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“Whether it’s gay or straight, sex outside marriage is wrong” Archbishop Justin Welby

Interview with Archbishop of Canterbury on BBC Radio 4 "Sunday Programme" on Women Bishops, Gay Marriage

Listen here  (around 25.00 in)

Interview in Sunday Times Magazine Section with Dominic Lawson:

"My understanding of sexual ethics has been that, regardless of whether it's gay or straight, sex outside marriage is wrong."….Welby is adamant that the government were wrong to legislate to enable gay couples to be married. "They haven't even achieved their objective. It's a bad piece of legislation. It hasn't resulted in equal marriage, in the sense we understand marriage. They have created a new institution that they label as marriage, and then say that it's equal, only it's not…This is a radical change to one of the most fundamental building blocks of society, and that is hugely important. A law that changes marriage from being about covenant to being contract is a weakening of the glue that holds society together."

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