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What is the current population of Salt Lake City?

According to the Census Bureau, the estimated population as of July 1, 2003 was 179,894.


What is the elevation of Salt Lake City?

The highest point within city boundaries is Grandview Peak, which is 9,410 feet (2,870 meters) above sea level; the lowest point is 4,210 feet (1,284 meters).  The average elevation of the city is 4,327 feet (1,320 meters).


What is the latitude and longitude of Salt Lake City?

The intersection of Main Street and South Temple Street (the southeast corner of Temple Square) is located at 40° 46’ 10” North latitude (40.769381 decimal degrees) and 111° 53’ 25” West longitude (-111.890144 decimal degrees).


What is the crime rate in Salt Lake City?

For calendar year 2001, the crime index (Part 1 crimes) was 18,815.

For other information about crime, go to the Police Department’s web page.


How can I get a list of new business licenses issued by the City?

The Business Licensing division prepares a monthly report of all new business licenses issued.  There is a charge for this report.  Call 801-535-6644 for details.


Where can I get aerial photographs or maps of Salt Lake City?

Check out the Interactive Maps pages on our website or contact the Engineering Division at 801-535-6630 for details.

What are the city taxes on my phone bill for?

The franchise tax on your telephone bill is a city charge to all utilities; it includes business license and right-of-way fees.  It is not a personal tax but a tax on the utility company which they in turn pass on to customers.  There is a legislative description of the sales tax located on the Utah State Tax Commission web site.





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