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Hayashi Hirofumi's Homepage on Modern History and Japan's War Responsibility

My Articles in English 



Comfort Women's System was obviously slavery

A Letter on the issue of the Japanese military comfort women system

Japanese Treatment of Chinese Prisoners,1931-1945

Japanese Comfort Women in Southeast Asia  uploaded on 22 July 1999

Japanese Military Comfort Houses and Overseas Chinese in South-east Asia  
                                                                                                              uploaded on 5 April 2000

Comment on the British war crimes trials    uploaded on 24 July 2000

Survey of the Japanese Movement Against Wartime Sexual Violence  uploaded on 22 September 2001  

British War Crimes Trials of Japanese   uploaded on 29 January 2002

Structure of Japanese Imperial Government involved in Military Comfort Women System 
                                                                                                                                          uploaded on 29 January 2002

Why wartime documents destroyed     The Asahi Shimbun July 18 2002
uploaded on 1 August 2002


Introduction to the Center for Research and Documentation on Japan's War Responsibility

 HAYASHI, Hirofumi (Dr.) is a professor at Kanto-Gakuin University. He has been conducting research on the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia and Japanese war crimes and war crimes trials including comfort women. He has also been the Research Director and Vice-Chief Editor of the JWRC since 1993. His main publications in recent years are Okinawasen to Minshu [The Battle of Okinawa and People] (Otsuki Shoten, 2001), Sabakareta Senso Hanzai [Tried War Crimes: British War Crimes Trials of Japanese] (Iwanami Shoten, 1998), Nihongun Ianfu [Japanese Military Comfort Women] (co-editor) (Outsuki Shoten, 1995), and Ianfu, Senji Seiboryoku no Jittai: Chugoku, Tonan-Ajia, Taiheiyo Hen [The Actual State of Comfort Women and Wartime Sexual Violence: China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific] (Ryokufu Shuppan, 2000). 


Dr HAYASHI Hirofumi (Professor of Politics)
Kanto Gakuin University, 1 Mutsuura-higashi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, 236-8501  Japan