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Summary of Listed Species
Species and Recovery Plans as of 11/07/2004

Group Endangered Threatened Total Species U.S. Species with
Recovery Plans**
U.S. Foreign U.S. Foreign
Mammals 69 251 9 17 346 55
Birds 77 175 13 6 271 78
Reptiles 14 64 22 15 115 33
Amphibians 11 8 10 1 30 15
Fishes 71 11 43 1 126 95
Clams 62 2 8 0 72 69
Snails 21 1 11 0 33 23
Insects 35 4 9 0 48 31
Arachnids 12 0 0 0 12 5
Crustaceans 18 0 3 0 21 13
Animal SubTotal 390 516 128 40 1074 417
Flowering Plants 571 1 144 0 716 579
Conifers and Cycads 2 0 1 2 5 2
Ferns and Allies 24 0 2 0 26 26
Lichens 2 0 0 0 2 2
Plant SubTotal 599 1 147 2 749 609
Grand Total 989 517 275 42 1823* 1026

Total U.S. Endangered -- 989 (390 animals, 599 plants)
Total U.S. Threatened -- 275 (128 animals, 147 plants)
Total U.S. Species -- 1264 (518 animals***, 746 plants)

* There are 1855 total listings (1290 U.S.). A listing is an E or a T in the "status" column of 50 CFR 17.11 or 17.12 (The Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants). The following types of listings are combined as single counts in the table above: species listed both as threatened and endangered (dual status), and subunits of a single species listed as distinct population segments. Only the endangered population is tallied for dual status populations (except for the following: olive ridley sea turtle ; for which only the threatened U.S. population is tallied) . The dual status U.S. species that are tallied as endangered are: chinook salmon , gray wolf , green sea turtle , piping Plover , roseate tern , sockeye salmon , steelhead , Steller sea-lion . The dual status foreign species that are tallied as endangered are: argali , chimpanzee , leopard , saltwater crocodile . Distinct population segments tallied as one include: chinook salmon , chum salmon , coho salmon , dugong , gray wolf , steelhead . Entries that represent entire genera or families include: African viviparous toads , gibbons , lemurs , musk deer , Oahu tree snails , sifakas , uakari (all species) .

** There are 544 distinct approved recovery plans. Some recovery plans cover more than one species, and a few species have separate plans covering different parts of their ranges. This count include only plans generated by the USFWS or jointly by the USFWS and NMFS, and includes only listed species that occur in the United States.

*** 9 animal species have dual status in the U.S.

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