What is a DPhil?

Published 20/01/2011 05.01 PM   |    Updated 31/08/2023 02.18 PM

A DPhil is the Oxford equivalent of a PhD.

Both ‘PhD’ and ‘DPhil’ are abbreviations for ‘Doctor of Philosophy’, which is an advanced research qualification usually involving independent research to write an original thesis. It usually takes three to four years of full-time study or six to eight years of part-time study to complete.

Successfully completing a DPhil usually involves submitting a thesis and then an oral examination of your work, a viva voce. Examiners must be satisfied that your thesis represents a significant and substantial piece of research, is conveyed in a lucid and scholarly manner and that you have a good general knowledge of your academic field.

Further information about the types of graduate courses offered at Oxford, their titles and duration is available on our Introducing our Courses pages

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