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A Bid for an Obama Cabinet

Richard Ellis / Getty Images
On the Job Market: Sen. Kerry hopes to take his foreign-relations experience to the State Department
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They both ran for the White House, though one got closer—much closer—than the other. They both sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with their junior colleague Barack Obama. And if the Illinois senator is elected president in November, they both apparently would like to be his secretary of State. A source close to Massachusetts' John Kerry, who asked for anonymity when discussing the senator's political aspirations, says the Foreign Relations Committee's third-ranking Democrat (and 2004 presidential runner-up) is keen to be the nation's top diplomat. That also could well be the case for Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd, the committee's second-ranking Democrat (and 2008 presidential also-ran). The committee's chairman, Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden, is also frequently mentioned by Democratic insiders as a potential secretary of State—though, like Dodd, he might have his eyes on a bigger prize: the vice presidency. (Kerry does not appear to harbor veep aspirations.)

Kerry is a decorated Vietnam War veteran, but because his Senate experience is in foreign relations rather than military affairs, he's more intrigued by the State Department than the Pentagon, according to the source. (He also speaks fluent French.) Dodd, meanwhile, has recently been showcasing his expertise on Latin America: at an April conference at the U.S. Naval Academy, he laid out a blueprint for a "new relationship" between the United States and the region. Dodd's plan would include efforts to "dramatically improve" relations with Raúl Castro's Cuba by lifting a U.S. trade embargo and travel ban. While Dodd's office had no comment on his ambitions, an aide did confirm that Dodd is a fluent Spanish speaker and noted that he chairs a subcommittee on Western Hemisphere affairs. Biden speaks no foreign languages but is regarded as one of the Democrats' foremost foreign-policy wise men. He has said he wouldn't turn down an offer to run as Obama's VP, and while his spokeswoman had no comment, another Biden adviser, who asked for anonymity, says that he likewise would not decline an offer to become secretary of State.

Of the three senators, Kerry endorsed Obama first. Biden and Dodd both abandoned their presidential bids after poor showings in the Iowa caucuses, but only Dodd has endorsed Obama. During the primaries, Biden said he would support the eventual nominee but remained neutral in the race between Obama and Hillary Clinton. How diplomatic.

© 2008

Member Comments
  • Posted By: Payday Loan Advocate @ 10/21/2008 1:51:28 AM

    Comment: Aldous Huxley, author of the classic novel, Brave New World, gives his readers a ???warning??? of what would come to pass if the government completely controlled our everyday lives. Published in 1932, Huxley wrote the book based on his prediction of how London, his hometown, might look in the year 2540, assuming the continuance of programs to end war, conflict, suffering, and antagonistic (aka: ???free???) thought. Huxley painted a picture of what the world would look like if people were unable to speak their minds, or live how they want to, free from the confines of the multiple levels of government. Many people criticized and continue to criticize Huxley for his novel. Several seeds have been planted in the U.S., which have created alarming parallels to Huxley???s novel. The socialist and communist movements have been lurking in the shadows of America for many generations, but the movements have recently come to the forefront of the political platform. Some politicians are attempting to assign the government exclusive control of too many aspects of daily life. For example, in certain areas of Los Angeles, elected officials have created restrictions on where new fast food restaurants can and cannot establish themselves. Yes, you heard me right; the ???man??? is telling you that you can???t get a juicy hamburger and fries in South L.A., whether you like it or not. What???s worse is that state and national politicians are trying to rob you of your right to access fast and easy payday loans. Politicians want to eliminate payday loans in an attempt to win the votes of bigger corporations like banks, so they can take office and promote their self-interests. Stand up and be heard. Fight to free yourself from the government???s ever-increasing power over your daily life.
    Post Courtesy of Personal Money Store
    Professional Blogging Team
    Feed Back: 1-866-641-3406

  • Posted By: Payday Loan Advocate @ 10/21/2008 1:49:48 AM

    Comment: Aldous Huxley, author of the classic novel, Brave New World, gives his readers a ???warning??? of what would come to pass if the government completely controlled our everyday lives. Published in 1932, Huxley wrote the book based on his prediction of how London, his hometown, might look in the year 2540, assuming the continuance of programs to end war, conflict, suffering, and antagonistic (aka: ???free???) thought. Huxley painted a picture of what the world would look like if people were unable to speak their minds, or live how they want to, free from the confines of the multiple levels of government. Many people criticized and continue to criticize Huxley for his novel. Several seeds have been planted in the U.S., which have created alarming parallels to Huxley???s novel. The socialist and communist movements have been lurking in the shadows of America for many generations, but the movements have recently come to the forefront of the political platform. Some politicians are attempting to assign the government exclusive control of too many aspects of daily life. For example, in certain areas of Los Angeles, elected officials have created restrictions on where new fast food restaurants can and cannot establish themselves. Yes, you heard me right; the ???man??? is telling you that you can???t get a juicy hamburger and fries in South L.A., whether you like it or not. What???s worse is that state and national politicians are trying to rob you of your right to access fast and easy payday loans. Politicians want to eliminate payday loans in an attempt to win the votes of bigger corporations like banks, so they can take office and promote their self-interests. Stand up and be heard. Fight to free yourself from the government???s ever-increasing power over your daily life.
    Post Courtesy of Personal Money Store
    Professional Blogging Team
    Feed Back: 1-866-641-3406

  • Posted By: willnotvoteobama @ 07/01/2008 10:51:35 AM

    Comment: KOOL-AID??????..From the kitchen of the obama sheeple!! take one heaping spoonful of an inexperienced elitist white male seeking self validation through exploitation of his african-american genetics. Combine two parts black liberation theology clerics spewing intolerance! With two parts of unrepentant intellectuals committed to the destruction of America. Stir in one cup of militant black wife harboring the overwhelming desire to stick it to whitey and one spoonful of typical white person grandmother mix well. Pour a gallon of anti-patriotism into tall glasses and sprinkle with naïve foreign policy ideations. Serve on a platter of meaningless oratorical hyperbole with a generous dollop of wealth re-distribution. Sprinkle liberally with zest of white guilt flip it and flop it till it tastes right. Serve large portions to the undiscerning and spellbound masses convinced that the Second Coming is upon America and now you have a complete recipe for disaster!

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