Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 05 Issue 03

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Volume 05, No. 3
Pages 169 - 170


THE FUTURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY • Bomb Tritium in the Deep North Atlantic

By Scott C. Doney  
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The large-scale circulation patterns in the deep ocean are difficult to measure directly, and much of what is known about deep ocean flow has been deduced from the distributions of hydrographic tracers (e.g. salinity, oxygen, nutrients). Hydrographic tracers, however, tell us little about the rates of the processes involved, and over the last 25 years, oceanographers have increasingly turned to transient tracers—radiocarbon, tritium, and more recently the chlorofluorocarbons—in an attempt to estimate the time-scales of circulation in the deep ocean. As part of my thesis research, I have used bomb-tritium data from the Transient Tracers in the Ocean (TTO) program to quantify the ventilation or replenishment rates for deep water in the North Atlantic.


Doney, S.C. 1992. Bomb tritium in the deep North Atlantic. Oceanography 5(3):169–170, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1992.11.

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