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Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020



1 Introduction

2 International and National Context of Growth

3 Vision and Goals of Kuala Lumpur
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The development vision for Kuala Lumpur
3.2.1 A world-class working environment
3.2.2 A world-class living environment
3.2.3 A world-class business environment
3.2.4 A world-class city governance
3.3 Goals
3.4 Conclusion

4 Economic Base and Population

5 Income and Quality of Life

6 Land Use and Development Strategy

7 Commerce

8 Tourism

9 Industry

10 Transportation

11 Infrastructure and Utilities

12 Housing

13 Community Facilities

14 Urban Design and Landscape

15 Environment

16 Special Areas

17 Strategic Zone

18 Implementation



3.1 Introduction

40. The development of Malaysia is now guided by the national agenda and Vision 2020 that envisions Malaysia as a fully developed country economically, socially, politically and spiritually by the year 2020. Embodied in this vision is the aspiration of achieving excellence, glory and distinction. A critical factor in attaining this vision is the sustenance of rapid economic growth which is achieved mainly through growth in the export oriented secondary and tertiary sectors. Malaysian industries must be able to compete successfully in the global markets through a more effective
application of science and technology as well as a more imaginative utilisation and marketing of the country’s inherent and acquired advantages and strengths with respect to natural, human, financial and cultural resources.
41. Kuala Lumpur, being the premier city of the nation, must contribute strongly to the attainment of the ideal embodied within Vision 2020 and its aspirations. The development vision for Kuala Lumpur must therefore be consistent with, and reflect the underlying principles of Vision 2020 while being appropriate to the City’s own particular role in the nation’s development.

3.2 The development vision for Kuala Lumpur

42. The vision for Kuala Lumpur that is consistent with the national vision is: KUALA LUMPUR - A WORLD-CLASS CITY.
43. The vision of ‘A World-Class City’ encapsulates the ambition to make Kuala Lumpur a city that will assume a major global and subglobal role for the benefit of all its inhabitants, workers, visitors and investors.
44. Kuala Lumpur will strive to establish the highest quality living, working and business environment benchmarked against the best in the world. This is necessary if it is to attract and retain national and international investors as well as skilled and professional workers, both local and foreign.
45. As a world-class city, Kuala Lumpur must also ensure that the infrastructure, environment, city management and cultural, social and community facilities meet the highest expectations of the majority of its residents, workers, visitors and investors.

Photo 3.1: Kuala Lumpur, being the premier city of the nation, must contribute strongly to the attainment of the ideal embodied within Vision 2020 and its aspiration.
46. The four principal constituents of a worldclass city are a world-class working environment, a world-class living environment, a world-class business environment and a world-class governance.

 3.2.1  A world-class working environment

47. There should be a wide range in the choice of jobs and career opportunities together with good training facilities. Convenient and efficient transportation services offering minimum commuting time and cost together with good communication services and infrastructure are important considerations. Workplaces should be well equipped and provide a pleasant working environment and there should be well-developed supporting institutions such as libraries and information services as well as childcare facilities for working mothers.

 3.2.2 A world-class living environment

48. A world-class working environment must also encompass all the ingredients that make up a world-class living environment such as good quality housing, adequate, accessible and high quality facilities and a healthy, safe and lively environment so that those who work in the City together with their families can enjoy the best possible standard of living. In addition, City’s living environment shall be further enhanced by giving emphasis on cultural heritage, good values as well as promoting active community interaction at all age and level of community including the teenagers, youth, aged, disabled and women.

 3.2.3 A world-class business environment

49. The availability of skilled personnel together with high quality, competitively priced office, production and storage space are amongst the most important considerations for a world-class business environment. This needs to be supported by a wide range of auxiliary and ancillary services and industries including financial and management services, research and professional facilities.
50. Excellent and efficient transportation, communication and information infrastructure links within the City and to other parts of the country and the rest of the world are essential.

 3.2.4 A world-class city governance

51. A world-class city governance is necessary to ensure that all the ingredients that go to make up a world-class working, living and business environment are provided, sustained and continuously upgraded so as to keep pace with the best in the world.
52. A world-class city governance is essentially one oriented towards an efficient and equitable use of available financial, organisational and human resources. Dedication, innovation, creativity and integrity are qualities of good governance that ensure the provision and maintenance of the best possible working, living and business environments.

3.3 Goals

53. In order to achieve the vision of A World- Class City, five goals are identified:

Goal 1: To enhance the role of Kuala Lumpur as an international commercial and financial centre.
54. For Kuala Lumpur to become a world-class city, it must enhance its existing strengths and position itself as a commercial and financial centre able to compete at a regional and international level. Kuala Lumpur must also reinforce its status as the nation’s capital by becoming a major centre for the K-Economy and taking a lead role in
implementing government policies.

Photo 3.2: ...City must enhance its existing strengths and position itself as a commercial and financial centre able to compete...
55. The City leads the nation in the high-end service industries. To orientate itself globally, these service industries together with manufacturing industries that are compatible with its urban status, such as skilled and technology intensive manufacturing and knowledge-based industries must be developed as important export industries.
56. In addition, Kuala Lumpur must seek to attract regional headquarters of transnational companies operating on a global or sub-global scale by promoting itself as a competitive location in Asia Pacific Region and developing its support services and infrastructure to a level that is commensurate with the best in the world.

Goal 2: To create an efficient and equitable city structure.
57. For Kuala Lumpur to realise its vision as A World-Class City, it is important that the commercial and financial goal is achieved efficiently and also in a manner that benefits all members of the City’s community. Development must be balanced in such a way that the overall configuration of land use is optimized without compromising societal needs or adversely affecting the existing natural and built environment.

Photo 3.3: Development must be balanced … without compromising societal needs or adversely affecting the existing natural and built environment.
58. Good transportation and other communication linkages within the City and externally to the rest of the country and the world are also essential ‘enabling factors’ in the attainment of Goal 1. Public transportation plays an important part in the achievement of this goal by enabling greater flexibility and freedom of movement. Other infrastructure, utilities and facilities must be equitably distributed to ensure that they are accessible to all citizens.

Goal 3: To enhance the city living environment.
59. The City must be functional, liveable and impart a sense of community and belonging. In addition, it must also provide a clean, healthy, safe and caring environment that caters to the needs of all. The City needs a wide range of employment and business opportunities, education, training, sufficient quality housing for all income groups and well designed, easily accessible social, sports and recreational facilities. It is of great importance to ensure that the needs of future generations are not compromised by decisions or developments related solely to present day issues.

Goal 4: To create a distinctive city identity and image.
60. In a world where globalisation has led to certain homogeneity in the appearance and character of major cities across the world, it is imperative that Kuala Lumpur seeks to define its own distinctive identity reflective of its tropical climate and multi ethnic population. This should be manifested in the built and natural environment and the everyday way of life of the City’s inhabitants as well as the various forms of cultural expression.

Photo 3.4: define its own distinctive identity reflective of its tropical climate and multi ethnic population.
61. The image of a tropical garden city is appropriate implying as it does the need to moderate the climate by providing shade from the sun and shelter from the rain.
62. These can be achieved by using a combination of natural elements such as trees and physical ones such as buildings. The distinctive way of life in Kuala Lumpur, which stems in part from the ethnic and cultural diversity of its people and also from the blending of aspects of those cultures, should be jealously guarded and given greater emphasis. Culture and the arts shall be enhanced while buildings and historical areas or architectural values shall be preserved as heritage and be promoted as tourism products.

Goal 5: To have an efficient and effective governance.
63. The importance of good governance is of central importance in the achievement of the goals, strategies and policies set out in the Plan. This requires a commitment to the qualities of good governance as set out in the Habitat Agenda, namely transparency, responsibility, accountability and the adoption of just, effective and efficient administrative practices.
64. Transparency can be accomplished through sharing of a common vision, active and meaningful participation of all stakeholders and the free flow of information. Citizen and customer-oriented policies need also to be adopted as a means of improving the authority’s responsiveness to the needs of its citizens.
65. Equity and fairness can be achieved through the distribution of all facilities and services to its citizens including the disabled, aged, poor, children and women.
66. Effectiveness and efficiency are also key elements of good governance which the authority must improve through management innovation, capacity building, outsourcing, benchmarking, human resources development and networking. Processes and institutions must be reengineered to produce results that meet the needs of the City and its population while making the best use of resources.

3.4 Conclusion

67. The vision and goals for Kuala Lumpur have been formulated with the aim of creating a sustainable city. City Hall Kuala Lumpur (CHKL) shall ensure that the planning of the City shall strike a balance between physical, economic, social and environmental development. Local Agenda 21 shall be adopted to encourage citizen participation towards creating a sustainable society. This is in line with government policies of implementing sustainable development strategies as stipulated in the Habitat Agenda of the Rio Declaration.