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The passing of Acts of Union by both the English and Scottish Parliaments led to the creation on 1 May 1707 of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Parliament of the United Kingdom met for the first time in October 1707.

Act of Union

To mark the 300th anniversary of these events, Parliament has created this website, containing a wealth of historical information and images, as well as interactive versions of key documents. In 2007 the Westminster and Edinburgh parliaments also jointly mounted an exhibition to mark the anniversary.

This website is divided into three main sections. Two Kingdoms looks at the relationship between the two independent kingdoms of England and Scotland in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Making the Act of Union explores the critical period leading up to the passing of Acts of Union by both the English and Scottish parliaments in 1707. Finally, United into One Kingdom looks at the aftermath of the Union, and the development over many years of a 'British' identity.