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First published September 1994

Climatic geomorphology: a critique


Though climatic geomorphology has long been perceived as providing a realistic framework for landform analysis, only the arid, nival and glacial systems and some constructional forms on the coast are readily identified in the landscape, present and past, as climatically zonal in character. Of course these features together account for a substantial part of the Earth's land surface at present. Nevertheless, the remaining areas have been subdivided into morphogenetic regions said to be characterized by distinctive landform assemblages. Even in those regions shaped by distinctive climatically driven processes, however, structural forms and those of etch origin are significant components, as they are also in humid tropical and midlatitude lands. In addition, various landforms are shaped by processes and mechanisms which, though climatically generated, vary genetically, and are active in a wide range of conventionally delineated climatic regions. They transgress arbitrary climatic boundaries. The climatic factor in landform development is by no means as clear cut and simple as was once thought and is certainly not of over-riding importance over at least half the world's land surface.

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C.R. Twidale
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Y. Lageat
Université Blaise Pascal and URA 1562 of the CNRS, Clermont-Ferrand, France

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