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NOVEMBER 5, 1996





(Corrected to July 23, 1997)


For Presidential Electors
Republican 769,044
Democratic 662,165
Independent 1 95,030
Libertarian 5,290
Natural Law 1,697
Write-in 1,123

For United States Senator
Jeff Sessions, Republican 786,436
Roger Bedford, Democrat 681,651
Mark Thornton, Libertarian 21,550
Charles R. Hebner, Natural Law 9,123
Write-in 633

For United States Representative
1. Sonny Callahan, Republican 132,206
Don Womack, Democrat 69,470
Bob Burns, Libertarian 3,311
Write-in 430
2. Terry Everett, Republican 132,563
Bob Gaines, Democrat 74,317
Michael Probst, Libertarian 2,653
Write-in 260
3. Bob Riley, Republican 98,353
T. D. (Ted) Little, Democrat 92,325
Ralph "R.E." Stokes, Libertarian 1,983
Lucy Lawrence, Natural Law 2,335
Write-in 51
4. Robert B. Aderholt, Republican 102,741
Robert T. (Bob) Wilson, Jr., Democrat 99,250
Alan Barksdale, Libertarian 3,718
Write-in 208
5. Wayne Parker, Republican 86,727
Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr., Democrat 114,442
Craig Goodrich, Libertarian 1,856
Shirley J. Madison, Natural Law 2,484
Write-in 38
6. Spencer Bachus, Republican 180,781
Mary Lynn Bates, Democrat 69,592
T. Franklin Harris, Libertarian 2,293
Diane Susan Vogel, Natural Law 2,113
Write-in 80
7. Joe Powell, Republican 52,142
Earl F. Hilliard, Democrat 136,651
Ken Hager, Libertarian 3,157
Write-in 163

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Alabama

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Libertarian Natural Law Write-in Total
1st district 132,206 69,470 --- 3,311 --- 430 205,417
2d district 132,563 74,317 --- 2,653 --- 260 209,793
3d district 98,353 92,325 --- 1,983 2,335 51 195,047
4th district 102,741 99,250 --- 3,718 --- 208 205,917
5th district 86,727 114,442 --- 1,856 2,484 38 205,547
6th district 180,781 69,592 --- 2,293 2,113 80 254,859
7th district 52,142 136,651 --- 3,157 --- 163 192,113
Total 785,513 656,047 --- 18,971 6,932 1,230 1,468,693
Senator 786,436 681,651 --- 21,550 9,123 633 1,499,393
Presidential electors 769,044 662,165 1 95,030 5,290 1,697 1,123 1,534,349

1 Includes candidates appearing on the following party tickets in most other States: 92,149 for Reform Party; 2,365 for U.S. Taxpayers Party; and 516 for Socialist Workers Party.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 122,746
Democratic 80,380
Green 7,597
Reform 26,333
Libertarian 2,276
U.S. Taxpayers 925
Natural Law 729
Write-in 634

For United States Senator
Ted Stevens, Republican 177,893
Theresa Nangle Obermeyer, Democrat 23,977
Jed Whittaker, Green 29,037
Write-in 1,009

For United States Representative

Don Young, Republican 138,834
Georgianna "Georg" Lincoln, Democrat 85,114
John J. G. "Johnny" Grames, Green 4,513
William J. Nemec II, Alaskan Independence 5,017
Write-in 222

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Alaska

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Green Reform Alaskan Independence Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Natural Law Write-in Total
At large 138,834 85,114 4,513 --- 5,017 --- --- --- 222 233,700
Senator 177,893 23,977 29,037 --- --- --- --- --- 1,009 231,916
Presidential electors 122,746 80,380 7,597 26,333 --- 2,276 925 729 634 241,620


For Presidential Electors
Republican 622,073
Democratic 653,288
Reform 112,072
Libertarian 14,358
Other 41
Write-in 2,573

For United States Representative
1. Matt Salmon, Republican 135,634
John Cox, Democrat 89,738
2. Jim Buster, Republican 38,786
Ed Pastor, Democrat 81,982
Alice Bangle, Libertarian 5,333
3. Bob Stump, Republican 175,231
Alexander "Big Al" Schneider, Democrat 88,214
4. John B. Shadegg, Republican 150,486
Maria Elena Milton, Democrat 74,857
5. Jim Kolbe, Republican 179,349
Mort Nelson, Democrat 67,597
Ed Finkelstein, Reform 6,630
John C. Zajac, Libertarian 7,322
6. J. D. Hayworth, Republican 121,431
Steve Owens, Democrat 118,957
Robert Anderson, Libertarian 14,899

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Arizona

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Other Write-in Total
1st district 135,634 89,738 --- --- --- --- 225,372
2d district 38,786 81,982 --- 5,333 --- --- 126,101
3d district 175,231 88,214 --- --- --- --- 263,445
4th district 150,486 74,857 --- --- --- --- 225,343
5th district 179,349 67,597 6,630 7,322 --- --- 260,898
6th district 121,431 118,957 --- 14,899 --- --- 255,287
Total 800,917 521,345 6,630 27,554 --- --- 1,356,446
Presidential electors 622,073 653,288 112,072 14,358 41 2,573 1,404,405


For Presidential Electors
Republican 325,416
Democratic 475,171
Reform 69,884
Green 3,649
Libertarian 3,076
U.S. Taxpayers 2,065
America First 932
Looking Back 749
Workers World 747
Natural Law 729
Socialist 538
Prohibition 483
Unaffiliated 823

For United States Senator
Y. Tim Hutchinson, Republican 445,942
Winston Bryant, Democrat 400,241

For United States Representative
1. Warren Dupwe, Republican 88,436
Marion Berry, Democrat 105,280
Keith Carle, Reform 5,734
2. Bud Cummins, Republican 104,548
Vic Snyder, Democrat 114,841
3. Asa Hutchinson, Republican 137,093
Ann Henry, Democrat 102,994
Tony Joe Huffman, Reform 5,974
Dan Ivy, Write-in 71
4. Jay Dickey, Republican 125,956
Vincent Tolliver, Democrat 72,391

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Arkansas
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Green Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers America First Looking Back Workers World Natural Law Socialist Prohibition Unaffiliated Write-in Total
1st district 88,436 105,280 5,734 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 199,450
2d district 104,548 114,841 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 219,389
3d district 137,093 102,994 5,974 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 71 246,132
4th district 125,956 72,391 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 198,347
Total 456,033 395,506 11,708 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 71 863,318
Senator 445,942 400,241 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 846,183
Presidential electors 325,416 475,171 69,884 3,649 3,076 2,065 932 749 747 729 538 483 823 --- 884,262


For Presidential Electors
Republican 3,828,381
Democratic 5,119,835
Reform 697,847
Libertarian 73,600
Green 237,016
Natural Law 15,403
American Independent (U.S. Taxpayers candidate) 21,202
Peace and Freedom 25,332
Write-in 853

For United States Representative
1. Frank Riggs, Republican 110,243
Michela Alioto, Democrat 96,522
Emil Rossi, Libertarian 15,354
2. Wally Herger, Republican 144,913
Roberts A. Braden, Democrat 80,401
William Brunner, Libertarian 5,759
Patrice Thiessen, Natural Law 7,253
3. Tim Lefever, Republican 91,134
Vic Fazio, Democrat 118,663
Timothy R. Erich, Reform 7,701
Erin D. Donelle, Libertarian 4,239
4. John T. Doolittle, Republican 164,048
Katie Hirning, Democrat 97,948
Patrick Lee McHargue, Libertarian 9,319
5. Robert S. Dinsmore, Republican 52,940
Robert T. Matsui, Democrat 142,618
Joseph B. Miller, Libertarian 2,548
Charles Kersey, Natural Law 2,123
Gordon Mors, American Independent 2,231
6. Duane C. Hughes, Republican 86,278
Lynn C. Woolsey, Democrat 156,958
Bruce Kendall, Natural Law 4,141
Ernest K. Jones, Jr., Peace & Freedom 6,459
7. Norman H. Reece, Republican 42,542
George Miller, Democrat 137,089
William C. Thompson, Reform 6,866
Bob Liatunick, Natural Law 4,420
8. Justin Raimondo, Republican 25,739
Nancy Pelosi, Democrat 175,216
David Smithstein, Natural Law 6,783
9. Deborah Wright, Republican 37,126
Ronald V. Dellums, Democrat 154,806
Jack Forem, Natural Law 3,475
Tom Condit, Peace & Freedom 5,561
10. Bill Baker, Republican 133,633
Ellen O. Tauscher, Democrat 137,726
John Place, Reform 6,354
Gregory K. Lyon, Libertarian 2,423
Valerie Janlois, Natural Law 3,047
11. Richard W. Pombo, Republican 107,477
Jason Silva, Democrat 65,536
Kelly Rego, Libertarian 5,077
Selene L. Bush, Natural Law 3,006
12. Storm Jenkins, Republican 49,276
Tom Lantos, Democrat 149,049
Christopher V.A. Schmidt, Libertarian 6,111
Richard Borg, Natural Law 3,472
13. James S. Fay, Republican 53,385
Fortney Pete Stark, Democrat 114,408
Terry C. Savage, Libertarian 7,746
14. Ben Brink, Republican 71,571
Anna G. Eshoo, Democrat 148,773
Joseph W. Dehn III, Libertarian 3,492
Robert Wells, Natural Law 2,144
Timothy Thompson, Peace & Freedom 3,653
15. Tom Campbell, Republican 132,737
Dick Lane, Democrat 79,048
Valli Sharpe-Geisler, Reform 6,230
Ed Wimmers, Libertarian 5,481
Bruce Currivan, Natural Law 3,372
16. Chuck Wojslaw, Republican 43,197
Zoe Lofgren, Democrat 94,020
David R. Bonino, Libertarian 4,124
Abaan Abu-Shumays, Natural Law 1,866
17. Jess Brown, Republican 73,856
Sam Farr, Democrat 115,116
John H. Black, Natural Law 6,573
18. Bill Conrad, Republican 52,695
Gary A. Condit, Democrat 108,827
James B. Morzella, Libertarian 2,233
Page Roth Riskin, Natural Law 1,831
19. George P. Radanovich, Republican 137,402
Paul Barile, Democrat 58,452
Pamela J. Pescosolido, Libertarian 6,083
David P. Adalian, Sr., Natural Law 4,442
20. Trice Harvey, Republican 45,276
Calvin M. Dooley, Democrat 65,381
Jonathan J. Richter, Libertarian 5,048
21. William M. Thomas, Republican 125,916
Deborah A. Vollmer, Democrat 50,694
John Evans, Reform 8,113
Mike Hodges, Libertarian 3,049
Jane Bialosky, Natural Law 3,380
22. Andrea H. Seastrand, Republican 107,987
Walter H. Capps, Democrat 118,299
Steven Wheeler, Independent 9,845
Richard D. `Dick' Porter, Reform 3,975
David L. Bersohn, Libertarian 2,233
Dawn Tomastik, Natural Law 1,847
23. Elton Gallegly, Republican 118,880
Robert R. Unruhe, Democrat 70,035
Gail Lightfoot, Libertarian 8,346
Stephen Hospodar, Natural Law 2,246
24. Rich Sybert, Republican 93,629
Brad Sherman, Democrat 106,193
Erich Miller, Libertarian 5,691
Ron Lawrence, Natural Law 3,068
Ralph Shroyer, Peace & Freedom 6,267
25. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, Republican 122,428
Diane Trautman, Democrat 65,089
Bruce Acker, Libertarian 6,173
Justin Charles Gerber, Peace & Freedom 2,513
26. Bill Glass, Republican 29,332
Howard L. Berman, Democrat 67,525
Scott K. Fritschler, Libertarian 3,539
Gary Hearne, Natural Law 2,119
27. James E. Rogan, Republican 95,310
Doug Kahn, Democrat 82,014
Elizabeth Michael, Libertarian 6,645
Walt Contreras Sheasby, Green 4,195
Martin Zucker, Natural Law 1,766
28. David Dreier, Republican 113,389
David Levering, Democrat 69,037
Ken Saurenman, Libertarian 4,459
29. Paul Stepanek, Republican 52,857
Henry A. Waxman, Democrat 145,278
Mike Binkley, Libertarian 4,766
Brian Rees, Natural Law 3,097
John Peter Daly, Peace & Freedom 8,819
30. Patricia Jean Parker, Republican 15,078
Xavier Becerra, Democrat 58,283
Pam Probst, Libertarian 2,759
Rosemary Watson-Frith, Natural Law 1,971
Shirley Mandel, Peace & Freedom 2,499
31. John V. Flores, Republican 28,705
Matthew G. Martinez, Democrat 69,285
Michael B. Everling, Libertarian 4,700
32. Larry Ardito, Republican 18,768
Julian C. Dixon, Democrat 124,712
Neal Donner, Libertarian 6,390
Rashied Jibri, Natural Law 1,557
33. John P. Leonard, Republican 8,147
Lucille Roybal-Allard, Democrat 47,478
Howard Johnson, Libertarian 2,203
34. David G. Nunez, Republican 36,852
Esteban Edward Torres, Democrat 94,730
David Argall, Libertarian 2,736
J. Walter Scott, American Independent 4,122
35. Eric Carlson, Republican 13,116
Maxine Waters, Democrat 92,762
Gordon Michael Mego, American Independent 2,610
36. Susan Brooks, Republican 98,538
Jane Harman, Democrat 117,752
Bruce Dovner, Libertarian 4,933
Bradley McManus, Natural Law 3,236
37. Michael E. Voetee, Republican 15,399
Juanita Millender-McDonald, Democrat 87,247
38. Stephen Horn, Republican 88,136
Rick Zbur, Democrat 71,627
Paul N. Gautreau, Libertarian 3,272
William A. Yeager, Green 4,610
39. Edward R. Royce, Republican 120,761
R. O. `Bob' Davis, Democrat 61,392
Jack Dean, Libertarian 10,137
40. Jerry Lewis, Republican 98,821
Robert `Bob' Conaway, Democrat 44,102
Joseph T. Kelley, Libertarian 4,375
Hale McGee, American Independent 4,963
41. Jay Kim, Republican 83,934
Richard L. Waldron, Democrat 47,346
Richard G. Newhouse, Libertarian 7,135
David F. Kramer, Natural Law 5,030
42. Linda M. Wilde, Republican 51,170
George E. Brown, Jr., Democrat 52,166
43. Ken Calvert, Republican 97,247
Guy C. Kimbrough, Democrat 67,422
Gene L. Berkman, Libertarian 3,086
Annie Wallack, Natural Law 6,576
Kevin Akin, Peace & Freedom 3,309
44. Sonny Bono, Republican 110,643
Anita Rufus, Democrat 73,844
Karen Wilkinson, Natural Law 3,143
Donald Cochran, American Independent 3,888
45. Dana Rohrabacher, Republican 125,326
Sally J. Alexander, Democrat 68,312
Mark F. Murphy, Libertarian 8,813
Rand McDevitt, Natural Law 3,071
46. Robert K. Dornan, Republican 46,980
Loretta Sanchez, Democrat 47,964
Lawrence J. Stafford, Reform 3,535
Thomas E. Reimer, Libertarian 2,333
J. Carlos Aguirre, Natural Law 1,972
47. Christopher Cox, Republican 160,078
Tina Louise Laine, Democrat 70,362
Victor A. Wagner, Jr., Libertarian 6,530
Iris Adam, Natural Law 6,807
48. Ron Packard, Republican 145,814
Dan Farrell, Democrat 59,558
William Dreu, Reform 8,013
Sharon K. Miles, Natural Law 8,006
49. Brian P. Bilbray, Republican 108,806
Peter Navarro, Democrat 86,657
Kevin Philip Hambsch, Reform 3,773
Ernie Lippe, Libertarian 4,218
Peter Sterling, Natural Law 3,314
50. Jim Baize, Republican 38,351
Bob Filner, Democrat 73,200
Dan Clark, Reform 3,253
Philip Zoebisch, Libertarian 1,398
Earl M. Shepard, Natural Law 2,138
51. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, Republican 149,032
Rita Tamerius, Democrat 66,250
J.C. `Jack' Anderson, Libertarian 5,298
Eric Hunter Bourdette, Natural Law 3,037
Miriam E. Clark, Peace & Freedom 5,407
52. Duncan Hunter, Republican 116,746
Darity Wesley, Democrat 53,104
Dante Ridley, Libertarian 3,329
Peter Robert Ballantyne, Natural Law 1,493
Janice Jordan, Peace & Freedom 3,649

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in California
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian Green Natural Law Peace & Freedom American Independent Peace and Freedom Write-in Total
1st district 110,243 96,522 --- --- 15,354 --- --- --- --- --- --- 222,119
2d district 144,913 80,401 --- --- 5,759 --- 7,253 --- --- --- --- 238,326
3d district 91,134 118,663 --- 7,701 4,239 --- --- --- --- --- --- 221,737
4th district 164,048 97,948 --- --- 9,319 --- --- --- --- --- --- 271,315
5th district 52,940 142,618 --- --- 2,548 --- 2,123 --- 2,231 --- --- 202,460
6th district 86,278 156,958 --- --- --- --- 4,141 6,459 --- --- --- 253,836
7th district 42,542 137,089 --- 6,866 --- --- 4,420 --- --- --- --- 190,917
8th district 25,739 175,216 --- --- --- --- 6,783 --- --- --- --- 207,738
9th district 37,126 154,806 --- --- --- --- 3,475 5,561 --- --- --- 200,968
10th district 133,633 137,726 --- 6,354 2,423 --- 3,047 --- --- --- --- 283,183
11th district 107,477 65,536 --- --- 5,077 --- 3,006 --- --- --- --- 181,096
12th district 49,276 149,049 --- --- 6,111 --- 3,472 --- --- --- --- 207,908
13th district 53,385 114,408 --- --- 7,746 --- --- --- --- --- --- 175,539
14th district 71,571 148,773 --- --- 3,492 --- 2,144 3,653 --- --- --- 229,633
15th district 132,737 79,048 --- 6,230 5,481 --- 3,372 --- --- --- --- 226,868
16th district 43,197 94,020 --- --- 4,124 --- 1,866 --- --- --- --- 143,207
17th district 73,856 115,116 --- --- --- --- 6,573 --- --- --- --- 195,545
18th district 52,695 108,827 --- --- 2,233 --- 1,831 --- --- --- --- 165,586
19th district 137,402 58,452 --- --- 6,083 --- 4,442 --- --- --- --- 206,379
20th district 45,276 65,381 --- --- 5,048 --- --- --- --- --- --- 115,705
21st district 125,916 50,694 --- 8,113 3,049 --- 3,380 --- --- --- --- 191,152
22d district 107,987 118,299 9,845 3,975 2,233 --- 1,847 --- --- --- --- 244,186
23d district 118,880 70,035 --- --- 8,346 --- 2,246 --- --- --- --- 199,507
24th district 93,629 106,193 --- --- 5,691 --- 3,068 6,267 --- --- --- 214,848
25th district 122,428 65,089 --- --- 6,173 --- --- 2,513 --- --- --- 196,203
26th district 29,332 67,525 --- --- 3,539 --- 2,119 --- --- --- --- 102,515
27th district 95,310 82,014 --- --- 6,645 4,195 1,766 --- --- --- --- 189,930
28th district 113,389 69,037 --- --- 4,459 --- --- --- --- --- --- 186,885
29th district 52,857 145,278 --- --- 4,766 --- 3,097 8,819 --- --- --- 214,817
30th district 15,078 58,283 --- --- 2,759 --- 1,971 2,499 --- --- --- 80,590
31st district 28,705 69,285 --- --- 4,700 --- --- --- --- --- --- 102,690
32d district 18,768 124,712 --- --- 6,390 --- 1,557 --- --- --- --- 151,427
33d district 8,147 47,478 --- --- 2,203 --- --- --- --- --- --- 57,828
34th district 36,852 94,730 --- --- 2,736 --- --- --- 4,122 --- --- 138,440
35th district 13,116 92,762 --- --- --- --- --- --- 2,610 --- --- 108,488
36th district 98,538 117,752 --- --- 4,933 --- 3,236 --- --- --- --- 224,459
37th district 15,399 87,247 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 102,646
38th district 88,136 71,627 --- --- 3,272 4,610 --- --- --- --- --- 167,645
39th district 120,761 61,392 --- --- 10,137 --- --- --- --- --- --- 192,290
40th district 98,821 44,102 --- --- 4,375 --- --- --- 4,963 --- --- 152,261
41st district 83,934 47,346 --- --- 7,135 --- 5,030 --- --- --- --- 143,445
42d district 51,170 52,166 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 103,336
43d district 97,247 67,422 --- --- 3,086 --- 6,576 3,309 --- --- --- 177,640
44th district 110,643 73,844 --- --- --- --- 3,143 --- 3,888 --- --- 191,518
45th district 125,326 68,312 --- --- 8,813 --- 3,071 --- --- --- --- 205,522
46th district 46,980 47,964 --- 3,535 2,333 --- 1,972 --- --- --- --- 102,784
47th district 160,078 70,362 --- --- 6,530 --- 6,807 --- --- --- --- 243,777
48th district 145,814 59,558 --- 8,013 --- --- 8,006 --- --- --- --- 221,391
49th district 108,806 86,657 --- 3,773 4,218 --- 3,314 --- --- --- --- 206,768
50th district 38,351 73,200 --- 3,253 1,398 --- 2,138 --- --- --- --- 118,340
51st district 149,032 66,250 --- --- 5,298 --- 3,037 5,407 --- --- --- 229,024
52d district 116,746 53,104 --- --- 3,329 --- 1,493 3,649 --- --- --- 178,321
Total 4,291,644 4,706,276 9,845 57,813 213,583 8,805 126,822 48,136 17,814 --- --- 9,480,738
Presidential electors 3,828,381 5,119,835 --- 697,847 73,600 237,016 15,403 --- 21,202 25,332 853 10,019,469


For Presidential Electors
Republican 691,848
Democratic 671,152
Independent 2,809
Reform 99,629
Natural Law 2,545
Green 25,070
Libertarian 12,392
American Constitution (U.S. Taxpayers candidate) 2,813
Socialist 669
Workers World 599
American 557
Prohibition 375
Socialist Workers Campaign (Socialist Workers candidate) 244

For United States Senator
Wayne Allard, Republican 750,315
Tom Strickland, Democrat 667,600
Randy MacKenzie, Natural Law 41,620
Write-in 66

For United States Representative
1. Joe Rogers, Republican 79,540
Diana DeGette, Democrat 112,631
Richard Combs, Libertarian 5,668
2. Patricia (Pat) Miller, Republican 97,865
David E. Skaggs, Democrat 145,894
W. Earl Allen, Libertarian 5,721
Larry E. Johnson, Independent/Reform 6,304
3. Scott McInnis, Republican 183,523
Albert L. Gurule, Democrat 82,953
4. Bob Schaffer, Republican 137,012
Guy Kelley, Democrat 92,837
Cynthia Parker, Natural Law 6,790
Wes McKinley, Americans 7,428
5. Joel Hefley, Republican 188,805
Mike Robinson, Democrat 73,660
6. Dan Schaefer, Republican 146,018
Joan Fitz-Gerald, Democrat 88,600

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Colorado
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Natural Law Green Libertarian Americans Independent/Reform American Constitution Socialist Workers World American Prohibition Socialist Workers Campaign Write-in Total
1st district 79,540 112,631 --- --- --- --- 5,668 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 197,839
2d district 97,865 145,894 --- --- --- --- 5,721 --- 6,304 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 255,784
3d district 183,523 82,953 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 266,476
4th district 137,012 92,837 --- --- 6,790 --- --- 7,428 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 244,067
5th district 188,805 73,660 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 262,465
6th district 146,018 88,600 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 234,618
Total 832,763 596,575 --- --- 6,790 --- 11,389 7,428 6,304 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,461,249
Senator 750,315 667,600 --- --- 41,620 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 66 1,459,601
Presidential electors 691,848 671,152 2,809 99,629 2,545 25,070 12,392 --- --- 2,813 669 599 557 375 244 --- 1,510,702


For Presidential Electors
Republican 483,109
Democratic 735,740
Reform 139,523
Green 24,321
Concerned Citizens (U.S. Taxpayers candidate) 2,425
Libertarian 5,788
Natural Law 1,703
Write-in 5

For United States Representative
1. Kent Sleath, Republican 53,666
Barbara B. Kennelly, Democrat 145,169
A Connecticut Party 13,053
John F. Forry III, Concerned Citizens 2,099
Daniel A. Wasielewski, Natural Law 1,149
2. Edward W. Munster, Republican 100,332
Sam Gejdenson, Democrat 106,544
A Connecticut Party 8,631
Dianne G. Ondusko, Independence 6,477
Thomas E. Hall, Natural Law 1,263
Write-in 2
3. John Coppola, Republican 59,335
Rosa L. DeLauro, Democrat 137,108
A Connecticut Party 13,690
Gail J. Dalby, Natural Law 1,219
4. Christopher Shays, Republican 121,949
Bill Finch, Democrat 75,902
Edward H. Tonkin, Libertarian 2,815
Terry M. Nevas, Natural Law 1,046
5. Gary A. Franks, Republican 98,782
James H. Maloney, Democrat 105,359
A Connecticut Party 6,615
Rosita Rodriguez, Concerned Citizens 2,983
Walter F. Thiessen, Jr., Libertarian 1,391
6. Nancy L. Johnson, Republican 113,020
Charlotte Koskoff, Democrat 104,225
A Connecticut Party 7,208
Timothy A. Knibbs, Concerned Citizens 3,303

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Connecticut
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform A Connecticut Party Green Concerned Citizens Libertarian Independence Natural Law Write-in Total
1st district 53,666 145,169 --- 13,053 --- 2,099 --- --- 1,149 --- 215,136
2d district 100,332 106,544 --- 8,631 --- --- --- 6,477 1,263 2 223,249
3d district 59,335 137,108 --- 13,690 --- --- --- --- 1,219 --- 211,352
4th district 121,949 75,902 --- --- --- --- 2,815 --- 1,046 --- 201,712
5th district 98,782 105,359 --- 6,615 --- 2,983 1,391 --- --- --- 215,130
6th district 113,020 104,225 --- 7,208 --- 3,303 --- --- --- --- 227,756
Total 547,084 674,307 --- 49,197 --- 8,385 4,206 6,477 4,677 2 1,294,335
Presidential electors 483,109 735,740 139,523 --- 24,321 2,425 5,788 --- 1,703 5 1,392,614


For Presidential Electors
Republican 99,062
Democratic 140,355
Libertarian 2,052
U.S. Taxpayers 348
Natural Law 274
Unaffiliated (Reform candidate) 28,719

For United States Senator
Raymond J. Clatworthy, Republican 105,088
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Democrat 165,465
Mark Jones, Libertarian 3,340
Jacqueline Kossoff, Natural Law 1,698

For United States Representative

Michael N. Castle, Republican 185,577
Dennis E. Williams, Democrat 73,258
George A. Jurgensen, Libertarian 4,000
Felicia B. Johnson, U.S. Taxpayers 3,009
Robert E. "Bob" Mattson, Natural Law 987

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Delaware

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Natural Law Unaffiliated Total
At large 185,577 73,258 4,000 3,009 987 --- 266,831
Senator 105,088 165,465 3,340 --- 1,698 --- 275,591
Presidential electors 99,062 140,355 2,052 348 274 28,719 270,810


For Presidential Electors
Republican 2,244,536
Democratic 2,546,870
Reform 483,870
Libertarian 23,326
Write-in 4,552

For United States Representative
1. Joe Scarborough, Republican 175,946
Kevin Beck, Democrat 66,495
Write-in 104
2. Bill Sutton, Republican 94,122
Allen Boyd, Democrat 138,151
Write-in 127
3. Preston James Fields, Republican 62,196
Corrine Brown, Democrat 98,085
4. Tillie K. Fowler, Republican ( 1 )
5. Dave Gentry, Republican 100,051
Karen L. Thurman, Democrat 161,050
6. Cliff Stearns, Republican 161,527
Newell O'Brien, Democrat 78,908
Write-in 7
7. John L. Mica, Republican 143,667
George Stuart, Jr., Democrat 87,832
Write-in 58
8. Bill McCollum, Republican 136,515
Al Krulick, Democrat 65,794
Write-in 17
9. Michael Bilirakis, Republican 161,708
Jerry Provenzano, Democrat 73,809
10. C. W. Bill Young, Republican 114,443
Henry Green, Democrat 57,375
Write-in 2
11. Mark Sharpe, Republican 78,881
Jim Davis, Democrat 108,522
12. Charles T. Canady, Republican 122,584
Mike Canady, Democrat 76,513
13. Dan Miller, Republican 173,671
Sanford Gordon, Democrat 96,098
Write-in 135
14. Porter J. Goss, Republican 176,992
Jim Nolan, Democrat 63,842
15. Dave Weldon, Republican 139,014
John L. Byron, Democrat 115,981
David Golding, Independent 15,355
16. Mark Foley, Republican 175,714
Jim Stuber, Democrat 98,827
17. Wellington Rolle, Republican 14,525
Carrie P. Meek, Democrat 114,638
Write-in 2
18. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Republican 123,659
Write-in 6
19. Beverly Kennedy, Republican 99,101
Robert Wexler, Democrat 188,766
20. Jim Jacobs, Republican 85,777
Peter Deutsch, Democrat 159,256
21. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Republican 125,469
Write-in 4
22. E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Republican 137,098
Kenneth D. Cooper, Democrat 84,517
Write-in 3
23. Robert Paul Brown, Republican 36,907
Alcee L. Hastings, Democrat 102,161
Write-in 21

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Florida

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian Write-in Total
1st district 175,946 66,495 --- --- --- 104 242,545
2d district 94,122 138,151 --- --- --- 127 232,400
3d district 62,196 98,085 --- --- --- --- 160,281
4th district ( 1 ) --- --- --- --- --- ( 1 )
5th district 100,051 161,050 --- --- --- --- 261,101
6th district 161,527 78,908 --- --- --- 7 240,442
7th district 143,667 87,832 --- --- --- 58 231,557
8th district 136,515 65,794 --- --- --- 17 202,326
9th district 161,708 73,809 --- --- --- --- 235,517
10th district 114,443 57,375 --- --- --- 2 171,820
11th district 78,881 108,522 --- --- --- --- 187,403
12th district 122,584 76,513 --- --- --- --- 199,097
13th district 173,671 96,098 --- --- --- 135 269,904
14th district 176,992 63,842 --- --- --- --- 240,834
15th district 139,014 115,981 15,355 --- --- --- 270,350
16th district 175,714 98,827 --- --- --- --- 274,541
17th district 14,525 114,638 --- --- --- 2 129,165
18th district 123,659 --- --- --- --- 6 123,665
19th district 99,101 188,766 --- --- --- --- 287,867
20th district 85,777 159,256 --- --- --- --- 245,033
21st district 125,469 --- --- --- --- 4 125,473
22d district 137,098 84,517 --- --- --- 3 221,618
23d district 36,907 102,161 --- --- --- 21 139,089
Total 2,639,567 2,036,620 15,355 --- --- 486 4,692,028
Presidential electors 2,244,536 2,546,870 --- 483,870 23,326 4,552 5,303,154

1 According to Florida law, the names of those with no opposition are not printed on the ballot.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,080,843
Democratic 1,053,849
Reform 146,337
Libertarian 17,870

For United States Senator
Guy W. Millner, Republican 1,073,969
Max Cleland, Democrat 1,103,993
John Gregory Cashin, Libertarian 81,262

For United States Representative
1. Jack Kingston, Republican 108,616
Rosemary D. Kaszans, Democrat 50,622
2. Darrel Bush Ealum, Republican 75,282
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Democrat 88,256
3. Mac Collins, Republican 120,251
Jim Chafin, Democrat 76,538
4. John M. Mitnick, Republican 92,985
Cynthia A. McKinney, Democrat 127,157
5. John Lewis, Democrat 136,555
6. Newt Gingrich, Republican 174,155
Michael Coles, Democrat 127,135
7. Bob Barr, Republican 112,009
Charlie Watts, Democrat 81,765
8. Saxby Chambliss, Republican 93,619
Jim Wiggins, Democrat 84,506
9. Nathan Deal, Republican 132,532
McCracken "Ken" Poston, Democrat 69,662
10. Charlie Norwood, Republican 96,723
David Bell, Democrat 88,054
11. John Linder, Republican 145,821
Tommy Stephenson, Democrat 80,940

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Georgia

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Total
1st district 108,616 50,622 --- --- 159,238
2d district 75,282 88,256 --- --- 163,538
3d district 120,251 76,538 --- --- 196,789
4th district 92,985 127,157 --- --- 220,142
5th district --- 136,555 --- --- 136,555
6th district 174,155 127,135 --- --- 301,290
7th district 112,009 81,765 --- --- 193,774
8th district 93,619 84,506 --- --- 178,125
9th district 132,532 69,662 --- --- 202,194
10th district 96,723 88,054 --- --- 184,777
11th district 145,821 80,940 --- --- 226,761
Total 1,151,993 1,011,190 --- --- 2,163,183
Senator 1,073,969 1,103,993 --- 81,262 2,259,224
Presidential electors 1,080,843 1,053,849 146,337 17,870 2,298,899


For Presidential Electors
Republican 113,943
Democratic 205,012
Reform 27,358
Green 10,386
Libertarian 2,493
Natural Law 570
Taxpayers 358

For United States Representative
1. Orson Swindle, Republican 80,053
Neil Abercrombie, Democrat 86,732
Mark Duering, Nonpartisan 4,126
Nicholas Bedworth, Natural Law 1,295
2. Tom Pico, Jr., Republican 55,729
Patsy T. Mink, Democrat 109,178
Nolan Crabbe, Nonpartisan 7,723
James N. Keefe, Libertarian 4,769
Amanda (Mandy) Toulon, Natural Law 3,564

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Hawaii

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Nonpartisan Green Libertarian Natural Law Taxpayers Total
1st district 80,053 86,732 --- 4,126 --- --- 1,295 --- 172,206
2d district 55,729 109,178 --- 7,723 --- 4,769 3,564 --- 180,963
Total 135,782 195,910 --- 11,849 --- 4,769 4,859 --- 353,169
Presidential electors 113,943 205,012 27,358 --- 10,386 2,493 570 358 360,120


For Presidential Electors
Republican 256,595
Democratic 165,443
Reform 62,518
Natural Law 1,600
Libertarian 3,325
U.S. Taxpayers 2,230

For United States Senator
Larry E. Craig, Republican 283,532
Walt Minnick, Democrat 198,422
Mary J. Charbonneau, Independent 10,137
Susan Vegors, Natural Law 5,142

For United States Representative
1. Helen Chenoweth, Republican 132,344
Dan Williams, Democrat 125,899
Marion Ellis, Natural Law 6,535
2. Michael D. Crapo, Republican 157,646
John D. Seidl, Democrat 67,625
John Butler, Natural Law 3,977

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Idaho

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Natural Law Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Total
1st district 132,344 125,899 --- --- 6,535 --- --- 264,778
2d district 157,646 67,625 --- --- 3,977 --- --- 229,248
Total 289,990 193,524 --- --- 10,512 --- --- 494,026
Senator 283,532 198,422 10,137 --- 5,142 --- --- 497,233
Presidential electors 256,595 165,443 --- 62,518 1,600 3,325 2,230 491,711


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,587,021
Democratic 2,341,744
Reform 346,408
Libertarian 22,548
U.S. Taxpayers 7,606
Natural Law 4,606
Write-in 1,458

For United States Senator
Al Salvi, Republican 1,728,824
Richard J. Durbin, Democrat 2,384,028
Steven H. Perry, Reform 61,023
Robin J. Miller, Libertarian 41,218
Chad Koppie, U.S. Taxpayers 17,563
James E. Davis, Natural Law 13,838
Write-in 4,228

For United States Representative
1. Noel Naughton, Republican 25,659
Bobby L. Rush, Democrat 174,005
Tim M. Griffin, Libertarian 3,449
2. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Democrat 172,648
Frank H. Stratman, Libertarian 10,880
Write-in 15
3. Jim Nalepa, Republican 67,214
William O. Lipinski, Democrat 137,153
George Skaritka, Reform 3,643
Robert R. Prazak, Libertarian 1,906
4. Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat 85,278
William Passmore, Libertarian 5,857
5. Michael Patrick Flanagan, Republican 65,768
Rod R. Blagojevich, Democrat 117,544
Write-in 14
6. Henry J. Hyde, Republican 132,401
Stephen De La Rosa, Democrat 68,807
George Meyers, Libertarian 4,746
7. Randy Borow, Republican 27,241
Danny K. Davis, Democrat 149,568
Chauncey L. Stroud, Independent 1,944
Toietta Dixon, Libertarian 1,571
Charles A. Winter, Natural Law 771
8. Philip M. Crane, Republican 127,763
Elizabeth Anne (Betty) Hull, Democrat 74,068
H. Daniel Druck, Libertarian 3,474
9. Joseph Walsh, Republican 71,763
Sidney R. Yates, Democrat 124,319
10. John Edward Porter, Republican 145,626
Philip R. Torf, Democrat 65,144
Write-in 3
11. Jerry Weller, Republican 109,896
Clem Balanoff, Democrat 102,388
12. Shapley R. Hunter, Republican 55,690
Jerry F. Costello, Democrat 150,005
Geoffrey S. Nathan, Libertarian 3,824
13. Harris W. Fawell, Republican 141,651
Susan W. Hynes, Democrat 94,693
14. J. Dennis Hastert, Republican 134,432
Doug Mains, Democrat 74,332
15. Thomas W. Ewing, Republican 121,019
Laurel Lunt Prussing, Democrat 90,065
16. Donald A. Manzullo, Republican 137,523
Catherine M. Lee, Democrat 90,575
Write-in 2
17. Mark Baker, Republican 109,240
Lane Evans, Democrat 120,008
William J. Herrmann, Libertarian 1,925
18. Ray LaHood, Republican 143,110
Mike Curran, Democrat 98,413
19. Brent Winters, Republican 75,751
Glenn Poshard, Democrat 158,668
James R. Lacher, Libertarian 1,267
Patricia Riker, Natural Law 2,269
20. John Shimkus, Republican 120,926
Jay C. Hoffman, Democrat 119,688
Write-in 4

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Illinois

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Natural Law Write-in Total
1st district 25,659 174,005 --- --- 3,449 --- --- --- 203,113
2d district --- 172,648 --- --- 10,880 --- --- 15 183,543
3d district 67,214 137,153 --- 3,643 1,906 --- --- --- 209,916
4th district --- 85,278 --- --- 5,857 --- --- --- 91,135
5th district 65,768 117,544 --- --- --- --- --- 14 183,326
6th district 132,401 68,807 --- --- 4,746 --- --- --- 205,954
7th district 27,241 149,568 1,944 --- 1,571 --- 771 --- 181,095
8th district 127,763 74,068 --- --- 3,474 --- --- --- 205,305
9th district 71,763 124,319 --- --- --- --- --- --- 196,082
10th district 145,626 65,144 --- --- --- --- --- 3 210,773
11th district 109,896 102,388 --- --- --- --- --- --- 212,284
12th district 55,690 150,005 --- --- 3,824 --- --- --- 209,519
13th district 141,651 94,693 --- --- --- --- --- --- 236,344
14th district 134,432 74,332 --- --- --- --- --- --- 208,764
15th district 121,019 90,065 --- --- --- --- --- --- 211,084
16th district 137,523 90,575 --- --- --- --- --- 2 228,100
17th district 109,240 120,008 --- --- 1,925 --- --- --- 231,173
18th district 143,110 98,413 --- --- --- --- --- --- 241,523
19th district 75,751 158,668 --- --- 1,267 --- 2,269 --- 237,955
20th district 120,926 119,688 --- --- --- --- --- 4 240,618
Total 1,812,673 2,267,369 1,944 3,643 38,899 --- 3,040 38 4,127,606
Senator 1,728,824 2,384,028 --- 61,023 41,218 17,563 13,838 4,228 4,250,722
Presidential electors 1,587,021 2,341,744 --- 346,408 22,548 7,606 4,606 1,458 4,311,391


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,006,693
Democratic 887,424
Reform 224,299
Libertarian 15,632
Write-in 1,383

For United States Representative
1. Michael Edward Petyo, Republican 56,418
Peter J. Visclosky, Democrat 133,553
Michael Crass, Libertarian 3,142
2. David M. McIntosh, Republican 123,113
R. Marc Carmichael, Democrat 85,105
Paul E. Zimmerman, Libertarian 4,665
3. Joe Zakas, Republican 80,699
Tim Roemer, Democrat 114,288
Bernie Taylor, Libertarian 2,325
4. Mark E. Souder, Republican 121,344
Gerald L. Houseman, Democrat 81,740
Ken Bisson, Libertarian 4,796
5. Stephen E. Buyer, Republican 125,191
Douglas L. Clark, Democrat 63,578
Tom Lehman, Libertarian 22,342
6. Dan Burton, Republican 193,193
Carrie Jean Dillard-Trammell, Democrat 59,661
Fred Peterson, Libertarian 5,003
7. Edward A. Pease, Republican 130,010
Robert F. Hellmann, Democrat 72,705
Barbara Bourland, Libertarian 7,125
8. John N. Hostettler, Republican 109,860
Jonathan Weinzapfel, Democrat 106,201
Paul Hager, Libertarian 3,803
9. Jean Leising, Republican 96,442
Lee H. Hamilton, Democrat 128,123
Diane Feeney, Libertarian 2,279
10. Virginia Blankenbaker, Republican 72,796
Julia Carson, Democrat 85,965
Kurt St. Angelo, Libertarian 3,605
Write-in 7

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Indiana

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Write-in Total
1st district 56,418 133,553 --- 3,142 --- 193,113
2d district 123,113 85,105 --- 4,665 --- 212,883
3d district 80,699 114,288 --- 2,325 --- 197,312
4th district 121,344 81,740 --- 4,796 --- 207,880
5th district 125,191 63,578 --- 22,342 --- 211,111
6th district 193,193 59,661 --- 5,003 --- 257,857
7th district 130,010 72,705 --- 7,125 --- 209,840
8th district 109,860 106,201 --- 3,803 --- 219,864
9th district 96,442 128,123 --- 2,279 --- 226,844
10th district 72,796 85,965 --- 3,605 7 162,373
Total 1,109,066 930,919 --- 59,085 7 2,099,077
Presidential electors 1,006,693 887,424 224,299 15,632 1,383 2,135,431


For Presidential Electors
Republican 492,644
Democratic 620,258
Reform 105,159
Natural Law 3,349
Green 6,550
Libertarian 2,315
Socialist Workers 331
U.S. Taxpayers 2,229
Scattering 1,240

For United States Senator
Jim Lightfoot, Republican 571,807
Tom Harkin, Democrat 634,166
Fred Gratzon, Natural Law 4,248
Sue Atkinson, Nomination by Petition 9,768
Joe Sulentic, Nomination by Petition 1,941
Shirley E. Pena, Socialist Workers 1,844
Scattering 280

For United States Representative
1. James A. Leach, Republican 129,242
Bob Rush, Democrat 111,595
Michael J. Cuddehe, Natural Law 1,394
Thomas W. Isenhour, Nomination by Petition 2,277
Scattering 88
2. Jim Nussle, Republican 127,827
Donna L. Smith, Democrat 109,731
Peter Lamoureaux, Natural Law 772
Albert W. Schoeman, Libertarian 901
Scattering 68
3. Mike Mahaffey, Republican 111,895
Leonard L. Boswell, Democrat 115,914
Jay B. Marcus, Natural Law 3,194
Dick Kruse, Libertarian 1,261
Edward T. Rusk, Working Class 2,534
Scattering 77
4. Greg Ganske, Republican 133,419
Connie McBurney, Democrat 119,790
Rogers Badgett, Natural Law 1,206
Carl E. Olsen, Libertarian 1,149
Richard McBride, Socialist Workers 700
Scattering 245
5. Tom Latham, Republican 147,576
MacDonald Smith, Democrat 75,785
Michael C. Dimick, Natural Law 2,038
Scattering 80

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Iowa
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Natural Law Nomination by Petition Green Libertarian Socialist Workers Working Class U.S. Taxpayers Scattering Total
1st district 129,242 111,595 --- 1,394 2,277 --- --- --- --- --- 88 244,596
2d district 127,827 109,731 --- 772 --- --- 901 --- --- --- 68 239,299
3d district 111,895 115,914 --- 3,194 --- --- 1,261 --- 2,534 --- 77 234,875
4th district 133,419 119,790 --- 1,206 --- --- 1,149 700 --- --- 245 256,509
5th district 147,576 75,785 --- 2,038 --- --- --- --- --- --- 80 225,479
Total 649,959 532,815 --- 8,604 2,277 --- 3,311 700 2,534 --- 558 1,200,758
Senator 571,807 634,166 --- 4,248 11,709 --- --- 1,844 --- --- 280 1,224,054
Presidential electors 492,644 620,258 105,159 3,349 --- 6,550 2,315 331 --- 2,229 1,240 1,234,075


For Presidential Electors
Republican 583,245
Democratic 387,659
Independent 1 5,174
Reform 92,639
Libertarian 4,557
Write-in 1,026

For United States Senator

(For unexpired term ending January 3, 1999)
Sam Brownback, Republican 574,021
Jill Docking, Democrat 461,344
Donald R. Klaassen, Reform 29,351

(General Election for full term beginning January 3, 1997)
Pat Roberts, Republican 652,677
Sally Thompson, Democrat 362,380
Mark S. Marney, Reform 24,145
Steven Rosile, Libertarian 13,098

For United States Representative
1. Jerry Moran, Republican 191,899
John Divine, Democrat 63,948
Bill Earnest, Libertarian 5,298
2. Jim Ryun, Republican 131,592
John Frieden, Democrat 114,644
Art Clack, Libertarian 5,842
3. Vince Snowbarger, Republican 139,169
Judy Hancock, Democrat 126,848
Randy Gardner, Reform 9,495
Charles Clack, Libertarian 3,752
4. Todd Tiahrt, Republican 128,486
Randy Rathbun, Democrat 119,544
Seth L. Warren, Libertarian 8,361

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Kansas

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian Write-in Total
1st district 191,899 63,948 --- --- 5,298 --- 261,145
2d district 131,592 114,644 --- --- 5,842 --- 252,078
3d district 139,169 126,848 --- 9,495 3,752 --- 279,264
4th district 128,486 119,544 --- --- 8,361 --- 256,391
Total 591,146 424,984 --- 9,495 23,253 --- 1,048,878
Senator (unexpired term) 574,021 461,344 --- 29,351 --- --- 1,064,716
Senator (full term) 652,677 362,380 --- 24,145 13,098 --- 1,052,300
Presidential electors 583,245 387,659 1 5,174 92,639 4,557 1,026 1,074,300

1 Includes candidates appearing on the following party tickets in most other States: 3,319 for U.S. Taxpayers Party; and 1,655 for Natural Law Party.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 623,283
Democratic 636,614
Reform 120,396
Libertarian 4,009
Natural Law 1,493
Taxpayers 2,204
Write-in 709

For United States Senator
Mitch McConnell, Republican 724,794
Steven L. Beshear, Democrat 560,012
Dennis L. Lacy, Libertarian 8,595
Patricia Jo Metten, Natural Law 8,344
Mac McElroy, U.S. Taxpayers 5,284
Write-in 17

For United States Representative
1. Ed Whitfield, Republican 111,473
Dennis L. Null, Democrat 96,684
2. Ron Lewis, Republican 125,433
Joe Wright, Democrat 90,483
3. Anne M. Northup, Republican 126,625
Mike Ward, Democrat 125,326
4. Jim Bunning, Republican 149,135
Denny Bowman, Democrat 68,939
5. Harold Rogers, Republican 117,842
Write-in 11
6. Ernest Fletcher, Republican 100,231
Scotty Baesler, Democrat 125,999

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Kentucky

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Natural Law U.S. Taxpayers Taxpayers Write-in Total
1st district 111,473 96,684 --- --- --- --- --- --- 208,157
2d district 125,433 90,483 --- --- --- --- --- --- 215,916
3d district 126,625 125,326 --- --- --- --- --- --- 251,951
4th district 149,135 68,939 --- --- --- --- --- --- 218,074
5th district 117,842 --- --- --- --- --- --- 11 117,853
6th district 100,231 125,999 --- --- --- --- --- --- 226,230
Total 730,739 507,431 --- --- --- --- --- 11 1,238,181
Senator 724,794 560,012 --- 8,595 8,344 5,284 --- 17 1,307,046
Presidential electors 623,283 636,614 120,396 4,009 1,493 --- 2,204 709 1,388,708


For Presidential Electors
Republican 712,586
Democratic 927,837
Reform 123,293
Libertarian 7,499
Liberty, Ecology, Community (Green candidate) 4,719
Taxpayers 3,366
Natural Law 2,981
Workers World 1,678

For United States Senator
Louis "Woody" Jenkins, Republican 847,157
Mary L. Landrieu, Democrat 852,945

For United States Representative
1. Bob Livingston, Republican ( 1 )
2. William J. Jefferson, Democrat ( 1 )
3. W. J. (Billy) Tauzin, Republican ( 1 )
4. Jim McCrery, Republican ( 1 )
5. John Cooksey, Republican 135,990
Francis Thompson, Democrat 97,363
6. Richard H. Baker, Republican ( 1 )
7. Christopher John, Democrat 128,449
Hunter Lundy, Democrat 113,351

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Louisiana

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Liberty, Ecology, Community Taxpayers Natural Law Workers World Total
1st district ( 1 ) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ( 1 )
2d district --- ( 1 ) --- --- --- --- --- --- ( 1 )
3d district ( 1 ) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ( 1 )
4th district ( 1 ) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ( 1 )
5th district 135,990 97,363 --- --- --- --- --- --- 233,353
6th district ( 1 ) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ( 1 )
7th district --- 241,800 --- --- --- --- --- --- 241,800
Total 135,990 339,163 --- --- --- --- --- --- 475,153
Senator 847,157 852,945 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,700,102
Presidential electors 712,586 927,837 123,293 7,499 4,719 3,366 2,981 1,678 1,783,959

1 Section 511 of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes, as amended, provides that a candidate who is unopposed is declared elected


For Presidential Electors
Republican 186,378
Democratic 312,788
Reform 85,970
Taxpayers 1,517
Green 15,279
Libertarian 2,996
Natural Law 825
Other 144

For United States Senator
Susan M. Collins, Republican 298,422
Joseph E. Brennan, Democrat 266,226
John C. Rensenbrink, Independent 23,441
William P. Clarke, Taxpayers 18,618
Other 70

For United States Representative
1. James B. Longley, Jr., Republican 140,354
Thomas H. Allen, Democrat 173,745
Other 65
2. Paul R. Young, Republican 70,856
John Elias Baldacci, Democrat 205,439
Aldric Saucier, Independent 9,294
Other 47

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Maine

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Taxpayers Green Libertarian Natural Law Other Total
1st district 140,354 173,745 --- --- --- --- --- --- 65 314,164
2d district 70,856 205,439 9,294 --- --- --- --- --- 47 285,636
Total 211,210 379,184 9,294 --- --- --- --- --- 112 599,800
Senator 298,422 266,226 23,441 --- 18,618 --- --- --- 70 606,777
Presidential electors 186,378 312,788 --- 85,970 1,517 15,279 2,996 825 144 605,897


For Presidential Electors
Republican 681,530
Democratic 966,207
Reform 115,812
Libertarian 8,765
Taxpayers 3,402
Natural Law 2,517
Write-in 2,637

For United States Representative
1. Wayne T. Gilchrest, Republican 131,033
Steven R. Eastaugh, Democrat 81,825
Write-in 18
2. Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Republican 143,075
Connie Galiazzo DeJuliis, Democrat 88,344
3. Patrick L. McDonough, Republican 63,229
Benjamin L. Cardin, Democrat 130,204
4. John B. Kimble, Republican 24,700
Albert Russell Wynn, Democrat 142,094
5. John S. Morgan, Republican 91,806
Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat 121,288
6. Roscoe G. Bartlett, Republican 132,853
Stephen Crawford, Democrat 100,910
Write-in 25
7. Kenneth Kondner, Republican 22,929
Elijah E. Cummings, Democrat 115,764
Write-in 2
8. Constance A. Morella, Republican 152,538
Donald Mooers, Democrat 96,229
Write-in 379

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Maryland

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Taxpayers Natural Law Write-in Total
1st district 131,033 81,825 --- --- --- --- 18 212,876
2d district 143,075 88,344 --- --- --- --- --- 231,419
3d district 63,229 130,204 --- --- --- --- --- 193,433
4th district 24,700 142,094 --- --- --- --- --- 166,794
5th district 91,806 121,288 --- --- --- --- --- 213,094
6th district 132,853 100,910 --- --- --- --- 25 233,788
7th district 22,929 115,764 --- --- --- --- 2 138,695
8th district 152,538 96,229 --- --- --- --- 379 249,146
Total 762,163 876,658 --- --- --- --- 424 1,639,245
Presidential electors 681,530 966,207 115,812 8,765 3,402 2,517 2,637 1,780,870


For Presidential Electors
Republican 718,058
Democratic 1,571,509
Reform 227,206
Natural Law 5,183
Libertarian 20,424
Workers World 3,276
Other 6,180
Write-in 4,623

For United States Senator
William F. Weld, Republican 1,143,120
John F. Kerry, Democrat 1,334,135
Susan C. Gallagher, Conservative 70,007
Robert C. Stowe, Natural Law 7,169
Other 1,511

For United States Representative
1. Jane Maria Swift, Republican 115,801
John W. Olver, Democrat 129,232
Other 78
2. Mark Steele, Republican 49,885
Richard E. Neal, Democrat 162,995
Scott Andrichak, Independent 9,181
Richard Kaynor, Natural Law 5,124
Other 226
3. Peter Blute, Republican 115,694
James P. McGovern, Democrat 135,044
Dale E. Friedgen, Natural Law 3,362
Other 997
4. Jonathan P. Raymond, Republican 72,701
Barney Frank, Democrat 183,844
Other 92
5. Martin T. Meehan, Democrat 183,429
Other 1,708
6. Peter G. Torkildsen, Republican 132,642
John F. Tierney, Democrat 133,002
Martin J. McNulty, Independent 4,195
Benjamin A. Gatchell, Independent 2,043
Randal C. Fritz, Conservative 2,532
Orrin Smith, Natural Law 1,371
Other 594
7. Patricia H. Long, Republican 76,407
Edward J. Markey, Democrat 177,053
Other 110
8. R. Philip Hyde, Republican 27,303
Joseph P. Kennedy II, Democrat 147,126
Other 191
9. Paul V. Gryska, Republican 66,079
John Joseph Moakley, Democrat 172,009
Other 64
10. Edward B. Teague III, Republican 123,520
William D. Delahunt, Democrat 160,745
A. Charles Laws, Green 10,913
Other 745

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Massachusetts
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Conservative Natural Law Libertarian Green Workers World Other Write-in Total
1st district 115,801 129,232 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 78 --- 245,111
2d district 49,885 162,995 9,181 --- --- 5,124 --- --- --- 226 --- 227,411
3d district 115,694 135,044 --- --- --- 3,362 --- --- --- 997 --- 255,097
4th district 72,701 183,844 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 92 --- 256,637
5th district --- 183,429 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,708 --- 185,137
6th district 132,642 133,002 6,238 --- 2,532 1,371 --- --- --- 594 --- 276,379
7th district 76,407 177,053 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 110 --- 253,570
8th district 27,303 147,126 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 191 --- 174,620
9th district 66,079 172,009 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 64 --- 238,152
10th district 123,520 160,745 --- --- --- --- --- 10,913 --- 745 --- 295,923
Total 780,032 1,584,479 15,419 --- 2,532 9,857 --- 10,913 --- 4,805 --- 2,408,037
Senator 1,143,120 1,334,135 --- --- 70,007 7,169 --- --- --- 1,511 --- 2,555,942
Presidential electors 718,058 1,571,509 --- 227,206 --- 5,183 20,424 --- 3,276 6,180 4,623 2,556,459


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,481,212
Democratic 1,989,653
Reform 336,670
Libertarian 27,670
Natural Law 4,254
Workers World 3,153
Socialist Equality 1,554
Write-in 4,678

For United States Senator
Ronna Romney, Republican 1,500,106
Carl Levin, Democrat 2,195,738
Kenneth L. Proctor, Libertarian 36,911
Joseph S. Mattingly, Natural Law 11,306
William Roundtree, Workers World 12,235
Martin P. McLaughlin, Socialist Equality 5,975
Write-in 304

For United States Representative
1. Bob Carr, Republican 69,957
Bart Stupak, Democrat 181,486
Michael C. Oleniczak, Libertarian 2,830
Wendy Conway, Natural Law 2,465
Write-in 53
2. Peter Hoekstra, Republican 165,608
Dan Kruszynski, Democrat 83,603
Bruce A. Smith, Libertarian 3,071
Henry Ogden Clark, Natural Law 1,365
Write-in 52
3. Vernon J. Ehlers, Republican 169,466
Betsy J. Flory, Democrat 72,791
Erwin J. Haas, Libertarian 2,994
Eric Anderson, Natural Law 1,739
Write-in 53
4. Dave Camp, Republican 159,561
Lisa A. Donaldson, Democrat 79,691
Ben Steele III, Libertarian 2,410
Susan Arnold, Natural Law 1,928
Write-in 55
5. Lawrence H. Sims, Republican 65,542
James A. Barcia, Democrat 162,675
Mark Owen, Libertarian 2,906
Brian D. Ellison, Natural Law 1,272
Write-in 56
6. Fred Upton, Republican 146,170
Clarence J. Annen, Democrat 66,243
Scott Beavers, Libertarian 3,370
Write-in 51
7. Nick Smith, Republican 120,227
Kim H. Tunnicliff, Democrat 93,725
Robert F. Broda, Jr., Libertarian 3,090
Scott K. Williamson, Natural Law 1,471
Write-in 31
8. Dick Chrysler, Republican 115,836
Debbie Stabenow, Democrat 141,086
Doug MacDonald, Libertarian 3,811
Patricia Rayfield Allen, Natural Law 1,679
Write-in 9
9. Patrick M. Nowak, Republican 89,733
Dale E. Kildee, Democrat 136,856
Malcolm Johnson, Libertarian 3,472
Terrence Daryl Shulman, Natural Law 1,127
Write-in 12
10. Susy Heintz, Republican 106,444
David E. Bonior, Democrat 132,829
Stuart E. Scott, Libertarian 3,747
John D. Litle, Natural Law 1,253
Write-in 8
11. Joe Knollenberg, Republican 169,165
Morris Frumin, Democrat 99,303
Dick Gach, Libertarian 5,059
Stuart J. Goldberg, Natural Law 3,047
Write-in 44
12. John Pappageorge, Republican 94,235
Sander M. Levin, Democrat 133,436
Albert J. Titran, Libertarian 3,101
Gail Petrosoff, Natural Law 1,690
Write-in 13
13. Joe Fitzsimmons, Republican 89,907
Lynn N. Rivers, Democrat 123,133
James F. Montgomery, Libertarian 3,114
Jane Cutter, Workers World 976
Jim Hartnett, Socialist Equality 498
Write-in 30
14. William A. Ashe, Republican 22,152
John Conyers, Jr., Democrat 157,722
Scott Boman, Libertarian 1,705
Richard R. Miller, Natural Law 736
Helen Halyard, Socialist Equality 660
Willie M. Reid, No Party Affiliation 717
Write-in 3
15. Stephen Hume, Republican 16,009
Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Democrat 143,683
Raymond H. Warner, Libertarian 1,357
Gregory F. Smith, Natural Law 656
Kevin Carey, Workers World 886
Write-in 9
16. James R. Desana, Republican 78,723
John D. Dingell, Democrat 136,854
Bruce W. Cain, Libertarian 3,155
Noha F. Hamze, Natural Law 1,018
David Sole, Workers World 842
Write-in 20

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Michigan
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Natural Law Workers World Socialist Equality No Party Affiliation Write-in Total
1st district 69,957 181,486 --- 2,830 2,465 --- --- --- 53 256,791
2d district 165,608 83,603 --- 3,071 1,365 --- --- --- 52 253,699
3d district 169,466 72,791 --- 2,994 1,739 --- --- --- 53 247,043
4th district 159,561 79,691 --- 2,410 1,928 --- --- --- 55 243,645
5th district 65,542 162,675 --- 2,906 1,272 --- --- --- 56 232,451
6th district 146,170 66,243 --- 3,370 --- --- --- --- 51 215,834
7th district 120,227 93,725 --- 3,090 1,471 --- --- --- 31 218,544
8th district 115,836 141,086 --- 3,811 1,679 --- --- --- 9 262,421
9th district 89,733 136,856 --- 3,472 1,127 --- --- --- 12 231,200
10th district 106,444 132,829 --- 3,747 1,253 --- --- --- 8 244,281
11th district 169,165 99,303 --- 5,059 3,047 --- --- --- 44 276,618
12th district 94,235 133,436 --- 3,101 1,690 --- --- --- 13 232,475
13th district 89,907 123,133 --- 3,114 --- 976 498 --- 30 217,658
14th district 22,152 157,722 --- 1,705 736 --- 660 717 3 183,695
15th district 16,009 143,683 --- 1,357 656 886 --- --- 9 162,600
16th district 78,723 136,854 --- 3,155 1,018 842 --- --- 20 220,612
Total 1,678,735 1,945,116 --- 49,192 21,446 2,704 1,158 717 499 3,699,567
Senator 1,500,106 2,195,738 --- 36,911 11,306 12,235 5,975 --- 304 3,762,575
Presidential electors 1,481,212 1,989,653 336,670 27,670 4,254 3,153 1,554 --- 4,678 3,848,844


For Presidential Electors
Republican 766,395
Democratic-Farmer-Labor (Democratic candidate) 1,120,380
Reform 257,698
Grass Roots 4,898
Green 24,906
Libertarian 8,271
Socialist Workers 684
Natural Law 1,808
Independent Grass Roots 787
U.S. Taxpayers 3,415
Socialist Equality 347
Write-in 2,903

For United States Senator
Rudy Boschwitz, Republican 901,194
Paul Wellstone, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 1,098,430
Dean Barkley, Reform 152,328
Tim Davis, Grass Roots 14,139
Roy Ezra Carlton, Libertarian 5,428
Thomas A. Fiske, Socialist Workers 1,554
Steve Johnson, Natural Law 4,321
Howard B. Hanson, Resource 4,381
Write-in 1,130

For United States Representative
1. Gil Gutknecht, Republican 137,486
Mary Rieder, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 123,147
Write-in 429
2. Gary B. Revier, Republican 107,807
David Minge, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 144,083
Stan Bentz, Reform 10,283
Write-in 180
3. Jim Ramstad, Republican 205,816
Stanley J. Leino, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 87,350
Write-in 417
4. Dennis Newinski, Republican 94,110
Bruce F. Vento, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 145,831
Richard J. Gibbons, Reform 9,323
Phil Willkie, Grass Roots 3,615
Dan R. Vacek, Independent Grass Roots 2,696
Write-in 184
5. Jack Uldrich, Republican 70,109
Martin Olav Sabo, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 158,261
Erika Anderson, Grass Roots 13,102
Jennifer Benton, Socialist Workers 4,284
Write-in 285
6. Tad Jude, Republican 129,988
Bill Luther, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 164,921
Write-in 572
7. Darrell McKigney, Republican 80,132
Collin C. Peterson, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 170,936
Write-in 531
8. Andy Larson, Republican 69,460
James L. Oberstar, Democratic-Farmer-Labor 185,333
Stan (The Man) Estes, Reform 16,639
Larry Fuhol, Libertarian 3,688
Write-in 218

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Minnesota
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Democratic-Farmer-Labor Reform Grass Roots Green Libertarian Socialist Workers Natural Law Resource Independent Grass Roots U.S. Taxpayers Socialist Equality Write-in Total
1st district 137,486 123,147 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 429 261,062
2d district 107,807 144,083 --- 10,283 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 180 262,353
3d district 205,816 87,350 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 417 293,583
4th district 94,110 145,831 --- 9,323 3,615 --- --- --- --- --- 2,696 --- --- 184 255,759
5th district 70,109 158,261 --- --- 13,102 --- --- 4,284 --- --- --- --- --- 285 246,041
6th district 129,988 164,921 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 572 295,481
7th district 80,132 170,936 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 531 251,599
8th district 69,460 185,333 --- 16,639 --- --- 3,688 --- --- --- --- --- --- 218 275,338
Total 894,908 1,179,862 --- 36,245 16,717 --- 3,688 4,284 --- --- 2,696 --- --- 2,816 2,141,216
Senator 901,194 1,098,430 --- 152,328 14,139 --- 5,428 1,554 4,321 4,381 --- --- --- 1,130 2,182,905
Presidential electors 766,395 --- 1,120,380 257,698 4,898 24,906 8,271 684 1,808 --- 787 3,415 347 2,903 2,192,492


For Presidential Electors
Republican 439,838
Democratic 394,022
Independent 1 53,427
Libertarian 2,809
Natural Law 1,447
Taxpayers 2,314

For United States Senator
Thad Cochran, Republican 624,154
James. W. (Bootie) Hunt, Democrat 240,647
Ted C. Weill, Independence 13,861

For United States Representative
1. Roger F. Wicker, Republican 123,724
Henry Boyd, Jr., Democrat 55,998
John A. (Andy) Rouse, Libertarian 2,281
Luke Lundemo, Natural Law 963
2. Danny Covington, Republican 65,263
Bennie G. Thompson, Democrat 102,503
William G. (Will) Chipman, Libertarian 4,167
3. Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, Jr., Republican 115,443
John Arthur Eaves, Jr., Democrat 68,658
Lamen Clemons, Independent 2,502
Charles T. Scarborough, Jr., Libertarian 1,541
4. Mike Parker, Republican 112,444
Kevin Antoine, Democrat 66,836
Kenneth W. Welch, Independence 2,262
William (Bill) Fausek, Libertarian 957
Eileen Mahoney, Natural Law 1,164
5. Dennis Dollar, Republican 71,114
Gene Taylor, Democrat 103,415
Le'Roy C. Carney, Independent 1,832
Jordan N. Gollub, Independence 429
Dan E. Rogers, Libertarian 483
Philip Mayeux, Natural Law 172

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Mississippi

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Independence Libertarian Natural Law Taxpayers Total
1st district 123,724 55,998 --- --- 2,281 963 --- 182,966
2d district 65,263 102,503 --- --- 4,167 --- --- 171,933
3d district 115,443 68,658 2,502 --- 1,541 --- --- 188,144
4th district 112,444 66,836 --- 2,262 957 1,164 --- 183,663
5th district 71,114 103,415 1,832 429 483 172 --- 177,445
Total 487,988 397,410 4,334 2,691 9,429 2,299 --- 904,151
Senator 624,154 240,647 --- 13,861 --- --- --- 878,662
Presidential electors 439,838 394,022 1 53,427 --- 2,809 1,447 2,314 893,857

1 Includes 52,222 votes for candidate appearing on Reform Party ticket in most other States.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 890,016
Democratic 1,025,935
Independent 596
Reform 217,188
Libertarian 10,522
Natural Law 2,287
U.S. Taxpayers 11,521

For United States Representative
1. Daniel F. O'Sullivan, Jr., Republican 51,857
William (Bill) Clay, Democrat 131,659
Tamara Millay, Libertarian 4,137
2. James M. Talent, Republican 165,999
Joan Kelly Horn, Democrat 100,372
Anton Charles Stever, Libertarian 2,737
Judith Clessler, Natural Law 1,618
3. Deborah Lynn (Debbie) Wheelehan, Republican 90,202
Richard A. Gephardt, Democrat 137,300
Michael H. Crist, Libertarian 3,966
James E. Keersemaker, Natural Law 1,287
4. Bill Phelps, Republican 81,650
Ike Skelton, Democrat 153,566
Edwin (Ed) Hoag, Libertarian 5,573
5. Penny Bennett, Republican 61,803
Karen McCarthy, Democrat 144,223
Kevin Hertel, Libertarian 4,110
Tom Danaher, Natural Law 3,835
6. Jeff Bailey, Republican 72,064
Pat Danner, Democrat 169,006
Karl H. Wetzel, Libertarian 5,212
7. Roy Blunt, Republican 162,558
Ruth Bamberger, Democrat 79,306
Mike Harman, Libertarian 6,543
Sharalyn Harris, Natural Law 2,177
8. Richard Kline, Republican 23,477
Emily Firebaugh, Democrat 83,084
Jo Ann Emerson, Independent 112,472
Greg Tlapek, Libertarian 2,503
David R. Zimmer, Natural Law 1,318
9. Kenny C. Hulshof, Republican 123,580
Harold L. Volkmer, Democrat 117,685
Mitchell J. Moore, Libertarian 7,140
Douglas Rexford, Natural Law 1,825

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Missouri

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian Natural Law U.S. Taxpayers Total
1st district 51,857 131,659 --- --- 4,137 --- --- 187,653
2d district 165,999 100,372 --- --- 2,737 1,618 --- 270,726
3d district 90,202 137,300 --- --- 3,966 1,287 --- 232,755
4th district 81,650 153,566 --- --- 5,573 --- --- 240,789
5th district 61,803 144,223 --- --- 4,110 3,835 --- 213,971
6th district 72,064 169,006 --- --- 5,212 --- --- 246,282
7th district 162,558 79,306 --- --- 6,543 2,177 --- 250,584
8th district 23,477 83,084 112,472 --- 2,503 1,318 --- 222,854
9th district 123,580 117,685 --- --- 7,140 1,825 --- 250,230
Total 833,190 1,116,201 112,472 --- 41,921 12,060 --- 2,115,844
Presidential electors 890,016 1,025,935 596 217,188 10,522 2,287 11,521 2,158,065


For Presidential Electors
Republican 179,652
Democratic 167,922
Reform 55,229
Natural Law 1,754
Libertarian 2,526

For United States Senator
Dennis Rehberg, Republican 182,111
Max Baucus, Democrat 201,935
Becky Shaw, Reform 19,276
Stephen Heaton, Natural Law 4,168

For United States Representative

Rick Hill, Republican 211,975
Bill Yellowtail, Democrat 174,516
Jim Brooks, Natural Law 17,935

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Montana

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Natural Law Libertarian Total
At large 211,975 174,516 --- 17,935 --- 404,426
Senator 182,111 201,935 19,276 4,168 --- 407,490
Presidential electors 179,652 167,922 55,229 1,754 2,526 407,083


For Presidential Electors
Republican 363,467
Democratic 236,761
Reform 71,278
Natural Law 1,189
Libertarian 2,792
U.S. Taxpayers 1,928

For United States Senator
Chuck Hagel, Republican 379,933
Ben Nelson, Democrat 281,904

For United States Representative
1. Doug Bereuter, Republican 157,108
Patrick J. Combs, Democrat 67,152
2. Jon Christensen, Republican 125,201
James Martin Davis, Democrat 88,447
Patricia A. Dunn, Natural Law 4,369
Phillip E. Torrison, Libertarian 1,921
3. Bill Barrett, Republican 167,758
John Webster, Democrat 48,833

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Nebraska

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Natural Law Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Total
1st district 157,108 67,152 --- --- --- --- 224,260
2d district 125,201 88,447 --- 4,369 1,921 --- 219,938
3d district 167,758 48,833 --- --- --- --- 216,591
Total 450,067 204,432 --- 4,369 1,921 --- 660,789
Senator 379,933 281,904 --- --- --- --- 661,837
Presidential electors 363,467 236,761 71,278 1,189 2,792 1,928 677,415


For Presidential Electors
Republican 199,244
Democratic 203,974
Reform 43,986
Independent American (U.S. Taxpayers candidate) 1,732
Libertarian 4,460
Natural Law 545
Green 4,730
Other 5,608

For United States Representative
1. John E. Ensign, Republican 86,472
Bob Coffin, Democrat 75,081
Ted Gunderson, Independent American 4,572
James Dan, Libertarian 3,341
Richard Eidson, Natural Law 3,127
2. Jim Gibbons, Republican 162,310
Thomas "Spike" Wilson, Democrat 97,742
Dan Hansen, Independent American 8,780
Louis R. Tomburello, Libertarian 3,732
Lois Avery, Natural Law 4,628

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Nevada

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Independent American Libertarian Natural Law Green Other Total
1st district 86,472 75,081 --- 4,572 3,341 3,127 --- --- 172,593
2d district 162,310 97,742 --- 8,780 3,732 4,628 --- --- 277,192
Total 248,782 172,823 --- 13,352 7,073 7,755 --- --- 449,785
Presidential electors 199,244 203,974 43,986 1,732 4,460 545 4,730 5,608 464,279


For Presidential Electors
Republican 196,486
Democratic 246,166
Reform 48,387
Libertarian 4,214
Taxpayers 1,344

For United States Senator
Bob Smith, Republican 242,257
Dick Swett, Democrat 227,355
Ken Blevens, Libertarian 22,261

For United States Representative
1. John E. Sununu, Republican 123,939
Joe Keefe, Democrat 115,462
Gary A. Flanders, Libertarian 8,176
2. Charles F. Bass, Republican 122,957
Deborah Arnie Arnesen, Democrat 105,824
Carole Lamirande, Independent 10,753
Roy Kendel, Independent American 3,726

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New Hampshire

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian Independent American Taxpayers Total
1st district 123,939 115,462 --- --- 8,176 --- --- 247,577
2d district 122,957 105,824 10,753 --- --- 3,726 --- 243,260
Total 246,896 221,286 10,753 --- 8,176 3,726 --- 490,837
Senator 242,257 227,355 --- --- 22,261 --- --- 491,873
Presidential electors 196,486 246,166 --- 48,387 4,214 --- 1,344 496,597


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,103,099
Democratic 1,652,361
Independent 1 320,400

For United States Senator
Dick Zimmer, Republican 1,227,351
Robert G. Torricelli, Democrat 1,519,154
Richard J. Pezzullo, Independent 50,971
Mary Jo Christian, Independent 23,949
Paul A. Woomer, Independent 15,183
Olga L. Rodriguez, Independent 14,319
Mark Wise, Independent 13,683
Wilburt Kornegay, Independent 11,107
Steven J. Baeli, Independent 7,749

For United States Representative
1. Mel Suplee, Republican 44,287
Robert E. Andrews, Democrat 160,413
Michael Edmondson, Independent 2,668
Patricia A. Bily, Independent 1,873
Norman E. Wahner, Independent 1,493
2. Frank A. LoBiondo, Republican 133,131
Ruth Katz, Democrat 83,890
David Rodger Headrick, Independent 1,439
Judith Lee Azaren, Independent 1,174
Andrea Lippi, Independent 1,084
3. Jim Saxton, Republican 157,503
John Leonardi, Democrat 81,590
Janice Presser, Independent 3,037
Agnes A. James, Independent 1,355
Eugene B. Ashworth, Independent 1,134
Ken Feduniewicz, Independent 659
4. Christopher H. Smith, Republican 146,404
Kevin John Meara, Democrat 77,565
Robert Figueroa, Independent 3,000
J. Morgan Strong, Independent 2,034
Arnold Kokans, Independent 1,111
5. Marge Roukema, Republican 181,323
Bill Auer, Democrat 62,956
Lorraine L. LaNeve, Independent 4,093
Dan Karlan, Independent 2,118
Helen Hamilton, Independent 1,678
Barry Childers, Independent 1,266
E. Gregory Kresge, Independent 899
6. Steven J. Corodemus, Republican 73,402
Frank Pallone, Jr., Democrat 124,635
Keith Quarles, Independent 2,044
Richard Sorrentino, Independent 1,509
Susan H. Normandin, Independent 1,247
Stefanie C. Trice, Independent 641
7. Bob Franks, Republican 128,821
Larry Lerner, Democrat 97,285
Dorothy DeLaura, Independent 4,076
Nicholas W. Gentile, Independent 1,693
Robert G. Robertson, Independent 696
8. William J. Martini, Republican 92,609
William J. Pascrell, Jr., Democrat 98,861
Jeffrey M. Levine, Independent 1,621
9. Kathleen A. Donovan, Republican 89,005
Steven R. Rothman, Democrat 117,646
Arthur B. Rosen, Independent 2,730
Leon Myerson, Independent 1,549
10. Vanessa Williams, Republican 22,086
Donald M. Payne, Democrat 127,126
Harley Tyler, Independent 1,192
Toni M. Jackson, Independent 656
11. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Republican 169,091
Chris Evangel, Democrat 78,742
Ed DeMott, Independent 2,870
Austin S. Lett, Independent 2,618
Victoria S. Spruiell, Independent 1,837
12. Mike Pappas, Republican 135,811
David M. DelVecchio, Democrat 125,594
Virginia A. Flynn, Independent 3,955
Joseph M. Mercurio, Independent 2,650
Philip G. Cenicola, Independent 1,211
13. Carlos E. Munoz, Republican 25,427
Robert Menendez, Democrat 115,459
Herbert H. Shaw, Independent 2,136
Mike Buoncristiano, Independent 2,094
William P. Estrada, Independent 720
Rupert Ravens, Independent 637

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New Jersey

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Total
1st district 44,287 160,413 6,034 210,734
2d district 133,131 83,890 3,697 220,718
3d district 157,503 81,590 6,185 245,278
4th district 146,404 77,565 6,145 230,114
5th district 181,323 62,956 10,054 254,333
6th district 73,402 124,635 5,441 203,478
7th district 128,821 97,285 6,465 232,571
8th district 92,609 98,861 1,621 193,091
9th district 89,005 117,646 4,279 210,930
10th district 22,086 127,126 1,848 151,060
11th district 169,091 78,742 7,325 255,158
12th district 135,811 125,594 7,816 269,221
13th district 25,427 115,459 5,587 146,473
Total 1,398,900 1,351,762 72,497 2,823,159
Senator 1,227,351 1,519,154 136,961 2,883,466
Presidential electors 1,103,099 1,652,361 1 320,400 3,075,860

1 Includes candidates appearing on the following party tickets in most other States: 262,134 for Reform Party; 32,465 for Green Party; 14,763 for Libertarian Party; 3,887 for Natural Law Party; 3,440 for U.S. Taxpayers Party; 1,837 for Socialist Workers Party; 1,337 for Workers World Party; and 537 for Socialist Equality Party.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 232,751
Democratic 273,495
Green 13,218
Reform 32,257
Libertarian 2,996
Taxpayers 713
Natural Law 644

For United States Senator
Pete V. Domenici, Republican 357,171
Art Trujillo, Democrat 164,356
Abraham J. Gutmann, Green 24,230
Bruce M. Bush, Libertarian 6,064

For United States Representative
1. Steven Schiff, Republican 109,290
John Wertheim, Democrat 71,635
Betty Turrietta-Koury, Independent 4,459
John A. Uhrich, Green 7,694
2. Joe Skeen, Republican 95,091
E. Shirley Baca, Democrat 74,915
3. Bill Redmond, Republican 56,580
Bill Richardson, Democrat 124,594
Ed D. Nagel, Libertarian 4,097

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New Mexico

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Green Reform Libertarian Taxpayers Natural Law Total
1st district 109,290 71,635 4,459 7,694 --- --- --- --- 193,078
2d district 95,091 74,915 --- --- --- --- --- --- 170,006
3d district 56,580 124,594 --- --- --- 4,097 --- --- 185,271
Total 260,961 271,144 4,459 7,694 --- 4,097 --- --- 548,355
Senator 357,171 164,356 --- 24,230 --- 6,064 --- --- 551,821
Presidential electors 232,751 273,495 --- 13,218 32,257 2,996 713 644 556,074


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,738,707
Democratic 3,649,630
Independence (Reform candidate) 503,458
Conservative (Republican candidate) 183,392
Liberal (Democratic candidate) 106,547
Right To Life (U.S. Taxpayers candidate) 23,580
Green 75,956
Freedom (Republican candidate) 11,393
Libertarian 12,220
Natural Law 5,011
Socialist Workers 2,762
Worker's World 3,473
Blank/Scattering 123,000

For United States Representative
1. Michael P. Forbes, Republican 90,001
Independence 6,599
Conservative 11,962
Right To Life 8,058
Nora L. Bredes, Democrat 93,816
Save Medicare 2,680
Blank/Scattering 22,390
2. Rick Lazio, Republican 97,105
Conservative 15,030
Kenneth J. Herman, Democrat 53,055
Independence 4,898
Alice Cort Ross, Right To Life 4,506
Blank/Scattering 28,578
3. Peter T. King, Republican 111,310
Conservative 15,254
Freedom 1,408
Dal A. Lamagna, Democrat 93,145
Independence 4,373
John A. De Prima, Liberal 1,807
John J. O'Shea, Right To Life 4,129
Blank/Scattering 27,983
4. Dan Frisa, Republican 78,004
Conservative 10,522
Freedom 1,016
Carolyn McCarthy, Democrat 119,946
Independence 7,114
Robert S. Berkowitz, Liberal 1,162
Vincent P. Garbitelli, Right To Life 3,252
Blank/Scattering 15,222
5. Grant M. Lally, Republican 59,394
Conservative 8,951
Freedom 899
Gary L. Ackerman, Democrat 116,005
Independence 5,633
Liberal 4,280
Andrew J. Duff, Right To Life 2,623
Blank/Scattering 26,710
6. Jorawar Misir, Republican 13,986
Independence 1,467
Conservative 2,267
Freedom 628
Floyd H. Flake, Democrat 102,799
Blank/Scattering 32,091
7. Rose Birtley, Republican 24,826
Independence 2,724
Conservative 4,542
Thomas J. Manton, Democrat 78,848
Blank/Scattering 40,245
8. Michael Benjamin, Republican 25,005
Freedom 1,023
Jerrold Nadler, Democrat 123,809
Liberal 8,134
George A. Galip, Jr., Conservative 2,381
Blank/Scattering 37,508
9. Robert J. Verga, Republican 27,829
Independence 1,899
Freedom 760
Charles E. Schumer, Democrat 102,556
Liberal 4,551
Michael Mossa, Conservative 5,618
Blank/Scattering 34,947
10. Amelia Smith-Parker, Republican 6,827
Conservative 1,104
Freedom 729
Edolphus Towns, Democrat 97,125
Liberal 2,764
Julian M. Hill, Jr., Right To Life 893
Blank/Scattering 44,224
11. Claudette Hayle, Republican 5,369
Independence 832
Conservative 1,123
Freedom 542
Major R. Owens, Democrat 87,559
Liberal 2,346
Blank/Scattering 36,163
12. Miguel I. Prado, Republican 7,824
Conservative 1,303
Right To Life 851
Nydia M. Vel&aacutezquez;, Democrat 58,947
Liberal 2,966
Eleanor Garcia, Socialist Workers 1,283
Blank/Scattering 27,011
13. Susan Molinari, Republican 74,836
Conservative 14,619
Freedom 5,205
Tyrone G. Butler, Democrat 51,448
Liberal 1,928
Anita Lerman, Independence 2,337
Kathleen Marciano, Right To Life 3,396
Blank/Scattering 30,152
14. Jeffrey E. Livingston, Republican 42,641
Carolyn B. Maloney, Democrat 122,504
Liberal 7,671
Thomas K. Leighton, Independence 1,483
Green 2,029
Joseph A. Lavezzo, Conservative 2,188
Delco L. Cornett, Right To Life 1,221
Blank/Scattering 31,566
15. Edward R. Adams, Republican 5,951
Charles B. Rangel, Democrat 108,680
Liberal 5,218
Ruben Dario Vargas, Independence 1,763
Conservative 2,133
Jose Suero, Right To Life 989
Blank/Scattering 30,502
16. Rodney Torres, Republican 2,878
José E. Serrano, Democrat 86,971
Liberal 8,597
Owen Camp, Conservative 787
Blank/Scattering 31,489
17. Denis McCarthy, Republican 11,488
Conservative 2,448
Right To Life 1,956
Eliot L. Engel, Democrat 97,891
Liberal 3,396
Dennis Coleman, Independence 2,008
Blank/Scattering 34,610
18. Kerry J. Katsorhis, Republican 51,656
Conservative 7,831
Nita M. Lowey, Democrat 118,194
Concetta M. Ferrara, Independence 4,283
Florence T. O'Grady, Right To Life 3,758
Blank/Scattering 27,852
19. Sue W. Kelly, Republican 98,705
Freedom 3,437
Richard S. Klein, Democrat 83,975
Liberal 2,951
William E. Haase, Independence 4,104
Joseph J. DioGuardi, Conservative 19,952
Right To Life 7,472
Blank/Scattering 23,390
20. Benjamin A. Gilman, Republican 122,479
Yash P. Aggarwal, Democrat 77,756
Liberal 3,005
Ira W. Goodman, Independence 5,016
Robert F. Garrison, Right To Life 6,356
Blank/Scattering 31,200
21. Nancy Norman, Republican 62,630
Freedom 1,841
Michael R. McNulty, Democrat 136,964
Independence 8,064
Conservative 13,463
Lee H. Wasserman, Liberal 16,794
Blank/Scattering 27,852
22. Gerald B. H. Solomon, Republican 119,467
Conservative 15,728
Right To Life 6,573
Freedom 2,357
Steve James, Democrat 94,192
Blank/Scattering 27,477
23. Sherwood L. Boehlert, Republican 118,653
Freedom 5,973
Bruce W. Hapanowicz, Democrat 50,436
Thomas E. Loughlin, Jr., Independence 10,835
William Tapley, Right To Life 7,790
Blank/Scattering 32,462
24. John M. McHugh, Republican 108,777
Conservative 15,463
Donald Ravenscroft, Democrat 43,692
William H. Beaumont, Independence 6,750
Blank/Scattering 35,264
25. James T. Walsh, Republican 106,327
Independence 7,283
Conservative 11,733
Freedom 1,348
Marty Mack, Democrat 103,199
Blank/Scattering 12,246
26. Sue Wittig, Republican 78,946
Conservative 9,569
Right To Life 4,421
Freedom 1,189
Maurice D. Hinchey, Democrat 117,097
Liberal 5,753
Douglas Walter Drazen, Independence 5,531
Blank/Scattering 15,931
27. Bill Paxon, Republican 117,818
Conservative 16,103
Right To Life 6,821
Freedom 1,826
Thomas M. Fricano, Democrat 91,679
Save Medicare 3,824
Blank/Scattering 22,240
28. Geoff H. Rosenberger, Republican 85,038
Conservative 12,784
Freedom 1,544
Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Democrat 133,084
Blank/Scattering 17,644
29. David B. Callard, Republican 66,438
Conservative 8,822
Right To Life 4,831
Freedom 1,044
John J. LaFalce, Democrat 126,210
Liberal 6,107
Blank/Scattering 24,947
30. Jack Quinn, Republican 97,320
Independence 9,609
Conservative 12,315
Freedom 2,125
Francis J. Pordum, Democrat 97,686
Protect Seniors 2,354
Blank/Scattering 19,996
31. Amo Houghton, Republican 119,395
Conservative 15,854
Freedom 4,485
Bruce D. MacBain, Democrat 49,502
Le Roy Stewart Wilson, Right To Life 6,031
Blank/Scattering 30,451

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in New York
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independence Conservative Liberal Right To Life Green Freedom Libertarian Save Medicare Natural Law Socialist Workers Worker's World Protect Seniors Blank/Scattering Total
1st district 90,001 93,816 6,599 11,962 --- 8,058 --- --- --- 2,680 --- --- --- --- 22,390 235,506
2d district 97,105 53,055 4,898 15,030 --- 4,506 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 28,578 203,172
3d district 111,310 93,145 4,373 15,254 1,807 4,129 --- 1,408 --- --- --- --- --- --- 27,983 259,409
4th district 78,004 119,946 7,114 10,522 1,162 3,252 --- 1,016 --- --- --- --- --- --- 15,222 236,238
5th district 59,394 116,005 5,633 8,951 4,280 2,623 --- 899 --- --- --- --- --- --- 26,710 224,495
6th district 13,986 102,799 1,467 2,267 --- --- --- 628 --- --- --- --- --- --- 32,091 153,238
7th district 24,826 78,848 2,724 4,542 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 40,245 151,185
8th district 25,005 123,809 --- 2,381 8,134 --- --- 1,023 --- --- --- --- --- --- 37,508 197,860
9th district 27,829 102,556 1,899 5,618 4,551 --- --- 760 --- --- --- --- --- --- 34,947 178,160
10th district 6,827 97,125 --- 1,104 2,764 893 --- 729 --- --- --- --- --- --- 44,224 153,666
11th district 5,369 87,559 832 1,123 2,346 --- --- 542 --- --- --- --- --- --- 36,163 133,934
12th district 7,824 58,947 --- 1,303 2,966 851 --- --- --- --- --- 1,283 --- --- 27,011 100,185
13th district 74,836 51,448 2,337 14,619 1,928 3,396 --- 5,205 --- --- --- --- --- --- 30,152 183,921
14th district 42,641 122,504 1,483 2,188 7,671 1,221 2,029 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 31,566 211,303
15th district 5,951 108,680 1,763 2,133 5,218 989 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 30,502 155,236
16th district 2,878 86,971 --- 787 8,597 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 31,489 130,722
17th district 11,488 97,891 2,008 2,448 3,396 1,956 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 34,610 153,797
18th district 51,656 118,194 4,283 7,831 --- 3,758 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 27,852 213,574
19th district 98,705 83,975 4,104 19,952 2,951 7,472 --- 3,437 --- --- --- --- --- --- 23,390 243,986
20th district 122,479 77,756 5,016 --- 3,005 6,356 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 31,200 245,812
21st district 62,630 136,964 8,064 13,463 16,794 --- --- 1,841 --- --- --- --- --- --- 27,852 267,608
22d district 119,467 94,192 --- 15,728 --- 6,573 --- 2,357 --- --- --- --- --- --- 27,477 265,794
23d district 118,653 50,436 10,835 --- --- 7,790 --- 5,973 --- --- --- --- --- --- 32,462 226,149
24th district 108,777 43,692 6,750 15,463 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 35,264 209,946
25th district 106,327 103,199 7,283 11,733 --- --- --- 1,348 --- --- --- --- --- --- 12,246 242,136
26th district 78,946 117,097 5,531 9,569 5,753 4,421 --- 1,189 --- --- --- --- --- --- 15,931 238,437
27th district 117,818 91,679 --- 16,103 --- 6,821 --- 1,826 --- 3,824 --- --- --- --- 22,240 260,311
28th district 85,038 133,084 --- 12,784 --- --- --- 1,544 --- --- --- --- --- --- 17,644 250,094
29th district 66,438 126,210 --- 8,822 6,107 4,831 --- 1,044 --- --- --- --- --- --- 24,947 238,399
30th district 97,320 97,686 9,609 12,315 --- --- --- 2,125 --- --- --- --- --- 2,354 19,996 241,405
31st district 119,395 49,502 --- 15,854 --- 6,031 --- 4,485 --- --- --- --- --- --- 30,451 225,718
Total 2,038,923 2,918,770 104,605 261,849 89,430 85,927 2,029 39,379 --- 6,504 --- 1,283 --- 2,354 880,343 6,431,396
Presidential electors 1,738,707 3,649,630 503,458 183,392 106,547 23,580 75,956 11,393 12,220 --- 5,011 2,762 3,473 --- --- ---


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,225,938
Democratic 1,107,849
Reform 168,059
Libertarian 8,740
Natural Law 2,771
Write-in 2,450

For United States Senator
Jesse Helms, Republican 1,345,833
Harvey B. Gantt, Democrat 1,173,875
Ray Ubinger, Libertarian 25,396
J. Victor Pardo, Natural Law 11,209
Write-in 143

For United States Representative
1. Ted Tyler, Republican 54,666
Eva M. Clayton, Democrat 108,759
Todd Murphrey, Libertarian 1,072
Joseph Boxerman, Natural Law 531
2. David Funderburk, Republican 98,951
Bob Etheridge, Democrat 113,820
Mark D. Jackson, Libertarian 2,892
Robert Argy, Jr., Natural Law 966
3. Walter B. Jones, Jr., Republican 118,159
George Parrott, Democrat 68,887
Edward Downey, Natural Law 1,533
4. Fred Heineman, Republican 126,466
David E. Price, Democrat 157,194
David Allen Walker, Libertarian 4,123
Russell Wollman, Natural Law 1,201
5. Richard Burr, Republican 130,177
Neil Grist Cashion, Jr., Democrat 74,320
Barbara J. Howe, Libertarian 4,193
Craig Berg, Natural Law 1,008
6. Howard Coble, Republican 167,828
Mark Costley, Democrat 58,022
Gary Goodson, Libertarian 2,693
7. Bill Caster, Republican 75,811
Mike McIntyre, Democrat 87,487
Chris Nubel, Libertarian 1,573
Garrison King Frantz, Natural Law 569
8. Curtis Blackwood, Republican 81,676
W. G. (Bill) Hefner, Democrat 103,129
Thomas W. Carlisle, Natural Law 2,103
9. Sue Myrick, Republican 147,755
Michel C. (Mike) Daisley, Democrat 83,078
David L. Knight, Libertarian 2,280
Jeannine Austin, Natural Law 1,499
Write-in 98
10. Cass Ballenger, Republican 158,585
Ben Neill, Democrat 65,103
Richard Kahn, Natural Law 2,909
11. Charles H. Taylor, Republican 132,860
James Mark Ferguson, Democrat 91,257
Phil McCanless, Libertarian 2,307
Milton Burrill, Natural Law 1,601
12. Joseph A. (Joe) Martino, Jr., Republican 46,581
Melvin L. Watt, Democrat 124,675
Roger L. Kohn, Libertarian 1,874
Walter Lewis, Natural Law 1,269

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in North Carolina

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Natural Law Write-in Total
1st district 54,666 108,759 --- 1,072 531 --- 165,028
2d district 98,951 113,820 --- 2,892 966 --- 216,629
3d district 118,159 68,887 --- --- 1,533 --- 188,579
4th district 126,466 157,194 --- 4,123 1,201 --- 288,984
5th district 130,177 74,320 --- 4,193 1,008 --- 209,698
6th district 167,828 58,022 --- 2,693 --- --- 228,543
7th district 75,811 87,487 --- 1,573 569 --- 165,440
8th district 81,676 103,129 --- --- 2,103 --- 186,908
9th district 147,755 83,078 --- 2,280 1,499 98 234,710
10th district 158,585 65,103 --- --- 2,909 --- 226,597
11th district 132,860 91,257 --- 2,307 1,601 --- 228,025
12th district 46,581 124,675 --- 1,874 1,269 --- 174,399
Total 1,339,515 1,135,731 --- 23,007 15,189 98 2,513,540
Senator 1,345,833 1,173,875 --- 25,396 11,209 143 2,556,456
Presidential electors 1,225,938 1,107,849 168,059 8,740 2,771 2,450 2,515,807


For Presidential Electors
Republican 125,050
Democratic 106,905
Reform 32,515
Independent Nomination (U.S. Taxpayers candidate) 745
Libertarian 847
Natural Law 349

For United States Representative

Kevin Cramer, Republican 113,684
Earl Pomeroy, Democrat 144,833
Kenneth R. Loughead, Independent Nomination 4,493

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in North Dakota

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Independent Nomination Libertarian Natural Law Total
At large 113,684 144,833 --- 4,493 --- --- 263,010
Presidential electors 125,050 106,905 32,515 745 847 349 266,411


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,859,883
Democratic 2,148,222
Reform 483,207
Natural Law 9,120
Libertarian 12,851
Workers World 10,813
U.S. Taxpayers 7,361
Green 2,962
Other 15

For United States Representative
1. Steve Chabot, Republican 118,324
Mark P. Longabaugh, Democrat 94,719
John G. Halley, Natural Law 5,381
2. Rob Portman, Republican 186,853
Thomas R. Chandler, Democrat 58,715
Kathleen M. McKnight, Natural Law 13,905
3. David A. Westbrock, Republican 75,732
Tony P. Hall, Democrat 144,583
Dorothy H. Mackey, Natural Law 5,088
Write-in 1,800
4. Michael G. Oxley, Republican 147,608
Paul Anthony McClain, Democrat 69,096
Michael McCaffery, Natural Law 11,057
5. Paul E. Gillmor, Republican 145,892
Annie Saunders, Democrat 81,170
David J. Schaffer, Natural Law 11,461
6. Frank A. Cremeans, Republican 111,907
Ted Strickland, Democrat 118,003
Write-in 16
7. David L. Hobson, Republican 158,087
Richard K. Blain, Democrat 61,419
Dawn Marie Johnson, Natural Law 13,478
Write-in 17
8. John A. Boehner, Republican 165,815
Jeffrey D. Kitchen, Democrat 61,515
William Baker, Natural Law 8,613
9. Randy Whitman, Republican 46,040
Marcy Kaptur, Democrat 170,617
Elizabeth A. Slotnick, Natural Law 4,677
10. Martin R. Hoke, Republican 104,546
Dennis J. Kucinich, Democrat 110,723
Robert B. Iverson, Natural Law 10,415
Write-in 12
11. James J. Sykora, Republican 28,821
Louis Stokes, Democrat 153,546
Sonja Glavina, Natural Law 6,665
Write-in 7
12. John R. Kasich, Republican 151,667
Cynthia L. Ruccia, Democrat 78,762
Barbara Ann Edelman, Natural Law 7,005
13. Kenneth C. Blair, Jr., Republican 87,108
Sherrod Brown, Democrat 148,690
David Kluter, Natural Law 8,707
14. Joyce George, Republican 95,307
Thomas C. Sawyer, Democrat 124,136
Terry E. Wilkinson, Natural Law 8,976
Write-in 16
15. Deborah Pryce, Republican 156,776
Cliff Arnebeck, Jr., Democrat 64,665
16. Ralph Regula, Republican 159,314
Thomas E. Burkhart, Democrat 64,902
Brad Graef, Natural Law 7,611
17. James A. Traficant, Jr., Democrat 218,283
James M. Cahaney, Natural Law 21,685
18. Robert W. Ney, Republican 117,365
Robert L. Burch, Democrat 108,332
Margaret Chitti, Natural Law 8,146
19. Steven C. LaTourette, Republican 135,012
Thomas J. Coyne, Jr., Democrat 101,152
Thomas A. Martin, Natural Law 10,655

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Ohio
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Natural Law Libertarian Workers World U.S. Taxpayers Green Other Write-in Total
1st district 118,324 94,719 --- 5,381 --- --- --- --- --- --- 218,424
2d district 186,853 58,715 --- 13,905 --- --- --- --- --- --- 259,473
3d district 75,732 144,583 --- 5,088 --- --- --- --- --- 1,800 227,203
4th district 147,608 69,096 --- 11,057 --- --- --- --- --- --- 227,761
5th district 145,892 81,170 --- 11,461 --- --- --- --- --- --- 238,523
6th district 111,907 118,003 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 16 229,926
7th district 158,087 61,419 --- 13,478 --- --- --- --- --- 17 233,001
8th district 165,815 61,515 --- 8,613 --- --- --- --- --- --- 235,943
9th district 46,040 170,617 --- 4,677 --- --- --- --- --- --- 221,334
10th district 104,546 110,723 --- 10,415 --- --- --- --- --- 12 225,696
11th district 28,821 153,546 --- 6,665 --- --- --- --- --- 7 189,039
12th district 151,667 78,762 --- 7,005 --- --- --- --- --- --- 237,434
13th district 87,108 148,690 --- 8,707 --- --- --- --- --- --- 244,505
14th district 95,307 124,136 --- 8,976 --- --- --- --- --- 16 228,435
15th district 156,776 64,665 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 221,441
16th district 159,314 64,902 --- 7,611 --- --- --- --- --- --- 231,827
17th district --- 218,283 --- 21,685 --- --- --- --- --- --- 239,968
18th district 117,365 108,332 --- 8,146 --- --- --- --- --- --- 233,843
19th district 135,012 101,152 --- 10,655 --- --- --- --- --- --- 246,819
Total 2,192,174 2,033,028 --- 163,525 --- --- --- --- --- 1,868 4,390,595
Presidential electors 1,859,883 2,148,222 483,207 9,120 12,851 10,813 7,361 2,962 15 --- 4,534,434


For Presidential Electors
Republican 582,315
Democratic 488,105
Reform 130,788
Libertarian 5,505

For United States Senator
James M. Inhofe, Republican 670,610
Jim Boren, Democrat 474,162
Bill Maguire, Independent 15,092
Chris Nedbalek, Independent 8,691
Agnes Marie Regier, Libertarian 14,595

For United States Representative
1. Steve Largent, Republican 143,415
Randolph John Amen, Democrat 57,996
Karla Condray, Independent 8,996
2. Tom A. Coburn, Republican 112,273
Glen D. Johnson, Democrat 90,120
3. Wes Watkins, Republican 98,526
Darryl Roberts, Democrat 86,647
Scott Demaree, Independent 6,335
4. J. C. Watts, Jr., Republican 106,923
Ed Crocker, Democrat 73,950
Robert T. Murphy, Libertarian 4,500
5. Ernest J. Istook, Jr., Republican 148,362
James L. Forsythe, Democrat 57,594
Ava Kennedy, Independent 6,835
6. Frank D. Lucas, Republican 113,499
Paul M. Barby, Democrat 64,173

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Oklahoma

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian Total
1st district 143,415 57,996 8,996 --- --- 210,407
2d district 112,273 90,120 --- --- --- 202,393
3d district 98,526 86,647 6,335 --- --- 191,508
4th district 106,923 73,950 --- --- 4,500 185,373
5th district 148,362 57,594 6,835 --- --- 212,791
6th district 113,499 64,173 --- --- --- 177,672
Total 722,998 430,480 22,166 --- 4,500 1,180,144
Senator 670,610 474,162 23,783 --- 14,595 1,183,150
Presidential electors 582,315 488,105 --- 130,788 5,505 1,206,713


For Presidential Electors
Republican 538,152
Democratic 649,641
Reform 121,221
Pacific (Green candidate) 49,415
Libertarian 8,903
Socialist 1,922
Natural Law 2,798
U.S. Taxpayers 3,379
Miscellaneous 2,329

For United States Senator
Gordon Smith, Republican 677,336
Tom Bruggere, Democrat 624,370
Brent Thompson, Reform 20,381
Gary Kutcher, Pacific 14,193
Paul (Stormy) Mohn, Libertarian 12,697
Christopher Phelps, Socialist 5,426
Michael L. Hoyes, Natural Law 4,425
Miscellaneous 1,402

For United States Representative
1. Bill Witt, Republican 126,146
Elizabeth Furse, Democrat 144,588
Richard Johnson, Libertarian 6,310
David Princ, Socialist 1,146
Miscellaneous 414
2. Robert F. Smith, Republican 164,062
Mike Dugan, Democrat 97,195
Frank Wise, Libertarian 4,581
Miscellaneous 218
3. Scott Bruun, Republican 65,259
Earl Blumenauer, Democrat 165,922
Joe Keating, Pacific 9,274
Bruce Alexander Knight, Libertarian 4,474
Victoria P. Guillebeau, Socialist 2,449
Miscellaneous 531
4. John D. Newkirk, Republican 76,649
Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat 177,270
William (Bill) Bonville, Reform 3,960
Allan Opus, Pacific 1,311
Tonie Nathan, Libertarian 4,919
David G. Duemler, Socialist 1,373
Miscellaneous 4,374
5. Jim Bunn, Republican 125,409
Darlene Hooley, Democrat 139,521
Lawrence Knight Duquesne, Libertarian 5,191
Trey Smith, Socialist 2,124
Miscellaneous 391

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Oregon
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Pacific Libertarian Socialist Natural Law U.S. Taxpayers Miscellaneous Total
1st district 126,146 144,588 --- --- 6,310 1,146 --- --- 414 278,604
2d district 164,062 97,195 --- --- 4,581 --- --- --- 218 266,056
3d district 65,259 165,922 --- 9,274 4,474 2,449 --- --- 531 247,909
4th district 76,649 177,270 3,960 1,311 4,919 1,373 --- --- 4,374 269,856
5th district 125,409 139,521 --- --- 5,191 2,124 --- --- 391 272,636
Total 557,525 724,496 3,960 10,585 25,475 7,092 --- --- 5,928 1,335,061
Senator 677,336 624,370 20,381 14,193 12,697 5,426 4,425 --- 1,402 1,360,230
Presidential electors 538,152 649,641 121,221 49,415 8,903 1,922 2,798 3,379 2,329 1,377,760


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,801,169
Democratic 2,215,819
Reform 430,984
Libertarian 28,000
Constitutional (U.S. Taxpayers candidate) 19,552
Natural Law 5,783

For United States Representative
1. James D. Cella, Republican 20,734
Thomas M. Foglietta, Democrat 145,210
Write-in 1
2. Larry G. Murphy, Republican 23,047
Chaka Fattah, Democrat 168,887
Write-in 3
3. Joseph M. McColgan, Republican 54,681
Robert A. Borski, Democrat 121,120
4. Paul T. Adametz, Republican 79,448
Ron Klink, Democrat 142,621
Write-in 98
5. John E. Peterson, Republican 116,303
Ruth C. Rudy, Democrat 76,627
Write-in 73
6. Christian Y. Leinbach, Republican 80,061
Tim Holden, Democrat 115,193
Thomas E. List, Natural Law 1,475
7. Curt Weldon, Republican 165,087
John F. Innelli, Democrat 79,875
John Pronchik, Natural Law 1,688
Write-in 16
8. James C. Greenwood, Republican 133,749
John P. Murray, Democrat 79,856
Richard J. Piotrowski, Libertarian 6,991
David A. Booth, Constitutional 5,714
Write-in 12
9. Bud Shuster, Republican 142,105
Monte Kemmler, Democrat 50,650
Write-in 67
10. Joseph M. McDade, Republican 124,670
Joe Cullen, Democrat 75,536
Thomas J. McLaughlin, Reform 8,311
Write-in 23
11. Stephen A. Urban, Republican 60,339
Paul E. Kanjorski, Democrat 128,258
Write-in 12
12. Bill Choby, Republican 58,643
John P. Murtha, Democrat 136,815
Write-in 23
13. Jon D. Fox, Republican 120,304
Joseph M. Hoeffel, Democrat 120,220
Thomas Patrick Burke, Libertarian 4,930
Bill Ryan, Natural Law 525
14. Bill Ravotti, Republican 78,921
William J. Coyne, Democrat 122,922
Paul Scherrer, Socialist Equality 713
Write-in 22
15. Bob Kilbanks, Republican 82,803
Paul McHale, Democrat 109,812
Nicholas R. Sabatine III, Reform 6,931
Philip E. Faust, Natural Law 812
Write-in 5
16. Joseph R. Pitts, Republican 124,511
James G. Blaine, Democrat 78,598
Robert S. Yorczyk, Reform 6,485
Write-in 8
17. George W. Gekas, Republican 150,678
Paul Kettl, Democrat 57,911
Write-in 27
18. David B. Fawcett, Republican 86,829
Michael F. Doyle, Democrat 120,410
Richard Edward Caligiuri, Independent 6,859
Ralph A. Emmerich, Natural Law 883
Write-in 9
19. William F. Goodling, Republican 130,716
Scott L. Chronister, Democrat 74,944
Francis Worley, Francis Worley Congress 3,194
Write-in 109
20. Mike McCormick, Republican 97,004
Frank Mascara, Democrat 113,394
Write-in 4
21. Phil English, Republican 106,875
Ronald A. Dinicola, Democrat 104,004
Write-in 9

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Pennsylvania
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian Constitutional Natural Law Francis Worley Congress Socialist Equality Write-in Total
1st district 20,734 145,210 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 165,945
2d district 23,047 168,887 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 191,937
3d district 54,681 121,120 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 175,801
4th district 79,448 142,621 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 98 222,167
5th district 116,303 76,627 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 73 193,003
6th district 80,061 115,193 --- --- --- --- 1,475 --- --- --- 196,729
7th district 165,087 79,875 --- --- --- --- 1,688 --- --- 16 246,666
8th district 133,749 79,856 --- --- 6,991 5,714 --- --- --- 12 226,322
9th district 142,105 50,650 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 67 192,822
10th district 124,670 75,536 --- 8,311 --- --- --- --- --- 23 208,540
11th district 60,339 128,258 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 12 188,609
12th district 58,643 136,815 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 23 195,481
13th district 120,304 120,220 --- --- 4,930 --- 525 --- --- --- 245,979
14th district 78,921 122,922 --- --- --- --- --- --- 713 22 202,578
15th district 82,803 109,812 --- 6,931 --- --- 812 --- --- 5 200,363
16th district 124,511 78,598 --- 6,485 --- --- --- --- --- 8 209,602
17th district 150,678 57,911 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 27 208,616
18th district 86,829 120,410 6,859 --- --- --- 883 --- --- 9 214,990
19th district 130,716 74,944 --- --- --- --- --- 3,194 --- 109 208,963
20th district 97,004 113,394 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 4 210,402
21st district 106,875 104,004 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 9 210,888
Total 2,037,508 2,222,863 6,859 21,727 11,921 5,714 5,383 3,194 713 521 4,316,403
Presidential electors 1,801,169 2,215,819 --- 430,984 28,000 19,552 5,783 --- --- --- 4,501,307


For Presidential Electors
Republican 104,683
Democratic 233,050
Reform 43,723
Green 6,040
Libertarian 1,109
U.S. Taxpayers 1,021
Natural Law 435
Workers World 186

For United States Senator
Nancy J. Mayer, Republican 127,368
Jack Reed, Democrat 230,676
Donald W. Lovejoy, Independent 6,327

For United States Representative
1. Giovanni D. Cicione, Republican 49,199
Patrick J. Kennedy, Democrat 121,781
Michael J. Rollins, Independent 1,737
Graham R. Schwass, Independent 1,408
Gregory Raposa, Independent 1,300
2. Richard E. Wild, Republican 58,458
Robert A. Weygand, Democrat 118,827
Thomas J. Ricci, Independent 3,139
Gail Alison Casman, Independent 2,199
Jack D. Potter, Independent 1,695

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Rhode Island

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Green Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Natural Law Workers World Total
1st district 49,199 121,781 4,445 --- --- --- --- --- --- 175,425
2d district 58,458 118,827 7,033 --- --- --- --- --- --- 184,318
Total 107,657 240,608 11,478 --- --- --- --- --- --- 359,743
Senator 127,368 230,676 6,327 --- --- --- --- --- --- 364,371
Presidential electors 104,683 233,050 --- 43,723 6,040 1,109 1,021 435 186 390,247


For Presidential Electors
Republican 573,339
Democratic 506,152
Reform 27,464
Patriot (Reform candidate) 36,913
Libertarian 4,271
U.S. Taxpayers 2,043

For United States Senator
Strom Thurmond, Republican 619,859
Elliot Springs Close, Democrat 510,951
Peter J. Ashy, Reform 9,740
Annette C. Estes, Natural Law 7,693
Richard T. Quillian, Libertarian 12,988

For United States Representative
1. Marshall "Mark" Sanford, Republican 138,467
Joseph F. Innella, Natural Law 5,105
2. Floyd Spence, Republican 158,229
Maurice T. Raiford, Natural Law 17,713
3. Lindsey O. Graham, Republican 114,273
Debbie Dorn, Democrat 73,417
Lindal Pennington, Natural Law 1,835
4. Bob Inglis, Republican 138,165
Darrell E. Curry, Democrat 54,126
C. Faye Walters, Natural Law 2,501
5. Larry L. Bigham, Republican 81,455
John M. Spratt, Jr., Democrat 97,335
P. G. Joshi, Natural Law 1,159
6. Gary McLeod, Republican 51,974
James E. Clyburn, Democrat 120,132
Savitap Joshi, Natural Law 948

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in South Carolina

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Natural Law Patriot Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Total
1st district 138,467 --- --- 5,105 --- --- --- 143,572
2d district 158,229 --- --- 17,713 --- --- --- 175,942
3d district 114,273 73,417 --- 1,835 --- --- --- 189,525
4th district 138,165 54,126 --- 2,501 --- --- --- 194,792
5th district 81,455 97,335 --- 1,159 --- --- --- 179,949
6th district 51,974 120,132 --- 948 --- --- --- 173,054
Total 682,563 345,010 --- 29,261 --- --- --- 1,056,834
Senator 619,859 510,951 9,740 7,693 --- 12,988 --- 1,161,231
Presidential electors 573,339 506,152 27,464 --- 36,913 4,271 2,043 1,150,182


For Presidential Electors
Republican 150,543
Democratic 139,333
Independent 1 32,478
Libertarian 1,472

For United States Senator
Larry Pressler, Republican 157,954
Tim Johnson, Democrat 166,533

For United States Representative

John R. Thune, Republican 186,393
Rick Weiland, Democrat 119,547
Stacey L. Nelson, Independent 10,397
Kurt Evans, Independent 6,866

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in South Dakota

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Libertarian Total
At large 186,393 119,547 17,263 --- 323,203
Senator 157,954 166,533 --- --- 324,487
Presidential electors 150,543 139,333 1 32,478 1,472 323,826

1 Includes candidates appearing on the following party tickets in most other States; 31,250 for Reform Party; 912 for U.S. Taxpayers Party; and 316 for Natural Law Party.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 863,530
Democratic 909,146
Independent 1 121,239
Write-in 190

For United States Senator
Fred Thompson, Republican 1,091,554
Houston Gordon, Democrat 654,937
John Jay Hooker, Independent 14,401
Bruce Gold, Independent 5,865
Robert O. Watson, Independent 5,569
Greg Samples, Independent 4,104
Philip L. Kienlen, Independent 2,173
Write-in 61

For United States Representative
1. William L. Jenkins, Republican 117,676
Kay C. Smith, Democrat 58,657
Dave Davis, Independent 1,947
James B. Taylor, Independent 1,089
Bill Bull Durham, Independent 885
John Curtis, Independent 621
Mike Fugate, Independent 440
Paul Schmidt, Independent 367
Write-in 26
2. John J. Duncan, Jr., Republican 150,953
Stephen Smith, Democrat 61,020
Chris G. Dimit, Independent 1,306
George Njezic, Independent 289
Write-in 6
3. Zach Wamp, Republican 113,408
Charles N. "Chuck" Jolly, Democrat 85,714
William A. Cole, Independent 1,002
Walt "Combat" Ward, Independent 718
Thomas Ed Morrell, Independent 304
Richard M. "Dick" Sims, Independent 294
Write-in 4
4. Van Hilleary, Republican 103,091
Mark Stewart, Democrat 73,331
J. Patrick Lyons, Independent 1,075
Preston T. Spaulding, Independent 561
Write-in 5
5. Steven L. Edmondson, Republican 46,201
Bob Clement, Democrat 140,264
Mike Childers, Independent 7,318
6. Steve Gill, Republican 94,599
Bart Gordon, Democrat 123,846
Jim Coffer, Independent 9,125
Write-in 1
7. Ed Bryant, Republican 126,737
Don Trotter, Democrat 64,512
Steven E. Romer, Independent 2,483
Write-in 10
8. Tom Watson, Republican 55,024
John S. Tanner, Democrat 123,681
Donna Malone, Independent 4,816
Write-in 377
9. Rod DeBerry, Republican 70,951
Harold E. Ford, Jr., Democrat 116,345
Silky Sullivan, Independent 957
Mary D. Taylor, Independent 498
Anthony Burton, Independent 424
Greg Voehringer, Independent 327
Tom Jeannette, Independent 222
Del Gill, Independent 199
Bill Taylor, Independent 179
Johnny E. Kelly, Independent 156
Don Fox, Independent 146
Write-in 10

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Tennessee

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Write-in Total
1st district 117,676 58,657 5,349 26 181,708
2d district 150,953 61,020 1,595 6 213,574
3d district 113,408 85,714 2,318 4 201,444
4th district 103,091 73,331 1,636 5 178,063
5th district 46,201 140,264 7,318 --- 193,783
6th district 94,599 123,846 9,125 1 227,571
7th district 126,737 64,512 2,483 10 193,742
8th district 55,024 123,681 4,816 377 183,898
9th district 70,951 116,345 3,108 10 190,414
Total 878,640 847,370 37,748 439 1,764,197
Senator 1,091,554 654,937 32,112 61 1,778,664
Presidential electors 863,530 909,146 1 121,239 190 1,894,105

1 Includes candidates appearing on the following party tickets in most other States: 105,918 for Reform Party; 6,427 for Green Party; 5,020 for Libertarian Party; 1,818 for U.S. Taxpayers Party; and 636 for Natural Law Party.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 2,736,167
Democratic 2,459,683
Independent 1 378,537
Libertarian 20,256
Natural Law 4,422
U.S. Taxpayers 7,472
Write-in 5,107

For United States Senator
Phil Gramm, Republican 3,027,680
Victor M. Morales, Democrat 2,428,776
Michael Bird, Libertarian 51,516
John Huff, Natural Law 19,469

For United States Representative

(For special primary on November 5, 1996) 2
3. Sam Johnson, Republican 142,325
Lee Cole, Democrat 47,654
John Davis, Libertarian 5,045
Write-in 2
5. Pete Sessions, Republican 80,196
John Pouland, Democrat 70,922
Write-in 1
6. Joe Barton, Republican 160,800
Janet Carroll "Skeet" Richardson, Independent 26,713
Catherine A. Anderson, Libertarian 14,456
Doug Williams, U.S. Taxpayers 6,547
7. Bill Archer, Republican 152,024
Al J. K. Siegmund, Democrat 28,187
Gene Hsiao, Independent 3,896
Robert R. (Randy) Sims, Jr., Independent 2,724
8. Kevin Brady, Republican 80,325
Gene Fontenot, Republican 75,399
Cynthia (CJ) Newman, Democrat 26,246
Robert Musemeche, Democrat 11,689
9. Steve Stockman, Republican 88,171
Nick Lampson, Democrat 83,782
Geraldine Sam, Democrat 17,887
18. Larry White, Republican 13,956
Jerry Burley, Republican 7,877
George A. Young, Republican 5,332
Sheila Jackson-Lee, Democrat 106,111
Mike Lamson, Democrat 4,412
22. Tom DeLay, Republican 126,056
Scott Douglas Cunningham, Democrat 59,030
24. Ed Harrison, Republican 54,551
Martin Frost, Democrat 77,847
Marion Jacob, Democrat 4,656
Dale Mouton, Independent 2,574
Write-in 9
25. Dolly Madison McKenna, Republican 21,898
Brent Perry, Republican 16,737
John Devine, Republican 9,070
John M. Sanchez, Republican 8,984
Ken G. Mathis, Republican 3,649
Ron (RC) Meinke, Republican 997
Lloyd W. Oliver, Republican 827
Dotty Quinn Collins, Republican 561
Ken Bentsen, Democrat 43,701
Beverley Clark, Democrat 21,699
Jerry Freiwirth, Socialist Workers 270
26. Richard K. Armey, Republican 163,708
Jerry Frankel, Democrat 58,623
Write-in 11
29. Jack Rodriguez, Republican 28,381
Gene Green, Democrat 61,751
Jack W. Klinger, U.S. Taxpayers 1,340
30. John Hendry, Republican 20,664
Lisa Kitterman, Republican 7,761
Eddie Bernice Johnson, Democrat 61,723
James L. Sweatt, Democrat 9,909
Marvin E. Crenshaw, Democrat 7,765
Lisa Hembry, Independent 3,501
Ada Granado, Independent 1,278
Stevan A. Hammond, Independent 468
Write-in 3

(Runoff Election–December 10, 1996) 2
8. Kevin Brady, Republican 30,366
Gene Fontenot, Republican 21,004
9. Steve Stockman, Republican 52,870
Nick Lampson, Democrat 59,225
25. Dolly Madison McKenna, Republican 21,892
Ken Bentsen, Democrat 29,396

(General Election)
1. Ed Merritt, Republican 93,105
Max Sandlin, Democrat 102,697
Margaret A. Palms, Natural Law 3,368
2. Brian Babin, Republican 89,838
Jim Turner, Democrat 102,908
Henry McCullough, Independent 2,390
David Constant, Libertarian 1,240
Gary Hardy, Natural Law 595
4. Jerry Ray Hall, Republican 71,065
Ralph M. Hall, Democrat 132,126
Steven Rothacker, Libertarian 3,172
Enos M. Denham, Jr., Natural Law 814
10. Teresa Doggett, Republican 97,204
Lloyd Doggett, Democrat 132,066
Gary Johnson, Libertarian 3,950
Steve Klayman, Natural Law 1,771
11. Jay Mathis, Republican 74,549
Chet Edwards, Democrat 99,990
Ken Hardin, Natural Law 1,396
12. Kay Granger, Republican 98,349
Hugh Parmer, Democrat 69,859
Heather Proffer, Natural Law 1,996
13. William M. "Mac" Thornberry, Republican 116,098
Samuel Brown Silverman, Democrat 56,066
Don Harkey, Natural Law 1,463
14. Ron Paul, Republican 99,961
Charles (Lefty) Morris, Democrat 93,200
Ed Fasanella, Natural Law 2,538
15. Tom Haughey, Republican 50,914
Rub&eacuten; Hinojosa, Democrat 86,347
Rob Wofford, Natural Law 1,333
16. Rick Ledesma, Republican 35,271
Silvestre Reyes, Democrat 90,260
Carl Proffer, Natural Law 2,253
17. Rudy Izzard, Republican 91,429
Charles W. Stenholm, Democrat 99,678
Richard Caro, Natural Law 1,887
19. Larry Combest, Republican 156,910
John W. Sawyer, Democrat 38,316
20. James Walker, Republican 47,616
Henry B. Gonzalez, Democrat 88,190
Alejandro (Alex) De Pena, Libertarian 2,156
Lyndon Felps, Natural Law 447
21. Lamar S. Smith, Republican 205,830
Gordon H. Wharton, Democrat 60,338
Randy Rutenbeck, Natural Law 3,139
23. Henry Bonilla, Republican 101,332
Charles P. Jones, Democrat 59,596
Linda J. Caswell, Natural Law 2,911
27. Joe Gardner, Republican 50,964
Solomon P. Ortiz, Democrat 97,350
Kevin G. Richardson, Natural Law 2,286
28. Mark L. Cude, Republican 34,191
Frank Tejeda, Democrat 110,148
Clifford Finley, Natural Law 1,796

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Texas

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Libertarian Natural Law U.S. Taxpayers Write-in Total
1st district 93,105 102,697 --- --- 3,368 --- --- 199,170
2d district 89,838 102,908 2,390 1,240 595 --- --- 196,971
3d district 142,325 47,654 --- 5,045 --- --- 2 195,026
4th district 71,065 132,126 --- 3,172 814 --- --- 207,177
5th district 80,196 70,922 --- --- --- --- 1 151,119
6th district 160,800 26,713 --- 14,456 --- 6,547 --- 208,516
7th district 152,024 28,187 6,620 --- --- --- --- 186,831
8th district 3 51,370 --- --- --- --- --- --- 51,370
9th district 3 52,870 59,225 --- --- --- --- --- 112,095
10th district 97,204 132,066 --- 3,950 1,771 --- --- 234,991
11th district 74,549 99,990 --- --- 1,396 --- --- 175,935
12th district 98,349 69,859 --- --- 1,996 --- --- 170,204
13th district 116,098 56,066 --- --- 1,463 --- --- 173,627
14th district 99,961 93,200 --- --- 2,538 --- --- 195,699
15th district 50,914 86,347 --- --- 1,333 --- --- 138,594
16th district 35,271 90,260 --- --- 2,253 --- --- 127,784
17th district 91,429 99,678 --- --- 1,887 --- --- 192,994
18th district 27,165 110,523 --- --- --- --- --- 137,688
19th district 156,910 38,316 --- --- --- --- --- 195,226
20th district 47,616 88,190 --- 2,156 447 --- --- 138,409
21st district 205,830 60,338 --- --- 3,139 --- --- 269,307
22d district 126,056 59,030 --- --- --- --- --- 185,086
23d district 101,332 59,596 --- --- 2,911 --- --- 163,839
24th district 54,551 82,503 2,574 --- --- --- 9 139,637
25th district 3 21,892 29,396 --- --- --- --- --- 51,288
26th district 163,708 58,623 --- --- --- --- 11 222,342
27th district 50,964 97,350 --- --- 2,286 --- --- 150,600
28th district 34,191 110,148 --- --- 1,796 --- --- 146,135
29th district 28,381 61,751 --- --- --- 1,340 --- 91,472
30th district 28,425 79,397 5,247 --- --- --- 3 113,072
Total 2,604,389 2,233,059 16,831 30,019 29,993 7,887 26 4,922,204
Senator 3,027,680 2,428,776 --- 51,516 19,469 --- --- 5,527,441
Presidential electors 2,736,167 2,459,683 1 378,537 20,256 4,422 7,472 5,107 5,611,644

1 Candidate appears on Reform Party ticket in most other States.
2 A three-judge court of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas redrew the boundaries of districts 18, 29, and 30, and redrew portions of districts 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 24, 25, and 26. The District Court further ordered that the candidates in these districts who have filed by August 30, 1996 and been certified by September 5, 1996 will compete in an open primary (special election) on November 5, 1996, concurrent with the general election; that on November 12, 1996, the Governor shall canvass the results of the special election and order a runoff if necessary; and that on December 10, 1996, a special election runoff, shall be held, if necessary. See Bush v. Vera, (Sup. Ct. Doc. No. 94–805); Vera v. Bush, Civil No. H–94–0277 (S.D. Tex., filed August 6, 1996.)
3 The recapitulation reflects votes cast in the runoff election held on December 10, 1996.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 361,911
Democratic 221,633
Independent 1,101
Reform 66,461
Natural Law 1,085
Libertarian 4,129
Green 4,615
Independent American (American candidate) 1,290
U.S. Taxpayers 2,601
Socialist Workers 235
Workers World 298
Prohibition 111
Write-in 159

For United States Representative
1. James V. Hansen, Republican 150,126
Gregory J. Sanders, Democrat 65,866
Randall Tolpinrud, Natural Law 3,787
2. Merrill Cook, Republican 129,963
Ross C. Anderson, Democrat 100,283
Catherine Carter, Natural Law 2,981
Arly H. Pedersen, Independent American 3,070
Write-in 24
3. Chris Cannon, Republican 106,220
Bill Orton, Democrat 98,178
Amy L. Lassen, Libertarian 2,341
John Phillip Langford, Socialist Workers 270
Gerald "Bear" Slothower, Unaffiliated 706

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Utah
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Natural Law Libertarian Green Independent American U.S. Taxpayers Socialist Workers Workers World Prohibition Unaffiliated Write-in Total
1st district 150,126 65,866 --- --- 3,787 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 219,779
2d district 129,963 100,283 --- --- 2,981 --- --- 3,070 --- --- --- --- --- 24 236,321
3d district 106,220 98,178 --- --- --- 2,341 --- --- --- 270 --- --- 706 --- 207,715
Total 386,309 264,327 --- --- 6,768 2,341 --- 3,070 --- 270 --- --- 706 24 663,815
Presidential electors 361,911 221,633 1,101 66,461 1,085 4,129 4,615 1,290 2,601 235 298 111 --- 159 665,629


For Presidential Electors
Republican 80,352
Democratic 137,894
Reform 31,024
Green Coalition (Green candidate) 5,585
Libertarian 1,183
Liberty Union (Socialist candidate) 292
Natural Law 498
Grass Roots 480
U.S. Taxpayers 382
Socialist Workers 199
Write-in 560

For United States Representative

Susan W. Sweetser, Republican 83,021
Jack Long, Democrat 23,830
Bernard Sanders, Independent 140,678
Thomas J. Morse, Libertarian 2,693
Peter Diamondstone, Liberty Union 1,965
Robert Melamede, Vermont Grass Roots 1,350
Norio Kushi, Natural Law 812
Write-in 357

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Vermont
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Green Coalition Libertarian Liberty Union Vermont Grass Roots Natural Law Grass Roots U.S. Taxpayers Socialist Workers Write-in Total
At large 83,021 23,830 140,678 --- --- 2,693 1,965 1,350 812 --- --- --- 357 254,706
Presidential electors 80,352 137,894 --- 31,024 5,585 1,183 292 --- 498 480 382 199 560 258,449


For Presidential Electors
Republican 1,138,350
Democratic 1,091,060
Reform 159,861
Taxpayers 13,687
Libertarian 9,174
Natural Law 4,510

For United States Senator
John W. Warner, Republican 1,235,744
Mark R. Warner, Democrat 1,115,982
Write-in 2,989

For United States Representative
1. Herbert H. Bateman, Republican 165,574
Write-in 1,661
2. John F. Tate, Republican 57,586
Owen B. Pickett, Democrat 106,215
Write-in 195
3. Elsie Goodwyn Holland, Republican 25,781
Robert C. Scott, Democrat 118,603
Write-in 34
4. Anthony J. "Tony" Zevgolis, Republican 43,516
Norman Sisisky, Democrat 160,100
Write-in 50
5. George C. Landrith III, Republican 70,869
Virgil H. Goode, Jr., Democrat 120,323
George R. "Tex" Wood, Virginia Reform 6,627
Write-in 104
6. Bob Goodlatte, Republican 133,576
Jeffrey W. Grey, Democrat 61,485
Jay P. Rutledge, Independent 4,229
Write-in 71
7. Tom Bliley, Republican 189,644
Roderic H. Slayton, Democrat 51,206
Bradley E. Evans, Independent 11,527
Write-in 128
8. John E. Otey, Republican 64,562
James P. Moran, Democrat 152,334
Sarina J. Grosswald, Independent 5,239
Charles Stanard Severance, Independent 740
R. Ward Edmonds, Virginia Reform 6,243
Write-in 303
9. Patrick C. Muldoon, Republican 58,055
Rick Boucher, Democrat 122,908
Thomas I. "Tom" Roberts, Virginia Reform 8,080
Write-in 34
10. Frank R. Wolf, Republican 169,266
Robert L. "Bob" Weinberg, Democrat 59,145
Gary A. Reams, Independent 6,500
Write-in 102
11. Thomas M. Davis, Republican 138,758
Thomas J. "Tom" Horton, Democrat 74,701
C. W. "Levi" Levy, Independent 2,842
Write-in 181

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Virginia
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Virginia Reform Taxpayers Libertarian Natural Law Write-in Total
1st district 165,574 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,661 167,235
2d district 57,586 106,215 --- --- --- --- --- --- 195 163,996
3d district 25,781 118,603 --- --- --- --- --- --- 34 144,418
4th district 43,516 160,100 --- --- --- --- --- --- 50 203,666
5th district 70,869 120,323 --- --- 6,627 --- --- --- 104 197,923
6th district 133,576 61,485 4,229 --- --- --- --- --- 71 199,361
7th district 189,644 51,206 11,527 --- --- --- --- --- 128 252,505
8th district 64,562 152,334 5,979 --- 6,243 --- --- --- 303 229,421
9th district 58,055 122,908 --- --- 8,080 --- --- --- 34 189,077
10th district 169,266 59,145 6,500 --- --- --- --- --- 102 235,013
11th district 138,758 74,701 2,842 --- --- --- --- --- 181 216,482
Total 1,117,187 1,027,020 31,077 --- 20,950 --- --- --- 2,863 2,199,097
Senator 1,235,744 1,115,982 --- --- --- --- --- --- 2,989 2,354,715
Presidential electors 1,138,350 1,091,060 --- 159,861 --- 13,687 9,174 4,510 --- 2,416,642


For Presidential Electors
Republican 840,712
Democratic 1,123,323
Independent 1 62,696
Reform 201,003
Natural Law 6,076
Libertarian 12,522
U.S. Taxpayers 4,578
Workers World 2,189
Socialist Workers 738

For United States Representative
1. Rick White, Republican 141,948
Jeff Coopersmith, Democrat 122,187
2. Jack Metcalf, Republican 124,655
Kevin Quigley, Democrat 122,728
Karen Leibrant, Natural Law 9,561
3. Linda Smith, Republican 123,117
Brian Baird, Democrat 122,230
4. Doc Hastings, Republican 108,647
Rick Locke, Democrat 96,502
5. George R. Nethercutt, Jr., Republican 131,618
Judy Olson, Democrat 105,166
6. Bill Tinsley, Republican 71,337
Norman D. Dicks, Democrat 155,467
Ted Haley, Independent 5,561
Michael Huddleston, Natural Law 3,545
7. Frank Kleschen, Republican 49,341
Jim McDermott, Democrat 209,753
8. Jennifer Dunn, Republican 170,691
Dave Little, Democrat 90,340
9. Randy Tate, Republican 99,199
Adam Smith, Democrat 105,236
David Gruenstein, Natural Law 5,432

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Washington
Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Natural Law Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Workers World Socialist Workers Total
1st district 141,948 122,187 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 264,135
2d district 124,655 122,728 --- --- 9,561 --- --- --- --- 256,944
3d district 123,117 122,230 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 245,347
4th district 108,647 96,502 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 205,149
5th district 131,618 105,166 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 236,784
6th district 71,337 155,467 5,561 --- 3,545 --- --- --- --- 235,910
7th district 49,341 209,753 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 259,094
8th district 170,691 90,340 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 261,031
9th district 99,199 105,236 --- --- 5,432 --- --- --- --- 209,867
Total 1,020,553 1,129,609 5,561 --- 18,538 --- --- --- --- 2,174,261
Presidential electors 840,712 1,123,323 1 62,696 201,003 6,076 12,522 4,578 2,189 738 2,253,837

1 Includes 60,322 votes for candidate appearing on the Green Party ticket in most other States.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 233,946
Democratic 327,812
Reform 71,639
Libertarian 3,062

For United States Senator
Betty A. Burks, Republican 139,088
John D. Rockefeller IV, Democrat 456,526

For United States Representative
1. Alan B. Mollohan, Democrat 171,334
2. Greg Morris, Republican 63,933
Robert E. Wise, Jr., Democrat 141,551
3. Nick J. Rahall II, Democrat 145,550

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in West Virginia

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Reform Libertarian Total
1st district --- 171,334 --- --- 171,334
2d district 63,933 141,551 --- --- 205,484
3d district --- 145,550 --- --- 145,550
Total 63,933 458,435 --- --- 522,368
Senator 139,088 456,526 --- --- 595,614
Presidential electors 233,946 327,812 71,639 3,062 636,459


For Presidential Electors
Republican 845,029
Democratic 1,071,971
Independent 1 32,766
Reform 227,339
Libertarian 7,929
U.S. Taxpayers 8,811
Scattering 2,324

For United States Representative
1. Mark W. Neumann, Republican 118,408
Lydia C. Spottswood, Democrat 114,148
Scattering 245
2. Scott L. Klug, Republican 154,557
Paul R. Soglin, Democrat 110,467
Ben Masel, Libertarian 4,226
Scattering 124
3. James E. Harsdorf, Republican 112,146
Ron Kind, Democrat 121,967
Scattering 537
4. Tom Reynolds, Republican 98,438
Gerald D. Kleczka, Democrat 134,470
Scattering 376
5. Paul D. Melotik, Republican 47,384
Thomas M. Barrett, Democrat 141,179
James D. Soderna, U.S. Taxpayers 3,696
Scattering 310
6. Thomas E. Petri, Republican 169,213
Al Lindskoog, Democrat 55,377
James Dean, Libertarian 4,494
Timothy Farness, U.S. Taxpayers 2,532
Scattering 103
7. Scott West, Republican 103,365
David R. Obey, Democrat 137,428
Scattering 105
8. David Prosser, Republican 119,398
Jay W. Johnson, Democrat 129,551
Scattering 208
9. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Republican 197,910
Floyd Brenholt, Democrat 67,740
Scattering 225

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Wisconsin

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Reform Libertarian U.S. Taxpayers Scattering Total
1st district 118,408 114,148 --- --- --- --- 245 232,801
2d district 154,557 110,467 --- --- 4,226 --- 124 269,374
3d district 112,146 121,967 --- --- --- --- 537 234,650
4th district 98,438 134,470 --- --- --- --- 376 233,284
5th district 47,384 141,179 --- --- --- 3,696 310 192,569
6th district 169,213 55,377 --- --- 4,494 2,532 103 231,719
7th district 103,365 137,428 --- --- --- --- 105 240,898
8th district 119,398 129,551 --- --- --- --- 208 249,157
9th district 197,910 67,740 --- --- --- --- 225 265,875
Total 1,120,819 1,012,327 --- --- 8,720 6,228 2,233 2,150,327
Presidential electors 845,029 1,071,971 1 32,766 227,339 7,929 8,811 2,324 2,196,169

1 Includes candidates appearing on the following party tickets in most other States: 28,723 for Green Party; 1,379 for Natural Law Party; 1,333 for Workers World Party; 848 for Socialist Party; and 483 for Socialist Workers Party.


For Presidential Electors
Republican 105,388
Democratic 77,934
Independent 1 25,928
Libertarian 1,739
Natural Law 582

For United States Senator
Michael B. Enzi, Republican 114,116
Kathy Karpan, Democrat 89,103
W. David Herbert, Libertarian 5,289
Lloyd Marsden, Natural Law 2,569

For United States Representative

Barbara Cubin, Republican 116,004
Pete Maxfield, Democrat 85,724
Dave Dawson, Libertarian 8,255

Recapitulation of Votes Cast in Wyoming

Title of candidate Republican Democratic Independent Libertarian Natural Law Total
At large 116,004 85,724 --- 8,255 --- 209,983
Senator 114,116 89,103 --- 5,289 2,569 211,077
Presidential electors 105,388 77,934 1 25,928 1,739 582 211,571

1 Candidate appears on Reform Party ticket in most other States.


For Resident Commissioner
Carlos A. Romero-Barceló, New Progressive 973,654
Celeste Benitez, Popular Democratic 904,048
Manuel Rodr&iacuteguez; Orellana, Puerto Rican Independence 68,827
Total 1,946,529


(Runoff Election–November 19, 1996)
Eni F. H. Faleomavaega, Democrat 6,321
Gus Hannemann, (none stated) 4,871
Total 11,192


For Presidential Electors
Republican 17,339
Democratic 158,220
Green 4,780
Reform 3,611
Socialist Workers 257
Libertarian 588
Natural Law 283
Write-in 648
Total 185,726

For Delegate
Sprague Simonds, Republican 11,306
Eleanor Holmes Norton, Democrat 134,996
Faith, Independent 2,119
Sam Manuel, Socialist Workers 1,146
Write-in 431
Total 149,998


For Delegate
Robert A. Underwood, Democrat (only candidate on ballot) 34,395
Total 34,395


For Delegate

(General Election)
Kenneth E. Mapp, Republican 3,973
Donna Christian-Green, Democrat 4,162
Victor O. Frazer, Independent 7,202
Write-in 14
Total 15,351

(Runoff Election–November 19, 1996)
Donna Christian-Green, Democrat 12,869
Victor O. Frazer, Independent 11,913
Total 24,782