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MLA Language Map Data Center
Use one of the forms below to find out the number, ages, and percentage of speakers of each language in a particular geographic region. All forms provide data from Census 2000. In addition, the top two forms include data from the 2005 American Community Survey.
US, State, Region, or Division
Make a selection to see a table and chart of languages spoken.
Pie Charts
Select year:
Language by State
Select a language to see the states in which it is spoken.
Select language:
Select year:
Or show list of all languages:
First select a state, then choose from a list of counties.
Select state:
Select county:
County Subdivision
Enter the name of a district, an incorporated place, a township, or another administrative division.
City or Town
Enter a city or town name.
Zip Code
Enter a 5-digit zip code.

Note: percentages may not add up to 100% because of rounding.