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Online Journalism News

Independent unveils revamped website

new indy The Independent has revamped its website with an emphasis on more video and audio content.

It is hoped that the new site, which has been developed with Dutch company Getronics, will improve navigation and increase user interaction through features such as blogs, forums and user-generated polls.

The newspaper's monthly music magazine will also move online as part of the relaunch and will be complemented by a radio show, an audio player and download service.

An announcement on the site boasts an improved search facility and the promise of more image galleries and graphics on the updated site.

Bill Swanson, general manager of The Independent, said the new site was only 'the first step' in a series of online developments for the paper.

"The technology and platform will create an environment which allows us to continue to improve content and functionality," he said in a press release.

"It will transform the user experience and will provide more flexibility for our advertisers to reach The Independent’s unique online audience with a larger inventory, and new ways to interact with users."

Simon Kelner, editor-in-chief, said the new site provided 'a valuable extension to the paper's print offering'.

"NRS [National Readership Survey] research has shown that readers of The Independent are more likely to access the internet than the readers of any other title.  This relaunch, full of innovative ideas and quality journalism, will further strengthen our position," he added.

Tags (click tag to find related articles; click icon for feed):
digital video | independent | newspapers | bill swanson | simon kelner |

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