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Popular Science Launches In Australia

Australian Post Posted by Nick Broughall at 5:58 PM on September 24, 2008

Popscimag.jpgWhoever said that print was dead? Popular Science, one of the world's biggest men's magazines, has launched in Australia this week. Why should you care? Because they care about the gadgets, and that makes them like you (and me).

The new mag promises to deliver a heap of content, from the latest tech to sports, vehicles, health and engineering. The first issue is on the newstands now for $8.95, and from the looks of that weird looking bike thing on the front cover, it might be right up your alley.

The launch issue's press release is after the jump, if you need convincing why you should read the mag...




Finally, a men's magazine you can read in front of your mother

Wednesday, 24 September 2008 marks the Australian launch of Popular Science.
Published internationally since 1872, it was purchased from Time Inc by Bonnier
Corp in May 2007 and is now the fifth most widely read magazine in the US by men.
Popular Science makes its mark in practically every aspect of life that men are
interested in:

• Technology (gadgets).

• Sports (equipment and technique).

• Going really fast (cars, planes and bikes).

• Health (food and medical science).

• Engineering (power tools and DIY workshopping).

• Saving the world (because all men, at some stage, want to be superheroes).

Popular Science is a magazine for the intelligent modern man, answering their
secret desire to be 'that guy' who has the answers, the one with the insider
knowledge who's always ahead of the curve. It's dedicated to delivering what's new
and what's next, covering everything from mobile phones, HDTVs, power tools and
cars to breakthroughs in communications, travel, the environment and more.

"Saving the world" is no joke, either. Not only does Popular Science explain how
things work, why they're better and how they'll change our lives, it asks the serious
questions about how we can save the world. In the first issue alone, Popular Science
tackles the issue of how to bring the cost of solar energy down to fossil fuel levels.

Also covered in the issue: how a Perth bloke is creating a source of 'green energy' by
harnessing the power of the ocean.

Popular Science is available monthly for only $8.95.



Posted September 25, 2008 3:06 PM

mm something for the lunch break!

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