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VMI Tools Home

Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) Tools

Recent News

  • October 20, 2011: LibVMI software version 0.6 is now available for download.
  • August 3, 2011: VMI Tools website launched! The first software release (LibVMI) will be made available soon.

About the VMI Tools Project

The VMI Tools project aims to provide software tools that enable and simplify introspection and general memory analysis. Our goal is to provide tools that are useful in a research setting, although some tools may also be useful in production environments.

Project Highlights

What is Virtual Machine Introspection?

Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) is a technique for externally monitoring the runtime state of a system-level virtual machine. Monitors can be placed in another virtual machine, within the hypervisor, or within any other part of the virtualization architecture. For virtual machine introspection, the runtime state can be defined broadly to include processor registers, memory, disk, network, and any other hardware-level events.