies) 
must have passed the Matriculation Examination, or some 
equivalent examination, in Latin (in the case of the Honours 
Schools of German and English, Greek may he substituted for 
Latin) ; otherwise, they may not, without special permission of 
the Board of the Faculty, proceed in less than four years to the 
Final Honours Examination. Permission to complete their 
Honours course in three years will be given not earlier than the 
close of the first session, upon evidence as to the applicant’s 
ability to complete the course satisfactorily within the shorter 
period, and will be confined either to candidates who have 
obtained exemption from one of the subsidiary subjects required 
under Regulation C. 1 of their Honours Schools or to candidates 
who have passed Intermediate Latin before the beginning of 
their second session and have not more than one subsidiary 
subject to complete. 

Ordinary courses. No additional requirement as to the sub- 
jects passed in the Matriculation Examination is made, but it is 
pointed out that during their course candidates must pass the 
Intermediate Examination in either Latin or Greek. 


Faculty of Edm ation. 


Candidates entering upon a course for a degree in the Faculty 
of Science are required (i.) to have passed in Mathematics as a 
subject of the Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence 
satisfactory to the Senate of having attained an equivalent 
standard; (ii.) to have passed in Mechanics as a subject of the 
Matriculation Examination, or to give evidence satisfactory to 
the Senate of having attained an equivalent standard. ('See 
pages 334 — 335.) 


Students who desire to take a course for a degree with 
Honours should state the subject of the proposed Honours 
Course on the form of application for admission to the Training 
Department. Admission to Honours Schools is in the h finds 
of the Professors of the various subjects, to whom, after students 
have been admitted, any enquiries about Honours Courses 
should be addressed. 


Any proposed change in a student's Time-table must be 
submitted for approval before it is carried into effect, and the 
student’s Time-table Form must be submitted as revised to the 

If a student desires to change from an Ordinary course to an 
Honours course, he must make written application for permission 
to the Director of the Training Department before such change 
is carried out. 


At the end of the first year of the course of training of each 
student taking the Four Year Course, the authorities of the 
University are required to report to the Board of Education as 
to whether they consider the student to be fit to continue with 
profit the course for a degree. 

Students who fail during the undergraduate course to pass 
any examination which it is necessary for them to pass in order 
to proceed with the degree course under the University regulations, 
will cease to be recognised as Four Year Students. By special 
permission of the Training Department they may be re-admitted 
to the Four Year Course after retrieving their failure. Students 
who fail in their final degree examination may, on the special 
recommendation of the Training Department, be recognised by 
the Board of .Education for a year of professional training for the 
Teacher’s Certificate. 

Faculty of Education* 



All Four Year women students, unless exempted, take one of 
the recognised courses in Physical Training during each year of 
their attendance at the University. 

A class in Physical Training is open to all Four Year men 
students. Only those who have attended this class regularly 
for two of their three undergraduate years will be accepted for 
training in this subject in the professional year. 

All First Year and Fourth Year students, unless exempted, 
take Speech Training. 

All Ordinary Degree students, unless exempted, take Drawing 
or Ora ft work, for two hours weekly for two terms during two 
years of the course. 

Students interested in the teaching of Singing may substitute 
Singing for Drawing or Craft work. 

Gardening (more particularly for Botany students) may be 
substituted for Drawing or Craft work or Physical Training. 

The Drawing, Craftwork, Gardening, and Singing Classes 
will be open to such Honours students as desire to attend, 
provided that the sanction of the teachers responsible for their 
Honours courses is obtained. 

In the case of students showing special proficiency in 
Drawing, Craftwork, Singing, or Physical Training, the 
Certificate may be endorsed accordingly. 


Faculty of Education , 

Zbc Treacher's 2>tploma» 

The course for tlie Teacher’s Diploma is intended to prepare 
students for work in Elementary, Central, and Secondary 
Schools. Special branches of the course are designed for those 
intending to work in (1) Schools for the Deaf, (2) Nursery 
Schools (children 2 — 5 years old), and (3) Infant Schools (children 
5 — 8 years old). 

Courses (2) and (3) can be taken either together or separately. 

{uiations l All candidates for the Teacher’s Diploma are required : 

(1) To have graduated (or passed the final examination for 
a degree) in this or some other approved University 
before entering on the course ; 

(2) To have pursued a course of training approved by the 

University extending over at least one academic year ; 

(3) To have satisfied the Examiners in both the written and 
the practical parts of the examination. 

Subjects of Study. 

II. : (1) The Principles of Education. 

(2) Methods of Teaching. 

(3) Educational Psychology. 

(4) Educational Hygiene. 

(5) The History of Education. 

Examination for the Teacher’s Diploma. 

HI. (1) : 

(a) The theoretical part of the examination will consist of 
papers and essays. The Examiners will take into account the 
quality of the work done by the candidates during the current 

Essays may, under certain conditions, be substituted for 
examination papers. Tlie subjects of such essays must be 
approved by the examiners, and the essays must be submitted 
not later than the first day of the written examination. 

Teacher* s Diploma. 


(6) In the practical part of the examination, the candidates' Regulations 
teaching ability will be judged : 

(i.) From the reports on their work in teaching 
during this period of training; 

(ii.) From one or more lessons given before the 
Examiners ; 

(iii.) From the candidates’ written records of the 
work they have done during their periods 
of school practice. 

The practical examinations will be held towards the end of 
the Lent term and in June. Candidates who have 
attained a sufficiently high standard in the former of 
these examinations will not be required to present 
themselves in June. 

(2) The names of candidates who have been awarded the 
Diploma will be arranged in two classes. The names in each 
class will be in alphabetical order. Candidates will be placed 
in the first class if they have attained a high standard in both 
parte of the examination. 

Students who have failed to satisfy the Examiners in the 
Diploma Examination may, on the special recommendation of the 
Examiners, present themselves for re-examination in one or both 
parts of the examination. 

Board of Education Teacher’s Certificate. 

Students under the Board of Education regulations, who have 
been awarded the Diploma will be recommended for the Teacher’s 
Certificate of the Board of Education, provided they have 
obtained adequate experience of teaching in Elementary Schools. 

Other students may, in exceptional cases, be so recommended. 

Note. — The recognition of Certificated Teachers by the 
Board of Education is, in the first instance, for a probationary 
period of one year. A teacher’s recognition is made permanent 
after he has satisfied the Board that he is practically efficient. 


The Withers Memorial Prize (the gift of Mr. Hartley Withers 
in memory of the late Professor H. L. Withers) will be awarded 
to the candidate for the Diploma who takes the highest place 
in the First Class at the examination to be held. in 1934. All 
candidates for the Diploma are eligible for this prize. 


Faculty of Education. 


TUntpersitg Certificate for 1Ron«(5rabuate 

1. The University Certificate for Non-Graduate Teachers shall 
be awarded to students in the Faculty of Education who have 
satisfactorily attended, in the University, courses of study 
approved by the University, for at least one session. 

2. The course shall be open to teachers holding the Certificate 
of the Board of Education, who, before coining to the University, 
have spent at least two years in some approved institution for the 
training of teachers. Such teachers shall not he inquired to pass 
the University Entrance Examination for Certificate candidates. 

3. The Certificate shall be awarded to such students aa 
satisfactorily complete the course of training described in the 
current Prospectus. 

TftniY>ersity Certificate for Ceacbers of 
tbe Beat 

1. The University Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf shall 
be awarded to students in the Faculty of Education who have 
satisfactorily attended in the University the courses of study 
approved by the University. 

2. The courses of study shall extend over one year, and shall 
be open to graduates of this or some other approved University 
and to trained Certificated teachers, provided that the Senate 
shall have power to admit to the course any student who is 
considered to be suitably qualified for admission, and, in the 
opinion of the Senate, was unable, owing to special circumstances, 
to fulfil either of the foregoing requirements. 

The regulations are those already set forth in the Hpecial 
Prospectus of the Department of Education of the Deaf. 

Candidates who have attained a high standard in both 
theoretical and practical work will be placed in the first class. 

A special Prospectus of the courses arranged 
for students preparing for work in Schools for 
the Deaf will be sent on application to the 
Director of the Department of Education. 

Facility of Education . 


School pvnctice. 

Ail students taking courses of professional training are 
required to complete the prescribed course of practical training. 
For this purpose they may have to attend beyond -the limits 
of the University terms. 

Students who have not had practical experience as teachers 
in an approved capacity must spend at least twelve weeks of 
their course in practice in teaching under proper supervision. 

If they are unavoidably prevented from fulfilling their 
engagements at the school, they must inform both the school 
authorities and their tutors, if possible beforehand. 

A list of the practising schools available for students' practice, 
by the courtesy of the various authorities, is given in the 
Prospectus of the F acuity of Education. 

3fees anO (Brants* 

The fee for the Diploma or Certificate Course is £35. 10a. Od. 
for men and £35 for women. This includes the registration fee. 
Union fee, ami Athletic Union fee. 

The fee for the Diploma or Certificate Examination is £3. 3s. 
Fee for re-examination. £3. 3s. The last date for notice and 
payment of fees is March 1st. 

The fee for candidates taking the Teacher’s Diploma Exami- 
nation and the Examination for the Certificate for Teachers of 
the Deaf, at the same time, is £4. 4s. 


(The following regulations apply to students entering the 
Training Department in October, 1933, onwards.) 

Eor students in the first three years of the Four Year Course 
payment of fees and grants by the Board of Education is dependent 
upon a statutory declaration of family income by the student’s 
parent or guardian. Where the full amount is awarded it covers 
(1) tuition, registration and Union fees, but not examination 
fees, deposits for apparatus, or degree fees, (2) annual maintenance 
grants as follows : 

(a) Resident Students students living in one of the 

Hostels recognised by the Board of Education) : — £43 for a man, 
or £34 for a woman. 

(b) Day Students : — £26 for a man, or £20 for a woman. 

694 . 

Faculty of Education. 

Students in their fourth year and One Year Students under 
the Board of Education Regulations have their tuition, registra- 
tion, and Athletic Union fees paid by the Board without regard 
to income ; they are required to pay their Union fee if they wish 
to become members of the Union. They receive maintenance 
grants as above without regard to income if they are Resident 
Students. If Day Students, receipt of maintenance grants is 
dependent upon family income. 

A student who is allowed for any reason to make attendances 
(either in lecture or laboratory work) beyond those ordinarily 
prescribed for a course will be required to pay such additional fees. 

Students purchase their own text-books, including those 
required for the practical work in class teaching. 

For particulars of Graduate Bursaries in connection with the 
Teacher’s Diploma Course, see page 812 . 


The conditions as to residence, and regulations as to conduct 
and discipline, are similar to those laid down by the University 
for private students. 

Men : In the case of recognised students the Board of 
Education holds the Department responsible for the supervision 
of lodgings selected by those who neither reside at home nor in 
a University Hall of Residence. 

Women : Women students are required by the Board of 
Education to reside either with parents or guardians, or in a 
recognised Hall, Women students applying from a distance 
should make early application for admission to one of the Halls 
mentioned below. 

For information as to the Hostels recognised by the Board 
of Education, viz., Dalton Hall, Hulme Hall, St. Anselm Hall, 
and Lancashire Independent College (for men), and Ashburne 
Hall, Langdale Hall, Ellis Llwyd Jones Hall, and St. Gabriel’s 
Hall (for women), application should be made to the respective 

The Ellis Llwyd Jones Hall has been given by the late 
Sir James E. Jones in memory of his son. Preference is given to 
students proposing to become teachers of the deaf, but the Hall 
is open to other University students. 

Any change of address should be reported immediately to 
the Education Department Office and to the Tutors. 

Degree of M.Ed. 


Department of atwanceo Stub?. 


An Advanced Course for Teachers and others interested in 
the study of education will be held on Wednesdays, at 6 p.m., 
beginning October 11th. The subject for 1933-34 is “Difficult 

Attendance at this course is accepted as satisfying the 
requirement under Ordinances 3 and 4 for the degree of Master 
in Education (see page 696). 

Professor Duff will be glad to meet candidates for the degree 
of M.Ed. either before or after these lectures. 

Inquiries as to Extra-Mural Courses for Teachers should be 
addressed to the Director of Extra-Mural Studies, at the 


See general note as to thesis, page 399. 

1. The degree of the Faculty shall be Master in Education Ordinances 

2. The degree of Master in Education may be conferred on 
graduates of the University who are not of less than two years* 
standing from the date of their first degree, and who have obtained 
the Teacher’s Diploma of the University at least one year 
before proceeding to the degree in this Faculty, on the following 
conditions : 

(a) Each candidate shall present a thesis on some subject 
coming within the scope of the Faculty of Education. 

This thesis may consist of a record (published or not) 
of the candidate’s original work, or of an essay on some 
educational question of importance involving criticism 
or historical research. 

w i 


Faculty of Education. 

rdinaiioes (j) A candidate may be required, at the discretion of the 
Board of the Faculty, to present himself for examination 
(to be conducted orally or otherwise) on the subject of his 
thesis, or on any matter immediately connected therewith. 

(c) Each candidate shall produce evidence satisfactory to the 
Board of the Faculty that he has had, subsequent to 
obtaining the Teacher’s Diploma, at least one year’s 
experience in the practical work of education, and has 
shown himself efficient therein. He shall also present a 
reasoned account, in writing, of such experience, 

3. Candidates may, by the permission of the Senate, sub- 
stitute, for the Teacher’s Diploma, the Diploma or Certificate 
in Education of another approved University. Such candidates, 
subsequent to graduation, are required to pursue investigation 
for one year in the University in the Faculty of Education. This 
year shall not coincide with the period of experience specified 
in (c) above. 

4. The degree of Master in Education may also be conferred 
on graduates (or persons who have passed the Final Examination 
for a degree) of approved Universities who, without having 
taken previously a lower degree of this University, can give 
evidence of qualifications which, in the judgment of the Senate, 
are equivalent to the qualifications set forth in Clause 2. 

Such candidates shall be subject to the requirements specified 
in Clause 2 (a), (6), (c) above, and shall also be required to pursue 
study in the University in the Faculty of Education for a period 
of two years which shall be subsequent to the acceptance of their 
qualification by the Senate. Either or both of these years shall 
be spent in investigation, but neither shall coincide with the 
period of experience specified in (c) above. 

If a candidate has completed the course for the Teacher’s 
Diploma in this University, the year during which he took 
the course shall be accepted as one of the two years of 
attendance under this Ordinance. 

5. The degree may also be conferred on candidates who are 
graduates of this or some other approved University but who do 
not possess a University Diploma in Education, provided that 
such candidates successfully complete two years’ preliminary 
study in the Department of Education to the satisfaction of the 
Board of the Faculty, and pass an examination in the University 
equivalent to the theoretical part of the examination for the 
Teacher’s Diploma before entering on the course for the degree. 

Drgrcp of M,Etl fV. 17 

Candidates who under this Ordinance are required to Ordinance 
complete two years of preliminary study may by special 
permission of the Senate be excused one of these years if they 
nold the Teacher’s Certificate of the Board of Education and 
aave spent two years in an approved institution for the 
training of teachers. 

6. The Board of the Faculty shall recommend for the degree 
of Master in Education those candidates who have fulfilled 
these conditions to the satisfaction of the Board. 

Note. — Under the above Ordinances the requirements for 
attendance in the University are as follows ; 

Candidates with — 

Manchester Degree and Manchester Diploma : None. 

Manchester Degree and other University Diploma : One 

Other University Degree and Manchester Diploma: One 

Other University Degree and other University Diploma : 

Two years. 

Candidates under Ordinance 5, other than Manchester 
graduates : 

One year after passing the Preliminary Examination for the 
M.Ed. Course. 

1. Candidates under Ordinances 3, 4, and 5 will be required : Regulations 

(a) To reside in the Manchester area ; 

(b) To make substantial and reguLar attendance in the 

University during the prescribed period, provided that 
during one year of the prescribed period the Board of 
the Faculty and Senate by special resolution may permit 
attendance to be taken at some other suitable place of 

2. Students under Ordinances 0 and 4 will be expected to 
prepare their theses under supervision, and to register for this 
purpose ; the subjects of the theses to be submitted lor approval 
to the Board at the beginning of the session in which they 
propose to complete the course. 

The proposed attendance of all candidates under Ordinances 
3 and 4 will also be submitted to the Senate for approval. 


Faculty of Education. 

nations 3. Notice of intention to present a thesis together with the 
fee must he sent in to the Registrar hy March 1st, and all theses* 
must he in the hands of the Registrar not later than April 80th 
in the year in which the candidates desire to proceed to the 
degree. The statement under Ordinance 2 (c) must be forwarded 
at the same time. 

The following fees are charged (in addition to fees for any 
class lectures other than those prescribed for their course) : 

For supervision £4 4 0 per session. 

On sending in the thesis ... £4 4 0 

re-examination, £3 3 0 

For attendance at each year 

of Preliminary Study ... £1 1 0 

For Preliminary Examina- 
tion for M.Ed. Course (or 
re-examination) £3 3 0 

For Advanced Course of 
Lectures (occasional stu- 
dents) 10 6 

Graduates of other Universities who register as candidates 
for the M.Ed. degree pay an exemption fee of £3. 3 b. at the 
beginning of the first session of study, in lieu of the charges 
incurred by Manchester University candidates in connection with 
the Bachelor’s degree. 

Note. — When a candidate has completed the requirements 
for a Master’s degree a fee of £8. 8s. is payable before the degree 
is conferred. 

For particulars of Advanced Studentship in Education, 
see page 517. 

* Three copies should he submitted. 

Jfellowsbips, Scholarships, imbibitions, 
anb ®>ri3es. 



The Fellowships, Studentships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, and 
Prizes awarded by the University are open to the competition of 
persons of both sexes, except when otherwise provided by the 
regulations of foundation. 

Except in the case of Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions, 
or in other cases where special provision is made to the contrary, 
no limit of age is imposed upon competitors. 

No person who shall have held a Fellowship, Scholarship, 
or Exhibition during the whole of the period for which it is 
tenable, or who shall have resigned or have been removed from 
the tenure of such Fellowship, Scholarship, or Exhibition, shall 
be allowed again to compete for it, unless where special provision 
is made to the contrary, or with the express permission of the 

No Prize shall, unless with the special permission of the 
Senate, be awarded more than once to the same person. 

All candidates for Fellowships, Studentships, Scholarships, 
Exhibitions, and Prizes are required to give notice to the 
Registrar, at the date annually prescribed, of their intention 
to compete, unless the award is made on the result of a 
University examination, instituted for some other purpose also. 

Candidates for Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions, when 
giving notice of their intention to compete, are also required to 
furnish certificates of satisfactory character. 

Candidates are at liberty to compete for any one or more of 
the Entrance Scholarships or Exhibitions at the same time. The 
Senate shall have power to award a Scholarship or Exhibition to 
a candidate in the Entrance Scholarships Examinations who shall 
not have expressly entered for such Scholarship or Exhibition, 
provided that he shall have satisfied the conditions of award. 

Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Regulations no 
Entrance Scholarship or Exhibition in the Faculties of Arts. 


Fellowships, tC'c., Regulations. 

Science, and Law shall be awarded to any person whose age 
shall be under 16 or above 20 on November 1st in the year 
of competition. The Senate shall, however, have power, in the 
case of any person who shall, in the opinion of the Examiners, be 
deserving of an Entrance Scholarship, or Exhibition, but shall 
be disqualified by age from holding it, to award to such person a 
Special Exhibition or Prize, provided that, there are funds avail- 
able for the purpose. 

Competition for all Scholarships other than Entrance Scholar- 
ships is, except where expressly stated to the contrary, limited 
to persons who in the year of competition are registered students 
of the University, provided that on the ground of illness, or from 
any other special cause preventing a student from attending in any 
particular year, the Senate may admit such person as a candidate. 


No Fellowship, Studentship, Scholarship, Exhibition, or Prize 
awarded by the University shall he awarded on comparative 
merit only. 

Conditions of Tenure, Ac. 

All Fellows, Students, Scholars, and Exhibitioners of the 
University shall, at the beginning of their course, be required to 
register as students of the University. 

Two Entrance University Scholarships or Exhibitions will 
not be awarded to the same candidate. 

No Scholarship may be held with another Scholarship or 
Exhibition, whether awarded by the University or by some other 
body, except by special permission of the Senate. In deter- 
mining concurrent tenure, the financial circumstances of the 
Scholar or Exhibitioner will be taken into consideration. 

Persons who have vacated a University Scholarship or 
Exhibition on account of concurrent tenure, are eligible for 
appointment to an Honorary Scholarship or Exhibition. 

These provisos shall not apply to the Rumney and Ramsbottoui- 
Webb Scholarships or to Fellowships or Studentships not 
providing an annual income. 

In the event of a student forfeiting a Scholarship or Ex- 
hibition on account of his being awarded a Scholarship by a 
Local Education Authority, the Senate shall have power to allow 
such scholar or exhibitioner to retain the title as an honorary 
scholar or exhibitioner. 

Provided that unless the Senate otherwise determine — 

(1) Graduate Research Scholarships may be hold with Research 
Studentships, special materials and apparatus to be 
provided by the students themselves. 

Fellowships, dc., Regulatio7is. 


(2) Other Scholarships and Exhibitions may be also tenable 
by graduates of this University with Research Student- 

Any candidate to whom a Fellowship, Scholarship, or Exhibi- 
tion has been awarded must report in writing to the Registrar 
the name and amount of any other Fellowship, Studentship* 
Scholarship, or Exhibition held by him at the time of award, 
or awarded to him during the tenure of hiB Fellowship, 
Studentship, Scholarship, or Exhibition. 

Any Fellowship, Studentship, Scholarship, or Exhibition 
awarded by the University shall be liable to forfeiture by mis- 
conduct on the part of the holder, upon a resolution of the 

Any Scholarship or Exhibition awarded by the University 
shall, if awarded for two years, determine at the end of the firat, 
or, if awarded for three years, at the end of the first or of the 
second year of tenure, when in the opinion of the Senate the 
holder has failed to acquit himself with credit in the Annual 
Class Examinations, or to furnish other satisfactory evidence of 
his progress to the Senate. 

Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions. 

Persons appointed to Entrance Scholarships or Exhibitions 
shall be required to enter upon a regular course of study in the 
University, commencing, unless by the special permission of the 
Senate, in the year of their appointment, and (except in the case 
of the Rumney and Ramsbottom-W ebb Scholarships) to have 
passed the Matriculation Examination or other examination ac- 
cepted by the Joint Matriculation Board in lieu thereof. 


Except where otherwise stated, the income of all Fellowships, 
Studentships, and post-graduate Scholarships awarded by the 
University shall be paid quarterly, and the income of other Scholar- 
ships and Exhibitions shall be paid half-yearly, the first instal- 
ment being paid before the close of the Michaelmas term, ana the 
last before the close of the Summer term. No payment shall be 
made until after receipt of a certificate stating that the attendance 
and conduct of the holder has been satisfactory to the Board ot 
the Faculty concerned. 


Scholarships Time-Table, 

Scholarships, inhibitions, anh prhea. 
trinie*tables for iBsaminations. 


1934 . 

Details of Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions to be offered for 
competition in May, 1934;, will be found on pages 704 — 736. 

(Notice of intention to enter for May Scholarships must be given 

by April I st, on special forms to be obtained from the Registrar,) 

The Papers for the various Scholarships, &c., will be set 
in the following subjects : 

English Essay ; Greek ; Latin ; French ; German ; English Language 
and Literature; English History; 1 General History; 
Geography; Russian; Spanish; Italian; Geometry; Algebra 
and Trigonometry ; 2 Calculus and Statics and Dynamics ; 

Mechanics with either Heat and Light or Magnetism and 
Electricity ; ^Engineering ; Chemistry {with Practical) ; Zoology 
(with Practical) ; Botany (with Practical) ; Geology (with 
Practical) ; ^Political Economy. 

The Examination will be held between Monday, May 7th, and 
Tuesday, May 15th (inclusive), and candidates are informed 
that they may be required to attend for interview by the 
Examiners on any day during the period of the examination. 

Time-tables of the examination will be posted to candidates after all 
entries have been received. 

Bishop Fraser and Oliver Heywood Scholarships. 

( See conditions.) 


May S 

.. 10-0 to 1-0 

2-0 to 5-0 

. . Greek Composition. 

Greek Translation at sight. 


„ 9 

.. 10-0 to 1-0 

2-0 to 5-0 

.. Latin Composition. 

.. Latin Translation at sight. 


„ 10 

. . 10-0 to 1-0 

. . Greek and Roman History. 

a For Jones and Charles Robinson Scholarships only. 

^Compulsory paper for Derb\ und Cartwright Scholarships; optional lor 
other Scholarships where Mathematics is taken, 

’For Ramsbotfcom-Webb, Scarlett, Bythway, William and Matthew Klrtley, 
and T.eckwitli Scholarships only. 

‘For Adams and Lewis Atkinson (Commerce) Scholarships only. 

Scholarships Time-table . 

II. Undbb0ba.dua.tb Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes. 

1933 . 

David Bios Hebrew Prize October tth— 6th. 

Bishop Lee Junior Prize October 1th. 

Bishop Lee Senior Prize October 4th. 

Dauntesey Senior Legal Scholarship Ootober 4th 5th. 

Wellington Scholarship October 4th-5th. 

1934 . 

Samuel Robinson Modern Language Prize . . . . February Sfch 

Victoria Scholarship * March 5tk~6tb. 

Oliver Heywood Scholarship May 8th 10th. 

Early English Text Society’s Prize May 8th. 

Dauntesey Prize in International Law May 8th— 9tb 

Bishop Fraser Scholarship May 8th 10th. 

Shuttle worth Economic Scholarship May 8 th— htb 

Warburton Scholarship in Local Government . . May 8th. 

Agnew Prize June 7th— 8tb 


Entrance Scholarships anb Exhibitions* 

All candidates for Entrance Scholarships are required to 
write an English Essay. More importance is attached to clearness 
of arrangement and expression than to quantity of knowledge 
shown in the Essays. 

In addition to the Essay, candidates are required to offer 
a fixed number of prescribed subjects for each. Scholarship, the 
practice of giving credit for performance in an indefinite number 
of other subjects having been discontinued. 

W 2 


Entrance ficho' nr ships, die 

Entrance Scholarships anh Exhibitions. 

Notes. — 1. For the lists of awards before L910, see the 
Calendars for 1914-15 and 1915-16. 

2. For the list of awards from 1910 to 1919 inclusive, 
see the Calendar for 1929-30. 

3. In addition to those which are so restricted by 
regulation, Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions marked %* are 
only tenable by students wlio enter for a degree course, the fees 
for which are payable to the Bursar of the University. 

I. Open to the competition of persons not already 
students of the University and awarded on the Univer- 
sity Entrance Scholarship Examinations. 

' n V l * Rooerr Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded in 1880, by Mrs. Rogers, in memory of her Into 
husband, Henry Rogers, Esq., M.A., formerly Governor of the 
Owens College, and on her death in 1891 augmented by a 
special bequest. for the purpose in her will. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £40, tenable for two 
years, and will be offered biennially. 

2. The subjects of examination will be : 

(i.) An English Essay. 

(ii.) Greek (Translation at Sight, Prose Composition, and 

(iii.) Latin (Translation at Sight, Prose Composition, and 

3. In the case of students duly recommended who are reading 
for Honours in Greek or Latin or Classics the Scholarship may 
be prolonged for a third year. 

The next examination will take place in May, 1985. 
Last date for notice, April 1st. 


19*21 A. Ingham 

Elsie Birch (Spl. Schp.) 

1923 Edith M. Hudson 

Annie Simpson {Spl. Grant) 

1925 C. L. Mitfcon 
•Mary K. Pickles 

1926 Mary Arnold (Special 


1927 S. J. Wilson 

Muriel C. Walker (Spl. Sohp.) 
19*29*Stanley Calvert 

Constance E. Hodgkinson 

1931 K. G. D. Cave 

1932 W. P. Barry (Spl. Exhibition) 

1933 Arnold Walker 


Entrance Scholai'ships, <£c, 

***** Seaton Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded in 1882, by the late James Seaton, Esq., who 
bequeathed £1,000 for the purpose. The value of the 
Scholarship is made up to £40 by a grant from the 
University funds. 


1. I he Scholarship is of the value of £40 per annum, tenable 
for two years, and will be offered biennially. 

2. The subjects of examination will be : 

(i.) An English Essay. 

(ii.) Greek (Translation at Sight, Prose Composition, and 

(iii.) Latin (Translation at Sight, Prose Composition, and 

3. In the case of students duly recommended who are reading 
for Honours in Greek or Latin or Classics a special Exhibition, 
tenable for one year, may be awarded on the expiry of their 
Seaton Scholarship, from the Rogers Fund. 

The next examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920 Barnet Hirsh iS2b*Harold Berielstein * divided 

192-2 A. L. Rosenthal * Jo. Bio Booth hr tween 

Francis Walsh (Spec. Suhp.) Ishaic Lever 

1924 ■'K. A. Male 1930 \V. Bairy 

Mary Arnold (Special Schp.) LU33 .1. t». Bell 

192(5 I mao Elbogen 

t Hulme Entrance Scholarships. 

Founded under the provisions of the new scheme for the 
administration of the Hulme Trust in 1882, and revised in 1892. 


1. The Scholarships are of the value of £35 per annum : one 
Scholarship will be offered annually, tenable for three years. 

2. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) At least two of the following : — 

English Language and Literature. 

Outlines of English History. 


* Resigned. 

I These should not be confused with the Hulme Hall Open Scholarships, for 
which see page 741. 


Entrance S<‘holtinsJnj)S, dvc. 

Provided, that candidates who propose to enter 
the Honours School of English, or History or 
Geography, must take the paper in the subject 
which they propose to study in the University. 

3. At least two of the following : 

Latin (Translation at sight, Grammar, and easy Composition). 



















The examination will take place in May, 19)14. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920 C. T. Bruuner 1923 E. L. Patterson 

1921 Hilda E. Wilson 1929 W. D. EJeock 

1922 Sybil Cooke 1 930* George Marshnian 

1923 Muriel Barratt J. D. Kenney. 

1924 Florence Ashton 1931 Nora Wilkinson. 

1925 Doreen Carty Elsa M. Hedges (Special Sclip * 

1926*S. H. F. Johnston 1932 Wilfred Lister 

J. G. Taylor 1933 Marjorie Swift 

1977 Ernest Ha rrop 

Jones History Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded from the accumulations of the Jones Fellowship 


1. One Scholarship, of the value of £40 per annum, will be 
awarded annually in June and will be tenable for two years. 

2. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Outlines of English History. Candidates may 
specialise on a particular period. 

(3) A general paper, which will include questions upon 

Literature, the Political Geography of Europe, and 
problems of general historical interest. 

(4) At least two of the following : — 

Latin (Translation at 

sight, Grammar, 

and easy Composition). 


















Resigm il. 


Entrance Scholarships, c&c. 


3. The Scholarship will not be awarded except to a candidate 
who shows promise in Historical study. 

The holder of this Scholarship will be required to enter for 
the History Honours Course. 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920 D. H. MacLean 

1 92 1 Annie Marks ) Divided 

Edith B. Robertson f between 

1 922 Marcelle W. Sudden 
♦Stanley Eckersley 

(Special Exhibition) 

1923 Mabel M. Slaney 

♦Enid M. Wood (Special Schp.) 

1924 T. W. Byrne 

1925 C. C. Bayley 

1925+W. G. Alcock (Special Schp.) 

W. G. Weston (Special Schp.) 
Mabel M. Slaney (for a third year^ 

1926 David Plinston 

1927 Harold Richardson 

1928 George Irving 

1929 Rlsie Farrar 

1 930* R W. Hilton 
J. S. Roskell 
1931+G. A. Forrest 

1932 J. W. McGuinness 

1933 \V. H. Chaloner 

Joseph Clegg Scholarship. 

Founded in 1925 by Miss Maud Clegg, in memory of her 
lather, Joseph Clegg, Esq., of High Crompton. 


1. The Scholarship is of the annual value of £45, and will 
be tenable for three years. 

2. The Scholarship will be offered at least every third year, 
but it may be offered at a shorter interval if the funds permit. 

3. The subjects of examination will be 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) English Language and Literature. 

(3) Outlines of English History. 

(4) At least two of the following : — Latin, Greek, French, 

German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, as for the Hulme 
and Jones History Entrance Scholarships. 

4. The successful candidate will be required to enter on the 
Honours course of English Language and Literature. 

5. Any accumulations of income which have accrued from 
time to time owing to non-award or otherwise may be used 
either for increasing the amount of the Scholarship or for the 
award of an additional Scholarship or Exhibition. 

The examination will take place in May, 1935. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1926 Norman Whitton 
1929 Geoffrey Wile 
1932 F. N. Lees 

{■ Resigned on election to another Scholarship. 

* Vacated. 


Etitrni'ce Scholarships, t to 



Founded in L917, under the will of the lute ( Uuirles Robinson, 
Esq., of Blackpool. 


1. A Scholarship of the value of £30, tenable for three years 
will be offered annually for competition for students wlio shall 
enter upon a course of study for a degree in the Honours School 
of French or the Honours School of Herman. 

2. 'Idie Scholarship will he awarded on the result of the 
Entrance Scholarships Examination. 

3. The Scholarship will he offered alternately with French 
and German as the main subject. 

4. Candidates who take either of the two languages as tiieir 
main subject will be required to be examined and to attain a 
satisfactory standard in the other language, and credit will be 
given in the competition for the knowledge shown in that 

5. Candidates must take as subsidiary subjects the following 
papers in the Entrance Scholarships Examination : 

English Essay. 

A General paper as set for the Jones Scholarship, and 
either Latin or Greek. 

Credit will be given in the competition for knowledge shown 
in these subsidiary subjects. A successful candidate must reach 
a standard in either Latin or Greek sufficient to enable him to 
enter upon an Intermediate course in whichever of the two 
languages he takes. 

0. In any year in which the Examiners are of opinion that 
no candidate has reached the standard required in the language 
forming the main subject of the examination, the Scholarship 
may be awarded for excellence in the other language, and if 
no candidates in either language show themselves worthy of 
the Scholarship, a special Scholarship or Exhibition of lower 
value may be awarded, provided that the allocation of the 
languages to the particular years of competition may be 
preserved as before. 

7. Any balance of income which has accrued from time to 
time maj^ be used either for increasing the emoluments of a 
Scholar, or for the award of additional Scholarships or Exhibitions. 

The main subject in 1934 will be French. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 

Entrance Scholarships, u<_*. 



19530* F. C. Fletcher 

Nora A. Jones t Divided 

Mary G. Win Stanley j between 
1921 T. T. Rush ) Divided 
O, T, Gan* F between 
Brua, E. Williams (Special Bursar\ , 
1922*H, M Hilton 

Mary E. Haworth 

(Special Exhibition i 
19ii3 D. Tj. Forsyth 

Nancy Williams (Spl, Scholarship) 
1921 Bessie Anderson 
1925 Norman Haycocks 

19*26 Ena Hindi©/ > Divided 
Edwin Reeves )' betiecun 
1027 Olga Bell i Divide t 

G. H. J. Champion between 
1928* Elsa Schlesinger 
1929* J. A. Nicholson 
Joan L. Harley 
1930*R. W. .1. Bowen 
W. H. Goddard 
1931*R. W. J. Bowen 
Arthur Taylor 

1932 H. J. Martin 

1933 James Barnes 

Theodores Modern Languages Entrance Exhibition. 

Founded in memory of the late Professor Theodores by his 


1. An Exhibition of £20 will be annually offered on the 
results of the Entrance Scholarships Examination in French and 
German. Candidates must also take the English Essay Paper set 
in the examination. 

2 . Candidates shall not be more than twenty years of age at 
the date of their admission to the University. 

3. Candidates will be required to satisfy the Examiners in each 
of these languages, but the award may be made either for 
excellence shown in the papers on one language or for proficiency 
shown in the papers on both. 

4. Candidates will be required to enter for a regular Univer- 
sity course, commencing in the year of their election. 

5. The Examiners shall be the Professors in French and 
German . 

6. The University shall have power to use any accumulation 
of income arising from non-award or forfeiture of the Exhibition 
or otherwise for the provision of an additional Exhibition or of a 
Prize to be given from time to time on the recommendation of the 
Examiners to any candidate who shall have distinguished himself 
in the examination. 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920*Iiaslie Pott 
A. V. Cuerden 
1921 Frieda M. Setzer 
19*221 0. T. Brown 
♦John Lunn 

1923 Florence Kletz ) T 
*R, B. Darby [ £ 

Zillah Taylor ) 

1924 Dynette G. Evans 

1925 Sarah Rabinowitz 

I Divided 
j - between 

1926 N. O. Barnes 
19*27*Elsa Scblesinger 
Geoffrey Sir com 
1928 A. L. Birchall 
1929fJoan L. Harley 
1 930* Arthur Tavlor 

1931 f Arthur Taylor _ _ 

1932 Barnet Rabinovitch (later Rayburn) 

1933 Kathleen Watson 

f Resigned on election to another Scholarship. 


Entrance Schola?'ship$, dbc. 

%* Derby Mathematical Entrance Scholarship. 

Instituted from the accumulations of the fund with which 
the Right Honourable the Fifteenth Earl of Derby endowed 
the University in 1880, and which was applied to the founding 
of Scholarships for the encouragement of the study of Mathe- 

[This Scholarship has been instituted in place of the Dalton 
Entrance Scholarship in Mathematics. For particulars of that 
Scholarship and list of Scholars, see Calendar for 1914-15, page 


1. A Scholarship of the value of £25 per annum, tenable 
for three years in the Honours School of Mathematics, will be 
offered annually for competition. 

2. The subjects of the examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Mathematics, three papers : — 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical), 

(b) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

3. This Scholarship shall not be tenable with the Dalton 
Mathematical Scholarship, except by special permission of the 
Senate. The Derby Scholar may, however, be awarded a Dalton 
Scholarship during his second or third year in place of the corre- 
sponding year of tenure of the Derby Scholarship. 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 

Dalton Scholar (under the Old Regulation) . 

1915 Alexander Maude 

Derbs: Scholars. 

1920 Kathleen P. Kirso 

1921 O. H. Smith 

1922 No award 

1923 E. T. Norris 

1924 No award 
1925*H. L. Taylor 

1926 No award 

1927 G. R. Western 

1928 John. Magee 

1929 J. S. Howard ) Divided 
*W. P. Dakin j betzveen 

1930*ThomaR Crippm 

1931 Donald Hardwick 

1932 Joseph Thorpe 

1933 D. H. Organ 


Entrance Scholarships, die. 


*** *Cartwright Entrance Scholarship. 

Established in 1895 under the will of the late Francis 
Cartwright, Esq., and under an order of the Charity Com- 
missioners, 1894. 


1* The Scholarship is of the value of £35 per annum, tenable 
for three years in the Honours School of Mathematics, and will 
ordinarily be offered once in six years. 

2. The subjects of the examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Mathematics, three papers : — 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid and Analytical). 

(b) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

3. The Scholarship will be awarded to the candidate who, 
being the son of a parent residing or of parents, if dead, who 
have resided within the Parliamentary boundary of the City of 
Manchester or within the City of Salford, shall, in the opinion 
of the Examiners, have passed the best examination, provided he 
shall reach a sufficient standard of merit. Candidates are required 
to show evidence of their complying with the condition as to 

4. This Scholarship shall not be tenable with the Dalton 
Mathematical Scholarship, except by special permission of the 

The examination will take place in May, 1931. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1922 H. R. Leech 1927-28 No award 

1923-26 No award 1929 A. N. Merchant 

1926 Harry Wroe 1930-33 No award 

William Kirtley Entrance Scholarship in 
Mechanical Engineering. 

Founded in 1919 under the will of the late William Kirtley, 

' regulations. 

1. One Scholarship of the value, for the present, of £70 shall 
be offered each year and shall be tenable for three years. 

■* Open to the competition of men only. 


Entrance Schtiittnth n <u 

2. The subjects of the examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Mathematics (Throe papers, of which (c) is optional) : — * 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical). 

(£>) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

(3) Elementary Mechanics and Physics : — 

Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and 

*(4) and (5) Two of the following subjects : — 

(a) Engineering. 

(b) Chemistry (with practical). 

(c) English Language, Literature, and History. 

(d) French. 

(e) German 

(f) Latin. 

(g) Spanish. 

( k ) Bussian. 

(j) Italian. 

(k) Geography. 

3. The successful candidate will be required to pass the 
Matriculation Examination, or to obtain an exemption certificate 
from the Joint Matriculation Board, not later than six months 
after the award of the Scholarship. 

4. The holder of the Scholarship will be required to pursue, 
in the Faculty of Science, a regular course of study in Engineering 
leading to the degree of B.Sc. with Honours. 

5. The continuance of the Scholarship is dependent on 
satisfactory progress made by the candidate, and it may be 
discontinued in the second or third year if, in the opinion of the 
Senate, the circumstances justify such a course. 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1921 A. H. D. Etlarkwick 192« J. R. Harris 

1922 David Clayton 1929 1 Tom Crippin 

1923 W. K. Rooney (Special Grant! 1930 P. A. Hutton 

John Barton 193 1 (Robert Scott 

1924 1 James Randle *Koitb Butterworth 

19251R. O. Watson 1932 John Cloodall 

1923 Albert Fogg C. R. Taylor 

1927 Geoffrey McLeod 1933 Stanley Jones 

* Candidates should state the optional subjects under (4j and (1) which 
they select. 

I Resigned. 


Entrance Scholarships, «i’v. 

Matthew Kirtley Entrance Scholarship in 
Mechanical Engineerings 

Founded iu 1923 by a bequest of the late Dame Emilv Hoe 
for the establishment of a Scholarship in connection with some 
branch of Mechanical Engineering. 


1. One Scholarship of the value, for the present, of £60 shall 
be offered each year, and shall be tenable for three years. 

2. The subjects of the examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Mathematics (Three papers, of which (c) is optional) : — - 

(а) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical). 

(б) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

(3) Elementary Mechanics and Physics 

Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and 

*(4) and (5) Two of the following subjects : — 

(а) Engineering. 

(б) Chemistry (with practical). 

(c) English Language, Literature, and History. 

(d) French. 

(e) German. 

(/) Latin. 

(g) Spanish. 

(h) Russian. 

(j) Italian. 

(A*) Geography. 

3. The successful candidate will be required to pass the 
Matriculation Examination, or to obtain an exemption certificate 
from the Joint Matriculation Board, not later than six months 
after the award of the Scholarship. 

4. The holder of the Scholarship will be required to pursue* 
in the Faculty of Science, a regular course of study in Engineering 
leading to the degree of B.Sc. with Honours. 

* Candidates should state the optional subjects under (4) and (5j which 
they select. 

Entrance Sclwlarships, &•<'. 

71 4 

5. The continuance of the Scholarship is dependent on 
satisfactory progress made by the candidate, and it may be 
discontinued in the second or third year if, in the opinion of 
the Senate, the circumstances justify such a oourse. 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1924* Wilfred Georgesou 
1925* Arthur Page 
1926* A. E. Stul >hs 

Benjamin Preston (Special Grant) 
1927 Harold Page 
1928* Frank Green 

1929* A. E. G william 
11131 1* H. L B Saint 
1931 Iv. B. Clayton 
lf)32*CJ. It. Tavlor 
1933 Harold Gaskell 

John Henry Beckwith Engineering Entrance Scholarships. 

Founded in 1917 under the will of Mary Emma Beckwith, in 
memory of her husband, the late John Henry Beckwith. 


1. Two Scholarships of the value of £G0 each shall be offered 
each year and shall ordinarily be tenable for three years. The 
Scholarships may be renewed for a fourth year for special reasons. 

2. -The subjects of the examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Mathematics (Three papers, of which (c) is optional) : 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical). 

(b) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

(3) Elementary Mechanics and Physics : — 

Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and 

■)“(4) and (5) Two of the following subjects : — 

(a) Engineering. 

(b) Chemistry (with practical). 

(c) English Language, Literature, and History. 

(d) French. 

(e) German. 
if) Latin. 

(g) Spanish. 

(h) Russian. 

( j ) Italian. 

(k) Geography. 

* Resigned. 

+ Candidates should state the optional subjects under (4) and (5) which 

TliAir odIpot ' 

Entrance Scholar ships , dc 


required to pass the 

3. The successful candidates will be 
Matriculation Examination, or to obtain auction 
from the Joint Matriculation Board, not later than six months 
after the award of the Scholarship. 

4. The successful candidates may, subject to the sanction of 
the Senate, postpone the tenure of the Scholarship for one or two 
years, m order to obtain practical experience in engineering works 
prior to entering upon a University course. 

? S ie holders of the Scholarships will be required to pursue, 
m the Faculty of Science, a regular course of study in Mechanical 
Engineering leading to the degree of B.Sc. with Honours. 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920* J . W. Gibson 
W. H. Turner 

1921 C A. Bradley 

1922 F. J. Rush 
1923* Basil Wood 

Ernest Taylor 
1924 * Frank Hadfield 

James Drake (Honorary SchpJ 
O. J. Tirrell (Special Grant) 

C. F. J. Morgan (Special Sohp.) 
1025 (1)*W. R. Joslin 

A. E. Johnson 
(2i*Oharles Dunbar 
192G (1) A. D. Dunbar 

(2)*A. S. Xi. Morgan 
Ijeonard Raven 
1927 (1) F. Ij. Smith 
(2) '■Fred Ashton 

•Sidney Occleshaw 

1928(1) *Wilfred Flemming 
P. D. F. T.Huss 
(2)* A. J. Mears 
1929 (1)*T. F. Bafctersby 
(2) Arthur Raven 
1 930(1 )*T. H. Reynolds 
(2)* William Heaton 
1931(1)' Bernard Stones 
(2)* Joseph Thorpe 
W. R. B. Frank 
1 932 ( 1 ) Haydn Templeton 
(2) Edward Saunsburv 
1933(1) J. K. Bithell 
(2) John Sharratt 

t Ramsbottom -Webb Scholarship. 

This is an amalgamation, made in 1927, of the Ramsbottom 
Scholarship, founded in 1873 by tbe late John Ramsbottom, 
Esq., C.E., LL.D., of Alderley Edge, and of tbe Webb Scholarship, 
instituted in 1906 under tbe Will of the late F. W. Webb, Esq. 


1. The Scholarship shall be an Entrance Scholarship of the 
value of £100 a year, usually awarded triennially and tenable 
for three years by tbe employes or sons of employes on tbe London, 
Midland and Scottish Railway Company. Candidates must not 
be under 16 nor above 23 years of age on November 1st of the 
year of competition, and must not have been previously students 
at the University of Manchester. 

2. The successful candidate will be required to enter, in 
tbe Faculty of Science, upon a course for a degree in Engineering 
or for an Engineering Certificate. 

* Resigned. 

I Open to the competition of men only. 


Entrance Scholarships, the. 

3. The subjects of examination shall be an English Essay, 
Mathematics, Elementary Mechanics and Heat, and Engineering. 

4. Any balance owing to non-award, accumulation or other- 
wise, shall be used for awarding either a second Scholarship or 
a special Prize or Exhibition. 

The examination will be held in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 

Applications for the Ramsbottom-Webb Scholarshix> should 
not be sent to the University, but should be forwarded to the 
Secretary of the L. M. & S. Railway Company through the Head 
of the Department in which the candidate is employed, or, in 
the case of sons of employees, through the Hoad of the. Depart- 
ment in which the parent is employed. 


1920 W. K. Rooney 19-215 J. \\\ Jennings 

3922 W. K. Roouey (for a. third year) H. F. Tirrell (for a, third year) 

O. J. Tin-ell 1928 Gnorjje Foster 

1924 H. F. Tirrell 

Webb Scholars. 

1922 James Smith 

1925 John Briscoe 

1928 George Foster 

Ramrrottom-Webb Scholar. 

1931 a. 8. Fisher 

* The Jambs Scarlett Engineering Scholarship (Entrance). 

Instituted in 1906 under the will of the late James Scarlett, 
Esq., of Bowdon. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £70 per annum, and 
will be awarded triennially. It will be tenable for three years. 

2. The competition for this Scholarship is limited to the 
members of industrial classes who are resident at time of election 
and have resided for three years previously within ten miles of 
the Town Hall, Manchester. 

3. The subjects of examination shall be an English Essay, 
Mathematics, Elementary Mechanics and Heat, and Engineering. 

4. Candidates must have passer], prior to entrance into the 
University, the Matriculation Examination of the Joint Board. 

5. The successful candidate will be required to enter as a 
Day Student of the University, and to attend, in the three years, 
the recognised courses prescribed by the University for the degree 
of B.Sc. with Honours in Engineering. 

Open to the competition of men only. 

Entrance Scholarships , dc. 


'I'ke continuance of the Scholarship is dependent on 
satisfactory progress made by the candidate, and it may be 
discontinued in the second or third year if, in the opinion of the 
Senate, the circumstances j ustify such a course. 

The Scholarship will be offered for competition in May, 1936. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 

Candidates are required to furnish, with their application, 
satisfactory evidence of their eligibility. 


19-20 John Latham 19*29-1932 No award 

1923 Jack Allen 1933 Raymond Kitchen 

192b J. G. Jagger 

The Bythway Entrance Scholarship in 
Chemist ei y and Engineering. 

Pounded in, 1922 by the late Mrs. Caroline Bythway in memory 
of her husband, Thomas Bythway. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £45 per annum. It will 
be awarded triennially, and will be tenable for three years. 

2. The competition for the Scholarship is limited to boys 
who have attended the Leigh Grammar School or the Manchester 
Grammar School for a period of not less than one year. 

Candidates are required to furnish, with their application, 
satisfactory evidence of their eligibility. 

3. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three horns each. Candidates may select any subject 
in which papers are set in Arts or Science, provided that they 
take either Chemistry or Mathematics, or both. 

Note. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where 
a practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

4. The holder of the Scholarship will he required to pursue, 
in the Faculty of Science a regular course in either Chemistry 
or Engineering leading to the degree of B.So. with Honouxs. 

5. The Senate may determine the tenure of the Scholarship 
at any time owing to unsatisfactory conduct or progress. 


Entrance Scholarships, &*c. 

6. Should there be no candidate of sufficient merit in any 
year, the Scholarship shall not be awarded. 

7. Any accumulations of the funds of the Scholarship owing to 
non-award, or to any other cause, are to be added to the Capital 
sum, with a view to an increase in the emoluments of the Scholar- 
ship at such time or times as the Council may determine. 

The examination will take place in May, 1935. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


in&VR. G. Wood 
192(5 Benjamin Broslon 
10:29 Tli on ia& ViakM'gtailf 
1932 Wall a, co Taylor 



1. The Scholarship will Lie awarded biennially, and will be 
of the annual value of 4130. 

2. Candidates for the Scholarship must have attended during 
the session, at the close of which the Scholarship is awarded, at 
least two lecture courses, and one course in Practical Chemistry, 
in the Manchester Municipal College of Technology or the Royal 
Salford Technical College. 

3. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Chemistry (Theoretical and Practical). 

4. The holder of the Scholarship will be required during the 
session following its award to enter upon the University First 
Year’s Honoui’s Course in Chemistry. 

5. The holder of the Scholarship will, during the second year 
of tenure, be required to enter upon tlie University Second Year’s 
Honours Course in Chemistry, or such other advanced course in 
Chemistry as may be approved by the Vice-Chancellor and the 
Professor of Chemistry. 

The next examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920 J. L. Schofield 1926 Morton Blank 

1922 Donald White 1928-29 No award 

1924 Hvme Lpm-pert lBSO^Gooifrey Broughton 

1982-33 No award 

Entrance Scholarships, &c. 


*** * Kay-Shuttleworth (Sik James Phillips; 

Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded in 1892, by The Right Hon. Lord Shuttleworth of 
Gawthorpe, m memory of his father, the late Sir James Phillips 
Kay-Shuttleworth, Bart. 


1* The Sch.olarsh.ip is of the value of £-50 per annum, and will 
be awarded triennially in May. It will he tenable for three years. 

2. The competition for this Scholarship is limited to boys 
who shall have, during a period of at least two years, been 
educated in one or other of the following schools, viz. : Sedbergh 
School, Giggleswick School, Burnley Grammar School. 

Candidates are required to furnish, with their application, 
satisfactory evidence of their eligibility. 

3. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Mathematics (Three papers, of which (c) is optional) : — 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical). 

(i b ) Algebra. and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

(3) Elementary Mechanics and Physics : — 

Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and 

(4) Chemistry (with practical). 

4. The Scholarship will be awarded to the candidate who, in 
the opinion of the Examiners, shall have passed the best 
examination ; provided he shall reach a sufficient standard of 
merit, and provided he shall have satisfied the Examiners that he 
is well acquainted with the elements of Chemistry, Practical as 
well as Theoretical. 

The next examination will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1 st. 


1921 1* Ernest Thornley (Burnley G-ramuiar School) 

Richard Pendlebury (Burnley Grammar School) 

1924 Harry Wildman (Burnley Grammar School) 

19*27 No award . , 

Harry Wildman (Special Exhibition) 

1928 No award ...... . 

Norman Calvert (Special Exhibition) 

1929-33 No award 

* Open to the competition of men- only. t Resigned. 


Entrance Scholarships, <£c. 


Founded in 1892 by the Trustees under the will of the lute 
James Gaskill, Esq., of Christ Church, FTulme. 


1. The Scholarships are of the value of £35. One Scholar- 
ship will be offered annually, and will be tenable for two years. 

2. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Mathematics (Three papers, of which ( c ) is optional) : — 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical). 

(b) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

(3) Elementary Mechanics and Physics : - - 

Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and 

(4) Chemistry (with practical). 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 
Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920 Ernest Hawarth 
1921*Edmund Fairhurst 
Dorothy Hey worth 

1922 G. G. Sumner 

1923 A. C. Bottomley 

1924 Harold Davenport (Honorary 


*G. S. Hartley 

1925 Alice Speight 
1926*F. A. Robinson 

Cecil Beilis 

L927*H. M. Parker 
♦Walter Scott 
192ft Eric Eastwood 
1929 Sam Wood 
1030 James Whittaker 
1931 D. H. Beech 
1932*1. T. It am Key 
Hugh McMullen 
1933 Harold Edge 

t Entrance Scholarships in Science. 

One of these Scholarships was founded in 1894 and two 
others were added in 1909 by the same donor with the object 
of providing for deserving students the means of pursuing a 
course of scientific instruction in the University of Manchester, 
and with a view to the advancement and the introduction of new 


1. There shall be three Scholarships each of the annual value 
of £50 and tenable for three years. 

1 Open to the competition of men only. 

♦ Resigned. 

Entrance Scholarships , d'c. 


2. One Scholarship shall be offered every year. 

3. In awarding the Scholarship preference in the first instance 
shall be given to boys who shall, during a period of at least two 
years, have been educated in (1) Bury Grammar School, 
Municipal Secondary School or Technical School ; (2) Heywood 
Grammar School or Technical School ; (3) Stockport Grammar 
School, Municipal Secondary School or Technical School. 

4. Failing any candidate from any of these schools who shall 
be considered of sufficient merit, the Scholarship may be awarded 
to any boy who shall have, during a period of at least two years, 
been educated in any School in Lancashire or Cheshire. 

5. The success ful candidate will he required to enter for and 
to pursue with due diligence a regular course of study for a degree 
of the University in the Faculty of Science or of Commerce. 

6. The Scholarships shall be awarded as the University may 
from time to time determine. 

7. Any surplus income that may from time to time arise after 
payment of the amounts of the Scholarships may he applied in 
increasing payments to the scholars or in giving additional 
Scholarships or exhibitions or prizes to unsuccessful candidates, 
or may be accumulated and the income of the accumulations 
applied in increasing the amounts of the Scholarships or in 
founding additional Scholarships. 

8. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Three of the following, of which not more than two may 
be taken from Group B : 

A. (i.) Mathematics (Three papers, of which (c) is optional) 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical). 

(b) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

(Li.) Elementary Mechanics and Physics : — 

Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and 

B. (iii.) Chemistry (with practical). 

(iv.) Botany (with practical). 

(v.) Zoology (with practical). 

(vi.) Geology (with practical). 

The examination will take place in May, 1934. 

ljaet date for notice, April 1st. 


Entrance Scholarships, die. 


Under Nsu* Regulations, 

3920 Krvil Ashworth (Bacup ami I law ten stall Heeoudn.vy School) 

James Gregory (Loigli Onuimmr School), (Special Scholarship) 

1921 John Whitworth (Haywood Secondary School) 

3922 Henry Tomlinson (Kirkham Grammar School) 

3923 A. C. Pinch (Warrington Secondary School) 

1924 ,1. P. Moylo (Stockport Grammar School) 

3925 W. F. Butter worth (Stockport Grammar School) 

3926 F\ (}. Stott (Haywood Grammar School) 

1927 t Hi fiord Stead (Stockport Grammar School) 

1928 Alfred llousloy (Stand Grammar School, Whitotlold) 

1929*A. J. McCall (Wigan Grammar School) 

S. T. Harrition, (Hulnio Grammar School, Mamdicstcr) 

1930 Dennis Kafkovitch ( later Kay) (Manchester Central High School 

for Bays) 

1931 Edgar Holland (Stand Grammar School, White field) 

1932* M. D. Milno (Stockport Secondary School) 

1933 N. S. Uillington (Crewe County SiM'ond.\r> School) 

John Buckley Entrance Scholarship in Science. 

Founded in 1893, by tlie Executors of the late John Buckley, 
Esq., of New Delph, near Manchester, in accordance with the 
provisions of his will. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £50 per annum, tenable 
for three years, and will he awarded triennially in June. 

2. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) Three of the following, of which not more than two may 

may be taken from Group (B) : — 

A. (i.) Mathematics (Three papers of which (c) is optional, : 

(a) Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Analytical). 

( b ) Algebra and Trigonometry. 

(c) Calculus and Statics and Dynamics. 

(ii.) Elementary Mechanics and Physics : — 

Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and 

B. (iii.) Chemistry (with practical). 

(iv.) Botany (with practical). 

(v.) Zoology (with practical). 

(vi.) Geology (with practical). 

* Resign od. 

Entrance Scholai'ships , Sc. 


3. The successful candidate will be required to read for 
Honours School in Science in the University of Manchester. 

The next competition will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


Under New 
1922 Stanley Keys 
1926 Joseph Sherr&tt 


1928 Leslie Howarth 
1981 P. A. Langley 


Blkaokley Entrance Scholarship, 

Founded in 1898 under the will of the late E. 0. Bleackley, Esq. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £80 per annum, and 
tenable for three years. 

2. Competitions will be held at such dates as the funds of the 
Scholarship permit. 

3. The subjects of examination will be : 

(1) An English Essay. 

(2) At least two of the following : — 

(а) Botany (with practical). 

(б) Zoology (with practical). 

(c) Geology (with practical). 

4. Successful candidates are required to enter for a degree 
course of the University of Manchester in Arts or Science. 

5. The Scholarship shall determine if the Scholar shall fail to 
acquit himself satisfactorily in the annual class examinations, or 
si tall have failed to pass the regular University examinations for 
his degree course. 

The next competition will take place in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


3921 Enid II. Almond 1928*Louiaa Riley 

Muriel M. Edwards Q. A. Rioliardson 

1924 Marjorie Wilkinson 1931 Betty Harrop 

1927 No award . 

John Russell Medical Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded in 1925 under a bequest of Miss Ann Russell, of 
Cheetham Hill, Manchester, in memory of her uncle. 


1. The Scholarship shall be of the value of £45, tenable for 
one year, and offered annually. 

* Resigned. 


Entrance Scholarships, * •**, 

2. Candidates must satisfy the condition# for entrance to the 
Faculty of Medicine. 

3. Candidates must take, in the. Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Notes. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where 
a practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination aro regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded its one. paper. 

4. Successful candidates are required to enter for the First 
M.B. course of the University. 

5. The Scholarship shall be open to both men and women 

6. Any accumulations resulting from non-award or otherwise 
shall be used at the discretion of the Council cither for increasing 
the value of the Scholarship, or for awarding it. second Scholar- 
ship or a special prize or exhibition, or for continuing t he tenure 
of the Scholarship for a second year. 

7. Applications must be sent in by April 1st in the year of 

The examination will be held, in May, 1934. 

1926 C. H. Gray 

1927 J. N. Strauss 

1928 J. A. Hobson 

1920 Margaret 1. Willimus 


1930 David Hal porn 
193J G, H. H. Him ham 
193-'. Gerald Gunnany 
1933 No award 

Tin*: Dkkschfklu Memorial 8ou<u. Austin*. 

Founded in 1908 by Mrs. Dreschfeld and former colleagues and 
students, and other friends, in memory of tholato J ulius Dreschfeld, 
Professor of Medicine in the University of Manchester. 


1. The Scholarship shall he of the value of £20, tenable for 
two years, and awarded triennially. 

2. Candidates must satisfy the requirements of the General 
Medical Council, or must previously have satisfied such require- 

Entrance Scholarships , cS >c. 


3. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least 
four papers of three hours each. 

Note. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where a 
practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

4. Successful candidates are required to enter for the First 
M.B. course or for the first year of the course of the Conjoint 
Colleges, or for the Preliminary Scientific Examination of the 
London University. 

5. The Scholarship shall be open to both men and women 

6. Applications must be sent in by April 1st in the year of 

The examination will be held in May, 1934. 


1^22* Beat rice Webb 1 Divided 1928 John Boar drnan 

A, H. Baker J between 1931 H. L. H. Laurence 

1925 K. V. Wright 

Charles John Adams Scholarships. 

Founded in 1910, under a bequest of £4,000 made by the late 
Rev. E. L. Adams. 


1. Three Scholarships, to be called the Adams Scholarships, 
shall be instituted, each of the value of £50, tenable for three 
years. One Scholarship shall be offered for competition each year. 

2. No age limit shall be imposed on candidates. 

3 The Scholarships will be awarded on the results of the 
examination for Entrance Scholarships. Candidates are required 
to take : 

(а) An English Essay. ^ , 

(б) A Modern Language other than English, ana 

(c) At least three other papers chosen from the papers set 
in the Entrance Scholarships Examination. 

Candidates may take a paper on Political Economy either in 
addition to, or in substitution for one of the subjects under (e). 

4. On election candidates must enter the Faculty of Commerce 

and prepare for the degree of B.A. (Com.), devoting their whole 
time to University work. _ 

5. The Scholarships shall not be tenable with any other uni- 
versity Scholar ship or Exhibition. 

* Resigned. 


Entrance Scholarships , &c. 

6. The balance of income, if any, arising from the Adams 
Fund shall be set aside for providing additional Scholarships 
or Bursaries from time to time for students in the Faculty of 
Commerce in need of assistance ; such Scholarships or Bursaries 
to be awarded on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor 
and the Dean of the Faculty. 

The examination will be held in May, 1934:. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920 John Jewkes 

Frank Whitmore (Spec. Adciit. 


1921 Mabel Clough 

Gilbert Jenkins (Spec. Bursary) 
1922*W. F. Fleet 
O. T. Brown 
1923 Harry Campion 
1924*Helen N. Vernon 
1925 W, B. Hall 
1926* J. G. Taylor 

1927 Henry Chessell 

1928 Sidney Reeves 

Louisa Riley (Spec. Bursary) 
1929 *J. S. Fletoher 

Kathleen M. Langton (Spec. 


1 930* W. H. Goddard 

Sidney Reeves (Spec. Bursary) 

1931 Gerardus Krafffc 

1932 T.B. Shorter 

1933 Mary Burgess 

Lewis Atkinson Entrance Scholarship in Commerce. 

Founded in 1925 under a bequest of £1,100 by the Executors 
of the late Mr. Lewis Atkinson, of Manchester, under discretionary 
powers vested in them by his will. 


1. A Scholarship to be called the Lewis Atkinson Entrance 
Scholarship in Commerce shall be instituted of the value of £45, 
tenable for three years. 

2. No age limit shall be imposed on candidates. 

3. The Scholarships will be awarded on the results of the 
examination for Entrance Scholarships. Candidates are required 
to take : 

(a) An English Essay. 

(b) A Modern Language other than English, and 

(c) At least three other papers chosen from the papers set 

in the Entrance Scholarships Examination. 

Candidates may take a paper on Political Economy either in 
addition to, or in substitution for one of the subjects under (c). 

4. On election candidates must enter the Faculty of Com- 
merce and prepare for the degree of B.A.(Com.), devoting their 
whole time to University work. 

5. The balance of income, if any, arising from the Lewis 
Atkinson Fund shall be set aside for providing additional Scholar- 
ships or Bursaries from time to time for students in the Faculty 


Entrance Scholar ships , &c. 


of Commerce in need of assistance, such Scholarships or Bursaries 
to be awarded on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor 
and the Dean of the Faculty. 

The examination will be held in May, 1935. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


ig^T+FIovence Unsworth 

1928 C. F. G. Dimbleby 

1931 No award 

1932 T. K. Kewley 

■("Dora Muir Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded in 1899 by Mr. Alexander Muir, in memory of 
his daughter, the late Mrs. Alfred Haworth, a former student and 
associate of Owens College. 


1. The Scholarship is of the annual value of £30, tenable for 
three years, and awarded triennially. 

2. The Scholarship is open to women candidates who intend 
to enter the University of Manchester. 

3. Candidates must be under the age of 20 years at the date 
of the commencement of the examination. 

4. The Scholarship will be awarded on the results of the 
examinations for the Entrance Scholarships. 

5. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Note. — I n some subjects more than one paper is set, W here a 
practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

6. Successful candidates are required to enter for a degree 
course of the University in Arts or Science, or in any other Faculty 
now open, or which shall hereafter be open to women. 

7. With the sanction of the Senate this Scholarship may be 
held with any other Scholarship or Exhibition in the University 
or with a County Council Scholarship. 

8. In case thei'e shall beany surplus income of the truBt funds 
either through the non-award of the Scholarship or otherwise, the 
surplus shall be applied as may from time to time be determined 

* Resigned. , 

•j-Open to the competition of women only. 

X 1 


Entrance Scholarships , <&c. 

by tlae Council either in increasing the amount of the Scholarship 
in any year, in the award of a prize or prizes for women students, 
or for the assistance of deserving women students. 

The next competition will be held in May, 1935, 


1920 Mabel Pollard 1929 Martha A. Winstanley 

1923 Florence White 1932 Maria I. Henwiok 

1926 Jenny Cra-wshaw 

Vera Taylor (Special Scbp.) 

*J. W. Kiddle Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded in 1928, under a bequest of about £1,965 made by 
the late Rev. J. W. Kiddle, to assist promising youths of Man- 
chester and Salford to pass from the Manchester Grammar School 
to the University of Manchester. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £50 per annum, and is 
tenable for three years. It will be offered trienniaily, but an 
additional Scholarship may be offered from time to time when 
the Fund permits. 

2. Candidates must be pupils of the Manchester Grammar 
School who have resided in the City of Manchester or in the City 
of Salford for a period of not less than one year previous to the 
first day of the examination. 

3. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Note. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where a 
practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

4r. The Scholar will be required to enter in the session 
immediately following the award upon a course of study leading 
to a degree in the University. 

The Scholarship will be offered for competition in May, 1935 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1929 D. F. Alison 

A. N. Merchant (Speoia.1 Sobp.) 

1932 Mark Cohen 
G-. B. Priest 

•Open to the competition of men only. 

Entrance Scholarships y dc. 


■'-Grammar School Entrance Scholarships. 
Administered under a scheme of the Board of Education, 1904. 


1. These Scholarships, each of the annual value of £20 and 
tenable for three years, have been founded for better enabling 
scholars of the Manchester Grammar School, entering as students 
at the University of Manchester, to defray the expenses of such 

2. Candidates must, at the date of their entrance into the 
University, be not less than 16 nor more than 20 years of 
age, and must have been pupils in the School for not less than 
three years immediately preceding the examination. 

3. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Note. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where 
a practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism is regarded as one paper. 

4. The Electors are the Vice-Chancellor of the University, the 
High Master of the Grammar School, and the Recorder of the 
City of Manchester, or any two of them. 

5. Successful candidates will be required to enter upon a 
course leading to a degree in the University. 

The Scholarship will he offered in May, 1 935 and 1 936. It will 
not he offered in 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 

1 920+ J R. Clarke 
Henry Vogel 

1921 Richard Greenhalgh 

1922 S. A. Wood 

1923 C. E. Padfield 

1924 R. B. Darby 


1926 S. S, Andrew 

1927 N. B. Fletcher 

1929 J. A. Hallsworth 

1930 No award 

1932 S. B. Caldwell 

1933 No award 

Tom Jackson Entrance Scholarship. 

The Scholarship was established by the University Council 
in 1928 under a bequest of £1,000 made by the late Mr. Tom 
Jackson, of Bolton. The Council directed that, m the first instance, 
the scholarship should be oflered for competition by candidates 
resident in the County Borough of Bolton. 

* Open to the competition of men only. 

+ Resigned on election to another Scholarship. 


Entrance Scholarships , dec. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £45 per annum. It will be 
awarded triennially and will be tenable for three years in any 
Faculty of the University. 

2. The competition will be open, in the first instance, to 
candidates who, or whose parents, are and have been, for a 
period of not less than one year prior to the date of examination, 
bona fide resident in the County Borough of Bolton. Failing such 
candidates of sufficient merit the Scholarship may be awarded 
to any other candidate in the entrance scholarships examination 
who has attained the necessary standard. 

3. Candidates applying under the above preferential clause as 
to residence are required to submit evidence with their application. 

4. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Note. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where 
a practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

5. The successful candidate will be required to enter in the 
session immediately following the award upon a course leading 
to a degree in the University of Manchester. 

The examination will be held in May, 1936. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1930 Cyril Her cub 
1933 Esther J, Park 

Stalybridge Entrance Scholarship. 

Founded in 1921 from the donation made by Staly bridge 
subscribers to the Manchester University Appeal Fund. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £25 per annum, tenable 
for three years, and will be awarded triennially in June. 

2. The competition shall be confined to candidates whose 
parents are, and have been for a period of not less than two 
years prior to May 1st in the year of award, bona fide resident 
within the Municipal Borough of Staly bridge. Evidence of this 
qualification satisfactory to the University must he submitted. 


Entrance Scholarships , etc. 

3. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Note. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where 
a practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

4. Successful candidates will he required to enter for, and to 
pursue, a course of study leading to a degree in any one of the 
Faculties of the University. 

The Scholarship will be offered in 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1922 Robert Newton 
1925-32 No award 
1933 Edwin Bentley 

John KLenworthy Bythell Memorial Scholarships. 

Founded in 1917 from funds subscribed as a tribute to the 
memory of the late John ELenwoxthy Bythell, who from the year 
1887 until his death in the year 191 6 was a Director, and for 22 
years Chairman, of the Manchester Ship Canal Company. 


1 The Scholarships shall be each of the value of £50 per 
annum. One Scholarship shall be awarded triennially, and a 
second from time to time as may be notified. 

2. The Scholarships shall normally be tenable for three years, 
but the Trustees may at any time suspend or terminate the 
Scholarship of any candidate whose conduct or progress has been 
reported as unsatisfactory. 

3. The Scholarships shall be awarded on the results of the 
Entrance Scholarships Examination of the Victoria University 
of Manchester. 

4. The competition shall be open in the first instance to can- 
didates of either sex who have been in the employment or service 
of the Manchester Ship Canal Company, to their children, and to 
the children of deceased employees and servants of the Company. 
Failing such candidates, the Trustees may award the Scholarships 
to any candidate of sufficient merit in the above-mentioned 

Candidates who apply under the special clause are required 
to furnish, with their application, satisfactory evidence of their 


Entrance Scholarships, <fV. 

5. No candidate shall be eligible whose age shall be less than 
16 years (17 in the case of a woman) on the first day of November 
in the year of award, but there shall be no maximum age limit. 

6. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Nqtr. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where 
a practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

7. No Scholarship shall be awarded except to a candidate 
who has reached a proper standard of proficiency. 

S. A successful candidate shall be required to enter on a 
University Certificate or Degree Course in some Faculty of the 
University (other than the Faculty of Technology*) at the 
beginning of the session following the award. 

9. Notice of intention to compete must be sent to the 
Registrar not later than April 1st of each year in which a Scholar- 
ship is offered for competition. 

10. These Scholarships may be held concurrently with other 
Scholarships, provided that the permission of the Trustees is 

Notice will be given of the next offer. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1923 W. H. Taylor 19*3 <J. D Pi noli 

1925 Arthur Pago 1931 Doris 1. H. OoulthaiM 

1926 J U. Seddon 1933 D. H. Organ 

1927 H. M. Parker 

*V : ' t William Simphon Exhibition, 

Founded in 1880 under the will of the late Mrs. Alice Fay, 
and revised by a scheme of the Board of Education in 1901. 


1. The Exhibition of at least «£2f>, tenable for not more than 
three years, will be offered for award in May, 1934. 

2. The Competition will be open, in the first instance, to 
candidates who or whose parents are and have for a period of 
not less than three years prior to October 1st in tlie year 
of award been bona fide resident in the area formerly known as 

* For Schorrs hips ottered under this scheme tenable In the Faculty of 
Technology, see the Prospectus of the Faculty of Technology, 
t Open to the competition of men only. 

E n trail ce Sch r u ar ships, etc 


tba lownship of Moston. Failing tb.686 the Trustees have power 
to appoint other candidates. All candidates must be not less 
than 16 or more than 21 on October 1st before the year of 
award . 

3. Candidates coming under the above clause as t,o residents® 
are required to send evidence on application for the Exhibition. 

4. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three hours each. 

Note. — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where a 
practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

The examination will be held in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 

19*20 A E. Oxford 
1922 Liawrenee Ijj'ons 
19*24 K. L. Hall 
1926 J. S. Parkinson 


1928*Victor Lamb 
Geoffrey Gee 
19S0 F. H. Moon 
1932J A. H William.- 
A. L. Garrett 

: V* t Alice Fay Exhibition. 

Founded under the will of the late Mrs. Alice Fay, and 
revised by a scheme of the Board of Education in 1904. 


1. The Exhibition of at least £25, tenable for not more than 
three years, will be offered for award in May, 1934. 

2. The Competition will be open, in the first instance, to 
candidates who or whose parents are and have for a period of 
not less than three years prior to October 1st in the year 
of award been bona fide resident in the area formerly known as 
the Township of Moston. Failing these the Trustees have power 
to appoint other candidates. All candidates must be not less 
than 16 or more than 21 on October the 1st before the year of 

3. Candidates coming under the above clause as to residence 
are required to send evidence on application for the Exhibition. 

* Resigned on eleotion to another Scholarship. 
+ Open to the competition of women only. 

$ Resigned. 


JShitrance Scholarships , 

4. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships 
Examination, an English Essay paper together with at least four 
papers of three 1 tours each. 

Note. — I n some subjects more than one paper is set. Where a 
practical examination is held, the written paper and the practical 
examination are regarded as one paper. Mechanics, Heat, Light, 
Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as one paper. 

The examination will be held in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1920 Phyllis Heacall 15)20 May Priestley 

1922 Annie Buckley 1928 Mai'v P. Litligow 

1924* Amy Greenwood 1930 Hilda Lofthoune 

Edna Bibbv 1932 Olivo Stan stiold 

Elsie (Jr. Qoile.v (Spl, Exhibition) 

William Holme Bursaries. 

These Bursaries were established by the University Council 
in accordance with the provisions of the schemes for the IFulme 


1. Two Bursaries of the value of £-10 each, tenable for three 
years, shall be offered annually. 

[Note. — xYn additional Bursarv may be awarded in the year 

2 . The Bursaries are tenable at any licensed I hill of Residence 
at the University but up to and including the session 1939-40 
preference will lie given in the case of one of the Bursaries to 
candidates who desire to reside in Dalton Hall, Holme Hall, 
Ashburne Hall, or Langdale Hall. 

3. Candidates must take, in the Entrance Scholarships Exami- 
nation, an English Essay paper together with at least four papers 
of three hours each. 

Note — In some subjects more than one paper is set. Where 
a practical examination is held, the written paper and the 
practical examination are regarded as one paper. Meciianics, 
Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism, is regarded as 
one paper of three hours. 

4. The award will be made by a special Sub-Committee of 
the Entrance Scholarships Committee, in consultation with the 
Heads of the Halls concerned. 

5. No candidate will he awarded a Bursary unless the 
Committee are satisfied of the necessity for financial assistance. 

6. The Senate, after due consideration of financial circum- 
stances, may allow the Bursaries to be held with other Scholar- 
ships or exhibitions. 


Entrance Scholarships , Ac. 


7. Candidates must state on their form of application the Hall 
of Residence which they desire to enter, and must give alternatives 
in order of preference. 

8. r he Bursaries will be paid in each year of tenure as to 
two-thirds oil registration as a student and on presenting a 
certificate of having been admitted to a Hall of Residence, and the 
balance of one-third at the end of January, subject to a satis- 
factory report on work and conduct. 

9. No person shall be eligible for a Hulme Bursary who has 
not competed at the same examination for a University Entrance 

The Bursaries will be offered in May, 1934. 

Last date for notice, April 1st. 


1930 P. A. Hufton ( Dalton Hall) 

•■Fred West ( Hulme Hall) 

F. H. Moon (Hulme Hall ) 

Cyril Berens ( Hulme Hall) 

1931 Elsa M. Hedges (Ashbuync Ha'l) 
Leslie Twyford ( Hulm ? Halh 

1932 Joseph Thorpe ( Dalton Hall) 

* A. H. Williams (Dalton Hall) 

Gerald Garrnany (St. Anselm Hall ) 
J. W. McGuinness (Hulme Hall) 
Maria I, Remvick (Asfibuyne Hall) 

1933 W. H. Chaloner (Dalton Hall > 
James Barnes ( Dalton Hall) 

N. S. Billington (Hulme Hall ) 
Harold Gaskell (Dalton Hall ) 
Albert Law (Hulme Hall) 

Kathleen Watson (Ashburnc Hall j 






University Scholarships for Women. (Special Fund.,, 

These Scholarships have been instituted to enable suitable 
women students to pursue a course of study in the University. 

There will be offered for award on the results of the Entrance 
Scholarships Examinations in May, 1934, a Rachel Scott Scholar- 
ship of the value of £50, with a preference for candidates intending 
to specialise in Philosojjhy or Classics ; a Lydia Kemp Scholar- 
ship, open to candidates from Rochdale, with a preference for 
students proposing science courses ; and a 1918 55 Scholarship 
of the value of £50. The Scholarships are tenable for three years. 

The financial circumstances of candidates, including other 
Scholarships which they may hold, are taken into account in 
awarding these Scholarships ; and successful candidates are 
required to enter ail Honours School, should there be an Honours 
School in the Faculty in which they attend a course. Particulars 
of the Scholarships "may be had from the Honorary Secretary, 
Mrs. Hope Hogg, 8, Circular Road, Withington, Manchester. 



Enhance Scholarships, d^v. 


Rachel Scoit Scholarship. 
(£50 a year for three years.) 
1919 Annie Gaskell 
1922 Sybil Cooke 
1925 Gertrude E. Weatherhead 
1928 Audrey Bullough 
1931 Gwendolen M. Sewell 

Emily Simon Sciiolaimhip. 
(£25 a yeaT for three years.) 
1921 Margaret McDougall 
1923 Jane Moulton 
1925 Ena Kenadjiau 
1928 Elizabeth B. Mason 
1933 Helen Tosvnend 

Lydia Kemp Scholarship. 
(£30 a year for three years. 
1919 Annie Watson 
1922 Beatrice Webb 
1925 Dorothy S. Boothman 
1928 Margaret K. Ashton 

Lydia Becker Scholarship. 
(£35 a year for three years.) 

1921 Eva M. Pearson 

1922 Phyllis Senogles 

1923 Audrey Felton 

“ 1918 ” Scholarships. 

1918 Margaret Atkinson 
Laura M. Midgley 

1919 Florence Ashworth 

1920 Rachel Ireland 
Agnes D. Croft 

1921 Dorothy Hey worth 

1924 Marjorie Wilkinson 

Elsie (». Geiler 
Amy Greenwood 
Hilda MacCormack 

1926 Jenny Crawshaw 
Kathleen A. Payne 
Vera Taylor 

1927 Dorothy E. Whiteley 
Sylvia M. C. Jackson 
Edith A. Kay 

1928 Evelyn C. Addis 

1929 Ruth E. Johnston 
Elsie Brooks 
Sylvia Hall 

1930 Hilda Lofthouse 
Mary W. Shield 
Margaret E. Cliff 

1931 Elsa M. Hedges \ Divided 
Nora Wilkinson I between 

1932 Dora Bannister 
Maria I. Renwick 
Joyce E. Southan 

1933 Beryl J. Trickett 
Kathleen Watson 
Graduate Studentship 

(£50 for one year.) 

1922 Elizabeth G. Mitchell, B.A, 

For Entrance Scholarships in Medicine and foii Dauntebey 
Medical Junior Scholarships, see pages 768 and 706. 

II. Entrance Scholarships tenable at the University, 
but not awarded on the University Entrance 
Scholarships Examinations. 

Lewis Atkinson Entrance Scholarship in Electrical 

Founded in 1925 under a bequest of £1,100 by the Executors 
of the late Mr. Lewis Atkinson, of Manchester, under discretionary 
powers vested in them by his will. 


1. The Scholarship shall be called the Lewis Atkinson Entrance 
Scholarship in Electrical Engineering and be of the value of £50 
per annum. The Scholarship will be open to persons qualified 
to enter upon a Higher Course in Electrical Engineering in the 
Faculty of Technology, leading to the degree of B. So. Tech, with 

2. The Scholarship shall be awarded triennially, and be held 
in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of 
Technology for three years, subject to satisfactory progress and 
good behaviour. 

, * Foy information concerning admission to Higher Courses, see page 656, or 

the Prospectus of the Faculty of Technology. 

Entrance Scholarships , dtc. 


3. The holder of the Scholarship will be required to enter 
the University in the session immediately succeeding the date 
of the award and to pursue in the Faculty of Technology the 
Higher Course in Electrical Engineering leading to the degree 
of B. Sc. Tech. (Honours Division). 

4. In awarding the Scholarship the financial circu ms tances 
of the candidate shall be taken into consideration. The selected 
Scholar need not be in poor circumstances, but he must be able 
to show that financial assistance is both deserved and desirable. 
In the event of the best candidate not requiring assistance, he 
may be elected as Honorary Scholar, the actual Scholarship 
being awarded to the most deserving candidate who is in need 
of assistance. 

5. In selecting the Scholar attention will be paid to personality 
and character with the object of ensuring that, after graduation 
he will be fit, apart from his academic qualifications, to make a 
successful engineer. 

6. Candidates qualified under Regulation 1 must be nominated 
by their Head Masters (and, if they have left school, by their 
employer also), who should give written evidence of the appli- 
cant’s fitness as to personality, character, and ability.* The 
nominations will be considered and recommendations will be 
made by the Dean of the Faculty of Technology and the Pro- 
fessors of Engineering in the Faculty of Technology. 

7. Any accumulations of income which have accrued from 
time to time owing to non-award or otherwise may be used 
either for increasing the amount of the Scholarship or for the 
award of an additional Scholarship or Exhibition. 

Date of next offer. May, 1935. 


1926 J. I). Forster 
1929 J. W. A. Chorley 
1 9321 C . P. Cooper 
1933 Douglas Todd 

Rumney Soholaubhip. 

Founded by Robert Rumney, Esq., in 1872, for the endowment 
of a Scholarship tenable by artisan members of any institution 
in the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £60 per annum, 
tenable for three years, and will be awarded to the artisan 
member of any institute in the Union of l^ancashire and Cheshire 

* Forms of Nomination and Application may be obtained from the 
Registrar, The University, Manchester, to whom they must be returned not later 
than April 1st in each year of award, 
t Resigned. 

7,38 Entrance Scholarships , dbc. 

Institutes, who shall, at the last occasion before the Scholarship 
shall be vacant, obtain the highest aggregate number of marks 
at the May Government Science Examinations. 

Candidates are required to furnish on application satisfactory 
evidence of their eligibility. 

2. The candidate elected to the Scholarship will be required 
to attend during three years one of the regular courses of Science 
or Engineering, or not fewer than three courses of lectures, 
provided that the total number of lectures in such courses 
averages at least twelve per week. 

A Rumney Scholar limy not hold the Liams! >ottom- Webb 
Scholarship at the same time (see also General Regulations, pages 
700 and 701). 


1922 'William Cowon 

1927 It. J. Om-Bt. 

1980 Harry Whit taker 


Founded in 1895 by bequest of the late Miss A. J. Naylor 
to provide a free education at the Manchester Grammar School 
and at the University of Manchester for deserving boys educated 
at Chetham’s Hospital, Manchester, or, in default of such can- 
didates presenting themselves as are approved by the Senate 
and Council of the University of Manchester, for deserving boys 
educated at a Board School in the City of Manchester. 


1. Competitors must not be less than 12 or more than 
14 years of age on September 1st in the year of award, and 
must have been educated for at least two years immediately 
preceding the competition in the Clietham Hospital, or, in default 
of candidates from the Hospital, in a Manchester Public Elementary 
School. A satisfactory certificate of conduct must be provided. 

2. Whenever a vacancy in the Scholarship occurs, information 
shall he sent to the Master of the Clietham Hospital, and if, in Ilia 
opinion, there are likely to be suitable candidates in the Hospital, 
the Senate of the University shall arrange for an examination for 
the selection of a Scholar, and if there lie no satisfactory candidate 
from the Chetham Hospital, the Senat e shall award the Scholarship 
to one of the candidates from a Public Elementary School of 
Manchester, at the Winter or Summer competition for the Grammar 
School Entrance Scholarships, and on the results of such an 

Open to the competition of men only. 

Entrance Scholarships , d'c 


/>. The Scholar will be entitled to an annual payment of £.25 
in the first year, £30 in the second year, and £30 in the third 
year of his tenure of the Scholarship of the Manchester Grammar 
School, such payments to be subject to a certificate of the High 
Master of the Grammar School of satisfactory conduct and 
progress of the Scholar.. The Scholarship may, at the discretion 
of the Council of the University, be extended for a further period, 
not exceeding two years, on the recommendation of the High 
Master. During these two years the stipend of the Scholar shall 
be £30. 

4 The Scholar shall prepare and enter in due course for the 
Matriculation Examination of the Joint Board. 

5. On leaving the Grammar School, the Scholar shall enter 
for one of the degree courses, and shall, subject to the approval 
of the Senate, receive a Scholarship of £40 per annum, tenable 
for three years, subject to satisfactory conduct and progress. 
No Scholar shall be admitted to the University until he has 
passed the Matriculation Examination. 

(3. The Senate may offer an additional Scholarship, whether 
the ordinary Scholarship is or is not vacant, whenever on the 
report of the Council sufficient funds shall be available. 

(Part of the income of the money invested is at present 
applied to the payment of an annuity in accordance with directions 
contained in Mias Naylor’s wall.) 


1920 F. L. Peacook (cancelled) 

1923 J. C. Patteson 

1927 D. V. Bingliam (resigned) 

1931 J. Li. Orey 

Salford Scholarships. 

Subject to the condition being satisfied that candidates are 
in need of financial assistance in order to enable them to enter 
upon and complete an approved course at the University, tne 
Salford Education Committee will be prepared to consider the 
applications of Salford candidates who are recommended by the 
Examining Body as having reached Scholarship standard upon 
tho results of the Higher School Certificate Examination con- 
ducted by the Joint Matriculation Board of the Northern Univer- 
sities. Further information, and application forms, may be 
obtained from the Director of Education, Education Office, 
Chapel Street, Salford, 3. 

For list of Scholars elected by the University under the old 
regulations, see Calendar for 1929—30, page 678. 


Entrance Scholarships, dtc 

Manchester Education Committee University Schotahships. 

The Committee offer : 

(а) Three Scholarships, each of the annual value of £60, 
tenable for three years in the day departments of the Municipal 
College of Technology. 

(б) Twenty Scholarsliips, open to both boys and girls, of the 
value of £60 per annum, tenable for three years at the University 
of Manchester, or at any approved University or College of 
University standing, in the United Kingdom. The award of these 
Scholarships is conditional upon the Committee's approval of 
candidates’ choice of University, 

(c) Two University Scholarships for courses in Medicine, one 
for a boy and one for a girl, of the annual value of £60 for six 
years, and tenable at the University of Manchester, or other 
approved Universities. 

In cases approved by the Committee the length of tenure of a 
University Scholarship, other than a Scholarship tenable at the 
College of Technology, may be increased to four years. 

Candidates must not be less than 16 years (in the case of girls 
17 years), nor more than 25 years of age on the date of entrance 
upon the Scholarship. Candidates must be ratepayers or children 
of ratepayers of the City. In the absence of a sufficient number 
of suitable candidates of either sex any unallotted Scholarships 
may be awarded to either boys or girls at the discretion of the 

Forms of application and further information as to the 
conditions of the Scholarships may be obtained from the Director 
of Education, Education Offices, Deansgate, Manchester, 3. 

Lancashire County Council Scholarships. 

Major Scholarships of the normal annual value of £60 per 
annum, tenable for three years, awarded on the results of the 
Higher School Certificate Examination. 

Candidates for the Scholarships must have previously passed 
the Matriculation Examination of the Joint Matriculation Board 
or be entitled to exemption therefrom, or concurrently with 
the examination for Scholarships take such papers as will secure 
such exemption. 

Particulars may be obtained from the Director of Education, 
County Offices, Preston. 

Entrance Scholarships , do, 

Cheshire County Council Scholarships. 



University Scholarships of maximum value of £75 (to cover 
class fees and railway expenses), and University Exhibitions of 
the maximum value of £25 per annum, tenable for three years. 
Particulars may be obtained from the Director of Education, 
County Education Offices, Chester. 

Scholarships varying in amount from £40 to £80 per 
annum tenable at the University, usually for a period 
of three years, are offered by the Education Com- 
mittees of most County and Borough Councils. Eor 

particulars, apply to the Director of Education of the authority 

Dalton Hall Open Scholarships. 

Two or more Scholarships of the value of from £20 to £50 a 
year, tenable for three years, will be offered each year and 
awarded on the results of the University Entrance Scholarships 
Examination ; these are tenable at Dalton Hall and may be held 
along with other University Scholarships. Particulars can be 
obtained from the Principal, Dalton Hall, Victoria Park, to whom 
notice of application should be sent. 

f [ Hulme Hall Open Scholarships. 

At least eight Scholarships and Exhibitions are offered each 
year. The Scholarships vary in value from £20 to £50 per 
annum, and are tenable for four years. Particulars maA be 
obtained from the Warden, Hulme Hall, to whom application 
must be made before March 31st. 

fST. Anselm Hall Entrance Scholarships. 

Entrance Scholarships are offered in connection with the 
University Entrance Scholarships Examination Particulars 
may be obtained from the Warden, St. Anselm Hall, \ ietona 

^wTehould not be confused with the Dalton Scholarships, for which see 
pages 7/5 6 and 797. 

Open to fa lie competition of men only. 

William Hulme Bursaries, see page 734. 


Entrance Scholarships , &c. 

*Ashburne Hale Scholarships. 

The Ashburne Hall Delegacy offer the following : 

(a) Entrance Scholarships tenable for three years : — 

1. The Marjory Lees Scholarship, £40 (in 1934). 

2. The Katharine Romilly Scholarship, £50 (in 1935). 

3. The Old Ashburnians’ Scholarship, £30 (in 1936). 

(h) Graduate Scholarship tenable for one year : — 

A Research Studentship of the value of seventy guineas, 
providing board and lodging for the session at the Hall, open to 
graduates of any approved University, is awarded annually. 

All particulars can be obtained from the Warden, Ashburne 
Hall, Fallowfield, Manchester. 

* Langdale Hall Scholarship. 

The Council of Langdale Hall offer an Entrance Scholarship 
of the value of not more than £35 a year, renewable up to four 
years. The candidate’s school record is considered, and the 
selected candidate is required to write an essay. Particulars 
from the Warden, Langdale Hall, Victoria Pai'k. 

Egerton Hall Scholarships. 

1. Two Scholarships of the value of £100 a year for two years 
are offered to candidates who have taken a University Degree 
with high Honours. 

2. Scholars reside in the Hall and read for the Manchester 
B.D. degree. 

At the end of two years they are expected to serve in the 
Manchester Diocese, after ordination by the Bishop, for a period 
of at least four years. 

3. There will be no competitive examination. 

Candidates for the Scholarships should apply to the Principal, 
Egerton Hall, Victoria Park. 

* Open to tlie competition of women only. 

Scholarships , etc. 


Scholarships, JEjbibmons, anb ffi>ri3es awarbeh to 
aith tenable b$ unbergrabuates whilst pursuing 
their courses of stub£. 

for ISari/SSSff - 0t award * 1)61016 1910 ‘ see the Calendars 

^ _ , . 2. For the list of awards from 1910 to 1919 inclusive, see 

the Calendar for 1929-30. 

Victoria {Scholarship. 

Endowed in the year 1852 by the late Samuel Fletcher, Esq., 
with the sum of £500 ; to which a further sum of £500 was added 
in 1872 by Charles James Hey wood, Esq. This Scholarship, 
named in commemoration of the first visit of Her late Majesty 
Queen Victoria to Manchester, on October 10th, 1851, was 
founded for the promotion of the study of the Languages and 
Literatures of Greece and Rome. 


1. The Scholarship, which is normally of the value of £50, and 
is tenable for one year, shall be open to competition by students 
in the Honours School of Greek, of Latin, or of Classics, in the 
course of their third year of study in the University. 

2. Scholars who have pursued a three years’ course of study in 
the Honours School of Greek or of Latin will, during the year of 
tenure of the Scholarship, be required to pursue a course of study 
in the Honours School of Latin or of Greek respectively, in pre- 
paration for the Final Examination in such School, and shall not 
hold the Scholarship for a fourth year in the same Honours School 
in which they have pursued their first three years of study. 
Scholars who have pursued a three years’ course of study in the 
Honours School of Classics will be required to spend the year o± 
tenure either as a fourth year before taking the Final Examination 
of that School, or, if they take that Examination at the end of their 
third year, in preparation for the Degree of M.A. by thesis. 

3. The Scholarship will be awarded on the result of a special 
examination to be held in the Lent term, consisting of four papers 
in Greek and Latin Composition, and Greek and Latin Unseen 
Translation. A few shorter passages intended to test the 
candidate’s general knowledge of Ancient Life and Literature 
may be set in the translation papers if the Examiners so desire. 

*1. The Scholarship may be held subsequently to the Bishop 
Fraser or Oliver Heywood Scholarship, but shall not be held 
concurrently with either of these Scholarships. 

The next examination will be held March 5th — 6th, 1934. 

La*t date for notice, January 18th. 


Scholarships , etc. 


1920 T. M. Gribbin 

1921 No award 

1922 Doris I. Field 
*R. P. D. Thomas 

1923 Ida M. Brown 

1924 Elsie Birch 

1925 No award 

1926 Annie Simpson 

1927 L. W. Pring 

1928 H. M. Phillipson 

Nina Marshall (Addl. Schp.j 

1929 E. S. Edees 

1930 Elsie Baxter 

1931 R. G. Steven 

1932 Sylvia J. Gibson 

1933 Beryl M. Collingwood 

Bishop Fraser Scholarships. 

In November, 1880, the College received a donation of £2,000 
from the late Right Rev. James Fra-ser, JD.D., E^ord Bishop of 
Manchester, and Mrs. Fraser, £1,000 of which was the portion 
presented to the Bishop of a fund raised by public subscription 
on the occasion of their marriage, and with liberty to decide for 
what purpose it should be employed. The sum was devoted by 
his Lordship to the foundation of two Scholarships, to encourage 
proficiency in classical studies. 


1. There shall be two Scholarships, each of the yearly value 
of about £40, and tenable for two years, one of which shall be 
offered for competition annually. 

2. The examination shall be held in the Summer term of each 
year, and the competition shall be open to all persons, whether 
previously students of the University or not, provided that they 
have not entered upon their final year’s attendance upon an 
Honours Course in the University. In cases of approximate 
equality, a preference will be given to candidates who are not more 
than 20 years of age on the 1st of June in the year of competition. 

3. Papers shall be set (1) for translation at sight from the 
Greek and Latin classics, (2) for translation into Greek and Latin 
(prose and verse), and (3) in Greek and Roman History. 

4. These Scholarships may be held only by students who 
undertake either to complete the Honours Course in Classics, or 
to complete the Honours Courses in both Greek and Latin, 
but a candidate will be allowed to choose as his main subject in 
the examination either of these languages, and his claims to a 
Scholarship may be judged largely by the quality of his work in 
that main subject. 

A successful candidate who is a graduate in the second 
year of liis tenure will be required to attend some other course of 
study approved by the Senate either in the University or in some 
other approved University. 

6. The Examiners shall be the Professors of Greek, Latin, 
and Ancient History in the University, or substitutes appointed 
by the Senate. 

11 Resigned on election to another Scholarship. 

Scholarships , <S ->c. 


7 . A Rogers or Seaton Scholar elected to one of these Scholar- 
ships at the end of his first year of tenure of the Rogers or Seaton 
Scholarship may be allowed to defer for one year the tenure of 
this Scholarship. 

The nest examination will be held May 8th— 10th, 1934. 

Last date for notice, March 15th. 


1920 No award 

1921 J. A. Dreschcr 

J. J. Atkinson (Special Scbp.) 

1922 Ida M. Brown 

1923 Elsie Birch 

1925 Dorothy Bache 

1926 Margaret N. Marshall 

1927 J. N. Briscoe 

E. S. Edees (Special SchpJ 

1928 Edith A. Kav 

1929 A. R. B. Lyman j Divided 
R. G. Steven J between 

1930 Marion G, Chorley i Divided 
Anys A. Healey J beUterti 

1931 Beryl M. Collingwood 

1932 Henry McAleavy 

1933 K. G. D. Cave 

Oliver Heywood Scholarship. 

In June, 1887, the College received a donation of £1,150 from 
the late Oliver Heywood, Lsq., to provide a Scholarship to be 
called the Oliver Heywood Scholarship, for the encouragement of 
the study of Classics, especially of Greek, in the Manchester 


1. Tbei*e shall be one Scholarship of the value of about £50 
per annum tenable for two years. 

2. The Scholarship shall be awarded on the results of an 
examination in the Greek and Roman Classics, but a candidate 
will be allowed to choose as his main subject in the examination 
either Greek or Latin, and his claims to the Scholarship may be 
judged largely by the quality of hi a work in that main subject. 

3. The successful competitor shall be required (if he have 
not already so entered) to enter on a course of study in the 
University for the degree of B.A. with Honours in one of the live 
Schools of (1) Greek, (2) Latin, (3) Classics, (4) History, 
(5) Philosophy ; and if he takes either the Honours School of 
Greek or that of Latin he shall be required subsequently to take 
the Honours School in the other of the two languages ; and if he 
takes the Honours School of History or that of Philosophy he shall 
attend such classes in Greek and Latin as the authorities of the 
University shall from time to time prescribe. 

4. The Scholarship shall he tenable for two years, but shall 
not be held at the same time with the Bishop Fraser Scholarship, 
or with any other Entrance Scholarship or Exhibition, provided 
that a Rogers or Seaton Scholar elected to the Scholarship at 
the end of his first year of tenure of the Rogers or Seaton Scholar- 
ship, may be allowed to defer for one year the tenure of this 


Scholarships , t&c. 

5. The examination shall be held in the Summer term of each 
year, in alternate years, or as often as the Scholarship is vacant, 
and the competition shall be open to all persons, whether 
previously students of the University or not, provided that they 
have not entered upon their second year’s attendance upon an 
Honours Course of the University. In oases of approximate 
equality, a preference will be given to candidates who are not 
more than 20 years of age on June 1st in the year of competition. 

6. Papers shall foe set (l) for translation at sight from the 
Greek and Latin classics, (2j for translation into Greek and Latin 
(prose and verse), and (3) in Greek and Roman History. 

7. The Examiners shall be the Professors of Greek, Latin, and 
Ancient History in the University, or substitutes appointed by the 

The next examination will be held on May 8th — 10th, 1034. 

Last day for notice, March 15th. 


1920 Lillie Gregory 1028 William Smith 

1921 J. J. Atkinson 1930 Mair E. Jones- 

1922 Arthur Ingham 1932 Marjorie Davenport 

1926 H. M. Phillipson 

Classical Prize. 

A Prize of the value of £5 is offered for the best piece of 
Latin Prose Composition, and another Prize of the same value 
for the best piece of Greek Prose Composition. The Prizes 
will be offered in alternate years. The Prize is open to the 
competition of all students of the Day classes of the University. 
The Essays are to be delivered to the Registrar not later than 
February 1st. 

Subject, 1934, Greek Prose : 1,4 Tyranny is the best form of 


Greek and Latin Prose Prizes. 

1920 Alan Dobson 

1921 T. M. Gribbin 

1922 No award 

1923 Elsie Birch 

1926 D. W. Bring 

1927 Wilson Taylor 

1928-30 No award 
1931 A. R. B. Lyman ) Divided, 
B. G. Steven > between 
193Q No award 
1933 L. H. Dennis 

Al exan der Hope Kyd Prize in Classics. 

This Prize was founded in 1926 under a bequest made by 
the late Rev. D. R. Kyd in memory of his son, Alexander Hope 
Kyd, B.A., sometime Assistant Lecturer in Classics in the 

Scholarships , dbc. 



1* A Prizu of the value of about £5 is offered for the best 
piece of Latin Composition and another Prize of the same value 
for the best piece of Greek Composition. The Prizes will be 
offered in alternate years. 

The Prize for Latin Composition will be offered in the year 
when the Classical Prize is offered in Greek, and the Prize for 
Greek Composition in the year when the Classical Prize is offered 
in Latin. 

2. The subject will be prescribed annually by the Examiners, 
who may set a passage for translation into verse as an alternative 
to the topic or passage set for prose composition. 

3. The Prize is open for competition to all students of the 
day classes of the University. 

4. The Compositions are to be delivered to the Begistrar 
not later than February 1st. 

Subject, 1934 : Latin Prose or Verse : “ Dictaturae apud 
Italos Germanosque Exercitae.” 


1931 Elsie Baxter 
1 932-33 No award 

Percy Dorrington Prize, 

This Prize was founded by Mrs. Edith Dorrington in memory 
of Lieutenant Percy Dorrington, B.A., who graduated with 
First Class Honours in Classics in 1915 and was killed in action 
at Poelcapelle, Passchendaele, on October 12th, 1917, aged 
22 years. 


The Prize consists of books to the value of about £2. 10s., 
and is awarded annually to the candidate whose work in Greek in 

(1) The Preliminary Examination for Honours in Greek, 


(2) The Preliminary Examination for Honours in Classics, 


(3) The Qualifying Examination in Greek for candidates who 
are taking Honours in Latin with a view to proceeding 
subsequently to Honours in Greek, 
is deemed by the Examiners to be of the greatest merit. 


192(5 Annie Simpson 

1927 Margaret N. Marshall 

1928 S. J. Wilson 

1929 R. G. Steven 

1930 Marion G. Ghorley 

1931 Henry McAleavy 

1932 Vincent Knowles 

1933 J. G. Bell 


Scholarships, etc. 

Bradford History Soiiolahkiiii*. 

Founded and endowed in the year 1#77, with u sum of 
£1,200, by Miss Mary Bradford, of Higher Broughton, in the 
oounty of Lancaster, in remembrance of her late brother, William 
Bradford, deceased. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of about £50 per annum 
and is tenable for one year. 

2. The Scholarship is awarded on the results of the Examina- 
tion in Part I. for candidates in the Honours School of History 
held towards the close of the Summer term. 

3. The competition is open to any student of the University 
who is reading or intends to read for History Honours. No person , 
however, will be eligible for the Scholarship who has already 
begun the last year of the Honours Course, and in determining 
the award of the Scholarship regard will be had to the standing 
of the candidates. The competition will, under those conditions, 
be open to candidates who have on the results of a. previous 
competition been elected to the Scholarship. 

4. The Scholar shall enter for a further year’s course in the 
Honours School of History. 

5. The prescribed subjects for the examination will be deter- 
mined annually by the Faculty. Four papers of questions will 
be set. 

The subjects of examination will be found on pages 431 - 433 
and 490. 


1920 Arthur Aspinall 
19-21 JR. F. T rename 

1922 S. M. Houghton ) Divided 
J. S. R1io<1gk > between 

1923 L. J. Hobbs 
19-24 Harry noth well 

1925 Arthur Hughes | Divided 
P. D. Martyn i bet ween 
1925 "Wesley Hewitt 

1927 W. (I. Weston 
3928 Mary <'. liixon I Divided 
Cyril Ward I bet.ioeen 

1929 Dorothy K. Wliitoley 

1930 William Mather 

1931 Klsie Farrar [ Divided 

Marion H. Tomlinson i between 

1932 F. S. Roskcll 

1933 A. R. Myers 

Shuttlewoiith History Scholarship. 

Founded by the transfer of accumulations from the Shuttle- 
worth Scholarship Fund. 


1. A Shuttlewortk History Scholarship of the value of £40 
tenable for one year will be awarded annually on tire results of 
the examination in Part I. for candidates for History Honours 
on the same conditions of tenure as the Bradford History Scholar- 

Scholarships , do. 


2 - The *^ h ? tt: ^ W0 L th ^ BtOTy Scholarship is not tenable 
together with the Bradford History Scholarship. 

3. The Scholar shall enter for a further year’s course in the 
Honours School of History. 

The subjects of examination will be found on pages 431 433 

and 490. ; 


1920 Hmivv Buckley 

1921 W. W. Kinsey 

192-2 S. M. Houghton) Divided 
J. S. Rhodes )" between 

1923 William Roby 

1924 John Liunn \ Divided 
Tom Robinson j between 

1925 Arthur Hughes i Divided 
P. D. Martyn J between 

192*3 No award 

Elaine Peeling (Special Prize) 
1927 T. P. Johnson (Honorary) 
Mai*ie Simms 

1928 Mary C. JBixon > Divided 
Cyril Ward [ between 

1929 It. V. Sumner 1 Divided 
E. IV. Wallbankj between 

1930 Marion Roberts \ Divided 
In a S. Russell ; between 

1931 Elsie Farrar \ Divided 

Marion H. Tomlinson J between 

1932 E. P. Bramfi.t 

1933 E. L. Pollock 

Mark Hovell Memorial and Shuttle worth History Prize. 


1. A Prize of the value of £2. 10s. will be awarded at the end 
of the Summer term, by the Senate, after report from the 
Teachers of History, to the best student completing the First 
Year of the course for History Honours. 

2. In addition a grant of £2. 10s. from the Shuttleworth 
History Scholarship Fund will be awarded to the successful 
candidate unless otherwise determined in any case. 


192D Vernon Hallam 1 Divided 
It. P, Troharne I between 
1921 J. H. Rhodes i Divided 
AmyTeeco | between 
1022 L. .1. Hobbs 

1923 Harry Roth well 

1924 P. D. Martyn 

1925 Edna Bibby 
1925 Arthur < UeucroHs 

19-27 Thomas Kelly 

1928 Harold Richardson » Divided 
L. V. Sumner ) between 

1929 William Mather 

1930 Elsie Farrar 

1931 E. P. Bramfit 

1932 Ninetta Jucker 

1933 J. W. McGuinness 

Higham Book Prize in History. 

Founded in 1926 by a donation from Mr. C. S. S. Higham, 
M.A., formerly Reader in Modern History in the University, 
and Mrs. Florence M. Greir Higham, M.A., Ph.D., formerly 
Assistant Lecturer in History and Special Lecturer in Seventeenth 
Century History and Jones Fellow oE the University. 


1 . An Annual book Prize, called the Higham Prize in History, 
of the value of £2, will be offered on the results of Part L Examina- 
tion in the Honours School of History. The award will be made 
by the Senate on the recommendation of the Examiners. 


Scholarships , <lc, 

2. A second Prize may be offered in any session in which 
there is a sum sufficient for the purpose derived from income 
accumulated owing to the non-award of the Prize. 

Prezkm isn. 

1927 H. Gt. Arnold 1930 Kulli E. FaivwcatluT 

1928 Thomas Kelly 1931 Marie Jones 

1939 F. D. Hodfilciss 1932 Hilda Lofthnus* 

1929 Harold Richardson 1933 Violet Mnivwoorl 

Thomas Brown Memorial Prize in History. 

Founded in 1027 by a donation from Mrs. Minnie Brown in 
memory of her husband. 


Au auuuai Prize called the Thomas Brown Memorial Prize, of 
the value of £10, will be offered on the result of the final examina- 
tion in the Honours School of History. The award will be made 
by the Senate on the recommendation of the Examiners. 

The Prize will be tenable with any other prize or scholarship 
in the University. 


1928 W. 0. Weston 1931 William Mather 

1929 Thomas Kelly \ Divided 1932 Marion II. Tomlinson 

Mary C. Rixon J between 1933 Fred Williamson 

1930 F. D. Hodgkiss 

Shakespeare Scholarship. 

In the Autumn of 18G3 a Committee was formed in Manchester 
to promote the celebration of the 300tli anniversary of Shakespeare’s 
birth, which fell in the Spring of 1864. The Committee resolved 
to employ the fund that had been raised in the endowment, in the 
Owens College and in the Manchester Grammar School, of 
Scholarships for “ the promotion of the study of the English 
Language and Literature.” The Shakespeare Scholarship in the 
University was endowed with the sum of £1,071. The Scholarship 
is of the value of about £40 per annum, and is tenable for one 


1. The Scholarship will be awarded on the results of the 
Part I. Examination in the Honours School of English Language 
and Literature. 

2. The successful candidate will be required to take the 
course of study for the Final Examination for the Degree of 
B.A. in the Honours School of English Language and Literature. 


1921 Lucie I. Street 
1923 Milli cent Holland ) Divided 
Annie Sim J between 

1925 Mary Salmons 

1926 No award 

1927 Dorothy S. Boothman 

1928 Honor G. Hotchin 

1929 Mary Ivl. Findlay 1 Divided 
Robert Raper j" between 

1930 Robert Mctcalh* 

1931 R. G. Cummings ) Divided 
J. L. Wood j between 

1932 Kathleen M. Whitehouse 

1933 C. W. Lamb 

Scholarships, dc. 


Shakespeare Prize. 

^*-om the accumulations of the Shakespeare Scholar- 
ship Fund.) 


1. An annual Prize, called the Shakespeare Prize, of £10 in 
value, will be offered for award on the results of the Part T. 
Examination in the Honours School of English Language and 

2. In case of the accumulations arising from the non-award 
of this Prize being sufficient to allow of the offer of more than 
one Prize in any one session, two, but not more. Prizes shall be 
offered for competition in one session accordingly. 


1920 Caroline A. Lejeune 

1921 Winnie M. Shaw 

1922 Phyllis Reacall 

1923 P. H. Allen 

1924 Mary Ireland 

1925 Beatrice A. Baker 

1926 Edith l. ip trot 

1 927 Cyril Talbot 

1928 Enid Wright 

1929 William Stewart 

1930 Alice Garfield 

1931 J. L. Wood 

1932 Mary M. Williams 

1933 E. H. Bayley ) Divided 
A. R. Taylor i between 

George Gissing Memorial Prize in English Literature. 

Founded in 1914 by the Gissing Memorial Subscribers. 

A Prize of £10 will be offered for award on the results of 
Part I. Examination in the Honours School of English Language 
and Literature. 


1920 bred a M. Anderson 

1921 GeofTtvy Bullougli 1 Divided 
John Bnrn^haw J between 

1922 Enid I. Glen 

1923 Mill! cent Holland) Divided 

Annie Sim I between 

1 924 L. S. Pearson 

1925 Anne Turkman ) Divided 
Agnes F>. McLullich [ betiveen 

1 926 Marjorie Fidler 

1 927 Dorothy Hallows 

1928 Joan Chettle 

1929 Jeanic Wilson 

1 930 Dorothy Cracknell 

1931 R. G. Cummings 

1932 Geoffrey Farrington 

1933 Albert Frankish 

English Essay and Poem Prizes. 

1. Two Prizes, each of the value of £5, are offered annually 
for the best English Prose Essay and English Poem respectively. 

2. The exercises are to be anonymous, but each should bear 
a motto and be accompanied by a sealed envelope bearing the 
same motto, and containing the name of the writer. 

3. The poem is not to exceed 200 or fall short of 100 lines, 
and it must be written in rhymed or blank decasyllabic verse 
or in the Spenserian stanza. 


Stftolarshipt:, & c. 

Notice should be given and the essays and poems delivered 
to the Registrar not later than May 1st. 

Subjects for 1934 : 

Essay : — “ The Art of the Novel/' 

Poem : — “ The Conquest ol* Everest/' 

Essay Prizk. 

1920-21 No award 1926 27 No award 

1922 T. C. Porteous, B.A., B.D. 1928 G. E. Thompson, B.A. 

1 923-24 No awn rd 1 929-32 No award. 

1925 J. C. Mallison 


1920 R. E. Swire 1927 Clarissa [. Graves 

1922 T. C. Porteous. B.A., B.D. 1928-29 No award 

1923 Sybil Cooke 1930 L. G. Beddis, B.A. 

1924 No award 1931 No award 

1925 Annie Sira 1932 E. W. Forrest 

1926 No award 

Early English Text Wooikty’s Prize 

With a view to encourage the study of Early English the 
Committee of the Early English Text Society offer annually a 
selection of their publications for competition among the students 
in the Day classes of the Professor of English. Special 
examinations for this Prize will be held at the close of the 

Next examination, May 8th, 193-1. 

Last date for notice, March lf>th. 

Subjects: — “ The Old English Elegies,” ‘‘The Cfawain 

Pbizrmen in tum Day Class mk. 

1920-23 No award 1027-30 No award 

19*24 Mill icon b Holland 1931 B. A. Renshaw, B.A. 

1925 J. P. Oftkdon 1932-33 No award 

3926 Beatrice Bakei- 

(For list of Prizemen in the Evening Glasses, see Calendar , 
1914-15, page 837/ 

Walters Scholarships. 

Founded in 1890 by a bequest of £1,000 of the late Miss 
Annie Walters, of Brighton, a sister of the late Edward Walters, 
Esq., of Manchester, Architect. A second Scholarship was 
established in 1928 from accumulations in the fund. 


1. Two Scholarships are offered annually and are each of the 
value of £30, tenable for one year. 

Scholarships, dec. 


2. The competition is open in the case of one Scholarship 
alternately to candidates who are students in the Honours School 
of French and to candidates who are students in the Honours 
School of German, and in the case of the second Scholarship to 
candidates who are students in any of the Honours Schools of 
Modern Foreign Languages. 

3. The first Walters Scholarship is awarded on the results of 
the Preliminary Honours Examination in the Honours School of 
French, and of the Part T. Examination in the Honours School 
of German in alternate years. In June, 1934, the award will 
be made in the Honours School of German. 

4. The second Walters Scholarship is awarded on the results 
of the Part I. or Preliminary Examination in the Honours Schools 
of Modern Foreign Languages, and the award is made by the 
Fellowships and Scholarships Committee of the Senate on a report 
from the Examiners in the Honours Schools concerned. Should 
candidates from different Honours Schools be regarded as of 
equal merit, preference will be given to a candidate from an 
Honours School in which the award was not made in the previous 

Last date for application for the second Scholarship, June 1st. 


1920 William Jtallongh ) Divided 
R. S. Eaton I between 

192L Annie O. Carter ( Divided 
A. K. Hughes i between 

1922 Nomh A. Jones 1 Divided 
Alice 1, Ta> lor. ) between 

1923 Helen Axon 

1924 Mary W. Haworth 

1925 Agnes Toowtolo 

U. R. Rigby (Special Grant) 
j 9*20 Edna Turner 
1927 Norman Ha.\ cocks (Honorary) 
Sarah Kabinowitz 

1928 No award 

1929 (1) William Lawson 
(2) Edith Word 

1930 (1) J. F. Caldwell ) Divided 

R. A. Fothorgill f between 
(2) Gladys Holland ! Divided 
Greta N. Wciscby i between 

1931 (1) W. D. Elcock 
(2) Isabel Munkley 

1932 (1) W. E. Anderson 
(2) Marcus Baker 

1933 (1) C. W. Baker 

(2) Doris I. H. Coulthard 

Samuel Robinson Modern Languages Prize. 

Founded by Charles J. Heywood, Esq., in memory of the 
late Samuel Robinson, Esq., of Wilmslow. 


A prize of £10 will be offered annually for competition among 
third year students in the Faculty of Arts in translation from 
and into any t wo of the following foreign modem languages : 

French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian. 

'fhe examination will he held early in the Lent term and 
candidates should signify their intention of competing before 
December 1st preceding. 

Next examination. February 9th, 1934. 

75 4 

Scholarships , <*w'. 

Candidates when giving notice must state the two languages 
in which they desire to be examined. 


1920 No award lfhi.V2(» No award 

1921 Phyllis W. Duncan 1027 H. S. Jackson 

1922 No award HViS-IW No award 

1923 C. T. Oarr 1933 Marcus Baker 

1924 Mary E. Haworth 

The Manchester Institute of Builders Travelling 
Scholarships in Architecture. 

These Scholarships were founded in 1 021 by a donation of 
£3,338 made to the University by the Manchester Branch of the 
Institute of Builders for the encouragement of the study of 
Architecture by enabling students to visit and study approved 


1. The Scholarships shall be named “ The Manchester 
Institute of Builders Travelling Scholarships in Architecture.* 9 

2. The Scholarships will be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of a Committee appointed for the purpose, 
which shall consist of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, the 
Professor of Architecture, the External Examiner in Architecture, 
and one member nominated by the Manchester Institute of 

3. One or more Scholarships will be offered annually, 
normally of a value not exceeding £100 which may be increased 
for special reasons at the discretion of the Committee, and 
tenable for such period as the Committee of recommendation 
shall prescribe. 

4. The buildings which candidates propose to study must be 
approved by the Committee on the recommendation of the 
Professor of Architecture. 

5. The Scholarships will be open to candidates who are 
taking the Honours or Certificate Course in Architecture in the 
University of Manchester, and to full-time students in the 
Department who are preparing for the Associateship of the 
Royal Institute of British Architects. The Scholarships are 
primarily intended for students in their third year, but, if the 
standard reached is not sufficiently high, the award may be made 
to students in their fourth or fifth year. 

6. Candidates must submit evidence satisfactory to the 
Professor of Architecture of an adequate knowledge of Building 

7. Thfe, emoluments of the Scholarships will be paid in two 
instalments ; the first instalment of three-quarters the total sum 
shall be paid to the Scholar on his election to the Scholarship. 

Scholarships , d'c. 


The remaining instalment of one-quarter will be paid when the 
Scholar has returned and has completed his drawings to the 
satisfaction of the Professor of Architecture. 

8. The Committee shall have power, in special cases and for 
satisfactory reasons, to recommend a further grant to any 
Scholar out of any surplus which there may be from the income 
of the Scholarship Fund. 


19-22 JR. A. OordLngley, B.A. 
Elsie Rogers, B.A. 

1923 R. W. Briggs, B.A. 1 Divided 
R. J. Willis, B.A, f equally 

192d Elsie Regers, B.A. 

Kathleen O. Bray sh aw, B.A. 
R. J. Willis, B.A. 

1925 Ellon B. Alexand 
G. A. Goldstraw 
W. II. McNicol 

bet wee 

1920 G. A. Goldstraw 
W. H. McNicol 
Archibald McLean 



1927 H. I. Ashworth 
Ronald Bradbury 
J. S. Walk don 



1928 J. A. Stowart 

Ronald Bradbury 
J. L. Martin 



1929 T. J. Cahill \ 

D. E. E. Gibson 
J . A. Miller |_ Di vided 

William Scott j between 

G. P. Greenaway 
F. M. Reynolds 1 



R. A. Bullivant 

Iwan Ap Thomas Divided 

Elizabeth M. Wollaston ' between 
G. P. Whyman 

1931 G. H. Bray j 

Winifred M. McGowan ' Divided 

Anna E. Powicke ’ between 

Harry Taylor ' 

1932 N. O. Wragge \ 

Jack Rangeley } n . ., . 

B-G. Duckett 

James Schofield . 
J. W. H. Holgate ) 

1933 W . P. Hunt | 

R. D. Lawson Divided 

J. H. Napper between 

E. W. Williams ! 

F. C. Williams i 

Heywood Medal in Architecture. 

The Medal is provided by a grant from the Royal Manchester 
Institution. The regulations for the award of the Medal are at 
present under revision. From 1924 to 1928, a Prize of £10 was 
awarded annually. 


192d W. H. McNicol 1927 J. A. Stewart 

1926 Archibald MaoLean 1928 G. F. Greenaway 

1926 J. S. Walkden 


1929 Elizabeth M. Wollaston 

1930 Anna R. Powicke 

1931 N. O. Wragge 

1932 J. H. Napper 
1933. Hilda Briggs. 

Tiranti Book Prize. 

The Tiranti Book Prize was offered annually from 1926 to 
1932 by Messrs. John Tiranti & Co. of London for award by the 
University in the Department of Architecture. 

1926 H. I. Ashworth 

1927 J. A. Stewart 

1928 No award 

1929 R. A. Bullivant 


1930 G. H. Gray 

1931 B. G. Duckett 

1932 W. P. Hunt 


Scholarships, d'c. 

Dalton Mathematical Scholarships. 

Founded in 1853 by the subscribers to the Memorial of John 


1. Two Scholarships each of the value of £25 tenable for one 
year may be awarded annually, on the results of examinations 
held in the Summer term. 

2. Candidates for the first Scholarship must have been 
students of the University for at least one session, and must have 
completed the first year’s course in tlxe Honours School of 
Mathematics. This Scholarship will be awarded on the results 
of the Part I. Examination in the Honours School of Mathe- 

3. Candidates for the second Scholarship must have been 
students of the University for at least two sessions and must 
have completed the second year’s course in the same Honours 
School. This Scholarship will be awarded on the results of the 
Part II, Examination in the Honours School of Mathematics. 

4. Holders of the first Scholarship mast, in the first year of 
tenure, attend the second year’s course in the Honours School of 
Mathematics, and holders of the second Scholarship must attend 
the third year’s course in the same Honours School. 

5. These Scholarships shall not be tenable with the Derby 
or Cartwright Entrance Scholarships, except by special per- 
mission of the Senate. 

The Scholarships will be offered in 1934. 


19:20 Thomas Smith (1st year) 

T. S. F&zackerley (2nd year) 

1921 Florence Hyde \ 

(1st year) f Divided 
Kathleen P. Kirsop f between 
(1st yea,r) / 

Thomas Smith (2nd year} 

1922 James Topping (1st year) 
Florence Hyde {2nd year) 

19*23 W. R. Andress \ 

Henry Tomlinson ( Divided 
J, W. Witlirington f between 
(1st year) J 
Janies Topping i 

Harold Wilkinson I Divided 
(2nd vear) I ^ttoeen 
1924 Leonard Laly I _ , , 
E. T. Norris I Divitlml 

(1st year) I between 
W. R. Andress (2nd year) 

L925 Harold Davenport (1st year} 
Leonard Daly (2nd vear) 

L926 Arthur Page (1st year) 

Harold Davenport (2nd year) 

19*27 Edith Winstanloy (let yoiu*j 
Arthur Rage (‘2nd your) 

19-2S B. J. Gorst 

(1st year) Divided 
T. G. South worth ' between 

(1st year); 

No award (*2nd year) 

19*25) Leslie ILowarth (1st year) 

L. R. Shanton (2nd year) 

1930 A. N. Merchant (1st year) 

Leslie Howarth (2nd year) ) Divided 
A. L. Ingmnn (2nd yenr) J between 

1931 T. F. Battersby (1st year) 

A N. Merchant (2nd year (Hon.) ) 
S.R. Tibbs_ (2nd year (Half Schol.) ) 


1932 Beatrice M. Ingham 

('1st year) 

Harold Sagar (1st year) 
Albert Paynter (2nd year) 
1933 Jack Howlett (1st year) 

A. W. Gent (2nd year) ) 

Beatrice M. Ingham i 

(2nd year) [ 

Harold Sagar (2nd year) ' 



Scholarships , etc. 


Matthew Kirtley Senior Scholarship in 
Mechanical Engineering. 

Founded in 1923 by a bequest of the late Dame Emily Roe 
for the establishment of a Scholarship in connection with some 
branch of Mechanical Engineering. 


1 . The Scholarship is of the value, for the present, of £100 
and will be tenable for one year. 

2. The Scholarship is open to Honours students in Engineering 
in the Faculty of Science who have completed three years of 
study in the University. 

3. The Scholarship will be awarded on the results obtained 
by the candidate in the class examinations in Engineering during 
the three years of the course. The results of the final degree 
examinations may also be taken into account. 

4. The successful candidate will be required, under the 
direction of the Professor of Engineering, either to take approved 
courses of Btudy, or to undertake an approved course of research 
during the tenure of the Scholarship. 


1U27 Oscar Elsden, B.Sc. 1932 J. L. Mathesou, B.Sc. 

1929 J. W. Jennings, B.Sc. {Special Grant) * Harry Taylor, B.Sc. 

1930 A. C. Hall (Special Bursary) F. C. Williams, B.Sc. 

1931 *J. M. Fisher, B.Sc. (Special Schol.) 

William Kirtley Senior Scholarship in 
Mechanical Engineering. 

Founded in 1924 from accumulations to the Fund established 
under the will of the late William Kirtley, Esq. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value, for the present, of £80 
and will be tenable for one year. It will be offered from time to 
time as the Council may direct. 

2. The Scholarship is open to Honours students in Engineering 
in the Faculty of Science who have completed three years of 
study in the University. 

3. The Scholarship will be awarded on the results obtained 
by the candidate in the class examinations in Engineering during 
the three years of the course. The results of the final degree 
examinations may also be taken into account. 

4. The successful candidate will be required, under the 
direction of the Professor of Engineering, either to take approved 

* Resigned. 


Scholarships, etc. 

courses of study, or to undertake an approved course of research 
during the tenure of the Scholarship. 


1025*D&vicl Clayton 1931 Robert Yeadon, I3.Sc. (Special Grant) 

Willie Jackson 1932 Beatrice Shilling, B.Sc. 

1927 Frank Roberts, B.Sc. John Spiers, B.Sc. 

1928 J. P. Wajnfekl (Special Grant) C S. Tanner, B.Sc. 

1929 N. H. Strange (Special Grant) JR. B. Whittington, B.Sc. 

1931 Arnold Fitton. B.Sc. William Fit ton, B.Sc. 

F.M. S. Morrin, B.Sc. (Special Schol.) Hubert Law-Wright, B.Sc, 

1931 W. L. Goodwin, B.Sc. ( Special Grant) 

f Ashbury Scholarship. 

This Scholarship, founded in 1868 by James Ashbury, Esq., 
of Brighton, in memory of his late father, James Ashbury, Esq., 
of Manchester, is provided for out of a fund of about £5,000 
which Mr. Ashbury gave towards the endowment of the 
Engineering Department. 


1. The Scholarship is of the annual value of £35, and is 
tenable for two years. 

2. The Scholarship is open to all students whose age, on the 
1st January next preceding the date of competition, shall 
not exceed 25 years, and who shall have attended during one 
entire session in the University the recognised courses for the 
Honours degree in Engineering. 

3. The Scholarship will be awarded on the results of the 
class examinations in Engineering of the first year, and on the 
work done in the Engineering Laboratory and Drawing Offices. 
The results obtained in the Intermediate Examination will also 
be taken into account. 

4. The successful candidate will be required to attend during 
the tenure of the Scholarship the prescribed courses for the 
Honours degree in Engineering in the Faculty of Science. 

The Scholarship will be offered for award in 11)35. 

1921 Schofield Uabrow 
1923 Willie Jackson 
1925 J. NV. H. King 
1927 Albert Fogg 


1929 George Foster 
1931 P. A. Hutton 
1933 Haydn Templeton 

t Trevithick Scholarship. 

Founded in 1888 in memory of the late Richard Trevithick* 
Esq., a Cornish Engineer, and one of the inventors of the railway 
system. regulations. 

1. The Scholarship, which is of the annual value of £35, is 
awarded every two years, and is tenable for two years. 

Resigned. + Open to the competition of men only. 

Scholarships , &c. 


2. The Scholarship is open to all students who shall have 
attended during one entire session in the University the 
recognised courses for the Honours degree in Engineering. 

3. The Scholarship will be awarded on the results of the 
class examinations in Engineering of the first year, and on the 
work done in the Engineering Laboratory and Drawing Offices, 
The results obtained in the Intermediate Examination will also 
be taken into account. 

4. The successful candidate will be required to attend, during 
the tenure of the Scholarship, the prescribed courses for the 
Honours degree in Engineering in the Faculty of Science. 

The Scholarship will be offered for award in 1934. 

1920 H. Marsh | Divided 
P. B. Silk I' between 

1922 G. A. Bradley 
1924 Frank Nixon 


1928 Jolin Briscot* 

D. I. B. Moon 

(Additional Scholarship) 
1928 Harold Page 
1930 G. H, Kenyon 
1932 Keith Butfierwortli 

Fairbmrn Engineering Prize. 

Founded in 1874 by subscribers to the Memorial for Sir 
William Fairbairn, Bart., F.R.S., C.E. 


The Prize, which is of the value of £20, will he given to the 
student who, having completed the Engineering Course and 
having obtained the Certificate, shall be recommended by the 
Examiners as having distinguished himself in the Engineering 


1920 E. C. Masterson 

1921 11. J. Cornish 

1922 Gerald Lyon 

1923 Schofield Liabvow 

1924 W. K. Rooney 
1928 Willie Jackson 

1926 "William Cowen 

1927 G. F. J. Morgan 

1928 John Briscoe i Divided 
A. B. Johnson j' between 

1929 J. G. Jftgger 

1930 F. L. Smith 

1931 George Foster 

1932 F. C. Williams 

1933 P. A. Hufton 

Hatfield Scholarship. 

Founded in 1906 by a legacy of £1,250 left by the late George 
Hatfield, Esq., of Colwyn Bay. 


1. The Scholarship which is of the value of £35 is offered 
annually and is tenable for one year. 

2. The Scholarship will be awarded in the subject of Physics 
to a student at the end of the second year of his Honours course, 
and will be tenable in the third year of his Honours course. 


Scholarships , (Go. 

3. In special cases, and when the funds permit, the Scholarship 
may be renewed by the Senate for a second year provided that 
in the second year of tenure the Scholar shall pursue an approved 
course of study in the University or other approved Institution, 


1931 A.. J. Hailwood 

1922 James Gregory 1 Divided 
Orrell Darbysbiro j between 

1923 Samuel Causey 

1924 G. H. Gaslien 

1925 W. H. Taylor 

1926 Fred Baird 1 Divided 
Fred Fothergill j between 

1927 Charles Dunbar 

1928 .lack Finney } Divided 

Fenton HraiblrvvnJtu j between 

1929 H, A. H, Hope 1 Divided 
J. S. Hoy J between 

3930 Eric Eastwood 

1931 Philip Parker 

1932 Ronald Liddington | Divided 
T. H. Reynolds 1 between 

1933 Leo Connell 

Heoinbottom Exhibition. 

Founded in 1875 by George Heginbottom, Esq., of Ashton 
under-Lyne and Birkdale. 


1. The Exhibition is of the value of about <£25. 

2. The award shall in each cose be made on the results of the 
annual class examinations in the subjects of the first year’s course 
(including Laboratory work) in the Honours School of Physics. 
The successful candidate shall have attended the First Year’s 
Honours Lecture Class in Physics during the preceding session. 

3. The Exhibition is tenable for one year on condition that 
the Exhibitioner during the session of bis tenure shall attend the 
Physical Laboratory for not less than two days weekly. 


1920 A. J. Hailwood 

1921 S. A. Walker 

1922 Samuel Causey 

1923 W. 13 . Dawson \ Divided 
Ellis Xiivesoy f betiocen 

1924 G. W. Brindley 
W. H. Taylor 

1925 Fred Baird 

J. M. Bruckshaw 

1926 R. G. Wood 

1927 Cecil Beilis 

1028* H. M. Parker 
J. S. Hey 

1929 Deborah. Jackson ) Divided 
T. S. Walker j" between 

1930 Philip Parker 

1931 Ronald Haddington \ Divided 

T. H. Reynolds I between 

1932 Leo Connell \ Divided 
Leslie Twyford ) between 

1933 Eric Pickup 

Moseley Physics Prize. 

Founded in 1921 by the subscribers to the memorial to 
the late H. G. J. Moseley, Lecturer in Physics in the University 
from 1910 to 1912, afterwards John Harling Fellow, killed in 
action, Gallipoli, August, 1915. 


1. The Prize is of the value of about £3, and will be awarded 
annually to a student in the Honours School of Physics. 


Scholarships , <£*e. 


2. The Prize money is to "be expended on books on Physios 
or allied branches of science, to be selected by the prize 'winner, 
subject to the approval of the Professor, or Professors, of Physics. 

3. The Prize is awarded annually in June by the Senate, on 
the recommendation of the Professor, or Professors, of Physios ; 
the recommendation will be based on the candidate’s work in 
the Honours School of Physics, and the prize will normally be 
awarded to a second-year student. 

4. The award will not be made in any year in which there is 
no candidate who has, in the opinion of the Professor, or Pro- 
fessors, of Physics, reached a sufficiently high standard of 

5. Any accumulations arising from the non-award of the 
Prize may be utilised in increasing the value, or number, of the 
Prizes in subsequent sessions. 

Phi ze men. 

1921 A. J. Hailwood 

1922 James Gregory 

1923 W. A. Wood 

1924 James Thewlis 

1936 G- W. Brindley ) Divided 
Elsie M. Firth [ between 
1926 N. A. Alston ) Divided 
J. M. Bruckshaw i between 

1927 R. G. Wood 

1928 Thomas Willcox 
19 29 H. M. Parker 

1930 Deborah Jackson 

1931 Arthur Jones 
1933 Arthur Porter 
1933 Amy A. Smith 

Woodiwis Scholarship in Chemistry. 

Founded in 1897 by the executors of the late James Woodiwis, 
Esq., in accordance with the provisions of his Will, Mid offered as 
an Exhibition until 1928, when the income of the fund was 
increased by the investment of accumulations. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £35 per annum and is 
tenable for one year. 

2. The Scholarship is awarded on the reaults of tbe 
examination in Part I. for candidates m the Honours School of 

Chemistry. . , , 

3. The Scholar shall enter for a further year s course m the 

Honours School of Chemistry. . 

4. The Scholarship will not be tenable with any other 
Scholarship or Exhibition awarded by the University, except 
by special permission of the Senate. 


1924 Arthur Finch 

1925 No award 

1920 Harold Taylor 
1021 A. E. Oxford 

1923 H. R. Iieeoh 

1929 Jack Bigg M 

1930 Geoffrey Ogden 

1931 E. R. B. Jackson 
Louis Lmnell J 




1928 Ho award 

1932 James Whittaker 

1933 E. G. Cockbain i 
D. D. Eley 1 




Sciioltii aim's, dV. 

Hill Prize in Blo-Chemistry. 

Founded in 1923 from an endowment given by Professor A. V. 
Hill, F.R.S., Nobel Laureate, formerly Braekenbury Professor 
of Physiology in the University, to assist the development of 
the subject of Bio-Chemistry by promoting closer co-operation 
between the Departments of Physiology and Chemistry. 


1. A Prize of the value of £8 will be offered annually for a 
thesis containing evidence of original research (theoretical or 
practical) on a subject in Bio-Chemistry presented by a past or 
present student in the Department of Chemistry or of Physiology 
who is a graduate of the University of not more than two years’ 
standing, provided that, in the case of a graduate in an Honours 
School who proceeds to a degree in Medicine, permission to 
compete for the Prize may be given during a period of two 
years after graduation in the Faculty of Medicine. 

2. Candidates are not precluded from utilising in the com- 
petition the whole or any part of the work done for a thesis for 
a degree. 

3. Notice of intention to compete, and of the title of the 
thesis, must be given not later than December 1st, and the 
thesis must bo delivered to the Registrar not later than 
January 15th in tlie session in which the award is to be made. 

4. The Examiners shall be the Professors of Chemistry and 
of Physiology for the time being, who shall submit to the Senate 
their recommendations for award. 

5. The Council shall have power to modify these regulations 
on the recommendation of the Senate as and when it may be 
found necessary. 

Last date for notice, December 1st. 

Last date for submission of thesis, January 15 th. 


1927 Ei’io Roy land 

1928 Ctf'cilia E. M. Pugli, M.He. 

1929-33 No award 

Dalton Natural History Prize. 

Founded with the Dalton Scholarships (see pages 756 and 797). 


1. The Prize, which is of the value of £15, is awarded 
annually in June on the results of the terminal examinations 
in the subjects of the Prize, viz. : 

(1) Zoology, including laboratory work. 

Scholarships, &*c. 


( 2 ) Botany, including laboratory work. 

(3) Geology and Palaeontology, including the identification of 

selected fossils, together with the recognition of the 
strata to which they severally belong. 

2. Every candidate for this Prize must have attended classes 
in those subjects which he selects, and at least one of such classes 
during the session immediately preceding the award of the 


1920 Ann Bishop 

1921 O. D. Hunt 1 Divided 
William Beach ) between 

1922 O. B. Lean 

1923 Gladys Nash \ Divided 

Frances M. Marshall! between 

1924 No award 
1935 D. P. Wilson 

Audrey Felton 
1926 Marjorie Wilkinson 

3 927 Ruth Charlesworth ' Divided 
.lack Shirley I between 

1928 Kathleen A. Payne [ Divided 
Kathleen E. Sconce } between 

1929 Joan Franeke I Divi led 

Katharine S. Nichols [ between 

1930 F. W.Copfl 

1931 .1. C. Hayes \ Divided 
Tom Warwick i between 

1932 Olive Pooley 

1933 Betty Harrop 

Lily Spence Prize in Botany. 


1. A Prize, of the value of £2, will be awarded annually, on 
the recommendation of the Professors of Botany. 

2. The Prize will consist of Books to be chosen with the 
approval of the Professors of Botany. 

3. Though the Prize will usually he awarded to the most 
deserving student in Botany, who is taking the Second Year 
of the Botany course, it may be awarded to a student of the 
First or Third Year, but in this case the Prize will not be awarded 
to the holder of the John Dalton Natural History Prize. 

1920 Kathleen M. Drew 

1921 Elizabeth G. Mitchell 

1922 Winifred M. Gibbs 

1923 Alice Quinn 
1944 Beryl Monks 

1925 Marjorie Wilkinson 

1926 Doris Oollyer 

1927 Kathleen A. Payne 


1928 Mary Hadfield ' 

Sylvia M. O. Jackson 

1929 Elfrieda Bailey 

1930 Rowena M. Ferguson 

1931 C. D. R. Dawson 

1932 Man Allsopp 

1933 Barbara M. Jones 

b twten 

Dauntesey Scholarships. 

Mrs. Catherine Dauntesey-Foxton, of Agecroft Hall, Pendle- 
burv who died on March 31st, 1878, bequeathed to the Owens 
College the sum of £5,000 for the purpose of establishing and 
endowing Scholarships, to be called respectavely the Dauntesey 
Leeal” and the “Dauntesev Medical Scholarships (tor the 
latter see pages 766 and 767.) Under the Dauntesey Legal 
Scholarships' Fund there are established a Junior Scholarship (see 
S.“L. Scholarship (sac page 806), and a Prne m Inter- 
national Law (see page 764). 


Scholarships, &c. 

Dauntesey Junior Legal Scholarship. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £40 per annum, and is 
tenable, in the first instance, foT one year, but may be renewed 
for a second year on a satisfactory report from the Faculty of 
Law as to the progress of the Scholar. 

2. The Scholarship is offered annually and is awarded on the 
result of the Intermediate Examination for the degree of LL.B. 

3. The Scholar is required during his tenure of the Scholarship 
to devote himself to a course of study for the degree of LL.B. 
with Honours in the University. 

4. The Scholarship will not be awarded in any year in which, 
in the opinion of the examiners, there is no candidate of sufficient 


Under Old Regulations . 

Group A. Group /*. 

1920 H. E. Jones 1920-22 No award 

Isabel Ritchlu 1923 W. O. Taylor 

1921 H, G. Cooke 1924 R. Y. Hedges 

Additional Scholarship : 19*25 J. S. Uhodos 

Eric Emmett ) Divined 
Editli HoRling F bat went 

1922-23 No award 

1924 A. H. W. Wrapg 

1925 No award 

Under New Regulations. 

Junior, Scholars. 

1923 Janet E. Mack 1930 David Blank ] Divided 

1927 G. W. Cowley A. N. Pat tors^m ] between 

192H H. R. Hodgson 1931 No award 

1929 F. A. Howarbb 1932 E. L. Thaokray 

1 933 Betty V. Entwistlc 

Dauntesey Prize in International Law. 


1. The Prize is of the value of £20, and is offered annually 
on the results of a special examination held in May. 

2. Candidates must be students of the University who have 
passed the Intermediate Examination for the degree of LL.B. 
and are reading for the degree of LL.B. with Honours. 

3. The examination will consist of three papers : (1) Public 
International Law, (2) Private International Law (Conflict of 
Laws), (3) An essay paper. 

4. A successful competitor will not be allowed to compete 
for the Prize a second time. 



. The Prize will not be awarded in any year in which, in the 
^ t on of the ^miners, there is no candidate of sufficient 

8. The Prize mil be awarded by the Senate on the recom- 
mendation of the Board of the Faculty of Law. The examiners 
will be the examiners in Law for the time being. 

Next examination : May 8th — 9th, 1934. 

Last date for Notice : March 16th. 


1931 F. A. Howarth 

1932 F. W. Towns 

David Blank ( Special Prize) 

1933 J. P. M. Carr 

The Vioe-Oilvnoellor of the County Palatine of 
Lancaster’s Prizes. 

Founded in 1890 by the late Vice-Chancellor Bristowe, 
continued by the late Vice-Chancellors Robinson, Hall, 
Leigh-Clare, Dudley Stewart-Sinith, and Lawrence, and now 
given by His Honour Sir Courthope Wilson, Vice-Chancellor of 
the County Palatine of Lancaster. 


1. Two Prizes of books, each Prize being of the value of five 
guineas, are awarded in June on the results of the Class 
Examinations in connection with the advanced courses in(l) 
Equity, (2) Real Property and Conveyancing. 

2. The books shall be of a legal character, selected by the 
winner of the Prize and approved by the Professors of Law. 

3. The Prizes are open to the competition of all students who 
shall be under the age of 25 years on June 1st in the year in 
which the Prizes are awarded, and who shall not have been 
called to the Bar or admitted on the Roll of Solicitors on or 
before that day, and who have attended the course of lectures 
in connection with which the examinations respectively are held, 
and have obtained from the Professor or Lecturer a certificate 
of regularity of attendance. 

4. Both Prizes may be awarded to the same student, either in 
one year or in successive years, but a student who has once gained 
the Prize in either subject is not eligible to hold the Prize a 
second time in the same subject. 

5. The Prizes shall be awarded by the Senate of the University, 
with the concurrence of the Manchester Incorporated Law 
Society, on the certificate of the Professor or Lecturer of the 
respective subjects for which they are given. 


Scholar shifts, rOc. 


Under New Tietjulations* 

Mquity. Beat, Propkbty and Oonv«yanctng. 

I92t) A. H. Vt nod 
1922 T-T. El. JonoK \ Divided 
Ivan Socoulov I between 
19*23 II. Y. irodtfos I Divided 
W. Cl. Taylor I between 
1921 F. N, IiaUershy 

1925 H. S. Fib/.imtrick j Divided 
J. H. Hhofles J between 

1926 DeniR Hyde 

1927 J. E. Davis 

1928 Ivy Pollecoff 

1929 Gerard Liydor 

1930 IT. K. HndifROU 
1031 Philip Fox 

1932 David Blank 

1933 7- P. M. Carr 

1920 A. H. Wooi I 

1922 It. G. Cooke 1 Divided 
(J. B. Roberts i /Wuwm 

1923 K. Y. Hodges 
192*1 No award 

1925 Allan Win Lori >ot tom 

1926 J. S. lThndos 

1 927 H av ry M v e rs 
192H Joseph Faulkner 

1929 V. H. Dean 

1930 F. A. Ho\\ nr U j 

1931 «T. 1 Caulfield 

1932 David Blank 

1933 F. F. Clough 

Peacock Prize. 

Founded by the late Mrs. John Peacock in memory of her 

Under arrangements made with the Manchester Incorporated 
Law Society a Prize of about £5 is offered at the end of the Uni- 
versity Easter term for the student who shall have been certified by 
the University authorities to have passed the best examination in 
the Principles of the Law of Real and Personal Property and 
Conveyancing held during the year preceding the end of such 
term in connection with the advanced courses in the Faculty of 
Law during the preceding year. The competition is limited to 
students articled to solicitors in Manchester and Salford. 


1920 A. H. Wood 

1921 No award 

1922 II. E. Jr>a©Kl Divided 
It. Wilson 1 between 

1923-25 No award 

1926 J. S. lilt odes 

1927 Harry My ears 

1928 Nanny M. Brown 

1929 No award 
1030 Gerard Kvdor 

1931 J. I. Haul Hold 

1932 David Blank 

1933 F. F. Clough 

Dauntesey Medical Junior Scholarships. 

Formerly the Dauntesey Medical Entrance Scholarships, 
the regulations of which were modified in 1924. 


1. These Scholarships are open to students preparing for a 
Medical qualification. Candidates must be not more than 25 
years of age on the first of October in the year of competition. 

2. Two Scholarships are offered annually, each of the value 
of £50. Scholars must continue the full course of Medical studies 
in the University of Manchester. 

3. The first moiety of the Scholarship will be paid to the 
Scholar on registration for the Medical session immediately 
succeeding the award, and the second moiety at the end of the 

Scholarships , &-c. 


Michaelmas term in the session next after the award, but 
the second moiety will only be paid if the work and conduct of 
tiie Scholar for the preceding year have been satisfactory. 

4. The Scholarships are to be awarded on the aggregate 
results of the First M.B., Ch.B. Examinations (Chemistry, 
Physics, Botany, and Zoology). 

5. The Examiners shall be the Internal Examiners in the 
subjects of the First M.B., Ch.B. Examinations. 

6. Candidates who are not members of the University are 
required to send notice to the Registrar of their intention 
to compete, on or before February 15th each year. 


Under Old Regulations. 

1920 First , John Sims 
Secoiid, Robert Cotter 

D. J. Prosser 

1921 First, F. H. Smirk 

> Second, J. H. Kit son 



1922 First , Maurice Sheehan 
Second, Kathleen Sheehan 

1923 First , A. H. Baker 
Second, Robert Newton 

3924 Robert Newton (Special Grant) 

Under Neiv Regulations. 

1925 R. W. Buxton ) n . . 7 - 
F. N. Marshall [ P^lejd 
li. C. Wright j befu;5e » 

1926 Winifred Dean 
A. D. Kenvon 

1927 C. H. T. Wade 

Florence Nightingale ) Divided 
R. V. Wright f between 

1928 O. H. Gray 
Philip Zimmerman 

1929 Harry Baker ) Divided 

k'ati.^ Launer • 

1930 D. H. Mackay 
J. A. Hobson 

1931 H J n wade nl6y t 
5kr^- e tX Williams | 

1932 Cyril Berens 

Jacob Goldman | Divided 
David Halpern I between 

1933 g) A. B. White 

C. D. Coe 
Katharine I. Liebert 
Fred Stratton 



Dauntbssby Medical Senior Scholarship. 

Instituted in 1924 from accumulations in the Dauntesey 
Entrance Medical Scholarship Fund, and in place of the 
University Prize in Medicine then discontinued. 


1. This Scholarship is open to all students preparing for a 
Medical qualification in the University of Manchester, provided 
that they have not commenced the fourth year of study leading 
to that qualification, and provided that they continue the full 
course of Medical studies in the University. The Senate shall 
have power to allow a Scholar to postpone his tenure of the 
Scholarship for one session in order that, with the consent of 
the Senate, he may pursue an advanced course in the Honours 
School of Anatomy or of Physiology. 

2. The Scholarship is oflered annually, and is of the value 
of £50. 


Scholarships, <£c. 

3. The first moiety of the Scholarship will be paid to the 
Scholar on registration for the Medical session immediately 
succeeding the award, and the second moiety at the end of the 
Michaelmas term in the session next after the award, but 
the second moiety will only be paid if the work and conduct of 
the Scholar have been satisfactory. 

4. The Scholarship is to be awarded on the aggregate results 
of the Second M.B., Oh.B. Examinations. 

5. The Examiners shall be the Internal Examiners in the 
subjects of the Second M.B., Oh.B. Examinations. 

1923 F. N. Mar Khali 
1927 W. W. Kay 
19-28 II. V. Wright 

1929 O. H. Or ay 

1930 J. F. Healop 

1931 W. P. Cargill 

1932 Jolm Char nicy I Divided 
Margaret I. Williams I between 

1933 David Hnlpern 

Entrance Scholarships in Medicine. 

Founded in 1903 by the Council of the Owens College and the 
Medical Board of the Manchester Royal Infirmary. 


1. Candidates must send to the Registrar of. the 
University on or before July 1st in each year, their names, 
together with a written statement of their University standing 
and of the subjects which they offer for examination. 

2. The candidate must not be more than 24 years of ago on 
October 1st of the year of competition. 

3. Not more than two Scholarships in each year will be 
offered. The Scholarships are intended for persons of graduate 
standing of any approved University. 

4. The Scholarships in each year will be offered for proficienoy 
in Arts or Science. 

5. Each candidate will be required to signify his readiness 
to offer himself for examination and may, if he thinks fit, submit 
evidence of his proficiency in : 

either Arts. — (a) not more than two of the following : — 

(i.) Classics. 

(ii.) Mediaeval and Modern Languages. 

(iii.) History. 

(iv.) Philosophy. 

(v.) Some other subject to be approved by the Nominating 

Scholarships, & >c. 


or Science.— (b) either Mathematics (Pure and Applied) or 
any two of the following : — 

(i.) Chemistry. 

(ii.) Physics. 

(lii.) Zoology. 

(iv.) Botany. 

(v.) Physiology. 

(vi.) Anatomy. 

(vii.) Some other subject to be approved by the Nominating 
Committee. ' ° 

6* The Scholars will be elected by the Senate on the 
nomination of a Committee consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, 
the Chairman of the Medical Board of the Infirmary, together 
with one other representative of the Medical Board, and two 
representative members of the Senate. 

7. The Scholars will be required to study for a University 
degree in Medicine and to pursue and complete, at the University 
of Manchester and the Manchester Royal Infirmary, a course 
of study leading to a University degree in Medicine. 

8. The Scholarships will not be paid in cash, but will be set off 
to an amount not exceeding 160 guineas as against class fees 
payable to the University and as against fees payable to the 

9. The University and/or the Infirmary shall make further 
charges at the usual rate of fees if a Scholar continues his studies 
beyond the full period required by the examining Board, provided 
that the University and/or the Infirmary may waive this 
regulation in any individual case for sufficient reason. 

10. The tenure of the Scholarship will be subject to the 
conditions of tenure in the general regulations relating to 
Fellowships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes. 

Last date for application, July 1st. 


1820 Elsie Catlow, B.Sc. 

S. P. Wilson, M.Sc. Tech. 

1021 Wm. Brockbank, B.A. (Cambridge) 
C. N. H. Long, B.Sc. 

1922*Noel S. Walls, M.Sc., Ph.D. 
Florence V. Stephen, B.Sc. 
Dorothy A riling, M.A. (Oxford) 

1923 J. F. Wilkinson, M.Sc. 

H. IS. Martin, B.Sc. 

1924 12. Oretney, B.A. (Cambridge) 
Bessie H, E. Cadness, M.Sc. 

1926 G. Lt, Brown, M.Sc. 

Leslie Foulds, B.A. (Cambridge) 
1926 + Paul Gray, B.A. (London) 

W. H. Newton, M Sc. 

1927 W. S. Dyson, B.A. (Cambridge 
Rupert; Sykes, B.Sc. (London; 

1938 E. D. Portman, B.Sc. 

Benedict Finkleuian, B.Sc. 

1929 M. C G. Israels, M.Sc. 

\V. C. Barber, B.A. (Cambridge) 

1930 T. F. Davey, M.Sc. (London) ( n ,„ A 

Eli Davis, M.Sc. r Tff 

R. V. Wnsht, M.Sc. 

1931 W. F. Nicholson, B.A. (Cambridge) 

J. A. A. L. Woodhead, M.Sc. 

1932 Harold Burton, B.A. (Oxford) 

H. L. Settle, M.Sc. 

1933 Mary Barnard, B.A. (Cambridge; 

D. L. Dawes, B.A. (Oxford) 

* Resigned. 


Scholarships , &*c. 

Professor Tom Jones Exhibition in Anatomy. 

Founded in memory of the late Professor Thomas Jones, in 
1901, by a Committee of Subscribers. 

The Exhibition is intended to further the study of Human 
Anatomy as a necessary introduction to Practical Surgery. 


1. The Exhibition shall be of the value of £25. 

2. The Exhibition shall be offered annually for competition 
to Medical students who have commenced the study of Anatomy 
in the preceding twelve months. 

3. The Exhibition shall be open to all Medical students 
who have satisfactorily attended, during the Summer and 
Michaelmas terms immediately preceding the award of the 
Exhibition, the regular courses of instruction in Human Anatomy 
(lectures and practical) in the University. 

4. The Exhibition shall be awarded at the end of the Lent 
term on the results of the Class Examinations (written 
and practical) in Human Anatomy, supplemented, if neces- 
sary, by special examinations, either written, practical, or 
viva voce. 

5. The Exhibitioner shall be required to continue his studies 
in Human Anatomy and to act as prosector in the Anatomy 
Department in the University during the year following the 
award of the Exhibition. 

19-20 Evelyn M. HoIiuqh 
1921 Ij. J. ProsRor 
1932 May Johnson 

1923 Kathleen Sheehan 

1924 H.T. Osborne 
19-25 F. N. Marshall 
1926 Dorothy A. Geiler 

Exhibitions us. 

1927 a. H. T. Wiulo 

1928 0. H. Gray 

1929 J. F. Heslop 

1930 Eilean 1VT. Hutfhos 

1931 John Charnloy 

1932 E. N. Rowlands 

1933 Nydia E. Pan Ion 

Sidney Rensraw Junior Prize in Physiology. 

Founded in 1898 by Dr. J. W. Renshaw, in memory of his 
son, Sidney Renshaw, of Ash House, Stretford, student in 
Medicine at the Owens College from 1895 to 1897. 

In 1930, accumulations from the Fund made possible also the 
offer of a Senior Prize. 


1. The Prize, which is of the value of £10, will be offered 
annually and will be open for competition to all students who shall 
have attended, for not less than two sessions, a regular course of 
study in the University of Manchester for a degree in Science or 

Scholarships , &c. 


Medicine, or for a diploma in Medicine, and who shall have 
attended the General Course in Physiology in the session 
immediately preceding the examination. 

2. The Prize will be awarded on the papers set in the Second 
M.B., Cli.B. Examination in Physiology in March in each year 
together with an additional paper of a more advanced character 
which must he taken by all candidates for the Prize. 

Students who are preparing for a degree in Science or for a 
Diploma in Medicine and are not candidates at the Second M.B., 
Ch.B., Examination will be allowed, without payment of fee, to 
take at that examination the papers in Physiology prescribed for 
candidates for the Prize. 

Last date for notice, February 15th. 


Under Old Regulations. 

1020 Leslie Morris 

1921 Hilda M. Linford I Divided 

H. Lnpfcon 1 between 

D. Ram age (Special Prizel 

1922 F. H. Smirlc 

102S Raymond Wlnteliead 

1924 W.'H. Ncvpton 

1925 J. F. Wilkinson 

1926 F. N. Marshall 

1927 M. G. G. Israels I Divided 
W. W. Kay J between 

1928 Eli Davis 

1929 C. H. Gray 

1930 .T. F. Heslop 

1931 W. P. Cargill 

1932 .Tolin Charnley 

1933 David Halpcra 

Turner Medical Prizes. 

Founded in 1872, in memory of the late Thomas Turner, 
Esq F.R.C.S., of Manchester, one of the founders of the 
Manchester Royal School of Medicine, now incorporated with the 
Manchester University. 


1. Two Prizes, each of the value of 10 guineas, will he offered 
annually to the competition of all students m the Faculty of 
Medicine who have completed a course of Medical study m the 
University extending over a period of not less than three years 
nor more than six years, in which the subjects of the examination 
shall have been included. 

2. The Prizes are awarded on the papers set m _ the Fin a 
examinations in Medicine for the degrees of M.B., Ch.B. of the 
University, one on the examination held m July al ^ o “ : ® 0n *¥ 
examination held in December of each year, provided that it is 

Student, who have Mfllo d a. t^ mo.t. oi 
Regulation 1 to enter into competition, whether they are can 
didates for the degrees of M.B., Ch.B., or not. 

o Tte p r i Z e 8 will be awarded upon the recommendation 

of the Examiners that the candidates recom ^ 1 ® nd ®^ a ' 7e attauMsd 
a standard worthy of being recognised by the award. 

Last date for notice : July Examination, May 1st , December 
Examination, October 20th. 


Sch olarsh ips> dr. 


1920 Annie K. Son uu' ford 
192 L Cr. V. A Hh croft 
Margaret Single 
1932 Ada. Kumiss 

1923 li. J. Witts 

1924 Hilda IU. Linford 

1925 F. H. Smirk 

1920 Kathleen Sheehan \ Divith'tl 
Florence Whlturovsr i between 

1927 Muriel M. Kdwardw ] Dit toed 
Josephine Wahnslev i between 

1929 Do n Hi Sheehan 

1930 F. N. Marshall 
W. \V. Kay 

10S1 G. G. 10. Smyth 

1932 D, U. (iri tilths 

1933 T. V. Heslop 

Dumville Surgical Prizks. 

Founded in 1872 by Mrs. Dumville for the endowment of a 
Prize in Surgery in memory of her husband, A. \V\ Dumville, 


1. Two Prizes eacli of the value of £15 will be offered in July 
of each year and will consist of books or surgical instruments at 
the option of the successful candidate. 

2. Candidates must have studied in the Faculty of Medicine 
of the University of Manchester and at the Manchester Royal 
Infirmary during the Summer session immediately preceding the 
examination and the two preceding* Winter sessions, and have 
attended four courses of lectures, including those on Systematic 
Surgery and Practical Surgery. 

3. The Prizes will be awarded on the results of the final 
examinations in Surgery held in the Michaelmas and Summer 
terms, provided that it is open to any students of the final year, 
whether they are candidates at the M.B., Ch.B, examination, or 
not, to enter into competition. The Prizes will be awarded only 
upon the specific recommendation of the Examiners that the 
candidate recommended has attained a standard worthy of being 
recognised by the award of the Prize. 

Last date for notice, June 1st. 


1920 G. 1 j. Taylor 

1921 H. L. Sheehan 

1922 Hilda Pratt 

1923 Tj. J. Witts 
1924-27 No award 

1928 Alice M. Bufclerworth 

1929 Donnl Shoolian 

1930 A. Tj. Kenyon 

1931 Nancy N. Carter 

1932 D. LI. Griffiths 
J. S. Parkinson 

1933 J. C. Morris 

John Henry Aonew Prize. 

Founded in 1892 by a bequest of the late John Henry 
Agnew, Esq. 


1. The Prize, which is of about the value of £30, is open 
to the competition annually of all students in the Faculty of 
Medicine who have pursued a regular course of medical study in 
the University extending over a period of not less than four years 
or more than six, and who have attended the systematic course of 
lectures on Diseases of Children. 

Scholarships, <&*£. 

77 * 

2. The Prize is awarded on the results of ail examination, 
partly written and partly Clinical, in Diseases of Children, 
Medical and Surgical. There will he one paper of three hours 
in the Medical portion of the subject, and one paper of two 
hours in the Surgical portion. 

3. The Prize may be awarded to the successful candidate 
wholly in money, or in books or instruments to an amount ecpial 
to the value of the Prize, or partly in the purchase of books or 
instruments, and partly in money. The books or instruments 
shall be selected with the approval of the Dean of the Paculty of 

4. The Examiners will be the Lecturer in Diseases of Children, 
the Professor of Surgery, and such one other Professor or Lecturer 
in Medicine or Surgery as the Faculty of Medicine may from time 
to time appoint. 

Next- examination, June 7th — 8th, 1934. 

Last date for notice, May 1st. 


1920 Sylvia K. Hickson 

1921 Margaret Single ' 
192*2 No award 

19*33 Marjorie A. Grant 

1924 Hilda M. Linford 

1925 G. H. H. Booth 

1926 Kathleen Sheehan 

1927 A. H. Baker 

1928 No award 

1929 (11 Donal Sheehan 
(2) Hditli M. Booth 

1930 A. L Kenyon 

1931 Isaac Sutton 

1932 D. LI. Griffiths 

1933 Louis Rich l Divided 
Eric Vernon 1 between 

Wild Prize in Pharmacology. 

Founded in 1927 under an endowment given by Robert 
Briggs Wild, M.D., M.Sc., F.R.C.P., Leech Professor of Materia 
Medica and Therapeutics in the University from 1901—1927, to 
encourage the study of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics m 
the University. 


1 . A Prize of the value of £10 will be offered annually for 
a thesis containing evidence of original research in a subject 
in Pharmacology or Pharmaceutics by a past or present student 
of the University of Manchester. 

2. Candidates are not precluded from utilising in the com- 
petition the whole or any part of the work presented within 
the previous twelve months for a thesis for a degree. 

3. Notice of intention to compete, and of the title of the 
thesis, must be given not later than May 1st, ft ud the thee* 
must be delivered to the Registrar not later than June 1st m 
the session in which the award is to be made. 

4. The Examiners shall be appointed by the Senate on the 
recommendation of the Faculty of Medicine. 

5. The recommendation of the Examiners for the award of 
the Prize shall be submitted to the Senate. 


Scholarships , itc. 

6. Accumulations consequent on the non-award of the Prize 
shall be devoted to increase in the capital of the endowment. 

7. The Council shall have power to modify these regulations, 
on the recommendation of the Senate, as and when it may be 
found necessary. 

Last date for sending in those*, June 1st. 

Last date for notice, May 1st. 


1929 K. D. Portman 193*2 Eli Davis 

1930 Benedict Finkleman 1933 H. L. Settle 

1931 M. C. 0 . Israeli? 

Silver Medals in Pharmaceutics. 

Founded in 1930 by James Grier, M.Sc., Pli.C., and by Harry 
Brindle, B.Sc., Ph.C. 

Two Silver Medals shall be offered annually for award by the 
Senate on the results of the terminal examinations and on the 
class records to the candidates who shall acquit themselves with 
the greatest distinction in all the subjects : — 

(a) Of the Chemist and Druggist course ; 

(b) Of the Pharmaceutical Chemist course and the B.Sc. 

course, second and third years, in the same subjects ; 
provided that no medal shall be awarded to a candidate 
who has not attained a sufficiently high standard of 

Pharmaccut ical Chemistry 
and B.Sc. Courses. 

1929 E. R. Meachatn 

1930 No award 

1931 E. S. Bissell 

1932 S. L. Pxcscot 


Chemist and Druggist Course. 

1929 Eva Wurhurst 

1930 Frank Taylor 

1931 Kathleen C. Whitaker 

1932 Harold Aultl 

Hargreaves Mubioal Bohol arship. 

The Hargreaves Exhibitions were founded in 1882 under 
a bequest of the late Hamer Hargreaves, Esq., for tho pro- 
motion of musical education. 

Under a scheme of the Charity CommisBi oners, dated 
January 28th, 1896, a Scholarship will be offei*ed for competition 
under the following regulations.* 


r ^ e Scholarship is of the value of £30 per annum and is 
tenable for two years. A second Scholarship may be awarded in 
any year in which the funds permit, provided that two candidates 
of sufficient merit present themselves. 

TT«,-lZ.^ H ' arere ?' ve f 1 Sc:tlolaj:8llipB » formerly tonable in tlie Evening Olasses of the 
UmverBity, were by the same scheme withdrawn. 

Scholarships, <§»c, 


2. The Scholarship will be awarded on the results of the First 
Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Music and of an exami- 
nation in Practical Music, to students who are prepared to follow 
during the session next succeeding such examination the course 
prescribed by the University for the Second Examination for the 
said degree provided that every candidate to whom any such 
Scholarship is awarded shall show proficiency in Sacred Music, 
and shall have reached a sufficient standard of merit in the sub- 
jects of both the theoretical and practical examination ; and that 
the practical examination shall test the proficiency of every 
candidate as an executant in some special branch of music. 

3. The Scholarship may be continued for a second year to 
any Scholar who has passed the second examination for such 
degree as aforesaid, provided such Scholar follows in the Univer- 
sity the course prescribed for the third examination for the said 

The next competition will be in June, 1934. 


1920 G. Ii. West 

1921 Irvin Cooper 
Frederick Morrison 

1923 F. W. Dickerson 

1924 George Parker 

1925 T. E. T. Griffiths 

1926-29 No award 

1930 T. D. Pa<=sey 

1931 Annie D. Snowball 

1932 T. D. Passey ( Special Bursary) 

1933 No award 

Shuttleworth Economic Scholarship. 

In the year 1865 Mrs. Elizabeth Shuttleworth, of Manchester, 
founded this scholarship in memory of her late husband, John 
Shuttleworth, Esq., and endowed it with the sum of £1,250. The 
Scholarship is founded for “the promotion of the study of 
Political Economy.” 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £50 and is awarded 

2. The competition will be open to any person who shall have 
been a student in the day classes in the University during not 
less than three consecutive sessions, during at least one session of 
which a course in Political Economy shall have been included. 

3. The award will be made by the Senate on the result of 
an examination in Political Economy; candidates may also 
present- any previously written work on an economic subject in 
support of their claims. 

4. The successful candidate will be required to pursue in 
the University in the session immediately following the award 
an approved course of study or research on a subject in Economics. 
In special cases the Senate may grant permission for the whole 
or some portion of the period of tenure to be spent in some 
other approved institution. 


Scholarships, <<Y\ 

5. In special cases, when the Fund permits, an additional 
grant not exceeding £20 may be made from the Fund to the 
Scholar by the Council to assist him in carrying out his research. 

Next examination, May 8th — Oth, 1931. 

Last date for notice, March 15th. 


19*20 No award I'H'i Harry Campion | Divided 

19*21 T. M. Lester, I*. A, W. P. Howell \ between 

192*2*0. T. Brunner ) Divided 192(5-27 No 

John Jowkes l between 1928 Jack Stanford 

1923 S. 1. Ambrose 1929 Edward Rogers 

19*24 Leonard Oohen (Special Grant}) 1930-32 No award 

1933 Dorothy K. Smith 

Gladstone Memorial Prize. 

Founded in 1900 by the Gladstone Memorial Committee. 


1. The Prize will be awarded annually and will be of the 
value of £L0. 

2. The Prizeman shall have the option of receiving books of 
the value of £10, or books of the value of £5 and £5 in money. 

3. The Prize will he awarded either on (a) a special examination 
in Political Economy held towards the end of the session, or (6) an 
essay on a subject announced at the beginning of the session and 
presented on or before a given date during the session. 

4. Candidates must be students of the University who have 
attended at least three hours a week in the session in which 
the examination is held. 

In 1934, the Prize will be awarded on a special examination 
in Political Economy to be held on May 8th. 

Last date for notice, March 15th. 


1920 S. R . Chaloner ) Divided 
T. C. Locker ) between 

1921 W. E. Salt ) Divided 
H. Leather f between 

1922 George Breeze 

1923 No award 

1924 Gilbert Jenkms 

1925 No award 

1926 C. D. Campbell 

1927 No award 

1928 C. H. Travis 
1929-31 No award 

1932 Barbara F. Birley 

1933 No award 

Cobden Club Prizes. 

Three Book Prizes are offered by the Committee of the Cobden 
Club for students in each of the three classes in Political Economy 
held in the University in each session. 

A second Book Prize may be offered in any of the three classes. 

* Resigned. Full Scholarship awarded to John Jowkes. 

Scholarships, <5-c. 



1920 R. F. Treh.irne 

1921 Annie M. Smith 
J. Jewkes 

1922 Marjorie Rogers 
J. B. Andrew 

1923 S. I. Ambrose 

1924 C. D. Campbell 

1925 Elsie Eminott 

1926 No award 

1927 Jack Stafford 

1928 No award 

1929 Edward Rogers 

1930 No award 

1931 G. G. Dobson 

1932 C. E. Ruddin 

1933 Philip ChanLler 



A. Wilson 
Phyllis A. Manning 
C. H. Marsh 
Gilbert Jenkins 

Brenda Hall 
R. L. Graham 

Eileen D. Winder 
T. B. Shorter 

Evening Class. 
F. L. Wright 
W. Matthews 
H. L. Marsden 

No award 

No award 
S. E. Hodgkiuson 
S. J Dunn 
No award 
George Smith 
No award 
Joseph Boswell 
James McHugh 
J. C. Gaixkroger 
No award 
No award 

(Jobden Prizes [Political Economy]. 

Founded by the Oobden Memorial Committee, for the 
endowment of money prizes to be offered in each session to 
such teachers or assistant teachers in schools within either of 
the cities of Manchester and Salford, supported wholly or in part 
by public funds or public contributions, if any, or failing such, 
then to such other students at the University as shall pass the 
best examination in Political Economy or connected subjects. 

The Prizes, £10 and £5 in value, are awarded annually on the 
results of the sessional examinations for the Evening- classes. 

li’irst Prize. 
19‘20 D. U, Hudson 

1921 IJT. 1j. Marsden 

1922 Arthur Glenn 

1923 It. A. Taylor » 
David Kitchen j 

1925 David Cardwell 

1926 No award 

1927 ThouutH Garrard 

1928 No award 

1929 Harold Tong© 

1930 O. Id. Frost 

1931 No award 

1932 J. M. Makin 

1933 No award 



Second Prize. 

19*20 Margaret I. G. Morris 
1921-22 No award 
1923 Benjamin Varlev 
19*24-26 No award 

1927 J. G. Mason 

1928 No award 

1929 C, S. Renshaw 

1930 J. A. Owen 

1931 No award 

1932 John Grundy 

1933 No award 

Warburton Scholarship in Local Government. 

Thomas Warburton, Esq., of Manchester, bequeathed to the 
Owens College the sum of £1,000, free from legacy duty, to be 
applied by the Governors of the College in such way as they 
might deem best for promoting and encouraging the study of 
the best methods of Local Government and the Law, for the time 
being, relating to Local Government.* Until 1929 a prize was 
offered for an essay. In 1929 the prize was discontinued and the 
scholarship established. 

For Warburton L*oturer», pag« 90. 


Scholar&h i } w , tOc. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £50 and is awarded 

2. The award will be made by the Senate on the result, of an 
examination in Local Government and subjects related thereto. 
The successful candidate will be required to pursue in the Univer- 
sity in the session immediately following the award an approved 
course of study or research in the methods of Local Government 
or rhe Law, for the time being, relating to Local Government, 
and must attend in the University at such hours as may bo 
required by the Board of the Faculty of Commerce and 
Administration . 

3. In special cases an additional grant not exceeding £20 
may be made from the Fund to the Scholar by the Council to 
assist him in carrying out liis research. 

Next examination, May 8th, 193-1. Last date for notice, 
March 15tli. 


1930 D. N. Cheater 1932 If. It. P««« 

1931 No award 1933 Jolm Grundy 

Thomas Coglan Horsfall Prize. 

This Prize was established in 1922 from a fund raised by 
representative citizens of Manchester to commemorate the 
public services of Mr. T. C. Horsfall, M.A., and to encourage 
<tf research work in connection with civic problems, including 
those which relate to health, recreation, and the diffusion of 
artistic training and culture, the aim which inspired his virtual 
creation of the Horsfall Museum.* : * 


1. A Prize of £15 will lie offered annually for an Essay based 
on investigation in a problem included in the general objects of 
the Prize as set out in tlie introductory note above. 

2. The Prize will be open to : — 

(a) Students and Graduates of the University. 

(h) Students of Extra-Mural Classes in connection with the 

3. Essays must be submitted to the Registrar not later than 
March 15th in the year of award. 

4. The Prize will be awarded by the Senate on the recom- 
mendation of a committee appointed annually for the purpose. 


10*2o J. 24. Andrew, B.Coiu. 

1 9-24-33 No award 

1933 H. R. Page, B.A. (Admin.) 

Scholarships , <£c. 


Wellington Scholarship. 

Founded in tlie year 1852 by the late George Faulkner, Esq., 
who gave the sum of £500 for the purpose. The object of this 
Scholarship is to encourage the promotion of the critical studv of 
the Greek Text of the New Testament. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £60. It is tenable for 
one year. 

2. The examination will be strictly confined to questions of 
a critical and historical nature. 

3. Candidates must be students at the University, and 
must have attended one of the classes in Classical Greek and a 
class either in Hellenistic Greek or in Greek Testament. This 
attendance must have been made at the University, except in 
the case of Greek Testament, where attendance at an institution 
approved for this purpose may be recognised. 

4. Candidates will be examined in : 

A. (a) The Four Gospels and one or two other New Testament 
books with critical and historical questions arising out of 

(b) Hellenistic Greek : Unseen Translation and simple 

B. Prescribed works on New Testament Language, Criticism 

and Archaeology. 

5. Two Examiners shall be appointed annually on the recom- 
mendation of the Faculty of Theology. 

6. The Scholar shall be required either (a) to attend at the 
University during his year of tenure a course in Greek Testament 
and one other class other than Greek Testament approved bj 
the Examiners, or (b), to pursue at the University or at some 
other approved institution research in New Testament studies 
approved by the Senate. 

7. The Scholarship shall be offered for competition at the 
beginning of the Michaelmas term in alternate years. In ease of 
the non-award of a Scholarship in any year, it shall be offered 
in the next ensuing year. 

Next examination, October 4th — 5th, 1933, If no award is 
made in 1933, the Scholarship will be offered in 1934. 

Last date for notice, June 15th. 


Scholarships, 4Y 


For 1934. 

1. The Four Gospels. 

2. 1. Corinthians. 

3. Streeter, The Four Gospels ; Blako & Luke, The 

Caesarean Text of Mark (Harvard Theological Review, 
xxl. 4) ; V. Taylor, The. Formation of the Gospel 
Tradition; Streeter, The Prim (five i'hureh. 

The following commentaries are recommended : Matthew, 
MeNeile ; Mark , JRawlinson ; Luke, Creed; John, Bernard; 

1. Corinthians , St. John Parry (C.G.T.). 


10*20- No award 193U Frederick Konwoitby, M.A. 

1027 K, F. CiLldor 1931-32 No award 

1928-20 No award 

Bishop Lee Greek Testament Prizes. 

Mrs. Susan Lee, widow of Dr. James Prince Lee, sometime 
Bishop of Manchester, by will dated October 4 th, 1872, 
bequeathed to the College the sum of £1,000, free from legacy 
duty, the income arising therefrom to be annually divided 
between two of the most proficient students at the College in 
the Greek Testament, in the following proportions, viz. : Two- 
thirds of the income to be paid as the First Prize, and the 
remaining third as the Second Prize, but so that the recipient of 
either of the said Prizes shall not again receive the same Prize 
in any succeeding year of his studentship. 


1. Two Prizes, the Senior of the value of £50, the Junior of 
the value of £25, will be offered annually for competition by 

2. The examination will bo strictly confined to questions of 
a critical and historical nature. 

3. The examination is open to students who are reading 
or intend to read for the B.D. degree, or for the Certificate in 
Theology or for some approved advanced course in Theology. 

4. Candidates for the Senior Prize shall be examined in : 

(a) Prescribed books of the New Testament (including always 

two Gospels, The Acts of the Apostles, and not less than 
two epistles) with critical and historical questions arising 
out of them. 

(5) Hellenistic Greek : — Unseen Translation and simple 

Scholarships, &*c. 


5. Candidates for the Junior Prize shall be examined in 
prescribed books of the New Testament (one Gospel and two 
Epistles), and in a prescribed book on New Testament Greek, 
Criticism and Archaeology, and in unseen New Testament Greek. 

6. A successful competitor may not compete a second time 
for the same or for a lower prize. 

7. Two Examiners shall be appointed annually on the recom- 
mendation of the Faculty of Theology. 

8. The Prizes shall be offered for competition at the beginning 
of the Michaelmas term. Last date for notice for competition, 
June 15th. 

Next examination, October 4th, 1933. 

For 1933 : Senior : 

1. The Gospels according to Matthew and John. 

2. The Acts of the Apostles. 

3. Colossians and Hebrews. 

Junior : 

1. The Gospel according to Matthew. 

2. Colossians and I. Timothy, 

3. Lake : Text of the New Testament (Sixth edition). 

The following commentaries are recommended for both 
Senior and Junior Prizes: McNeile, The Gospel according to 
Matthew ; Moffatt, The Epistle to the Hebrews (LC.C.) ; Peake, 
The Epistle to the Hebrews (Century Bible) ; Peake, The Epistle 
to the Colossians (E.G.T.) ; Lock, The Pastoral Epistles (I.C.C.). 

For 1 931. Skniob: 

1. The Gospels according to Mark and John. 

2. The Acts of the Apostles. 

3. Philippians, I. — HI. John. 

The following commentaries are recommended : 
Ruwlinson and C.G.T. ; John, Strachan (fe.O.M.) and 0. .h.l., 
A ft*. Blunt. (Clarendon Bible); Philippians, Vincent (LUC.), 

I. —III. Joint; Law (“ The Tests of Life ). 

Junior : 

1. The. Gospel according to Mark. 

2. Homans. 

3. Lake, The Text of the Neie Testament. 

The following commentaries are recommended . ar ■, 
Ttawlinson ; Romans, Dodd. 


Scholars h ips, etc 



1930 No award 

1931 H. Hunter 

1932 C. G. She ward 

1933 No award 
1924 W. TC. Harding 
1935 No award 

1926 Gocn*g<‘ Phillips 

1927 No award 

1928 Kathleen M. Hall 

1929 ,J. El. Brightman 

1930 H. J. Mobanlilnn 

1931 No award 

1932 K. V. Raman v 

>1 M l'!N . 

J unior. 

1920 Kutfli lluntex* 

1921 O. U. Shu ward 
1923 No award 
1923 Tom ltowloy 
1921 George Phillips 

1925 H. r. Frith 

1926 No award 

1927 K&tihloon M. Hall 
192K J. It. Bvightman 

1929 H. J. l\t« Catch la, ti 

1930 Uosaimmd IL Barker 

1931 A U. Thompson 

1932 No award 

David S. Bles Hebrew Prize, 

Founded by David S. Bles, Esq, 


1. A Prize of £10 will he offered annually for competition 
among students in attendance on Courses in the Hebrew Language. 

2. The Prize will he awarded on the results of an examination. 

3. Candidates must have attended in the University either 
the Final General coime or some more advanced course on 
Hebrew Language, approved by the Senate. 

4 . The successful competitor shall be required to continue 
the study of Hebrew during the year following the award of the 
Prize either at the University or at some institution approved by 
the Senate. 

Next examination, October 4th — 5th, 11)33. 

Last date for notice for competition in October, 1934, June 
20th, 1934. 

1933 and 1934. 

1. Hebrew Texts : Amos ; Genesis i. — xxx. 

2. Oesenius 9 Hebrew Grammar (eel . Cowiey, Clarendon Press, 
Oxford), Introduction and Part Tf. ; A. B. Davidson, Hebrew 
Syntax . 

3. H. B. Swetc, Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek , 
chapters i — iii ; E. Sellin, Introduction to the Old Testament : 
sections relating to the books of Genesis and Amos. 

1920 A. E. Silvorstone 

1921 J. W. Carpenter 1 
E. B. Hartley J 

1922 J. J. Slotki 

1923 H. H. Evans 

1924 No awaiYl 

1926 J. F. Humphrey 


1926 No award 

Ditnded 1927 Kathleen M. Hall 

between Graham Short 

192S G. K. Hawes 

1929 J. I*. Davidson 

1930 S. K. Bridge 

1931 O. It. Hopgoort 

1932 No award 

| Divided 
I between 

Ashbury Exhibitions. 

For details of these Exhibitions, which were awarded to 
students attending evening classes in Engineering, see the 
Calendar for 1929—30, page 703. 

Scholarships , dye. 


Reginald Albert Priestley Scholarship. 

Founded in 1926 by a bequest of £1,000 made by the late 
Miss Sarah Alice Priestley, of Manchester, in memory of her 
brother, Reginald Albert Priestley, F.R.G.S. The purpose of the 
Scholarship is primarily to assist students of the University whose 
tenure of another University Scholarship or Exhibition has 
ceased before the completion of their University course. 


1. One Scholarship of the value of not more than £45, tenable 
for one year, will be offered annually ; and will be open to 
students who have already been awarded by the University a 
Scholarship or Exhibition the tenure of which has expired before 
the completion of their degree course. 

2. The Scholarship shall be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of a Special Committee appointed by the 

3. The Committee, in recommending for the Scholarship, shall 
take into consideration the academic record and financial circum- 
stances of the applicant. 

4. The holder of the Scholarship shall be required to continue 
during his tenure an approved course of study in the University. 

5. The Committee may recommend, out of any accumulations 
in the Fund, a grant to any student of the University, or intending 
student, to assist him to pursue his course of study or research 
in the University. This special grant must be approved by the 
University Council. 

6. Applications must be sent to the Registrar not later than 
May 1st in each year. 


1028 J. W. Jennings 

L929 S. S. Andrew 

1931 J. A. Hobson 

1932 W. H. Goddard 

1933 W, E. Anderson 1 Divided 
H T- Wade > between 

Professor Harold Baily Dixon Bursary Fund. 

A sum of £507, received from old students and friends of 
Professor Dixon, has been invested to form a Bursary Fund. 

The income of this Fund is to be used to assist students 
who are offering Chemistry as the principal or one 
subjects of their final examination m the Faculty of Science 
and who may be in need of financial assistance, to complet 
their degree course. Should there be any balanee o 
after making provision for the above, it may be used to assist 
graduates in the Faculty of Science who are P r ° c ®^ ng to a 
higher degree with Chemistry as their principal subject. 

Further information may be obtained from the Registrar. 

7 84 

Scholarships , c&*£. 

Ernest and Evelyn Weiss Travelling Fund* 

A Fund was raised in 1930 to commemorate the services 
to the University of Frederick Ernest Weiss, George Harrison 
Professor of Botany from 1892 to 1930, and of his wife, Evelyn 
Spence Weiss. A sum of £580 was presented to the University 
by the subscribers to establish the <c Ernest and Evelyn Weiss 
Travelling Fund,” to assist students and members of the non- 
professorial staff in the Department of Botany to travel in con- 
nection with Botanical study or research. 

Further information may be obtained from the Registrar. 

Sam Gamble Mjsmoal Scholarships for Women. 

The Trustees offer five or more Scholarships of the value of 
not less than £40 each to women students preparing for the 
degrees of M.B. and Oh.B. of the University of Manchester, who 
have completed satisfactorily the first year’s course' of study 
for that degree or have been excused that course. 

The Scholarships are tenable for one year, but may be renewed 
annually, at the discretion of the Trustees, for a total period of 
not more than five years. Full particulars maybe obtained from 
the Secretary to the Trustees, at the University, Manchester. 

Applications for Scholarships in accordance with the, terms 
of the conditions whould be made not later than June 15th in 
each year. 

Dickinson Trust. 

Under the will of the late Mrs. Caroline Conradine Sophia 
Dickinson, a Research Travelling Scholarship in Medicine ; a 
Pathology Scholarship and a Surgery Scholarship in alternate 
yeaTS ; and an Anatomy Scholarship have been instituted. 

These Scholarships are administered by a body of Trustees. 
Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary to the 
Trustees, at the Manchester Royal Infirmary. 

RaaEAitcjr Scholars in IUwoicine. 

1923 Georgiana Rl. Dttfchie, M.D. 1930 R H. Smirk, M.D. 

1924 Raymond WilliamBon, B.Sc.,M.B.,<Jh.B. Agnes M. I 'odoano, M.B., C li.U. 

1925 Li. J. Witts, M.R.. Ch.B. 1931 Maniarel Egan, M.U., Ch.B. 

1926 R. W. Fairbrother, M.B., Ch.B. May Johnson, M.H., Ch.B. 

1928 Hilda. Linford, M.B., Ch.B. R. L. Holt, M.B., Ch.B. 

1929 William Biockbank, M.D. 1932 Denial Sheehan, M.Sc., M.D. 

H. E. Martin, M.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. S. T. Cowan, M.B., Ch.B. 

Scholars in Pathology. 

1926 F. H. Smirk, M.B., Oh.B. 1930 S. M, Milner, M.H., F.R.C.S. 

1927 F. H. Smirk, M.D. 

Scholars in Surgery. 

1928 Florence V. Stephen, M.B., Ch.B. 1932 A. A. Davis*, Ch.M., F.C.K.S. 

1923 E. Savage 

1924 G. H. Rackleyeft 

1925 D. Sheehan 
L. C. Wright 

1926 M. O. G. Israels 

1927 F. Livesey 

Scholars in Anatomy. 

1928 D. Lloyd Griffiths 

1929 Brio Vernon 

1930 D. H. Mark ay 

1932 D. A. Richmond 

1933 M. J. Blank 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships, &c. 


(Brabnate ant> postXBrabnate Scholarships, 
Exhibitions, anb prises- 

NOTE. — Foe the lists oi awards before 1910, unless given below, 
see the Calendars for 1914-15 and 1915-16. 

Graduate Research Scholarships. 

(Formerly known under the old constitution of the University as 
University Scholarships.) 


1. At least one Graduate Research Scholarship of a value not 
exceeding £70 shall be offered annually on the results of the 
Final Examination in each of the Honours Schools in the Faculties 
of Arts, Science, and Law and on the results of the Final Exami- 
nations for each of the following degrees : B.A. (Com.), B.A. 
(Admin.), B.D., and M.B., Ch.B. Candidates must be qualified 
to carry out approved courses of advanced study or research and 
must have obtained first class in one of the Honours Schools in 
the Faculties of Arts, Science, and Law, or must have obtained 
first class honours in the Final Examination for the degrees^ of 
M.B., Ck.B., or have been awarded Distinction in the Examination 
for the degrees of B.A. (Com.) or B.A. (Admin.), or B.D. The 
Senate shall have power to consider any applications _ brought 
forward by the Fellowships and Scholarships Committee for 
special reasons, but any award under this power shall be subject 
to the approval of the Council. 

2. ' The award of the Scholarships shall be made by the Fellow- 
ships and Scholarships Committee of the Senate who shall also 
have power to award Scholarships of a smaller value than £70. 

3 It shall bo in the power of the Committee to withhold the 
award of any Scholarship or Scholarships in any year. 

4. Applications for Graduate Research Scholarships must he 
sent to the Registrar not later than July M m 
graduation or in the year next following except that in the case 
of candidates who take Honours in two Schools 
be sent not later than July 15th, m the year followmg that m 
which the examination in the second School was taken. 

5 Candidates in their applications must state 
of research or advanced study which they propose to undertake. 
Candidates are advised to consult the Professor under whose 
direction they have studied before submitting their applications. 

C applLntl must state whether they propose , tc > conduj 
their research in the University or at some other institution, and, 
H tU latter must obtain the Committee’s approval of the 
Lotion piop™i Id of the for «p«- 

vision in their work. 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships, &*c. 

6. The Graduate Research Scholarship shall not bo. Uol<l along 
with any other Scholarship or Fellowship unless by special 
permission of the Committee. 

This restriction shall not apply in the ease of a candidate 
who has been elected to a Platt Physiological Scholarship. 

Last date for application, July lf>th. 

* Univicrhity Ki'iiolauk. 

1892 L. D. Barnett (Classics) 

R. C. Porter (Engineering) 

A. W. Titherley (Chemistry) 

S. W. Brooke (Medicine) 

... Untv, 

... Owens. 

1893 Tohn Maxwell (Classics) 

J. R. B. Muir (History) 

G. H. Cross (Chemistry) ... ... ... 

Edward Haworth (Chemistry) 

F. C. Mooro (Medicine) 

... Owens, 
... Univ. 

1894 Thomas Bateson (History)... 

T. G. Jones (Engineering) ... ... 

W. H. Bentley (Chemistry) ... 

F. W. Smith (Physics) 

J. A. Clubb (Zoology) 

A. H. Burgess (Medicine) 

... Univ , 

.. Owens. 

1895 Ethel R. Faraday (Classics) 

Mary Johnstone (History) 

J. W. Hayward (Engineering) 

Robert Kelsall (Medicine) 

Ellinor L. Broadbent (History) 

Margrieta van der Veen (Philosophy) 

W. L. Brown (Engineering) 

W. M. Thornton (Physics) 

D. S. Jordan (Chemistry) 

... Owns 

'** II 

... Univ. 

. . ( horns. 

... Univ. 

... Owens. 

1896 S. B. C. Ross (English Language and Literature) 

W. K. Beard (Engineering) 

William Mason (Engineering) ... 

George Birtwistle (Chemistry) 

W. A. Caspari (Chemistry) 

Joseph Moreton (Medicine) 

... Pf 

... Untv . 
... Given*. 

1897 Edward Wooll (Classics) 

•Lucy W. Faraday (English Language and Literature) ... 

Lilian Winstanley (English Language and Literature) ... 

W. H. Riddlesworth (Engineering) 

R. W. Coilinson (Chemistry) 

Frederick Davies (Chemistry) 

A. R. Jackson (Zoology) ... 

Robert Burnet (Botany) 

Walter Crabtree (Medicine) 

... Univ. 

. . . Owens. 


... Owens. 

... Thtiv. 

... Owens 

1898 Mary M. Newett (History) 

J. M. Asher (Philosophy) ... 

Wilson Stuart (Philosophy) 

F. W Hewitt (Engineering) 

J. E. Jagger (Engineering) 

F. A. Li dbury (Chemistry)... 

J. C. Mann (Medicine) 




... Univ. 

1899 J. M. MacGregor (Classics) 

F. M. Powicke (History) 

A. H. Cooper (Physics) 

W. M. Varley (Physics) 

E. H. Lamb (Engineering) 

J. C. W. Humfrey (Engineering) ... 

Charles Walker (Chemistry) 

A. R. Dwerryhouse, (Geology) 

Helen P. Auld (Botany) 

W. T. Maccall (Engineering) 

H. G. Tansley (Medicine) ... 

... Owens. 
... Yorks. 

... p t 

... Owens. 
... Univ. 

. . . Owens. 

... Univ. 
... 1 )wens. 

• • * V • 

* Up to 1899 the Scholar whips wore all of the value of j850. 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , cBc. 


1900 J. J. Hell (History) 

Elizabeth Spealcman (History) 

Josephine Lmdler (English Language and Literature) **.’ 

Arthur Morloy Engineering) 

Frederick Bowen (Engineering) ..." 

G. C. Simpson (Physics) mm \ 

D. T. Jones (Chemistry) ... ... j 

R. B. Denison (Chemistry) [ 

L. R. Bmilhwaite (Medicine) 

A. G. Christian (Medicine) 





1901 D. N. Hebblethwaite (Classics) 
C-. F. Lutnby (History) 

Frank Rogers (Engineering) 

P. II. Powell (Engineering) 

I, F. Spencer (Chemistry) ... 
E. C. Edgar (Chemistry) ... 

W. A. Elias (Law) 

H. F>. Haworth (Medicine) 

Pro x. acc . . Alan Boyle 

Univ . 

Yorks . 

1902 Isaac Kandel (Classics) 

Mary E. Ulevm (History) 

Iiene F. Williams (English Language and Literature) .. 
J. D. E. Williams (Modern Languages and Literatures) 

S. H. Stolfox (Engineering) 

A. A. Stoddard Engineering 

A. S. Eddington (Physics) 

T. W. Nicholson (Physics) 

William Paitington (Chemistry) 

F. J. Lirislee (Chemistry) ... 

Joseph Pearson (Zoology) ... 

"Walter Tattersall (Zoology) 

Edward Fraser (Law) 

Philip Talbot ( Medicine) 

Univ . 



Univ . 


1903 W. T. Waugh (History) ... 
A. H. linker (History) 

Hilda Johnstone (History).., 
Frank Foster (Engineering) 
A. H. Gibson (Engineering) 
A. T. Weston (Engineering) 
H. F. Coward (Chemistry) 
H. S. Raper (Chemistry) ... 
Frank Hudson (Law) 




1904 H. R. Singleton (Classics) 

A. R. Skein p (English Language and Literature) 

Osborn Waterhouse (English Language and Literature) 
Lilian L. Atkinson (Modern Languages and Literatures) 

J. Cl. Ishorwood (Physics) ... 

Fred Piokford (Engineering) 

G. W. Andrew (Chemistry) 

W. IT. Perkins (Chemistry) 

I. II . Zoitman (Chemistry) 

J. W. Hodson (Law) 

H T. Lamb (Medicine) 


Leeds . 



♦Graduate Scholars. 

1905 Arthur Jones (History) 

Emily Howson Taylor (Modem Lan- 
guages and Literatures) 

Douglas Knoop (Economic and 
Political Science) 

Gilbert Cook (Engineering) 

Andrew Robertson (Engineering) 
Robert Robinson (Chemistry) 

1906 Gwladys Llewellyn (Classics) 
Thomas Royds (Physics) 

H. E. Mellor (Engineering) 

H. C. W. Bishop (Engineering) 

Peter Sandiford (Chemistry) 
C. G. Hewitt (Zoology) 

H. G. A. Hickling (Geology) 
Mary McNicol (Botany) 
Edith M. Saxelby (Botany) 
E. C. Burgis (Law) 

T. \V. Todd (Medicine) 

V. J . Harding (Chemistry) 
Thomas Whitehead (Chemistry) 
H. Finklestone (Law) 

J. T. Brewis (Theology) 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships, &*e. 

1907 Sarah E. Jackson (Classics) 

A. F. Johnson (Classics) 

Constance H. Watson (Classics) 
Adelaide Horrocks (Modern Lan- 

Harry Watson (Mathematics) 

1 90S Eftie Watson (Classics) 

13. G. Wright (Modern Languages) 
Minnie J. I tell (Modern Languages) 
G. A. Evans (Mathematics) 

Eleanor B. Harvey (Mathematics) 
P. M. Elton (Physics) 

W. A. Harwood (Physics) 

1909 Margaret W. Macalister (English 
Language ami Literature) 
Mark Ho veil (History) 

Ernest Marsden (Physics) 

Margaret White (Physics) 

KUO V. H. Galbraith (History) 

A. E. Prin co (History) 

Laura A. Lomas (English Lan- 
guage and Literature) 

J. D. Wright (English Language 

a.nd Literature) 

K. J. Nuttall (Philosophy) 

J. H. Doughty (Mathematics) 
Joshua. Parlby (Mathomaticn) 

1011 Eleanor Rhodes (Classics) 

F. It. Barnofl (History) 

G. W. Glover (Modern 

Languages and Literatures) 
J. S. Beaumont (Architecture) 
.Joseph Walsh ( Mathematics) 
Harold llohiuHOn (PhymcH) 

19 hi Theresa Margaret Browne 

May Antonie Beatrice Horford 

Agnes Strawson (English Lan- 
guage and Literature) 
Arthur Walsh (Modern Lan- 
t guages and Literatures) 
Susie Sutherland Fair hurst 

1913 FT, H. Crabtree (Classics) 

Harold Kay (History) 

Joseph Marks (French Language 
and Literature) 

Albert Rorc (Kroncsh Language 
and Literature) 

A. J. Farmer (French Language 
and Literature) 

F. W. Halliday (Gonnan Lan- 
guage and Literature) 

1914 S. D. Sedgley (Classics) 

Florence Whitehead (Classics) 
Marie Muncaster (English L-ui- 
guage and Literature) 

Emily Pawson (French Language 
and Literature) 

Kathleen A. L. Lambley (French 
Language and Literature) 

M. H. Farbridge (Oriental 
- Studies) 

W. It. Wilde (Mathematics) 

F. W. Whaley (Physics) 

William Wilson (Physics) 
Sydney Chapman (Engineering) 
Hubert Watson (Chemistry) 
Edith M. Kershaw (liotauy) 

D. M. R. Wsitson (Geology) 

G. S. Hibbert (Chemistry) 
A. G. Lobley (Chc»uistry) 

I.. II. Harrison (Chemistry) 
T. G. b. Osborn (Botany) 

H. L. Hawkins (Geology) 

C. F. Knlwibtltt (Law) 

John Morley (Medicine) 

T. C. Dufl (Chemistry) 

j. R. Partington (Chemistry) 

James Bradley (Engineering) 
Melbourne Dewhurst (Ktigmeering) 

Honrv Cotton (Rhymes) 

Harold Hulas (Engineering) 
Heinrich BiLchtold ( Engineering) 
Fred Holt (Chemistry) 

H. M. Lingrord (Chemistry) 
Margaret ('. March (< ieology) 

K. J. Price (Theology) 

L. W. Grimstod (Theology) 

H. P. WalniHlov (Physics) 

J. N. Nuttall i Physios) 

Arthur Roberts f Engineering} 
,7. A. Prescott (Chemistry) 
Henry fitophen (Chemistry) 

A. S. Robinson (Obomistry) 

W. Jt. Brierloy (Botany) 

llarry Richardson (Physios) 
Albert hoaumoab Wooil (Physios) 
Siegfried Wedgwood Horford 

Harold Goodwin (Chemistry) 
Albert Parker (Chomlstry) 

Goo [Troy Lap ago (Zoology) 
Francm Wluto (Law) 

William Henry Bass (Theology) 

Ur. B. Howeroft (Architecture) 
W. O. Jones (Architecture) 
Sydney Hague (Engineering) 
W. A. Moir (Chemistry) 

K. G. Jtaiuhridgo (Chemistry) 
W. H. Pearsall (Botany) 
Henry Ou.rdwolJ (Law)' 

H. G. Marsh (Theology 

Ernest Phillips (Mathematics) 
W. F. Jiawlinson (Physios) 
Hartley Lupton I Physics) 

J. M. Wade (Engineering) 

H. D. Kay (Chemistry) 

W. K. Slater (Chemistry) 
Marjorie S. Williamson (Boba iy) 
Henry Day (Geology) 

K. A. niastwood (Law) 

E. D. Paterson (Theology) 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships » &c. 


19X6 Percy Dorrington (Classics) 

Philip Heap (English Language 
and Literature) 

Elsie Wilkinson (English 1 lan- 
guage and Literature) 

Arthur Hertford (History) 
Fvedorica Hullivan (French Lan- 
guage and Literature) 

George Darwin (Mathematics) 
Herbert Carrington (Engineering, 
S. F. Garrard (Chemistry) 

J. W. Crabtree ( Chemistry i 
Raymond Williamson (Zoology! 
Basil Bentley (Geology) 

1916 Mabel Jones (English) 

(Hadvs M. Cooper (French) 
Putor MuPuall (Philosophy) 
Norman Tunsball (Physics) 

Joseph West (Physics) 

George Smith (Chemistry) 

F. V. Tides well (Chemistry) 

J. N. Greenwood (Metallurgy) 

1917 Sophia Weitssman (History) 

Florence M. G. Evans (History) 
Cecilia B. Mackintosh (History) 
ElBio Brindlo (French) 

1918 Madeleine E . Lees (Classics) 
Alice Jackson (History) 
Margaret 'Pout (History) 

S. .7- Ek nr (French) 

W. H. R. Grundy (German) 
Geoffrey Gladding (Chemistry) 
Marion E. Mitchell (Chemistry) 
G, R. Jones (Theology) 

W. E. Alkins (Chemistry) 
Edith Heyworth (Chemistry) 
W. S. Davies (Theology) 

1919 Joshua Wliatmough (Classics) 
H. E O. James (History) 
Phyllis J, Mnrtie (History) 
Janie Campbell (English) 
Elsie Simmonds (English) 

Kathleen Gaukroger (French) 
Agnes J. McLell&n (French) 
J. B. Shoesmith (Chemistry) 
Isabella Bateman (Botany) 

R. A. Burrows (Theology) 

1920 Priscilla CL Gorton (English) 

It. D. Waller (English) 

A. J. Murphy (Chemistry) 

J. F. Wilkinson (Chemistry) 

M argaret G . Si laps o n ( Chemistry ) 
Ernest Chapman (Chemistry) 

J. P. Brown (Chemistry) 

E. H. Lewis (Engineering) 

E. C. Masterson (Engineering) 
W. J. Brown (Engineering) 
Samuel WilliamB (Botany) 

S. R. Chaloner (Commerce) 

1921 T. M. Gribbin (Classics) 

N. B. LewiB (History) 

Caroline A. Lojeune (English) 

J. P, Bowden (French) 

Eleanor D. Hall (French) 
Marjorie M. Ransom (French) 

H. C. K. Eltoft (Oriental Studies) 
M V. Whitfield (Mathematics) 

R. J . Cornish (Engineering) 

B. W. Edgoose (Engineering) 

J. H. Daly (Chemistry) 

Marcus Francis (Chemistry) 
Gilbert Greenwood (Chemistry) 
A. M. Cleverley (Metallurgy) 

W. E. Salt (Commerce) 

G. V. Ashcroft (Medicine) 


Graduate Priwmea (£5) to whom > ( Gra du »t* ®2^ rsWp (£70) aw “ de<1 

are indicated by an asterisk. 

1922 Gerald Andrew (Geology) 

G. H. H. Booth (Physiology) 

*H. W. Broadbent (Engineering) 
*R. G. Cooke (Law) 

R. A. Cordingley (Architecture) 
*W. H. Dearden (Metallurgy) 

* Kathleen M. Drew (Botany) 

■“John Earnshaw (English) 

•Doris I. Field (Latin) 

A. J. Hailwood (Physics) 

•J. B. M. Herbert (Chemistry) 
Herbert Hetherington (Commerce) 
*C. A. Humphries (Theology) 

O. D. Hunt ( 

•f Walter Kitchin (C „ 

William Leach (Botany) 
•Gerald Lyon (Engineering) 
•Walter Percival (French) 
•Kathleen Peters (French) 
Elsie Rogers (Architecture) 
F. H. Scotson (Medicine) 
*R. P. D. Thomas (Greek) 
Eileen Threlkeld (Zoology) 
•R. F. Trehame (History) 
Annie Watson (Latin) 
Harold Wood (Chemistry) 

+ Resigned 


Graduate uni Post-Graduate Scholarship'*, »'v c . 

1923 Helen M. Briggs (Italian) 

Ida M. Brown (Latin) 

♦Orrell Darbyshire (Physics) 

♦J. A. Dreseher (Greek) 

R. H. Evans (Engiueer ng) 

♦Enid Glen (English) 

James Gregory (Physics) 

Marion I-I eyes (Chemist* y) 

•II. E. O. Jame., (Psychology) 
•John Jewkes (Commerce) 

Norah A. Jones (German) 

1924* Helen Axon (French) 

Tom Board man (Engineering) 

♦G. L. Brown (Physiology) 

C. T. Carr (German) 

Samuel Causey (Physics) 

J. W. Cuthbcrtson (Metallurgy) 
William Duckworth (Theology) 
*+Enid Garnett (Chemistry) 

*R. Y. Hedges (Law) 

1925 Walter Buries (Physics) 
♦Constance Brooks (Italian) 

David Clayton (Engineering) 

♦ I Cedric Cole (Theology) 

♦Annie Crowley (French) 

♦H. I. Frith (Theology) 

Morrison Greenwood (Chemistry) 
♦Wilhe Jackson (Engineering; 
Edith Lawson (French) 

1926 Jack Allen (Enginming) 

William Ashhurst (Physics) 

John BarLon (Engineering) 

*G. W. Brindley (Physics) 

C D. Campbell (Commerce) 

*M. G. 1C vans (Chemislry) 

•A. C. Finch (Chemistry) 

♦Elsie M. Firth (Physics) 

Arthur Hughes (History) 

Denis Hyde (Law) 

V D. Martyn (History) 

1927* N. A. Alston (Physics) 

Florence Ashton (English) 

♦T. H. Aspcy (Engineering) 

Mark Balkiu (Chemistry) 

J. M. Bruckshaw (Physics) 
George Castle (Law) 

J. A. Darbyshire (Physics) 
■'Lynette G. Evans (French) 
*l T red Fothergill (Physics) 

1928*A. D Ainley (Lhemistry) 

F. C. Chambers (Engineering) 
♦Wesley Cocker (Chemistry; 

Phyllis Dew hirst (French) 
♦Charles Dunbar (Physics) 

♦Austin Gill (French) 

♦Norman Haycocks (French) 
♦Kathleen H. Holden (History) 
Mary Holme (Economics) 

*fM- C. G. Israels (Physiology) 

^29*Jchn Brittain (ChoinisUy) 

A. G. R. Britten (French) 

*E. V. Casey (Chemistry) 

♦Eli Davis ( Physiology) 

Jack Finney (Physics) 

Albert Fogg (Engineering) 
Brenda F. Hall (Commerce; 
Kathleen G. Ineson (French) 

J. G. J agger (Engineering) 
♦Marjorie Kelly ( French) 

J. A. Kay (French) 

♦Schofield Labrow (Engineering) 
(). B, I .can (Zoology) 

T. S. Littler (Physics) 

♦Nf. I.. Matthews (Chemistry) 

T. II. Selioileld (Metallurgy) 

J, J. Slotki (Oriental Studies) 
jnhii Stafford (Chemistry) 
♦Leonard \ViIn>K (Physics) 

I*. J. Witts (Medicine) 

*D. R. Lewis (Chemistry) 

Marion Loft house (French) 

Frances M. Marshall (General Science) 
W. K. Rooney (Engineering) 

Harry Shaw (Chemistry) 

Annie Smi (English) 

J. N. Taylor (Engineering) 

Harold Wilkinson (Mathematics) 

W. A. Wood (Physics) 

*W. II. Newton (Physiology) 

♦J. P. Oakden (English) 

♦1L. S. Pearson (English) 

•J. T. Randall (Physics) 

♦‘Harry Kothnell (History) 

♦F. H. Smirk (Medicine) 

C. G. Sumner (Chemistry) 

♦James The whs (i’hysics) 

♦Harold Varloy (Chemistry) 

E. T. Norris (Mathematics) 

II. T. Rack (Huology) 

♦Kathleen Slicclun (iVledieiuH 
Annie Simpson (Latin) 

♦Zilhih Taylor (French) 

W. 11. Taylor (Plivdc,) 

Agnen 'JLV.valale (Frmuih) 

♦Thomas Walton (French) 

•I"). P. Wilson (Zoology) 

Sheila M. Wood (Germati) 

♦Frank Wornnvell (Chemistry) 

G. A. Goldstraw (Architecture; 

Amy Greenwood (F'rmeb) 

*L. 1*. Kendal (Chemistry) 

J. W. H. King (Engineering) 

*C. I'- J. Morgan (Engineering) 

*W. G. Robinson (Theology) 

*W. II. Rosooc (Chemistry) 

♦Sybil Simpson (Economics) 

Edna Turner (German) 

*H. S. Jackson (Gorman) 

J. R. Joints (Theology) 

L>. I. id. Moon (Engineering) 

*L. II. Oldtield (Theology) 

♦II. M. Plulhpson (Classics) 

♦Sarah HabiuowiU (F'rench) 

Joseph Sherratt (Mathematics) 

II. W. Scott (Chemistry) 

* f F\ M. Worthen (English) 

P. F. Moitou (General Science) 
♦S. K. Nockolds (Geology) 

E. I-L Robinson (French) 
♦Dorothy K. Sander? (French) 
Jack Stafford (Ecoaomics) 

W. A. Walker (Theology) 

*t Cyril Ward (History) 

Edith Winstanlcy (Mathematics) 
♦fEnid Wright (English) 

f Resigned. 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships, <&»c. 


Graduate Research Scholars. 

Under New Regulations 

1930 Gordon Baldwin (English) 

F. H. Dean (Law) 

Kathleen Gandy (English) 

Harry Grime (General Science) 

T. S. Hey (Physic^) 

F. D. Hodgkiss (History) 

1931 Edwin Davis (Metallurgy) 

E. L. Dean (French) 

Eric Eastwood (Physics) 

R. A. Fothergill (German 
John Lingard (French) 

William Mather (History) 

1932 Duncan Cameron (Physics) 

H. P. Dakin (General Science) 

W. A. Deer (Geology) 

S. T. Harrison (Metallurgy) 
Kathleen A. Horsfield (German) 

E. R. B. Jackson (Chemistry) 

1933 Marcus Baker (French) 

J. P. M. Carr (Law) 

Philip Cliontlcr (Economics) 

W. C. Chapman (Geography) 
James Crowthcr (Metallurgy) 
Sylvia J. Gibson (Greek) 

Harry Horrocks (General Science) 

NormanHolden (Chemistry) 

William Lawron (French) 

H. I. Nemtzov (Oriental Studied 
J. A. A. L. Woodhead 


Robert Metcalfe (English) 

A. S. L. Morgan (Physics) 

Geoflrey Ogden (Chemistry) 

B. A. Renshaw (English) 

H. L. Settle (Physiology) 

W. J. Whitebouse (General Science) 

*H. J. McLachlan (Theology) 

Arthur Rigg (English) 

Margaret R. Roberts (French) 

F. W. Towns (Law) 

Tom Warwick (Zoology) 

*J. L. Wood (English) 

J. W. Illingworth (Physics) 

Arthur Porter (Physics) 

K. V. Ramsey (Theology) 

Ernest Warhurst (Chemistry) 

J. J. Webster (Psychology) 
Kathleen M. Wbitehouse (English) 
Fred Williamson (History) 

The Edmund Roscob Post-Graduate Scholarship 
in History. 

Founded in 1912 by the Rt. Hon. Sir H. E Roscoe LL D^ 
D.O.L., D.Sc., F.R.S., in memory of his son, the late Edmund 



1. The Scholarship shaU be of the yearly value of £50, tenable 
for one year, but may be extended to two years if the Scholar 
mlkessKkctory progress. Any surplus income or acoumu- 
lation of income may be applied from time to time for the a 

of a second Scholarship or of an Exhibition or Exhibitions. 

2. The Scholarship is open to membersoftheUmver^yol 

Manchester, as well as to other P + e f on T s Tn ^ uSveSty 

who have studied History in any other University or University 


3 The award will be made at the end of the Summer term. 

examination. , , 

5. Candidates to, 

a regular course of study ttLe opinion of the Senate, 

■stfas , 1 

research. in His tory. ~ 

~ ~ * Honorary. 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Schalai ships, <*»•£. 

6. The Scholarship will be held subject to the following 
conditions : 

(1) The Scholar shall devote himself to research in the 
University of Manchester, but he will be permitted bo 
devote so much of his time as may seem desirable 
to studying his subject at other institutions, and to 
obtaining the material necessary for the prosecution 
of his research, 

(2) The Senate may, at their discretion, give the Scholar 

permission to undertake a limited amount of teaching 
work, provided always that such work shall not interfere 
with the prosecution of his studies. 

7. The award shall be mad<* by the Senate on the recom- 
mendation of the Vice-Chancellor, of the Professor of History, 
and of the Professor of English Literature for the time being, 

8. The Scholarship shall not, be tenable along with any 
other Graduate Scholarship or Fellowship, nor with any other 
salaried office without the permission of the Senate. 

9. The above regulations may be modified by the Gouncil, 
after report from the Senate, in such manner as may bo con- 
sidered desirable from time to time, provided that no alteration 
shall be made which shall be inconsistent with the terms of 
the resolution of the Council of the University passed on 
July 24th, 1912, accepting Sir Henry Roscoe’s benefaction. 

The Scholarship will be offered in June, 193*1. Tt is normally 
offered in alternate years with the PickloR Post-Graduate Student- 
ship (see page 816). 

Last date for application, J tine 1 5th. 


1913 J. G. Edwards, B.A. 

Winifred Harvey, M. A. (Hprnsml Exhibition) 

L914 J. G. Edwards, B.A. (For a second year) 

1915 Ethel M. Woodall, B.A. 

Agnes Sandvs (Hist. Hons., Oxford (Special Exhibition) 

1916 Ethel M. Woodall, B.A. 

1917 Dorothy Sutcliffe, B.A. 

1918 Dorothy Sutcliffe, B.A. 

1919 Hilda F, M. Prewcott (Hist. Hons., Oxford) 

1920 Georgina R. Cole-Baker (Hist. Hons., Oxford) 

1921 Margaret R. Toynbee, B.A. (Oxford) 

1922 Margaret R. Toynbee, B.A. (Oxford) (Fora second year) 

1924 Mildred E. Gibbs, B.A. (Oxford) 

1925 Annie 1*. Deeley, B.A. (Oxford) (Special Grant) 

1926 Annie P. Deeley, B.A. (Oxford) 

1928 Beryl Smalley, B.A. (Oxford) 

1930 C. Esther Hodge, B.A. (Oxford) 

1931 Margaret E. Turner (Special Exhibition) 

C. Esther Hodge, B.A. {For a second year) 

1932 C. B. Elliott, B.A. 

A. G. Barnes, B.A. ( Special Bursary) 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , 

Jones Post-Graduate Scholarship in History. 

Fu l ^ stltuted in 1927 from accumulations in the Jones Fellowship 


1. The Scholarship is of the annual value of £50, tenable for 
one year. 

2. Candidates must have been students in the University for 
not less than three years and must have obtained a degree in the 
Honours School of History. 

3. The award will be made at the end of the s umm er term by 
the Senate after recommendation from the Professors of History. 

4. The successful candidate must pursue during the session 
immediately following his election a course of advanced study or 
research in History in the University, but may be permitted by 
the Senate to devote so much of his time as may seem desirable 
to study or research at other approved institutions and to obtain 
the material necessary for the prosecution of his research. 

5. By the special permission of the Senate, the Scholarship 
may be held together with another Fellowship or Scholarship or 
with some other salaried office. 

The Scholarship will be offered in June, 1934. The last date 
for application is June 1st. 


1928 Edna Bibby, B.A, 

Margery L. Hoyle (special grant) 

Harry Roberts ( special grant ) 

1929-39 No award 

1931 L. V. Sumner, B.A. 

1932 Frarik Taylor, M. A. 

Joseph James Phelps Prize in Archeology. 

This Prize was founded in 1929 by friends of the late J. J. 
Phelps, Esq., Master of Arts in the University ( honoris causa), 
formerly President of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian 
Society, in memory of his services to the study of the Antiquities 
of the Roman and earlier and later periods, especially in Man- 
chester, Lancashire and Cheshire, and for the encouragement of 
work in these fields. 


1. The Prize shall be of the value of £10 and shall be offered 
in alternate years. 

2. The Prize shall be given for an^ Essay or Thesis to be 
submitted not later than November 1st in the year of award. 

794 Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships, S*e. 

3. Candidates must be graduates of the University of 

4. The Prize shall be awarded for an Essay or Thesis bearing 
on the antiquities of Groat Britain belonging either (a) to the 
early British and Roman periods or (b) to the Mediaeval period 
(down to 1600 a.d.). 

6. The Prize shall be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of a Board of Examiners appointed on each 
occasion by the Senate on the nomination of the Board of the 
Faculty of Arts. 

6. The subject of the Essay or Thesis must be submitted for 
the approval of the Board of the Faculty of Arts not. later than 
February 1st in the year of award. 

7. Theses presented, or to be presented, for the degree of 
Master or for any higher degree, may be presented also for the 
J. J. Phelps Prize. Harold Hereord Exhibition. 

Under the Will of .Dr. Charles Harold Herford, Professor 
of English Literature in the University from 1901 to 1921, 
the sum of £500 was bequeathed to the University “ to be applied 
for the promotion of the study of international relations, including 
comparative literature, by the founding of an exhibition called 
c The Charles Harold Herford Exhibition,’ or in such other way 
as the University shall determine.” 


1. The Exhibition is of the value of £1(X) payable in quarterly 
instalments. It will normally bo offered at intervals of five years. 

2. The award will bo made by the. Senate on the recommenda- 
tion of a Committee appointed by the. Senate for the purpose. 

3. Candidates must state in their application the; subject 
or group of subjects they propose to study during the year of 
tenure, and must furnish evidence of their qualifi cation to pursue 
the proposed course of study in a manner approved by the 

4. The successful candidate must register as a student of the 
University and may be required to spend a part, or the whole, 
of the period of study abroad at an institution, or under conditions, 
approved by the Senate. 

5. Applications must be sent in to the Registrar of the 
University not later than April 15th in the year in which the 
Exhibition is offered. 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , dc. 

7'. >5 

6. Should the Exhibition not he awarded in any session 
in which it is offered the Senate shall have power to offer the 
Exhibition in any succeeding session after a shorter interval 
than that mentioned in Regulation 1. 

The Exhibition will be offered in 1936. 

Derby Scholarship. 

These Scholarships, for the encouragement of the study of 
Mathematics, were founded in 1880 by the Right Honourable the 
Fifteenth Earl of Derby, who endowed the University with the 
sum of £2,000. From the annual returns on the invest- 
ment of this sum two Scholarships of equal value were founded. 
On the reconstitution of the University, the Scholarship was 
divided between the Universities of Manchester and Liverpool. 


1. One Scholarship of the value of £30, tenable for one year 
for the further study of Mathematics, may be awarded by the 
Standing Committee for the award of Fellowships and Scholar- 
ships, on the recommendation of the Professors of Mathematics. 
Candidates must have obtained a first class in the Final Honours 
Examination in Mathematics in the year of award or m the 
previous year, and should apply before June 30th. 

2. The Fellowships and Scholarships Committee shall have 
power, in addition to the Scholarship, to make a grant of £oO to 
enable the Scholar to pursue or prepare for more advanced study 
or research in the University or m some other University or 
Learned institution or under other suitable guidance, in a inannei 
approved by the Committee, provided that persons 

other Scholarship or Fellowship of the University shall not be 
eligible to receive the additional grant. Application lor such 
additional grants must be made to the Registrar not Intel than 
July 15th next after the Scholarship has been awarded, a»d thes 
awards shall he made in respect of the session next following 
thea w in- d provided that, in the case of students who have 
Vipati members of the Department for Framing Elementary 

but one following the award of the Scholarship. 

The Scholarship will be offered in 1934. 

Last date for notice for Scholarship, June 30th. 

Last date for application for increment, July l&tJi. 


1383 I. w. Capstick ... 
1886 ‘C. H. Lees 

1892 J . D. Thompson 

1893 G. E. St. L. Carson 

Under Old Regulations 

1900 G. H. BeU. u 

1901 John Blakeman 


1899 j. N. Frankland * ,r *’ 

.. Ellis ... 

1903 Tames Mercer ... 

1904 L. V. Meadowcroit 



* tois. 
fT mv. 


“For Derby Entrance Scholarslui’. see page nO. 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholar ship.*, t*>\\ 

Under IVew llegnlationt. 

1905 No award 

1906 No award 

1907 A. A. Hoyle 

1908 Sydney Chapman 

1910 F. M. Morris 

1911 Mary Taylor 

1913 C. A. Marsdea 

1914 P. A. W, Honey man 

1915 J. E. Jones 

1916 No award 

1917 No award 

1918 Nora Feamlcy 

1919 Doris Withington 

1920 No award 

1921 T. S. Fazackerley 

1922 Tames Morrall 1 Divide. i 
Thomas Smith i hetwren 

1923 Florence Hyde 

1924 James Topping 

I Hvidrti 

1925 W, R. Andross ) fj>ra 
Henry Tomlinson \ i *, *' 
J. W. Withrington l oatw 

1926 tjeonanl Daly 

1927 Harold Davenport 

1928 Arthur Pago 
1929-30 No award 
1931 B. J. Gorst 
1932+C. R. Darlington 
1933 S. R. Tibbs 

Bisnop Harvey Goodwin Mathematical Scholarship. 

Founded in 1916 by Harvey Goodwin, Esq., in memory of his 
father, the lata Bishop Harvey Goodwin. 


1 . The value of the Scholarship shall be from £60 to £70, the 
exact amount to he determined at the time of award. The 
Scholarship shall normally be tenable for one year. In special 
circumstances, only, and when funds permit, an award of greater 
value may be made on the recommendation of the Professors 
of Mathematics and of the Senate. 

2. The Scholarship shall be open to persons who have 
graduated in the Honours School of Mathematics of this University 
and to other suitably qualified candidates. 

3. The Scholarship shall be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of the Professors of Mathematics. 

4. The successful candidate shall ho required to pursue 
mathematical research in this University, except that graduates 
of this University may pursue research in some other approved 

The Scholarship will be offered in 1934. 

Last date for notice, June 30th. 


1934* A. T. Prici* 1929 JoBepli Sherrafcfc 

*A. k T. McKay 1930 No award 

1026 No award 1931 A. U. ragman 

1920 Christine M. G-ulbenkian 1932 Sam Wood 

1927 H. T. Norris 1933 Albert Payntur 

1928 No award 

John Henry Beckwith Post-Graduate Scholarship in 


Instituted in 1930 from the accumulations in the John 
Henry Beckwith Funds. 


1. The Scholarship is of the value of £100, tenable for one 
year, and will be offered when funds permit. 


Gradtiate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , <S*c. 


2. The Scholarship is open to persons who have graduated 
in the Honours School of Engineering in the Faculty of Science, 
and will he awarded by the Senate on the recommendation of the 
Professor of Engineering. 

3. The Scholar will be required under the direction of the 
Professor of Engineering to undertake an approved course of 
research during his tenure of the Scholarship. 


193i2 VS . L. Goodwin, B.Sc. (Special Grant > 

♦Robert Yeadon, B.Sc. (Special G-mnt> 

Samuel Bright Research Scholarship in Physical Science. 

Founded in 1917 under the will of the late Mrs. Selina 
Mary Bright. 


1. The Scholarship shall be called “ The Samuel Bright 
Research Scholarship in Physical Science,” and shall he awarded 
on the results of the Final Examination in the Honours School 
of Physics. 

2. It shall be of the value of £40, tenable for one year. The 
Scholarship may he renewed for a second year. 

3. The Scholarship shall be tenable concurrently with a 
Graduate Research Scholarship. 

4 With the permission of the Faculty of Science and of the 
Senate, the Scholarship shall he tenable at some approved 
Institution other than the University of Manchester. 

The Scholarship will he offered in June, 1934. 

1924 W. A. Wood 

1925 Walter Blnks 
192ft El si© M. Firtb 
1927 N. A. Alston 
1928-29 No award 


1930 H. M. Barker \ Inviued 
Harry Potter [ between 

1931 A. 8. Li. Morgan . . , „ _ . 

♦Deborah .Taekson (Additional fochp.) 

1932 Duncan. Cameron 

1933 Arthur Porter 

Dalton Chemical Scholarships, 

1 Two Scholarships each of the value of £65 tenable for one 

year are offered annually. A Scholar may apply for the renewal 
of his Scholarship for a second year hut m such a case his appli 
cation will be considered together with any new applications 
which have been received. ^ 

2 The Scholarships will he awarded to the candidates who 

produce the best evidence of their ability to conduct original 
investigation in Chemistry. - - — 

* Resigned 


Giaduate and Post- Graduate Scholarships, JW. 

3. Candidates must have studied Chemistry in the laboratories 
of the University during a period of not loss than one entire 

4. The successful candidates shall pursue an approved 
investigation in the Chemical laboratories of the University 
during the sessions of their tenure. 

5. The Dalton Chemical Scholars will he admitted to the 
privileges of Research Students. 

6. The Scholarships will be awarded at the end of the Summer 
term, and notice of intention to compete should be sent, to the 
Registrar on or before June 1st. 

The Scholarships will be offered in 1934. 


Under Old l legislations. 

19120 No award 

J921M. F. Wilkinson, B.Kc. 

1921 li. R. Ridfiway, B.Hr. 

1922 Sidney Thorn lay, H.Se. 
Special liu rear if : 

K. S. Hed^cm, M.Bc. 

1923 Wilson Raker, M.Se. 

Spec la l I in reary : 

JS. S. Hedge-, ISl.Sn. 
19241 John Hu slam 
1 92 fi* William Bradley, B.So. 
tVlneout Bloomer, B.Sr, 

1926 Tom Hn.ip, B.He. 

Marcus Francis, II. He. 

(for one year) 

1927 It. (J. Fawoott, RI.Ho. | Divided 
A. 1*. PoterH, M.He. j between 

1928 A. O. Finch (for one year) 
Alfred Pollard (for one year) 

1929 Wenloy Cooker (for one year) 
W. U. Janos (for one year 

1930 \V, II. b>ne<- (formic ye, in 

Under New Regulations. 

1931 John Brittain ) 
W. B. Li [ 
A. W. Stubbs ) 

bet ween 

Special Ihtrsary : 
Alfred King 
1932 Jack Ui«« 

W. S. M. Grieve 
Special Bursary : 

J. L. Tuck, M.Sc. 
1933J Geoffrey Gee, 

Godfrey Ogden 
J. L. Turk 



Merger Sohouluhhip. 

ThiB Scholarship was founded under the will of the late 
Robert Clayton Mercer, of Accrington, for the encouragement of 
the study of Chemistry. From the annual returns on the invest- 
ment of the fund (£,900) a Scholarship was founded. Until the 
University was reconstituted the Scholarship was open to 
the competition of students of its three constituent Colleges. 


1. There shall be one Scholarship of the value of £30 t, enable 
for one year, to be offered for proficiency in Chemistry. 

+ Resigned on appoint moms to another Scholarship. 

i Resigned after cme year of tenure. 

; UeRigncd. 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , &>c. 


2 . The examination for the Scholarship shall be the Final 
Examination for the Degree of B.Sc. with Honours in the School 
of Chemistry, and the competition shall be open to all candidates 
for Honours in the said School. 

3. The Examiners shall be the University Examiners in 
Chemistry in the said School for the time being. 

4. The holder of a Mercer Scholarship shall be allowed, to 
expend any portion of the income of his Scholarship on books to 
be bound and stamped with the University Arms. 

5. The Committee shall have power, in addition to the 
Scholarship, to make a grant of £50 to enable the Scholar to 
pursue or prepare for more advanced study or research in the 
University or in some other University or learned Institution or 
under other suitable guidance, in a manner approved by the 
Committee, provided that persons holding any other Scholarship 
or Fellowship of the University shall, not be eligible to receive 
the additional grant. Application for Bueh additional grants must 
be made to the Registrar not later than July I5th next after the 
Scholarship has been awarded, and these awards shall be made 
in respect of the session next following the award, provided that, 
in the case of students who have been members of the Department 
for Training Elementary Teachers, the increment may be granted 
for the session next but one following the award of the 

0 Any accumulations of the Mercer Scholarship Fund shall 
be expended by the Council, as it may from time to time determine 
after considering a report from the Senate, in money prizes, or 
book prizes, or exhibitions, or otherwise, for the encouragemen 
of the study of Chemistry in the University. 

The Scholarship will be awarded in 1931. 

1885 H. G. Column ... 

1886 R. ]. Brown 

1887 F. C. Garrett ... 

1888 F. A. Hall 

1889 Thomas Ewan ... 

1890 S. H. Davies ... 

1891 W. A. Bone 

1892 A. F. Fryer 

1893 W. E. Sims 

1894 Walter Broxap 











Rona Robinson 
R. E. Slade 
H. C. Greenwood 
Robert Storey 
Dan Tyrer 
W. W. Close 
David Cardwell 
Reginald Furness 
Percy Chorley 
E. C. Williams 

1891 Arthur Carey (£15) ... 



U ntv. 

1895 George Robinson 

1896 R. T. Maudsley 

1897 R- C. Farmer . 

1898 Norman Smith . 

1899 John Taylor 

1900 C. H. Burgess . 

1901 H. D. Dakin 

1902 F. L. Pyinan . 

1903 Harold Baron . 

1904 J. S. Broome . 


V ttiv. 




1915 Harry Wignall 

1916 H. W. Vernon 

1917 William Davies 

1918 W. E. Alkins 

1919 R. D. Haworth 

1920 J. B. Speakman 

1921 Wilson Baker 

1922 J. R. A. Jink* 

1923 A. E. Oxford 

1924 C. E. Marshall 


1925 H. R. Leech 

1926 A. C. Bottoxnley 

1927 S. J. Folley 

1928 F. L. Hudson 

1929 A. E. Stubbs 

1930 lack Rigg 

1931 Geoffrey Gee 

1932 Louis Unneil 

1933 A. G. Evans 

Z 2 

800 Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , etc. 

Sir Clement Roms Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry. 

Founded in 1920. 


1 . The Scholarship is of the annual value of £200. In special 
circumstances only, and when funds permit, an award of greater 
value may be made on the recommendation of the Professors of 
Chemistry and of the Senate. 

2. The object of the Scholarship is the encouragement of 
advanced study and research in Chemistry in the Faculty of 
Science, and the Scholar shall be required to devote his whole 
time to the pursuit (under the direction of the Professor of 
Chemistry) of such study and research, in the University of 
Manchester, as shall be approved by the Faculty of Science. 

3. The Scholarship is open to British subjects of British 
descent born in or inhabitants of the County of Lancaster ; and 
other things being equal, preference is given to candidates born 
in or inhabitants of the County Borough of Rochdale. 

4. Candidates must furnish satisfactory evidence of their 
ability to pursue original research, e. 17 ., by submitting papers 
published in scientific Journals or theses presented for the M.Sc. 
or higher degrees of the University. 

5. The election will be in the first instance for one year, but 
the Scholarship may be renewed for a second year if the holder 
can show a record of satisfactory progress, and in special cases 
the Senate may renew the Scholarship for a third year (or 
portion of a year>. 

6 . The Scholar is required at the end of his tenure to present 
a report or thesis on the work done by him. 

7 . The Scholarship will be offered biennially, but if no award 
is made in any year when the Scholarship is offered the amount 
of the Scholarship not awarded may be applied for an additional 
Scholarship in another year, or may be used to make a special 
grant towards the cost of the research undertaken by a Royds 

The Scholarship will be offered in 1935. 

Candidates intending to apply should give notice to the 
Registrar not later than June 1 st. 


1921 J, F. Wilkinson, B.So. 11)27 William Bradley, M.Sc. 

1923 Ernest Chapman, M.Sc. 1929 Clifford Whitworth, M.Sc. 

1924 F. A. Royle, M.Sc., Ph.D. 1931 M. Q. Evans, M.Sc*.. 

1925* H. A. Harrison l Divided Crlyn Owen, M.Sc. (Special 

♦Sidney Tliornley f between Kchp.) 

1926 E. N. Mottram, Ph.D. 1933 Ronald Preston 

* Resigned 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , &c. 

Leblanc Medal. 

The Leblanc Memorial Committee presented the University 
with a portion of the surplus from the fund raised in France for 
the erection of a statue of the distinguished chemist, Nicolas 
Leblanc, the amount to be devoted to the encouragement of the 
study of Chemistry. 

One bronze medal for distinction in a special subject may be 
awarded in each year to the candidate in the Pinal Examina tion 
for the degree of 13. Sc. in the Honours Schools of Chemistry or 
Metallurgy who, having been placed in the first or second class 
is recommended by the Examiners for such award. 

1910 Henry Browning 
Fred Holt 

W. M. Roberts 

1911 David Cardwell 

A. S. Robmson 
William Stafford 

1912 Reginald Furness 

1913 Harry Bradbury 

1914 H. D. Kay 
W. K. Slater 

1915 T. W. Crabtree 
T. H. Fairbrother 

1916 C. A. Blackwell 
George Smith 

1917 Geoffrey Gladding 
Marion E. Mitchell 


1917 R. B. Rawcliffe 

1918 W. E. Alkins 

F.dith Hey worth 
W. J.Shutt 

1919 Gladys M. Burrows 
Maur ce Cook 

R. D. Haworth 
Lucy Higginbotham 

1920 J. P. Brown 
E. Chapman 
Margaret G. Simpson 
Enoch Swan 

1921 Wilson Baker 
L. J. Harris 
A. L. Jones 
James Slate 

1922 J. R. A. Jinks 
Harold Taylor (Boltoa; 

G. P. Tinker 

G. Wfayatt 
Harold Wood 
C. W. Wood 

1923 Marion Heyes 
W. J. Galloway 

A. E. Oxford 

B. K. Braund 

1924 J. W. Cuthbertson 
Tom Heap 

1925 H. C. Hillary 

H. R . Leech 

C. G. Sumner 
1926-33 Vo award 

Grisedalb Scholarships for Biological Research. 

These Scholarships were founded in 1927 by the gift of an 
anonymous donor, who desired to promote the study of Plant 
and Animal Biology, preference being given in the latter case to 
studies dealing with the Invertebrata. The donor desired the 
Scholarship funds to be devoted to research in Botany and in 


1. One Scholarship of the value of £200 shall be offered 
annually, in cither Botany or Zoology. As far as possible the 
Scholarship shall be held in Botany and Zoology alternately. 

2. The Scholarship shall be tenable for one year, but the 
holder may be appointed for a second year. 

3. The Scholarship shall be open to persons who have studied 
Botany or Zoology respectively in the University of Manchester 
or in some other approved institution. 

4. The Scholarship shall be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of the Professors of Botany and Zoology. 

5. Candidates will be required to forward to the Registrar of 
the University, with their applications, a record of their 
Scientific and other qualifications, with such testimonials as they 
may think fit. 


GiaJuatt' and I'ost-GraJudte SJiolai ships > . 

6. The Scholar shall, during the tenure of his Scholarship, 
devote himself to research in the Botanical or Zoological labora- 
tories of the University of Manchester, except that, with the 
permission of the Senate, ho may Rpend part of his time in 
pursuing his studies and research in laboratories elsewhere. 

7. Except by special permission of the, Senate the Scholar shall 
not hold the Scholarship at the same time as any other Research 
Scholarship or Fellowship. 

8. If the Scholarship is not awarded in any year, two Scholar- 
ships may be awarded in a subsequent year. 

9. Any accumulation of money in the Scholarship Fund 
may be applied in the award of an additional Scholarship. In 
special cases an extra grant not exceeding £25 may be made to a 
Scholar whose research involves the use of costly material or 
apparatus or who, with the approval of the Senate, spends part 
of the period of research at some other approved institution. 

Candidates intending to apply should give notice to the 
Registrar not later than June 1st. 

Scholars . 

Botany . frvlngy 

1927 Frances L. Stephens, B.Sc. Rachel M. Smith, M.So. 

1928 No award No award 

1929 Miriam K. Bishop, Ph.D. (Birmingham) leuan Thomas, M.Sc. (Walt* .) 

Under New Regulations. 

1930 Miriam K. Bishop, Ph.D. ( Birmingham), iu Botany. 

1931 T.ilian E. Hawker, B.Sc. (Reading), in Botany. 

1932 Ralph Donnell, B.Sc. (Lards) in Zoology, 

1933 lsaliol C. Cooksnn, D.Sc, (Melboucna), in Botany. 

The Philip Buckle Researoei Scholarship in 
Agricultural Zoology. 

Founded in 1924 in memory of the late Philip Buckle, M.Sc., 
by his sisters and brothers. 


1- The Scholarship shall bo of the annual value of £120 and 
shall be offered at such times as funds permit. 

2. The Scholarship shall be awarded by the Senate on the 
nomination of the Standing Committee for the award of Fellow- 
ships and Scholarships after recommendation by the Professor 
of Zoology. 

3. The Scholarship shall be tenable, for one year, but may 
be continued for a further year by the Senate on the recom- 
mendation of the Fellowships and Scholarships Committee after 
report from the Professor of Zoology. 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships, < 5 -c. 


4. The Scholarship shall be open, in the first instance, to 
graduates in Science of the University of Manchester, but, in 
the event of no suitable candidate from this University being 
available in any year, the Scholarship may be awarded to a 
graduate of some other British University, or to a candidate 
who, in the opinion of the Committee, possesses the required 

5. In the event of no Scholarship being awarded in Agricul- 
tural Zoology in any year owing to the lack of a suitable candidate, 
the Scholarship may be awarded m Agricultural Botany, or 
two Scholarships may be awarded in a subsequent year. 

Should one Scholarship only be awarded under this clause, 
the Council, in order to increase the annual value of the Scholar- 
ship, shall add to the invested Fund the income accumulated 
during the year through the non-award of a second Scholarship. 

6. Candidates must apply for the Scholarship not later than 
June 15th. The award will be made at the end of the Summer 
term. On election the Scholar must spend such portion of the 
Long Vacation as may be required in approved field-work m 
Agricultural Zoology either in Great Britain or abroad, and 
must, before the expiration of the Scholarship, present a report 
embodying the research carried out by him in the field and 
subsequently in the laboratory. 

7 With the permission of the Committee and under con- 
ditions to be approved by the Professor of Zoology, the Scholar 
may be allowed to undertake teaching work in a University in 
the session next after the date of the award of the Scholarship. 

8. The emoluments of the Scholarship shall normally 
r>aid in two instalments ; the first instalment of one-half the total 
sura before the Scholar begins bis field-work, and the second 
instalment at the end of six months after the date of the award 
of the Scholarship, provided that, in special cases, the Foliowships 

and Scholarships Committee may, oa . the 

Professor of Zoology, authorise the payment ot the xrn 
emolumenr of the Scholarship before the Scholar begins his 
approved field-work. 

The Scholarship will be offered in 1934. 

Last date for application, June 15th. 


1925 0. 0. Brookes, B.Sc. 

1926 Robert Simpson, B.Sc. 

1928 Ieuan Thomas, B.Sc. (Wales) 
1931 Mary Miles, M.Sc. 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships, iSve. 

Robert Platt Physioukiical Scholarship. 

Founded in 1872 by the late Robert. Platt, Esq., of Dunham 


1. One Scholarship of the annual value of £110 will be offered 
for competition. 

2. The Scholarship in tenable for one year, and renewable for 
a second, and in exceptional cases for a third year. 

3. The Scholarship is open for competition as well by persons 
who have not as by persons who have studied Physiology in the 
the laboratories of the University of Manchester. 

4. No person shall be a candidate for a Scholarship whose 
age on the first day of January in the year of award shall he 
less than eighteen or more than twenty- five years. 

5. The Scholarship shall be awarded on the recommendation 
of tlie Professor of Physiology. 

6. Candidates will be required to forward to the Registrar 
of the Univei’sity a record of their scientific or other qualifications 
with such testimonials as they may desire. 

hi awarding the Scholarship it will be borne in mind that 
one of its ijrimary objects is the encouragement of original 
research in Physiology. 

7. The Scholar shall, during the tenure of his Scholarship, 
devote himself to the study of Physiology and to research in the 
Physiological laboratory of the University of Manchester; except 
that, with the permission of the Senate, he may spend part of 
his time in pursuing his studies and research in laboratories 

8. With the permission of the Senate the Scholarship may be 
held at the same time as any other research scholarship or 
fellowship in the University. 

The Scholarship will be offered in 1934. 

Candidates intending to apply should give notice to the 
Registrar not later than June 10th. 


1921 B. L. Mucklow 

1922 Harry ZwarenHtein 

1923 E. O. Sruitili 

1924 G-. Ij, Brown 

1925 W. H. Newton 

192G Caeoilia E. M. Pugh 
1927 Benedict Finkleman 

O. <L Israi'lM 
1920 Eli Davis 

1930 J. A. A. I*. Wo'KlheacI 

1931 H. L. Settle 

1932 G. D. Dawson 

1933 No award 

Sidney Renshaw Senior Prize in Physiology. 

Established in 1930 from accumulations in the Sidney Renshaw 


1. A prize of the value of £20 will be offered annually, and will 
be awarded on the result s of the Final examination for the degree 

• Resigned. 

Graduate and Post-Graduate. Scholarships , &c. Q 806 

of B.Sc. in the Honours School of Physiology, 
candidate of sufficient merit presents himself. 

2. In awarding the prize, preference will be given to a can- 
didate who has signified his intention to proceed to a course of 
advanced study or research in Physiology. 


1931 H. L. Settle 
1932-3 No award 

provide^^hg j p ig 

Mark Stirrup Palaeontological Scholarship. 

The Scholarship was founded under the will of the late 
Mark Stirrup, Esq., of Bowdou, for the promotion of the study of 
Palaeontology in the Victoria University of Manchester. 


1. ' Ph erp shall be one Scholarship of the value of £70 per 
annum tenable for two years, the continuation for the second 
year depending on the work done in the first year being satis- 

2. The Scholarship shall be open to all persons who have 
graduated in the Honours School of Geology within the pre- 
vious eighteen months, and shall be awarded in June or July on 
the recommendation of the Examiners of the School. 

3 Candidates will be required to give proof of such a degree 
of Zoological or Botanical knowledge as to qualify for the higher 
studies in Pal semitology. 

4 The Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, may 
award, where the funds permit, a further Scholarship on com 
dition that the successful candidate shall pursue the study ol 
Palaeontology in the University, under the direction of the 
Professor of Geology. 

5. Neit her the Scholarship nor Prize shall he held in the same 
year with any Graduate Scholarship- 

The Scholarship will he offered in 1934. 

Candidates intending to apply should give notice to the 
Registrar not later than May 1st. 


1908 H. Xj. Hawkins, B.Sc. 

10 10* Margaret O. March , B.Sc . 
1011 Margaret C. March. M.Sc. 
11112 f-R* w. Palmer, B.Sc. 

1916 Henry Day, M.So. 

1916-21 No award 

1922 A. T, Hopwood, B.Sc. 
1925 Gladys Nash, B.Sc. 
1928 Jack Shirley, B.Sc. 

1930 No award 

1931 F. W. Cope, B.Sc. 
1932-3 No award 


192? John Tomlinson, ®j s g 0 * Teo:b * 
1928 Helen M. Tipper, B.Sc. 

» Vacated Scholarship ; received cpeoial grant. 
+ Besigned. 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , frc. 

Cort Medal in Metallurgy. 

Endowed from a donation given by Richard Johnson & 
Nephew Ltd., Manchester, in 1923, in memory of Henry Oort, 
of Manchester. 


1. A bronze medal shall be ottered annually for award by the 
Senate, on the recommendation of the Examiners in the Honours 
School of Metallurgy, to the candidate who shall acquit himself 
with the greatest distinction in Part II. of the examination in 
that School, provided that, in the event of no candidate 
attaining a sufficiently high standard of distinction, the medal 
shall not be awarded. 

2. Any accumulations of the Fund may be expended from time 
to time, on the recommendation of the Professor of Metallurgy, 
in the award by the Senate of a silver medal to a research worker 
in the Department of Metallurgy, whether a member of the Stall 
or not, who shall have published original contributions to the 
science of Metallurgy of sufficient importance. 

Silvku Whom. list : 

1933 E. L. Francis 

IIkonxm Medallist ; 

1933 John W< aldington 

Dauntesey Senior Legal Scholarship. 


1. The Scholarship, which is ottered annually, is of the value 
of £100 per annum and is tenable for one year, but may, in special 
cases, be renewed for a second year if funds permit. The 
Dauntesey Senior Legal Scholar has the status of a Fellow of the 
University, and is required during the period of his tenure of 
the Scholarship to devote himself, under the supervision of the 
Professors of Law, to an approved course of study or research, in 
the University. 

2. The Scholarship is awarded on the results of a special 
examination held in October in each year, and candidates must 
have passed the Final Examination for the degree of LL.B. with 
Honours in this University within the two sessions immediately 
preceding the examination. The Scholarship will not be awarded 
in any year in which, in the opinion of the examiners, there is no 
candidate of sufficient merit. 

3. The subjects of examination are as follows : — 

(i.) The Principles of the Law of Real Property and Equity. 

(ii.) Common Law, including the elements of the more 
important commercial contracts, and 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , &c. 


(iii,) Any two of the following : — 

(а) Jurisprudence. 

( б ) Roman Private Law, including translation from 
Latin Texts, and comparison "between Boman and 
English Law. 

(c) International Law, public and private. 

Last date for application, May 1st. 

Next examination, October 4th — 5th, 1933. 

Smnior Scholars, 

1 926 Allan Winterbottom, LL.B, 

1927-31 No award 
1932 J. E. Driver, LL.B. 

Ahhby Memorial Research Scholarship 
in Diseases of Children. 

The Scholarship is founded in memory of the late Dr. Henry 
Ashby, of Manchester, to promote the study of the Diseases of 
Children, and shall be called the Ashby Memorial Research 

Scholarship. regulations. 

1 . The Scholarship will be open to any medical man or 
medical woman whose qualification is registrable m England by 
the General Medical Council, and who shall furnish evidence of 
fitness for undertaking the research work required. 

2. The Scholarship will he offered every third year, and will 
be of the value of £< 100 . 

The subject for research, which must relate to the Diseases 
of Children* will be announced in March of each third year. 
Candidates may, subject to the apprcYaloftke&hokrslup 
Committee, propose subjects for research m Children s Diseases. 

3 . A permanent Scholarship Committee shall be formed, 
consisting of the following members : 

nil oi uue - , 

The Vice-Chancellor of the Victoria University of Ma“°best e r 
Tl.o Doeluror in Diseases of Children, University of Manchester 
The Professor of Systematic Medicine, University of Manchester. 
The Professor of Systematic Surgery, University of Manchester. 
The Professor of Pathology, University of Manchester 
The Chairman of the Board of Governors, Manchester Children 

The bSioIphysioian of the Manchester Children's Hospital. 

Tl.o Chairman of' the Education Committee of the Corporation of 
Manchester. .. 

This Committee shall select ^mfeel^LTeTer slS? We 
award the Scholarship. lhe ,, * suitable candidate 

So iiS, opinion, bo of i».nffici»« m»t. 

( 1 ) 

(• 2 ) 



( 0 ) 



( 9 ) 


Graduate and Post-Unuiuate Scholarships, «V*r. 

One-third of the above, amount, will be paid to the Scholar on 
appointment, a second third on the presentation of u satisfactory 
interim report of the, work accomplished, and the remainder on 
the completion of the research to the satisfaction of the 
Committee , 

4. hi the event of no award being made in any triennial 
period, the income not required for the Scholarship Kami may 
be applied in such manner as the Committee may decide, hut so 
as to promote the study of Diseases of Children. 

5. The research work required by the terms of the Scholarship 
shall be carried on, in part, in the Manchester Children's Hospital, 
and in part in the laboratories connected with tl jo Medical 
Department of the Victoria University of Manchester. Part of 
the work may be carried on in any other hospital or laboratory 
within the district of Manchester or elsewhere, as may be 
approved by the Committee. 

6. Candidates for the Research Scholarship shall state in 
their application their qualification for undertaking the research, 
and shall submit to the Committee any original work already done 
by them. The successful candidate shall forthwith commence the 
research work and shall complete it within twelve months ; but 
should the candidate require an extension of time in order to 
complete the research, the Committee shall have power to grant 
this extension. 

7. Upon the conclusion of the work the Research Scholar 
shall present a complete report of it, to the Committee, in whom 
the copyright shall bo vested. 

8. The work on which the Ashby Memorial Research Scholar- 
ship has been awarded shall not be published, in whole or 
in part, as such, without the sanction of the Committee. 

9. On the recommendation of a majority of the Committee, and 
with the consent of the representatives of the Manchester ( Chil- 
dren’s Hospital, the Council of the University shall have power to 
modify the details of the foregoing clauses, provided always that 
the object of the foundation, vva., the permanent endowment of 
Research Work in the Diseases of Children as a memorial of the 
late Dr. Henry Ashby, be maintained. 

The Scholarship will be offered in L9M-1. 

Last date for notice, June 30tli. 


1910 H. T. Ashby, B.A., 

O. P. Oapage, M.D., 

1913 John Morley, M.B., Gh.M., F.R.O.S. 

1916 Bily Allan, M.B., Oh.B. 

1919 Harry Platt, ( London), F.It.C.S. 

1922 Rnth K. Conway, M.B., Ch.H., M R.C.P. 

1925 11 Abram Rosonstouo, M.13., Oh.Ii. 

' PoBigned 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , , & c . 

Dr. Kobert Angus Smith Scholarship. 

Founded in 1928 under a bequest with which the Testator 
desired to associate the name of his sister, Jessie Knn y Smith. 
The bequest was made for the foundation of a scholarship in 
recognition of the services to the advancement of science of 
Robert Angus Smith, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., the uncle of Jessie 
Knox Smith. 


1. The Scholarship shall be for the encouragement of research 
in Sanitary Science. 

2. The Scholarship shall be offered biennially and shall be 
tenable either in the Department of Bacteriology and Preventive 
Medicine or in the Department of Municipal Engineering of the 
Faculty of Technology. It shall ordinarily be tenable for a 
period of one year but, when the funds of the trust permit, a 
renewal may be granted fox a further period to a scholar upon 
whose progress a satisfactory report has been made. 

3. The Scholarship shall be of the value of £150, but the 
Committee shall have power to recommend the award of a 
Scholarship of lesser value. 

4. The Scholar shall he required to devote the whole of his 
time to research and shall not be allowed to hold concurrently 
with the Scholarship any other Fellowship or Scholarship or 
paid appointment, except by special permission of the Senate, 
who shall in such cases have power to reduce the value of the 

5. Application must be made to the Begistr&r not later 
than June 1st in the year of award and must be accompanied 
by a statement of the proposed subject of research and of the 
qualifications of the candidate to undertake it. 

6. The Scholarship shall be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of a committee, consisting of the Deans of the 
Faculties of Science, Medicine, and Technology, the Professor of 
Bacteriology, and the Lecturer in charge of the Department of 
Municipal Engineering. 

7. Should no suitable candidate apply in any year the offer 
will be made in the following year. 

8. Any accumulation which may arise in the fund owing to 
non-award or for other reasons may be applied in the award of an 


Graduate, and Punt-Graduate Scholarships, 

additional Scholarship or, in special cases, in an increase in the 
emoluments of the Scholarship, or by making additions to the 
capital sum. 

The Scholarship will be offered in June, I93f>. 

Last date for application, Juno 1st. 

ScJHO 1. A K. 

1929 Rupert Lyth, B,*Sc. 

1931-32 No award 

1933 W. S. M. Grfcvt*, M.Sc. 

The Eliza Makplk Holt Post-Grauuatb Medical Soholarshif 

for Women. 

Founded under a bequest of the late Miss Eliza Mar pie Holt* 
of Southport. 


1. The Scholarship shall be offered biennially and shall be 
of the value of £60, tenable for one year. 

2. The Scholarship shall be open to women who are duly 
registered medical practitioners, and who have* spent ab least 
three years of their course of medical and surgical study at the 
University of Manchester, provided that not more than three 
years have elapsed since the date of such registration. 

3. Candidates for the Scholarship shall submit a statement 
as to the work they propose, to carry out and such evidence as 
they may think fit of their qual ideations for the work, including 
any thesis or original research. 

4. The election to the Scholarship shall be made by the 
Senate on the recommendation of the Standing Committee for 
the award of Fellowships and Scholarships, after report, from the 
Sessional Committee on Grants in Aid of Medical Research. 

5. The successful candidate shall bo required either to under- 
take a course of post-graduate study or to engage in original 

6. No Scholar shall be permitted to hold any paid appoint- 
ment or to undertake remunerative work without Ihe previous 
permission of the Senate, which shall have power in such eases 
to reduce the value of the Scholarship. 

7. A Committee, consisting of two members of the teaching 
staff elected by the Senate, shall be appointed to direct and 
supervise the work of the Scholar and to report thereon. 

Applications for the Scholarship must be sent, in writing, to 
the Registrar not later than October 1st in the year of offer. 

If no award is made in October, 1933, the Scholarship will be 
offered in 1934. 

Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , <§■>£. 



A < U)ld Medal In awarded either for a Dissertation for the 
degree of M.D. reported by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine 
to be distinguished by marked originality and special excellence, 
or fur special distinction obtained at the examination for the 
degree of M.D. or of ( dt.M. 


10 10 William Dyson 

1011 R. H. Titoombe 

1012 Francos M. fcfuxley* 
1010 Daniel Dounal 
1915 J. 8. B. Ht.r>xifr>vd 
1£V20 .Jacob Holker 

1921 .1. A. Pan ton 
Harry Platt 
J. O. Braimvell 
Eugenia LI. A. Cooper 
W. H. Wood 

m d. 

1924 K. V. Bailey 
F. R. Ferguson 

1925 W. M. Roberts 
1927 F. H. Smirk 

1930 H. M. Turner 

1931 H. Lt. Sheehan 
Q. S. Smith 

»T. F. Wilkinson 
193*2 Doual Sheehan 

Raymond, Whitehead 


101*2 E. E. Hughes 

MacLaren Cotton Industry Research Scholarship. 

Founded in 1923 by a bequest of £1,000 under the will of 
the late Mr. R. D. MacLaren, of Manchester and Hale. 


1 . The Scholarship shall be for the encouragement of research 
in an approved subject bearing on the cotton industry. 

2. The Scholarship shall be of the value of £100. It shall be 
tenable for one year and awarded biennially. 

3. The Scholarship shall be open to the competition of 
graduates of the University of Manchester of not more than 
three years’ standing from the date of their first degree. In 
the absence of suitable candidates from the University of Man- 
chester the competition shall be open to graduates or persons 
who have passed the final examination for a degree of another 
approved University, and of not more than three years standing 
from the date of graduation or of passing such examination. 

4. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of a Committee appointed for the purpose. 
The Committee in making a recommendation shall [have regard 
both to the relative merits of the candidates from vano 
Faculties and the subject of research proposed by tbem. 

81i2 Gt actuate and J'ost-Giaduate Si holm skips, v»W. 

5. Application bo made not later than Juno 1st in the 
year of award. Applicants must state their academic record; 
the subject connected with the cotton industry which they 
propose for research ; and must supply evidence of their fitness 
from a University teacher in whose Department they have studied. 

6. The Scholar will be required to conduct his research under 
a Supervisor appointed by the Committee. 

7. The emoluments of the Scholarship shall be paid in 
quarterly instalments, subject to the satisfactory progress of 
the Scholar. 

8. The Scholarship shall not, except by special permission 
of the Senate, be tenable with any other University Fellowship, 
Scholarship, or Exhibition. 

9. Should no suitable candidate apply in any year, an award 
may be made in the following year. 

10. Any accumulation of money in the Scholarship Fund 
may be applied in the award of an additional Scholarship, or in 
the award of a Bursary of less than £80 under the same conditions 
as the Scholarship, or, in special cases, by a grant not exceeding 
£25 to a Scholar whose research involves the use of costly material, 
or who, with the consent of the Committee, spends part of the 
period of research at some other approved Institution. 

The Scholarship will be offered in June, 1931. 

Date of application, June 1st. 


1927 B. K. Murfahy, B.So.Tech. 

1929 John Atthworth 

1931 K. M. Gray, 1t.Ho.Teoh. 

1933 No award 

Graduate Bubsaries in Education. 


1. Graduate Bursaries, not more than six in number, will be 
offered annually to students who have completed a University 
degree or the equivalent in any University in Great Britain 
or Ireland. In the case of three of these, preference will bo given 
to graduates of Manchester University if suitable candidates 
present themselves. 

2. The bursaries will take the form of exemption from the 
payment of fees for the Diploma course. 

3. The awards will be made in July, and candidates will be 
required to enter for the courses of training under the Regula- 
tions of the Board of Education for the Training of Teachers for 


Graduate ami Post-Graduate Scholarships, &c. 

Secondary Schools. They will be required to enter on the course 
of training about tlia middle of September, to complete it before 
the end of the following July, and to enter for the Teacher’s 
Diploma Examination of the year following their election to the 

_ The bursaries will only be awarded to candidates who give 
evidence of a high standard of proficiency. 

4* No candidate shall be eligible in whose case more than 
two and a half years have elapsed since the completion of the 
degree course. 

5. Applications should be sent in to the Registrar 
before June 20th in each year, accompanied (in the case of 
students other than those of the University of Manchester) by 
evidence of academic attainments. Students who have had 
experience in schools should also submit evidence of experience 
in teaching from the Principals of the schools where they have 
been employed. Candidates may also submit evidence of attain- 
ments other than those secured in the University degree which 
are likely to be of service in the teaching profession. 

6, The election will be made by the Senate on the recom- 
mendation of the Faculty of Education. 


1912 Mary Taylor, M.Sc. 

Arthur Douglass, B.Sc. 

Frances H. Ashley, B.A. 

W. F. Mindham, B.Sc. (resigned) 

A. B. Wood, B.Sc. 

Florence O’Brien, B.A. 

Harold Hoyle, B.Sc. 

1913 Benjamin Hodkinson, B.Sc. 

L, H. Gilbert, B.A. 

G. E. Condlifle, B.Sc. 

Bernard Williams, B.Sc. 

Elsie Nixon, Hist. Tripos, 

Parts I. and II. 
Hilda Hancock, B.Sc. 

Dorothy Hoffert, Natural Science, 

Tripos, Part I. 

1914 Hilda Carr, B.A. 

Jessie S. Davis, B.A. 

Dorothy A. Stewart, B.Sc, 

Margaret E. Bowman, Math. Tripos, 

Parts I. and II. 

Annie EUis, Math. Tripos, Parts I. 
and II, 

Gladys D. Mason, Math. Tripos, 
Parts I. and XI. 

1915 George Darwin, B.Sc. 

Constance M. Lightbown, B.Sc. 
Frederica Sullivan, B.A. 

Janet M. Wragg, B.A. 

Dora M. Hudson, Hons. Eng. Lang, 
and Lit. (Oxford) 

Leota K. Bennet, Historical Tripos, 
Parts 1. and II. 

1916 Marjorie Bell, B.Sc. I Divided 
Doris Lea, B.Sc. t between 
Beatrice M. Hopley (Hons. Eng.) 


Nora F. Louch, B.A. 

Janet Macpherson (Math. Trip.) 

Thomas Smith, B.Sc. 

Ursula Thomas, B.A. 

1917 Gertrude Smith, B.A. 

Martha H. Dobson, B.A. 

1918 Alice Jackson, B.A. 

1919* Marjorie P. Jones, B.A. 

Mabel N. Davies-Colley (Hons 
French) (Oxford) 

1920 No award 

1921 Arthur Aspinail, B.A. 

George Taylor, B.A. 

L. T* Lowe, B.Sc. 

1922 W. W. Kinsey, B.A. 

1923 J. J. Slotki, B.A. 

1924 Millicent Holland, B.A. 

♦Mary Spencer, B.A. (London) 

1 925* Frances W. Lofthouse, 

B.Sc. (London) 

Frances Humphreys- Edwards, 

B.A. (Cambridge) 

1926 Joan Elliot, B.A. (London) 

1927 No award 

1928 G. H. Sylvester, B.A. (Admin.) 
1929-30 No award 

1931 E. V. Casey, M.Sc. 

1932-3 No award 

* Kesigned. 


Graduate and l\n>t‘Grarfuate Seholtn ships, £W. 


A sum of £100 was givou by Hartley W. Withers, Esq., to 
endow a prize in memory of his brother, the late Professor 
Withers, who was Professor of Education in the Owens College 
from 1899 to 1902. 

The Prize, which is of the value of about £5, is awarded on 
the results of the Teacher’s Diploma Examination. 

riilZMM MM. 

1910 J. M. lloll, B.A. 

1911 Fj. Jackson, B.A. 

19jy W. AT. Gregory, B.Sc. 

1913 A. B. Wood B.Be. 

1914 Harold Kay. B.A. 

Elfile Nixon (Hint.. Trip. <‘ainl>.) 

1915 IVrey Knowlew, B.Se. ) Divided 
Wil fi*«d Whallov, B.Sc. i between 

191(5 ElHio 14. Wilkinwou, B.A. 

1917 Dorothy Dell, B.A. 

Mary b! McPherson, 


191H Myrblo Uhild, B.A. 

1919 Doris N. Chow, B.A, 1 Divided 
Alice Jackson, B.A. I between 

1920 Margaret A. «T. High am 

(Hiat. Trip. Oa mh.i 

bei ween 

1921 Kathleen Brown, B.Sc. 

1922 T. S. Kawiudioriey, B.Hi*. 

19123 Geoffrey Bullongh, B.A. » Divided 
Walter I’orci val, B.A. i between 
19*24 .1. M. Mti son, B.A. 

19*2f> Albert Givenmigh, 14. He, 
lihiti Bessie (Uni.Uortou, B.So, 

19*27 Joan Blliofc, B.A. 

19*28 J. K. Blliot, B.Hc. » Divided 
Fred Fotborgill, B.Hc. I between 
1029 N. A. Alston, M.Se. 

1930 F. II. Robinson, B.A. 

1931 Doreen Ingram, B.A. 

1932 C. C. Bayle.y, M.A. I Divided 

Khoda Bradshaw, B.A. 1 between 

1933 Joan L. Harley ) Divided 

Fred Higson ) between 

(1851) Exhibition Industrial Burs ah ins. 

The Bursaries are intended to assist candidates who have been 
bona fde students of Science for u period of three years to take 
up practical engineering, chemical, or other industrial work. 
Candidates must, be British subjects under the age of 25. The 
Bursaries will be of a value not exceeding £150 a year, and will 
be tenable for one year, renewable for a second, and, in special 
circumstances, for a third year. 

Industrial Bursars. 

1911 E. J. Parish, B.Sc. 

T. M. Ritchie 

1912 W. G. Spenser, B.Sc.Tech. 
William Stafford, B.Sc. 

1913 G. H. Hunt, B.Sc. 

F. II. Williamson, B.Sc.Tech. 

1914 H. G. Bell, B.Sc.Tech. 

Joe Handforth, M.Sc. 

H. L. Southern, B.Sc.Tech. 

1919 Erconwald Holland, B.Sc.Tecl). 

1920 Samuel Chadwick, B.Sc.Tech. 

J. D. Cockcroft, B.Sc.Tech. 

E. H. Lewis, B.Sc. 

1921 V. A. Brown, B.Sc.Tech. 

F. S. Edwards, B.Sc. 

Lionel Williams, B.Sc.Tech. 

1922 C. G. Benstead, B.Sc.Tech. 

F. W. Woodfield, B.Sc. 

K. J. R. Robertson, B.Sc.Tech. 
R. A. Hacking, B.Sc. 

1923 Arthur Goffey, M.Sc. 

R. E. L. Tricker, B.Sc.Tech 
C. R. Smith, B.Sc. 

1924 A. II. D., li.Se. 

f. H. M. Higginbotham, B.Sc.Tech. 
T. R. P. Harrison, B.Sc.Tech. 

J. E. Hatton, B.Sc.Tech. 

1925 Horace Spibey, B.Sc.Tech. 

Edwin Leach, B.Sc.Tech. 

1926 G. A. Armett 
Stanley Jennett, B.Sc. 

1927 John Barton, B.Sc. 

F. S. Tinmen, B.Sc.Tech. 

1928 T. H. Aspey, B.Sc. 

Fred Hall, B.Sc.Toc.h. 

1929 Oscar Elsden, M.Sc. 

James Hargreaves, B.Sc Tech. 
Willie Jackson, M.Sc. 

John Shacklcton, B.Sc.Tech. 

1930 W. II. R. A. Coates 

1931 W. G. Robinson, B.Sc.Tech. 
Sydney RadclifFe, B.Sc.Tech. 

1932 Harry Kay, M.Sc.Tech. 

Arnold Atherton, B.Sc. 

1933 Gerald Murray, B.Sc. 

J. P Cooper, B.Sc. Tech. 


Graduate and Post-Graduate Scholarships , &c. 

Industrial Research Scholarships. 

These Scholarships were founded to enable Graduates and 
others to obtain training in the methods of research, with the 
object of rendering them better qualified to enter industry. 

Levinstein Scholars. 

Organic Chemistry in relation to 

1918 W. F, Short, B.Sc. 

1919 R. D. Haworth, B.Sc. 

1920 No award 

Simon-Garves Scholars. 

Inorganic Chemistry 

1918 W. E. Alkins, B.Sc. 

1919 John Harwood, B.Sc. 

1920 No award 

1921 L. E. Benson, B.Sc. 

1923*M. D. Pearson, B.Sc. 

Harold Entwistle, B.Sc. 

1924 Harold Entwistle, B.Sc, 

1926 Joseph W. Cuthbertson, B.Sc. 

Research Travelling Grants. 

The University Council has set aside a sessional sum of £50 
for the provision of small grants to cover the cost of travelling. 
Library, or inspection fees and similar expenses incurred in 
obtaining access to material and in consulting authorities. 


1. The grants will be made by the Fellowships and Scholar- 
ships Committee on the recommendation of the Professors under 
whoso direction the students are working. 

2. The grants will normally be made to students who have 
proceeded to the Degree of Master, but the Committee may 
award grants for special reasons to students who have not yet 
proceeded to the Degree of Master. 

3. The total amount of grant or grants from this fund to 
any student shall not exceed £15. 

4. Applications by students must, in the first instance, be 
submitted to the Professors under whose direction they are 

No date is fixed for applications which may be made by 
students as the necessity for such grants arises. 

Students receiving Grants during the Session 1932-33', 

C. B. Elliott, B.A. ( History ) 

Annie Halliwell, B.A. ( French ) 

* Resigned. 

Student shtptt. 

81 G 


HCarby Thornton Pickles Post-Graduate 
Studentship in History. 

This Studentship was founded in 1920 by Mr. Stephen Pickles, 
of B&rnoldswick, in memory of his son Lieutenant Harry Thornton 
Pickles, M.A., LL.B., a graduate ami Lecturer in Law in the 
University, who was killed in action in France, April 24th, 1916. 


1. The Studentship is of the value of £50 and will be offered 
biennially. The Studentship will be tenable for one year, but 
is renewable for a second year if the holder makes satisfactory 

2. The Studentship is open to competition by members of the 
University of Manchester, and also by candidates who have 
studied History in any other approved University or College. 
The award is made in the same way and on the same conditions 
as obtain for the Edmund Roscoo Post-Graduate Scholarship, 
except that there is no limitation to British subjects. (See 
page 791.) 

3. The above regulations may be modified by the Council, 
after report from the Senate, in such manner as may be considered 
desirable from time to time, provided that no alteration shall 
be made which shall be inconsistent with the. terms of the 
resolution of the Council of the University accepting Mr. Stephen 
Pickles 1 benefaction. 

The Scholarship will be offered in June, 193f>. 

Last date for application, June 1 5th. 


1922 Gertrude A. Jacobsen, M. A. (Minnesota) 1929 Margery L. Hoyle, M.A. 

1923 Janies Walker, B.A. (Liverpool) 1931 J. C. Harries, li.A. (Oxford) 

1925 Helen C. Hughes, M.A. (Oxford) 1933 Frank Taylor, M.A. 

1927 Decima L. Dome, B.A. (Oxford) 

Jevons Studentship. 

A sum of £1,300 having been subscribed for the purpose of 
founding a memorial to the late William Stanley Jevons, some 
time Professor of Logic, Mental and Moral Philosophy, and 
Political Economy, at Owens College, and afterwards Professor of 
Political Economy at University College, London ; and it having 
been decided that the annual income from the fund should in 



every third period of two years be paid to the Treasurer of the 
College for the promotion of economic science, either by the 
institution of lectures, or the encouragement of econo mi c research, 
the Council decided to offer for award a Jevons Studentship. 


1. The appointment will be made by the Senate, not on the 
results of examination, but after consideration of documentary or 
other evidence furnished to them. 

2. Tn his application the candidate should indicate the par- 
ticular line of research he proposes to undertake. He should at 
the same time offer evidence of having received a sound and 
systematic education in economic science, together with such 
other evidence as shall be satisfactory to the Senate that he is 
qualified to prosecute some special investigation in the manner 
indicated in § 5. Finally, he should enclose a satisfactory 
testimonial of character and conduct, and should give the names 
of not more than three persons from whom further information 
may be sought. 

3. The value of the Studentship will be £120 for the year. In 
case of resignation or other withdrawal from the Studentship, 
payment will be made for the time during which the Studentship 
may have been actually held. 

4. The holder of the Studentship will be expected to devote 
his time to the investigation of some economic problem connected 
with the industries of Lancashire. 

5. He will be required to furnish from time to time evidence 
of the due progress of the work. 

6. fie is expected to reside in Manchester during the academical 
year, unless he shall satisfy the Senate that his research can be 
more advantageously conducted elsewhere. 

7. The Student will be expected to enter into residence on the 
first day of the Michaelmas term succeeding the award. 

Due notice will be given of the next offer. 

1891 No competition 

1897 No award 

1898 S. J. Chapman, M.A. 
1900 E. R. Dewsnup, M.A. 


1909 H. M. Halls worth, M.A , B.Sc. 

1915 Joseph Shuttleworth, B.A., B.Cmu 
1922 George Breeze, B.Com. 

1930 Wilfred Prest, B.A. (Leeds) 

Advanced Studentship in Education. 


An Advanced Studentship in Education, of the value of 
£150, will be offered from time to time under the following 
conditions : 

1 The Studentship will be open to candidates holding the 
Teacher’s Diploma of this University who have previously passed 



the Final Examination for a degree in this or some other 
approved University. 

2. The successful candidate will undertake investigation into 
some problem of educational importance and register as a can- 
didate for the degree of M.Ed. With the sanction of the Board 
of the Faculty of Education the candidate may hold a part-time 
appointment in an educational institution in the neighbourhood 
of the University. 

3. In awarding the Studentship regard shall be had to 
evidence of the candidates’ ability in practical teaching as well 
as to their intellectual attainments. 

Due notice will Ik* given of the next offer. Applications 
should be addressed to the Registrar not later than May 1st. 


Under OJtl 

19L1 Kathlumi A. Hhephenl, M.A. 

Under New 

19i‘i J &ueL M. JUakoway, It. A. 

Mary Walinuloy, It. He. 

Stan Jwv Wyatt, iVi.St.*. 

1913 Francos II. Asliloy, It. A. 

W. O. Watson, It. A. 

1914 H. H. Palmer, 1 5. Sc. 

RlifsuboUi M. Brarll<\\ , It. 

1915 No award 

19 1(3 It nth Colo, B.A. 

1917 Dorothy IlardaKor, It. A. 

1918 Mary A. Kohnon, B.A. 

I leg illations, 

11111 Wilfred \ ickors, M.Ho. 

H<>( filiations. 

1919 Doris N. Chow, It, A. 

19*2l! No award 
3921 Nora 1<\ Harlhiy, M.A. 
19*2*2 t'-lilTord Fernihougli, H.A. 
1923 William Atlaurton, B.So. 
192*1 J. 10. Mason, B.A. 

19*25 Albert. Creonou/d 1 1 It, Sc. 
19*21) It. N., It.Kc. 

19*27 (ioorge TyKon, B.Sc. 
1928-31 No award 
193*2 <\ G. WIhg, It.S**., M.Htl. 

Klkotkd Rksrakcii iS'niDKNTsmes. 


1. Persons desirous of pursuing an original research, and in 
the opinion of the Professor concerned qualified to conduct it, may 
be proposed by him to the Faculty concerned for recommendation 
to the Senate as Elected Research Students, and may he appointed 
by the Senate. They will in the first instance be admitted for 
not more than one session ; but the period may be extended 
from time to time by the Senate, on the recommendation of 
the Professor concerned. 

2. Elected Research Students shall pay a fee to be from time 
to time fixed by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate. 
They are required to provide themselves with any special material 
or apparatus necessary for the research undertaken by them. The 
fee for Elected Research Students in Arts subjects will cover 
admission to the Library and to all classes in the subject in which 
they may be elected to research. 



results of the work of Elected Research Students 
may from time to time be published by the Council on the recom- 
men nation of the Senate. 

Past Elected Research Students may on the recommendation 
of the Director be admitted by the Senate to do research work in 
any of the Laboratories on payment of such amount ('if any) for 
expenses without further fee as may be determined by the Vice- 
Chancellor and the Director. Such admission shall be limited 
in the first instance to one year, but may be renewed. 

4. Other persons may be admitted to the research laboratories on 
the recommendation of the Director, on the payment of the fees 
required. Persons also desiring to be admitted to the laboratories 
for special work of an occasional character or for a limited term 
may be admitted on the payment of the fees required. 

Student Appointed in 1932-38 
B. A. Renshaw, B.A. 

(1851) Exhibition Senior Research Studentships. 

In 1922, the Royal Commissioners of the (1851) Exhibition 
withdrew the offer of the Research Scholarships, which were of 
the value of £200 per annum, and substituted therefor an offer 
of five Senior Research Studentships of the value of £400 per 
annum, tenable for two years and in exceptional oases for a 
third year. 

The Studentships are intended to give a few selected students 
of exceptional promise and proved capacity for original work the 
opportunity of devoting their whole time to the prosecution of 
scientific research for a period of not less than two years 

Candidates must be recommended by Professors or Heads of 
Departments through the executive authorities of such In- 
stitutions as mav be invited by the Commissioners to recommend 
for the awards. 

Full particulars may be had on application to the Registrar. 

The successful candidates named below were nominated by 
the University of Manchester. 


1922 J. E. Jones, D.Sc. 

1924 J. E. Jones, D.Sc. (for a third year) 

1926 A. J. Bradley, MSc., Ph.D. 

1927 E. J. Williams, M.Sc., Ph.D. _ /T J v 

1928* Bernard Cavanagh, M.A. (Oxford), B.Sc. (London) 





Note. — Except where otherwise provided, rooommondatioim lor 
Fellowships of the University will be considered by the Standing 
Committee for the Award of Fellowships and Scholarships in order 
that nominations may be made to the Senate, 

fLANGTtw Felix >wr ii ip. 

Founded and endowed in the yoar 1878 with a sum of £4,200, 
by the subscribers to a fund raised by the friends and admirers 
of the late William Langton, Esq., of Docklands, TngateRtone, 
Essex, and of Manchester. 


1. The Fellowship is of the annual value of two hundred 
pounds, and is tenable for three years. 

2. Candidates must have been day students in the University 
for not less than three sessions, and must during their studentship, 
or within one year after the close of the same, have obtained a 
degree of some University of the United Kingdom. 

3. No student will be allowed to compete after the expiration 
of five years from the date of his graduation. 

4. The Fellowship will ho awarded to the candidate who, 
being in the opinion of the Council deserving of the Fellowship, 
gives evidence of high excellence, whether in one subject or group 
only, or in several. 

5. During the tenure of the Fellowship the Fellow shall, with 
the sanction of the Council, after consultation witli the Senate, 
either continue his studies at the University or act as Assistant or 
Occasional Lecturer or Demonstrator therein, or give evidence to 
the satisfaction of the Council that he is making specific 
preparation for one of the learned Professions, or that he is 
engaged in the prosecution of some study or research which the 
Council shall approve, provided always that the Fellowship is not 
to be held as an Undergraduate Exhibition at any University in 
the United Kingdom, or with a Fellowship other than honorary 
at any other College or University. The Fellowship may, with the 
permission of the Senate, be held together with an approved 
part-time post in the University. 

6. No fees will be charged in respect of the Fellowship, but 
the Fellow will be required to pay the fee of any course in the 
University attended by him. 

See note above. 



7. Each candidate will be required to signify to the Council 
his readiness to offer himself for examination, and may, if he 
thinks tit, submit evidence of his ascertained proficiency in the 
subjects of one of the following groups : 

(1) Classics, including Ancient History, Ancient Philosophy, 

Archaeology, and Comparative Philology. 

(2) Philosophy, Ancient and Modern. 

(3) History, Ancient and Modern, with Political Economy. 

(4) Modern Languages and Literature. 

(5) Oriental Languages and Literature. 

8. The examination when held will be conducted on paper, 
with or without oral examination, as the Examiners shall 

9. The next award of the Fellowship will be made in J line, 1935. 
Candidates ai'e required to send to the Registrar, on or 
before June 1st, written notice of their intention to compete. 
Every candidate will be required at the same time to state in 
what group he intends to offer himself. He will also be required 
to produce such evidence of his qualifications under § 2 as the 
Council shall deem sufficient. A list of candidates found by 
the Council to be duly qualified will be given to the Examiners, 
and no person will be eligible who is not on the said list. 

10. The Council may, on the recommendation of the Senate, 
make grants out of accumulations in the Fund in aid of research 
undertaken by graduates of the University in the subjects of the 
Fellowship. Persons to whom such grants are made shall he 
described as Langton Bursars. 

The Fellowship will be offered in 1935. 

Last date for notice, June 1st. 


1878 T. W. Dougan, B.A., in Classics 

1886 Fred Harsley, B.A., in English Language 

E. W. Rhodes, B.A., in English Language 
1893 Heinrich Walder, B.A., in Classic* 

1899 J. M. Asher, B.A., in Philosophy 
1902 F. M. Powicke, B.A., in History 
1905 A. H. Baker. B.A.,in History 
1908 Arthur Jones, M.A., in History . 

Douglas Knoop, M.A., in Economics 
1911 Mark Hovell, M. A., in History 
1914 V. H. Galbraith, B.A., in History 
1917 Maurice H. Farbridge, M.A., in Oriental Studies 

1920 Arthur Bedford, M.A., in History 
1923 R. F. Treharne, B. A., in History 
1926 Constance Brooks, B.A., m Italian 
1929* Thomas Walton, M.A., in French 
1932 Austin Gill, B.A., in French 

Jack Stafford, M.A., in Economics 


1921 Edith C. Newell, M.A. (Special Grant) 

1923 William Matthews, B.Com. ( Spectil Grant) 

1929 Alys L. Gregory, M.A. 

1930 L. V. Sumner, B. A. 

William Lawson, B.A. 

1931 Frank Taylor, B.A. 

* Resigned. 




Founded in 1890, by the buquoRt of tlm late T. K* Jmim, Esq., 
of Manchester, of £5,000. 


1. The Fellowship is of the annual value of one hundred and 
fifty pounds, and iw humble for two years. 

2. Candidates must have been day students in the tTiivernity 
for not leas tlian throe sessions, and mtist. have obtained a 
decree in the History Honours School. 

3. No student will bo allowed to compete after the expiration 
of five years from the date of graduation. 

4. r riie election will be made by the Senate on the nomination 
of the Standing Committee for the Award <>f Fellowships and 
Scholarships after recommendation from the Professors of 

5. The Fellowship is not to be hold ns an undergraduate 
exhibition at any University in the United Kingdom, or with a 
Fellowship other than honorary at, any other ( 'ollegn or l Jriivorsity, 
The Fellowship may, however, be hold together with unv ollire in 
the University of Manchester. 

d. No feeB will be charged in respect. of the Fellowship, but 
the Fellow will be required to pay the fee of any course in the 
University attended by him. 

7. Each candidate will be required to signify to the Council 
his readiness to offer himself for examination, and may, if he 
thinks fit, submit evidence of his ascertained proficiency in the 
subject of History. 

8. The Examiners (Internal and External) shall he paid out 
of the funds of the endowment. 

9. The next award will be made in 1935. Candidates are 
required to give notice to the Kogistrar of their intention 
to compete, on or before June 1st. 


1890 Alice M. Cooke, B.A. 

1893 W. E. Rhodes, B.A. 

1896 Mary Tout, B.A. (Honorary) 

1899 M. Margaret Newett, B.A. 

1902 Elizabeth Speakman, B.A. 

1904 Hilda Johnstone, B.A. | Fellowships 
W. T. Waugh, B.A, i of £100 each 
1906 Arthur Jones, B.A. 

1908 No award 

Lila B. Dibbcn (Special award) 

1909 No award 

1910 Lila B. Dibben, B.A. 

1912 4- E. Prince, M.A. 

1913 Lila B. Dibben, B.A. (For one year) 
1914-18 No award 

1919 Florence M. Grier Evans, M.A. 
Margaret Tout, M.A. 

Dorothy M. Broome, M.A. 
i Arthur Aspinall, B.A. ( For one year) 
Mos.-s Tysou, B.A. {Special Grant) 

1 f. A. Darbysliire, B.A. ( Special Grant) 

: Moses Tyson, M.A. (For one year) 

> Moses Tyson, M.A. (For run* year) 
Sophia Woitzman, I'h.D, 

( Sprcial Grant) 
Ellen Roberts, B.A. {Special Grant) 

' Alvs L. Gtnwy, M.s I otnOOr'idi 
«"*■“ Rub ^> M - A - i (I'o: uue year) 
1 .My-. L. Gregory, M.A. (Formic year) 
) Edna Rihby, M.A. 

F. D, Hodgkiss, B.A. 

1 C. B. Elliott, B.A. 

Inn S. Russell, M.A. ( Special Grant) 

See note on page 8-20. 

I Resigned. 



William Farrer Research Fellowship. 

Instituted, in 1928 for a period of three years by a group 
of subscribers for the encouragement of research in Local 


S- H * M-A., Ph.D. (London) 

1931 G. H. Tupling, M.A., Ph.D. ( Honorary ) 

1932 G. H. Tupling, M.A. , Ph.D. ( Honorary ) 

4 ' 5 *John Bright Fellowship. 

This Fellowship for the encouragement of the study of English 
Literature is offered by the Subscribers to the Statue of the 
late John Bright, erected in Rochdale, 1891, from the surplus 
of the subscriptions to the Statue, amounting to a sum of 
.£1,767. 4s. lOd. (to which lias since been added the sum of 
£47. 9s. 5d., being the surplus of the Manchester Memorial 
F und). 


1. The Fellowship shall be offered annually, and shall 
consist of £125 and be payable in money to the successful can- 
didate, who shall be at liberty to expend any portion of it, not 
exceeding £20, in books stamped with the arms of the University. 

2. Candidates are expected to send in their names, in writing, 
on or before June 1st in the year when the Fellowship is to 
be awarded. They are invited to support their applications by 
submitting any evidence that they think fit for their capacity to do 
the work of the Fellowship. They shall also, if the Adjudicators 
so decide, offer themselves for a general examination in English 
Literature and English Essay-writing. 

3. The Fellow immediately on hia election shall engage in 
some piece of original study or research, directly connected with 
English Literature and approved by the Adjudicators. The results 
shall be embodied in a book or essay, which shall be submitted on 
its completion to the Adjudicators for the time being and which 
the University may publish if it thinks fit. 

4. Should no award be made on any occasion the Fellowship 
shall be open to competition in the year following. 

5. Any accumulations of the Fellowship fund shall, after the 
expenses of adjudication have been provided for, be devoted in 
the firBt instance to establishing a Prize for Essays on. 
subject directly connected with English Literature and secondly 
to the award of an additional fellowship. 

* See note on page 8*20. 

si a T 


Fellotrshipi s\ 

(5. The candidates for the fellowship shall ho persons who 
shall have obtained the degree of Bachelor in the University and 
who shall not have completed more than jive years from the date 
of the examination qualifying them for that degree. 

7. The Adjudicators shall be the Standing Committee ap- 
pointed for the award of University Fellowships and Scholarships. 

8. No Fellow shall bo permitted to hold the Fellowship in 
conjunction with any other Fellowship, Scholarship, or Exhibition, 
except by permission of the University. 

D. No fee will be charged in respect of the Fellowship, but 
the Fellow will be required to pay the fee of any course in the 
University attended by him. 

10. No Fellow shall ho permitted to hold any paid appointment, 
or to undertake remunerated work, which in the opinion of the 
University is incompatible with the course of original study or 
research required for the Fellowship. 

The next offer will be made in 1931. 

Applications must he sent to the Registrar not later than 
dune 1st in the year of award. 


1895 Thomas Bateson, B.A. 

G. H. Pickford, B.A. 

1897 Wilson Stuart, B.A. 


1894 Herbert Gamble, H.A. (yf IS) 

1899 Harold Hartley, B.A. (£10) 



York m. 


1901 Josephine Laidler, BA 

Lilian Winstanley, B.A 

1903 Margaret Dickm ... ... 

Additional Fellowship of £50 to Elizabeth 
1906 Osborn Waterhouse. B.A. 

1909 Mary IT, Deakm, BA. 

Margaret A. Dobson, B.A. 

1912 Laura A. Lomas, M.A, 

1914 No award 

1915 Marie Muncaster, M.A. 

1917 Mabel Jones, M.A. 

1919 Mary A. Robson, M.A. 

... ... ... ... Owens, 


Barker ... ... ... Owens, 

1923 Geoffrey Bullmigh, B.A. 

Lurie I. Street, B.A. (Additional 

1924 No award 

19?5 Hind (Hen, B.A. 

1927 J P. Oakden, B.A. 

192^ Marjorie Fuller, M.A. 

1930-3? No award. 

1933 B. A. Renshmv, B.A. 

Catherine I. Dodd Fellowship in Philosophy or Literature. 

Established in 1931 under a gift from Miss Catherine I, Dodd, 
sometime Mistress of Method in the Training Department of the 
University, for the encouragement of original work in Philosophy 
or Modem Literature, including the Literature of countries other 
than England. 


1. The Fellowship which is of the value of £120 tenable for one 
year will be offered from time to time as the Council may direct. 


8 25 

2. The Fellowship will be awarded by the Senate on the 
recommendation of a Committee chosen from the Professors of 
Philosophy, English, and other Modem Literatures, with the 
Vice-Chancellor as Chairman. 

3. The Fellowship is open for competition to men and women, 
who have studied in the University of Manchester, within 15 years 
of their first registration as students of the University. 

4. The Fellow will be required to devote himself to an approved 
piece of investigation in Philosophy or Modern Literature, 
English or foreign, and will not be permitted to undertake any 
paid work without the sanction of the Senate. 

5. Candidates must submit a scheme of work to be carried out 
during the period of tenure of the Fellowship, together "with 
evidence of their ability to undertake it. 

6. On the recommendation of the Committee, the Senate may 
appoint a Supervisor to whom the Fellow shall report from time 
to time on the progress of his work. 

Due notice will be given of the first offer of the Fellowship. 

Vo loan Fellowship. 

Founded in 1905 by the Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance 
Company Limited. 

The offer of this Fellowship is at present suspended. 


1905 Frank Foster, B.Sc. 

1907 G. W. Worrall, M.Sc. 

1908 G. W Worrall, M.Sc. 

1910 Gilbert Cook, M.Sc. 

191 ^Gilbert Cook, M.Sc. 

191 3t Robert Cotton, M.Sc. 

Andrew Robertson, M.Sc. 
1014 Andrew Robertson 

1915 Andrew Robertson 

1920 F. D. Reynolds, M.Sc. 

1921 F. D. Reynolds, M.Sc. 

1922 Frank Heywood, B.Sc. 

1923 Frank Heywood, M.Sc. 
Reginald Higgtnson, B.Sc. 

1924 Reg nald Higgtnson, B.Sc. 
1928* Jack Allen, M.Sc. 

Osborne Reynolds Research Fellowship. 

Founded in 1919 by Albert Kingsbury, Esq., of Pittsburgh, 
U.S.A., for the encouragement of research m Engineering or in 
the sciences most directly related thereto. 


1 The Fellowship shall be of the value of £200. It shall be 
to Sw but U» Fellow .hell be to w- 



+ Deceased. 



2. The Fellowship shall ho tenable in tho Faculty of Metenoe 
and shall have as its object tho encouragement of research in 
Engineering or in tho sciences most. directly related thereto. 

3. The Fellowship shall bo open to graduates of tho Univer- 
sity of Manchester or of other Uni vend ties. 

4. Every Fellow shall be required to devote tho whole of the 
time (luring which h© continues to hold tho Fellowship to the 
pursuit, under the direction of tho Boyer Professor of Engineer- 
ing, of study or resoaioh in tho University or some other place 
approved by him. 

5. The Fellow may, with the approval of the Somite, give 
occasional courses of lectures or demonstrations, or assist 
occasionally in the teaching of tho University, but may not hold 
any salaried office during his tenure of the Fellowship. 

0. Before the final payment is made to tho Fellow, he shall he 
required to present a satisfactory statement of tho work he has 
carried out during his tenure of the Fellowship. 

7, No award will ho made in the absence of a suitable 
candidate, and any accumulations of the Fellowship Funds may, 
at the discretion of the Guuncil, be applied to increasing the 
capital of tho Fellowship, increasing the amount of any award, 
or to awarding an additional Fellowship in any year, 

8. Candidates must apply for tlio Fellowship not later than 
May 1st in tho year of the award, and must state in their 
application the subject of the research which they propose to 


19-JU F. I), U<\ynoi(lB, M.tfc. IW.'H A. (!. Hull, 

liliiK Fvtuik Koburbs, 

*Mohn Hauling Fkluuvhhu* in Physios. 

Founded in 1900 together with tho John I Carling Scholarship, 
by a donation of £5,000 from Mr. It. IT. Gibson and Mr. R. P. 
Blakeley, in memory of the late Mr. John Marling. 


1. The Fellowship is of the annual value of £200, and will be 
awarded by the Senate. Tn special circumstances only, and when 
funds permit, an award of greater value may be made on the 
recommendation of the Professor of Physics and of the Senate. 

* See no Iff on pngo 8i40. 



2 . j he object of the fellowship is the encouragement of study 
and research in Physical Science, and every Fellow shall be re- 
quired to devote the whole of the time during which he continues 
to hold the Fellowship to the pursuit of such study or research in. 
tiie Laboratories of the University under the direction of the 
Professor of Physics. 

3 . The Fellowship is open to all persons who can furnish 
satisfactory evidence of being able to pursue original research. 

4. Election is, in the first instance, made for one year, but the 
Fellowship may be renewed for a second year if on the report of 
tlm Director of the Physical Laboratories its holder lias made 
satisfactory progress with his research. The Fellowship may be 
further renewed for a period not exceeding one year. 

5 . Fellows are required at the end of their tenure to present 
a report of the work done by them, such report to be laid before 
the Senate and Council. 

6. No award will be made in the absence of a suitable candi- 

7. It shall be in the power of the Senate to limit the subject 
in which the Fellowship ib offered to any particular branch of 

8. The Fellow may, with the approval of the Senate, give 
an occasional course of lectures or demonstrations, or assist 
occasionally in the teaching of the University, but he may not 
hold any salaried office there. 

9. No fee will he charged in respect of the Fellowship. 

Due notice will be given as to the dute of next award. 


1900 J. E. Petavel, M.Sc. 

1904 Walter Makower, B.A., B.Sc. 

1906 Ulrich Behn, Ph.D. 

1907 J. N. Pring, M.Sc. 

Hans Geiger, Ph.D. 

1909 B. B. Boltwood, Ph.D. 

1910 A. F. Ko varik, Ph.D. 

1911 Ernest Mar&den, M.Sc. 

1912 H. G. J. Moseley, B.A. f Divided 
T. S. Taylor, Ph.D. ) between 

1913 E. N. da C. Andrade, B.Sc., Ph.D. 

1914-1922 No award 

1923 Gilbert Greenwood, M.Sc. 

1925 Joseph West, B.Sc. 

1931 \Valther Lochte-Holtgreven, Ph.D. 

J. A. Darby shire, M.Sc. ( Special dr ant) 

Mobbison Watson Fellowship in Anatomy. 

This Fellowship, for the encouragement of research in Practical 
and Descriptive Anatomy, was instituted in 1924 from a bequest 
ot the late Mrs. Morrison Watson, in memory of her husband, 
Mr, Morrison Watson, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Anatomy in 
the Owens College and in the Victoria University from 1874 
to 1885. 




1. Tim Fel lows hip shall be offered from time to time as the 
Council may direct, and shall be. of the normal animal value of 
£150, but in special circumstances an award of greater value may 
be mat It* on the reoommendut ion of the Professor of Anatomy 
and the. Senate. The Fellowship shall he tenable for one year, 
but the Senate, on a report from the Profesor of Anatomy that 
the holder has made satisfactory progress with his research, may 
recommend t he Council to renew the Fellowship for a seeund year. 

2. The Fellowship shall be open to competition by persons 
who have obtained a medical qualification registrable in the 
United Kingdom, or a degree, of an approved University. 

3. The object of the Fellowship shall bo for the encouragement 
of the study and research in Practical and Descriptive Anatomy, 
and every Fellow shall be required to devote the whole of the 
time during which he holds the Fellowship to the pursuit of such 
study or research in the University under the direction of the 
Professor of Anatomy. 

4. Flections to the Fellowship shall he made by the Senate 
on the recommendation of the Standing Committee on the 
award of Fellowships ami Scholarships after report from the 
Sessional Committee on Grants in Aid of Medical Research. 

5. By special permission of the Senate a Follow may be 
allowed to conduct any portion of his research in another 
University or other Institution approved by the Senate for 
the purpose. 

6. The Fellowship may not be held in conjunction with any 
other Fellowship, Scholarship, or Exhibition, except by per- 
mission of the Senate. 

7. No Fellow shall be permitted to hold any paid appointment 
or to undertake remunerative work without previous permission 
of the Senate. In such cases the Senate may reduce the value 
of the Fellowship. 

8. Accumulations resulting from non-award or from any other 
cause shall be added from time to time to the capital sum. 

9. Applications must be sent to the Registrar not later 
than June 1st and muBt be accompanied by particulars of the 
subject of the research which the candidate proposes to 
undertake, and of his qualifications to do so. The subject must 
be approved by the Professor of Anatomy. 

Professor Tom Jones Memorial Surgical Fellowship. 

Founded as a Graduate Scholarship in 1901, by Mrs. Jones, 
in memory of her husband, the late Professor Tom Jones, and 
altered by the Council to a Fellowship in 1924 by the addition 
of accumulations to the Fund. 


82 9 


1. The Fellowship is of the value of £105, and is tenable for 
one year, and will be offered annually. 

2. Candidates must be graduates in Medicine and Surgery of 
the University of Manchester, or have passed the Final Conjoint 
Examination of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of 
England, and must have spent at least three years of their course 
of Medical and Surgical study at the University of Manchester. 
No person will be allowed to compete in whose case more than 
four years shall have elapsed between the date of his obtaining 
his degree of M.B. or becoming qualified under the Conjoint 
Board and the date fixed for sending in the names of candidates. 

3. The election to the Fellowship shall be made by the Senate, 
on the recommendation of the Standing Committee for the award 
of Fellowships and Scholarships, after report from the Sessional 
Committee on Grants in Aid of Medical Research. 

4. The award will not be made unless a suitable candidate 
has presented himself. 

5. The Fellow will be expected to produce during and at 
the end of his year of tenure satisfactory evidence of having 
been engaged in Surgical investigation, study, and work. 

6. One-quarter of the Fellowship shall be paid at the end of 
three months from election, a second quarter after six months, 
and the remainder at the conclusion of the year ; each payment 
to be conditional on satisfactory evidence that the Fellow has 
entered upon and pursued work under Regulation 4. 

7. Applications, with evidence in support of the candidates’' 
application, should be sent to the Registrar, the University, 
Manchester, on or before June 20th, in the year of competition. 
No special examination will be held for the Fellowship. 

The Fellowship will be offered in 1934. 


1901 Tom Walker, M. R.C.S. 

1904 A. E. Johnson, M.B., Ch.B. 

Philip Talbot, M.B., Ch.B. 
1907 W. H. Hey, M.B., Ch.B. 

S. R. Wilson, M.B., Ch.B. 
1910 Tohn Morley, M.B., Ch.B. 

T. W. Todd, M.B., Ch.B. 

) Divided 
\ between 
\ Divided 
f betxveen 
1 Divided 
f between 

1913 T. S. B. Stopiord, M.B., Ch.B. 

1921 A. H. Southam, MB., M.Ch., F.R.C.S. 

1922 E. A. Linell, M.D. 

1923 R. C. Shawe, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

1924 R. C. Shawe, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 


1925 Leslie Morris, M.B., Ch.B. 

1926 Leslie Morris, M.B.* Ch.B., F.K.C S. 

1927-30 No award _ 

1931 A. L. Kenyon, B.Sc., M.B.,Ch.B. 

1932 No award „ „ _ _ _ 

1933 W. A. B. Nicholson, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 
D. J. Williams, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B. 

' Divided 
i between 



John Hunky Aonkw Fellowship in Diseases of Children. 

Instituted in 1927 from accumulations in the John Henry 
Agnow Fund, which was founded in 1892 from a bequest of the 
late John Henry Agnew, Esq. 


1. The Fellowship shall be offered every third year and shall 
be of the value of £130. 

2. The Fellowship shall not he uttered in the. same year as the 
Ashby Memorial Scholarship. 

3. The object of the Fellowship shall be the tm<muragemont 
of study and research which must relate to the diseases of Children, 
and every Fellow shall be required to devote the whole of the 
time during which ho holds i he. Fellowship to the pursuit of such 
study and research, under conditions approved by the {Senate. 

4. The Fellowship shall bo open 1o all persons who have 
graduated M.B., (Jh.B., in the University. 

5. Candidates for the Fellowship shall submit a statement 
as to the work they propose to carry out, and such evidence 
as they may think fit, of their qualifications for the work, including 
any thesis or original research. 

6. The election to the Fellowship shall be made by the Senate 
on the recommendation of the Standing Committee for the 
award of Fellowships and Scholarships, after report from the 
Sessional Committee on Grants in Aid of Medical Research. 

7. The successful candidate shall be required either to under- 
take a course of post-graduat e study or engage in original research 
at some approved institution at home or abroad. 

8. A Committee, consisting of two members of the teaching 
staff, elected by the Senate, shall be appointed to direct and 
supervise the work of the Fellow and to report thereon. 

9. The Fellow shall not be permitted to hold the Research 
Fellowship in conjunction with any other Fellowship, Scholarship, 
or Exhibition, except by permission of the Senate. 

10. No Fellow shall be permitted to hold any paid appoint- 
ment or to undertake remunerative work without the previous 
permission of the Senate, which shall have power in bucIi cases 
to reduce the value of the Fellowship. 

11. No Fees will be charged in respect of the Fellowship. 

Felloioships . 


12. Accumulations resulting from the non-award of the 
Fellowship, or from any other cause, shall be added from time to 
time to the capital sum. 

The Fellowship will be offered in 1933. 

Applications for the Fellowship must be sent, in writing, 
to the Registrar not later than October 1st in the yeaT of award* 


I»a7 Marguerite F. Johnstone, M.B., CJh.B. 

Amy Henreetta Worswick Fellowship. 

The Fellowship was established for a period of two years 
under a bequest of £300 made by the late Mrs. Amy Henrietta 
Worswick for the investigation of the causes and treatment of 
Rheumatoid Arthritis. 


1931 C. G. Eastwood, B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Sheridan DelEfine Fellowship in 
Preventive Medicine. 

This Fellowship, for the encouragement of research in Pre- 
ventive Medicine, was instituted in 1922 in memory of the late 
Auguste Sheridan Del6pine, M.B., C.M., M.Sc., Professor of 
Public Health and Bacteriology in the Umversi ty ° f r 
from 1891 to 1921, by the addition on the part of the University 
Council of the emoluments of the former Junior Research 
Fellowships in Public Health in the years when the Fellowship 
is awarded to the interest derived from an endowment of £1,00 
made by Dr. Charles Slater, of Tunbridge Wells. 


1. The Fellowship shall be for the encouragement of research 
in Preventive Medicine and shall be called the Sheridan Dclepin 
Research Fellowship in Preventive Medicine. 

2. The Fellowship shall be of the value of £300 and shall 
be offered biennially. 

3 The Fellowship shall be open to competition by candidates 

qualification. * 

4 A rmlications should be received from candidates, together 

their qualifications and the ?= 3 ™'»«* 

Smeatch, act later than June l.t .» the year .**”>■ 

aa 2 


fr\' Unit? fill if is 

5. The Senate shall elect the Fellows on the recommendation 
of a Committee comprising the Director of the Public Health 
Laboratory, the Professor or Professors of Pathology, and the 
Dean of the Medical School. 

6. The Committee shall consider the academic record of the 
candidates and their qualifications to undertake the research 
proposed by them, and shall have power to require the al tendance 
of candidates at an interview, and, if it is thought desirable, to 
hold an examination. 

7. The Fellows will be required to register as research students 
of the University, and to devote the whole of their time to 
research in the Public Health Laboratory. 

8. The Fellowship will not bo awarded in any year in which, 
in the opinion of the Committee, there is no candidat e of sufficient 

9. The Committee shall have power to recommend for special 
reasons an additional Fellowship or Bursary or an increase in 
the emoluments to any holder of the Fellowship, or an extension 
of the tenure, when, owing to the non-award, or for other reasons, 
a sufficient sum has been accumulated from the income of the 
invested funds. 

Notice will he given of the next offer. 

Last date for application, Juno 1st. 


(Under Old 

1906 II. D. Hawoith* M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. 

1907 E. H. T. Nash, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 
Harry Osborne, M.D. 

1909 Alexander Grant, M.B., C.M. 

H. G. Ward, M.B.,Ch.B. 

Slieila M. Ross, M.D. 

(Additional Fellowship) 

1911 No award 

Retju lationsi.) 

1911 Edith M. Marsden, M.B., Ch.B. 

[Special Grant) 

1912 C. Y. Wong, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. 
1914 G. 1). Dawson, M.D. 

D. I Dakeyne, M.B., Ch.B., 

M.K.C.S., L.R.C.P. 
1919 E. N. Uamsbottoin, B.A., M.B., 

B.S., D.P.H. 

1921 Wrn. Stott, M.B., B.S., D.P.H 

Sueiuoan Dicl&imnk Fellows. 

1924 L, P. Lockhart, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., JL.R.CP, 
1926 M. A. Omar, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

1929 Lois Stent, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 
1932 D. T. Robinson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Pilkington Fellowship in Cancer Research. 

This Fellowship, for the encouragement of Cancer Research, 
was instituted in 1930, under a scheme approved by the Court 
of Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster. Under the 
scheme the Executors of the late Miss Alice Ann Pilkington 
transferred to the University the sum of £8,000 for the endowment 
of the above Fellowship. 




1. The Fellowship shall be for the encouragement o£ Cancer 
Research. and shall be called the Pilkington Fellowship in Cancer 

2. The Fellowship shall be of the value of £300 and shall be 
offered annually. 

3. The Fellowship shall be open to competition by candidates 
who are graduates in Medicine or Surgery of a University or 
Medical School approved by the Council, whether situate in 
England or elsewhere or to Members or Fellows of the Royal 
College of Surgeons of either England, Edinburgh, or Ireland, or 
to Licentiates, Members, or Fellows or the Royal College of 
Physicians of either London, Edinburgh, or Ireland. 

4. The Fellowship shall be tenable for one year, but in special 
circumstances the Council may renew the tenure of the Fellowship 
for a second or subsequent year or years. 

5. The Council shall elect the Fellow on the recommendation 
of the Senate. 

6. The Fellow shall be required during his tenure of the 
Fellowship to devote his whole time and attention to the 
investigation of the causes, or advances in the treatment, of 
Caucer, and shall not, without the consent of the Council, hold 
any other Fellowship, Scholarship, or Exhibition, or hold any 
paid appointment or undertake any remunerative work. 

7 Applications from candidates together with a full statement 
of their qualifications shall be sent to the Registrar not later than 
June 30th in the year of award. 

8 All applications shall be considered by a Committee of the 
Senate, appointed for the purpose, which shall consider the 
academic record of the candidates and their qualifications to 
TdcrUke research. The Committee shall have power |» m 
the attendance of candidates at an interview, and, if it is th g 
desirable, to hold an examination. 

9. The Fellow will be required to register as a research Fellow 
of the University, and to conduct his research under the super- 
vision of such person or persons as may be appointed by th 

10. The emoluments of the Fellowship will be P«<1 & torn 
quarterly instalments, the first, on registration as a bellow, and 
the remainder at intervals of three months, subject to satis 7 
reports of progress of work being received. 



11. The Council shall have power to deprive a Fellow of his 
Fellowship at. any time should the Fellow be guilty of serious 
misconduct or incapable of fulfilling the objects of the Fellowship. 

12. The Fellowship will not bo awarded in any year in which, 
in the opinion of the Council, there is no candidate of sullie.icnt 

13. In the event o£ the income in any year exceeding the 
amount required for the Fellowship and the expenses included 
therewith, the balance may be used by the Uounoil : 

(a) To make, grants to provide any special equipment or to 
meet other expenses necessary for the research. 

(h) To make grants towards the expenses of travelling to 
and from England in tins case of Fellows reside at outside 
the British Isles. 

14. Any accumulation of income whether as the result of 
non-award or any other cause may be used by the Council : 

(а) To award an additional Fellowship or Scholarship either 
of the full amount or of a smaller amount. 

(б) For any other purpose sanctioned in the approved scheme. 

The Fellowship will be, offered in 193*1, ami applications must 
be submitted not later than June, 1931. Tins Fellow then 
elected will be required to enter upon tenure in October, 1934. 

1932 Joseph Vino, M.R, 

Knight Fellowship. 

Re-constituted in 1931 from the Knight Prize presented in 
1917 by Mr. E. A. Knight. The. Fellowship is established for the 
encouragement of the study of the factors concerned in the 
development of the symptoms of menial disturbance. 


1. The Fellowship will be of the value of £150 and will bo 
offered triennially. 

2. The Fellowship shall be open to competition oC graduates 
of this or any approved University. 

3. Applications shall be received from camlidatcs together 
with a statement of their qualifications and the proposed subject 
of research not later than June 1st in the year in which the 
Fellowship is offered. 



4. Tlie Senate shall elect the Fellow on the recommendation 
of the Medical Committee of the Senate. 

5. The Fellow shall be required to devote the whole of his 
time to research in this University and on the conclusion of the 
tenure of the Fellowship to present a report on his work. With the 
permission of the Senate, a part of the time may he spent at some 
other approved Institution. 

6. The Fellowship will not he awarded in any year in which, 
in the opinion of the Committee, there is no candidate of sufficient 

7. The Committee shall have power to recommend for special 
reasons an additional Fellowship or a Bursary ox special grant, 
or an increase in the emoluments to any holder of the Fellowship, 
or an extension of the tenure, when, owing to the non-award, 
or for other reasons, a sufficient sum has been accumulated from 
the income of the invested funds. 

The Fellowship will be offered for competition in 1935. 

Last date for application, June 1st. 

Travelling Research Fellows. 

1925 Ij. C . It. Olievens, M.R.C.S., Xi.R.G.P.,D.P.M. OUncUesterWKjpwW). 

1932 Mtululino Kerr, M.A. (Mr., nob enter). 

*Dkitmmond-Fraser Research Fellowship. 

Instituted in 1928 under a gift made to the University by 
the late Sir D. Drummond Fraser in memory of his wife 
and their sons. 


1. The Fellowship is of the value of £100 and is tenable 
for one year in the Departments of Economics and Commerce. 

2. The object of the Fellowship is the encouragement of 
research, and every Fellow shall bo required to devote the 
whole of the time during which he continues to hold the Fe.iow- 
ship to research. 

3. The Fellowship shall be open for competition to graduates 
of this or of any other approved University who furnish sats- 
factory evidence of their qualifications to undertake research. 

4. Candidates for the Fellowship shall submit a statement 

as to the research they propose to undertake, and evidence of 
their qualifications to conduct the proposed research. 

* See note on r-uge ti20. 


bVllfir .ships. 

5. The election to tlie .fellowship shall he made by tins Benate 
on. the recommendation of the Standing Committee for the award 
of Fellowships and Scholarships. 

6. The successful candidate will be required to register 
as a research student in the Department, of Economies or of 
Commerce, but, with the approval of the Senate., may bo permitted 
to spend a limited portion of the time during which he holds the 
Fellowship in some other approved institution. 

7. The Fellowship may not be held in conjunction with 
any other Fellowship, Scholarship, or Inhibition, nor shall 
the Fellow be permitted to hold any paid appointment or to 
undertake remunerative work without previous permission of 
the Senate, which shall have power in such eases to reduce the 
value of the Fellowship. 

Applications must be sent to the Registrar not labor than 
June 1st. 

H* wii nows. 

1929 .Tack Stafford, B.A. 

1930 Allan Wjutcrhottom, 

1931 Wilfred Brest, B.A. ) 

1932 K. M. < »ray, B.Se/IVdi. 

1933 Chili]* Chsintlor, IS. A. 

* Faulkner, Beyer, Leech, and Darbihhikh Fellowship. 

Formerly known under the old constitution of the I Tniversity as 
University Fellows! dps. Their present designations are intended 
to commemorate George Faulkner, first. Chairman, of Trustees of 
the Owens College, Charles Frederick Beyer, a muni fi cent donor 
to the College, and the late Daniel John Leech, Professor of 
Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 


(Revised 1010.) 


1. Three Fellowships will be offered annually, each of the 
value of £100, for the term of one veur. 

2. The object of the Fellowships shall bo the encouragement 
of study and research, and every Fellow shall ho required to 
devote the whole of the time during which he continues to hold 
the Fellowship to the pursuit of such study or research, under 
conditions approved by the Senate. 

In special cases an additional grant not exceeding .£20 may be 
made t P the Fellow by special vote of the Council, to assist him 
in carrying out his researches. [Applications for the grant must 
be made to the Registrar before October 1 f>t,h in the year of 
election .] 

* See note on S-30. 



3. Of the three Fellowships one shall he a worth d in the 
Faculty of Arts or in the Faculty of Law ; another in the Faculty 
of Science ; and the third may be awarded in any of these three 
Faculties. [Should the third Fellowship be awarded in the 
Faculty of Science it shall be called the Robert Dukinfield 
IXirbinhire Fellowship.] 

4. No Fellow shall be permitted to hold a Faulkner or Beyer 
Fellowship in conjunction with any other Fellowship, Scholarship, 
or Exhibition, except by permission of the Committee referred to 
in Clause 9. 

5. No Fellow shall be permitted to hold any paid appointment, 
or to undertake remunerated work, without previous permission 
from the Committee, which shall have power in such cases to 
reduce the value of the Fellowship. 

0. The Faulkner and Beyer Fellowships shall be open to 
all graduates who have proceeded to the B.A. or B.Sc. degree 
with Honours, or the LL.B. degree in the University, hut such 
graduates shall be eligible only during the five years immediately 
succeeding their Final Examination in an Honours School or in 
the Faculty of Law. . , _ . . 

Graduates who have been members of the Elementary L rain- 
ing Department shall be eligible during six years from the 
date of their Final Examination as above. 

7. Candidates for the Fellowships are invited to support their 
application by submitting any thesis or original research and by 
any other evidence of their qualifications. 

8. Fellows are required to furnish a report of the work done 
by them during the tenure of their Fellowships, such report to be 
laid before the Senate. 

9. The election to the Fellowships shall be made by a 
Standing Committee, appointed annually lor the purpose by the 
Senate in the Michaelmas term Written reports concerning 
all candidates shall be drawn up by the Examiners m the Schoo 
in which such candidates shall have proceeded to a degree with 
Honours, or to the degree of LL.B. ; and the Committee shall 
have power to take into consideration such other evidence of 
qualifications as they may think fit. 

10. The annual election of Fellows will normally be ma e 
about the end of June. 

11 A Fellowship in Arts or Law shall be designated as a 
Faulkner Fellowship, a Fellowship in Science as a Beyer Fellow- 

ShiP tto fees will be charged in respect of the Faulkner Fellow- 
ship but the Fellow will be required to pay the fee of any course 
in tile University attended by him. 



Beyer Fellows will be required to pay the same fees as Research 
students in the same subject of study. 

Applications must be sent to the Registrar not later than 
June 15th, 1931 . 

For list of Fellows, see pages 839 *S 10. 


1. The Fellowship shall bo offered annually and shall be of 
the value of £100. 

2. The object of the Fellowship shall be the encouragement of 
study and research, and every Fellow shall be required to devote 
the whole of the time during which ho holds the Fellowship 
to the pursuit of such study or research, under conditions 
approved by the Senate. 

In special cases an additional grant not exceeding £20 may 
be made to the Fellow by the Council to assist him in carrying 
out liis research. 

I Applications for the grant itiuet be made to the Itogislmv before October 16th 
in the year of election,] 

3. The Fellowship shall he open to all persons who have 
graduated M.B., Ch.B., in the Hniversity, provided that not more 
than five years have elapsed since the date of such graduation. 

4. Candidates for the Fellowship shall submit a statement as to 
the work they propose to carry out, and such evidence as they 
may think fit of their qualifications for the work, including any 
thesis or original research. 

5. The election to the Fellowship shall ho made by the Senate 
on the recommendation of the Standing Committee for the Award 
of Fellowships and Scholarships after report from the Sessional 
Committee on Grants in Aid of Medical Research. 

6. The successful candidate shall he required either to under- 
take a course of post-graduate study or engage in original research 
at some approved institution at homo or abroad. 

7. A Committee, consisting of two members of the Medical 
Committee of the Senate, shall be appointed to direct and super- 
vise the work of the Fellow and to report thereon. 

8. The Fellow shall not be permitted to hold the Research 
Fellowship in conjunction with any other Fellowship, Scholar- 
ship, or Exhibition, except by permission of the Senate, 

9. No Fellow shall be permitted to hold any paid appointment 
or to undertake remunerative work without previous permission of 
Senate, vthich shall have power in sucli caseR to reduce the value 
of the Fellowship. 

10. If no candidate suitable for Research shall apply, one or 
more scholarships of smaller amount for post-graduate study, in 



the University or some other approved institution, may he awarded 
by the Senate on the recommendation of the Standing Committee 
for Fellowships and Scholarships after report from the Sessional 
Committee on. Grants in Aid of Medical Research. 

1 1. No fees will be charged in respeot of the Fellowship. 
Applications for the Fellowship shall be sent, in writing, to 
the Registrar not later than October 1st, 1934. 

University Fellows. 

Under Old Regulations. 

1892 W. E. Rhodes (Arts) Ovens. 

W. A. Bone (Science) »» 

1893 W. A. Bone (Science) 

1894 Edward Haworth (Science) % 

W. H. Moorby (Science) 

1895 W. H, Bentley (Science) 

1896 j . H. Grindley (Science) » 

D. S. Jerdan (Science) 

1897 J. H. Smith 

1898 Lucy W. Faraday (Arts) \ 

Lilian Winstanley (Arts) J * »» 

R. W. Collinson (Science) * * 

1899 Wilson Stuart (Arts) 

Norman Smith (Science) 

1900 Wilson Stuart (Arts) %***• 

F. W. Rixon (Science) 

1901 Elizabeth Speakman (Arts) »* 

G. C. Simpson (Science) * 

C. H. Burgess (Science) Ytwkm 

C. E- Whiteley (Science) A 

E. N. Cunliffe (Medicine) ” 

G. W. Gelderd (Medicine) UHtv ' 

1902 P. H. Powell (Science) * 

T. F. Spencer (Science) Owens 

E. C. Edgar (Science) 

A. W. Latham (Medicine) 

1903 Irene F. Williams (Arts) (resinned? Omni*. 

Edwin Hopkinson (Science) (resigned v 

E. C. Edgar (Science) - *’ 

G. W. A. Foster (Science) ... " 

1904 Hilda johnstone, B.A. (Arts) I Divided between 

W. T. Waugh, B.A. (Arts) f 

H. F. Cowarrl, B.Sc. (Science) ”* ^ 

R.‘ v! Wheeler, B.Sc. (Science) 
E E. Hughes (Medicine) ... 


Faulkner Fellows. 

* A. It. Hlctnnp, B.A. 
i No award 
r No award 

j Sarah R Jackson, B.A. 

I No award 
) No award 

L XiauraA.Lomas, B.A. 

A. E. Brine -, B.A. 

I Hartley Bateson, 13. A. 

I Agnes Strawson, M.A . } Divided 
Arthur Walsh, M A. i between 
t Albert M.;\. 

i Maurice Far bridge, M. A. 

Special 4 dtM iowl Felloioanip 

Florence Whitehead, M. A. 

3 Kathleen A. L. Lambley, M.A. 

Amy Wnudward, B.A. 

7 No award . , 

J. O. CJleaton {Special Giant) 

B Cecilia B. Mackintosh, B.A. 

9 Madeleine K. Lees, M.A. 

Sophia \\ eitznin.ii, M.A. 

A. J. Farmer, M.A. 

1920 *S. J. Eker, B.A. 

Joshua W hatmough, B.A. . 

19-31 M. V. Gregory, B.A. >„ Divided 
Bertie Wilkinson, B.A. > betwwi 
S. J. Ekei*. B.A. 

1923 Arthur Aspinall, B..i. 

1923 J. P. Bowden, B.A. 

Marjorie M. Bowden, B.A. 

1924 Albert Hyslop. B.A. 

19J5 11 Y. Hedges, LiEj.B. 

(Speeim Fellowship*) 
I9*2t5 Harry Rothweil, B.A. 

1927 Helen M. Briggs. J.A. 

1928 Thomas Walton, M.A. 
1029 *Norman Haycocks, B.A. 

1930 Austin Gill, B A. 

1931 Edith Ward, B A. 

1932 Sidie Speight, B.A. 

Xna S. Bussell, B.A. 

1933 W. D. Elcoclc,B.A. Dtud, 

Margaret R. Rotert, B.A. \ between 




HkYUH Klill.l.OWtf. 

1905 b\ \\\ Kaj , U.Si-.. 

Q. \\ . And vow, R.Hu. 

1905 Hubert ItnhmKon, 8. We 
Mav,\ MoNiool, B.Ho. 

IVU7 V. .1. Harding, M.Si*. 

Thomas UoyclH, M.Sc. 

100H 1>. M. H. Waimm, ».«« 

Divided hettreen 
H. O. Urmmxvood, M-So. 

M. H* Turner, Ji.Ho. 

19U9 W. A. Harwood, m.H<\ Hop**, B.Hr, 

1910 Dan Tvrer, B.Sti. 

,7. K, rarkliiKtoii, H.ttn. [ tHvirfnl 

Ma.rtfaivt White, II. So, i bat wren 

1971 J. H. Murii, B.Se. 

W. M. Huberts {Spceud <tnn ifi 

1972 James ChadvvicU, It. He. 

Httnr\ Stephen, It.He. 

19 IK Albert Parker, B.S<\ 

Harry lticliarrtHon, B.Sr 
IBM* Perm Chortov* M.K<\ 

W. A. Meir M.Hn. 

1915 W. V\ Rawlinson, U.Kc. 

Kporiul idditinnnl b'elltnvehtp 
\V. K, Hlatior, It. So. 

1915 Kr*»d Fan* hr other, B,H« 


till V< No awitrd 

1919 \V. i«\ Snort, B.Ht*. 

192‘t K I>. Hit worth, B.Ho. 

1921 ti. N. UnrUbanlt, it. Sc. | Divided 
Mrnowfc Chapman, B.Ho. I be tween 
UK*.. 1 . Wilson Hnttor, B.St*. 

19*23 llni'tiM Mawlm, M.Ho. 

19;’PJ. H. M. Hm hart, H.Hc. 

II. A. flniTixmi, M .He, 

Bh!S 1*1 Oxford, It. Ho. 

Hh’ii Wf Ilium Bradley, M.He 
IP 1 .*’* <\ O. Summit* M .Hr. 

19*28 A. C liottomloy, It, Be. 

I92U A, !>. Ainbiy, B.St\ 

1930 W«mh»y « nrkor, MLHft. i Dividetl 
NY, It. LiUlm*, It. He, I between 
UMI \V. S. M <iri»'\o, I Divided 

•K H. I'jMilMHi, It s<*. i between 

193*2 Oi'olVroy ();*dou, H.Se. | Divided 
A, II. Jav, MSi‘, r between 
1933 W, A. Ivor, It. Sr, 

Da kb ih lints JPuidtOWK. 

1927 K. H. Ih* h'os, M.Se., Pii.t). 

1925 William Hradloy, It. He. 

{Sjwci'tl J/'elUiwuh ip) 
1920 Tom Heap, M.He. 

[Hpmitil JFelloiotih ip) 
19*27 It. O. Kawcutt, M.Ho. » Divid' d 
A. T, Botovs, M.He, ) between 


1905 lilric M. Wilkins, M.B., < 

1900 D. KS. Coro, M.B., 

1907 No award 
3 9os No award 

1909 A, rc. Woodall, , Oh.B. 

1910 No award 

1011 A. H. Holmes, M.B., Oh.B. 

1013 K. Xi- Newton, M.B., Oh.B. 

1014 No award 

1915 1 Clara A. Lomas, M.B., Oh.B. 

19 Ifi No award 

3919 M. A. Llnell, M.B., Oh.B. 

T. Gibb, M.B., Oh.B., B.Sc. 

lO'JMHl. \V. Brindley, B Sr. 
hVlfl \V . NV. Jaek«<m, M.He., 

I9wi3 14. K. B. Jackson, B.Sr. > Divided 
Thomas Viekerntnlf, B.Sr, t between 


19*20 No award 

19*21 K. It. KorK'iKon. M.B., Oh.B. 

Kug:«nja H. A. Connor, M.B., Oh.B, 

1922 O. I). HoUKh, tVI.B., Oh.B. 

1923 Donald Bamako, M.B., 

1924 Donald ItamaKO, M.B., Oh.B. 

1925 No award 

1929 ,J. M.YolTey, B.Ho., M.B., Oh.B. 
1927 No award 

I92H Mn.y .lohtiHon, M.B., < 

19*29-32 No award 

Ztmmebn Travelling Fellowships. 

Fellowships fou men and ibr women were ibundod in 1928 
under the Will of Miss Frida Mary Zimmern, of Withington, 
Manchester, with a view to the fostering of international under- 
standing and goodwill by enabling members of the University 
to travel or study abroad. 

The offer of these Fellowships is discontinued. The Regulations 
under which the Fellowships were awarded will be found in the 
Calendar , for 1932-33, pages 822 — 824. 


1929 N. O. Barnes, B.A. 
1932 W. D. Elcoclc, B.A. 



1929 Sadie Speight, B.A. 
1932 Isabel Munkley, B.A. 

* Resigned (before conclusion of tenure!. 1 Resigned. 

Fellowships . 


Honorary Research Fellowships. 

The Council of the University are prepared to appoint to a 
limited number of Honorary Research Fellowships on the terms 
and conditions following : 


1. The appointment will be made by the Council, after 
receiving a report from the Senate. The Faculty concerned will 
recommend to the Standing Committee for the Award of 
Fellowships and Scholarships for nomination to the Senate. 

2. Applications by persons desiring to hold these Fellowships 
should be made, in writing, normally on or before October 31st 
in each year, hut in special cases permission may be given for a 
later application. 

3. In his application the candidate should give evidence 
satisfactory to the Faculty concerned that he is qualified to 
prosecute independently some special study or investigation. 

4. The application will he laid before the Faculty concerned, 
who will report thereon to the Senate before the recommendation 
is passed on to the Council. 

5. Every holder of a Fellowship will be expected to pursue 
research in a subject approved by the Faculty. He will work 
under the direction of the Professor in the subject m which he 
lias been appointed, and a Fellow in any branch of Experiments 
Science will be allowed the use of such appliances m the laboratory 
an may be approved by the Professor concerned He will be 
expected to provide himself with any special apparatus or material 
lie may require. 

0. The Senate, on the recommendation of t^ Facxdty 
concerned , may suspend a Fellow or deprive him of bis FeUov '®^t>’ 
if it is considered that he is not making satisfactory progress, 
or for other sufficient reason. 

T A.t the close of tbe session the Professor concernedsh^l 
reDort to the Facultv on tbe work carried out by the Fellow, 
HdiS MJ. Knehiog or»«tr.Uo»= ho My tav. g™» 
under Regulation 9. 

8. The Council reserve the right of FenowCrese^rcheF 
as it thinks fit, the published results of the Fellow s researches. 

Q The Fellow will be expected to devote his whole tune to 

.hopr^ufif 0 * hi. mJU* “ & 

' • Soa note on page 8*20. 

Fe Utnvs hips. 


10. No candidate who is pursuing a decree courst) in the 
University may hold an Honorary Research Fellowship. 

11. The Fellow must, pursue his rtweareh either in the Univer- 
sity or at some other place approved by the Senate. 

12. He may he re-appointed for a second, and on special 
recommendation, for a third year. 

13. Past Research Fellows may, on the recommendation of the 
Director, be admitted by the Senate to do research work in any of 
the Labora lories on payment of such amount (if any) for expenses 
without further fee as may bo determined by the Viee-( Miancellor 
and the Director, Such admission shall bo limited in the first 
instance to one year, but may he renewed. 

U ms k a non 

1889 W. K. Ormandy, m Ch»*m ! stry 

1890 K. J. liles, B.Sc., m Zoology 
Gibson Dyson, Ph.D., in Chemistry 
J. L. Iioskyiis-Abrahall, B.A., m 

Chemistry (deceased) 
C. H. Lees, D.Sc., in Physics 

1892 C. R. Marshall, M.D., M.A., in 

Pharmacol* igy 

1893 A. W. Crossloy, D.Sc., in Chemistry 
Gordon Sharp, M.D., m 

Pharmacol* igy 

1894 Wilt not Holt, jun., in Chemistry 

1895 Edward Haworth, D.Sc., in 


W. H. Moorhy, M.Sc., m 


F. J. II. Coutts, M.D., in 


J, J. Sudborough, B.Sc., Ph.D. in 


J. A. Harlter, D.Sc., in Physics 
3896 J. F. Thorpe, Th.D., in Chemistry 

G. P. Varley, B.Sc., in Chemistiy 

E. J. Sidebotham, M.A., M.B., in 


1897 J. R. Ashworth, B.Sc., in Physics 
John Burke, B.A., m Physics 

J. H. Gnndley, M.Sc., m 


1898 A. W. Gilbody, M.Sc., Pli.D., m 


1899 J. F. Bottomley, Ph.D., in 


H. C. H. Carpenter, B.A., Pli.D., 

in Chemistry 

J. H. Smith, M.Sc., in Engineering 
C. H. G. Sprankling, B.Sc., in 


1900 W. B. MacLean, in Engineering 
J. W. Mellor, B.Sc., in Chemistry 
Edith M. Piatt, M.Sc., m Zoology 

F. W. Rixon, B.Sc., in Chemistry 

1901 G. C* Simpson, B.Sc., in Physics 

1903 E. C. Edgar, B.Sc., m Chemistry 
Helen M. England, B.Sc., in 


G. A. Hemsalech, D.Sc., in Physics 
Grace Wiggles worth, B.Sc., in 



1904 W. G. Dulfteld, B.A., in Physics 

1905 Lu wien co iliadfthuw, It, Si’., Ph.D., 
in Physic* 

Alfred 1 1. .It, It. A., in Chemistry 
J. K Petavel, M.Sc., in Physics 
Herbert StanMield, B.Sc., in 

Phy ics 

Charles WuDmann, Ph l> , in 


1906 J. R. Ashwoith, D.Sc., in Physics 
Ulrich Bohn, Ph.D., in Physics 
Julicn Drugman, Ph.D., in 


W. Ci, Dtillicld, B.A., B.Sc., in 


li. Ileus took, M.Sc., in Chemistry 
A Holt, B.A., in Chemistry 
Cl varies Powell White, M.A., M.D., 
F.R.C.S., in Pathology 

190/ I.. Brunei , Ph.D., in Physics 
W. G. Dntiicld, H.A., M.Sc., m 


Huns v Jeiger, P1».J>., in Physics 
Aitml Holt, M.A., in Chemistry 

H. W, Schmidt, Pn.D., m Physics 
W. P. Selvage, M.A.,iu English 

Language am! Literature 

1908 H. Geiger, Ph.D., in Physics 

W, A. Harwood, B.Sc., m Physic* 

A. Holt, M.A., D.Sc., in Chemistry 

V, VV. E. Kinan, Ph.D., in. 

H. S. Leigh, in Zoology 
Joseph Man gnu, M.A., m Zoology 
A. N. Meldnmi, I>.Sc., in chemistry 

I. Royds, M.Sc., in Physics 
Professor II. F. Ragan, in 


D. M. S. Watson , B.Sc., in Zoology 

L909 B. li. Boltwood, Ph.D., in Physics 
Hans Geiger, Ph.D., in Physios 

(Special Research Fellowship) 
Waltei Gon ter mann, m Metallurgy 
A. Holt, M.A., D.Sc., in Chemistry 
H. S. Leigh, m Zoology 
A. N. Meldrum, D.Sc ,in t I ministry 

W. Wilson, M.Sc., in Pliy-acs 



Res march Fellows— continued. 

1910 J. H. Andrew, M.Sc., in Metallurgy 
L. II. TIarrison, M.Sc., m Chemistry 
W. N. Haworth, M.Sc., Ph.D., in 


A. F. kovarik, Fh.D., m Physics 
J. E. Ramsbottom, M.Sc., Ph D., 
in Chemistry 
Roberto Rossi, M.Sc., in Physics 

F. W. Whaley, M.Sc., in Physics 

191 1 Philippa C. Usdailc, M.Sc., in 


J. A. Gray, B.Sc., in Physics 
A. Hopwnod, M.Sc., in Chemistry 

E. Mnrsdeu, M.Sc., in Physics 
J. E. R.uusbottom, M.Sc., in 


R. Rossi, M.Sc., in Physics 

F. W. Whaley, M.Sc., in Physics 
Mary G. Thoday, in Botany 

1912 G. Asakawa, in Engineering 

A. E Cameron, M.A., in 2<x>logy 
J. M. Crofts, M.A., M.Sc., m 


John Ferns, M.Sc., in Chemistry 
R. T. Hanlmau, M.Sc , in Chemistry 

G. von 1 Icvesey, Ph.D., in Physics 
Arthur Hopwood, M.Sc,, In 


C. K. Lea, M.D., in Medicine 

H. G. J. Moseley, B.A.,in Physics 
L E. Raimdxdlom, M.Sc., Ph.D., 

in Chemistry 

Gertrude M. Robinson, M.Sc., in 


T. S. Taylor, Ph.D., in Physics 
Mary G. Thoday, in Botany 

F. W Whaley, M.Sc..m Physics 

1913 Hartley Bateson, B.A., in English 
IK I. link, Ph.I)., in Latin 

N. w. Ingalls, M.D.,m Anatomy 

1914 Gompati Avakawa, in Engineering 
A, E. Cameron, M.A., in Zoology 
J. M. Crofts, M.A., M.Sc., in 


Stanislaw ICalaudyk, in Physics 
C. E. Lea, M.D., Ch.B., in Medicine 
R. M. Marshall, M I)., in Anatomy 
II. G. 1. Moseley, D.A.,in Physics 

E. M. Mumford, M.Sc., in Chemistry 
Edgar Newbery, M.Sc., in Physics 
Slugemi Oba, m Physics 

P. B. Perkins, Ph.D., in Physics 
Mary G. Thoday, m Botany 
Fret! Thomas, M.Sc., in Engineering 
H. P, Walmsley, M.Sc., in Physics 
!■'. W. Whaley, M.Sc., in Physics 

1915 James liarncs, Ph.D., in Physics 
'Maurice Copisarow, M.Sc., in 


G. A. Hemsalceh, D.Sc., in Physics 
Mary G. Thoday, m Botany 

1916 Maurice Copisarow, M.Sc., m 


G. A. Hcmsalcch, D.Sc., in Physics 

F. A, Hoyle, M.Sc., in Chemistry 

1917 Maurice Copisarow, M.Sc., in 

_ Chemistry 

G. A. Hemsalech, D.Sc., in Physics 
F. A. Royle, M.Sc., in Chemistry 
Andrew Robertson, D.Sc., m 

H. M. Morris. M.S=., in Engin6erIng 

Agricultural Entomology 

1918 G. A. Hemsalech, D.Sc., in Physics 

1919 G. A. Hemsalech, D.Sc., m Physics 

1920 T. G. B. Osborn, D.Sc. 

1921 H. S. Leigh, M.Sc. 

Leonore Pearson, M.Sc., in Chemistry 

1922 Leonore Pearson, M.Sc.,in Chem.stry 
W. K. Slater, M.Sc.,in Physiology 

E. D’A. McCrea, M.D., F.R.C.S. 

D.P.H., m Physiology 

1923 E. D’A. McCrea, M.D., F.R.C.S. I., 

D.P.H., in Physiology 
Gertrude Robinson, M.Sc. f in 


W. K, Slater, M.Sc., in Physiology 

1924 Lucy Wilson, B.A., Ph.D.. in Physic* 
Gertrude Robinson, M.Sc., in 


Elizabeth S. Gatewood, Ph.D., in 


Walter Gordon, Ph.D., in Physics 

1925 Ann Bishop, M-Sc. in Zoology 

C. E. Brunton, M.A., M.D., B.Ch., 
in Cancer Research 
Anthony Claassen, Ph.D., in Physics 

H. Raymond Ing, M.A., D.Phil.. 

in Chemistry 

J. N. Ray, B.Sc., in Chemistry 
J. C. Smith, PhD., in Chemistry 

1926 Ivar Waller, Ph.D., in Physics 

1927 A. J. Bradley, M.Sc., Ph.D., in 


1928 A. J. Bradley, M.Sc., Ph.D., in 


Felix Machatshchki, Dr. Phil., in 


Stephen Niiray-Szabrj, 

Dr. Tech, Sc., in Physics 
Joseph West, B.Sc., in Physics 

F. W. H. Zachariasen. Dr. Phil., in 


1929 Kathleen Wright Baker,, ia 


Isabel Cookson, B.Sc., in Botany 
W. L. Duiiete, M.D., in Physiology 
Stephen NAray-Szabd, Dr.Tech.Sc., 
in Physics 

Linus Pauling, Ph.D., in Physics 
Joseph. West, B.Sc., in Physic* 

1 930 Kathleen Wright Baker, M.Sc. in 


Joseph West, B.Sc. in Physics 



List of Fellowships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, and 
Prizes, recen tly discontin tied. 

The oiler of the following Fellowships, Scholarships, 
Exhibitions, and Prizes has been discontinued during the last 
few years. For lists of holders, see the Calendar for I929~.*iO, 
pages 642 — 786. 

Schunck Research FELLOWSHIP in Chemistry. 

Research Fellowships in Arts. 

Gilchrist Modern Language Studentship. 

Jarvis Travelling Scholarship in Architecture. 
Travelling Scholarships in Architecture. 

1851 Exhibition Scholarship. 

Gartside Scholarship op Commerce and Industries. 
Lewis's Scholarships in Commerce. 

Robert Platt Zoological and Botanical Scholarship. 
Serena Scholarship in Italian. 

Entrance Scholarship in Russian. 

Entrance Scholarship in Italian. 

Robert Platt Biological Exhibition. 

Robert Platt Physiological Exhibition. 

Leo Grindon Prize in Botany. 

University Prize in Medicine. 

Warburton Essay Prize in Local Government. 

# For Jiist of other Discontinued Fellowships, Scholar- 
ships, Exhibitions, and Prizes not shown above, see 
Calendar I 9 1 4 w i 5 » pages 844 — 851, and for the Schuster 
Research Scholarship, now also discontinued, page 776. 



Q5*iimtnatxonB in .Science, Jfato, jlteiitcme, jtlitBtr, 

Commerce nn& ^.iUttiniBtrattnn, ®tjcalag^, Serlyttolngg, 

(B&urntion, etc. 


(The names are in alphabetical order throughout.) 
I.— 103-2. 

faculty of Brts. 

Degree of M.A* 

Ralph, J. A. A. Ward, Edith 

Sutton, j.H. Wrigley, E. E. 

EotlicrMill, K. A. 
Harding, W. E. 

I toward, louan 

Ordinary Degree of B.A, 

The following have completed all courses for the Ordinary Degree of B.A. : 

Bedford, F. J. 

Wall, C. F. L. 


Examinations . 


(The Roman numbers indicate the Division in which the candidate was placed.) 



Pure Maths. 


Ancient History. 



r d 





! French. 

1 UClIUdU U. 


Political Econ. 

Medieval History. 




Amery, H. J. H 






Ball, Mona 








Baron/D. K J 

Baylcy, E. H ( 

Bedford, F. J 1 










I [ 



Bloch, C. 'M 


1 1 



Bromley, E. J 

Brown, Marie 





T 1 



Clay,’ C. R 










1 1 


Fielden, H. S 

Fletcher, J. A 

Forster, G. I 











Goom, Kenneth 1 

1 1 


I ... 



. ji 

I ... 


Hartley, H. K 

Hilton, P. B 





Holden, A. M 1 



. II 




Hoyle, S.'H. S 




Keyes, Margaret M 

Knowles, Vincent 

.. ii 

Lambert, Dorothy E 

Leon, Emanuel ! 




McArthur, Margaret A. 




McCoy, Catherine 

McKenzie, Rose 





McWilliam, Jean 1 

Martin, Teresa 


.. IL 


i, . . 

Morgan, W. L. D 

Myers, A. R 

Neal, A. D 

Nesbitt, Lynda M. 





Newton, Marian 


Norburn, 14. G 


Noton, Hilda M 

Oddy, Harold... 

Parker, W. J 

Pazargadi, Aladin 

Pearson, Joseph 






.. 11 

Perks, Eric 

Pollock, E. L. 



Redmond, Kathleen M. S. ... 



Roberts, E. H 



Ruscoe, John 






T ntermediate Examination — continued . 

i 4(1 1 -g -j|| a'jtjjf if 

» 5* 1 B ,5 3 a s f I s l.S> 

Saunders, H. R. ... 

Shaw, C. E 

Simpson, Joan E. ... 
Smithies, Dorothy E. 
Smyth, Cathleen P. 
Spedding, Ethel N. 

Stott, R. C 

Stubbs, Kathleen F. 
Sylces, Constance ... 
Taylor, Vera M. ... 
Thomas, Muriel ... 
Thornber, Helen ... 
Turner, Dorothy H. 
Walker, Hazel 
Walker, Kathleen D. 
WaH, C. F. L. 
Walmsley, Dorothy 
Weinberg, Sylvia A. 
Wheeldon , Arthur . . . 
Whitton, A. R. ... 
Williams, J. I. 

Wood, Arthur 

i...l ...'TI'.. 

i..j i .... 


nit... 1 ... ii L 

ii .. 

•...ill: L 

'..Jn... ir. 

....... '...L. .i i. 

I..... it 

'...nij...;... iij...jii 

'iii...... • in ... 1 ii.. 


jfacultg of Science. 

Degree of Ph. D. 

Brittain, John Mawson, C. A. Stubbs, A. E. 

Littlcr, VV. B. 

Baxter, Alan 
Clarke, Winifrid S. 
Cope, F. W. 
Cumick, H. K. 
Davis, Edwin 
Eastwood, Eric 
Gee, Geoffrey 

Degree of M.Sc. 

Hey, Donald 
Ingman, A. L. 

Kay, W. W. 
Kenneford, A. S. 
McGaughey, C. A. 
Marsden, R. J. B. 
Meek, C. A. 

Morgan, A. S, L. 
Ogden, Geoffrey 
Shager, Gershon 
Sheehan, H. L. 
Whitehouse, W, J. 
Whittenbury, G. V. 
Veadon, Robert 

Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. 

Intermediate Examination. 

Akred, Phyllis 
Allison, Muriel 
Ashe, X. S. 
Ashton, C. C. 
Ashworth, Wilfred 
Burt, Marjorie P. 
Burton, F. S. 
Clark, Cuthbert 
Cunnington, H. T . 
Dawson, K. D. 

Duxbury, Winifred M. 
Ellison, Clare 
Fitton, L. R. 

Gregory, A. C. 

Halsall, Kathleen M. 
Holmes-Srmth, Franklin 
Hoy, Finn 
McKnight, W. C. 
Mercer, Beatrice 

Milnes, A. H. 
Murray, Jean M. 
Rhodes, Minnie _ 
Schofield, Jim 
Seager, G. C. 

Smith, W. B. 
Stevens, Louisa E. 
Tann, Milton 
Warburton* Elsie J , 



The following have satisfied the Examiners in the subjects named : 

Pure Mathematics. 
Coomer, Frieda M. 

Holt, IaisHos 
Lord, G, A. 

Chemistry and Botany. 
Brothertou, Helen M* W. 

Applied Mai hr mat its. 
O miner, Frieda M, 

Holt, Leslie 
Lord, t«. A, 

Makin, \V. \V. 

Soddon, .1 . \Y. 

Traill, A. V. 

Makin, \V, W. 
Seddmi, L W. 
Traill, A. 1*. 

Degrees of M. B. and Ch.B. 

I *i rst Examination, Harts I. and 11a. 

Ball, k. E. 

Ballon, Leslie 
Beenstock, David 
Bennett, Muriel L. 

Babbage, J. C. 
Ball, X, W. 

Ball, R. E. 

Barlow, T. E. 
Beckett, R. S. A. 
Bonham, G. H. H. 
Bonnett, J. M. 
Bennett, Muriel L. 
Blank, M. J. 
Brittain, Thomas 
Brunei ret, J. C, 
Burbridge, H. C. 
Carpenter, C. W. 
Con, C. D. 

David, A. E. 
Dawson, D. B. H. 
Dick, T. B. & 
Dickinson, R. G. 
Dinsdalc, Tom 

Part X.— CmiMisruY ani» Physics, 

1 terry, OVI'W 

Look**, H, 

Ferguson, 1, 11. 

Pearson, A. 1*‘, 

Hollos R. B., T. IS. 

Part IX. a. -Botany. 

Donnelly, Brian 

Livshiu, David 

Fergus* m, J. II. 

Fleure, Mary 

Locke, <». B. 

Osborne, 11. N, 

France, j. ij. 

Panton, Nydisi E. 

Greonhulgh, Falith A. 

Pearson, A. F. 

Hawkins, K. S. 

Robson, W. A. 

Hibbert, F . < J. 

R( person, Mary A. 

Holden, W. S. 

Row son, J, Iv. 

Hollos, R. B. 

Simmons, F'l on* nee M. 

Holme, Thomas 

StanslteM, r. N., William 

Stewart, T, S. 

larkson, Roger 

Stratton, Fred 

Janus, Oscar 

Taylor, Nathan 

Job, Monica 

Webb, J. M. 

Lawrence, 11. L. H. 

Whaltey, Norman 

Lawton, T. IX. 

Leon, i lector 

While, A. It. 

Whitehead, T. B. 

Lieiw»vt , Katherine 

Wilding, r. H. 

Diploma in Dentistry. 

Atkinson, H. F. 
Burgcss, J. B. 

Carter, H. A. 

Conroy, Teresa E. 
Copestake, Edgar 
Derbyshire, Kenneth 
Graham, F. B>. 

Second Examination. 

Botany , 

Ham, Stanley 
Hawurd, N. II. 

Hawley, ]. P, 

Holt, r. K. 

Holt, T. S. 

Pigott, I\ J. 

Rodman, J. II. K. 

Auerbach, Sidney 
Blackburn, J. E. 
Booth, Janies 
Brierley, R. F. B, 
Cookson, J. E. 

First Examination. 

Dakor, Derek 
Halls worth, F. P. 
Jackson, Kenneth 
Lorimer, K. L. 

Th© following have satisfied the 
Astle, R. D. 

Carlisle, Mary M. 

Davies, Michael 

Examiners in Chemistry : 
Franlcenburg, E. E. 
O’Brien, Eileen M. 
Pendlebury, Phyllis E. 

Roth well, J. C. 
Salem, Jack 
Shcn ton, F. C. 
Stewart, A. S. 
Taylor, F\ S. 
Wignall, Bessie 

O’Brien, J. F. 
Patterson, C. K. M. 
Pyui, L. A, 
Trenbath, H. V. O. 

Pool, C. G. 
Pullin, Douglas 



jfacults of Xavc>. 

Degree of L-L.B. 

Intermediate Examination. 

Lloyd, R. J. (Political Economy approved Arts subject for Inter . LL.B.) 

f acuity of flDetricine. 

Degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. 

Beer, A. S. 
Cohen, M. M- 
Craig, Patience 
Gattio, C. H. 

Finai- Examination. 

Hall, William 
Lendrum, J. D. 
Perry, Marion. W. 
Sheehan, Brendan 

Part I. 

Starkie, Colin 
Strange, Muriel N. 
Sutton, Simon 

Tho following have satished the Examiners in the subjects named : 

Forensic Medicine and Hygiene and Preventive 
Cohen, S. A. Moore, G,H, Schofield, John , 

Fleming, Harry 

&?al?Eoland wK D. 

Thu following have satisfied 
Baker, Harry 

Bullough, A. S. 

Cargill, W. P. 

Copeland, Neville 
Cran, J . D. H. 

Dawson,°Annie M. 

Goldstone, Norman 
Hancock, Charles 

Chamley, John 
Clarke, Eleanor B. 
Cowell, Mary A. C. 
Crossley, A. J - F. 

Davey, T. F» 

Fieldmg, VV illiam 
Firth, F- I- 
Greenhalgh, Eric 
Hargreaves, Alan 

Heilpem, B JH. 

Higson, K. H. 

Hoffman, A. D. 


Third Examination. 
the Examiners in the subjects 
pathology and Bacteriology - 
Harris, Arthur 
Harris, Harr? 

Hempling, Henry 
Hill, B. P. 

Hobson, J. A. 

Hughes, Eileen M. 

Janus, Fred 
Jobson, R. H. 

Jones, S. H. O- 
Kirkman, N. F.^ 

Mackay, D. H. 


Husdan, L. L. 

Jamieson, J. 1- a. 

Jureidini, G. R. 

Koretz, H. A. 

Mackay, A. F. 

Mallinson, Ralph 
Meynell, J«hn 
Moorhouse, Geoffrey 
Morgan, J . L. 

Nelstrop, Annie 
Parish, R. E* 

Parker, C. S. 

Distinction in Pathology and Bacteriology : 
Mackay, £>• H. 

named : 

Martin, A. E. 

Mather, Amy B. de V 
Patterson, E. Im- 
porter, Winifred 
Spencer, Ralph 
Spencer, W. K- 
Swain, Marjorie 
Tetlow, Clifford 
Tomlinson, A. McN . _ 
Woodhead, J. A. A. L. 

Parker, J- N. 

Ross, Leslie Margaret 
Royle, Cyril 
Settle, H. L. 
Shepherd, J - H . 

Shute, IDennis 
Thomley, Bernard 
Thomley, Roland 
Wade, H. J. 

Ward, G. W. 
Wardley, J. R- 
Williams, Margaret 1 . 

Awarded Distinction in Pharmacology : 
Chamley, John 
Wade, H. J. 

Williams, Margaret 1. 

ut'uut ftons. 


Degree of B.D.S. 

Final 1C x am in \ iuin. 

Kikst Crass Honours. 
Mi'll' |. I,. 

Second Crass Homo u us. 

TwlattRton, H. II. 

Diploma in Dentistry. 


JJichscm, D. H. Gibbons, J. M. l’atorwn, M. 

Dykfs, T. P. Morris, A. II. * Tlnakston, J. A. 

The following have satisfied the Examiners m the subjects named : 

Dental Surgery , Denial Prosthetics, ( )prratwe Dentistry and Orthodontus. 
Collens, R. F, Parry, A. I.. 

Third JixAMiNAiioN. 

Allsup, Roland Podusta, G. R. Thornton, Erie 

Ellis, G. J. Slicrwun, J. II. 

The following have* satisfied the Examiners in the subjects nitiuoil : 

I*hysiology and Anatomy. 

Roberts, F. C. 

Dental Anatomy and IHstolotiV . 

Skidmore, I>. E. Wilson, France*. 1 

Hyrom, 1 arnes 
Cocker, Geoffrey 
Davison, P. H. 
Fenton, James 
Ferguson, G. K. 
Hodgkins, Irene RI. 

SivC< >N I ) liNAM l NATION. 

Dental Mechanics. 

Nic hulls, Patricia II. 
Payton, I). V. 

Peel, John 
Potts, Philip 
Sliensby. H. W. S. 

Smith, A. S. 

Taylor, F. S. 
Wallwnrk, b'rank 
Williams, 1. N. 
Wilson, I lob -ii A. F. 

Diploma in Public Health. 

Part I. 

Kitson, J. H. 

Part II. 

Forsyth, Charlotte E. 

Newton, V. A. 



jfacult*> of Commerce anb Hbmtntetration. 

Decree of M.A. (Com.). 

Shabtay, Abraham 

Diploma in Social Study. 

Fielder, A. E. H. Grist, Valerie S. 

faculty of Cecbnologp. 

Bor, Joseph 
Islicrwood, Cyril 
Kanga, D. P. 

Degree of M.Sc.Tech. 

Milbum, D. P. Platt, G. H. 

Montgomery, F. H. Robinson, FL G. R. 

Neville, T. S. 

Degree of B. Sc. Tech. 

Intermediate Examination. 

Allen, Jack Grosman, S. L. 

Brieriey, Alan Hill, Sydney 

Byrom, William Kwok, L. P. 

Dann, Jack Lloyd, A. B. 

El Shafei, I. F. Mamooji, A. S. 

Gokson, Allen Nevrekar, M. L. 

The following have satisfied the Examiners in the subjects named ; 

Parviainen, N. E. O. 
Robinson, T. H. 
Swabey, P. S. W. 
Terleski, J. T. 
Walker, B. A. 
Warrington, J. E>. 

Gradon, J. H. F. 


Kuvanonda, Prabaddha 

Gradon, J. H. F. 
Hanaway, James 

Hanaway, James 
Hardcastle, F. K. 


Hardcastle, F. K. 
Kuvanonda, Prabaddha 

Ogden, P. H. 
Simon, Jamil 


Ogden, P. H. Simon, Jamil 

Entrance Examination for Certificate Candidates. 


Kwok, T. C. 

Booth, H. A. 


♦Copple, Cecil Rayworth, Richard 

Subject to passing in a language. 


Kxtimina Units. 

II. -It m. 

jfacultg of arts. 

Degree of Ph.I). 

Eriodlander, Moses II*> Igo, Caroline E. 

Brady, R. P. 
Elcock, W. D. 
Fisch, Solomon 
Halliwell, Annie 
Hollas, Henry 

Degree of M.A. 

1**1), icth'd n. 
MaUDon, 1. C. 
Roberts, Rl.irj.Mret R. 
Sjx'b’ht, Kutiilocn 
Spoight, S idie 

Thomas, Aiunc L. 
Travis, J . 1£. 

Wild*?, ft. W. 

Willis, Dora M. 
Wriglny, Margaret J . 

The following candidate has satisfied the Examiners in the examination portion for the 
degree of M.A. but has still to present a thesis : 

Ryder, J. 1*. 

Degree of B.A. — Honours Schools. 

First Class. 
Gibson, Sylvia J. 

First Class . 



Strand ('las:,. 

(Dwhitnt I.) 

Dennis, L. II. 

Dan-, May V. B. 

Kill!, Lnrna A. 

{Division II.) 

Ballaui'e, Edna 
Cottrell, Nora 
Devons, Nina 
Kemvorthy, Josephine K. 
Rogers, II. C. 

Smith, Gertrude M. 

Tinu, Lilian 
Wood, Dorothy J, 

Third ( lass. 
Berry, liilis 
Hall, Mary L. 
Iligson, Nora C*. 

First Class. 
Collingwood, Beryl M. 


Second Class. 

( Division 1.) 
McAleavy, Henry 

( Division II.) 
Barry, W. P. 
Rigby, T. A. 

First Class. 
Owen, C. M. 
Roskell, J. S. 
Williamson, Fred 


Second Clas s. 
(Division I.) 

BrainlU, E. P. 
Diamond, Catharine M. 
Elliott, Roy 
Hirst, Doreen R. 
Hopwood, Harold 
Lofthouse, Hilda 
Ward, Margaret E. 

(Division II.) 

Barlow, Mildred E. 
Clegg, Helen G. 

Coogan, Mary F. 
Haggas, Annie 
Holden, Winifred M. 
Rigby, Richard 

Third ('lass. 
Keeley, K. M. 
Lawton, Hilda 

Examinati»na . 


English Language and Literature. 

First Class . 

Davis, Winifred J. 
Farrington, Geoftrey 
Whiteliouso, Kathleen M. 

Second Class . 

{Division I.) 

Barnes, Margaret S. 
Hodgson, J. D. 

Johnson, Dorothy 
Kendrick, Myra 
Kenyon, Alicia 
Kirkman, Alice 
Pennington, Olive M. S. 
Purcell, Jean 
Quinn, A. R. 

Stimpson, Beryl H. 
Wilcox, Margaret T. 
Williams, Mary M. 

(Division II.) 

Appleby, Isobel G 
Appleton, Edith L. 
Butterworth, Stanley 
Cutcliffe, Mary 
Evans, G. J. 

Hagan, Rose D. 

Heap, Kathleen M. M. 
Higson, Thomas 
Johnston, Annie W. 
Jones- Williams, Gwen E. 
Laycock, Annie 
Lee, Leonora E. 

Newton, Joan H. 

Snape, Percy 
Tifiany, Margaret 
Wilkinson, Margaret E. 

Third Class. 
Bedwell, W. T. 
Seal, Gladys W. 
Shaw, Dorothy A. 

First Class . 
Baker, Marcus 
Metcalfe, Olive 

French Studies. 

Second Class . 

( Division I.) 
Durrant, F. A. W. 
Easton, Hilda 
Hoyle, S. H. S. 

Riley Mary K. 
Warenam, Elsie M. 

( Division II.) 
Albinson, Kathleen M. 
Byrom, Margaret E. 
Fletcher, Dorothy E. 
Higgins, Edith 
Neal, A. D. 

Nield, G. K. 

Rawlings, Lilian 
Scott, Sheila M. 
Smithies, Dorothy E. 
Tittexington, Muriel S. 
Waite, George 
Wilkinson, Margaret 

Third Class. 
Davies, L. M. 
Haworth, Eunice 
Piper, T. W. 
Rooks, G. F 

German Language and Literature. 

First Class. Second Class . Third Class. 

Finch, C, D. ( Division 1.) Whitworth, Mabel 

Alison, D. F. ^ 

Goddard, W. H. 

( Division II.) 
Englesberg, Bernard 


fSgoatnitm tiotis. 

Economics and Political Soik 

First Class. 
Cliantlei, Philip 

Second Cl as .. 

( Division l.) 
Boving, C. A. I>. 
Smith, Dorothy E. 

(Division If.) 
Fr.irn'Ko, Bernard 
Rhodes, I*', C. 

Firs i Class . 

Sheild, Mary \V. 
Shorter, A. II. 


Second Class, 

(Division I.) 
i 1 1 If, Margaret 15 , 

I .ighton, lit ‘or#* 
Poppitt, R. I). 

(Division II . t 
Gregory, Lucy 
Louro, Edith M. 
Moseley, Elizabeth J. 

Fit st Class . 
Povvickc, Anna K, 


Second Class, 
McGowan, Wimfied M. 

Preliminary and Part 1. 


Ashton, Alice C. 

Burton, Phyllis M, 

Dodd, Katherine A. 

Gunner, Winifred M, 
MeWilliiim, Jean 
Pickering, Margaret 

Ball, Leslie 
Bell, J. G. 


C'ooko, FI. P. 
GaskelL, Christopher 

Bott, D. H. M. 
Cartland, G. B. 
Duckworth, Arthur 
Graham, Veronica 
Heaton, Rosemary 
Hill, Winifred 
Inch, Herbert 
Jackson, D. B. 

History (Part l.). 

James, D. W. 

J ucker, Ninetta 
Lon ton, Jessie M. 
Lever Norah 
McNulty, Maureen J. 
Mills, Constance M.' 
Mon ‘wood, Violet 


Ornery, H. J. H. 
Barnes, Elizabeth M. 
Baylcy, E. H. 
Benjamin, Vera D. 
Boltiansky, Sheila R. 
Brindle, Ellen J. 
Burnett, Irene’l. 
Butler, Eileen D. 
3ross, W. A. 

Davenport, C. B. 
Dean, Margaret E. 
Eastwood, Wilfred 
Frankish, Albert 
Heap, Marjorie 
Hitchcn, Margaret A. 
Lamb, C. W. 

Moore, Kathleen 


I'hird Class. 
Birley, Barbara F. 

Rolls, Lucy 
Smith, Mary I*'. 
Thomas, Helen 

King, r*:. }. 

Spurgin, Edith M. 

Mvers, A. K. 

Othiy, Harold 
Pollock, 15. L. 
Ruane, Thomas 
Stubbs, Kathleen F. 
Taylor, Vera M. 
Whiteside, Mabel T. 

(Part l.). 

Pugh, Beryl C. 
Simpson, Joan C. 
Stuart, Mary 
Taylor, A. R. 
Walmslcy, Dorothy 
Wheeldon, Arthur 
Wilde, Annie 
Wilkinson, Nora 

l&xaminal ions . 


Baik’V, Mary II. 
Baker, C. W, 

Ball, Mona 
Borders, A. U. 
Chapman, Kenneth 
Dickon, Russell 
Dux bury, Muriel 
f Joodwin, D. R. T. 

French Studies, 

Gough, Kathleen G, ' 
Graves, K. C. 

Hedges, Elsa M. 

Keyes, Margaret M. 
Lloyd, E. R. 

Roberts, Beatrice T. R. 
Robson, D. W. 

Sewell, Gwendoline M. 
Shoosmith, Emily M. 
Smith, Elizabeth M. 
Thomas, Muriel 
Wilcox, Margaret H. 
Williamson, Mary E. L, 
Winstanley, Frances E. 

German Language and Literature. 

Bloch, C. M. Jackson, W. G. 

C< milliard, Doris I. H. Leon, Emanuel 

Nesbitt, Lynda M. 
Taylor, Arthur 

Economics, Politics, and Modern History (Part I.). 
Devons, Klv Magraw, W. L. Price, Beryl M. 

Geography (Part X.). 

Dobson. Margaret E. Illingworth, Grace A. Richards, Marv 

Gorton, Robert Mander, Mary Savory, H. J. " 

Green, A. K. 

Baron, D. K. 
Briggs, Hilda 

Architecture (Part I. a.). 

Hargreaves, Thomas Riley, C. F. 

Little, M. E. Taylor, B. T. 

Architecture (Part I,b.). 

Whitton, A. R. 

Economics, Politics, and Modern History. 

The following candidates have satisfied the Examiners in the requirements of subsidiary 
subjects under Regulation C.l , as follows : 

Modern History. 

Daniels, G. K. 



Cutler, Marjorie E 

Barker, Eunice M. 
Gill, R. S. 
Threlfall, John 



Dunn, Sheila 


Gill, R. S. 
Threlfall, John 


Crossley, Jack 
Cutler, Marjorie E. 
Daniels, G. K. 

English Law. 


Crossley, Jack 
Gill, R. S. 
Winchester, Jack 


1 . 

Daniels. G. K. 

Ordinary Degree of B.A. 

The following have completed the prescribed courses for the Ordinary Degiee of B.A. 

Baker, Dora A. 

Balshaw, Elizabeth 
Bembridge, George 
Brentnall, Beatrice A. 
Bromley, E. J. 

Burgess, Mary L. 

Clark, Margaret A. 
Cohen, Mary 
Concannon, Margaret R. 
Connolly, Cecelia 
Crabtree, A. B. 

Crook, R. M. 

Edden, Marion S. 
Edmondson, Norman 
Fletcher, Charles 
Grant, Frieda 
Gribbin, Patricia R. 

Hartnoll, S. W. F. 
Hewortb, Kathleen A. 
Holland, Margaret M. C. 
Horridge, Margaret 
Hutton, Joan B. 

James, Mary I. McC. 
Johnson, Dorothy M. 
Jones, Dorothy F. 
Lindsay, Lilian E. 
McGilvray, J, C. 
Mappin, A. G. 

Millner, Marjorie \Y. 
Pearson, Joseph 
Pickering, Gertrude 
Price, Marjorie P. 
Roberts, E. H. 

Robinson, G. A. 
Sharpies, A. C. 

Shaw, C. E. 

Shaw, Ethel L. 

Slater, Mary K. 

Smith, Dora 
Sutton, Gwendoline M. 
Thompson, Frances 
Tonge, M. \Y. 

Unwin, Phvllis 
Walker, D. C. 
Warrington, Maty 
Whit tick, R. V. 
Whyatt, C. B. 

Widen, A. J. 

Wright, Mary V. 



Special Examination. 

(The Roman numbers indicate the division in which the candidate was placed.) 

I jlif 

p!| w R; .Mi © : S, 

Ashworth, Edwin 
Baker, Marcus ... 
Balshaw, Elizabeth 
Bembridge, George 
Brentnall, Beatrice A 
Bromley, E. J. ... 
Brown, Catherine S. 
Burgess, Mary L. 
Carruthers, Marian 
Clark, Margaret A. 
Cohen, Mary 
Concannon, Margaret 
Connolly, Cecelia 
Cooper, A. H. ... 
Cowan, Gwendolyn 
Crabtree, A. B. ... 
Crook, R. M. 

Crook, Vera 
Davenport, C. B. 

Davis, Greta M 

Deakin, Bessie H. 
Dodd, Kathleen A. 
Easton, Hilda ... 
Eastwood, Wilfred 
Hdden, Marion S. 
Evans, A. E. 
Fletcher, Charles 
Forster, G. I. ... 
Fort, Mary T. ... 

Gaul, R. C 

Gerrard, Dorothy M 
Gribbin, Patricia R. 
Hartley, Sylvia M. 
Hartnoll, S. W. F. 
Heap, Marjorie . . . 

Heworth, Kathleen A, 
Hindle, J. F. 

Holland, Margaret M 
Hollings, Louie ... 
Johnson, Dorothy M 
Jones, Dorothy F. 
Kenney, J. D. ... 
Kent, Kathleen M. 
Kenyon, Emiua C. 
Lindsay, Lilian E. 
McCoy, Catherine 
McGilvray, J. C. 
Mappin, A. G. ... 
Margerison, Joan 
Milner, Marjorie W. 
Mitchell, Alan ... 
Pearson, Joseph 
Pickering, Gertrude 
Porter, Agnes W. 
Price, Marjorie P. 
Rawlings, Lilian 
Roberts, JE. H. ... 
Robinson, G. A. 
Scott, Sheila M.... 
Sharpies, A. C. ... 
Shaw, C. E. 

Shaw, Ethel L. ... 
Simmonds, Barbara 
Slater, Mary K. 
Smith, Clcile J. L. 




Examination — continued. 

868 Examinations. 

Gbnkral Examination. 

fThe Roman numbers indicate the division in which the candidate was placed.} 

Alderson, Winifred M. 
Ashton, Alice C\ 

Bailey, Fred 

Baker, Dora A. 
Balmforth, Edith ... 
Balshaw, Elizabeth... 
Bannister, Dora 
Barker, R. L. ... ... 

Barlow, Margaret E. 

Bayley, E. H 

Bedwell, W. T. 

Bell, James G. 

Bell, 'John G 

Bembridgr, Got ,rge ... 
Beniamin, Gertrude 
Benjamin, Vera D. ... 
Blackwell, Marjorie M. 

Bloch, C. M 

Booth, Perry 

Brand, C. A. H, 
Briudle, Ellen J. 

Bromley, E. J 

Brooks, R. H 

Burgess, Mary L. 
Burton, Phyllis M. ... 
Butler, Eileen D. ... 
Butterworth, Frank 
Carroll, Violet JL. ... 
Carruthers, Marian ... 
Cary, Dorothy M. ... 

Cassidy, Hilda 

Cave, K. G. D. 
Clanrliy, Audrey E. 

Clay, C. R 

Clinton, T. J 

Cockerolt, John 

Cocker, Philip 

Cocks, Hannah 
Conlon, Mary J. 
Connolly, Cecelia ... 
Cooke, Ermerlinda B. 

Cooke, H, P 

Crabtree, A. B. 

Croft, John 

Crompton, Herbert... 

Crosby, G. H 

Cunlitfe, Joyce 

Cutcliffc, 'Margaret ... 
Daley, Margaret M.... 
Davenport, Marjorie 
Davis, Greta M. 
Davis, Winifred J. ... 
Denton, Geoffrey ... 
DrCrant, F.*A. W. ... 

Dyson, F. O 

Edington, Kenneth... 
Edmondson, Norman 
Ellison, Margaret J. 
Evans, A. E 


Gk»hibal ifixAMiWATiON — continued. 










* ; 





Greek Hist. {Hons. Schs.). 
Roman History. 

Modern History II. (i.). 
Modem Historv IT. fii.l. 

Economic History. 1 

Ecclesiastical Hist. II. (i.). J 

Oriental History. 

Political Economy. 
Psychol. & Gen. Phil. 

Hist, of Mod. Phil. 

Ethics. | 

Classical Sculpture. 1 

Spanish. | 

Medieval History. 
Hellenistic Greek. 



J .. 





. I 







j 1 . 


... 1 

I ... 









;:r : 

J. i J . 


f* ‘ 




Fruneoinb, Kvciyn L). M. 
Gunwr, J. C 



II ... 





... . 






Gurstung, Winifred 


I j 





finitl U (' 


• VT 

n !-! n ,- 



”v r* 





i j 

' i i‘ 


Grant, FrJccl.i 

Green, Eva. 



II ..y. 






j » 

" Y *■ 

' ii 

Grooves, 1). A 


.. . 


;'y; i ' 




j » . 



.( i 




j... ... 


Hnuisir, Phvllis M 





. ... 


... .. 

. j .. 




Hare, Eileen 

Harlancl, Joyce 









... .. 






Hartley, isylvia m. ... ... 

Hartnell, S. W. F 





. ... 


... ... 





Harit, Hilda 

i i 






... ... 




Hawkos, Joan P. C. 




II .. 



i i 

Heath, Jenny M 





.. . 


...i.. . i... 

Hepburn, Olive M 




II .. 



i ; 

noraa, i 1 . u. ■» 


' l*" 



• *- 

He worth, Kathleen A. ...i 
H indie, J. F j 









. ... 



* I...'... 

Hirst, Barbara F i 


.. ... 


ii !! 



•'*:**•) '-.-‘V-: 

Holden, A. M 





IT .. 


H< >rridge, Margaret 

Howarth, B. L 




J...I La./... 








Hubbuck, A. R 

Huss, T. P. T 

Hutton, Joan B 

fames, Bertha M 














James, Mary I. McC. . . . 

fessop, Barbara M. 






.1 . 





t i . 

... ... ... 

Johnston, Annie W. 







1 _ 

ii .. 


i"! !!! 

Tones, Dorothy F. ...... 

Jones-Williams, Gwen E. 

Kay, Evelyn 

Kelly, Desmond 

Kenney, J. D. ... 

Kent, Kathleen M 

Kenyon, Alicia 

Kenyon, Jessie G 

Kettle, John 

King, E. J 

Kirkpatrick, Wilfred ...; 
Lamb,C.W. ... ... ... 

Lambert, Dorothy E. 
Leach, Kathleen 

Lee, Leonora E 

Lindley, Edgar 













i . 


























ii .. 

. ... 


. i . , . 





f ’ 

| * ' 

j*** ** 



y:; ”! 

:r.:: ::: 








i i 

1 . 


t 1 1 i 



G iCNiiTiA i ‘ Examination - continued. 












Roman Hist. {Hons. Schs.). 

Greek Hist (Hons. Schs.). 
Roman History. 


a.; -3. ^ 
a'w 5 


1 ■g W 

[ **" 


1 8 



Oriental History. 


! ; j 


liflgH ij 

Pn^jK! , u 



*g ^ ,y 
8L' g i 

t/3 iJ 

p k 


Lister, Wilfred 

Livorsedge, LA 

. ... I 

J... I 








. i ■ 






. J. . 








.. ' 





1 ' 












McGuhmess, J. W 

Maclean, Peggy 

:!::: 1 

i i 



...L . 









McWilliam, Jean 

Mappin, A, O 










Margorisnn, loan 

Martin, H. J*. 

Martin, Teresa 

Mason, Mary W 

Mather, Floi*enco M 

.i... 1 1... 








I i 


| j 




• | 



. i 

...i y;; 



. ... ii 







Mav, Terence F 

. ... i 

. i. 




.. *. . 

Miller, L. J 

Miller, Richard 




Mitchell, Alan 1 

Morgan, W. L. 1) 



. • 


. L.J..J... 





J r 

Morris, Mary A 

Moulton, Fred 





j.J. J 


J . 

i i 

Newton, Marian 




...L.j i 


Noonanj Joseph 

Norburn/R. G 

Owen, Kathleen F 

I ..J... 

...III...'... 1 ... 



... . 


. j 

...l.J. r;y 



. ... j. . 


Parker, W. J 

Partridge, Leslie 


. . .j 

i. j i i 


..j ,j... 


l.J r r 





Pearson, Joseph ! 

Tickering, Margaret .... 

Porter, Agues W 


...L L.J... 


i i 


i ...i... 


j i 




...'...L.J... 1 . . 


„j i 


Price, Marjorie P 

Priest, G. B 

Prior, Rebecca M 



...L.J. j...i. . 


...L.J .. 



...L.J,. .L.J... 

..J i .. 



...L.J .L ' 




Pugh, Beryl C 





I...I J ■ 

...L. ' . 

' L_. 


KawolifTe, Mary 15. .... 



. J.J...L.. 



..j . i 

Rayburn, Barnet 

. 1. J i 


..J ..L . 


Reddy, Mary 

RedmontI, Kathleen M. S, . 

. ..Jilt... 



..J . L.. 

i i 


..J . 







!** * 

Richards, Marv 

. ..J... 

Ill 1 




Roberts, E. K'. 

Robson, D. W 1. 

Rogers, H, C t. 

Rolls, Lucy 1. 

Ruscoe, John I. 

Ryan, Monica i. 

. ..J .. 











. *■ 

. I ... 


. J..J "i"V" 


i • i 


. .. 
. ...1... 




...L.J... L.J... 





. L.J ' ' 



i ■* 

Sanders, H. G I. 

Sandiforri, Kenneth 

. ...j I 

.LI i i 








* * 

Saunders, A W. ... ...1. 

Seal, Gladys W 1. 

Sharpies, A. C L 

Shaw, Dorothy A 




. i 




..J.J. '...L 






i „ 


... . 

Shaw, Ethel L 



i 1 


i ... 


Shepherd, Jean l. 

ShGridan, F?eda 1. 

Short, Nora 



i I 

t. J. I. 

i , 





1 1 


. ... ..J... 

| f 

1 1 


Simmonds, Barbara J 

. ... III... 

. I..J 

. * 


.:.l . 

Slater, R. S 

Smith, Cecile J. L 

Smith, Colin 

Smith, Eric 




I 1 



i 1 

i. j 





l i 


l . 


. j. . 

1 1 


yt *r 



Medieval History. 



Intermediate Examination. 

(The Roman numbers indicate the division in which the candidate was pLiceu.j 



Pure Maths. 







Modem History. 













la ! 


Political Economy. 

Medieval History. 




























Alison, D. F 

Anderson, Mary V 



II 1 



*' i 







: ii 






U 1 


. 11 

Arscbavir, Arthur 

Astington, Eric 


. t . 

TI 1 




** v ** 



i . 






Bailey, O. C 

Ball, Leslie 



T £l 







< 1 i 

Balshaw, Elizabeth 






. 1 





Barker, K. I 

Battersby, Philip 



r i 

. J. 



ri . 

. . 1 ... 

. 1 i 1 




.. n;,.. 

Berry, Christina 



ri ii 


ii . 


.j... i. .j. ...... 



1 1 

Bolam, C. G 

Bolton, J. A 




i . 

: i i 










Bottomley, Gwen 

Bradley, Barbara 

Brand, C. A. B 

Brentnall, (Christine D 




i . 







...‘..J. . 



til : 




Brewer, Stanley 

Brierley, Ellen 

Bromley, E. J, 

1 1 

. ii ii 


1 1 





1 1 



Brooks, K. H ... 




Brown, Marie ... J 



i _ 



Brown, Margaret K 

Burton, Doris M 

Cahill, Edward. . . 












1L ... 

Caldwell, Agnes M 



1 1 

Cassidy, Hilda 

Clanchy, Audrey I£ 

Cliff, S, W 

Clinton, T. ,i 










* 'l ' 



Collins, L. j 





Conlon, Mary J. 



Connolly, Cecelia ... 

Conroy, ]ohu 




Cooke, ti. P 


Cooper, Joan D 




Coxon, O. F 





Cragg, Margaret 





Croft, John 

Crosby, G. H ... .. 

Crossley, Jack 









Cutclme, Margaret 



Cutler, Marjorie E .. 





Daley, Margaret M 




Daniels, G. K 

! i 



Denton, Geoffrey 



'Dickmso'Zi, Kathleen 




Dobson, Margaret E 

\ ' 


Dunlop, Margaret 





Dunn, Sheila M 

, ... 



Dykes, K. C 

! i 





Eckersley, N. A 



1 1 


Edington, Kenneth 













Intkrm hjdiatk RrAMiNATicm — cimtinurd . 

I#bs|#§! 1 i s ! J 

2 31 3 gio|3j^ |jg 

9 l-K £5 I , I r5 r 

c B so 5 a ; 2 1 ,U 
UA ^ § .g ^ ^ ^ 


i t .. 3 . 

s* *9 ' & *§’ at. 8 

i i & •g -a S 

’l# A ■ ' 

I I f 

a $ 

Jennings, Arthur ... 
Jessop, Barbara M. 
Johnstone, Tom 
Kearney, Winifred ... 
Kelly, Desmond 

Kenny, Sheila 

Kenyon, Barbara ... 

King, 15. J 

Kirkpatrick, Wilfred 

Knight, Hilda 

Dawson, John 

Lees, F. N 

Lindley, Edgar 

Lindsay, Lilian 15. ... 
Lister, Wilfred 
Livcrsedge, L. .V. ... 

Lofthouso, Annie ... 
Longbotham, Kathleen 

Lowe, Joseph 

McArthur, Margaret A. 
McGuitmess, J. W. ... 
Maclean, Peggy 
Malcolm, J. A. H. ... 
Mandate, Jeanette M. 

Mandcr, Mary 

Mappin, A. G 

Marshall, Allan 
Marshall, Eileen 

Martin, H. J 

Martin, Kathleen . . . 
Martin, K. I>. H. ... 
Mason, Mary W. 

Mather, Florence M. 

May, T. E 

Mercer, Jessie 

Metcalfe, Olive 

Mooney, Helen M. A. 
Morris, Mary A. 

Moulton, Fred 

Muscharnp, John 

Neath, G. A 

Neville, John 

Nicholson, J. E. 

NuttaU, Alice E. ... 
O’Sullivan, Hanna F. X 
Owen, Kathleen F. ... 

Park. R. W 

Parkinson, W. J. ... 
Price, Marjorie P. ... 

Priest, G. B 

Pye, Norman 

Raffles, Doris 

Rayburn, Barnet ... 
Redford, Lillian M. 

Read, A. E 

Richards, Mary 
Robinsdh, Marjorie F. 

Roper, Doris 

Rose , Frederick 

Rothwell, Eric 

Rowland, Margaret ... 
Sajjadi, A. K 

.J.J.J.J II II' 

...L.'.j... n,ni...i 

.J, Jii ... i i ...i 


.i.jn u 1 1 n . 



M I I ..... 
II II, . 

II ... * ! 

..J II 1 ...! 1 

i r...j...i i 

til ... I ...ill i 

i 1...1 ii ... 

t n Hi ii ... 

’...i ‘ 

i 1 ii 

I i ...' 

ill n ... ... n ii 

ii ; hi n 

in... ... ... i 

n... il .J i 

n. ..I 

, n 



i ir i 

1 II...! 1 11 . 

'...II U nil... . 

ii ii i. 

ii... ii i i . 

ii 1 ... i ... ii nl ir ...I. 

| n i t 

I ....... i_j 




Sanders, H. <». 
Sanderson, Harry ... 
S.mriifnrd, Kenneth,.. 
Saunders, A. \V, 

Savory, H, J 

Soanloii, C. K 

Sheehan, Kveleen 1*. 
Shvphttnl, Jean 

Short, Nora 

Sl.tdin, Manet* K. 

Slater, K. S. 

Smith, Cecil** J. I 

Smith, Colin 

Smith, I*\ P 

Smyth, Cathleen I*. 
Snowden, Emma 

Soroush, Reset , 

South.'m, Joyce K. ... 
Spurgin, lulith M. ... 
Stanching, Knitl M.... 

Stanley, Mary 

Steeples, 1. innol 
Stilton, ICva M. 

St nekton, C. tv. 

Stoker, Phyllis A. ... 

Stott, Ronald 

Snarl, Dorothy 
Sumpter, Miriam 

l'aylor, A. M 

Taylor, Florence. 

Taylor, Mary K. 

Te«Min, J. R 

Thompson, W. B. ... 
Thombe.r, Helen 
Thrclfall, John 

held, ]. K, K, H. W. 

1 urn<*r, Dorothy H. 
Vernon, P. L. G. 

Waite*, Daphne 1. ... 

Wakehum, Sylvia J. 
W;dls, Herbert 
Wardrop, Beryl 
Waterhouse, IX T. ... 

Watkins, R. T 

Weinberg, Sylvia A. 
Wheel house, Gladys H. 
Whitaker, Ruth B. ... 
Whitaker, Thomasine IV 
Whiteside, Margaret M. 

Wilde, A. N 

Williams, Florence J. 
Willis, Dorothy A. K. 

Willis, G. G 

Wilson, Edith 

Wilson, Mary 

Winchester, J ack . . . 

Wood, Arthur 

Wood, Margaret 
Woodcock, Stanley ... 
Woodwarq, F. G. ... 
Wrathali, Eleanor M. 

Yates, P. A 

Yellowly, J. M. -- 

86 ( > 

Examinations . 

Certificate in Architecture. 

Final Examination. 

Buttrick, W. T. Speakmau, II. G. Taylor, Harry 

Baker, Wilson. 
Bradley, A. J. 

Cliff o, W. H. 
leaves, C. W. 
Goodwin, W. L. 

]f acuity? of Science. 

Decree of I). Sc. 

Uopwood, A. T. Lamb, B. IT. 

Decree of M,Sc. 

Mat lit *son, J. I.. Spiers, John 

Sein, M. 1C. Whittington, K. B 

Sowell, J. F. 

Decree of B. Sc. Honours Schools. 

First Class. 
Crossley, Thomas 
Levy, Simon 
Paynter, Albert 
Tennyson, A. K. 

First Class. 
Burton, Arthur 
Cleaver, R. F. 
Fairweather, Alan 
Hufton, P. A. 
Moon, F. H. 
Slater, Robert 
Stansfield, Harry 

Math kmatics. 

Second Class. 

{/)n ns ton /.) 
Rntlersby, T. F. 
Faulkner, Mary S. 
Whittaker, Lucy (1, 
{ Division If.) 
Hornby, Mavis' 
Taylor. P. H. 


Second Class 
( Division I.) 
Armitage, P. L. 
Cooper, Jack 
Hoylo, J. W. 
Khan, M. G. l>. 
*Sedj?field, II. B. 

( Division II.) 
Croak, A. S. 

Third Claw. 
Nutt, L. R. 

Third Class. 
Greeulmkjh, Frank 
Parkinson, W, L. 

Kershaw, L. \V. 

Nielct, I.. C. 

*Torkin«ton, Alfred 
Wheeler, J. S. C. 

Additional term’s attendance required. 

First Class. 
Illingworth, J. \V. 
luddmgton, Ronald 
Porter, Arthur 
Reynolds, T. H. 
Taylor, Abraharn 


Second Class. 
{Division I.) 

Ball, L. W. 

Edwards, Alice 
Huntingdon, William 
Martin, T. M. 

{Division II.) 
Dawson, T. A. T. 
Ilindley, H. R 
Mason, Annie 
Moore, J. R. 

Third ('lass. 

Hals teat l, Harry 
Mitchell, A. H. 
Quadri, S. A, 
Stonestreet, Maurice 
Walker, J. H. 

J/Jas aviii # ions . 

;> irsf ^ 

M»<|t*rMtn* 1. <»• 

Hnjrrx, Charlf* 

T| OIK'S, H. N; 
iVnvhurst, Knw*«k 
Whittakor, Uunos 

Wilkinson, Rowland In ‘r, 11. <- 


Second Class, 
(Division I.) 
Chcotham, K. H. 
Icnkins, Doreen I- 
Ogden, Joyce 
Oldman, E. R* 
Wright, Edna M. 

(Division ID) 

Fein gold, Reuben 
■Johnson, Ethel M. 
King, Henry 
I, owe, Arthur 
Matthews, Norman 
Nicholson, Jack 
Smith, Kathleen M. 

First Class. 
l>A\vson, t... *'• v* 
ToMtlinson, 1* 

Firv* Class- 

First Class. 
Cohen, Morals 
Poole.y, Olive 

First Class * 

First Class. 

Ashton. A. B. 



Firs* Class. 
Cunliffe, Herbert 


Second Class. 
(Division I.) 

■Lang, Cecilia H. 
Pickstone, Diana M. 

(Division ID) 
Rhodes, Minnie 

General Sciencb. 

Section I. 

Second Class. 
(Division D) 
Walters, A. D. 

Whitehead, W. T. 
Section II* 

Second Class* 
(Division D) 

Briggs. G - H r 

(Division 11.) 

Perrv, Ethel M- 

Robinson, Eileen M. 
Section Ill- 
Second Class. 

Section TV- 


Second Class. 

Second Class. 

( Division I -) 
Pearson, Harry 


Third Class. 
Bruce, Reginald 
Cunlifie, Leslie 

Third Closs- 
Chaplin, B. ti. 

First Class. 
Webster, J. J- 



Part I. and Selected Subjects. 

Mathematics (Part IP). 

Brown, S. L. Ingham, Beatrice M. Sagar, Harold 

Gent, A, W. Leech, L. H. Stoddard, Norman 

Hardwick, Donald Rimnier, Eileen 

Mathematics (Part I.). 

Entwistle, Mary 
Faulkner, Eleanor G. 
Goodwin, Barbara H. 
Grecnhalgh, Robert 
Hayes, Robert 
Howlett, Jack 

Lomax, K. S. 

Mackereth, R, J. 

Mason, Marguerite J. 
Morris, Marian 

Nugent, Annie E. 

Nuttall, David 

Oliphnnt, William 
Reawiek, Maria 1. 
Stanslielrl, Olive 

Thorpe, Joseph 

Engineering (Part 1.). 

Aibura, P. B. 

Ashe, T. S. 

Bentham, Max 

Butt, Richard 
Butterworth, Keith 
Dawson, K. D. 

Drinkwater, J. W. 

Eaton, E. J . 

Fisher, G. S. 

Frank, W. R. B. 

Harness, J. M. 
Hohnes-Smith, Franklin 

Holt, I-eslic 

Lord, G. A. 

Paton, I. K. 

Seddon, J. W. 

Smith, Wilfred 

Swanson, R. I\ 

Physics (Part I.). 

Bowen, Eric 

Connell, Leo 

Cooper, A. Y. 

Dawber, James 
Dumbill, Alexander 

Farriinond, Margaret 
Flemming, Clifford 

Gooby, Roy 

Green, Herbert 

Honey bumo, Joan M. 

King, Gordon 

Smith, Amy A. 

Stubbs, F. 11, 

Twyford, Leslie 
Winterbotiom, Leonard 

Chemistry (I\art l.). 

Alcock, Herbert 
Bottomley, G, H. 
Bushrod, C. J. 
Cockbain, E. G, 
Coffey, D. H. 

Duffin, H. S. 

Eley, D. D. 

Ellison, Harry 

Faathorpe, Nancy 

Grundy, J. M. 

Hudson, Thomas 

Jackson, Harold 

Jackson, I. McG. 

Lant, Richard 

Marsh, Arnold 

Shaw, E. W. 

Smith, W. A. 

Swift, R. A. 

Tomlinson, Kenneth 
Wells, Phyllis 

Willock, J. T, 

Wilson, Margery 
Wolstcnholme, Kleanor J, 

Metallurgy (Part I.). 

Holland, Edgar 

Jakeman, K. S. C. 

Milnes, A. H 

Geograpiiv and Anthropology (Part 1.). 

Downes, Alan 

Fairhurst, Frances Gill, Bessie 

Zoology (Selected Subject). 

Harrop, Betty Geology. 

Jones, G. A Botany. 

McDonogh, R. S Botany. 

Allsopp, Allan ... 
FaxxfiU, Edith ... 
Foot, Dorothy M. 
Lund, J, W. G. 

Botany (Selected Subject). 

Chemistry. Moore, Eveline M.... 

Zoology. Naylor, Phyllis B.... 

Chemistry. Purseglove, J. W. ... 


Zoology . 

Physiology (Selected Subject). 
Langley, F. A. Anatomy . 



Abbott, Kenneth 
Aircy, Mulnd .... 
Harkor, Evelyn K 
Bunn** KttH‘1 ... 
Beverley. Kenneth 
Hriggs, C». 11. ... 
Cohen, Morns ... 

< OdteS. 1*. S. . *•* 
t >uvison, A. S, . .. 
KHhmn, \V., laok 

CriiNKKAT. Science (Selected Subject). 

Fryer, L. N. ... 
Grundy, Samuel 

Botany . 
Chemistry . 

M athematics. 

Vjrunuyi *♦* 

Harrison, Marjorie E. 
Hurst, Harry 

Lees, Arthur 

Lester, UffiaaD. ... 
Reekie, Mary McN. 
Robson, Catherine 
Wilson, J.N. 

Wood, Frank 





Chemistry . 


Mathematics . 



Mathematics . 

A Him hi, Muriel 
Heaton, J. R. t 
Hell, Christina M. 
Herons, Cyril 
Herth- Jones, K. W. 
Bridge, A. U. 
OiU.m, K. McC. 
C.hnuclhury S.P. 
Cunnington, ». 1 • 
Dixon, F . J. 
Eastwood, F. H. 
Evans, Hlla M. 
l-arrcr, T. A. 
Fraser, H. K. 

HsvcuoLOuy (Selected Subject). 
Webster, J. J Physiology. 

Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. 

Kinal Examination. 

Division 1- 
Evans, D. G. 

Division II. 

Gardiner, Henry 
Guha, P. C. 

Halpern, David 
Hunt, G. A- 
Khan, S. A, 

Leon, I. S. 

McGlone, Walter 
Moffet G. L. 

Mone, V. T. 

Murray, Jean M. 

Parker, John 
Parkes, Lily 
Raffael, A. M. 

Richmond, D. A. . 

Richards, A. R. (aegrotat) 
Rowlands, E. N. 

Seager, Constance W. 

Shuttleworth, D, A. 
Smith, C. F 

Stewart, A. W . 

Tofail, A. K. 

Wade, Edith M. 

Weston, Nancy 
Wetherell, Sydney 

Wood, F. J. 

Allcock, William 
Bailey, Eric 
Hailey, Norman 
Bann, Herriard 
Bentley, Thomas tta K 

Berridge, Margarette K. 

main, J- X-. 

lk>nte, Walter 
Bottoms, Alaxi 
Hutterwortli, K. t • 
Caldwell, S. B. 

Campbell, Colin 

Chesters, Jocelyn E. 
Clayton, K. n. 

Clegg, J. A. 

%££$«** * 

%g 5 i£s<*! 

Cowley, Phylhs M. 
Crabtree, Au ce . . 
Crabtree, Maurice 
Crompton, Olive M. 
Cull, Amy I* w 
Davidson, E. W. 
Derbyshire, J- 
Harp, J. E; 

Edge, O. P. 

Ellis, Arthur 


Intermediate Examination, 


Greenhalgh* R* JJ* 
Griffiths, R^bard 
Gruhberg, N. D * 

Hall, Doris D 

HaUowes, A. P- £-« 

Haworth, Ernest 

Haycock, Mary »■ 
Hobson, Albert 
Iiodgkiss, Alice F. 
Holden, W . S. 
Johnson, RfFey 
Jones, Barbara M, 

Kershaw, I^sk e 
Laurence, F- **■ 

Lee, Edward 
Lockwood, R* **■ 
McMullen, Hugh 
McTrusty, J«sg* “ 



Morris, MaryM- 


Pearson, J* n * 

pym, R- P- 


Slack, H. G- B - 
Smare, D. L. 

Smith, Frank 

5 ^S:fe&-a. 

Taylor; Wallace 
Thomson, Wdbam 
Thorndike, G. « • 

Tomlinson. Kathleen 


«5S5?® r 

Whitaker, Mary 
Whitaker, T. X- 
White, K-G. 
Wilkinson, E^ J • 

Wilson, R._T. 

Wood*, SheUa D. 

iil§ 0 i peter 


IS x ami nations, 

The following have satisfied the Examiners in the subjects named : 

Pure Mathematics. 
Grimshaw, John 
Lyin', Helena M. 

Acrainun, A. N. 
Broughton, N. W. 
Dunkorley, Colin 

Gollund, Mary H. 
Grimshaw, John 
Honeyburne, Barbara J. 

Broughton, N. W. 
Ounkerley, Colin 
Ricketts, C. W. 

Acraman, A. N, 

Dutton, Olive K. 

Bates, A. P. 
Hardy, Betty 

Hardy, Betty 

Dutton, Olive K. 
Honeyburne, Barbara J. 

Applied Mathematics , 
Ravworth, Richard 
Ricketts, C. W. 
Wheaton, R. It. K. 


Taylor, W. F. 
Wheaton, K. II. Iv. 


Bates, A. 1\ 
Elementary IHologv. 

I tot any. 

Jameson, Annie J. 

Sketch, Geoffrey 

Jameson, Annin J. 

Hayworth, Richard 
Taylor, W. 1*'. 

Whittaker, Harold 
Wood, II. U. 

Whittaker, Harold 
Wood, II. B. 

Holland, Mary 11. 

Lyug, Helena M. 

Sketch, Geoffrey 

Degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. 

First Examination. 


I. — ’Chumistky and Physics 

Altham, Norman 

Appleton, J. N. 

Aptliomas, Muriel 1. R. 
Austin, H. B. 

Bumdrcd, E. F, 

Burnett, W. W. 

Carr, T. E. A. 

Coates, J. E. 

Connie, N. H. 

David, A. E. 

Bearden, V. K. 

Fink, Sidney 

Fletcher, F. M. 11. 

Garni any, Gerald 
Henderson, Kathleen M. 
Hepplestone, A. G. 

1 leywnod, C. P. 

I<*ss<‘l, Barbara M. 

Ki IT, D. N. 
iAivy, Norman 

Lie be. r man, A. A. 
1-ongbottmn, Donald 

Lyth, Constance M. F. 

Makm, F. R. L. 
Mason, Jean 

Milne, M. I >. 

M< it l< mshcad , Sidney 
Norton, '1'. 11. 
i ).ikd«Ti, Mary B. 
Saunwbury, Edward 
Swain, R. W. 

Tli ark ray, II. Ii. 
Wilson, W. W. 

Yates, K. J , 

Part H.n. — Zuoi.oov. 

Babbage, J. C. 

Ball, I. W. 

Ball, R. E. 

Ballon, Leslie 

Barlow, Beryl A. 

Barlow, T. E. 

Beckett, R. S. A. 

Bonham, G. H. H. 
Bennett, Muriel L. 

Berry, George 

Blank, M. J. 

Coe, C. D. 

Dawson, D. B. H. 

Dennis, Ina J. 

Dickinson, R. G. 

Dinsdale, Tom 

Donnelly, Brian 

Ferguson, J. II. 

Fluiire, Mary 

France, J. H. 

Green, Rosaline 
Grcenhalgh, Kditl) A. 
Greeuliulgh, Ernest 
Hawkins, R. S. 

Hibbcrt, F. G. 

Holden, W. S. 

Hollos, R. B. 

Holine, Thomas 
lngman, William 

Jackson, Roger 

Job, Monica M. 

Lawton, T. H. 

Liebcrt, Katharine I. 
Linnell, Louis 

Livshin, David 
Lor.kc, G. B. 
Osborne, H. N. 
Pearson, A. F. 
Robson, W. A. 
Rogerson, Mary A. 
Kowson, J. K. 
Stansficld, R. N. 
Stewart, T. S, 
Stratton, Fred 
Thnckray, II. 1C. 
Webb, J . M. 
Whalley, Norman 
White, A. B. 
Whitehead, T. Ii. 
Wilding, J. II. 

The following have satisfied the examiners in Chemistry : 

r Ashley, «G. T. 

Firth, Doris M. 

Hamwee, Cyril 

Johnson, J. D. 

Kippax, P. W. 

Rarasden, J. C. 

Shlosberg, Samuel 
Whittle, G. H. 

The following has satisfied the examiners in Physics t 

Batley, Eric 

JHljsam illations. 


Diploma in Dentistry. 

Second Examination. 


Atkinson, II. F. 
B»im*s*\ L. S. 
Bri«*rh k y, *<• **. 

t 'D*r<‘sa 1*'. 

I >aUi‘i , 1 ><*r«'k 
IVarualuy, U. B. 
Fillhwlirim, H. H. 
<i«*Muun, Saul 

Graham, F. li. 
Ilalisworth, F. P. 
Hawley, J. P. 

Ilorabin, R. H. 

Iroland, S. L. 

Knowlson, B. E. 
Layfielil, Harry 

Lorimor, K. L. 

Manion, L. S. 
Maywhort, J. E. 
O’Brien, J. F. 
Redman, H. J. K 
Shenton, F. C. 
Smith, J. W. 
Stewart, A. S. 
Trenbath, H. V. O. 

First Examination. 

Astlv, K. I>. 
Burry, Knnuld 
Fiankmtl miff, E. I 
Kay, Bernard 

Langford, W. L. 

Lomax, J. S. W. 

•1. Mellor, W. C. 

Miller, John 

Pullin, Douglas 
White, Peter 

Wise, Lionel 

Tho following have satisfied the examiners in Chemistry : 

Borens, Ralph 
Broadl^utt, B. T. 
t allow, II. W. 

Crawford, A. P. 

Dearden, R. H, 

Kay, Laurence 

Parkinson, Frank 
Wood, A. G. 

The following have satisfied the examiners in Physics : 

Bristow, K. V. B. 
Knit, G. <*. 

Payne, F. H. 

Reid, R. A. J. 

Stones, J. D. McL. 

Diploma in Bacteriology. 

Fata, n. B. 

Sallam, H. A. F. 

White, S. M. 

Certificate in Engineering. 

Kuril |>, P. K. Tsolalddes, D. M. 

Students who liavo obtained an Ordinary or Honours Degree 
have ipso facto satisfied the requirements for the Engineering Certificate, and are therefore 
untitled to the Certificate in Engineering. 

jfacults of Xaw. 

Degree of LL. M . 

Webber, G. J. 

First Class. 

Aspden, J. P. 
Cair, J. P. M. 


of LL.B. 

Final Examination. 

Second Class . 
Cheethara, George 
Clough# F. F. 

Elliott, J. B. 
Lancaster, Stanley 
Levy, J. B. 

Lit tie wood, Arthur 

Third Class . 
Heron# C. G. 
Howaxth, N. S. 
Lansdale, William 
Mason, E. B. 
Parker, W. R.~ 


Bullough, F. O. 

Cohen, Maurice 

Lever, N. H, 




Division //. 

Division l. 

Booth, James 
Entwistle, Betty V, 
Wood, Walter 

Booth, Dorothea E. O. 
Buckley, C. H. W. 
Cartwright, F. W. 
Cohen, Murk 
Collier,.), li. 

Cornu, j. C. 

Grudidge, J. G. 
Grundy, KoImmI 
Haardt, W. 1.. 

Holland, J. M. 

Holland, Margaret I >. 
Eunborfc, Alan 
Lister, T. M. 

Mills, J. S. 

Mutch, Duncan 
Potts, V. N. 

Rimmer, J, FI. 

Shaw cross, H, R. 
Taylor- Tones, Kenneth 
Williams, N. J. < . 

jfacultv? of flfcebictne. 

Decree of M.I) 

Blakely, A. P, L. (with commendation) 
Cowan, S. T. {with commendation) 
Davis, A. A. (with commendation) 
Harris, D. T. (with commendation) 

Mills, Nora 

MoiTott, A. B. (with commendation ) 
Newton Robert ( with commendation) 
Rattier, Edwin 

Decree of M*D.S. 

Stones, II. H. ( with commendation) 

Decrees of JVLB. and Ch.B. 

I 'inal Examination. 

Second Class Honours. 

Heslop, T. F. 

Bradley, Wilfrid 
Brindle, T. W. 
Circuitt, Edna 
Clough, R. K. 
Davis, Eli 
Evans, P. R. 
Hughes, W. G. H. 
Johnson, J. F. E. 

Jvtdson, Raymond 
Kennedy, A. I<. 
Launer, Nathan 
Morris, J. C. 
Nightingale, Roland 
Palin, H. C. 

Rucker D. C. 

Read, Florence C, 

Awarded distinction in Obstetrics : 

Vernon, Eric 

Awarded Distinction in Medicine ; 

Heslop, J. F. 

Rich, Louis 
Sagar, Walter 
Schofield, John 
Shlosborg, Nathan 
Strauss, J. N. 
Vernon, Erie 
Walker, C. S. 
Williams, J. L. I >. 

Final Examination. 

Part I. 

Forensic Medicine and Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, 

Baker, Harry Harris, Arthur Mackay, D. H. 

Bullough, A. S. Harris, Harry Martin, A. E. 

Cargill, W. P. Hompling, Henry Mather, Barbara de V. 

Copeland, Neville Hill, B. P. Patterson, E. L. 

Cran, J. £>. H. Hobson, J. A, Porter, Winifred 

Cuiry, John Janus, Fred Spencer, W. K. 

Dawson, Annie M. Jobson, R. H. Tetlow, Clifford 

Flack, I. H. Jones, S. H. O. Tomlinson, A. McN. 

Goldstone, Norman Kirktnan, N. F. Woodhcad, f. A. A. L 

Hancock, Charles 



Third Examination. 

I’athology and Hacteriaiogv. 

H« Mtilm.m, f uhit 
HttVje, Monica D, 
llmth ui„ G D 

Hirson, R. R. 

Kelly, T. S. B. 

North, H. D. B. 
Starkie, John 


* mIc n. Jack 

HUn l*. 1'. 

Frank, Samuel 

Kershaw, W. E. 

Robertshaw, A. L. 

ShooNi) Examination. 

tv G, 

li.ulow, liervl A. 
Helens, i'yril 

Booth, Helene K K. 
Bray nliay, Muriel f. 

Iti ire, Hilda 
linmdrrt, I.C. 

Burke, l\ J . 

Cautley, J. U. », 
l h. diners, Caroline J. 
Cohcu, Violet 

Flacks, IKnj.umn 
Goldman, Jamb 
Giegson, A. H. 

Hal pern, David 

Hamer, A. B, 

Hartley, B. P. R. 

Herd, J. A. 

Hesford, Isaac 

Hilton, James 

Holland, C. B. 

Kom rower, G, M, 

Lees, V. T. 

McHugh, B, P. 

Milligan, Evaleen N. A. 
Mills, Eleanor M. 
Mitchell, E. J. 

Monks, J. R. 

Morgan- Jones, Arthur 

Portnoy, Benjamin 
Purves, W. H. 
Richmond, D. A. 
Rowlands, E. N. 
Shashoua, Aboudi 
Shaw, R. M. 
Shtetinin, Nina 
Slater, H. B. 

Smith, A. M. L. 
Smith, F. W. 
Taylor, Nathan 
Walker, D. J. 
Welland, M. B. D. 
Whitaker, E. P. 

The f« tllnwmt! has been awarded Distinction in Physiology : 

Halpcm, David 

Degree of B.D.S. 

Final Examination. 

Part I. 

‘Hu* following ha# satisfied the Examiners in Systematic Surgery, Pathology, and 
Sy, MnLa.w, Firth, H. D. 

Diploma in Dentistry. 

Finax Examination. 

Bedford, J. C, V. 

Cleworth, .S. D* 

Kiiis, j. 

OH linns, 8. J. 

Thr following has satisfied 
Sv\tnnatu Medicine : 

Glcdsdale, H. P. 
Monks, F. T. 
Moule, A. W. 
Norcliffe, T. S. 

Parry, A. L. 
Roberts, F. C. 
Thornton, Eric 

he Examiners in Systematic Surgery , Pathology and 

Marks, Frederick 

By rout, .fames 
Cooker, Geoffrey 
Davison, l*. H. 
Downs, A. H. 
Ellison, Charles 
Fenton, James 
Ferguson, G. R* 
Tlavwood, E. N. 

aiRD Examination. 

inatomy arid Physiology . 
Hodgkins, Irene 
Kershaw, Frank 
Maben, Alexander 
Mason, H. T. 

Nicholls, Patricia H. 
Peel, John 
Potts, Philip 

Sheasby, H. W. S. 
Taylor, F. S. 
Wallwork, Frank 
Whittle, J. H. 
Williams, J. N. 
Wilson, Helen A. F. 
Wilson, Frances I. 


blxtt *n inuti ana . 

Byrom, James 
Carrington, Evelyn 
Cocker, Geoffrey 
Davison, P. H. 
Downs, A. H. 
Ellison, Charles 

Dental Anatomy and Histology. 
Fenton, James 
Kogan, J . K. 

Hodgkins, Irene 
Kershaw, Frank 
Mai kui, Alexander 
Mason, II. T. 

Payton, 13. V. 
Poet, John 
Shcasby, H. W. S. 
Smith, A. S. 
Watson, John 
Williams, J. N. 

Bakewell, Wncder 
BQlings, A. G. 
Burgess, J. B. 
Carter, H. A. 
Copestake, Edgar 
Deamnley, R. B. 
Derbyshire, Kenneth 
Douglas, George 

Bakewell, Wcodor 
Douglas, George 
Gratrix, Eric 
Hackney, K. S. 

Second Kxamination. 
Dental Metallurgy, 
Hackney, K. S. 

Holt, J. K. 

Holt, T. S. 

Horabin, R. H. 
Humphreys, J. A. 
Knowlson, B. K. 

Lay held, Harry 

Dental Mechanics. 

Holt, T. S. 
Humphreys, J. A. 
Moody, Geoffrey 
Salem, Jack 

Pigott, J. 

Roth well, J. C. 
Stewart, A. S. 
Sutcliffe, J. II . 
Thompson, K. H. 

Wignali, Bessie 
Wilson, Frank 

Stewart, A. S. 
Sutcliffe, J. H. 
Wilson, Frank 

Diploma in Psychological Medicine* 

Part XI. 

Palmer, II. A. 

Diploma in Public Health. 

Part II. 

Davidson, R. S. Martin, W. M. 

MacGregor, Murdoch Ross, Thomas 

Starkio, Colin 
Walmslcy, G. H. C. 

Carter, G. B. 
Harrison, T. H. 
Kirkland, G. K. 
Martin, W. M. 

Part l. 

Ramagc, Gerald 
Starkio, Colin 
Thomas, C. J. 

Wade, C, H. T. 
Walmsley, G. II. C. 
Walmsley, W. C. D 

Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine. 

Bennlson, J. C. 

Blanchard, J. H. Runciman, J. P. G. 

Certificate in School Hygiene. 

McLennan, \V. A. 

Certificate in Factory Hygiene. 

Newton, V. A. 

M laminations. 


if acuity? of flDustc. 

Degree of Mus.D. 

Smalf, V. W. de C. 

Decree of Mtis.B. 

Third Examination. 

IiaviP» Knthmm* H, Snowball, Annie D, 

First Examination. 
Hilton, Eric 

faculty? of Commerce ant) Hbministratton. 

Degree of M.A. (Com.). 

Bennett, G. A. Gray, E. M. Riley, Arthur 

Thu following candidate has satisfied the Examiners in the examination portion for 
th<‘ I of M.A. {(‘mu.) but has still to present a thesis : 

Butterfield, H. C. 

Degree of M.A* (Admin.). 

Atack, Granville 

Chester, D. N, 

Wood, Elizabeth J. 



Degree of B.A.(Com.) 

The following have completed the courses for the degree of II. A. (Corn.) : 

Ashworth, P. N. Hunt, K. H. Makiu, J. M. 

Binns, Maureen M. Jones, Muriel S. Norris, Edgar 

CampbeU-Kclly, B. R. fuhlin, Karin L. Ouns-Coht-n, k. A. 

Driver, G. F. Kruu, Victor Kudtlin, 0. K. 

Freeman, John Leek, Edward ftouthwnrtli, Stella 

Gopalan, Kuttan Lever, Isaac Stathuin, Kenneth 

Guha, P. C. Lomjwortlu Marian C. Turton, H. B. 

Harvey, Martin Mr.Gr.ith, Ellen Waller, Edmund 

Hcsketh, S. O. Mel inn Iv, Alexander Warning, Harold 

Hudson, B. Ii. McLellan, \V. J. Wilson, John 

(The Roman numbers indicate the division iu which the candidate was. placed.) 

ArdiU, B. J. ... 
Ashton, A. E — 
Ashworth, P. N. 
Atherton, Thomas 
Baguley, John... 
Bardsley, Eric 
Barritt, D. P. ... 
Behrmann, Samuel 
Bell, E. W. ... 
Binns, Maureen M. 
Black, W. S. ... 
Bladon, N. li. 
Blank, William 
Brayshaw, A. J. 
Brew, Edwin ... 
Burgess, Harry 
Burke, Norman 
Bury, J. O. A.... 
Calvert, Dorothy P 
Campbell- Kelly, B. 
Carlisle, G. G. G. 
Chadderton, Leslie 
Clarke, Ailcen M. 
Collins, Edward 
Cooper, John ... 
Coulthard, T. H. 
Daniel, Herbert 
Dickinson, A. R. 
Driver, G. F. ... 
Farrall, D. W. 
Fenton, Frank 
Flood, R. G. ... 
Forrest, E. W. 
Freeman, John 
Gallaway, W. F. 
Gardner, T. W. 
Gharbawi, El S. 
Gopalan, Kuttan 
Gdfton, Edward 
Guha, P. C. 

Hafez, Y. F. ... 
Hall, Millard ... 
Hanson, James 

§ | h? a»| . . 

S •! •a wl g § -s 
w 5 aj w f S g 
1^0 I I g g (B I 



Illl L l 

! ! ::: ::.c: 

ii' .' !. 

.J.J.JHi.J.J. J III. 

if j i* J.i. iii i 

ni...i...| uj .. ii 

.'...I... ill. 

...'ll IKJlIj.JlI; ... . 

ri'...‘...|... i ......ii '..j, 

Jn'.jJn JJi 

ii ...'... jii 

ii. J ii... 1 . 

II... . 'll 

... L.i...;...'U ... n 1 ii ... . 

ill. J.J.Jii .J.J I ... . 

II . J. J. Jli ... L.J..J 1 

ii 1 '... ii 1 ...‘..J ! n... ... . 

II .. .‘...Ill I... 1 1 1 : 

.J.J1I1I II. J...I Ill 

n.J...'ii ' ..ii; ' 

... II II ...Hi... ...i. .J 1 

11 1 .. . 1 ... ir n. .J... 'ii ' 

n. i. .. ' ii. ’ii 1 

...I... 1 ...'... 1 'II II ... . 

... I... 1 . I III 1 '..J 

11.. .'. .|...ti...L. i| i..J 

I.J. I. J. J . I I 

...1...1 m.j.j.j '...I in,... 

...'ll, II... 1 '...I...' «... 

...'.J .. II... Ii'.J.J '... 

,11...’ ' '...'II «... 

1 i' -J 



1 >k<jkmm OF B.A, (Com.) — continued. 

! I jf 


ir iSi i 1 

• -j! | 


I ! ’5*5 5 ,5 

Hait, Hai i'M . . ... ... 

Harvey, M a* tin ..* ••• 

Hash tut, Naurs* 1’ . < * K. 

Kawl«*y» Hnhnt 

Ilcski th, S. u 

H»*V. ci**i*» 

Hill, 1 “in 


Hmlvm, H. I', 

HONK* Kusalunl K 

HnMeit, U. de I, ... *. 

Hughes, II. W 

Hunt, K. II 

1 1>1 »i >tv »i*» Joint 
Ingham, l*i. u»K 

Ishci wuM, H. M 

lark son, I • K ■« - 

joiws, Alin* - • ■ * 

(ones, Mtu n*l s 

JtihUtii Karin 1 

Kerr, lMtaM < > 

Kewloy, I . K ■ ■ . ■ 

KuM, N,S 

Krailt, <h’ruidu* ... . 

KrnUf Victor ... ... • 

Knrman, Max 

Lamh**rV, Hank ... . 

Ia***k, Kdward 

Lover, Allx'rt 

Lever, Isaac 

Lewis, It. \. ... 

1 twills, M.ugaiot K. 
Long worth, Marian C. 
Lord, ClroUrey ■ «• 
Mae.Dowall, Kenneth 
Nlr< truth, Kllen <»« 

M< I Ludy, Alexander 
McLcllan, W. J. 

Muhin, George 

Makiu, J. M 

Mann, A.<*. 

Maryland, Herbert ... 
Murslaml, 1'homaH ... 
Mfillodfw, Francos M. 

Millard, C. F 

Mindelis, Nisons ... 
Morris* Jessie J*.. 

Moss, William 

Mursi, A. M. M. ... 
Nicholson, Marjorie H. 
Nicholson, Vera ... 

Norris, Kdgar 

Olpin, W. lv 

Parkes,G T. ... *-• 

Pearson, Leonard ... 

Pi K oU, J.P. 

Potter, Alfred;.. 
Gu&s-Cohen, Iv. A.... 

Quinn, F. S 

Kay, P. C 

Redfern, Betty 
Renshaw, H. C. 

• * II I ........ 

n:x:p •• 

111... II 

. ’II(...II 

. '...'II I I... 

, i i .. J, '..J j i 

1 . n ! 

•* n;n i 

.Vi : ... X..L. i n 

*i , 

"ii'i II ...I... n I 

r”: H :::::: :::::= 


* n •••••• 



II ... II 


::: ::: y “ 

::: ::yii :::::: ni... « 


:::...|nn... n ;;;T «;4: 

::: np::: 

■■■ h::: n 


TT I !.• - 

... II II II ■" *1* jj 

... 1 1 

::::::::: y '■■■ 


j '.X. ii ‘.‘.I 



i .1. \\\ i* ... i'i ii;.- 1 

: ::: n ::: ppr- « • 4“ ii ::: 

. ... II 

. ... II 


I Advanced Accounting. 

fil'd 111 bullions. 


Pkurek o»' B.A.(GoM.)-conim'U«fl!. 


Political Economy. 

Org. of Industr> T . 

Hist, of Ind. Org. 

Modem History. 












Textiles, Group A. Part I. 











Economic History- 




Advanced French. 

Vi 1 ^ 




•5 3 

Statistics. I. 

Statistics, II. 

Social Economics. 


Advanced Accounting. 

Roberts, CD 

Rosengeirten, Emanuel .. 

Rowe, John 

Rowlatt, Geoffrey 

Ruddin, C. E 

Rushworth, A. W 

Rylands, W. H 








■ T 


.. 1 





i ; 



• 1 






,i v ,, r 



" r 





i , „ 





' 1 


Shorter, T, B 

Siddall, Harold 



. i 



, 1 

, 1 


Smart, Betty E 

Southern, Robert 

Southworth, Stella 

Spark, Norman 

Statham, Kenneth 




, t> |. 



1 i 




. .. 




Mt i 






i , 


. ji 



Taylor, J. E 

Thompson, F. E 

Thompson, Joseph 

Tinsey, R. H 

Turton, H, B 










a,.. in 

i i 


1 y 















' 1’ I 

Waller, Edmund 

Walpole, S. H 

Warding, Harold 



ii ii 


. J. 

... ■ 

i 11 





! 1 





Wilson, J. F 

Wilson. Tohn 


Vi "'i". 




j i 



...I ' 




Wooldridge, Ernest 




Worthington, Harold 




i i 

Wrigleyfjack 1.., 




.!! i 

i ... 




.. ( ... 





: l 



Decree of B*A* (Admin.). 

- Sli 9 - 

1 U1 \r V . v, ’' r y K» >1 MWW.J * M * Tidswell, Thomas 

• ■"V l V , u u. n.b. Wallings, G. H. 

. ..It i:ti, » n. K.ithwrilt Arthur V7HUL “ 6 ’ 


* r**. “ *“ ”i r“‘SFrr 


5 tgl 

•i ; I 3 ? £ 

, gV!!i 4 lii i 

AUwn.lV* ■*' J\V tl i 

lUiVrV, *• •’*" *' * , 

lUrifh. I il 

»;n.,n, 1 ’Ur ; 

War* * 11 , * 1 . .. . 

Urit'UI -ll.iW. » »* I 

hiiW'.st *»•»’ ' ■ ■ 

HnoUi, V'5>“ X 

lint l‘«t >it. i " 

Hlit'th. ' *V'* ,l ‘ 

Hint**, M ' • . 

rn»* .i* M ' 

r."iu-'.n v\ 

t ‘ * 5> 

ri.imv. ’•*VV* ‘ \ . 

t.tMjuM'i, I »»"*•• •; 
nr.tlviu. * h‘" >“ 
lh.VrM. U*»J» I 1 

Kwuw. V; u *VH 

l*‘uW|t’> , M.ll I v 

IM V, K< H . ’ ’* 

tJn-lltut, K hi 
(ituiuU. l* *•* * v ’ 
Hannah. It •;»»»• M- 
iLirtW, »* * ' V* 

Hartley, A X ‘ . 

Ilftlifil, N‘;*V‘ 1 * 

n * 1 - *• *y *; 

Hntrhm .on, } w * 

.1 .»««»** • l , * ,u vl " 

1.U mam, 1- V, 

I till! \ 1, 

t.uu.5, »»•’>' »* l * v 

l.ittlei, Nni.» *;■ •* " 

Lor.KmK. l‘- n *' ’ ’ ‘ 

l.omax. J ■«>»'*•• • • 

Malilmw'. l; r ,* '** 
Mat.lm‘.*n», A'. 1 /' ■' 

l</.uVw\m^Ai iiinr 
Saxon, l*' 1 *'* 

Seaimr, K, y ■ 


Shenlienl, 8. 
S1all«tr*l, Nonuait 
Stemart. Kil**‘*n *'* 
Stowe, t •*' 


Tipper, l>orothy .*■ 

Vaughan, Uilwam 

Wales, William 

Watkin, Stanley ... 

Welling <»• l ' 

Wiflgery, Vera J- 

ii •ns”i * 1 *”* 

11 •* "hi Hi....' - 
*“ \\\ n . ..j—i 

1 rT*’ 

... 1 m y.i' /"iv I* "i" ’i “- •] ■. - -i —l- • i • • "1 

' ** * T**‘ T****\*^ * *t" I’*'"*' 

- - -1 i'm vi • * • 1 xil ‘ l -I va"'y.'.'l' 



y* .»»•»! 

Certificate in Public Administration. 

Tht‘ JollnwiuK i{ fiii r < "Mi * |m *!•« * ^ ■ I i > it i i te «Ki«*i : 

Hm,tt r , 



!\tnnt f 


i I' tml M 

Economic History. 

Hunter, Mary 

I *H tit ttm'ffnmtnt 

i iMHIJtlMlt, hflll I M 

Umtlrr, M tfr 

ih #.*. ./ 

* > ‘i /• h * »>M»u 


1 - - . i I t*i»l M 

■ ' ft ii 


I hint* > M If v 

Political Phihwpky, 


Hunter, M.iry /'( 
N* m*’ 

Diploma in Social Study. 

Economic History. 

Makin, Ednie R. L. 

Local (government. 

’nnh\th\ l 

( Inn v af / \ Vi hvloti v* 


Wraith, hl.i 


yacults of Ubeoloa?. 

Degree of B.D. 

1 he fcfl!*iwtti |4 have completed all courses fo r Urn degree of B.D. : 

\tttuld, \\ iili.uu 
licit K<-r ( Rosamond II. 
Blown, D*nn,wd 

Cooke, I«. k. 
Giles, J. I’. 
Moadley, l\I>. 

Ramsey, K. V. 

(with Distinction in Groups 

I., II., and III.) 
Rogers, Edward 

Fin ax. Examination. 

Arnold, William 
Frank ... 
Barker, Rosamond I 
Bcmhridgo, George 
Bran kin, James 
Brown, J\conard... 
Burnley, S. I. Ik 
Cooke, U K, 
Cuthbort, Derrick 
Dicks, C. 0. 

Evans, W. N. ... 

Risk, 0. A 

Fitzgerald, Eileen K 

Roy, J. H 

Giles, J, I\ 

Hilton, W. G. ... 
Hongood, C. K.... 
Juhb, W, P. 
McGilvray, J. C. 
Mason, Leonard... 
Moadlcy, T. IX ... 
Orchard, R. li . ... 
Pollock, F. K. G. 
Ramsey, K. V. ... 
Rogers, Edward... 
Rose, J, A. 
Shildrick, B. C. ... 
Sunman, Mary ... 
Vernon, S. T. 
Whitby, G. S. ... 

g § ri a 1 -U 

Ij>| J s sl^a 

3 J W ij* '§> .1 1 3 3 

■8 ■S |j« « cSlf fi & 

i i -a & & - S h'h 



H H a a 

Z fc M « 

pj...i p 

~! p 

. ... ... P ... P 

p p 

... ... P ... P 

. P P P 


...P P 


. .IP P P..J P 

p ...' ... 

p p p’...;p ...Ip 

. pl.L p p;.J -p 

. pi... L. p pLj. 

...‘Pj ... P 

P ... P P P 


P ... P 


,.JP|P|P pL.' 

. ...CCl.J.JP' 

. ... p ... p ...i.J 

P..,P;.J P 

p P 

...JP.JP PIP' 

. ... f P PI..J 

.J. J... P 

I... P P PL P ... 

...■pi LJ 

Mi » 

P ... p P P 

p P P 


p ... P p P 


Certificate in Theology. 

The following has completed all courses for tin* tvrtiur.ifi: ui theology : 

Western, Wilfred (with Distinction in Church History, and with Psychology of Krligloa 
as an additional subject ). 

Abell, Thomas ... 
Cairns, K. W. A. 
Darvill, Ralph ... 
Driver, Norman... 
Duckworth, Fran It 
Goodwin, P. IT. 

Hair, Jack 

Holgate, Clifford 
Holt, Harold 
Tones, '1*. A. 

Uovd, (*. K. 
McQuillan, Thomas 
Nicholson, T. A. 
Penrso, T. H. K. 
Readier, S. II. ... 
Western, Wilfred 
Worsnip, Leslie . . . 
Wright, C. R. ... 

J# J 

'*£ £ ^ 

' I's * 




wj <£»'. 

i£ j 


s s 

A , o 


. P 

.. W 




Iff a $ 


Tli 8 . 

t r#i /a ms 

la JUS. 
Ifi u !eS 






















P P 



1> ...i., 


...i p'. ( 

i i 

Certificate in Biblical Knowledge. 

♦Clarke, Harold 
♦Darvill, Ralph 
♦f Duckworth, Frank 

♦Epstein, Harry 
♦Gunn, W. G. D. 

*f Harmon, Marjoram ]£. 

♦Holgato, Clitford 
♦fMcQuillan, Thomas 
♦Williams. Arthur 

♦ Satisfies requirement (4) for Certificate in Theology, 
t Satisfies requirement (5) for Certificate in Theology 

Kxavi in a ti ons , 


ffacultv? of Eecbttologg. 

Decree of M. 5c. Tech. 

Rutterworth, F» I*. IXstwli, D. V. Sadasivan, Ramasamy 

Dnrhoos, M. M. Kirby, J. A. Smith, Kate 

Hatton, }. I*. Pal, P. I\ 

Degree of B.-Sc.Tech. 

Higher Courses. 


Division /. 

First < 'last; Honours. Second Class Honours . 

Appleton, T- H. Alilchan, M. V. 

Thornley, V. C. 

Electrical Engineering. 

First Class Honours, 
l»ud<-l, S. IX, 

Pass, <\ W. 

Division J. 

,S<rG6»kJ CJass Honours . 
Holt, J. B. 

Thomas, D. H. 

Applied Chemistry. 

/•Vn/ Class Honours 
IVnsem, N. iv. 
Vito, Erie 
Walker, W. S. 

Division /. 

Second Class Honours. 
Hall, R. H. 

Morritt, Leonard 

Higher Courses (Part I.). 

Mechanical Engineering. 
Johnson, j. K. Thompson, R. E. G. 

JSuttmy, W. N. 

a J. VV 

Fielding, K. A. 

Electrical Engineering. 

Robinson, William 
Schofield, Fred 
Skipper, T. C. 

Sykes, Ellis 
Waters, P. L. 
Willshaw, W. E. 

Municipal Engineering. 
Jones, Royston Oldfield, Cyril 

Ashworth, Sidney 
France, G. I >. 
Garshin, J. K. 
Gill, Erinst 

Applied Chemistry. 

Gold, j. II. 
Harrison, F. W. 
Ilitchin, Oswald 

Burgess, John 

Kinnear, A. MI. 
Wame, Harry 
Wiles, A. E. 

Ordinary Courses. 

Mechanical Engineering, 

Division I. 
Cooper, J. I\ 
Fielding, C. H. 
Hardman, ID. W. 


Diviso?i II. 
Crass, N. E. 
‘•'Hogan, John 
Morton, J. H. 
Vaughan, Norman 

Language Certificate required. 


fi.cttm hunt ions. 


Division I . 
Adamson, <>. 11. 
Atkinson, A. L, 
Hibby, H. F. 
Nevrokar, M. L. 
Proctor, Anthony 
Shallcross, John 
Sia, Veil 

Invision II, 

* Ithujw.ini, C. K. 

Hodgson, P. W. 
Mlngg, Prank 
♦Ogden, J. A. 

Ray, J. iv 
•Shepherd, G. II, 
Speare, L. S. 

Municipal Knginkkking. 

Division I. 

CroHSlund-IImehliifu, J. <*. 
Nurayaua-Swnnii, IV S. 
Ormiston, Osmond 

Division If, 

Ali, M. M. 
Col»*, (». M. 
Hill, Sydney 
Murtliy, IV V. 


Division /. 
Kay, John 

Division I, 
flMl, F. M. 

Division Tl, 
Wright, J. S. 

Textilk C a u m i st u y . 

Division II. 
Kenworthy, J, W, 


Division I. 
Sarangapani, K. C. 
Speak, Frank 

/imVntm rr. 

A they, J. IV 
Das, A. N. 
Kaufman, Soloman 
Werner, A. II. 

* Language Certificate required, 
t Additional Attendance required. 

Intermediate Examination. 

Alexander, Robert 
A lien j 1\ W. 

Bannister, J. V. 
Brocken, l\ T. 

CUallmer, <\ J, 

Clough, William 
Coghlau, Edward 
Curtin, A. G. 

Evans, R. J. 

Farid utldin, Mohammed 
Fultorcl, Aubrey 
Goodwin, G. R. 

G radon, J. H. F. 
Ilnrdcastle, p\ K. 
Mavoliwala, N. A, 
Ilowarth, A. S. 
Johnson, R. A. II. 
fohnston, Daniel 
Kandaswamy, R. K. 
Kowshik, D. N. 
Mecca 11, J. T. 

Mason, Wilfred 
Merica, Michel 

Ogden, I>. IX. 
Ormrrxl, AUwrt 
Porter, R. G. 
Potts, Samuel 
Simon, Jamil 
Spencer, K, A. 
Stewart, D. B. 
Stromberg, Harry 
Tliomiwon, J. J. 
Verity, 'J*. li. A. 
Woo, 1). T. 

The following have satisfied the Examiners in the subjects named : 

Bowyer, Ronald 

Bowyer, lion aid 
Egcrton-Smith, J. D. 
Graham, D. S. 

Egerton-Smitk, J. D. 
Graham, D. S. 

M athcnnatics . 
Partington, H, H. 

Physics . 

Hanidy, Charles 
Lowe, W. A. 
O’Reilly, Anthony 
Chemistry . 
Hamdy, Charles 
Lowe, W. A. 

Preston, T. S, 

Partington, H. II. 
Preston, T. S. 
Rohde, K. J. 

O’Reilly, Anthonv 
Rohde, K. J. 

Certificate in Technology. 

Final Examination. 

Municipal Engineering Textile Chemistry . 

Hannay, G. B. Baker, C. T. 

Textile Industries. 
Stewart, Ernest 



jfacultg of JSOucation. 

Decree of M,Ed. 

Hnwii, W. J Hope, Harry Wood, C. W. 

i lark**, V.. R, Slater, Harold 


Ha in, M-um-uH 1. Hawkins, K. II. Herbert, W. P. 

t tumuli v, Flt'.mor 

Teacher’s Diploma. 

Hiddulph, I rent 1 M. t B.A, 
t‘ustl<*, Doris <’ , B.S*\ 
t'hupmun, W. C., B.A. 
Farrar, ICIsi<s B.A. 
Harley, Jo.ui L., H.A. 
Higsoin, lT«*d, H.A. 

First Class. 

Loach, Albert, M.A. 
Lingard, John, B.A. 
Mottram, Lilian A., B.A. 
Stubbs, D. R., B.Sc, 

Tarver, Constance M., B.Sc. 
Tomlinson, Marion H., B.A. 

Second Class. 

Ainsworth, Thomas, B.Sc. 
Angus, A. A., B.A. 

Atkinson, Marjorie K. t B.A, 
Buguk-y, IL K., B.Sc. 

BroUett, J. H., B.A. 

Boll, Edward, B.Sc. 

Borrv, Mary D. R,, B.A. 
Bradshaw, Mary A., B.A. 
Broad hurst, Sarah K. r B.A. 
Brooks, Hlsie, B.A. 

Bruce, Isabella G„ B.A. 
Burton, Prank, B.A. 
t aimer, Marjory, B.Sc. 

< hurley, Marion (I., B.A, 
i lark, Margery, B.Sr. 

Clarke, William, B.A. 

t oekeroft, Margery tr„ B.A. 

( ollinson, Katherine M., B.A. 
Cope, N. A., B.A. 

< inimunws, H. <»., B.A. 

1 >arhyshire, Wilfred, B.Sc. 
Davenport, Mary 1., B.A. 
Denard, Evelyn, B.A. 
Downturn*, W. C,, B.Sc. 
Eastwood, Eric, M.Sc. 

Kley, IX. L., B.Sc., 

PairhiirHt, John, B.Sc. 
barber, Miriam, B.Sc. 
Faulkner, W. T., B.A. 
Fuwthrop, Margaret R., B.Sc. 
Frith, V. S., B.Sc,. 

Griffiths, Mary, B.A. 

Hall, Sylvia, B.A. 

Hardy, W. 1*., B.Sc. 

Harkness, David, B.Sc. 
Harrison, S, L., B.Sc. 
Hasselgren, John, B.A. 

Hayes, J. C., B.Sc. 

Iley, Donald, M.Sc. 

Jligsou, TI«len K., B.Sc. 
Holden, Beatrice M., B.A. 
Horton, B. S., B.A. 

Ingham, O. W., B.A. 
fagger, Kathleen M., B.A. 

Johnson, B. M,, B.A. 

Johnson, Eileen M,, B.Sc. 
Johnston, Ruth E., B.A. 

Kay, R. S., B.A. 

Lester, Joseph, B.A. 

Linton, Evelyn, B.A. 

Maxwell, Margaret, M.A. 
Morgan, A, S. L., M.Sc. 
Newton, Susan M. H., B.A. 
Norris, F. J,, B.A. 

Oxtoby, Doris, B.Sc. 
Prcndcrgast, F. M., B.A. 
Prynne, Kathleen M., B.A. 
Ranson, John, B.Sc. 

Rule, May S., B.A. 

Sellers, Joseph, B.A. 

Scphton, Ada F., B.Sc. 
Shepherd, W. H., B.A. 
Sibley-Haycock, Nancie V,, MJ 
Sircom, Geoffrey, B.A. 

Smith, Lawrence, B.A. 

Smith, T. K., B.A. 

Smith, W. S., B.Sc. 

Steiner, Hilda C., B.A. 

Stocks, G. R., B.A. 

Sutcliffe, Albert, B.A. 

Sutcliffe, K. E., B.A. 

Taylor, Elizabeth A., B.A. 
Thompson, Rachel D., B.A, 
Tooth, Olive, B.Sc. 

Walley, Nance M., B.A. 

Walton, N. W., B.A. 

Watson, Thomas, B.A. 

Watts, J. R., B.A. _ 

Welsh, Constance A., B.A. 
White, C. E., B.Sc. 
Whittington, Marie L, f B.A. 
Whitton, Harold, B.A. 
Williams, Edna B., B.A- 
Winstanley, Martha A., B.Sc* 
Wood, J. L., B.A. 

Wrigley, Joan W., B.A. 
Yarborough, Winifreae, B.Sc. 

University Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf. 

Second Class . 

ock^anci. V., M.A. 

'Johnson, Eileen M. , B.Sc. Sturman. Rose H. 

Maxwell, Margaret, M.A, Swanwick, G. R. 

Pargetcr, Helen H. Watson, Thomas, B.A. 

Annuul fttittcumii . 


annual Statement. 

Siossion i«i:ta m;s. 

OlMTrA K V. 

It is with deep regret that 1 have to record the deaths <»f tins 
following : 

Dr. Alfred Lire, a member of the Court of Governors since 
1925 and of the Council since 1927, and Deputy -Treasurer 
from 1927 to 1931. His scientific knowledge and sound 
judgment have been of great- benefit. to the University. 

The Right Honourable Lord Ashton of Hyde, who has been a 
member of the Court of Governors since 1 90S. 

Mr. IS. CL Hiller, si graduate of the University, and a member 
of the Court of Governors since, 1920. 

Dr. William Stirling, for thirty-three years Bracken bury 
Professor of .Physiology, and for nine years Dean of the 
Medicsil School. It was chiefly through his influence 
that the original Medical School buildings were largely 
extended, and he took a. leading part in most of the 
developments in the faculty of Medicine during his 
tenure of office. 

Professor W. T. Waugh, Professor of History in the McGill 
University, formerly Bishop Fraser Reader in History 
and a member of the Stall* of this Universitv from 1910 
to 1922. 

Mr. T. A. Coward, a graduate of the University, a member of 
the Museum Committee, and formerly Acting Keeper of 
the Museum. 

Miss Winifred M. Crompton, Assistant Keeper in the Museum, 
and a member of the Staff since L900. 

Mr. J. T. Hulliday, Lecturer in Town Planning since 1923. 

Mr. E. W. Y. Clifton, Lecturer in Classics, and a member of 
the Staff since 1920. 

Miss Catherine I. Dodd, Mistress of Method and Lecturer in 
•Education in the University from L892 to J905. 

Dr. J. W. Graham, Tutor in Mathematics at Dalton Hall, 
1886 to 1896, and Principal from 1897 to 1921, and 
formerly a member of the Court. 

Annual Statement. 


Mr. Bernard Hobson, a memh« i r of the Staff in the Department 
of Reology from 1889 to 1908. 

The Rev. Dr. Robert Mackintosh, Lecturer in Philosophy of 
Religion from 1004 to LOiiO. 

Dr. Siegmund Moritz who held the post of Lecturer in Diseases 
of the Larynx from 1901 to 1919. 

Dr. .1, Stuart Thomson, formerly Senior Lecturer in Zoology, 
ami a member of the Stall from 1910 to 1929. 

Dr. Kate Kin** May Atkinson, Drill Instructor for Women 
from 1909 to 191*1. 

.Mr. A. K. Kd wards, Senior Steward in the Chemical Depart- 
ment and a member of the Service Staff since 1888. 

Mr. S. K. Butcher, a member of the Advisory Committee on 
Le.ual ICdueation. 

Sir Dugald Clerk, upon whom the Honorary Degree of D.Sc, 
was conferred in 1912. 

Miss Mary Dmidy, upon whom the Honorary Degree of M.A. 
was conferred in 1910. 

Mr. John Ualsworthy, upon whom the Honorary Degree of 
Litt.D. was conferred in 1927. 

Prolessor Krnest William Hobson, upon whom the Honorary 
Degree of D.Sc. was conferred iu 1902. 

Professor John (loorge Robertson, upon whom the Honorary 
Degree of Litt.D. was conferred in 1928. 

Sir Ronald Ross upon whom the Honorary degree of D.Sc. 
was conferred in 1929. 

Professor (iraham Wallas upon whom the Honorary degree 
of Litt.D. was conferred in 1922. 


Among the distinctions awarded to members of the University 
e the following : 

Professor Arthur Lap worth has been appointed Pro-Vice- 
Ohaneellor for a period of two years in succession to 
Professor liaper. 

Professor J. L. Stocks has been appointed Pro-Vice- 
( Chancellor for a period of two years in succession to 
Professor Orr. * « 

Professor H. Bompas Smith has been appointed Emeritus 

Professor Miles Walker has been appointed Emeritus Professor. 


Annual Statement. 

Professor Ktopford has been appointed a representative of 
the University on the General Medical Council fora period 
of tit mo years as from October, P.WlL 

Professor Stop ford accepted an invitation from the University 
of London to inspect and report, upon the Medical Schools 
in the London area during Pdoo. 

Professor Dodd has been invited to deliver the Speaker's 
lectures iti Biblical Studies at Oxford during the next 
three years. 

Professor Munich has been invited to give lectures on 
Algebraic numbers in the University of Uam bridge next 

Professor James Tail- has been elected to an Honorary 
Fellowship at Pembroke Uni lege, Oxford, and the 
Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters has been conferred 
upon him by the University of Oxford. 

Professor Namier has been invited to deliver the Ford Lectures 
in English History in the. University of Oxford during the 
session I ~‘M . 

The University of Dublin has conferred upon Professor Bragg 
the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science. 

Professor W. Fletcher Shaw was the guest of the American 
Gynaecological Society at the Annual Congress held in 
Washington in May. 

Mr. R. O. Bos wall, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in 
the Faculty of Technology, has been awarded the Thomas 
Lowe Gray Prize by the Institution of Mechanical 

Mr. Harry Campion, Robert Ottley Lecturer in Statistics, has 
been appointed to a Rockefeller Fellowship in the United 
States of America. On his return to the University in 
October next, Mr. Campion will resume his tenure of the 
lectureship as a full time appointment with the title of 
Robert Ottley Lecturer in Economic Statistics. 

Mr. G. F. Mucklow, Lecturer in Engineering, has been awarded 
the Herbert Akroyd Stuart Prize of the Institution of 
Mechanical Engineers. 

Dr. A. W. Wilcock, Lecturer in the History of Music, has been 
appointed organist of Exeter Cathedral and Master of the 

Dr. Henry Clay, formerly Professor of Social Economics in 
the University, has been appointed Economic Adviser 
to the Governors of the Bank of England. 

Annual Statement, 


Professor W. A. Bone, formerly Lecturer in Chemistry and 
Metallurgy in bhe University of Manchester, has been 
awarded the Medal of the Society of Chemical Industry. 

Mr. UoollYey Bui lough, a graduate of the University and 
formerly Assistant Lecturer, has been appointed to the 
Chair of English Literatim* in the University of Sheffield. 

Professor J. E. Lennard-Jones, formerly Lecturer in Mathe- 
matics in the University, has been appointed to the 
Plummer Chair of Inorganic Chemistry in the University 
of Cambridge, has also been elected to an Honorary 
Fellowship of Corpus Christi College, and appointed a 
Follow of the Royal Society. 

Dr. Alexander Robertson, formerly Assistant Lecturer, has 
been appointed to the Chair of* Organic Chemistry in the 
University of Liverpool. 

Professor Robert Robinson, formerly Professor of Organic 
Chemistry in the University, has been awarded the Royal 
Modal of the Royal Society. 

Professor K. M. Rowe, formerly Lecturer in Dyestuffs in the 
Faculty of Technology, has been admitted to the livery 
of the. Worshipful Company of Dyers and to the freedom 
of the City of Loudon, 

Dr. James Chadwick, a graduate of the University, has been 
awarded the Hughes Medal of the Royal Society. 

Mr. Harold Davenport, a graduate of the University,^ has 
been elected to a Fellowship of Trinity College, Cambridge. 

Mr. IL I). Kay, a graduate of the University, has been 
appointed Director of the. National Institute of Research 
in Dairying at Reading. 

Dr. hi. J. Williams, Special Lecturer in Mathematical Physics, 
Mr. M. ({. hi vans. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, and 
Dr. Denial Sheehan, formerly Demonstrator in Anatomy, 
have been elected to Rockefeller Fellowships. 


(* raids from Loot d> Author 'd tos, ate. 

The, following is a list of the annual grants received during 

the year : . 

The City of Manchester, £h,<)00 : the County of Lancashire, 
C r > boo, including £<*00 for Extra-Mural work; the County 
nf’cWiiro, £1,250 ; the County of Derby, £750; the 
City of .Salford, £.000 ; the County Borough of Boltdn, 
£500 ; Blackburn, £400 ; Stockport, £400; Burnley, 
£250 * Wigan, .£250 ; Oldham, £250 ; Rochdale, £150 ; 
Bury, £100 ; Preston, £100 ; Warrington, £100. 


Intermediate Examination. 

(The Roman numbers indicate the division in which the candidate w ah pLtceu.j 


! 1 






Pure Maths. 


Ancient History. 

Modem History. 










Political Econom> 
Medieval History 










p< « 

s i3 


& , 
a ' 
















1 1 

Anderson, Mary V 


n l 

II 1 











II 1 


Arschavir, Arthur 



TI 1 



” V ** 




i . 


...'..J... 1 ... 



..J.. 1.. j . 

Bailey, O. C 

Ball, Leslie 

Baimforth, lidith » 

Balsliaw, Elizabeth 




. .. 

. i 1 

i i ! 




< i 1 





; i 


i i f 




Barker, R. I 

Battcrsby, Philip 

Bell, James G 


I 1 

J. J 





1 T ! r 


' J 



. .i... 

, i i ' 

. III... 


Berry, Christina _ 



n 1 1 



...L.i.J... ... 

’ 1 


; i 


Bolam, C. G 

Bolton, J. A 





j i i 

. t 

. a 




i i 

i . 



Bottomley, Gwen 



i .. 




Bradley, Barbara 

Brand, C. A. H 

Brentuall, Christine D. ... 






1 1 

.. 1...I .1. . 



Brewer, Stanley 

Brierley, Ellon 

Bromley, li. J. 


...i.i... ii .. 

1 ' 



..J .. 

. ii 

1 1 


Brooks, li. H 


. ri 


Brown, Marie ... 

. ii 





Brown, Margaret li. 

Burton, Doris M 

Cahill, Edward. . . 



1 1 


. n 




. n 




Caldwell, Agnes IVl 

Cassidy, Hilda 

Clanchy, Audrey li. 

Cliff, S, W 



1 1 









. ii 


Clinton, T. J 


Collins, L. j 

Conlon, Mary J. ... 

1 1 


Connolly, Cecelia ... ... 

Conroy, ]ohu 




Cooke, H. V 


Cooper, Joan D 



Coxon, O. F 




Gragg, Margaret 


.. ii 

Croft, John 

Crosby, G. H 

Crossley, Jack 


.. ii 







Cutclifte, Margaret 




Cutler, Marjorie E 

1 j . 




Daley, Margaret M 





Daniels, G. K 

! i 




Denton, GeoSrey 



'Dickinson, Kathleen 




Dobson, Margaret E. 

I 1 


Dunlop, Margaret 


11 ... 

.. ii 


Dunn, Sheila M 

. ... 



Dykes, K. C 






Eckersley, N. A 



1 1 


Edington, Kenneth 



• • 




A mi uni Ktit ft' tar a t , 


l n.Iitr »h<> \\ ill ot t li** bit** Lord BrotJmrton of Wakefield the 
f rtiMf imvi* < to iwtiiblmh a Scholarship in 
rhvHu * or m < ‘h.-mist-ry. tollable either in the University 
of Mniii-lioxtor or in the University of hoods. 

Uurinu t lie year further payments have been received in 
respect of : 

Samite! Urutrix (Junior) Bequest 

T, f I . Worm! I Bequest... 

T. Groom Barker Bequest 

Sir i >. Drummond Fraser Bequest 

Thus, Marriott Bequest 

Jane Ash Legacy 

S. C. Holm Bequest 

Messrs. Henry Simon Ltd., of Ohoadle, have continued their 
Htimml subscription of £10 for the benefit of the Depart- 
ment of Economies and Commerce. 

£ s. d. 
8,835 3 10 
1BJ 12 
791 4 
88 18 
11 17 
28 19 
8 3 

A donation ban boon received from the Education Department 
of the National Association of Local Government Officers 
as a contribution to the expenses of the Department of 
Public Administration in the University. 

Thu Manchester Committee on Cancer and the Christie 
Hospital have sent £7,320 and £382. 4s. 2d. respectively 
towards the cost of the Cancer Research Department, 
the first mentioned being the amount estimated to be 
required to meet the deficiency on the Department for 
the two years ending March 31st, 1935. 

The “ HMH " Scholarship Committee have notified their 
intention of handing to the University a fund of approxi- 
mately £200, originally collected by the Industrial 
and Professional Women's Suffrage Society, for the 
provision of loans to medical students. This fund will be 
added to the newly instituted University Fund for the 
same purpose. 

Messrs. Lewis's Ltd., have sent a fifth annual subscription of 
£100 for the General Fund of the University. 

A small fund has been raised by the Old Students’ Association 
of the Manchester University Geographical Society to 
establish a Memorial to the late Reader in Geography, 
M r. W. I J . Barker. The income from the fund is to provide 
a prize in the Department of Geography. • * 

An anonymous gift of £100 has been received to institute a 
fund to be utilised as a loan fund for the assistance of 
women medical students. 

A nvutt- St^fi'nn'ut. 

Under the WiU of Mr. John Alfred Morris of Utrinrlmm, the 
University has reeoi\ed a bequest of JCIOO lor Ueneral 

Miss Enid Jones and Miss Amy Jones have each contributed 
the Mini of ,V)i\ towards the expense of apparatus for the 
Department of the Education of the Deaf. 

The Manchester Brandi of M it-. English Speaking Union have 
awarded two Fellowships tenable at the University of 
Manchester next session. 

Airs. 11. \V. Williamson lias presented to the University a 
portrait in oils of her father-in-law, the late Dr. YV, U. 
YYJlliamson, who held the (hair of Botany in the* Owens 
College, from l Sol to 18i»2. 

Mr. Paul Ogden has presented thirty-one. hound volumes of 
the K.l.B.A. .Journal to the Architecture. Departmental 

« ItMSHiNATJLONS AND A 1*1*01 ntmunth. 

Ln addition to those, mentioned elsewhere in the Statement, 
the following Professors and Readers are leaving the University 
at the end of the session* or have already departed, and appoint- 
ments to Professorships and other changes, as set out below, have 
boon made : 

Professor A. 0. Dickie is retiring from the Ohair of Architecture 
after twenty-one years of do voted and distinguished 
service, rendered to the University. Under his direction 
a most flourishing school has been built up, notable for 
enthusiasm, the high character of its work ami the 
distinctions which its students have gained. 

Mr. R. A. (Jordingley, M.A. (Manchester), A. R.I.B.A., Master 
of Architecture at Armstrong College, University of 
Durham, and Resident Architect of Durham University, 
has been appointed Professor of Architecture and Director 
of the School of Architecture as from September next, in 
succession to Professor Dickie. 

Mr. W. B. Edwards, Lecturer in Architecture in this Univer- 
sity, has been appointed Master of Architecture at 
Armstrong College, University of Durham, in sue, cession 
to Mr. (Jordingley. 

Professor L. E. Kastner is retiring from the Chair of French 
Language and Literature* at the end of the present 

• Session. Professor Leon Kastner wa-s appointed twenty- 
four years ago in succession to his father, Professor 
Victor Kastner, and between them, father and son 
have served the University for forty years. By Ids line 

Annual Statement, 


scholarship iii id his stimulating influence as a teacher, 
Professor Leon Ivastner has contributed notably to t-lie 
advancement of his subject both here and elsewhere. 
Ho loaves a J>ej lartment and an Honours School of 
French which is one of the most important in the country. 

Professor .John Orr has resigned from the Chair of French 
Language in the University on his appointment to a 
Chair in the University of Edinburgh. As Junior Assistant 
Lecturer in French in the University from 1913 to 1915, 
and as Professor of French Language since 1919, Professor 
Orr It, ‘is rendered invaluable service to the Department 
of French and lias added greatly to its distinction. 
During his tenure of his Chair, Professor Orr has taken 
tin increasingly important, part in all the developments 
of the University. Alike as scholar, teacher, and 
administrator, he leaves a gap which will be hard to 

Mr. Eugene Vinaver, M.A., B.Litt. (Oxford), D. &s L., has been 
ap| minted to succeed Professor Kastner. 

Mr. I sic Lor Morris Heilbron, D.S.O., D. Sc, (Glasgow), PhJD. 
(Leipzig),, at present Heath Harrison Professor of 
Organic Chemistry in the University of Liverpool has 
accepted an invitation to a Chair of Organic Chemistry 
in the University. 

Mr. Michael Polanyi, M.D., Ph.D. (Budapest), of the Kaiser 
Wilhelm Institute, Berlin, and Professor at the Technical 
High School of Berlin, has accepted an invitation to a 
Chair of Physical Chemistry in the University. 

Professor Heilbron and Professor Polanyi will take 
up their duties in September next. 

The Universities 1 China Committee has received from the 
Boxer Indemnity Fund the sum of £200,000 for the 
promotion of cultural relations between China and Great 
Britain. As one way of achieving this object it has agreed 
to give substantial help towards the establishment of 
posts at. Oxford, Cambridge, London, and Manchester, 
for the study of Chinese, each one having its appropriate 
bias. At Manchester the bias will be towards economics 
a,nd commerce. Mince the death oi Professor E. H. 
Parker in 19215 the Chair of Chinese has been in abeyance. 
With the help of* a contribution of £400 a year from the 
Universities’ China, Committee, the Council has instituted 
a, leadership hi Chinese Language and Social Economy, 
and has appointed Mr. E. W. Mead, M. A. (Cambridge) 
(bite of the British. Consular Service) to the Beadership. 
Mr. Mead will take up his duties in September next. 


duuMrid Staff nv nt. 

Mr. John ALA. (< ’aiubridm*). D.Ke, (London), 
MJ.E.M., has boon appointed to tin* Chair of Electrical 
Engineering in the Fneullv of Technology, in sueeesMion 
to Professor Aliles Walker, Professor Hnllingworth 
entered <m hiH duties in January hint* 

Thu (lounuil have instituted a Speeiid Lectureship in tin* 
History ol* Art. j Mr. Reginald Howard Wileuskh formerly 
Lecturer in Art in tin* University of Bristol, Inis accepted 
an invitation to hold tin* hurt unship for tin* first two 
years. Mr. Wi Ion, ski will enter upon his duties at tin* 
beginning of the session in October next. 

Mr. Frank (Haro Wilkinson, M.D., B.D.S. (i jivcrpool), D.D.Ko. 
(Melbourne), at present Professor of Dental Science in 
t.ho University of Melbourne, has aeeepted t in* (Hum* of 
Dental Surgery ami t.ho Directorship of the Dental 
Hospital of the. University of Manchester. If is expected 
that ho will commence his duties at fin* oinl of September. 


The period of appointment of Mr. H, Pilkington Turner, 
Secretary to the Senate expires in September next. 

Mr. Turner has hold administrative posts in the Uni- 
versity continuously si nee I HOT. But Ion# before that he 
was associated with the University us a student, a graduate 
in Haw ami in Arts, President of the University Union 
a, ml Lecturer in the Faculties of Law and Oommeree. 
During his long and devoted service. Mr. Turner has 
identities!, himself with all that concerns the best interests 
of the University ami the welfare of students and of 
Staff and in an eminent degree he has won the affection of 
all his fellow workers. Mr. Turner will continue to act 
as Director of Extra-Mural Studies for a further period. 

Tn view of the retirement of Mr. H. P. Turner as Secretary 
to the Senate, which takes place at the mid of the. present 
session, a re-organisation of the academic administration 
will be made. The Registrar’s Department will, in 
future, deal with all academic matters other than those 
connected with, iinance and the Extra- Mural Depart- 
ment. Mr. P. P. Walton, B.CJom., at present, Assistant 
Secretary to the Coianoil and Senate, has boon appointed 
Assistant Registrar, and Mr. JU. J. Albiston and Mr. H. 0. 
■* Butterfield, B.A. (Com.), have been appointed Assistant 

The title of Mr. Thomas Borthwick, Examinations Clerk, 
has been altered to “ Secretary for Examinations.” 

Annual Statement. 


Tin* Douneil have accepted, with great regret, the resignation 
of Mr. 11. M. Leach, from the Treasurerahip of the Ellis 
Llwyd Jones Hall. Mr, Leach has rendered valuable 
services as Treasurer and has taken a real and personal 
interest in all matters connected with the Hall since its 

The (*hief Porter, Mr. Donald Fraser, retires as from the end 
of the present session, after thirty-nine years of devoted 
service to the University. 

Mum MBit of Students, 

The total number of students in the several Faculties of the 
University for the past session was as follows : 

AH Faculties tixoepfc Medicine and Technology 

(including 504 Women students) .. .. 1,876 

Faculty of Medicine (including 100 Women 

students) .. .. .. .. 7G9 

Faculty of Technology (including 5 Women 

students) . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 

In addition to the above, there were 350 persons attending 
Kvoning (Hasses. 

During the session 1932-33 the return of the ages of Men 
Kind eats was as follows : 

No. of Students. 

Hot ween 16 and 18 . . 131 

Between 18 and 20 .. .. .. . . . . 650 

Above 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,466 


The return of the ages of Women Students was as follows : 

No. of Students. 

Between 17 and 18 , . .. .. .. .. 31 

Between 1 8 and 20 . . . . . . . . . . 284 

Above 20 .. . . . . .. ** ». 384 


The number of women students has increased this session. 
Thu increase is in the Faculties of Arts and Medicine. 

The following is a Comparative Statement of the total number 
of students in the several Faculties for the past seven sessions : 

Ii»26-ii7 1927-28 1928-20 1929-BO 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 

All Faculties except Medi- 
cine and Technology .. 1,618 1,691 1,726 1,735 1,786 1,827 1,876 

Faculty of Modioine , . .. 595 578 673 685 689 742 769 

Faculty of Technology .. 242 282 240 252 251 266 3D1 

2,455 2,501 2,639 2,672 2,726 2,885 2,946 

allowing for double entries 2,487 2,480 2,618 2,652 2,706 2,811 2,920 


Annual Statement, 

Facim/py or Ants. 

The number of students show:- ;m increase, owing to an 
addition of about 10 to the. number of Honours students. IoO 
students entere< 1 for Honours courses. and 1 »> research students 
registered of whom 2<S won*. preparing for the degree of M.A, 
During the session the. new Regulations of the Honours Schools 
of Keonomies, Polities, and Modern History, and of Philiosophy 
and Fuglish have come into force. The regulations of the Honours 
School of Herman have been revised, and new regulations have 
been recommended for Courses in Hellenistic Creek and Compara- 
tive Religion io meet the needs of theological students. Slight 
changes have introduced into the M,A., The 
Faculty has also to congratulate itself on the arrival of Professor 
Fairley to fill the Chair of Herman, sifter a year’s interregnum, 
and of Professor Praz to till the Chair of Italian. 

Fa<wi#ty ok Soiknck. 

Tim number of students registered continues to increase 
slightly. About f><> students have been engaged in research work 
in the various departments of the Faculty, The number of students 
taking Honours Courses was Both of these figures represent 

a slight advance on those for the preceding year. 

Famui/py ok Law, 

There have been. 150 students in attendance at classes in the 
Faculty of Law during the session. This number shows a slight 
increase on last session’s, and constitutes the highest total of 
students registered as members of the Faculty of Law at any 
time. In addition the Faculty has provide, d instruction for 
130 students in other Faculties. 

The University submitted evidence to the Lord Chancellor's 
Committee on Legal Hducaton and Professor It. A. Fast wood 
gave oral evidence on behalf of the University before the Com- 
mittee. Professor Hastwood also assisted in preparing the written 
evidence submitted by tlm Society of Public Teachers of Law. 

Dr. Hedges has been appointed a member of the Permanent 
Legislation Committee of the International Hospital Association. 

m • 

The Faculty was represented by Professor Bastwood and Mr. 
Jolly at the International Congress of Comparative Law held at 
The Hague in August, 1932. 

Annual Statement. 


Faculty of Medicine. 

Professor H. S. Raper has been appointed Dean of the Medical 

Dr. A. 1). Macdonald has been re-appointed Tutor and 
Secretary to the Faculty of Medicine, 

Entries . 

During the session, 82 now students have been registered for 
medical courses, including 17 women : 68 are taking the 

Manchester degree course. In addition, 5 students had transferred 
from other Faculties for the medical degree course : also 9 
students preparing Cor Final examinations of other Licensing 
Bodies. Four qualified Indian students who desire to obtain an 
English qualification in medicine in addition to their Indian quali- 
fication are admitted each session. 33 new dental students 
including 2 women, have been registered for dental courses and 
121 for courses in Pharmacy. 

Post - Graduate Courses . 

The only course arranged for this session, i.e., the whole 
times course in Obstetrics, is now being held : all other courses 
had to be cancelled owing to insufficient entries. The Post- 
graduate Committee has therefore decided to postpone any 
further arrangements and issue of special prospectuses until such 
time as there is a definite demand for special courses. 

There were 17 entries for the courses in preparation for the 
Diploma in Public Health in October. 

The Dental School and Dental Hospital. 

An important development has taken place in the life of the 
University by the re-organisation of the Dental School and the 
Dental Hospital. Under a scheme, approved by the Chancery 
Court, the University has taken over the responsibility for the 
hospital. The work both of the school and the hospital will be 
carried on by means of two Committees, one of dental education, 
the other of dental charity, both responsible to the Council of 
the University. 

As mentioned on page 894, Mr. Frank Clare Wilkinson, M.D., 
B.D.S. (Liverpool), D.D.Sc. (Melbourne), has been appointed 
to the Chair of Dental Surgery and the Directorship of the Dental 
Hospital of the University of Manchester. 

Faculty op Commerce and Administration. 

The “ Industrial Survey of the Lancashire Area (excluding 
Merseyside),” prepared by the Research Section of the Faculty 
for the Board of Trade has been published by H.M. Stationery 


Annual Sin ft* meat. 

A special grant of JEttOO was made by the Council for the 
purchase of hooks in modern German lilorature, and 5<>1 volumes 
have already been obtained. 

A further number of volumes of periodicals has been purchased 
out of the Government Grant. The complete sets added to the 
Library include the following : 

Acta Philologica Keandiuaviea. 

American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 

Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi. 

Additional volumes, towards completing the Library set of 
the following periodical, have been purchased : • 

Samfund til Udgivolso av Gammel Nordisk Libtoratur. 

Library for Dmaf Kduoateon. 

Ab the end of the session 193L32 the Library (contained 
7,215 volumes, and 97 volumes have. been added during the 
present session. Not only is the Library used freely by students 
taking the special course for teachers of the deaf, bub books are 
constantly being sent out to touchers in various parts of the 
Kingdom, whilst requests from the National (fcmtral Library for 
the loan of books to other libraries and to individuals have also 
been met. 

Forty-four volumes have been presented to the Library, 
including a copy of R. A. Sioard’s “ Cours ^Instruction (Pun 
Sourd-Muet de Naissauce,” which formerly belonged to the late 
Tsar of Russia, presented by Mr. A. Farrar. 

The number of registered borrowers is now 2.51 , seven names 
having been added to the list since the last report. 

Land and Buildings. 

The Manchester Corporation have leased to the University 
approximately 41 acres of land at Wythensliawe for use as playing 
fields. By the acquisition, of the new land it will be possible to 
ease the strain at the Firs and to enable a greater number of 
students to engage in athletics. 

Further accommodation for the Department of Metallurgy 
became necessary and urgent at the commencement of the 
session in consequence of the increased number of research 
students. An extension of the present laboratory was made and 

J T • n • J 

Annual Statement. 


Founder’s Day. 

Fount lor s l )ay was celebrated on May 17th. when the following 
Honorary Degrees wore conferred by the Chancellor : 

that or of Laws. 

Kir John Charles Walsham Reith. 

Doctor of Letters. 

Professor Edwin Francis Gay. 

Doctor of Science. 

Professor John Linton Myron. 

Professor J. L . >S toe Its presented the Grariuands and Sir John 
Kohl* replied on their behalf. 

Mr. dames Ramsay Macdonald (the Prime Minister) was 
unable to be present at the Ceremony for the conferring of 
degrees on Founder’s Day. A special ceremony took place at 
No. 10, Downing Street, on July 25th, 1933, when the Degree of 
Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) was conferred upon him by the 
Chancellor. Professor Stocks made the presentation. 

Professor Artur Schnabel, who was unable to be present at 
the Founder’s Day Commemoration, attended the University on 
May 0th, when the degree of Doctor of Music (honoris causa) was 
conferred upon him. He subsequently delivered a lecture on 
** Reflections on Music.” 

Honorary Degrees. 

Honorary Degrees were conferred at the July Degree Cere- 
monies, as follows : 

M aster of Arts . 

Mr. Nathan Laski. 

Mr. Alfred Powell Wadsworth. 

M aster of Science . 

Mr. Robert Henry Clayton. 

Mrs, Irene Rosetta Ewing. 



A Reception was given by the Council of the University on 
July 81 h, in the Whitworth Hall in celebration of the Jubilee of 
the Admission of Women Students to the University. 

The following Honorary Degrees were conferred : 

Miss Sara Annie Burstall ... Doctor of Laws. 

Professor Eileen Power ... Doctor of Letter^. * 

Dr. Harriette Chick Doctor of Science. 

Honorary Professor S. Alexander presented the Graduands 
and Miss Burstall replied on their behalf. 

Annual statement. 


Htu hunts. 

V Reception to students in t-li<*ir first- year was given l>y the and the Students’ Unions in October, I 

The following reports have I iron received from the Students’ 
Unions : 

University U nion. 

The year HWI .‘12 was described in last year's report, as 
one of '* intensely critical solf-exami nation." In t hat year 
tho question most- discussed was concerned with the function 
the Union should fulfil in University life. 'flic Union 
endeavoured to emphasise its position as the centre for free 
undergraduate thought, and ‘t*» may he looked upon as a 

year of achievement with that end in view. 

ft was c-lear that a start, must, he. made by giving Union 
societies every opportunity to hold their functions within the 
Union and accordingly societies recognised by the Union com- 
mittee now have free use of rooms for meetings which arc open to 
all Union members. To co-ordinate society activities and avoid 
overlapping, a Society Secretaries' Uommittee. was established, 
and this, in addition to its co-ordinating work, prepares a weekly 
calendar of events. The 13th ical Society is to be congratulated 
on having taken a lead in the city of Manchester by throwing 
open its membership to the. public. The Musical Society, supported 
financially by the (Senera! Committee, has given a series of 
mid-day concerts which have proved of great value, and 
interest to the members of the. Union. 

In pursuing the general aim of making the Union an 
intellectual focus, one of the most difficult things to combat is 
apathy on the part of many undergraduates. It was 
felt that this was a result of inadequate information about 
internal activities and the diiliculty 1ms been partly solved 
by the publication of a weekly news bulletin in which appear 
reports of the past week's committee meetings and society 
activities together with a calendar of those for the following week. 
Results of the Athletic Union’s matches are also included. 

A radio-gram has been installed, by the judicious use of 
which it is hoped to afford Union members the opportunity of 
hearing good music and eminent speakers on problems of the. day. 

In realising its jjosition as a part of the University with a 
definite function to fulfil, the Union has felt that it should have 
the opportunity of closer contact with the administration of the 
University. For some years informal meetings of staff* and 
o+n/l™^ m Pt. t n d imp. ii hr TTniversitv nroblems. A Joint Advisory 

Annual Statement. 


members of the Unions' ( hnnnitteovs. Jt is hoped that by this 
inrans help may be obtained in problems of common interest to 
si id! and .si talents. 

Debuting in the Union is of a I ugh standard and in addition to 
the, usual debates we have sent debating delegates to other Univer- 
sities, and teams to local Do hating Societies. One member of the 
1 niotu Mr. I\ L. Tendon, was selected by the National Union of 
Ktndcnls as a member of an Indian team to tour the Universities. 
I debates in general have, not been free from criticism and it was felt 
by some, that the technique of debating was such as to lead one 
away from truth rather than towards ib. Lt was suggested that 
this was a dangerous training for those who would ultimately 
l ake up public life. Half the debates were therefore deleted from 
the year's programme and a new method of public discussion 
introduced, in which a leader expounds his subject for twenty 
nannies after which the subject is open to discussion from the 
floor of the 1 louse. The conclusion takes the form of a summing-up 
and the leader has the option of putting forward a proposition 
to he voted upon. This form of public discussion has been, in the 
main, successful. 

Social contacts are being more widely developed and in 
addition to the usual Inter-Union debates and dances, an innova- 
tion this year is the holding of Tea Rocials in which members of 
the Men’s ami Women's Unions participate. The year has seen a 
strengthening of the bonds with other University Unions and 
Manchester is taking a lead in re-organisation and the 
re -orientation of the activities of the National Union of Students. 
The Union committee lias sent delegates this yoar to various 
Student (Conferences. 

The continuance of the Hag was very seriously discussed 
and after trenchant criticism it was decided that the Rag 
should be held if only for the benefit of the hospitals. 
The exact amount realised is still unknown but is about 
£ 4 , 000 . 

During the year the Union has made progress in its 
endeavour to become a greater intellectual force in University 
life. It is Imped that this position will be further consolidated 
during t he coming year. 

Athletic Union. 

The high standard of athletics at Manchester is still main- 
tained— all the clubs continue to he well supported. It is hoped, 
in the near future, that the Athletic Union will be able to increase 
the percentage of active members bj r fostering inter-departmental 
games. The Boat Club has been revived and have arranged with 
the Agecroft Rowing Club to use their boats and club-house. 


A hh uni Sttifi'mruf. 

Tlio most outstanding «mr(ws among the winter clubs was that 
f the Lacrosse Club which, af’i^r a lapse, of many seasons, regained 
m U.A.U, Lacrosse Championship from Oxford. 

The Soccer Club won the Christie Championship, and were 
ose runners-up for Mm Northern Division of the U.A.U. 

The Rugby and Hockey ( Hubs wen* more, sueeessful than they 
r ere last season, hut both Hubs failed to gain Inter-University 

The Swimming Ulub (tarried out a sueeessful water-polo 
rogramme throughout tin* Lent term, winning the Christie, and 
ualifying to meet Trinity (College, Dublin, in the U.A.U. 
Jhampionship final. This matoh was played at Liverpool on 
lay 12th and resulted in a win for Trinity by b goals to The 
Hub regained tin* Christie Swimming Shield ]>ut lost tlio U.A.U. 
o a strong London side after having held the championship for 
nany years. 

The, Athletic Ulub repeated its success of last year in winning, 
or the sixth year in succession, the Christie Athletic Champion - 
hip Cup. IT the Athletic Club is to repeat, these performances, 
reshmen are needed to take the. place of the, present members who 
\>to going down. 

It is too early to make comments on the results already 
>btained by the Cricket, Coif, Boat, and Tennis ( Hubs, but them) 
ire indications that these (Hubs will do as well as they have done 
n preceding years. Last year the Cricket Club won the U.A.U. 
Dhanipionship and although they have lost three members 
■)f their team, they are very hopeful of retaining the Champion- 
ship. This was perhaps due to the fact that (dub members were 
touched at Old TralTord by county (toadies. 

Many individuals have distinguished themselves outside club 
activities. The most outstanding was J. C. 1\ Besford, who 
attacked and took of a second olT tins world’s 400 metres 
back-stroke record, erne, ring the distance in 5 mins. 41 ‘ setts. 

We have been well represented on U.A.U. sides in many games 
and several members regularly obtain their county caps in hockey 
and water polo. 

C p 

An encouraging feature of this season lias been the greatly 
increased interest shown by members of the University staff in 

+V«£» a rtf *Vu» Hr» ivovwi + \r \ 1 1 TmVvn 

Annual Statement . 


Abandoning the usual series of talks on Careers J> tlSis 
season tho Union has been extremely interested by a series on. 

How Manchester xs Mainlined. 5 ’ These talks were given by 
eminent members of the City Council, and included Public Healthy 
Parks and Open Spaces, to name only two of the subjects. 

Debates this year have on the whole been well attended, and 
a Moek J£ lection took place last term- -tlxere is a marked improve- 
ment in the standard of debating. 

Parties from the Union have been organised to visit a coal 
mine, newspaper cilice, and other places of interest. An endeavour 
was made for a joint ramble with Sheffield University but, 
unfortunately, it was not possible, 

Mrs. Worth eim has most kindly lent us a number of modern 
oil colours, and those with the pictures from the Rutherston 
Collection will be much appreciated by the Union. 

We have been very successful in our endeavour to obtain 
money for A nooats -the Carol Singing realised £18, and the 
Ancoats Flag Day, £14, both of these sums being record amounts. 
Infonnals this year have boon extremely pox^ular, necessitating 
in some cases the use of a third room., and we feel that our profits, 
all of which go to Ancoats, should attain a high level. 

A Nows 8heot has been published fortnightly in the Union, 
containing the diary of forthcoming events — this it is hoped 
will keep all members in touch with the activities of the Union 
and will be a useful channel of information from the General 
Committee to the Union. 

There have been a number of informal meetings of members 
of the Staff and members from the Mens anti Women’s Com- 
mittees, and it is hoped in the future to form some kind of 
Advisory Committee from these three bodies. 

The Jubilee of the Admission of Women to the University 
will bo celebrated in July. The women graduates axe subscribing 
for a Joint Common Room — to be used by members of both Unions 
and the Staff. 

Women’s Athletic Union . 

The activities of the various clubs incorporated in the Athletic 
Union have been keenly maintained during this session. Most of 
the winter clubs again had good results and were once more 
finalists in the Universities Championships. 

The Netball and Fencing Clubs, however, were not strong 
enough to obtain Championship status. The Lacrosse Club was 
again beaten by Reading in the final. 

Annual Statement. 


Thu Hockey (Hub met with greater success than any of the 
clubs. The Christie, Championship anti the Schuster Sit I wort*, 
retained, and finally tint Club gained I nter-’ Varsity Honours, by 
defeating .Heading in the final. 

The Badminton Chib is maintaining a steady standard. 
Among the Summer dubs the. Tennis, Swimming, and Athletic 
Clubs showed g rent activity. Tht*. Tennis (Hub secured the ( Hiristio 
Championship but was again beaten by Birmingham in the Final. 
The Athletic team put up a gallant tight at the I nter-’ Varsity 
Sports, and finished runners-up for the Championship. After a 
rather quiet season in ’oi2 the Swimming Club has started the 
present season in splendid fashion, defeating Liverpool ami 
Edinburgh in a triangular Swimming contest. 

The newly- font tod Cricket Club did very well last season ami 
the results of this year's triads point to a stronger team being 
formed. The game is proving a great attraction. 

The standard of all forms of Women’s athletics is improving, 
but a greater improvement would be possible if there were even 
greater facilities for play. 

Hauls or Hicsidknuk. 

The following reports have been received from the Halls : 
Dalton If all. 

Seventy-one men have been in residence, including two 
tutors and eight graduates of whom five have been engaged in 
research and three in training for the Teacher's I )ip!oma. Thirteen 
of the residents arc*, from abroad. 

The influenza epidemic, in the second term claimed a number 
of victims ; apart from this the health record was good. 

Energy has as usual been reasonably divided between study 
and recreation of various kinds. For the third year in succession 
an original dramatic performance was staged. 

It is regrettably necessary to record the death of Mr. J. \V. 
Graham, who was connected with the Hall as Tutor and 
Principal for thirty-eight years in all. It was in consequence of 
representations made by Mr. (jraluim and others at the time that 
a clause was inserted in the DOfi scheme for the administration 
of the Hulme Trust which has resulted in the establishment 
recently of the William Hulme bursaries tenable at any recognised 

xr„n 4-v.^ t +tt 

Annual Statement 


Unbar Hall. 

The past, session lias again been eminently satisfactory. Ia 
tin*, first place there was a recovery in numbers tliore being in 
residence during the session, one hundred and thirty-six members, 
including seven tutors of whom four were University Lecturers, 
and nineteen graduates. There was a phenomenal entry of fresh- 
men. Several structural improvements have been made during 
the session which have materially added to the conveniences and 
amenities of the Hall. Its internal life has been smooth and 
happy, and much energy has been shown in many forms of 
activity, a 01 1 ess Olub being inaugurated and the custom of 
occasional Lectures on topics outside the regular academic 
courses being continued. Both in athletics and in work members 
of the Hall have maintained the high standard of recent years. 
The health of the students has been singularly satisfactory. 

aS7. A us dm Hall. 

Sixty men are in residence including three members of the 
Staff, four graduates doing research work, and nine graduates 
reading for the Teacher’s Diploma. 

During the year the Hall Governing Body has become incor- 
porated under the terms of the Companies Act of 1929, and, 
following older precedents, the name of the Hall has been changed 
to St. Anselm Hall. 

In all respects the current session has been most happy and 
successful. Influenza took considerable toll of our members in 
January, and we have had more than our usual proportion of 
athletic injuries, but otherwise the health of the Hall has been 

Ltwemfdre. College. 

There was an increase in the number of residents-- forty-five 
students and three tutors. Two women students are also on the 
dollar,, Roll Ten have graduated and are reading for further 
decrees. The majority of the undergraduates are studying 
Theology or Arts as a preparation fox it ; but Science, Medicine, 
Pharmacy, Engineering, and Education, are also represented. 

Rev G K Hawes has succeeded Rev. W. G. Robinson as 
tutor/ ’ We mourn the loss of Emeritus Professor Robert 
Mackintosh after a connection of thirty-nine years. 

Apart from some influenza in the Lent term, the health of the 
(7)1 Lege has been very good, and the academic, social, and athletic 
well sustained. 


Annuut Htittvmvut. 

Vnituriun i'alhyv. Sum maraill e. 

Nino men and a tutor have boon in residence, and three 
non-resident st udents have, been attending ( Allege and University 
lectures. Two students are, graduates and one is a Hungarian. 
A valuable gift of books for the Library has been received from 

As/ilmrua Hall. 

At the beginning of the session the Mali received nineteen 
students from Lees Hall ami fifty new students, including one 
American and one Herman : these brought the total numbers to 
one hundred and lifty-eight. 

Of the twenty-six. graduate students four are. reading for 
further degrees and twenty-two for the Teacher’s Diploma, 

Tito corporate life of the Hall has gained by the new division 
into throe wings, each having its own common room ; the wings 
are in e barge of the Warden, the Vice- Warden, and Miss Axon 

There are. also two University lecturers in residence. 

The academic work has progressed satisfactorily throughout 
the session. 

Mem hers of the Hall have again held important offices in the 
Women's Union and Athletic Union, and have borne their part in 
all the activities of the University. 

The value of the new sanatorium was proved in the influenza 
epidemic when its use prevented the infection from spreading very 

Hills Llwyd Jonas I /all. 

Twenty-eight University students and one from tins College 
of Domestic Science have been in residence this session. 

Six students are preparing for the Uerlilicalc for Teachers of 
the Deaf and one for the University Certificate for non-graduate 

Two students from the University of Marburg were, in 
residence during May and June. 

The work of the students has been satisfactory. The dramatic 
entertainment reached a high standard, and the athletic record 
has been the best for several years. Except for a few cases of 
intiuenza at the beginning of the Lent term, the health of the Hall 
has been good. 

The Hall is verv grateful to Professor Fiddes for a gift of 

A mi mil Stutt'iiianL 

90 r J 

l tall. 

Mwa Jessie M. Hughes resigned the Wardenship of Langdale 
Hull in l\m. and Miss Dorothy M. Newcomen, M.A. (Oxford), 
was appointed as Warden. 

Thirt y-li ve, students have been in residence this session, five 
of whom arc. graduates reading; for the Diploma in Education. 
Of six first year students, live arc reading for Arts degrees, and 
mm Science. 

The health of flic I lad! has boon uniformly excellent, and its 
academic and social life vigorous. Athletics show the usual 
keenness, and several students are members of University teams. 

Miss Barbara Hughes lias been appointed Deputy- Warden. 

St. Ituhrid's Hall. 

Nineteen University students have been in residence during 
tin- Michaelmas and Lent terms, and twenty-one during the 
Hummer term. Of these., three are graduates reading for the 
Diploma in Education. In addition, there have been live students 
attending the College of Domestic Science, and one the School of 

Thu health of the, students has been good and their spirit and 
conduct, excellent. 

Miss Nancy Stewart Parnell, B.A. (Liverpool), was appointed 
Warden in succession to Miss Frances Oibbins who resigned at the 
end of last session, 

Visits to tiik University. 

In addition to those mentioned elsewhere, the University 
has welcomed, the following, amongst other visitors, during the 
session : 

The senior scholars of the Secondary Schools of the Lancashire 
County Domicil visited the University on November 30th, 
1032, and the senior scholars of the Secondary Schools 
of the, Cheshire < Jointly Council visited the University 
oil March 1 5th, H>33. ‘Professor L. B. Namier and Pro- 
fessor K F. Jacob respectively delivered lectures on these 
occasions. The parties were conducted through the 
University Unions and afterwards entertained %o tea. 

The University lias received visits from a number of literary, 
scientific, and other societies in the Manchester district, 
u».illv on Saturday afternoons. 

.1 nnual Shitrnirnt. 


The students from Tutorial and oilier Hasses supervised by 
the iJniversily Joint Commit .fee on f Pu t-orii* I (Jassos, 
visited < fio University on tin* afternoon of Sat urday, 
February 11t h, when) upwards of 1,000 were prnsont. 

Tin* Chancellor received tin* students and presided at tin* 
evening Mealing. 

S'l’A F F TO < •Til Ml?. CoONTUlHS. 

Dr. Preston W. Slosson, Professor oi‘ I lisfory in the University 
of Michigan, visited fin*. Uni varsity as the lirst ( Wne.gie Visiting 
Professor in tin? Lent term. II*? took a.n active. part, in tin* work 
of the I )epartment of History and delivered two public lectures. 

Under flic scheme of exchange of Balaian and British 
Professors, Mr. Jacques Iflrrera, Professor of Physical Chemisfn 
in the Faculty of Applied Science a*t Brussels University visited 
tin* University in March and delivered lectures in tin* Physics 

Under a scheme for tin? visit of a number of Herman Professors 
to various Fnglish Universities tin* following Professors visited 
Manchester in April : Professor A. Sommerfeld (Physics), of 
Munich ; Professor (VI. Dil)(*lius (Theology), of Heidelberg ; 
Professor II . Seluimaoher (Economies), of Berlin; Professor \V\ 
Sehinner (Itinglish), of Berlin ; Pro lessor I i * Wueli (Arehi 
tee, turn), of Berlin. 

Professor (Charlton delivered a, course of eight lectures in 
Holland in January. 


During tin? session further progress has been made with (ho 
arrangement of the (?xhibited collections in all departments of the 
Museum ; new features have been introduced in the display of 
Flightless Birds in the Natural History Mention, and in various 
portions of tin? Arehicological Department, which has received a 
further valuable consignment of Antiquities from flu? exc.ava1.ions, 
in southern Palestine, of tin? British School of Kgyptian 
Arc I neology. The study-collection of Bird-skins has been largely 
re-arranged to increase facility of reference to specimens, as well 
as the large series of zoological specimens preserved in spirit. 

*The Museum has suJTered great loss during the year through 
the sudden death of Mr. T. A. Howard and of Miss Winifred JV1. 
Grom])ton. Mr. Coward was a member of the Museum Committee 
for twenty years and gave a large part, of his time to personal work 

Aw mil Statement . 


services to the. Museum were constant and of the highest value. 
»y a generous gilt of Mrs. Coward, his valuable library of works 
on Zoology and his largo collection of photographic lantern- 
nlidcs ha, vi* been placed in the Museum for the service of students. 
Miss ( 'rompton joined the. Museum Staff in 1904 and for the past 
twenty -one years hud been in charge of the Egyptian and other 
A rchieologicul collections, the condition of which testifies to her 
knowledge and skill. Her place on the Museum staff has been 
filled by the appointment of Miss M. S. Shaw. 

A list of the more, important gifts made to the Museum during 
the session will be found in Appendix II. 

Extra-Mural Department. 

Forty-seven Tutorial Classes, twenty Preparatory Classes, and 
one. Terminal Course have been held during the session. Eight 
classes have been held in Manchester, four in Altrincham, three 
in Blackburn, Hey wood, Rochdale, and Stockport, two in 
Accrington, Uueiip, Karri worth, Leigh, Nelson, Northwich, and 
Stretford, and one in each of twenty-six other towns or villages. 
The Hasses were taken by lorty-iive Tutors. The subjects of study 
included English Literature, New Testament History and 
Idle, rail ire.. Creek and Roman Life and Literature, History, 
Modern History, Contemporary History, Social History and 
Legislation, Social and Political History, Economics, Economic 
History, Economic Problems, Foreign Exchanges and Finance, 
Industrial and Commercial Organisation, Psychology, Philosophy, 
Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy and Economic Thought. 
The History of Political Ideas, the Growth of Civilisation, Geo- 
graphy, Law and International Relations, Appreciation of Music, 
Biology, Biology and Physiology. 

The provision of l hiss Libraries has again been greatly assisted 
by the generosity of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and the 
County and Borough Libraries. 

The success of the Mummer School in July and August, 1932, 
was fully maintained. IDS students attended the School and the 
number of Lecturers and Tutors was 22. 

Twelve. University Extension Courses were given in the 
University and at Centres outside Manchester, and in addition, 
under the. scheme of eo -operation with the Education Com- 
mittees of (he Lancashire and Cheshire Counties, lectures have 
been provided for touchers, and the public, and single lectures in 
Secondary Schools. Forty-two lectures and three -Extension 
Courses were given for the two authorities. 

Particulars of the visitsof the senior pupils from the Lancashire 
and Cheshire Secondary Schools are given on page 909. 

A list of Public Lectures delivered during I 1 m* session is given 
under Appendix 1. 

T MM \ J N I V I*' Its IT V P KMSS . 

The University Press, during the year, has been able to 
maintain its output of now honks, at the. same rati*, as of pre\ ions 
years. Of the. volumes which ha\e been issued, pari -ieular at t mil ion 
must ho drawn to volume. f> of the late Professor Tout's (Uui^trrs 
in the Administrative Ilisfort/ of Meditrrnl Hntfiaad, This, the 
concluding volume., contains Appendixes, an Addendum, and 
Corrigendum, as well as an Index to the, complete work. It is only 
fitting that the most considerable, hook yet; issued by the Press, 
as this is, should consist- of the work of one. who was responsible 
for the. institution of the University Press, and who for so many 
years, directed its actions with such remarkable enthusiasm, 
energy, and ability. 

Ok kick us Training Cowes. 

Full training to all Cadets could not he given this year on 
account of the cancellation of the Annual Training Camp, 
although it was found possible to arrange a fortnight's camp for 
fifty cadets ; the camp was held at Scarborough in conjunction 
with detachments from the Universities of Liverpool and 

Although they oould not help financially, the War Office gave 
every possible assistance in other ways and the camp did a grout 
deal to minimise the harm caused by the unfortunate necessity 
for this break in the continuity of training. 

Commissions. One Oilioor Cadet has obtained a commission, 
in the "Regular Army, three have obtained commissions in the 
Supplementary Reserve and four in the Territorial Army. 

Certificates Oi^ PnoKroiMNov, The results of examinations 
for Certificates e< A ” and fc< B ” were as follows : 

Certificate k e *i." (U'rtifhate tc B 

Entered 2(> 10 

Passed 14 5 


The increase in numbers of the candidates taking the School 
examinations of the Board still continues, the Higher School 
Certificate entries showing a big percentage rise. With the various 
efforts towards economy however it is possible that the steady 
progress hitherto shown will receive a check. The figures for the 
past two years are : 1032 193! 

School Certificate 19,983 L8, 720 

Higher School Certificate fi.81 1 ft 99 , tt 

Annual Statement , 


The percentages ol* successful candidates remain fairly con- 
stant ; for 1932 the figures are School Certificate, 70-2 %, Higher 
School Certificate, 67-8 %. In the School Certificate examination 
29-3 % of the candidates obtained a Matriculation Certificate. 

In the, ordinary Matriculation Examination the numbers 
were. : 




. ... 589 



. ... 980 


Thu downward trend of the figures for July and the upward 
trend for September arc in accordance with expectations and were 
commented on in the previous report. 

The number of State Scholarships awarded on the result of the 
Higher School Certificate examination was again increased ; the 
allocation of these scholarships to the different examining bodies 
is made by the Board of Education. The examination is used 
extensively for scholarship purposes — a use for which it was not 
originally designed - over 40 local education and other authorities 
awarded their University scholarships on the results of this 

The examination for persons of mature years and for those 
who have been engaged in industry had 57 and 17 candidates 
respectively ; the numbers successful were 38 and 10. 

Bro lessor Priestley (University of Leeds) was elected Chairman 
for the year 1032—4933, Dr. Myers (University of Manchester), 
Vice-Chairman, and Mr. Carey (University of Liverpool), 
Honorary Treasurer. 

Professor Duff has replaced Professor Bompas Smith as one 
of the representatives of the University of Manchester. 

The Board wishes to place on record its appreciation of the 
services of Professor Bompas Smith and Professor Gillespie 
(University of Leeds) both of whom have held the office of 
Chairman,* and have given many years of devoted service to the 
Board ; having reached the retiring age they cease to be members 
of the Board. 

The co-opted members for the year were Miss A. Drummond 
(Holly Lodge High School, Liverpool), Miss A. Fleming (Thoresby 
High School, Leeds), Miss F. A. Phipps (The Park School, Preston), 
Mr. J. H. Doughty (Leigh Grammar School), Mr. H. P. Lunn 
(Yardioy Secondary School, Birmingham), and Mr. E. Percival 
Smith (Bolton School). 

Walter H. Moberly, 

Vice-Chan cellor . 

July 2 fl/A, 1933. 

I unutif Sttiit'iHt nf. 



The following Public Lectures have been given : 

“ Five Palaces of Uaza.” Lady Petrie. 

“Rome Modern Composers for the Piano,” Mr. A. M. 
Henderson, L.R.A.M., A.K.C.M. 

“Speech and Language.” Mr, A. Lloyd James, M.A., Reader 
in Phonetics, University of London, 

Three Leotu res (arranged in co-operation with the Pity Art 
Gallery Committee, and given at the Pity Art (jallopy) : 

“ The Italian, Dutch, and French Schools of Painting.’ 1 
Mr. Anthony Bertram, M.A. 

” Spinoza ” (Born lf>B2). Professor R. Alexander, O.M., 
M.A., D.Litt., F.B.A. 

^ Argentina.” Mr. K. Millington- Drake (Counsellor of H.B.M. 
Embassy at Buenos Aires.). ((liven at the College of 

The Crisis of the Democratic. Rule in Certnany,” Dr. 
Arnold Wolfers (Deutsche. Uoehsehulo Fur Politik, 

The Road to Christmas.” Professor R. S, (Jonway. M.A , 
Litt.D., F.B.A. 

^ Sir Christopher Wren.” Mr. J. Hubert Worthington, 
M.A., F.R. l.B.A. (Arranged in conjunction with the 
Institute ol Builders, The Manchester Society of 
Architects, and the Royal Manchester Institution.) 

“China in the Modern World.” Dr. T. O. Chao (Professor 
of Philosophy, Yen Clung University, Pekin). 

“ Excavations at Nineveh.” Mr. R. Campbell Thompson, 
M.A., D.Litt. (Arranged in conjunction witli the 
Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society.) 

Two Lectures : 

Some Curious Anticipations of the World War.” 
Some Personal Impressions at the Peace Conference of 
1919.” Professor P. W. Slosson, D.Pkil. (Michigan 

Annual Statement. 


*' Ncuestc Deutsche Dichtung ” (delivered in German). 
Professor Oskar F, Walzel (University of Bonn). 

Sir Samuel Hull Oration : “ Jeremy Bcntham” (Centenary). 
Professor .1. L. Stocks, M . A . 

Adamson Memorial Lecture : 

“ John Locke ” (Tercentenary of the birth of John 
Locke). Professor N. Kemp Smith, M.A., D.Phil., 
LL.D.. f.b.a. 

Ludwig Moud Lectures: 

“ The. New Ireland.” Mr. W. B. Yeats, D.Litt., LL.D. 

“ 'fhe. Fear of the Dead in Primitive JEteligions.” Sir 
James Fraser, O.M., D.C.L., D.Litt., F.E.S. 

Annual Sfait'wt'nf, 



Donations to thk Mitsmujm. 

li. R. Bulch. Piece of 41 Crocket- of 

Oolite, showing weathering, from the 
original (121*1) Stonework of Wells 
< ’aihodral. 

H. Banks. Three small Homan copper coins of the 

Emperors Oathinus and Oallienus. 

R. Biaekmore. Top-wtono of Rotary Quern, found woven 

foot doop in gravel at l\earsloylile<d<ricity 

Bootle Museum. A collection of Exotic. Birds and a Croat 


British School of Collection ol‘ Antiquities from Tcl-el-Ajjul, 
Archeology. South Palestine. 

Mrs. T. A. Coward. A largo number of hooks (about Gf>0) and 

km tern slides (about GOO) from the 
Library and collection of the late Mr. 
T. A. Coward. 

Miss A. Crompton. (On behalf of the late Miss W. M* 

Crompton.) A collection of lantern- 
slides 021 Egyptology, a number of 
ancient Egyptian Amulets and small 
Animal Figures, and engraving of 
Akhenaten’s Death-mask. Also a bead- 
covered gourd from Konya. 

Miss Lorna Johnson. Terra-cotta pot Etruscan, inscribed Creek 

jar handle, stone whorl, throe sherds 
of Mycenaean pottery and several other 

Miss E. F. Knott. A number of books on Egyptology. 

Professor Lang. A number of parts of the Royal Society 

Proceedings of London, and of Edin- 
burgh, and of the Journal of the Linnean 
« . Society, 

Dr. J. G. Milne. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the 

Ashmolean Museum. 

.Itinttrtl Statement. 


Set of Bows and l^isk-Arro wa and a Paddle 
from TSritish Ouiana. 

Objects of Pottery atid Basket-work, and 
model of a Canoe from the Uganda 

CUtlhisondcis proboscides (Sabine). Parents 

Crook Tetradraolmx of Maoedon. 300 280 


Set of Coins of the Vatican. State. 

Model of Tombs of Baineses V., Siameses 
VI., and Tutankhamen (made by donor). 

Collection of Ethnological objects from 
Tanganyika. . 


sartor coni initial : 


\ ! I. Tim \ ico-Ohauc* lltir ... 

VI 11. Tim Pro- Vice-Chancellor' 

!\. Tim University Court 

X. Powers of Court .. 

XI. Stn t«> be approved by 

Liverpool mid Lords 
XII. Tim University (Council 
XI I J. Powers t.f tin* Council 

X l V. Tim Semite 

XV. Faculties . . 

XVI. < ion voen turn 
CVM. Powers of Cum oeatmn 
VIII. Hcguhitmns as to Procedure 
XIX. Special < iommittces for Ad- 
vice and other purposes 

X Y I 

.^r*l j Provisions as to the Colleges 

XII. Mxaiinuors ami Examinations 

xur. j 

1>o General Provisions . 


rie first Schedule 
m second Schedule : 


I. Members of the University... 
II. The University Court 

III. The University Council 

IV. Powers of tin 1 Council 

V. Tim Semite ... 

VI, Kami! ties , 

VII. Powers of Ms* Hoards nt 


VI I L General Hoard of Faculties 
IX The University Convocation 
X. Stationin' licprcsciita.ti vc 

XI. Committee for considering 

Objections by the Uni- 
versities in I livorpool and 


XT**. Committee for considering 
Objections to Statutes 
and Ordinance.'; * »!’ the 
University of ShelPield ... 

XII. On the Herniation and (ion- 

duet of the Matriculation 

XIII, Periods of Study before ctra 


XI V. Dofl nit ions 
Schedule to the Statu ten 
Additional Statutes passed I ill >8 28 

XV. University Court, represent* 

atives . ... 

XVI. Chairman of Con vocation ... 

v\ll* l WmverHity Court, ropresont- 

XTX I atives 

XX. University Court, power to 
co-opt mom I airs 

XXI, University Court, represent- 


XXII. Emeritus or Honorary Pro- 


:XIII. On the liogulation mid Con- 
duct of the Matriculation 

iryj’ I University Court, Itaprenont- 
^ ^ skives ... .. ... ... 

ih M.’ Gold Medal 

Ilieuiistry, Honours School of 
Ihomistvy, Applied, Certificate in ... 
Sheshire Count v Council Soliolar- 































40 | 

51 j 

51 I 
51 j 








1 ’ape 

Civil Service Appoiin.uu nis 

Clnshienl Prose Prize 

Cinssies, Honours School of 

< 'logp ploseph) Mu trance Sc no In ntlii } ; 

Uobdcit i dub Prizes 

Cobden Prizes t Politieu] Eeonom> ).,. 

Colloids, Consultative Committee 

Colours, University 

( 'emmereo : 

Hoard of I'iiniHj, Members uj, . 
Cert, ideates, Higher Coniiueiviii.l 
Degrees in 

1 )iplomas, Social Studv .. . . 

Faculty ol, Advisory 
HegioUal Invest igutmti Seet ion ... 
i tmimissious in Hogulur \rm> . ... 

Coinpusite floiiom'H School {Arts! ... 

Com iilfithe < loin mitten: 

Convocation, Ordinances 

District Groups 

Members of* 

Cort Medal in Metallurgy 


Council of Legal Education ... 

Court of < governors ... 

Crime Culvert. Mutrance Scholurship 










■ dU 


Did ton Chemical Scholarship.* 787 

Dalton Hull .. .. .. 885 

Dalton Hall Open Scholarships ... 741 
Dalton Mathematical Scholarships 756 
Dalton Natural History Prize . . 782 

Darhishire Fellowship K18 

Dates of 1*1 xm mi nations 388 

Dauutesov Legal .lunior Scholarship 704 
Dauntesey Legal Senior Scholarship Hud 
Dnuntesey Medical Junior Scholar- 
ships 7 OH 

Dauntesey Medical Senior Scholar* 

Hi up... 787 

Dnuntesey Prize (International Daw) 784 
Deaf Education, Library for 3H5 

Decree ( 'ourses : 

U.A. (Ordinary ) 401 

(IlentmrHl 418 

It. Sc. (Ordinary t . ... 488 

(Honours) ... 505 

I).Se 580 

1 jiU.D 171 

M.A 182 

M.Kd 805 

M.Se 528 

Ph.I) 888 

in Mining .. 518,875 

in Law 541 

in Medii'ino 558 

m Dentistry 582 

in Pharmacy f>18 

in Music ’ .. 815 

m Commerce A’ Vdministration 820 

in Theology .. 834 

in Technology ... 856 

Degree Days 388 

Degree or M.l).: Gold Medal in con- 
nection with dissertations for 8L1 

Degrees, Hescarch 852 

Degree.-, of other Universities, 

Acceptance of 885 

DelupinefSheridaulHi'seandi Kellow- 

ship m Preventive Modi cine ... 831 

Demonstration Schools 888 

Don n ison- N ay 1 or M n tvai ic < ' 


Dmitisl r\ , <'om*H4>Ki>t Study mid Rogu- 

hitmtiH for D«»gr<«w in... f 

(S»UPHi*M i>l Study imd Regulations 

for Diploma, in f 

Diuitihtuy, fhvulnf.inu:*, special, rn- 
la 1 . 1 * 1 *' to ModiV.d Students 

or inin-j*h ... .. t' 

Derby Scholarship .. V 

Derby Entrance Scholar ship ... 1 

Dirivinwu) Trust, Scholarships ... 1 

Diplomas . 

Bacteriology L 

lust of holders ... ... si 

Don (dairy ( 

1 .iKfjr of holllf'VH •- 

(leographv <J 

List oi holders s 

Pathology ... ... .. £ 

Psychological Medicine .. ... f 

List of holders ... i 

Public i 

hint of holders 5 

Social Study . l 

List. of holders . . ... : 

Teurhor’s i 

hint ol holders .. : 

Veterinary State Medicine ... 
hist of holders ... .. ... : 

Discontinued Fellowships, Scholar- 
ships, etc I 

DiHtimitionhiB.Ooni.Hxamhiation ... { 

Distinction in B.A.d’om.) and B.A. 

(Admin.) Examinations M2H,i 
Distinction in H.I). Hxaniinations ... 1 
Dixon (M. ii-) Bursary Fund ... ' 
Dodd (Catherine) Fellowship in Philo- 
sophy or literature I 

Dorrington (Percy) Prize 1 

Droschfold Memorial Scholarship ... 1 
Drum moml-Fnistw Fellowship ... i 
DuniviUe Surgical Prizes ' 

Early English Text Society's Prize.. , 
Economics, Polities and Modern 
History. Honours School of 
Education : 

Advanced Study 

Advanced Studentship 

Hoard of Faculty, Members of ... 
Faculty of 

Graduate Bursaries in 

Education of the 1 Department 


Fgertnn Hall 

Kgovton Hidl Scholarships 
Electro ( diemistrv (Additional Sub- 

,jo.ct for B.Se.) 

(IKil) Exhibition Studentships . ... 

(18.01) Exhibition Scholarships (dis- 

(1801) Probationary Bursaries 
Fleeted Research Studentships 

Filin hhv\d Jones Hall 

Engineering : 

< Jertillcates in 

hints of Sessional Awards 
Honours School of ... 

English Essay and Poem Prizes 
English Language and hiterature ■ 
Honours School of ... .. • 

Entrance Examination for Lorti- 

ficate Candidates 

Kntre lice Scholarships ... ... . ... 

- *• in Medicine... 

Examination Fees 342 

hiflts 845 

Set Books, Periods, and Sub- 
jects for (Arts) 473 

Time-tables 339,702 

Exam incus, lExternal 00 


General Regulations t5B9 

Ashbury 782 

Fay (Alice) 733 

Haginbottom 760 

Harford (0. H.) 794 

Jones (Professor Tom) , Anatomy 770 
Platt Biological (discontinued)... 844 
Platt Physiological (discontinued) 844 

Simpson (William) 732 

Theodores Modern Languages 

(Entrance) 709 

[Extra-Mural Department 395 

Faculties, < funeral Board of 

Fuirhairn Engineering Prize 

Farrer (William) .Research Fellow- 
ship .. 

Faulkner Fellowship 

Fay (Alice) Exhibition 

Foes, General Information 

Dental Composition 

Faculty of Technology 

Medical Composition 

Research Students 

Training Department 


General Regulations 

Mode of Election to 

Agnew (John Henry), Diseases 

of Children 


Bright (John) 


Doiapine (Sheridan) 

Dodd (Catherine) 


Farrer (William) Research 


Hurling (John) 

Honorary Research 

.Tones (History) ... .. 

Joi^cs (Professor Tom) Memorial 



I Kington 


Morrison Watson 

Pilkington, Cancer Research ... 
Public Health (discontinued) ... 
Research in Arts (discontinued i .. . 

Reynolds (Osborne) 

Schunck, in Chemistry (discon- 

Vulcan (discontinued) 

Worswick (A. H.) (discontinued) 
SShnmern Travelling (for Men) 


/dm morn Travelling (for Women) 


Fraser (Bishop) Scholarship ... ... 

French Studios, Honours Slchool <31 

Gamble (Sain) Medical Entrance 

Scholarship (Women) ... .. 784 

• .. /,] ie/*nnfci uued) 844 


skill (James) Entrance Sehnlar- 

sliii > 

noral Bournes, Honours School of 
ograpliy : 

Diploma in 

Honours School of (Arts) 

ogva.phj and Anthropology 
Honours School of (Science) ... 
ology and Mining, Department of 

ology, Honours School of 

mum 1 language and 1 literature. 

Honours School of 

tchrist Modern Hanguago Student- 
ship (discontinued 

■wing (( Source) Prize 

^dstoms Memorial Pmo 

Id Modal, M.l) 

„ Gli.M 

•odwin (liishop Harvey) Scholar 


aduato liuiwnrles in Education .. 

ad nates, Hist oi 

Honorary, Hist of ... 

Honours' Schools 

Statement of 

aduato Prizes (discontinued) 
aduato Research Scholarships ... 

ad nation Pooh 

adnation, General Note 
aminar School Entrance 


eek, Honours School of 

ook and English, Composite Hon- 
ours School 

in don (Hoo) Prize (discontinued)... 
•isodale Research Scholarships 


rmnasium, Holt 


I ionours Schools— atm iiuuetl. 



Geography (Arts) 

... 458 


Geography and Ant hropologv 

(Science) .. 

... 523 


Geology, etc. 

... 515 



... 439 


... 4-'f» 



... 131 



... 155 



... M3 


... 127 


Matihouuf tie*, .. 

... 807 


.. 521 


Orieutii I Studies 

... 449 



... 1 12 


Physics ’ 

.. 810 



... 514 



... 520 

ltUHHill.ll ...’ 

.. 453 


Spanish Studies 

. . 45H 

812 : 


... 513 

127 i 

Hint of Graduates ... 

.. 2(58 


Horsfall Prize tlttvie Problems'. 

... 7VN 


Hovel) (Mark) Memorial 

... 740 

2 1 ! 

Hu line (William) Bursaries 

... 734 


Hulmo Entrance Scholuruhip 

.. 705 


1 1 iiliito Hall 

... 311(5 



Ojien Scholarships 

.. 711 




Indian Students, Information for ... 
Industrial Research Scholarships ... 
Institute of Guilders Travelling 
Scholarship!! in Aivliitccttmt 
Institution!! admitted to AUlliatiion 
Italian Studios: 

Honours School of 

Scholarships /discontinued! 

dls of Residence 305 . 

irgrcsavoH Musical Scholarship . 77-4 , 

u*l i ng («Johu) Research Fellowship 

in Physics ... 820 

irtloy Methodist College ... .. 15*10 I 

itiicld Scliolavship 759 I 

lginhottom Exhibition . 70u i 

jrf<ird (0. H.) Exhibition . . 701 

jywoofl (Oliver) Scholarship ... 7*ir* [ 

eywootl Medal in Architecture 755 i 

gh am Prize 7*10 i 

LglunMJommoroial Certificate .. (WO | 

lU Prize in Bio-Chemistry . ... 702 j 

istory, Honours School of .. .. 431 

olt (lyinnasiuin 379 ! 

olt Medical Scholarship (Women) 810 

onomry Professors .. .. 07 , 

onorary Professors, Pormor . (lf» ; 

onorary ‘Research Fellowships . 811 

onours Schools : 

Anatomy . .. 510 I 

Architecture ... 414 

Botany .. Gin j 

Celtic Studies ... . .451 

Chemistry 512 [ 

Classics . 429 ; 

C*"i n posits (Arts) .. .. ... 400 

Economics, Politics, and Modern j 

History 445 \ 

Engineering 508 

English 433 

French ... 437 | 


Jackson (Tonu Entrance Scholar 

ship 729 

Jarvis Travelling Scholarship in 

Architecture (discontinued) 844 
Jovotis Studentship .. .. HI 4i 

Jones (Elhs I Jwyd) Hall .. .. 371 

Dolcpney . . 105 

Jones Fellowship .. 822 

.Imios History Post. Graduate 

Scholarship ... 703 

Jones History Entrains* Scholarship 705 
Jones ( Professor Tom) Fellowship ... 828 

Scholarship (discontinued) ... 820 

Exhibition . . ... .. 770 


Ka.y Shutitlcworfch Entrance Scliolar 

ship , 710 

Khldlc ( J. W.l Entrance Scholarship 728 
Kirtley (Matthew) Entrance Scholar- 
ship 713 

Kirtley (Matthew) Senior Scholar 

ship ... .. 757 

Kirtley (William) Entrance Scholar 

ship 711 

Kirtley (William) Senior Scholar- 
ship 757 

Knight Fellowship 834 



I ,u! '.>iu 1 1 : 

Publm Ih*»ll.h . ... I 

Tt’t‘hm*leg]**al ( 

1 >n ncH^h irtM \MtntiV ununcil Entranci* 

Si'iiolurshipH . ... ... \ 

Liiueiinhirn Independent College 368, ( 

I Hal) , . . . ... : 

Sehidnruhip .. ... ... 1 

Linigbm Fellowship ... . ... > 

! ihmmirH Hehool of 
1 >« w : 

1 1 * »n i*i 1 of Faculty* Mmib«i’sof ... 

> 1' mult^ of, l>o'*n*i's in ... 1 

I iiJ \v tto/unly H vain illation h ... ! 

Hur Msimdnntioni t 

Suf, Poole* [ 

Sy IlubUH / if t Masses ! 

L/d/hui/* l Ti/.i' (Medal) ... i. 

i : 


Moiid ( 1 < 1 1 1 ! n jg) 

Museum . I 

Public .. .. :i 

Wat* burton 

1 i/*i* (Hlslmpl (frock Testament Prize 1 

Leech FclImvKhip i 

Legal Hd iicii.ti/ mi, Advisory Com* ... 

Levinstein Scholarship.. I 

Lewis's Scholarships in Ooimuurcu 

(discontinued) i 

Library, < Mmstie 

Library for Deaf Education ... 

Library, Mmliml 

Library, Technology 

Ludwig Mond Lecturers 

MacLnren Cotton Industry Research 

Scholarship * 


Magazine Prize 1 

Manchester 14* lunation Committee 

Entrance Scholarships ... r t 
Manchester Museum ... 10, 104, i 

Mu the i unties. Honours School of .. • 
Mil ti i/‘iiliiitio] i Examination * 

L'ogithi IiIoiik ... Ii 

Additional iv/juirammitH for ail- 
miNt.ion to certain Faculties 

M . D. < Jol/l Medal * 

Mi '(lain : 

( :ort, in Metallurgy f 

Hovwood, in Architecture ... \ 

Leblanc, m Chemistry > 

In Pharmaceutics ■ 

Medical Library « 

Committee /if Management .. 

Medical Students* Council • 


Advanced Studies < 

Board of Faculty, Members of 

Courses of Study ■ 

I )egroe.s in ... , 

Entrance Scholarships in 

Kami tv of 

Ord inanees a, ml If eg illation a 
(ini varsity Prize in (discontinued) 

Mercer Seholarsh ip , 

MM allurgyand Fuel, rfonom s S«*bool 

M ateorological Observatories : 

Howard Estate 391 

Whitworth Park 391 

Methodist College (Victoria Park) ... 649 

Methodist Col lege (Didsbnry) 649 

Methodist Col/loge (Hartley)’ 649 

Mining Oortifieato 539 

Mining Departmon ... ... 518, 539 

Advisory Committee 103 

Certificate in 539 

Monti (Ludwig) Lecturers 91 

Moravian College 649 

Morrison Watson Fellowship in 

Anatomy 827 

Moseley Prize in Physics 760 

Muir (Dora.) Entrance Scholarship... 727 

Museum Lectures ... 387 

Museum, Manchester 19, 104, 386 

Music : 

Hoard of Faculty, Members of... 70 

Facultv of, Degrees in 615 

Observatories, Meteorological 

Officers of the University 

O/hcors Training Corps 

Old Owtmsian.s’ Association 

Oriental Studies, Honours School of 
Owens Collogc: 


Principals of 

Parliamentary Constituency, Uni- 

Pathology, Diploma in 

Peacook Prize 

Pharmaceutical Department 
Degree Courses 

Silver Medals 

Society : 

Courses of Study 

Examinations of, etc 

Phelps (*L J.) Memorial Prize in 

Arch neology 

Philosophy : 

Degree of Doctor of 

Honours School of 

Physics, Honours School of 

Physiology, Honours School of 
Pickles Studentship in History 
Pillsington Fellowship in Cancer 


Platt ( Robert) Biological Exhibitions 
(discontinued) .. 
Physiological Exhibitions (dis- 
continued) ... 

Physiological Scholarship 
Zoological and Botanical Scholar- 
ship (discontinued) 

Practising Schools 

Prefatory Note 

Press, University ;• 

Preventive Medicine, Delepme Re- 
search Fellowship in .. • •• 

Priestley (Reginald Albert) Scholar- 

Principals of Owens College 

Privileged Institutions 


General Regulations 

Agnow (John Henry) 

Bles (David S.) Hebrew 


9 til 

i* 4 t 

Prisma— no ntinuod. 

Jtrosvn (Thomas) Memorial, in 

History . 7*»u 

ClusHinal ‘ . . Ytb 

t’obdmi i Political Kcnimiuv* . . 7 Vi 

1 *ngu 

Kin h*r udn iIhcou to certain 
I a* ill toes ,, 33^ 

Regulation v« V f j * n«iiin<‘iNt!i»| Conduct ;ir»t> 
Krp.utnt r,t t |.tnu 4 « lift# 

Iteimhnu tSnhe * liimui' Pn/e m 

Colnltm club , 71b 

I>alt<‘ti Naturnlllmtory 702 

Dauiitrnoy <1 ntcrtmtioiiHl liiivd 701 

Dornngbon (Percy), in Classics.,. V1V 

Ouiuville Surgical TV; 1, 

Marly KngliHh TosiL Society'll ... 733 
Kiighsh MH«a\ ami IN wm . . 7.»l 

Fairbairn Kni'incuring . 7.*’» 

Hissing (Ueorge) Memorial . . 7.»l 
(UndKtonu Memorial V7«» 

(lolH Modal in cntmoobion u it»« 

tin* Dogrocwuf M.D. and Ch,M. S 1 1 
Graduate (diKeotit.inuedi „ ... \s*t 

Orindon (Leo) (discontinued) ... HU 
Highiun (I Iistoryi . . 713 

Hill (Bin C.hemmt.rv) ... 7*V* 

Horsfall (Civic Problems) ... V7s 
Hovtdl (Mark) Memorial ... 713 

Kyd (A H ), in Classics 710 

Luo (Bishop) (irivik Twtiiiuuonb... 7HI 

Mosul oy Physios 70»» 

Peacock Tiili 

Phelps el. «f . ) Memorial, in 

Aivhu*oIng> . 71 Cl 

Itcnidutw (Kidney) -luniorin 

Physiology 7V0 

llcnshow (Sidney ) Senior in 

Physiology Hnl 

Robinson (Kami ml), Modern 

banguagus 7. r »3 

Bhftkonpisaro 7M 

Shutlilowovbh History 719 

Kptmoa(Lily) 7b!'. 

Hthrrup (Mark) «n. r » 

Tiranki (Areliibeeture*) (diaeon 

tinned) 7 M ■ 

Turner Madiual 7VI 1 

Dnivwrsity, in Modiciuo (dirt- 

continued) 844 

Vioo-C )han<!ollor(( tounky Palatine 

of LancuHter) 703 

Warburton MHHuy (dUeontihmed) HU 

Wild, in Pharmacology 7711 

Withers * H14 

ProfcHftnros Mmoriti ii.H 

TrofoBsorciH Mmoriti, Mormer, . .. 90 

PrnfiwHOi’H and hooturfirs .. 72 

Professors, Ktimiw' n-3 

ProfoBRorR, Honorary 07 

Professors, Honorary, Kormor 5)0 

Psychological Medicine, Diploma in 073 

Psychology, Honours K«hool of .. f,20 

Public Health: 

Advisory Oommitleo in log 

Courses in r>H3 

Diploma. in r/p; 

Labor atovien 3 h ( J 

Lectures and Practical Courses r>83 
Hesotiroh Fallownhiiw in 

(discontinued) 8111 

{See also Vctov inary State Modioinu) 
Public Lectures ,, 3 <»(j 


RauiHbottom Scholarship ... , 715 

RiiinshoUnm-Wobb Scholarship .. 71f5 

Recognised Societies ... 377 

Refectory 364 

Regional Investigation Kocbion .. 300 

Ph\‘ioh*g> 770 

HuUMhttM (NldlteV) Ht*UH»r lMt.*o in 

Pin .HiImc.x Him 

Unpre*<*Mif at o i'h of the rim»'Hi(| , pig 
ltinic»»r**h D»'. : iv#“. , 

Ho*»*nir*'li lf'lln%\-,hij» . in \**|,a (di'.eou 

tiuind# , HU 

Hoj.onirli 1 ollnw dipiM, ittinomrv HU 

UoMstfch KoUmw diiji'k lit iTi swhtivo 
Alodicim*. lormoiU m i’nldn* 
limn 1 1 m;u 

lt<mc'iivh St udeutHhipH 1 *h H1H 
Kohciiri'li I m vidlim; Urant . Hlf» 

UcHidcilre of St ud«*td,s ... iuj 

h'o.UKiIdu M Dborni'i K«»llo%V‘dup .. Hvf 1 
Uohiuhon -.1 *li, ii h**o Kill ranro Sclmliu 

•hip ,. , .. ,, 7«'h 

Rohm inn iSinnueU .Modern lam 

immi'os I'ri/o 7.*ii 

Hugcrs Kntnuu'o Si'hoh* rnlnp ... 7n4 
Horn: 00 1 ’ohI grmhiai.o S«*holai*Hhip 

(History) .. 71)1 

Hoxds fKir ('lennmt, 1 Schnlun.lup , hop 

Uinnney HHiolnndiip 737 

KuhhoII t.lohn) Medical Hutruncn 

Scholarship 7 iiil 

HusHum : 

Advisory Uonumtloo , K»7 

KnlriMitM* Sohoiim.tnp (d» , 

routiniusi) HU 

Hoimtir". Srlcml ««V 1(>3 


St. A n Holm Hall ;u*7 

Ht. AitHohn Hall, Hntmuco 

Scholarshijifi . 741 

Ht. Ciabt'bd’h Hall 37*2 

Sal font Kntranco Koliolar*iliips 73*,) 

Hcarlot.t («Iiuik*h) Kin*iin>nnio( Mu 

tranco Scholarship 7 Hi 

Hclmlavjihijm : 

(IoikuhI HcKUlationu .. 1)011 

Adame (Mntra.nco) ... .. 72b 

A re hi toe turn 7M, Hti 

Ashhurno Hall 743 

Anhlnirv VhH 

Aslihy Memorial 807 

AikiiiKon (Low is) Mntnuuv m 

Uoinmcrci* 720 

Atkinson (Louis) Kntmms in 

Mloctrical Mnpinroring ... 730 

Hook with (Mntrance) 714 

Beckwith (PohL-U raduakd .. 730 

Hloiwiklcy ( Mntvauco) 733 

Bradford History ... . ... 748 

Bright (Kan mol) 707 

Buckle (Phi lip) Konoarch m Agri- 
cultural Zoology HU2 

Buckley (.John) Science, Mn trance 722 
Bythcll (Mntranc**) ... ... 73i 

Bytliway (Mntraue.c) 717 

Cartwright (Ifintranco) 711 

Chenhiro Comity Council ... 741 

Clegg (Joseph) Mn trance 707 

Ornno-Calvert (Dn tranco) 718 

Dalton Chemical 707 

Dalton Hall. Oneu 741 

I Hi far. 


J'.rlli dlU'HlUpN rVOf/f . 

Dalton Muthomathml 756 

I)»iiiiIim'v I ingnl tdumnr) ... 704 

I »» milt's* > Dogiil ... Hii» 

Oui»nM‘i<i'\ Medtml i.himiu‘1 .. 766 

Ibimib *“ \ Mndu'iit (Kvnim*) ... 767 

iV’imi .> > i .in l**r ... 738 

I **'!'• *\ 7W.» 

Iwlh il nt ra m'tu .. 7i<> 

I MrUiic tm Tru *1 7H1 

.Vli'itturiul (Ktilt'imi’O) 7:M 

1'gortim Hub . . 746 

tbv.lj Exhibition (discontinued) M4 

Vuiht |Hi ilioiO ... 741 

< ill Ulhb* iSjiIii! Etttl attl'O 7*1 

( iiiriisiti* 1 844 

4 * .i .Ulll 1 liiiiiviti l-'.utnuiiM* . ... 760 

< J* in j ttihiiojt Hu .rvt»> | ... 7*. it * 

< Inniunh* Ibisniitvh ... .. ... 7Ki 

< im tin tin ,r Kohool (Ktitrancm ... 7 29 

<«H biological hvnuarrh ... hoi 

Hiu*i;r«*H vi*a Muhi«‘«.I 771 

Hal Hold 7 CM 

11m wood (t)livor» 7»f> 

iln’lt Mo*IhmI (Women; . .. KIO 

JiulnuM Eutrainm; .. 7<»5 

li iilniM Hall, 0|um 741 

Industrial liuKmri'h H15 

Scholarships- continued .* 

Shakespeare 750 

Hhutfcloworth Economic 775 

Bhutfclownrth History ... ... 748 

i Su nou-Car von 815 

Smith (Dr. It. A.) 809 

! Staly brutaii (Entrance) 730 

t Stirrup (Mark) 805 

| Trevithick 758 

j 1 1 u Ivors ity (for Women) 735 

! Victoria 743 

Walters 752 

. Warburton (bocal Government) 777 

Wellington 779, 

Woo< U win (Chemistry) 761 

- Kohunok Fellowship in UhomiBtry 

(discontinued) 844 

Science : 

Advanced Study 540 

Hoard of Faculty, Members of 69 

Entrance Scholarship in 720 

Faculty of, Degree Courses : 

Honours Schools 505 

Ordinary 496 

bo. Additional Subjects .. 500 
Seaton Mu trance Scholarship ... 705 
Secondary Schools Consultative 

Committee 106 

Senate 66 

Institute of Rudders .. 1 

Italian (discontinued) i 

.hicKson (Tom) Entrance ... ... 7 

dart in (Architecture; (dis- 
continued) * 

Jones History (Entrance! 7 

Jones History (Post-Graduate)... ' 
J onus ( Professor Tom) Memorial 
Surgical Scholarship (dis- 
continued) i 

KttV'Hh utftle worth (Entrance) ... 7 

Kiddle (J. W.) Entrance 1 

Klrtley (Matthew) Entrance ... 1 

Kirtlcy (Matt how) Senior 7 

Kirtloy (William) Entrance ... 7 

Kirtlcy (William) Senior 7 

n»,«<*aHhivo < bounty Council 

(Entrance) 7 

li'in**ilrt.Ui Hu.ll 7 

Dev in olein 1 

I j< avis's (bommoreoi (dis- 
continued) f 

Mu, cl laren RJohnnoree, I 

Mann hostor Education Com- 
mittee (Entrance) 7 

Medicine (Entrance) 7 

Mercer 7 

Muir i Dora) Entrance 7 

Platt Physiological f 

I > latt Zoological and botanical 

(discontinued) ... ... .. f 

Pricslhw (Reginald Alhort) ... 7 

(IMMj Probationary Bursaries ... * 

Kamsbottoni-Webb (Entrance).. . 7 

Robinson (Hilaries) Entrance ... 7 

R< igors (Entraneo) 7 

Roseoo (11 iatory) .. 7 

Boyds i 1 

Hun u toy (Entrance) < 

Rnssell’(John) Medical Entrance 7 
UiiKsian (Entrance) (discontinued) f 
St. Anselm Hall Entrance ... 7 

Salford (Entrance) 7 

Scarlett Matties) Entrance ... j 
S cience (Entrance) . . .. ... 7 

Seaton (Entrance) 7 

Serena (discontinued) . ... > 

Serena Scholarship (disoon timied)... 
S«t Rooks, Periods, and Subjects for 
Degree Courses (Arts) 

Do. (Law) 

Shakespeare Prize 

Shakespeare Scholarship 

Shuttle worth Economic Scholarship 
Shuttle worth History Scholarship ... 

Slmon-Carves Scholarship 

Simpson (William) Exhibition 
1 Smith (Dr. R. A.) Scholarship 

! Social Study 

j Consultative* Committee 

. Diploma in, Regulations 

[ Societies, Recognised 

Solicitors Act, 1932, Regulations 

1 undor 

; Spanish Studies, Honours School of 

I Spence f Lilly) Prize (Botany) 

Staff, Teaching . 

1 Staly bridge Schola-rshlp (Entrance) 

Statement of Graduates 

! Statutes 

; Stirrup (Mark) Prize 

> Stirrup (Mark) Scholarship 

j Students in Residence 

j Students’ Representative Council ... 

i Studentships 

I Education (Advanced,) 

1 Elected Research ... 

i (1851) Exhibition Research 

I Gilchrist Modern Language (dis 

! continued) 

! Jevons 

: Pickles (History) 

! Teachers of the Deaf: 

Advisory Committee 
Certificates for 
I Teacher’s Diploma : 

; List of holders 

; Regulations .. 




'echnology : 

Advanced Study in ... .. fJs*2 

Advisory Committee .. . ml 

Ih>aiM of Faculty, Members of ... 71 

Oortillcatos in .. . . *17', » 

< lortidcatos, fusts of tto:.Moual 

Awards . .. ~«»7 

< '.olloge of, Students' T nion . JYa 

Faculty of, DojjriviB mi .. (*.‘>{5 

1 laboratories ... . . 1».V> 

.Library JNJV 

■'ll pod ores Modern Luirpuigos Mn 

trance Kxlbbitioti 

’’hoology : 

Adviaory Committee ... . Ml i 

Hoard of Faculty, Members of 71 
Certificate in . ... .. i»IS 

Colleges voeogniNed for Mxtmrnal 

hectares . ... ty of, negroes in . .. (>:il 

Special Hooks .. .. . ... fills 

Theses in various Faculties TJ‘J 


ICxaminations ... . . -Ml 

Sc { i f >1 am hip K x a v. u imt i on s 

( Kin trance, tfec.) . Vut? 

Tiranti Prism (discontinued) .. ..* 

I'om Jones Mxhibition in Anatomy, 
and Memorial Scholarship, 
floe umlrr Jones iProt'cnnor 

Travelling (1 rants, Uesearch Sl.b 

Trevithick Scholarship ... .. 7V*W 

Turner Medical Pri/.oi; 77 1 

Tutorial Classes for Workpeople UUd 

{ J 

Union, Athletic 


College of Technology 

. :i7f» 


... :m 


. . :i7«i 

Woiiioii'k Athletic .. 

.. :no 

Unitarian College 


University Colours 

... :m 

University Magazines ... 

... :iko 

CTni varsity Parliamentary 1 



... ;15H 

University Press . . 



University Scholarships for Women 7Iir» 
University Settlement ... .. .. :17H 

University Prism in Medicine 

Mitseoipiuued) .Mi 


Veterinary Slide .Medicine, Ibplmua 

in AVJ 

Vico Chancellor el the Crmntv 

Palatum of l*aneaut.or'u Prisms 711, 7 

Vifm-Chanc.cliorH, Kenner ihj 

Victoria Scholarship .. 7HS 

Visitor fit) 

Vulcan Fellowship (dmeontinuod 1 ... H*jr» 


Walters Scholarships ... . 7f>;' 

Wnrburton Kssay Prism 

(diHconti lined) s ( I 

Warburtnu I lecturers ... po 

War burton Scholarship (Ijoeu! 

(loverument,) 777 

Ward Bequest JtlJ 

I Wohb Scholarship .. 7 1 o 

Witisi Travel! mg Fund (Botu ny) 7 HI 

Wellington Scholarship .. 17 l .) 

Wild Prism in Pharmaeolngy ... .. 77J 

Withers Priisc .. Hit 

Woimiii Students: 

incidence .‘170 

Special Information Ml 

Union :17I 

Athletic ;)7<> 

i University Scholarships 7115 

Woodiwis Sc. I*i ol avail ip in Chemistry 701 
! Workpeople, Tutorial Classes Tor .. JlOii 
] WorawicU (Amy II.) Fellowship (dis- 
j continued) ... Hill 


Zimmern Travelling Fellowships 

for Mon (di!.c,on tinned) .. HID 
for Women (discontinued) ... Mil 
Zoology, Honours School of MJ 

3nbcy to Hbvcrtisers. 

3, K. ( *m*nn li Ltd 

\v. A- G. Ltd 

Charlwi Uritlln A Co Ltd. ... 
H, K. Lewis A Co. I <td. 
MFanelu'oter University l*r»Ms 



4(1 Methuen A: Co, Ltd. .. 

12 Oxford University Press 

.. Ci, 7 KhurraU <fc Hughes 
... f» .1. Tliovn ton A Hon 
... S 11 




Halls op Residence. 

AMiburno Hull 

Pulton Hall 

Wilis Llwyd .lmn»s Hall 
Hulnm Hall 

Lancashire Independent College 






Langdalo Hall ... 
Ht. Anselm Hall ... 
St. Gabriel's Hall 
Unitarian College 






Alliance AHstmmru Co. Ltd 35 

LegalA General Assurance Society 

I Ad 24 

Iln.val insurance Co, Ltd. 27 

Scottish Amicable Life Assurance 

Society 31 

Scottish Widows’ Fund Life Assur- 
ance Society 39 


W. Brace A Son 25 I Dohine.v A Son Ltd 18 

Thomas Brown A Son (Church i TyldeHley & Holbrook 38 

Furnishers) Ltd 19 J Alec Watson & Mitchell's Ltd. ... 20 

Scientific! Instruments and Apparatus. 

•LG. Cowliuhnw Lid 

Flatters and Garnett Ltd. ... 

Scientific Glaen Blowing Co. ... 





A. G. Thornton Ltd 

•r. Walton A Son 

Jamea Woolley, Sons & Go. Ltd.... 





BranihalJ A MonrdeN 14 

Helicon Typewriting Bureau ... ‘23 

Ilford Ltd 29 

Manchester High School for Girls 17 

Manchester School of Music 40 

Manchester Tutorial College ... 33 

Morris A Ycaman lt> 

Win. Neill A Sons, Ltd, 38 

Henry Uielmrds A Sons 28 

Miss Gertnule llobiuo 

Squirrel Restaurant 

Thackeray & Kingsley Hotels 
Verity’s Garage and Motor School 

T. G. F. Wild 

Miss Wilkinson Ltd 

Williams Deacon’s Bank Ltd. 

Miss F. Young 

Alliance Assurance Co. Ltd 

Ashburno Hall . 

M. Brace A Son 

Brain hall A Mctc/ics 

Tin min, n Brown A Son (Church 

Furnishers) Ltd. 

.J. M, Cornish Ltd 

J. ( !. Cowlishaw Lt<l 

Dalton Hall .. 

I )elnn<>y A Son Ltd. .. 

Wilis Llwyd JoneM Hall 

Flatters A, GnrnotL Ltd 

Helicon Typewriting Bureau 

Ultimo Hall 

Lancashire Independent College ... 

Langdalo TIn.ll - 

Legal <fe General Assurance Society 

Manchester lligit Softool* for V* iris 
Manchester School of Music 
\Ia n Chester 'I’ntorial College 
Manchester University Pres* 

Morris A Yeanmn 

'fc-.., Mfd 11 A Sons Ltd »>. 

T jOC’AL. 

35 ; Or ii ic A Co. 

21 Henry Uioliards & Sons 

25 Miss Gertrude Kobino 

li i Royal Insurance Co. Ltd 

Scientific Glass Blowimg Co. 

19 Scottish Amicable Life Assurance 

■10 Society 

24 Scottish Widows’ Fund Life Assur- 

28 anoL* Society 

18 i Sherratt & Hughes 

32 St. Anselm Hall ... 

29 St. Gabriel's Hall 

23 I Squirrel Restaurant 

20 A. G. Thornton Ltd 

22 Tyldewley A Holbrook 

32 Unitarian College 

Verity’s Garage and Motor School 

24 J. Walton & Son 

17 Alec Watson & Mitchell’s Ltd. 

40 , T. G. F. Wild 

33 , , w Miss Wilkinson Ltd 

It . ‘WtUinms Deacon’s Bank. Ltd. .. 

"VVoolley, Sons and Co, Ltd. 
3s Miss Jp, Young 
















