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Emilie Marcus, Executive Editor, Cell Press

Areas of Expertise: Publishing in the Life Sciences

Emilie Marcus

Emilie has been a major contributor to debates on issues facing scientific publishing. She has served as a panellist on open debates about alternative publishing models at Harvard and Brandeis Universities and on the publishing ethics panel at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the External link  Council of Science Editors. She also is frequently asked to give talks at universities on the editorial process. She championed a new policy, launched in 2005, to make all content in the External link  Cell Press journals– back to 1995– freely available online 12 months after publication.

Emilie is responsible for identifying and promoting new scientific and technological trends that will shape the future of scientific research. Under her editorship, Cell launched a new section called Leading Edge which expands the realm of content in the journal beyond primary research results to include dynamic and interactive commentaries, opinions and debates on global issues and policies that directly affect scientific research.

Prior to joining Cell, Emilie had a successful graduate and postdoctoral research career, first at Yale University, where she received her PhD in Biology/Neuroscience in 1993, and then at the Salk Institute and University of California at San Diego. Emilie was also Editor of Neuron from 1998 to 2003.

Emilie has also contributed to debate around the value and robustness of the peer-review process, handling potential conflicts of interest for authors, reviewers and editors, scientific misconduct and data manipulation, the impact of new information technologies (blogs, wikis and data and text-mining capabilities), new publishing business models, and the uses and abuses of the impact factor as a measure of journal quality. 

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