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Carbon - Super Stuff!

Can the stuff in charred beef be used as materials for the future's space planes and super-PCs? Carbon is a versatile building-block, and here you can drag 3D-models of carbon around to explore.
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Carbon - Super Stuff shows you how the same element - carbon - can make materials that are quite different, based on how the atoms are bonded together.

This knowledge is also the key to the nanotechnology of the future. What will be possible when we learn to build with the basic building blocks of nature - atoms?

Teachers - download this production and use in the classroom!

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For international users

This page is part of the Norwegian web site It is run in collaboration with all the major Norwegian universities and research institutions.

This page is made with international Wikipedia users in thought, but feel free to link to it and to the productions presented here from your own web site! • nettavis med nyheter fra norsk og internasjonal forskning. Les mer

postadresse: pb. 5 Torshov, 0412 Oslo • besøksadresse: Sandakerveien 24 C (Myrens verksted), Bygg D3 (Kart) • telefon: 22 80 98 90 • fax: 22 80 98 99

Ansvarlig redaktør / daglig leder: Nina Kristiansen •  Redaksjonen  •  © 2010  •  Redaktørplakaten

Annonser: Mediapilotene - Arnt-Ove Drageset, 92 44 58 46 og Arne Bergsli, 91 73 78 10. Stilling: Preben Forberg, 22 80 98 95


Total: 430.0 ms.