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Singapore Green Plan

The Singapore Green Plan (SGP) was first drawn up in 1992 to provide strategic directions to ensure Singapore�s sustainability through a comprehensive set of measures, covering all aspects of the environment. The first plan was a 10 year programme that ended in 2002. SGP 2012 is the continuation plan of the first SGP for the next 10 years. There are 8 main targets in SGP 2012, NBRC is focusing on the target of Conserving Nature. Under Conserving Nature, there are 4 further targets:

  1. Keep nature areas for as long as possible
  2. Verify and update information on indigenous flora and fauna through biodiversity surveys
  3. Put in place new parks and park connectors
  4. Set up a National Biodiversity Reference Centre.

  5. For more information and details of SGP 2012, visit

© 2006 National Parks Board