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First published online December 28, 2012

An institutional perspective on the development of Canada’s first public accounts


This study examines the Dominion of Canada’s first accounting system from the perspective of institutional theory. We find that Canada’s first accounting system was a continuation of an institution-building process begun earlier in the former Province of Canada. We argue that the political upheaval associated with the dissolution of one political jurisdiction and the creation of a new country created conditions conducive to institutional persistence rather than change, and that persistence was supported by continuity of the legislation and important agents that bridged the organizational discontinuity created by the confederation event.

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Article first published online: December 28, 2012
Issue published: February 2013


  1. Accounting history
  2. confederation
  3. Government of Canada
  4. institutional theory
  5. public sector accounting

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Ron Baker
University of Guelph, Canada
Morina D Rennie
University of Regina, Canada


Authors are listed in alphabetical order.
Morina D Rennie, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Regina, Education Building, Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada. Email: [email protected]

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