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Mar. 06, 2006
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Tatarstan Rejects Dominant Role of Russians
Tatarstan’s State Council’s committee on culture, science, education and national issues has rejected the Federal Bill on State National Policy Fundamentals. The legislators confronted some clauses securing dominant role of the Russians, finding them not in line with the RF Constitution.
The offered bill is designated “to set conditions for creating some common identity – the civil nation of Russians,” said Razil Valeev, head of the culture, science, education and national issues committee, when presenting the bill. The bill judicially introduces the nation of Russians as the subject of national policy and acknowledges it as the state constitutive nation with self-determination on all soil of Russia, Valeev specified.

But “the dominant role of the Russians” contradicts the RF Constitution and violates one of its fundamental principles - the multinational nature of the RF people.

The Science Academy of Tatarstan and the Executive Committee of World Congress of the Tartars didn’t favor the bill either. For the World Congress of the Tatars, the greatest challenge proved the clause, whereby “reforming or changing the script, graphic and spelling of the state languages of the RF, national (native) languages of the RF peoples should be under the joint supervision of the RF and the RF Constituents.”

All the Article in Russian as of Mar. 06, 2006

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