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Interactive USDA Gardening and Plant Hardiness Zone Map for New Hampshire

Based on the 1990 USDA Hardiness Zone Map, this interactive version covers the state of New Hampshire which ranges from USDA Zone 3b to USDA Zone 5b.

USDA Zone 3b

-35°F to -30°F

USDA Zone 4a

-30°F to -25°F

USDA Zone 4b

-25°F to -20°F

USDA Zone 5a

-20°F to -15°F

USDA Zone 5b

-15°F to -10°F

What are Hardiness Zones, Gardening Zones, Growing Zones and Plant Zones?

Hardiness Zones, Gardening Zones, Growing Zones and Plant Zones refer to defined geographic regions that can support specific plants, flowers and trees. The zones define a minimum range of temperatures that a plant or tree can survive safely in that zone. The most commonly used Hardiness Zones were defined by the USDA. The USDA provides a hard copy map that displays these zone throughout the US. The last update to this map covers minimum temperatures from 1961 to 1990. An updated map is currently in production, but has not been released yet. Plant Maps provides the only interactive version of the USDA hardiness zone map available on the internet.

Zone Maps for Adjacent States

Massachusetts Zone Map
Maine Zone Map
Vermont Zone Map

Other Interactive Gardening Maps and Data for New Hampshire

Interactive New Hampshire Drought Monitor Map
New Hampshire First Frost Date Map
New Hampshire Last Frost Date Map
Interactive Map of New Hampshire Drought Conditions
Interactive Map of New Hampshire Heat Zones
Interactive Map of New Hampshire Ecoregions
Interactive Maps of Native New Hampshire Trees and Plants
Interactive New Hampshire Plantmaps Hardiness Zone Map

Zoom to Major Cities in New Hampshire

Zoom to Manchester USDA Zone 5bManchester - USDA Zone 5b
Zoom to Nashua USDA Zone 5bNashua - USDA Zone 5b

Interactive Maps of New Hampshire Native Plants Distribution Areas

Abies balsamea - balsam fir Map
Acer negundo - boxelder Map
Acer nigrum - black maple Map
Acer pensylvanicum - striped maple Map
Acer rubrum - red maple Map
Acer saccharinum - silver maple Map
Acer saccharum - sugar maple Map
Acer spicatum - mountain maple Map
Alnus rugosa - speckled alder Map
Alnus serrulata - hazel alder Map
Amelanchier arborea - downy serviceberry Map
Amelanchier sanguinea - roundleaf serviceberry Map
Betula alleghaniensis - yellow birch Map
Betula lenta - sweet birch Map
Betula nigra - river birch Map
Betula papyrifera - paper birch Map
Betula populifolia - gray birch Map
Carpinus caroliniana - American hornbeam Map
Carya cordiformis - bitternut hickory Map
Carya glabra - pignut hickory Map
Carya ovata - shagbark hickory Map
Carya tomentosa - mockernut hickory Map
Castanea dentata - American chestnut Map
Celtis occidentalis - hackberry Map
Cephalanthus occidentalis - common buttonbush Map
Chamaecyparis thyoides - Atlantic white cedar Map
Cornus alternifolia - alternate leaf dogwood Map
Cornus florida - flowering dogwood Map
Cornus racemosa - gray dogwood Map
Cornus rugosa - roundleaf dogwood Map
Cornus stolonifera - red osier dogwood Map
Corylus cornuta - beaked hazel Map
Fagus grandifolia - American beech Map
Fraxinus americana - white ash Map
Fraxinus nigra - black ash Map
Fraxinus pennsylvanica - green ash Map
Hamamelis virginiana - witch hazel Map
Ilex laevigata - smooth winterberry Map
Ilex verticillata - common winterberry Map
Juglans cinerea - butternut Map
Juniperus communis - common juniper Map
Juniperus virginiana - eastern redcedar Map
Kalmia latifolia - mountain laurel Map
Larix laricina - tamarack Map
Myrica pensylvanica - northern bayberry Map
Nyssa sylvatica - black tupelo Map
Ostrya virginiana - eastern hophornbeam Map
Picea mariana - black spruce Map
Picea rubens - red spruce Map
Pinus resinosa - red pine Map
Pinus rigida - pitch pine Map
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