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Housing Profile
Miami-Dade County, Florida
  • Population, 2005: 2422080. Miami-Dade County ranks # 1 of Florida's 67 counties in population.
  • Households, 2005: 837419
  • Homeownership Rate, 2005: 58.4%. Statewide, Florida's homeownership rate is 70.3%.
Population Projections
  • In 2030, Miami-Dade County is projected to have a population of 3196805, ranking it # 1 of Florida's 67 counties.

Projected Total Population, Miami-Dade County, 2005-2030

Place 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Miami-Dade County 2422080 2605886 2771496 2927595 3067012 3196805
Note:  Housing Needs Assessment - Population and Household Projection Methodology User Guide.

Source:   Not Available.

Housing Market

Existing Home Values (Based on County Property Appraisers' Just Value)

  • Single Family Home, average value, 2005: $281747. (Statewide, the average value of a single family home in Florida in 2005 was $201829).
  • Mobile Home, average value, 2005: $119517.
  • Condominium, average value, 2005: $183176.

  • [1] Does not include all units. Excludes mobile homes in mobile home parks.
    * -100 means less than 25 observations
    * -200 means less than 2/3 of observations have valid year built entries
    * -300 means less than 2/3 of observations have valid square footage entries
    * -400 means no observations

Home Sales Prices

  • The average sales price for a single family home was $420469 in 2005. The median sales price that year was $300000, compared to a statewide median sales price of $226000.

  • [1] The number of sales estimate for years 1990-1998 are partial sales for the year. See most recent State of Florida Housing Report for explanation.
    * -100 means less than 25 observations.
    * -200 means less than 2/3 of observations have valid entries for that year.
    * -300 means less than 2/3 of observations have valid square footage entries.
    * -400 means no observations.

Median Sales Price for Single Family Homes and Condominiums, Miami-Dade County, 1996-2005

Place Housing Type 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Miami-Dade County Condominiums 80000 82900 87900 93000 99000 115000 133000 154000 184500 226000
Miami-Dade County Single Family Homes 121900 126000 130000 135000 142000 158000 176000 200000 242000 300000
[1] The number of sales estimate for years 1990-1998 are partial sales for the year. See most recent State of Florida Housing Report for explanation.
* -100 means less than 25 observations.
* -200 means less than 2/3 of observations have valid entries for that year.
* -300 means less than 2/3 of observations have valid square footage entries.
* -400 means no observations.
Source:  County property appraiser tax rolls, compiled by Shimberg Center - Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse.


  • The median rent paid by Miami-Dade County households in 2000 was $647 per month, compared to a statewide median rent of $641.
  • In Miami-Dade County and the surrounding metro area, the HUD Fair Market Rent in 2007, representing rent for a typical modest apartment, was $741 for a studio apartment, $839 for a one-bedroom, $1018 for a two-bedroom, $1302 for a three-bedroom, and $1522 for a four-bedroom unit.

Households by Monthly Rent Paid, Miami-Dade County,2000

Place No Cash Rent less than 200 between 200 and 299 between 300 and 499 between 500 and 749 between 750 and 999 between 1000 and 1499 1500 or more
Miami-Dade County 9143 19076 11302 53881 125095 69880 30560 7896

Affordable Housing Needs

Cost Burden, General

  • "Cost-burdened" households pay more than 30% of income for rent or mortgage costs. In 2005, 341088 Miami-Dade County households (41%) pay more than 30% of income for housing. By comparison, 29% of households statewide are cost-burdened.
  • 161948 households in Miami-Dade County (19%) pay more than 50% of income for housing.

Households by Cost Burden, Miami-Dade County, 2005

Amount of Income Paid for Housing
0-30% 30-50% 50% or more
Total 496331 179140 161948
Note:  Housing Needs Assessment - Population and Household Projection Methodology User Guide.
Click here to get household projections by tenure, age of householder, income, and cost burden.
Source:   Not Available.

** The Household Demographic Data Access Tool allows users to combine any of the variables below to create a custom report. For example, a user could find the number of 1-2 person renter households age 65 and older who pay more than 50% of income for housing by selecting household size, householder age, and household income as indicators.

Homeowners and Renters

Households by Homeowner/Renter Status and Cost Burden, Miami-Dade County, 2005

Amount of Income Paid for Housing
0-30% 30-50% 50% or more
Owner 312078 99850 77138
Renter 184253 79290 84810
Note:  Housing Needs Assessment - Population and Household Projection Methodology User Guide.
Click here to get household projections by tenure, age of householder, income, and cost burden.
Source:   Not Available.

Household Income

  • In the following table, household income is measured as a percentage of the median income for the county or area, adjusted for family size. In Miami-Dade County and the surrounding metro area, the HUD-estimated median income for a family of four is $45200 in 2007.

Households by Income and Cost Burden, Miami-Dade County, 2005

Household Income as Percentage of Area Median Income Amount of Income Paid for Housing
0-30% 30-50% 50% or more
<=30% AMI 35906 10332 70220
30.01-50% AMI 15916 28320 46134
50.01-80% AMI 44639 55945 27959
80.01+% AMI 399870 84543 17635
Total 496331 179140 161948
Note:  Housing Needs Assessment - Population and Household Projection Methodology User Guide.
Click here to get household projections by tenure, age of householder, income, and cost burden.
Source:   Not Available.

** For more detailed income categories and to combine with other variables such as age, cost burden, and owner/renter status, try the Household Demographic Data Access Tool.

Elderly Households

  • 184131 households in Miami-Dade County (22.0%) are headed by a person age 65 or older in 2005. In comparison, 27.2% of households statewide are headed by elderly persons.
  • 120912 of elderly households in Miami-Dade County (65.7%) own their homes.
  • 80027 elderly households (43%) pay more than 30% of income for rent or mortgage costs.

Elderly Households by Age and Cost Burden, Miami-Dade County, 2005

Age of Householder Amount of Income Paid for Housing
0-30% 30-49.9% 50+ %
65+ 104104 36253 43774
Note:  Housing Needs Assessment - Population and Household Projection Methodology User Guide.
Click here to get household projections by tenure, age of householder, income, and cost burden.
Source:   Not Available.

** To learn about all head-of-household age categories and to combine with other variables such as income, cost burden, and owner/renter status, try the Household Demographic Data Access Tool.

Size of Households

  • 425394 households in Miami-Dade County (51%) are made up of 1-2 persons in 2005. 44% of these households pay more than 30% of income for rent or mortgage costs.
  • 282967 households in Miami-Dade County (34%%) are made up of 3-4 persons in 2005. 38% of these households pay more than 30% of income for rent or mortgage costs.
  • 129043 households in Miami-Dade County (15%%) are made up of 5 persons or more in 2005. 37% of these households pay more than 30% of income for rent or mortgage costs.

Households by Size and Cost Burden, Miami-Dade County, 2005

Number of Persons in the Household Amount of Income Paid for Housing
0-30% 30.01-50% 50.01+ %
1-2 239957 89064 96373
3-4 174973 61867 46127
5+ 81400 28204 19439
Note:  Housing Needs Assessment - Population and Household Projection Methodology User Guide.
Click here to get household projections by tenure, age of householder, income, and cost burden.
Source:   Not Available.

** To combine with other variables such as income, head-of-household age, and owner/renter status, try the Household Demographic Data Access Tool.

Disability and Affordable Housing Need

  • In 2000, 112260 low-income households included at least one person with a disability age 15 or older. These households had incomes below 60% of the area median income.

Low-Income (<60% AMI) Households Including Persons with Disabilities Age 15+ and Cost Burden, Miami Dade County, 2000

Amount of Income Paid for Housing
0-29.9% 30-49.9% 50+ %
28660 27125 56475

Single Family Home Size and Age

  • In 2006, the median size for a new single-family home in Miami Dade County was 1909 square feet.

Year Structure Built, Miami-Dade County, 2000

Year Structure Built, 2000
1939 and earlier 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Place
35431 56783 140635 142827 191906 155186 129510 Miami-Dade County

Substandard Housing

Housing units are considered to be substandard if they are overcrowded, do not have heat, or lack complete kitchens or plumbing. In 2000,

  • 155516 housing units (20.0% of all units) in Miami-Dade County were overcrowded, meaning that they housed more than one person per room, compared to a statewide percentage of 6.5%.
  • 39311 units (5.1%) in Miami-Dade County did not use home heating fuel, compared to a statewide percentage of 1.8%.
  • 8095 units (0.9%) in Miami-Dade County lacked complete kitchen facilities, compared to a statewide percentage of 0.5%.
  • 7948 units (0.9%) in Miami-Dade County lacked complete plumbing facilities, compared to a statewide percentage of 0.4%.