The Wayback Machine -
A line of people hopping along stepping stones over a wide river in the Peak District

About us

Map of the UKs National Parks

One big family

There are 15 members of the National Parks family in the UK and each one is looked after by its own National Park Authority. We all work together as the Association of National Park Authorities (ANPA).

See the Learning About section to find out:
what is a national park
who looks after National Parks
the history of National Parks

The UK’s 15 National Parks are part of a global family of over 113,000 protected areas, covering 149 million square kilometres or 6% of the Earth’s surface. We are linked to Europe through the EUROPARC Federation – a network of European protected areas with 360 member organisations in 37 countries.

There are 10 National Parks in England, 3 in Wales and 2 in Scotland, they are:

Not ours - but ours to look after

Each National Park is administered by its own National Park Authority. They are independent bodies funded by central government to:

If there’s a conflict between these two purposes, conservation takes priority. In carrying out these aims, National Park Authorities are also required to seek to foster the economic and social well-being of local communities within the National Park.

The Broads Authority has a third purpose, protecting the interests of navigation, and under the Broads Act 1988 all three purposes have equal priority.

The Scottish National Parks' objectives are to also promote the sustainable use of natural resources, the sustainable economic and social development of local communities and more of a focus on recreation.

See the looking after section to find out how we work to conserve and promote enjoyment in the National Parks

Elected members and staff

Each National Park Authority has a number of unpaid appointed members, selected by the Secretary of State, local councils and parish councils. The role of members is to provide leadership, scrutiny and direction for the National Park Authority.

There are also a number of paid staff who carry out the work necessary to run the National Park. Our working for us section shows the diverse types of jobs National Park staff do, from rangers and ecologists to planners and education teams.

The Association of National Park Authorities

UK ANPA brings together the 15 National Park Authorities in the UK to raise the profile of the National Parks and to promote joint working. Country associations for the English and Welsh National Parks represent the National Park Authorities to English and Welsh governments.

Find out about UK ANPA and the country associations

about us

Our websites

The links below will take you to each National Park's website: