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World Population Prospects:  The 2004 Revision, Analytical ReportThe 2004 Revision of World Population Prospects represents the latest global demographic estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. This third and last volume of the 2004 Revision provides a detailed analysis of the results of the World Population Prospects 2004. It also documents data sources used and methods applied in the preparation of the 2006 Revision. The report is accompanied by an executive summary of the results and the assumptions underlying the 2004 Revision. The executive summary and the assumptions have been translated into the six official United Nations languages.

The full results of the 2004 Revision are presented in a series of three volumes. In addition to the present volume, the first volume provides comprehensive tables displaying demographic profiles and major demographic indicators for each development group, major area, region and country for 1950-2050; and the second volume contains the age and sex distributions of populations for the period 1950-2050. Summary findings of the 2004 Revision are also shown in a wall chart.

Also available are datasets in electronic form.

Preface and Table of contents

Executive Summary


Chapter I. Population size, distribution and growth
Chapter II. Population age composition
Chapter III. Fertility
Chapter IV. Mortality and the demographic impact of HIV/AIDS
Chapter V. International migration
Chapter VI. Methodology of the United Nations population estimates and projections
Chapter VII. Sources of data and demographic methods
Chapter VIII. Ordering the World Population Prospects data on CD-ROM


List of Revisions

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