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Authors:  Baldwin, CC
Collette, BB
Parenti, LR
Smith, DG
Springer, VG
Keywords:  Scientific Diving
Issue Date:  1996
Publisher:  American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS)
Citation:  CC Baldwin, BB Collette, LR Parenti, DG Smith, and VG Springer. COLLECTING FISHES. In: MA Lang, CC Baldwin (Eds.) The Diving for Science…1996, "Methods and Techniques of Underwater Research", Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences Sixteenth Annual Scientific Diving Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Abstract:  As systematic ichthyologists working in the world's largest collection of preserved fishes, we are often asked "how do you collect the fishes?" The number of fin fish- collecting techniques that have been developed around the world is enormous, but most can be grouped into a few major categories. Here we review some techniques for collecting with nets, hook and line, spears and yns, chemicals, explosives, lights, electricity, and traps among others, concentrating on methods employed by North American ichthyologists for the collection of scientific specimens. Additionally, to demonstrate that the number of fish-collecting techniques is limited only by the imagination of the collector, we highlight some unusual methods.
Description:  American Academy of Underwater Sciences (
Appears in Collections: American Academy of Underwater Sciences

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