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TARDIS on building 7, great dome, and beyond

Location: Building 7 above Mass Ave., Great Dome, Baxter Hall (Caltech), Birge Hall (UC Berkeley)
Date: August 25, 2010 (building 7, MIT), August 30, 2010 (great dome, MIT), January 4, 2011 (Caltech), January 29, 2011 (Berkeley), March 18, 2011 (Stanford)

On August 25, 2010, hackers installed an illuminated "Doctor Who"-style police call box ("TARDIS") on the roof of Building 7 overlooking the 77 Mass Ave entrance for the beginning of Rush/Freshman Orientation, along with a banner reading "The Doctor: 1 / Harvard: 0". The TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is the space and time travel ship used by the Doctor in the British sci-fi television series "Doctor Who." It takes the form of a police call box because of a stuck Chameleon circuit.

On August 30, 2010, the TARDIS reappeared on the great dome. A Boston globe article quoted a student regarding the TARDIS on building 7 saying that "Big dome hacks are more impressive." Perhaps this TARDIS pilot's aim was just off the first time around--the doctor often lands his TARDIS in places and times he doesn't intend.

In early January 2011, the TARDIS again appeared, this time on the other side of the country on Caltech's Baxter Hall. It remained parked for many weeks before disappearing again. What was the Doctor up to?

Apparently the Doctor got bored with sunny southern California weather, because on January 29, 2011 the TARDIS again appeared, this time on the roof of one of the physics buildings, Birge Hall, at the Univeristy of California, Berkeley.

In March 2011, the TARDIS was sighted on the Stanford Engineering building, and came with a note encouraging those who found it to help the doctor continue in his travels to new locales.

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