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The United Church of Canada crest /L'Église Unie du Canada
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Affirming Congregations and Ministries

Same-sex marriage services are available through some United Churches. We suggest you contact one of the Affirming United Churches, or contact the minister of your local United Church to inquire whether that congregation provides marriage and/or covenanting services.

The Affirming Congregation Program was launched by Affirm United and Friends of Affirm in the summer of 1992. It provides materials to guide a group to create opportunities to study the issues of inclusion and welcoming of diverse peoples into their life and work of service. The particular focus of the study is the inclusion of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people in the life and work of their group. This program is an opportunity for congregations to study the issues of inclusion and to publicly state that they welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people.

See Affirm United * for a listing of United Church congregations and ministries that have gone through this process and have voted to be recognized as Affirming—welcoming of all people regardless of their sexual orientation.

NOTE: A number of United Church of Canada congregations and ministries are open and affirming in practice while not having gone through the process to become Affirming—for example, Naramata Centre in British Columbia.

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