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Georgia Weather 
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Georgia Weather And Climate Facts

These are the average weather conditions travellers may discover in major Georgia cites:

Athens Weather - The record high temperature for the last 62 years was 107°F, while the standard high yearly temperature is 72°F. The coldest day reported in Athens for the past 62 years was -4°F, while the normal low measured annual temperature is 50.9°F.

Athens usually receives an average of 47.83 inches of precipitation per year and receives an annual average of 2.4 inches of snow.

Atlanta Weather - In the last 57 years the highest measured temperature in Atlanta was 105°F, and the typical annual high is 72°F. In the last 57 years the lowest measured temperature in Atlanta was -8°F, while the typical low recorded annual temperature is 52.3°F.

Atlanta typically receives a yearly average of 50.2 inches of rain and averages 2.1 inches of snow annually.

Augusta Weather - In the last 55 years the highest measured temperature in Augusta Georgia was 108°F, and the regular yearly high is 75.7°F. The lowest documented temperature for Augusta for the past 55 years was -1°F, and the standard annual low recorded daily temperature is 50.6°F.

Augusta normally receives an annual average of 44.58 inches of rain and averages 1.1 inches of snow yearly.

Columbus Weather - The hottest day in Columbus for the past 60 years was 104°F, while the typical high yearly temperature is 75.8°F. In the last 60 years the lowest reported temperature in Columbus was -2°F, and the regular annual low is 54.4°F.

Columbus usually receives an average of 48.57 inches of rain during the year and receives an annual average of 0.5 inches of snow.

Macon Weather - In the last 57 years the highest measured temperature in Macon was 108°F, while the standard high annual temperature is 75.5°F. The record low temperature in Macon for the last 57 years was -6°F, while the regular low annual temperature is 52°F.

Macon typically receives a yearly average of 45 inches of rain and averages 0.9 inches of snow.

Savannah Weather - The highest recorded temperature for Savannah for the past 55 years was 105°F, while the standard high annual temperature is 77.2°F. The lowest documented temperature for Savannah for the past 55 years was 3°F, and the regular annual low is 55.2°F.

Savannah usually receives an average of 49.58 inches of rain during the year and averages 0.4 inches of snow yearly.